igneusrex-blog · 8 years
He wanted to prepare something for his boyfriend's birthday, so since he was off-day, he decided to prepare a special meal for him. Tobirama isn't a particularly good cook, but he was trying anyway by following the recipe. At around eight, he waits for Madara with a spicy shrimp pasta and expensive wine. His fingers were bandaged with sticks.
He almost forgets his own damn birthday, simply because holidays aren’t an excuse to be on break, and even then, clients are hounding him off the hook. 
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“No,” he’s snarling into his phone as he enters the kitchen, almost not noticing Tobirama nor the food. He dumps his suitcase on the counter with a disgruntled huff, pinches the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “No, I told you to print the damn Verification first before— okay, you know what, you’re dumb, and apparently I have to do everything myself, even fucking printing paperwork!” He ends the call. 
“Tobi, I’m sorry babe, I gotta make a quick drive back to the office, okay? I’ll be back before 10 I promise–”
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igneusrex-blog · 8 years
That night after they had the conversation about moving in together, Madara slept over, sharing a bed with him. In the morning at six thirty, Tobirama would wake up to shave, shower and change his clothes. He had an early shift so he left a message to Madara that he prepared breakfast for him and lets him know that the food is in the fridge, Madara’s mug is ready on the counter and that if he wants and fruit juices is also in the fridge or fresh fruit is in the fruit basket on the table. After he carefully prepared breakfast for both his own and Madara’s, Tobirama took cleaned up after he used the shower as well as the kitchen, and when that was done, he took the keys and headed off.
That morning as he drove to the library listening to Queen’s Under pressure on the radio, he felt in a light mood, because he was free from the difficulties of managing time hours between his job and teaching practice, but also  excited for a new job. Although it also brought anxieties and nostalgia, he was sure that he was going to miss the place. Tobirama found his parking spot (a street that runs parallel to that of the Library block) and he headed to the main entrance. That day he decided, that he was going to take the resign form which would release him from his duty in about a month from now.  
When he wakes up Tobi’s no longer in bed, and he has about six messages on his phone. Madara sits up and squints at the messages, finds Tobirama’s first - about the food downstairs, waiting and ready, and about heading out for his early shift today. The other texts are from his assistant, his junior associate and Murakami, all about work. There won’t be much for him to do at the office today, but he remembers he has to drop by to check out some memoranda he’d asked his associate to draft. So there’s that, at the very least.
He moves about Tobirama’s home, knows the apartment so well by now. He bathes, eats breakfast, cleans up and locks the unit down with the spare keys Tobi had given him. He takes his own car and drives off to his building in downtown Tokyo.
Before going up all the way to the twentieth floor Madara grabs some matcha latte from his favorite tea and coffee shop. Rush hour crowd’s building, and he watches the people walk outside, and he turns to his phone and sends Tobi a message.
text: am at wrk nw. ü
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yellow-yondaime · 9 years
oh - kay.  Thanks to tumblr’s latest... thing the rest of my drafts are entirely blank comments with only the name of the person I saved them from to give me a clue as to what they were.  So I’m going to be hunting those down by going through each journal until I find whatever I was supposed to reply to.  Which - is going to take a bit.  So bear with me and I’ll try to get those organized and ready to go next.
ps, if I DON’T list you below than that means tumblr really ate it and I’ve lost you entirely so if I owe you a reply and you’re not there, give me a head’s up!
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luckychrm · 9 years
Send me a ship and I'll tell you:
who holds the umbrella when it rains: Tobirama
who is the grumpiest in the morning: Tobirama
who worries more when the other is sick/hurt: Mito
who plays pranks on the other: Neither, I can’t see them pranking the other tbh xD
who is always the first to suggest cuddling on the sofa: Mito
who insists on creating nicknames for the other: Mito
who drools on the other when they’re asleep: Neither
who says ‘I love you’ first: Mito
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First Contact
Danzo was deeply, deeply uncertain about this situation. The mark on his face indicated clearly enough that people were not tolerant, and having a former sensei who had not only defected, but turned around and attacked their leader... it could leave someone in a rather untenable position.
His major hope was that the man either didn’t know, or didn’t care, and thus it wouldn’t actually be a problem. He was still shy of seven, though not by much, so his age would probably help. Still, that didn’t lessen the anxiety of meeting the man who was going to train him from this point forward. No, definitely not.
Thus, his shoulders back and his spine straight, he walked up to the man and stared up to his face, everything about him solemn but cautious. “Tobirama-sensei.”
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aequanimuss liked this for a warring states verse starter [Accepting]
Maeko doubled over, falling down on her knees as she spewed water as well as all the contents of her stomach onto the ground. 
While she had managed to turn the chakra in her belly into water, she wasn’t quite used to the sensation of something being pushed up through her throat and thus the gag reflex had kicked in. But to her it was just another failure. She had begun to experienced so many failures that she barely cared about making progress anymore.  She just wanted to stop.  She couldn’t do anything right so why keep this awful training up?
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luckychrm · 9 years
Send me a "♦" for the first word my muse thinks of when your muse is mentioned.
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