I'm 27, I love Supernatural, LOTR/The Hobbit, Good Omens, and many others! I love music, sign language, drawing, writing, and creating cosplays. Queen fanatic, Beatlemaniac, Lover Of David Bowie and of Elton John. Free spirit. Basically a Hobbit myself. Master List
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I'm so excited to show off this new commission from the unbelievably talented @aimless-passerby! (Aka @lonicera-edulis) It's beyond my dreams, truly. I will be looking at it non-stop for weeks.
This fic was commissiond based on my story.
A Most Unlikely Dance Partner
Summary: 24.5k {T}
Erebor holds a masquerade ball. Another thinly veiled attempt by Dis to get him to find his One. Despite her good intentions, Thorin sees this as a pointless endeavor. He has no One. Little does he know that things have been put in motion far beyond his understanding that may lead to this being the most memorable masquerade ball of his life.
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Avengers Masterlist
* = Series
I’ll Treat Her Like a Goddess (Steve Rogers x Peter Parker x Teen!Fem!Reader)
Fallen Soldier (Avengers x Steve Rogers x Daughter!Reader)
Challenge Accepted (Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Teen!Reader)
Our Birthday Girl (Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff x Teen!Fem!Reader)
*Remember Me (Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!Reader)*
Some Kind of Miracle (Avengers x Teen!Fem!Reader)
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3.
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Some of us might not have known her as Debbie Reynolds, the award-winning actress, dancer, singer, and humanitarian. Or as the beautiful Carrie Fisher’s mother. But for millions of us growing up as children, she was Aggie Cromwell, the witty, magical grandma we all wished we had. Although we know she’s more than a former character on Disney Channel, she affected the childhoods of many, including my own, teaching us life lessons that we carried with us into adulthood.
Thank you, Debbie Reynolds. May you be at peace with Carrie. We’re going to desperately miss you both.
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Protective | Fili x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Fili
21 “I adore you, you know”
61 “You hurt even a hair on his head and I will kill you!” ❞
: ̗̀➛ you know that Fili doesn't need your protection, but he has it regardless.
: ̗̀➛ mild violence, alcohol consumption
You cursed the name of whoever suggested it. Music blaring as the band in the corner played on their small stage; people dancing everywhere, spilling their drinks and bumping into one another.
You rolled your eyes, scoffing as you nursed your pint, keeping a watchful eye on two dwarves in particular to make sure they didn't get into too much trouble.
It wasn't that you didn't trust them, as you knew that both were smart and more than capable of holding their own; but you also knew that they could tell the wrong joke to the wrong person, and get their teeth knocked from their mouths.
As nice as it was to see them enjoy their time, you knew that Fili and Kili needed to be watched.
The eldest, Fili had a lot of pressure on his shoulders; his uncle Thorin expected so much of him, and although Thorin never meant to, he often put too much pressure on Fili.
You had no doubts that Thorin cared, especially not after he had pulled you aside one day to explain that your courtship with Fili had his blessing - despite the fact that you never wanted or needed it, and had no intention of asking, either.
Thorin was quiet when he had put his hand on your shoulder, his voice low and secretive when he asked that you would always look after his nephew.
You never forgot about it, and as you watched Fili and Kili get their next round of pints at the bar, you couldn't help but to smile. They were relaxed and happy, laughing and joking; but while Kili came back to the table with both drinks, Fili disappeared.
"Where's he gone?" You asked, furrowing your brows.
Kili shrugged, pointing to the door. "Outside. Needed to relieve himself."
You nodded curtly, getting up. "Keep an eye on mine, yeah?"
Kili didn't question it, shifting to sit at the side of the round table as he sighed and took a long swig of his pint.
You rushed outside, waiting by the door for ten minutes, but when you saw neither hide nor hair of Fili, you knew that something was wrong; prowling around the corner, you saw him at the back of the pub, with a rather angry looking man squaring up to him.
You furrowed your brows, but when the man went to take a swing at Fili, you immediately jumped in, grabbing his fist as you pushed him back.
"You hurt even a hair on his head and I will kill you!" You growled out, staring the man down.
He seemed to get the message, scoffing and shaking his head as he slunk away, grumbling under his breath.
You turned to Fili, taking his hand in yours gently and examining him for any wounds; he had a few grass stains on him, but you didn't see any cuts or bruises, thankfully. Especially not around his hands and neck.
Fili grinned, grabbing your hands gently and reassuring you that he was just fine; it was just a little scrap over a man not liking dwarves in the pub, that was all. You rolled your eyes, but you couldn't be angry with him. It wasn't his fault, after all.
But, fuck, you had been so worried that he might have gotten hurt that you couldn't help it; grabbing him by the front of his shirt and kissing him harshly.
Fili grinned as he pulled you close to his body, his beard tickling and scratching at your skin as his golden hair gently brushed against your face where it fell out of place.
It made you laugh a little into the kiss, your grip on his shirt getting a bit tighter you let the relief seep into your bones.
You pulled away, gently raking a hand through his thick hair in hopes that the loose strands would go back into place.
"I adore you, you know," he breathed out, leaning into your touch and letting his hands run down to your waist, keeping you as close as possible. "I really do."
Your gaze dropped to his lips for a moment as you let your arms rest on his shoulders. "You sure you're alright?"
Fili nodded, daring to steal a quick kiss. "I'm fine, I promise... you saved me. Like always."
"If you're referring to that business with the elves, I don't know what you're talking about," you laughed, rubbing the tip of your nose against his.
He rolled his eyes at the comment, putting his arm around your middle as he hummed softly. "Have you told Kili yet?"
You shook your head. "Not at all. You?"
"Not yet," he admitted. "I wrote to my uncle. He's going to bring the rings to you."
You nodded, leaning into him. "So we're all set for your proposal?"
Fili nodded curtly. "We're all set. We just have to tell my brother."
"Well, we could," you hummed, smirking as you looked at him with raised brows. "Or, we could see how long it takes him to notice."
"Only until the wedding," he agreed. "Deal?"
"Deal," you kissed him just to seal it. "I'm glad I met you, Fili."
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Don't Leave Me (Father!Captain Barbossa X Teen!Reader)
Request: Hello there! So I saw that you wrote multiple Jack Sparrow stories and that lead me to assume that you write for Pirates of the Caribbean. If that's correct, could I request a small thing for Captain Barbossa with his child (adoptive or not) maybe just some wholesome father/child fluff? And they're somewhere in their late teens?
If not, that's completely fine! Thank you for your time!
A/N: So, idk why this came out so mysterious like but I hope you like it anyway! If it's not fluffy enough, I can always make you another one! Enjoy!
You had always loved the sea, there was something familiar about it that drew you to it. But your mother had never been a huge fan.
“Stay away from the water or you’ll drown.”
“The waves will sweep you away if you’re not careful.”
She was constantly keeping you busy on land, far away from the seashore. And yet, somehow, you always seemed to find your way back here.
You did not know why you were so drawn to the sea, then again you did not know a lot of things about yourself. There was just always this familiar tug whenever you got close to the ocean. Almost like it was calling you to come join it. The only other time you felt that tug was when you asked your mother about your father.
If she was in a good mood, she would tell you stories of a heroic man. A brave man who fought to the bitter end. If she was in a bad mood, she would tell stories of a drunk man who left her crying and alone with an infant.
You were never sure which of these stories to believe, they both seemed rooted in some sort of fact. You wondered if they could possibly be about the same man.
Still, you longed to know, and you longed to explore the ocean, maybe one day when your mother did not need you as often anymore.
“I got us bread, from the market,” you announced, as you entered the home the two of you shared. It was silent but that wasn’t unusual, she usually took a nap around this time, leaving you to work on your chores alone. You preferred it that way, working in silence. Sometimes, if you got everything done early, you would head down and take a walk by the shore. You hoped today was one of those days.
You made your way down to the dock, sitting on the edge. It was late, everyone had left the docks long ago, leaving you to your own devices. There was something beautiful about being the only one here, the wind from the sea brushing through your hair.
Maybe one day you’d finally figure out why it called to you so much, but today was not that day. You stood, knowing your mother would have dinner ready soon and she would also disapprove of you staying out too late. It was unbecoming of anyone to be out past dark. There were supposedly many dangers lurking in your small, cozy, boring town.
As you turned to make your way back up the dock, however, a boat caught your eye. A boat? Who were you kidding, this was a whole ship! Ships rarely ever docked here; your town was too small for anyone riding a big ship to notice. You were immediately drawn to the ship, wanting to get a closer look. Your mother wouldn’t mind if you were a little later, would she?
The ship must’ve docked while you’d been distracted looking out at the sea, because nobody was on it when you approached. You looked both ways, just in case there was a straggler who would see what you were about to do. When you were sure nobody was watching, you climbed up onto the ship. Fingers running along the rail as you went, you made your way up to where the steering wheel was.
Wow, you could see a lot from up here. There was something so relaxing about being at the helm of a powerful ship for you, it was almost like you were born to be here or something.
“Ye like her?”
You hadn’t been aware that somebody was there, so you jumped, startled. A man was standing there. At first you weren’t quite sure what to make of him, but after a moment the only word that came to mind was “pirate”.
He was the very stereotype of a pirate, oddly dressed with a big hat atop his head. He looked grimy and dirty, almost like he’d been at sea for months… or slept in a cave.
Oddly enough though, you weren’t unsettled. There was something familiar about him, almost as though you’d known him all of your life. Maybe you had.
“Yer mother sent me to find ye, we have a lot to talk about.”
He knew your mother. This pirate knew your goody two shoes, don’t go near the water, be home before dark mother? That seemed ridiculous… and yet it also made perfect sense.
“You’re not kidnapping me, are you?” You asked, following him off the ship and back to the safety of the town, your home. You glanced back over your shoulder, longingly at the boat. If only you had had a bit more time with her…
“Ye can’t take what’s already yours, Y/n,” he simply responded, walking a few paces ahead of you.
Suddenly it all made sense. Your comfort with the sea, the sense of calm when you’d first laid eyes upon him, even your mothers’ odd habits and behaviours.
Your father was a pirate. You rushed to keep up with him, the rest of the walk being silent.
The three of you ate in what could only be described as an awkward silence. After dinner, your mother excused herself to her bedroom and… the man… your father… he just stared at you. You weren’t sure whether to be weirded out or say something…
“Last time I saw ye, ye were just yey big, ye’ve grown a lot,” as he said this his hands showed you how big you’d been the last time he’d laid eyes upon you. Probably no more than a year old.
The awkward silence returned, the two of you just sat, him looking at you and you looking anywhere but at him.
Finally, he broke the silence once more.
“I didn’t want to leave ye know, but I’m a pirate and… there were things that had to be done, then other things came up and well,” he looked off into the distance and you wondered just what exactly had to be done. What did pirates do for errands?
“What matters is your home now and you’ll be staying right?” You surprised yourself with your words, they sounded so bad. Like the words of a child, which you most certainly were not. You had lived all your life without a father you could live the rest of it without, he was a pirate…
“I’m never leaving ye’re side again, my child,” he promised and the two of you locked eyes for the first time that night. A silent understanding passed between you two, even if he did leave you would be right beside him.
Overcome with a sudden emotion, you stood wrapping your arms around him before he could protest. After a moment, he hugged you back, comforting you like you’d wished he’d been there to do as a child. It was a little late but that didn’t mean it wasn’t still welcome.
Suddenly you felt like that child again, scared of the monsters under your bed and wondering where your father was…
“Don’t ever leave me again,” you whispered. Your words hung in the air, but you were sure he got the gist of it. Some things were better left unsaid.
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Cascarilla (Dried Eggshell Powder)
Cascarilla is a powerful tool in witchcraft. It's purifying, protective, and helps prevent non-corporeal entities from entering your path. But how does one make it, Ander? Well, I'm so glad you asked because this post is all about how to make it.
Here's what you'll need.
A pot
A half-gallon of moon water (or a gallon if your pot is really big)
An oven
Paper towels or kitchen towels
baking sheet
Parchment paper or silicone sheet
Spice grinder (or high-powered blender if you absolutely must)
Air-tight container
Here's what you'll do
Peel the membrane off of the eggshells. Trust me, the effort is worth it.
Boil your moon water on high and add in your eggshells. Boil for 10-12 minutes, I usually shoot for 12.
Drain the shells and place them on towels to dry for at least 10-12 hours. The longer, the better.
Once dry, place on the baking sheet with the paper/sheet underneath them and bake at 200F/93C for at least 12-15 minutes, I usually go for 13.
Once they're out of the oven, let them cool for a couple minutes. Once cool enough to handle, grind them in a spice grinder and store the powder in an air-tight container.
Sprinkle across your doorstep to prevent evil from entering, dissolve a teaspoon in a path to purify yourself, or simply sprinkle in your garden to assist your garden magic growth. As always, do your research, be safe, and blessed be!
Support your local witch on Ko-Fi or at my store, Hallow Grove!
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♡ Witch Tip: Eggshells ♡
I’m a “green” witch. I work with plants. I grow all kinds of things. And let me tell you, eggshells are my best friend. They’ve become essential to my practice where my plants are concerned.
What eggshells are good for:
♡ Extra nutrients for your green babes
♡ Pest/bug deterrent
♡ Spells
♡ Protection (can be used as a replacement for salt)
♡ Feeling witchy (imagine the poof of powder floating around you and your plants as you recite an incantation)
Whenever I use eggs, I keep the eggshells and rinse them clean in water. After they dry, I grind them up into a fine powder/dust with my mortar and pestle. I keep the powder in a small mason jar with a charged sigil drawn on the lid for plant growth and protection. When I feel that my plant babes need it, I sprinkle the powder around them in a circle and over top of them. Sometimes I’ll say or think the words “growth and protection” to make my intent clear. The eggshell on the plant’s leaves and in the soil will deter insects that like to chew on your lil babes and provide a calcium boost. Depending on what type of spell you want to perform, you can also mix other organic materials (that are beneficial to your plants) in with the eggshell powder.
As an added bonus, this spell never fails to bring me closer to my plants ♡
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*✧・゚𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭*✧・゚

➪ welcome my marvel bbys. all of my marvel works are posted here!
last updated: 12/27/21
𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐥 || When Bucky Barnes is captured by HYDRA, his life has one meaning: being a weapon. But what happens when HYDRA kidnaps a little girl for them to experiment on? Will he grow fond of the child? Or will he just ignore her and follow the orders of his handlers?
Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3
His Little Girl ||what happens when bucky reunites with his daughter that he forgot about?
My Yellow || Y/n, the daughter of a Bucky Barnes joins alongside her uncle, Sam Wilson for a wild adventure ahead of them. (Follows events of TFATWS)
Childhood Crush || Bucky Barnes always had a crush on Steve’s sister and when he finds out she has a date, words start to slip.
Daddy Issues || Enemies to lovers. Bucky never liked you, but that eventually changed.
- Bucky finds out you have a date
- Being Steve Rogers Sister and Dating Bucky Barnes
- Bucky Barnes x Daughter and nightmares
- ︎Skating Rinks with Bucky
School Stress || Y/N Rogers is super stressed from school finals and above all of that she is being bullied at school. She accidentally lashes out at her dad. He grounds her but that’s when she falls apart.
Steve Rogers x daughter and first day of online school
Steve Rogers comforting his daughter on her period
- Dating Peter Parker and Being the Daughter of the Avengers {part two}
one more chance || peter lost you once in his world, but when he crosses paths with you again in another world, he is determined to let you know how he feels.
- Being the daughter of Loki
*✧・゚𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐆 *✧・゚
same mistake || after getting into an argument with your boyfriend, druig, things take a turn for the better and worse.
not your enemy || you and druig never got along even after working together for thousands of years, but certain turns in events make feelings unravel.
another threat || druig never thought he was even capable of jealousy, but when it comes to you, nothing was impossible.
carry you. || after a traumatizing battle, you start to feel alone and secluded until your boyfriend helps you feel better
early mornings || after meeting the eternal, you never knew you would fall for him and spend the rest of your life married to one.
break time || druig walks in on you changing, but he doesn’t seem to mind his view
champagne nights || you’re at a fancy party with your husband and his possessiveness seems to get the best of him.
controlled by love || eros mind controls the reader to fall in love with him and druig is more than pissed.
shower kisses || you have company when you take a shower and you definitely don’t mind who’s in there with you.
surprise interview || barry happily talks about you in an interview, him missing you dearly, but little did he know, you were right there behind the cameras which eventually leads to a night you were definitely not expecting.
only acting. || sometimes acting can lead to your real emotions and when you’re in a scene where barry’s character dies, you can’t help but spill real tears.
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i dont think i posted these but here i made a little frog pattern to make tiny frog toys with my grandma





this is the first lil guy I made while still learning how i should sew it
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The Mandalorian | Chapter 5 - The Gunslinger | TATOOINE + THE TUSKEN RAIDERS
“Tusken Raiders. I heard the locals talking about this filth.” “Tuskens think they’re the locals. Everyone else is trespassing.” “Well, whatever they call themselves, they’d best keep their distance.” “Yeah? Why don’t you tell them yourself?” “What are you doing?” “Negotiating. We need passage across their land.”
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“I did research on the culture and environment of Tusken Raiders; I researched [the] ‘sand people.’ That is what Luke Skywalker calls them, ‘sand people.’ Anyway, my goal was to avoid ASL (American Sign Language); I made sure it became Tusken sign language based on their culture and environment.”
“We kept it really simple in terms of the hand shapes that were used. When the Tusken sees the Mandalorian, this is the sign: using this flat hand shape, it outlines the gaps in the Mandalorian’s helmet.”
— TROY KOTSUR, the deaf American actor who developed the Tusken sign language and who played the first Tusken Raider to use it on-screen
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Meet the Major

Summary: Jasper has had an African American mate for a long time. At first, things were awkward for him due to…his past, but he’s learned to love her very much. When newborn vampires start to wreak havoc, the Cullens agree to bring out an expert: Major Whitlock. Except his mate’s never met him before. So how will the Major act when he officially meets you?
Word Count: 3699
(Y/N) supposed it first started when she traveled to Seattle for the weekend.
She had to settle unfinished business for Carlisle, and her mate Jasper insisted on tagging along, since he refuses to leave (Y/N) alone for anything.
She didn’t mind really, because she got used to it the first few decades they were together and married, and now, only a little more than a century later, it was expected.
Plus, it was a bonus that the two of them got to travel alone, without the rest of the family or Bella’s drama.
It was starting to be a sort of couple’s getaway.
Or at least it would’ve been considered one, if they weren’t attacked by a group of newborn vampires.
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My Masterlist

Italics: Drabble
**= NSFW;
!!= author’s personal favorite
Keep reading
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Having A Family With Indiana Jones Would Include:
Having A Family With Indiana Jones Would Include:
Indiana Jones X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Indy's mother (Mentioned) and Indy's father (Mentioned)
WC: 2,007
Warnings: Pregnant Reader, kids, morning sickness, throwing up mentioned, sickness mentioned, snakes mentioned, bad guys mentioned, overprotective Indy, insecure Indy, birthing mentioned (very brief), slight angst, family fluff, and fluff
Now, you and Indiana weren't really planning on having kids so soon. Actually, he had just gotten back from another adventure when he found out. And, usually you went with him on his adventures, going to far off places in search of ancient treasures. But, you hadn't been feeling well lately, and Indiana begged you to stay, no matter how much you told him it was just a simple cold; he hoped, for your sake, it'd go away soon. He had missed you when he left for Peru. Now, he just couldn't wait to pull you into his arms and tell you about the lost city of gold he had found.
Opening up the front door, Indy called out to you, seeing the living room empty. You usually sat in the big armchair with a book, but you weren’t today. Shrugging it off, he shut the door and tossed his beloved hat on the hook by the door. A bit paranoid, as he was from so many adventures and bad guys hunting him down, Indy checked each room; observant as he searched for you. Stopping at the bathroom, his fear of you missing left and worry overtook it. Inside, he could clearly hear you throwing up. A deep frown crept on his face as he raised his fist and gently knocked on the door with his knuckles.
Coming out, you held a small cloth to your lips as you looked up at the love of your life. You gave him a small smile, looking tired; your hair sticking out at odd angles. Indy was quick to ask if you were alright, if he needed to call his friend, who was a doctor. But, you simply shook your head, confusing Indy even more. Your smile never left your face as you led Indy to the living room, sitting down beside him as you took his hands in yours. You gazed over the man in front of you, seeing that he hadn't had the chance to change out his adventure attire, his boots were still laced, and his hat wasn't on. Looking into his brown eyes, you answered his unsaid question.
"I'm pregnant."
Let's just say, Indy stared at you for a very long time. It was like he was underwater, your voice muffled and so far away. It did worry you, your smile turning into a frown as you just simply stared right back up at him. Thankfully, he got out of whatever he was in and was quick to vanquish your doubts and worries.
Indy was gentle pulling you into a long-awaited hug. His arms wrapping around your waist as you wrapped yours around his neck, breathing out a sigh of relief.
For the first couple weeks, Indy always made sure you had everything you could possibly ever need.
Do you need a massage? Want him to brush your hair? Rub your feet? He'd do anything to make sure you are comfortable.
You'd argue with him that you weren't in pain or anything just yet, the baby was smaller than a poppy seed at best. But, if he really wanted to... A massage sounded wonderful.
Indy would even stay home from his adventures. He couldn't leave you alone, especially pregnant with his child. You'd have to convince him to still teach at the college though, Indy would try to get out of leaving the house in general to take care of you.
Soon, you would start showing, and Indy was in awe. You'd be lying on the couch when he'd come home from teaching, pausing when he found you just gazing down at your stomach in such adoration.
He’d be hesitant at first, in asking to touch your growing bump, but after you gently coax him over. Placing his large hand on your warm belly, he froze, not wanting to hurt you or the baby. But, after a while, the fear would subside and he'd smile.
After two months, you'd be lying in your bed and feel your baby kick. You'd call to Indy, not wanting him to miss it. Running in, he'd be worried that something was wrong until he saw the excited smile on your face. You’d take Indy’s hand, pressing it to where you felt the kick.
Indy would freak out, internally, when he felt a small kick. And then another. His eyes would grow comically wide. As his heart would pound and feel like it was going to explode with the love he was feeling for both you, and the baby.
In the beginning, Indy would worry. Worry that he wouldn't be a good father. He'd worry he would turn into his father.
He didn't voice these concerns out loud for a while, but somehow, you knew. And, you were quick to let him know the complete opposite.
From then on, Indy believed you.
Indy would be careful when you both went to bed, having a large belly already, and you'd lay on your back. Indy would scoot beside you, making sure you were comfortable and everything before he'd gently wrap his arm around your waist.
Every night before bed, Indy would read to you and the baby, from old folktales of mysterious treasure to Shakespeare, at your request.
Per doctor's orders, Indy would help you exercise, taking small laps around the couch, or your small garden.
At this point, Indy would take family leave and spend every moment making sure you and the baby were alright. Getting you tea, food, helping you to the bathroom; everything.
Time would fly by, and Indy was quick to make sure the two of you had everything you needed for your little bundle of joy. Setting up Indy's office into the baby's new room. Having bought a cradle, toys, and clothes.
Surprisingly, Indy would take great joy designing the room a bit. Hanging up a framed photo of you and him on one of the many adventures you had gone on.
"Baby has to know how amazing his parents are." He’d say as you waddled your way into the baby's room.
Another thing you found out was your cravings. Pickles and mayo were your main one. Cheese and sour cream was a very close second.
Indy didn't know, but you heard him when he talked to the baby, thinking you were asleep. You'd stay up listening to Indy retelling your baby stories of his adventures. Or just telling your baby that he was excited to meet them. That one always made you emotional. You couldn’t help but fall deeper in the love you had for him.
"I can't wait until you're here. And once you're big enough, I'm taking you to Egypt. And Peru, Brazil, London, Greece, Italy…"
Finally, after nine beautiful months of swollen ankles, weird food cravings, and a protective Indy… You gave birth.
Indy would be right at your side, holding your hand as it tightly clutched his. Couching you as you breathed in and out. At the doctor's commands, you pushed and pushed and push-
"Congratulations! It's twins!"
A boy, and a girl. Both seven pounds, six ounces.
Anna Mary Jones, in homage to Indiana's mother, and James Walter Thomas Jones, in homage of your brother, and Indy's middle name.
Indiana would be a bit spooked at first in taking care of his kids. He'd sort of not really know what to do. He didn’t want to hurt them, or drop them when he held them. And change a diaper? He'd have to watch you do it first to really get the hang of it.
It would be a challenge to take care of two babies, but you two were ready for anything.
Indy would start the day with the sounds of his children crying, groaning as he got out of bed and went to get the babies their food. He'd let you sleep in, after all, you did hold Anna and James for nine months. You needed the rest.
He'd place both babies in their high chairs, using both hands to scoop a little bit of baby food on each spoon and feed his babies; wiping up their mess when needed.
He was quick to learn that Anna was a little stubborn angel who didn't like carrots. And, James loved everything Indy and you fed him, but always made a big mess.
In the toddler years, Indy would have fun dressing his kids up in somewhat matching outfits, the only difference were the colors. Anna favored yellow, while James favored green.
For the twin's birthday, he went out and bought them clothing that matched his adventure attire. The photo of the two baby adventurers was framed over the mantel.
Now, Anna was a huge daddy's girl. She loved to go on adventures with Indy. To the living room, bedroom, through the garden… She'd crawl everywhere she could to find Indy if he was missing.
You were James’s favorite, never wanting to leave your arms when you held him. He'd also follow you around the house, dragging his plush stuffed bunny behind him as he waddled around; only to get distracted by the tv or his toys in the end.
Both kids had Indy's hair color, yet your hair type. Anna though, had your eyes, nose, but Indy's mouth. James had your nose, yet Indy's mouth and eyes. And it worked, both of your babies were incredibly adorable.
One time you even caught Indy telling them so. Coming home from the grocery store to see him holding both of the toddlers in his lap as he told them how cute they looked, earning giggles from both.
“Indy, honey, don’t inflate their egos.”
Both you and Indy would tell your kids stories. From your adventures in Egypt, to Brazil and Colombia.
Even though they were angels most of the time, they were little troublemakers too.
You blamed Indy for that.
"No. James. You can't put that in your mouth. That's an ancient 16th century book on the Mayans."
"Anna, no, that's not food, sweetie. That's King Aker's chalice. I still need to send that to the museum."
A lot of bubble baths, the twins loved playing with their bath toys.
Anna loved splashing. And her laugh was infectious when she splashed the water, accidentally getting both yours and Indy’s faces wet. But, how could you get mad at her?
James was the quieter type, rather than splashing, he’d play with rubber ducks, squeezing water out of their mouths; sometimes hitting his sister.
Your kids were quick to start school, and Indy would miss them like crazy. So did you, obviously. You and Indy planned it where he'd take them to school in the mornings and you'd pick them up after school when Indy was still working at the college.
Indy would be a very protective father. He’d keep an eye on them at all times, and he'd be there for you when things became more difficult.
After some convincing from you, Indy let his father meet Anna and James. The twins loved their grandfather.
Once the kids were old enough, Indy booked a flight to Egypt, just like he promised. Anna and James were beyond excited, unable to stay still in their seats as they tried to fight for the window seat.
You showed the kids the pyramids and the great sphinx statue. They were amazed at Egyptian culture and the adventures you and Indy went on.
"Dad! Dad! Did you really get stuck in a pit of snakes?"
"Yeah, kid. Don't remind me."
Taking that trip, you and Indy both began to miss traveling and finding treasure. But, neither of you missed the near-death experiences or the snakes.
On your plane ride back home, you sighed, leaning your head on Indy's shoulder as you watched as your twins took their nap; tired after the long week. Indy's hand held yours, his thumb caressing over your knuckles slowly as he rested his eyes; hat over his eyes. You knew, for sure, that out of all your adventures; this was your favorite.
Thank you so much for requesting! I hope it's not too long, and I hope you enjoy it! Thank you again!
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