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On Reddening the Bones
In animism, everything has a soul, so by reddening the bones, we can connect the bone to its source soul, further strengthening the bond between the two. This is tricky work in the case of scavenged bones and carrion - as the spirits within may be frightened, and restless, so lets assume that you have a good relationship with the spirit, and it is familiar to you.
Reddening the bones is a ritual used to strengthen the bond between the spirit and its remains.
My Red Powder is composed of:
Red Ochre
Sandalwood oil
this was based on personal association. My advice for forming your own reddening powder would be to chose a reddening agent, like red sandalwood, red ochre, beet juice, or ink, and then add your chosen ingredients - for myself, I use yarrow for its psychic properties to strengthen communication, and sandalwood oil to bind it all together.
apply the reddening and whisper prayers and charms (I usually make something up on the spot so it changes every time, yay intuition!) over the bone, and let it sit for several hours before wiping it off with holy water.
over repeated use of the reddening powder, a patina will form on your bone, which adds to its strength and character.
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44 BBY The Experimental bacta
Over the next couple of days things were kinda tense on the Scarab. Eli and Bori still hadn't decided what they were gonna do and Mivota for the most part stayed in her cabin. Since we didn't have a destination in mind I decided to just let the ship float through space, to save fuel. I was sitting in the mess hall with Alephi when Helen came in, "Kal. I've picked up a distress beacon from what appears to be a station. But when I tried to raise them on comms I only got static. Do you want to investigate?" I got up and followed her to the bridge with Alephi on my heels. "Any sign of affiliation?" She shook her head. "No. Seems to be private, probably a corporation." We walked passed Mivota's room and she started following also. I was gonna tell her to stay in her room but decided against it at the last moment. This is the first time she has been out of her room since waking up. I walked to the viewport of the bridge while Aelphi and Helen started going through the scanners. I could see the station off in the distance. It didn't look special and was clearly unmarked. I turned back to my seat and instructed Alephi to bring us in. As the ship approached Mivota looked troubled. I waited for her to say something but she didn't. "Something wrong Mivota?" She didn't turn to look at me but said, "There is much death there. Be certain to take rebreathers with you." I looked at her confused. My helmet had modifications to filter out poisons but we only had one rebreather on the ship, Alephi's from our time on Nar Shaddaa. The hangar bay doors were left open so we had no trouble docking. Bodies of people in white robes were floating in space. I exited with Alephi beside me. I told Helen to keep the ship sealed until I got back. The station was littered with bodies. Some had blue marks on their faces and hands. I was careful not to touch any of them. Alephi was able to crack into the station's systems and started going through the files. "Kal, you're not gonna believe it! This place was apparently making some kind of new form of bacta. According to this they were successful in making one sample before they were sabotaged. Hold on…..I found where they were keeping it." She looked up at me. "Kal, we could probably make a fortune off of this!" I had to agree. And if we were able to get someone to replicate it we could make even more. "Well Alephi, lead the way." Alephi unplug her datapad and started heading down a hall. I contacted Helen and updated her on the situation.Mivota cut in, "Be careful Kal. I don't have a good feeling about this. I think you should come back and forget about this place." At this point Alephi was kneeling in front of a door, hacking it open. "It'll be alright. We are already committed." Mivota was about to interject when the doors opened and a vacuum pulled me and Alephi in. "Alephi!" I screamed as I tried to grab hold of her, but there was no time to reach her as she floated out to space. "Helen, Alephi was sucked out into the vacuum of space. She needs picked up! Hurry!" Helen didn't say a word but Mivota did, "Don't worry Kal. We'll find her." I kept comms open as I looked around the room and found the emergency bulkhead switch, closing the haul breach. With the threat of being sucked out gone I looked around the room. In the center was a bacta tank. It looked like any other I've seen before
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(...) Estamos todos no #fundo de um #inferno, onde cada #momento é um #milagre. — Emil #Cioran, no #livro "O #Funesto #Demiurgo". (Ed. #Aelphi [edição #italiana]; 1.ª edição [1995]). #Obra: "The #Angel Standing in the #Sun", 1846 - Joseph Mallord William #Turner. #EmilCioran #Ano1995 #Anos90 #JosephTurner #Ano1846 #XIX ... https://www.instagram.com/p/BwmQf-JluBf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mwwhl9n1pq69
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Here are the reference sheets for two of my characters! I’ll try to finish the girls’ in a week or two.
Quásar is a spanish wizard and alquimist from the XVI century, who specializes in pink magic(which I'll be explaining in the future). He lives in a village by the sea, with mountains and forests nearby, and belongs to the underclass. However,he was able to grow a little shop, called Aelphi, where medicines,gemstones, herbs, elixirs among other things are sold. He owns a necklace which gives him the power to time travel. He takes advantage of this to recruit people and teach them magic. He is a peaceful, kind-hearted person, who is very hardworking and once he sets up a goal, will make anything to accomplish it. He loves books and new challenges, since he can earn knowledge and experience from them. His birthday is the 18 of December and he is 21 years old. His wand has a pink-&-blue gem, and although Quásar owns a hat and a cloak, he prefers to not wear them. He is down to earth person, so he usually wears a simple, comfortable outfit. But nevertheless, when he needs to go to an important event, he decides to wear a more formal clothes.
Baeseung is a 21 years old (internatonal age) male who lives in Seoul and studies engineering in college. One day, because of Quásar making a mistake, he discovered magic, and Quasar had no other option than take him as his apprentice. Since that day Baeseung tries to manage his wizard life and his normal,student life. But since he is a bit laid back but also organized, this doesn't stress him that much. Luckily, time travels don't make him dizzy, as he has to go back and forth between his era and the XVI century almost on a daily basis. He studies blue magic, which is really famous among normal humans. It's what they usually call 'tricks' and'spells'. Basically it's the control of inert beings, excluding the nature elements.
Random trivia: He has a beauty dot under his right eye. He dyed the ends of his hair purple bc he thought an idol looked great with it, and he wanted to try it. When he goes to the XVI he covers it since people would probably freak out.
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credit: @aelphie on twitter
#|| hi i'm back on my bullshit#ʜɪꜱ ʜᴀɴᴅꜱ ᴀᴍᴏɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ 𝕊𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕊 { n i k o l a i / a l e k s a n d e r }#strlessone#{ nikolai } ᴄʟᴀᴡᴇᴅ ʜɪꜱ ᴡᴀy ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʜʀᴏɴᴇ#{ aleksander } ʙᴜʀᴅᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴇᴛᴇʀɴɪᴛy
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greek forenames + the entire list of celtic deities from wikipedia + animals + tolkienesque forenames
Abroni Ackey Actha Adaildly Adowl Adraegia Adurinote Aeallydd Aelbál Aelphis Aergy Afromë Afsinhard Afsios Agalola Agamana Aiantons Aibor Aillatar Ainia Alamailia Albelman Albêth Aleaditba Alemes Aliatios Allistanis Almacal Ambabilve Amell Amhagin Amolos Anacha Anarwent Ancala Andil Angbe Anidine Aniensta Annorth Anothir Antis Antonaen Aphadda Aphantië Aphirdir Arach Aralinhwch Aranab Arane Aravon Arences Argalewt Arges Arinean Arkos Arpumars Arveru Aspith Assummos Atholek Athéod Augeid Aulibal Ausbarina Bacish Badova Bancateve Barumayion Bathe Baunt Beaternea Beflus Beriberia Bestis Betarla Binymos Blanar Boacona Boadoothia Bogele Bolama Bormil Bornvan Bratineits Breae Briancan Brinia Briter Britos Broth Budorm Buink Bëormeri Calaton Calina Camis Carko Casius Cassula Catrever Ceigh Celow Cenind Chloid Cháedber Cirean Clepolly Clidly Cneru Colvaster Conagod Conateldir Conistaius Consper Crapus Cratife Crilanters Crissher Crivin Curitaí Curitcre Cuslos Deadsae Dealear Deara Deigh Demina Demmir Demon Deninos Derenus Deril Desion Desus Deórin Dilos Diminon Dinwar Dionditer Diongroter Dores Dowen Doxianinas Dralia Druir Díris Efalver Effelwevor Ekada Eladoma Eleksia Elemork Elene Elenius Ellaug Elothear Emathimed Emmagunaen Emmar Emmiritat Encaturo Epalexia Equing Eratasp Erinflo Ernelcy Ertassiony Estas Estolach Etrenes Euced Eugdis Eugus Evdockano Evdon Evrar Farneva Femere Fergyrid's Ferios Fickas Filtel Fimbasta Finonus Fisharatis Flydel Folwë Foruit Fotir Frospiger Fréaw Fréino Fëantia Fílimon Fódlebia Gatrostas Gavaireven Gazed Germwhocka Giousky Glicall Gloceon Glúth Goona Gorgois Gother Gragarn Gregio Gréitypus Gríannwë Gwark Gwenuseus Gwynth Haidere Haine Haiteree Hanikates Hanth Harialai Hemer Henuela Himania Hipper Holgill Holveia Hopas Humhail Háman Iachar Ilach Ilina Iliven Imeecheam Inaerwyfir Inelper Ioadysard Iphey Iriën Irmatas Isades Itrin Ivern Jelcmara Kalle Knoce Konia Korix Kílie Laingelexi Lames Larfire Lassion Lazarneion Lazed Leethôr Leoders Leogs Lidwince Likadachan Likain Lityriele Llartolod Lugain Lugal Lumhandë Lídnos Lúinene Macit Mactepos Magod Maighenis Mainow Maket Mallimine Mandin Mantanis Manth Mapioul Maray Mareteus Maridenel Marie Medasios Mendor Merwelegod Mesagel Meted Micum Milis Mindris Miria Mithaissil Monirippe Morawn Morsid Motast Motinicar Mouls Muníricil Murenna Myrod Myton Mîmeiona Navicar Neleanceng Neophirë Niamir Nikinea Nimehaulis Nioni Nosus Nouorm Nóminos Ofornandor Olday Ophambinon Orabuterra Ourecia Palikolog Pamen Panac Paning Panish Panishimot Pann's Pannuil Paunus Pelios Peogyre Philly Pholi Phyennits Pirens Polad Polana Prondibûn Quanima Quinfionus Ragor Rebandug Rhovels Rithaleor Rodil Ruiron Rígamailf Rúmern Sadamar Sagiltios Sally Salruider Samans Samplen Saurus Savith Scecius Seinceme Serinaburt Sevatanes Shale Shalos Shelinains Sillity Simia Siona Siond Sitersho Skeret Sktria Slast Slorgala Sneli Somaila Spadhen Spigolis Spiobius Spybus Spyrespril Squagda Starodia Starë Statecuibh Stefor Stiougduce Stracil Streing Tasia Tasnaby Tastant Tecna Tedrand Thant Thanthear Tharmatos Thder Theancet Theary Thello Thene Therrod Thidle Thray Tiella Tleiania Toris Trebo Treria Tronysad Tuiline Tuseve Ucellanth Ufincaug Ulafth Ulasia Ulows Umbretaray Usbar Vaglard Valeman Vanastos Vasil Vedbuth Viaeo Vibareck Vidantypus Vinnond Vonus Vosmani Waturawas Whainn Whalbál Wharalara Whiende Whilia Whonstios Wiffrous Wilio Witavron Womil Yiaet Zachambin Zimeagia Zoinees Éowendre
#name stash#444names#444 names#dnd names#character names#random character names#markov namegen#markov name generation#markov#markov gen
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finished commission for @thanidiel !
Commission Info, queue and ko-fi | Twitter : aelphie
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The Devil appears — cloaked in midnight he roams the crossroads waiting to strike a deal. He is shrouded in myth and mystery as the great charmer, the snake, the initiator. The Green Devil is an aspect of the Witch Father that deals with ecstatic mysteries - he is the God of Tricksters, Thieves, and Witches.
There are plenty of myths that involve leaving coins as offerings to him at crossroads, as well as legends of people selling him their souls for some form of talent or reward. Witches write their names in his black book to receive his boons, but always for a cost.
The Green Devil is a fairy king in his own right, for his knowledge of the earth is astounding, and the lessons he gives are hard, but worth the effort.
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part two of As Above So Below! its a perzine that includes got lots of witchy poetry, a story about meeting the devil at a crossroads, and talks about my own intersection of witchy queerness and ancestor veneration
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Hello! I wrote a zine about my witchcraft practice!
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white represents bone, or spirit work, the ancestor, the world soul. winter.
red represents blood, the self, passion, power, glory. summer.
green represents root, nature in its wild glory. spring.
black represents stone, the earth and its virtues, grounding. fall.
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The Floral Codex
We are born in fire and water, glowing in starlight, we reach forwards beyond the veil. The Star Songs reverberating in our marrow. Birthed in sky, mist, and grove, do we walk the crossroads of life - echoed.
the songs echo through the mist as we wake and rumble through the drum hearts beat that follows our life through. that ancient sound that pounds and resounds through the first bell toll of the universe.
I rose from the ocean deep, struggling to be born - the waves crashing in moonlight - Huron! my Huron, we have returned to you over and over my love. And from the pearls woken in mucous foam, grown.
I groan forth in waves, clashing along the sand, my windswept breath caught erring on my survival; crawling in the cold deep dark, lost and found, when walking through the sands of time, drifting is as natural as the flow to which it moves.
Land, Sea, and Sky call the boundary in-between, the Other places we long to see, feel, and touch. You can learn to access these places by being, and by doing. The early morning is a gateway to these places as well.
Everything contains within it a spirit, and that spirit is the hearth fire of life. The collective soul of Earth is known as the World Soul. If the world soul is sick, witchcraft must respond. And so they become one with the spirit of creation.
Dig deep in the soil and find the truth, blessed with loam and peat. Alas the grove is where the magic happens: And crawling worms writhe in the pleasure shadowed soil, where the throws of life begin and end.
The journals, the Journals, they are the altar to which the work is performed. So many and so few - the pages grow and warped forming gateways to other places lost, created, and endless. Fate and her bindings, keeping in tune with the rhythm of life. The Journal takes on the soul of its Author.
They are the threefold guardians of the night - the grail which seeks and what finds. Found in their Cunning, they guide us through the threshold; holding onto starlight and repose. They are the Chosen of the Crossroads, Three, Three, and Three.
The ancient song resonates within us all - it is up to us to seek it out. Each person’s song is unique, given to us from the stars above. To hear our own song is to follow our own path.
We have our wounds to bear, literal and metaphorical. These scars should be tended to and nurtured. A scar is a heavy burden to carry, thus the reliance on strong bonds, friendships, and fellowships is important to live a charmed life. We do not exist in separation to each other.
The road ahead is awash with new challenges to face. Brave is the one to walk head on. Balance is the key - for what is within, without, and what is without, within. Seek out what remains hidden, gaze into your own soul mirror, and go forth in flesh as truths made whole.
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The Floral Codex Part 2
Keep clean the hands, face, and working ground
Write what comes to mind, and what is found
The Floral Codex is the foundation of the work, carry it with you always
Forcing things never works, surrender to the flow of time
The book doesn’t need to be organized, it just needs to contain The Work
Let your mind wander
Let the unseen be seen, and may the path guide us to where we need to be
Allow the soul to flow through the work, do not become constrained by it
Be forgiving - there is always another day, another chance, another try
Feed. Feed the soul, feed the book - One cannot expect blood from a stone
Rest. Seek out what is found in dreams and allow your soul to wander
Unbind oneself from expectation, embrace the freedom of chance
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Excerpt From the Floral Codex
- 1 cup of purified water
- 1/2 cup of rose petals
- 1/4 cup hibiscus petals
- 1/2 cup of sugar
- The juice of one whole lemon
- Rose water, to taste
- Schnapps, either peach or cinnamon.
Make a strong tisane with the rose petals and hibiscus over a double boiler for about 45 minutes. Strain and add sugar. Heat again just to melt the sugar. and let cool. once cool, and add the lemon juice, rose water, and schnapps
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Hey! #11 for the nov ask game?
The top three fruits I use in my witchcraft would have to be black raspberries, apples, and pomegranates, all for their significance to the crossroads, the wayside, and the liminal spaces between. I love to use apples as offerings to my spirit allies and guardian spirits. raspberries grow abundantly where I live so foraging for them in the late summer is a delight and they carry similar energies and folklore shared with other brambles. pomegranates are a rare treat meant to signify the underworld, and partaking of the red meal.
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