teacupnightmares · 5 years
Tea Party ♡
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rlimarjbr · 5 years
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(...) Estamos todos no #fundo de um #inferno, onde cada #momento é um #milagre. — Emil #Cioran, no #livro "O #Funesto #Demiurgo". (Ed. #Aelphi [edição #italiana]; 1.ª edição [1995]). #Obra: "The #Angel Standing in the #Sun", 1846 - Joseph Mallord William #Turner. #EmilCioran #Ano1995 #Anos90 #JosephTurner #Ano1846 #XIX ... https://www.instagram.com/p/BwmQf-JluBf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mwwhl9n1pq69
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surreal--memes · 7 years
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Submitted by @josephturner
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sonnydelagay · 7 years
46, 55, 28
46. what my last text message says
“steve jobs is my daddy”
55. tumblr friends
the sonny collective! @jewishusnavi @dimmitydamn @sonshine-de-la-vega @seventeenfiftyfour @helene-akhrosimova @kyller-biis @neonsodafloat @josephturner @spider-magalso! the false heteros server! @everydayatleast @fightsinglivedie @splamilton @fandommother7 @officialmistermoseby (also eve @elderfisherprice even tho u left ily)mia ofc @0410angeland a shoutout to all my mutuals! love u all!
28. i’ll love you if… 
if u comment on my fics oh my god please please do here is my ao3 
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jculture-ja · 5 years
鈴木、収穫の2位 日本歴代3位 サイナ2連覇 香川丸亀国際ハーフ ...
#歌舞伎 #大谷馬十 [shikoku-np.co.jp]大谷くみこ(今治造船)1時間18分31秒 【一般】=記録は入賞者と50位以内の県内登録者 男子 (1)篠原楓(愛媛県)1時間9分34秒(2)JosephTurner(英国)1時間9分45秒(3)川又達也(愛媛県)1時間10分32秒(4)木山克哉(観音寺市)1時間12分24秒(5)行天康平 …
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kabukiinfo · 5 years
鈴木、収穫の2位 日本歴代3位 サイナ2連覇 香川丸亀国際ハーフ ...
#歌舞伎 #大谷馬十 [shikoku-np.co.jp]大谷くみこ(今治造船)1時間18分31秒 【一般】=記録は入賞者と50位以内の県内登録者 男子 (1)篠原楓(愛媛県)1時間9分34秒(2)JosephTurner(英国)1時間9分45秒(3)川又達也(愛媛県)1時間10分32秒(4)木山克哉(観音寺市)1時間12分24秒(5)行天康平 ...
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teacupnightmares · 5 years
Afternoon Topics
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"Keep marching on."
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rlimarjbr · 5 years
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(...) Sentíamo-nos #pensativos e aptos tão-somente à #plácida #contemplação. O dia terminava na #serenidade de um #brilho #calmo e #raro. A #água reluzia pacificamente; o #céu, sem #mácula, era uma imensidão #benigna de pura #luz.. Somente a #escuridão a oeste, taciturna acima dos pontos mais altos, tornava-se a cada minuto mais #sombria, como que #irritada com a aproximação do #sol. — Joseph #Conrad, no #livro "No #Coração das #Trevas". (Ed. #Hedra; 1.ª edição [2008]). Obra: "The Fighting #Temeraire", 1839 - Joseph M. William #Turner. #JosephConrad #JosephTurner #Ano1839 #XIX ... https://www.instagram.com/p/B4yo0o-H5Cw/?igshid=1f0otvudjio37
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sonnydelagay · 7 years
highlight the truth tm
Rule #1 tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
@sonshine-de-la-vega @jewishusnavi @dimmitydamn @seventeenfiftyfour @bismuth-210 @josephturner @lyv-til-meg @everydayatleast @fightsinglivedie
Rule #2 highlight the true statements in bold
I am 5'7 or taller
I wear glasses 
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing (just my ears but i dont wear earrings lmao)
I have blonde hair
My abs are somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people 
People tell me I’m funny (tay thinks im hilarious and i think im top shit so)
Helping people with their problems is a big priority to me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude to people I know well (or im just an asshole)
I started to say something ironically, now I can’t stop saying it (literally anything i say ever tbh)
There is something I would change about my personality
I can play an instrument (havent played in ages but I Can Play Piano)
I can sing well
I can do 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well (debatably)
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing maths in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least two people in an arm wrestle
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch 
I can throw a punch
I enjoy sports (not all of them, but a fair chunk)
I have learned a new song in the past week
I’ve gone running at least one week in the summer
I work out at least once a week
I have drawn something in the last month 
I enjoy writing (i LOVE writing)
I have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol 
I have scored a winning goal in sports
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been to an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in hospital/er in the past year (i was. so sick)
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts (i went to atl with issy it was a Good Time)
I have at least one person I consider a best friend
I live close to my school 
My parents are still together 
I have at least one sibling (”at least one” i have like seven)
I live in the US
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with friends in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 cds
I share my room with someone (until very very recently i shared with my little sister)
I have a crush on a celebrity 
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush for over a year
I have been in a relationship for over a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have break danced
I know a person called Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair (i dye it every summer; it was pink then red summer of ‘15/’16, and blue last summer. i’m considering rainbow or like, green this summer)
I am listening to a song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I have known someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone (my arm, couple of fingers and toes, and my ribs)
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what to do with my life
I speak at least two languages
I have made a new friend in the past year
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jculture-ja · 5 years
鈴木、収穫の2位 日本歴代3位 サイナ2連覇 香川丸亀国際ハーフ ...
#歌舞伎 #大谷馬十 [shikoku-np.co.jp]大谷くみこ(今治造船)1時間18分31秒 【一般】=記録は入賞者と50位以内の県内登録者 男子 (1)篠原楓(愛媛県)1時間9分34秒(2)JosephTurner(英国)1時間9分45秒(3)川又達也(愛媛県)1時間10分32秒(4)木山克哉(観音寺市)1時間12分24秒(5)行天康平 …
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kabukiinfo · 5 years
鈴木、収穫の2位 日本歴代3位 サイナ2連覇 香川丸亀国際ハーフ ...
#歌舞伎 #大谷馬十 [shikoku-np.co.jp]大谷くみこ(今治造船)1時間18分31秒 【一般】=記録は入賞者と50位以内の県内登録者 男子 (1)篠原楓(愛媛県)1時間9分34秒(2)JosephTurner(英国)1時間9分45秒(3)川又達也(愛媛県)1時間10分32秒(4)木山克哉(観音寺市)1時間12分24秒(5)行天康平 ...
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jculture-ja · 5 years
鈴木、収穫の2位 日本歴代3位 サイナ2連覇 香川丸亀国際ハーフ ...
#歌舞伎 #大谷馬十 [shikoku-np.co.jp]大谷くみこ(今治造船)1時間18分31秒 【一般】=記録は入賞者と50位以内の県内登録者 男子 (1)篠原楓(愛媛県)1時間9分34秒(2)JosephTurner(英国)1時間9分45秒(3)川又達也(愛媛県)1時間10分32秒(4)木山克哉(観音寺市)1時間12分24秒(5)行天康平 …
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kabukiinfo · 5 years
鈴木、収穫の2位 日本歴代3位 サイナ2連覇 香川丸亀国際ハーフ ...
#歌舞伎 #大谷馬十 [shikoku-np.co.jp]大谷くみこ(今治造船)1時間18分31秒 【一般】=記録は入賞者と50位以内の県内登録者 男子 (1)篠原楓(愛媛県)1時間9分34秒(2)JosephTurner(英国)1時間9分45秒(3)川又達也(愛媛県)1時間10分32秒(4)木山克哉(観音寺市)1時間12分24秒(5)行天康平 ...
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