#aelie baby
pockeymcmockey · 21 days
𝔚𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔞𝔫𝔡 ℭ𝔥𝔢𝔡𝔡𝔞𝔯 | ᴀᴇᴍᴏɴᴅ ᴛᴀʀɢᴀʀʏᴇɴ
Synopsis: The events of Blood and Cheese but told by someone else.
Warnings: Angst, death, descriptions of decapitation, insinuated touching of inappropriate places on a child (not sexually).
Author's Note: Wanted to try writing in a new point of view to make it easier for readers to place themselves as the main character.
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Aelys is fussing in his crib tonight. He senses something I cannot. The twist in my stomach is unnerving, but I cannot tell the difference if it is anxiety or the babe growing in it. I comfort him the only way I know how. Brushing an index finger down the bridge of his nose, cooing him silently back to slumber, plentiful in dreams, perhaps. A brother, or perhaps a sister will be born soon. I hope for a daughter but I suppose Aelys is fit for braids as well.
A jiggle at the bedchamber door. Has Aemond returned? The boy grows restless, I think he is afraid. Is it because of his father? No. I know why, now. My heart is racing. I'm afraid, too. This smell, a rancid stench that turns my stomach and I gag. He is hungry, not for food but for something else. For me? Will he defile me? He's holding a weapon. It's cutting at my skin and it stings, but the blood tickles as it runs to soak my clothes.
He's speaking, to me, I think. Does he want coin? Jewels, maybe. I have a ring from Mother. Would he want that? I can't hear him. What is pounding in my ear? Oh... It's my heart. Yes, I am definitely afraid. I want to protect my child. I have to. But I cannot move an inch, not unless I want to meet the Gods, Old and New. Oh, he's not alone. Are they ratcatchers? The bigger one looks like a ratcatcher.
"Does she look like a fuckin' son to you?" The big one is afraid, too. I can tell. A son. They are not here for me. Are they here for Aemond? He's not here. He's away. Flea Bottom, usually. They want a son. I have a son. They'll take him. My boy. I love my boy. I can't stop them, though.
"She's the prince's lady wife," the smaller one answered. His nose presses against my jaw and it's cold. He reeks. I can't stand the smell, I might empty my stomach. He whispers words to me. He wants me to tell him if the child is a boy. I should lie. But what if they check? They'll hurt me for my untruthfulness. I'm scared. They'll hurt my baby.
"It's a boy."
The big one is touching my boy. He knows now. He's going to hurt him. Anything. Anything but my sweet Aelys. "Please..." I think I'm crying. My cheeks feel wet and my eyes sting. I can't see very well either. They're blurry. "Don't take my boy." They're not listening. They didn't listen. The short one released me, he's walking to the crib.
The large one pulled something out of his bag. Is- I can't breathe. The squelching, the smell. I run. Run out of the room and down the corridors. My belly churns. My heart feels sad and cold. I don't like this feeling. I want it to stop. There's mother's door. Mother. And Ser Criston. I fall at the bed. Clinging to my unborn child. My chest hurts. It's my heart, I think.
"They killed the boy." I think I said it out loud but my ears ring too loudly for me to tell. I wish Aemond were here. He'll be angry. He'll burn someplace I think. He always burns things when he's angry. Mother's getting dressed. Ser Criston, too. I think they heard me. I don't want to go back. Mother said I should stay here. I will.
They've returned. It's been an hour. They said they've found Aelys' head. They took my boy's head. I'm crying again. I weep for my son. Aemond is home. He stands at the door looking at me. Just looking. I think he is sad too. His eye holds a tear unshed. Is he sorry? I hope not. I don't think I could forgive him if he was.
"Are you harmed?" He asks me. I nod but I cannot speak. I have no other words to say. I miss my lovely boy. He was beautiful like his father. He was kind. Aemond looks angry again. Not at me, I think. He's kneeling now. His touch is soft when he brushes my cheek. Oh, he's wiping my tears. He tells me to sleep. That he'll be back in the morning. I know he's going to hurt them. But I listen. I don't want to sleep on the bed. The floor is comfortable.
I don't remember falling asleep but I'm awake now. I want to see the aftermath. It's upsetting. It's also lonely. The crib is gone. They're building a new one for the babe. They'll be here soon. My belly is large. I don't want another child. I want Aelys. I'm being selfish. I like being selfish. Aemond is selfish. I was alone. He was with his mistress.
I care not for a child I know not.
How ironic. The sky is lovely this morrow. The wind blows stronger. The grass grows greener. And Aelys is... beautiful.
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100babywarehouse · 2 months
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(Transcript at the bottom, under cut.)
What is 100 Baby Warehouse?
It is exactly what it sounds like - it's a collection of sims that were the results of 100 baby challenges. In other words, this is a warehouse of sorts, and the only thing stocked here are sims. If you are looking for a spouse for your legacy, and you know exactly the kind of sims your heir likes, you may be able to find exactly what you're looking for here - if you're looking for a family-motivated male young adult, browse our selection to see if there's someone who fits your parameters. If your NSB rose gen needs some cute sims to woo, you can find those here!
Are there only "The Sims 4" sims here?
Absolutely not! You can play a 100 baby challenge in almost every sims game - I'm not sure about The Sims 1, but I know for a fact you can in 2 and 3. So, in our navigation page there will also be sections for sims strictly in TS2 and TS3.
I'm playing a 100 Baby Challenge right now. Can I submit a sim?
Yes!! Please! This blog will be EMPTY if no one submits sims, because I simply cannot play that many 100 baby challenges at once. I'm playing 2 right now, and that's hard enough.
Will you have sims for download if no one submits any?
Well, yes. But not very many, and not a good variety. There will be no TS3 or TS2 sims if no one submits any, because I don't currently have either installed. So please, if you have sims you want to share, please do!
Can I just make a post and tag you so you can reblog it, instead of submitting my sims?
That's perfectly fine too! I just have the submission page to make things easier on everyone, but if you want to make the post yourself and tag me, that works just as well. Just add @100babywarehouse anywhere on your post, and I'll see it and add it to the sim collection.
I don't play 100 baby challenge, but I want to submit a legacy spare. Is that okay?
While this is called 100 Baby Warehouse, this is also fine. I will have a specific category for legacy spares on the navigation pages, because I know that most people play legacies more than 100 baby challenges (including myself). Otherwise, this blog might be rather empty, and I don't want that! Either way, as long as the sim would normally be kicked out of the main house and forgotten, left to the whims of story progression, the sim is welcome in this collection.
If this is the 100 baby warehouse, does that mean there are only babies/infants, toddlers, and children here?
No! Definitely not! Sims of any age can be added to our "inventory." Even adults and elders. So if you want several teens for the teen angst story you are wanting to write, have a look around our teen category.
Can I download Aeli?
Not right now, sorry. Maybe later.
If you have a question you want me to answer, please feel free to send it to me! And if you're shy, feel free to ask it on anon. Just know that if too many people are nasty, anonymous asks will be disabled.
Transcript for picture:
"Hello there!
My name is Aeli, and I am the matron of this place. "What is this place?" You may ask. That's why I'm here - to guide you.
This is officially a "warehouse," as some may call it, but I think of it as an adoption center of sorts.
Here, you will find sims that have been forgotten, or abandoned, and left to the whims of fate (or story progression). Specifically, these sims were used strictly as stepping stones in a 100 Baby Challenge - in this challenge, the children are simply a means to an end, unless their challenge is done using the multiple matriarch rules, in which case the only child that matters is the final daughter of each matriarch.
And that's just unbearably sad to me.
All of these wonderful sims have such potential, they could have whole futures ahead of them, but they are denied that simply because that's how the challenge works. They are kicked out the instant they are no longer teenagers.
So here, we have a collection of many of these wonderful sims that Watchers in need may take in and care for, themselves. These sims can have any life they may dream of - or, well... have nightmares about.
Whatever life they end up with is up to you, the Watcher."
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ari-cuno · 3 months
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Happy (late) Father's Day <3
We don't choose our dads, but it's good to be grateful for the life they give you. I decided to go with Aelis and Error since she's the baby of the family during this point and she gets to see the best of Error.
The destroyer will glady accept a gift from one of his little kiddos.
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child-of-the-danube · 5 months
Time for a post Eurovision rant
Fuck the EBU for allowing a genocidal state to participate, fuck the production for covering the sounds of booing, whistling and "Free Palestine" chants (some still made it in, and whoever they came from, I love you ♥️), fuck them for forbidding *allegedly* all flags of countries not participating but in reality only the Palestinian one as I've seen flags of countries like Turkey, who is not participating, and they were apparently fine but a Palestinian flag no, fuck them for letting the Is*aeli journalists harass and follow Joost, Bambie, Marina etc., fuck them for allowing Is*ael to break rules by promoting the voting code of their own country (that shit was even on a Times Square screen I s2g), fuck them for unjustly disqualifying Joost, and fuck every jury and public voter who gave points and money to you-know-who!!!!
I am so fucking happy that a person who was outspoken against the genocide won!!
I am even happier for my country's representative Baby Lasagna winning the televote and coming in second place, giving us the best placement we've ever had. Proud of you, Marko ♥️🇭🇷
I applaud the Netherlands for refusing to give their jury vote, I applaud Alessandra Mele and Käärijä for stepping away from giving out the Norwegian and Finnish jury votes, I applaud Bambie, Nemo, Marina, Slimane, Iolanda, Joost, Olly, Fred Leone (not sure I named them all) who openly spoke out against the genocide and the EBU double standard bullshit.
I feel sorry for Angelina cause I think had RAI not fucked up with showing Italy giving 40% of semifinal votes to *redacted*, she would have been higher and deservedly above them
And I feel sorry for Petra Mede who, even tho she did an incredible job as always, looked like she was on the brink of vomiting for a good chunk of the show. If Sweden wins any time soon, I am pretty sure she will refuse to host again. Despite that, she still remains the inarguably best host of Eurovision.
I hope the contest goes on hiatus after this, cause I don't see how they could dig their way out of this shame. A contest made to unite a post-war Europe letting Israel, who is actively committing war crimes and who is responsible for the deaths of at least 30 000+ people in the last 7 months, participate is vile and hypocritical and just unacceptable
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I was wondering why Daemon would orchestrate B&C since it probably won't be any of his children with Babey who will die (they will practically be children so they won't go on any mission other than cousin Luke who is the queen's son so...) like ...this does not affect daemon but I think daemon may see Luke's death more as an affront and if it affects Babey who adores her nephew, it affects Daemon and him taking revenge for rhaenyra is more out of loyalty to is the heir and a duty that he must find right in his head
in short: B&C would be more of a daemon seeking revenge because his wife lost her nephew :(
Yup! By the time the Dance starts, Rhaenar and Aelys will be like, 4 years old, and Daeryx, 3. Max. There's no participation happening there for them. But Daemon does have an affection for Luke as his great-nephew! It won't be as strong as in canon, though, seeing as he's not acting as his stepfather. There's more of a separation there. I do like how this highlights Daemon's loyalty to family, though - if he would order the death of a kid because his great-nephew died, what the fuck would he do if his own kid was the victim? Christ. Prolly fly to KL and burn the tower Aemond sleeps in, do a Daenerys. No concern for casualties whatsoever.
I do like the idea of tying it in to Babey's own reaction! He's gonna be an absolute monster (I am still toying on whether or not I want to implement the show interpretation or just go straight for 'Daemon orders the child be slaughtered'), but in his mind, it's justified because baby wifey is sad. What a fucking idiot, bad horrible man. I love him.
Thank you for this, nonnie!
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liviacardew · 4 months
hi Gigi! welcome to the fandom! i would love to hear more about your trio athena, aelia, and achilles and what sort of adventures they get into if you have any ideas to share!
Hi! I'm so glad you like my headcanons!!
For those of you who don't know who Athena, Aelia (ay-lee-uh), and Achilles (uh-kill-eez) are, Athena is Festus Creed and Persephone Price's daughter, Aelia is Felix Ravinstill and Clemensia Dovecote's daughter, and Achilles is Arachne Crane and Livia Cardew's son!
Without further ado, here is my list of some of Athena, Aelia, and Achilles' shenanigans!
When they were babies, they'd play together and babble at each other whenever they see each other.
They got lost in the Presidential Mansion (Aelia's grandpa is the president) once and ended up finding a bunch of rooms the President didn't even know about. They were lost for five hours and Felix & Clemensia, Livia & Arachne, Festus & Persephone, and the President were absoloutely freaking out, but thankfully they knew that their kids were still in the mansion, because they found Aelia's black ribbon and Athena's blue one lying on the floor.
All 3 children find a window, and climbed down, and goes to the mansion's entrance and they find their parents two seconds away from going feral.
In the academy, they're all straight A students, just like their parents, of course, but Aelia and Achilles are extremely competitive. (just like their parents!) So, when Io Jasper and Urban Canville's son got a higher score than Aelia in Math, Aelia almost rips her hair out, and when Diana Ring and Iphigenia Moss' daughter gets a compliment by the debate teacher and Achilles doesn't, he breaks his pencils <3
Festus may be competitive, but Athena's mom is literally Pippa, I mean she's the sweetest soul ever! So, of course Athena is just like her mom.
Aelia definitely gets Felix's sass and Clemensia's personality, and Achilles gets Arachne's wit and Livia's charm.
Aelia and Achilles are scary. Athena is a cutie patootie who gets mad at them when they kill ants.
Achilles' favorite color is gold, Athena's favorite color is green, and Aelia's favorite color is red.
Aelia's nickname is 'Aelie' (pronounced ay-lee), Achille's nickname is 'Chilles' (pronounced kill-eez), and Athena's nickname is 'Thena'.
Achilles wants to grow up to be a politician, Athena wants to be a doctor, and Aelia wants to be a psychologist.
Achilles and Athena end up together <3
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cyazurai · 2 months
Back when I frequented Gaiaonline, a LOT (literally was my favorite website for many years), my cousins and I ran an adoptable pet shop - one of those places online where if you paid the Gaiaonline gold, you could buy a piece of art that was officially your pet. As time passed they'd "grow" from their egg stage, to a child stage, then to a teen stage, and then very very rarely, they'd grow into a fully fledged adult stage - in other words, if someone paid us a lot of gold, if someone won an event, or if we just really liked that particular pet.
They were called Chiangils, and it was really silly, but we had angel chibis, demon chibis, mermaid chibis, cat chibis, dogs chibis, etc. And we had a joint account that was called Seraphaeli that collected the gold, then we'd split it between us, or use it for Seraph herself. But the point I'm making with this is this -
Since my 100 Baby Warehouse is similar in concept, with a bunch of sims being collected in one place for people to "adopt" (though anyone will be able to download them), I decided to make a sim of Seraphaeli to be the mascot of 100 Baby Warehouse. Though I named her Aeli Seraph because that sounds better (to me).
She'll be the face of the warehouse.
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meanpregcomm · 19 days
Fairy Heavy
What happens when you seduce a human as a joke and then it turns out you are actually attracted to him? Aelis was finding out the hard...and round, and encumbered, and swollen way. A few months ago she had been looking for chanterelles with her cohort of agelings, and they'd come upon a human man in the clearing. He was sleeping peacefully, and the fairy group got closer, daring each other to get closer. Humans were dangerous, after all. They were six feet tall to fairies' sixteen inches of height, and some of them had a murderous fear of fairies that provoked them to violence when they saw the small folk. Ugh, and the iron. And their horrible, snarling dogs, and murderous sneaking cats. But this human, he looked gentle, sleeping like a little yearling. Aelis, feeling the bravado of being a newly fledged adult in her community, announced she would fly down and peck him on the cheek.
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But he had been pretending to sleep, and as she landed on his chest to peck him, he grabbed her and stuffed her into his hat. She could hear her cohort screaming and fleeing. She tried not to panic. She just had to survive long enough for them to get help. They would rescue her. Just be smart. Do what he says.
But when he took her out moments later, he immediately set her on his knee and looked at her in such wonder that her instinct to escape vanished.
"Can you understand me?" he asked, and she nodded. "We can understand you and we can make it so you can understand us," she replied. "Are you going to hurt me?"
He looked hurt. "Of course not! I've always wanted to meet a fairy, my whole life! What were you doing when you landed on me anyway?"
She blushed. "I was going to kiss you." he chuckled, and she hurriedly added "for a dare!"
"Well, why don't you?" he asked, a twinkle in his eye.
And she kissed him. And once she'd kissed him, and felt the lightning strike her in the throat and travel slowly down her spine to her pussy, where it exploded in a sharp twinge. She drew his hands to her breast and moaned against him. His erection nearly hit her in the ass, her torso was so much shorter than his, and they laughed before he lifted her skirt and stuffed as much of himself into her as he could. She couldn't take too much of him at first, but she took a deep breath and she was so wet that soon she felt him sliding further inside her. It was a breathtaking feeling, the fullness of him.
One thing lead to another, and now, Aelis can't fly anymore because she literally can't get her baby-filled belly off the ground. Her wings just aren't strong enough.
Not being able to fly was incredibly embarrassing, but the others would forage for her and take care of her communal responsibilities until she gave birth. It was uncommon for a fairy to be as heavily pregnant as she was, usually fairies had delicate little bellies nearly undetectable until they were nearly ready to give birth. Aelis was so very much bigger. And she couldn't leave the tree, the chance of being caught by a hungry cat since she was too big to fly and certainly too big to run was high. Too high to risk it, and risk endangering her cohort.
Unfortunately, since it was a human man she'd taken into the velvet folds between her legs, she did not stay at "too big to fly."
She got so big that the fairie elders held a special counsel about her situation. Since she was too big to fit in the door of the elder hall, they came to her, somber faced.
"We think it's best you spend the rest of your pregnancy in the human world. They will have a better knowledge of how to help a half-human child enter the world. You are simply outgrowing our ability to help you."
Aelis was shocked and horrified. She had several months left, she imagined, and every day in the human world was six months of Faerie time. She'd be decades older than her cohort when she got back!
"You can't do that!" she cried. the elders looked at her impassively.
"You should have thought that before you got embarrassingly pregnant," the secretary snapped at her. "You're lucky you're not being banished."
They had to enlarge the exit of the tree to allow her to leave. They let her keep some blankets, their clothing had long ceased to cover her gargantuan pregnant middle. Her only hope was to find her baby's father, and hope he would help her.
That was looking bleaker and bleaker, as she struggled to climb the tree she'd chosen to spend the night in. It wasn't much protection from predators, but it was something.
But when she woke up, her problem was much more severe. In her sleep, she'd rolled into a knotty hole in the tree, and her belly was firmly wedged, it must have grown even more while she slept. Every attempt she made to free herself wedged her tighter. She screamed in frustration and burst into tears.
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meroif · 10 months
thank you!! for making the love interests gender selectable! so i (transfem) get to have the friends to lovers sweet baking lesbian girl of my dreams aelinor!!!
there’s a lot of fierce women in ifs atm and i love that for them don’t get me wrong but my sweet sweet baby girl is perfect for me we can take care of each other adopt a cat and grow old together 😭😭😭😭
This warms my heart, thank you so much for sharing. 💙
The main reason I wanted the ROs to be gender selectable was to make sure queer relationships were possible with any of them. The romance genre in games, as well as literature and general media, tends to target cis women, which is fine, but limiting. Interactive fiction is easy to immerse yourself into, and I find it's pleasing when the romantic paths aid the process.
It's obviously a more complex discussion than this, but I'd hate to be too verbose. Please enjoy your friends to lovers sweet baking romance of your dreams 🌷Aeli would absolutely be on board with your plan to adopt a cat and grow old together, I foresee many many tears of joy at the prospect.
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cristalconnors · 1 year
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BONES AND ALL, screenplay by David Kajganich
MAREN We should feel something. ‘Cause we murder people. We steal their stuff, we move the fuck on, and we ruin lives that we don’t even see…
LEE Come on, why are we talking about it like this? We gotta do this! We have to do it!
MAREN Talking about the future, talking about being a friend to yourself… You don’t have that. This is too much. We got 60, 70 years of this?
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CATHERINE CALLED BIRDY, screenplay by Lena Dunham
BIRDY It is in this field I raged, and dreamed, and met Aelis in secret, and cried over uncle George and over the fate I have been able to trick, just a bit. There is the goat barn where I met Perkin when I was but a babe, hiding from Morwenna’s silly slap. And here is where the smell of bread is so strong it makes me want to eat the whole entire world as if it were a mere loaf. And some day I will take my little sisters to the tippy top of the village and say "run, little girls. Lift your skirts and run for everyone to see."
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HAPPENING, screenplay by Anne Berest, Audrey Diwan, and Marcia Romano
DR. RAVINSKY I don’t approve, but I understand your reasons. Being an unwed mother isn’t easy. You’re young, with your whole life ahead of you.
ANNE I’d like a child one day, but not instead of a life. I could hate that kid. I could never love him.
DR. RAVINSKY I wish I could tell you that it worked.
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WOMEN TALKING, screenplay by Sarah Polley
AGATA None of us have ever asked the men for anything. Not even for the salt to be passed. Or to take the washing in, or to open a curtain, or to go easy on the small yearlings, or to put your hand on the small of my back while I try again for the 12th or 13th time to push a baby out of my body. Isn’t it interesting that the one and only request we women would have of the men would be for them to leave?
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AFTER YANG, screenplay by Kogonada
YANG I wish Chinese tea wasn't just about facts for me.
JAKE What do you mean?
YANG I like watching the way you make tea. It's very beautiful. The way the leaves bloom and float and fall. I wish I felt something deeper about tea. I wish I had a real memory of tea in China. Of a place. Of a time. I think this would...
JAKE ...What?
YANG Sorry. I lost my train of thought.
JAKE Are you happy, Yang?
YANG I don't know if that's the question for me.
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wearethekat · 2 years
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There was a plan.
She had the money, the connections, even the brains. It was simple: become one of the only female necromancers, pass as many certifications as she could, get a post near the capital, then… profit. The funny thing about plans is that they are seldom under your control.
Now Aelis, a daughter of a noble house and a trained Magister of the Lyceum, finds herself in the far-removed village of Lone Pine. Mending fences and delivering baby goats, serving people who want nothing to do with her. But, not all is well in Lone Pine, and as the villagers Aelis is reluctantly getting to know start to behave strangely, Aelis begins to suspect that there is far greater need for a warden of her talents than she previously thought.
Old magics are restless, and an insignificant village on the furthest border of the kingdom might hold secrets far beyond what anyone expected. Aelis might be the only person standing between one of the greatest evils ever known and the rest of the free world.
new release April 18th, 2023
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Crossover list for literally any HotD baby 🥺 like, just go with vibes idc I love them all 🥺
100% open to any others but!
(Low-key Laenyra replacing Roslyn as Aelys’ lesbian wife in love with Helaena? 👀) (or lesbians with Roslyn)
Cira (opposite sides but non-Targs with dragons unite)
Ayron (& Rhaella)
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luxmaeastra · 1 year
Sebastian rubbed at his wrists, hoping the lotion would stop his skin from chaffing. He was beginning to understand why Valg children were turned out at 13 till 19. His children had been wonderful but these last few weeks and months have been unbelievably trying.
He bit back a sigh, and now Alina was old enough to see the cracks she didn't before. Old enough to maybe stop the hero worship she had for her siblings.
He was really hoping that wouldn't happen.
He turned to look at her, moving to cup her cheek.
"Yes my starling?"
She didn't smile at the childhood nickname. Come to think of it when was the last time she had smiled? When was the last time she'd laughed and silly?
He tried to ignore the dread, he was overreacting. Natalia would have those pieces of information. And -
"Do - do they hate me?"
He tried to focus on answering her questions against the raging rage. Who hated her? He'd kill them, destory them to their very -
"Who do you think hates you Alya?"
She frowned at the childhood nickname. She pulled Natalia's shawl tighter around herself, picking at the frayed edge. Natalia had been with Arebla and Zimri these last few days helping them settle in with their baby girl.
"Aeli, the - no one wants to talk to anymore. Everyone is always busy and Aelin won't tell me things now. What did I do to make them hate me Papa? I didn't - I'm sorry -"
He pulled her to him, trying to quiet her fears. But the rage in him wouldn't quiet. He'd indulged their independence enough, he wouldn't allow it at the expense of their baby sister.
"They don't hate you Alina. They're growing up but they don't hate you."
He would make sure they remembered the price of their freedom.
They were growing, but then why didn’t they talk to her? Why did they act as if she wasn’t there? She clung on to her father’s shirt as she buried her face into his chest, a sense of comfort eased her as she felt her father’s arms around her.
They didn’t hate her, they were growing. She wanted to cry though, she wanted them to interact with her like they did each other. She wanted to be allowed to be involved, she didn’t want to be left behind and treated like the lesser and annoying sister.
“Then they’re leaving me behind?” She finally asked. Alina sat back, tears in her eyes as she looked up at her father. The age gap between them was vaster than most she supposed, she had been born last and her old siblings much older and already well established in their life.
…Then there was the fact she did not wield shadows, she wasn’t like the rest of them.
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keyofjetwolf · 3 years
I found the gif! It was buried waaaaaaaaaaaay back in the backup. I was the one with Minako yelling into the microphone with the tsunami behind her.
Okay yes that WAS worth asking for, I agree.
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Episode 152 was indisputably the best thing to come out of SuperS, but this gif would rank.
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Your series has actually given me such brain rot because I recently re-watched HOTD season 1 and the first ep of season 2 and all I could think of was Babey, daemon and their little babies like it's that serious for me I can't escape it. Like during the scene with daemon in his fuck ass murder cloak setting up the B&C stuff all I could think was if it was Rhaenar, Aelys or Daeryx who had been killed in the scenario where Luke died there'd be no Dance everyone would be dead Daemon would just be lighting shit up everything and everyone would be on fire. Canon no longer exists for me its been infiltrated by Babey and her babies
Nonnie! Thank you so much for this lovely ask! I've gotta admit that I'm going through something a little similar myself, in that I'm not necessarily perceiving anything that's happening in the show as negative but rather as tools for me to expand on, alter or adapt to fit my fucking fanfic, lol. It's weirdly helpful? I mean, I'm not having the absolute meltdown that a lot of people on here seem to be having regarding the show's direction or choices, and I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that, as someone writing fan-derivative work, I have this power in my head to change it myself, at least in this small, insignificant way. I can enjoy it for what it is, what it gives us, and if there's anything I'd change I know I can when it comes time for me to address it in fanfic-'verse. Me likey.
Lol, you are so correct, tho, Daemon is very trigger-happy. He'd pull a Daenerys for sure. Fuck them commonfolk, fuck King's Landing, and most of all, fuck them Hightowers. What a nutjob. They all ded.
Thank you so much for this! I'm so thrilled that my fic is doing it for you! That is so amazing to hear. I hope I can keep bringing you that feeling as the series (slowly) progresses!
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kathryntheawesome · 4 years
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A random crossover of the webcomics "Whispers of the Past" and "Memorabilia."
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