r3therat · 6 days
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redwhistles · 6 months
nonspecific/general suffixes list from this carrd (link); making this list because ci use that list a lot & it sucks when webarchive goes down lol
ac/ale: related to
ada/ame/edo: collective
aea/aean/aeus/an/ea/ean/eus/ian: one that does or deals with relating to, belonging to
aeon/eon: age/everlasting
ain/aine: to own/oblique case
al/ial: resembling or pertaining to, having the characteristics of
ane/ary: belonging to
ant: inclined to or tending to
ay/way: our/multiple
ec/iec/ime/nec: from/deriving from
en: to become, to make __, made up of something, to cause to
eous/ious/ous: having the qualities of
esque: reminiscent of
ette: smaller
eyn/eyna: quality, trait, or instrument of an action
ic/ick/inal/ine/iyn/na/nic: of or pertaining to
ion: the action of
ive: having the nature of
nes: abstract
sec: a part of a larger quality
trois: three/neutrality
un: of
ure: having the condition of
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aean · 3 months
Oh, Canada! 🇨🇦🍁
This took me five months to finish because I kept working on it, then abandoning it, then working on it again, and so on… 😭
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Do not repost without credit!
Unfiltered version:
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peanutbuttaz · 1 year
shit youre right california ppl use emojis… 🥜peanut🥜 ✈️plane✈️ ✨era✨
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣that was F🖕U🖕 N 🖕 N 🖕Y
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i-had-bucky · 15 days
So I Had To Get The Flower Crown
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You are the first child of the Florinius family, your birth had predestined you to become the next ruler of H'afeara. But it has been ten long years since the Empire of Aea had declared war upon your home. Ten years fighting to keep your kingdom's independence- for your chance to rule- only for it to ripped away from you. And it's your own fault.
You had one more charge to lead against Aean forces, and you had lost that battle. Losing was no stranger to you, but none had been thorough and devastating. This loss had ended with you being taken as a prisoner of war, and the end of the war soon followed.
Now you are "free", a welcomed "guest" in the Aean court.  Being executed would have been a fairer fate.
[Contains elements of: court intrigue, romance, mystery, slice of life, and fantasy]
This side project is still in the planning stage, and things will be slow to come.
[Demo: TBA]
[Ask Rules][Playlists]
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in progress...
- Semi Customizable MC (personality will be fairly set)
- Make friends, enemies, maybe lovers? Still deciding who gets to be an RO
- Decide how you navigate life in a foreign court
- under construction
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Aea Royal Family
Empress Dalia Solia Vespera | she/her | 176
Dalia’s reign has thus far been one of tenuous peace, which is relative. Her predecessor had walked the path of conquest of new territories while Dalia prefers to keep the empire’s current territories in line. She is a calculated and distant with a face that is ever neutral. 
King Consort Caesario Julius Vespera  | he/they | 140~ish???
The reason for the war. 
Edela Soleil Vespera | she/her | 37
Crown heir of the Aean’s empire. Edela is a woman who holds her head high, some may call her over confident but she cares little for the words of others. The lives of most around her mean little to her anyhow. She is also known for her highly destructive gravitational magic and is a formidable battle mage you luckily did not have the misfortune of going up against.
Augustus Valentino Vespera  | he/him | 30 | RO
The second in line for the crown is the eldest son of the Vespera family. He is a formidable draconian knight, and the very soldier who struck you down in battle. Despite it all, he seems to be the only member of the royal family who wishes to make your stay at least somewhat bearable.
Camilla Junia Vespera + Camillo Felix Vespera | he/him + she/her | 28 (twins)
The Vespera twins are always found at each other’s side, even on the battle field. They are a terrifying duo, even the most twisted members of the court shudder in their presence. Camillo always has a sinister smile on his lips and is the clear leader of the duo while his sister Camilla trails behind him like a ghost. The two take care of criminals of the highest order, thankfully they were not permitted to try any of their information “extraction” tactics on you.
Diedre Vespera | he/him (atm) | 24 | RO
The youngest of the Vespera children. A sickly man with a bitter disposition. He bears no empathy for others and bringing others down with cruel words is the only thing that seems to bring a smile to his face. He takes special joy in ruining his wife's day.
Aea Royal Court
Astra Aurora Valeria | she/her | 27 | RO
Aurora is an confident woman that many look up to. She is gentle, intelligent, and beautiful, a potent combination that makes her a magnet for the court’s admiration. Occasionally you catch glimpses of cunning ambitions in her eyes. She is also the wife of Diedre Vespera. 
Arielle Seballius | he/him | 29 | RO
Ari is Lady Astra Valeria's loyal body guard, wherever she is he is not far behind. Ever since she married into the royal family he has been at her side, though he is not a knight in title or in spirit. He has a playful demeanor but the words that can come out of his mouth are as sharp as his sword, or they would be if he ever carried his weapon with him. 
Asrani Alim Valencia | they/them | 26 | RO
Cousin to Lady Aurora Valeria and leading inventor in the courts of Aea, many are jealous of the young noble and believe their position as royal inventor comes from nepotism through their cousin. Asrani is a quiet person always lost in thought, so quiet that it is easy to forget they are right next to you. 
Ambrose | she/they | 24 | RO
Ambrose is an actual guest of the court, from the kingdom of Vakar. She is sunny and deeply kind, with an earnest and genuine demeanor that is horribly out of place in such a miserable place. Like a candle in the dark, you don’t know how she still smile in this environment. As sweet as she is her attachment to her “god” is a bit disconcerting.
Ira Maenius | she/her | 35
A noblewoman from the coastal nation of Nizath, one of the empire's closest allies. Her family is known for amazing naval navigation and does a lot of foreign trade. Despite her affinity for water magic, Ira can be a bit hot headed. She is stubborn and quick to react, but she always tries to do right to the best of her ability. But that doesn't mean she can't complain a little while doing it.
Laika Aurelius | she/he | 32 | RO
A disowned child of a merchant family from Vakar, you can't imagine why she lives amongst the Aean court. People do not take too kindly to her and make that quiet known. Perhaps it's because he has a penchant to sleep around, or the fact that he has a sharp tongue that always seems to strike at the most sensitive of nerves. Regardless she seems to be having fun.
Volo | use whatever man | ??? | RO
A mysterious court artist, the empress' favorite at that. You don't know how Volo sees well enough through their mask to paint but you know talent when you see it. Painting is not Volo's only skill, Volo tends to jump from artistic hobby to hobby to fill time. Leaving half finished collages, music sheets, and screen plays in Volo's wake as Volo seeks Volo's next muse.
Noel | they/them | 26 | RO
Once a soldier in the Aean army now a medical professional, Noel is in line to be the next royal physician. They train under the current one and love their work dearly. Noel is compassionate and patient, seeking to soothe whatever pains you regardless of if you are their patient or not. They find beauty in all things, but is partial to the primal beauty of the natural world. Their magic allows them to work in tandem with nature to bring their patients the best medicine possible.
Venus | he/they | 28 | RO
An Aean knight with a grouchy disposition, seemingly friends with Lady Ira Meanius. Their tendency for bluntness and straightforwardness can be is both a blessing and a curse depending on who you ask. Venus is never seen without his scowl and a snide remark on his lips. Despite being a lower ranking knight he holds his head as high as any of the top knights, and takes great pride in his duties. His current one being your personal guard.
Yves | m/f  (gender selectable) | ???
Your personal attendant, assigned to make you feel more at home. Dutiful and never heard, like every servant should strive to be.
??? | ??? | ???
Fate is a strange thing isn’t it?
Some things were never meant to be...
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decayic · 5 months
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       × ◜﹊   ESTROUSAEAN
a being that has heat cycles, intended for non-humans who have heat cycles
estrous - in reference to the the estrous cycle | aean - one that does or deals with
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daybreakthing · 17 days
(pt: Nauticaean /end pt)
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Nauticaean; a neoumbrella term based on the nautical & dark nautical aesthetics; this umbrella is connected to anchors, appreciation of nature, beaches, boats, coastlines, exploration, fear of the unknown, fishing nets, isolation, lighthouses, sailing, sea life, sea monsters, serenity, simplicity, storms, & the sea! it can also be connected to the colors blue, brown, cyan, sea green, & white, but doesn't have to be!
etymology; nautic(al), “aean” meaning one that does or deals with relating to, belonging to!
nauti/nautine/nautinity; nauticaean gender quality, equivalent to fem/feminine/femininity!
transnauti/transnautine/transnauticaean; one who has or is transitioning towards a nauti/nautine/nauticaean identity!
nautic; nauticaean gender alignment, equivalent to xenic!
ganymedian (based on ganymede); a galactian alignment term; a gender for non-binary individuals who are nauticaean and/or nauticaean-aligned!
marie (based on marine); a nauticaean individual!
thalan (singular)/thalen (plural) (based on thalassic); a nauticaean adult!
nava(s) (based on naval); a nauticaean minor!
ntcin; nauticaean in nature!
ntcingender; an umbrella term for genders that are nauticaean!
droserian (based on drosera); a term for nauticaean-loving-nauticaean, or a juvelic/GLG term for those who are nauticaean attracted to others who are nauticaean, exclusively or not!
caean(s); a nauticaean gender!
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for cam!
tagging; @radiomogai!
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revenant-coining · 5 months
(pt: Nexaean /end pt)
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(ids: 2 rectangular flags with 9 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in order from top to bottom are dark grey, grey, white, tan, dull pink, tan, white, grey, and dark grey. in the center of the first flag is a white blood symbol outlined in dull pink. /end ids)
Nexaean; a gender connected to death, violent death, natural death, murder, slaughter, & blood of the slain.
etymology; “nex” latin for the themes above, “aean” meaning one that does or deals with relating to, belonging to
symbol from here (link)!
for cam!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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melabea · 5 months
(pt: Magicaepotean /end pt)
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(ids: 2 rectangular flags with 7 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom are green, light green, pale yellow, white, pale yellow, blue-purple, and purple. in the center of the first flag is a white circle with a brown symbol in it. the symbol is a diamond with a small circle centered vertically and above where it would be if it was centered horizontally. below the circle is a vertical line with a horizontal line below where it would be if it was centered inside the diamond. from the horizontal line is half of a pill-shaped oval, the other side connected to the diamond. /end ids)
Magicaepotean; a form of nonhuman tertiary attraction (Alteraffectis) that describes how a magic user feels towards a potion maker, & vice versa.
etymology; “magicae” latin for magic, pot(ion), “aean” meaning one that does or deals with relating to, belonging to
for cam!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404, @kiruliom, @alteraffectis
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ryukaa · 4 months
[Art Party]
Leon Ataraxia ⚜️⚜️ from Medieval Art Party!! (01/06/2024)
Satien Aean 🪻🪻 from Tea&Tides Art Party!! (24/05/2024)
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aeane · 6 months
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aean · 6 months
Buon compleanno, Italia! 🇮🇹🍝
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I’M LITERALLY FOUR DAYS LATE LOL 💀 also, I drew this in one go so there’s that 💪😎
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kingofthenorth · 4 months
HI!! oc questions: do u have more that are based in an existing universe or ones whose universe u made up? if u made up a universe(or multiple) what are some of ur favorite worldbuilding details? what are some of ur oldest ocs and when was the last time u changed something about them? do u have any that are direct self inserts?
Ooh, these are some good ones!
Overall, I have way more that come from my own little universes. So much so, in fact, that I couldn't tell you how many worlds I've created, let alone how many characters are in them. I spend entirely too much time thinking about this stuff.
One world in particular has the most extensive worldbuilding. I'd wanted to make it feel as real as possible, so as a teen and young adult, I spent countless hours coming up with history, fashion, religion, maps, and languages to flesh it out. Here are some of my favorite details:
In the Gomnivev language, any noun can be treated as a name so long as the final consonant (provided it ends in one) is doubled. This comes in handy given that Gomnivev first names are almost always a detail about the day the baby was born. You get lots of people named after birds that were singing, fruits/vegetables that were in season, or weather conditions from the day they were born. For example, "aean" is a crocus, but Aeann is a proper name for someone born when aean flowers are blooming. Because there are no capital letters in the written language, this is the easiest way to distinguish between the nouns and their Human Name counterpart.
Banazar, Rezeki god of the dead, is the god subject to most debate among scholars due to ambiguity surrounding his gender and origins. Names that end in -sar (common) or -zar (less common) are explicitly male, but some of the very earliest texts describe him as "mother to the dead," in his role caring for departed souls. Instead of just running with it, religious scholars fight bitterly about what this means. As for his origins, he's the only god that didn't exist in the beginning, when the Original Gods created all there is now, but also isn't a child of the Original Gods or their two daughters, like the rest of the gods are. No one knows where he came from.
Many Rezeki garments sport wild patterns, but the exception to this is their most popular formal wear, the mema. Mema, which are not unlike a toga, are almost always solid color so that one can pin decorations onto them and make them look different each time they're worn. Brooches and baubles meant to be worn on mema are a common gift, and can be anything from crudely hand-fashioned by one's kids to crafted by artisans. What matters is that it's fun and unique!
My very oldest OCs are from a story I came up with at 8, hoping to one day turn into a tv show. The original story was about a high school club for kids with superpowers, and the protagonist, Jairo, had none, but joined anyway to help out. In high school, I was reminded of the story and revisited it, deciding that it made very little sense that he'd be allowed to join, and changed it so that he had powers too, but they weren't as useful overall, else it wouldn't be a viable story. Imagine my fucking surprise when, years later, the BNHA anime came out and I saw the similarities. I am, perhaps, a bit of a fool. lol. lmao, even.
Finally, I did once make a couple self inserts, but I ironically never connected well to them. One I forgot about entirely until just now, and the other I changed so much, I often forget she was based off me in any way. It turns out, I much prefer exploring characters that aren't all that much like me. If anything, I think there's more "me" in the worlds I create than the characters in them. I'm in the politics, the public consciousness, and the messages, but not so much the characters.
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xdle-coxns · 2 years
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— A macarshric GORiN neogender linked to continueing to function and "exist" despite your internal organs decaying. This gender can also be linked to the impossible constant of life and death and/or a traumagender if the user wishes. — Vivir + Muerte + aean. — Wanted it.
SERCI @ 11/12/22.
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Age: 28 | Pronouns: he/they | Height: 5'3/160 cm | Ancestry: human
Venus was one of many Aean soldiers that joined the war against H'afeara, and one of the few who had managed to rise to the rank of knight. Though he is of a lower rank he holds his head as high as any knight of high ranking and takes his work very seriously. Venus very blunt, typically scowling, with rude remarks spilling from his tongue. Perhaps he's so grouchy because he doesn't look like he's slept in years.
Venus has been assigned as your personal guard for your indefinite stay in Aea's court. You think it's because he boasts an H'afearean accent.
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