#adventure teambuilding
teambuildingtbt · 1 year
Team Building Activities Thailand
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Experience dynamic and tailored team building activities in Thailand. Enhance teamwork, trust, communication, and collaboration with our professional facilitators. Fun-filled experiences for stronger professional connections and success.
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ivantehking · 9 months
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cascaisroutes · 1 year
Team Building Outdoor Activities: One Thrill At A Time
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Embrace the power of teamwork and team-building exercises in the scenic wonders of Portugal. Cascais Routes offers a dynamic platform in outdoor settings that facilitates effective and easy communication, problem-solving abilities, and strong team bonds. Traversing captivating hiking trails, adventure tours, and serene beach activities are all designed to amplify your team’s spirit and leadership. Step out of your concrete corridors, alleviate stress, and see your team explore their full potential. With a team of expert and local guides and an array of activities, Cascais Routes will provide an adventure trip that will be stored in your team’s collective memory.
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ourbygoneage · 2 years
Chapter 9: Revelation Verse 4
The four electric bikes, each with a solar panel attached, stood in a neat row in front of the big box store. Tailor pointed out the red, black, green, and white frames to Rachelle, and then gestured toward the tow line he had rigged up between the black and green bikes.
"Erzabet, you'll be able to pedal the bike towing the spare one," Tailor said, looking over at her. "That way, Rachelle and I can switch out if the batteries start to get low."
Erzabet glared at him. "So I'm a pack animal now?"
Tailor winced. "No, no, of course not. We just need to conserve the batteries, and you're the strongest one here. It's not like we're asking you to pull a cart or anything."
Erzabet crossed her arms. "Fine. But if I'm going to be doing all the heavy lifting, we're taking breaks whenever I say we're taking breaks."
Rachelle nodded in agreement. "Of course, we need to make sure everyone stays hydrated and rested."
The trio made their way out of the store, each on their own bike, towing another behind them with the solar panels and tow lines attached. The sun beat down on them, and they pedaled in silence, carefully weaving through the sleeping zombies. The tension was palpable as they avoided any contact with the slumbering undead. The zombies stood upright, facing the sun as if worshipping it. It was as if they were all in a trance, completely unaware of the living beings passing by them.
Tailor led the way, followed by Rachelle, with Erzabet bringing up the rear. As they pedaled past the zombies, they held their breath, not wanting to make a sound or disturb the eerie peace of the zombie horde. Each bike glided smoothly on the asphalt, the only sound being the soft hum of the electric motors.
Erzabet's bike was the heaviest, burdened with the weight of the extra bike being towed behind it. She pedaled slowly, feeling a little resentful at being exploited like a pack animal. "This sucks," she muttered to herself, but kept pedaling nonetheless.
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hannahp0calypse · 4 months
Reverse Unpopular Opinion meme
Pokemon :3
like a lot of people my age/generation/whatever, pokemon is Pretty Important To Me in terms of its influence on my life, creativity, interests, etc. pokémon ruby is one of the first games i remember really losing myself in, and probably the main reason i ended up growing up into A Gamer. a friend of mine in primary school showed me pokémon romhacks and the tools used for them, and some of the earliest times i poked at anything gamedev related was using those tools.
i'm a fan of when pokémon related stories get into the travelling, the adventure. the fantasy of this world to have the freedom to go out and explore and take risks but know you'll always have something to fall back on. at it's best, pokémon really is about the childlike wonder of discovering just how big the world is and how that innocence and hope is what propels people forward into the future.
not quite a positive statement, but i wish there was more pokémon stuff that went into weirder variants of the setting's core concepts. legends arceus' isekai story is a good example - same with the PMD series, the orre games, hell even pokémon conquest. the pokémon themselves have a broad appeal, with so many different mons that there's something for everyone, and that means there's a lot of space to play in how you use them, where you put them, how the player relates to them, etc.
i have this whole pokémon fan setting in my head for a ttrpg campaign i wanna run someday, about a medieval fantasy war story with pokémon as a major setting element. yeah, i could just come up with my own monsters to catch and use in the setting, but pokémon work as a "common language" so to speak in getting certain ideas and concepts across. that shared language of experience and nostalgia is a good foundation to expand upon.
also i can't make a post about what i like about pokémon without a) recommending the fangame Pokémon Tectonic - it's one of my fave pokémon games i've ever played, and i think if you enjoy the competitive-style teambuilding aspects of the main series or have ever wished the main games were just a bit more challenging you'll enjoy it too. and b) saying Fuck Nintendo. absolute scumbag company. make pokémon public domain Now
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thisismysecondrodeo · 2 years
just imagined ted and reader taking the Richmond team on a team-building adventure (camping). Ted and reader share a tent, but obviously have to be suuuuuuuuper quiet while they get down to it...
AN: I started writing this and forgot to save the draft because I'm an idiot so let's see what I remember lmaoooo
Rating: Teen
Tags: Camping, Fade to Black, Secret Sleepover, Hiding (poorly) from the team
Fic Masterlist
"Do British people go camping?"
You looked at Ted over the rim of your coffee mug. The two of you were having a lazy morning still half-dressed and eating omelettes Ted had made.
"I'm sure plenty of Brits camp, but I am not one of them," you smirked, "why do you ask?"
"Well, we're taking the team camping this weekend—classic team bonding exercise, relying on each other for survival," you rolled your eyes at Ted's drama, knowing he was exaggerating, "and I thought you might like to come along?"
"Ted," you teased, already knowing how he'd answer, "are other people bringing their partners?" Your relationship wasn't a secret, but Ted had a loving but often inappropriate habit of wanting you everywhere he was. You often had to remind him that as much as you and Beard got along, when his best friend asked him for drinks he probably meant just Ted, not Ted and Y/N.
Ted looked sheepish sipping at his own coffee. "I don't think it's that big of a deal—"
"Ted. Go to your team building. You'll have a very lovely time and I'll be here when you get back."
Ted pouted. And then pouted some more. In fact, Ted pouted all week long leading up to the trip, to the point that both Roy and Beard asked if you were sure you couldn't come. You assured the other coaches that you didn't want your presence to distract.
But it did give you an idea.
Ted didn't have any service at the campsite and you gave him one night with the team before you drove out in secret. It was easy to find the rowdy men, drinking and laughing by a campfire, the sun just starting to set.
You knew which tent was Ted's because you'd seen him pack it, and it was easy enough to slip through the shadows around the edge of the campsite and into the dusty green tent. You couldn't wait to see the surprise on Ted's face, especially once he saw his second surprise hidden under your dress, though you knew you'd likely be waiting a while from the revelry you could still hear out there. Pulling out a book, you made yourself comfy in Ted's sleeping back, sneaking all the M&Ms out of his trail mix. Suddenly you could hear Ted's voice louder than the rest.
"Oh snap! I almost forgot I brought some marshmallows for us, be back in a jiff!"
You quickly put your book away and tried to figure out what to do with yourself and settled on just sitting cross-legged on his sleeping bag. Ted quickly pulled the zipper down and practically fell into your lap with his haste.
"Y/N!?" You brought your finger to Ted's lips to keep him from being so loud and then replaced your finger with your own lips. Ted met you greedily, kissing you like it had been weeks and not less than 24 hours.
"Surprise," you whispered as you pulled away, Ted now sitting up across from you. "Don't tell the team, you've still got teambuilding to do," you smirked, reaching for the marshmallows and dropping them in Ted's lap.
"Oh, you're torture," Ted grinned, leaning in to kiss you again. "But I'm so glad you're here."
"You think that's torture," you taunted him, fiddling with the buttons on the front of your dress and slowly unbuttoning them to reveal the hint of lace underneath it all. Ted looked at you, mouth agape and eyes wide with lust. He reached for you, trailing under your dress and up your thigh. You caught him before he could get ahead of himself and brought his hand to your mouth and pressed a sweet kiss to his palm. "Boys are waiting on their s'mores coach, hurry back now."
Ted laughed, shaking his head in a mixture of disbelief and love. "The death of me I swear," Ted grumbled as he crawled back out of the tent and took a minute to collect himself.
You gave Ted credit for attempting to pretend like nothing odd was going on, but you had only made it one more chapter in your book before you heard him loudly faking a yawn.
"Alright, I'm turnin' in y'all, I'll see ya for the hike in the morning."
And in the blink of an eye Ted was diving back into the tent, playfully tackling you to the sleeping bag and covering you in kisses, his hand gripping your thigh and you moaned at his affection.
"Quiet now, sweetheart," Ted whispered, close enough to your ear to make you shiver, "you don't want the boys to know you're here right?"
You groaned at Ted using your own teasing against you, but you tugged his lips back to yours and kissed him deeply.
"We both know you're not making that hike, right?"
"Yes ma'am," Ted laughed, as he crawled down your body undoing your buttons as he went.
"I swear I heard some sort of animal last night," Sam said as he joined the rest of the team at the peak to rest at the midpoint of their hike.
"Same bruv," Isaac said, biting into a granola bar, "and it might have been hurt or something. It was like...whimpering."
"We'll have to ask Coach when we get back," Colin suggested. "Since he didn't come, maybe he saw what it was?"
Roy and Beard gave each other a knowing look. "Yeah, we'll be sure to ask," Beard said with a small smile, "let's get a move on."
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itsbenedict · 1 year
get star seeker sequel adventure thing up and running and through the first case
get datasouls combat toy complete up to the first miniboss combat
catch up on TFJ recap logs
become an accredited AWS Certified Solutions Architect and get that raise my boss has been talking about for ages
get an adjustable standing desk and under-desk elliptical thingy, and otherwise get an ergonomic workstation set up
fix the light situation in the bathroom
get through The Sekimeiya and really go to town on that mystery until it’s solved
also finally play Disco Elysium
finish TFTBN character portraits
get a beatrice portrait for my poster wall
run some TPIVW games
badger the condo association landlady until she does something about the junk clogging up that basement storage room i’m supposed to own, and clean unused bulky stuff out of my house
clearly this waitlist thing isn’t working out so take some steps to see an actual doctor for the first time in like three years (and maybe get a cancer screening, or do something about that closed sinus)
get through the remaining 7 WaniKani levels
So, June! As predicted, wedding travel stuff ate up a bunch of that second week, and getting the art done took the full two weeks. I did not successfully launch the thing in June, even though I technically could tonight- I'm traveling to visit my grandparents through the 4th and it'd be a bad time to launch it when I'm away, but I should be able to get it running next month no problem.
I finished all 60 levels of WaniKani! I'm going to keep up with reviews, but I need to get serious about the next steps of language learning next.
I've continued working on that Fire Emblem engine- units now move, engage in combat, die, end their turns, and change phases when their team is done. you can zoom in and out, inspect unit statuses, and control the game with mouse, keyboard, or a controller. I still need to implement some basic features like inventory management and trading, and some more advanced stuff like Shove and Rescue, and there's a few UI things to work out (I need an x2 indicator for double attacks), but after that... the big next step is configurability. Lots of stuff is hard-coded spaghetti, which I need to tear apart and make modular- the objective here is a tool for other people to use, not a game, so I need to focus on making it as clean and extensible as possible. This isn't my strong suit. It'll be tough.
I played some games in June:
I beat Zelda, which was very fun but kind of showed how skeletal it all was towards the end- a lot of the cool new stuff was frontloaded, and it became clear how much was being shamelessly recycled to pad things out as I progressed. Very impressive technical achievement, the mid-game twist was super cool, but it didn't really come together in the end except for a spectacular final boss fight.
At the wedding, my cousin showed me an Etrian Odyssey knockoff called Labyrinth of Galleria which looked cool, so I got the first game in the series (Labyrinth of Refrain), which is so far... mechanically, very fun and polished (save awful inventory management and weapon drops) and comparable to mainline EO, with a lot of depth and teambuilding options. Unfortunately, it's anime horny in all the most Fucking Terrible ways, with sexual assault and child abuse played for comedy and possibly the least likeable protagonist in the history of anything. Not sure if I'll stick with it.
I started Fate/Hollow Ataraxia, a direct sequel to Stay Night, which is thus far very interesting- it's doing a weird thing with how it handles which of FSN's multiple endings it follows from, and there's lots of confusing what the fuck moments and interesting uses of characters. It's structured like a fanservice omake compilation on the surface, but there's, like, a secret plot in the background that I have loads of theories about.
...so that's June. First half of the year. How am I doing? What's left?
Datasouls combat toy
Actually launch Star Seeker Justice/Arcana and finish case 1
Get the elliptical, whoops, forgot about that
Catch up on recap logs (currently blocked for Reasons)
Play The Sekimeiya
Get a Beatrice portrait
The storage room is cleared out but I need to communicate with the building guy vis-a-vis not accidentally clearing out my stuff
run some The Price Is Very Wrong, which I keep dragging my feet on
That's eight things to do in six months, but one's almost done, two more are half-done, and three of them are pretty easy. I'm on track to do most of it- I think for July, since Trails into Reverie is coming out this month and some work stuff is ramping up, I'll take an easy one- on top of the Star Seeker launch I spent June prepping, I'll just do some shopping and try and get that portrait and elliptical.
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Mesto Bratislava je mestom vzrušujúcich kontrastov. Mesto s historickými budovami vedľa modernej architektúry a tajuplnej atmosféry. Spoznaj čaro mesta na Dunaji s našou escape game.
Môže obyčajný štátny úradník ohroziť bezpečnosť celého Slovenska? Môže! A tvojou úlohou je zastaviť ho!
Vydaj sa na napínavé dobrodružstvo a dolap tajného agenta, ktorému sa v prestrojení podarilo ukradnúť štátne tajomstvo. Dokážeš zabrániť tomu, aby sa tieto citlivé informácie dostali do nesprávnych rúk?
Akčná naháňačka ulicami Bratislavy sa môže začať!
Napínavú outdoorovú escape room Lov na agenta si môžeš zahrať na vlastnom smartfóne alebo tablete, bez prítomnosti personálu. Dopraj si potrebnú dávku zdravého pohybu na čerstvom vzduchu a spoznaj zákutia Bratislavy počas tohto neopakovateľného výletu.
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Hľadáš tip na výlet s kamarátmi, láskou, rodinou alebo deťmi v okolí Bratislavy? Máme pre teba ten správny tip.
Priprav sa na zábavnú šifrovačku, ktorá ťa nielen zabaví, ale vyšperkuje aj tvoje schopnosti. Interaktívna šifrovacia hra – Lov na agenta je kombináciou escape the room, geocachingom, city huntom. Riešenie hlavolamov v exit game potrápi tvoje sivé bunky, vycibrí tvoje vlastnosti ako komunikácia, strategické a logické myslenie, preverí tímoveho ducha.
Spojenie adrenalínu, zábavy a napätia v našej mestskej hre sa postará o tvoj program či už na každej párty, narodeninovej alebo rodinnej oslave, rozlúčke so slobodou, firemnej akcii alebo na teambuilding.
City game je skvelým tipom na narodeninový darček, vianočný darček, valentínsky darček.
Originálna verzia našej exteriérovej hry – Lov na agenta je vhodná pre každého milovníka zábavy a dobdrodružstva. Pre osoby od 16 rokov. Dostupné v 2 náročnostiach – 1/3 – pre začiatočníkov a 2/3 pre pokročilých hráčov.
V prípade záujmu o firemný teambuilding nás treba kontaktovať emailom na: [email protected] escape games v Bratislave
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Hľadáš inšpiráciu na výlet s deťmi, školský či triedny výlet? Si na správnom mieste!
Rodinná verzia úniková hra– Family Lov na agenta obsahuje menej náročné hádanky a rébusy a je vhodná pre deti od 10 do 15 rokov.
Naša vonkajšia úniková izba zabaví aj to najnáročnejšie dieťa. Okrem spomínanej zábavy má hra aj vzdelávacie prvky – posilní tímovú spoluprácu detí, zlepší ich komunikačné schopnosti, vycibrí ich logické a strategické myslenie.
Rovnako ak pri originál verzií našej outdoorovej exit room hráči hrajú v tímoch. Adventure room ponúka aj možnosť hrať dueli, v ktorom proti sebe súťaží niekoľko tímov. Na vyriešenie záhady je k dispozícií 120-180 minút čistej zábavy a gradujúceho príbehu, ktorý vyvrcholí až do adrenalínového konca.
Školy pri objednávke dostanú 10% zľavu na celú objednávku. Treba nás kontaktovať emailom na: [email protected].
Neváhaj a daruj svojim blízkym nezabudnuteľný zážitok ako darček ešte dnes.
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Ten Random Lines Tag
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics/writing projects, scroll to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag people (ten if you want to follow the theme).
Tagged by @korblez and @wintersstreams (ty!)
Tagging @otemporanerys @equusgirl @drumsandwaves and ofc anyone else who wants to play along!
I'm cheating of course bc I'm allergic to writing decent sentences so:
The Seasick Pirate (Aka: Sunseeker!Kaidan's adventures in space) “This is The Waterloo, please state your name and business, we mean you no harm. I assure you we mean you no harm.” He repeated in desperation. Static answered them and, as he thought the strange spaceship was about to ram right the way through them, suddenly, there was a change in the static. “-aterooo?” Hissed a voice.
Wipe My Hands Clean - Chapter 9: The Noose Around Your Neck (Aka: Beating Sunseeker!Avitus with a baseball bat) “Then I’d say that’s not justice.” She folded her arms across her chest, letting the accusation weigh. “But besides that, I’m not willing to let the reapers claim another life. There has to come a point where they stop getting to win.”
Beyond Familiar Stars - Chapter 8: 2828 part 3, Relapse (Aka: Beating regular Avitus with the baseball bat) Did he? Did he really want to entertain that suspicion? Avitus would have liked to say that, no, he didn’t. That he knew his people were better than that but… shit. “If you’d been a month later arriving on Havarl…” He met Sara’s eyes, seeing tired resignation there and hoping she could read just the same in his. “I think you’d have found things you wouldn’t have liked.”
Follow My Lead - Chapter 4: Pleading With Powers Which Are Not Real (Aka: Beating regular Castis with that baseball bat since we own it) “His loss is a just statistic.” He finished, hating that the synthetic was right, that he did feel better for talking. “There are millions of his kind, living and dying just as he did. Billions, across every organic race, I imagine. Good people, excellent soldiers regardless of their convictions and upbringings, who will die because an uncaring force we cannot stop demands they do. I will remember Fario for the rest of my life. My daughter too, I suspect. After us though, he will be forgotten, like the rest of his kind. But when the dust settles and our ashes are blown to the wind, who will remember us all?” The hoard let him talk himself into silence, strange, glowing lights focused on him just as a living creatures eyes might. But… it was alive. They were alive, regardless of how uncomfortable that fact made him. “We will.” They said, at last. “We do not forget important data. So we will remember everyone.”
Take The Very Best Of Me (Aka: The baseball bat is hanging over Avitus' head but we haven't hit him much yet) “I’m well aware some people will think I let him stick his dick in me so he lets me talk back without consequences because that’s exactly why I did it.” His eyes were distant, glazed over with some thought he wasn’t quite willing to voice. “That doesn’t answer my question though; does it bother you personally?” It was none of his business what he got up to. Not in the slightest. But… “It does.” His mouth said, even as he’d been trying to formulate a negative response to that question.
A Little Too Much Like Me (Aka: The spectres/C-sec teambuilding paintball-playing no-reapers AU that's occupied the best half of my brain for a month now) Shepard hummed indecisively, tilting her head to one side. “Technically no. The competition isn’t over.” Ah crap. “Shepard, honey…” Garrus met her eyes, equal parts teasing and pleading — just how she liked it best. “Would you really shoot me?”
Untitled (Pre-Andromeda BFS companion piece which needs a name and a plot because it's just dialogue atm) Now he’d had time to cool off, he was doubtless worried sick about the brat. For all that Garrus had been a constant source of frustration and concern to him, Castis had still adored his son and would have done anything for him if he only asked. He likely wasn’t coping well with any part of this. “You want me to find him, don’t you?” He sighed, wishing it wasn’t so plainly what she was after. “I know you have resources at your disposition which we don’t…” She hesitated. “He doesn’t know I’ve contacted you, nor do I intend to tell him unless you want me to.” For the first time, Macen spoke, shifting uncomfortably beside him as he clearly guessed just where his thoughts were headed. “Avi…” Yeah, yeah, he knew just what he meant. Avitus cut off whatever he’d been about to come out with with a gentle headbutt and a growl to shut up before he looked back to the comms screen. “I’m sorry, Rems, I’m no longer any of that. Resigned after they tried to make me drag Saren's memory through muck to sate the damned media. I... probably don’t have much more going for me than you do right now.”
Wipe My Hands Clean - Chapter 8: The Fools Morals (Aka: Also hitting Sunseeker!Macen with a baseball bat whilst it's in hand) The old turians expression was calculating, as if this were an abstract puzzle and not a life they were talking about. “Will you commit treason for a dead man, Captain Barro?” For Avitus? He’d do it in a heartbeat and he wouldn’t regret it. Well there was a realisation. It’d been so easy, up until that point. 
A Little Too Much Like Me (again) “Sounds liberating.” Garrus felt safe admitting that much. “I don’t want to get her in trouble either but… is it egotistical that I don’t want to be my dad?” “You mean you don’t want to be sixty-three and stuck in a dead-end job with no hope of promotion because Venari Pallin knows you play house with the enemy?” Rix snorted, then looked away from him. “It’s a dream, kid, and you’ll see that eventually.” “It doesn’t look like a dream come true.” He looked down the scope once more to avoid showing how uncomfortable this conversation was rapidly becoming, as if he hadn’t been the one to make it that way.
Follow My Lead - Chapter 6: Recover Our Pride (Aka: We're here, so let's also use the baseball bat on Daddy Ryder's memory) “Ryder’s pet project?” Shepard, of all people, said, frown evident. “They made it out in time?” “I believe so.” He suddenly wondered just why the name was familiar to her. “Did you know the admiral?” “Nope.” The last syllable was pronounced with far too much disgust. “Nobody knew admiral Ryder, Castis, he never existed, legally.” That… What? “I can assure you Alec did exist.” He pointed out, trying not to be uncomfortable with that after everything. “The alliance erased every record of his career.” She said flippantly. “They were pissed after the council found out about their AI experiment on Luna, especially since it brought to light his private-sector work. So they drop-kicked him back to nowhere, stripped him of his N-designation and then gave him a dishonourable discharge to really rub salt in his wounds.”
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Imagine the thrill of the open road, the challenge of cryptic clues, and the joy of teamwork - all wrapped up in one exhilarating experience. That's what our rally teambuilding events offer across Germany and Austria.
Picture your team: 🚗 Zooming through the Bavarian countryside 🗺️ Decoding riddles in charming Austrian villages 🤝 Working together to overcome obstacles 🏆 Celebrating victories, big and small
At IMPRESS Destination Services, we believe in creating memories that last long after the engines cool down. Our rallies aren't just about reaching a destination; they're about the journey of team growth.
Ready to shift your teambuilding into high gear? Let's create an adventure your team will talk about for years to come!
Tel.: +49 (0)4105 - 770253-0
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allaboutthebay · 1 month
Team Building Meets Nature’s Splendor!
This April, the All About The Bay network took on the scenic trails of Redwood National Park for an unforgettable team-building experience! Guided by leadership coach Ramon Ramos, our day was filled with community spirit, growth, and breathtaking views. 🌿✨
From deep conversations among the towering redwoods to a delicious meal at Souley Vegan, every moment was a testament to the power of connection and collaboration. 🚶‍♂️🌳🍽️
Want to see more highlights from our adventure? Check out the full story on our blog: https://blog.allaboutthebay.org/ 📸
#TeamBuilding #RedwoodNationalPark #Leadership #Community #AllAboutTheBay
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derek6196 · 1 month
*Unlock Your Team's Full Potential with Dynamic Team Programme!*
Are you ready to transform your team into a powerhouse of collaboration and productivity? Our expert team-building services are designed to foster unity, enhance communication, and boost morale in an engaging and fun environment.
*Why Choose Our Team Programme?*
1. Tailored Programs: Our activities are customized to meet your team's unique needs and goals, ensuring maximum impact and relevance.
2. Expert Facilitators: Our experienced facilitators guide your team through exercises that build trust, improve problem-solving skills, and strengthen relationships.
3. Engaging Activities: From outdoor adventures to strategic challenges, our wide range of activities cater to diverse interests and preferences, making team-building enjoyable for everyone.
4. Proven Results: Companies that invest in team-building see increased productivity, improved employee satisfaction, and stronger organizational culture.
*What We Offer:*
1. Workshops and Seminars: Learn effective communication techniques, conflict resolution, and leadership skills.
2. Creative Challenges: Engage in creative problem-solving exercises that inspire innovation and collaboration.
3. Custom Events: Whether it's a corporate retreat or an on-site workshop, we tailor events to fit your schedule and objectives.
*Team Programme Fees $600 pax. Includes:*
1. 2 days of teambuilding activities
2. Venue - Resort Function Room
3. Food - Buffet Lunch and 2 Tea Breaks for each day
4. Customized Programme with Certified Facilitators
5. Activities need to be conducted in Singapore
*Applicable Funding:*
1. Up to 70% subsidy with Enhanced Training Support.
2. $4.50 per hour reimbursement through Absentee Payroll Funding.
3. Utilize up to $10,000 with SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (expires June 2025).
4. Tax deductions boosted to 400% of eligible training expenses under the new Enterprise
*Eligibility Criteria:*
Minimum of 30 pax
Local company (even if 100% foreigner-owned it's fine, as long as they have a UEN number it's considered local)
For more information, visit www.kashacademy.com/tb/#derekwongkokhoong
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quizboxing · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to Teambuilding in Copenhagen
Teambuilding copenhagen: Are you looking for the best ways to enhance team spirit and collaboration among your employees? Look no further than teambuilding in Copenhagen! This vibrant city offers a plethora of exciting and engaging activities that are perfect for bringing your team closer together. Whether you're a local business or planning a corporate retreat, Copenhagen has something for everyone. In this blog, we’ll explore the top teambuilding activities you can enjoy in Copenhagen.
Teambuilding is essential for fostering a collaborative and cohesive work environment. It helps in improving communication, boosting morale, and enhancing productivity. Copenhagen, with its rich history, stunning architecture, and lively culture, provides an ideal backdrop for teambuilding activities. Let’s dive into the benefits of teambuilding and discover the best activities Copenhagen has to offer.
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Benefits of Teambuilding
Teambuilding activities are more than just fun outings. They offer several significant benefits:
Improved Communication: Teambuilding activities encourage open communication and collaboration among team members.
Increased Morale: Fun and engaging activities boost team morale and create a positive work environment.
Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Many teambuilding activities require participants to work together to solve problems, enhancing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Stronger Relationships: Spending time together in a non-work setting helps team members build stronger relationships and trust.
Top Teambuilding Activities in Copenhagen
Quiz Boxing
Teambuilding copenhagen: One of the most unique teambuilding activities in Copenhagen is Quiz Boxing. This activity combines trivia and physical challenges in an exciting and competitive environment. Teams compete against each other in various rounds of trivia questions and physical tasks. Quiz Boxing is perfect for promoting teamwork, quick thinking, and physical coordination.
Location: Gothersgade 101 C - 1123 Copenhagen K Contact: Phone: +45 91565691 Email: [email protected]
Escape Rooms
Escape rooms are a popular teambuilding activity that requires participants to work together to solve puzzles and escape from a locked room within a set time limit. Copenhagen offers a variety of themed escape rooms that cater to different interests and difficulty levels. This activity enhances problem-solving skills and encourages teamwork under pressure.
Outdoor Adventures
Copenhagen's beautiful parks and waterfronts provide the perfect setting for outdoor teambuilding activities. From scavenger hunts to kayaking, there are plenty of options to choose from. Outdoor activities not only promote physical fitness but also offer a refreshing change of scenery, helping to reduce stress and increase creativity.
Planning Your Teambuilding Event
Planning a teambuilding event in Copenhagen is easy with the right resources. Here are some tips to ensure your event is a success:
Identify Your Goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your teambuilding event. Is it to improve communication, boost morale, or enhance problem-solving skills?
Choose the Right Activity: Select an activity that aligns with your goals and interests of your team.
Book in Advance: Popular teambuilding activities in Copenhagen can fill up quickly, so be sure to book in advance.
Consider Logistics: Plan the logistics such as transportation, meals, and any necessary equipment.
Gather Feedback: After the event, gather feedback from your team to understand what worked well and what can be improved for future events.
Teambuilding copenhagen: Teambuilding in Copenhagen is an excellent way to enhance team dynamics and create a more cohesive work environment. With a variety of activities to choose from, you can find the perfect fit for your team. Whether it's the thrilling Quiz Boxing, challenging escape rooms, or refreshing outdoor adventures, Copenhagen has it all. Start planning your teambuilding event today and watch your team grow stronger together.
Contact Information
For more information and to book your teambuilding event, contact us:
Address: Gothersgade 101 C - 1123 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 91565691
Explore more about teambuilding in Copenhagen and stay connected with us through our social media:
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ourbygoneage · 2 years
Chapter 9: Revelation Verse 3
Tailor slowly opened his eyes, his head pounding. He looked around, trying to figure out where he was. He was lying down in the sporting goods section of the store, with Rachelle sitting next to him, holding a wet towel against his forehead.
"Hey, Tailor, how are you feeling?" Rachelle asked, looking concerned.
Tailor groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What happened?"
"You got dehydrated while you were working on the roof and passed out," Rachelle explained. "But don't worry, we got the rest of the solar panels we needed while you were resting."
Tailor's eyes widened in surprise. "Erzabet went up to the roof?"
Rachelle nodded. "Yep, she's a pretty resourceful girl. She got the job done."
Tailor rubbed his forehead. "I'm sorry I passed out. I remember dropping some solar panels."
Rachelle smiled sympathetically. "Don't worry about it, it happens to the best of us. Besides, we got everything we need now. We just need to figure out how to get the bikes past the zombies outside."
Tailor nodded, wincing as Rachelle gently checked his scrapes. "Did Erzabet...take any nibbles while I was out?"
Rachelle laughed lightly. "No, I made sure she didn't get into any trouble. Don't worry, she's still down there working on the bikes."
Tailor sighed with relief. "Thanks, Rachelle. I appreciate it. Let's get back to work, then. We've got some zombie-infested territory to navigate."
0 notes
rt113 · 5 months
A Long Summer's Night in Scarlet
I haven't played Scarlet in a long time. When I got it, I played for maybe 5 hours before I let it slip to the wayside. But... there's a very limited-time distribution going on right now in ScarVi for a competitive Flutter Mane from a recent Korean tournament. I'm lazy when it comes to building competitive mons, and I need to complete this game. So I booted up the game and redeemed it. ... Along with five other mons whose distributions haven't ended. I love how Game Freak distributes the key team member of competitive winning teams now. I think it's such a cute way to honor their victories and as someone who enjoys competitive but hates the teambuilding aspect in-game, it makes VGC a lot more approachable.
After that, I decided I'd poke around in the game while watching video lectures.
I only have 2 badges in Scarlet, and 1 titan cleared. I have no idea where I am or what I'm doing, but I decided to wander around for a while. Scarlet truly does make the experience of catching Pokemon fun again, though it's not as addictive and enjoyable as in Legends: Arceus. I caught a box full of Pokemon and earned some rewards, cool!
I also caved and bought the DLC. I wasn't planning to, but I saw it only took up 8 megabytes of storage, and well... I want to finish Scarlet, and people have said the DLC is genuinely incredible. May as well see it for myself, right? As soon as I booted up the game again after installing my purchase, I was greeted by a request to come join the school's party for a field trip. Hmm... I don't think I'm ready for this with only two badges and none of the evil-team quests nor the titans completed. Welp, time to complete all of that before I embark on my field trip.
I started with badges. It's familiar, after all. According to maps online, I'd just left Katy's gym in Cortondo during my last play session. My Pokemon are mid-20s. I decided to head for the closest city with a gym: Alfornada, on the coast. It was a fine journey, very light and fun, until I stumbled into a cave full of level 40 Pokemon. I caught a few dragon-types. Wondering if I should become a dragon tamer in this game... but steep cliffs facing me forbid my adventure through the cave from continuing. Instead, I left the cave and took the outdoor route on my Koraidon, letting him hop down steep drops until I found a beach that connected to a land bridge going towards Alfornada. I also found a Dragonair in the water, but I can't traverse water, and couldn't bait it closer using my team. PL:A lets you cheese so much more than this...
Beaten and bruised by the overleveled Pokemon around me, my team finally made it to Alfornada. On the way, my Smoliv evolved!
I'm a little worried about being underleveled for the gym leader of Alfornada. Have I progressed here too soon? Guess we'll find out...
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