trenchcroats · 9 months
Too scared to tell the server that I don't remember watching Tinkerbell
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smithlibrary · 11 months
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Elizabeth says: Clue: The Movie released in 1985 is comedy/mystery based on the board game. This is an under appreciated American classic starring some of comedy's greatest. When I think about how it flopped at the box office it makes me so, it… it flamed… flames. FLAMES… on the side of my face.
Call number: ADVD CLU
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hccentral-jobs · 22 days
Advd Practice Clinician PRN | Vanderbilt Health
Advd Practice Clinician PRN | Vanderbilt Health Nashville, Tennessee, Discover Vanderbilt University Medical Center: Located in Nashville, Tennessee, and operating at a global crossroads of teaching, discovery, and patient care, VUMC is a community of diverse individuals who come to work each day with the simple aim of changing the world. It is a place where your expertise will be valued, your…
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serene-sun · 1 year
If I have to suffer, then all of you do too
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amateur-selfshipper · 4 years
I've been thinking more about selfship stuff n like. Tano trying to be Nne's wingman is so fucking fucking funny to me because outside of knowing what a healthy romantic relationship looks like we're all basically clueless. His idea of being a helpful wingman (winghyena? Wingmamma?) is either telling me about a time when Nne got away with something really illegal or shouting "Hey you two should kiss!" Eventually Nne just goes to Janja for help and it's like: "Hey can ask you for some advice with Dhiki?" "Nne, just because I'm dating Jasiri doesn't mean I know how." I am equally a disaster.
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flashbic · 6 years
Shout out to this defining moment of my existence
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mr-spac3ly · 3 years
So there's this older couple (65-70yrs old) that comes to my job faithfully and I've chopped it up with em on a few occasions, they're always talking about church and what-not, the other day were have a regular conversation and the husband casually throws in that he and his wife are in a swingers group with other members of the church. Cool I act like I didn't hear him cause it none of my business. I go back to doing my job and about 5 minutes go by and they're getting ready to leave advd the husband walls up to me and goes "it'd be great if you joined us" Now I'm dumb and suck at taking hints and a thousand things done popped up in my head (ADHD) in that 5 minute time frame so the whole swinger conversation practically never happened. he's talking and I'm just nodding and smiling because I'm an idiot not knowing what I'm agreeing to ATM now I have to explain to this old MF that I will not be taking him up on his offer next time I see him...
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artistinturn-blog · 4 years
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Just 41 days remaining till my Jee Advd. I gave a mock-test for Jee Mains today and I felt all out of touch with the concepts. It's like I'm deteriorating with each passing day no matter how much effort I put in. But I just can't give up yet. I have been preparing for that day for three years and I cannot lose at the end. It's just not acceptable. Starting from right now, I'm gonna make these days, the hardest working days I ever had. Let's see what's in the store of fate for me. . . . . . The Game is ON! https://www.instagram.com/p/B-mkO21p8Fr/?igshid=dfiqq21q3d5b
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erisinworld · 2 years
Three Considerations to Guide Your Purchase of a DVD Player
Is it probably true that you are saving watch for another DVD player? If you can't avoid being, you ought to be aware of the terms that people gathering, exhibiting and investigating new players use these days to portray their things. These terms show us the kind of changes that occurred with DVD advancement over the latest several years. While it seems, by all accounts, to be that these terms sound cool to the ears, only one out of every odd individual truly gets a handle on the significance behind them.
Why might it be prudent for you to have a go at learning these terms for depicting new ERISIN DVD PLAYER models? That is because the present new player is some different option from a contraption for watching movies on a DVD circle. The current player has an incomprehensibly further developed yield: crisper, all the more clear pictures and more comparable envelop sound. Today is moreover possible for new players to play CDs and sound reports of various associations going from mp3s and Windows Media Audio (WMA) records. It is even possible for you to see the value in significant standard multi-channel music with the Super Audio CD (SACD) codecs integrated into a lot of the more current DVD equipment.
However, paying little mind to what these players can do these days, what is critical is that the DVD machine that you pick should be great for your own necessities. Taking everything into account, it should be feasible with your TV set and have the outcome affiliations that will allow you to use it with your other changing media equipment.
A DVD Player that Suits Your Needs
Exactly when you search for another player, you should think about how this new piece of stuff will meet your necessities. For example, in case you have been using a VCR and will assess a DVD player curiously, it very well may be truly shrewd for you to buy a DVD/VCR combo player. This combo player will allow you to take advantage of the extraordinary sound and video quality that a DVD player offers yet without basically throwing out your old videocassettes.
Besides, it is also doable for you to record your #1 TV shows using both DVD circles and VHS tapes using your combo player. Thusly, you can change and update your entire VHS combination over totally to DVD. It is moreover useful for you to participate in your music CDs with your combo player.
On the other hand, if you are a progressive voyager and you like watching films all over town, you will require a minimized player. The helpful DVD unit is nearly nothing, lightweight and incredibly decreased. Many are worked with twofold headphones so you can participate in your movies and your music with someone else all the while. Various minimal DVD players are in like manner vehicle warm, made with vehicle mounting units, battery-controlled batteries and a huge gathering of other wonderful components that will help you with participating in your movies to the most elevated level of even while you are journeying.
Your DVD Player's Compatibility with Your TV
Before you buy another DVD unit, you similarly need to consider the TV set that you at this point have. That is because most DVD gear today either work with unrivaled quality (HD) TV sets, or on the other hand if nothing else further developed definition (ED) ones. You ought to get a player that works with your TV set.
For instance, expecting you have a HD TV set, the DVD gear you ought to get should similarly be HD. This will ensure that you will get most outrageous execution out of your HD DVD. However, if you can't buy a HD DVD player, then you ought to fundamentally get a player that works with video up-change. This kind of player will regardless convey DVD video as close to your HD TV's objective as could truly be anticipated. The sign stays progressed, awesome and clear.
Regardless, expecting your TV is the EDTV type, you ought to get aDVD moderate player. A steadily advancing check DVD will help with showing the photos you are looking as one single edge rather than separating it into two separate fields. Likewise, the image won't streak so a ton and will show much more sharp detail. If your TV isn't even EDTV, then you should consider buying one more TV set close by your new player.
In case refreshing your TV set isn't possible, then, at that point, your decision will be to buy a DVD player that can do 480i joined clear to help it with working with more settled TV sets. Moderate range TV yields are 480p.
Your DVD Player's Connections
The last thing you need to consider is the affiliations open on the DVD player you are buying. It ought to have something like three video yields - composite, part and S-video - so you can connect it with your other differing media equipment, for instance, your sound framework, your camera, your PC and your gaming console. These video results will moreover help you with making the most out of the video quality breaking point that your DVD player can give.
If your TV set is worked with only the radio wire style RF input, it will be essential for you to have a RF modulator related between your TV and your DVD player. Another decision would get a DVD/VCR combo player since this sort of DVD player in like manner works with RF yields.
 Concerning sound outcome, the current DVD units are worked with either coaxial or optical outcome, or a portion of the time both. The DVD player's modernized outcome will make it prepared for sending DTS or Dolby Digital signs, which are pivotal for playing multichannel envelop sound for watching DVDs.
For more details, visit us :
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wiosennarosa · 3 years
katshsysbsrSuwsnsgyqnsgsgqt advd du
no words can describe how i feel rn
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newdeobis · 3 years
hello! so sorry to ask this but idk where else but do you know how to find those ns*w accs on twt but w tbz and fem person HHDKDK but like videos since i just keep seeing tbz mxm GAGFHDJF THANK YOU IN ADVD
I'm not sure :/ haven't seen one since 2019 tbh, sorry honey
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smithlibrary · 10 hours
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Megan says: The first Halloween movie is quintessential Halloween terror. It is a true classic. I watch it every haunting season.
Call Number: ADVD HAL
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hccentral-jobs · 2 months
Advd Practice Clinician PRN | Vanderbilt Health
Advd Practice Clinician PRN | Vanderbilt Health Nashville, Tennessee, Discover Vanderbilt University Medical Center: Located in Nashville, Tennessee, and operating at a global crossroads of teaching, discovery, and patient care, VUMC is a community of diverse individuals who come to work each day with the simple aim of changing the world. It is a place where your expertise will be valued, your…
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greta-du-limousin · 4 years
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Certification Assistant de vie dépendance (ADVD)
L’Assistant de vie dépendance accompagne des personnes dont l’autonomie est altérée dans la réalisation des actes essentiels de la vie quotidienne. L’assistant de vie dépendance travaille en autonomie et gère son activité, le plus souvent auprès de plusieurs employeurs.
Financez votre formation : Les financements.
Pour tout renseignement : contactez-nous.
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sayfbh · 4 years
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‏‎#سيوف_البحرين ‪#sayfbh #الإمارات ‫#البحرين ‫#السعودية ‫#عمان ‫ #قطر ‫#الكويت ‫#الخليج_العربي ‏⁧‫#البحرين‬⁩ ⁧‫#المحرق‬⁩ ⁧‫#المنامة‬⁩ ⁧‫#الشمالية‬⁩ ⁧‫#مدينة_حمد‬⁩ ⁧‫#الحد‬⁩ ⁧‫#عراد‬⁩ ‏⁧‫#الأردن ‬⁩ ⁧‫#الجزائر‬⁩ ⁧‫#السودان‬⁩ ⁧‫#المغرب‬⁩ ‏ ⁧‫#اليمن‬⁩ ⁧‫#تونس ‬⁩ ⁧‫#سوريا ‬⁩ ⁧‫#فلسطين‬ ‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/CBqy8y-Advd/?igshid=1mixp0g8sixsg
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