#adult swi
beetlelunch · 4 months
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oblivionfilmclub · 2 years
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This was such an odd and bizzaro experience, but overall I had a good time, you think your watching a Yule log burning on an open fire; but it turns into something so ridiculous that it works. If you like campy horror this is a must watch.   
 Rating: ★★★
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jalwyn21 · 7 months
I just read a swiftie say that liking Joe for his intelligence, manners and elegance is “sexist and classist” lmaoo they’re really saying random words at this point 🤣
No way! OMG! 😹 Oh, this is about to be a very long rant, Nonnie!
Let's address the classism first. Where do I even begin. Intelligence is the result of genetics and education. So, intelligence has nothing to do with classism. Money will buy you a book but won't read it for you. 🤓 You have to put in the work to actually have a good education. And you can have an excellent education without money. That's what libraries, bursaries and scholarships are for. Plenty of rich people out there, dumb and ignorant, because they won't do the work required for a good education. And even more people from a humble background who are very intelligent and well educated .
So Joe should absolutely be admired, liked and praised for his intelligence because he put effort into being the intelligent man he is today. Yes, he was born with a high IQ I'm sure and into a wealthy family, but it was HIS choice not to waste his potential and his privileges.
Now about his manners and elegance. One word for this is "gentleman". And, yes, Joe is a perfect gentleman. Manners maketh man, eh… 😼 This is 100% not a result of classism. This is completely a result of personal choices and personal efforts.
It's offensive to claim that only wealthy people can behave in a classy and elegant manner.
Joe wakes up every day and decides to be a kind and classy man, a gentleman. And I can't even imagine how hard it must be for him to be a gentleman some days, if you know what I mean. 🙄 And yet Joe does it every single day. 7 years and not a wrong step. Anyone can be good once, but Joe is good all the time. Every single day! We should absolutely like, admire and praise Joe for his beautiful character because he built the beautiful character he has now. And I'm sure he is still building.
You know what is classist? Mocking Joe for having less money than TS and TK. Or for taking the tube... That is classist.
And what on earth has sexism got to do with intelligence, manners or elegance. 🙄 All humans should work towards being intelligent and classy and having good manners. You should want to be the best human you can be. No?
This sounds like a swi*ftie got offended that people think TK is stupid and TS is tacky. I mean, if the glove fits… 🙄🙄🙄 Also it's an attempt at saying: don't hold adults responsible for their behavior, because… insert buzzwords… 🙄🙄🙄 Trying to drag Joe down to elevate your faves is pathetic. But then, swi*fties and shame are 2 parallel lines.
In conclusion, we should all like,admire and celebrate Joe for his intelligence, his impeccable manners and his dignity in all of this. He is earning our admiration every day. 🥰
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American Honey 🐝💛 | Don't Mind the Static, it's Automatic
This isn't exactly what I would call 'well written' as I'm just skipping through the first movie to get the ship introduction down. I also don't really know any terminology for things so...
Picrew | Showstopper by TobyMac | Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Bee isn't quite sure where they're going, but Sam seems excited to get there.
They pull up outside an apartment building and Sam lays on the horn a few times. A few minutes later a girl comes out and when she gets closer he realizes she's a lot cuter than the other humans he's seen.
He gets a little nervous as she steps around, appraising him.
"Shit Witwicky," She chuckles, leaning on her arms in the open window, "Picked a pretty thing didn't you?"
He startles and his horn goes off in a short burst, scaring all of them.
"It's got some kinks but I think it's great!" Sam grins, "I just wanted to come show off and say thanks for the five hundred bucks you gave me for my birthday."
"Ah, it's no problem kid," She pats his door, "How's it handle?"
"You wanna take her for a spin? You would know better than me."
"Lemme go grab a jacket and I might just take you up on that,"
She runs back inside and comes back with a red leather jacket, a pair of heart sunglasses, and a denim backpack.
His radio blares to life, "Oh see that girl! - I'll be your Honeybee!"
"What's with the radio?" She asks, opening the driver's side door, "Move."
Sam fumbles with a tape she tosses at him before looking at it confused.
"You just gonna stare at it or you gonna put it in, Witwicky?"
"Maybe I don't want to infect my car with your bad taste?"
"You wouldn't know good music if it bit you in the ass, put the damn tape in," She scoffs, throwing him in reverse and taking off.
"You know, maybe you don't have any other friends 'cause you're too bossy- would you slow down?"
They go back and forth for a while until they hit the dirt roads then the girl lays on the gas, laughing when Sam gets scared.
"Casey- CASEY fuck!" He screams, grabbing onto whatever he can reach when they take a hard turn, kicking up a cloud of dirt behind them, "Case, it's my car. Don't break it- I just got it!"
"Don't be a pussy, Sam!"
They catch air time when they crest a small hill and Bee's shrills of approval are drowned out by the music and his engine.
After a while, they drift to a stop at a lookout over the city.
Sam kicks open the passenger side door and storms around the hood, throwing open the driver's side, and yanking her out of the seat.
"I am never letting you drive my car again!"
"Calm down, kiddo," She shrugs him off and hops up to sit on his hood, "She runs fine and she'll keep running fine, breathe."
"And let's not forget I paid for an eighth of this car, Sammy."
"No," He argues, leaning next to her, "You gave me a present. I could have done anything with that money."
"Yeah, whatever LadiesMan... You have any luck with that Mikayla chick yet?"
"No, not yet- wait! Mikayla- shit!" He pulls her off the hood and shoves her toward the passenger side, "I was gonna go drive to the lake and-"
"Hey, stop pushing! If I get in, please don't tell me how you plan on wooing her, okay?"
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She's at her friend Erik's the next night and finds herself far too high to drive. So, like the responsible adult she is, she decides to walk two blocks alone at night to crash at the Witwicky place instead.
But as soon as she sneaks past the gate she freezes at the sight of a bunch of giant robots all over his lawn.
"S-s-s-sam!" She can't get her voice past a loud whisper but it's enough to get their attention.
"We have an infiltrator. Shall I disbatch?" One asks, pointing some kind of canon at her.
A smaller one steps in front of her, waving its hands discouragingly at the other.
"Bumblebee, do you know this human?" The biggest asks and the yellow one glances back at her and nods its head.
She's about to book it back to Erik's when the yellow one transforms into a bright new Camero, the radio switching between stations.
"Oh, see that girl - I'll be your honeybee!" It plays softly and a spark of recognition is visible in her eyes. The driver's side door opens, "Get in - I'll explain later."
She hesitates, still considering running, but then the radio plays, "C'mon - Showstopper!"
"I am way too high for this," She mutters, getting in the car.
The big one signals for the group to fall back. 'Fall back' to where she doesn't know, but she doesn't get to ask before she lets out a terrified squeak when one of them walks into the powerlines and falls into the neighbor's garden.
"Calm down - it's alright! - Breathe, breathe, just breathe."
She nods and takes a deep breath, and he finds the way she still grips the seat adorable.
They can all hear Sam's parents yelling and he feels bad scaring her, but he has to turn back from his alt form to hide, quickly shuffling her onto the patio next to him where she won't be seen.
In the confusion of it all, she's left there and she hurries inside, giving his parents some bullshit excuse of her car having a flat nearby and her phone being dead.
"What the fuck is with your car, Witwicky?" She whisper-shouts at him in the kitchen, "What? You're hanging out with Jaegers now?"
"I can't- I can't do this right now. I just-" He digs through his bag, "I need you two to distract my parents while I sneak this out to them, okay?"
"I'm Mikayla," The girl on the other side of him says, offering a hand.
"Oh you're Mikayla," She almost exclaims, eyes wide, "I'm Casey, but people call me CC."
The three of them pile out of the kitchen to one Agent Simmons hassling his parents and Casey is swept up with them in their unmarked black government car, but not before she wriggles out of the grip of one of Simmon's men and decks him for being to rough. She goes down hard when he hits her back and is pretty out of it for a good part of the ride.
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By the time they get Bee from the Sector 7 goons, Casey has been properly caught up and, thanks to Sam's quick thinking, her assault officially never happened.
It isn't until after they get their hands on the Cube does Bee really look at his human charges. Casey's left cheek has a large, dark bruise where the agent had hit her and he is pissed.
He chirps at her and tries to use his finger to tilt her face up to look at it better, "God help - the motherfucker who - did this."
"H-hey!" She chuckles awkwardly, pushing his hand away, "I'm all good. We've got bigger things to worry about."
The drive to LA is longer and more treacherous than anyone involved would like and Case has the hardest time not freaking out during her anxiety attack
Everyone is shocked, including her, when she becomes one of the most level-headed person there when the whole place turns into a warzone.
When Lenox sends Sam off alone to get the cube out, she insists on going with him, going as far as taking a gun from a soldier who no longer needs it.
She may not be his real big sister, but she's fiercely protective of him.
She ends up crashing through three floors when Megatron knocks Sam off and the fight is done by the time she hobbles back down to ground level.
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Everyone tries to get back to normal after.
Casey and Bee end up getting a lot closer and even sneak out for late-night drives together.
That is until her great-aunt dies and leaves her vast estate on the East Coast to her and she moves.
But I'm sure fate has more in store for them.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 11 months
Things To Think About For Characters (Clara Clawthorne [My Wittewife] 🧡 🤎 🧹 💟)
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Commission artworks are here, here, and here.
• Do they have allergies? (Nope. She's happy to have no allergies to anything, especially nature, as she loves it so much.)
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• What foods will they not touch? (Sour or spicy foods. They're bad for her tongue. Also, yuck. Her words btw. Oh, and rotten foods, for obvious reasons.)
• What kind of music do they like? (Medieval / Bardcore pop music! Those music genres were really popular during her time. Examples are here and here.)
• How are they around new people? (Very friendly and outgoing! Clara loves meeting new people!)
• Do they speak in an accent? (She has a cute American accent! Very upbeat and bubbly and a little high pitched! She sounds like a M/y L/ittle Pon/y character lol. Speaking of m/lp, here's her voice. I ❤️ T/ara S/trong.)
• Have they tried learning a new language? (Not really, but she would be delighted to learn if given the chance! If she did, she would have a really tough time at first with the new language, but she would get the hang of it over time.)
• How many languages do they know? (Only one, and it's English.)
• What is a song that will always make them cry? (This one. Tears of joy btw lol.)
• How do they cry? heaving? silently? sobbing? (All three, but it really depends on the situation.)
• How do they dress? for practicality or fashion? (I'll say practical since Clara wears pretty practical clothing.)
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• What is the first thing they notice about a stranger? (Their smile! [if they're smiling.] If not, then their face and demeanor.)
• What is their humour like? (Silly, goofy, and random lol.)
• do they have scars? what caused them? (She has zero scars.)
• do they wear jewelry? (During her shore trips, she wears the jewelries she discovers and advertises them at her knick knack stand at the town marketplace.)
• are they a frivolous spender or a miser? (FRIVOLOUS SPENDER. SHE LOVES TO SHOP, SHOP, SHOP! You could say she's "a bit" of a shopaholic lol.)
• do they prefer luxury or practicality? (Luxury can be nice and does have its perks, but she prefers practicality.)
• Who would they quote? (Tay/lor Swi/ft I think. 99% of her quotes are positive. This one would be her fav lol.)
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• what could make them change their mind? (Puppy dog eyes or treating her to something sweet lol. If you want a more serious answer, I say having a respectful conversation and finding common ground with her.)
• Who is the first person they'd call? (Scrolls weren't a thing back then, but if they were, I'd say her her ma / mother.)
• how are they around animals? do they have pets? (Clara exhibits kindness and love towards animals, and she has a blue jay palisman named Syrup as a pet.)
• What is their favourite childhood food? (Fairy fresh fairy bread lol. It's a very whimsical treat [it's sliced white bread slathered in butter and sprinkled with fairy dust] that Little Clara loved! She still loves it even as an adult.)
• what is something they've never told anyone? (Spoiler for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human".😭)
• childhood friends? (She had some! Can't go too into detail about them though cuz spoiler for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human".😭)
• what are habits they've picked up from other people? (Thanks to Caleb, Clara has become accustomed to carrying a carving knife with her.)
• what are their guilty pleasures? (I don't think she has any. If Clara likes something, she likes it and it doesn't cause her guilt. <3)
• what is something they're staunchly against? (The witch hunts that Caleb talked about that the humans in his realm engage in are definitely something she opposes.)
• do they speak a certain way? do they use contractions? popular turns of phrase? (She speaks normally. Also, she would use the popular phrases of her time.)
• can they fall in love? what does it look like? does it differ between people -- friends vs family? (Yes for the first question! She fantasizes about finding her one true love, so it's possible for her to fall in love and be in love lol. But the other stuff I can't answer cuz spoiler for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human".😭)
• what would they rather die than do? (Spoiler for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human".😭)
• what is their biggest mistake? one that they look out to never do again. (Spoiler for "A Winsome Witch And A Happy Human".😭)
Sorry to end on a 'sorry spoiler' text, but yeah. 😅
tagging @princessrainbowpastel (her oc is on @persephoneflowerpetals), @queenspinoodle, @elusive---ivory, @nightsoulvixen (her oc is on @rizzocloverrpcorner), and @azure-blaze92 (he / they have an oc here)
The tag is also open to anyone who wants to do this, and you don't have to answer these questions with an oc if you don't want to (you can use a canon character as well). 💖 💗 💕
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I have… some thoughts about NMH3 after becoming ranked 7th… sooo NMH3 spoilers undercut + impressions/musings/questions that will probably be never answered.
Vanishing Point is really cute and I’m mad that they wasted a perfectly good character design. I really was looking forward to fighting him :(
I knew Kimmy Love was making an appearance but I didn’t actually think that you’d have a boss fight with her, that she’d be an optional boss fight after you beat Vanishing Point - but no that’s not the case.
I want to know who Damon is talking with in the visual novel styled cutscenes. There are so many options as to who it is, but it might be awhile until we get actual answers :(
Was looking forward to unlocking a new area of the map (Call of Battle) and I kinda laughed at how it’s obviously a parody of Call of Duty series but then I wasn’t laughing when I actually entered the overworld. The environment is desolate, lots of building rubble, it’s like a damn war zone - (I assume FU’s work)
A small criticism of Call of Battle is that I don’t really like the filter, it makes navigating really confusing/nauseating. I kinda fell asleep while initially talking a look around on this area, so uh.. yeah :/ (also highly recommend using your marker on your map to help find landmarks of interest)
Why was Vanishing Point at Kimmy Love/Howell’s concert?? Because it’s obvious he’s not a pop music fan and was there to actually kill Kimmy but Kimmy got to him first.
Also if Vanishing Point is significant enough to steal people’s memories, does that also include the people who are at the concert??
Kimmy Howell/Kimmy Love dying at her own concert performance is really sad. It’s obvious she still hasn’t let go of her infatuation with Travis and that she’s still that 17 year old high school student who’s desperate to prove herself to everyone around her - which hurts even more when now as an adult she’s a popstar with the same star power and loyal fanbase like Tay///lor Swi///ft does (they even name drop her). Killing her in the end felt really unsatisfying in a narrative sense in that we have no idea what happened to Kimmy during the big timeskip.
Also wouldn’t there be backlash from Travis killings Kimmy LIVE during her own concert performance?? (Note: she invited him as a VIP guest and actively asked him to a ranking fight on stage)
The actual fight with Kimmy isn’t that bad but the her stranglehold quick time event got me 99.5% of the time and I’m not good with reaction timing in my games.
What happened at Call of Battle? Because there’s a lot of rubble, and last standing structures of buildings, anti tank barriers, trenches and other military equipment etc. is this like, important to the narrative or is this just a thing where players need to piece the story together themselves?
How many other bosses are going to be ‘fake out’ bosses for a completely different character?? I have a feeling that Velvet Chair Girl and maybe the second boss might be ‘fake out’ bosses.
It would be nice to have optional dlc of being able to challenge the fake out bosses that were killed by real bosses.. it definitely won’t happen but it’s a nice thought :)
I know I should always expect the unexpected but I was really really looking forward to Vanishing Point and watching him die in a cutscene kinda just.. left me really flabbergasted and just kind of annoyed.
Obvs I don’t hate the game, I just think there are better ways to use these characters for the narrative.
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white-persian-cat · 6 months
Acana Cat Food Review 2024: Best Providing Premium Nutrition for Your Feline Friends
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Acana Cat Food Review 2024: Best Providing Premium Nutrition for Your Feline Friends
9 April 2024 by whitepersiancat.com
Acana Cat Food Review 2024: When it comes to ensuring the health and well-being of our beloved feline companions, choosing the right food is paramount. With so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to find a brand that offers both quality and nutrition. One such brand that has been gaining popularity among cat owners is Acana Cat Food.
Table of Contents
Acana Cat Food Review 2024
Quality Ingredients in Acana Cat Food
Product Range and Varieties
Benefits of Acana Cat Food
Customer Reviews and Feedback
Comparison with Other Cat Food Brands
Sustainability and Ethical Practices
Tips for Choosing the Right Acana Formula
How to Transition Your Cat to Acana Food
Is Acana cat food suitable for all life stages?
Does Acana cat food contain any artificial additives or preservatives?
Can cats with food sensitivities or allergies eat Acana cat food?
Where is Acana cat food manufactured?
Is Acana cat food environmentally friendly?
Acana Cat Food Review 2024
Acana is a renowned Canadian pet food brand known for its commitment to providing high-quality nutrition for cats and dogs. Founded in 1985, the company has since established itself as a leader in the pet food industry, focusing on creating biologically appropriate diets inspired by the natural diet of animals in the wild.
Quality Ingredients in Acana Cat Food
Acana takes pride in using only the finest and freshest ingredients in their cat food formulas. Their recipes are crafted with a variety of locally sourced proteins such as free-run chicken, wild-caught fish, and grass-fed lamb, ensuring a high protein content essential for feline health. Acana Cat Food Review 2024.
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Product Range and Varieties
Acana offers a diverse range of cat food options to cater to the unique needs and preferences of different felines. Whether your cat prefers wet or dry food, Acana has you covered. Their product line includes grain-free options for cats with food sensitivities, as well as specialty formulas designed for kittens, adults, and senior cats.
Benefits of Acana Cat Food
One of the key benefits of feeding your cat Acana food is its ability to promote healthy digestion. The high-quality ingredients and limited fillers in Acana formulas make it easier for cats to digest, reducing the risk of digestive issues such as bloating and diarrhea. Acana Cat Food Review 2024.
Furthermore, Acana cat food is formulated to support overall wellness and vitality in cats of all ages. With a balanced blend of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, Acana provides the essential nutrients your cat needs to thrive and lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
Customer Reviews and Feedback
Cat owners who have switched to Acana cat food often rave about the positive changes they have noticed in their pets. Many report shinier coats, increased energy levels, and improved digestive health after making the switch to Acana. Additionally, the brand has garnered praise for its transparency and commitment to quality. Acana Cat Food Review 2024
Comparison with Other Cat Food Brands
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Sustainability and Ethical Practices
Acana is dedicated to sustainability and ethical practices throughout the production process. They work closely with local farmers and suppliers to source ingredients responsibly, minimizing their environmental impact and supporting local communities. Acana Cat Food Review 2024.
Tips for Choosing the Right Acana Formula
When choosing an Acana formula for your cat, consider factors such as your cat’s age, activity level, and any specific dietary needs or preferences. Acana offers a variety of options to suit different lifestyles, so take the time to read the labels and choose a formula that best meets your cat’s requirements.
How to Transition Your Cat to Acana Food
If you’re planning to switch your cat to Acana food, it’s essential to do so gradually to avoid any digestive upset. Start by mixing a small amount of Acana food with your cat’s current food and gradually increase the proportion over the course of a week until they are fully transitioned to the new diet.
Also Read: Pumba Cat Price in India 2024: Understanding Costs and Considerations Also Read: Affordable Doll Face Persian Cat Price in Bangalore 2024
Acana Cat Food Review 2024: Acana cat food offers a premium nutrition solution for cat owners who prioritize quality and natural ingredients. With a wide range of formulas tailored to different life stages and dietary needs, Acana provides cats with the essential nutrients they need to thrive. By choosing Acana, you can feel confident that you’re providing your feline friend with the best possible diet for a happy and healthy life.
Is Acana cat food suitable for all life stages?
Acana offers formulas tailored to different life stages, including kittens, adults, and seniors.
Does Acana cat food contain any artificial additives or preservatives?
No, Acana cat food is free from artificial additives, colors, and preservatives, ensuring a natural and wholesome diet for your cat.
Can cats with food sensitivities or allergies eat Acana cat food?
Acana offers grain-free options suitable for cats with food sensitivities or allergies, although individual reactions may vary.
Where is Acana cat food manufactured?
Acana cat food is proudly made in the company’s state-of-the-art kitchens in Canada, using only the finest locally sourced ingredients.
Is Acana cat food environmentally friendly?
Yes, Acana is committed to sustainability and ethical practices throughout the production process, minimizing their environmental impact.
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Sunrise Dream World Resort, Bilochi, Jaipur – widely known as ‘Sapno Ri Dhanii’, is an world-class amusement park portraying mountain views in the backdrops and spread over a huge green area in and around the Oxygen Valley. An adventure zone where Water Park, Amusement park, countryside culture multi-cultural cuisines met. Sunrise Dream  Click now Jaipur resort for children. World Resort, is the one only Resort in this part of India where guests can enjoy limit-less activities Amenities. It offers a wide array of Indoor outdoor Entertainment activities Amenities like Well-equipped suites, Water Park and Swimming Pool, Rain-Water Dance with DJ water Slides, Amusement Park with Fun Rides Games, Delicious Multi Cuisine Food. Traditional cultural events like Rajasthani-Gujrati folk music, folk dance and fire dance, which are secure hygienic and makes every age-group guest happy and comfortable via these seamless outdoor and indoor activities. The Sunrise Dream World Resort is situated at the outskirt of the Pink city Jaipur on The Golden triangle. It takes approximate 3 hrs. Drive from the Delhi IGI Airport 45 minutes’ drive from Sanganer airport Jaipur. Click more update indian village resort jaipur.
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Sunrise Dream World – Sapno Ri Dhani is the only Resort in North India where guests can enjoy limitless activities and amenities like Well-equipped Rooms, Water Park and Swimming Pool, Rain Water Dance with DJ and Slides, Amusement Park with Fun Rides and Games, Delicious Multi Cuisine Food, Traditional Cultural Events like Rajasthani, Gujarati Folk Culture, Fire Dance etc in a single incredible place. Click more update best hotels or resorts in jaipur
Spread over an area of 10+ acres on the foothills of the Aravali Range, Sunrise Dream World ensures that our guests spend their time in a greenery-rich, clean environment, away from the hustle bustle of everyday city life with unmatched hospitality for an unforgettable experience. Click now jaipur luxury resorts
Also available are many more enjoyable activities like DJ Nights, Amphitheatre Events, Video Games, Swings and Rides, Camel Cart and Horse Riding etc. for our esteemed guests. 
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swissforextrading · 11 months
High times in Basel: Swiss city experiments with recreational cannabis
Switzerland has launched legal cannabis experiments in various cities this year to assess the benefits of regulating the supply of the recreational drug. SWI swissinfo.ch visited the city of Basel, where cannabis is available in some pharmacies, to find out how the first pilot scheme is going. “I’d like some Purple Gas, please,” says *Markus, flashing his ID at the man behind the counter of the Klybeck pharmacy in central Basel. The pony-tailed chemist nods and disappears into the back of his store. He returns to the counter and scans a small brightly coloured packet. “That’ll be CHF50 ($54), please.” The “Swiss-certified cannabis” label on the packet gives the game away. Markus has just bought 5 grams of 12% THC weed for his personal use. He is one of 370 adults taking part in Basel’s “Weed Care” scheme – a 2.5-year recreational pot smoking study. Its aim is to examine the impact of regulated cannabis supply on the health and consumption behaviour of users with a view to... https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/sci-tech/high-times-in-basel--swiss-city-experiments-with-recreational-cannabis/48928032?utm_campaign=swi-rss&utm_source=multiple&utm_medium=rss&utm_content=o (Source of the original content)
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exploreworldwithme · 2 years
London Learns | Swinging for Joy | Official Trailer 1
The story encourages readers to care for others and to be hopeful, reminding us that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life. This heartwarming tale is sure to inspire both children and adults alike to spread joy wherever they go."
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tech-blog987 · 2 years
Ayurvedic Treatment For Skin Diseases
The fitness and well-being of our our bodies rely closely on our pores and skin. Our pores and skin unifies the whole thing of our frame “below one roof.” Skin can discover pressure, temperature, and discomfort. It is susceptible to accidents at the interior in addition to the outside. Skin situations are a signal of inner fitness issues. Unbalanced inner chemistry indicates itself at the pores and skin. According to ayurveda, pores and skin situations are delivered on through a doshic imbalance, as a result remedy makes a speciality of restoring the person`s concord and balance.
Common pores and skin situations and breathing issues which includes hives, eczema, hay fever, asthma, and many others. are manifestations of allergic reactions. Redness, itching, raised pimples, swelling, pores and skin cracking, pores and skin peeling, and different signs are a number of the standard symptoms and symptoms of an hypersensitive reaction to the pores and skin. Ayurveda is appeared because the finest remedy for pores and skin allergic reactions in men, women, and youngsters because it makes use of herbal herbs and treatments to therapy the pores and skin completely and provide long-time period comfort.
Skin allergic reactions, in line with Ayurveda, end result from terrible digestion. Due to the digestive system’s dysfunction, a few chemical compounds, including pollen and dust, would possibly make human beings extra touchy and cause an hypersensitive reaction. As a end result, each time an man or woman is uncovered to allergens, their doshas are impacted (end up imbalanced), and the poisons generated due to the imbalanced doshas subsequently bring about substantial signs. As an illustration, if the pitta dosha is disturbed, it’s going to emit a heated poison that accumulates in deep tissue including the nourishing plasma (Rasa), blood (Rakta), muscles (Mamsa), and lymphatic (Lasika). Such chemical compounds purpose infection in deeper tissues, which reasons some of pores and skin hypersensitivity signs to emerge.
The 5 maximum customary styles of pores and skin sicknesses are proven below.
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Dermatitis from touch
Yeast Infection
Acne is a pores and skin circumstance that nearly anybody offers with sooner or later of their lives. Patchy, oily, and sometimes heated or uncomfortable pores and skin are the effects. In the dermis close to hair follicles, numerous hormones stimulate the oil glands to provide extra oil (unusual sebum). The characteristic acnes, a generally innocent pores and skin bacterium, is altered through this aberrant sebum, which makes it extra competitive and reasons swelling and pus.
Eczema The pores and skin will become dry, itchy, and cracked due to the pores and skin sickness called atopic eczema. Infants are much more likely to accumulate atopic eczema, which regularly occurs earlier than their first birthday. But for the primary time, it could additionally appear to adults. Even aleven though it is a continual circumstance, a few children can outgrow it completely as they get older. Children are maximum normally laid low with it on their faces, scalps, backs of knees, insides of elbows, and fingers. Atopic eczema patients generally revel in intervals of each intense flare-ups and little discomfort.
Contact Dermatitis Eczema called touch dermatitis is as a result of getting into touch with a selected substance and absolutely is going away if the cause is recognized and avoided. Skin this is itchy, burning, dry, and cracked effects from touch dermatitis. Darker pores and skin can flip darkish brown, purple, or grey, even as lighter pores and skin can flip red. This response regularly happens hours or days after being uncovered to an allergen or irritant. Although any a part of the frame can revel in signs, the fingers and face are the maximum regularly affected.
Fungal Infection Jock itch, athlete’s foot, and different fungi-associated ailments are easy to accumulate and switch to others. Fungi are smooth to deal with seeing that they not often penetrate deeper than the pores and skin’s floor in wholesome persons.
Hives Rashes and hives generally disappear inside some hours to three days. You get hives while some thing makes your pores and skin create lots of histamine and different substances. Triggers are the matters that make this appear.
Ayurvedic Ways to Get Rid of Skin Allergies
Lepam remedy is likewise anti inflammatory and enables to offer comfort from ache as a result of irritation and to lessen swelling of the affected component. The system entails the usage of a paste crafted from herbs this is carried out to the affected frame component. Lepam is an natural paste this is carried out externally to the affected area. The natural powder and medium for making the paste are selected primarily based totally at the man or woman`s fitness. The natural paste is made through deciding on herbs which can be suitable for the pathology and Doshas involved. The Lepam acts as a pores and skin exfoliant. It aids withinside the cleaning and smoothing of the pores and skin. The herbs withinside the Lepam useful resource in blood circulate and pores and skin nourishment.
Snehapana: Snehan is the usage of medicated oils, both internally or topically (oleation). Snehan refers back to the ingestion of medicinal fat or the utility of oil to the pores and skin for a fixed length of time. A panchkarma remedy that gives a holistic and methodical technique to deep-cleaning the frame through draining pollution out on the cell level. Snehapanam remedy may be made with both vegetable or animal oils, including Mahua, mustard, sesame, Bahera, Erand, and Karanj.
Rathamokshan: Raktamokshana, or bloodletting, is an effective blood purification method that entails the elimination of small quantities of unclean blood in a regulated way with a view to neutralise gathered poisons. When rakta and pitta poisoning has reached a factor wherein herbs or different remedies are now not effective, raktamokshan involves the rescue.
Parisheka Sweda is a shape of a sweating remedy in which warm or heat Vata or Vata-Kapha balancing medicated drinks like natural decoction, processed milks, processed buttermilk and many others are stream, poured or sprinkled over the bothered component retaining a steady and uninterrupted go with the drift from a positive pre -constant height.
The number one health technique for dealing with situations and sicknesses of the pores and skin is ayurveda. In order to deal with pores and skin issues, Ayurveda takes a holistic technique. Every Ayurvedic remedy and piece of recommendation is unique. We advocate you to time table a session with one in all our professional ayurveda physicians at Kerala Ayurvedic Centre Dubai to discover a whole therapy on your pores and skin sickness signs.
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finnisterre · 7 years
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Hey guys look I drew my ricksona
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libraryofsports · 5 years
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awakingdreamer · 6 years
"bump #5 - [broken]" by Birocratic
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curiocentre · 3 years
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loosesodamarble · 3 years
Oh, wow! Congratulations on reaching 200 followers!!! May I please have a scenario, for your event, where the reader and Gojo Satoru go on a park date at night, like, to swing on the swings and play around while eating candy, etc.
Hello Anon! Thank you so much for your patience regarding your request. But now it's here for you to enjoy!
This piece turned out much longer than I expected because the banter with Satoru was so much fun to write. It was a balance of the s/o enabling and balancing out Satoru's eccentric nature.
Summary: You and Satoru rendezvous at a local park and while you're skeptical at first, you find yourself enjoying his company as always.
Word count: ~1000
You checked your phone for the time, you were punctual. Then your surroundings, a local park. Now all you needed was the man who asked for this rendezvous, your boyfriend Satoru. It took some wandering around the park to find Satoru sitting atop the monkey bars on the playground. A plastic shopping bag hung from his hand.
“Hey there, babe! Looking good tonight!” Satoru greeted you with a wave.
“Satoru, what are you doing here?” you asked while climbing to join him.
The man threw his head back and laughed, as if you had told a joke. “We’re here for a date, obviously!”
You raised a brow. “Okay but why choose this place? We’re adults!”
Satoru shrugged. “The ambiance of a distant childhood and lost innocence seemed interesting.”
The way he said that with a straight face was… Certainly not the weirdest words to come from Satoru but noteworthy nonetheless. In fact, you let out a snort. Satoru grinned like an imp and snuck a kiss on the tip of your nose. He then threw himself from the top of the monkey bars and landed with ease.
“So, slide or swing first?” he asked while looking over his shoulder.
You shook your head and groaned through your snickering. “I think we’d get stuck in the slides.”
“Swings it is then!” Satoru waved you down. “My partner’s always so smart.”
His sweet enthusiasm and smile made you color-up even though you should’ve been used to Satoru’s antics. Although, that was part of his charm. He made you feel silly for taking things too seriously and got you to open up.
“Pfft, I think you’re just indecisive,” you remarked before jumping to the ground.
You and Satoru walked together towards the swing set.
“Me? No way! I was able to decide to ask you out not long after meeting you,” Satoru argued and threw an arm around your shoulders. “I saw you, thought you were hot and that we’d click, then I went for it.”
“Is that decisiveness or impulsiveness?”
“I could ask the same thing since you didn’t even let me finish my question before you were all ‘yes, let’s go on a date!’” Satoru teased and poked your cheek.
You shrugged. “Well I was patient enough to wait for you to make a move first.” You stepped away from Satoru to sit yourself down on one of the swings.
“Ack. Got me there.” Satoru smiled despite his words. He held the chains the swing hung from. “Worked out in the end.” He kissed your forehead before stepping behind you. Slowly, he started to rock you back and forth on the swing. “But I’m serious, you’re amazing.”
“Even if I can be a stick in the mud at times?”
“You’re not Nanamin, at least.” Satoru began to push you gently. “He’s a stick in the mud all the time.”
You hummed and kicked your feet to add to the momentum. “Maybe you’re the one that’s too loose all the time.” You leaned your head back and bumped Satoru’s chest. “But…” You snorted. “I think my brain would shut down trying to comprehend you being serious.”
“My dear world, you know I can be serious.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
Satoru and his weird but sweet pet name made you grin. “Mhm, but I think we both prefer it when you don’t have to be serious.”
It didn’t take you long to be making large arcs on the swing. Satoru stood on the sidelines and you could hear him say, “Do a flip!”
So you did. When you swung forward and hit the highest point, you leapt from the swing seat and somersaulted through the air. Your little flight landed you on top of the jungle gym. Satoru clapped and whistled at you. Feeding off his energy, you turned around and bowed.
“Thank you! I’m here all week!” you exclaimed.
Still grinning over your little theatrics, you sat at the top of the jungle gym and waited for Satoru to join you. After he sat beside you, you touched foreheads and nuzzled for a moment. Your eyes locked. Then, a brief, chaste kiss and a pair of grins.
“Say!” Satoru leaned back and reached into his shopping bag. “Want a snack?” He pulled out some convenience store food. Your favorites to be specific. Satoru broke open a box of candy and held one of the pieces between his fingers. “Catch!”
Satoru tossed the candy with a flick. You opened your mouth and leaned so the candy landed in your mouth.
“A perfect catch!” Satoru cheered while giving you the “okay” sign.
You raised two thumbs. “And a perfect throw! Okay, my turn.”
You took out a piece of candy and tossed it. Satoru opened his mouth, even sticking out his tongue, and moved to catch the candy but it missed his mouth.
“Wait, wait. Lemme try again!” Twice. Thrice. You gave up on your fifth failure. “Hrmm… I’m not that bad of a shot.”
“No, you aren’t.” Satoru poured some candy into his palm before dumping it in his mouth. “I’m just that good at defending.”
Your eyes shot open. “You… used Limitless! You little cheat!” You grabbed Satoru by his collar and jostled him lightly. “Why would you waste candy like that?”
“Uh?” Satoru blankly stared at you for a moment. Slowly, he raised a hand then poked your forehead. “Tag.”
So caught off guard and confused, you didn’t notice Satoru was out of your grip until he had already scrambled down the jungle gym.
“Satoru Gojou!” You gave chase while cackling. “Get back here you little trickster! Explain yourself!”
“Win tag first!”
“You’ll just use Limitless to avoid me!”
Yours and Satoru’s laughter rang in the air. The night was young and both of you were only getting started.
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