#adult cruise
marisatomay · 10 months
“I can’t believe Tom Cruise of all people would stand up for his agent, a Muslim Libyan-American woman, who was being publicly blacklisted for her support of Palestine and calling out the ongoing genocide, including making a rare in-person appearance to CAA headquarters in LA to express his support for her. What a strange person who can ever guess what opinions he will have.”
Look. I’ve studied Tom Cruise a lot. One could even call me a Cruisologist. (Not to be confused with. Well.) And, it’s actually really easy to predict Tom Cruise’s opinion on something. The tricky part is whether it will be made public in a timely manner or not and, if it’s made public at all, will it be a lede buried in favor of pushing a narrative sold on background by a studio exec he pissed off because he didn’t roll over and take their bullshit.
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Disney adults be like waiter!!! waiter!!! more mega corporation please 😋😍😊
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victoriaorolfoart · 1 year
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Some miscellaneous retake backgrounds from Captain Fall that i'm proud of~
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notnepobaby · 1 year
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Yasmin Wijnaldum for Nana Jacqueline Cruise
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stackslip · 15 days
wish people understood more how scientology works, especially for 2nd gen members. this is about the new linkin park vocalist, who even if she managed to leave the church probably cant ever mention leaving it or talk about it in a negative light; and who if she's still in is a lifelong victim of abuse from a cult that is notoriously difficult to exit in any capacity.
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bunnyboy-juice · 1 year
lets hear it for the femmes who have strong boundaries re: eating ppl out but will gag themselves on all forms of cock without a second thought 🥰
this post is about lesbian sex
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serenedash · 5 months
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Happy birthday Luffy!!!!! :) decided to wait to post some cosplay until it was Luffy week lol I had been on a cruise right after the live action released so I watched it, became obsessed, and threw this together days before. It was absolutely the best cosplay experience I've ever had and I can't wait to cosplay him again 😭💕
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champagnemoon · 5 months
I think more child-free places are inevitable since way less people are even having kids tbh it would be a better energy use to advocate for more child and teen centered places than to get mad everytime a restaurant bans people under 16
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tiredflowercrown · 3 months
I love doing research for my vacation coming up and finding out that I can get free noise canceling headphones
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entangledmuses · 4 months
Sorry I've been MIA. It's been so busy lately, especially with the sisters on half term from school this week. 12 hr shift tomorrow, but hopefully I'll be here at the weekend. Feel free to send me things :D love you all ❤️
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victoriaorolfoart · 1 year
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Captain Fall is now out on Netflix! Here are some color options from a scene in the intro. Special thanks to the team for having me!
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mandsleanan · 2 years
It will never not be amusing to me that adults-only businesses are becoming more common, largely because irresponsible parents and unruly children are a liability.
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eqgsocials · 2 years
Sunset is Bi, but what are your preference/sexuality headcanons for the mane 6, Flash, Timber, Starlight, Trixie, the Dazzlings, and other EQG characters that you can think of?
there's so many characters so i'll leave the mane 6 out and leave the others under the cut :D
twilight sparkle is a bi asexual
rainbow is a nonbinary (she/he/they) lesbian
applejack is a lesbian
pinkie pie is gender nonconforming omni
fluttershy is a pan demigirl
rarity is bi
starlight is bi
trixie is a trans mtf bisexual
flash sentry is bi
timber is pan
adagio is pan
aria is genderfluid lesbian asexual
sonata is nonbinary omni
gloriosa is bi demigirl asexual
wallflower is genderfluid aroace
juniper is a lesbian demigirl
vignette is omni
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timegears-moved · 1 year
Two questions for your pmd ocs!
1. Choose a couple of them and tell me what their relationship to each other is like!
2. If any of them were in the pmd games we have, what sort of role do you think they’d play? Which game do you think they’d fit in best?
OOH okay because i've been talking about revali i'm gonna talk about dylan and his relationship with verity because he was very unintentionally inspired by revali and his relationship with link.
in my pmd universe all members of the popplio line are naturally gifted singers. they place great pride on their vocal talents, and this is emphasized with dylan's mom and brother both being primarina (especially with his brother being a respectably famous singer). so dylan internalizes that being able to sing is what makes someone of his species good and worthy.
in comes verity, a human-turned-popplio who can't sing for shit. and not only can she not sing for shit, but she's fine with not being able to sing. it's not a huge deal to her and dylan takes that as an affront to their species and grows to dislike verity, but it runs deeper than that.
dylan also cannot sing. he has a condition that affects his vocal chords (i'm thinking spasmodic dysphonia but i want to do more research on it before i say for sure, out of respect for people that have it). his family (especially his brother) has made him feel ashamed for this and has caused a lot of self-hate to build up. so when he sees this popplio that also cannot sing and can easily accept that she can't, he feels extremely jealous. he's not sure if he hates her for it or if he wants to be like her.
what dylan doesn't know is that being turned into a pokemon has been a very traumatizing experience for verity. she's uncomfortable with her new body and hates being a pokemon, so there being a bit of a connection to her old human life by not being able to sing is very comforting for her.
verity doesn't try to let dylan's petty remarks get to her. she has bigger issues at hand than some guy bitching at her. but i do want the two eventually come to an understanding of each other.
as for the roles they play, verity and finnian already do fit the hero and partner roles, though i shook it up a little bit by making finnian the team leader. as for other characters, tegan and clover are partially inspired by bidoof and snover, though the way they resolve that conflict is very different. (spoilers) is the grovyle of this situation. and considering my explorers hero and partner are actual characters in my pmd story (they took over wigglytuff's guild after wigglytuff and chatot retired) i think it's safe to say i took more from explorers than the other games lmao.
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jenny-dreadful · 2 years
bring back sleeper cars and ocean liners i can’t fucking do this anymore
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corvidaedream · 2 years
i hate when old guys at work try to debate me, not about historic perspectives, but about, like, how the boat works.
not the period accuracy of the boat, no. the logic of how it's set up. like at least once a month someone's smug dad tells me that it's stupid that the wheel is at the aft of the ship. there are a few other things they'll debate me on, but the wheel being in "the wrong place" is the biggest one. they want it to be in the front so bad, and I try politely to explain that the wheel is connected by ropes to the tiller and the rudder, which are in the aft, so the wheel is also in the aft.
they will argue with the logic of this in their own varying ways, but always as if they think that putting the wheel in the aft of an 18th century merchant ship was my idea, and if they just explain to me why their ideas are better, i, a tour guide born in the 1990s, will see reason and retroactively change the way boats were made 250+ years ago.
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