#or men who seem to believe that port isnt left /of the boat/ but left of wherever they happen to be at the time
corvidaedream · 2 years
i hate when old guys at work try to debate me, not about historic perspectives, but about, like, how the boat works.
not the period accuracy of the boat, no. the logic of how it's set up. like at least once a month someone's smug dad tells me that it's stupid that the wheel is at the aft of the ship. there are a few other things they'll debate me on, but the wheel being in "the wrong place" is the biggest one. they want it to be in the front so bad, and I try politely to explain that the wheel is connected by ropes to the tiller and the rudder, which are in the aft, so the wheel is also in the aft.
they will argue with the logic of this in their own varying ways, but always as if they think that putting the wheel in the aft of an 18th century merchant ship was my idea, and if they just explain to me why their ideas are better, i, a tour guide born in the 1990s, will see reason and retroactively change the way boats were made 250+ years ago.
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