#adult connverse
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swordmahes · 2 years ago
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husband and wife / jam buds
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screwpinecaprice · 2 years ago
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In the city!
Commission for  missyuniverse_ for her fanfic at Wattpad! ( account: Kittens_escapism or juanitasuniverse ) 😊😊😊
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tod-siegt · 2 months ago
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Since Connie grew up with strict parents, and Steven grew up with lenient parents with basically no structure whatsoever, I feel like Steven would be the one to enforce the structure, and Connie would be there to balance him out. I don't know if Steven would go THIS far, but I really wanted to see him wielding the flipflop. He would absolutely be one of those classic jokey-dads kinda like Greg was, but with his strictness/ 'diamond authority' shining through. Connie would make sure that the kid is on task, but would relate to being on a confined schedule all the time, so she would make sure that they would have free time and the space to make their own decisions. Their 'oppositeness' breaks the cycle of two strict parents or two loose parents, and the child turning out the opposite way. Also this just kind of reminds me of my own parents 😅
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obsessedfluffbutt · 1 year ago
Today's @glowweek prompt!
Day 4: Nurture
Just a Cold
Steven's morning started just like any other. Get up just before Connie, kiss her warm forehead, shower and get breakfast and coffee ready. Connie works hard with her career, so Steven works just as hard to support and care for her in turn.
With one last finishing touch, the perfect breakfast bagel sandwich is done! Coffee is ready and steaming in Connie's favorite mug. The last step is for his favorite person in the whole universe to come trudging down the stairs, hair disheveled, cute, grumpy little scowl on her face as she makes a beeline for the mug of coffee.
Steven waits, and waits, and waits some more. Checking the clock he realizes if Connie doesn't come down soon she's going to be late. Connie's not much of a morning person, but she's never late! Steven decides to give her another minute before he goes to check on her. Connie doesn't like being pushed too much in the morning, especially before her first dose of caffeine, so Steven tries to give her her space usually.
Finally, movement can be heard as true to form Connie comes trudging down the stairs. Only, she's not dressed, instead she's wrapped in their fluffy warm blankets, eyes bloodshot, sniffling quietly.
“Hey Steven, I called in to work today. I think I've got a cold.” She says through a stuffy nose.
“A cold!? You're sick? You never get sick! How did you get sick!? Should I try to heal you?” Steven fusses around her.
“I probably got it from not wearing a coat in the rain yesterday. Don't worry, it's just a cold. I'll be fine tomorrow, for today I just need to rest.”
Steven gently places his hand on her forehead. She does feel a little warmer than usual. He had noticed she seemed somewhat warm when he kissed her earlier, but it hadn't even occurred to him she might be sick!
“Don't worry Connie. I'll take care of you today! Anything you need!”
Steven guides her to their comfy couch, bundling her up all tight and cozy in their blankets, and fluffs the pillows for her. He goes back over to the kitchen, dumps out the coffee and rinses the mug before filling it with crisp cool water and returning to Connie. She gratefully sips on the water as Steven brings her breakfast over and places it on the coffee table along with the remote for their little TV.
“Anything else I can get you?” He asks.
Connie smiles at Steven, shaking her head. It's been so long since anyone has taken care of her like this. Last time she had a cold she was still a kid, maybe before she'd started training with Pearl? Either way, her mom had stayed home with her all day, keeping her comfortable, and making sure she stayed hydrated. She’d fuss about, check Connie's temperature every hour, cook her some healthy, immune-supporting foods, and spoil Connie a little bit by letting her watch whatever she wanted on TV. Sometimes she'd even give Connie one of her rare, amazingly delicious, cups of homemade hot cocoa to soothe a sore throat. Now Steven is filling that roll, tucking her in again, putting her favorite show on the TV, and getting her a fresh cup of water.
“Thank you Steven. I'll be alright.”
Steven spends the rest of the day fussing over Connie, while Connie spends the rest of the day basking in the attention and love from her fiance. Especially when he sits on the floor next to her, gently running his fingers over her scalp and through her hair the way she loves. He makes her feel so safe and comfortable.
He'll make a great dad someday, she can tell.
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spop-romanticizes-abuse · 8 months ago
connie vs catra: falling in love with a hero
so one thing in SPOP that reminded me of SU is when Catra gets upset and angry at Adora for needing to sacrifice herself in order to save the world. something very similar to this happens in SU where Connie gets upset at Steven for turning himself in to the Diamonds, so that he can prevent everyone else from getting hurt.
and i wanted to compare these two scenarios and talk about why this kind of conflict worked with connverse, but not c//a.
1. Past Relationship And Hypocrisy
Connie and Steven had a healthy relationship prior to this incident. Connie was always supportive of Steven and quite honestly, was one of the very few people who had no expectations for him based on his mother.
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the Crystal Gems constantly talked about Rose and knowingly or unknowingly put pressure on Steven to live up to her image. Greg often mentioned Rose too, and while he may not have intended to make Steven feel pressured, that was the outcome.
Connie, on the other hand, saw Steven for who he was - a 14 year old kid who had way too many expectations to live up to. she served as Steven's rock and his connection to human life, letting him goof off and relax like he should. she listened to him when he was feeling troubled, and assured him that she would always be there to support him. Connie made Steven feel loved and understood.
they also made a promise to always fight together after Pearl tries to pressure Connie into sacrificing herself for Steven. Steven is clearly uncomfortable with this and doesn't want Connie to act like his bodyguard and put herself in danger.
so it makes complete sense that Connie felt hurt and betrayed when Steven decided to do exactly that and sacrifice himself to save her and the rest of beach city. it makes sense that Connie was worried sick about Steven after he surrendered himself.
Connie feeling upset about this situation makes sense because she actually cares about Steven. she always has.
meanwhile Catra constantly used Adora's fears and insecurities against her, even when they were on the same side and especially when they were enemies. Catra made Adora feel worthless for existing, she made Adora feel like a failure.
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Catra actively and knowingly contributed to Adora's self-sacrificial complex and her habit of putting everyone else's safety above her own. and then she's surprised that Adora wants to sacrifice herself to save the world. wow. who would have thunk it?
Catra has absolutely no right to act like she cares about Adora after all this. and she certainly has no right to get mad at Adora for doing something Catra herself conditioned her to do.
it makes no sense especially because the show acts like the previous seasons never happened. neither Catra nor Adora nor anyone else brings up the fact that Catra was one of the main contributors to Adora's hero complex and her insecurities. the show just glosses over that and acts like Catra being upset about all this is tragic and sympathetic.
2. Expressing Anger In A Healthy Manner
Connie is upset but she communicates her feelings to Steven in a calm manner. she tells him that what he did hurt her feelings. she is obviously angry and upset, but she's also visibly trying to keep it together and not let her anger get the best of her.
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i also think that Steven kinda messed up when he replies to Connie's "i'm hurt" with "no you're not". he decided that as long as no one was physically hurt, there was no problem. he didn't stop to think about how this might have affected Connie emotionally. (i'm not hating on Steven btw, he was in a pretty tough situation himself and was just happy that everyone was safe and alive. this is a situation where both of them were in the right and it was just a complicated issue to navigate.)
basically, Connie deals with this situation more maturely than some adults might have. she felt hurt and betrayed, but she didn't use that as an excuse to hurt Steven. she said what she wanted to say and then she left to give her mind some clarity.
also she does this AFTER Steven returns home safely.
Catra, on the other hand?
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she screams at Adora, accuses Adora of picking favorites and pushes her to the ground. Catra is supposedly in her 20s at this point, and she still hasn't learned to express her anger in a healthy manner. she says once that she was working on her anger issues and that's it. we never see her try, we never see any improvement.
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and then Catra just abandons Adora because “she couldn't bear to watch Adora sacrifice herself”. Catra didn't just leave because she needed some time to cool off, she was basically willing to abandon Adora and let her die.
3. Clear Motives
Connie's feelings and motives are clear from the get-go. she was worried about Steven putting himself in danger, and she was angry and upset that he broke their promise and her trust.
Catra though?
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first she's mad that Shadow Weaver called her a distraction. then she's concerned about Adora's choice to sacrifice herself. and finally, she's upset that Adora doesn't like her in a romantic way.
two of these were very self-centered motives. it's hard to believe that Catra was just concerned about Adora's safety when she's whining about how Adora chose Shadow Weaver over her, as if this was some kind of competition. and it just comes off as the writers shoving in as many reasons as possible for the viewers to sympathize with Catra, rather than writing an organic conflict.
in conclusion, if you want to write a relationship involving a self-sacrificial hero, do it like Steven Universe did. make it make sense instead of shoving in hypocritical conflict.
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archivehub · 4 months ago
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Y'all should send me asks about my Connverse (or Connverse-adjacent) headcanons 👀
For example: "What jobs do you think adult Steven and Connie would have?"
Feel free to even include a headcanon or two of your own! If you do, I'll give my thoughts on them.
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artbyrewcana · 1 year ago
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snow watching - original piece by rewcana
for day 3 of @glowweek prompt snow
high quality versions available on my KoFi: with name overlay ($2) | no name overlay ($4)
print available for purchase at my INPRNT
this was such a fun prompt! connie and steven watching the snow through the night in s1e42, winter forecast, is one of my favorite connverse scenes. i just know that as they grow up together, snow watching remains one of their favorite pass times. i wanted to create a cozy scene to emulate that moment.
~commissions are open! check out my pinned post for details~
reblogs are appreciated :3
support me on kofi | patreon
ID under cut
[gif ID: adult connie maheswaran has her arm around adult steven universe on her right and her other arm resting on lion on her left. the three are shown from behind, laying on a burgundy floor cushion and are watching falling snow out of a large glass window. connie has her hair in a long braid and is wearing a tan and beige sweater that has snow flake designs across the beige stripes. connie is wearing black pants. steven's hair goes about halfway down his back and is out and flowing. he is wearing a pink sweater with blue lines that have multiple arrows across it, making a pine-like pattern. he is in jeans and is sitting on his feet. the cushion is on a wooden floor. to the right of steven there is a wooden stove that has a fire burning. on top of the stove is a green kettle which is releasing steam. the snow is falling outside and slowly accumulates on the pine forest and blue mountains that the subjects are facing. the fire changes colors and shapes and each time it changes, the lighting on the clothes of the subjects and lion's fur changes. connie and steven are shown breathing throughout the gif. connie pets lions mane and lion whips his tail up and down periodically. /end gif ID]
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braveblackbutterfly · 9 months ago
BBB Butterfly is doing writing commissions
Hello Tumblr fam, friends and associates!
I am making my second attempt at writing commissions! Click the keep reading for all the details!
I'm making writing commissions for two reasons.
Reason #1: my uncle recently passed away and I'm learning as an adult how freaking expensive laying a person to rest is. He had life insurance, but it's not going to cover everything, especially the burial. And the remaining amount will be on my parents' shoulders since the rest of the family can't really help.
I just want to help my parents out in some ways, even if it's just using the money for everyday essentials in the house, like the bills or groceries.
Reason #2: I just finished my tutoring job for the school year. And I don't really plan to reapply for the next school year since it's a part time job and I need a full time budget to achieve my personal goals. Plus, I don't believe tutoring/teaching is for me. But even if I was to reapply, I will still be unemployed until the end of August. And the money I currently have isn't going to last forever.
My commissions are only fanfics this time, which I know will probably limit the amount of commissions I get. But I feel a little more comfortable writing fanfics at the moment than an original short story or poem.
The two fandoms I'm writing for are The Owl House and Steven Universe. I might add more fandoms to the list when I start writing more fics for different series.
What I'm willing to write: romance/romantic ships (happy ending or light angst) and non-romance fics (ex. a platonic or familial centered story)
Ratings: General Audiences to Teen (maybe Mature if it's an adult couple ship)
What I'm not comfortable writing: strong violence/death, explicit sex scenes (I will write suggestive and "fade to black" type of sex scenes but only for adult couple ships), no adult/minor ships
TOH ships I will not write: Luz/Hunter, Boscha/Willow, Amity/With a male character, Belos/With anybody
SU ships I will not write: Jasper/Lapis, Steven/Any of the gems
I may add other ships to the list depending on how (not) comfortable I feel about the idea of that particular ship.
Prices (may adjust at a later date):
1,000 words or less: $10
1,000 – 4,000: $15
4,000 + words: $20
$2 discount on my favorite ships (lumity, amillow, willuz, willumity, lapidot, connverse)
Payment source: Right now, PayPal, but I might use an alternative payment service like cash app or venmo later on.
It might take me some time to get started on these fics since there is a lot going on in my life right now. But I will get to them as soon as I can.
If you want to read my posted fics on AO3, here's the link:
Please send me a message if you are interested or have any questions! Again, please be patient with me since this is my second attempt.
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lapis-not-lazuli · 4 months ago
on the topic of your post! how could people be mean to steven? he’s kind, he cares about all his friends. struggles with mental illness & lots of trauma (understatemen) & he’s so tired from constantly taking care of people, constantly trying to make people get along! he’s lonely at times and struggles socially. he’s flawed but he feels so much guilt and empathy which is insame for his age (we only see him up to his late teens and people are still maturing through their twenties). he has the best sense of humor.
he always deserves to be with connie. she is his soulmate. their relationship is also inevitably complicated & yet they solve some issues that the adults are still working on! she has so much empathy for him & she validates all his feelings & sees his pain before he sees it because he’s always looking after everyone else! she’s very emotionally intelligent & good at helping him enjoy being a kid, get the medical support he didn’t get before, and gently help him recognize self destructive habits because she wants him to be okay! she’s livid at anyone who’s hurt him & she never runs from gem stuff even though she’s a kid and things are a little scary for her! there’s nothing she’s more afraid of than steven not being okay. she’ll fight anyone who’s hurt him & take care of him when he needs it.
connverse is the best thank you for coming to my ted talk
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nugatorysheep · 7 months ago
B, L, X?
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
As far as things I actively ship and not stuff I think is just kinda cute: Stevencest or Bispearl (kinda).
I was not a Stevencest person for quite a while- or I guess not what I personally figured a Stevencest person was supposed to be. I had people in my old server shipping it and I had an AU that while not intended to be that, I was okay with people shipping together the two Stevens for (though way down the road it did eventually turn into that lol), so my opposition to it was mainly that it wasn't for me based on the type of content I usually saw of it. Like this isn't my thing and it's kinda weird but if it's tagged so I can block it, sure go nuts. (There was also a LOT of Connie and Connverse Hate + NTR in Stevencest spaces and as a big fan of Connie I didn't want to be in places where I would constantly hear people shitting on one of my favorite characters. Steven has two hands!!). Basically the barrier to entry was too costly for me so I just kept my distance.
Last year though I got to know more people in this fandom and had the chance to freely experiment with my characters in ways I couldn't before, so I've grown to enjoy it a lot more. Being told "Hey, you can like. Do what you Want," was very helpful in pushing me to branch out. I have a lot more fun now doing things I like and ignoring people who do things I hate lmao
I'm not sure if Bispearl counts but it was something that NEVER crossed my mind until Bismuth Casual first aired and a light bulb went off in my head. I was into that almost instantly the moment it was shown to me.
(And more recently with the Rose/Bismuth art the Becky Sucrose dropped, now I can do the Pearl/Rose/Greg/Bismuth polycule of my dreams <3 Though in the context of canon Bispearl is the most reasonable/logical ship to me.)
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
I do not like Jasper much and her fanbase tends to be obnoxious BUT she is a very well-made character. She is consistent and straightforward in her motivations and goals and weaknesses in a way that in theory is easy to grasp (which is why I'm so shocked so many people don't seem to really Get her at all). When people say the writers screwed her over I disagree, because she does exactly what she is meant to do in the story and then fucks off, something I cannot say for several other characters LOL
At the end of the day, Steven Universe is about... well, Steven Quartz Universe, and the way Jasper serves his arc is more than enough for me :3
She's also really funny when used right and more people should use her for comedic effect
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Found family is something I'm a sucker for and I tend to like ensemble casts that have well-developed and interesting dynamics (platonic or romantic) between the characters, but I'm not sure if that counts as a fandom thing or a media in general thing. I'll be honest, I don't participate much in fandoms. SU is the first time I've engaged heavily in the fan areas VS just consuming Canon Material With a Chance of Fanart so the things I like trope-wise are less broad and more specific to just SU.
I also like fan kids or just seeing younger characters as adults in the future. It's fun to muse about, downside is if the ship you like is not mainstream enough you'll be sorely lacking in that category 😔
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swordmahes · 2 years ago
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“Mom, Dad, are you ever gonna tell me how you two met?”
“Dad won’t let me—it’s too embarrassing for him, beta.”
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screwpinecaprice · 5 months ago
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When your boyrfren is a morning person.
(Idk if Connie's not a morning person, but it'd be funny if she isn't.)
Connie doodles (and a Steven!)
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minijenn · 7 months ago
I like to think Mabel finds Monsterboy Steven cuter than usual and hanging things off his horns , (still lowkey ship it, no offense to Connverse fans)
Imo you're right though. Also right in the fact that Mabel never fully gets over her crush on Steven, even once they're both fully grown adults imo
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obsessedfluffbutt · 1 year ago
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Mostly an excuse to practice with different brushes, and cuz everyone could use some young adult connverse this valentines day
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novantinuum · 8 months ago
anyways uhhhh. WIP update I guess?
I've made a lot of lovely progress on a number of projects this month, and it's not even over yet!
Here's what I have as my priorities during the coming summer months:
Reunited battle Connie alt POV fic: 3.1K words, this is pretty damn close to the end. I'm pushing to finish this in the next few days.
A short fic for a SU zine! More on this to come, but it's gon be a really cool project, I'm hype!
Nova's NSFW era, Fic #2: A project I've been working on for a while and will unveil when it's ready- this one will be 4 chapters in total, and 1 of them is finished already. I've written a good ass 9K words for this and counting. Excited to eventually share. It's rooted in the topic of old traumas manifesting later in life as kinks, and how that impacts adult Steven and Connie in their early married life.
Taste of Ordinary Chapter 3: LOL, a piece of fic I've had in a partial state of progress since literally 2019. I've got like 2.5K words of this down right now, but it involves action sequences, so *shivers*
Untitled Connverse proposal fic: 2K words down on this. It's also been a WIP for a while, but I'd love to finish it in time for Steven's birthday for thematic reasons ahah.
Crack the Paragon Chapter 15: I've got a whole slurry of fragmented scenes blocked out for this- also, a Jasper POV tie-in one-shot in the works! July is going to be specifically set aside to work on this fic.
ALSO: July is Art Fight for me.
I probably won't resume much work on Misalignment until I have at least one Crack the Paragon update under my belt and my zine fic done, so don't expect more of that until the fall.
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amothersmagik · 1 month ago
[Original Series Post; view for discussion rules and general precept behind this post:
https://www.tumblr.com/amothersmagik/773311794700746752/lets-talk-no-really-lets-really-talk-i-am?source=share ]
[Other places to find me: https://linktr.ee/amothersmagik ]
Topic to be discussed: Identity. Including self identifying as a minor and the accommodations surrounding these decisions.
The following post may cause discontent, strong feelings, upset, trigger response, etc. This post is likely a hot button topic, a political discussion, a topic surrounding trauma or a traumatic event, big feelings, etc or is in some other way a topic people often feel strongly about. This post is designed to DISCUSS the topic. Like rational, sane, respectful ADULTS. If you cannot remain calm and non-flammatory while disulcussing the following topic, please scroll on. We are not here to argue/fight. At best a healthy but, again, RESPECTFUL debate is expected. We are here to open minds, talk about hard things, discuss big topics, see new points of view, find common ground, and learn. Not to make people upset. Approach this discussion with an open mind, a calm voice, a strong emotional stability (in the moment), and the confidence to not let it affect you after walking away.
Remember the Rules!!!
-Keep it honest, but keep it respectful!
All comments (and people) will be at my discretion to remove if I feel ot isnt within line of the connversation and the rules. I want these discussions to stay as civil as possible. Also don't lie to make a point, don't exaggerate but still call it factual. We all get heated. We all get emotional. That's fine, but don't double down and give exaggerated information as basic fact and donr give hyperbole or opinion as proven fact.
-Agree to Disagree
If you get heated or upset, walk away and turn off notifications. Avoiding confrontational discussions is the best way to avoid losing friendships you would rather keep.
-Don't take it For-Real-Life.
If you see a trigger warning post and decide to read it, do NOT let it affect a friendship that you have solely based on their opinions or views in regards to the post. If the topic hadn't been a problem within your friendship prior to reading the post, then it will continue to not be a problem in your friendship, UNLESS YOU MAKE IT ONE.
The only opinions you should let affect you are those of the people who: feed, finance, or f**k you. It really is none of our business what other people's opinions of us are.
Opening Salvo:
Today, I wanna talk about Litter boxes in school. I had someone else open the discussion simply with "I disagree with having litter boxes in schools".
My personal OPINION on this matter is as follows:
I also agree with this! Regardless of whatever discrimination accusations people want to make against me, litter boxes are INHERENTLY a health hazard!!! There is so much dust involved and the particulates of the product itself (no matter type or brand!) Are not containable and are often a health hazard when breathed in directly in too large of a quantity/exposure. Then you add in human biological particulates and it adds an even deeper and more extreme level of potential health risk for anyone who uses that same room! There are so many illnesses and diseases that can breed from the bacteria in litter boxes, you could literally end up with a plague of some sort from this kind of mass exposure to something growing in the bacteria in a school box
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