#adri vents
genuinely how are you supposed to make friends
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one-winged-dreams · 2 months
@flatstarcarcosa you still got that rock?
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gaydri · 9 months
hel im so confused abt my sexual/romantic orientation
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spearxwind · 2 years
cleaned up talas’ playlist a whole bunch just now
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alwaysadri1 · 10 months
Those feelings have been prolonged. I didn’t feel anything until now. Then it hit me at once i don’t have you anymore. I’ve gone months without feeling anything for you and now i miss you.
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pinkrelish · 2 years
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Hey, it’s me again!! Back with EVEN MORE ART!!!
First we have Adrie and her dear dad fast asleep, then we have the little lady herself, then after that there’s the scarecrow outfit my self-insert wore to the school play, then a cute little moment between the gals. After that is my take on the first real scene where we became friends, with Eddie venting his struggles with single fatherhood. Then is the classic mouse costume, and finally the Accidental Date!! Hope you like these, I had a slow day at work and just started cranking them out!♥️♥️
i swear i don't cry ever but I'M TEARING UP AT THIS
you are insane! this is incredible; you have no idea how happy i am at the accuracy to how i picture them in my head. adrie sleeping on his chest, and the moment in the garage where he's opening up to the reader are so freaking sweet. and GOD the accidental date scene (!!!) pleasepleaseplease. he's so adorable, i can't.
thank you, thank you, thank you for drawing these! where do i sign my soul over for more?
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jackals-ships · 4 months
JACKAL I must apologize I was like I WILL GO CHECK F/O LIST because I am not 100% sure which bot you ship with (<- did not care about robots until suddenly I cared A LOT) though I thiiink it's Megatron bUT sorry if I'm wrong fkdjashkj BUT BEARING IN MIND I HAVEN'T FINISHED S1...I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR SHIP(S) 👀 and perhaps read fic at some point if you are able to find it @goldenworldsabound
(<- did not care about robots until suddenly I cared A LOT) IS AN ENTIRE MOOD THO HFKF tfp is like some sleeper cell activation code i SWEAR,,, + ur all good !! i gotta fiddle w my f/o list a lil and then repost it bc i kept meaning to make minor changes an then forgor,
BUT ANYWAYS YES !!! he's also, hilariously, one of the f/os i have a physical lil guy of despite being not on my radar as long as like garrus hf
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also a read more bc i woke up Rambly today <3
he gets to sit with the ponies :} bc he canonically likes mlp at least according to the lil ask Megatron bit + there was a whole comics crossover (2 I think actually?)
breakdown + knockout are also My Besties they started out as like kinda baby crushes <- local aro can't tell the difference between Feelings even in fiction more at 11 [lighthearted] before megs came for my braincell with the fuckin. steel chair HFJ so seeing you go 👀🥰 at knocks i was like FUCK YEAH LETS GOO !!! im dropping into his work station from the ships vents like oooo someone's got a cruuuuush ooooo you wanna be all (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)don't u knocks- (jackal is once again banned from the nemesis)
okay okay but; i rlly only have one fic Finished and luckily had the foresight to post it to AO3. it's a lil older so not totally in character + canon but still silly and cute hjfkd
when i get into something with a lot of continuities i tend to kinda? squish em together? or take bits and pieces going >:3 my city now, so the jackal x megatron ship is Primarily TFP but ive also absconded with fun movie details (like megs being i think it was 30? 40 ft tall? Fuck Huge,,,,) and also bits of comics lore/designs (holomatter is an interesting concept and im chewing on Meg's as we speak. gnawing on his arm even-)
but regardless this ship is totally my Slice Of Life Comedy Hour Chill LoFi Beats type of ship HKF like im a sucker for darker stuff higher stakes but i think this one has 0 stakes
like. like jackal and megatron literally met because jackal enjoys long walks on the beach exploring places Away from the city and Generally Away From Ppl to just sorta vibe. and ofc the normal thing to do when coming across a Definitely Alien And If Not Alien Then Like Secret Government Ship is to walk away. NOT wander ur happy lil ass inside like :0 yooooo what do These buttons do
and then when you get kicked out instead of getting squished like the bug you shouldn't come back via the air vents. again. and again and again and AGAIN and AG- until the local alien warlord gives in and is like "yeah okay this is my life now ig???" (soundwave was totally helping them btw. he likes drama 😌 and also has his own human hi adri so he can't say shit-) (also I've never decided on the Actual number of times they break it, in my brain it keeps slowly going up jus bc I find the concept SO funny. pov you're an alien warlord worried you got alien rodents and oh no NVM it's the human again. FUCK-)
it's absolutely the slowest burn too bc Meg's Refuses to admit that he has a crush on the weird squishy thing that keeps breaking in (until he's decided they're dating. and doesn't bother mentioning this) while jackals just 🥰 hehehoho big robot friend who calls me scraplet and sweetspark and sometimes puppy 🥰🥰🥰 also threatened to kill any mech who was mean to me 🤔🤔 weird. aaanyways
THERE'S ALSO a running joke in my head of that "what do you have?" "A KNIFE" "NO-" but it's jackal running off with energon bc you can't SHOW ME a cool liquid and have me NOT want to drink it !! Just a sippy. jus a lil- we'll have the hospital on speed dial pleeeeaaaase-😭
anyways tldr jackal megatron is "I'm not trapped with him he's trapped with me yaaaay :D" and "robot google; weird fuzzy feeling in spark?? how to remove weird fuzzy feeling?? robot google human exterminator near me-"
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karizard-ao3 · 11 months
Im sooo excited for single parent to come out! Are u almost done with it?? And ca we get a sneak peek 😫🙏🏼
I would say I'm about two thirds of the way through? It's kind of a slice of life so there's a few more things I want to happen and then I can wrap it up. That's not to say that won't take months but I believe I'm closer to the end than the beginning.
And of course you can have a sneak peek!
BEGIN SCENE(S) (sorry for the weird spacing. I won't be fixing it)
“Are you going on a date?” said Carla.
Eren hesitated for a second. He wasn’t actually sure. He’d just sort of invited Mikasa out to eat because he wanted to see her. He hadn’t put any thought into his intentions. Did she think it was a date? He pressed his fingers to his lips, his heart racing. What if she did? But, also, what if she didn't?
“Eren?” said Carla. “I asked you a question!”
“No!” he said. “We’re just old friends catching up!”
“Oh?” said Carla, her voice whetting to a dangerous edge. “Do I know this old friend?”
“I don’t know!” said Eren. 
“Did she make you cry once, perchance? For instance, every day for the last month before you left for college?” said Carla. 
“I told you then! That was allergies making my eyes water!” Eren protested, frustrated that he could not shave with a level of aggression that would vent his building panic. He hadn’t meant for Carla to find out he was hanging out with Mikasa again. He’d known she wouldn’t approve. Although… “Hey! Wait a second!” he roared, flinging the door open, half shaved and half lathered. “I’m a grown-ass man! I can eat lunch with anyone I want!”
“I am still your mother and it is still my job to protect you!” said Carla.
"Protect me from what?" said Eren.
"Your terrible taste in women!" said Carla.
The violent patter of little feet thundered down the hall from Adri’s room. “Wait! I wanna perteck you, too, Daddy!” Adri shouted, halting between Eren and Carla and striking a very cool pose indeed.
“Thank you, peanut,” said Eren, ruffling her hair. “Protect me from Gigi. She won’t let me live my own life.”
Adri let out a battle cry and charged.
“Eren,” huffed Carla, dodging Adri’s blows. “I just don’t want to see her hurt you again.”
“I told you, it’s not like that this time!” said Eren. “Besides, I don’t think she meant to, you know, crush my heart and grind it into a pulp. We were eighteen. Who even knows what they’re doing when they’re eighteen?” 
“Probably thought she was too good for you once she became a world traveler,” Carla muttered. “Thought she was too cultured to waste her time on a meathead jock.”
“Mom!” said Eren, insulted but unable to suppress a laugh as he grabbed Adri and held her and her flailing fists away from Gigi. “What the hell?” 
Carla scoffed. “Oh, calm down, Eren. I know you’re not a meathead.”
“Oh, thanks!” said Eren. 
“Let! Daddy! Live!” Adri howled, kicking her feet. 
“Attagirl!” said Eren. “You tell her.”
Carla sighed, tapping her knuckles against her forehead with a rueful chuckle. “Whatever. You’re right. You’re a grown man and I can’t stop you. Be free, son. Do what you want.”
“We did it, peanut! We vanquished Gigi!” Eren cheered, setting Adri back on the ground and turning back to the sink to finish shaving. “You know, I thought you liked Mikasa, Mom.”
“Makaka?” said Adri, nose wrinkling. 
Eren didn’t hear her. “You were, like, her biggest fan when we were kids,” he continued.
“I hate Makaka,” said Adri. 
“I did like her. I absolutely loved her,” said Carla with a wistful sigh. “She was such a dear and she was such a good influence on you. I wanted you two to get married.”
Eren and Adri both made matching choking sounds. 
“What?” said Eren, grabbing a piece of toilet paper and using it to staunch the bleeding where he had just nicked his face. 
“Daddy… marry… Makaka?” Adri ground out, her back hunching as if she were about to transform into a miniature werewolf and attack. 
“Oh, you know,” said Carla. “I thought you two were so cute together when you were kids, and you were so sweet to her, and then you both got older, and you were always blushing at each other, and I just thought it would be nice if you got married.”
Eren was also blushing now. “Oh my god, Mom!”
“No, Gigi. Makaka is married to her boy’s daddy. My daddy is married to Mommy,” said Adri. “Dat’s da rules.”
Eren and Carla exchanged a glance and mutually decided not to get into it with her right now when Eren had to leave so soon. “Well, it’s not like I’m trying to…” Eren glanced at his daughter. “You know. I told you. It’s not like that. I just like being around her. You know those friends you have where it doesn’t matter how long it’s been since you’ve seen each other? It’s like the time just disappears? That’s what it’s like with her. Like, there was a little slot in my life that was reserved for her, and, now that she’s back in it, I just feel…” He sighed, rinsing his razor under the faucet. “Alive,” he finished. 
Carla folded her arms across her chest, leaning her shoulder against the bathroom door frame and watching her son treat the nick on his chin with a styptic pencil. She thought he was being an idiot, but he did look brighter than he had in years. She groaned. “You should change into that green button down I bought you,” she said. “It really complements your eyes.”
“You think so?” said Eren, rubbing his chest and eyeing himself in the mirror.
“Yeah,” Carla sighed. “If you’re going to insist on getting lunch with her, you might as well look nice.”
“Hi!” Mikasa called, stepping forward and waving at Eren as he put his minivan in park and got out. 
“Hey!” he said, checking both ways, then jogging across the parking lot towards her and wrapping her in a hug. 
“You didn’t get lost?” she asked, gesturing towards the door to the Eastern European deli and market she had chosen for lunch. It was one of those places that Google maps could never seem to generate directions for, spitting most people out at a dry cleaners about a half mile away. 
“Nope,” said Eren, grabbing the door handle before she could and holding it open for her. “Your directions were good.”
“I’m glad,” said Mikasa, leading the way into the shop and making a beeline for the deli counter. “I know what I’m getting, but take your time.”
Eren came to stand just behind her, looming at her shoulder as he studied the menu. “What are you getting?” he asked. 
“The bacon pierogi,” she said.
“Ooooh,” he said. “That sounds good.” He eyed the rest of the options. “Are the mushroom ones good?”
“Not as good as the bacon ones,” said Mikasa. 
“What about the cheese ones?”
Mikasa bit her lip. “I like those ones, too,” she said. “Shoot. Now I don’t know which ones I want to get.” 
“Get the bacon, I’ll get the cheese, and we’ll split them,” said Eren, poking her in the back. “Like we used to do with the chips.”
Mikasa twisted around to smile at him, her pulse quickening when she realized how close they were standing. The impish curve of his grin threw her back into the past, plunging her into the memories of her old crush. They had often taken a snack break during their after school study sessions, abandoning their worksheets and textbooks inside the school library to walk to the vending machines nearby, where they would each pick a flavor of chips and share them, dipping their hands into each other’s bags as they took the long way back, licking the mingled flavors of the chip dust from their fingers after the empty pouches had been thrown away and it was time to buckle down again. It had made Mikasa giddy back then, their little ritual, and she was unreasonably pleased that Eren still remembered it now, even though she was sure it hadn’t meant nearly as much to him. “Okay,” she said, tossing her head to get her bangs out of her eyes, trying to hide her pleasure. “Deal.”
A short while later, they were each in possession of a lidded, styrofoam cup packed to the top with steaming hot pierogi, fried onions, and dollops of sour cream. Eren snagged one of the pierogi from Mikasa’s cup and popped it in his mouth as they headed back out the door to walk around and enjoy the last of the good weather before fall frosted the air and winter froze it. “Oh, shit, that’s hot,” he garbled around his mouthful, letting his jaw hang open to cool the dumpling. “Fuck,” he hissed.
“Are you okay?” asked Mikasa, her hand hovering halfway between them, uncertain how to help. 
Eren pointed to her large shoulder bag. “Do you have any water in there?” he mumbled, not enunciating a single bit around the piping hot pierog. 
It took Mikasa a moment to realize what he wanted. “I do!” she said, stabbing her fork into a dumpling for safekeeping and reaching inside her bag. She emerged with a reusable metal bottle. She shook it. “Oh, good. I refilled it,” she said, wrangling everything in her hands around so she could twist off the cap for Eren. She held it out to him. “Here.”
He took a swig, groaning with relief when the lukewarm warm water doused the burning coal of a pierog that was blistering the roof of his mouth. “You should let those cool down before you eat them,” he advised, handing the bottle back. 
“I will,” said Mikasa, screwing the cap back on and tucking the water bottle away in her bag. She eyed Eren. “That shirt looks really nice on you,” she said, adjusting her glasses on the bridge of her nose and wondering if that had been too forward.
“You think so?” said Eren, smoothing the shirt down across his front, pleased. “Not to sound like a baby, but my mom picked it out for me. She said it looked good with my eyes?” He peeked at her, wondering if perhaps he was impressing her with his peepers right now.
“She was right,” said Mikasa. “I’ve always thought your eyes were so pretty, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen them look so green. That shirt really makes them pop.”
“Thanks,” said Eren, looking down at his feet and blushing, simply because he held Mikasa’s opinion in such high regard and not for any other, romantic reasons. “You know, my mom is so funny. She thought we were going on a date today.”
Mikasa began fidgeting with her glasses as if her life depended on it. “Oh, did she?” she choked out. “That’s so… ha!”
“Right?” said Eren, hyperventilating a little. “Just… I was like… you know. I was like, ‘Mom!’”
“Yeah, when I dropped Mason off this morning he was like, ‘If- If Eren kisses you that means he’s in lo-’” Mikasa turned bright red. “Oh, well, he was just being silly. You know how he’s always trying to get me m-married off. Don’t take him too seriously.” She sucked in a deep breath. “Gosh! Can’t two friends go out for a meal without everyone getting the wrong idea!”
“Right!” said Eren. “Exactly.
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just bought groceries for dinner & now i have literally no appetite because im emotional someone put me out of my misery
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one-winged-dreams · 5 months
Okay, yeah, think I'm having a minor, low-key episode.
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mystic-myrtille · 2 years
I need a moment to talk.
I have been actively avoiding season 5 because the LS invokes negative emotions in me...But I recently saw that Mari////Chat kiss.
Yeah....Objectively it's the best kiss for the LS...It was consensual and there was no shot of Marinette's butt.
But it's kind of like when I watched Smallville and there was the Clark and Lana and Clark and Lois romances...I could never get into the Clark and Lana relationship, I don't hate it as much as the LS (but they are still kind of the Adrie///nette of the show)
As much as I think Clark and Lana have moving scenes I always forgot that because Clark and Lois are unmatched.
Still annoying I disowned some Lukanette mutuals I had because they also ship Mari///Chat.
Sorry...MC has nothing on Lukanette and I can't get on board when Marinette forced herself to fall for Chat Noir even if she had every reason to reject him.
And yet people get pissed at me when I say the LS is forced.
And the Mari////Chat in season 5 is just fanservice to keep the fans around...Because A*truc realized how popular MC after saying MC would never be romantic in nature.
I guess on the bright side even more people nowadays are pointing out how bad the LS is...How forced it is and how it does not feel genuine.
Well yeah, it's just fanservice and people are taking it. Like a dog to a doggie treat.
Of course, I'm cool with people venting to me about what frustrates them about the show. Feel free to share your thoughts anytime:)
Understandable, I thought the Mari//caht kiss was sweet, but I just didn't feel anything because it felt undeserved. Like, the Chat blanc trauma. Marinette should 100% not want to pursue Chat noir after experiencing the Chat blanc time line. Mayyyybe if Marinette had more time to really analyse her feelings and work through her chat blanc trauma and... idk have Chat be a really great and reliable partner or whatever over more episodes, it might've been believable. But like this, it's clear it was nothing but fanservice and instead of actually exploring the dynamic these two might have, they use it for some fanfic type fluff/hurt/comfort and then kill it. Great, what am I supposed to take from this? That literally went nowhere.
And it's just so wild to me, because they had 4 seasons to develop the relationship that had 4 different dynamics, and they barely did anything with that and now they have to speed run everything by killing off all sides but one, giving Marinette a hard time because no way things can ever be easy for her and call it a day. Groundbreaking.
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hello i am jay
this is probably gonna be a vent/rant account. please use tone tags for anything that might come off as rude. i’m kinda awkward so please be patient with me 😭 my insta is ihaveahugecrushonkaoru and my twitter is ilovehhw if anyone was interested :3 feel free to talk to me or whatever just don’t be weird towards me :’) i love my girlfriend mischa!!!! and my bffs adri and lili :3333
some of my comforts include anything bandori related (specifically kaoru seta), sheep or cats, spongebob, and kpop (specifically ggs like twice or red velvet) :P
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sungracd · 2 years
✿  name :  kas which is short for kasumi which is what i’ve gone by since like forever.
✿  pronouns :  she/her
✿  preference of communication :  tumblr dms! i do have discord but i’m lazy and just like having everything in one spot so i’ll forget to check discord most of the time.
✿  name of muse(s) :  the fabulous adrian saint-clair ☆ i did have a multi once upon a time but i just never have the muse or energy nowadays.
✿  experience/how long (months/years?) :  now that i think about it, i guess since like middle school so around 17 years? which makes me feel so old wow- and i think i started out on the rp forums of neopets lol.
✿  platforms you’ve used :  aim, e-mail if that counts, gaiaonline, those invisionfree and proboards forums, roleplayer.me, and more recently aniroleplay and dreamwidth.
✿  best experience :  weeell usually i have a hard time choosing a best or favorite anything, but a memory that def still sticks with me is having this little rp friend group i chatted with daily and got to do group rps with! it was so much fun, especially for someone like me who’s really shy. 😊
✿  rp pet peeves / dealbreakers :  too much negativity. not the venting kind cause that’s only natural but like people that only have bad things to say? this is my fun and relaxing space so i like surrounding myself with positive vibes! that’s about all i can think of though.
✿  fluff, angst, or smut :  all of it! but mostly fluff and angst since i’m a little more picky with smut; it’s really only fun for me to write when there’s a lot of Emotions involved. fluff comes easiest for someone like adri but hurt/comfort does too tbh. i just really like having a nice balance of fluff and DRAMA ✨
✿  plots or memes :  normally i would say memes but maybe a mix of both? idk man, i like how convenient memes are and i like the spontaneity but sometimes they’re really hard for me to think up scenarios for. that’s why i say to spam me with like 20 options lol.
✿  long or short replies :  i prefer short but i’m probably more like an inbetweener? i just like to write what i feel is enough and it usually doesn’t get very long imo. i’d like to do more short & casual banters cause i feel like that would help with inspiration but idk, i guess it always ends up turning into something longer djskl.
✿  best time to write :  weirdly enough, right after i wake up. my theory is because that’s when my brain is the most refreshed and uncluttered.
✿  are you like your muse(s) :  we’re both air signs so in that sense there’s a few similarities in how we think and deal with emotions, but adrian is definitely way more positive and outgoing. i feel like wednesday addams compared to them lmao.
tagged by :  @yakshiaos ,  thank you !! hehe ♥ tagging :  @demonpunch ,  @ebonyforged ,  @fractempyreal ,  @felfruit ,  @svartr ,  @holyrisen ,  @gottgenug ,  @bitbrumal ,  @cruelset ,  @maugus ,  @electric-ecclectic ,  @mellodiies  and anyone who wants it !
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clubzy · 3 months
Name: Skully Montano
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D.O.B.: 3/12/1995 (28)
Height: 5'0
Pronouns: She/He/They
Sexuality: Pan
Identity: Non-Bi & Pan Gender
Species: Bat
Breed: Mixed between vampire & fruit bat
Fur Color: Brown
Eye Color: Sapphire
Background: Skully is a vampiric fruit bat. Due to complications with her birth, her mother would die soon after she was born. Her father while grieving over her mother's passing would become more distant to the point of only interacting with her when he felt that his daughter was useful in someway until around the time of Skully becoming a teen-young adult that her father would try to set her up with other heirs of Mafias to gain control or to be used as a bargaining chip and during that time, she had only two others that she would go which was her brother Adrie as during the time of both of them growing up, Adrie was mostly taking care of his little sister while he never blamed Skully for their mothers passing, he did feel resentment towards their father while never having a moment to himself to mourn their mom thus having a strain relationship with Skully & She thought she could go her granddad to vent to him but her granddad would use Skully as a way to gain incriminating evidence on his son (her granddad is a detective) until one night Xavier had plans on marrying off Skully to a Necrophiliac Mafia dons son in order to gain more power but on the night of the wedding just before the ceremony was supposed to go down, Adire helped Skully escape the wedding and drive her completely far off from their father's territory and to one of his houses where no one could find her so Skully could live a normal life.
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writtenwheart · 4 months
No es tan fácil
Es gracioso, me prometí que al alejarme de Madrid me alejaría también de ti. Y ahora, aquí estoy, escuchando canciones infinitas que me recuerdan a ti, a punto de escribir como me sentía en cada momento al conocernos. Al hablar de conocernos me implico en saber más del otro, aunque he de reconocer que adoro las primeras impresiones. Tal vez esto me sirva para reforzar mi idea de que todo esto es una locura imposible, o tal vez... tenga el efecto contrario.
Era un 10 de Mayo, no fue una buena semana. Me despedí de un amor que duró poco más de un año. Era lo correcto. Él, nuestra celestina, me escribió. Esa persona en común: "Adri, doy un concierto con mi banda esta noche. Vente". Nunca antes me había animado a ir, me doy el lujo de pensar que fue el destino, que aquella vez el acto requería de mi presencia. Lo pensé, muchas veces. La ansiedad me carcomía por dentro, iba a ir sola, pero necesitaba salir de casa, huir de aquellas cuatro paredes que solo me transportaban a la tristeza y la melancolía de algo que ya no era mío. Así que me vestí, peiné, y pinté los labios con labial rosa, no muy fuerte. Esperé en la puerta hasta a verle a él, intuyo que estarías ahí, cerca. Aún no me había percatado de tu presencia.
Es gracioso, cuando la sala se tornó a oscura y los focos de colores eran los únicos que iluminaban la escena te noté. Ya habías aparecido en la escena. Te miré de más, mucho de lo que jamás llegaré a admitir. Un chico loco, con doble micrófono y moderador de voz. "Está zumbado", eso fue lo primero que pensé de ti. Me gusta refugiarme en el pensamiento de que yo estaba ahí por algo. No me miraste ni una vez, eso pensé. Poco después me confesaste que eso no fue así.
La curiosidad me carcomía y te busqué en redes al llegar a casa. Te mandé algún video del concierto, a lo que a las 5 de la mañana respondiste "muchas gracias, Adri". Ahí creí que se quedaría la cosa, en una breve conversación con un chico guapo, que me sacaba unos años demás. Me sorprendí a la mañana siguiente, cuando recibí tu mensaje de "¿Entonces te va este estilo de música?"
Espera, espera, espera. ¿Te habías fijado en mí? ¿Te estabas interesando en hablar conmigo? Flipé. Quería preguntarte mil cosas, por qué eras actor, por qué estabas tan loco.... Joder, me interesaba hasta con que edad empezaste a montar en bici. Mantuvimos breves conversaciones, pero despertaste mi interés del tirón. Ya no eras el guitarrista guapo de la banda de mi amigo, ahora eras ese tío del que quería saberlo todo.
Lo confieso, investigué todo. Encontré que participabas en una obra de teatro... romántica. ¡¿UNA COMEDIA ROMÁNTICA?! ¡¿TENÍA LA POSIBILIDAD DE VERTE ACTUANDO DE FORMA ÑOÑA?! Esa sería mi perdición (de nuevo no lo supe en aquel momento...). Y ahí estaba yo, la misma puta semana, a verte ñoñear encima de una tarima. La obra fue... interesante. Bastante además. No esperaba verte con poca ropa. Otra vez me encontré mirándote mucho tiempo. Me estaba pillando, ya no me parecías un guaperas: la cosa iba a más. Y me dí cuenta exactamente en el momento en el que al despedirte posaste los ojos sobre mí y te sorprendiste al verme ahí, en primera fila; a aquella chica rubia con gafas, que por alguna casualidad fue a ese concierto en la Sala Vesta. No quise quedarme después, ni hablar. Creo que todavía estaba asimilando que estaba pasando.
Cuando estaba apunto de irme... ahí estabas. Siempre estás friki, siempre estás. Tras esa cortina del teatro, translúcido, parado entre el decorado. Ojalá pueda descubrir pronto si me estabas esperando. Saliste, hablamos, te conté que me agradó muchísimo verte actuar. Y soltaste esas palabras mágicas que lo cambiaron todo: "Tardo en recoger 15 minutos. Si me esperas, podemos ir a tomar algo..."
Me puse nerviosa joder, ME PUSE NERVIOSA. Llevaba cuánto, ¿años? No pude quedarme. Me encantaría quedarme. Y te vi, con esos ojos marrones, brillantes bajo la tenue luz de los focos... Tendría que haberlo mandado todo a la mierda en aquel instante, y decirte que iba enserio, y de verdad. Pero no lo hice, claro. Que hubiese sido de mi.
Lo de después es que, uf... Las próximas semanas llevaron tu nombre, junto con hipotéticos.
Hasta la segunda vez que nos vimos, fue poco tiempo. Con esa camiseta blanca y esa sonrisa que me encanta... ahí pude conocerte más. Por como te sentabas en la silla, por como me mirabas... Te juro que sentí que era recíproco todo aquello. Me dolió tanto ese último abrazo... fue demasiado corto, y eso que duró demasiado. Te tenías que ir, y no querías hacerlo. Cuando te dije: "Acabarás llegando tarde..." y me sonreíste para irte. ¿Sabes que quería? Besarte. Ese fue el primer instante en el que lo sentí. Quería correr detrás de ti, cogerte la cara y plantarte un beso. Me daba igual lo que pudiese pasar después, solo quería hacerte saber que quería seguir escuchándote durante horas todo el tiempo.
Cuando me subí en el tren de atocha días después me prometí no pensar en ti, no implicarte en mi vida. La diferencia de edad, la diferencia de sentimientos... todo eran razones para olvidarte. Pero llegó esa parte de ti que me quedaba por conocer, la que no tenía reparo en escribirme aunque yo no le contestase, la que no me contaba cosas porque sabía que no me iban a gustar... Ese "Hola Bella"...
Y aquí estamos. Y parecía muy fácil, no responderte los mensajes, fin. Ignorarte. En mi casa no existía tu sonrisa, ni tus abrazos, ni tus preguntas demasiado interesantes...
Pero no era tan fácil, porque ya era tarde. Te habías colado en todas partes, en canciones, en libros, en fotos. No había vuelta atrás: me estaba enamorando de ti y debía tomar una decisión.
La cuestión va a ser si... dolerá más de lo esperado.
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fyrewalks · 2 years
"Do you need me to come home?" // @lcvesdeath
“aw, how domestically sweet of you to offer,” adri sing songs into the phone. there’s a familiarity of this that nags at adri, a familiarity of this that she purposefully ignores. “i’m just venting,” she explains, leaning back into her seat. given the on and off again nature of her duty station, time split between hospitals and where ever her team ended up months at time, adri hadn’t given much thought to a post-navy life. she’d always been able to adjust. at least a combination of a recent veteran and a nursing license made job hunting less daunting; the rest of it, though, wasn’t so simple. she hadn’t considered where she was going to live long term, certainly not el paso and she wasn’t so sure about staying in san diego. nor had adri taken account how much splitting their joint savings would limit her options. “they keeping you somewhere secret?” at least it’s not remote or dire enough that jake can’t facetime her. 
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