#adri rambles
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antivancorvo · 3 months ago
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palette challenge batch #1
these are really fun to do, and very nice practice for painting datv characters!! I have a bunch of asks in my inbox still, I'm going to go through them slowly but surely, thank you guys for requesting <3 and glad you like them, the reception on some of these was so nice to see, it's really cool to create in this fandom again T-T
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yangsliuist · 19 days ago
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adridoesstuff · 9 months ago
I love Der Schleier fällt where Elisabeth just drops lifeless from the kiss and she's just immediately gone and passed on and Der Tod has to lay down her lifeless body. But I also equally love Der Schleier fällt where Sisi shoves Der Tod away from her after the kiss and just walks away all on her own, leaving everyone and everything behind and being absolutely blissfully free.
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adrianpurplelet · 2 years ago
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Happy Summon day Moritaka! >:33
Best doggo uwu
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Actually if a single person says they are tired today I might have to do something drastic (clock out) ((go home))(((go to sleep)))
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adriellej · 10 months ago
Who are your fav flash characters? My ultimate fav is detective Joe West, I bloody love that man so much, actual angel. I love allegra and chuck, I liked ralph too but he took a while to grow on me, caitlin is probably my fav from the team. Also loved Eobard because pretty 😍 lol Hunter/Jay was pretty as hell too and sadly underrated on tumblr cuz I can find like only 5 fics of him (cries in self pity lol)
Did you watch any other arrowverse shows?
Uh this is a tough question! But I do have to say I love the Wells (absolutely adore tom cavanagh!), mostly a big fan of Harry, also the reason I haven't dared writing any of the other members of team flash 🙈
Don't think I've met Allegra and Chuck yet, I'm so far at season 6 of the series!
Hunter sure is a hottie though!
I have seen some of Arrow, else only seen the chapters that mixed with flash so far 😂
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I personally want it to be like Colette sneaks back into her room - “weird that none my fam texted that I missed dinner Emily (gf) I guess no cares about me (little sister inferiority complex) “ and Jaime is like “hey. I’m you from a diff timeline“ and Colette just accepts that bc of Amelia and her mom.
Cue Jaime (big brother) busting in think she snuck someone in and sees both of them and freaks the fuck out.
Jaime starts calling Jaime (big brother) Jaime w a Y bc she’s gen z and would think it speak comedy even tho there’s no Y in his name.
Both Jaime w a Y and Colette just pretend for a hot second that Jaime has always been there at breakfast in the morning and their parents are like “Jaime the psychic from canada???”
The more that I think about it, the more I'm convinced that Jamie and Colette are two separate entities.
First off, Timeline 1 adult Chris and Timeline 2 adult Chris are two separate beings, which means there can be two versions of a person according to this universe's time travel rules.
When Jamie goes back to 2023, she's sent back to at least an entire day before she time traveled to 1987, to a location that she wasn't at that same time in Timeline 1.
So either Jamie just vanished from where she was and reappeared at the carnival, or Colette is a separate entity. And if she is, then that just begs the question:
Where is she?
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cosmicvaca · 16 days ago
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Jean Pierre Polnareff (+ Sherry) for the modern au. Pol is an ex-fencing champion but has a normal, well paying 9 to 5 job to support his little sister through college. In the evenings, he is a fencing instructor at the local community center.
Polnareff | Kakyoin | Avdol | Jotaro
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antivancorvo · 3 months ago
tell me why I feel the need to make a new account every time I have a new fandom and want to share fanart because this is getting exhausting
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yangsliuist · 1 month ago
you guys remember that one biswa joke about europe not being an actual continent? lets make it a reality in honour of this great man
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adridoesstuff · 1 year ago
I feel like Rudolf, for getting such a relatively minor part within the musical (since I think I'd be overestimating if I said that he gets 15 minutes of stagetime), is such an incremental part of the narrative. Because, to me, it's through him as a character that is presented with the nearest equivalent to general modern day opinions and openness of feelings, that a modern day person can really get immersed in the story by. That's why there is such a focus on Rudolf within the fandom: because he is such an easy character to empathize with and see oneself in. After all, who doesn't want their country to move forward and run justly and smoothly in the face of rising hate and ignorance? Who doesn't want someone to console them in bad times, to help them and to offer a shoulder to cry on?
Kronprinz rudolf apologism rant 😂
Not to showcase my own mental illness in terms of overidentifying with fictional characters based on historical figures but. I think the Elisabeth musical portrayal of Rudolf gets criticised too much and occasionally also for the wrong reasons
Like, you can dislike musical Rudolf being "woobified", that's ok, but sometimes criticisms end up going back to demonising mental illness (ie. ugly symptoms/behaviours automatically make you an irredeemable abuser and bad person - I'm specifically thinking of him "frightening Marie Valerie"). With someone like him there's lots of layers to it, he was a bad person in lots of ways (murder, arson, graverobbing...) but a very good person put in a desperate situation in others.
But since the musical is a psychological portrait of Elisabeth (and tbh - less so a psychological portrait of her and more of the end of an era) they only show the parts that make him "collateral damage" (of the system! Because in act 1 we see Elisabeth become part of the system to survive and the seeds of Rudolf's unstability be planted, and in act 2 we see how different ways of action and inaction uphold the system and make things worse).
And tbf on a more personal level, it annoys me that often when I talk about Rudolf with someone new, ppl will go "you know he was a bad person right?". Yes I fucking know!!!! The only people in the world who don't are the people who only learned about him from Elisabeth and didnt look stuff up on Wikipedia afterwards!!
Because guess what! That's what Rudolf's historical legacy was before Elisabeth and mostly is after it, the depraved ineffectual (overemotional, sick, politically emasculated...) nobleman in his greed murders a young girl. (Whether it can be called murder, btw, is questionable. As of 2016 we have Mary's suicide note/s. Obviously it's still icky for him to have shown romantic interest in her and pursued that/drawn her into the suicide pact...). In any case, that's hardly something I think is worth soapboxing about in the show itself.
How does showing "Elisabeth's son was mentally unstable, sexist and violent" on stage contribute to the central themes of Elisabeth's story?? When the story is about, among other things, the rise of nationalism and the death of liberalism (which is very convenient to portray in the show through Rudolf).
Idk also, I always talk about how it's important for me to have a non-cartoonish portrayal of depression and suicidal ideation (and suicide...) on stage in terms of representation. Musical Rudolf is me, he checks all of the boxes,,,, he's gay, he's depressed but NOT about being gay, he's stifled by the system, injustice weighs heavy on his shoulders, the politics of the world around him are going to complete shit....... irl rudolf is also me btw because he was a nerd, loved to travel, posted rants & callouts and was (towards the end) convinced he had an incurable illness aidöaålgösld
Anyway yeah, Rudolf was a victim of his situation, it doesn't make the other stuff he did where he victimised other people okay, but the musical storyline is really important representation for me specifically. I'm cordially inviting the ppl who want more emphasis on his immorality to make their own show, elisabeth is mine and brigitte hamann's and we're apologists 😂
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adridoesstuff · 1 year ago
I just realized that the older Schlussapplaus music for Elisabeth perfectly outlines the 4 central themes of the story with song choices in order from general to the main story theme:
Death is inevitable for everyone and everything (Alle tanzten mit dem Tod)
Loneliness and trying to find comfort and solace from or in it (Wenn ich dein Spiegel wär)
The warping and misconstruing of history in order to get personal gain and/or to make it more palatable for the masses (Kitsch)
And finally, finding and fighting for one's personal freedom (Ich gehör nur mir)
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Truly if you told me eight years ago I would till be hung up on the same people after all this time I would’ve decked you
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koolkitty9 · 7 months ago
LET ME FINALLY GIVE MY THOUGHTS ON THIS SCENE RIGHT HERE. Hi I am obsessed with this scene for absolutely no reason. I have MANY THOUGHTS on it and I want to share my analysis on this entire minute scene. It has been almost EIGHT YEARS NOW since it aired (Sorry some of this got formatted weird by Tumblr hhhhh)
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Right here, you can see the moment where Yumoto's heart just drops into his stomach and he realizes he MAY actually lose for the first time ever as a Battle Lover (Which would be A VERY INTERESTING THING to see!)
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Now why do they show him in the past? It shows that this is a REAL fear of his, losing Gora is such a big deal to him. This MAY have happened before at home but as a child, this scene takes place during the events we saw with the tiny Beppu bros in ep 10. Where he was left alone
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Starting off with this, WHERE is this coming from? Well, Sailor Moon S1Ep1, we see Usagi having an attack JUST like this, and it is a defensive attack, which I believe Yumoto's own attack was based on. Wombat MUST have known about this, I believe he NEVER thought it would occur
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The others are confused at this new power (Power #5 for Yumoto in s2) meanwhile, the twins are horrified/even MORE angry at him. Aki tells Haru to not falter and Haru tries to shoot Yumoto in the chest to stop/fatally injure him at this point
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Atsushi mentions Yumoto has stronger emotions compared to the VEPPer (He shames them btw), we learn in the OVA, Yumoto's powers are loved based, we DO get hints of in ep9 when Yumoto performs his Love Sprinkle attack. En notes that the twins underestimated how strong Yumoto is
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To me, this is just a VERY extreme panic attack but since his powers are with love, it is amplified due to his love for Gora. Kinshiro notes that both past and current Yumoto are merging. I HC that Yumoto was always destined to become Scarlet, so this moment has taken him back to the time when he was a child and this has somehow made itself known in the universe. This could be a result from the alien technology (or could just be nothing and Im looking too deep into a single line)
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Everyone isn't sure WHAT is going on, Ryuu tells him to get a grip after he learns Yumoto is "Losing himself to fear" and tries to touch him. As we see when Haru tried to hit Yumoto, this power is actively protecting Yumoto while doing damage to anyone who tries to hurt him. I actually find this to be SUPER interesting
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It's more interesting when he calms down after the twins realize how strong he is, I believe this is his true anger over the entire situation. By this point Yumoto is sick of it, he has been fighting these two for so long over his own brother. He has almost been killed and now He's ready to do the same to them. When the boys all come running to stop Yumoto, they all have different expressions (Can't see Io's :(( ) The twins though, are horrified as they know if they get hit, THEY ARE DONE FOR! (It's finEEEE)
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En's first thought is to grab Yumoto to try to calm him down somewhat by grounding him back to reality
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Atsushi (just like a mom as Yumoto says about him) gently grabs Yumoto's face and tries to get him to look at him, while also shielding him from either himself or another attack from the twins. You can actually see him and Io pulling Yumoto closer to them
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Ryuu and Wombat don't add much, BUT Ryuu does actually support Yumoto's head when they all fall onto the ground. Which Yumoto's head SHOULD be in Ryuu's lap (In theory).
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As for the dark place? Yumoto probably experienced a severe form of tunnel vision along with the influence of his powers. IMO, He was so overwhelmed with the thought of losing his only family forever that he forgot about his found family as well.
adding to how Yumoto is being held, Ryuu seems to have Yumoto's forearms pinned, Io has his arms around Yumoto's chest, and En and Atsushi I CAN'T really see where they're grabbing at but it but it does show you even with their strength it takes all four of them to subdue Yumoto
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And uhhh I think that's it really for this scene...for now... Once Yumoto remembers how he's loved by his friends and he's not alone, he transforms into his highest form to date :)))) also these frames of him are pretty lol this scene had a lot of gorgeous frames OKAY BYE!
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I didnt fit ALL I wanted to talk about but ANOTHER TIME! OKAY BYE FOR REALSIES
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alligaytorswamp · 17 days ago
Please tell me about the cane user in grimm parade (I’m a cane user)
aughhghgh okay!!!
hiding this in case i rant too much first of all - link to his toyhouse where i wrote everything semi-decently
a not very good recap of what is written in there:
ryunosuke basically a local villain B)
he is pretty eccentric, true theater kid, has a very specific way he presents himself (elegant, mysterius, lowkey evil) loves to add drama to any conversation, loves messing with people (a lot)
extremely confident, even if some people may think he is doing too much he legit does not care (that helps with fanservice btw, his stans are feral)
while he has his little calmer moments, those are reserved to the times when he is way too tired and hangs out with the people who are very close to him
anyways, the way he acts started as kind of coping mechanism (see: his background)/a persona he put on, now it is pretty much what he is
he is genuinely this overly dramatic person, born to be a leader and to be on stage !!
real ice king skjhjkhsjfk the coolest guy around with a lot of charisma !! rahhh
and while he is very creative (with the way he talks, acts and how he deals with all grimm parade music/content), self-assured, decisive, but also caring and considerate-
i would say his worst trait is his hatred for expressing any weakness, like he refuses to bring up his lowest moments. and when he feels unwell he is the type to just force himself to continue working
which connects to his condition (atherosclerosis) while he for sure exercises and eats well it doesn't exactly remove the pain/tiredness that comes with it, and he just- works through it 90% of the time the cane should be used properly to help him walk when he is really not doing well, but even then he will act like he doesn't need it
so he is a silly stubborn guy who refuses to accept his own weaknesses... but do not fret he has great people around him who help him with that
he is a vocaloid stan, who enjoys singing songs about some crazy romance drama and/or muder (lmao), he is lowkey a cosplayer, can argue with managers easily, will kill you on sight if you disrespect rokuro or shouhei, hates going out if he doesn't put makeup on and doesn't wear some sick outfit (catching him in actually casual clothes is a rare event), he is crazy popular, plays into fanservice... like he totally has stepped on people because they asked, he wants to be treated like a scary villain, be called ryunosuke-sama, but in reality despite the way he acts he is really sweet and caring hmm ... i think this is about it !
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heartofbalemoon · 2 months ago
may you and your f/os celebrate and be silly and jolly together c:
ALSO SHOUTOUT TO THOSE WHO LEFT A MESSAGE ON MY TREE,,, IM GONNA CRY- 😭😭💞💕❤️💗 thank u all so much for being with me this year, supporting me and my oc/canon selfships,,, no words can properly describe how happy i am to be interacting with you all and gushing about my cute handsome sillies :'3 🫶✨️
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