#adopted by glaives
agent-jaselin · 2 years
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inktober 22, Heist! He’s stealing extra blankets. Not that Tredd would mind.
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aureus2010 · 6 months
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i am THIS close to posting 5 paragraphs on this gal… religious trauma anyone???? i wanna infodump so bad rn (info on the ref sheet itself)
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taski-guru · 2 years
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This adopt is unique - no bases used.
It doesn't look like they have armor, maybe they're not a warrior? More like an explorer. But they definitely have this glaive (or something similar to it) and they will do something with it.
Suggested name Capriel Blackrock (or Caprida Grayhorns?)
Open for offers $80 and above
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Knight and Rat
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Posted this on my idv server but then my brain was like lol MORE so here we are lol
Rated Mature | Warning: Heat cycles
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A feral little street urchin, the cards were never in your favor until he found you. You were stealing food from the supply wagons with the other street urchins, a rather organized hit from what he read of the reports.
You the leader had been willing to take the fall and ordered that anyone who gets captured to rat only you out. There is loyalty, fierce, and he could see the way you do not falter or flinch at the threats of imprisonment or even death.
“Welcome to the White King’s Army, rats!”
For your crimes of thievery of goods from the Royal White Army, you will serve in the military. Your training is overseen by the fearsome White Knight Ithaqua.
The others who were caught with you were also given the same sentence.
Ithaqua expects you all to break, you told them, they want spare bodies to toss into the battlefield to die— You will not let them die.
“Watch each others’ backs. We will show them!”
The training is vicious and merciless, and many nights the others would wish they were back on the streets rather than here.
“I want to fight Lord Ithaqua.” A full six months in and things were getting worse as White Kingdom started preparing for war with the Crimson Kingdom.
The final test is to put the rookies into their ranks.
The last group is yours with others nervous but ready.
“You dare challenge the White Knight?!” The person who made the selection shouted. You are looking at the bastard who gave you all hell for six months, who forced your found family into a service none of them can truly handle.
“Alright.” Getting up from his seat and grabbing his glaive, “What are your terms, rat?”
“If I make you bend the knee then you let my brothers and sisters go.”
“What about you?”
“I will remain in their place to fulfill the rest of their sentences.”
“If you win then my sentence gets extended.” You grab the training lance, two of them. “Do you agree to these terms?”
“Either way I keep you caged, rat.” Though without his full regalia, he is still a force to be reckoned with.
You go into a battle stance, he stands casually as he expects you to go strange at him. Two minutes and he becomes impatient enough to go after you.
The fight lasted longer than he expected as you used two lances, a combination of some of his skills and ones you picked up from other knights. Speed and agility to wear him down is a good idea but many have tried that before on him.
The last attack took a lot out of you as you threw everything you had to push him in at least one knee, but in the end, you were defeated and on the ground struggling to get up.
You were so angry, the rage on your face as you were forced to gaze upon the unaffected knight.
“Your siblings are free to go,” He crouches down in front of you, “But you belong to me from now on.”
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Ithaqua was terrifying before to train with another teacher but training completely only under him is worse. Every day you go to bed sore and often barely unable to eat because of how painful it feels to chew and swallow.
But you do eat out of spite, to prove you will not break! To be able to beat him!
Tonight, he allows a break, a moment of rest for your wounds to heal properly. Though you antagonize him, you think this is out of pity and you will have none of it.
“I don't want your sympathy!” Attacking him with a training stick, “Fuck you!”
Ithaqua stands there holding the stick with one hand then smells the air before his eyes narrow, “Explains the hostility lately.” You can be stubborn but not violent. You usually are level-headed.
The dynamic between you both is not a mentor to the student, you both are soldiers in his eyes and equals in that sense. You do belong to him, you carry his crest marking a part of his house, nothing more.
“I hate you! Put me down right now! Don't touch me.”
Half breeds are always a mess to deal with, he does not know how his adopted mother handled him, especially during this time.
Late bloomers are rare but given you were not around your kin it makes sense being around Ithaqua would set you off. 
Heat. He takes an herbal mixture to keep him in check thus why he is so calm about this.
“Take off your clothes.” Best to do this outside to not have your room smell of sex.
“Make me, Ithaqua!” You are just being combative.
He sighs as he does exactly that.
“We are not fighting, (Name).”
You are giggling in a feral way as you run away, shit, his instincts calling to him to chase after you. And he does rough house with you in the garden behind his abode.
Clothing was stripped off and some were ripped off.
It takes a bit of work and he is grateful at least you are more than wet enough to help with the preparation.
There are a couple of times you are on top of him, mocking him, scratching and biting him. Feral thing!
But it does not last and when he is finally inside of you…
You are a perfect fit, too perfect, he hates he might have to savor this.
"Ithaqua," He hums at the sound of your voice. "Ithaqua!" That's better just the right pitch as you claw at the fabric of his coat under you. He needed it off and you do not like how grass feels on your naked sweaty skin. "More, ah, please."
"So polite," He gives more as he grabs a handful of your hair and pulls it back. "Louder." Growling as he feels you get tight around him.
"Ithaqua!" Crying out his name as cum from both the sharp pain of hair pull and his cock. He keeps going until he pulls out and cums all over your back. Then you drop to the ground completely spent and in a daze.
The White Knight leans back on his calves, hands slicking back his messy wet hair, this went on longer than you both expected.
He laughs when you complain about being sticky.
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soylent-crocodile · 6 months
Faller (Monster)
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(ISOPOD by Anastasia Berseneva)
CR9 TN Medium Monstrous Humanoid HD12
(As the name may suggest, these were built from the ground up as an terrestrial whalefall specialists, with the various giant beasties of pathfinder substituting for whales. I actually used fallers as a placeholder name but got attached to it, so here they are! They're up there in CR so that a caravan of five of them puts up a genuine threat for someone who might fight an Adult Red Dragon.
Also I don't love this art for fallers, but it was the most buggy of the bipedal isopods i could find.)
Fallers are wandering nomads who specialize in feeding on the carcasses of great beasts, such as giants, dragons, and large dinosaurs. They live in family groups of up to a dozen individuals and have no leader, employing an anarchic decision making process that may see these groups splitting and reforming as different individuals take different paths. A faller caravan’s lifestyle consists of divining the location to various monster falls and then traveling, possibly hundreds of miles, to such a banquet. Upon reaching such a corpse, they will claim it, defend it, and slowly harvest and feed off it until such a time as it grows thin and they must move on to fresher falls. It’s noteworthy that, due to their powerful innate divination magic, a group of fallers may set camp for a death before it occurs. Generally, these divinations hold true, and fallers find a warm corpse at their destination, but twists of fate are not unheard of, and fallers are generally prepared for battle if need be. Fallers are frequently seen ushering giant flies, which serve as a combination of pet and mount, enabling them to engage flying enemies and scout high-up or hard to reach places. These flys are surprisingly docile and loyal in a faller’s hands. 
Fallers are known to come into conflict with adventuring parties over the spoils of the latter’s conflicts; adventurers regularly stake claim to the loot and parts of a particularly dangerous foe, but fallers consider themselves owed the rewards of such a struggle, and practically speaking, are often unable to relocate to a new corpse before the threat of starvation looms. Unfortunately for many adventurers, fallers are trained combatants, and a particularly undiplomatic group of them may spell doom for an adventuring party soon after a proud triumph. Finally, fallers have been known to come into conflict with the cultures dragons and similar great beings surround themselves with; claiming the corpse of a lone dinosaur is one thing, but disassembling and eating a corpse may be less welcome when it’s the corpse of an important leader or respected member of a community. For this reason, cultures led by dragons frequently adopt a kill-on-sight principle for fallers, and kobolds in particular are known to litter a faller’s anticipated path with the most lethal and cruel traps they can manage. 
Despite this, faller’s oracular abilities are also known to a few peoples, and some cultures seek out such beings to ask questions, sometimes deliberately luring them by killing a large animal. Fallers are a practical and isolationist type, however, and must be provided some benefit to expend their divining abilities; especially since such abilities are necessary for their way of life.
Fallers' endonym is a series of rasps and hisses unpronounceable to the average mammal or reptile.
This hunched over biped has a hard, segmented shell on its back, a number of segmented limbs, and large black eyes.
Misc- CR9 TN Medium Monstrous Humanoid HD12 Init:+4 Senses: Perception:+22 Scent, Darkvision 60ft Stats- Str:22(+6) Dex:19(+4) Con:23(+6) Int:15(+2) Wis:24(+7) Cha:16(+3) BAB:+12/+7/+2 Space:5ft Reach:5ft Defense- HP:138(12d10+54) AC:24(+4 Dex, +2 Armor, +8 Natural) Fort:+12 Ref:+12 Will:+15 CMD:38 Resist: Acid 10, Cold 10 Immunity: Disease Special Defenses: DR2/Bludgeoning Offense- mwk Glaive +19/+14/+9(1d10+9/x3) or Net +18(Entangle, 10ft) or 2 Claw +16(1d6+6 plus trip) CMB:+18 (+2 Racial bonus to trip) Speed:30ft Special Attacks: Studied Target +3 (Attack, Damage, Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival; Move or Swift Action) Feats- Great Fortitude, Endurance, Point-Blank Shot, Vital Strike, Power Attack (-4/+8), Quick Draw Skills- Climb +15, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +14, Knowledge (Geography) +14, Knowledge (Nature) +14, Perception +22, Ride +13, Survival +22 Spell-like Abilities- (Caster Level 11, Concentration +14) Augury, Invisibility Purge, Sanctify Corpse 3/day Dispel Magic, Find the Path 1/day Divination 1/week Special Qualities- Ferocity Ecology- Environment- Any Languages- Faller Organization- Pair (2), Caravan (4-6 Fallers, 0-3 Giant Horseflies) Treasure- Standard Special Abilities- Studied Target (Ex)- A faller may use the Studied Target ability as a 10th level Slayer.
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raviollies · 8 months
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Been a while since I did a summary so here's one of the later sessions (this one written by me muhaha)
So for a couple weeks now the party has found a shapeshifter village to stay in while Arameia gets her Character Moment by bonding with the other werewolves and seeing what they can be like (and hey maybe it's not as bad of a curse as she thinks)
If anyone remembers, a WHILE ago, Arameia broke Raha's glaive when in werewolf form, so it was time to finally fix it up. So my session begins with the party going to a blacksmith that's out of the village, few miles out, a recluse. He is said to be a master and proficient in Elven style of blacksmithing - when they find the forge all the windows are closed, were it not for the smoke from the chimney it would look abandonded.
At first the half-elf blacksmith Greiolf refused entry, but upon hearing that it was for an Elven weapon, reluctantly he let them in. Inside the house is dark, and he forced the party to kinda shuffle in instead of opening the door fully (hint hint).
While inspecting the weapons, by accident, another person reveals themselves in the house, his adoptive daughter, a (seemingly) half-elf woman named Alphienne. The gang is asked to gather the materials necessary to do the repairs (Specific type of wood for Raha's glaive as an example), but since it's late they're welcome to stay for dinner.
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During the dinner, the gang really bonds with the small family. Arameia especially, since she herself has an adoptive father, who she left in order to protect from herself. She really likes this old man. Alphienne having lost her parents in the war, and Greiolf being an ex soldier, preferring to keep to himself. He walks with a limp from a recent injury so he requests the party to gather water from a near by well and firewood in the morning. Oddly during the dinner, Alphienne does not seem to eat much, if at all. She cleans up the plates with shaky hands before leaving to wash them followed by Arameia - who to test a suspicion, cuts her hand. Alphienne turned away but did not do anything else, leaving Arameia to shrug and walk back.
After spending the night in the wagon, the gang did as requested, walking to get water and firewood, but seeing a nearby stream, decided to also catch some fish so the family had some fresh food (Raha gathering things like mushrooms and herbs instead). On their way back, they noticed the smoke was no coming from the chimney, and when they stepped in the forge was quiet...empty, and bloody. The repaired weapons lay on the table, but no sign of either of the two occupants.
Following the trail of bloody footprints and handprints, they come upon a grisly scene. Greiolf, disemboweled and Alphienne, a vampire spawn, sitting empty before his body, her whole body stained with blood. It's not hard to deduce that she had murdered him in her hunger. She explains shakily, that she hasn't eaten in several days, or maybe even over a week (Vampires that live off animal blood need nigh daily feeding), that she has no idea how to hunt, and that Greiolf's injury prevented him from hunting too. That the blood from yesterday, made her lose it, made her focus on her hunger, remembering the taste of it.
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So the dilemma set over the party: to spare her and leave, or to punish her for what she has done. Raha and Blythe chose to leave, they saw it as an act of survival. If they are paid to hunt her later, they will, but they are not arbiters of morality to be carrying out a sentence for her.
Lorelai did not wish to leave, forced to confront her possible future, and her past, having also accidently slaughtered her father. She wanted her gone, to prove that she isn't a wild animal and can control herself unlike this spawn.
Arameia wanted to slay her for her own feelings, having seen Greiolf as similar to her own father, it was hard not to imagine him there instead, broken and slain, perhaps even by her hand had she stayed. She wished to punish her for taking away such a person. But ultimately, she decided to not pursue further bloodshed.
Eirwen also wanted to do something, in her eyes leaving her behind puts innocent people at risk, that she will feed on others, and more blood will be spilled, but she too was unwilling to stain her own hands to carry out this kill.
They ended up leaving, the forge now empty sans it's final lonely occupant. In the inn, it was a heavy conversation, everyone sharing their thoughts and perspective. That they left a dangerous beast, that will hunt others - but if you do not wish her to hunt, then kill her, but you cannot. That is being a spawn a death sentence should you be untrained in combat? What qualifies as someone 'innocent'? After all they slay many a person on their travels.
Lorelai revealed the reason she is traveling, the past with her father to the party, saying that she cannot pass judgement on her ultimately, despite her feelings, since she is the same.
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And so the two beasts and the cleric are at impasse of what they shall do should the harrowing day for their own test come.
Some fun DM things I hid throughout the game for funsies:
Greiolf being a soldier and Alphienne having lost her parents to war was intentional, as it is left ambiguous as to what side he was on, and how much he had participated in that. It is implied he took her in out of guilt
The bloodied forge and the victims showed no signs of struggle. There was no blood under Greiolfs fingernails, and Alphienne bared no injuries.
The fishing trip was meant to instill a feeling of guilt - if they had come earlier would this have been prevented? In truth yes and no. Sure they could have held this off for another day, but what about tomorrow? Or next week? This was a tragedy that was in motion long before they came
Likewise, whether or not Arameia's cut actually played a role in causing the incident in a domino effect is also left up to interpretation.
Despite being Half-Elf, throughout the dinner Greiolf kept referring to Elven blacksmiths as 'they' rather than 'we' - when pointed out by Eirwen he shrugged and just said he didn't feel as though he belonged with them. This was a reflection of an attitude Raha also encountered.
This attitude was also the reason he wished to work on Elven weapons, as he rarely got an opportunity, as a Half-Elf.
Closed windows, the door opening aside, Alphienne was portrayed as being extremely jittery, stumbling over her words, un-coordinated and looking fatigued - signs that she was starving.
Killing Alphienne would have actually not caused any difference or change, as she leaves after this.
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this-is-ris · 6 months
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Thank you for the tags everyone! Take a seat, or grab her hand for a journey into some Ris Lore Basics!
-Name: Ris Dei-ijla -Nicknames: Haven (as called by her partner, Qara) Glasses (by a friend, named Fish) and Rissy (Dinky Dinky’s name for her) -Age: 55 -Nameday: 12th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon -Race: Rava Viera -Gender: CIS Female -Orientation: Pansexual -Profession: Gleaner, Herbalist, Fledgling Apothecary
P H Y S I C A L    A S P E C T S
-Hair: Thick wavy blanket of dark brown hair, absolutely fluffy and soft. Always woven with fresh flowers and herbs. -Eyes: Bright jade, constant glow to them. Wears red-hued eye makeup around her outer and lower lids. -Skin: Tan, freckles all over from head to toe. -Tattoos/scars: None to speak of, will on occasion wear body paint reminiscent of her tribe.
-Parents: Ceres Dei-ijla (mother) -Siblings: many sisters (some known, some unknown) -Grandparents: Unknown/Deceased  -In-laws and Other: self adopted brother Bem Dei-jla. -Pets: Rabbit named Pancake
Abilities:  -Channeling aether, for use with summoning or healing magicks. -Use of a guard stick/glaive -Use of tomes if practicing summoning magicks.  -Aethersight that can read one’s emotions/aura to an extent.  Hobbies: -Gardening/Foraging, Reading, Dancing, baking sweets and preparing medicines for her friends and loved ones.
-Most Positive Trait: Selfless and willing to help just about anyone. -Most Negative Trait: Worrying too much for others’ safety and wellbeing where it may seem she loses sight/trust of them being able to handle themselves just fine.
-Colors: Purples, greens, blues -Smells: Jasmine, oud wood, vanilla, moss -Textures: soft delicate flower petals, dewy moss on tree bark, velvety tuft of fur, smooth leather cover of a well-loved notebook. -Drinks: Teas, botanical beverages, fruit juices
O T H E R   D E T A I L S
Smokes: Doesn’t go out of her way to, but has done some experimenting with special grasses she may come across.. Just for science. Drinks: Socially, with friends and at her favorite taverns when passing by the area Drugs: only drugs being of the medicinal variety she tests for herself (to check for side effects) aside from that, not recreationally unless we’re talking special grasses again..hehe Mount Issuance: a chocobo she was given a great deal on during her first time visiting the Shroud, named Lilah. Ris prefers traveling on foot, so oftentimes Lilah will just be her trail companion to share company with and be in charge of carrying their food and blankets. Been Arrested: No, but she has been (self) exiled! (:
This was super fun and I know I am a bit late so won't try and tag too many if I have seen one for you @justatheo @the-white-snake @prudentfolly @bemsbigboom (no pressure, but just in case~)
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howtofightwrite · 1 year
What are the battle tactics for combatants where individual soldiers could fly on their own power naturally? (like wings and such). I assume it won't be "land battle, but in air". What are a good weapon for winged soldiers to arm themselves with? And what would be a logical countermeasures against these flying fighters?
So there's a lot of elements here, and there's probably some physiological issues that make this less appealing than it may initially appear.
The significant advantage is probably in hit and run tactics. Flying soldiers would be an excellent skirmisher option. Able to move in without significant opposition and harass enemy units behind the front lines. Either allowing them to pick at the enemy's flanks or assaulting archers and artillery. They might be able to tie up the enemy's command, and severely limit their foes' ability to manage their own forces. Just the sheer mobility would make them difficult to deal with, and priority targets.
Weapons would vary depending on role, but ranged weapons and polearms are probably the best options, both for the flying troops, and then also the best countermeasures. Polearms would let them attack without getting into direct melee. This might be spears, or it could be glaives, halberds, poleaxes, and basically anything else. Billhooks could be pretty nasty, if they wanted to grab enemies on the ground and lift them up (assuming that's an option.)
Of course all of these considerations also apply against them. Polearms mean they can be struck and dragged down even while they're trying to stay out of reach. Ranged weapons are going to be highly effective in situations where they have no cover. An arrow through the wing will bring one down immediately, possibly seriously injuring them or killing them from the fall. Bolos, or bolo launchers of some design might also be a good idea for tangling and incapacitating the flying soldiers. Similarly, some kind of net launcher might be a very viable way for getting these guys out of the sky. However, ranged weapons in general are likely to be highly effective for one very specific reason: They (probably) can't armor their wings, and their wings will be large targets. Their wings also mean they can't pack together tightly.
With birds and other naturally flying animals, the more it weighs the larger the wings need to be. This is part of why birds have hollow bone structures. Their bones keep their weight down and allow them to fly with significantly smaller wings than they'd need if they had the same bone structure as a mammal. This means that bird people would likely be more vulnerable to violence. Either because their bones would be far more fragile in combat, because their wings would make for massive targets, or both. Now, it's likely their wings would be able to lift far more than their own weight, but the more weight they carry the more that would exhaust them, and especially weight on the wings would be tiring. (Assuming that they can armor them at all without losing their aerodynamics.) This is why your bird warriors would make better skirmishers than front line infantry, and a force comprised entirely of bird warriors would suffer from having a very fragile front line. In that case, they would be better off adopting a warfare doctrine of harassment and hit and run tactics, where they deplete enemy forces without ever committing to conventional battles. Getting into straight up fights would result in devastating losses, especially against shock tactics or heavy infantry forces. It's worth remembering that even their heaviest armor is probably going to be much lighter than the heavy armor their foes can deploy with.
When presented with a phalanx, your bird warrior's best option might just be drop rocks on them. Which might sound funny, until you consider the prospect of someone dropping 20lb stones from the sky.
There's also a weird strategic element here. Your flying soldiers (and presumably) the rest of their society could, simply, inhabit areas that are impossible to besiege, or potentially even impossible to access as part of a normal infantry campaign. If you have a settlement or outpost located up on a high peak, with no footpaths up, and any invading force would need to either fly up or climb sheer rock walls, that's going to be very difficult (if not impossible) to assault. Similarly, your bird warriors probably wouldn't need to worry about laying siege at all. They can just fly over enemy fortifications, and get to the important task of dropping limestone brickwork on their enemies, and grabbing high-value targets, taking them for an impromptu sightseeing trip, and dropping them off a little too far above the ground. These guys could be a real handful to deal with. Either as irregular forces mixed in with an enemy army, or just acting on their own, and any group dealing with them would need to seriously reconsider their fortification designs.
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nerdythebard · 3 months
#61: Loki Laufeyson [Marvel Comics]
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[Art Credit: Gabriel Hernandez Walta | Doctor Strange (2015)] ---
I'll start by saying this, my dear Deities... I am not a fan. As a resident mythology nerd, I have a few baseball bats with Marvel decision-makers' names on them. But, I am a bard of the people and therefore shall hear my audience's requests. And thus, we're building Loki Laufeyson as depicted by Marvel Comics. Plenty of changes to the real Loki (which will be featured!), so let's see what we can do.
Next Time: You want more gods, I give you more gods. No more monkey business! Unless the monkey's business is to become immortal.
So, what does this so-called Loki brings to the table:
Tall Tales & Tricks: Loki in most of his iterations is known for his speechcraft and manipulation techniques. This one, however, is also quite fond of spells and various magical practices, specialising however in illusions and shapeshifting (although seemingly limited to mostly humanoid forms).
Tough as... Ice: This Loki is a full frost giant (...shh! Keep the Jotunn lecture for those who ask, Nerdy) with all the physiological advantages. We're talking durability, strength, the entire package.
Shinies & Stabbies: This Loki likes his pointy objects. Daggers and the sword Lævateinn seem to be his particular favourites. Plus, we all remember the glaive/scepter he gets in the movies.
To properly represent Loki's Jotunn lineage, we will reach for the "distant cousins of giants" in the world of D&D - Firbolgs, as depicted in Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse. We get +2 Charisma and +1 Constitution, some Firbolg Magic which lets us cast Detect Magic and Disguise Self (once without expending spell slots, unless we have slots to spell - spoilers: we will), ability to turn invisible with Hidden Step, ability to communicate (one way) with nature using the Speech of Beast and Leaf, as well as Powerful Build which makes us count as one category larger for tasks such as carrying, pulling, or lifting.
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Loki's many things, but in most instances he is a Charlatan, so that's what we're going with. We gain proficiency in Deception and Sleight of Hand, as well as with disguise and forgery kits (which will be useful to alter our clothes, as it cannot be done via magic). We are also able to craft False Identity for ourselves, completed with an entire past full of tangible evidence. What's better for a foundling child, adopted by a local warlord, who needs to use disguise magic to hid his true form?
This one's obvious - we are putting our highest score into Charisma, we will be using it most of the time both in and out of combat. We also need to avoid, dodge, and slip into the shadows so Dexterity will be next. Finally, let's grab Constitution, just in case some musclehead with a hammer catches us once in a blue moon.
Intelligence will actually be next, we're good at gathering information and utilising it. Strength comes from our giant lineage, although we rarely get physical. Finally, we're dumping Wisdom - if we had it, we'd learn to not constantly betray our brother or the heroes that gave us a chance (again).
Level 1 - Rogue: We will start with our non-magical skills. Rogues get a d8 as their Hit Die, [8 + Constitution modifier] initial Hit Points, proficiencies with light armour, simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, and thieves' tools. Let's give your standard leather armour, and two daggers plus a shortsword (which what would a Norse primary weapon be, provided you're wealthy enough).
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Our saving throws are Dexterity and Intelligence, and we can choose four skills from the class list (Acrobatics, Perception, Performance, and Stealth). Rogues start with Expertise to their skills, doubling the proficiency bonus of two chosen skills; for this Loki, who uses illusions and body switching so often, let's put Expertise in Persuasion and Stealth. We also know Thieves' Cant (can't what? - no, that joke will never not be funny), a system of phrases and symbols used by Rogues to communicate. Slip some Asgardian lingo without worry of revealing plans.
We can also apply Sneak Attack to any attack (with a Finesse or Ranged weapon) that we have an advantage on. The amount of damage increase as we level up; for now it's an extra 1d6.
Level 2 - Rogue: Our quick thinking grants us Cunning Action. We can now take the Dash, Disengage, and Hide Actions as Bonus Actions, allowing for better positioning.
Level 3 - Rogue: Our Sneak Attack bonus now becomes 2d6. We also get to pick our subclass, our Roguish Archetype. I'm guessing some of you would go with Arcane Trickster here, but remember we're focusing on quick and stabby Loki in this part; put on your feather caps, we're going Swashbuckler! With Fancy Footwork, we do not provoke opportunity attacks if we make an attack against the enemy (notice, it doesn't say we need to hit the enemy, so this is a perfect testing-the-waters technique). Thanks to our Rakish Audacity, we can add our Charisma modifier to our Initiative, making us a good scout and once again helping with our positioning.
Additionally at this point, when we're in melee range of an enemy and there's nobody else within 5 feet, we do not need advantage for our Sneak Attack.
Level 4 - Sorcerer: As one wise Loki said "blades are worthless in the face of a Loki Sorcery", so we're going to focus on that now. Multiclassing into Sorcerer does not give us any extra bonuses, but it enables Spellcasting. Charisma is our casting ability and we know catrips and regular spells. Sorcerers get a fixed number of spells. We start with four cantrips (Fire Bolt, Friends, Minor Illusion, and Prestidigitation) and two 1st-level spells (Comprehend Languages and Sleep).
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Sorcerers also pick their subclass, their Sorcerous Origin, at this level. We shall circle back to our giant legacy and pick the Giant Soul option from the Unearthed Arcana 51. With the legacy of the Frost Giants embedded in our essence, we gain Jotun Resilience - every level up we get an additional 1 Hit Point. We also carry the Mark of Ordning, which grants us some additional spells; at this level it's Armour of Agathys and Ray of Frost.
Level 5 - Sorcerer: We discover our inner Font of Magic and are now able to convert Sorcery Points into Spell Slots and vice versa. We can also grab another 1st-level spell; let's grab Charm Person to emulate the usage of the Mind Stone.
Level 6 - Sorcerer: We unlock Metamagic, which lets us use Sorcery Points to alter the properties of our spells. We get to choose two options: Quickened Spell uses 2 Sorcery Points to change a spell from Action to Bonus Actions. Subtle Spell uses 1 Sorcery Point to cast a spell without verbal or somatic components - perfect to sneakily place an body double illusion.
We also unlock 2nd-level spells here, so in regards to my previous sentence, let's take Mirror Image. We also get Hold Person from our subclass.
Level 7 - Sorcerer: Time for our first Ability Score Improvement. Let's raise our Charisma and Constitution by one, and then we can move to our spell selection. We get a new cantrip (Green-Flame Blade) and another 2nd-level spell: Misty Step.
Level 8 - Sorcerer: At this level, we normally do not get anything; the optional feature from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything called Magical Guidance lets us spend Sorcer Points to re-roll failed ability checks, but ask your DM about that one.
We do, however, unlock 3rd-level spells, so let's take Major Image to improve the quality of our projections, while we stick to the shadows.
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Level 9 - Sorcerer: We get another subclass feature. With Soul of Lost Ostoria, we gain a benefit based on the Giant heritage we've chosen previously. For Frost Giants, after casting one of our Mark of Ordning spells, we get temporary Hit Points equal to our Consitution modifier. We also get another 3rd-level spell; let's grab Antagonise.
Level 10 - Sorcerer: Halfway through the build and unfortunately, we get no class boons here. We do, however, unlock 4th-level spells so let's take Charm Monster to hopefully avoid potential non-human fights... or to cause them.
Level 11 - Sorcerer: Time for another ASI. Let's put points into Constitution and Wisdom, and then grab another 4th-level spell: Greater Invisibility.
Level 12 - Sorcerer: Once again, we get nothing class-wise. We do unlock 5th-level spells now, so let's take Creation to have an opportunity to always have a tool or a wepon on our hands.
Level 13 - Sorcerer: We get to pick another Metamagic option here. With Extended Spell, we can extend the duration of our spells (if available) by spending Sorcery Points to a maximum of 24 hours. Useful to keep some illusions or the Creation spell we've picked up last level.
We also pick up our last cantrip of the build (Mending) and another 5th-level spell; this time, let's get Telekinesis to reorganise the environment around us (and pick some loose trinkets laying in the open).
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Level 14 - Sorcerer: Once again, no new class boons but we do unlock 6th-level spells. With Mass Suggestion, we can now convince an entire crowd of mortals to bow down before us (or perhaps vote us President).
Level 15 - Sorcerer: For our next ASI, we will increase our Dexterity by two points to get better AC and Initiative options.
Level 16 - Sorcerer: Unlocking 7th-level spells, we can now use Teleport to call up a lift from Heimdall. Just make sure to collect some knick-knacks from the place you want to teleport to for a better chance of actually going there. Spatial travel's tough.
Level 17 - Sorcerer: For our final subclass option of the build, we are able to unleash the Rage of Fallen Ostoria. When casting a spell, we can spend one additional Sorcerer Point to transform into our Giant Form. For 1 minute, we become one category size larger and gain the following benefits:
Our current Hit Points and Hit Points Maximum increase by 1 per Sorcerer Level.
Our reach increases by 5 feet.
Our speed increases by 5 feet.
We have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
We get a bonus damage to our weapon attacks equal to our Constitution modifier.
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Level 18 - Sorcerer: Once again, no class boons, but we do unlock 8th-level spells. To once again hopefully avoid combat, let's use the power of the Norse Runes and grab Power Word: Stun.
Level 19 - Sorcerer: For our final ASI of the build, let's cap our Charisma to 20. Who knows, maybe the BBEG would be so willing to step down after having a nice little chat.
Level 20 - Sorcerer: For our capstone as Sorcerer 16, we get to enhance our Metamagic yet again. For the late game, let's get Twinned Spell to add one additional target to some of spells (like Telekinesis, Charm Monster, Major Image, etc.).
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And this is what I can do for the Marvel Comics version of Loki. Let's see what story I came up with:
First of all, we have a fantastic Initiative score. With a +7, we are almost certain to start every combat first which gives us fantastic opportunity to hide, reposition, or distract the enemy before they even make their move. Because this is what we are: we're a skirmisher, a supporter. We have enough to protect ourselves with but mostly we use Crowd Control and sticking to the back lines. We are first and formost the Party's out-of-combat Face for all social interactions.
Our AC is 14 and we have the average of 153 Hit Points.
Despite a solid identity as the Face, our Wisdom score is absolutely abysmal, which is not really great considering that is one of the most used and abused by the enemies. We are very vulnerable to any charmed or feared effects, so it's best to avoid being seen or invest into some magic item protection.
So that is it. You guys want more gods, I listen and serve. It's good to be back in the character building saddle. I'll see you soon with another breakdown build, my friends <3
-Nerdy out!
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cilil · 1 month
Eönwë Week - Day 3: Celeg Aithorn
AN: I'll be doing meta/headcanon posts for some of these days, hope you find them entertaining as well💙
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Today's topic: Celeg Aithorn, or: We know the name of Eönwë's sword?
𓅛 To answer this question, we first have to gather some tidbits found in several sources. I'll present those first - that will be the canon part - and then move on to talk about my headcanons based on them. Let's begin!
𓅛 Celeg Aithorn was mentioned in Beleg's whetting spell in The Lay of the Children of Húrin. Here is the passage in question:
There wondrous wove he words of sharpness, and the names of knives and Gnomish blades he uttered o'er it: even Ogbar's spear and the glaive of Gaurin whose gleaming stroke did rive the rocks of Rodrim's hall; the sword of Saithnar, and the silver blades of the enchanted children of chains forged in their deep dungeon; the dirk of Nargil, the knife of the North in Nogrod smithied; the sweeping sickle of the slashing tempest, the lambent lightning's leaping falchion even Celeg Aithorn that shall cleave the world. (The Lay of the Children of Húrin, "II. Beleg", p. 45)
For now, let's just take note and put a pin in the "cleave the world" part.
𓅛 The name Celeg Aithorn is Early Noldorin, with different sources providing slightly different meanings. According to elfdict.com, it may mean Lambent Lightning.
𓅛 In The Annals of Aman (Morgoth's Ring), we then learn of a sword that Manwë carried during the War of the Powers:
Thence, seeing that all was lost (for that time), [Melkor] sent forth on a sudden a host of Balrogs, the last of his servants that remained, and they assailed the standard of Manwë, as it were a tide of flame. But they were withered in the wind of his wrath and slain with the lightning of his sword; and Melkor stood at last alone. (MR, p. 75)
This is relevant because, according to The War of the Jewels, Manwë later gave this sword to Eönwë.
𓅛 As for the final puzzle piece, there is the old version of the Dagor Dagorath prophecy provided in Lost Tales, part of which states:
So shall it be that Fionwë Úrion, son of Manwë, of love for Urwendi shall in the end be Melko's bane, and shall destroy the world to destroy his foe, and so shall all things then be rolled away. (LT Part One, p. 219)
As many of you already know, Fionwë Úrion is the same character who later became Eönwë, changed to Manwë's herald and Maiarin servant instead of his son because the concept of the Valar having children was abandoned.
𓅛 So we have a sword named Celeg Aithorn "that shall cleave the world", an old prophecy stating that Eönwë is going to destroy the world and Manwë giving him his sword. It has therefore been suggested that these two swords are in fact that same, and I would say that a sword originally owned by Manwë and seen with lightning would fit the proposed etymology of Celeg Aithorn as well.
𓅛 Now, as you've noticed none of the sources cited above are from the Silmarillion and canonicity is a fickle thing in this fandom as is. Whether Tolkien, if you asked him today, would say that yes, this sword of Manwë canonically exists and Eönwë wielded it in the War of Wrath and is also the same as Celeg Aithorn, I can't say for sure. Best I can say is that it all fits together.
𓅛 This is why I've adopted this concept into my personal headcanon (note: I will from now on refer to it as just one sword, based on the theory that it is the same, and just call it Celeg Aithorn).
𓅛 I like to think that Aulë forged Celeg Aithorn for Manwë, either as a gift similar to the scepter the Noldor would later make for him or as a weapon to use in battle against Melkor. Manwë accepted it and also carried it, though I'm admittedly not sure if the part where he fights the Balrogs is something I'm keeping in my default verse; in verses where he is, for one reason or another, more "combative" for sure, but my take on current canon!Manwë is that he's not really a fighter (much like Melkor, funnily enough) and doesn't enjoy any sort of fighting, only defending himself or others if he absolutely has to resort to that.
𓅛 Seeing the destruction caused by the War of the Powers, knowing that going to war time and time again wasn't what Eru intended for him and also driven by his personal aversion, Manwë then gave Celeg Aithorn to Eönwë instead. Eönwë had already made a name for himself as one of the best warriors among the Maiar and Manwë sensed that there would difficult battles in his future, telling him that the sword would be of better use to him ("It's dangerous to go alone! Take this", if you will).
𓅛 This was also a symbolic act foreshadowing how Eönwë would be the one to lead the Host of Valinor in the War of Wrath, not Manwë himself, as well as both of them accepting their fates: Manwë accepting that the role of the Elder King was to stay behind and Eönwë accepting his role of fighting Melkor alongside the Children.
𓅛 Eönwë has used Celeg Aithorn ever since and it has served him faithfully. It's possible that it would betray him if he ever ceased being loyal to Manwë, but this remains in the realm of pure theory so far, given how loyal to his lord Eönwë has been.
𓅛 Being a sword crafted by a Vala and for a Vala, Celeg Aithorn is very powerful. It also shares the moral alignment of its current and previous owner and is therefore one of, if not the best weapon to fight evil creatures with (similar to the Master Sword in The Legend of Zelda, to draw a popular comparison). It was likely blessed by Manwë and hallowed by Varda, like she did with the Silmarils.
𓅛 Eönwë may have kept his old sword - the one he used before receiving Celeg Aithorn - for sentimental reasons, since he used to have it sharpened and maintained by Mairon. This may, unbeknownst to him, have saved him if Mairon, during his time as a spy, tampered with it to give Melkor an advantage.
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taglist: @asianbutnotjapanese @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @blauerregen @bluezenzennie @edensrose
@elanna-elrondiel @i-did-not-mean-to @just-little-human @singleteapot
@stormchaser819 @urwendii @wandererindreams @eonweweek
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drops-of-moonlights · 9 months
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Happy birthday Hotaru my gift to you is all the shit I did for you in ReStart. wall of text below
Hotaru 1.0 (土萠ほたる) is the daughter of Tomoe Souichi, de jure leader of the Death Busters after a lab accident that killed her mother and burned her right arm and leg causing her severe chronic pain that's only eased by the Taioron Crystal.
She gets used as the vessel for Mistress 9 that will awaken once the Death Busters fill the Taioron Crystal with the power of the Grail OR Hotaru kicks the bucket. The Let's Kill Hotaru For The Good Of The World Gang (which in the AU is the Outers plus Minako) does actually end up killing her against Usagi's wishes but WHOOPS THAT WAS A BAD IDEA NOW WAS IT.
Saturn awakens, does her thing, Usagi solves it, yadayadayada. When she's reborn as a baby Pluto takes her and puts her in a hospital in the future because I'm not about her murderers raising her as her own pretending like nothing happened.
She gets adopted and named Doei Hotaru (土栄蛍) so now we have Hotaru 2.0. While she doesn't have superficial injuries like 1.0 she still keeps the chronic pain from her but she manages with meds (and later her powers once she transforms).
Her first name is kanji (surname) and hiragana (given name) but translates to "firefly sprouting from the earth." Her second name is all kanji and translates to "firefly flourishing from the earth". A subtle change but I feel it fits lol
SilMil Saturn is inspired by bugs obviously and her mask is lightly based on them classic plague doctor masks. Her fuku is also loosely based on the rejected La Cygne Sailor Moon design.
Saturn 2.0 is basically canon Saturn bar the sleeves (she gets them with the upgrade) and her brooch is rounded yet unique because like the other Senshi that don't quite fit the hierarchy she uses one to transform. Phrase is still Saturn Planet Power Make Up. She also gets a more elaborate glaive.
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So, I'm writing a fic bc I read a fic and now I'm having THOUGHTS.
So. We fuck with the time table. Instead of Noctis being 10yo, Ignis being 12, Luna 14, and Ravus 17 (how old I normally hc them to be for the attack), they're about 2 years younger (Ravus is 16 but only has been for like 3 weeks). Noctis and Regis went to Tenebrea with Claruas, Ignis' uncle, and Ignis because they thought it would be a good idea for Noctis and Luna to get to know each other. Obviously this falls to shit and the Empire attacks. However, the kids make it out and Queen Sylva doesn't die. I have an oc (her name is Kendra and ill explain her more at the end) who ends up going with the kids because she's friends with Ravus. The kids end up going to Galahd to hide, and of course change their names.
So now Ravus is 'Ralin' but not really because they chose that sense it shortens to Rae, and that's Luna's nickname for him. Kendra just shortens it to Ken. Luna's now Lily. Ignis is Edward because Eddy sounds like Iggy. Noctis is Nathin because Nat sounds like Noct.
So they end up in Galahd, which is mostly open to the Tenebrain refugees, so long as they contribute in some way. They don't really need to worry about money because due to the war the government has all the money, and people just use trade. The kids end up on the largest island (will use map we see in ep. Ardyn and put screenshots at end), and they wander around for a few days before Ravus finds somewhere for them to stay. This is a slightly rundown inn with 5 floors and a basement, each floor has two apartments.
They are on the second room on the second floor. This inn is run by a woman, Miss Erica, and rather than paying rent they just kinda work for her. So she'll send Ravus out of run errands and teaches Kendra to cook. Because she is teaching them how to cook and clean. She also has a school on the top floor.
Their version of school is set up different and I will explain that in another post, but they all have to go to school at different times of day.
Nyx and his family also live here. Nyx ends up becoming friends with Ravus. Nyx's mom helps watch Luna, Ignis, and Noctis. And everything is good for about 2 years, then the Empire attacks again. Ravus protects Nyx's sister and motjer, and losses his left hand and about half of his left forearm. Kendra was hiding in the inn's basement like she was meant to be doing. Ignis and Noctis were out in a field not to far away and get attacked by a Maralith (giant 6armed sword welding snake lady). Ignis dies, but Noct doesn't know that so he accidentally brings him back to life. Iggy is now blind. Noctis has about the same ingury that would have sent him to Tenebrae in canon. Luna panics and ACCIDENTALLY SUMMONS A GODDESS.
She's also an oc, Ifrit's younger twin, goddess of molten rock. Her name is Agyua. She puts everyone in a pocket dimention of sorts, and kicks the Empire the fuck out of there. She did not send Luna away, and sort of goes through Luna's head to figure out where to put people when she puts them back. Like putting Ravus, Ignis, and Noctis in the hospital. Luna passes out, ends up in a coma to regain her strength. Same with Noct. Kendra has to help with cleanup, and Ravus and Ignis help each other relearn how to walk. (Ravus doesn't get a prosthetic for a few more years because unlike most healthcare in Galahd those aren't free.)
Now Agyua gives Galahd's solders and medics her blessing, and now you have the Glaive only not loyal to Lucis. These abilities do change a bit based on where you're from, like Tenebrain's are very good healers.
About now Sylva makes a deal with another oc, Miyako, goddess of the dead, and also Ardyn. Miyako was imprisoned by Bahumut and whipped from history, and is pissed at him. Cor also adopts Prompto around now. Kendra joins the hunters.
Another four years Regis still hasn't been able to track down Noct, and make Cor the heir. Regis keeps a group to secretly look for Noct (Gladio, Aranea, Cor, eventually Iris) Prompto has been online buddies with Noct for a while now, figures out who and where he is, and tells Cor. Cor sends him with Gladio, Aranea, and Iris to go get him. He's not home when they get there but Luna is, and she thinks them sus so she stalls until Noct does get home. Noct knows Prom, nobody else. And trusts Prom, but nobody else. Hence more stalling until Ravus can get beck, because he's been in charge from day one, Ignis isn't n town today and neither is Kendra.
Ravus has Prompto call Cor to better explain the situation, basically goes 'I'm not dragging us over that hell hole of a war zone to get to Insomnia' and now Gladio is mad at Ravus because Cor put Ravus in charge and Glado was supposed to be. Another year, and Miyako uses an army of dragon ghosts to drive the Empire out of Tenebrae. Miyako and Agyua are dating and have Tenenbrae and Galahd make an allince. Somewhere in there Ravus and Ignis get together. Also almost all of them end up fighting on the front lines at least once. Luna and Ravus (bc he also can heal screw u) fix up Noct and Iggy so Iggy can see in one eye and Noct's only issue is he now accidently shares him magic with Ignis in ways he's not supposed to be able to. Libertus and Crowe move in down the street, become friends with them.
Ardyn kidnaps Sol, kills her dad who was the heir the nif throne, and gives her to Sylva because that man doesn't know how babies work. Now the Empire is starting to self destruct.
Two years later, and our group gets to go to Insomnia. (Also Noct and Luna are a thing now.) They tell a few people about who they actually were, and Nyx is flabbergasted lol. After a bit Luna and Ravus have to go home, which isn't fun because by now they all have some level of seperation angxity and codependency issues (pls ignore bad spelling).
They figure out the whole Prophcey, go f*ck Bahumut, fight him with Agyua and Miyako, win, and Ardyn ends up ruling Lucis with Area after Miyako brings her back form the dead, while Noct and Luna get married and run Tenebrae. happy ending but Nyx dies only to come back during fighting god. so. just don't always trust that the dead are really dead.
Anyways! Kendra! She's 15 at the start, has long brown hair she likes to dye random colors, is pretty smart, and strong, basically the dad friend while Ravus is the mom friend. Also sarcasm.
Map screenshots! 1. what gods rule where, 2. map of Galahd as best i could, 3. Altissia, 4. Insomina in the light and the rest of Lucis, 5. the weird cost above nif is tenebrae, 6. full world map, 7. the other islands above tenebrae are where demons first popped up & are uninhabited, 8. nifelheim.
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taski-guru · 2 years
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A new adopt from me!
Design is open for offers above $150!
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kaijuree · 2 months
THE LONG AWAITED SUBSPACE LORE POST.... yes im insane i have all this lore to explain subspace's surname. i am batshit
anyways @luckyfailuregirl COME GET YO JUICE.... lore under the cut prepare yourselves
what if i told you guys that subspace was originally part of a 'family'? a cult? imagine a huge 'family' full of a bunch of demons with tripmine gears, & they all had the surname 't. mine'
so who's behind this cult? who leads it? allow me to introduce you to-
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DUAL (short for dual subspace tripmine). yes the same dual that's the elder god of reality & destruction, the same dual that's glaive/iron lotus & mystic tide's biological parent. the same dual.
dual, upon their defeat by iron lotus, was imprisoned deep within the inpherno, in the deepest & most secure cell banland had. they were imprisoned for several thousand years, before they broke out, blasting through the ground & being the very reason there are layers to the inpherno
dual, enraged & upset from being imprisoned & defeated, essentially forgotten by the inphinity, & still pissy as hell from being defeated by their own child- came up with an absolutely terrible idea. if their children didnt love them, they'd start a new family. they'd create an army to reclaim their former glory
so they literally ripped a hole in reality, creating their 'own layer', their own little pocket dimension. this place is known as the place of no stars
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the place of no stars is a gallery, a empty place where pieces & fragments of civilizations, worlds, & peoples that they've destroyed all float throughout the atmosphere like artifacts on display at a museum. trophies. a thick fog surrounds the endless tall grassy fields, barely concealing the horrors of this twisted world.
after miles & miles of endless plains, floating crumbled pieces of worlds, thick fog & cold winds, there is a manor that is home to this so called 'family'
there are many 't. mines', each one of them having a specific purpose that was picked carefully by dual themselves. their goal is to fulfill that purpose, to live up to expectations & nothing more. be nothing more then a mindless soldier
each t. mine is marked with a symbol, a magical & enchanted symbol on them-
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this is the mark of the iron lotus. you might be confused on why dual didnt use their own special mark or make a new one, & the answer is because they dont care. they believe whatever glory their children have, is also their glory. they did it out of spite
so, as we know- subspace is not like that. so how did he become who he was?
subspace was a warped child, curious & adventurous. his goal was to assist his 'siblings', stay to the side & never be on the frontline. he wanted more though.
curiosity got the best of him one day as he slipped out one day, walking for miles & miles in the middle of the night, somehow escaping through the hole of this 'world', seeing the inpherno for the first time since spawn. he was amazed, curious, adventurous. he saw those great mountains in the distance & made it his goal to learn more about them
so he walked, & walked. for days, coming very close to death. upon his arrival- he was nearly killed, but he lived from the pity & mercy of one guard at the border. he was 'adopted' & welcomed into blackrock
being brainwashed & clueless, not knowing any better, he idolized...questionable people. he was never properly raised, never taught how to really be a person, & always left unsupervised- so he was ruined. he became a horrible person
he continued to idolize those terrible government officials, & continued to indulge in horrible acts, making him the man he is today. that seems to have worked out well for him though, seeing as how he's literally been adopted by the leader of blackrock herself
pulse actually took such interest into him because of his strange & unknown upbringing & backstory, that alongside his 'bright mind'. shes always wanted kids ok lol
ANYWAYSSSSS.....yeah. thats it. PLEASEEEEEEEEE send me asks... /nf
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a-world-in-grey · 1 year
Sola/Little Nox Dissidia au
@raven-6-10 @secret-engima
The promised trainwreck under the cut!
The Citadel's been a wreck of tension ever since Spitfire and the prince went missing. Abyssus yowling fit to wake the dead brought the on-duty glaives running to find Sola's bed empty, phone still on her bedside table and all her shoes still in her closet, all signs pointing to an unwilling departure despite a clear absence of any sign of a struggle.
They'd raised the alarm, checking on the rest of the royal family and their retinue-
-and found Prince Noctis' bed as empty as his sister's.
Then, while Citadel security was swarming like a kicked anthill, spearheaded by a blackly furious Marshal and King's Shield looking for their godschildren, those guarding the Crystal had sounded the alarm.
Which is when they'd found their missing royals, via the Crystal putting out a hologram of the two like something from a bad science fiction movie.
Tredd hasn't gotten a decent night's sleep in four days.
If it's not the palpable worry radiating from the King racking up the tension, then it's the fact that the royal children have been summoned to a desolate world to participate in what's essentially a glorified death match on opposite teams, during which Prince Noctis is in nothing but his pajamas.
No one is ever again calling Sola's insistence on keeping her deployment bags in her armiger frivolous.
Though, if Tredd has to be completely honest, Sola's younger brother's lack  of proper attire is only a fraction of what's causing the tension. No, the bulk of it goes to Spitfire's newest Uncle and now youngest brother. The once-Chancellor of Niflheim and Captain's kid. Captain's kid who's apparently the Crown Prince's clone, created from a sample Niflheim stole how knows how many years back.
Luche had dipped out to make a phone call to Axis, because those are Arra braids in Ardyn and Nox's hair, and Axis had completely neglected to mention that his recent adoptees were Lucis Caelums, leaving Tredd to watch Axis' clansmen on this fucked-up version of reality TV.
Nyx has been teaching Spitfire the Ulric Dance ever since her Rage a few months back clued them all into the fact that Spitfire's as Sky-born as anyone can get without being an actual dragon - and seriously, Tredd is this close to shaking Nyx, the idiot needs to adopt her already, for Ramuh's sake - so he's in the room whenever he's not sleeping. Which means Libertus is also here, making sure Nyx does take the time to sleep because the last thing any of them need is the twitchy Ulric doing something Dumb, aided by Abyssus literally carrying Nyx out of the room when it's time to catch some shut eye.
Crowe's anxiously watching her girlfriend fight off various monsters and champions, fingers plucking at the rubber band Crowe's worn on her wrist ever since the Burning. This hadn't been how Sola and Crowe had wanted Sola's family to find out about that particular relationship, but Crowe had adamantly refused to be barred from the room for a second until Sola came back.
Luche, like Tredd, is there as Axis' braided brother, leaving the rest of the Fourth Regiment to attend in shifts depending who's on break, with Pelagia and her Third Regiment counterpart running everything because Captain is also busy watching this clusterfuck.
The Marshal's not left since the whole thing started - has he even slept? - but the King and Shield have to leave for short periods to make token appearances lest the entire country learn the royal children have disappeared into the ether. Gladiolus and Ignis have to be forced out of the room for their studies, which has apparently resulted in temper tantrums worthy of a Raging Sola, but the two young teens have yet to convince the King, Shield, or Marshal otherwise so the process repeats every day without fail.
Sola latching on to her new uncle and brother isn't a surprise. She's Sky-born, they do that. Especially because for all that the ex-Chancellor is clearly missing more than a few lines to his sails, he equally as clearly cares for and is protective of his niece and nephews, despite his distaste for Regis and Mors.
Were it not for the danger to her brothers, Sola would probably be having fun. The chance to cut loose against other skilled fighters? No one looming over her shoulder, scrutinizing her every action and deeming anything not up to their standards as 'monstruous'? Sola would have loved that in any other scenario.
But Spitfire has two brothers to protect, and Tredd swears under his breath when Sola assigns herself to Noctis and Nox's guard team, instead letting Ardyn join the strike team. The self-sacrificing dumbass.
"Care to explain that?"
Tredd cringes away from the Marshal's displeasure, silently thanking the Storm-Father that the King and Lord Amicitia are off in an unavoidable meeting with one of the Councilors.
"Sola is better suited on the strike team, sir." Luche says politely, before Tredd can stick his foot further in his mouth. "She's not usually charged with guard duties in the field."
The Marshal eyes them both severely. "Izunia is stronger than Sola." He says sourly. The revelation of the former Chancellor's heritage and all it's unpleasant implications hasn't been fun for anyone. "He can take a smaller strike team, freeing more people to guard Noctis and Nox." Unsaid is the fact that neither Sola nor Ardyn will leave the princes alone with strangers.
"Yes, sir." Luche demurs. That had been the argument Sola used to convince Ardyn.
(Tredd hadn't thought anyone could be more protective than Sola of her brothers, but Ardyn has her beat by a mile. Ifrit have mercy on whoever tries to harm either of the princes in the future, because Sola and Ardyn sure as Pyre won't, and Tredd doubts there'll be enough of the moron in question afterwards to scatter their ashes.)
Tactically, the assignments have merit. As Tredd exchanges a glance with an equally grim-faced Luche, he knows tactics aren't what they - or any of the glaives - are worried about.
Spitfire doesn't do defense. It's not a matter of skill. Tredd wouldn't be worried if it was, skill they can compensate for.
No, the issue is that Sola's a damn dragon of a Sword. Her first, second, and third instinct when dealing with threats is to kill it. She can't do that on defense - her priority has to be Noctis and Nox's safety, even if it means letting her target escape.
It's not impossible. Not when she's got help.
And yet Tredd can't shake the feeling that this isn't going to end any way but badly.
Tredd's right.
Two days later, everything goes to Ifrit's Pyre in a gift basket.
The strike team is away, trying to complete whatever the objective is that will send them all home.
(Ardyn is a force of destruction to contend with, tearing through enemies like they're tissue paper, making the King pale with an anguished epiphany he refused to share.)
The ambush catches everyone off guard. The strange dragon-like creatures swarm the protective detail. The healers push Nox and Noctis behind them, the champions better suited for close quarters combat struggling to keep the creatures off their more vulnerable companions.
In the commotion, Tredd doesn't see what sparks it, but he sure as Pyre sees when Spitfire loses it.
A low snarl rips from her throat, gaze and focus narrowing down on the threat in front of her.
Crowe swears. "Pyre-damn it all, someone back her up-"
But none of the other champions are watching Sola's back. They're too busy with their own battles, too busy keeping the kids safe. They don’t notice how Spitfire's been drawn away from the rest of the group, don't see the blind spot left vulnerable without a glaive or Abyssus there to cover her.
If Sola's family hadn’t known before, they've sure as Pyre realized it now. It's impossible to miss the glaives' reactions - Luche's grim certainty, Libertus' hand a physical restraint on Nyx's shoulder, Nyx's hands clenching and unclenching as he resists the useless instinct to grab his kukris and throw, Crowe's snarling at people who cannot hear, the way every muscle in Tredd's frame coils as he fights off the Fury rising like a wave-
-and crests, as Spitfire staggers, the attack she doesn't see ripping through her. Magic erupts throughout the room as Sola's eyes widen and her face twists in an agonized cry that has no breath to voice.
Sola hits the ground, and Nox s c r e a m s.
Ghostly weapons tear through the remaining creatures, a constant stream of light and steel that is nothing like any armiger they've seen. Champions startle as weapons pass through them harmlessly only to shred the creatures around them, until nothing remains.
The healers rush to Sola's side, but even from here, Tredd can see that it's bad. Really bad - he doesn't know if Spitfire's going to make it even with three healers and her own regeneration trying to save her life.
There's another burst of magic and Ardyn arrives, terrified and protective - Nox's magic must have alerted him, but Tredd doesn't know what the ex-Chancellor can do that the healers can't, Lucis Caelum magic just doesn't heal…
Ardyn takes in Nox, boneless with exhaustion and sobbing in Noctis' hold. Noctis, trying to keep it together. The champions doing their best to shield them from where Sola is laying on the ground between the healers.
(None of them can see it in the blue of the Crystal's hologram, how Sola is too pale against the shock of red hair haloed around her face, nearly indistinguishable from the blood staining the grass.)
Something in Ardyn's spine steels. He strides forward, ignoring the champions' attempts to keep him back, shedding his upper layers before he kneels and gathers Sola against his bare chest.
(The scars hit Tredd like a sucker punch. They've all seen some gnarly scars, no one survived the Burning unscathed, but these… these are torture scars. Torture scars and death blows and the glowing sigil of the royal family that can't be anything other than a brand.)
(The King is white as a sheet. Tredd wants to throw up. Parents are supposed to support you, not… not this.)
(Six, no wonder Axis kept Ardyn and Nox's heritage a secret. That Ardyn is able to trust and care for any of his Kin is astounding.)
It's not until magic rises from Ardyn's skin that Tredd realized what's happening. That he realizes what the tint of the Crystal's magic had disguised. But he's seen Spitfire heal others dozens of times out in the field, he recognizes this shaping of magic, and Ardyn is so much stronger than Spitfire-
It doesn't make it any easier to watch as Ardyn's skin splits, his blooding pouring out to join Sola's painting the ground. Doesn't make it any easier to watch as his wounds close, Ardyn gasping and trembling from more than just pain as he curls over his healed but unconscious niece, even as Noctis and Nox barrel in to comfort him.
Tredd's almost relieved when the Marshal turns to them and demands, "What the fuck just happened?"
As one, every glaive turns to Nyx. He's the only Chief present, he's the only one who can make the decision to share Galahdian lore with Outsiders as he has been with Sola.
Nyx stares a few moments longer at Sola's too-still form, hands flexing. Finally, he turns to face the Marshal and the King, expression dark as a thunderstorm. "We call it the Draconian's Rage."
"We?" The King's eyes are sharp. Tredd thinks he sees something of the warrior the King must have been when he visited Galahd twenty years ago.
"Galahd. The Draconian and the Infernian weren't the only Astrals to Bless humans. The magic disappeared long before the time of the Founder, but we still Remember." Nyx glances back to where the healers are fussing over Sola and Ardyn and Nox. "You have the Draconian's Blessing. But the Draconian isn't human."
Nyx turns back to the King, storm-blue locking with armiger-blue. "The Astrals aren't human, and sometimes their Blessed aren't either."
The King's lips thin. "You're saying my daughter isn't human." Treading on dangerous ground - the King's never taken kindly to the rumors painting Sola a monster.
"Physically, she is." Nyx says, steady as the cliffs against the storm-swept tides. "In her soul? Her instincts? She's no more human than I am."
That startles the King. "You are-?"
"Ramuh's. Storm to Sola's Sky."
There were rumors that the Ulrics were Ramuh's Blessed. Coeurl-Kin. Shape-changers and Wind-Walkers and as Black as the storms in their souls.
Tredd never thought he'd hear the rumors confirmed. This is Clan History. Private Clan History only ever shared with Clan Allies. If that.
"We thought you knew." Tredd says, trying to buy some leeway for Nyx. Tredd can't reveal that he's also not-quite human. Not without his Chief's permission. He might be able to get away with telling Sola - it's only a matter of time before she joins the Clans - but King Regis? Tredd would be in serious trouble. "You have thousands of years of history. Family customs as unique as any of ours." Customs catering specifically to those non-human instincts, Tredd doesn't say.
Tredd suspected otherwise after Sola's Rage in HQ. Sola didn't know anything about her Rages, only that she'd get so angry she couldn't think beyond needing to kill something. She was terrified that she'd try to kill anyone near her, hence her retreating somewhere secluded until she could regain control over herself. When she'd come out of her Rage to find Nyx and Tredd at the end of her weapons, injured but otherwise in one piece, she'd been horrified that she might have tried to kill them.
She hadn't known that she wouldn't. That even in the deepest Rage, her instincts would recognize the difference between hers and threat. Sola would never harm an innocent bystander. Not on purpose. Not unless they provoked her first.
So Tredd had suspected. He didn't want to believe it - how could the Lucis Caelums not have any information of the Draconian's Blessed? He knows Mainlanders don't keep Tales like the Clans do, but they do keep records! Sola cannot be the first Lucis Caelum to be Skyborn!
But no. The royal family has no clue.
What a mess.
"What does that mean for Sola?" The Marshal asks while the King processes Nyx's revelation.
"She's protective." Crowe says. Tredd snorts at the understatement of the century. "She'll react violently to anything threatening her Claimed. Lethally, if she can - Skyborn don't like leaving threats alive to try again."
"Prince Noctis and Nox are her only vulnerable Claimed. Prince Nox has his uncle to protect and care for him, which will satisfy Sola's instincts." Because nothing short of an Astral will be able to get past Ardyn to harm Nox, and even then Tredd would still put his money on Ardyn. "But Sola's Sword to Prince Noctis, and the oldest and strongest of his Retinue. She's his primary protector. Not being allowed or able to kill anything threatening him will stress her instincts."
The Marshal grimaces, glancing at the King and Shield. Tredd wonders if he's thinking about how Sola came to join the Kingsglaive. She'd eventually told them the circumstances behind her joining their training, one night out on deployment. Knowing now that Sola's Skyborn, that was a really Stupid decision on the King's part, banning Sola from protecting her disabled brother. The King was lucky Sola didn't try to sneak out of Insomnia after them.
"When she's under a lot of stress, she'll lose her grasp of human language." Tredd tells them. Tredd's never had that happen to him, but he also knows that as far as Seaborn instincts go, his are fairly tame. Sola, unfortunately, is way out on the extreme end of the scale. "Sign language she can comprehend, and that empathic thing she does with her magic. She'll lose her words before she Rages, so if it's that bad don't bother talking to her. She won't hear it."
Another glance between Sola's relatives. Six, how many signs had they missed?
Tredd determinedly ignores it. "When she's Raging, either give her space to work through it or spar with her. Sola won't hold back, but she won't try to kill you. But if you need to step out of the fight, make it physically clear that you surrender. Weapons away, hands down and open, on your knees and throat bared if you have to."
The King frowns. "That seems… dangerous."
"Not with Sola." Nyx says before Tredd's temper leads him to say something snarky and unwise to the King. "She'll always recognize her own."
"Shit's starting up again." Luche suddenly says.
Everyone turns back to the Crystal, conversation tabled.
For now.
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firekitten830 · 7 months
which oc(s) do you have in mind rn. tell us about them
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Cringe ass undertale au oc from like 2016 that I randomly started thinking about and redesigned
They’re what happens when neutral/genocide runs are reset without reaching the actual ending. Because it’s not a true reset, all of the LV/EXP can’t just get erased. So it goes to the void. And then eventually there was so much there that it formed a creature. And that’s Charon
they’re besties/adoptive siblings w sans (he freed them from the void and let them tag along on his soul until they could get (steal) one of their own)
I’m still in the process of reworking the story and I haven’t managed to draw them w their weapon yet ( it’s a cool ass glaive)
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