pixelsilver · 3 days
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This is my first time drawing Adoh from Well Pauk. I found it fitting to draw him being dominated by one of his girls.
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deja-vux · 2 years
If you like to look over their summaries click HERE. Will do this voting like knockout rounds. IF YOU CHOOSE OTHER PLEASE COMMENT OR SUBMIT ASK WITH CHOICE
-SFW Chapters-
@a-soft-hornytiny @little-precious-baby @paigeeastman @f4iryho0n @hyunsuksmygod @black-rose-29 @marsophilia @jo-hwaberry @yoheyyosup @purplelady85 @ignoretheskies @star1117-archives @sunshinehanjisung @bonbonhwa @pass-to-inseong93 @kimsaerom @teti-menchon0604
-General 🔞
@perfectlysane24 @serialee @byunparklimchoi
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teamivankaye · 4 months
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It's Mother's Day in a vast number of cointries, so here you get Ivan with some of the mothers of his film children in 'Vikings' (2013-2017)', 'For Love or Money' (2019) & 'A Dinner of Herbs' (2000). 😊👑 Happy #MothersDay to all the mothers out there! 💐
#IvanKaye #HappyMothersDay #KingAelle #Vikings #HistoryVikings #CathyWhite #Patrick #AnnaChancellor #FLOM #DanBannaman #ADinnerOfHerbs #HilaryWhitehall #actor #filmmothers #onscreenmothers
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wyked-ao3 · 1 month
First and Most Recent/Last Lines Tag
jumping in on this open tag
TPKODR all of them are last line for now as it's a wip
“they are skittish.”
“take him to the brig.”
“I'm going to parlay with the captain. Hopefully we can come to an agreement so we can sail away from this.”
“I'm quite sure you would be able to find the isle without my directions."
“do ya think she will wan’to tell him?”
“what happened?”
“ay, they be scared, it not be everyday that ye see a king ship.”
“I know I'm just the cook but are you sure that's a good idea sir?”
“for when you are done.”
“I shall not utter a word of the slight treason to anyone..if they ask you’re ensuring the safety of the ship then the crew.”
“I doubt that.”
Np tags @gioiaalbanoart @the-golden-comet @zackprincebooks @finickyfelix @thatuselesshuman @sableglass
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mrtreefingersart · 1 year
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A small apology to any of the people who followed for Star Wars content only, I got a back log of art I haven’t posted to tumbles so that’s gonna happen in the next week or so. 
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jemarimenari93 · 7 months
Jaremu: adoh soko aku maleh kuru
Jareku: adoh soko awakmu maleh lemu
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merliann · 1 year
Niate jane ki nulung..
Tapi kok malah sik nulung di pakakne terus ditinggal lungo..
Tulung wes ojo percoyo karo manungso..
Angkoro kui nyatane ra pernah adoh karo sifate manungso..
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saltedsolenoid · 1 year
feelin hilariously bad tonight, so i wish you all a merry adOH DEAR JESUS I FORGOT ABOUT GASHU
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hasnaluthfyh · 2 years
ITS BEEN A LONG TIIMMEEEE udah lama ga nulis hiks padahal pgn cerita banyak hal dari a sampe zzzzz
Tapi skrng cuma mau update singkat aja ttg hal2 yg ada di kepala
Per kemarin siang(?) dikasih tau sama spv bahwa aku akan ttp stay di Batam, krn tadinya aku mau dibawa untuk penempatan di Cikampek. Yaampun kl diceritain detail ttg hal ini bakal panjang bgt aku mager heu jd ntar aja kapan2 aku ceritain (kl ga lupa jg sih)
Skrng yg ada di kepala aku adalah: what's your plan, Hasna?
Gimana kabar S2? Bakal S2 gak? Mau kapan? Trs smp skrng gapunya cowo, gpp? Prospek cowo Batam ga bagus loh??????? Wkwkwkwk
ADOH pusing,, tp pusingnya dibuat2.
1. S2 bisa nanti lah. Santai. Tenang. Yang penting ga lewat dr umur 35 aja (which is 10 thn lg).
2. Tapi kalo dinanti2, lingkup orang2 ketika S2 bakal diisi sama yg lebih muda???? Apakah akan nyambung???? Terus kan rencananya mau nyari cowo pas S2 ya, lah ya gmn kl isinya muda2???? (Asumsi yg seumuran bakal udh berkeluarga)
Muter2 aja disitu
Terus kepikiran apa gausah S2 aja?????
Tp masa gara2 worry takut gadapet jodoh malah menggugurkan cita2 untuk S2???? Walaupun blm pasti jg sih bakal jadi ambil S2 apa nggak,, dan kapan waktunya jg masih blm tau.
Tapi ituuuu yg ada di kepala sekarang.
Terus planning menjalani kehidupan di Batam jg blm ada.
Haruskah aku belajar motor lalu nyewa motor bulanan?
Haruskah aku pindah kosan ke tempat yg jauh lebih deket dari kantor???
Tp seru
hehe bingung yg dibuat2
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best-lirik-lagu · 12 days
Lirik Lagu Pilihen Isun - Catur Arum
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najmanhuda · 4 months
Bulan Ini
Mei ini kompleks sekali. Pelan-pelan atur napas atas situasi ruang-ruang yang nggak sama, yang makjegagik kok yo bedone adoh pol ya?
Belajar mendengar, meresapi, dan refleksi jadinya berputar-putar di kepala. Dalam kecepatan yang sangat rendah, beberapa kuurai juga dalam tulisan. Meski nggak penuh.
Lalu, sore seminggu sebelum berakhirnya Mei, aku diingatkan kembali melalui dosenku. Konteksnya berbeda, tetapi membantuku lega.
Iya Najma, semoga Allah juga berkenan atas doa kita.
Keesokannya, bulan purnama terlihat indah sekali. Aku memandangi berbelas menit secara tidak sengaja. Ternyata, banyak yang bilang juga, bulan purnama yang bulat penuh itu bisa dilihat di mana-mana. Sama bagusnya.
Iya Najma, semoga Allah juga berkenan atas doa kita.
Betapapun beda ruangnya, betapapun banyak akumulasi rasa yang Ia hadirkan.
Semoga Juni-ku akan berjalan dengan kesyukuran yang lebih banyak.
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wyked-ao3 · 22 days
Adoh Character intro
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Name: Adoh Stone
Nickname: uncertain
Kind of Being: half-ling fire fae
Age: 47 by appearance
Sex: male
Appearance: 5'7, muscular, scars, burns, darker tan, dark hair beginning to pepper out, eyes can turn the color of molten lava if upset.
Occupation: blacksmith
Family members: secret
Pets: he has dibs on lord mew.
Best friend: Daimhín. Galen. Amon. Oisín.
Describe his/her room: a forge
Way of speaking: gruff, thick Scottish accent.
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): he has dad vibes but he is traumatized by what he has seen in the past. He doesn't speak often but people listen when he does. (That'll be fun to write in his book)
Items in his/her back pocket/ purse: that's a long list.
Hobbies: blacksmithing.
Favorite sports: blacksmithing and sword play. Fighting might rank in there somewhere
Abilities/Talents/Powers: fire fae
Relationships (how he/she is with other people): once you have his trust you have it for life. Hell or high water.
Fears: losing his family,war, ice, cold, darkness
Good points: loyalty,
What he/she wants more than anything else: for everyone to be happy and for the bounty on their head to disappear... perhaps also to be forgotten by certain people.
One of the MC's for book four.
@thatuselesshuman @gioiaalbanoart @lychhiker-writes @goth-automaton
@thecomfywriter @evilwriter37 @saebasanart @the-golden-comet
@mauannacreates @kind-lion @alinacapellabooks @kuebiko-writing @kaeru483
@differentnighttale @theink-stainedfolk @unstableunicornsofasgard @mysticstarlightduck
@demon-sneeze @an-indecisive-nerd @smellyrottentrees @honeybewrites @pheonix358
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mrtreefingersart · 1 year
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Have old OC sketches I will never finish because they were completely self indulgent and DINKY. 
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askthemanorresidents · 4 months
Before the Conversation
"Ngapunten, sampeyan pengin kula APA?!"
Alya gaped at her master. I mean, who wouldn't when your master essentially asks you to let her get murdered.
"Aku ngerti iki muni rada ...... aneh" Melati spoke, "Nanging iki mung cara sing bisa daklakoni" she calmly explained.
That did nothing to ease the horror.
"Nanging Melati, ana cara sing luwih apik kanggo nindakake iki, ora perlu adoh iki!" The spirit begged her master, "Mikir! Ana kudu-" "Alya, aku wis mutusake. Ora ana sing diomongke sing bakal ngowahi pikiranku"
"kowe yakin?"
"Mesthi wae"
Translation :
Alya : Excuse me, you want me to do WHAT?!
Melati : I'm aware that it's an........ odd request. However, this is the only way.
A : Melati, there are better ways to resolve this. You don't have to do this! There has to be-
M : Alya, I've already decided. Nothing you say will change my mind.
A : ...........
A : Are you sure about this?
M : Of course.
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bodittt-blog · 4 months
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dadi ngene, kowe tak delok delok yo mbedoni. tak mat ne tak bayangne tak angen angen yo ora iso iso arep melebu. koyok ora mok oleh ne melebu. opo kareno jarak e kadohan yo sak dekade ae lok ora tek adoh. lapiye semriwingi tresno tibo tibo teko ae piye enah. iki masalah tresno tapi yo kok loro lek di pendem ae. opo lek di tokne bakale loro tenan. wirang ki lek dadi ne di tek be, aku ki jan eman karo golongan perkoncan seng ra sepiro. awake dewe jarang ngotok yo karena dan lain hal lah piye enah, opo iki bakale peteng dedet yen dalane koyok ngene eneh ora iso di teros ne tsunderean iki jan. ben koyok awu ae kowe didelok enek wujude tapi pas di demok ora iso. beh cah cah we emang pener kowe koyok rembulan neng langit seng peteng. sinar cahya mu nembus awan awan mendung iki remang remang mengelegar. piye eneh lek di bukak ne dalan ini ora tau diri awu iki yowes ben ngene ae dari pada terjadi hal seng ora di harapne, tapi lek iso dadi konco cerito ae yo ra popo jane. wirang pisan lek di miwiti perckapan biasa ne sampek lali lek aku ki wes ngawu. kelalen lek aku awu kowe ki wulan.
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talk2emtron · 8 months
How to cook up for a producer collab (Unedited) Must Watch
How to cook up for a producer collab 🔥 (Unedited) Must Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvDVlLKVRv0 How to cook up for a producer collab 🔥 (Unedited) Must Watch! (Prod. By ADOH) I used an old session combined with a fire drum loop from ADOH to finish this dope beat. Watch Now to see the outcome 🤯 TikTok: talk2emtron IG: talk2emtron Facebook: talk2emtron Beatstore: https://ift.tt/yizsATM #talk2emtron #musicproducer #musicproduction via Talk2EmTron https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnQWXoKPW8VBRWQTqv7_jg January 20, 2024 at 04:00AM
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