#admittedly I'm not convinced that this show is actually going to happen
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Since the Hogwarts Legacy narrative was "haha jkr's not involved or making any money from this, go ahead and buy it, she's going to be SO PISSED when you buy the deluxe edition 🤪", how much do you want to bet that the TV series narrative is going to be "haha look at this [woke thing in the show], jkr is OUTRAGED, the series is roasting her right to her face, it was all a coordinated effort to take her down, hurry up and subscribe to Max!!! 🤪", pretending to forget that she's an executive producer?
...in fact, thinking about it now, I'm not convinced that WB didn't have trolls/bots spreading that false information about JKR somehow not making any profit from Hogwarts Legacy. Even people I know in real life fell for it, and one of them is almost twice my age!
#admittedly I'm not convinced that this show is actually going to happen#no one's going to want to do it lmao#someone's always going to sign up but this isn't going to be like the movies where they rounded up all these prestige british actors#the online reception was probably more lukewarm than they expected too#I won't pretend that it didn't have a crowd of excited fans but a lot of people just...don't think harry potter is fun anymore#and they only enjoy fan content that has nothing to do with JKR#jk rowling
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obviously there are a bunch of issues with the MCU and I'm not gonna sit here and try to convince everyone that MCU movies are cinema or whatever so don't get what I'm gonna say twisted. I do find their kinda mainstay in cultural media and the dominance they had to be interesting, especially now in an era where the MCU is undeniably falling off and struggling. just as like a cultural analysis I find that interesting and everyone has their opinions of why it happened.
my opinion/theory on why the MCU just crashed is because they sort of forgot what it means to be telling a comic book story, especially a marvel comic book story. Because I've read thousands of issues of various marvel series at this point, across tons of different eras and events, and the thing that makes them last (which is also a thing that drives me personally crazy and I hate so much) is that the status quo doesn't really change. Or when it does, it lasts for a few arcs or years at most and then gets reverted back to the norm eventually. Like the fact that everything is pointless and nothing is a risk is something I loathe, but it is admittedly what keeps them going. If someone just got into comics, they can pick up a modern issue and expect to find Spider-man or Captain America or whoever. They may be introduced to new characters, but the big ones will show up eventually.
And after the last Avengers movie, like half of the mainstay cast are just gone. Which as someone who likes good stories, I think is a good opportunity (which is arguably being wasted but idk I haven't watched any MCU thing in years) to actually shake things up and develop characters that mainstream people are less familiar with and give them a chance to shine and tell interesting stories. But that's not why people like marvel comics.
People like marvel comics because if they want to read about Iron Man, they can pick up any random issue about Iron Man and it will most likely be the Iron Man they know. People like the status quo, and Marvel has never been high literature and has always basically been pulp storytelling, and it gave people status quo and familiarity. And I think Marvel Studios figured this out waaayyy too late.
Because if Marvel actually understood what people like about the comics, they would have embraced recasting major roles from the start. They wouldn't have tied characters' identities so strongly to their actors and would have made it clear that characters can and will continue on with different faces. There is no reason why Tony Stark needs to be RDJ or Steve Rogers needs to be Chris Evans. They would have had plans to not write these characters out of existance the second actors wanted to exit or died or were fired or any of the various reason why actors are no longer involved with the MCU. Hell they had precedent. They didn't have a problem replacing Terrence Howard with Don Cheadle, who are very different looking people who give very different performances, but we know why they felt ok with that recasting but won't recast any of their boys named Chris...
Anyway it seems like they realized that general audiences don't actually like change if its permanent and are learning the wrong lessons with the Doom casting nonsense and the fact that they seem to keep changing what the new story is to fit what they think audiences want.
I'm fine with the MCU dying off and its probably better for media that it does, but again I'm just kinda interested in the fumble from like an objective standpoint because it seemed like they just locked themselves into eventual failure in such a stupid way. Like they could have told the same safe representative Avengers storylines for decades and wouldn't have a meltdown every time an actor in a major role needed to be removed from production if they just accepted that people would be recast as needed. It would be worse for actors and it would be worse for movies in general probably, but it would have kept the MCU churning out pulp like the comics do to this day. But now people are realizing its not just pulp but pulp they don't want and its gonna kill the MCU eventually.
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"Do you know where we are going next?" I asked ART.
Y'know what, I think maybe I don't need any more Murderbot books. I think maybe ending things here is fucking perfect and as much as I love Wells's writing I'm genuinely not sure it can get better for me.
Like, so much of the books are about MB learning how to be a person, about becoming okay with being a complete individual with everything it entails. The first thing it does once it's actually allowed to decide on its own is it runs away from it all (admittedly to go on a mission to confirm some things about its past, because it genuinely just wants to be *good*). It shoves all its emotions away as much as it's able to. Then shit happens, and it makes its first friends, makes decisions based on these friendships, goes through a lot of emotionally intense situations...
And we get to this point here. MB having zero doubts about going with ART says a lot about its relationship with ART, but it also says a lot about its relationship with its humans - it knows that wherever it goes, when it comes back, the humans will still be there. Its humans actively acknowledge its struggles with being a now-free SecUnit and MB is willing to entertain the discussions to an extent and share information about its deeply personal experiences. Hell, System Collapse ends with MB admitting it might be somewhat broken, but that's okay as long as it can keep doing its job, and agreeing to basically do counselling - this is the guy what would rewatch its favourite TV show again and again in order to avoid acknowledging it even had Emotions a couple books back.
Reading this, I know that MB will be okay. It has hopes and goals and genuinely believes in itself and it has an amazing support system that its willing to lean on for the first time in its life. I'm convinced it'll go on to do great things with ART. And that's really the only thing I need to know.
#Murderbot#murderbot diaries#tmbd#system collapse#Herr's personal tag#Also like. System collapse dives deep into MB's feelings about its life as secunit prior to the events of all systems red#I find this conversation from when they were discussing what would happen if the BE folks got to the colonists first /very/ telling#MB going on about how life as a corporate slave is absolute fucking hell#ART drone saying that they can't just kill people because the alternative is worse than death#ART: would it have been kinder to kill you before you'd disabled your governor module?#MB with zero fucking hesitation: /yes/#(followed by my favourite ART line ever. “You know I am not kind.”)#Like. MB would not have always admitted that it had hated its life as a secunit this openly#Saying it was shit is one thing saying I would rather be dead than think of me or anyone else going through this again is a very different#And here it has zero issues stating that. At least when talking to ART#And then later on it goes on to offer its actual memories for a publicly screened documentary#Because it knows it's the only way to make people see. The only way to save then from the same (ish) fate#And it's willing to do whatever it takes to save these people it's never even met before from what it views as fate worse than death#Including opening up and acknowledging its past experiences and past/current feelings#And I'm just like. Man I couldn't be more proud of you if I tried.#You go MB. Holy fuck I wish I could do what you've done. You might just be the person to defeat this evil capitalism my dude
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Now, I will freely admit that many fics act like fixing the various issues faced in the story Worm would be very easy. And they wouldn't be. SI fics are often like this, though some of them show their work and lay their groundwork.
But on the other hand, in Worm, information is an incredibly potent weapon, and there's a lot of things I could tell the PRT/Protectorate and Cauldron that - if they believed me (and that's the key thing, innit?) - would go a long way to making resolving the problems faced by the various characters onscreen in worm a hell of a lot simpler.
(simple things aren't always easy).
Like, if I can get the PRT to listen, well, telling them that Max Anders is Kaisar is pretty useful information. The PRT doesn't inherently respect the "unwritten rules", though they don't reject them wildly, so they may not just arrest him, but they'll definitely keep a closer eye on Medhall. If I can convince someone like Piggot I'm not talking out of my ass, I can explain to them about Thomas Calvert being Coil and how his powers work, and ways around it - again, beating him isn't easy, but it is simplified, massively.
If I can tell them about Dinah being kidnapped and what that means, about the fact that getting Grue to switch sides could be done by helping him with his sister and protecting his family. If I can point out they could spare themselves a lot of issues with Rachel Lindt if they just let her train dogs and left her alone (and the full details of her 'murder' and why it's not really her fault... if they believed me)
There's a lot of ifs and there's gonna be more, but with knowledge of what did happen, and how, it's a lot easier to resolve a lot of problems.
I can tell Cauldron about what's really going on with Eidolon's powers and the Endbringers - actually resolving the Endbringers is not so simple, but the connection between Eidolon's Shard and the Endbringers alone provides vital information. If I can convince them. If I can convince them, I can tell them that beating Scion requires bullying into committing suicide, more or less (Admittedly, I'd need to finish reading the GM arcs to articulate the details properly, but still).
Amy and Vicky? That whole thing rides on rails. actually resolving Amy's myriad of issues is hard. Preventing things going the way they did? End-running 11h and 15.x is doable with a few conversations, in theory.
Siberian is unkillable? Tell the PRT about Manton and Siberian being a projection. Crawler? Tell them about how a Bakuda Bomb turned him to glass (admittedly, executing this idea will not be so simple, depending on access to Bakuda and her bombs but still). Jack Slash? Explain how his power cheats and - after you've managed to take out his biggest meatshields - send a whole lot of people with knife-proof armor and heavy weapons at him. All of those would not be easy to put into effect, true, but they're fairly simple solutions. Jack Slash never lost to normals before because he always has his fellow S9 capes around him to cover his ass if someone gets shotgun-happy, but once you get rid of the really hard to kill ones... I mean Shatterbird isn't a Brute. Bonesaw's got all her plagues in her, so that one's less simple, but I mean, Burnscar died to Parian of all people, if I recall correctly. Manny the Kinless? A little harder, but a big enough boom.
There'd be casualties, maybe a lot of them, but it could very well working pretty well.
Executing these information provided solutions is absolutely easier said than done. Getting anyone to believe you is absolutely easier said than done.
Worm, as a universe, has a lot of things going on, and 'fixing' the entire Wormverse would be hard, but I think some people ignore how much resolving these issues becomes so much simpler when you have the necessary information.
I think some people are so attached to the level of suckitude in the Wormverse that they forget a lot of that is authorial thumb-scaling (which is entirely valid and not at all a critique of Wildbow, to be clear) and how a lot of the rest is just... the protagonists lacking critical pieces of information.
EDIT: To be clear, I am not and never going to write an SI story, because that's just not a thing I personally have any interest in writing. Also, I don't think I would be able to convince anyone of anything all that well. Not without getting myself killed along the way.
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There is actual precedent for fan outcry saving a show. Probably loads of examples, but the one I know is "Being Human" (UK, the original). It started out as one of a group of six unrelated pilot episodes, of which one would be commissioned for a full series - and it wasn't chosen. A (well-organised, though I don't know the details) fan outcry - admittedly combined with a lack of good scripts for the winning series - convinced the BBC to change their minds. End result: five seasons (four good).
I'm treading on the side of caution with this, because I've seen it go both ways. I saw Pushing Daisies get snipped in its prime because of the strikes. I saw Sense8 cancelled and then given a film to give us an ending that shortchanged so many story arcs, but the most they could do with the time they were given. Firefly got Serenity and it... wasn't great. Gneil said that if he didn't get the okay for Good Omens S3, we would have got a book. From what I recall, DJ previously had a show that was cancelled before the third season and released a synopsis so the fans knew what would have happened anyway.
We'll see. We know the crew and cast all want to do it. We know that WBD is changing direction and are very unlikely to change their minds. We know some other networks will swoop in for an easy win and a show that will give them Big Numbers.
We will see.
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Superboy before the Silver Age
More Fun Comics #101, from 1945, is the first comic appearance of Superboy, and he didn't even make the cover. What happened to Dover and Clover? Bring them back for DC Rebirth.

In '45, original Superman creators and best friends Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster created a prequel series about the adventures of Superman when he was a boy. Remember that phrase, it will be on the test. This story introduced a lot of elements to the Superman lore that weren't present in the original story. His introduction in Action Comics #1 skipped over his entire childhood and presented his home planet as a natural race of Supermen.
The Superboy run was the first series to characterize the Kryptonians as a race of isolationist intellectuals with Jor-El (or Jor-L, but that's a whole other story) as a renegade trying to convince the science council about Krypton's destruction. Similarly, it showed Ma and Pa Kent as a kindly older couple who adopted Clark and nurtured his powers, but they're not very present in this series.
At the time, it was intended that this was simply an expansion of the existing lore, what we would now call a Retcon, but the term didn't exist at the time. Later creators would decide that this actually the birth of an entirely new Superman, one who started his career as a Superboy. The Retcon was itself Retconned into the beginning of Earth-One.
I'm admittedly not a fan of the Golden Age, but I love Joe Shuster's art. There's a raw edge to it that you don't see in later Superman artists like Wayne Boring or Curt Swan. Especially with Superboy, they often draw him as a somewhat slim adult, but Shuster makes him feel like an awkward kid.
As is typical for the day, there aren't really any supervillains in these stories. Superheroes in the golden age were more about fighting back against the realistic horrors of the world instead of aliens and monsters with death rays. There isn't a lot of myth-making or "prequel moments" either. We never see Clark decide to start wearing glasses to hide his identity, he just does that between issues like an afterthought.
What we do get is a lot of golden age-style Justice. With the realistic focus means Superboy is going after the kind of assholes you would encounter in your real life and helping those who have been downtrodden by society. One of my favorite stories was in Adventure Comics #104, from 1946.
Superboy meets Joie Mayhew, a blind child who makes amazing toys, and Clark Kent helps encourage him to enter a contest and win a cash prize to help his family. Joie's toys are so good that they could revolutionize the toymaking industry, and the organizers try to steal all the toys and claim the patents.
Superboy goes absolutely nuts on these crooks, using the toys to psychologically torment them until they drive their truck off a cliff, only saving them at the last second and forcing them to give Joie the prize. With the money, Joie can get an experimental eye surgery and start a toy factory where he and other prodigy children can make incredible toys.
It's not child labor if the management are also children, right? Like that's not... that's everyone getting exploited the same way, that's all good, right?
These comics aren't about Superboy using his powers to fight crime - although there is an aspect of that - but it was primarily about using his powers to help people. Superboy would just as often help a sad kid have a birthday party or get a sick man to a doctor, or build a new playground. The above is from an issue where he becomes the Pinball Wizard to fight back against the scourge of rigged pinball machines, which was, I assume, the rock and roll, video games, and crack cocaine of their time.
Another issue has Superboy take part in his student council election so he can fight election interference from a thuggish, violent, anti-intellectual bully, something that I'm sure has no relevance to events either now or at the time.
The Superboy stories do start introducing elements of Superman's mythos. Adventure Comics #120 has Superman meeting a young Perry White at the start of his career, and helps him break the story of Superboy's existence. Then in issue #128, we meet the legend herself, the young Lois Lane.
I absolutely love how tongue-in-cheek the narrator is being. It knows it's doing a Prequel Moment and it's going to go all in. "You know what we're doing, we know what we're doing, let's just have some fun with it!" It's great to see Clark so head-over-heels for Lois and her just not giving a shit about anything but Superboy. She's so tsundere.
There is a very low-key vibe to these stories, and the way they slowly trickle in familiar characters and raised stakes does make it feel like a good prequel. With its new position as the birth of Earth-1, it also feels like reading the original Dragon Ball after becoming familiar with DBZ, seeing a familiar hero that's nevertheless raw and unformed, not quite the person he would become. Superman as a franchise has gone back and forth on Clark's career as Superboy, and I fall on the Pro-Superboy side of things, but it's something that has its pitfalls.
Superboy would be in Adventure Comics from 1946 through 1969, and we've only covered the first two years. At that time, Superman was also appearing in his own self-titled comic, as well as Action Comics and World's Finest. In 1949, he would get a fifth comic, when DC began publishing Superboy. Until next time.
#comics#comics history#comics lit#dc comics#golden age#superman#superboy#clark kent#kal el#lois lane#clois#adventure comics
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One Piece 1141 Talk: there's a non-zero chance that This Guy might come back and i'm totally being normal about it

*pictures of Enel and Elbaph falls out of my pockets as I try to collect them in a panic* okay waiT so LISTEN-
(This is a chapter review so I wanna talk about it first before going into my dumbass prediction lmfao-)

Started off with Nami complaining about not getting treasure and can I just say how cute she looks here just a tiny thing on the edge of the ship. She can have all the treasure she wants idc 🙂↕️
(You might think she's a coward but I got really reminded of how she'd jump over rooves during Water 7 (during the RAIN even) and I appreciate these moments where its like. If this was a normal person, they'd probably NOT hang over the edge of a flying ship lmao. In the world of monsters roaming over the sea where Nami might be seen as normal, I love how these tiny reminders that she's very much not that.)

Then we see Nami joining up with Usopp (which was SO cute btw that he was showing her off and "hey hey watch it" when other people compliment her on her looks) and Usopp drunk is the funniest thing actually?? "Is there no hero who will draw Excalibur from its sheath?!" is so fucking funny to me and then HE SLAPPED THE SWORD ON HIS HEAD SKDHLSKJ
If I had a needle stuck on my arm and someone went and tweaked it, I would've been on the news dawg like why did he do that LMAOO

Comedy Piece did NOT stop there too, because we cut to Luffy and Zoro and in a bizarre (but not unfamiliar!) turnout, we got banter between the two of them where Luffy plays the straight man to Zoro's shenanigans.

Zoro kicking Loki and saying "oh so he's really injured" like yeah man I bet he is now dshfdkl and Luffy looked like he's had enouGH lmao. Oda's on his A game with the Strawhats' dynamic on Elbaph, I really find myself laughing in some moments throughout the chapters we've seen so far. It's definitely a mood change from Egghead, that's for sure.
And speaking off mood changes (and i really love Luffy's face here btw)-

Hajrudin comes in from the sky and warns Luffy again of Loki, that he's really this "cunning, cruel, vicious, backstabbing and conniving villain", and that if he's said anything sympathetic, then he was lying.
I want to highlight this and say that, well, Hajrudin probably knows Loki better than us or Luffy. But one thing we know about Luffy is that he's a good judge of character, and if he says someone's trustworthy then they probably are, 80-90% of the time. It's interesting to me because it feels like we're going into that "is Shanks evil or not" territory but with Loki instead, and the narrative is trying to convince us of either one "truth".

This page is crazy btw. Loki reveal crazy. His looming figure casting a shadow on his face as Luffy looks up- Giants really are terrifying, and it's on one hell of a panel to be reminded of the fact.

And see here that Loki had been lying, not through his words but with his actions.
He pretends to be passed out so Zoro could let his guard down and unlock him, and it's definitely an underhanded move on his part. Whether it's done out of malice or something else is unsure though, because it's not like we know Loki's whole deal yet (aside from that one time he said he'll be the Sun God to ruin the world or smth along that line which is…. concerning tbh), but one thing for sure is that he's probably going to raise some havoc on Elbaph before any of them can subdue him.
The next thing is. Um. My Enel prediction- Which I admittedly have a bit of an agenda on because I'd be so happy if it happened purely on the basis of it'll be really damn funny (for me)-

This seemed like foreshadowing to me. Elbaph is on the road to ruin, some way or another, and it'll be by fire or lightning.
Now you might think what the hell does Enel have anything to do with this other than lightning being mentioned, but I want to connect the murals found on the moon with the Harley's legend. There's clearly an emphasis on ancient civilizations in Elbaph and on the moon, and it would be cool (and also timely) to see both perspective intersect. If there's anyone to weigh in on the lost history of the world, hell, Enel might just be the one to have something to say about it 🤔.
Fire being the ruin to Elbaph feels impossible at the moment because Devil Fruits that has to do with burning or heat that we know of have been accounted for already (Sabo, Akainu, even Oven).
Loki might have a Devil Fruit that has something to do with the "sun/sun god" because he proclaims himself as such and had a great desire to procure the Devil Fruit and killed his father over it, and that Devil Fruit might have flame-related properties (Not to keen on this though- 3 is already too high a number for similar DFs imo).
You know what hasn't been accounted for though? One whose Devil Fruit is quite literally the element mentioned and no one else has anything similar to it???
It's either him or some freak weather patterns that'll rival Raijin Island to burn Elbaph into a crisp (hell, maybe even NAMI????), but if Enel really shows up, just know that I'll do a big YIPPEE and jump around like an idiot. That's it, that's my bet on predictions that I'm gonna hold on to- and if it's not on Elbaph, surely Enel's gonna show up at some point (☝️🤡)
#surely I'll shut up about this one day *doesn't shut up about it ever*#this ended up being a lot about Loki than Enel but WE BALL#my excuses are bare bones and might be NOTHING compared to everyone else's but goddamn am i nothing but persistent#this is so unserious btw (kinda) its just smth I really think would be neat if it really ended up happening yup#one piece spoilers#opspoilers#elbaph spoilers#elbaf spoilers#enel one piece#god enel#loki one piece#one piece 1141#one piece ch. 1141#chapter review
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I'm thinking of doing a broad strokes writing edit for Naruto Shippuden. A lot of character arcs got dropped or had bad resolutions, and the series' themes get muddled by the end.
Part of that means rewriting Tobi to make him a better final villain (and yes, I do want him as the final villain after hundreds of chapters of buildup and manipulation) while keeping the core of his character. I wanted to make his timeline make more sense. Things like making Kakashi Gaiden happen maybe 5 years earlier so he's not a boy when he sics Kurama on the village and kills the Fourth Hokage. Meeting the Akatsuki on his own instead of Nagato being a pawn from the very beginning with a magical secret double eye transplant. Changing his relationship with Madara to make the man who actually DID everything less of a puppet. And... smoothing out how he controlled Yagura.

Yagura made the whole Mist a living hell for years. He's also involved in Kisame's backstory. Sounds like a big deal. But he barely exists in the story! Everything he did was a genjutsu's fault and it's not even clear what Obito gained from it. We only learn how he was deposed in a light novel, when it turns out it was... Ao? Really? Even when he's reanimated he only gets a few lines and is treated the same as the other jinchuriki who'd never been seen.
That's dumb. So...
The New Yagura
Yagura Karatachi was born the Three-Tails' jinchuriki. The Mist was weak when he was born and many lives were lost to create him. The old Third Mizukage, wanting to keep little Yagura's favor and make sure no one caught him, kept him and trained him like a son in his palatial estate. While his peers killed each other in the Bloody Mist's graduation exams, he had whatever he wanted except freedom.
Now, suppose you were a young, bitter man. You know you have to save the world but you don't know how. You naively believe that a single, huge blitz of brutality will shock the world out of war, at least a little. You tried to use a jinchuriki in Konoha as a human bomb, but it didn't work. So you try again, but what if this time the jinchuriki was willing?
Yagura never knew if the ghost in the mansion was real. No one else saw it, and it walked through walls at night, and it taught him. It said he was too old to keep the worldview of a child, shut up in a palace. It showed him visions of the war outside, the graduation rituals his "father" had set up for children younger than him, how he was only a tool for his village. It told him to listen when the beast inside him spoke, for it also knew the world was wicked. Sandwiched between a hateful ghost and a hateful monster for years, it's no wonder who Yagura became.
However, that ghost didn't think of everything. Tobi assumed Yagura would simply release the Three-Tails, who would rampage until it was put down. But the Three-Tails, with its coral nature and hallucinogenic gas, was the trickiest and most patient beast, and Yagura had a human's social skills, trained by Tobi and the Third. United in hatred, they became the first perfect jinchuriki. Yagura convinced the Third to let him go on missions, where he proved his usefulness and destructive power. The Mist saw him as a hero.
Zabuza's academy murder spree caused a political crisis. The Land of Water is an archipelago, so it's difficult for the Daimyo to enforce laws across his territory, but when word got out he was horrified and demanded academy reforms and the Third's removal. The Third War had ended and there were scandals a civilian government couldn't allow. In the confusion, Yagura struck, launching a coup and turning the next nine years into a living nightmare. The Third's Bloody Mist was born out of desperation, and considering what the other nations did in the Third War, it was as much propaganda as fact. The admittedly horrific academy graduation was the only significantly worse part.
The Fourth's Bloody Mist was born out of spite, and its purpose was to give itself a slow, agonizing death.
Of course, like any leader by coup he was afraid of coups himself, and dissenters were publicly executed by his Seven Swordsmen, sent on suicide missions or driven insane with the Three-Tails' hallucinogenic gas. He reinstated the graduation killings and frequently displayed his powers in the center of town. As he killed more of his soldiers a large portion of the remainder were Kekkei Genkai users, reinforcing their status as symbols of ninja bloodshed in the Land of Water. To replace those dead soldiers he regularly hired the fledgling Akatsuki and gave them much of the money they would later use to become a threat to the world, never knowing he was paying his "ghost". The Daimyo was so terrified that even when Kisame tried to kill him, he pretended to believe Yagura when he said the Tailless Beast had gone rogue. Salvation had to come from outside.
Mei Terumi had fled the village after winning her graduation exam under the Third. Fortunately, she had kept her true power secret: the Boil Release, long thought lost until the right combination of recessive genes activated hers. She tried to leave the ninja world behind her, but she couldn't watch what Yagura was doing to her old home anymore. She gathered a band of rogue ninja and Mist refugees and started a civil war that eventually ended with Yagura's head on a pike and five of the Seven Swordsmen melted by her own hand. As mighty as he was, he had killed too many of his men to resist a revolt, but he died happy knowing he had scarred the village that chained him for a lifetime.
Tobi, for his part, was privately horrified by the results of his experiment but knew he couldn't stand alone against an entire great village. He had bigger fish to fry anyway, so it was too soon for him to die. He washed his hands of the whole thing and never met Yagura again after he became Mizukage. However, he was intrigued by the similarity of the Three-Tails' chakra to the Nine-Tails despite their different appearances and powers. He wondered if the mad ramblings Madara had told him about the Sage of Six Paths and the Ten-Tails were true. This eventually led him to realize the Infinite Tsukuyomi was possible and it became his final plan. But that's a story for another day...
#insert joke about american election here#naruto#naruto shippuden#yagura karatachi#naruto rewrite#naruto fix fic
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What the hell happened with Crow: an autopsy (Part 2)
Hope you didn't think I'd forgotten about this post yet. Lads, ladies, and other lovely people, here we go. I have more yelling about bird boy to do.
But first, a few disclaimers. For people who may have missed part one, yes, as the title implies, this post is part two of an attempt to analyse Crow's character throughout 5Ds' whole run. You can find part one here. Now, both for people who may not have the time/energy to read my first, huge post about this right now, let me explain what I'm about here before we start again: My analysis is not meant to deter people who like Crow from liking him. It's also not meant to convince Crow haters otherwise, even if I admittedly personally like Crow. All of this stuff is just my personal attempt at dissecting how his character was handled in the show and why that might have been. And because this is part two, and I covered the Fortune Cup and Dark Signers arc in the first post, I'll start with the pre-WRGP arc, then dig into the backstory Crow was given directly before the WRGP begins properly. Also, mind the length of this post. I'm physically incapable of writing short things.
I also feel the need to reiterate another thing before I really get into the meat of things again: If you were hoping to see any old rumours about 5Ds confirmed, this is the wrong post. In fact, thanks to the very thorough work of someone over on Reddit (another shoutout to @mbg159 here, who's the author of those posts), I know for a fact that literally all the big rumours surrounding Crow are one big pile of logistically impossible horseshit, and I think after so, so many years of people citing this nonsense, the fandom as a whole finally deserves to let these go:
No, Crow was not meant to be a dark signer, least of all the final boss of season one, and Blackwings were not the reason he got more screentime later.
No, Aki being sidelined was not the result of her irl voice actress' pregnancy.
Yes, I know these two posts are both a long read each, but I cannot begin to tell you how tired I am of these rumours. So even if you don't have time to read the stuff above, please take away this: The big 5Ds production conspiracy theories are. all. bullshit. Because, to put it in as simple terms as possible, none of them work out logistically. The events people have pretended affected the show's production in a major way all don't line up with the actual production timeline. So just can the rumours already. Please let them die. And no pitting Aki and Crow against each other on his post or because of this post, yes? I beg you, I am so tired. Ok? Ok.
All right, now we can get to the good part. In my previous post, I left off at the end of the DS arc. So, in what position is Crow at the end of the DS arc? He helped save the world by defeating Goodwin and got his very own signer mark after Rudger/Roman Goodwin's death.
And now, where is Crow at the start of the pre-WRGP arc?
(Bam. Delivery bird boy be upon ye.)
This time, Crow wastes absolutely no time coming back on screen. We see him again within the first episode of the second half of the show, and wouldn't you know it! He moved in with Yusei and Jack and the three of them have a funny, brotherly, bickering dynamic between them. Also, as a fun little add-on that is very much in line with his deeply Satellite, down to earth characterisation from the first half, Crow now works as a delivery driver to earn money for the household. That's all very nice and good.
But what is his role in the plot from here on out? Well.
First, a small note about the pre-WRGP arc. Though this arc is fun to watch because it gives us a lot of silly character interactions the show no longer found the time for once the WRGP started, the pre-WRGP arc really can't be said to bother with actual plot much. It's the known filler arc of 5Ds, and as such, Crow is not the only character who gets pretty much nothing plot-related to do during this arc. Thus, I'll only give a quick run-down of what he does get up to, just in case any of these tidbits end up showcasing a relevant aspect of Crow's character I might come back to later.
Furthermore, another thing that's pretty much obvious to everyone who's ever watched the show in its entirety but still bears mentioning: Crow gets a lot more screentime from this point on out. Technically. Why do I say "technically"? I'll get back to that further below. For now, just keep it in mind.
So, how does Bird Boy spend his time during the arc where the plot's on the back burner? To be honest, on the sidelines, mostly. Don't get me wrong, Crow's there. Most of the time. But he gets pretty much only two episodes where he's the focus, and both of those aren't exactly known for being 5Ds' most memorable episodes (even though I still like them both tbh, but I digress): For one, in episode 68, he gets to convince Bashford to move in with Martha so the depressed old man isn't spending his entire retirement living in a scrapyard.
(This episode's comedic moments are actually fairly solid. But those are just my two cents.)
And for two, in episode 85, Crow gets to bond with the boys' somewhat cranky landlady, Zora, by duelling some sense into her son, Lyndon. (Which also introduces us to a duelling tactic only Crow uses that we will later see again: Losing on purpose.)
(And here we can see Crow showing off his skills at dealing with petulant children.)
Now, do these two episodes where he gets to be relevant actually do anything for Crow? As a character? Debatable. If nothing else, they strongly reaffirm the values Crow represents which we were introduced to in the first half of the show, though. They reintroduce us to his stubbornness, to his (in comparison to Jack and Yusei) more playful nature, to his very Yusei-ish dedication to doing the right thing, to his penchant for spite, and to his strong sense of family and community and his belief that these two things shouldn't be abandoned unless you have a damned good reason for it.
You may notice that there's a sizeable gap between these two episodes. That's because those episodes are where we get the only smidgens of plot in this arc. Among them, highlights like Sherry's introduction, the first reveal of accel synchro, Aki's turbo duelling license exam, three separate story beats hinting at the machinations of the emperors of Iliaster (Luciano's little stunt with Rua and Ruka, Placido getting started on building a killer robot army, and the Jack double being unleashed onto NDC), and Bruno's introduction. So, here's the thing: Crow is technically present during most of those episodes, too, but he doesn't actually get to meaningfully interact with the plot-relevant elements. (Which is not to say he doesn't have nice moments here and there. He does get to bounce off the other characters, and, just as one example, helps Yusei and Jack upgrade Aki's duel runner, as well as help Yusei build Rua's duel board. Crucially, he doesn't get to do anything that later becomes plot-relevant, though.) Moreover, not one, but two characters who end up becoming major players in the series' finale are introduced here, which is relevant insofar as that Bruno and Sherry both end up needing a good amount of development before they can impactfully take their later roles. Now, I say this with nothing but genuine appreciation for both these characters, because I do like them, but I feel the need to point out what this means not just for Crow, but for pretty much everyone who isn't Jack or Yusei: Every minute of screentime that was dedicated to Bruno and/or Sherry was one minute less the writers could spend on the rest of the cast. This is not to say that time shouldn't have been spent on them, they needed it, especially because they were introduced so late, but it's something I do want people to keep in mind when talking about who got how much screentime and whether or not that time was well spent. (I also have a larger gripe with the definition of "screentime" in general, but more on that later.)
So when does Crow get to be relevant to the plot again, now that he's even a signer and all? Well, not until episode 94, when the WRGP arc has already started. (Note that I'm using the 5Ds episode list on wikipedia as a general guide for which arc and which season starts where. You can find it here.)
*Deep breath*
So. Episode 94.
(Pictured: One very scruffy dragon. Bird? Dragon-bird. Bird-dragon. You figure this shit out.)
That episode. The episode where Crow, who was awarded with the status of a signer during the finale of the DS arc, finally gets a dragon to match his mark. And the episode where we finally, finally, get some actual backstory for Crow that goes beyond his involvement with the Enforcers and childhood with Jack and Yusei. A backstory that's only Crow's own. Except. How do I put this politely...
This shit doesn't make a lick of sense. Neither the events in the duel between Crow and Bolger in the present resulting in Black-Winged Dragon's appearance, nor the Pearson backstory.
Now, I'm not saying this to step on anyone's toes. From a writing standpoint, I can even make a fairly reasonable guess as to why this episode/mini-arc is here, I think: As I mentioned in part one of this analysis, Crow was not only introduced very late, but also got very little backstory of his own, which set him apart from the other signers. Don't get me wrong, he did get some backstory—we know of his strong connection to Duel Monsters because he learned to read from cards, and we know of his involvement with the Enforcers/Team Satisfaction. Crucially, though, Crow doesn't really get a backstory segment that feels as unique to him as the others. Aki gets her tragic past with her parents and her powers, Jack gets his betrayal of Yusei, which also doubles as part of Yusei's backstory, who as the protagonist understandably gets the most backstory, and even the twins, though they are as always treated as one unit, get their very own segment about the time when Ruka was essentially in a coma. Meanwhile, Crow only has that one-off tear-jerker moment about learning to read from his cards and his being a part of the boys' duel gang, which, and I cannot stress this enough, is treated as more of a Yusei and Kalin/Kiryu backstory by canon than a Crow backstory. Thus, it makes perfect sense from a writing standpoint that the Pearson/Black-Winged Dragon mini-arc would be here. Crow, up until this point, has neither a backstory segment dedicated solely to him, nor a signer dragon to call his own. So, how do we solve this? Give him both in a strategic double-whammy! The math checks out. Unfortunately, the writing of said mini-arc... doesn't.
Now, look. The juicy question of whether Crow would have worked better as a non-signer or not, which I already discussed in part one aside, I personally don't hate what this backstory is trying to do. It's just that the whole Pearson-drama has some very notable, logical holes which I'll get into below. Furthermore, this is not the first time something related to Crow has some unfortunate, logical and/or chronological issues. I already brought up the infamous fridge and Rex Goodwin's rather confusing backstory in part one, both of which raise some serious questions. However, Pearson and everything surrounding him arguably blow that clean out of the water. Let's examine this more closely, shall we.
The long-overdue backstory we get for Crow begins with a mystery: Mikage and Trudge, for a reason that is never given to us, are investigating the death of Robert Pearson (whose death would have been several years ago at this point), whom Crow knew very well, and they're doing it because they found a hint that the person who killed Pearson used an illegal card, Crimson Mefist, to do it.
(Post redemption-arc Trudge actually doing his job instead of bullying random Satellite citizens. Who would have thunk.)
Thing is, here, we already encounter our first, minor problem: Pearson has never been mentioned up until this point, not even as an aside. And this issue is compounded by the fact that not only Crow seems to know him, but Trudge claims to as well, because "Satellite used to be his jurisdiction". So, a named character who's familiar to both one of our protagonists and a notable side character, and we've never seen hide nor hair of him. If we pull our heads out of the story for a second, the irl reason for how this came to be is probably pretty obvious: Pearson was never mentioned before because the writers had nowhere near as solid of a plan for Crow as they did for the other characters, which leads to him being introduced out of nowhere here because we need a backstory and a dragon for Crow and we need those now. Moving on.
The mention of Pearson having been not simply killed in a fire, like Crow previously assumed, but having been murdered through a special, illegal card immediately makes him suspicious. So, he goes to consult Bolger/Bolton, another never-before-seen character who gets introduced in service of this backstory, and who knew Pearson well. And while this guy certainly acts amiable towards Crow at first, implying that the two have a good rapport, at least, he quickly starts acting suspicious when Pearson's murder comes up. Moreover, we as the audience at this point already know Bolger's looking for Black-Winged Dragon so he can use the card essentially as collateral to save his company. And the name "Black-Winged Dragon" already leaves very little to the imagination as to whose deck this monster is supposed to fit into. But, in a small twist, we learn from Crow that this was apparently Pearson's card, and supposedly lost in the fire where said man died, to boot. Then Bolger challenges Crow to a duel, too, offering to tell the truth about Pearson's death if he loses, but demanding Black-Winged Dragon, which he believes Crow to be in possession of, if he wins. So far, so good. We've got a mystery here, and canon is not contradicting itself just yet. Until we get to the actual backstory, which shows us the time Crow spent with Pearson, that is. Before we get into that, I'd like to highlight one theme this mini-arc introduces that actually feels like it fits Crow: Legacy. Over the course of meeting Bolger again and being reminded of his time with Pearson, Crow starts thinking about whether he's taking over his former mentor's/father figure's legacy well enough.
(Crow having some Deep Thoughts TM, featuring one of Yusei's most relaxed, easygoing smiles in the entire show, probably.)
This theme, I would argue, is one of the major things this backstory introduces that really meshes well with the Crow we already had until this point. He's a community-focussed guy and absolutely a family person, if him taking care of Satellite orphans is anything to go by, so leaving behind a good legacy for the people after him (read: the kids he took care of) would absolutely be something he cares about. We see this element of legacy again in his cards during this episode, too, which canon implies he inherited from Pearson. (I'll get to THAT can of worms below.) And on paper, with the themes he's already got going, Crow being the only one to inherit his deck rather than build it all by himself would actually make sense!
However. This is where we have to get into the meat of the backstory. I'll start by listing the barebones information Crow's backstory with Pearson gives us, then going into why several aspects of it are either logistical or chronological nonsense.
So, as canon tells us, Crow met Pearson after Kiryu/Kalin was arrested, when the Enforcers/Team Satisfaction all went their separate ways. During this period, Crow had already set up shop near the original Daedalus Bridge and started out taking care of orphans, but it wasn't all smooth sailing. He was, by his own admission, "living aimlessly". Then, during a pinch, Pearson and Bolger show up, take care of some bad guys for Crow and the kids, and Crow sees a new role model in Pearson. Pearson, who rides the Blackbird, plays a Blackwing deck and owns Black-Winged Dragon. So, he joins up with Pearson, presumably learns how to work on duel runners from him, and also befriends Bolger. Then, one day, a fire breaks out at Pearson's workshop and the man in question dies, but leaves Crow his runner and his duel disk before he does so. End flashback. Because I want to tie this together nicely, we also learn later that Pearson technically left him Black-Winged Dragon, too, by sealing it in his runner. And, of course, that dragon later becomes Crow's very own signer dragon.
Several points to be dissected here. And funnily enough, Bolger's duel with Crow isn't relevant for any of them. Let's start with the big one: The timeline. I want you to remember that as far as canon is concerned, Crow is 17 during the DS arc. Moreover, it's canonically stated that Jack stole Yusei's first duel runner two years before the show's start, at which time Crow would have been 15. And their time together as the Enforcers must have been even before that, because Kiryu/Kalin was already in prison for a while at that point and Crow and Yusei don't reunite until the DS arc is basically in full swing. So, I'll make a vague estimate here and say that during the time of the Enforcers, Crow would have probably been 13-14. (Which is hilarious when you think about the fact that this gang of angry teenagers essentially took over the entire duelling underground of Satellite, but I digress.) Now we add the idea that Crow met Pearson after the Enforcers, but that he died before canon starts into the mix. That means Crow first ran into Pearson sometime around age 15, and that he then died presumably before Crow turned 17. So far, so good, that still slots into canon, even if it makes Crow pretty damn young for some things. He's even missing the personalised Blackbird duel disk he later wears during the Enforcer days, I went back to check. What he is not missing, however, are his Blackwings. And this is where canon may or may not have made an implication that, if intentional, breaks this timeline. See, during the scene where Pearson's workshop is burning down and he's already trapped under debris and has embraced death, he tosses Crow his duel disk and leaves him his runner.
(Two important screenshots, in sequence. One, Pearson with his duel disk still strapped to his arm. His deck is very obviously still in there. Two, Crow with that same duel disk, as made obvious by its distinct shape.)
What this implies is that Pearson also left Crow his deck. Which, yeah, fair enough, if I were dying in a fire I'd probably also think "fuck it, not like I'll need my cards in the afterlife". What this (and Crow's look the first time he sees Pearson's monsters) implies, though, is that Crow didn't start playing Blackwings until Pearson left him his deck. Which is factually untrue, because there is literal evidence in the show that Crow already had Blackwings during his time as part of the duel gang, before ever meeting Pearson. (The exact episode, if you want to check for yourself, is 33, where Crow summons both Bora the Spear and Blackwing Armor Master during a flashback.) However, I will concede that the show never actually states this is the case, it's just implied by what we see on screen, so perhaps the idea here was that Crow already played Blackwings before Pearson, but grew to love them even more through his mentor/father figure, and so later happily integrated the deck he inherited into his own. Crucially, canon never states this outright, either, though, so the option remains on the table. But, to give the benefit of the doubt here, the possibility that this could still slot in with canon and that it was just handled poorly is there. The same cannot be said for the Blackbird, however.
(Uh oh. So much for canon continuity.)
The above two screenshots directly contradict each other. First we have Yusei, upon reuniting with Crow in Satellite during the DS arc, casually remarking that Crow finished his duel runner. Which means that canon at this point suggests to the audience that one, Crow built this duel runner by himself, for himself, and two, that Yusei knew about it for a while already. Then there's the second screenshot, from the Pearson backstory episode, where Crow outright claims the Blackbird was left to him when Pearson died. I don't think I need to tell anyone that these two things can't be true at the same time. And again, I think this is where Crow fell victim to the writers not having a clear outline for him. At first, he was supposed to be this scrappy guy who also built a duel runner for himself, just like Yusei. But now, he's a signer, needs a backstory and a dragon, and because a theme of legacy is introduced alongside Pearson, the runner suddenly needs to be inherited, as well as (possibly) Crow's cards. Now, a crafty fanfic writer could probably reconcile the above contradiction somehow, and I know some stories that accomplished that. But the point isn't that we, as the audience/fandom could make this work, the point is that canon didn't make it work. What canon, sadly, also didn't get to work was Black-Winged Dragon.
(We meet again, bird-dragon.)
Here comes the next elephant in the room: Everyone and their mother who has watched 5Ds knows that Black-Winged Dragon was never implied to be a signer dragon up until the duel where Crow acquires it. In fact, an entirely different dragon is teased so heavily long before BWD ever shows up that it to this day is one of many people's major gripes with the show's writing.

(Why, hello, Life Stream Dragon! Fancy seeing you here.)
And yet, Black-Winged Dragon is turned into a signer dragon before Life Stream Dragon, who was teased more than sixty (!!!) episodes before BWD was ever even mentioned. Why? Simple: Because Crow became a signer and Rua/Leo didn't, because the signers all need dragons (or else the "5Ds" part kind of doesn't work), and because Life Stream Dragon thematically doesn't fit Crow.
Now, I've seen people post theories to reconcile this weird hitch in canon, hell, I've even posted an idea for how it could be reconciled myself. But, again, that isn't the point here. The point is that as far as good old, barebones canon is concerned, it isn't reconciled. Canon at first states there are five signers, suggesting that there are also five dragons. But then, the fifth dragon never shows up, and one of the signers dies, to boot. Only for canon to then teach us, oh, no, look, the signer marks can wander from one person to the next. And to add insult to injury (at least where the show's writing and internal consistency is concerned), the signer mark that was "freed up" by Roman/Rudger's death doesn't wander to Rua/Leo, who any attentive watcher would have expected to become a signer because it was heavily teased during the DS arc, but to Crow. Frankly, I'm not surprised many people were angry about this, but in case my disclaimer didn't make it clear, I don't think it's productive to pin this on Crow by claiming his cards became super popular irl. There was definitely an out-of-left-field writing choice made here, but the only answers as to "why" were left in the 5Ds' writer's room, I believe. At a guess, if you want me to throw out a non-sugarcoated theory as to why, though? They probably thought Crow would be a more interesting character for their target audience. He's a scrappy guy who sticks it to authority, he's brave, he's funny, he plays a cool deck, and most of all, unlike Rua, he never embarrasses himself in a duel on screen. Why am I highlighting that last part? Because I feel like people sometimes forget that the target audience for this show, at the time of its creation, were about twelve year-old boys. And you can feel free to contradict me on this, but most twelve year-old boys I've known and know don't want to project themselves onto a chracter who loses and gets his butt kicked a lot, and who's a bit awkward and steps in it sometimes, which is much closer to how actual twelve year-olds are—but that's exactly why they prefer the cooler characters. And Crow is the cooler character, by average twelve year-old boy logic, regardless of what the grownups of this fandom think.
So Crow gets a dragon and the writing doesn't bother explaining the how or why of it, let alone tackles any of the implications made by Black-Winged Dragon's existence as a signer dragon. (Like what does this mean for the larger worldbuilding? Does the Crimson Dragon actually have more than five servants, but chooses to only ever bestow five marks at a time? Can any "dragon" the Crimson Dragon chooses be a signer dragon, and it just so happens that the constellation of signer dragons is nearly the same as the original one in present-time 5Ds canon? Did the Crimson Dragon specifically elevate BWD to a signer dragon because it felt like it? Was BWD always supposed to be a signer dragon? Was Pearson supposed to be a signer, but died too early before the dark signer prophecy was set into motion? Am I overthinking this? (Yes.)) He also obtains his dragon in what feels like the weirdest way possible to me, because it suddenly??? Just decides to appear in his runner????? Out of nowhere??????
(Why is that here. How did it get there. Why did Pearson even put it in there. And HOW. Is it just wedged between the machinery or what???? And how on earth did Yusei, Bruno, and/or Crow never find it before this point considering how often someone tinkered on the Blackbird on screen???)
(This scenario, of course, also raises the question how the other signers even got their dragons. But like many other, interesting questions, this episode chooses not to interact with that one whatsoever.)
In short, this backstory is a bit of a mess, to say the least. For as much good as it tries to do by contextualising Crow's character and giving him something that sets him apart from the rest of the protag group, it feels like a rough draft of an episode was given the green light to be produced without any editing, judging by the contradictions and weird implications. As such, it harms Crow's character as much as it builds it, as evidenced by how much fandom backlash he still receives years later for the things that were bungled in this backstory and also in different aspects of his character writing.
Now, you may notice this post has gotten stupidly long due to just how convoluted the specific hangups of Crow's backstory are. I originally meant to cover the WRGP and even the Ark Cradle arc for Crow in this post, too, but due to how much there was to say about canon's attempt to finally make Crow a "proper" signer, I've decided that trying to force another two whole arcs in here would be a disservice to the analysis and the character, and also make this agonisingly long, so I'll close this part out here and write a part three, perhaps even a part four depending on how much material the WRGP gives me to work with.
There's one more thing I need to get back to before I finish up this part, though: The "screentime" discussion. I mentioned far above that I take issue with how some people seem to be using the word screentime, and now I can explain why. First, I want you to take a look back at the episodes I covered here, those being 65-95, essentially. Now, as anyone who usually dislikes Crow will tell you, Crow is present in most, if not all of these episodes. He's on screen. He's getting screentime, and, according to many people, hogging it, even. Okay. Now, I want you to look back up at the analysis. How many episodes did I cover where Crow actually gets something to do? As in, where he's either the focus of the plot or gets to contribute to it in a significant way? There's the old man Bashford episode. There's the Poppo Time clock episode. There's his two backstory episodes. That's four. Four episodes. If you're generous, you might add in the episode where he gets to narrate Yusei's backstory alongside Jack and the two fake Jack episodes where he gets to have an emotional moment or two with his foster-brother. If you're less generous, you'll note that none of these episodes have Crow actually interacting with the main antagonists in a meaningful way or set up anything important that pays off later. (Hell, he doesn't even get any, and I really mean, any meaningful setup interactions with Sherry, who ends up being his final-boss-level opponent during the final episodes! Aki gets more meaningful interactions with Sherry than him, not that this ever gets a payoff.) And this is why I take an issue with people claiming Crow gets so much "screentime" post DS arc. Because to me, "screentime" should be time spent letting a character act meaningfully within the story, which most of the pre-WRGP episodes aren't for Crow. He's on screen, yes, but in many episodes, it wouldn't matter one whit whether you replaced him with a nameless side character, which isn't exactly a great look for a supposed third of a protagonist trifecta. Perhaps I'm being too strict with my definition of "screentime" here, fair enough! But the claim that Crow hogs screentime already rubs the wrong way during this comparably unimportant arc, so I can't leave it alone. It feels very decidedly malicious to claim a character who during some episodes seems to only be there to provide exposition or make whatever jokes Yusei and Jack's personalities aren't suited to is stealing screentime from other characters. As for the WRGP duels and whether he's "hogging" anyone's screentime there, I'll dig into that nonsense in the next part, please be patient with me.
...Phew. Okay.
Now, before I leave you to wonder whether I'm every finishing my Crow analysis in full again, I want to attempt to do the same thing I did in part one—propose some changes that could have been made to the writing for Crow's character in order to make things slot in better with the rest of canon. With a small disclaimer, of course: These are just my suggestions as to how Crow's character could have fit into canon more smoothly and been done less of a disservice by his own backstory.
So. First, a quick-fire thing about the pre-WRGP, to get that out of the way: Crow, alongside Aki, is the only signer who didn't get his own confrontation with either Iliaster or their minions. (Yusei had Ghost, Jack had fake Jack, Rua and Ruka had Luciano.) Instead of having him confront a cranky old man in a scrapyard or Zora's son, they could have easily given him a very short side-story where he gets to experience the threat of Iliaster up close and personal, too. Hell, they could have very nicely cut the recap episode where Crow and Jack lie in the mess of Jack's terribly built coffee table and philosophise about Yusei's backstory for this, too. (As funny as their interaction about the coffee table and Jack lying on the floor with a perfectly intact coffee cup are.)
(Pictured: Two idiots (affectionate) contemplating life among the scraps of a shitty, broken coffee table.)
Then, there's the Pearson backstory, of course. So, here's the thing, I think two very different kinds of "fixes" could have worked here. Crucially, they both depend on Crow's status as a signer. I argued in part one that Crow might have worked better as a character if he hadn't actually become a signer, so I'll give both versions here. Let's go.
Option A: We try not to touch canon too much and Crow stays a signer.
How to do this? Frankly, I think what Crow's mark and Black-Winged Dragon were majorly missing was setup. The mark is the smaller offence here, since, fair enough, the idea that signer marks can wander from person to person isn't too out there for 5Ds canon. However, the lack of a dragon despite the alleged 5Ds stands out, and Life Stream Dragon's wasted setup only makes it worse. Thus, making Black-Winged Dragon make sense would have required giving him the same amount of foreshadowing as Life Stream Dragon, at the very least. And you know who could have been great for that? Sweet, ever-forgotten-by-canon Ruka. She was already shown having flashback dreams to the signer dragons' first battle against the dark signers, so who's to say she couldn't have gotten dreams about a shadowy, new dragon she's never seen before? Perhaps even dreams where she's not sure if the dragon is good or bad at first! It could have provided intrigue, it could have made the audience curious. To strengthen that, canon could have also bothered taking the question "hey why are there only four dragons now" seriously. No character in canon ever questions why there are five marks, but only four dragons. Even Rua, who was previously hopeful that he might secretly be a signer, never brings it up. If canon had bothered to actually point this mystery out, they could have used it not only to foreshadow Black-Winged Dragon, but to aid Life Stream Dragon's setup, too. What the fuck am I talking about, I hear you ask. Hear me out: Life Stream Dragon is shown way, way later down the line, long after the audience probably already accepted that it was simply never going to show up, literally bursting out of Power Tool Dragon's armour. We are not provided with an explanation as to why. Imagine if they had sprinkled in another dream Ruka could have had about the ancient past here. Imagine if they had used the opportunity to show something like, oh, during the battle, Life Stream Dragon got injured so badly they had to protect its wounded body with a suit of armour, in the hopes that it would heal. And with one original signer dragon out of commission, the Crimson Dragon sadly had to choose a replacement in between, because the Earthbound Immortals were sure to return. Bam. Black-Winged Dragon. Two signer dragons, set up simultaneously, without forcing the canon lore to do somersaults. Furthermore, to actually explain why Pearson had the dragon but wasn't a signer, they could have easily sprinkled in a flashback between him and Crow. Maybe Pearson could have mentioned how the dragon always feels like it's never really his, as a joking aside. It would have been enough for me to suspend my disbelief, you know? And then the rest of canon could have played out exactly as we know it. Crow could have confronted Bolger, could have obtained Black-Winged Dragon because maybe the dragon finally decided he was worth throwing its weight behind. The mystery behind the missing fifth dragon could have been solved, and it would have made for satisfying payoff without kneecapping Life Stream Dragon's setup or conjuring an extra dragon out of thin air. And really, stuff like the runner thing could have so easily been solved by simply picking one version (did he build it himself or inherit it?) and sticking with it. All it took was a little more care.
Option B: We assume Crow didn't actually become a signer, but try to keep his backstory intact.
Okay, this version works under the assumption that Crow, despite partaking in the final battle against Goodwin during the DS arc, didn't receive a signer mark. To make this work, I would, bluntly put, simply make it so that Black-Winged Dragon doesn't exist. Pearson can still play a powerful Blackwing monster during his flashback that Bolger wants to find and sell later, but it simply isn't that dragon. Really, Blackwings have enough to choose from there. If the backstory episodes had been placed a little later, say, during the pause in the middle of the WRGP, he could have even received something like Blackwing Full Armor Master here. (Yes, I know that card didn't exist at the time, but my point is that he could have simply received a powerup like Yusei and Jack did, instead of a completely new monster.) With this setup, they could have still added the intrigue of taking the question why there are only four signers now seriously. They could have still set up a mystery about why no one ever saw the fifth dragon outside of dreams. And it could have made Rua becoming a signer later, and in this version getting the tail mark instead of a completely new one, that much more satisfying. And Crow could have kept his "fuck destiny, I'm trying to save the world here"-attitude from the DS arc, providing a nice, amusing counterweight to our heroes chosen by an ancient Incan dragon deity. All it would have taken would have been not giving him a mark and switching out Black-Winged Dragon for something else.
So, take your pick, I guess. In the meantime, I'll try my best to work on part three faster than I did part two, lmao.
See you next time!
#yugioh 5ds#crow hogan#ygo 5ds#5ds#black-winged dragon#yugioh meta#robert pearson#bolton/bolger#orchid rambles#remember when I thought I could finish this analysis in two posts.#fun times.#EHEM anyway#here's the next big one#after december and january finally released me from their cruel clutches#I could finally find the energy to work on this again#now onto part three lol#also if anyone wants to yoink my rewrite suggestions for fics here.#PLEASE do. and tag me if you publish anything lmao#I'd honestly love to write something for Crow myself#but aki has me firmly in her clutches (affectionate) and the rest of my 5ds idea backlog l o o m s.#so yeah
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I am thinking about meddling Bobby Finstock. The Puppy Pack happen to walk by where Finstock is teaching the Beacon Hills High baseball team, and Theo happens to EFFORTLESSLY catch a fly ball, without even looking at it almost, and throws it back like he knows what he's doing. And he probably does- he probably had to learn how to play baseball to infiltrate a pack or something. Well, the puppy pack think nothing of it, just Theo's chimera reflexes and one of his many skills, but Finstock, who has no idea that he's supernatural sees the hero of his failing baseball team. He corners Liam during lacrosse practice like "Dunbar, how likely is it for you to convince your boyfriend to try out for the baseball team?" "Coach, he doesn't even go to this school" "Never mind that, do you think you can get him to do it?" and Liam dupes Theo into trying out for the baseball team and Theo accidentally aces it and that's the story of how Theo was tricked into being the captain of the Highschool Baseball team. I imagine Theo being the only one Coach doesn't yell at and insult because he's the only team player actually doing his job, and I also think Theo needs as many positive adult influences in his life as he can get, especially after Bobby was the only teacher who interfered when Liam was getting beat up, It would also be an outlet for his analytic, strategic mind that doesn't involve the war with Monroe so I'm sure that's healthy for him. Also, I'm imagining the whole pack being in the stands + Jenna, David, Argent, Melissa and cheering Theo on. I don't think he's ever had that experience before.
I also imagine him showing off and doing moves like this: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_4DSVGhusrI https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6R6Jv0QpRw4
Huh. Not my usual storyline, admittedly, but I’ll chew it over and see if/how I might be able to put my spin on it. 🤔
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Sonic Cyber Revolution, Entry 46: This Machine
''We all danced in fire, trapped in this machine! Don't know how long we've waited, as the Eggman's watching! We all danced in fire, looking thru the screen! Don't know how long we've waited, as the Eggman watches!''
– This Machine by Sonic Heroes (Team Dark Theme)
''Sir! Are you certain that this is a good idea?''
Dr. Eggman has grown quite irritated having Dr. Starline follow him around, constantly questioning his decisions and suggesting alternative solutions. He already knew what he was doing and he wasn't going to let the platypus dictate how he was doing his business.
''Oh, I'm absolutely sure…'' Eggman replied, trying not to show just how annoyed he was by Starline's constant questioning. ''As a matter of fact, I was sure the last hundred times you had asked me that.''
''Well, I am just trying to make sure that your plan is completely solid, Sir. You do have a contingency plan, right?'' Starline asked eagerly, with Eggman taking a deep breath and suddenly turning around, giving Starline a sinister smile.
''Yes, Starline, I have a contigency plan. Shoot until everything has turned to dust,'' Eggman told him, with Starline rising an eyebrow instead of being intimidated.
''No more of that!'' Eggman turned on his heel, walking away. ''Ferra, Metal Sonic!''
''Yes, Doctor?'' Ferra and Metal Sonic walked up to Eggman. Admittedly, since their alliance with Team Neos, the two decided to see this situation as a vacation. Even if ARMS was primarly focused on Team Neos, both Ferra and Metal Sonic understood that they would also become targets, especially if ARMS learned about their connection to the Eggman Empire. So, the smarter option here was to lay low.
''You two will keep an eye on this place until I'm back,'' Eggman told them, with Starline giving him a baffled look. ''I know ARMS would never be able to piece together where the headquarters of the Eggman Empire is, but this more of a precaution.''
''S-Sir, wait a second, why them? You could just put me in charge!'' Starline protested.
''I could've put you in charge, but I didn't because you've been constantly questioning my decisions,'' Eggman replied.
''But… I was only trying to help!'' Starline replied, still stunned.
''Then you can use the spare time to figure out how to help me properly!'' Eggman told him in a sharp tone, walking away while being followed by Orbot and Cubot. Starline was still baffled, his beak slightly open as he stared at the Doctor walking away in stunned silence. He then huffed, shooting a glare at Ferra and Metal Sonic.
''I assume you two are happy now,'' he said, tapping with his foot and his arms crossed on his chest. Ferra and Metal Sonic gave him the most deadpan look they could manage.
''We're never happy,'' Ferra replied. Starline scoffed, walking away.
''Well, I can certainly do better. This alliance the Doctor has with Team Neos will soon be over, so we need to prepare our next move. I will make sure that the action we take will be their downfall,'' Starline told her, vanishing into the next room. Ferra sighed.
''You know, I think the reason Eggman told us to keep an eye on this place is less because of ARMS and more because he wanted someone to babysit Starline,'' she told Metal Sonic.
Metal Sonic nodded in response.
''Do you think that Eggman will actually keep his end of the deal?'' Minami asked Lucas, who could only sigh in frustration and shrug.
''Well, he was the one who told us to come here and that he'll pick us up. While I know that he will backstab us eventually, I assume that's going to happen after we storm ARMS HQ,'' Lucas responded, only to pause for a moment, narrowing his eyes. ''Although, I suppose he might as well just abandon us there, but I'm sure we'll be able to find our way back.''
The rest of Team Neos didn't look too convinced. Last night, they had one more group call with both Team Dark and Dr. Eggman, talking about their next step. Team Dark had provided them with a map of ARMS HQ and other information in regards to the facility, the agents and what the easiest way of breaking inside would be. Eggman had told them that he would take care of their means of transportation and agreed to be their back-up, as he wasn't going inside the HQ. Team Neos was fine with that, with Tails and Warren presenting the blackmail material to everyone and revealing that they would be able to send it to anyone they wanted, meaning that depending on what ARMS answer is, their secrets will be leaked to the public.
They all agreed to meet up at the Codex Research Facility, and were now waiting for Eggman to arrive with their means of transportation. What they didn't expect was that a huge aircraft would suddenly materialize above their heads.
''Huh, what's that?'' Silver asked, his jaw dropping. Team Neos was completely stunned to see the aircraft as it got lowered down. Thanks to the fight between Team Dark and Mephiles and Toshiro, the crystal walls did tear through the tree line, allowing for more space for the aircraft.
''Is that the Egg Carrier?! No, it can't be…'' Minami said, shaking his head.
''As you can see, it can! Now, get inside before I change my mind!'' Eggman's voice suddenly boomed through the loudspeakers. Minami exchanged looks with her teammates, following them into the aircraft while muttering under her breath, ''How the hell did he hear what I said?''
Once inside the Egg Carrier, Team Neos was greeted by Orbot and Cubot. ''If you could please follow us to the cockpit. The Boss awaits you.''
Team Neos did as they were told, finding Eggman in the pilot seat and turning towards them. ''As per our agreement, I will bring you to ARMS HQ. However, I will leave all the liberation and fighting to you. If you fail, I'm leaving you behind.''
''Have some faith, Egghead,'' Sonic said, with Eggman shooting him a glare because of the insulting nickname. ''I've been waiting to storm the ARMS HQ for days, and knowing what we know, we'll be out in no time.''
''Only if Commander Williams decides to co-operate,'' Eggman said, pausing for a moment and humming in thought. ''Maybe I should just raze ARMS HQ to the ground.''
Lucas sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. ''Even if we agreed to that, I doubt that we would be even achieve exactly what we want. I'm not arguing against that ARMS needs to go now, but not this way.''
''Suit yourself, but I wouldn't mind dropping some of my specialized Badniks as punishment for even daring to go after one of my Egg Bases,'' Eggman replied, turning back to the controls.
''How come we hadn't noticed the Egg Carrier? Does it have some kind of cloaking device installed?'' Tails asked, walking up to the Doctor. Eggman grinned.
''Ah, so you noticed! Indeed, I added some nifty surprises to the Egg Carrier to make conquest much easier,'' he said proudly, only to see literally all of Team Neos just giving him an unimpressed glare. He narrowed his eyes, well aware that their collective gaze meant that they weren't going to let him get away with this.
''So, ready to break out?'' Touka asked, with Shadow, Rouge and Omega giving her a determined, if not eager look. They were currently at Touka and Shadow's room, preparing for the eventual mayhem that would soon occur. They knew that Dr. Eggman would be transporting Team Neos somewhere close to ARMS HQ and for their part, there were three important things they needed to to. First, get Team Neos inside ARMS HQ without too much fuss. Second, fight their way through to the Commander and the main control room. Third, they needed to negotiate their own freedom with the Commander.
''We will show no mercy,'' Omega said, quite excited about the upcoming fight.
''Omega and I will join you as soon as possible once we get the keycard for my collar,'' Rouge said. Once the plan was set, she realized that the ensuing chaos would be exactly what she needed to finally steal the keycard she needed, and with Omega as backup, she was certain that no one would pay too much attention to her.
''Now, all that's left is to wait for the right moment and hope the Commander won't suddenly call for us,'' Shadow said, holding his own AR Visor in his hand, only to place on top of his head. He was done hiding it from the other ARMS agents.
Fortunately for them, they didn't have to wait too long, as Shadow got a sudden message from Sonic, simply saying ''We're here.'', along with the tracker turned on, showing their location. Shadow smirked, turning to the rest of Team Dark.
''It's time,'' he said, linking hands with Touka, and performing Chaos Surge. Then, he warped away, leaving the three alone. Touka then turned to Rouge and Omega.
''We should also go, since they'll be in the main building,'' she said, her dark brown eyes now glowing a crimson red and orange. The three then exited the room, and while several agents did take note of their fast pace as they went to the main building, no one questioned anything.
Eggman had landed the Egg Carrier at a more wooded area close to ARMS HQ, but fortunately far enough to keep it hidden from it. Team Neos has already walked out of the aircraft, all of them powered up via Chaos Surge and waiting in anticipation. There was a sudden flash of light, revealing Shadow as he had Chaos Controlled to their location, giving them a firm look. Sonic walked up to him with a wide smile, only to get confused by Shadow's response.
''You're late again, Hedgehog,'' Shadow told him. Sonic was puzzled, only to realize what Shadow was referring to and snort in amusement.
''Well, I wanted to be here several days ago, but you know how things are…'' Sonic said, with Lucas approaching the two.
''We're ready to go. I guess Touka, Rouge and Omega are also ready,'' he told Shadow.
''They should be at the main building at this point,'' Shadow said, getting surrounded by the rest of the team. His eyes then flared up as he extended his hand. ''Chaos Control!''
It only took a moment, but the intruder alarm started blaring, with the ARMS agents being directed towards the main building. Touka had already separated from Rouge and Omega, who left to get the keycard, while she was running towards where Team Neos would be. Fortunately for her, none of the agents suspected her of having anything to do with this, at least until she snapped her fingers, summoning a Chaos Spear and using it as a melee weapon to fight off the agents that were going after her friends.
One of the agents managed to dodge a swipe of the Chaos Spear, reaching for the baton she was carrying that suddenly crackled with electricity. ''We have a traitor among our ranks!''
The agent swung down the baton, but Touka was faster, dodging it and hitting the female agent in the gut, then fired the Chaos Spear into the Irregular who attempted to assist her. Touka then kept running, summoning another Chaos Spear and trying to clear the way, only to stop when a man with a bigger frame stopped her. He attempted to grab her, but was suddenly knocked down by a blue ball of spikes and fur.
''Thanks, Sonic!'' she said, with the ball unfurling himself.
''You're welcome, but are we going in the right direction? I may have taken a wrong turn,'' Sonic said, looking back at the hallway he came from. Suddenly, Knuckles and Lily emerged, both upercutting an Irregular and his human partner, their fists crackling with red energy.
''Hey, aren't we supposed to go that way?'' Lily asked, pointing down at the corridor ahead.
''Yeah!'' Touka replied, her and Sonic joining them. At the back of the corridor, they saw Silver and Makoto forming a cyan barrier to stop the ARMS agents from advancing, while Shadow and Lucas were at the front, Shadow leading Team Neos to the main control room. Tails, Warren, Amy and Minami were in the middle, fighting off any agents coming from the side corridors. Touka and Sonic went ahead, with Sonic joining Shadow in spin-dashing another Irregular that was blocking their path.
''This way!'' Touka called out, with the group following her lead. While Team Dark did describe the layout of the building, even providing them with a crude map drawing, Team Neos was still relying on Touka and Shadow to lead them there directly. Unfortunately for them, ARMS HQ had additional defenses aside from the agents and Irregulars, with a heavy metallic door slamming down as they got closer to the core of the building.
''Oh, no, you won't!'' Amy shouted, her and Minami slamming their hammers into the metallic door and breaking through it, allowing for Team Neos to pass.
It took them a bit, but they had eventually managed to get to the main control room, with Sonic rushing inside and quickly knocking out the agents who guarded it. Tails went after him, connecting the Miles Electric to the main computer, with him and Warren doing the final bit that would hopefully secure their friends' freedom and ARMS' downfall, while the rest of the team was keeping an eye out on the hallway outside. There were those they had knocked out, but there were no new enemies to fight against.
''Where are Rouge and Omega?'' Makoto asked since, according to their plan, they were supposed to meet up here. The moment he asked that question, they heard an explosion, followed by some cursing.
''I believe that that was Omega,'' Silver said. He and Makoto had used their psychokinesis to move away the unconscious bodies of the ARMS agents and placed barriers on both ends of the hallway, but removed one when they saw Rouge and Omega walking towards them, with Omega pointing his cannon arm at Commander Williams who had his hands lifted up in surrender.
''Look at who we had managed to find,'' Rouge said, waving at Team Neos. She was twirling the collar that was on her neck around her finger, holding a keycard in her other hand, before throwing both of them away.
''You will pay for this betrayal!'' Commander Williams growled, glaring at Rouge, who just gave him an unimpressed look.
''You have no power here, Commander. Omega, do you want to remind him of that?'' she said.
''Commander Williams, do you wish to die by a bullet to the head or a missile to the back?'' Omega said gleefully, having had exploded several parts of the building in his attempt to act as Rouge's back-up. Commander Williams gritted his teeth, refusing to respond, but the trail of sweat made it clear that he understood that he had no say in how things would go.
He was then led into the main control room, with Lucas closing the door behind him and pointing at the microphone at the computer. ''Tell the ARMS Agents to stand down. We are here to negotiate and we'd like to do it without having to fight them constantly.''
Commander Williams shot him a glare, but given how the room was filled with people who had no issue of beating him up to a bloody pulp and he was completely defenseless, he knew that he would have to do as he was told. He walked up to the computer, activating the loudspeaker.
''This is Commander Roy Williams. All ARMS agents, stand down. I repeat, all ARMS agents, stand down. Do not engage into any further fighting,'' he said, stepping back and turning towards Team Neos and Team Dark, his stern expression mirroring theirs. ''What do you want from me? What is the meaning of this breach?''
''I assume you already know who we are, but I'd still like to properly introduce myself,'' Lucas said, stepping towards the Commander. ''My name is Lucas Kinomoto, and I am the leader of Team Neos. You have made the mistake of kidnapping two of my teammates, which is why we have attacked ARMS HQ. We are here to bring them back home.''
''Forget it. I won't let any of my agents go, and as for you, I will have all of you arrested and imprisoned,'' Commander Williams threatened, feeling furious about this situation. This group of teenagers and their Irregular ARNavs just stormed a military base, beat up his agents with the help of Team Dark and were now making such a ridiculous demand. He was not going to let them get away with this.
Upon hearing this, Sonic turned to Tails, holding out his hand. ''Tails, give me the the Miles Electric.''
''Uh, sure,'' Tails said, a bit confused, only for Sonic to walk up and sit down on the control panel, now being at a height where he was eye-to-eye with the Commander.
''I will give you one last chance,'' Sonic suddenly rose his voice, with everyone inside the room turning towards him. He was uncharacteristically serious, his tone low and calm, to the point that even Shadow was giving him a stunned look, as he never saw Sonic act like this. ''Release my friends, or you will suffer the consequences.''
''No, I won't-'' Commander Williams cut himself off when Sonic shot him a cold glare, pressing a button on the Miles Electric. Suddenly, a new window popped up on the screen, showing a red uploading line, already getting to 5%. ''Wait- What is that?''
''This is all of the information we have gathered about ARMS, and it is being uploaded online for all the public to see,'' Sonic replied. Commander Williams' eyes widened.
''You're kidding me!''
''You hurt my friends. I'm dead serious,'' Sonic told him in a cold tone, then smirked. ''It also pays off to have a genius as your little bro.''
He then turned to Tails, who was now hovering next to him, and both gave each other a high-five. Commander Williams remained shocked.
''Y-You're bluffing! There is no way you could've had any access to ARMS-related information…'' he trailed off when another screen suddenly popped up, obscuring the line below, which was now at 13%.
''They aren't bluffing, Commander. In fact, they had made an alliance with me. My own genius allowed them to access any information ARMS was hiding,'' Dr. Eggman said. Commander Williams turned back to Team Neos and Team Dark furiously.
''So, all this time, you worked for Dr. Eggman?!'' he growled, only to get startled when Eggman scoffed.
''Bah, as if! Team Neos is not affiliated with the Eggman Empire, and the only reason we're allied at all was because of your foolish actions,'' Eggman told him, clasping his hands and placing them on the panel in front of him as he leaned closer. ''As you have already learned, the terms of the negotiation for Team Neos are the release of Team Dark. I'm here to add my own terms…''
''Do you really believe that I would do anything like that?!'' Commander Williams shouted furiously. Eggman just rolled his eyes.
''So stubborn…'' he muttered. ''I believe Kinomoto and the Blue Rodent have told you that you have no say in this and that it would be smarter for you to just go along with our demands.''
''Y-You can't just blackmail me!'' Commander Williams protested, but seeing the line at 50%, he realized that he was running out of time.
''You blackmailed Shadow and Touka, so we decided to do the same,'' Sonic responded, then glanced around at the room, locking eyes with Shadow, who nodded in acknowledgement. Commander Williams gritted his teeth, gazing at the line on the screen again and seeing that it got to 53%.
''You-'' He was clearly struggling with his decision. On one hand, he knew that he would lose Project Shadow if he agreed to this, a project that had been in development for more than a decade. On the other hand, he also knew that he was screwed if any of the military secrets get out to the public. Not only would he lose his position, but he would be the one sitting in prison for this. He hissed through his teeth, ''Fine! Agents Sakamoto,…'' Commander Williams almost flinched when Touka shot him a venomous glare. ''Agh, Agents Kageura, Shadow, Rouge and Omega are free to leave.''
''You will also swear to never pursue them again and to let them have their freedom to live their life as they wish,'' Sonic said, earning a hateful glare from the Commander.
''Not only that, but ARMS will also not meddle in the business of Team Neos, as well as delete any information you have on us. We are not your enemy, Commander Williams. We just want to protect Neos City from anyone who wants to hurt the people that live there, be that an Irregular or a human,'' Lucas added, earning the same hateful glare as Sonic did.
''Lastly, ARMS will also not meddle in the affairs of the Eggman Empire, or any battles between Team Neos and myself,'' Eggman said, with Commander Williams giving him a somewhat confused look.
''It seems that you either don't understand or don't know, but I don't like having outsiders interrupting this game. The only players allowed so far are Team Neos and their allies. ARMS doesn't have that privilege,'' Eggman told him.
''I won't just stand on the side and watch-''
''That's why we're here,'' Sonic interrupted him, giving the Commander a determined look. ''This is what we do. This is what I do! We are all willing to fight for what is right.''
''You're just a bunch of teenagers…'' Commander Williams trailed off when Touka and Shadow suddenly stepped up.
''Yeah, we are teenagers, but you still forced us to work as ARMS agents,'' Touka pointed out angrily. ''All we wanted was to live a normal life outside the Codex Research Facility and you took that away from us! We didn't ask to be created or live this kind of life!''
''Don't make this harder for yourself, Commander. Your hypocrisy will be your downfall,'' Shadow added, arms folded across his chest. Commander Williams looked back at the line, which was now at 79%. Time was of the essence.
''Fine! You have my word that ARMS won't meddle anymore in any of your affairs, and you can live your life however you want. Now stop that upload!'' Commander Williams growled. Sonic got off the control panel, still holding the Miles Electric and strolling over to Shadow.
''I guess I'm not the only one who kind of ran out of patience. Should we go home?'' he asked, giving Shadow an innocent smile. Shadow smirked at him.
''We have no business here anymore. I agree that we should leave now,'' he said. Before the Commander could even react, both Team Neos and Team Dark gathered around Shadow, whose body was crackling with energy due to Chaos Surge.
''Chaos Control!''
''W-Wait!'' Commander Williams shouted, but the group had already vanished. His attention turned back to the screen, with Dr. Eggman being gone as well, but the line remained, showing that it was at 85% and continuing the upload. His eyes widened in shock and despair as he realized that Team Neos had no intent on cancelling the leakage of information.
''Finally! It's over!'' Lily exclaimed, stretching her arms as Team Neos and Team Dark found themselves back at the wooded area where the Egg Carrier was. ''Now we can go home!''
''I'd say that we should celebrate this! This is a big victory for us!'' Minami said, with everyone giving her a look of interest.
''Yeah, this calls for a big party!'' Sonic said excitedly.
''I suppose we could celebrate this at my home. Knuckles and I will arrange everything,'' Lily said, with he rest of the group cheering in approval and getting into the Egg Carrier, and Rouge and Touka trying to convince Omega not to blow up Eggman yet as they still needed to return home. The last ones to climb inside were Sonic and Shadow, with Sonic having given the Miles Electric back to Tails, the upload having been complete.
''That was a quite decisive behavior you had displayed earlier,'' Shadow commented, drawning Sonic's attention.
''You think it was decisive?'' Sonic asked in a sheepish tone, rubbing the back of his head. ''I don't know… I did come off as a bit… rough and cold, I guess.'' He then stopped walking, only to snort in amusement. ''Actually, when I think about it, I kinda sounded like you.''
Shadow rose an eyebrow. ''So, I sound rough and cold?''
''Well, now that I think about it… You actually sound way warmer than before,'' Sonic said, scratching his cheek and grinning. ''It's actually really nice and calming to listen to you talk.''
Shadow remained speechless, being genuinely surprised by the compliment. He then tried to play it cool. ''I suppose I will also have to listen to you talk as well.''
''Heh, I missed you too, Shadow,'' Sonic replied, taking note of how tense Shadow looked and just figuring that the latter wasn't going to admit that he missed his rival as well.
Kisaki sighed, feeling quite sick. Physically, she was actually fine, but mentally, she felt ill. The past few days had put her under a lot of stress and she felt like she was at her wits' end. The fact that she couldn't do anything to protect Touka and Shadow from ARMS and had to forget about their existence left her with pure nightmares. She was worried sick about them and felt incredibly helpless. She had some idea that Sonic and his friends might try to get them back, but so far, she heard nothing from Team Neos.
Kisaki suddenly stood up from the couch she was sitting on, fear gripping her. She didn't expect any visitors and she was afraid that those were ARMS agents opening the door. For a moment, she held her breath, only to see two figures entering the house.
Kisaki's eyes widened in pure shock, her heart racing. ''Touka? Shadow? Are you-?''
''We're home,'' Touka said, her and Shadow standing in the hallway. Suddenly, Kisaki rushed towards the two, pulling both of them into a tight embrace and falling on her knees, crying her heart out.
''I thought I'd never see you two again!'' she said through her tears, her grip around them tightening, as if she feared that they would vanish if she didn't. Touka and Shadow remained silent, well aware that nothing needed to be said. They weren't going anywhere. They were safe.
They were at home.
''…the military and security branch, the Advance Reconnaissance & Mission Support, also shortened as ARMS, has been under heavy scrutinity by the Starpoint Area Self-Defense Forces (SASDF). ARMS is a specialized branch focusing on the threat of Irregulars, but now it us under investigation due to allegations of corruption, inhumane experiments on Irregulars and humans, espionage, arms trafficking and information trade,'' Midorikawa reported, turning to the holographic screen behind her. ''As you can see on the comment board behind me, the wider public has already been made aware of the situation via an anonymous online leak that had spread at the speed of light. The SASDF has made the statement that they had nothing to do nor do they approve of ARMS actions and that they will be taking the appropriate steps to shut down and reform ARMS.''
''I suppose that anyone who was a firm believer in anti-military conspiracy theories is now celebrating,'' Kero said, trying to joke, with Midorikawa shrugging.
''I don't know, but I'm just here to deliver the news, not analyze them,'' Midorikawa replied, turning back to the camera. ''But what I do know is that public opinion is very low, especially because the existence of ARMS had been kept a secret. People are calling for ARMS to be shut down and instead have the funding go into the Irregular Hunters organization, especially due to the recent losses they had suffered.''
''We also have a video circling on online forums and social sites that confirms the existence of Irregulars that show no signs of aggressivness, but were still treated with nothing but complete cruelty. We will show this video, but viewer discretion advised due to the disturbing content,'' Kero added. What followed next was a quite disturbing video of an Irregular cat, pleading for her life, getting electrocuted by one of the ARMS agents, while another agent off-screen could be heard wondering why they were doing this, since they had even mistaken the Irregular for a regular ARNav due to her having shown no aggressive behavior or even try to drain the BioEnergy.
''That's horrifying…'' Lily commented, with her and her friends watching the news broadcast on a huge holographic screen in the yard at the Crystle Mansion. It was late evening, with the flood lights being turned on inside the yard.
''There is a lot more to it, but Tails and I had deleted anything in regards to us or to Project Shadow,'' Warren said. ''The last thing we need is more attention from the public.''
''Honestly, thank you two for your work! If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to get Touka, Shadow, Rouge and Omega out of ARMS, not reveal to the wider public what ARMS really is doing,'' Lucas said, with the rest of the team cheering for them.
''Thanks guys, but that's what we would do for everyone,'' Tails said. Sonic grinned, placing his hand on Tails' shoulder.
''You've done great work, little bro, and I'm really proud of you!'' Sonic told him, only for his tone to get serious. ''Now, get some sleep or I'll drag you personally to your bed and make sure you're asleep. No more late night projects. Same goes for you, Warren.''
Both Tails and Warren chuckled, having to admit that, yeah, Sonic was right and they really needed some rest… even if they wanted to work on other projects. Nevertheless, they were happy that all of their hard work has payed off.
''Speaking of Project Shadow, those two still haven't arrived,'' Rouge said, having swapped the purple and black bodysuit for her usual black, white and pink outfit.
''Touka did send me a message that they would be a bit late because they wanted to explain to Kisaki what had happened,'' Lucas replied. ''I'm sure they'll be here soon.''
''Speak of the Devil,'' Rouge said, suddenly spotting the two missing teammates at the front gate. Touka and Shadow had soon joined them, with Touka carrying a plastic bag with her, looking around at the yard in front of the Crystle Mansion, clearly impressed by how fast Lily and Knuckles had arranged for the place to be decorated and food to be delivered for the party. As for Shadow, he was suddenly approached by Sonic.
''You're late, Faker,'' he said, giving Shadow a smug grin. Shadow snorted, just shaking his head, well aware what Sonic was referring to. Meanwhile, Touka approached Omega, holding up the plastic bag.
''Hey, Omega, could you please dispose of this for me?'' she asked.
''What kind of disposal do you desire?'' Omega asked, holding the plastic bag.
''Something that involves a lot of explosives and fire,'' Touka said casually.
''I approve of your approach,'' Omega responded.
''Uh, what's in the bag?'' Silver asked.
''It's the ARMS uniform I was given. Honestly, I want to see it burn,'' Touka replied, with her and Omega exchanging a knowing look that made everyone else uneasy.
''If you're going to burn the uniform, please don't use my yard for that,'' Lily said. Omega gave her a look of clear disapproval.
''Huh, I knew there was something different about your outfit!'' Minami suddenly exclaimed, snapping her fingers as she stared at Touka, who gave her a confused look, only to realize what Minami meant.
After removing the uniform, Touka was back to having her hair down, placing her AR Visor (after Warren and Tails returned it back to its usual settings) on top of her head, and was still wearing her dark red jeans shorts and the short black leggings underneath them, as well as her black, red and white high top tennis shoes. However, she was wearing a different T-shirt, this one being black with red sleeves and a red stripe on each side of the T-shirt that went up vertically to the sleeves, and the print on the front was the dark red logo of the Shadow the Hedgehog video game, also known as the Black Arms logo.
''Oh, that… I had actually ordered a new custom T-shirt a while ago, but never got around to wear it,'' Touka said.
''It definitely suits you better,'' Rouge said.
''Thanks. I was also planning to get new sneakers, since these are kinda worn out,'' Touka replied, tapping with her foot on the ground.
''If you want, we could all go out shopping together,'' Rouge suggested, a sly grin on her expression. Next to them, Makoto had a conversation with Lucas.
''I really hope that things won't get worse for us after we leaked that information to the public,'' Makoto said.
''I don't think it should. Point is, SASDF will be focused on trying to keep people calm and deal with ARMS. Whether they knew what ARMS was doing or not is another topic…'' Lucas trailed off, narrowing his eyes. He knew that their own future was still uncertain, but he did hope for the best.
''Hey, Shads, did you and Touka also watch the news?'' Sonic, who overheard this, asked Shadow.
''We did watch it on our way here, and we both agreed that this will cause an uproar among the public,'' Shadow replied.
''Honestly, it might even change the way how people look at Irregulars. The fact that there are Irregulars who mean no harm to humans wasn't public knowledge until now,'' Amy pointed out, joining the conversation.
''If we're lucky, you guys will be safe from being targeted by the Irregular Hunters,'' Makoto pointed out.
''I guess we'll have to wait and see how things turn out,'' Tails said.
''Don't take my word for granted, but I have a feeling that Loki has an idea who we really are,'' Sonic said. He then placed his ams behind his head, smiling. ''In any case, we're here to have some fun and celebrate, so let's just put this behind us and start the party!''
The whole group then moved on to actually having fun, either listening to the music, eating from the buffet that had been placed outside, talking or playing darts, as Lily activated the game within the AR Field that was covering the yard. Her parents were away that evening and Lily completely ignored Bennet protests about hosting a party, pointing out how this was her home and so long as nothing got broken, she was free to do whatever she wanted. Therefore, the butler decided to remain inside the mansion, as none of the guests needed his aid. Things did get a little heated when Omega offered to set off some fireworks, with Touka quickly assuring him that wasn't necessary and Lily pointing out how she told him already to not use explosives in her own yard.
Meanwhile, Rouge had stepped away from the group, having been talking to Amy about their shopping plans for tomorrow and cast a curious look towards the mansion.
''Don't you dare to go inside.'' Rouge suddenly turned around, with Knuckles standing right behind her, giving her a stern look, his arms crossed on his chest.
''Don't worry, Knuckles, I'm just here to have a good time,'' Rouge assured him.
''Since our alliance has come to an end, I am well aware that we will go back to our usual routine. Therefore, I'm warning you this once – don't you dare to even think of stealing any of the games inside the mansion,'' Knuckles warned her. Rouge just smiled, having to admit that Knuckles wasn't wrong about her antagonizing him, but she decided to give him a break today, at least in regards to trying to steal the gems. That didn't mean that she wasn't going to mess with him in a different manner.
''Oh, my, don't tell me that you actually missed me,'' she said, with Knuckles giving her a flustered look.
''Wh-What? I didn't say-'' he stuttered, but Rouge gave him a coy smile, stepping closer.
''You even called it 'our usual routine'. Not to mention, you were willing to search for me when I went missing,'' she said, placing her finger on Knuckles' chest and tracing it up to his chin. ''As a matter of fact, I think that you genuinely care about me.''
Knuckles shivered at her touch, being completely frozen in shock as he didn't expect her to pull a move like that. While he wouldn't admit it openly, he was actually a little worried about Rouge, especially after learning what kind of organization ARMS was. He did have complete faith in her ability to take care of herself, but there was a lingering sense of concern in his mind.
''I-I suppose I do…'' he started, only for Rouge to press a kiss on her gloved fingertips and place them on Knuckles' cheek. Knuckles' jaw dropped in complete shock and his mind went blank for a moment as it had trouble processing that Rouge the Bat, his sworn rival, had just kissed him indirectly. Rouge smiled, having to admit that it was quite amusing to see Knuckles' muzzle turn as red as the rest of his fur, while his mind was probably playing an ''Error'' message on loop.
''I care about you too,'' she said. ''Do you mind if I go ahead and quickly make sure that all of the gems are where they belong?''
''Wh-What?'' Knuckles was still processing what just happened.
''Aww, thank you so much, Knuckie. I'll be back soon,'' Rouge replied, spreading her wings and quickly flying towards the mansion. It took a moment for Knuckles to break out of his stunned state, with the familiar sense of rage and irritation taking over.
''Rouge! Come back! Rouge!''
Knuckles shouted after Rouge, rushing towards the mansion and almost knocking Sonic over, who decided to take a break from the darts game after losing to Silver. Apparently, only because he was good at throwing the darts fast, it meant nothing if he was precise. Nevertheless, he had a good time, and so did his friends. However, he did notice that someone was missing and decided to search for this person, but it didn't appear that he was in the yard.
Sonic then looked up, spotting a dark figure on the roof of the mansion and smirked. He managed to find his way up to the top of the roof, with Shadow giving him a slightly questioning look, well aware that Sonic was about to interrupt his moment of peace.
''Do you mind some company?'' Sonic asked, with Shadow pausing for a moment, then shaking his head. Sonic sat next to him, with Shadow taking note of just how close he was, but he didn't mind his presence. Sonic gave him a curious look. ''Why don't you join the others at the party? After all, you're one of the guests of honor.''
''While I am happy to be here, this doesn't mean that I'm going to socialize,'' Shadow responded, glancing at Sonic. His rival just grinned, understanding well that Shadow still wouldn't socialize with other people unless necessary – even if they were his own teammates. Nevertheless, that didn't mean that he didn't appreciate them.
''It seems like things are gonna go back to normal,'' Sonic said, both him and Shadow watching over their friends as they had fun.
''I don't think that you can call this kind of life normal in comparison to those of other people,'' Shadow remarked.
''Yeah, but you can now live a life without having to worry that anyone from Codex or ARMS will go after you and Touka. I'd call that a 'normal' life,'' Sonic pointed out.
''I suppose you're correct in regards to that,'' Shadow responded, feeling a sense of relief. It was as if someone removed a huge boulder from his chest and he could breathe a bit easier now. He knew that Sonic was right and that with Prof. Sakamoto being dead and ARMS not bothering them anymore, he and Touka could live a life without having to worry that they would be used as weapons again. ''It is a relief…''
Shadow was startled when he was suddenly pulled into a hug by Sonic, his own heart racing and his tan muzzle turning a faint shade of red. His crimson eyes were wide and his body tense, with his first instinct being to push Sonic away. However, he knew he couldn't do that. He couldn't explain it, but there was just something about being hugged by Sonic like this, something comforting, and he wasn't really sure how to respond. But, before he could even say or do anything, Sonic had released him, giving him an awkward smile.
''Oh, right… you don't like physical contact that much,'' Sonic said, rubbing the back of his head. Shadow stared at him for a moment, only to sigh, realizing that Sonic was just happy that he was here and wanted to show it in a different way.
''Since it's you, I suppose I can give you a free pass this time…huh?'' Shadow was startled when Sonic suddenly pulled him into another hug, burying his nose into his shoulder and holding him tightly. Shadow, trying to ignore a familiar sensation of warmth, narrowed his eyes, adding in a deadpan tone, ''What I meant is that I'll give you a free pass for the hug earlier. That wasn't an invitation for more.''
''Too late, Faker. You won't get rid off me so easily,'' Sonic lifted his head, gazing into Shadow's eyes and grinning at him mischievously. Shadow remained unamused and, for a moment, he thought about his response. To Sonic's surprise, he suddenly felt Shadow's arms wrapping around his torso, with Shadow burying his head into his shoulder, pulling him as close as possible. Sonic felt a wave of heat spreading through his body, his fawn muzzle turning a slight shade of red and his heart beating like crazy. Rest assured, he never expected that Shadow would hug him back, but it wasn't an unwelcome gesture. In fact, he really enjoyed it.
''Heh, so you are a hugger,'' Sonic said, his voice carrying a comforting warmth, only for the smile to fade a moment later when Shadow spoke again.
''I don't mind getting a hug so long as it is from a person I trust. It was a source of comfort for me, especially whenever I couldn't deal with the pressure I was put under or when I suffered from nightmares,'' Shadow said in a calm, somber tone. Sonic felt his own heart breaking for Shadow.
''Shads…'' He wanted to offer words of comfort, but nothing came to his mind. His ears then perked up when he heard Shadow speak again in a sharp tone.
''If you tell this to anyone, I will personally throw you into Cosmo River,'' Shadow threatened, moving his head back and glaring at Sonic, but still keeping his hands around Sonic's waist. Sonic snorted, trying to sound as serious as he could.
''Understood,'' he said, offering a sincere smile. While Shadow still kept a stern expression, Sonic did take note that his gaze did soften a little. ''Thanks for telling me that. I'm really glad that you trust me so much.''
''It cannot be helped… After all, you are a thorn in my side,'' Shadow responded, with Sonic suddenly burying his head right into Shadow's white chest fluff.
''D'aaaww, I heart you too, Shads,'' he said.
Shadow sighed, knowing that, if Sonic had done this several weeks ago, he would've kicked his rival off the roof and yelled at him for getting so close. But now, he realized that he had warmed up enough to Sonic to let him do whatever he wanted. Shadow then buried his muzzle on top of Sonic's head, feeling the soft blue fur, and took a deep breath. It was certainly a confusing feeling, and he had to admit, it was a bit daunting to deal with it, but at this point, whatever wall he put between himself and Sonic had been broken down. He knew that he could trust Sonic with his own life, but he still wouldn't trust him with his own insecurities and show his vulnerable side… at least until now. As a matter of fact, he was looking forward to going back to their usual rivalry.
''So, do you want to race?'' Sonic's question snapped Shadow out of his thoughts, the latter having no clue how long they had remained in that embrace. Sonic, clearly clueless about that, grinned as he gave Shadow a confident smile. ''I had been itching to finally challenge you again.''
Shadow just gave him a haughty look. ''I see… I suppose I should've figured that you'd be eager to lose to me.''
''Lose?'' Sonic suddenly got up, scoffing. ''Only in your dreams, Shads. You won't catch me so easily.''
Shadow stood up, folding his arms across his chest. ''Hmph, don't get too cocky, Hedgehog. One distraction, and you'll be suffering a humiliating defeat.''
''We'll see in a bit! Ready?'' Sonic said, taking a running stance.
''Set,'' Shadow said, smirking as he felt the familiar rush of adrenaline.
There was a rush of wind, with the blue and black-orange blurs vanishing into the night, both determined to continue their rivalry and prove who the faster Hedgehog between them was.
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#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
#Sonic Cyber Revolution#sonic the hedgehog#shadow the hedgehog#miles tails prower#knuckles the echidna#amy rose#silver the hedgehog#rouge the bat#e-123 omega#dr eggman#metal sonic#dr starline#orbot and cubot#sonic heroes#team dark#knuxouge#sonadow
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Here's my S3 theory. (I'd be thrilled to hear yours as well.)
I am writing this now so that when S3 finally drops in 24 billion months or whatever, I can look back at my notes and feel very smug and smart. Or laugh at myself for how wrong I got it.
My point is, dolphins. Or rather-- that terrible yet well-written cliffhanger:
At the very very end of S2, as Aziraphale was going up the elevator to Heaven, I'm pretty sure he knew he was going to have to work under cover to prevent the end of the world. Certainly after watching the recordings of Gabriel and what happened when HE protested, Aziraphale would realize that the bureaucracies of Heaven and Hell were determined to get to a final battle.
The Second Coming, from what (admittedly minimal amounts) I've read of it, doesn't have quite as many plot points as the arrival of the Antichrist. Jesus is supposed to show up in a burst of dramatic weather, all the humans who have ever lived are going to be immediately tossed into Heaven or Hell, and... That's about it? (I was actually raised Catholic, but I didn't pay much attention in Sunday school, and as an adult I don't really interact with religion. This isn't my best trivia subject, in other words.)
Anyway, at some sooner-rather-than-later point I think Aziraphale is going to decide to let all the angels and demons who want to fight it out with flaming swords have their go, and he is going to focus on preventing everyone else from getting hurt while that happens. Maybe the final sorting of goodies and baddies is going to involve processing all of humanity through some massive portals. And maybe Aziraphale is going to use his new position of power in Heaven's bureaucracy to change where the portal exit point is. There have been sooo many references to Alpha Centauri in the first two seasons, and that's presumably where Beelzebub and Gabriel went at the end of S2. I bet they would be willing to help with portal setup and receiving refugees on their end.
I'm not entirely certain what Crowley's role will be in S3. I can totally picture Aziraphale coming to him and saying, "Let's run off to Alpha Centauri together, only I've got several billion humans I want to bring with me." Maybe Crowley will have to help with portal setup down in the basement offices of hell. Or maybe he will need to convince Jesus to join Team Save Humanity (Crowley was friendly with Jesus once upon a time and did show him all the kingdoms of the world, after all.)
I think there are going to be some funny bits with the Nazi zombies from past seasons and all the other people who are being raised from the dead.
In the original book, Adam said that Heaven and Hell were a lot like his gang, the Them, and their rival gang, the Johnsonites: They were always trying to beat one another, but it wouldn't be any good if one of them actually did win. Having a rival gives you something to do, after all. I don't think there can ever be a final resolution between good and bad. They're kind of like death -- baked into the system. It's going to be a stalemate.
I also suspect that God is playing a many-layered game. All the demons and angels are helping to judge and deliver consequences to humans for their use of free will. But maybe God is watching all the angels and demons to see whether they understand that being on a team doesn't mean that you can't make your own moral decisions and act outside the party line.
Ultimately I think the battle will end and the human refugees will return to Earth. Our favorite supernatural couple will buy a flat with a garden somewhere, and that's where the story will end -- in a garden, just as it began.
#good omens clues#good omens season 3#good omens#neil gaiman#argue my point#what do you think?#crowley#aziraphale
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𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓕𝓵𝓪𝓶𝓮 [𝓚.𝓜] 𝟏𝟖+ Chapter 4
WARNINGS: Cum kink, unprotected sex, vaginal sex.
In life there are two reactions to most situations; fight or flight.
Bianca almost always responded with the latter. It was simply easier to pretend nothing was happening because the moment you do self-reflection you must change, and Bianca didn't want to change yet.
Life for the first time in a long time seemed colorful again. After the death of her father, she wasn't sure when she would feel like herself again but she doesn't even necessarily feel like her old self either. This was a whole new side of life.
Suddenly there was something to look forward to, somebody who always knew the right thing to say and knew how to please her in a way that would put her on a dopamine high that would last all day. Her feelings were only growing stronger with each interaction.
It was purely selfish, but she couldn't stop.
They had to be more careful now after Kylian slept over at her house. Camille has been all over Kylian lately, constantly showing up randomly and calling the office to speak with him. Luckily she hasn't found anything because Kylian made sure to scrub his phone clean.
Even somewhat hinting that Kylian leave Camille would feel too far, after all, he does have a daughter with her and Bianca wouldn't want to ruin the young girl's life; not to mention even hinting at a breakup it could send Kylian running for the hills.
Admittedly, it would be nice to know where Kylian stood on the situation but she could never tell. The Frenchman would never even give a clue on where he stood emotionally and despite her better judgment she was a little curious and wanted to poke around a bit to gauge where he stood, maybe just for the sake of knowing.
Bianca was trying to convince herself that she truly didn't care, that she was just curious; like a cat walking on the edge of a window seal.
What has curiosity ever done to a cat?
"Oi you're in my spot you know?" A deep accented voice says standing directly in front of Bianca's desk, arms crossed.
She snaps her head up from her notebook with pure confusion only to be more confused when she realizes it's someone she's never met before. The unknown man is tall, has smooth full lips, big friendly brown eyes, and a seemingly just-cut faded haircut.
He is undoubtedly beautiful.
This man seemed young- too young to work there given almost all staff are past thirty besides Kylian and herself. "I'm sorry are you at the wrong place? Would you like directions?" Bianca asked earnestly, shuffling to her computer and getting ready to pull up Google Maps.
"What you think I couldn't work here?" There's now a grin on his face and his teeth are just as nice as the rest of him.
Bianca scrambled with her words trying to explain herself, somewhat off guard from the fresh face. "Of course you could. I've just never seen you around and now you wanna sit in my seat."
He pointed over to the empty chair on the far right to her with the broken computer that hasn't been used the whole time she's been there. "Actually I wanna sit in that seat" He corrected her before making his way behind the desk.
She didn't stop him, only watching as he placed his leather bag next to the dusty keyboard. "But you said-"
"I was only messing with you."
Bianca blinked unsurely at what was happening. "I'm sorry who are you?" She finally questioned, her body fully facing him.
The man stuck his hand out and now sat in the previously empty chair. "I'm Jude. I filled your spot while you were away and Mr. Messi liked me so much that he wanted me to stay here."
Oh, this is the guy Kylian was talking about in the car the other day. He didn't seem boring at all. In fact, quite the opposite.
"I'm Bianca" Their hands linked together, shaking up and down a few times courteously before letting go.
Her eyebrows knitted together. "Wait, I thought you were his assistant?"
Jude rubbed his hands together before he shrugged confidently. "I am, but he said if I could fix up the computer I could have my own space" he explained now turning to face the dead computer in front of him.
This isn't your own space, this is my space.
A heads-up would have been nice for the new change but Bianca wasn't too bothered by it. Slightly irritated yes, but not actually angry about it. Maybe now she would be forced to do her job a bit better, less time to slack off with someone watching her. Especially someone the CEO seemed to have grown fond of.
Bianca didn't say much else, just went back to her notebook trying to figure out one of the higher-up's appointment schedules so she could find an opening for another client.
There was a silence that lasted about an hour while Jude messed around with the computer trying to pick it apart while Bianca did her own work. They were simply coexisting in the same place.
Jude broke the silent streak first. "I can tell you aren't from around here either" he noted as his hands still tinkered at the machine.
She wasn't sure what he meant or how he meant it, but she decided to go the playful route. "What gave it away?" Her tone was light, glancing at him from the corner of her eye.
"Everyone I've met so far looks like they've seen hell with their own eyes. You look too innocent to be from here."
Bianca laughed to herself. If only he knew.
Jude didn't miss her reaction. "What's funny? Am I wrong?" His head looked left to her.
There was no right way to answer that, so it was probably best to slightly change the subject. "Where are you from?"
His eyes stayed glued to her. "Stourbridge, England."
Bianca pouted her lower lip out and put a hand on her chest. "My condolences."
"You've been?"
"No, but it doesn't sound pleasant."
Jude's wide smile returned, and his eyes twinkled underneath the fluorescent lights. "What do they even have in your country? Coconuts?" He teased back.
She laughed hardily at that, completely forgetting about the work she was supposed to be doing. "I'll take that over your guys' food options. Beans on toast should be banned, there is no way people actually enjoy that."
Both of their chairs turned to face each other. "You know people do enjoy? Electricity. Your people wouldn't know about that I guess" Jude shot back, trying to hide his own laughter.
Bianca also tried to conceal her giggles. "Oh really? We do know about the dentist though, can you Englishmen say the same?"
Jude flashed his white teeth, wiping them with his tongue. "Don't even try to violate us like that again."
A loud ringing broke up their interaction, causing them both to jump. Bianca swiveled her chair back around and lifted the landline phone to her ear, immediately causing the annoying buzzing to stop. "JPR-Finance, this is Bianca speaking how may I assist you today?"
"It always makes me laugh when you use your customer service voice."
Bianca's heart fluttered in her chest the second she heard Kylian's voice, a warm feeling spreading in her stomach. She could feel Jude's eyes on her so she kept her composure calm and professional. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, sir. Is there anything you would like help with this afternoon?"
Kylian's eyebrows raised at her continued act. "Actually yes there is, Ms. Salazar. I've got half a pineapple pizza that I need you to come finish. Food waste is one of the world's greatest failures and it would be such a shame to contribute to it."
Bianca snickered internally. So corny but so cute.
She felt at ease when Jude went back to the computer, now able to act more like herself around Kylian. "I'll be happy to help you.
The phone was placed back into the holder before she slid out from her desk and headed to the elevators.
Bianca swallowed her food before speaking, eyes on his suit. "I have a question for you"
Kylian tapped his mouth with a napkin to wipe away the shiny residue from the pizza. He hummed shortly for her to continue speaking. "Is Camille your wife or your girlfriend?" The question caught him off guard and he coughed to regain composure.
"She's my girlfriend." He responded simply, fidgeting the napkin inside his palm.
A small wave of relief washed over her. At least they aren't married.
She accepted his answer and took another bite of the greasy bread before pressing again. "How long have you guys been together?"
Kylian breathed in slowly as he winded his shoulders, visibly uncomfortable. "I just turned 20 when we met so a little more than four years." He surprisingly seemed level-headed when answering even though out of his comfort zone.
Bianca cocked her head to the side. "But Ariella is four so Camille must have gotten pregnant quickly."
"She got pregnant only a month into our relationship. I hadn't really gotten to know her well at that point, I was just a kid. Young and dumb. I got Ari though, so I'm happy." Kylian shrugged it off, shutting the pizza box as his appetite dwindled.
She kept the conversation going, relieved to finally get some answers. "Where did you meet?"
Kylian paused in his place and looked at the ceiling trying to wrack his brain to remember the answer. "At a club, if I remember correctly. I was more wild in those days so all the memories kind of blended together. I don't like to think about it much."
Her lips pulled downwards. The entire situation seemed unfair with each new fact she discovered.
Bianca was walking on a tightrope with this conversation and she knew it, so pushing too much on the subject wasn't a smart idea but yet the nagging feeling of wanting to know more wouldn't leave.
The pizza grew cold as it stayed on the paper plate, now long forgotten. Bianca lifted her head up to look at him, adrenaline too strong to be afraid.
Against her better judgment, she asked the question that's been on her mind for some time now. "Do you really love her?"
Kylian's eyes softened and his shoulders slumped down. "Bianca," he breathed out as he stood up from his seat.
Bianca instantly regretted asking the question, cheeks burning with embarrassment and wanting to crawl into a hole to hide forever. Kylian bent down to meet her eye level in the chair before holding her face in his palms and gently kissing her.
His lips were warm and relaxed, contrasting sharply with hers who was careful and shaky as her mind swirled. After a few seconds of his touch, she eased into him and accepted when his tongue swiped across her lower lip.
Their saliva exchanged as their mouths opened for each other, salty and sweet like the food they just consumed. Kylian broke the kiss to press a few other ones to her cheeks before he wrapped his arms around her tightly.
Bianca was unsure of what answer she wanted to hear but as she sat smothered in his arms, this seemed like the perfect one.
Her hands pushed on his chest to get space only enough to find his mouth again this time with more heat. Kylian grabbed her thighs lifted her from the chair swiftly and placed her on his semi-empty desk.
"You're always on my mind," Kylian says breathlessly before sucking on her neck.
Bianca's mind is fuzzy, lost in the sensation of his tongue dragging across her flesh. Kylian is growing hard quickly, subconsciously grinding against her leg for friction. She rubs his bulge with one hand, the other cradling his head as he unbuttons her shirt and then unclasps her bra.
Out of the corner of her eye, she spots the large clock ticking mockingly at them. "You have a meeting in forty minutes so let's make this quick, mon beau." she reminds him before wincing at the cold air now exposed to her chest.
Kylian let out a low laugh as he pulls her skirt down. "Oui m'dame" he pecks at her lips.
Bianca hops off the desk and turns around so that she's fully bent over the desk. From behind, she hears him gasp at her straightforward action. Kylian takes time to caress her body, admiring her as if she was a sculpture; tracing over her curves with the pads of his fingertips.
His veiny hands grasp her ass, squeezing the fatty flesh before pressing his thumb over her clothed pussy. Kylian circled around the nerves through the thin cloth, smiling when he felt her warm juices spread around with his finger.
She pushed back onto his long digit, desperate for more contact as she held onto the wooden desk completely vulnerably.
Kylian found it amusing watching her squirm and wanted to drag it out for longer despite the time crunch. He yanked his hand away from her body to unzip his pants and push them down his thick thighs, tugging his boxers down next.
He could see in her body language that she felt excited at the sound of his pants falling and he almost felt bad for not instantly giving her what she wanted so badly. Kylian took his fully hard dick and dragged his across her ass, his sticky warm precum leaving small wet stains against the cotton of her underwear.
Bianca let out a whine and murmured his name incoherently, only enticing him further.
He lifted up the fabric so that his throbbing cock could slide between the skin and the material, the silhouette of his dick outlined in the cotton. He groaned at the feeling of her soft flesh rubbing against his foreskin and he shallowly thrusts.
"More Kylian" she cries, grinding her ass against him.
Kylian placed one hand on her waist and guides her while he bucks into her repeatedly, enjoying the view of her ass bouncing against him. He let out small grunts as he got lost in the moment and became focused on the enchanting sight before him, focused on his own pleasure. "Please baby" she gets out needily.
That broke him out of his trance, and Kylian having enough of his own game pulled down her underwear and eased himself into her dripping heat. "Fuck yes yes thank you" Bianca jumbled together, lust clouding her senses.
He slid into her body perfectly like a puzzle piece, sucking at the side of her neck and shuddering at how good her slippery walls felt clenching around him. "Always so tight and perfect for me," Kylian says into her ear as he picks up his pace.
Kylian pulls away to grab at her ass again, sweat forming as he pumps himself into her completely before pulling out again and repeating the steps. Bianca was a mess under him, drooling onto the surface below as his tip nudged against her most sensitive spot.
He angled himself so he could repeatedly fuck into that spot, this time harder. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as a string of curses left her mouth incoherently. Kylian used one of his hands to fondle her breast before pulling her hair so her neck would be exposed to his lips.
Bianca was already close and he could feel it by the globs of clear liquid smearing onto his cock and her walls enclosing around him tightly. Kylian can feel his cock start to twitch at the wet warm feeling. "Merde, princess you're fucking soaking. Not gonna last long."
Kylian lowered his hand to rub against her clit, starting off slowly and then matching his fast pace. "Ahh f-fuckkkk" she borderline screamed out, eyes screwing shut, dangerously close to her orgasm.
" 's good. Want you to cum all over" Bianca slurred drunkenly, eyelids low.
Kylian let out a low whine. "You need my cum mon bébé?"
She nodded quickly without a second thought. "Yes! Want you to make a mess on me."
He was determined to make her come first, so he pounded into her and rubbed against that spot again, pushing her over the edge. Kylian almost cried at how good it felt when her sopping velvety walls spasmed around his raw cock, wanting to milk him for everything he had. Bianca chanted his name as she came, hot dribbles of her own juice running down her legs.
"Gonna paint you so pretty" he groaned out deeply, balls tight and full of his semen.
Kylian couldn't hold back any longer so he pulled out and drenched her smooth thighs in his white creamy cum, moaning as his cock spurted out an endless load. "Fuck yes! Take it all, ma chérie" He grunted out.
Bianca rubbed her thighs together to make a bigger mess, smearing the thick liquid all over her skin combined with her own juices. Kylian panted as he slowly came down, mind cloudy from how intense his orgasm was.
Kylian turned her around on the desk so their lips could meet again, his hand rubbing against her drenched thighs so he could feel their own creation. "Beautiful," he says as he looks down.
Kylian and Bianca stood sweatily and out of breath as they came down from their highs, skin flushed and damp as proof of their actions. He pulled Bianca into his arms one last time to kiss her sloppily, she reciprocated happily but somewhat tired.
"I hate when I have to leave," Bianca says once their lips part.
Kylian brings her hand up to his mouth, leaving long kisses on each knuckle. "Don't leave then. Stay here forever with me." He sounded serious even though what he was saying was outlandish.
Oh, If only.
Bianca couldn't resist another kiss even if the time was running out before his meeting. As Kylian's fingers laced in her hair a loud knocking caused them to pull away abruptly.
The high-pitched voice made both of their stomachs drop. They froze in their places as the knocking got louder. "I know you're in there Kylian." She shrieked.
He zipped his pants up as Bianca rushed to find her underwear thrown somewhere across the room. "Camille I'm in a meeting," Kylian yelled at the door as he tried to straighten up the mess they had made.
The door handle started jiggling as Camille yanked at the metal but it was stopped by the lock. "Just let me in Kylian you're driving me crazy" Camille huffed, voice strong.
Bianca's eyes scanned around the room for places to hide but there weren't many options. Behind a plant seemed too cliche and seeing the girl face to face was definitely out of the question. It was obvious to anyone with a brain what they were doing and if anyone found out, the consequences would be disastrous.
Luckily, Kylian's grand wooden desk completely touched the floor so it was impossible to see what was on the other side unless you completely came around. Bianca set aside her dignity as she crawled on the floor and nustled herself into the dark space.
Going from letting another person inside of her to minutes later degrading herself to being someone's dirty secret as his cum dried on her skin was humiliating, to say the least; but it was completely deserved.
"Just stay quiet and we'll be fine" Kylian assured her in a whisper.
The knocking hadn't stopped, if anything only growing louder. Kylian quickly opened up a window to let out some of the humidity and sprayed old cologne from years ago that he doesn't even like anymore.
He rushed to the door and cracked it open, his body blocking her from being able to see inside. "Are you crazy? I'm in the middle of a meeting! Are you trying to get me fired?" Kylian lied easily to the upset girl.
Camille let out a shaky breath. "You make me crazy. I can't shake this gut feeling, Kylian. A woman's intuition is never wrong."
Bianca felt like she was going to throw up her head spinning and ears ringing yet she couldn't move a muscle.
"I don't have time for this Camille. You've come up here more times within the past week than you have in my whole career and all you do is cause a scene every time. I can't take it anymore" Kylian kept stern.
Camille let out an offended gasp. "I don't have any other choice. You come home smelling like a woman's perfume and you won't even look at me anymore. Every single time I talk to you, you barely respond. It's like your head is always somewhere else."
Bianca felt like she was watching a horrible car crash. An absolute wreck, but you can't look away- or in this case, stop listening.
"We can talk about it when we get home but I'm not doing this here. Leave Camille." Kylian wasn't even arguing back, seemingly just tired.
His girlfriend clearly wasn't satisfied with that answer, only fueling the fire more. "You don't even care about me! I'm sitting here pouring out my heart and you don't even give a fuck! What kind of example are you setting for Ariella? I will never let my child grow up with such a pathetic excuse of a father" Camille sobbed.
Kylian let out a sigh and softened his tone as he scratched the back of his neck. "Of course I care, I really do. I just have a lot of work that needs to get done. I promise the second I get home, we can talk about this. Go home, run a bath, and relax."
Bianca hears their clothes shift as Camille clings to his body for a hug. "I love you" she hears faintly from Camille.
"I love you too."
Suddenly it's all too much and Bianca covers her ears with her hands, hands shaking around her head as she does so. The door shuts and Kylian bends down to find Bianca with her knees to her chest and shaking from the adrenaline. "Are you okay?" He asks softly.
She doesn't say anything, only staring blankly at the floor. "Bianca" he calls to her.
Bianca's face remains the same, staring off into space.
Kylian doesn't know what to say or do so he crawls on the floor next to her and waits in silence in the dark small space, eyes carefully watching her. "I want to go home," Bianca says after some time.
"Whatever you want to do, I'll make happen. But please-" He pauses, hesitant to scare her away.
Please don't give up on me.
"-call me when you get home. I want to make sure you're okay."
Bianca stands up quietly, not saying anything else as she fixes her clothes and bolts for the door, leaving a distressed Kylian behind.
She stopped at her desk to grab her things, a preoccupied Jude looking up when he sees she came back. "You're leaving already?" He asks with surprise.
Bianca was in no mood to talk but still kept a polite tone. "Yeah, I'm not feeling well."
It wasn't a complete lie, at least.
Jude pouts his lip. "Shit, sorry to hear."
He turns his body around and scribbles down something in pen before ripping the paper and presenting it to her. "Here's my number. It gets lonely here, let's hang out sometime.."
Bianca takes the paper and shoves it deep into her pocket. "Definitely."
Hours pass as Bianca stayed nuzzled on her couch, wrapped under thick wool blankets. Her eyes are swollen from all the time spent crying, replaying the day over and over again in her head from every possible angle.
Everything was just so messy and confusing, she hated it.
Today forced her to come to the realization that even the people you dislike the most have feelings too. Is it justified in any way? Can I handle the emotional burden that comes with Kylian? Is it all worth it?
They could both lose everything, but for some reason, none of that mattered the moment she was in his presence. Everything felt so right with him. Bianca internally cursed at herself forever applying to the job in the first place. In any scenario, they would always be drawn to each other.
No matter how much she tried to fight against her feelings for him, she would always lose. Bianca imagines stepping into a time machine and stopping herself from ever leaving her country at all.
At the reminder of the silly conversation from earlier with Jude, she crawls off of the couch to find her sweater from earlier and dig out the pockets. In it was his sloppy note and she carried it with her before sitting back on the cushions and typing the numbers into her phone.
B: Hey, It's Bianca. Sorry for messaging so late, I was distracted all day. Hope you're sleeping well.
About ten minutes later her phone buzzes with a notification.
J: why would I be asleep? Sleep is for the weak yanno xx
She smiles for the first time in hours.
B: right, that's why I assumed you'd be asleep.
J: ur an actual hater
J: ur lucky ur pretty or else I'd block u rn ;P
𝔸/ℕ: 𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘!! 𝕀'𝕧𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕤𝕠 𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕠 𝕀'𝕞 𝕘𝕝𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕖 𝕁𝕦𝕕𝕖. 𝔹𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕒 𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕒 𝕞𝕒𝕕𝕖-𝕦𝕡 𝕚𝕤𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕚𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕠 𝕀 𝕗𝕖𝕖𝕝 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚𝕥'𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥 𝕓𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕚𝕥! 𝔹𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕒 𝕚𝕤 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖! 𝕀 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕪 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕒 𝕝𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕒𝕥 ℂ𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕖'𝕤 𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕚𝕤 𝕒 𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕤𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕚𝕥. ℕ𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕤𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕤𝕖𝕥 𝕦𝕡 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕠 𝕀'𝕞 𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕦𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕝𝕪 𝕤𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕒𝕤𝕟'𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕚𝕥 𝕛𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕙𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕕𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕦𝕘𝕙. 𝕊𝕠 𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕥𝕠 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕒𝕝𝕤𝕠 𝕋ℍ𝔸ℕ𝕂 𝕐𝕆𝕌 𝔽𝕆ℝ 𝔸𝕃𝕃 𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕃𝕆𝕍𝔼 <𝟛𝟛𝟛𝟛!!!!! 𝕀 𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕪𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕗 𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕡𝕖𝕠𝕡𝕝𝕖! 𝕀𝕃𝕐𝕊𝕄!!
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dr3's attempted serious of c!dream duo rankings based on lore importance (note: probably wrong, definitely argue)
c!Dream and c!Tommy: This is kinda undeniable. Like, in terms of their story, in terms of the Dream SMP, they are absolutely the heart and soul of the server. The c!Dream and c!Tommy show was such a thing that it has been like intentionally referenced and parodied within the story itself a million times. The story literally hinged on the idea of their opposing each other, c!Tommy-as-hero and c!Dream-as-villain, to the point where their whole you know finale and the closure for both characters involved realizing that they actually wanted the same thing and intentionally stepping out of the roles given them. Nothing really compares, sorry c!Discduo for the poll (but the heart wants what it wants XD)
c!Dream and c!Wilbur: I cannot believe they ended up ranking so low like I'm actually appalled. SLASH JAY but like . guys. Guys Please. c!Dream and c!Tommy's whole schtick forms the beating heart of this server because the story c!Wilbur wrote about them was its backbone. Like it's incredibly difficult to actually overstate how much c!Wilbur actually influences how c!Dream ends up--the paranoid spiral he ends up on is a direct influence of the increasing isolation he lived up until November 16th--this is why c!Quackity is so confident when he states c!Dream has no one left during dethronement and this is why c!Wilbur knows that c!Dream has no one in inconsolable differences. c!Dream doesn't exist in a vacuum and the whole, L'manburg narrative tyrant-villain-monster idea that originates from Wilbur ends up culminating in the identity that c!Dream ends up assuming to accomplish what he wants like hoooly shit he quotes "unfinished symphony" in Doomsday and he expects c!Wilbur to save him from the prison to the point of calling on him as his savior before basically Anyone and he lists c!Wilbur's name with c!Sam and c!Quackity post-prison like. Shit's fucked. Anyway.
c!Dream and c!Sam: Look I warned you guys I was going to be a little selfish. A Tad. Though, you know, it's kinda hard to compare in terms of like, you know, the fact that they literally spent a fuckin year together with almost no one else--sure there were visitors, sure Quackity happened, but like so much about them is very much isolated to. Them. (Also the ccs very clearly got a little carried away w/ these two and this reflects onto their like, Everything XD). With c!Sam and c!Dream it's less about well, straightforward comparisons and more about the Multitudes--c!Sam as the Plan, and c!Sam as part of the time and part of the server that c!Dream idealizes, and c!Sam as the cage for the monster the punishment for the evil the one that holds the villain away. And obviously while c!Dream doesn't um redefine his whole identity to base it on c!Sam the way that c!Sam does with c!Dream, the power of the trauma bond established over a year of Nothing Else does makes c!Dream noticeably more comfortable, almost, with c!Sam compared to like quite literally everyone else post-prison. Which is. Y'know.
c!Dteam (emphasis on c!Dnf): Admittedly, I'm not the biggest c!dnfer around by a long shot, so I don't really have as much to say here--but you know, considering c!Dteam very literally symbolize what c!Dream desires like. They're an extremely important part of who he is, what he wants, and why he does what he does. There's a reason why dethronement (and the cutting ties with c!Sapnap and c!George) is such a defining moment in terms of showing when he's fully burned bridges with the rest of the server, when he totally stands alone, etc. Obviously c!George is the originator of the "big happy family" line and well his mutual interests line up with c!Dream's quite a bit more than c!Sapnap's do, but as far as c!Dream is concerned both relationships are very much important to him and symbolic of happier times (and he's quite convinced that well. Both of them kinda want him dead, for reasonable reasons. So.)
c!Techno and c!Dream: This is where numbers get finicky, admittedly. As much as I love c!Rivals, and I love them a lot, I struggle a bit to put them on a definitive ranking. Because...well, on one hand, c!Techno is absolutely very high on c!Dream's priority list like as a character. I have said before and I'll say again that some of the most like outstanding displays of loyalty on the server come from c!Dream coming in c!Techno's defense at GREAT risk of personal harm--this guy literally stares down and denies both of his fucking torturers for c!Techno, like holy shit. c!Dream really fucking likes the guy like. So damn much. At the same time though, we're talking more...narrative importance versus importance to the character from a character's perspective--which is part of why c!Dteam is as high as they are, imo--while they're extremely important in terms of c!Dream's motivations and how he defines the whole "happy family" ideal around the idea of them living peacefully as a family, as far as actually looking at character interactions...especially post-dethronement they mostly just. Exist as figures that c!Dream yearns for but is also really fucking scared of. There's not as much consistent character interaction and frankly when we're talking about a character that's actively suppressing what he actually wants, they're not exactly high on his mental priority list either. All this being said, c!Techno definitely gets points by being one of the main vehicles by which we see c!Dream's like, humanity--being one of the few characters not to treat him as just a monster to be defeated and having similar ideals and therefore being an obvious comparison to make. Which is obviously important when we're talking about c!Dream, who was keeping himself rather in the dark.
c!Dream and c!Punz: Another real struggle to rank--I'd understand putting them up higher, but what really holds me back is well. c!Dream and c!Punz is the same as c!Dream and the Plan. And don't get me wrong, the Plan is extremely important to c!Dream as a character and like defines a lot of his actions especially post-revive book onwards, but what complicates this is like...well c!Punz as a character in terms of c!Dream? Like, he's just. He's just the Plan. That is his purpose, that's who he is supposed to be, and of course the Plan is important and of course c!Punz's like motivations here end up playing a big part in the tangled mess of what c!Dream ends up doing when we're talking what he starts ranting about in the third finale stream, but like. Well it's really not about c!Punz, innit, it's about what they're working together towards. c!Punz is secondary to the plan in a way that you really can't say the same for when you're talking about, say, c!Wilbur + the L'manburg narrative, or c!Sam and the prison. I can see an argument for them being higher just because like, if we're talking major c!Dream arcs, it's reasonable to have c!Dream and c!Tommy as being like a presence as the "main characters" in Wilbur's story starting the revolutionary war and ending at the genuine finale with c!Dream's main character development being split between the previously-named season finales--c!Wilbur being the main influence leading up to November 16th as c!Dream takes on the villain mantle, The Plan (and therefore c!Punz) driving him until Staged Finale, and the c!Sam and the Prison being the main force until the prison break...but well. There's just not enough of c!Punz and c!Dream actually acting together as a duo in terms of give and take in this dynamic to really make me put them higher--what's really important about c!Punz and c!Dream is just. The Plan and the Plan alone. Anyway, I'm decently flexible about this, but eeeeeeeh.
#c!dreamisms#look the punz thing is complicated because on one hand i think that the ranking should be higher because. The Plan is so important#but on the other hand it feels like it should be less for that exact same reason#like c!punz is just kinda there to Be The Plan. which is important to c!dream sure but like.#like it just feels so much less like it's abt a character duo and more about well dream and the plan and punz is the walking plot device#that symbolizes that#ultimately tho some of my c!dteam thoughts kinda skew in that direction as well...where it's less abt the characters and more abt what#they mean. but well even then the conflict that arises between c!dteam means that it's pretty different#from c!punz just being there to symbolize driving c!dream forward#idk 🤷#honestly techno is pretty easily argued lower as well like as much as i love c!rivals (and i love c!rivals a lot)#narrative importance re. c!dream specifically is a lot more finicky#anyway honestly i have strong feelings on the first two and everything else is harder . c!awesamdream is number three In My Heart
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spoilers for nimona (2023)
just watched the new nimona movie and it was fantastic! great children's movie, excellent animation and clean plot progression. but it's missing something: the subversive morality that i first experienced when reading nimona as a kid.
in the actual comic, nimona killed people. she was morally gray- she took that step into murder and atrocity. in the movie, she's a punk kid who likes to make (admittedly pretty scary) faces and joke around about death, but it doesn't seem like she's actually gotten around to the real murder part.
and you know what? i get it.
this movie isn't meant to be the book, and that's fine. it's a wholesome misunderstood hero story for kids and a non-controversial way to have positive queer representation without compromising the themes with characters that aren't 100% good and sweet and lovely. it's great for a mainstream audience.
here's the thing: it would've been so much more INTERESTING if nimona WAS the killer. i was expecting it as a plot twist the whole movie- nimona impersonating the director (who was, tbh, not a very interesting twist villain, especially with her lack of forshadowing and her very easy and quick admit to her crimes- you'd think such a high-ranking individual would know better than to confess her sins and then murder the direct descent of gloreth in her office)
nimona has been trying and trying to convince ballister to reform the system the whole movie, saying that he SHOULD be mad, the INSTITUTE is what's in the wrong, not JUST the director. they can't run away- they have to fight back! that would've been such good foreshadowing for her having orchestrated the whole thing, with her being clearly shown to be able to shift into other people.
i'm almost convinced that the writers initially planned for that as the plot progression and then edited it to make it more family-friendly.
so in an ideal world, here's what i think should've happened:
nimona actually does frame the director for the murder- but as revenge for experimenting on and torturing her, as in the book. ballister is pardoned by the public and by ambrosius, but then the director shows the video footage of nimona shapeshifting into her, and the consequent sword-swapping. in a nutshell, nimona uses ballister to kill the queen and tries to manipulate him to help the world change, for a place where she isn't tortured needlessly just for being different.
ballister, betrayed, fights with nimona (insert key weakness that she has told only him here) and she is captured. the director informs him of the experiments on nimona (while dismissing her as a heartless monster) and he is horrified. the director reveals her new plan to get rid of (non-existent) potential monsters in the city like nimona (witch-hunting, reference to eugenics, you get it). ballister and ambrosius free nimona, and they work together to stop the enby-murder laser or whatever, nimona sacrificing herself in the process (or does she...). the ending remains the same from there.
the unfortunate issue with queer media at the moment is that people need it to be pure- a depiction of a morally gray queer character right now might throw the whole theme into question. after all, if queer people aren't perfect, than they're dead. which is interesting, because that's kind of the theme of nimona, in a sense. a narrative about people who are different, and for that reason alone are unforgivable monsters.
queer and disabled folk (see attorney woo, a show i love, for a similar problem) aren't allowed to be flawed in media. if they're not paragons of humanity or supergeniuses, they can't be accepted. nd stevenson was one of the first authors i ever saw really subvert that in widely known media meant for teens.
real life people aren't going to be as forgiving as the movies make it look. i liked the old nimona because she reflected that- she was not a sinless matyr in the end- she gave into her rage and despair and let it warp her. did that make her a monster? no- it made her human. queer media is trying its best, but in the end the issue is the very inhumanity of perfection.
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Thanks for finally convincing me to block you.
Anyone who has that much sympathy for a dumpster fire like Adam Taurus is someone I need to see less often.
Any other abusers you want to defend?
you know it kinda defeats the purpose of anon when i know who you are, right? might as well put your name on it lol. but since you're here brightening my day, lemme talk more about adam, sienna, and the white fang in general:
(fair warning: this will get critical.)
did you know that sienna never admonishes adam for killing few humans—they had a whole short made for him, if she did it would have come up, but all she does is praise him as an "extraordinary resource for this organization"—and that the white fang was executing sdc board members under her leadership? that she wanted humanity to fear the faunus, to know they demanded respect, which not only shows that blake fundamentally disagreed with her methods—"and the worst part was, it (sienna's methods of "violence where violence is necessary") was working. we were being treated like equals. but not out of respect... out of fear."—but is the dumbest, most macho way to go about things?
(trust me, i would know, i live next to russia.)
where sienna considered the line crossed was attacking the academies, because she believed it would start a war with humans that the white fang / the faunus couldn't win, which adam disagreed with, believing they could. that's their main difference, and there's nothing saying sienna wouldn't be fine with the attacks if she knew it wouldn't start a war or if she believed it was a war they could win.
"violence where violence is necessary" becomes incredibly flaky stance when your goal is to cause fear, ya know. i think there's a word for that, actually, especially when it's done for political cause. something about... causing terror? terrorist, maybe?
but sure. sienna "bringing a human to this location is grounds for execution" khan would definitely have problems with few humans dying during the targeted attacks she's all for. adam's definitely the only problem here, going off the path sienna set him for by... following in her footsteps. uh-huh.
one other thing about the adam short: there's a scene of sienna, adam, and ilia fighting against androids in some sdc place with blue lights and all despite the very obvious security breach happening in front of our eyes. but the moment the human security forces show up with their guns raised high and shooting at them right out the door, sienna and adam continuing the fight while ilia—the one who was redeemed—takes off her grimm (read: monster) mask, the lights turn red.
they're not being very subtle there. almost like the stance the show is taking isn't just against killing humans unnecessarily, but straight up the issue is the faunus fighting against their oppressors at all, and both sienna and adam crossed that line.
or, that's how it comes across, at least; this is a show that's partially build around colors, made by a company that also played lots of video games. they know what blue and red imply.
sorry you apparently can't feel an ounce of sympathy for a fictional character who was written as a child slave and branded on his face despite how he was written later in his life. admittedly, i find it weird and funny how you draw the line at me talking about adam in the same manner as i talk about cinder—well, not really. i haven't called adam "my bby <3" yet. guess i could start, though, just for you?—but i'm sure you have your own justifications and excuses ready for that.
i know you probably won't see this if your claims of blocking me are actually true, but who knows. maybe your friends will get it for you. maybe you continue to come back, clicking on that "show anyway" or whatever the button says when you click on a blog you've blocked to see if i've answered your little call for attention.
and sorry that nuanced takes on characters upset you. i know tumblr is the Reading Comprehension The Site™ but remember, in the words of blake belladonna: there's no such thing as pure evil :) (even when the writing sure does its best to vilify the white fang willing to fight their oppressors.)
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