altean-plance-au · 6 years
Loose Ends (Part 1)
Continuing from the New Assignment series. This time: a lot of protecting happens and the title refers to the author finally posting something after what seems like forever. Also Keith finally makes his appearance in the AU.
Featuring a scene from this piece by @honestlyprettychill (AdminChilly)
Admin Hush ( @hushman) will provide part 2 in the coming days.
The next time he and Pidge found a trail of shattered Balmeran crystals, he would take the wiser route and alert the Castle first before following it, Lance decided sorely.
Had he done so the first time, they might have been able to avoid this situation.
Heavy footsteps announced a new arrival, interrupting the eerie quiet of the dark room. Lance’s ears twitched, eyes closed to feign sleep and aide his concentration.
It was not armored boots, he knew what those sounded like better than back of his hand. The sound was more akin to softer shoes, like those nobles would wear.
Their host was finally going to introduce himself then.
Lance maneuvered his bound wrists the best he could behind his back, reaching out with the tips of his fingers as far as they could go. They sifted through a sea of crinkly material, the name of which rested on the tip of his tongue. He couldn’t see it, only able to turn his head to see a portion of what was over his shoulder. Even that was a difficult task between the darkness of the room and a taut rope keeping him tight against the back of the chair.
His hands finally made contact with flesh - another pair of hands - and he squeezed them.
“We’re about to have a visitor,” Lance told Pidge. “Stay alert.”
A squeeze back was all the response he received before the door opened and the room flooded with bright light. Lance winced and turned away, closing his eyes at the sensory overload.
“When my men told me I had some unscrupulous visitors, I hardly believed that the honorary princess was one of them,” the voice said with disgust. Lance recognized it immediately, but Pidge beat him to the punch.
“Duke Elor,” she said distastefully. Lance felt her body tense where their backs touched. “I should have known you were behind the drones. What are you planning to do with all these Balmeran crystals?”
Lance opened his eyes once more and turned his head to observe the duke. His gaze was drawn to what the only man held; his broadsword. The one King Alfor had given him upon becoming a Castle guard.
A part of him wanted to be very angry at the irreverence by which the duke held the special weapon. The luxury to do so was not afforded to him.
A very bad situation had just turned into a bodyguard’s worst nightmare. Helpless to protect his charge in the first place, Duke Elor had never been shy about his dislike of the Holt siblings. Although both families were equally distant cousins of the crown, Pidge and her brother had been granted the titles of princess and prince by virtue of their father’s valued scientific and military council.
Elor was perhaps understandably jealous, but Lance had never pegged him to go this far.
“Is it wrongful to do business in the trading of Balmeran crystals in peace and quiet?” he asked airily. “The drones are not mine," his voice carried in annoyance. "The trail which led the two of you here was an oversight which I have personally seen to the correction of.”
“It is illegal if you have them infused with additives,” Pidge accused. “For good reason. They’re a power source themselves, too dangerous to be mixed with any other energy.”
“A growing necessity in a demanding economy and viewpoint which our beloved king does not share,” Elor said condescendingly. “And because we do not see eye to eye, the two of you will remain here while I deliver this to my client.”
“You won’t get away with this,” Pidge growled. “King Alfor will find out about this.”
“Perhaps eventually, after I am long gone off planet,” he said coolly.
Lance scoffed, and grinned in confidence. “There’s no way you’ll get past space port security. They’ll be all over you before you can even break the atmosphere.”
His grin vanished as Elor’s mouth morphed into an unkind smile. “It is a good thing you both are here to provide a distraction, then.”
Reaching into his pocket, Elor produced a flare and lit it with the flick of his fingers.
The room illuminated and fear gripped Lance fast. The room in which they were being held was storage for mounds of dried juniberry and other tea leaves. Tied tightly to the chair, Lance hadn’t been able to feel the leaves through his armor, even though they piled up to his chest.
Leaves dry enough to catch fire with even the smallest spark.
Like the flare Elor had just lit.
“I thank you that your final act in life will be to my assistance.” He placed Lance's broadsword up against the wall next to the door. “I can at least afford you the luxury of perishing with your weapon. Farewell, children.”
“Wait, Duke Elor don’t - !”
The Duke dropped the flare to the floor and both captives gasped in fear as the leaves burst into flame, spreading quickly all around them.
“Do not feel as if you’ve failed your duties, Lieutenant,” the duke said as he stepped backwards out of the room. “Think of yourself as here to guard Miss Holt in the afterlife.”
The door locked shut with deadly finality. Darkness returned but for what the fire illuminated. To Lance’s dismay, it had already engulfed a whole quarter of the room.
“If you have something clever up your sleeve,” he said in panic, “now would be the time!”
Pidge wiggled her wrists furiously. “Don’t you think I’m trying?! The leaves are so far gone I can barely feel a pulse. You’ve got water magic, put it out before it gets to us!”
Lance went rigid, shrieking as his toes begin to get too warm for his liking and a soft glow appeared just before him. “I can’t move my hands. Even if I could there’s no water here!” Desperately, he blew hard towards the flame, hoping to hold it back.
“Stop it, you’re going to make it worse! Just - just give me a minute!” Pidge yelled. Though her words were sharp, Lance could hear the fear in her voice.
Lance gave her silence and felt the familiar warmth of her magic fill the space immediately around them. While normally it gave him good feelings, the encroaching threat and the increasingly unbearable heat on his legs made it difficult.
Pidge coughed and Lance found himself doing the same after inhaling smoke. Was this really how he was going to meet his end? The worst bodyguard ever? Never to see his family again - let alone if they would ever find out what really happened to him.
Maybe now was the time to tell Pidge about his budding feelings for her. The timing was awful, but it was the one regret he could fix right now - for better or for worse.
“Pidge,” he began, “there’s something I need to - “
A leaf cut across his cheek as sharp as any sword. More of them circled and cut the rope that kept him tied down. In a flurry, even more leaves pushed out away from him, reducing the agony of the fire.
Lance looked up in wonder. The words he had intended to say taken from his mouth, leaving him to gape like a fish at the sight. Leaves swirled around the both of them until the floor beneath was bare, making them the center of a vortex of leaf and flame.
The ropes no longer restrain him and Pidge’s labored breath snaps him out of his awe.
“Pidge!” he jumped out of his chair and ran around to face his charge, kneeling to get a better look at her face. She sat in deep concentration, also now unbound. Sweat fell from her temples and her breathing became increasingly strained. Pidge rarely used this much volume of flora in practice, but the amount of energy Lance knew she was using due to the near-dead leaves was overwhelming her.
“Pidge, it’s time to go. I’ll carry you, we’ll make a break for the door,” he prodded.
Pidge did not respond, her head bowed and brows creasing with strain. Her face was more pale than usual.
She wasn’t going to be able to hold the firestorm in place for long anyway.
It was his turn to come up with a solution then.
Lance called upon his magic and with great care not to disturb Pidge, took her sweat and gathered it into as big a ball as he could.
He used the knowledge from one of Pidge’s lessons and infused his own energy into the small sphere. It grew in volume, bolstered by Lance’s magic. Standing, and stepping backwards, he balanced the precious water between his palms. Then very carefully he maneuvered it into the firestorm that surrounded them. The water mixed in with the fire and it slowly began to sizzle out bit by bit, leaving only a tornado of tea leaves.
A moan from behind alerted Lance that Pidge could not last any longer. She fell into his arms and the leaves dropped at the same time. The fire had not been extinguished, but their powers had bought them time.
"Let's get out of here, Pidge. Hold onto me tight." He took her arm and slung it over his own shoulder, carrying her towards the door.
Pidge groaned and her eyelids fluttered. "I've got the door. Stand back."
She raised her arm and Lance saw what she was going for. He supported her arm and activated the computer on her wrist cuff for her once it was aimed at the door's control panel. In just a few tics it opened without a problem.
"Nice job, Pidge," Lance said. Pride for his friend filled him. "You never cease to amaze me."
"Save it for later," Pidge said as she flopped her head into Lance's side. "We need to get out of here and warn the Castle. Duke Elor is still out there."
Lance dutifully helped her outside, a fond feeling rising in his chest. "Let's get you to a safe place and we'll do just that. I have to do my job right once today," he quipped. He accompanied it with a forced chuckle.
Pidge didn't respond. Lance frowned, a serious demeanor falling over him. He collected his sword and sheathed it with his free hand.
He almost failed today. He wouldn't let it happen again.
Pidge woke rejuvenated. Aside from a post-wake up haze, her body felt energized and ready. Her legs felt slightly damp. She opened her eyes to see Lance sitting up next to her, their backs against a tree. The morning dew still clung to the grass underfoot.
Not just any tree, she realized, the Father Tree. Pidge sighed in relief. She couldn’t think of any safer place for them to be right now save the throne room. Even though her relationship with the Tree was still tenuous, she knew permission was there to draw upon some of the Tree's smaller branches.
She still needed to fully earn its trust.
"I'm glad you're awake," Lance said in relief. "How are you feeling?"
"Much better," she said. "I think the Father Tree did me a favor and replenished my magic. Did you call for help?"
Lance nodded. "Shiro has some guards on the way. I told them where we're at." He paused and tears formed around his eyes. Without warning, he grabbed her into a tight hug. "I was so worried for you. Here you are, saving me when I'm supposed to be your bodyguard."
Once over the initial surprise, Pidge returned the hug softly. Something about Lance was so earnest and warm and it infected her with ease. It may have been cliche to think she was safe in his arms. "You brought me here. There was no way I could have gotten out of there alone. You more than did your job. We're a team remember? That was our deal from day one."
Lance chuckled, tears evident in his relief. "You're right. I'm just... so thankful you're okay. And not just because you're my boss. It's because you're my friend and you mean so much mo - "
"This is all very quaint, and rather annoying."
Pidge gasped and broke from the hug. Focused on what Lance had been about to say, she hadn't been paying attention to her surroundings. Inexplicably, Duke Elor stood before them. Two guards of his own aimed blasters menacingly towards her and Lance.
"How - how did you find us?" Pidge exclaimed angrily.
"I'm just as frustrated as you, young lady," Elor chided. "Here I am awaiting my ride only to discover that the two of you have pulled off the impossible and escaped. That building should be in ruins by now."
Lance shifted to his knees, sword between her and them. “We aren’t that easy to kill,” he said. Pidge couldn’t recall the last time he had sounded this devoid of all humor.
This situation scared him, she realized. Same as it did her.
“Careful with your choice of words, Lieutenant. I might take that as a challenge.”
Wind whipped up around the area, causing leaves and branches of all kinds to whirl about indiscriminately. Pidge shielded her face, but did not miss the shuttle that landed on the beach just yards away.
“Be obedient children this time and stay put for your death.”
The trees trembled in the presence of newcomers. It was Pidges only warning and she realized with a gasp that more enemies were inbound from the ship.
“Lance, above you!”
Lance raised the sword above him not a tic too soon. It clashed with a shorter blade descending from the trees. Lance grunted and heaved, forcing the assassin to land a good distance away and unable to complete the blow that had been intended for her.
The assassin was masked in purples and blacks, a sign of Galra make.
A greater fear than death took her. Pidge turned the fear to anger, directed at Elor. “We have been at peace with Daibaazal for centuries. Now you bring assassins and risk it all? For profit?!”
Elor did not react, placing his hands behind his back in proper posture. “We all must do what we can my dear child. Peace is simply bad for business.”
Lance stood to face the Galra assassin, practically snarling with his sword at his side ready to go. Pidge dug into her magic reservoirs, hidden behind Lance for the element of surprise.
Sweat dripped down her face as Pidge's brain fought for a solution. Now the situation had turned impossible. If they were killed by a Galra blade, Altea would go up in arms. If they killed a Galra, even provoked, Zarkon would go to war.
Lance understood this as well as she did. He held his ground, grip visibly tightening around the hilt of his sword.
Elor turned up to the trees on his left, smile savage. “Kill the princess,” he ordered.
“Don’t you touch her!” Lance yelled, and launched himself at Elor.
Elor’s personal guards fired their blasters. Facial markings glowing bright and magic concentration in the palm of her hand, Pidge summoned help from the leaves of the surrounding trees to create a barrier for Lance, desperate to make sure he wouldn’t be hurt.
The leaves could not shield all of the continuous blasts. Lance deflected some with his sword as he pushed forward, but his battle cry quickly turned into one of pain. He twisted and fell to the ground with his back against the enemy.
Pidge's breath caught in her throat as the assassin cut through her leaf shield and came at Lance with sword raised to strike a blow.
“Lance, look out!” she yelled.
Lance spun around on his back and once again met the Galra blade to blade. The two held the others blow, Lance clearly struggling after the repeated hits from the blasters.
The broadsword flew from Lance’s hand, flying and skidding a sizable distance away. The assassin’s blade thrust into his stomach and he screamed in pain.
Pidge wanted to go numb. Lance was her friend, possibly best friend. He was warm and kind and quick to be silly. He was her training partner, the first she’d ever had. Whatever she did, she did with him.
She loved him.
Through tear stained and fearful eyes, determination won out. She would not go numb, that wouldn’t help Lance at all. He would not die today, not if she could help it.
A warm, ancient feeling filled every inch of her being. Rage seeped into the gaps as the assassin ripped the blade out of Lance’s body and lifted him up by his collar.
Pidge saw everything. All around her each individual stem and leaf were outlined in a bright green glow. Thin vines surrounded her, twisting and twirling freely, ready to attack. She did not have to ask the plant life to do anything. They were of one mind and will.
The vines went rigid, making themselves as spears. Like lightning, they make their way to impale the assassin.
He saw the attack coming. With one great heave he threw Lance by the collar and jumped out of the way.
Pidge has no time to avoid Lance as she catches his full weight, sending them both tumbling to the ground.
“Enough toying with them,” Elor said in annoyance. “Finish the job.”
Pidge moaned in pain, but did not lose her wits. She rolled Lance onto his back and set him upright against the Father Tree.
The assassin raced towards the two downed Alteans, blade raised high. Abruptly, the assassin stopped. His blade slid out of his hand and fell to his knees, a bloodied shard of ice sticking out of his throat.
Lance’s markings continued to glow for a moment longer before flickering out. Pidge had no time to be fascinated by not only his quick thinking to use the dew, but also with his impressive phase changing.
He was in bad shape. Blood ran down from his eye, both of which were clenched shut in obvious pain. His right arm held fast to his abdomen and Pidge knew more serious injuries lay underneath his skin.
“Lance? Lance can you hear me?” Pidge said frantically, forcing herself not to shake him but rather apply pressure to his wound. Blood ran up to her wrists in an instant.
He groaned and bit his lip as he sucked in a breath. “Run,” he said. “I can spare you a few seconds. Get to the lake.”
“I am not leaving you,” Pidge declared firmly.
“It’s my job,” Lance said in equal measure. “Let me do it.”
“Shut up,” Pidge said. Instead of telling him why, she showed him.
She cupped her hand around his non-bloodied cheek and brought her lips in to meet his.
The kiss was soft and short. There was no time to dwell on how their friendship or professional relationship would change after this. Pidge didn’t have the luxury of time for it, or to wait for Lance’s reaction.
She stood between Lance and their would-be murderers. Vines from the Father Tree twist and curve around her hand, palm glowing more brightly and more powerful than ever. The sleeves of her dress ripped and her wrist cuff broke; her teeth grit in anger and determination.
They were both going to live, and only after they were both safe they would talk.
“You will not touch him,” she growled.
Elor rolled his eyes, clearly fed up with this whole matter.
“Defiant to the end. Captain.” He turned to his guards “Finish them!”
The guards aimed their blasters.
Pidge felt her markings light back up with fervor as she readied herself to defend against the blaster fire.
The standoff was interrupted as a curved blade flew in out of nowhere, embedding itself in one of the guards blasters. A hooded figure, dressed similarly to the assassin, raced in. With one hand he pulled the blade out from the weapon, and punched the guard in the jaw with the other, knocking him to the ground and out.
The second guard fired his blaster at the newcomer, who effortlessly blocked it with his blade. He raced forward and sliced the gun in half, using the handle of his blade to knock the guard unconscious.
Elor took several steps back, face full of raw fear. “What are you doing?! I pay you and this is how you repay me?”
“I take my payment in justice,” he said.
Gunfire from the shuttle blacked his path, which Elor took opportunity of to run to the safety of the ship.
The man in Galra colors shifted his head towards Pidge and dropped his mask. His black hair and pale face were the last features she had expected underneath the Galra uniform.
“Take down the ship! Hurry!” He yelled urgently.
Elor’s ship was taking off, loaded with the infused Balmeran crystals, Pidge could only hazard a few awful guesses about the type of people who would be buying.
She shot vines towards it, but even the Father Tree had limits. The flora stretched as far as it could, but the ship lifted high enough that they could not reach.
“No!” Their savior cried in dismay.
The shuttle hovered over the lake and turned to them. The telltale glimmer of the beam cannon charging made Pidge’s heart break. She scrambled to create a shield for the incoming blast, but no matter what she did, the physics didn’t add up. It wouldn’t be enough.
The ground shook violently. Instead of a laser from the shuttle, a much more powerful one rose from the center of Lake Altea and pierced the ship, causing it to explode on impact.
The gigantic figure of the Gombash leapt upwards to the flying debris, snatching fragments of metal and crystal before diving back into the lake. So large was the splash that the spray even reached them.
“Woah,” the man said in awe, shoulders slumped to a more relaxed position. “Can I get one of those?”
Pidge couldn’t help but feel only relief. The Gombash has saved not just them, but the Castle too. It was the one creature on the planet powerful enough to contain the explosions the crystals would inevitably create.
She let the plants return to their places. The grove looked as if nothing had ever happened.
She could now focus on the most important issue.
“Lance!” She flopped to her knees to check his vitals. Her tech confiscated and destroyed, she was forced to do it the old fashioned way.
He was visibly breathing. Still, she placed her forefingers at the base of his neck and read his heartbeat. Pidge deemed it within acceptable levels considering the situation. It wouldn’t stay that way if they stayed here too much longer.
Lance stirred and lifted his eyelids. “Are you safe?”
Her vision blurred at his concern. “We both are. We’ll have to explain Duke Elor’s death, but Gommy saved us from a lot of potential problems.”
“Gommy’s a good boy,” Lance chuckled with a soft smile. “I think I prefer your kisses to his though.”
Heat rose into Pidge’s cheeks. “We were about to die. I panicked.”
“I’m glad you did,” Lance said. With effort, he took her hands in his. His affectionate gaze somehow seemed different, a touch of love between the admiration and kindness.
“Is he going to be okay?”
She’d actually forgotten about the not-Galra warrior.
He knelt down the other side of Lance and produced a small container from his belt pouch. He began to rub a magenta colored cream over the wound. “This salve will start the healing process, but it’s not a cure all. He'll still need medical attention.”
Lance looked up at him quizzically, a single eyebrow raised. “Oh. Um, thanks?”
“Who are you?” Pidge asked, trying to figure him out as much as Lance was. “Why did you help us?”
“Because it’s my job,” he said, rolling back onto his feet. “My name is Keith. I’m an agent with the Blade of Marmora.”
“The Blade of Marmora?” Pidge repeated, her mind buzzing with the new information and trying to piece the puzzle together. “That’s Zarkon’s most elite military unit. You don’t look Galra.”
“Wait how do you know about the Marmorites?” Lance asked her. “That’s top secret stuff. Shiro had to call in tons of favors for my clearance.”
“Well, I’m technically not supposed to know,” Pidge admitted frankly. “It came up one day while I was searching the Castle archives.”
Lance’s eyes bulged comically. “Those are encrypted!”
“Yeah, poorly,” Pidge scoffed.
“I’m half Galra,” Keith explained. By the way his eyes darted between the both of them, he was just as equally trying to judge their character. “Dad was Altean. That’s why I was selected for this mission.”
“Wait, how long have you been investigating this?” Pidge probed. She was cautiously curious about the situation. Why hadn’t the guards been notified of this?
“I lost my reconnaissance drone several months ago, so I had to gather information on the ground. Duke Elor was my first suspect, so I joined the Galra mercenaries to see it first hand. Now the Duke is dead and the crystals destroyed. You two,” he said crossing his arms, “are my only witnesses.”
Pidge’s jaw dropped.
“The drones were yours?!” she and Lance exclaimed together.
Keith, taken aback and eyes wide, responded in kind. “You two destroyed it?!”
“So it was a Galra spy!” Lance declared angrily, leaning forward. “You should have told us, we wou - “ a coughing fit cut him off. Pidge gently pushed him back against the Father Tree.
“I did!” Keith defended. “I was assured that King Alfor was aware of everything.”
“He sure didn’t seem like it when we found the drone,” Pidge remarked with suspicion. “Are you sure Kolivan sent you?”
Keith opened his mouth to respond, but was silenced by the noise of Altean blasters. A five man squad from the Castle stood ready to fire.
“Step away from the princess and put your hands on your head, assassin. You’re under arrest.”
The combination of defeated and incredulous was amusing to see on Keith’s face as he raised his hands in surrender. Pidge frowned. This latest action continued to convince her that he was telling the truth. No assassin would give himself up so willingly or offer healing to a mortally injured target.
Help for Keith would have to wait. Lance kept his eyes closed, focusing on every breath. Speaking had drained more of his energy than he had anticipated. Although not in immediate danger, Lance needed medical attention, at least more than Pidge could provide at the moment.
Once the repercussions from today had settled and Lance was healed, then they could talk.
And they had more to talk about than just magic.
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
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We are in awe and humbled so many of you want to keep up with this AU.
We have a special thank you planned. Please keep an eye out for it this week.
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
What was the moment Lance realized he had feelings for Pidge ?
Sorry for the very delayed answer. I figured it would be better if I wrote the thing. The previous chapters to the New Assignment arc and others can be found here.
The situation was lose - win - win.
Lance wasn’t going to get to go to the Groggerian Gala. It was an opportunity missed to soak in the elegant party atmospheric and expand his ever growing social network. He would also miss seeing Allura, who would be looking even more radiant than usual. (Difficult because she was always beautiful.) He saw her most every day now thanks to being attached at the hip to Pidge, but still mentally slapped himself for thinking it wasn’t that big of a loss.
A win, in that he had the night off, as much as a personal bodyguard to a princess a guy could have. Pidge had been fighting a twenty varga bug and was in no shape to be attending social functions, even an important annual one.
Pidge was spending the night in her room under the careful watch of her mother, who had insisted on some treasured mother - daughter bonding. Colleen was a skilled medic, so Lance had no problem being outranked for that decision. If it had been just him, he probably would have been able to keep her fever down with his magic. Pidge likely would have insisted on it so he could keep practicing. Pidge was in better hands this way though, so he didn’t mind spending the evening in his own room. (Adjacent to Pidge’s as he was always on call.) This would be an evening of self care.
He also suspected Colleen hated fancy parties about as much as Pidge did. It wasn’t so much the dressing up that annoyed Pidge, but rather the socialization. There were a select few nobles who didn’t care for how close Sam and his family were to the Crown, and they were not above making Pidge’s life miserable in whatever petty way they could. Lance ran interference - distracting Pidge by engaging in whatever conversation he could think of. She seemed to brighten up usually at that, and her genuine smile was much prettier than her fake one.
Lance froze mid step, his brows furrowed at the use of the particular adjective. Yes, pretty was the right word. Pidge was objectively very pretty. Smiles were always pretty.
He felt his cheeks flush. It wasn’t from the long, hot bath he’d just emerged from. He shouldn’t be thinking such things. Pidge was his charge. His job was to protect her, that was it.
It was too late for that though, they were already friends. Had they met under non-professional circumstances, it was likely they would still be near inseparable.
Pidge was endlessly fascinated with his magic, a trait that allowed him to experiment with it more than he ever would have by himself. He in turn loved watching the beautiful displays she put on with her plants, making maneuvers and feats seem effortless while she insisted on still being a novice. Lance felt like he knew her immediate family near as well as his own, and even the uneventful days passed quickly with her company as they puzzled over the drone.
Reminded of his reason for getting out of his bath, Lance pushed the thoughts of Pidge to the back of his mind and snatched a tablet he had left on the end of his bed. He plopped down into the mass of pillows and blankets. Adjusting his gold trimmed blue nightgown, he opened a video call, a wide smile on his own face.
He would never give up a free opportunity to call home.
His mother picked up shortly, the tips of her own mouth growing outward upon seeing her son’s face. “Lance, what a wonderful surprise! I thought you would be working tonight.”
As one of many grocers to the Castle, she was home on the family farm to oversee the planting and harvest of the crops. Even though he would be able to see her regularly during the winter months, the summer still felt too long.
“Hi Mom, love you too,” he chuckled. One side of his mouth curled up, half happy to see his mother and half sad at the reason why. “Pidge is sick, so I’m free tonight.”
She frowned, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Is it the twenty varga bug? We took Veronica in to see the doctor yesterday. It’s been going around in town, and now it’s going around the house.”
Lance grimaced. “Is she okay?”
“Nearly back to full strength now,” his mother assured him. “Fluids and rest did wonders. I’m sure Pidge will be fine too by morning. You tell her hello for me.”
“I will Mom,” Lance recited lovingly. “She says ‘hi’ back from the last time we talked.”
“When are you bringing her to the house?”
Lance laughed. “Mom, I’m her bodyguard, not her date.”
His mother rolled her eyes. “Could have fooled me. She is all you ever talk about when you call.”
“Because that’s my job,” he explained, exasperated by the direction of the conversation.
“It is not part of your job to talk about the way she uses her magic, the morning skin routine you made for her - you talk about her more than yourself. She may as well be part of the family with how much I know about her.”
Lance felt the blush come back as his back slowly slid down from the headrest to the mattress. Quiznak what was he doing?
“Okay, I think I get the point. Pidge is a good friend, and I’m not ready for any serious romance.”
His mother regarded him with a pitying expression, though for what he didn’t dare ask her to clarify. “All the more reason to bring her out to the farm. She would have so much joy seeing everything we grow here.”
Lance smiled again. She was right. Pidge would have a field day with all the different fruits, vegetables, and grains his family grew. He wondered what her magic would make of them. “I’ll ask. No promises though. We’re both really busy.”
She gave him a kind and cherishing smile. “Of course.”
They proceeded in idle chat for the better part of the evening. How was the rest of the family? (All his siblings stopped to say hello.) His young niece and nephew both were up past their bedtime, and would not go back to bed until they had heard a story from life at the Castle. Lance told them how Pidge was going to control a whole forest one day, and that their dear uncle was well on his way to becoming the most famous knight on Altea.
Once bidding his family good night, he switched off his tablet and set it on the nightstand. He got up and arched his back with a grimace, he’d not been sitting well during the long call.
Lance knocked on the door between his room and Pidge’s. Colleen answered, and neither of them needed anything. Pidge was on the recovery. She might be a bit groggier than usual in the morning, but would likely be herself by the afternoon.
Lance nodded, told her good night and the obligatory ‘wake me if you need anything’. He left the door closed, but unlocked, and tucked himself into bed.
He dreamt of Pidge. And himself. Together. Romantically.
Lance awoke hours before sunrise, his mother’s words echoing in his mind as he lay under the covers. That pretty smile. Pidge’s was infectious. Just thinking about it filled his chest with a warmth normally reserved for the fondest of memories. He thought to all the times thrived on making her happy, to see that smile. He wondered if she would be happy sharing a kiss with him. He envisioned her confident smirk softening as they embraced, soft lips on his own -  
This was bad. Friendship was one thing, but romantic feelings was an entire can of miniature weblums Lance did not want to open. He hadn’t lied to his mother but… what if this was it? His soulmate? What if Pidge didn’t feel the same way? What if he was wrong? That would make their professional relationship more than awkward.
He had until the afternoon to figure out what to do about it.
“I quit.” A tablet containing the necessary transfer request form fell onto the desk with a thud.
Shiro’s jaw dropped, which would have been the most amusing thing if Lance hadn’t been so serious.
“Denied,” the Captain said seriously once he’d gathered his wits. He placed the tablet off to the side and cupped his hands on the desk in front of him. “Why?”
Lance sputtered, the response not what he had expected. “You can’t refuse me when I quit.”
“I can if it’s out of nowhere for no reason. You’re still under my command. Why?” he repeated.
A fake answer wouldn’t work. Shiro would know. Lance sighed with a frown, but then straightened up at attention. “I think I have romantic feelings for the Princess, Sir.”
Shiro raised an eyebrow. “I think the whole Castle knows about your crush on Allura.”
Lance’s straight face faltered. “Pidge.”
“…Pidge,” Shiro repeated slowly, face showing slow comprehension. “You think you have romantic feelings for Pidge.”
“Yes,” Lance agreed earnestly. “I’d like to stay at the Castle, I just want a reassignment. I can’t be Pidge’s bodyguard like this.”
He was already breaking social etiquette by hiding his powers, he couldn’t break another taboo.
Shiro sat back in his chair and considered, his sharp eyes burrowing as far as they could into Lance’s soul.
“The answer is still no,” Shiro finally told him, turning his attention back to his desk work. He grabbed the tablet with the transfer request and officially signed off to reject it. “I’ll do you a favor and not tell anyone you tried to quit.”
Lance’s eyes bulged. “You can’t!” He begged passionately. “I can’t be objective. It will drive me insane if I can’t say anything.”
“Talk to Pidge about it.”
“Talk to - Shiro do you know what you’re saying? If I do say something, what - what if she doesn’t feel the same?” Lance asked incredulously. “That would make things really awkward.”
“Look, Lance,” Shiro sighed and once again lay the tablet aside. He stood up and walked over to face his subordinate. “You’ve made a friend in the guardian of the lake, I trust your judgement,” he said compassionately. “That’s part of why I gave you this assignment in the first place. Your heart often works over your brain,” he placed his prosthetic hand over his own heart and then pointed to his head, “and that’s something that Pidge needs. Someone who is flexible and lets her breathe by not always following code to the letter. I really hate to transfer you when things are going so well.”
Lance shifted nervously, not this uncomfortable since his first day at training. “I can’t stop thinking about it, Shiro. I’ve never felt this way before. This isn’t something bodyguards are supposed to do.”
Shiro gave him a wry grin. “There are no rules against bonds of this kind between nobles - yes I’ve read your file and I know - so just do what comes naturally. If it becomes awkward, well, then we can talk. Until then though, I’m not letting you quit ”
Lance dropped his unvoiced protest and slumped his shoulders. “It’s really okay?”
Shiro gave him an encouraging smile. “I knew there was a slight chance something like this might happen. I wouldn’t have paired the two of you if I didn’t think you wouldn’t at least become close friends.”
Receiving the blessing, Lance finally smiled. “Didn’t you go through a full regiment before putting me on the job?”
He was given a glare for his troubles. “Back to work, Lieutenant.”
“Urgh, this place is a mess! I can’t believe I did all this while I was sick!”
Lance sat with an amused grin, chin propped up by the palm of his hand as he watched Pidge magically move overgrown plants back to their respective homes within her room.
She focused her magic on a juniberry flower the size of a pillow, trying to revert it back to a normal size. Even as the volume of plants decreased in the room, leaves and petals fell off and remained scattered across the floor. “It looks like the forest itself is in here,” Pidge moaned.
She was even more cute when flustered, Lance regretted thinking. Pidge had no idea of his internal dilemma and Lance intended to keep it that way at least for now.
This was different from his previous infatuations. Pidge had been a friend first and foremost after being his boss. Before telling her anything he wanted to be absolutely certain his feelings were genuine. If he was not sincere, his job and friendship would be ruined simultaneously. Shiro thought he was doing a good job, he didn’t want to betray that trust out of a false alarm.
“They wouldn’t have grown if you didn’t want them to,” he told her with a smirk. “Your mother was not happy that you were practicing magic while sick.”
Pidge glared at him. She collected the now much smaller flower and replanted it in it’s previously tipped over pot. “What about you? Did you do your exercises last night like I told you to?”
“I had other things on my mind,” he said neutrally. “Mom says hi by the way.”
“Oh,” Pidge said, anger quickly deflating. “Next time I promise to say hi to her myself.”
“The offer to visit the farm is still on the table,” he said.
“Not without knowing who is behind the drone,” she said resolutely. “I don’t want to get your family involved in this.”
Lance let the statement hang and Pidge went back to work. She cared so much, so passionately, and always finished what she set her mind to. It was inspiring, even if he couldn’t follow her talk on a tech level. Thanks to her tutelage, he was beginning to on a magical level.
He had a feeling this was a bond that was going to be near impossible to break. The only way to know was to ask. He just needed to find the perfect moment.
“Hey, let me try and help,” he said as he stood. “I can put my magic prowess to the test.”
Pidge put her hands on her hips, intrigued but not convinced. “What are you going to do to clean this up with water and ice?”
Lance grinned and summoned his magical energy to the surface. He reached out to a teapot full of water, slightly more volume than what he had been used to working with. Thanks to the more consistent practice, he found it easier to connect with than a small amount in a glass cup.
He bade the water to spread across the surface of the floor, picking up stray leaves as it moved the length of the room. Reaching the end, Lance stuck his tongue out in concentration and mimicked some hand movements he’d watched Pidge perform hundreds of times now. He rolled his wrists counterclockwise to the pale blue ball of light centered between his palms and the water filled with leaves and stems responded in kind. It swirled up into a ball and he moved it closer to Pidge so she could see the feat in its fully glory.
Lance turned to Pidge with a smirk. “They are all yours, Princess. Where would you like them?”
Pidge blinked rapidly at his words, as if she had been in a trance. Lance swelled with pride that he had done something impressive. Perhaps this would be a good time to approach her regarding his newfound feelings for her, at least she would look on him more favorably than normal, hopefully leading to a more positive result.
He soon mirrored her sudden frown as Pidge summoned her magic in equal measure.
“I’ll take them from here,” she said, gaining a smirk, that confident smirk that made Lance’s heart skip a beat. A light green energy outlined each plant part and one by one they floated magically into a giant bag, ready to be taken out for decomposition.
Lance found it was his turn to gape. “How did you do that? Those are dead parts! I thought you had to ask plants for permission?”
Finished, Pidge regarded him with a smirk. “It takes more energy and concentration. You’ve seen me play with leaves before.”
“Yes, but - “
Lance didn’t get a chance to finish as he lost his own concentration, sending his sphere of warm water all over Pidge.
Pidge stood in astonishment, raising her arms stiffly in disbelief as the fabric of her dress clung closer to her and water dripped from her sleeves. She glared at him. “I hope you have the energy to pick all of that up.”
Lance bit his lip. The outward manifestation of his magic flickered to nothingness and he grinned at her sheepishly, twiddling his thumbs.
Perhaps this was not the right time to have a conversation about their relationship.
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
How To Train Your Recruit
Submission by Aknazer. (Thank you again!) Find the first part to this series here. Table of contents for the AU in general here.
FanCanons - Shiro
Shiro Has A Past, and no, he’s not telling.
Shiro knows that Lance has inherent elemental abilities, despite the other trying to hide it. He also knows that without any (or very little) formal training, Lance is a hot (cold?) mess with them. Despite not understanding Lance’s obstinacy about admitting to them, Shiro respects that and starts leaving random instructional texts lying around for Lance to stumble over.
At twenty-seven deca-phoebs (years), Shiro is the youngest Captain of the Royal Guard ever. Despite the reservations of the Council, Alfor appointed Shiro to the post, and Shiro has worked hard ever since to prove that the King’s trust is well placed.
Shiro’s made a few questionable decisions - taking a half-Galra foundling under his wing being the most notable. Taking on an uppity kind-of-maybe-not-really noble with a history of insubordination was another. Introducing the two just to watch them fight was the third. 
Shiro has no regrets about assigning Lance to guard Pidge: he figures that his two biggest headaches deserve each other. 
“What do you think this is, a holovid? Stop charging me - you’re telegraphing every move in advance.” Shiro said, knocking Lance’s sword out of his hand with a practiced twist and slapping the pommel of his own blade against the younger man’s wrist. Ignoring the boy’s pained yelp, Shiro used the toe of his boot to kick the sword away. “Again.”
“Oh my gods, you are a slave driver.” Lance whined, shaking out his hand and glaring. “It’s barely a varga after sunrise!”
Shiro raised his eyebrow. “Uh-huh. And?”
“And you’ve had me out here since before that!”
“Good to know your eyes are working.” Shiro said mildly. “Now if only you would open your ears.”
“I hate you.” Lance grumbled, trudging over to where his sword lay in the dust.
Shiro ignored the insult, knowing that Lance didn’t really mean it. Well, he amended privately, perhaps he did right now - Lance was a lot of things (not all of them complimentary), but a morning person was not one of them. Before about 1000, the only thing Lance didn’t hate was his bed. (Coincidentally, Shiro had found that nearly 70% of his insubordination reports occurred before lunch.)
“Now,” Shiro instructed as Lance resumed his stance across from him, “let’s try that again - without the dramatic flailing this time.”
Lance gritted his teeth, eyes glinting dangerously, and Shiro repressed a grin. Good - he was getting to him. Without warning, Lance pushed off with his back foot, sprinting the short distance between them and swinging his broadsword into a short, overhead arc. Shiro blocked, letting the blade slide down and off his own before snapping his sword parallel to his body to block the short stroke aimed for his neck.
From here, he had two options: step back and slide their blades apart to prepare for the next strike, or step in and tangle their handguards, making it a contest of brute strength to hold onto the sword. Last time, he’d stepped in, and Lance had decided to try to overpower him.
Lance danced back as Shiro stepped in, sliding out of range with a scowl. He let Shiro knock his blade aside, using the momentum to bring the blade up into an overheard block as Shiro advanced.
“Good! You’re getting better at this.” Shiro praised, then brought his foot up and kicked Lance in the stomach, driving him back. Lance flailed as he lost his footing, sword dropping automatically as he stumbled and tried to regain his balance. Shiro moved aggressively forward, slotting his leg between the stumbling recruit’s and sweeping his ankle around to drag his foot out from under him. Lance hit the ground with an oomph, sword clattering out of his hand as his head hit the ground.
“Still got a ways to go, though.” Shiro observed, standing over the fallen young man. Lance glared, mouth twisting into a snarl, and Shiro’s eyebrows lifted as the air chilled around them. Not much - just a few degrees, but Shiro was familiar enough with elementals to recognize the signs.
Well, he thought faintly, how about that?
“Do you just drag me out here every morning to beat on me so you feel good about yourself of something?” Lance snapped. “There is literally no other reason for this.”
Shiro’s blinked, refocusing on the young man still sprawled on the ground in front of him.
“Sure there is. Someday, you’ll even figure out what it is.” He replied affably, knowing his genial tone would only annoy the other man more. “Now…again.”
Shiro figured out pretty quickly that the best way to keep Lance out of trouble was to keep him occupied. And, barring that, too tired to be bored enough to look for it. For the first few weeks, Lance’s schedule had been split between drills with Shiro and diplomacy with Coran. Then Lance had been shifted to physical training four days, and diplomacy two. Finally, physical training five days in the morning, with guard duty in the afternoons and diplomacy on an as-needed basis.
It was, Shiro often reflected, like dealing with an okami pup - you had to wear their energy down to a manageable level before trying to teach them anything. Then you had to convince them that what they were learning had a purpose, and wasn’t just useless fluff. (And even if it was useless fluff, that they just had to shut up and do it once in a while.) Fortunately, Shiro had experience with dealing with distracted, disinterested cadets: it just took the right application of physical exertion, followed by mental exertion, and keeping their interest by keeping them challenged.
“What the heck is this?” Lance squawked, jolting upright as Shiro dropped a text in front of him.
“Olkari delegates are arriving next movement.” Shiro replied. “Study up.”
Lance squinted at him suspiciously, and Shiro knew he was trying to guess whether he would be actually escorting/guarding the delegation, or simply guarding the doors. Shiro had set him to both tasks, telling him to “study up” every time. Lance had neglected to do so before, and it had led to him making a fool of himself by offering the wrong salutation when he’d been unexpectedly assigned to escort duty after a week of guarding doors.
The embarrassment, Shiro knew, was a better goad than any reprimand he could have delivered.
Shiro sat down at his desk, flipping open his own book and pulling out a ledger to take notes with. The silence lasted for about twenty dobashes before Lance leaned back in his seat, groaning.
“This is boring…” He whined. “When is lunch? Is it lunchtime? I feel like we should have eaten already.”
“What’s the gesture to greet the Kahnzada Nawab Ishmuil?” Shiro asked without looking up from his book.
“Bow.” Lance replied. “Straight neck, torso bent to twenty degrees. Right hand on left shoulder, palm in.”
“Where do your eyes go?” Shiro asked.
“On the floor…no!” Lance jabbed a finger at him, grinning victoriously. “Trick question! I’m a guard, so I keep my eyes on his waist to watch for weapons.”
“Good to know Coran’s lessons are paying off.” Shiro chuckled.
“Um, no?” Lance scowled. “Coran was going over place settings for a Balmaran dinner party.”
Shiro blinked. “But…Balmarans don’t have dinner parties.”
“That’s what I said!” Lance threw his hands up in the air. “But did he listen? No! He was all ‘Tsk tsk, young cadet, I’ll have you know that I’ve dined with many a Balmaran noble in my youth and-’” Lance broke off, hand flapping in a universal blah blah blah gesture. “I’m pretty sure he was confusing Balmarans for Rephodians, but I don’t know how.”
Shiro snorted in quiet amusement, flipping to another page idly.
“So, what are you reading, anyway?” Lance asked. “I mean, you already know all that crap about the Olkari, budgets were done last movement, and your report - which I know you’re going to have me type up, stop lying - isn’t due for another three quintents.”
“Mm?” Shiro glanced up at him. “Oh, this? It’s a book on basic studies for elemental magics.”
Lance froze. It was only for a tick, and then he was leaning on one elbow nonchalantly, glancing at his book like he couldn’t care less. “Oh, yeah? What do you need that for? Got something to share with the class?”
Shiro snorted. “Not likely. No, Alfor’s niece is a budding Plant Master, and she’s driving her guards crazy.”
“What, is she throwing seeds at them?” Lance sniggered.
“I wish.” Shiro frowned. “No, she’s eluding them to try to train on her own. I was hoping if I gave her some more…benign exercises, she’d stop trying to escape.”
“Give her some houseplants.” Lance grunted, flicking a page over. “Problem solved.”
“We did that.” Shiro rolled his eyes. “Two exploded, one grew out of control, and one caught fire.”
Lance’s gaze snapped up, jaw going slack. “It…it caught fire? How do you even do that?”
“No clue!” Shiro groaned. “I was hoping that this book would give me some insight but… I think it’s too generalized. General exercises, and I think she’s blown through or overpowered the green magic ones. Huge section on water magic, but that does me no good.”
Shiro leaned back in his chair, grasping the bridge of his nose in mostly-feigned exasperation. “I’m heading to the canteen. Want anything?”
Lance hummed thoughtfully. “The usual.” He held out a few losa, but Shiro waved them off, closing his book and setting it on the edge of his desk.
Lance stayed in the office.
Shiro couldn’t check out too many tomes outlining elemental magic studies without arousing suspicion. Luckily, there were a plenty available within the city’s markets, and Pidge was happy to direct him to ones that she had found useful. And if they happened to find homes in his office shelving, well, that just made him look more official to the people who thought looks mattered.
And if some of them disappeared after he’d finished reading them, Shiro pretended not to notice.
“You’re going to what?”
“Introduce him to Keith.” Shiro repeated patiently. 
“That’s what I thought you said.” Matt swirled his ale in his mug as he regarded his friend steadily. “The way you say this leads me to believe that you don’t mean over a nice cup of mead, or a friendly hologame.”
“And the reason for this is because…?” Matt asked, rolling his wrist, gesturing for his friend to continue. 
“Lance isn’t really being challenged anymore.” Shiro sipped his drink. “I’m too busy to take him on daily like I was at first, but he’s good enough that he’s giving my lieutenants a run for their money. Which, don’t get me wrong, is good - it keeps them on their toes, but also means that I need to find a better challenge for him.”
“So your solution is to haul in Kogane.” Matt said.
“Not ‘haul in,’” Shiro huffed, “his detail on Javnil is almost up, and he’ll be back soon anyway.”
“You’re going to put your no-nonsense, super-serious, I-wouldn’t-know-humor-if-it-bit-me pupil in a ring with Lance.” Matt repeated.
“Why do you make it sound so crazy?” Shiro muttered rebelliously. “Keith is one of the best and he’d definitely provide a challenge for Lance. And Keith does have a sense of humor.”
“So set him to a new weapon! Rotate him into sparring with the rest of the troops. You don’t have to keep him on broadsword and with the Guards.” Matt rolled his eyes. “You know this - I know you do. So, the logical conclusion is… you’re looking for an excuse. You want Keith and Lance to meet. Stop obfuscating and fess up.”
“Pulling out the big words now.” Shiro muttered. “Alright, fine, full disclosure: I think that the SpecOps unit isn’t doing Keith any good. Not physically-” Shiro waved Matt off as he opened his mouth, “Physically, he’s in his element. I mean…he’s more withdrawn. Less social, if that’s possible, even amongst his teammates. It’s weighing on him.”
Matt leaned back in his chair, studying Shiro closely. Shiro let him, knowing that Matt was every bit the bright mind his father and sister were. Processing time was a part of that, before brilliance emerged.
“You’re an idiot.” Matt said bluntly, ignoring Shiro gaping to take a long draw on his mug. “I know what you’re trying to do. And putting Keith and Lance in a ring together might work out in your favor - Lance may indeed prove to be a valuable foil to Keith’s seriousness, and the two might eventually become fast friends. But they might also tear each other’s throats out before they get around to reconciling their differences.”
“Well,” Shiro shrugged, “I guess we’ll see.”
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
Hey are you guys doing ok? Haven’t seen you posted in a while
We’re all doing well! It’s just a hurricane of busy in life. Chilly and Pidge have been in final exams/projects and I’ve been on vacations and not had as much time to write as I would like. I’m still in shock I got the Lance realization chapter out.
We’ve been talking though. Next chapter to New Assignment is started and is more plot filled as the drone saga comes to an end. Hush will be writing an epilogue to it and then there will be a Pidge realization chapter.
After that we are open to suggestions 🙂
And of course if any of you have fan art/fics/headcanon to share about Altean bodyguard Lance and Altean princess Pidge, even if it’s not consistent with what we’ve written, please @ us and we will be happy to reblog!
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
This AU fills me with such joy
Thank you! We’re so happy you like it! We are super happy to see others inputting too! Its making this even better!
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
The Wedding
In celebration of breaking 1000 followers, we decided to treat you all to a glimpse of the future. As AdminRue said we are in awe and humbled so many of you want to keep up with this AU. We hope you continue to enjoy following us and look forward to continuing to grow this AU.
The Wedding
Various shuttles arrived at the lake in the forest. A platform was floating in the lake but connected to the shore. On the platform was seating as well as the altar.
Guests from all backgrounds stepped out of the shuttles and were lead to their seats.
King Alfor and Coran went to greet the rulers of Daibazaal and their son.
“Zarkon, Honerva, Lotor,” King Alfor greeted. “Thank you so much for coming.”
“We are pleased to be invited,” Zarkon replied. “Though I am surprised the wedding would be here and not at the capital.”
“That was at the request of the bride and groom,” Alfor replied. “They wanted it held here so two of their close friends could be present. Speaking of which here comes one now.”
A large creature rose out of the lake.
“What is that?” Zarkon demanded.
“That is the Gombash,” Coran explained. “Don’t worry, he’s a peaceful creature. Unless of course he senses you having malicious intent in which case he will kill you where you stand.”
Zarkon looked at the Gombash with fear and uncertainty until Honerva gave him a reassuring pat on the arm.
“It’s fine dear.”
The three went to their seats. Lotor suddenly felt a light tugging on his hair. As he turned he saw a small Altean girl.
“Hi I’m Nadia,” The girl said brightly.
“Prince Lotor, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Lotor replied.
“You have really nice hair.”
“Thank you.”
“Can I braid it for you?”
Lotor was thankfully spared having to give an answer when the Nadia was called back by her mother.
“Nadia! Get back here!”
“Ok, bye Prince Lotor.”
As the girl left Honerva commented. “I think you’d look good with a braid.”
Lotor could only give his mother a half-hearted glare.
Keith and Krolia sat nearby seat watching the everything going on.
“Thank you for bringing me along,” Krolia said to her son.
“The invitation allowed for a plus one,” Keith answered. “There’s no one else I’d want to bring.”
“True,” Krolia developed a sly grin. “Though you know, it might have been a good opportunity to bring a date.”
“Just saying.”
As Alfor was at the Altar going over the notes of the ceremony Blaytz approached and gave the king a hearty pat on the back.
“Today’s the big day, and to think you’re now well on your way to having grandkids.”
“Blaytz, it’s my niece, not my daughter, getting married today.”
“Oh,” Blaytz replied. He then gave Alfor another hard pat on the back. “Well that means you’re well on your way to having grand nephews and nieces.”
In a nearby tent Lance was putting the final touches to his outfit. It was a suit of armour but far more impressive than his normal attire. Not only was it more intricately made and bore his family crest and the metal was gleaming. He attached his clock and gave himself a final look over as Hunk let out a whistle of approval.
“Not gonna lie buddy,” He said. “You’ve never looked better.”
“Come on Hunk, you know I look good in anything.”
“Really? How about that time you lost that bet and had to wear that Snargle herder outfit?”
“Alright,” Lance conceded. “I look good in most things.”
“Though Hunk’s not wrong little brother,” Luis said. “You’ve never looked better.”
Lance smiled as the men present nodded in agreement. It was no surprise that Hunk was chosen to be best man. Filling out the ranks of Groomsmen were his two brothers Luis and Marco as well as Matt.
“Alright you’re ready,” Hunk declare. “Now before go out there I want you to remember three things. I love you, I’m proud of you and if you screw this up I’ll never forgive.”
“Love you too,” Lance replied as they gave each other a hug.
“I hope I’m not interrupting.” Everyone turned and saw Shiro enter the tent. “Just wanted to make sure you were almost ready. We’re starting soon.”
“Shiro!” Lance exclaimed. “How do I look?”
“Really good. Though there is one thing missing.”
“Really? What?”
“This.” Shiro pulled out a small box. He opened it to reveal a medal.
“Is that…?”
“Lance McClain, You have served Altea and the Crown diligently and nobly. You have upheld the principles this world is found on and are an example for others to aspire to. As your Captain I could not be prouder. In recognition of your continued service and valor, It is my honour to present you with the Star of Mefral.”
Lance was dumbfounded as Shiro pinned the medal on to the breastplate of his armour.
“There will be a formal ceremony for it later on but I thought it would only be right that you get to wear it on your wedding day.”
“Wow, Shiro this is amazing, thank you,” Lance stated. “Though is it wrong to say this is only the second best thing to be happening to me today.”
Shiro smirked as he gave Lance a pat on the shoulder. “There’d be something wrong with you if that wasn’t your response. Now all of you finish up. The last thing we want is to make this man late for his own wedding.
Once they all were prepared they stepped out and headed to the altar. As Lance walked up aisle he got various hugs and handshakes (in the case of Blaytz a high five) from the people he walked passed. He lingered with his parents, hugging them tightly as they told him how proud they were.
As he made it to the Altar, he turned his attention towards the Gombash.
“Gommy! I’m glad you could make it.”
Gommy trilled happily as he leaned in to briefly nuzzle Lance.
“Alright then,” Lance declared. “Razzle Dazzle Time!”
The under the shade of the Father Tree, the female party was set up in a tent doing the final preparations.
“There, finished,” Veronica stated as she put down the makeup brush. “Take a look.”
Pidge stood and looked at herself in the mirror. She wore an elegant flowing emerald dress. Atop her head was a tiara more detailed than her usual one.
“You look amazing,” Allura commented.
“She had better,” Veronica stated. “Lance would never let me hear the end of it if I got the makeup wrong.”
For the bridal party Allura was Maid of honour with the positions of bridesmaids going her cousin Mia as well as Lances sisters Veronica and Rachel. Pidge’s mother and father entered the tent.
“Pidge you look amazing,” Samuel stated.
“Thanks Dad.” Pidge replied.
“How do you feel?” Colleen asked.
“Good,” Pidge replied, when Colleen raised a skeptical eyebrow Pidge amended. “Absolutely terrified but I love Lance and want to be with him.”
Colleen smiled as she gave her daughter a hug.
Finally the bridal party was all prepared but before they left Pidge asked for a moment to do one last thing.
She walked up to Father Tree and placed a hand on the trunk. Her markings glowed as she connected with the ancient tree.  
“So what do you think old timer, am I doing the right thing?”
In reply there was a low rumble and the sensation of the ground shifting beneath her. Suddenly two roots shot out from either side of Pidge. The roots then ran along ground, creating a path that was clearly heading towards the lake. The flowers then burst out of the roots to decorate the path.
“Well,” Pidge commented. “I can’t argue with that.”
There were more than a few gasps of surprise as two roots grew out from the forest. The roots ran up the either side of the aisle, stopping just short of the altar before beautiful flowers burst out of the roots.
“You think this is Pidge’s handiwork?” Hunk asked.
“Actually I think it might be an old timer giving his blessing,” He bent down to give one the roots a pat. “Thanks Pappy.”
The root wrapped around Lances hand and squeezed lightly before releasing it. Lance stood back up and got into position as the music started. Everyone in the audience got their feet as the bridal party entered from forest.
Pidge lead the way, her flowing green dressing glowing with golden symbols. Allura carried the train as they exited the forest but released it as they got to the platform. The audience looked on in awe as Pidge walked up the aisle. Lance looked on in unbridled joyed.
The bride arrived at the altar and as she clasped hands with the groom the two became lost in each others eyes.
Hunk meanwhile had become misty-eyed and muttering to himself to “keep it together”.
Coran on the other hand was bawling his eyes out.
King Alfor allowed the couple a brief moment before he began the ceremony.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Lance and Katie in holy matrimony. which is an honorable estate. This is not an institution that they have decided to enter lightly but out of their love and devotion for each other.Ifany one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”
At that moment the Gombash raised himself to his full height and glared down at the audience.
“Although you may have to answer to him,” King Alfor added dryly.
This earned a chuckle from the audience, some more nervous than the rest. When it was clear no one was going to object, the Gombash settled back down.
“The union two souls is a moment great joy and celebration. It is with great pleasure that I now ask you two take these vows.”
“Lance, do you take Katie as your wife? To love and cherish for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
“Katie, do you take Lance as your husband? To love and cherish for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
“Then it is my honour, as ruler of Altea, to now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
As Lance and Pidge kissed, the audience erupted in applause.
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
Ok I'm too lazy to write this right now, but imagine voltron and all that zarkon stuff happens. But instead of them dying, they all get shoved into cyropods, and wait 10000 years before waking up. So now they all have to deal with their families dying. It would be the worst for pidge and Lance, the best plangst possible. Just imagine them ALL having to deal with losing everyone they love and knew, not just Allura. Allura would be Pidge's last blood relative, which would help them bond even more.
I feel terrible for not answering this sooner. I’m so sorry!
You’re absolutely right, that would be terribly angsty and some much needing bonding to help each other cope.
@cgf-kat might have the closest thing going to that right now, especially with how its been continued….
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
hi your blog was recommended to me by tumblr and i don’t ship plance so it’s not really relevant to me but i have to tell you that “watering plance on an altean scale” is pretty much the greatest thing that i have ever seen and that you are the greatest gift to plance shippers this universe has ever seen. keep on doing what you’re doing- i salute you
Anon, you are too kind. Thank you for the affirmation and we are super glad we could provide a smile just based on the blog description. We very much enjoy our puns here.
Happy browsing!
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
For Plance AU Week 2018: Elements (posting a little early because I originally promised Monday to have this up)
Part three of New Assignment. Check out all the previous works here. I hope you enjoy! As always, any of this is usable for your own interpretation of the fanart.
Pidge clicked her tongue. It kept her mind firmly on the task at hand, even if it wasn’t perfectly on beat. Her writing desk, as it was meant to be used for, was filled with small parts from an assortment of mechanical makes and models.
The piece that currently held her attention was the small drone that her bodyguard had cut down a week prior in this very room. When whole, it was just larger than her thumb. Sliced in half as it was, made the innards more accessible but no less difficult to work with.
Who made it? Who sent it? What was its purpose? Did it transmit data remotely or did it have to be retrieved in person?
Pidge hadn’t been given the time to work on answering those questions until now. Shiro and his guards actively searched for more of its kind and while she would have loved nothing more than to help, she begrudgingly admitted to having other duties. Now that she had kept a bodyguard for a week with little complaint, she could no longer deny him to assist in those tasks on her behalf.
At least cousin Allura acted grateful. She ate up Pidge’s increased company like chilled junniberry cream.
And there was much to do. With King Alfor gone on diplomatic excursions, the planet was often left in Allura’s capable hands.
Not that she felt so half the time. It was not hard for Pidge to pick up on how much Allura appreciated the presence of all her cousins, in even the most regular of engagements.
Between assisting the crown princess and the unfamiliar feeling of the same guard watching her back at nearly all times, she hadn’t had much of a moment to herself.
Since he was going nowhere, introducing Lance to her forest sanctuary had happened quickly. That very next morning, following an unfortunate misunderstanding between Pidge’s breakfast and Lance’s uniform, they’d gone out to allow the bodyguard to familiarize himself with the area.
He thought it was beautiful.
Pidge bit her lip. She was getting attached. She wanted nothing more than to be able to wipe away the smug look Shiro sent her way whenever they crossed paths, an occurrence that happened far too often.
‘How’s Lance?’ He would ask.
‘Ask him, he reports to you,’ she would challenge back.
‘I’m on need to know status’ he grinned. ‘He spends all his time with you. All his knowledge and skills are yours.’
Pidge tapped her stylus with increasing intensity on the desk, her eyes zeroed in on a tiny chip that lay in the heart of the drone between the myriad of black, green, and grey wires. She opened her palm towards a potted fern growing in the corner. By her request, it was more than happy to extend a stray stem and turn on a fan.
“Thanks,” she told it.
She hadn’t noticed how warm her room had become. It wasn’t even midday. Unusual.
Undeterred, Pidge continued to poke at the drone. She had bought herself at least an hour to work on solving the mysteries behind it by sending Lance on a few needless errands. Not that he knew that of course. He seemed all too happy to bring a few dresses down to laundry so Pidge hadn’t bothered to outright tell him of her real need for some privacy.
She wouldn’t be able to work with him chattering on about literally whatever was came to his mind.
Pidge liked silence to concentrate. Lance needed background noise, even if he was the one who had to provide it. The worst part was that she was starting to like it. He wasn’t a scientist like her immediate family, and he wouldn’t purposefully talk about planetary politics like Allura. Lance liked to talk about his family, his daily life, and her cosmetics. After that he’d bombard her with questions. Somehow even with a week of being in each other’s constant presence, he still hadn’t run out of things to ask about her life, hobbies, and family. It was oddly refreshing, to be able to take part in conversation that wasn’t the usual. But if she was going to make any headway on unlocking the secrets behind the drone, he couldn’t be around.
Oh? What was this? She carefully moved a clump of wires out of the way. She could now see a bright magenta light more clearly, blinking in time with a ticker than her absent minded clicking.
She went to poke it with her stylus, but as soon as she shifted it, the wires were once again in her way. Pidge attempted the same with her finger, but fell into the same problem.
Pidge huffed.
“I need a little help, friend.” She abandoned the drone for the moment and closed her eyes. A yellow-green light formed between her palms and she could feel the magical green tattoo appear on her arms, both outward indicators of the magic that flowed through her veins.
She faced a pot filled with a small bouquet of junniberry flowers. It sat on the windowsill just out of her arms reach.
The pink petals shivered at the newfound energy given to them. By her unspoken request, the yellow stamen elongated. Pidge opened her eyes in time to observe two of them parting the wires and the third putting pressure on the blinking light. The light dimmed until it was no more.
Pidge grimaced. “That answered nothing,” she groaned. Was it a power source? How was it still going when the device was cut in half? Could the owner hear everything still hear everything? Was it a timer? Was it a homing signal? Could an assassin appear at any time? What if -
The door slammed opened without warning.
Pidge shifted her magic focus to one of the many poltae seeds she kept in a pouch, a defiant expression across her features. She stood up to face the intruder, throwing the seed like a laser.
A screech that didn’t belong to her filled the silent void.
It wasn’t until after she’d completed her attack and was about to demand an explanation, that she realized the entire exercise had been pointless.
Lance was the one who stood in the doorway. His face twisted in pain, tears just barely prickling in his eyes. He bit his lip, and groaned in agony. In one hand he precariously held a tray of tea and cookies. He slowly opened his other hand to show he’d remarkably caught the seed bare handed and on purpose.
“Ow-ouuuuch,” he moaned, setting the tray down on a nearby table before going down on his knees and clutching his injured hand with the other. “That one was a little much don’t you think?!” He now glared at her accusingly, testing the mobility of the injured hand.
Pidge let the magic fade and lowered her arms. She felt awfully embarrassed, confirmed by the flush in her cheeks. I should apologize, she thought. What came out of her mouth was something completely different.
“I thought you were an assassin,” she said truthfully. “You should knock before you come in. What if I was changing?”
Lance gaped at her, incredulous. “You thought I was what?! Why?”
“I just disabled a part of the drone that was still active,” she reported. “If its a remote like I think it is, then whoever is on the other end has been listening to every conversation. They know we know. They know the guards know. And with all the talking we’ve done for it, I’m sure they have enough of our voices to fake our audio.”
Lance frowned, duty quickly taking precedence over his fading pain. He stood and closed the door so that what was said next would not reach the hallways. “What do you think they’re after? Was it meant for you, or someone else? Or the castle security in general?”
Pidge sighed. She sat down at her desk and motioned for Lance to take a seat as well. He placed the offending seed on the tray he’d brought with him and brought the entire ensemble to her. “I brought tea. You said you liked herbal, right?”
Pidge felt the her cheeks warm again. She barely remembered saying so in passing during a dinner conversation with Allura. She thought Lance had been too enamored with her cousin to notice. But it seemed he’d been listening to her the entire time.
Her heart beat just a bit faster at just the thought. Why was she so taken with thought of Lance paying attention to her. It was literally his job!
No, it was his job to protect her from harm. He didn’t have to listen to her or wait on her like this.
“I didn’t ask you to bring me tea,” she finally decided to say - as neutrality as possible.
Lance broke into a wide grin, reminiscent of when they’d been first introduced. “Well, laundry is going to take a while, and you didn’t have much for breakfast. I thought you could use a snack.” He set one of the cups down on one of the few empty spaces on the desk and poured some of the tea into it. “I made it myself,” he said smugly once finished.
Pidge feigned an unimpressed look at his pride. She could almost see the imaginary sparkles eminenting from his face.
Pidge melted into a small smile regardless. It was a kind gesture. “Thanks Lance, this is really nice,” she said. “I’m sorry I attacked you.”
“No need to apologize,” Lance replied with a dismissive wave. “If I can’t handle little things like that, how am I to protect you when I actually need to?” He frowned, deflating instantly and turning his gaze to the broken drone. “Especially with the possibility looking us in the face.”
“Which still hasn’t given up its secrets, but that is only a matter of time.” Pidge pondered her next move concerning the drone and took a sip of tea.
She gagged and spit it out, soiling Lance’s uniform in the process. He yelped in indignation. “You make terrible tea,” she managed to get out.
Lance’s eyes widened and poured himself a cup, taking a quick drink. His eyes bulged, but he at least managed to swallow. “I don’t understand, I followed the directions exactly,” he emphasized.
“The flavor is fine,” Pidge explained once she’d shivered from the odd taste on her tongue. “It just tastes off because it’s cold.”
“But I made it hot, I know I did,” Lance protested. “How can it get this cold when I literally just came from the kitchen? That’s - “ Lance stopped himself mid sentence, a carefully blank expression on his face. “Here, I know for sure the cookies are good. I didn’t touch them. Hunk did everything.”
Pidge took the blue colored cookie and sunk her teeth into it right away, choosing to ignore the abrupt change of thought from Lance. She moaned in delight as it melted in her mouth, the perfect combination of sweet and chewy. It held together after each bite, ensuring that not a single crumb was lost.
Hunk never disappointed. Pidge had quickly discovered that among Lance’s many surprising uses, one was an inside track to rare prepared snacks from the most well regarded cook on Altea. The two had been good friends from their early academy days and, before taking separate career paths, had been joined at the hip. Lance took great pleasure in being able to see Hunk on a daily basis again, the two picking up again as if they’d never been apart.
Cooking wasn’t even his day job. He usually worked on maintaining the Castle’s many intricate systems. A batch of baked goods from him was a coveted treat.
“It’s delicious,” she finally said. “How does he do it?”
Lance shrugged, but his expression showed he was clearly proud of his friend. “Not everyone can be a genius I guess. Hunk has knowhow with cooking. You’re both good with tech, and you’ve got your magic.”
Pidge was used to praise. From her family it was easy to accept, she and her brother had been encouraged by their parents since they were small. Other nobles and Castle workers showed their awe by avoiding her, intimidated by her intelligence, station, and magical proficiency. She’d stiffened and carried on, unsure as to how to approach others and break their misconception of her. Pidge decided to take it as a compliment and ignore it. It had left her with few friends.
Hearing the affirmation from Lance stirred something within her. This time she knew it wasn’t the room getting warmer.
He made himself far too easy to like.
“Uh yeah, I suppose,” she responded lamely.
A faint buzz in her ear was the only warning she had before a familiar voice came through on her communicator.
“Pidge,” Shiro said, “is Lance with you right now? He’s not responding my calls.”
Pidge opened her mouth, but stopped short of speaking as Lance furiously shook his head. She didn’t need to read his lips ‘I’m not here!’ to get the message.
She should tell Shiro. But this was one mystery she could get the answer to now. Her curiosity got the best of her.
“No, sorry Shiro,” she finally replied. Her green earrings lighting up as she spoke and her gaze was cautiously curious towards Lance. “I’m in my room. I sent him out to do a couple things for me. He’s not back yet.”
“Alright, thanks. When he does get back, send him to my office please?”
“Sure thing.”
“Thanks again, Pidge. I’ll see you later tonight.”
Pidge waited until the communication cut off before speaking, but Lance beat her to it. He stood, taking her hand in the process.
“We need to go. You haven’t been to the forest to practice your magic in a few days, right? Time for some fresh air!” He turned around, headed towards the tunnel in her bathroom that he was now familiar with.
“Hold up. Not before you tell me what’s going on first.”
Lance sighed heavily, shoulders slumped in defeat. “I… might have made a mistake with the Trayling twins.”
Pidge’s eyes widened. “What did you do?” she asked slowly..
“I told Estelle I enjoyed our date a while back,” he confessed.
“Okay, that doesn’t sound too bad.”
“I went on that date with Felice.”
“You didn’t,” Pidge breathed, sucking in a gasp. “Shiro should know that they’re going to kill you.”
The twins wouldn’t actually kill him, at least Pidge didn’t think so. The two were nice enough most of the time, but were ship captains in their own right for a reason. They were not to be double crossed.
“So, forest? Just for a few hours until their ships leave orbit,” Lance suggested hopefully. Begging.
Pidge was never going to turn down magic practice. She grinned. It was also refreshing to hear her bodyguard suggest it, regardless of intent.
The drone questions would need to be solved another day. It was time to get stronger.
“Why not? Your uniform’s already dirty. What’s a few more grass stains?” she said, smirking in his direction.
Neither noticed two pairs of tiny eyes watch them leave.
It didn’t take long to forget why he was out here. Or to accumulate plenty of grass stains.
He gathered his hurried pants under control for the fifth time since they’d arrived in Pidge’s chosen spot in the forest. In one more calming breath he lifted his sword upright, ceremoniously holding the hilt at abdomen level as typical of an honor guard. The tip of the sword reached above his head and he made sure one edge of the blade faced him, and the other faced away, ready to defend. It was a pose that purposely brought attention to the double edge of the sword. While powerful, if not handled correctly, would expose the wielder to danger.
The stance was that of respect when starting a sparring session or duel. A similar posture was used to stand on ceremony for royalty, Lance would just have to turn his sword a quarter of a circle so that the broader blunt area faced outwards.
Fitting then, since he was in what amounted to a practice duel with a member of the royal family.
Lance tilted his head to watch Pidge out of the corner of his eye with a fond smile. They stood back to back in preparation for the next round, but he didn’t need to see her face to know how happy she was.
Leaves danced in the air in front of her energetically, reflecting her mood. He didn’t have to think much to imagine the smile of pure joy on her face that she reserved just for playing with the plant magic. It made him inexplicably happy to see her happy. There was pride in his assignment, sure, but he was also a people person by nature. He thrived off the happiness of others, especially if he was a part of it.
He lost track of time observing her. The way Pidge bade the plants move was mesmerizing. One moment leaves were their normally flimsy selves, floating in a gentle breeze, the next they were as sharp as knives and cut through the air decisively. He wondered if he would ever get to a point when using his own magic would look that beautiful.
If I can ever get my freezing under control and handle more than a glass of water, he thought bitterly.
He should tell her, really. It was his duty to know everything about her, and it would benefit that she knew everything about him, including the fact that he had magic of his own. It was still imperfect though, and he still feared his family would be looked down upon for not sending him to study alchemy.
He sighed lightly. He was the bodyguard of a princess now. Surely that made up for having one less alchemist on Altea?
The leaves Pidge orchestrated now formed a sphere, and then a heart, then back to a pyramid. It was difficult not to stare. It was his job, though, he rationalized. The thought prompted him to quickly scan their surroundings.
The spot was perfect for Pidge and her plant magic. Thick vegetation from bushes to trees to grass covered them on nearly all sides. Off to his left the foliage opened enough to see the shimmering waters of Lake Altea. It was a lake that Lance had fond memories of from even before joining the Castle guard. He’d spent long days on the many blue sand beaches around it and diving with the wildlife that lived in it.
It helped alleviate some of the homesickness that still pained him every so often.
As suitable for a lake named after the planet, it was large enough that they had miles of separation from the Castle. Between that and the dense woods, Lance was keenly aware of how potentially dangerous it was to be out here with Pidge. A villager may not warrant attention, but a regally dressed soldier with a princess? Altea was a generally safe planet, the wildlife being more dangerous than anything. The drone wasn’t controlled by an animal though and it weighed on his mind.
Was he doing the right thing taking Pidge out here? Letting her put a target on her back? Literally any other sane guard wouldn’t be here, least of all for selfish reasons. She could clearly take care of herself, as she’d proven when they’d first met. But they’d yet to come across any real threat to either of their lives. How good were either of them, really?
He tightened the grip on the hilt of his sword. Shiro and Pidge both trusted him to do things his way, that was why he was still here. He wasn’t about to let them down, no matter what. That meant practice himself.
He side eyed Pidge again, smile turning into a smirk. “Ready for the next round, Princess?” He taunted.
Pidge tilted her head towards him, a sly smile on her own face. The leaves she’d been playing with while waiting for Lance to catch his breath now came into an arrowhead formation. “You’re just asking to get beaten again if you keep calling me ‘princess’.”
“Not this time,” Lance shot back. “I’ve got you figured out now.”
“Oh really?” Pidge said, eyebrows arched. “On three then.”
Lance shifted his stance, less rigid and ready to take on an opponent. “One,” he said.
Pidge called up a dark green vine. It twitched in anticipation. “Two,” she continued.
“Three!” they said at the same time.
They turned to face each other. Vine and sword clashed, the reverberation scattering nearby fallen leaves in all directions.
Lance grunted as he held back the vine with all his strength, putting his entire body weight into his sword’s forward momentum. He smirked as they reached a stalemate. “I’ve definitely got you this time.”
While not exerting physical energy, tiny beads of sweat still appeared on Pidge’s temples. Her fingers drummed against air in annoyance. The ball of light between her palms that outwardly focused her magic flickered under strain. “Not a chance.” She pushed her arms forward and the vine continued to press against his sword. “Luxenwyrm is harder than some of the Castle walls. Your sword isn’t going to be able to cut it. Stop trying, you’ll lose again.”
“Who said that’s what I was trying to do?” That as his only warning, Lance twisted his sword around the vine twice and then using his weapon as a needle to tie the vine into a knott. He drove the sword into the ground, trapping the plant. He then walked over and gave his befuddled charge a pat on the shoulder.
Pidge deflated but did not protest the contact. She lowered her arms, letting the magic fade back into her body. “That wasn’t fair,” she complained. “That defeats the point of training doesn’t it?”
“Hey, you’re not the only one who can get creative fighting,” he said as he backed away. “If you want to lift people upside down, I can make a twist out of your plants.”
Pidge crossed her arms while Lance pulled his sword out of the ground. “Fine. I’ll give you the one.”
“I would have had two more if you hadn’t tripped me with roots,” he said sorely, turning to her and untangling the vines from his weapon.
“Creativity,” she countered back with a smirk. Lance felt the edges of his mouth twitch. This was fun. He wasn’t sure what he had expected in being the bodyguard of a princess, but he liked this. It felt more and more like being with a friend.
“Ready for another round?” she asked.
“I think my uniform has taken enough of a beating for one day,” Lance said dramatically. “We should be headed back to the Castle soon,” he continued more seriously. “Didn’t you have a dinner tonight?”
Pidge scowled. “Nothing I particularly want to go to, but you’re right.” She paused, a crinkle across her brow in thought. “I want to speak with the Elder Tree once before we go.”
Lance felt his stomach do a little flip. The oldest tree in the forest was only a few yards back into the forest from where they stood, but Pidge had carefully avoided any plant life connected to it. “Will it listen to you this time? I can only handle being turned upside down so many times in a day. I don’t have as delicate a stomach as Hunk, but I have my limits.” The last time Lance had ended up stuck above the forest canopy.
“I have to keep trying. If I can be on good terms with the Elder Tree, the rest of the forest will be a cinch,” Pidge said, a determined look on her face.
Lance breathed in deep and let it out with a calming sigh. “You’re the princess.” He gave her a bright smile for confidence. “If I were a tree, I’d certainly let you use my limbs.”
It was only after seeing Pidge’s flushed face that he realized that might have not come out the right way. “I mean, you’re a nice person, and super smart. The Elder has to see that.”
“I flipped you upside down when we first met,” she said dryly. Her voice was just a pitch higher than usual. “I also legitimately attacked you this morning. Most would say I’m not very nice.”
“Well sure, but I’m your bodyguard. I can’t get complacent.”
Pidge raised an eyebrow. “You want me to keep throwing things at you?”
Lance looked down at his palm. It was still a bit red and pulsed with pain when he gripped his sword a little too tight. “Maybe things that are a little less painful,” he admitted.
“That’s fair.” She turned in the direction that would take her further into the forest. “I used to tell my bodyguards to leave me alone no matter what. I’m going to push it this time, and trust you’ll stop me if things get out of hand.”
“You’re really serious about this,” Lance said, letting the implications soak in. For all her talk of not needing a bodyguard, the request seemed too foreign. It was as if she expected to get hurt. “I’m all for you practicing, but there’s no need to push anything. Not at your own expense.”
Pidge curled her hands into fists. “This is something I need to do, Lance. At least someday soon. The Elder Tree is connected spiritually to the rest of the forest. If,” she stressed, “if something were to happen to Altea, partnering with it would be my most powerful counterattack.”
“The drone really has you worried.” Lance stole a look at the Castle, barely visible from across the lake and through the tree branches.
“Yes,” she confirmed. She turned her head to look directly at him. “Can I trust you to have my back, Lance?”
She likely just meant during her attempt to communicate with the Elder Tree, Lance realized. He gave her a soft smile. “Of course. I vowed to protect you with my life if need be. Whatever you decide to do, I’ll have your back.”
Pidge turned her face before he could see her reaction. “Thank you,” she said. She disappeared into the trees.
Lance took a breath to psych himself up. He then followed her into the woods.
Pidge stared up at the Elder Tree. The knots and lower branches were all a familiar sight by now.
She closed her eyes as she approached, pressing a palm against the rough bark. Please, she whispered in thought. Her brow scrunching together more and more as moments passed. I need to get stronger. I need to show Lance he doesn’t have to worry about me. I don’t want him to turn into the others. He’s been a better friend than I deserve.
Her eyes flew open in surprise. This was the first time she’d heard such a clear response from a plant. Usually they did not speak, but rather shared emotions to converse with her.
Please, she begged again. She poured her heart out and tears pricked at her eyes. Please allow me to use just a leaf, anything.
Instead of the verbal answer Pidge was met with obstinance. She felt a wall up between them. It was a feeling she wasn’t used to. Plants were always happy to exchange their services for the additional power she offered them.
Light footfalls from behind increased her urgency.
“Pidge, you’re doing it! There’s a root headed my way!”
The wall was still there. She was not controlling that root. “Lance, that’s not me! Look out!”
She watched in horror as the root slithered directly towards him. Not thinking her actions through, she directed her will on the first plant in the area that would listen. The pocket of temmern grew rapidly and lifted Lance up off of his feet. He landed on the soft cap, holding on for his own dear life. The root passed harmlessly and continued on towards Lake Altea.
“What are you doing?” Pidge demanded of the Elder Tree. “You almost hurt him!”
“Um, Pidge?”
“Not now, Lance. I really need to concentrate. This is going to take everything I have.” She set her hand back up against the bark.
“This is a bit urgent!” His voice sounded further away this time.
Pidge whirled around and found the temmern was carrying Lance away towards the lake. The gills were curled up so that he could not jump down.
“No!” she screamed, eyes wide with fear. She’d never lost control of a plant before. She reached out to the fungus once more only to find a literal wall, this time made of thorny bushes. It was all connected to the Elder Tree.
Furious, she turned her attention to the offending plant. Magic flowed through her, concentrating in the space between her palms. “Let him go, I’m the one who is asking for a partnership. He doesn’t have anything to do with it!”
Muffled through the magical wall, the response was sternness and confidence. That Pidge was wrong and she wasn’t doing something correctly.
“I’ll learn, I promise I will, just let Lance go.”
“Yes!” She placed both hands on the tree bark. She was met with seething anger.
Lance found himself unceremoniously deposited on the beach. Rolling awkwardly twice, he immediately righted himself. Panic slowed him from finding a decent grip on the loose sand beneath him. Before he could stand he heard her scream.
“Pidge!” He yelled back in horror. He was failing. He was supposed to be there instead of her. Why was today different than any other day she’d tried this?
Tree branches cracked and Lance did not have time to think as he saw Pidge’s limp body flying across the beach and out towards open water. He didn’t know what he screamed, whether it was a word of defiance or her name or title. He only tried to reach her. He physically would never be able to, she was too high in the air. A part of his brain told him to start swimming so he could reach her faster when she landed.
Instead he reached out with his arms and felt the familiar coolness of his own magic flow into his arms. He felt more connected to the water than ever before. The entire lake seemed a playground. The waves themselves crashed through his veins.
Don’t let Pidge drown, was all he asked. The one thought consumed his mind.
The water responded to what Lance truly wanted; for Pidge to be safe onshore.
A wave rose up above the others, defying logic and wrapping itself around Pidge like a blanket. It set her down upon the beach and crashed onto shore, once again relenting to physics.
Lance shivered, her mind numb. That had been far too close for comfort, but Pidge was safe. She coughed, spitting some of the water out that had accidentally drank. She looked his way, and gasped. He had never seen her so surprised before.
It was then he realized the outward manifestation of his magic still lingered. A pale blue ball of light ahead of his palm shrunk before fading out of existence. The blue markings on his arms did the same.
“You...you have magic too,” Pidge finally stated. For a normally prideful scientist, she spoke with uncertainty. “You saved me.”
“That’s my job,” he said automatically. “Are you hurt?” Calming, he found the strength to stand. Stepping over the Elder Tree’s root, he went to kneel beside her.
“Nothing serious, just my pride,” she admitted with a downcast face. “I don’t understand why the Elder Tree was so against working with me. None of the other plants seem to mind. Most relish it.”
“Well, I’m just glad you’re alright. I feel like I dodged a laser. The Trayling twins would have been the least of my worries,” Lance said as he dropped to a more relaxed sitting position.
“I will worry about my problems another time. I’m more interested in you right now.” Pidge gave him a pointed glare. “You have magic. This changes everything.”
“It...does?” Lance asked tentatively. We waited on her response with baited breath.
“It explains why your tea was terrible. Water magic has a freezing component by default. It was probably sneaking through since you’re untrained.”
Lance twitched. She was very quickly recovering and analyzing his situation a little too well. “I have been training myself.”
Pidge’s eyes lit up. “So you knew about this. That makes sense. I’d been wondering why you were so interested in my elemental books. And it explains my room freezing too. We’re going to have to fix that. I’m not letting my room freeze every day just because you can’t control your magic.”
“So, you’re not mad at me for not telling you? That I’m a guard and not an alchemist?”
Pidge made a show of considering. “Maybe a little, but that would mean you wouldn’t be with me now.” She smirked. “All of that pales in comparison to being able to study you now. Congratulations Lance. You’ve been promoted from bodyguard to experiment.”
Lance froze, shivers rippling over his body. “What?! Hey, I’m no lab rat!”
“Fine, if case study works better for you, we can call it that.”
“That is not any better!”
“I’m going to teach you magic,” Pidge said with finality, crossing her arms. “The fact that you could be a sacred Altean has been bothering me for a while, and you having magical abilities is the first thing that’s really made sense about you. Besides, anyone who tries to self teach has a deep desire to learn. I know this is your job but, let me thank you this way.”
Her soft, fond smile directed towards him, for him only, made his heart flutter without his permission. Despite Pidge being completely soaked, he could feel the warmth and genuine thankfulness she radiated.
He did his best to emulate the look on her face. “I’d be honored for you to teach me, Princess. I - “
Before Lance could finish his more heartfelt thought, a low moan filled the air and interrupted him. He knew that sound. He broke out into a huge grin and stood facing the water. Today was getting better and better. He and Pidge had bonded more, she knew his secret magical abilities and was going to teach him, and now he was about to be reunited with an old friend.
It had been too many long months, but that only made him smile wider.
A lump of greys, blues, and greens surfaced above the water in front of them. Tentacles that looked like a head of hair wiggled with excitement as it approached. Tusks as big as Lance himself lay on either side of its mouth. A roar allowed the creature to show of its large, sharp teeth.
Pidge took several steps back. “Is...is that the Gombash?” her voice was mixed with both fascination and fear. “What is it doing here?”
The Gombash was one of the most dangerous creatures on Altea. While it always remained close to its lake home, it would normally not bother beach goers. It’s primary diet consisted of the many types of seaweed and algae that grew in the lake. The Alteans had come to see it as a guardian, after generations of stories of invaders trying to take the capital, but crushed single handedly by the creature that lived in the lake.
It’s legend was corroborated by it’s terrifying appearance and powerful offensive magic. The beam cannon on board the Castle had been designed after its breath attack. The same creature now continued to head straight for them. It’s giant tusks cutting across the waves like a knife.
“Lance, maybe we should go?” Pidge suggested. “I’ve never seen the Gombash act like this.”
“Naw it’s okay. Gommy and I are best buds,” he told her confidently.
Lance’s assurance was the only reason Pidge did not take up a bundle of nearby weeds for a weapon when a tentacle from the Gombash’s head reached out and curled around the whole of his body. Almost immediately after contact, teal markings began to glow on the appendage.
The Gombash made landfall. It towered over the trees, but instead of further intimidating the two Alteans, it sat on its hind legs and the lay its head on the sandy beach. Teal markings all across its body lit up as it nuzzled Lance from his captive position.
“Yeah, I’m happy to see you too, Gommy,” Lance said, a tad bit winded from the sudden embrace. “It’s been too long since I last had a free swim to see you.” He did his best to pet the creature, but was difficult with his arms taught against his chest.
The Gombash trilled happily from the positive response. More than that, Lance felt its joy from seeing him again.
The Gombash was an empath after all.
“Lance! Are you okay?” Pidge yelled from her position on the beach. Her face was concerned, but he was glad she was showing caution.
The feeling of inquiry filled his mind and he smiled. “I’m fine!” He told Pidge. “Gommy and I met during basic training! He does this whenever we meet so we can talk!” He turned back to the creature. “This is Pidge, she’s a princess. I’m working as her bodyguard now.”
Understanding and… realization? Lance wasn’t sure what that meant.
The Gombash reached out with yet another tentacle. It paused, rotating in the air around Pidge as if checking her out.
“Lance… what is it doing?” She said cautiously, watching its every move.
“Gommy’s curious. It takes a while for him to get used to new people. It’s way nicer than that tree!”
Pidge didn’t get to choose in the end. The appendage wrapped around her legs and brought her up close to it’s face. The teal markings shone bright around her as the Gombash sniffed her and read her emotions.
“Aww, you’re not so bad. You’re even pretty cute,” Pidge admitted with an endearing smile. She dared a light rub on the Gombash’s muzzle.
Delight, relief, and accomplishment filled Lance all at once. He chuckled, glad that Pidge had Gommy’s seal of approval.
Out of the corner of his eye he spotted yet another limb reaching out for a large root he hadn’t remembered being there before. The burgundy and yellow appendage was tipped into the lake and led back into the forest.
The Elder Tree, he realized in shock. The stupid tree that had almost gotten them both seriously injured had asked Gommy to be here. That’s why it had come so fast.
Because if anything in the universe that could detect any shred of ill intent, it was the Gombash.
The entire quiznaking thing was a test. One that, based on the giant lick Gommy had just given Pidge, she had passed.
“Pidge!” He yelled. “Look behind you! The tree gave you what you wanted!”
“What? Lance I can’t hear you! Your friend’s slobber is as thick as food goo! GAH!”
Gommy had flipped Pidge upside down and curiosity became the main emotion Lance felt. Pidge did her very best to keep her dress from folding over her face, an embarrassed blush stuck to her face. “Let me down!”
“I’m happy to see you too, Buddy, but Pidge isn’t quite used to you ye - “
Endearment. The Gombash snuggled Lance a little closer, his cheeks squishing up against the creature.
“Alright I promise we’ll visit more often. This is our favorite spot after all,” he said, more than happy to assign Pidge’s practice area to himself as well.
Pidge was growing stronger yet with her newest plant ally, assuming it didn’t ask any more of her. Lance was looking forward to seeing what her full potential would someday look like.
Because he would definitely be right by her side through all of it, bodyguard or not.
Back at the tree line, two mice witnessed the whole scene with intelligent eyes. They chattered to each other before running off in the direction of the Castle.
Oh boy did they have some fresh gossip to share.
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
Oh i just love this AU and the art that was with it. It was done so well and i can't wait to see what happens next :)
Thank you! We’re all having a lot of fun with this.
You won’t have to wait too long. The next chapter to New Assignment is finished, just making some minor adjustments. The plan is to post it Monday because I’m working this weekend and Plance AU week starts this Sunday.
AdminChilly has made some excellent concept art and AdminHush will probably post some more headcanons to go along with it.
AdminPidge is also working on the next chapter for Matchmaker - and it’s looking good!
And that doesn’t even include what any of you might be working on! Keep the content coming, inspiration willing!
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
Admin Introductions
Hello everyone! I’ll be going by AdminRue. I’m a writer and my main is @rueitae. I’ll be working to incorporate the beautiful art and brilliant head canons into story form.
Fun fact about me - I’m an adultier adult and I do weather forecasting for a living.
Favorite thing about Plance? - There are a lot of things I love about it. The very first thing that I latched into was that Lance is established as a flirt and literally the only girl he hasn’t outright flirted with is Pidge. I adore irony.
Thank you all for your interest! I’m so proud to be contributing! I hope you all enjoy the content to come!
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