gwiazdaerydanu · 2 years
Database Of Bush Administration’s Iraq Lies Mysteriously DISAPPEARS!
Until recently, the Center for Public Integrity maintained an online database of all the lies told by the Bush administration in the leadup to the Iraq War. But as Matt Orfalea recently discovered, the database has disappeared — and no one at the CPI will respond to his inquiries about where this treasure trove of incriminating evidence has gone or when it will return. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger wonder just why the information would vanish at this time.
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kibumkim · 7 months
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vomitdodger · 1 year
Reminder this “guy” was in charge of nuclear fuel and radioactive waste for the commies.
Biden will go down in history as a complete and utter corrupt laughingstock of the world. History will destroy him and his whole corrupt family.
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scretladyspider · 10 months
“More than 400 political appointees and staff members representing some 40 government agencies sent a letter to President Biden on Tuesday protesting his support of Israel in its war in Gaza.
The letter, part of growing internal dissent over the administration’s support of the war, calls on the president to seek an immediate cease-fire in the Gaza Strip and to push Israel to allow humanitarian aid into the territory. It is the latest of several protest letters from officials throughout the Biden administration, including three internal memos to Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken signed by dozens of State Department employees as well as an open letter signed by more than 1,000 employees of the U.S. Agency for International Development.
The signatories of the letter submitted on Tuesday and the one circulating among USAID employees are anonymous, the USAID letter explains, out of “concern for our personal safety and risk of potentially losing our jobs.” The signatories of the State Department dissent cables must disclose their names, but those cables have not been released publicly.
Although the Biden administration has recently started voicing concern over the high numbers of Palestinian civilians killed while urging Israel to show restraint, that budding criticism does not appear to be placating many in the U.S. government.
The letter, a copy of which was reviewed by The New York Times, began by denouncing the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas, then urged Mr. Biden to stop the bloodshed caused by Israel’s retaliatory military campaign in Gaza.
“We call on President Biden to urgently demand a cease-fire; and to call for de-escalation of the current conflict by securing the immediate release of the Israeli hostages and arbitrarily detained Palestinians; the restoration of water, fuel, electricity and other basic services; and the passage of adequate humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip,” the letter states.
Two political appointees who helped organize the letter to Mr. Biden said the majority of the signatories are political appointees of various faiths who work throughout government, from the National Security Council to the F.B.I. and the Justice Department.
Some of the signatories helped Mr. Biden get elected in 2020 and said in interviews they were concerned that the administration’s support of Israel’s war in Gaza clashed with Democratic voters’ stance on the issue.
“The overwhelming majority of Americans support a cease-fire,” the letter states, linking to a poll from October that shows that 66 percent of Americans, including 80 percent of Democrats, believe the United States should put pressure on Israel for a cease-fire.
“Furthermore, Americans do not want the U.S. military to be drawn into another costly and senseless war in the Middle East.”
Israel launched a ground invasion last month in Gaza in response to bloody attacks by Hamas on Oct. 7 that killed about 1,200 people, according to the Israeli government. So far, more than 11,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s military offensive according to Gaza’s health ministry.
Mr. Biden and Mr. Blinken, like Israel’s leadership, say they oppose a cease-fire — a long-term halt in fighting, typically accompanied by political negotiations — on the grounds that it would spare Hamas and allow it to reconstitute for future attacks. They have instead called for “pauses,” short interruptions in the fighting lasting perhaps a few hours, to allow for clearly defined humanitarian missions like aid delivery into Gaza and the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas. U.S. officials say they have done more than any other nation to ensure that at least some aid enters Gaza.
The two people who helped organize the letter to Mr. Biden said they had agreed to serve the administration because the president stressed that he wanted a government that was more representative of American voters. But, they said, their concerns and those of other political appointees have largely been dismissed.
Some U.S. officials said privately that while senior officials welcome disagreement, government workers must understand and accept that they will not always agree with U.S. policy. The dissent over Gaza reflects a generational divide and comes mostly from employees in their 20s and 30s, the officials said — though many older people have also signed dissenting documents, according to people who have collected signatures.
The letters of protest come after a contentious meeting on Oct. 23 at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, where 70 Muslim and Arab political appointees gathered with senior Biden administration officials, including Jeffrey D. Zients, the chief of staff, and Doug Emhoff, the husband of Vice President Kamala Harris.
The meeting started with a general question: How many of the appointees have faced pressure from family or friends to resign over the Biden administration’s support of Israel in the conflict? Dozens of hands shot up, according to one attendee and another who was briefed about the meeting.
Senior administration officials opened the floor to take questions and comments. Some attendees cried as they demanded that the administration call for a cease-fire, curb weapons shipments to the Israeli military and stop disregarding Palestinian civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip.
The State Department memos to Mr. Blinken were cables sent internally, through what is known as the dissent channel. The channel was created during the Vietnam War to encourage department employees to share disagreements with official policy. Under State Department rules, dissenters are protected from retaliation.
On Monday, Mr. Blinken responded to the internal dissent in a message emailed to department employees. “I know that for many of you, the suffering caused by this crisis is taking a profound personal toll,” he wrote, adding that he was aware that “some people in the department may disagree with approaches we are taking or have views on what we can do better.”
He added: “We’re listening: What you share is informing our policy and our messages.””
— November 14th, reposted in full because for many people there’s a paywall (I don’t know why there wasn’t for me, but I’ll take it)
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This is the only way to secure the border with a 'lawless' administratio...
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
As evidence, the RNC and the Trump campaign published a list of Walz’s Democrat Socialist Credentials with links.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
"whoops" [10 Aug 23]
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sultryassassin-2-1 · 2 years
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socialjusticefail · 11 months
I think this case needs to be at the Supreme Court. When does the government's own speech goes to far?
The bit about Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch is the author saying these judges don't see that this has potential to chill speech.
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beardedmrbean · 11 days
Two Bulgarians from the Bolhrad region have recently died while serving in Ukraine. According to the Bolhrad Regional Military Administration, Sergey Dachev, 39, from Bolhrad, passed away on September 6 in the Kharkiv region. He was serving as a soldier in Ukraine's State Border Service.
The date for Dachev's funeral will be announced later, as per the Bolhrad administration's report.
On September 10, Mihail Boev, born in 1975 and from Artsyz, also died after being hospitalized with severe injuries. Boev was mobilized in the Ukrainian army as a mechanic and tank operator in the 110th Operational Mechanized Brigade.
The Bolhrad Regional Military Administration has extended its condolences to the families of the deceased.
According to the 2001 Ukrainian Census, the Bessarabian Bulgarian population in Ukraine is estimated at over 129,000 in Budjak, located in the Odesa Oblast in southern Ukraine, with an additional 75,000 scattered throughout other parts of Southern Ukraine. The total count of Bulgarians in Ukraine stands at 204,600.
In Budjak, Bulgarians constitute a significant portion of the population. They form the majority in Bolhrad region, where they number 45,600 out of 75,000 residents. Other districts in Budjak with notable Bulgarian populations include Artsyz, with 20,200 of 51,700 residents; Tarutyne, with 17,000 of 45,200; Izmail, with 14,100 of 54,700; and Sarata, with 10,000 of 49,900. Additionally, the city of Izmail has a Bulgarian community of 8,600 out of a total population of 85,100.
Outside Budjak, Odesa has seen an influx of Bulgarians in recent years. The city of Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky has a Bulgarian population of about 4%, making them the third-largest ethnic group in the city.
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We even got better showers when Trump was president?!
We even got better showers when Trump was president?!
Direct Quotes:
The Trump-era showerhead rule took aim at the 2.5-gallon-per-minute maximum flow rate set by Congress in the 1990s.
The Trump-era rollbacks, which were finalized in December 2020, were heavily criticized at the time by environmental advocates and consumer and appliance standards groups as wasteful and unnecessary.
In addition to the showerhead rule, in December 2020 the DOE established separate product classes for residential washers and dryer units that have cycle times of less than 30 minutes and meet lower efficiency standards.
The moves were some of the final examples of Trump's Energy Department taking aim at standards on consumer appliances and dismantling environmental regulations.
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dhobiliteservice · 24 days
Complete Manual for Pick A Laundry Service
Doing clothing without anyone else can be a colossal migraine on the off chance that you are living alone or working at a 5 to 9 work. That is the reason many individuals recruit proficient clothing administrations to finish the work. Clothing administrations can save a great deal of time and furthermore assist you with cleaning that large number of difficult messes from your white garments. In any case, it tends to be undeniably challenging in some cases to pick clothing administrations that you can trust. There are so many clothing administrations on the web. Some are dependable; some are not really.
In the event that you're likewise finding it hard to search for a Best laundry company in India, then, at that point, sit back and relax, we have you covered. Here is a clothing administrations guide for you to know all that you really want to be aware prior to employing a clothing administration.
Clothing administrations manual for picking the right clothing administrations:
Actually look at who's doing your clothing:
You can't allow only anybody to do your clothing. While recruiting a clothing administration, you need the task finished by experts. Beginner individuals can demolish your #1 dresses. That is the reason generally try to check who is doing your clothing. Simply call them or visit their store to ensure individuals you are entrusting your clothing with are capable in their work or not.
Make a point to really look at the surveys:
There are large number of clothing administrations you will view as on the web. The most ideal way to figure out the right clothing administrations is to ensure that they are genuine and proficient. Furthermore, the most effective way to figure out which clothing administration is best for you is to check client audits and evaluations. Peruse the audits and check whether they offer every one of the administrations that you require and how great their client administrations are.
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A decent clothing administration ought to propose to get and drop off your clothing, offer on-time conveyance, and treat your clothing with legitimate consideration.
It's better assuming the clothing administrations offer get and conveyance choices. Notwithstanding, in the event that the clothing is far away from your home, odds are they will energize you pick and conveyance expenses. To keep away from that, you might need to pick clothing administrations that are close to your home. Like that, you don't need to stress over conveyance charges, and you can likewise visit the store to determine the status of your garments whenever you need. Numerous clothing administrations offer free conveyance inside a specific distance.
Look at their administrations:
With regards to finding the best clothing administrations, one thing you should recollect is to check every one of the administrations the organization offers. Numerous clothing administrations offer on-time conveyance, however no get choices, or they might offer get and conveyance choices yet charge crazy measures of cash. That is the reason you want to find a decent clothing administration that offers every one of the administrations you expect at a reasonable cost.
You may likewise need to short out your needs before you search for a clothing administration. Check whether they just proposition administrations to clean garments or can likewise clean your frill like packs, shoes, and caps.
Make a few inquiries for references:
Other than checking for online administrations, you may likewise need to ask your family or companions for references. In some cases what we find on the web may not be valid. That is the reason it's ideal to ask your confided in individuals whom they trust.
And afterward, you can actually take a look at their web-based surveys and input. It's in every case better to be two times guaranteed with regards to recruiting clothing administrations.
Look at their client care:
You need a clothing administration that generally pays attention to your requirements. That is the reason prior to employing a clothing administration, ensure that they have great client support. Request their contact number or on the other hand assuming that you're looking on the web, ensure that their site has a contact number. Like that, you can constantly call them and really take a look at the interaction. Client numbers can likewise assist you with time, for example, on the off chance that you are moving to an alternate area, if you need to change your conveyance area and time, assuming there are any messes on your garments even after the clothing, etc.
Notoriety and experience:
A decent clothing administration ought to have a decent standing in the area. We can undoubtedly trust an accomplished organization since we realize that the organization has a decent standing among the clients. That is the reason, consistently search for a decent rumored, and experienced clothing administration organization.
Assuming you see that the clothing administration that you've recruited is consuming a huge chunk of time to get or convey your clothing, then, at that point, now is the ideal time to change your clothing administration. You might need to have a proper get and conveyance administration so you can appreciate doing other stuff without being too stressed over your clothing. Many individuals additionally search for the opening and shutting seasons of the store. The store ought to have an early opening and late shutting time so you can proceed to get the clothing yourself assuming that the conveyance is past the point of no return.
Whenever you have shorted out everything that you need, the following thing you need to check is the estimating. Ask them for a statement. Numerous sites offer free citations. After you get the value, you can look at them and pick the one that you view as reasonable. Along these lines, you can comprehend the market and administration rates and pick admirably. Make a point to check for any secret charges.
Actually look at their hardware:
A decent clothing genuinely should support generally has the furthest down the line trend setting innovation to stay aware of the quick and progressing requests. To give more on-time conveyance and best cleaning of various dress materials. That is the reason essential to pick a clothing administration has all the important gear and inventive system to fulfill your necessities. Other than
fundamental cleaning, they ought to likewise give cleaning, air dryer, light wash, and so forth. Likewise, look at what sort of cleanser and other cleaning materials are being utilized and regardless of whether they are hurtful to your garments.
For more details, visit us:
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maddmann8128 · 3 months
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tnpx · 3 months
Dear et al.,
Don't let the Kimberlé Crenshaw stans fool you. Black womEn are not at the bottom of the well. They are standing next to it, policing who gets to send the bucket down. You cannot be the most educated and the most critically oppressed. That--quite literally--is not how any of this shit works.
Stop playing in traffic and calling it intersectionality when you have the power to step out the lane. You are not the ones getting hit and ran on on purpose. And you *absolutely* can be in the car--even behind the wheel--particularly if you're the L driving with a G, B & a T...
Top tier example: Kamala is a cop who stood on the Edmund Pettus bridge and gave a pre-Super Tuesday "souls to the polls" 59th anniversary of Bloody Sunday sermon, in which she broke her 5 months silence on G3n-syde. And then over 5 weeks later--still no ceasefire==she turned around and made an instagram reel with the cast of A Different World like Freddie didn't almost get expelled for protesting Apartheid in South Africa.
There's more: she didn't miss the opportunity to make a campaign ad starring Whitley and Dwayne about all the debt her administration has forgiven right on time for graduation szn. And peep this, the photo that coms up when you google her sunday service is of her and two more NPHC #IncorporatedNegroes with everything to gain from the photo op. That's a joke I can't make up.... like, A Sigma, a Que and an AKA walk into a bar because they set it so low that they walk right into it instead of missing it entirely and maintaining the ability to claim ignorance.
Y'all hella gross sometimes.
Pause.🤚🏾 No thank you's. I don't do paid advertisements. #CRiTwalkOverTedTalk🙃
*This snark was brought to you by the rage in my heart felt in reaction to reading the Black Academic's Guide to Winning Tenure without Losing your Soul and NCFDD Monday Motivators, with additional support from minding my own Black business (this is all of our business).
Happy Stonewall SZN & almost St. Pauli Murray Day.
Happy Sunday. xo, XO
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kupwaratimes-fan · 3 months
CEO Mooj Kasheer Welfare Trust Amir Wani appeals to LG Administratio
CEO Mooj Kasheer Welfare Trust Amir Wani appeals to LG Administratio   Srinagar: Dr. Amir Rashid Wani a dedicated socio-political activist and CEO of the Mooj Kasheer Welfare Trust, has issued an urgent appeal to the Kashmir administration regarding the immense pressure faced by the youth across Jammu & Kashmir. According to the statement, he said that the youth are currently stressed due to the…
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