#admin: may 4 exchange
eddiediaaz · 27 days
hi guys, i am kind of ashamed and embarrassed to have to do this, but i figured it can't hurt to ask. basically i am really struggling right now (i know a lot of us are). i need financial help, so i set up a ko-fi page ☕
any kind of help would be so appreciated and i am so grateful for anyone taking the time to read this little post.
long story short: because of situations completely out of my control, i lost my job in vfx after almost 8 years and i am now forced to switch careers. i'm going back to school and can't find a part time job even tho i have been working non stop for 15 years. financial aid will only cover my rent, so i absolutely need to work 20 to 30 hours a week to cover the rest of my living expenses, but it's really hard to find a job. i am also currently over 10k cad in debt from my film school loans and credit cards.
signal boost would be appreciated, if you can 💕
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my situation in more details under the cut for those who are curious
i was working in the vfx industry as a 2D compositor since 2016 (i have worked on over 40 films and tv shows), but in december of 2023 i lost my job due to the hollywood strikes (as expected, and as it should—i fully support the strikes). this was supposed to be temporary for a couple months where i could get unemployment benefits (only 45% of my usual salary though). unfortunately, on may 31st 2024, my government announced that they are significantly cutting the funding & tax credits for the vfx industry where i live. what does this mean? mass lay offs. thousands of canadians and other people in the world working in the industry are losing their career, including me. there will only be about 20% vfx jobs left where i live by 2025. vfx shops and production houses have already started to close doors here. i'm still mourning this career i have been working in for 8 years and loved, even tho it's been difficult and demanding at times (lots of overtime), but there are just no jobs right now (unless you are a senior vfx artist with decades of experience) and the future will only get more bleak. i could move abroad and follow the industry that is already moving somewhere else, but i don't want to do that on my own (i am already super lonely as it is!!) and i can't afford it.
my unemployment benefits will run out by the last week of september. in 4 weeks. i've been sending resumes everywhere, both online and in person, but i am just not getting anything in return. even tho i have over 15 years of experience working in various jobs and i have never been fired from anywhere. even tho my resume and cover letters are solid because they have been approved my professional counselors (a free service for people under 35 where i live). so much for they're hiring everywhere...
since my vfx compositing skills are very niche and not really applicable to much else, i decided to go back to school, taking college classes in the admin and excecutive assistant fields, since it's something that i think would be good for me and there are lots of jobs for that here. i will be getting some financial aid, but it's nowhere near enough to survive. it will only cover my rent, and that's because my rent is super cheap for my city. my college classes start on september 30 and i am excited for it, but also very stressed because i still don't have a part time job.
i've been living on my own with a small salary for over 10 years now, but it truly is the first time that i'm struggling this hard. i honestly don't have anything worth selling except some taylor swift perfumes, which i sold this week. i also have over 6k of credit debt and another 4.5k of school loans left to pay. at the bare minimum i will need about $1.000 CAD/month to cover my other bills and expenses after rent, hence why the need for a job ASAP. i am desperate and my mental health has been a huge mess. this is why i decided to open my ko-fi accounts. not that i'm expecting much, but anything can help, i think.
i don't have much to offer in exchange, except gifs? i'm wondering if (cheap, low price) gif commissions are a thing? i have no idea know, but i set up a poll on my ko-fi page to see if anyone would be interested.
thank you for reading if you've made it here, it's appreciated 💖
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fuck-customers · 9 months
Kind of a fuck customers but also a satisfying story at the same time.
My role in the call center I work in involves taking specifically corporate calls, which means I spend all day talking to “business professionals” (and I use that term loosely) including CEOs. As you can imagine, over 90% of these CEOs are the scum of the earth and the most entitled assfaces on the planet.
A week or so ago, I took a call and went through my usual routine of greeting the cardholder and then began going over verification questions. Since we’re A.) a bank and B.) a bank that handles corporate and government credit cards, we take security seriously and require a caller to be able to verify 3 pieces of information based on what the person responsible for their credit cards put on the account. If they don’t pass, we refer them to their company to get the right details.
So as I’m doing this, the guy on the phone is getting increasingly irritated as he keeps getting the security questions wrong. I’m calm and professional the entire time but firm. Eventually I run out of things to verify with him and tell him that we won’t be able to assist and that he needs to contact his administrator. This is apparently where I went wrong.
“LADY I AM THE ADMINISTRATOR!!” He screeches. Ok, great. I look him up and that’s true but there’s a second admin listed, so I ask him to check in with him. He then yells “THERE IS NO OTHER ADMIN! I’M THE CEO OF THIS COMPANY FOR CHRIST’S SAKE!!”
I apologize and tell him while that may be true, he still got his security questions wrong and needs to reach out to his account coordinator then. This man then proceeds to scream at me for the next minute or so saying how we’re an awful bank, how he’s had problems with us for years, blah blah and how we have the worst customer service ever. Keep in mind, I’ve been nice and empathetic this entire time but also I’m not gonna lose my fucking job just because a guy in a suit doesn’t know his shit. I give him the email to his account coordinator and stress again that he needs to talk to them. Then this exchange happens:
Him: “So let me get this straight. You are saying you are REFUSING and UNWILLING to help me, right?
Me: “No, actually I’d love to help you, however we have these security procedures in place for yours and your company’s protection and cannot make exceptions for anyone.”
Him: “This is fucking UNBELIEVABLE! I’ve HAD IT with this bank!!”
Me: “Ok, I’m sorry to hear that. Anything else I can do for you before we disconnect?”
Me: *gives my first name and spells it for him even though it’s a very basic 4 letter name because I’m a bitch*
Me: “We don’t give out anything but our first name for the safety of our employees.”
Him: *insert that condescending, pissed off chuckle middle aged men do when they’re mad here* “Well I’ll tell you what (My Name), when I close this account and pull my MILLIONS OF DOLLARS out of (bank name) and they ask me why, I’ll make sure to tell them that it’s (My Name)’s fault. And I will see to it that you won’t be able to get another job outside of the minimum wage fast food job or whatever you had before this. How does that sound?”
Me: “Sounds great. Now seeing as how this conversation is no longer productive or professional and threats are being made, I’ll be terminating the call, have a nice day.”
Me: *click*
And that’s how making rich, powerful men rage-cry became my new favorite hobby. Thankfully, I haven’t gotten any feedback on that call; not that I would, seeing as how I did my job exactly how I was supposed to. Anyways I hope I’m his 13th reason. ❤️
Posted by admin Rodney.
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ghostchanuwu · 4 months
2nd to last batch of AniRedux Hoenn redesigns!!!After Hoenn I'm gonna do some Kanto and Johto ones (more designs under the cut,first 4 are older drawings but will be updated,all designs are finalized so no major changes when redone)
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Tbh Tate and Liza's ORAS designs are already pretty solid so all I did was add their sun/moon imagery to line up with their aces (also hairstyle changes with Tate being slightly more flared to closer represent the sun and Liza's being smoother to represent the moon)
I went full Volcarona with Flannery's design along with giving her a more tough girl look with the cut sleeves and having more red and orange colors in her design while also keeping her towel belt bc of the theme of her gym being a hot spring (her gym goes SO HARD in ORAS)
Roxanne's design leans in hard into the teacher aesthetic along with having a nice business vibe since Rustboro is Hoenn's financial hub
Wattson's design leaned more into his RSE side but also added a bit of yellow to his hair and some plusle minun themed goggles since this man definitely owns a bunch of novelty accessories and shirts (he is wearing a Togedemaru themed Alola shirt under his jacket)
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Pre current day trio back when they were traveling together! (Steven at this point is 16 about to hit 17 while Winona and Wallace are 17)
Steven is freshly graduated from Rustboro High 2 years early with honors and is set to go to university but he had decided to take on the Hoenn League before he does since he was considered a prodigy in his advanced battling courses and was noted to have an affinity for steel types and psychic types
Winona had originally set off at 14 as a part of her Field Researcher course, she wasn't very interested in it at first but was hooked immediately when the teachers said that she would be studying in Fallarbor which not only has a healthy Swablu population nearby but also some Skarmory and Gligar sightings, she and Steven meet back up after 2 years of not seeing eachother and the first thing they do is go out to try to catch a Skarmory (it goes comedically wrong but ends with Winona getting a newly hatched Skarmory and Steven getting the world's snarkiest Skarmory despite it only being a few months old)
Wallace is an up and coming Coordinator who already has a bit of a following from the contest he had participated in in Slateport showing off his Milotic and Gyarados duo which shocked the audience since most trainers his age completely forego training Gyarados because of their temper but Wallace's is surprisingly elegant, he doesn't participate in the Gym Circuit until he hits his early 20s but does have the Rain Badge (he did attend Rustboro's middle school years ago which is where he first met Steven and Winona but quickly transfered to Uva-Naranja academy in Paldea since they was offering a really nice foreign exchange student program)
(Winona's Swablu is shiny since her father had wanted to have a special one bred to be her starter)
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I may have done a little something special with Maxie's design, he still keeps the shoulder pads since every admin in Magma wears some form of armor but he is hiding a little something behind those glasses, he had been partially possessed by the Red Orb when he first came into contact with it years ago permanently scaring him along with changing his eyes (at first I went 3.0 + 1.0 Gendo-like but simply stuck with how Primal Groudon's would look), he just simply hides it along with the glasses having improved his eyesight along with it being where his keystone is affixed
Zinnia went full gremlin vagabond vibes, messy hair and a torn sleeve from where she had to patch up a nasty wound that her Salamence had suffered when they first left Meteor Falls no thanks to a very angry Walrein, she had been entrusted with the 2nd mega anklet that her village possessed officially crowning her as Lorekeeper along with the remains of Aster's cape (Aster had the 1st mega anklet but it was lost when they passed)
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foxyyaoguai · 1 year
We are excited to announce the prompts and dates for Jadecest Week 2023! Which one is your favorite? 👀
Dates: Oct 30th - Nov 5th, 2023
Admins: @foxyyaoguai, @rx-mercury & @candlesoftener
Follow us on Twitter.
Please reblog for reach 💙
Day 1: Sect Rituals, Exhibitionism/Voyeurism, Touching/Exchanging of Forehead Ribbons
Day 2: Hurt/Comfort, Oral Fixation/Cock Nursing, Confessions
Day 3: Soulmates, Collaring, (Over)Protectiveness
Day 4: Omegaverse, Breeding/Oviposition, Sacrifice
Day 5: Fuck or Die, Bondage, Comforting
Day 6: Dark Jades, Edging/Orgasm Denial, Jealousy
Day 7: Only one Bed, Somnophilia, Codependency
1. Each day consists of 3 prompts. You may choose between 1 and 3 prompts for your work. Any interpretation of the prompts is valid.
2. All kinds of creations are accepted: fanfics, threads, podfics, photo manips, fanart, video edits, gifs, or whatever your heart desires.
3. Please tag your work properly! Every kind of content is welcome, as long as it is tagged correctly. NFSW submissions must be flagged with a sensitive content warning.
4. Polyships are welcome, as long as the Twin Jades are the focus of your work.
5. There's no minimum word count for fanfics or other requirements for participation. You are welcome to post a drabble, a rough sketch, or a multichapter longfic!
6. Tag your work following this example: Day 04 - Prompts: Omegaverse, Sacrifice and use the Tag #JadecestWeek2023 so we can reblog.
7. Works on Ao3 can be added to our Event Collection.
8. Do you have questions? Ask in the comments or send us a dm.
Are you part of our Jadecest Discord Server yet? DM for an invite link.
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kaliade · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland Demon!Yuu AU
Once more join me on the Twisted Wonderland train that my brain seems to not want to get off of. 
Bald Mountain is a thing that exists in Disney lore.  Fantasia is amazing and Chernabog has appeared in other Disney media (see House of Mouse). So, let’s make Chernabog and Bald Mountain exist in Twisted Wonderland.  And even more, make it so that our player character (for this AU to be names Yuna and female) be sort of from Bald Mountain.  Below is mostly background information of Bald Mountain as a way to keep my ideas somewhere where I can see them.
Bald Mountain Home of demons, ruled by Chernabog, who is a lazy ass woh sleeps a lot and leaves the running of the hellscape to the 8 Pillars.  Each Pillar is a general of Bald Mountain and controls a specific aspect of life in the mountain.  The 7 Pillars represent the 7 deadly sins.  The 8th is staffed near completely by part-demons, sacrifices, and atavists.  There is a near constant war going on in the depth of Bald Mountain between the demons, condemned souls, and outer realm beings.  Bald Mountain is one of the first lines of defense for the worlds of Disney for keeping beings from beyond/Great Old Ones from invading.
Pillar 1: Sin of Pride General Ez’godath Military Role: Air force
Pillar 2: Sloth Admiral Kagloth Military Role: Navy
Pillar 3: Wrath General Trorkollek (Usually abbreviated to General Trork because they can’t stand the time wasted saying their full name) Military Role: Army
Pillar 4: Lust General Jol’gan Military role: Spies, Scouts, Sabotage, Assassins
Pillar 5: Greed General Ogath Military Role: Logistics/Admin/Strategists
Pillar 6: Envy General Tezrin Military role: Engineers and Demolition
Pillar 7: Gluttony General Vuranoth Military Role: Support (food, medical, transport, etc)
Pillar 8: Unnamed or called the Civvy Branch as a slang term General Yuna Military Role: Internal affairs, Security, External Relations (aka the Diplomat Corps), Police, Emergency Services, Non-Military healers, Research and Development, anything the other Generals dump on them *They end up working closely with the 5th, 6th, and 7th Pillars on a lot of things.*
Bald Mountain has 2 sections. The exterior and the interior. It is dangerous for a non-demon to enter the interior as the space is constantly changing and time isn’t constant. All sacrifices live on the exterior and most civilian businesses are owned by them. 
Sacrifices are people who were offered up for a demon deal by someone else. Sadly, most of them were offered up as children. They do get the option to become a part demon or full demon and gain a demonic parent. Cater is one of these, becoming a succubus after being sacrificed by his mother at age 8 in exchange for power. A clause in those types of agreements state that the sacrifice can at any time call in the penalty clause. Cater is waiting for the best chance to call in his mother’s. 
Yes, I am getting Cater away from his bitch of a mother and his spoiled brat sisters.  The boy deserves so much better than them.  He’s a succubus now, having taken the full demon choice.  He tends to just go by Cater or, if he needs a last name he uses Cater Berg. Berg means Mountain.
Ok, back to Bald Mountain geography.  So, Bald Mountain exists in multiple dimensions at once all linked through the interior of the mountain, which is why it can be dangerous for a non-demon to enter the mountain.  So because of this, it’s not that odd for demons to meet people from other dimensions or go to other dimensions to have kids.  This brings into play the ativists, or people who have a demonic ancestor way, way back in their bloodline and the demonic genes going active out of nowhere.  This is what happened to Yuna.
Yuna lived in an expy of our world with no magic.  It may have had magic in the past, but that’s considered myth.  Her ancestor happens to be Chernabog, making her one of the demon king's many, many descendants.  Her demonic genes go active around the age of 18 or so and she gets kidnapped to Bald Mountain where everything is explained to her.  Having no way home until she controls her new powers, she trains, joins the Bald Mountain military (as I imagine it’s a mandatory thing), gets assigned to the 8th Pillar and eventually goes up the ranks to become general…after about 150 years or so. 
That was 100 years ago.  Now she’s been forced on vacation by her second, Cater.  She goes back home.  No time has passed and she still looks like she’s 18.  Demon genes mean aging is really slow.  Then, while going on her morning run, she encounters a black carriage and is dragged to Twisted Wonderland.  And this is where our story starts…
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Hello friends and fellow sleuths!
the holiday season is nearly upon us again, and with that comes... presents! once again we're bringing you the Secret Sleuth Holiday Gift Exchange 2022!
what does this mean? this Gift Exchange will be an exchange of fanworks between fandom friends. this is an open exchange, which means it is not ship or character specific, and gifts can be made to cater what interests our participants.
by signing up, you will be committing yourself to creating something fun for your assigned Secret Sleuth based on the form filled out below. but shh... remember it’s a secret! any contact you have with your SS after you receive your assignments should be anonymous or through the exchange admins, to help keep the integrity of the exchange.
what can i make? we have outlined what gifts will be acceptable for our exchange here:
fanfiction (1500 words minimum)
graphics/gifsets (2 image minimum)
icons/header sets for twitter/tumblr (4 item minimum)
playlists (15 song minimum, appropriate cover art, and linked)
fanvid (2 minute minimum)
moodboard (8 panel minimum)
if you have other ideas, check with us to see if they are appropriate! we're always open to new things!
how do i sign up? using this form -- please provide as much detail as possible, so we can match you with the best possible Secret Sleuth and to help them create a gift perfect for you!
what’s the timeline?
14 October: sign-ups open for 3 weeks
4 November: sign-ups close
6-11 November: all gift assignments will be delivered in this time frame
2 December: check-in #1: we'll check in to see how you are doing with starting your gift - we will also begin scheduling reveal dates!
16 December: check-in #2: we'll check in a week before the deadline to see if you will be finished on time
23 December: all gifts must be completed & drafted, ready for posting
24 December: gifts will be posted starting on this date, with 5-10 revealed each day until we complete all gifts (during check-ins, sleuths will coordinate with their exchange admin to schedule which day they will be revealing!
what's new in 2022?
extra time: you will have an extra week to create your gift this year, with 6 weeks total between the date of your match being assigned and the submission deadline
extended gift reveal schedule: rather than posting all gifts within a 3-day window, we will schedule between 5-10 gifts to be posted on our blog every day from 24 December until we have revealed all the gifts
assigned gift reveal dates: once we've gotten matches and assignments set, we'll work on scheduling which day you'll post during our check-ins. this will help not to overwhelm people consuming your content and ensure it doesn't get buried in the tumblr tags / ao3 listing by other content
you will have the option to submit your gifts to the blog for us to post during the exchange time frame (good for those who might not have a tumblr themselves) or you may schedule your gift to be posted during that time frame (with the blog tagged and appropriate exchange tag used!) more detailed instructions to follow!
please remember this is an exchange, you’re expected to fulfill your end of the commitment when you sign-up and we want to create quality content for the holiday season and bring joy to all involved! if you do not think you can provide a high caliber gift in one of the acceptable formats, we would ask you not sign-up, but you will still be able to enjoy all the fruits at the end of the event!
follow us here @secretsleuthexchange or on Twitter @ssgiftexchange and track our tag #secretsleuthgiftexchange to keep up with the event!
please reblog and spread the word!
xoxo Secret Sleuth Gift Exchange team
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astoriaroleplay · 2 years
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As promised, we’ve come up with a few settings to be used (although not mandatory, of course!) in starters, plots, etc, thus making it easier for our characters to get to know one another and possibly build up connections that go further than messages exchanged on discord! We also know some players prefer connecting through threads instead of having pre-established connections, so these might help out too!
These are only a few things happening in Astoria in the early weeks of October! Expand for more information!
-Admin Team.
Oct. 2-9 - 15% discount on theatre tickets to kick off Founders month!
Oct. 3-8 - 10% off on anything pumpkin spiced at Java Cafe
Oct.7 - Speed-dating night at Coffee Spells. 21+ only. Drinks will be charged accordingly.
Oct. 9 - Hunter’s Moon. The first full moon after the fall equinox, the Hunter’s Moon rises around the same time for several nights in a row, so start looking for it on Saturday, October 8! As the Moon drifts over the horizon around sunset, it may appear larger and more orange—how perfect for the fall season! All supernatural creatures will have their powers heightened, meaning even the most in-control beings might need to pay extra attention to their self-control. FULL MOON’S PEAK: 4:54PM EST.
Oct. 10-12 - Free entrance for students and teachers at the National Museum. They’re having an exhibition to celebrate Nova Pangaea’s 330th Founders’ Day.
Oct. 12 - Spooky Movie Night under the stars at Lammas Garden. Bring your coziest blanket, your favorite snacks and come enjoy Halloween 1 & 2 back to back! Starts at 5pm.
Oct. 14 & 15 - Lil Nas X: The Montero Tour at NPA Center (Sold out!)
Oct. 14 - Karaoke night at Lyons bar! Your first beer or drink is on the house.
All month long: Classic Horror Movies in all Empire Cinemas. Every Tuesday of the month, one movie theatre in each Empire Cinema around the city will be showing these movies. Week 1: George Romero’s Day of the Dead. Week 2: Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead; Week 3: Wes Craven’s A Nightmare on Elm Street; Week 4: Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining.
All month long: During the fall, the Birchwood Bazaar hosts a seasonal version of its iconic flea market. The curated market takes place on Sundays on Birchwood’s Oak Street yearlong but pulls out all the stops during autumn in Astoria. Anyone interested in furniture, vintage clothing, jewelry, and crafts will feel like they are in paradise here. Each week, the bazaar features a variety of merchants on rotation, offering tchotchkes, antiques, and delicious local cuisine. Be sure to come hungry!
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rxshl · 3 months
1. The US has its own interest in the contested region, clothed in its pronouncement to protect the freedom of navigation within the region. They take advantage of their relations with the Philippines (as their former colony) to push their agenda and maintain their dominance in the international sphere. States primarily prioritize their own survival. Vietnam-US relations are still influenced by their conflict during the Vietnam War (which was also part of the Cold War). Meanwhile, the Philippines is at the crossroads of two global superpowers (China and the US). Based on the balance of power theory, the US might be preventing the rise of another state that can dominate its less powerful neighbors. EDCA is an exercise of soft power to signify their presence within the region. The invasion of Taiwan is another excuse for the US to meddle in Asian affairs. It intends to circle and surround the maritime boundaries of China to contain its expansionism. China counteracts by targeting the resupply mission and questioning the involvement of the US in the regional dispute.
2. Following the American presence in the WPS, the maritime dispute could be a hotbed of conflict. If international organizations don’t intervene in the incidents, unintended consequences might arise. However, the UN is instrumental in preventing large-scale wars (but was ineffective in preventing regional disputes similar to the Russian-Ukraine War). Thucydides trap might be applied to the continued rise of China, which threatens US dominance. The realist school of international relations advances the framework that war is inevitable due to the competition of states to dominate world politics. Idealism, on the other hand, emphasizes rule-based order and the role of international organizations and institutions in the peaceful resolution of disputes.
3. Indeed, China’s aggression is illegal due to their ratification of UNCLOS; however, international law does not provide a law enforcement/police force to compel China to cease their illegal activities. This is why, despite the favorable ruling of the International Tribunal in 2016, China can dismiss such ruling and impose its own claim based on historical rights. Hence, the salami-slicing strategy is being applied to exercise their claim without backlash from the international community. They frame the dispute as a provocation from the Philippine side to divert attention away from their illegal activities.
4. Trump's decrease in military exposure can be attributed to his xenophobic views, which are apparent in travel bans early in his term against Muslims, withdrawal of military force in Afghanistan, and erecting walls on the Mexican border. Loans obtained by the Duterte administration from China may also be related to debt-trap diplomacy to let China gain leverage for their WPS claims. Duterte probably considered options that would help his BBB project as well as the pandemic recovery. Since bipolarity of power exists between China and US. Diplomacy (and politics in general) presupposes the temporariness of allies and rivals and the permanence of interest. As I indicated in No. 1 earlier, states primarily prioritize their own survival.
5. International relations can also be motivated by quid pro quos, the shift of the Marcos admin to US can signify the Philippines trade-offs with a neocolonial master, forming alliances in exchange for something, I guess some favor related to the invocation of MDT (particularly in the construction of EDCA sites). I also view the relations with US as somehow similar to what happened to the Cuban Missile Crisis, by placing military infrastructure in strategic locations (also indicated in response no. 1 with regard to containment within the maritime boundaries).
6. I agree that enforcement of rights in WPS is a right thing to do in promoting a rule-based order, It may also divert collective attention away from some issues, which may include the questions regarding their family's ill gotten wealth, the positioning of their relatives in key political positions (which may also signify entrenching their power in the long run similar to what they did in their hometown), or inflation management. A declaration of martial law might be unlikely except on certain grounds (and that includes invasion). I cannot tell what the possible motives are since military and tactical approaches are highly confidential in nature.
7. MDT provides that an armed attack on signatory parties would trigger the defense of another. There is no assurance that the US will honor its commitment (but the Philippines may haul US to ICJ for failure to comply in good faith, which will only cause additional burden to a possible armed attack). War is one possibility if conflict keeps on escalating. Multilateral alliances with other states are crucial in case US refuses to be involved. One interpretation of ongoing conflict is some form of Hobbesian trap where fear of imminent attack by both parties will preempt a possible strike. Other possibilities include a possible diplomatic understanding or bargaining between the contending parties. International relations theory offers different approaches to how the situation can be understood (similar to political ideologies). Diplomatic officers are vital in pursuing different means to address China's aggressiveness. I am just hoping that the officers in charge will make the right calls to settle the situation.
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poojanegi99945 · 6 months
Exploring the Features of a PancakeSwap Clone: A DeFi Development Company's Perspective
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In the dynamic realm of decentralized finance (DeFi), PancakeSwap has emerged as a leading decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Its user-friendly interface, robust liquidity provision, and yield farming opportunities have garnered significant attention from crypto enthusiasts and investors alike. As the popularity of PancakeSwap continues to soar, entrepreneurs and developers are increasingly drawn to the idea of creating their decentralized exchanges. Enter the PancakeSwap clone script – a comprehensive solution offered by DeFi development companies to replicate the success of PancakeSwap.
So, what exactly does a PancakeSwap clone script entail, and what features does it offer? Let's delve into the intricacies:
1. Familiar User Interface: 
A PancakeSwap clone script aims to replicate the intuitive and user-friendly interface of the original platform. Users should feel comfortable navigating through the exchange, accessing liquidity pools, and engaging in yield-farming activities.
2. Decentralized Exchange Functionality: 
At its core, a PancakeSwap clone functions as a decentralized exchange, facilitating the seamless exchange of various tokens on the Binance Smart Chain. It supports features like swapping, adding liquidity, and earning rewards through liquidity provision.
3. Automated Market Making (AMM): 
Similar to PancakeSwap, the clone script utilizes an AMM mechanism to enable liquidity provision and token swapping without the need for order books. This ensures continuous liquidity and competitive pricing for traders.
4. Yield Farming and Staking: 
One of the key attractions of PancakeSwap and its clones is the opportunity for users to earn rewards through yield farming and staking. The clone script incorporates these features, allowing users to stake their tokens in liquidity pools and earn yield in the form of trading fees and governance tokens.
5. Liquidity Pools Management:
Admins of the PancakeSwap clone can manage liquidity pools, add new token pairs, adjust fee structures, and implement other customization options to cater to the specific needs of their platform.
6. Security Measures: 
Security is paramount in the world of DeFi, and a PancakeSwap clone script prioritizes the implementation of robust security measures to protect users' funds and data. This may include smart contract audits, integration of security protocols, and adherence to best practices in code development.
7. Community Governance: 
Inspired by the decentralized ethos of DeFi, PancakeSwap clones often incorporate community governance mechanisms, allowing token holders to participate in decision-making processes such as protocol upgrades and fee adjustments.
8. Cross-Chain Compatibility: 
While PancakeSwap operates on the Binance Smart Chain, some PancakeSwap clones offer cross-chain compatibility, enabling users to easily access liquidity from multiple blockchains and bridge assets.
In conclusion, a Pancakeswap clone script is a comprehensive solution for entrepreneurs and developers looking to enter the thriving DeFi landscape. With its array of features mirroring those of the original PancakeSwap platform, coupled with the expertise of a reputable DeFi development company, aspiring innovators can embark on their journey to launch a successful decentralized exchange and contribute to the growing ecosystem of decentralized finance.
If you're considering venturing into the world of decentralized exchanges or seeking to explore the possibilities offered by a PancakeSwap clone script, partnering with a reliable DeFi development company can be the first step towards realizing your vision and making a mark in the ever-evolving realm of decentralized finance.
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truef4ction · 11 months
School rules
1. One account per head.
2. We accept all stars born between 1998-2004, excluding twins, unless your character's backstory includes being a twin.
3. CIC (Circle in Circle), inside jokes, involving in a drama, and exchanging Spotify, KKT, Telegram, Cyber Account, or other form of personal information is prohibited. As well engage in jokes or comments with racist or offensive undertones, please avoid actions that might make others feel excluded and uncomfortable.
4. Please use proper typing without resorting to unclear or unintelligible typing. Let's make sure everyone feels comfortable and can understand each other easily.
5. On the first day, you may post up to 70 tweets and 40 tweets for the following days.
6. You may take a maximum hiatus of one day, but you must obtain permission from the agency leaders. Inactivity for 24 hours without admin approval will result in a warning, and 48 hours without approval will lead to an unverification.
7. Due to our schedule, we recommend against juggling multiple agencies or joining more than one agency outside of True Faction.
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hollyoxleylevel6 · 1 year
My quote experiments
Following my conversations with Dot and Emily, I decided to choose one quote from my recordings and give them to different people for them to create the conversation that came before it. I thought this would be quite interesting because it would work similar to overhearing part of a conversation and trying to guess what they were talking about. This would give me an insight into how different people interpret a phrase.
I decided to use the phrase "It's like a little tickle, but a tug as well." (Treais and Gilchrist, ,2023b), which was a description my flatmate Heather used to describe when her insulin pump is ripped out. I chose this phrase because I think it is quite open and can be used to describe a lot of things. However, it is also a bit obscure meaning the person will need to think about their answer.
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I found it quite interesting on peoples first reaction when I gave them this phrase. Some started laughing, others instantly started writing but some gave me a freaked out look and asked me whether this quote was suitable for a university setting. I found this quite funny becayse nearly all of them twisted the innocent phrase into something sexual when they first read it. However, instead of using their first impressions to direct the narrative, the majority of people took time to consider what they should write. I found this reaction quite intriguing because on the people I asked explicitly told me that they chose a narrative they deemed more 'appropriate' than the one they first thought of. Therefore, when reading them I began questioning whether their answers may have been vastly different if they did not know this activity was for my university project.
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On the other hand, this response to the phrase shows me that writing the first narrative this phrase shows, creates a chaotic response. I like how this answer twists the phrase so much that it changes completely from the original meaning.
In conclusion, I have found that recording a conversation can lead to many different narratives depending on the context it is given. By changing something as small as where the people are and what their tone of voice is, I can create multiple narratives by only using one exchange.
When talking with Emily earlier, she told me about Overheard London. Overheard London is an Instagram account that has quotes the admins have overheard somewhere in London. When looking at this account I was inspired to try my own experiment with creating the narrative by choosing 4 quotes and creating the story behind them.
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I found this exercise quite fun to do myself because I needed to think what setting and context I wanted to place the phrase in. This would set the overall tone and layout of my narrative.
However, with my narratives, I decided to write down the first narrative that came to mind. This made my responses more instinctive because I did not overthink them. I like how this made my responses feel less scripted. The responses from the others feel more like a script instead of a conversation because each sentence looks planned out. Meanwhile my narratives feel more loose and less detailed.
Following these experiments, I am interested in exploring why amusement was the most popular response to the phrases. This will give me a better understanding on how I can express my narrative typographically, as I will be able to see how I can evoke different emotions.
Overheard London. (2023). “Until you have cried on public transport, you’re not a true Londoner”. Instagram. [online]. 31 May. Available from: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs6Pt2mPDi4/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==. [Accessed 18 October 2023].
Overheard London. (2022). “I’m 50% wondering if it’s too late to drink coffee, and 50% wondering if it’s too early to drink wine”. Instagram. [online]. 14 July. Available from: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf_rP90M-nq/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==. [Accessed 18 October 2023].
Overheard London. (2020). “I’m a stay at home daughter”. Instagram. [online]. 25 August. Available from: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf_rP90M-nq/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==. [Accessed 18 October 2023].
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mathsproofread · 2 years
Top Tips for Proofreading Emails
Writing emails is an essential part of modern-day life, whether it concerns work or personal. However, people often write their emails in a hurry or increasingly on mobile devices, where they are more prone to making mistakes. Our quick tips for proofreading your emails will highlight some key issues to look out for.
 ·      Getting the recipient's name right
Often when we reply to someone new, we read the email quickly and assume we remember the person's name. However, that is not always the case. Often, the same name can have multiple spellings, and it is important to take a moment and double-check this. Getting this wrong can create the impression that you do not have good attention to detail or do not care enough about the person or the matter to devote the time to. This can be significant if it is an important work-related matter, so take the time to always double-check name spellings before replying.
 ·      Double-check your tone
When writing emails, it is easy to misjudge the tone of the email. Sometimes it is necessary to be formal, and sometimes a formal email may appear too cold or rude. Therefore, it is important to consider who you are sending the email to and the purpose. For example, if it concerns work or business and this is the first few times you have exchanged emails, starting with 'Dear' and using a formal tone would work best. However, after you have built a rapport and a working relationship, it is perfectly acceptable to relax the tone and be in the middle between casual and formal.
 ·      Do not forget to attach
A common mistake when sending emails is forgetting to attach certain documents. Many email clients will show a reminder if you have used the word 'attach' in an email, as this is a common issue. However, this is not always the case. Hence, you need always to double-check before you press 'send' that you have attached the document and the correct one, for that matter!
 ·      Check for clarity and wordiness
It is important that your email is clear and gets across what you intend to. This can be a particular issue in a business context if it appears as if you are suggesting something that may not be included in your service. So make sure that your email is concise and clear. Never use too many words to describe something that can be described simply, as this can create confusion and lead to misunderstanding.
 Try to keep your sentences simple and direct. Often emails written at a basic reading level have better response rates. Whereas long, complex sentences with big words can make your text more challenging to read for a busy person who may be rushing through their emails.
 In this context, consider George Orwell's five rules of writing:
1. Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figures of speech you are used to seeing in print.
2. Never use a long word where a short one will do.
3. If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out.
4. Never use the passive voice when you can use the active one.
5. Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.
 ·      Finally, proofread your emails
This article has covered many of the most common issues people face when writing emails. However, along with checking for such issues, it is also important to proofread your email thoroughly. This will ensure that you create a positive impression as well as allow you to double-check that you have not made any significant errors in the tone, for example.
 Our proofreading service
At Maths Proofread, we offer a professional proofreading service for students, academicians, individuals and businesses. We can ensure that your written content is free from spelling and grammatical errors and check syntax, sentence structure, and tone. Therefore, if you want help ensuring that you send flawless emails every time, simply upload your text in an MS Word file and send us through WhatsApp or email below:
WhatsApp: +6010-7606 284
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ayesha-awan · 2 years
Maximizing Returns: A Look at the Top 5 Crypto Pump and Dump Bots
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Are you tired of missing out on crypto pumps and dumps? Do you wish there was a way to maximize your profits and minimize risk? Pump bots are here to save the day!
Pump bots are specialized software that can help you take advantage of pump-and-dump schemes in the cryptocurrency market. These bots can be programmed with specific strategies and rules, allowing you to make more informed decisions about when to enter and exit a trade. Whether a seasoned pro or a beginner, pump bots can help you navigate the complex and volatile world of crypto pumps.
But with so many pump bots on the market, how do you choose the right one? Here are the 5 top pump bots you can consider:
1.  PumpBot
PumpBot is a user-friendly crypto pump-and-dump bot that is also suitable for people who are not developers. PumpBot has an active and helpful admin in its Discord community. It is also programmed to follow specific strategies and rules, helping you make more informed decisions about when to enter and exit a trade. PumpBot can help you save time and effort by providing you with the tools, knowledge, and support you need to succeed in crypto pump-and-dump schemes.
2.  BeexBot
BeexBot GUI design and advanced features could make it a tempting option for experienced traders seeking a comprehensive solution. However, the owner of BeexBot is currently offline, as the application does not currently support popular exchanges such as Gate.io or Hotbit.
3.  PumpSnipper
One of the key features of this pump bot is its ability to read and react to coins automatically, giving you lightning-fast execution times and maximizing your profits. With PumpSnipper on your side, you can get in and out of trades in milliseconds, giving you a significant advantage over manual traders.
However, it's worth noting that the PumpSniper website is currently experiencing technical issues, and updates on the project may be delayed. This could concern some users, as this bot relies on the website for support and updates.
4.  MoonShot
MoonShot has user-friendly interface and customization options. Whether a beginner or an experienced trader, you'll find it easy to set up and use this bot to trade on popular exchanges like Binance and Bitfinex. It's interesting to see how these newer bots will evolve and improve over time. Some have speculated that the creators of MoonShot may have taken a free python program and rebranded it before attempting to sell it at 350$.
5.  PumpWinner
PumpWinner was available for purchase with a monthly subscription of $50. It offered a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) and customization options. The owner of PumpWinner is currently offline, and the bot is no longer available for purchase. The developers of PumpWinner may update and revamp the bot to better compete with newer alternatives in the market.
Select the Right Pump Bot for Yourself!
Selecting the right pump bot can be challenging, as each option has unique features and drawbacks. Ultimately, your best choice will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Although, PumpBot is a top contender when choosing a pump-and-dump bot. It boasts a highly active and responsive development team constantly seeking ways to improve the bot based on user feedback. While PumpBot stands out as a top pick, it's always worth keeping an eye on other options to see how they compare in the long run.
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wyndhamhotelss · 2 years
How the Best Hotel Knoxville Convention Centre Can Solve Operational Challenges?
Despite being the best hotel Knoxville Convention Centre, you might face several operational challenges that can lower the guest experience. Everything from managing the workload to continuing with the same resources can be a challenge. Here we will discuss a few challenges and how to work your way around them. 1. The biggest issue that most hotel owners face is staff shortage. Yes, you will notice that resource unavailability during peak season is a normal. The reasons could be several including poor wages for the long working hours and benefits associated with working for you. that’s why you need to reconsider your staff benefits and wages. If it will help manage the operations better and wont impact the overall cost in a heavy way, you might want to give it a try. You should try to use recruitment as a way to outreach. For example, if people have joined your company to work with you, ask them the reason they believe in your work. Check with them what they like. Share their testimonials to get more people. You should incorporate the best tools to make them the employee’s best friends. This will help enhance retention at the best hotels Knoxville Convention Centre Tennessee. 2. The second reason you might face issues in your hotel could be owing to poor reviews. Some of the things that the guest expects aren’t fulfilled when they visit your hotel. It is again owing to operational issues that you are facing. For example, a shortage in staff could lead to unclean spaces, which can cause reputation issues. Make sure to attend to this issue by addressing the customer’s review and connecting with them directly. If you acknowledge their problem and offer a solution through the reviews, you are actually working on it. similarly, get mobile app technology into your administration to keep check on things that need maintenance, cleaning and other things. It will give you an upper hand and help you manage the things easily 3. It is very important for the best hotel Knoxville Convention Centre to be in sync with the current trends. You need to ensure that everything from technology to cleaning is done keeping in mind the current needs of the guest and the experiences they believe in. For example, a lot of people come over for workations, they might need co-working spaces. If you can provide them with the same, it can improve their experience. Similarly, private kitchens or dining for staycation can be a good idea. Use the trends and preferences to market these aspects for better bookings 4. In the hotels, the biggest challenge arises from disconnected systems. For example, your booking system may not be connected with the admin panel. Similarly, your sales and marketing work in silos and away from operations. This leads to no data exchanges, which leads to same issues within the hotel and similar experiences for the guests. If you want to turn things around in best hotels Knoxville Convention Centre Tennessee, you should integrate the different systems. It will help with data sharing and ensure all stakeholders are aware of what needs to be done.
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sprookjeslands · 2 years
1. One account per head.
2. We accept asian only for your face claim. Make sure you are no younger than 21 years old by this year. Please don't use face claims that are prohibited.
3. We don't tolerate any kind of jokes that possibly could hurt or trigger anyone in any way. Thus, be mindful with your words. Please be kind.
4. No outsider, meaning you can't interact with anyone outside this agency including quote retweeting their tweets. Do interact and form a bond with our members only.
5. Avoid causing the fuss by making some scene of drama, having reunion, circle-in-circle talk or exchange your contact outside the Wonderland.
6. Be respectful by keeping the timeline safe before NSFW hour started (11 PM - 5 AM). However, still, you are not allowed to post any kind of explicit photo or video on timeline.
7. Reach 49 tweets on your first arrival and 27 tweets per day on the next day and afterwards. Please do make sure to participate actively on every conducted session as well and tell us if you can't make it.
8. Hiatus period is 2 days maximum.
9. Inactiveness in 24 hours will lead you for being kicked out from the Wonderland.
10. Temporary swap is not allowed, because we are here only for 10 days.
11. You may change your face claim on the third days after joining us. Each members are given only one chances for this one.
12. We don't allow our members to host any kind of caracal / watching together / spotify session by themselves.
14. Do not hesitate to reach out to admins if you have anything in mind about us, the members, or anything that related with the agency itself. Let's make Wonderland a place that makes you feel comfortable.
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convertinwp · 2 years
Easy Steps To Migrate WordPress To Drupal
WordPress may be a terribly powerful platform that works utterly for every type of Web of the web and web app. straightforward straight forward simple setup and equally easy integration of parts and plugins attract a large variety of developers to the platform.
However, there are things once WordPress isn't the correct CMS or alternative. Perhaps, WordPress doesn't supply the correct balance of options and development or even the event team is feeling bold. Whatever, the reason, Drupal offers a really economical difference from WordPress in the majority of things.
Migrating a WordPress-based mostly website to Drupal seems to be a significant challenge to several developers. However, the subsequent guide makes the method nearly as simple as A-B-C.
As always, backing up the WordPress version before continuing with the migration method might prevent plenty of grief and headache.
Login to your WordPress Admin
Navigate to Tools → Export.
Download the XML File containing “All content”.
Make sure that the XML file is valid using xmllint through the command line because WordPress Migrate is very particular about valid XML.
xmllint comes pre-installed on OSX.
Open the terminal and type xmllint testwordpressexport.xml.
It will show all the errors in the XML file.
Make appropriate fixes to the XML file.
After that, run xmllint again to make sure that all errors have been rectified.
Install the appropriate Drupal modules
Migrate – A very robust Drupal module for migrating all types of content
WordPress Migrate – Migrate submodule that allows you to perform WordPress migration without writing code!
Migrate Extras – provides functionality to import clean URLs using Pathauto
Pathauto – provides functionality to have clean URLs in Drupal
After logging into Drupal, navigate to the Find Content screen, and click the WordPress Migration tab on the upper right side.
Choose Import from a File.
Select the valid XML file that you saved earlier.
Migration Complete!
Navigate to Find Content to make sure that the data was properly imported.
Paths of WordPress pictures may stay unchanged. this can be the most reason behind the broken pictures issue. This drawback can be simply resolved by finding and exchanging the right methods within the XML file before commercializing it into Drupal.
Migrating a website from Drupal To WordPress isn't an extremely technical method, same as migrating from Joomla To WordPress is additionally simple. The success of the method depends upon the error-free XML file. If you face any issues throughout the migration method or have a connected question, please be happy to comment below.
If you want to do out the migration method, you may select Drupal Hosting provided by Cloud ways. the method is straightforward and with one-click installation, you may fancy nice edges and excellently managed hosting expertise.
To Take More Info Click Here
Convert Joomla Site To WordPress
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