#admin tk
voidsnarrator · 6 months
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I have made the single Timekeeper design I have first out of wire (and monocle as clock cus I didn't have anything else)
And now also out of pipe cleaners haha
TK will now stay on my closet door protecting my pin collection uwu
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slavhew · 2 years
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Ignyacio "Nacho" Varga
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14.08 Byzantium
Script (Production Draft):
*You can see all of the other scripts we have here. We are working on sharing scripts with TV Writing, you can read what we've shared (so far) here. To buy scripts and autographs we need donations (monetary and/or of Gold/Silver badge autographs), and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a discord server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining. If you have a script you'd be willing to share, please message us here or on our twitter.
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peppermintquartz · 18 days
Tommy is drinking alone at his and Evan's usual table, waiting for his boyfriend who says he is meeting an old friend, when he notices a handsome dark-haired man walk in. He's wearing a light khaki jacket over a dark brown v-neck tee, all over faded black jeans and hiking boots. Tommy doesn't mean to stare, but when a good-looking stranger appears in his line of sight, he's not going to pretend he isn't appreciative.
The man must've felt Tommy's observation, because his gaze locks in. There's a querying smile on his face, an eyebrow ticking up, and Tommy replies with a faint smile and a slight shake of his head.
To Tommy's surprise, the stranger walks over and takes the seat opposite Tommy. Tommy leans back into his seat, putting some distance between them. "I don't know you, do I?"
"Nah," says the man. "But you're the only friendly face I noticed when I came in, so I figured it would be less awkward to sit here than to stand in the middle of the room, looking for my friend."
He sounds like he may be from Texas, but that isn't a guarantee that he isn't living in Los Angeles - LA is the city holding people from everywhere, an amalgamation of strangers.
Bemused, Tommy scans the man again, and relaxes slightly when he notices a ring on the stranger's left hand.
"Here alone?" Tommy asks.
The man chuckles quietly. "Only for a couple of days while my husband sorts out some admin issues back home. You?"
"Waiting for my boyfriend," Tommy says. "He's supposed to be here already, but he probably got caught in traffic."
"Ugh, driving in this city is a nightmare." The stranger waves down a waiter and places an order for a whisky, neat as well as fancy branded water. "So thankful for Uber. I can't picture having to drive these streets every day."
"I like driving outside of the city," says Tommy. If he were single, he would have offered to show this handsome man some scenic views. As it is, he smiles politely and asks, "Is your friend coming soon?"
"Hopefully! I mean, all I've got is 'I'm on the way, go in first'." The man rolls his eyes. "Can't I hang here till he shows? I like having someone to chat with while waiting. I wouldn't seem so pathetic."
"Maybe we can help you get a table nearby." Tommy doesn't want to sound rude, but he is not risking Evan thinking he is flirting with another guy.
The man tilts his head and scrutinizes Tommy. "You're a good boyfriend," he remarks. "If you'd flirted with me at all, I'd have told Buck to drop you like a hot potato."
Tommy blinks in confusion and then realization. "You're the Texas TK!"
"And you're the LA edition," TK replies with a broad grin. He offers a hand and Tommy shakes it firmly. "Buck's always boasting about you. You do look a lot hotter in person, and the photo Buck sent was plenty hot already."
With an embarrassed duck of his head, Tommy says, "He always sends that one to people, I don't know why."
"Showing off, obviously." TK holds his phone to the side and his front camera is on. "Alright, smile for a we-fie. I'm gonna let Buck know I'm already here charming his man. Maybe that'll get him to teleport." He snaps a quick shot of them both, and as he types a message, he asks, "What do you recommend for a hungry visitor?"
"Lasagne. Or the carbonara, that's quite good too." Tommy slides the menu across.
Just as TK is deciding what he wants for appetizers, Evan materializes next to the table.
"I'm glad you think you can charm my boyfriend," he says, eyes twinkling, as he hugs TK and then sits beside Tommy, kissing him on the cheek, adding, "You are the best TK, by the way."
"Best?" TK asks.
Tommy shrugs. "Third one's an ex-girlfriend."
"So... Could have been, was, and is?" TK winks at Evan. "You appear to have a type, Buckley."
Evan blushes and takes the whiskey from TK's side of the table. "Let's order."
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tkstrandsource · 9 months
Update: January 2024.
Due to Ronen's deplorable and immature behaviour, this blog will no longer be returning for season 5 or any new posts from previous episodes.
It will remain for archive reasons but the admins left here do not condone anything Ronen stands for, or his actions over the past months.
TK was a great character but unfortunately his portrayer has tainted that.
It's been great being fans alongside you but this is goodbye.
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liminalmemories21 · 7 months
LIM! 17 (you know I had to) and 25 for the weird fic asks, please.
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
Do you understand how many cut scenes there are from this WIP right now? Do you?
There is an entire scene which I deeply love and had to cut when I moved the action of this story from New Orleans to Dallas, about TK talking about the Leverage crew. Ask me about it sometime when I'm throwing out cut scenes on a Friday, because I really really regret having to lose it.
I have an entire timeline worked out somewhere of all the places TK stole art from. When he was 24 he stole a Hockney from an investment banker in London, because he'd dug up the 100 year old rose arbor behind his Mayfair house to put in a bowling alley and a lap pool.
TK has started to need reading glasses at night, or when he's tired. He's self-conscious about them. Carlos thinks they're unbearably hot. (okay, that one is probably making it in, because I also think TK in reading glasses is unbearably hot)
Matt's wife Liz is the head of the faculty admins for the law school at UT Austin. She's one of those people at a university who everyone knows - but nobody admits officially - runs the school. She lets TK come eat lunch with them sometimes, because he's in classes with kids 5-6 years younger than he is, who went from college to grad school with nothing in between, and they're smart, and thoughtful, but they've also never lived outside of academia and he loves them, but they also drive him crazy sometimes.
25. What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
From the Interstitials series - it's never come up, but I have a random headcanon for Nancy.
Nancy's father walked out when she was about 7/8. She grew up in a house of women - her mom, her aunt, her older sister. She found out later that her dad had remarried and still lived in Austin. She's never looked him up, because if he didn't need her, she doesn't need him.
Ask me weird writer questions!
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alex-frostwalker · 7 months
Not my cursed brain creating another idea involving TK!Wally commiting a crossover between Undertale and Welcome Home.
Version 1
Both Multiverse Protectors get dropped to the void and meet each other (Ink and Error/Observer and Admin)
Version 2
The Protectors from their universe gets flung to a different one and meet other people similar to them.
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digifandom · 2 months
Chat fic #2
Lil' Tai: can i copy some1 notes Lil' Tai: i fell aslep in class
Camera entity: would say yeah but...
Insect (lovely): Did both of you really fall asleep?
Camera entity: maybeeee
Cody: Sorry, grade below you
Insect (lovely): Different school then you entirely.
Hats off: No.
Camera entity: oh come on
Lil' Tai: dude i'll cook for you pls
Hats off: Do I need to remind you two of your crimes?
Googles senior: what did you 2 do to piss of TK
Camera entity: ?
Lil' Tai: uhhhh?
Hats off: You two remember why you're tired? It's cause you played fucking Mario Cart all last night. Hats off: At my apartment. Hats off: While I was finishing an essay due the next morning that I had been putting off for digimon affairs.
Camera entity: oh
Lil' Tai: opps?
Hats off: Then you proceeded to continue playing while I was trying to go to sleep, granted it was partially my fault for the time as it was 4 am. However I had got up 3 sepreate times to ask you two to quite down. Hats off: I got a noise compliant.
Camera entity: Sorry, Teeks.
Lil' Tai: Sorry Keru.
Hats off: Normally, I wouldn't care. I've gone plenty of days without sleep. But I had a make up test today cause I was sick last week.
Googles senior: Kari this is why you need to stay home and not just sleep over at TK's or Yolei's all the time
Lil' Tai: did you do good on the test at least?
Hats off: Yeah, like I said, I've gone plenty of days without sleep. Would have much perfered it but I made do.
Camera entity: wnaana go for ice cream? my treat
Hats off: Sure.
Lil' Tai: i'll take you out for coffee this weekend Lil' Tai: we can go to that one you like all the way downtown Lil' Tai: or whenever just ask
Hats off: Davis, I love you.
Camera entity: the fuck?!
Hats off: I love you too Hika, but coffee is coffee.
Purple minnion: What class is it for I might have my notes from last year
Camera entity: Chem
Purple minnion: Ha, gfl
Lil' Tai: sad days
Wannabe Lone Wolf: Davis DO NOT buy Teeks coffee he needs to sleep
Hats off: Hypocrite.
Wannabe Lone Wolf: I'm an adult.
Hats off: You don't live with me.
Wannabe Lone Wolf: I'M YOUR BROTHER
Hats off: Mom said I had to listen to you when I go to live with you and Dad. Last I checked, I'm currently not living with you and Dad. Therefore logically I don't have to listen to you.
Wannabe Lone Wolf: I'll tell mom to check your room at night
Hats off: Jokes on you Mom's not home for another week.
Wannabe Lone Wolf: SHE'S ON A TRIP AGAIN?! Wannabe Lone Wolf: And didn't tell me or Dad
Hats off: News flash, she travels for work alot. Also I'm old enough to stay at the apartment by myself. Plus why do you think Davis and Kari spent the night yesterday?
Wannabe Lone Wolf: I... Get some sleep, don't e like me
Hats off: I literally have a sleep schedule relax, that's already better than you.
Camera entity: so can someone pls explain how to use a mole in an equation
Hats off: *Picture* Hats off: *Picture* Hats off: *Picture* Hats off: *Picture* Hats off: *Picture*
Lil' Tai: oh my fuck! Keru I love you youre a life saver
Hats off: Use proper grammar for one text and you'll have paid me. Hats off: Joking of couse, I was gonna send you both them anyway.
Camera entity: Thank you, Takeru, this is why you're my bestfriend.
Lil' Tai: I, Motomiya Daisuke, humbly thank you, Takaishi Takeru, for bestowing upon me these fine pictures of your delicate note taking.
Purple Minnion: Davis wtf!?
Insect (lovely): So this is what you were asking fancy synonyms for.
Googles senior: idk wether to be proud or disturbed
Wannabe Lone Wolf: Disturbed... definitely disturbed
Cody: Wow... you actually didn't mess that up.
Hats off: ... Hats off: Davis?
Lil' Tai: ?
Hats off: 💍
Wannabe Lone Wolf: WTF?!
Lil' Tai: uhhh?
Hats off changed one nickname
Husband <3: what the fuckck did you change my name to? Husband <3: why did we let you make the discord and then proceed to not take away your admin permissions
Hats off: :) Hats off: I'm going to pass out now. Call me in an hour so I wake up, I have to finish two assignments for math. Hats off: Also Davis lets go on our date tommorow, okay?
Husband <3: the fuck did i get pulled into?
Wannabe Lone Wolf: NO NONONNONOO
Husband <3: ... Husband <3: i'll pick you up after school by the gates ;)
Hats off: ❤
Husband <3: 😘
Hats off: 😙
Husband <3: 😍💖
Wannabe Lone Wolf: DAVIS!
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Fic Rec Friday
Here are 4 of my favorites L’s. I had no idea so many begin with my letter. There are like 15 in my bookmarks. I love all of you talented bitches.
911 Lone Star
love of my life (G) by @colonoscopys
A connected 5+1 exes to lovers w/a happy ending where TK fiesties his way back to Carlos through love, regret and truly masterful inner thoughts. I giggle, I cry, I feel immense joy with each reread.
Life’s a Game of Inches, (E) by @paperstorm
TK and Paul bond over struggling, coming out and relationships in this very sweet coda to the club scene in 1x05.
Schitt’s Creek
The Last Rose Video, (M) by @distractivate
David’s sent to shut down the last of the franchise stores, but unexpectedly learns the value of community and falls head over heels for the handsome owner, one Patrick Brewer.
Landing It series (M) by @petalwritesx
NHL pro Patrick suffers a career ending concussion and is convinced to try figure skating as a partner to the notoriously difficult but talented David in a quest for the gold. A fantastic enemies to lovers sports au that kept me warm in my metal ice rink bleachers seat.
👋🏼 If you’re late like me, or just haven’t felt ready yet, please accept this invite to rec a fic or 2 that begins with the letter at the start of/in your username.
Thank you pals @strandnreyes, @rmd-writes, @wandering-night19 @three-drink-amy &
@theghostofashton for the tag and dear @welcometololaland for the idea, tenacity and admin to keep this going and growing each week. I’m not still trying to find the fic that shocked me cuz that’s over dammit please leave my brain ahhhh.
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rabbithollering · 1 year
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Finally drew TK’s family!
Shrirang: late 50s, moved the family to the US about 25 years ago. Urban planner with the city of Chicago. Really even-keeled, analytical, low-key. Loves: accuracy & specificity, the perfect dry little punchline, jazz piano.
Heena: early 50s! Was a stay-at-home mom until TK got into high school, at which point she leapt into a hotel admin job and is now sprinting up the corporate ladder. Loves: compartmentalizing, historical fiction, and towering over all the boys in the family. Yes, she’s 6′1.
Chaitanya: early 30s! In grad school for architecture. Sort of a rebellious soul: enjoys being infuriating about politics and art. Loves: winning arguments, hand-rolled cigarettes, his cool historic apartment.
Vasant: just turned 20! Studies communication. Big dog energy in a family full of cats. Loves: his friends, playing baseball, and winding up Chaitanya.
Tanvi (TK): 18! Also tall as hell lmao. Loves her family so much, and also feels SO claustrophobic about them. She’s so similar to her mom that they can’t get along at all. In a decade they’ll be best friends.
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taehyungfirst · 6 months
I am a tkkr and trust me when I see people like you (in a respectful way) and anon commenting on tkkrs and their support of taekook, it baffles my mind. We see rotten apples everwhere- taekookers, jjk solos, kth solos, 0t7 etc. generalizing is hurtful and conceited to be honest. Why I have seen a few kth solos setting up Tae. I do what I can for both of them and still get bashed from both of their solos because it's never enough for them. It's not only about me. Taekookers here on Tumblr, on Twitter or anywhere I follow them and are so excited to contribute in their favs success. Maybe it's time to curate your timelines better (just a suggestion) before generalizing us. Admin, I love to read your thoughts on Taehyung and how in love and in admiration you are with our Taehyungie. Your posts are respectful and attracts fans with different bias people and we love you the same but I hope you would consider our feelings too before writing such a statement too. No hate to anyone. Thought I'll just share how much I really appreciate you and your blog but got pinched a wee bit. Sorry English not my first language.
Hi! First of all, your english is perfect. I’m just gonna copy paste what I wrote in that ask and we can dissect it together because I think there was a misunderstanding.
“I’ve seen tkkers only support one of them, or support one more than the other and that’s so sad because how is the award a fraud but also a good one when Jk wins? You can be a tkk jk biased, but shouldn’t you still be happy and support Tae?”
You said it too, we see rotten apples everywhere and with “I’ve seen tkkers only support one of them” I was referring to that portion, I wasn’t trying to generalize all of them. On twitter, there was this one tk writer who didn’t listen to Tae music because it wasn’t “her genre” while she kept writing fics about him, the anon in the post reported someone saying that the award was a fraud up until Jk won too. That’s the people I was referring to. It’s like when I talk about usarmys, I do know that there are usarmys who love and support Taehyung and they do know I am never referring to them. If you support both of them and you cheer for them, then my comment wasn’t for you.
Thank you for the nice words about my blog, I really appreciate them and I’m sorry for the misunderstanding :)
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Thank you to everyone who helped us pull this off at the final #vancon:
Adam Fergus: 12.16 proxy
DHJ: 12.18 + 12.21
Mark Sheppard: 12.01 + 12.03
Alex Calvert: 13.03 + 15.14
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feathergail · 1 year
what got you (the admin, not your sona :p) into tickling? have you had an interest since you were young? what finally pushed you to make a tk blog? ^_^
and congrats on 400~ totally deserved, my friend!
honestly i have no idea because i was always fixated on it when i was really young, i literally found old tk art i made WHEN I WAS LIKE 6 of link of ocarina of time AFKJHDHJKFA
what made me make a tk blog is that i've never shared my art EVER on social media so i really wanted to try that, and also i rly wanted to spread more body representation in the tk community since its rare to see tk art with a fat or bulky lee !!
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bankscliff · 1 year
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SKIN — coconut kiss
our skin and templates were custom made for sundrenched by our admin, tk.
mobile responsive for easy mobile posting
light / dark mode (though our summery colors are optimized for light mode)
jump to top / bottom buttons
filterable member list
easy to fill out profile app
saved post drafts
member group colored profiles and posting templates
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 9 months
ugh just remembered when I was in that useless fucking social services job hunting workshop.... and the presenter, when she called me for my resume consult basically told me I was liar when I had the usual complaint that "oh just about EVERY entry level job where I am is DEMANDING that I have anywhere between 2 to 5 years experience already before applying"... and instead of confirming that is the problem with the job market today, she instead condescended to me saying "oh no honey that's bc they're HIGH LEVEL admin jobs demanding that and NOT ENTRY LEVEL. learn to read."
actually, no, sandra (not her real name). they're NOT high-level jobs. they're run of the mill front desk reception or call centre jobs, which are also basic data entry jobs.... that only 20 years ago (probably) would've been a walk-in off the street and be employed tomorrow thing, or NO experience needed, we'll train you!" type shit if you applied online.
now these positions are DEMANDING 2 to 5 years experience AND sometimes a combined traineeship for 1-2 years in business admin, pr that you ALREADY have the tafe cert III in business admin, bc they don't want you wasting time studying or waste their time training you. that's why I keep applying for traineeships bc half of these positions already come with one, or "the chance to take on a traineeship" which means, "we'll make you do it anyway and not reduce your workload to accommodate study time". if the job is advertised as a full-time position without the traineeship attached in the title (like a junior admin officer job or something that i've applied for at a local lawyer before).
just. I hated how dismissive this woman was all around. I know I should probs complain tk social services about her, but idk if anything would actually happen. and plus she'd be all like "oh everyone else in that class loved me, why don't you? just keep vibrating at 70htz in loathing and resentment and GET NO OPPORTUNITIES EVER bc of that. why did my teaching not get the IMPORTANCE of vibrating at 500htz ie. LOVE AND PEACE AND ACCEPTANCE is the ONLY thing that'll give you abundance and opportunities, through to you????"
uh maybe bc I see job hunting as a practical thing and not all the batshit reiki shit that I like in asmr for entertainment.... and the vision board mumbo jumbo of self-help internet is great coming from youtubers like Anna akana.... but NOT in a jobhunting working shop.... where you're guilting people about this mumbo jumbo is exactly why they'll never employed ever again. and esp since my old workplace tried to fire me for "ruining the positive family vibe of this workplave bc you rolled your eyes at me twice and are sarcastic from time to time 😥" during my performance meeting in November 2022. so obvs, I'll refuse to take that side of it seriously.
anyway my point was originally that im pissed of that this woman insisted that entry level jobs that are advertising 2 to 5 years experience aren't "entry level jobs, they're high level." when she was posed as an "employment expert" for this course.
no. they're NOT high-level jobs the bulk of the time. they're fucking run of the mill data entry which really only requires minimum skills in microsoft office and admin etc and a professional phone manner etc.... but instead they're asking for 2-5 years experience and intermediate to advanced microsoft office skills (or google suite etc) bc they want the applicant to do 25 jobs in place of 7 different people. which is shit I should be able to do with an arts degree. you're the one who really knows nothing.
but instead they want to drag me through another whole ass certificate 3 course and ANOTHER traineeship bc apparently an arts degree and a years worth of actual solid office experience isn't enough to man phones, do data entry, do front office reception and whatever dumbass shit "done with minimal supervision superhero" tasks they write in the job description on seek et al
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amakumos · 1 year
help im scared that daehyuns going to crush on yn and hes gonna be jealous so hes gonna have ynwon break up by telling yn that jungwon is cc and he dated her bc ppl were close to finding out cc admin's identity and won didnt want his identity revealed so he dated evil cupid and by telling yn that, shes gonna break up with jungwon and theyre both gonna be depressed and sad and mad and upset at each other and and and and dandb an.d. daehyuns going to make moves on yn AND WON WONT BE ABRL TK DO ANYTHING. BC. HESAD. AN mad .IM SCARED IM OVERTHENKING
- 🦤 anon (im new hi (actually im not i just want to have a cool emorji repsrrsenting me😵))
HAHAHAH 😭 interesting theory
and omg okie ill add u o the anon list
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