#admin recruitment agencies perth
australieh · 4 months
The Art of Lying in Interviews
Lessons From a Desperate Backpacker
I have a new job! My fifth one in the last 12 months, the true backpacker experience. I am a Temp Reception/Admin girl at a big fancy engineering company, located in one of the many industrial areas of Perth. It took me a month of applying and about 35 applications on SEEK, Australia’s biggest job forum, but I finally landed an interview. A girl named Georgia called from a recruitment agency and asked if I have my own vehicle, what my working rights are and how I feel about data entry, and then booked me in for Friday at 12pm. It was to be the same day as another interview I’d gotten for a sales job that I didn’t really want, but that I figured I’d give a go just in case. It was desperate times for me after being unemployed for 6 weeks, along with big wedding bills looming. I figured I’ll take what I can get, even if I do despise the idea of schmoozing people over a cold call about solar panels over their lunch break.
So, when Friday morning came, I put on the carefully planned outfit I’d laid out for myself the night before: white button up shirt and black dress pants from the op shop, with a Kmart blazer borrowed from a friend. I applied the new makeup I’d bought on a spending spree two days before, not daring to touch the $82 YSL primer I’d impulse bought at the department store. I planned on exchanging it for a pair of office appropriate loafers, since the only shoes I owned were combat boots, skate shoes and beat-up sandals. The primer & its carefully folded receipt joined my air pods, a minty-fresh vitamin D mouth spray and a Velcro curler in the small pocket of my tote bag. Ready for the day.
The first interview was for the sales job. A 10am appointment in the city, which I triple checked from the email they sent me. Directions to the office included the words “Stop n’ Grab Convenience” and the ad title was posted as “Immediate Start – No Experience Needed,” so my hopes weren’t exactly high.
When I got off the train at 9:27am, I had enough time to grab a coffee. I spotted some A-frame signs with photos of cappuccinos on a marble staircase, so I followed them into a fancy office building. Inside, I joined a throng of corporate looking people ordering flat whites. I inspected all the women’s shoes while I waited for my coffee, trying not to feel self-conscious about my black vans. I’d chosen them over my fake leather combat boots due to the fact it was forecasted to be 33 degrees that day, but now felt like an imposter in them. Everyone can tell I don’t belong here, I thought.
Despite it all, I’d found myself feeling optimistic as I trudged up the sidewalk with my cappuccino. I watched the bright morning light fall between the tall buildings and glint off their windows. 9:30am tends to have that affect, especially in Australia where usually the sun is already intense enough to make you turn on your A/C and squint through your sunglasses. That sort of toxically happy vibe is contagious, even to me in an anxious, pre-interview state. As I turned the corner I thought, I could do this every day. Maybe this job wouldn’t be so bad.
About 5 minutes later, all forms of optimism had turned to incredulity. As the email said to, I looked for the Stop n’ Grab Convenience, which was easy to spot due to the number of people milling around it. They all looked how I felt, which was confused and nervous. All wore some version of sneaker, and were dressed in varying levels of office-appropriate wear. A guy in the corner stood with his cap covering almost his entire face, and a black hoodie tightly stretched over a white dress shirt. A girl nearer the door wore a grey trench coat with her hair in a tight bun, and another wore gym shorts with a hoodie and hightop converse. One guy wore a full suit with dress shoes. It was like walking into a career fair at a university and watching all the panicking graduates-to-be trying to look like adults.
I peaked inside to see a white poster with “CLIMASOLAR INTERVIEW WAITING ROOM” written in purple marker, tacked to the wall near a tight staircase. You had to pass by the store counter to get there, the guy behind it looking bored and unphased by the crowd forming near the sign. By 9:55am there are almost 20 people in and around the store, all looking around at each other with equally confused expressions. A guy in a red t-shirt and cargo pants asked me in broken English, “You are here for sales job?” and I nodded, mustering a smile. I realize that everyone who applied got called for an interview, and feel sheepish thinking how carefully I’d picked out my outfit.
My first instinct was to leave and try to maintain my dignity, but the bigger part of me wanted to see what kind of trainwreck this was going to be. Plus, I had just taken the train all the way here and spent $5 on a coffee, so, I might as well see it through. At 10am on the dot a guy in golf shorts and a polo shirt, maybe 25 years old, unlocks the door to the staircase and everyone starts filing up the stairs. I hide my smile when I see a ping pong table in the corner. The guy herds us into a small room with a 6-person table and a white board with 25-year-old boy handwriting on it. Everyone crowds along the walls, but I manage to snag a seat in the back corner, texting Conor “I can’t wait to tell you about this” with a popcorn emoji and a laughing face. The guy who let us in sits on a stool next to the white board, tells us his name is James, and starts telling us about the job in a British accent. Highlights are that the day starts at 11am, there are free beers in the fridge (just don’t drink them in the morning) and there is a ping pong table you can use any time you want. First month pay is $500 a week and then after that you can get as much as $1500 a week! Plus, did he mention the free beers?!
He then asks us to take turns saying our names and our experience, then again saying our hobbies, and I am suddenly launched back into a junior high classroom. We all fidget with our fingers and say things like “uhm, I like to hang out with my friends.” The ridiculousness of at all hits me and I can’t stop grinning. Then, he brings out a basket of items and tells us to guess what he wants us to do with them. “Yep”, he says, “you guessed it.” We are to pick an item from the basket and sell it to him. Everyone laughs nervously as he exits the room, and I see him sit down at a desk and pull out his phone while everyone grabs something from the basket. I’m next to last and I luck out with a small bottle of Bushman’s bug spray, which reminds me of the time Conor and I went camping with our new inflatable kayak (promptly returned the next day). We’d gotten viciously attacked by march flies the second we stepped out of our Rav4, their massive pincers biting ruthlessly and thick wings as loud as a motorcycle. It was like something out of a horror film. We’d spent an hour taking turns pumping the kayak while the other swatted flies away from the pumper’s ankles, before abandoning the kayak for a swim in the river. A kind lady had gone around the campsite that evening offering all the unprepared dummies (ie. us) Bushman’s bug spray, saving us from an evening of hiding in our tent.
Holding the tiny bottle of Busman’s in that crowded board room, images of John Bernthal selling Leonardo DiCaprio a pen in the Wolf of Wall Street run through my mind, and I am unable to keep the bemused smirk off my face. I can see everyone panicking about what to say, but all I can do is silently giggle. At last, James pulls his feet down from his desk and comes back in, asking for a volunteer to go first. I watch as the sneaker-clad 20-somethings take turns pitching crayons, sticky tape and rulers. One guy stands up on his seat, while another girl’s words are barely discernable. When it comes to me I keep it short n sweet: “Don’t be a dummy like me and go into the woods without Bushman’s bug spray- it has SPF, too!” I’m just here for the show. When that’s finished, he asks us again to go around the room with our names and when we can start, and we do so while he marks up the paper we all wrote our names and phone numbers on. He finishes by saying thanks for coming in, and if we don’t hear from him don’t take it personally, he does 2 or 3 of these interviews a day (a day!?!?!). Then he swiftly opens the door to dismiss us, and we file out while two other 25 year old boys dressed in shorts and t-shirts play ping pong. I’m back outside the Stop n’ Grab by 10:20am.
Walking back towards the train I immediately call Conor. He answers the phone, “Spill the tea” and we laugh for the next 15 minutes. “That was worth every minute and dollar spent getting here,” I tell him, and I mean it, swiping my Transperth card. I run to catch the train back out of the city, and that experience is over. As I’m finding my seat I am already filing it in my “Backpacker Experiences” box, where it joins things like hitchhiking in Panama and sleeping in 8-bed hostel dorm rooms.
The thing about me is that, usually, once I’ve got the interview, I’ve got the job. I interview well because I am an expert at telling people what they want to hear. I make sure to appear bubbly and enthusiastic, confident but not cocky. I smile and shake their hands, and I ask what the work culture is like and what success in this role looks like. But I’ll let you in on a secret. The real key to an interview is not to be shy about how bad you want that job. Some might think that’s a bad look, but people love feeling like they are in control; like they are in the power seat. If you do it right, they’ll be so charmed by your enthusiasm that they’ll look past the fact that you’ve hardly ever been at a job longer than 6 months. You’ll leave them smitten and excited to invite you onto their inevitably mismanaged, dysfunctional team.
It was with this confidence and a stomach full of coffee and scrambled eggs that I drove to my next interview that Friday. I’d ditched my vans for my boots during a quick stop at Conor’s parent’s place, where we were crashing until our room in a new sharehouse was available. After the crowd of sneakers at the sales interview I opted to just be a bit hot rather than wear sneakers. Optics, you know. When I arrived, I knew I’d made the right decision. Walking through the glass door I was greeted by two girls at the reception desk who pointed to a tablet for me to sign in to. They both wore only black, and when one of them showed me to a room with a sturdy wooden table and branded pens, I noticed her black leather heels. I filled out an application which, as they all are, was a form asking me to write out everything that is already on my resume. I handed it back to her when I was finished, and then waited to be greeted by two similarly dressed women, close to my age, who both firmly shook my hand. They had my resume printed out in front of them and a list of questions which they jotted down notes under.
I went to work charming them and selling them the lie I have to tell in interviews for office jobs, which is that I am finally settling down after years of travelling. I have gotten quite good at this lie, and nearly convince myself sometimes. I tell them how nice it is to be looking for jobs where I want to stay for a while, and how I want to put down roots. I have a line about wanting to put up a shelf that people love, and these two women ate it up. When the interview was over, I waved goodbye to the girls at the reception desk, got in my car and phoned Conor: “I definitely got that one, they loved me,” I told him. As I left the parking lot, a girl who I assume is next up for the interview walked up to the reception doors; she was wearing sneakers and a white t-shirt.
Sure enough, when Conor and I arrive at a country pub to meet his sister 1.5 hours later, I have a missed call from the recruitment agency. She says congratulations, Raylene! They want me to start Tuesday, fill out one million induction forms and am I okay to do a medical? I say yes, no worries, of course, how exciting! Conor and I cheers our beers and my adrenaline from the interview turns into wave of relief. I’m finally employed. The grovelling and the performing is over. I’m going to have income again!
We order chicken burgers to celebrate, and I message a girl on Facebook Marketplace about a pair of Dr. Marten loafers. I bargain down the price and she says I can pick them up later that day.
I never hear from the sales job.
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woodrecruitment1 · 2 years
The Advantages of Working With Recruitment Agencies in Perth
Employment recruiting companies aim to discover the appropriate attorneys for the right openings at the right businesses. While it is widely assumed that every graduate with a terrific career that they enjoy, this is not always the case. A company must select an employer who best meets its demands and vice versa. Some people are lucky and discover a wonderful business to work with straight away, while others must labour for years to find the proper fit, or they may never be completely satisfied with what they do.
There are frequently more individuals searching for work or looking to supply work than the average person is aware of, and job placement agency Perth make it their business to connect the proper employment and companies so that everyone wins. This procedure assists both people and corporations seeking jobs.
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There are advantages for both those who deal with these companies and the firms wanting to recruit. The advantages for a counsellor looking for work include, but are not limited to.
• Passive job search because the work has already been done for you
• There is no need to send resumes to a plethora of companies.
• You are aware that you are most likely a good fit for any business with whom you interview.
• You may keep working while the agency seeks jobs for you.
• You will have access to work opportunities that you would not have known about otherwise.
• Based on your objectives, matches will be created for you.
There are several advantages to hiring companies as well. Among the advantages include, but are not limited to:
Why There is no need to interview many people who may or may not be suitable.
• Access to a large pool of motivated people
• Availability of admin jobs Perth WA with varied levels of experience
• Interviews will be considerably easier to conduct.
• You won’t have to sift through prospects to discover one who might or might not work.
As you can see, this is a valuable resource for people wishing to be employed in the best company.
In an increasingly technological environment, this enables individuals to connect in the most efficient and productive ways possible while being much more hands-off than ever before. Finding the appropriate match between employee and employer can be tough at best, but now both sides can submit all of their information to the agency and let them do all of the legwork in finding the greatest fits.
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You can include a massage on your next holiday and even have your massage therapist's deliver your food!, only if you book with backyardmassage.com terms & conditions apply see https://Backyardmassage.com For further details (fee's & invoices and/or/ available & a way to say thank you for the time with the quality assured certified up skilled culturally inclined assertive with a localised flavour mass massage multi million dollar entranapernerasilled business of sole traders gathering the awards from being a well renounced "self marketing business" with direct debit or after pay for your luxuaries relaxing meditation aromatic rejunivinitive true awaken of the senses. Safe and personalized service. The idea was for uber drivers to upskill and learn how to adapt to the communities localizing & socializing. Knowing your community (area you live) was a bonus to this job as you would be running a buisness a massage service on the go 24/7 on call working specifically to your choice of hours. If you were an employee at backyardmassage.com what you could expect as a customer was the satisfaction that you would get a shoufer tailored made relaxing qualified certified quality time. Extra personalised service's and medicines (oils, fragrances and oral condiments) were introduced when the massage therapist/uber driver also know now as ubie driver. Which stands for Unified Ball In Ecstasy. Over a group who found that all that would invite the senses of human condition were to grow and to define it into one moment was to introduce someone to someone new everyday and include physical touch to improve muscle's muscle tension joint inflation swallow muscle' s calm nerves increase blood flow for movement and soreness stiffness aches also pains. Was to receive a massage. At the place that you feel most comfortable weather it be your own backyard or your own home or even the buisness shops when you go shopping before or after you could prepare yourself for your shopping experience. With basically a friend that you have the option of becoming friends with as backyardmassage.com do not discriminate nor do the admin at Backyard Massage also known as B.M. around the world. Adult networking can be achieved through backyard massage. Backyard massage has affiliate program's developers call centre's and grants offers internships and graduate programs. Even people with disabilities can join the fun either doing it to raise awareness and essentially advertise for the buisness or do it to up skill or hobby (volunteers are always welcome). See https://BM-recruitment. For further employment/employer details. Earn points via your rewards cards and other promotional jargon. 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(https://BM-HQ-www.com For backyard massage in another language and in your local town, city or region) For international Backyard Massage also know as BM. sponsored by Backwards Master. This professional business/company/corporate entity/enterprise’s is a on going investment opportunity. Sponsored by raiz.com. Gaincapital is a partner of BACKYARD MASSAGE & service's. Not of it's employers employees & volunteers. Volunteer today to do a massage course and get certified and paid. That's right backyard massage encourages you and pays for you to up skill or try a new hobby. If you decide to work for backyard massage. You receive free insurance free complimentary dental. Free reassignment surgery (if desired). Free health care. Connected with a health care fund. More rewards & offers. Exclusive to the customer's/clients rewards, offers & deal's. All at a low price fee's and prices are all inclusive to help the buisness self fund for a chance to make it global media player enterprise’s. When you are an employee only. Terms and conditions apply. To build a BM headquarters it's estimated that the buisness to begin with would earn a revenue of 4.9 million dollars a year. With the average cost to run and operate the buisness investment opportunity is 1.2 million dollars. That a profit of 3.7 million dollars a year. Prices subject to change in circumstances that only affect an area of the buisness which would include an additional file and the crew would work out when I go back to others who bank on viewing videos and picture's invest with extra service's your mind body and soul wouldn't forgive if you past up this opportunity for a new fun way where you can reveal n like that feels good for you to make money extra special income I don't get a choice but to have 4ps and I don't get a choice but to have 4ps and pay as soon as possible for men to start new government form on and community members to pay upfront for men and beyond blue balls for men to start new government use and form a world's largest economy and men using different types of methods I'll bank their sperm. donations and give them a free call about sponsorship deal's around Samsung fucking me with their sperm donations and give them a free market system hole for men who mean business and play with me only with their cocks in my mouth and in my hole to get fucked by different men using different types of methods I'll bank their sperm donations and give them a free call about sponsorship deal's around the world at large and others to play with freely available for purchase my right's of Mr Stephen Joshua Wilson Perth steam works owner to become mobile app for men to start new self marketing app scheduling appointments world wide. To start the buisness had to have an employee willing to volunteer their time along side others who may be investors or part buisness owners that would work for free to get the buisness off the ground. May i asked for you to tell us any feedback you encounter with backyardmassage.com as in technical errors accounts & maintenace. Feedback to our business means problems or compliments to the buisness, buisness owners or emoloyees or volunteers invoLed. The webpage is quite smart it's built with a bunch a errors just so you get the most secure connection by building it with errors and only being able to fix those errors are to give feedback. Each, Feedback is taken seriously with a genrous jolly employee by your side you be sure to run through the problem or the submit a compliment button. With two step verfication so others don't spend your massage points rewards & offers and bonuses. You'll be sure to have a connection with your uber eats driver / massage therapist. As they will be personally proffesionally picked out for you during communications with https://Backyardmassage.com/errors-team. No bots 24/7 assistance in all of four countries but not limited to Australia, Europe, United kingdom, United States of America. That's real service! Please let me know if you are willing to jump on board and make this buisness a good way of making money and looking after one another. Then send Steve an email. kind regards backyard massage backyardmassage.com Steve on behalf of BM.com
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maritzaerwin · 5 years
A Guide To Starting A New Career In Australia
Are you thinking of relocating to the land down under? Moving to the other side of the world is overwhelming, especially if you haven’t considered what career you want to pursue. We’ve put together the ultimate guide to help you find a job in Australia as a newcomer.
So, which visa have you applied for?
First things first, before we even begin to discuss how to get a job, the visa you travel to Australia on, will impact the job roles you can apply for.
Working Holiday Visa
The working holiday visa is a visa designed for young people who want to travel to Australia and work at the same time. It is a temporary visa that lasts one year, however, if you want to extend it and gain a second year you can do so by completing a three-month period of specified work, also known as farm work. The criteria for this visa depends on your nationality, but it is generally for people aged 18-30 (18-35 if you have an Irish passport), and you will need to have evidence of enough money in your bank account to cover your flight home.
This is a popular visa with young people who want to spend time exploring Australia, having fun enjoying the backpacking scene. It is not often for people who want to pursue a specific career as job options will only be temporary.
Skilled Worker Visa
The skilled worker visa is different in that you can only apply for this visa if you have experience in a profession that is in demand in Australia. Doctors, engineers, nurses, teachers, and other skilled careers are in shortage in Australia so if you have experience and want to build a new life and advance your career, this is the visa for you.
To qualify you must be under 50, have qualifications in your career, have experience in a position, be fluent in English and pass a police check. You do not need to have a sponsor, or a job already lined up, which makes this visa incredibly attractive as acquiring a sponsor can be hard.
What Jobs Can You Do in Australia on a Working Holiday Visa?
A job for a working holiday visa will be temporary. Many workers on these visas find roles in the hospitality, retail and customer service industries. The working holiday visa is targeted at people who want to work and travel throughout Australia, so the emphasis is on temporary work. If you have a background or experience in a career role, it might be tricky getting a similar position as your visa will make it harder for prospective employers to hire you.
You will also need to complete three months of specified work, also known as ‘farm work,’ if you want to successfully gain a second year on your working holiday visa. These three months must be completed doing a specified job such as looking after livestock, fruit picking or other forms of manual labor. Because of this many employers will only want to employ you temporarily as they know you will have to leave to complete this work.
If you have a background in a specific career or skill and want to further this experience in Australia and develop your profession there, the working holiday visa is not the best option.
What Jobs Can You Do in Australia on a Skilled Worker Visa?
The skilled worker visa is designed for people who have experience in a skill that is in demand in Australia from doctors, to engineers, teachers and construction workers. There is a list of over 200 professions that are in need and if you have a background and experience in one of these, then you are eligible to apply and get a job in Australia.
What makes this visa so unique is that if you are eligible you are able to move to Australia without a sponsor or prior job organized. You can instead move over and secure this once you get there. Whilst on this visa you are also able to access the Australian Medicare healthcare system and after residing in Australia for 4 years can apply for citizenship.
 You can read a comprehensive list of the available job roles here.
How to Begin Your Search from Home (Before Arriving in Australia)?
Thanks to the internet it is more than possible to begin your job search before you even move. Below we’ve outlined ways you can search and apply for jobs before even stepping foot down under.
a) Agencies
Job agencies are a simple way to get a head start on finding a job. Search for a job agency online and find a reputable agency in the city or region you will be moving to. It’s important to read reviews on the agencies beforehand to get a feel for them and the support and job options they will provide.
Once you have researched a company and feel like they are the one for you, all you need to do is register with them online. Share your CV and cover letter and if there’s a specific officer who deals with job roles in your expertise, it never hurts to send them an email and let them know you’re relocating, what experience you have and what roles you are interested in.
Some agencies will even be able to arrange online interviews via skype if they think you are suitable for a role. They also could arrange interviews for you as soon as you arrive and can help support you in your CV, or any extras you need to include, to ensure you stand out from the crowd.
b) Online
Searching for a job online is the best way to go. Job websites such as Indeed, allow you to add your CV and can send you notifications on recent job advertisements that meet your qualifications. Another really popular way to find jobs and connect with employers and recruiters is via LinkedIn. This is a social media equivalent for job hunting, where you can show your experience and qualifications. It reads like an online CV, so it’s important to keep it professional and up to date.
If you are moving under the working holiday visa, online is a great place to find roles. Join forums for people who are in Australia on the working holiday visa as often they will advertise jobs here and will be able to provide you with information on how to find specified jobs and complete your three months that are required.
c) CV & Cover Letter
Before you even begin to apply online for roles, it’s important to ensure your CV and cover letter are up to date. Do an internet search and check out the differences between Australian CV and the CVs from your country of origin. Is the language the same, does Australian English use different spelling? These are all little extras that will set you apart.
Remember to tailor write each CV for the job you are applying to. Although this is time-consuming, it will be helpful for you to tailor your skills to each different job specifications, making it easier for you to stand out. Another top tip is to research the company you are applying for and include anything relevant in your cover letter.  
How to Begin Your Job Search in Australia?
Unemployment in Australia is low, with it currently sitting at just 6%. There are plenty of roles available, but it will depend on your skillset and what visa you are on which allows you to work in Australia.
If you are a university graduate or have experience in a skill in need, then you will have an easier time finding work. The opportunities for finding work with a degree is higher in big cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Perth.
The Industries that are growing in Australia include:
Mining and energy.
Science and technology.
The Most Popular Cities for Jobs in Australia
i) Sydney
Sydney is the largest city in Australia. It is a top tourist destination that attracts visitors from all over the world. Known for the famous Sydney Opera House and Bondi Beach, if you want to enjoy a fantastic work-life balance and find a job in an international company, Sydney is the place to be. Popular industries in Sydney include IT, Finance and Banking, with the most popular employers in the city being the Bank of Australia and Westpac Banking Corp.
This city is an attractive option if you are moving to Australia on either visa as there are plenty of skilled worker opportunities or temporary work opportunities.
ii) Melbourne
Melbourne has been named the best city to live in the world, time and time again. This is thanks to its fantastic work-life balance and close location to beaches, mountains and breathtaking scenery. It’s a city for creatives, with graffiti being legalized in the city to encourage street art. If you have experience in graphic design, software engineering or anything creative, it’s your go-to spot.
This city offers plenty of opportunities no matter what visa you apply on. The café culture here is thriving, so there are always roles in the hospitality industry.
iii) Brisbane
Brisbane is the third biggest city in Australia and is the capital of Queensland. The weather here is amazing and the city is young, vibrant and close to spectacular beaches. Brisbane is an important city for business and its financial, IT and admin sectors are thriving. If you have experience in those roles, it would be an attractive place to call home. There are also retail and hospitality roles here, located on the Gold Coast, it is a popular tourist destination.
iv) Adelaide
Adelaide offers newcomers a Mediterranean climate and access to yet again more spectacular beaches. It offers a lower cost of living and even though it is the capital of South Australia, it is smaller than the other cities discussed, home to 1.3 million residents. The economy here is still booming, with many opportunities in the healthcare, admin, education and software industries. Adelaide isn’t as popular with people arriving on working holiday visas and appeals more to those on skilled worker visas as the jobs available here are higher-skilled industries wanting permanent workers.
Few Things to Remember When Applying for a Job in Australia
Once you’ve landed down under, it’s time to hit the ground running. Applying for jobs here is like applying to roles in the UK. Your CV and cover letter are important and remember to tailor it to suit the Australian market, there are plenty of examples you can find online.
The interview process for jobs here is again similar to that in the UK. You will usually be interviewed first over the phone and then if you pass that stage you will be offered an interview in person. Your UK qualifications will be upheld in Australia, but expect to pass a test of proficiency, some of these will cost money to complete, so it’s important to set this aside in your budget.
1) Casual and Seasonal Work
If you are traveling and working in Australia under the working holiday visa then you will need to undertake specified work, also known as farm work. This work is often seasonal and agricultural. You can expect to work as a fruit picker, ranch hand, farm laborer or factory worker on a farm. To be considered for a second year on this visa, you MUST complete three months of specified work. If you don’t you will not be allowed to stay in Australia.
Finding and ensuring you undertake this work correctly, so that you qualify for your second-year visa is important, always retain your payslips and contracts to show as evidence.  
2) Tax
It’s important to note that as a non-resident in Australia you will face higher tax rates. It’s something that you won’t always factor in when waiting for your paycheck. You should expect to pay around 30% in tax. You can find out more information on tax and fair working conditions from the Australian government here.
  The post A Guide To Starting A New Career In Australia appeared first on CareerMetis.com.
A Guide To Starting A New Career In Australia published first on https://skillsireweb.tumblr.com/
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megjobsdbau · 7 years
Part Time Admin / Receptionist- Recruitment Business At The The Job Shop AU Kununurra
Part Time Admin / Receptionist- Recruitment Business At The The Job Shop AU Kununurra
The Job Shop is a WA owned and operated recruitment agency with offices in Perth, Kununurra, Katherine and Darwin. We provide staffing solutions and employment opportunities in the agriculture, hospitality, administration and construction sectors. Based in our Kununurra office we are looking for an enthusiastic individual who can undertake the following tasks on a Part Time Basis; • data entry…
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woodrecruitment1 · 2 years
Methods for Choosing the Best Online Recruitment Agency:
The notion of recruiting agencies has been popular for a long time. They make decisions for you, whether you are an employer or a job seeker. An internet recruiting firm performs the same function, but their working approach is different and more cost-efficient. They have revolutionised the recruiting market by eliminating much of the pain and inefficiencies associated with direct advertising on job boards. A recruiting agency's aid might save you days of labour. When you consider the financial losses and missed time that comes with a lousy recruiting agency experience, the fees paid seem nearly insignificant. However, before you select an best employment agency in Perth, ensure that it suits your criteria and fully understands them.
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• Knows your sector: Unless your demands are very generic, ensure that the agency you hire understands your business.
If they don't have a deep understanding of your company, they'll struggle to find the best applicants.
• Stay current: The finest prospects for your opening may already be employed, potentially with a rival.
The finest recruiting businesses go above and beyond to discover the greatest applicants, rather than relying just on internet job boards.
• Understands the screening process: A thorough recruiting firm will spend significant time pre-screening prospects and will only expose you to persons who are a good fit.
• High employee retention rate: It's one thing for a recruiting firm to advertise that they fill 100% of their customers' openings, but it's another thing entirely if half of their applicants resign within a year. Demand clear figures on staff retention rates and refuse to be misled.
• After recruiting services: The candidate shall not vanish after successful placement. They should check in on a frequent basis over the following six months to assist with teething issues.
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From the initial discussion through the candidate's first day on the job, a successful, professional recruiter should be able to detail the actions they will take to finish your search. A recruiting agency's size is something to think about. Larger organisations have more resources and are better suited to manage your search. Very large organisations may also have high employee turnover, and you may discover that your account manager is either inexperienced or changing regularly.
A small business that is part of a broader network of recruitment agencies is another option to investigate. Employers can benefit from personal interactions, excellent service, and attention from the owner or a senior employee in this situation, while still having the backbone of a huge business to support their efforts across numerous vocations, sectors, or countries.
Key talent acquisition is a top priority for successful, competitive firms. Make certain that you understand how to choose a recruiting firm that will assist you in meeting your hiring objectives and goals today and in the future.
Wood Recruitment as a job agencies in perth australia is concerned with providing the greatest talent to our clients. Some of the services we provide to our clients include recruiting procedures, consultancy-based solutions, and improving HR processes.
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woodrecruitment1 · 2 years
Looking For IT Technician Jobs in Perth?
Hiring the right IT technician jobs in Perth is a skill. It’s also one of the most specialised jobs out there and can require a lot of knowledge depending on what industry you are in. However, choosing to find an IT technician through the help of an experienced firm like Wood Recruitment is the way to go. We have a vast array of clients throughout Australia who trust us with their recruitment needs, including IT technicians looking for IT technician jobs in Perth because of our superb working relationships with many businesses across various sectors. 
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woodrecruitment1 · 2 years
Quality Recruitment In Manufacturing Industry
 At Wood Recruitment, you will find excellent open positions among our recruitment in the manufacturing industry. Whole team specialises in the provision of blue and white-collar manufacturing professionals. From the first to last engagement with any member of our team we provide the very best end to end experience. Care, quality and delivery are our values for each stage of the journey. Specialist expertise and experience in the manufacturing industry and roles we’re working on is our guarantee. Visit Website for more queries.
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woodrecruitment1 · 2 years
Finding The Best Entry-Level Finance Jobs Perth
If you are looking for a professional career in the finance industry, whether it is as an accountant, financial analyst, or other position, Wood Recruitment can help. Our consultants are constantly working in their industries and have the knowledge to advise you on how to secure your next Finance Jobs Perth. We understand the best ways to get businesses to post jobs on your career profile. Give us a call, and our experts will be glad to assist you.
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megjobsdbau · 7 years
Part Time Admin / Receptionist- Recruitment Business At The The Job Shop AU Katherine
Part Time Admin / Receptionist- Recruitment Business At The The Job Shop AU Katherine
The Job Shop is a WA owned and operated recruitment agency with offices in Perth, Kununurra, Katherine and Darwin. We provide staffing solutions and employment opportunities in the agriculture, hospitality, administration and construction sectors. Based in our Katherine office we are looking for an enthusiastic individual who can undertake the following tasks on a Part Time Basis; • data entry…
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megjobsdbau · 7 years
Admin / Receptionist- Recruitment Business At The The Job Shop AU Kununurra
Admin / Receptionist- Recruitment Business At The The Job Shop AU Kununurra
The Job Shop is a WA owned and operated recruitment agency with offices in Perth, Kununurra, Katherine and Darwin. We provide staffing solutions and employment opportunities in the agriculture, hospitality, administration and construction sectors. Based in our Kununurra office we are looking for an enthusiastic individual who can undertake the following tasks; • data entry and administration •…
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