#admin opal has spoken
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Some selfies because we're not allowed to take pictures of the ballet. But man, IT WAS AMAZING
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aldridgebay · 4 years
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Name: Kassandra Yung
Pronouns: she/her
Age and birthday: 30 / March 14, 1990
Residence status: Local
Family connections: two younger sisters and her mother
Occupation: Seamstress
Played by: Admin Opal
Growing up, Kassandra lived a quiet life. She was soft-spoken but had a big heart for those around her. Many considered her as an “old soul.” She was never one to join a group of friends for reckless fun, and would instead choose to keep to herself. As the eldest in her family, with two younger sisters, she has taken on a set of responsibilities since childhood. Her father was a skilled hat maker, running his own shop for many years. When Kassandra was only nine, her father passed away, leaving his wife and three daughters. As the oldest, Kassandra took it upon herself to help take care of her sisters, and eventually took over the family hat shop. But hat making was not a skill Kassandra excelled at, so she and her sisters converted the hat shop into a family tailoring store.
But before their father passed away, the Yungs were a joyful family. They were an integral part of the Aldridge Bay neighborhood. Mr. Yung himself prided himself in being social with locals and tourists alike; everyone to him was a new friend. Kassandra never exactly inherited those traits but she grew a fondness and compassion for others around her. She wished to make others happy just as her father had, although likely not in the same manner. When Mr. Yung passed, the neighborhood paid their respects, offering condolences to the surviving family members. This only pushed Kassandra to mature far more beyond her years.
Now, she’s spent her entire life in Aldridge Bay and Kassandra adores how close the neighborhood is. Of course, not everyone chose to be a part of the community, but to those who did, Kassandra greets them all with a warm smile and an open heart. Her skillful hands are able to sew just about anything, and though hat making isn’t her bread and butter, sometimes she’ll make a few to sell in memory of her father.
What is their opinion about the boardwalk and its effect on the town?
A part of Kassandra clings onto what Aldridge Bay used to be like without the boardwalk, but she also feels as though she cannot stop the change if it happens. Personally, she’s only gone there a handful of times because it tends to be too loud and flashy for her taste. It does seem to make certain people happy which is something she can accept.
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The unfortunate reality.
This was the response I got from staff when I sent in my ban appeal.
"As stated before, you were banned for spreading misinformation and rumors about other players. We have reports of you doing this offsite on discord, which has resulted in increasing toxicity onsite from users whom you have spoken to. 
We have identified several users instigating this behavior including yourself. Since then, you've been posting screenshots and spreading rumors about multiple staff members on rescon, proving to us that you've chosen to perpetuate this toxic culture.
Players who gossip and spread rumors with the aim to swing the userbase against others are not welcome. 
This will be your final response to this matter."
It is so upsetting to me, that I was banned because I noticed something wasn't right and tried to talk to someone about it. The way this whole situation is being handled makes my stomach sick. I feel gas-lighted. The responses from the staff team and public have made me doubt myself. They make me feel like I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist. 
Listen to more of my crazy conspiracies. 
Dan is a very busy man. This is factual. Dan has a job he has to do. He doesn't really have the time to sit and do the name clearing. HOWEVER. He is an ADMIN on rescreatu. None of us are admins so we do not know exactly what tools he has access to. I know for certain, he has some sort of advantage to the name clearing.  As someone who personally sat there and refreshed the showroom into oblivion and wasted many, many hours, there is NO WAY he had the time, as a full time employee, to be online around the time of all the clearings. If you seriously don't believe that Dan doesn't have any advantage to the name clearings, here is some raw data:
Here are some names Dan has gotten from the name clearings:
Anubis, Atheist, Beast, Blaziken, Burial, Cat, Christmas, Darth, Famine, Fearow, Gastly, Gengar, Haunter, Jurassic, Haunter, Khaleesi, Khajiit, Kina, Magma, Mankey, Opal, Paradox, Pharaoh, Poliwrath, Ponyta, Portal, Salamance, Savage, Seadra, Seaking, Shadowblade, Staryu, tadpole, Villain, Yoda, Desinty, Fish, Grievous, Kill, Lion, Oddish, Pidgeot, Pinsir, Poliwrath, Psychotic, Relic, Sceptile, Squirtle, Torquoise, Cult, Golduck, Jesus, Slut, Cloyster, Ego, Electrode, Knowledge, Memory, Power and Trophy. 
He also managed to grab the following for his friends or other players (these are the ones I know of):
Cannibal, Damon, Chewie, Charm, Amethyst, Aegis, Bumblebee, Faith, Selena, Cupid, Chocolate, Brass and Crown. 
Sure, he could have been faster than everyone else. Sure, he could have gotten super lucky. I feel like thinking that this was all luck/skill is a stretch. A better explanation would be that he has some sort of advantage to the name clearing, or admin powers. 
It bothers me that rescreatu puts this name clearing out as a community event, yet there is a secret list of names that no user could possibly ever get, because an admin has decided that he WILL have these names. I personally sat in front of the screen for hours, messed up my sleeping schedule, ruined time with my family, for absolutely nothing. 
Patrick thinks I'm untrustworthy. Patrick, this is RAW DATA. I can't make up what names he has gotten. It is just not feasible for him to have gotten these names. You think that everyone is so toxic and salty that they are making up lies?? If you believe the screenshots with Dan and Kina are fake, do you believe that Kina wrote all those texts herself?? Or do you just not care??
I know that Dan has made rescreatu a horrible mess. I know it's super hard to clean up. He has sent things to many accounts, and has absolutely ruined the economy. It's not okay to remove names from inactive accounts straight to other's accounts. It's not okay to provide false hope to your loyal, dedicated userbase. It's not okay to spawn in currency to your friends for money. Nothing about this is okay. Banning users who know the truth is not okay. 
Patrick, you need to do some more investigating. Clearly you've missed something. 
To the general userbase, if you'd like to get the message across to Patrick, maybe make him understand the situation, here are some things we can do:
1. Do not spend any money on the website. No money = No support.
2. Do not play rescreatu as much or at all. No players = No money.
3. Say something. Getting banned makes some sort of statement, if everyone is banned, no one can play.
4. Share "TrueRescreatuConfessions" with as many players, friends as possible.
I feel like we are getting closer and closer to V4, and I think it would be best if we went into V4 with a clean slate.
Patrick, please fix your site. 
If you're on the other side and you want to talk to me and tell me what I'm wrong about, I'll listen. I feel like there is so much I don't know about that happens behind doors. It is clear to me that as long as Patrick believes his staff over me, I will not be welcome on rescreatu. 
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You people who immediately like my posts right after I post them give me life. Like I can kinda tell who has me on notifs (I think idk) and who doesn't. I'm not saying that I don't appreciate those who don't have me on notifs! I'm just saying how quick some of you like my posts, I think you think I'm notifs worth (This just in: I'm not-)
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So.. You have bnha OCs !?? 👀☕ Mind sharing something about any of them?
Kaltra is here
Mariska is here
And my newest one, I have not put on Tumblr yet so I will put her page in my Oc book on wattpad for now.
Estelle is here
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Let me know if you guys want dance headcanons because dance is such a Mood™
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Hey psst Opal-Chan, can you match up Valentina,, Idk if you've seen the post about her doe ;w;""' P-Pweasy
HOW DARE Y-I legit can’t make a matchup for her because I am so biased that I would just pay attention to her and Denki than who in general would be a nice match!
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Hope you improve in the new year!
Aww, thank you, sweet Nonnie! I hope you and all of my followers improve and love yourselves in this new year! I hope you all are happy and fight through all the bad times!
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Hey so your OCs are pretty interesting. So my oc is like a spy/assassin for the military and her quirk is copying other people appearance/voice simply by touch. But that sounds a lot like toga. Another one is causing people to hallucinate just by looking into her eyes. But then that sounds like the glamour quirk. Idk which one I should do. She needs a quirk that allows her to sneak into places and kill someone and leave without getting caught. Which quirk u think would be better.
The first one, hon! If she’s trying to roam easily without getting caught, she should need eye contact. In a fight, you’re not looking in the opponent’s eyes. You can make contact though. But do be careful with this quirk, as it could be over powered. I would suggest giving it a time limit and a consequence (Like how Estelle goes deaf when over using her quirk)!
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Just letting everyone know that if your request is not up yet, it's because I am taking a short break to eat before continuing with all of these requests. BTW I am crying in this Chili's bathroom tonight because you guys are amazing!!!
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I'm sorry for the over a week long hiatus! Can you guys please help me get back into the groove and send me stuff!! Whether it be talking to me or to a character on my blog! You can use my munday or get to know the mun prompts for the characters or my ocs!!
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are your prompts open?
Hell yeah they are! Because Admin wants to clear out her inbox so that while she is away at her regional competition, you guys can fill it back up!!!
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Are any of y'all familiar with the National Ballet Company of Odessa? Because I'm about to watch them perform Swan Lake in my hometown!!!!!!
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So, guess what? Admin Opal has dyed her hair!
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Who is the artist? Of your header
I actually do not know! If anyone knows, please do direct me to them so I can ask!!!
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