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An actual safe place to rant and rave about Rescreatu and its users. Not run or controlled by a staff member of Rescreatu.
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
let's not insult schemes intelligence as much as we dislike her, she wouldn't blatantly just make an account like solanine that "comes off like her" that doesn't even make sense and why are we still ALL LIVING RENT FREE IN HER HEAD lollol me included but rip 😭😭😭😭
I don't think you used that phrase the way you intended to...
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
I'm fine with Schemes having a new account. Thanks for the heads up anon staff. As long as she's never allowed on staff again, and not allowed to bully people again, there's no threat to the site so whatever imo
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
anon staff here - to say that solanine = schemes. it says on their user notes. we got instructions to watch schemes on her new account but that’s been all
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
As regular users we obviously can't use all the tools staff do, so we can't have concrete proof that Solanine is Schemes but it's a brand new user with tons of expensive pets including albino shrine pets and albino CS. A user that joined days before the grab bags started isn't likely to have spent real money on them. The profile pets sound passive-aggressive like Amending, Strategy, Cloaking, Reappearing. Just lots of little things that seem like something Schemes would pull.
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
Is there concrete evidence that solanine is schemes or what's the connection
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
ann49 is so insufferable 😭 I try not to have issues with normal players but they are.. impossible to talk to
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
Plenty of users have been burned so bad by the site that it's understandable they just want to watch it die and will never give anyone on staff any slack. To the staff reading this blog, I hope you can understand where they're coming from but also please don't think they represent all of us. If you want to do good work, do it, be the change. Do it for your own satisfaction and for the people who recognize it because we are watching too. And thank you.
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
If you don’t want to see bitching and complaining on an anonymous tumblr why are you here? 😂
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
Let’s just consider for a moment if anything has gotten done recently, even with the addition of ‘new staff.’ Events are not on time, they overlap. New books have no writing. Perhaps the shout box is fine, I couldn’t care less about that godforsaken place. Forums are left unmoderated and any feedback given there or suggestions are practically ignored unless Patrick feels like saying something is a good idea or whatever. The only thing that got done was schemes got banned. And no, I did not apply to staff, I have absolutely no desire to be on a 1) inactive team where half the staff is never even online or interacting with the community, as another anon pointed out and 2) where only one staff member has been held accountable for their actions. Why on earth would I want to work under Dan? Why on earth would I want to work under any of the department heads? They are not good, and the one who maaaaybe is good (crowflux) apparently has too much to manage since a lot of content is left unfinished (books, effects, colors, etc.) and we just keep promising new things without any old getting finished.
again, we can’t even get events out in time. Staff ‘volunteers’ are still getting staff rewards despite lackluster and unfinished events and items being put out. Where has half the “development” team been? Ignoring users and ignoring events, that’s apparent.Why would I want to join a team and attempt to do work for a site that doesn’t even care when one of their admins was (and probably still is) blatantly cheating?
furthermore, staff in two departments don’t even seem to be doing one of their department jobs. Why would I want to be a part of that? Are they getting double the rewards for doing double the ‘work?’ Probably, if I had to bet. Juke is an asshole, that alone is enough to keep me from ever dreaming of even trying to join that team. Shark is absent and has been for months. Savannah hasn’t even logged in since July. Setzer can’t do either of their jobs. I can go on and on and on but no one wants to hear it.
why don’t any of you join staff, or if you are staff, change things for the better? Oh that’s right, because staff cares more about copy and pasting site text in the shoutbox than they do about anything in their site. Do better.
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
I don't think all staff are friends since one of them recently leaked those screenshots of Pegasus from the staff chat... I'm surprised nothing seems to have happened over that tbh
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
“ what's the new account?” solanine
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
"all staff sucks"
Have you even interacted with ALL the staff?
I haven't even seen over half of them show up as online, let alone interacted with them.
Granted, time zones, work schedules, life, might be just clock blocking me and that's why I don't see most of them. The ones I do see though, are more often trying their best and enjoyable to chat with.
I just think saying "all staff" when it's typically the same handful that are complained about, is a bit rude.
No one is going to want to apply to be staff to try and help, if they're just going to automatically be called shitty for the single fact they are staff with no other basis. You want staff changes, that's fine. You hate a few staff members, that's fine. But give the rest of them a chance to be better than the shitty ones before you say "all staff". Or, like another post here already said, go apply and make shit better yourself rather than just bitching on Tumblr.
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
No one can get into staff unless they’re already friends xD so uhhhh I can’t. Nice try though. Convince ME otherwise. The only anomaly I see is maybe the hiring of Stargazer. Other than that, they’re all been the same circle jerk of friends.
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
Salty burn anon must have applied to staff and got rejected.
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
To the anon who posted this very salty burn: "Let’s be real all staff sucks because it’s still one big circle jerk of friends and no one is going to be able to get anything done"
Sounds to me like maybe YOU should apply to staff, then maybe you can get things done! Looking forward to it. And make sure to let us know this comment was from you after you give the staff a total reform. We need to give credit where its due!
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truerescreatuconfessions · 2 years ago
what's the new account?
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