#admin lala speaks
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The next two RWBabies from the admins! Kai-La and Ahisne are future love interests. 
The current three kids are open for questions about everything and anything, so feel free to leave them. There are more to come, so be free to ask about them too.
(Their bios are under the cut, but they’re really long so don’t read them if you’re not down for it:)
Ahisne Nikos (Based on Odysseus)
Name Inspiration: ‘Ahi’ means fire in Hawaiian, ‘sne’ means snow in Danish
Nickname(s): ‘Ahis’ by Pyrrha, ‘Princess’ and ‘Sweetheart’ by Weiss, ‘Snowflake’ by Kai-La
Iolite-isms: Upper Class, Ice Shard, Snow, Flame Hair, Hothead, Smug Bitch, Heartbreaker
Languages: Atlesian, Valean, Middle Mistrali, Mantlan
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Aura Colour: Light Red
Schools and Team: Eiskappe Academy (combat school), Atlas Academy (Academy)/Member of Team HALA (Halo)
Bestie Better Than The Restie: Hao Wahine
Homeplace: Atlas
Orientation: Homosexual Biromantic
Semblance: Magnetic Glyphs, a semblance that allows Ahisne to create glyphs similar to that of Weiss’ that act as positively or negatively charged magnets. She needs to wear specially constructed shoes with metal soles – courtesy of Mercury – to use her semblance to her aid. Creating the glyphs is easy, but it is a slightly painful process as whenever she uses the shoes to stick to a wall the glyph is placed on or to propel herself off of a glyph, the charge will shock her a bit, but this is only a minor drawback to a very powerful semblance. 
Weapon: Magnesurf, a Dao sword with a detachable hilt. While deatched from the hilt, the blade can be used solo as a small dagger or even a spear at times. The hilt is able to expand in order to act like a shield of sorts that is constructed of the same metal as her shoe soles, meaning that if she wishes to, she can move a glyph along a surface and use the hilt-shield as a snowboard. 
Voiced by: Monica Rial
Ahisne works on-and-off shifts at a bakery/cafe Weiss and Pyrrha have owned ever since their daughter was born and they started only doing part-time Huntress work. It is cutely named ‘Niko Nikos Treats’.
She and her cousin Abend are extremely close, visiting each other as often as possible in either Mantle or Atlas. It helps that they’re the samge age, though that more often than not comes down to a lot more arguments over whether they can boss each other around.
Before going to Atlas Academy, her only non-family/non-military friend was Hao Wahine, a girl she met in her ballet classes as a kid.
Along with ballet, Ahisne has a proficency for singing just like her mother. Sometimes she will lend her voice to charity concerts or recitals, but in her teenage years she begins to associate more with Carolina Robin and Kade Chyrsolite. They convince her to sing on Carolina Robin’s parents’ stage in Atlas’ “party district”.
She considers the Schnee Dust Company to not be any of her business. Abend is the next successor after Whitley, and Ahisne is much more focused on being a Huntress anyway.
She adores white chocolate, but her favourite food is red velvet cake (preferably with pink, blue, and white marshmallows in particular).
Ahisne, thanks to Weiss, Winter, and Whitley, has not been influenced by her Grandfather’s harmful influence. She knows of his imprisonment when her mothers were teenagers and she has seen him on the news once or twice, but aside from that she knows little to nothing of Jacques.
She takes great pride in her hair’s natural gradient of white and red.
Kai-La Wukong (Based on The Journey to the West)
Name Inspiration: ‘Kai’ means sea in Hawaiian, ‘La’ means sun in Hawaiian
Nickname(s): ‘Lala’ by Amba, ‘Kai’ by anyone and everyone
Iolite-isms: Seamonkey, Tail-Head, Blueberry Twist, Beached
Languages: Vacuan, North Mistrali, Middle Mistrali, South Mistrali, very limited Valean, extremely limited Atlesian
Gender: Female
Species: Monkey Faunus
Aura Colour: Scarlet
Schools and Team: Oscuro Academy (combat school), Shade Academy (Academy)/Leader of Team WTHD (Watershed)
Bestie Better Than The Restie: Iolite Black, Cinnabarus Taurus-Torchwick
Homeplace: Vacuo
Orientation: Homosexual Homoromantic
Semblance: Bubble Bomb, a semblance that creates bubbles of varying sizes from Kai-La’s skin. These bubbles can both absorb sunlight and reflect it, the latter blinding her opponent. Once the bubbles absorb enough sunlight, they burst and explode, which not only causes some damage to the opponent but also warps Kai-La a foot away from the fight to buy herself some time. Kai-La sometimes wears goggles stolen from her Dad to stop herself from going blind. An excessive production of the bubbles severely drains her Aura, though, so she has to keep a count of how many she’s produced at a time.
Weapon: Di Qing, a staff that is capable of ejecting out at the sides to form the head a trident at the end. She has no need for a firing mechanism, so if need be for long-ranged, she launches the trident-spear away from her in order to pin her opponent to a tree and hold them there. 
Voiced by: Kate Higgins
Kai-La’s tail, like Sun’s, is prehensile, so she uses it more often than not like a third hand. Grabbing things, holding her weapon, displaying her emotions more than she’d like -- especially around pretty girls. The Ayana-David triplets are most vunerable to her tail wrapping itself around their arms or hands unconsciously.
She did not listen while her Oscuro classes taught Valean, so she can’t speak a word until her second year when she meets Candy and Qrow.
Kai-La, being the child of Sun and Neptune, is both a natural leader and a hopeless renegade of a teammate. She’s been able to easily formulate solutions to any problem, but she isn’t wise in the slighest if you ask her teammates, who more often than not get dragged into helping her enact these easy solutions.
Food isn’t something she’s picky over, but if she had to pick, her favourite would be Atlas-imported ice-cream, specifically bubblegum flavour.
Kai-La can and will handle her liquor well. 
She takes great pleasure in watching old Vytal Festival footage, especially of her parents, uncles, and the legendary Team STRQ. Someday, she hopes to be able to slice a Grimm in half with one fell swoop.
Video games are her forte. Games like Animal Crossing and Pokemon mostly, but that’s because she likes the casual side to them.
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If there’s anyone who’s following this blog and looking at our works, then you’re probably wondering:
ok, so where are they??? why are there no posts?? jESUS WHERE ARE THE CONTENT????
So, here’s Lala [me] explaining our situation:
-First, all of us in the blog are students! And we have to study unfortunately  
[[i am not ok]]
Third, is also because sometimes, we really are losing ideas! Our other admins are making the fics you requested, so you just need to wait for them to finish. So while our Scenario creators aren’t finish yet, don’t be afraid to go to our ask box to request for more and maybe just bug up the Inbox! We’d be pleased to talk to you, or maybe just hang out HAHA
Anyways, I hope you guys understand! We’ll be here if you need us so please do hit us up if you want!! Love y’all <3
--- Admin Lala
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hellyeahheroes · 7 years
Black Lightning Episode 4 Quick Review
Let me start with the fact that Lady Eve is absolutely terrifying. That whole scene with her cutting a body while talking to Tobias sent chills down my spine before we even got to the surprise moment. Similarly, the last scene with Tobias and Khalil at the end...oh gods in those scenes you realize how good villains this show has. I’ve said that if they play their cards right, they could have an equivalent to Daredevil’s Kingpin and so far both Lady Eve and Tobias are on their way to become just that.
I also loved the dilemma Jefferson was put in this episode. He could either sacrifice future of one promising student, who made a mistake or give up the influential position he has in school and power to protect students from the board that cannot even remember one name without checking it out. It’s actually hard to make stories where characters made real hard decisions without coming into the memetic “hard men making hard choices while hard” crap.
Finally, I like developments for both Anissa and Jeniffer. Jeniffer is a very convincing portrayal of a teenager dealing with the fact someone they love has to deal with disability. I haven’t yet decided where I am on Khalil himself, but especially with Whale acting as a devil on his shoulder, it will be hard to judge how much of his portrayal might fall into any stereotypes and how much it’s because of Tobias’ influence.
As for Anissa, I enjoyed her greatly. Her against the bigots was beautiful, her conversation with Henderson was interesting and her first time as a hero fighting drug dealers showed surprisingly realistic take on how someone with super strength going against normal people with guns would look like.
Also, I like that Two-Bits was just a guy who sells drugs to support his family, it’s another level of showing antagonists with a more gray area and more realistic that Lala’s somewhat hypocritical motivation. Speaking of which - I have no idea about modern-day criminals so I need to ask - is it either popular for criminals to pick nicknames like those or were both Two-Bits and Lala just trying to be ironic?
- Admin
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
Confidence On Camera for Health Coaches, Entrepreneurs and Public Figures
Today we welcome guest author Arriane Alexander, Business Coach and Video Expert, and creator of the Lights, Camera, CASH Coaching Program.
How do you stand out from the crowd online?
Whether you are a health coach or an entrepreneur, you are probably trying to figure out how to grow your business and make an impact with your audience. You’re probably aware that creating videos is part of that strategy. The whole world just went virtual, so now is the time to play a bigger game in your business by using video marketing.
Did you know that 80% of people would prefer to learn about a business or product by video versus reading from a blog? And by 2021, video traffic will be 80% of all internet traffic.
Are you ready? 
Using videos to grow your audience on Facebook, Instagram and other platforms is essential if you want to: ?
Draw in new clients
Grow your business
Build your brand
Create strong relationships
Launch a new product or program
But, you’re scrolling through Instagram and see all these other people rocking it on videos and a little voice creeps in that says you’re not good enough.
Ugh. I get it.
“My first video was perfect and amazing!” SAID NO ONE EVER
When I first started doing videos many years ago, I had zero confidence. And admittedly, I wasn’t that great on video. The camera was shaky, I was stumbling over my words, and I had no idea how to start or finish my videos. I was so nervous and my videos were all over the place with no structure and no calls to action. One time, I was in the middle of a Facebook Live, and my tripod completely fell over. I was a jumbled hot mess. My thoughts were telling me, you’ll never get this, you’re not good enough, you can’t do it…
But I kept going. I was determined to understand how to create powerful videos, so I tried different things, made many mistakes and finally created a structure for myself. I watched my videos (even though it was painful sometimes) to see what I could do better. And the consistency worked! I got more confident on video and clients started coming to me easily because they had seen my videos and felt like they could trust me.
You need to be willing to get out of your stuffy-adult-I-should-know-how-to-do-this mindset, and get into a beginners mindset, take risks and make mistakes in order to grow your business.
5 Expert Tips to Be Confident on Camera
To get you started, I’m sharing the same pro tips I use with my VIP Lights, Camera, Cash clients every day. I know you are probably working from home and these pro tips will help you feel more confident creating videos in that environment.
You’ll want to address:
Camera angle
Who you’re speaking to
Let’s dig deeper into each of these.
1. Lighting
We must be able to see your eyes, because that’s how we connect with you. How do you create good lighting?
DON’T: Never set your light source behind you, because it will create a shadow on your face and viewers won’t be able to see you. Also, avoid shooting videos in direct sunlight, as it overexposes your face and creates harsh shadows.
DO: Make sure your light source is in FRONT of you, so it reflects on your face. If possible, sit in front of a window or place a light source in front of you. If you need to, order a ring light that will work wonders for your face.
2. Camera Angle
Looking down into the camera can create a double chin that isn’t even there in real life. You can create a sleeker look for your face just by adjusting the camera angle.
DON’T: Set your laptop or phone on your desk or table and look DOWN into the video camera. When your head is tilted down, it brings the energy of the video down, instead of up. It makes you look like you are talking down to the person who is watching you. Plus, you’ll highlight your chin, when you want to focal point to be your eyes.
DO: Raise your laptop or phone to eye level or a little above to create a natural eye line and smooth angle for your jawline. This makes your face and jawline look more streamlined on camera.
How do you do this? Use a box, storage bin, or stack of books to put your laptop on, or use a small tripod for your phone. Be sure your platform is secure so that your equipment doesn’t fall. Creating this good camera angle makes a HUGE difference in how you come across on camera.
3. Speak To One Person At A Time
There are some basic rules of marketing, and one of them is to always speak to one person at a time. Think of TV ads – they are geared towards YOU, not a group of people.
DON’T: A common mistake I see 99% of people making on video is to say “Hi you guys, I’m here to talk about xxx…” But think about it…who is actually watching you? Is it a crowd of people around one phone watching your video? NOPE. It’s ONE PERSON.
DO: Speak to one person only. Imagine your Ideal Client that you are speaking to, and speak to him or her directly. Use words like “you” and “your” so that you are creating a relationship with the person who is watching your video. You want each person watching to feel like you are speaking directly to him or her.
4. Background
We all know most people are doing business at home right now, and space might be tight to create videos, but it is important to be aware of what the camera sees in the background.
DON’T: Have a background that includes your dirty dishes, an un-made bed, or a bathroom door open. Anything that is in the background can be distracting for the viewer, and you want to keep all the focus on yourself.
DO: Make sure the area behind you is tidy and has the least amount of clutter in the view. You can bring your computer or phone closer to your face so there is less background to see. Try to find a space in your home that doesn’t have too much busy-ness going on. Also, you could use a cloth or paper backdrop for videos.
Extra tip: I get a lot of questions about using a virtual background. These can look unnatural and alter the outline of your head and body. The only way this works well and looks really good is if you have a green screen behind you.
5. Structure
It’s easy to get lost in what you are saying while you are creating your videos, so it’s important to have a structure to follow.
DON’T: Turn on your video without an intention and structure of what to say. You might end up rambling on and on in your videos and turn off your viewers.
DO: Be clear about your bullet points before you turn on the camera. Jot them down on a sticky note and put them next to your camera if you need a reminder. Then if you get off track, you can come back to your notes.
Remember, creating videos is a skill, and it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s just like learning a new language or playing the piano. It takes consistency, patience and practice. Be nice to yourself in the learning process and try to have fun even when you make mistakes. We all make mistakes. As you get more confident creating videos, you will reach your audience quicker and easier so they can know you, trust you, and like you.
If you want more support in how to be confident and rock your videos, grab my FREE 7-Day Video Breakthrough Series and Bonus Action Guide: 3 Steps To On-Camera Confidence. This will help you gain the confidence you need to use videos to create the 6 (or even 7!) figure business of your dreams!
About the author: Arriane Alexander, Business Coach and Video Expert
As the creator of the Lights, Camera, CASH Coaching Program, Arriane has helped coaches, consultants, health and fitness experts and other online entrepreneurs take courageous action to create consistent, powerful videos that people actually want to watch. Working with Arriane has been known to increase your business by $750,000 in 6 months, help you actually look forward to turning on a live video, and fill your Mastermind program in just two weeks. Arriane’s video expertise has been featured on Good Morning LaLa Land, The Primal Blueprint Podcast, and The Health Coach Radio Podcast.
When she’s not teaching YOU how to be fabulous in front of the camera, you can also see her on TV working as an actress in some of your favorite shows like S.W.A.T., People vs OJ Simpson, Grey’s Anatomy and Young Sheldon. This cowgirl originally from Oklahoma is also generally working up a sweat on the Santa Monica beach path, making sure the sunshine still feels good.
FREE 7-day Video Breakthrough Series
Follow Arriane on Instagram
Follow Arriane on Facebook
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The post Confidence On Camera for Health Coaches, Entrepreneurs and Public Figures appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Confidence On Camera for Health Coaches, Entrepreneurs and Public Figures published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
Confidence On Camera for Health Coaches, Entrepreneurs and Public Figures
Today we welcome guest author Arriane Alexander, Business Coach and Video Expert, and creator of the Lights, Camera, CASH Coaching Program.
How do you stand out from the crowd online?
Whether you are a health coach or an entrepreneur, you are probably trying to figure out how to grow your business and make an impact with your audience. You’re probably aware that creating videos is part of that strategy. The whole world just went virtual, so now is the time to play a bigger game in your business by using video marketing.
Did you know that 80% of people would prefer to learn about a business or product by video versus reading from a blog? And by 2021, video traffic will be 80% of all internet traffic.
Are you ready? 
Using videos to grow your audience on Facebook, Instagram and other platforms is essential if you want to: ?
Draw in new clients
Grow your business
Build your brand
Create strong relationships
Launch a new product or program
But, you’re scrolling through Instagram and see all these other people rocking it on videos and a little voice creeps in that says you’re not good enough.
Ugh. I get it.
“My first video was perfect and amazing!” SAID NO ONE EVER
When I first started doing videos many years ago, I had zero confidence. And admittedly, I wasn’t that great on video. The camera was shaky, I was stumbling over my words, and I had no idea how to start or finish my videos. I was so nervous and my videos were all over the place with no structure and no calls to action. One time, I was in the middle of a Facebook Live, and my tripod completely fell over. I was a jumbled hot mess. My thoughts were telling me, you’ll never get this, you’re not good enough, you can’t do it…
But I kept going. I was determined to understand how to create powerful videos, so I tried different things, made many mistakes and finally created a structure for myself. I watched my videos (even though it was painful sometimes) to see what I could do better. And the consistency worked! I got more confident on video and clients started coming to me easily because they had seen my videos and felt like they could trust me.
You need to be willing to get out of your stuffy-adult-I-should-know-how-to-do-this mindset, and get into a beginners mindset, take risks and make mistakes in order to grow your business.
5 Expert Tips to Be Confident on Camera
To get you started, I’m sharing the same pro tips I use with my VIP Lights, Camera, Cash clients every day. I know you are probably working from home and these pro tips will help you feel more confident creating videos in that environment.
You’ll want to address:
Camera angle
Who you’re speaking to
Let’s dig deeper into each of these.
1. Lighting
We must be able to see your eyes, because that’s how we connect with you. How do you create good lighting?
DON’T: Never set your light source behind you, because it will create a shadow on your face and viewers won’t be able to see you. Also, avoid shooting videos in direct sunlight, as it overexposes your face and creates harsh shadows.
DO: Make sure your light source is in FRONT of you, so it reflects on your face. If possible, sit in front of a window or place a light source in front of you. If you need to, order a ring light that will work wonders for your face.
2. Camera Angle
Looking down into the camera can create a double chin that isn’t even there in real life. You can create a sleeker look for your face just by adjusting the camera angle.
DON’T: Set your laptop or phone on your desk or table and look DOWN into the video camera. When your head is tilted down, it brings the energy of the video down, instead of up. It makes you look like you are talking down to the person who is watching you. Plus, you’ll highlight your chin, when you want to focal point to be your eyes.
DO: Raise your laptop or phone to eye level or a little above to create a natural eye line and smooth angle for your jawline. This makes your face and jawline look more streamlined on camera.
How do you do this? Use a box, storage bin, or stack of books to put your laptop on, or use a small tripod for your phone. Be sure your platform is secure so that your equipment doesn’t fall. Creating this good camera angle makes a HUGE difference in how you come across on camera.
3. Speak To One Person At A Time
There are some basic rules of marketing, and one of them is to always speak to one person at a time. Think of TV ads – they are geared towards YOU, not a group of people.
DON’T: A common mistake I see 99% of people making on video is to say “Hi you guys, I’m here to talk about xxx…” But think about it…who is actually watching you? Is it a crowd of people around one phone watching your video? NOPE. It’s ONE PERSON.
DO: Speak to one person only. Imagine your Ideal Client that you are speaking to, and speak to him or her directly. Use words like “you” and “your” so that you are creating a relationship with the person who is watching your video. You want each person watching to feel like you are speaking directly to him or her.
4. Background
We all know most people are doing business at home right now, and space might be tight to create videos, but it is important to be aware of what the camera sees in the background.
DON’T: Have a background that includes your dirty dishes, an un-made bed, or a bathroom door open. Anything that is in the background can be distracting for the viewer, and you want to keep all the focus on yourself.
DO: Make sure the area behind you is tidy and has the least amount of clutter in the view. You can bring your computer or phone closer to your face so there is less background to see. Try to find a space in your home that doesn’t have too much busy-ness going on. Also, you could use a cloth or paper backdrop for videos.
Extra tip: I get a lot of questions about using a virtual background. These can look unnatural and alter the outline of your head and body. The only way this works well and looks really good is if you have a green screen behind you.
5. Structure
It’s easy to get lost in what you are saying while you are creating your videos, so it’s important to have a structure to follow.
DON’T: Turn on your video without an intention and structure of what to say. You might end up rambling on and on in your videos and turn off your viewers.
DO: Be clear about your bullet points before you turn on the camera. Jot them down on a sticky note and put them next to your camera if you need a reminder. Then if you get off track, you can come back to your notes.
Remember, creating videos is a skill, and it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s just like learning a new language or playing the piano. It takes consistency, patience and practice. Be nice to yourself in the learning process and try to have fun even when you make mistakes. We all make mistakes. As you get more confident creating videos, you will reach your audience quicker and easier so they can know you, trust you, and like you.
If you want more support in how to be confident and rock your videos, grab my FREE 7-Day Video Breakthrough Series and Bonus Action Guide: 3 Steps To On-Camera Confidence. This will help you gain the confidence you need to use videos to create the 6 (or even 7!) figure business of your dreams!
About the author: Arriane Alexander, Business Coach and Video Expert
As the creator of the Lights, Camera, CASH Coaching Program, Arriane has helped coaches, consultants, health and fitness experts and other online entrepreneurs take courageous action to create consistent, powerful videos that people actually want to watch. Working with Arriane has been known to increase your business by $750,000 in 6 months, help you actually look forward to turning on a live video, and fill your Mastermind program in just two weeks. Arriane’s video expertise has been featured on Good Morning LaLa Land, The Primal Blueprint Podcast, and The Health Coach Radio Podcast.
When she’s not teaching YOU how to be fabulous in front of the camera, you can also see her on TV working as an actress in some of your favorite shows like S.W.A.T., People vs OJ Simpson, Grey’s Anatomy and Young Sheldon. This cowgirl originally from Oklahoma is also generally working up a sweat on the Santa Monica beach path, making sure the sunshine still feels good.
FREE 7-day Video Breakthrough Series
Follow Arianne on Instagram
Follow Arianne on Facebook
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The post Confidence On Camera for Health Coaches, Entrepreneurs and Public Figures appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Confidence On Camera for Health Coaches, Entrepreneurs and Public Figures published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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Okay, so I just remembered that this is a sports anime blog... Speaking of sports--- who knows Prince of Tennis??? Anyone who knows, hit me up and fangirl with me!!! I need someone to talk about TeniPuri <3 I still love that show HAHA
--- Admin LaLa
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