#admin idiocy
monoclr · 1 year
went to my first fall out boy concert last week and it wasn’t either of the gay ones so im rioting
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fadetoblackhq · 1 year
apparently, the ads blog has been private this whole time.. boy do i feel dumb. but also.. we've gotten this far just from what i post on the main? fcking impressive!
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fuck-customers · 6 months
You motherfuckers.
It is literally CHEAPER to just get the fries if that is what you want. Quit making me type in then delete then retype your order three dozen times if you do not want a drink.
The amount of times today I’ve done the “slow blink + stare of idiocy” at people…
Posted by admin Rodney.
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[The art is sooo good]
"Even if you did return for selfish reasons only, I'm sure Morty likes having a grandpa around."
[Admin: Ahhhhh tyyy!! :DD]
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"I'm... gonna ignore that you're Diane or a fucking clone of her o-or something." -ahem- "Anyways- I'm only hanging around since the little shit has some potential and it'd be a waste if Jerry's idiocy spreads to the kid."
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henrysglock · 1 year
i wish the start of the school year would fix the unending idiocy on this app. unfortunately most of the people causing trouble are 20+ years old and can’t have their devices taken away by admin
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nodynasty4us · 3 months
In the case of Biden, switching will steal news cycles from Trump for months, give the new candidate a chance at voters disillusioned with Biden's Gaza policies (hello Michigan), pull the rug out from Trump's (and the entire GOP’s) anti-Biden campaign. Switching will give us a candidate who can hammer away at Trump's corruption, bigotry, misogyny, racism, fascism, nepotism, ignorance, idiocy and mental decline (which Biden lacks the capacity or willingness to do), a candidate better able to sound the alarm about the plight of reproductive rights and the danger of the current Supreme Court. This isn't about loyalty to Joe, it's about beating Trump and preserving democracy. This isn’t about "norms” or “staying the course”; we've never seen a situation or trajectory like this (comparisons to LBJ in '68 are ridiculously off; every congressional Democrat is currently outpolling Biden). The Biden admin is currently gaslighting desperately, trying to hold the base with familiar appeals. But it's swing voters who are critical, and they are not swayed by appeals to policy, let alone the dangers of fascism (as insane as that may be). Biden is sinking in the polls daily, he’ll only get worse. Switching greatly improves the odds of beating Trump. Democrats must switch.
Diana Goetsch in Deep Midwest
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thelastfriendly · 1 year
Whoever switched from Twitter to Threads and not to Tumblr, Mastodon, or whatever else there is, is a massive idiot. But on the positive side, those idiots aren't bringing their idiocy over here.
Rant about Threads under the read more
To put into perspective why Threads is a terrible thing to join and even to support, look no further than the fact that Threads isn't launching in the EU yet because they can't make it compliant with GDPR.
On top of that remember how it was advertised that it would be integrated with the Fediverse? That part doesn't exist yet, but the Admins and Owners of big Fediverse instances, have been invited in the past for a discussion with Meta executives on how the integration can best be done and what that means for Mastodon, etc. that discussion invite was stamped with a gigantic 'You may not talk about anything being discussed in the meeting' understandably the Owners were disinterested in partaking due to that limitation.
You may have also heard of Owners proactively defederating (blocking) Threads servers, this isn't simply being done to fuck with Zuck, but also done to keep their users safe. Meta will collect the data of anyone who uses Fediverse services, and it can happen from something as simple as someone from Threads interacting with a post of yours (Any interaction with a post apart from viewing saves that post onto your home instance servers). There will be no escape, and that is a privacy nightmare of unforeseen reaches.
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year
I really wanna control my demons but I am not satisfied with this. It feels weird that they forced all these weird interactions between ccs. Baghera had so much hate for nothing. Q got everyone else to stop streaming. So many angry and delusional fans. Bbh fans on Tumblr going 'hurray bad didn't win and we don't have to suffer the Twitter hate.'
Just. So much idiocy and not even very much fun coming out of it. I think the only bits I really enjoyed was Foolish's second death and Max's interviews.
Iunno. Just a lot of thoughts I've been having for a few months. I'm not very happy.
i think thats been the general sentiment for many people regarding the elections: the community just isnt mature enough to handle this type of competition. but i dont think the admins/quackity expected it to escalate, or for it to go on for so long.
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carpathxanridge · 1 year
my mom just told me her boss (school admin) told her that at a neighboring high school they have kids who identify as furries and bring litter boxes to school ??? and the school is just letting them??? i told her she should relay the info that an investigation should probably b opened up with cps because that’s definitely a safeguarding issue and those kids are almost definitely being groomed…… i can’t even wrap my head around this tho like i don’t think it sunk in when i relayed this info to her like i fully accepted it as plausible reality because of my unfortunate fucked up internet knowledge but now i’m taking a step back and it’s like. what the fucking fuck seriously what the fuck this is hell on earth death to kinksters death to the furry community death to tiktok
edit: okay wait so i looked it up right after posting it like surely this can’t be real and the litterbox part was rooted in joe rogan right wing idiocy propaganda. makes sense because when my mom told me the story she was confusing what was happening at the neighboring school with “another story [her colleague] heard about in the news.” so thank god the litterbox thing is made up lmao because that sounded legitimately insane. but i’m still like AS AN ADMIN IF KIDS IN YOUR SCHOOL IDENTIFY PUBLICLY AS A FURRY THAT ALONE SHOULD WARRANT MANDATORY REPORTING IT SHOULDN’T BE SOMETHING TO GOSSIP ABOUT WITH NEIGHBORING ADMINISTRATORS 😭
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teamwinterofficial · 2 years
yay. another evil team likely indoctrinating impressionable minds into their cause. i cannot wait to see the world saved by another thirteen year old from your idiocy!
And here we have an example of needlessly sensationalized language. An evil team, indoctrating impressionable minds. Or perhaps, it might be more accurate to say that we as a team are spreading education and awareness to those who had not yet realized the severity of the situation, hm?
-Winter Admin Firn (they/them)
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monoclr · 5 months
girls dont fart they *mariachi band horns*
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sincerely-krp · 2 months
exposing is on the way, MAJOR exposing. // you're genuinely a moron, none of the admins were the muns of the muses that are consistently lied about here. one of them didn't even have a muse within the rp and was literally only an admin? you really can't make up this level of idiocy guys
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halfbakedspuds · 7 months
A little excerpt from children of the stars
Relief flooded through her as the door swung open and a battered and bruised Adrian stumbled out. He was disadvantaged by one cybernetic arm, wires and a torn steel frame the only indicator of how violently it had left his possession. Her relief turned to disgusted shock as she registered the amount of blood he was covered in, in fact she had a hard time telling that his hair was meant to be white, or that his coat used to be several shades lighter and several degrees less soiled.
"Gods, Adrian!" Was all she could manage, rushing over to help proper him up. He faltered, almost falling into her as he did. He stood a moment, breathing heavily as she held him up. Slowly, she lowered to a crouch helping him into a seated position. It was assistence which, for once, he did not protest against.
"Not... my blood," He forced out, then spit a fat globule of the stuff onto the pavement, "Mostly,"
She took in the sorry state he was in. His one eye was beginning to swell shut, and blood from his nose stained his lips and chin wherever he had not coughed it up already. Overcome by conflicting concern, anger, and exasperation, Lyanni hit him once on the shoulder, making sure it was the organic one so he would feel it.
"What in the hells were you thinking, human!"
Adrian reached into his coat with a shaky hand, and pulled out a slip of paper with an address written in Auxelian, "Went and found that situla stericore for you. Let's-" He winced and took a sharp breath the moment he tried to get up. He steadied himself, then continued, "Let's go get him,"
She suddenly found herself torn by indecision. On the one hand, he had just gone out of his way to get her the closest she'd been to vengeance in years. On the other hand, she knew they'd need to work together to get anywhere near Hjallen, and as it was, she doubted whether Adrian would survive a night of admin work, let alone a raid.
It wasn't a hard decision to make.
"I said no," She repeated, "We are going home so that you can can rest and heal from your act of noble idiocy," When he opened his mouth to protest, she placed a finger to his lips to silence him, "And if I need to knock your stubborn human ass out to force you to stay in bed and actually heal, I will,"
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0last-ditch-effort0 · 9 months
unbelievably stressed yay 🙃
feelin like I'm going crazy bc we popped by a health centre and I shit you not not a single fucking mask in sight. Not one but ours. And then one of the admin asks if *we* have covid. Do they think we're stupid or just malicious? And which are they? A fucking *health centre*. With *sick people* even. Elderly people, disabled people, children, people in poverty. Completely overlooking the fact that we've watched perfectly healthy 30 odd year olds drop dead from covid, nevermind the lasting effects post infection. partners already been wavy on masking bc they feel unsafe doing it but like... its.... not safe not to.... cannot wrap my head around this idiocy. And like... I know, I *know* that humans are not rational beings. But what kind of fucking explanation do you have for this??
also windows tried to update and its fucking with everything and I've never had to restart my computer this much since the 95/vista days and the one man flatmate who was here over the holidays didn't fucking clean and somehow the *toilet* is growing mold inside the bowl.
Can I just get in the van and leave for the beach again? That was a nicer time
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mendaciumhq · 9 months
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CHARACTER NAME: sebastian o'shannon / salazar slytherin reincarnate
CHARACTER AGE/DOB: 23 years old / december 17th 2000
CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC: he/him or they/them, non binary, greyace & aroflux, polyamorous.
CANON OR OC: oc???
CHARACTER FANDOM: hp/magical world
CHARACTER PROFESSION IF RELEVANT: part-time potions professor at hogwarts, part-time magical history author
ALIGNMENT IN THE WAR & OPINIONS: sebastian has long been sided with the order of the phoenix. however, some will assume the opposite. this is because since sebastian's final year of hogwarts, he has been a spy for the order. so to those he's worked alongside within the death eaters, he would appear to be on their side. this happened because, in spite of his own beliefs built about the idiocy of blood purity supremacy, sebastian's mother and step father have entirely different views. they joined the death eaters and claimed they would force sebastian's younger siblings when the time came too. in order to protect his siblings, sebastian 'joined', even took the dark mark to full commit to selling it as truth. he's been secretly funnelling back information to the order the whole time.
the sound of waves crashing against the shore on a stormy winter day
feeling stronger, invincible even, when with your friends
keeping your appearance together to sell the idea that you are 'okay'
wires by the neighbourhood
ANY IMPORTANT CHARACTER NOTES/FURTHER BIO/HISTORY: see attached google doc for in depth lore/details on sebastian, salazar etc:
sebastian o'shannon is the reincarnate of salazar slytherin. he has known this since early childhood, when memories from a previous life began bleeding through, when it all began to unravel. however, he kept this to himself: the only time he spoke of it, his mother called him attention seeking and childish for making up such stories. he quickly learned to keep his mouth shut from then on. until, of course, he finally came to hogwarts. the moment the sorting hat landed on him, it confirmed what he thought to be true and welcomed back the true slytherin to the school. he also told him of another walking the halls: gryffindor. but, of course, the hat didn't give specifics. so it took a month for sebastian to figure it out and bond with the gryffindor reincarnate. each other meeting of a reincarnate came with it's own chaotic energy.
sebastian went through school growing, changing a lot as a person. breaking free of what he'd grown up in: the pureblood superiority of his family in particular. in spite of being around a lot of people who still supported the ideologies, sebastian found his friends and broke the generational bullshit. rejected it outright and wasn't quiet about it either.
it isn't until his final year that all of that rebellion went quiet and died. it had to. he had a cover to keep after all, as a death eater-- even if it were a lie, he still had to commit to it in order to keep up the belief. it meant some public fall outs had to be staged with friends. cruel things that still haunt him, even if all parties involved know the truth.
sebastian hopes that, eventually, he'll be free of this life of living a lie. he misses his friends dearly, and wants to stop pretending. but he'll do it for as long as he has to, for as long as it's feeding back good information that saves lives.
sebastian also works part time at hogwarts as a potions professor, working alongside slughorn, but the majority of his time is spent in his own private works, writing about magical history. he has a bit of a leg up, after all.
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maxverstepponme · 10 months
I seriously need insta to do a mass deleting of all gossip pages. It's too hateful these days. I miss when we used to actually gossip about stuff, not throw random unsoclited hate at undeserving wag just because they're dating a driver ///
I agree with this anon. It's too hateful. Admins rather throw hate at alex than call out kelly and her idiocy
I also think that some people just don’t want to lose followers so they let people talk shit
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