#admin g
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wolveswithblackpearls · 4 months ago
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datingabigshot · 10 months ago
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Hi again! Sharing some Spamton stuff I’ve been working on. Just some fun little moments that will be captured in the game! (And some Spamton explorations)
-Admin Blue
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22bananapudding · 4 months ago
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we need to team up and beat him to death with hammers
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stupidusernamepolicy · 1 day ago
a couple other thoughts re: burt g. I don't think he's ever been a severed worker or if he has then he's very aware of . The implied long history with the company, the attempts to rekindle the same kind of humor burt and irv had and it seeming much more foreign to irving than it is to burt. Burt's acting suspicious on top of all that ofc.
Also, just relating to the workplace relationship and the discussions they had about it? Them being staunch Lutherians and gay. How they immediately think they had sex when they had not even kissed...
And this is more vibes-wise and speculative, but Burt being the "wild child" and one who needs to Get To Heaven to be with Fields, Burt pursuing Irving (in both senses of the word, to my eye),... It doesn't feel like love or a relationship purely based on it, but more like a keeper and his charge. Making sure he stays on the straight and narrow.
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slavhew · 1 day ago
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our sicillian grandpa
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moonlightsolo · 2 years ago
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some neteyam crumbs for all of you to enjoy <3 i made all of them you’re welcome
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chubby-mychem · 6 months ago
Bulletproof Vest
Later Revenge Era
May 2005
I love how the tucked in dress shirt accentuates their tummy
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Always sitting on their belt a little
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luckylunatix · 8 months ago
There is no greater love than that of an autistic bisexual towards a pathetic fictional man with absolutely no rizz
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villafordefeatedvillains · 8 months ago
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Oh and speaking of HLVRV redesigns. C my beloved! And some weird lanky spider-thing that vaguely resembles the Puppet from FNAF I Guess.
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forthedancingandthethriving · 4 months ago
The Abyss is a patient creature, despite what some beings may think. Yes, it has a Thing with Juliano (it's pretty miffed it can't find him lately, hell, it can't really find anyone) but nonetheless, it has plans. Grand plans, ones where it'll finally be known and the damned ClearAll and Database will finally be gone.
For the past while now, it had been visiting a place called Computer Hell. Particularly bad Programs and Viruses were locked up here, and many more than willing to help it out. Whenever it could, it would sneak into the Computer Hell when that Antivirus wasn't around. It's tendrils would disable the alarms, set them free for a time.
Though there was one inmate that particularly interested it.
You lot.
Several noises of shock came from the group that the Abyss had materialized behind. It tilts its head as it scans them over.
Andrew Orpheus, Lady Rose, Spamton G Spamton, Francis, Nermal, and Marianne.
"Christ on a fucking stick," Andrew whispers, placing a hand on his chest.
"Abyss... welcome." Lady Rose shoots it a look, but it ignores that, because it doesn't even know what that look means.
It points a clawed finger to a cell, where spiderwebs cover the entrance. That cell. There is someone in there, but they refuse to come out. Who is it?
The group immediately shared more Looks, and the Abyss just grins toothily because oh, this is going to be good.
"There is crazy.." Lady Rose mumbles as she looks to the webbed up cell.
"And then there's THAT woman!" Francis has no such qualms about being loud, gesturing widely to the cell. "She is not okay!"
Andrew shoots him a look before he elaborates, "that's Cookie. She's apparently a former Admin for the Adminspace."
The Abyss's eyes glint in recognition of the title. It nods.
"She is.." Nermal puts his paws to his mouth. ".. how the hell do you even describe Cookie?"
"Loco," Andrew quipped. "Inane," Lady Rose remarked. "Crazy!" Marianne groaned. "In serious need of help," Francis remarked. "She could use [[try Betterhelp today using the link below!]]" Spamton piped up.
"Actually, I've heard Betterhelp isn't all that great," Francis murmured.
"Damn, really?"
The Abyss pays them no mind. It sinks to the floor and seeps between the code, and soon enough, it's inside the cell. It reforms with a low chuckle, and its eyes spot the figure.
It was heavily amused. She looked like a ringmaster's assistance with her outfit, but it can see the former stumps of spider's legs on her back. Torn, yanked, or shot off, from what it seems.
"Hello," it muses, and it takes pleasure in how she jumps.
"Who-" She croaks out, dulled eyes flaring with indignation. "How did you-"
It says nothing. It looks her other. A click, a tug, a pull.
Ah, it thinks, that's what you want.
"You want to bring someone back?" it asks as it walks over. It looms over her figure huddled in the corner. "You want to bring.. him back?"
Cookie's eyes widen, and there's a flicker in her eyes. A light, a manic light, and the Abyss grins once more. Ah, she was the devoted type..
"I am the Abyss," it properly introduces itself, giving a mock bow. "Perhaps you've heard, maybe you haven't. But I am the End, the Beginning, the Nothing, the Everything. I am Existence itself."
It can see the wheels turning in her head. It likes a smart one.
"Many of the others have agreed to join me, to follow me," the Abyss continues with ease. "And in return for their help, I'll give them anything they desire-"
"I'll join, I'll help!" Cookie stands on her feet, looking up at the Abyss with such manic energy that it's momentarily caught off guard.
But then it smiles.
It was always so easy to play these people. All it had to prick, tug, pull, and it could see their deepest desires.
"I'll look into bringing him back."
It takes some steps back and vanishes, seeping away from her cell.
It'll mull it over, at least.
To bring something back from Non-Existence...
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wolveswithblackpearls · 3 months ago
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⛓️⚖️🤍 ~ 눈을 깔아 왜
~ by Admin G
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datingabigshot · 10 months ago
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Some misc background work! Trying to get a feel for perspective and how big we want the screen to be etc etc.
“A Shot with a Big Shot” was the first idea for the title teehee
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connectingconstellations · 8 months ago
Meanwhile, in 1803
James: Have you heard the latest news from the Supreme Court?
Sarah: The Supreme Court? Surely they shan't destroy the very fabric of democracy we have fought so hard to gain.
James: Alas, they have determined that it was illegal for Secretary of State James Madison to withhold the writ of mandamus from William Marbury.
Sarah: So Marbury shall commence his appointment in the federal government?
James: No, the Supreme Court also decided that they get to determine when laws are unconstitutional, and they decided that the law saying that the new administration is required to give Marbury his commission is unconstitutional.
Sarah: So, it's a judicial power grab.
James: But Sarah, what could possibly go wrong in a system where 9 unelected men with lifetime appointments get to determine which laws congress can or cannot write?
Sarah: ...
James: Okay, yeah, I heard that.
Sarah: Well, but surely there would be some mechanism for appointing these justices that did not involve them predicting ahead of time whether or not they are likely to die or want to retire during an administration that agrees or disagrees with their political views.
James: And surely even if a President appointed a nominee, congress would vote on that nominee and not blatantly commit a power grab to keep the seat open until a President with opposing views was elected so they could steal that Supreme Court seat.
Sarah: Yes, and surely if a nominee to the court were credibly accused of sexual harassment the Senate would not confirm them to avoid the specter of impropriety? And surely if a different nominee were accused of sexual assault and then threw a temper tantrum about it the Senate would not confirm them, either? I mean, this is giving these people a massive amount of power and surely the President could nominate someone who was not an alleged criminal?
James: And surely these would be men of great wisdom, whose lifetime appointments would prevent them from partisan sway? Surely they would not be beholden to bribery?
Sarah: Yes, and surely if there were to be the appearance of impropriety -- for example, if their wives had advocated for overturning the results of an election or flew flags demonstrating their support for said coup (or just had generally bizarre flag-related opinions) -- they would do the honorable thing and recuse themselves from cases involving the former President who had tried to overthrow the government, right?
James: Yes, and surely they would respect that this country was founded upon the principle that no man is above the law, and therefore Presidents do not have blanket immunity for using their official powers to commit crimes, right? Otherwise, a President could command the military to assassinate his political opponents or attempt a coup d'etat and not face any consequences, and every reasonable person understands that that's an absolutely bonkers way to interpret the constitution, right?
Sarah: Yes, and surely this Marbury v. Madison decision will not allow extremist Supreme Court justices to go about each June blatantly destroying hard-won civil rights and snatching more power for the federal judiciary, right?
James: Of course not. We have a system of checks and balances, so there must be some sort of check on the Supreme Court's power.
Sarah: ...
James: Oh, did they forget that part?
Sarah: It's alright. Surely, 221 years from now, the Supreme Court Justices will recognize that the men who wrote the constitution were just, like, regular people and not demigods.
James: Yes, surely they will not rely on some flimsy premise that we must always and only do things written in the Constitution, and that society and laws can never change.
Sarah: I mean, half of the framers think they can own other people. Surely no one would rely on them as the absolute arbiters of how our nation's laws should work.
James: ...
Sarah: Oh God, we're so totally fucked.
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Not to be confused with Steins;Gate 0 (2016)
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g-cant-draw · 2 months ago
thank you for creating the thom bot and the community, I feel so happy and welcomed there :) also you’re efforts are literally the main thing holding this fandom together so I hope you know how appreciated you are to us all ❤️
Aww, thank you. I may talk like an asshole but I actually appreciate y'all.
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slavhew · 8 months ago
Could you draw ENA and Moony by Joel G? She’s pretty crazy and fun and my favorite series on YouTube
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i feel like i tried to draw ena once before ! but i mightve deleted it hfjdgsghh
for how fun her design is it's real hard for me to replicate in a way that i like. and a good reminder to catch up on the series... it's been so long.
thank you for the rq anon!
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