#adiris headcanons
dbd-imagines · 2 years
any headcanons for plague?
Adiris | The Plague - Headcanons
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She is 100% a lesbian. I'm sorry but you cannot change my mind. She loves women and is a supportive partner. She constantly checks on her girlfriend's needs and her love language is acts of service.
Adiris is a truly giving person and resolute in her beliefs. She doesn't actually want to be a killer, nor does she enjoy harming the survivors. It isn't something that gives her pleasure or purpose, but something she simply has to do.
She resents being called 'The Plague'. This is what she lost her people to, this is what she was trying to fight for so long, and by being called that by survivors it is just another reminder that she failed and still died.
She hates that she was tricked by the entity into an endless cycle of death and killing. She sacrificed herself to 'her' god to save her people from the plague not to become it herself.
She was devastated when she found out that her people still died. That the plague still ravaged the lands and her sacrifice meant nothing. She does not like the entity at all.
Adiris is definitely the mom friend along with Sally. She looks out for others and attempts to get along with both survivors and other killers alike, though the immature ones annoy her a bit.
Overtime she practices her English so she can communicate with the others better. It feels weird on her tongue compared to her native language, but she hopes to be less frightening.
Adiris holds herself with a confident demeanor, not allowing anyone to look down on her. There has been more than one occasion where she has had to put other disrespectful killers back into their place including Danny and Freddy. She has little to no patience for them and their senseless cruelty.
Adiris and Philip get along very well, especially since they both are in the same boat of being forced to kill people.
That's it for now. I wasn't sure what kind of headcanons you were looking for so I sort of rambled. These are my personal ones based off the lore we have about her. I love Adiris and think she is really interesting for a killer.
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vikkirosko · 2 months
🦠 Plague x Reader headcanons The Spirit of the past 🕯
Plague lived in a very turbulent time, but even then she had a person she couldn't take her eyes off. She understood that she would never have the opportunity to approach, and so it happened. Now she was in a strange world that was full of fog and murders. But during one of the trials, she saw you. You, who was almost one-on-one like the person who took her heart
At first, Adiris thought it was just an illusion, a mind game that came true thanks to the fog, but then she realized that this was not the case. You were one of the survivors who tried their best to escape and not fall into her hands. She understood that you were not the same person she once fell in love with, because you were clearly not from the same time as her, but Adiris continued to watch you. You were the only one she didn't touch, and neither you nor your comrades understood what the reason was. All you knew was that you weren't going to waste such an opportunity
Plague understood that you had awakened old feelings in her, the existence of which she had already forgotten. But the more she watched you, the more she realized that her feelings began to be directed specifically at you. At you, who smiled at the other survivors and looked at her with incomprehension as she passed by, avoiding the possibility of harming you. She couldn't let you get hurt, at least not by her hand
Several times Adiris tried to talk to you, but you spoke different languages and you didn't understand a word of what she was saying, but that didn't mean that you weren't curious to know the essence of what she was saying. You were trying to find at least some books or papers that would help you understand what she was saying. Adiris never tried to harm you, even though she was cruel to your friends. You hoped that you would be able to find a common language and then, perhaps, you could make life a little easier for you and your comrades
Plague wasn't going to approach you on her own. She didn't want you to suffer from illness or wounds because of her. But the fact that you started trying to approach her yourself made her resolve waver. Her feelings for you grew stronger and your attempts to establish contact with her gave her hope that all was not lost yet
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superbeth18 · 6 days
I've got a headcanon in which Jane likes to put make-up on Adiris's face, although the other doesn't know what that is.
What's more, Jane doesn't understand Plague's ancient language, and even Adiris can't discern what she's talking about.
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ncmither · 1 year
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THE PLAGUE ── {6/?}
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Firstly, it is my own personal headcanon that the Entity not only took Adiris into her domain but her 'surviving' followers as well, either turning them into killers or healing them and placing them into the trials to torture Adiris further. That being said, David has actually ran into a handful of Adiris' old followers that have not been devoured by the Entity in the ten years that he has been in the Fog. From what he has heard of her, he feels that she is one of the handful of souls that the Fog has taken and twisted to do her bidding. Forever stuck almost as a leper does have David feel empathy for her. But, he tries his best to stay the fuck away from her. The language is needed to point out how while in a trial he wants nothing to do with her. It is canon that David doesn't get sick. He never throws up even when he has drunk so much that he should honestly be dead. But, Adiris makes him sick to his stomach. He believes it's due to a sympathy gag reflex. Honestly, if David is being chased by her, he will often yell back for her to just bean the hell out of him if she catches him and to please, please not vomit on him. If he makes it out of the trial and if she hasn't used her sick on him, he will always leave his items behind as a sacrifice to honor her for not doing it to him. He often wants to tell her that he's met some of her followers before and they never blamed her. She is one of the few killers that David is not afraid of but feels sorry for because she is just as much a prisoner within the domain as he has become.
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sfarxuri · 1 month
More NPCS & Boss voice claims hehe :3
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How the Killers from DBD would react to you slapping their ass.
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Hey guys! Welcome to my silly DBD headcanons, this was just for fun, worked with a great buddy of mine @despacitobandito! <3 They helped me and we overall had a great time making this together so I hope you all get a good laugh out of this. Also! Apparently more killers have come out since Unknown’s release that I didn’t write down during the making of this, sorry for missing any new killers! Other than that, I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 390
CW: Crack headcanons, nothing graphic, some reactions you’d expect from a slasher, contains killers up to Unknown!
Evan MacMillan - Trapper
• Insulted that you would ever touch his fine juicy ass.
Philip Ojomo - Wraith
• “Oh..!” You both are really awkward afterwards. Like just awkwardly staring at each other in silence.
Max Thompson Jr. - Hillbilly
• He’s genuinely startled by you slapping his ass, a little flattered probably.
Sally Smithson - Nurse
• Your hand phases through her and she slashes the shit out of you.
Michael Myers - Shape
• The thousand yard stare before he’d stab you in the face.
Lisa Sherwood - Hag
• *Minecraft skeleton noises.*
Herman Carter - Doctor
• *Farts electricity and electrocutes you.*
Anna - Huntress
• Stops humming. Run. Dude just run.
Bubba Sawyer - Cannibal
• Squeals and cries, you touched his no-no square.
Freddy Krueger - Nightmare
• Turns into literal dust because that’s what he deserves.
Amanda Young - Pig
• Instant bear trap, you don’t even get to find the key, as soon as it’s on, it snaps.
Jeffery Hawk - Clown
• Burp and fart combo.
Rin Yamaoka - Spirit
• You cut your hand since she has a glass shard sticking out of her ass cheek.
Frank, Julie, Susie and Joey - Legion
• They all gang up on you and kick you on the ground, JoJo style.
Adiris - Plague
• She pukes on you, like a baby.
Danny Johnson - Ghostface
• He liked it so much that he hunts you down for you to do it again.
Kazan Yamaoka - Oni
• Feels his masculinity being threatened and he hunts you every game to beat you violently.
Caleb Quinn - Deathslinger
• You traumatized the old man.
Pyramid Head - Executioner
• Execution via guillotine.
Talbot Grimes - Blight
• Immediately tries to vore you but he can’t as he doesn’t have movement in his lower jaw.
Charlotte Deshayes - Twins
• Victor shoots out of her chest and mauls you.
Ji-Woon Hak - Trickster
• Promoted to side hoe and discord kitten that manages his social media; you’re forced to listen to his music on loop on Spotify. There is no escape.
• “S.T.A.R.S.” *blows you up.*
Elliot Spencer - Cenobite
• “I came.”
Carmina Mora - Artist
• Screeches and crows swarm you.
Albert Wesker - Mastermind
• Look of pure disappointment before he hooks you. “Look but don’t touch.”
Tarhos Kovács - Knight
• “Oh good heavens!” *His and him gang mori you.*
Adriana Imai - Skull Merchant
• She cyberstalks you and cancels you on Twitter/X.
Charles Lee Ray/Chucky - Good Guy
• Punted across the whole damn map.
• Snap, crackle, pop.
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Hi !!, I have been very lucky to find your DBD content and although it is for now the only thing I have read, I can surely say that I love it! and wanted to place an order.
Headcanons of the Assassins with an S / o that is a little sunny with them at all times but your companions hate you and make fun of you so you run to the Assassin camp to feel better with your loved ones.
You can put the characters that you think are best suited to this, I give you freedom to choose.
I understand if you can't do it but anyway, thank you so much for everything you bring us! 💖
(My English is not good and I am very sorry for that.).
Hey there~! Your English is fine, I got the gist of what you wanted to say! I know you’re probably asking for longer HCs for some of the Killers, and separately, but I had a bit of a different idea on how to approach this, so I hope you like this! <3
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It wasn’t your fault that you were trying your hardest to be positive, or that you weren’t necessarily being affected by the darkening or fear that most of the survivors were going through.
Why should you bother wasting every second of your life - Or whatever there was that remained of it - Thinking up a shit tone of strategies to counter killers, get better at fixing generators and finding the hatch, when you could chat about your passions, hobbies, friends, families and other cool stuff?
Like how Kate loves to play the guitar! Or... How many of them have pets! Or Yui’s racing and motorbike passion! Claudette’s interest in botany. Everyone was so unique in their own way, why not take pride in that!
Unfortunately, your fellow Survivors weren’t leaning your way, so you often found yourself wandering around the foggy forest on your own - You were never afraid of getting lost, after all, you never needed food or water, and somehow, you always ended up back at the Survivor camp, even if you only walked straight ahead.
This time, though, things went different - Instead of arriving back at your designated camp - The Killer Camp was painted out before your very eyes.
You couldn’t help but stand there, rooted to the spot, with eyes wide open and mouth slightly agape from the shock - How did this happen? Did the Entity make a mistake?
Looking like a deer in the headlights, you just stood there, staring blankly, while all the Killers turned around to stare back at you uncomfortably.
Thankfully, the Entity made it so that no altercation can happen in between trials, so at least you were safe.
“Yo, toots, watcha standin’ there for? Come over. We were just gossipin’ ‘bout ya normies!” Ghostie was the first to let out a dark cackle and wave his hand, calling you over, where he was standing in between Michael Myers and The Legion.
You were more than happy to oblige, and with a wide grin, you immediately scuttered over and sat on the log next to him.
Susie was the first one to greet you properly, and started playing and braiding your head, while Ghostface started talking about horror movies and whatever crimes he committed in the real life.
Myers, though silent, didn’t bother budging from his spot, but it was kinda obvious he was getting annoyed with the young ones’ obnoxiousness.
Freddy was letting out low, menacing evil-laughs, but they went completely unnoticed, especially after he earned a hit to the back of his head from Trickster’s bat, before the K-pop singer scooted over and plopped down on a log opposite of them, smirking and shifting the conversation towards music and how beautiful the screams of his victims’ agony were, especially synthetized into his songs.
The rest of the Legion members joined in the conversation, behaving like normal young adults do, and gossiping here and there about random shit from their neighbourhood and all the drama they went through.
Adiris was keeping her distance, not wanting to disturb anyone with her rotting, pusing stench, but at least the censer smell was offering a soothing aroma for everyone. 
Hillbilly and Bubba were shying away from the crown, and Charlotte, Sally and Amanda were desperately fighting against the Doctor and the Clown so they wouldn’t dare try to harm a Survivor outside of a trial.
Which made Anna come over and bring you into a bone-crushing hug, protectively swinging you in her arms and humming a sweet lullaby, showing that she was taking care of you now.
 Rin finally got the courage to come over, and though she wasn’t able to speak much, she appreciated having her hair played with, and if her ancestor, the fierce Kazan, dared approach you, she’d hiss at him and get in a fighting stance, katana out and ready to fight - Thankfully, he seemed to get the idea and he’d back off, happy to let his young descendant do her thing.
Pyramid Head would take out his sword and plant it as a shield in front of you, realising your innocence and how you didn’t deserve to be Executed, as you’ve never committed any sins worth of punishing, so whenever the Cenobite was attempting to steal you away, he’d get destroyed immediately.
Carmina, timidly, would come over and let out soft craw-like sounds, blushing sweetly as you’d pet her head and smile at her so nicely, calling her beautiful and what not.
Sadako would play tricks on you and try to cause some minor harm like tugging on your hair or pushing you around, but Wesker would stop her, as he was far too interested in flirting with you - After all, there weren’t many people to flirt with, in the Killer Camp, after all.
Nemesis was trying desperately to infect you, while Caleb would use his slingshot to counter him, and Talbot would continue fighting himself against even thinking about using you as a Blight Test Subject, considering how wrong all the other subjects went.
In the end, Lisa and Evan were the ones to walk you back to your Camp, and Philip would pat your head and offer a small smile as a farewell wish.
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fag-by-daylight · 2 months
Hi, I'm the one who requested the nonbinary huntress flag and I loved it! I was wondering if perhaps I could request a pansexual flag picked from feng min? She's my main. I'm pan, and I hc her as pan as well lol. Do you have any pride hcs that you'd want to share, I'd love to hear it! I love hearing others lgbtq hcs. Anyways, no pressure for any of this tho. I hope you have a good day!
Pansexual Flag Colour Picked from Feng Min!
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I know you didn't request this outfit specifically, but I knew it wouldn't work with her base outfit/portrait; plus this is my favourite outfit of hers because ✨pastel✨ <33.
And I headcanon her as pan, too! Especially with this outfit because it's literally the flag's colours lol. Some other hcs of mine are that Sable is ace, Ace is bi, Mikaela is a trans lesbian, Jeff is a gay bear, Max/Hillbilly is gay, Anna/Huntress is a trans lesbian, Adiris/Plague is nonbinary [but this might actually be canon? They use they/them pronouns in their achievement descriptions], and the Dredge is aromantic. There's more than that, but I don't want this post to be too long lol; thank you for the request and I'm glad that you liked the Nonbinary Huntress flag! ^^
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frogyjones-writes · 1 year
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General info:
I'll only do requests that interest me this is something I do for fun in my free time so you might get an answer awhile after a submission :]
Most likely to get through headcanons/short prompts done first!
Characters I write for:
Don't be afraid to ask for a character from the same Fandom however! I'm just better with these guy's characterization :]
The Last of Us: Ellie Williams, Dina, Abby Anderson
Dead By Daylight: The Trapper (Evan MacMillan), The Nurse (Sally Smithson), Ghost Face (Danny Johnson), The Huntress (Anna), The Pig (Amanda Young), The Plauge (Adiris), The Onryō (Sadako Yamamura)
Silent Hill: Lisa Garland, Maria, Mary Shepard-Sunderland, James Sunderland, Angela Orosco, Harry Mason
Misc: Sadako Yamamura (ringu), Selene (underworld), Carol Aird (Carol),
Resident Evil: Alcina Dimitrescu, Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Jill Valentine, Claire redfield (games/movies), Alice Abernathy (movies), Rebecca Chambers, Helena Harper
The Quarry: Emma Mountebank, Abigail Blyg, Kaitlyn Ka, Laura Kearney, Max Brinley, Nick Furcillio, Jacob Custos, Dylan Leviny, Ryan Erzahler
Until Dawn: Sam Giddings, Ashley Brown, Emily Davis, Jessica Riley
Life is Strange: Maxine "Max" Caufield, Chloe Price, Rachel Amber, Kate Marsh, Victoria Chase, Dana Ward
Tomb Raider: Lara Croft (better with the survivor series), Sam
Saw: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner Stanheight, Lynn Denlon
(More to be added later!)
Character x Reader, Character x Character, Some OC X Characters, Polyships, LGBTQ+
Heavy angst/sensitive topics
AUs and alternative settings
Accept headcanon requests for multiple characters
NSFW (suggestive stuff is fine but I'm not writing smut)
Incestual/pedophilic ships (yes this includes adoptive family or parental/sibling figures don't test me)
Any dead dove sort of shit
General NoNo's
Writing examples
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babiebom · 1 year
DBD Killers As Nicknames my Friends and I Use for them in Game
A/N:its the women's turn now because they are not safe from us forgetting their names at all!!
Tw:none? Maybe cursing!
Genre: headcanons?
Wc: 2+ for each killer
The Artist/Carmina Mora
Bird lady
The only one we probably don't call stupid
Is usually followed by me talking about how pretty she is
The Twins/Charlette Deshayes
Also just called Ew
The Nurse/Sally Smithson
Insert sounds of us imitating her breathing
Is usually called an Idiot
The Hag/Lisa Sherwood
Im apologizing right now
But its usually just us saying "who is this??? Why is she leaving her corpses everywhere???"
Then its either just the Hag or Hagussy
The Huntress/Anna
Larlar(because of her humming)
The Pig/Amanda Young
The Legion/Susie & Julie
They have no nicknames its just us trying to figure out who exactly they are
Again also just Legion in a very bad French accent
The Spirit/Rin Yamaoka
Willow Smith
Whip my Hair
The Onryo/Sadako Yamamura
Usually also called "stupid"
The Plague/Adiris
Half the time we don't say her name we just complain about her throwing up.
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✨Dead By Daylight✨
✨Adriana Imai | The Skull Merchant✨
Sweet Coelha
✨Amanda Young | The Pig✨
Amanda’s New Puppy
Amanda Young Pigtail Headcanons
✨Danny Johnson | The Ghostface✨
Danny Spanking Headcanons and Blurb
Danny with a surv s/o
✨Kazan Yamaoka✨
✨Max Thompson Jr | The Hillbilly✨
Thigh Fucking with Max
✨Tarhos Kovács✨
Pent Up
Balls? Kicked. - Danny Johnson, Max Thompson Jr, Michael Myers
Bikini - Anna, Charlotte DeShayes, Danny Johnson, Amanda Young
Eat Out - Anna, Charlotte, Max
Eat Out (Part 2) - Adiris, Carmina Mora
Killers during your period - Carmina Mora, Anna, Max Thompson Jr, Albert Wesker
Killers reacting to Thick!Fem!Survivor!Reader in a Bikini Outfit - Danny Johnson, Frank Morrison, Julie Kostenko, Albert Wesker, Evan MacMillan, Herman Carter
Killers when their S/O suddenly kisses them - Evan Macmillan, Frank Morrison, Julie Kostenko, Max Thomson Jr, Philip Ojomo, Carmina Mora
Killers when they catch you masturbating - Evan Macmillan, Max Thompson Jr, Julie Kostenko, Danny Johnson, Tarhos Kovács
Killers + Leon when they catch you masturbating (Part 2) - Leon S. Kennedy, Albert Wesker, Pyramid Head
Killers when they catch you masturbating (Part 3) - Charlotte DeShayes, Anna, Adiris
Killers when you accidentally panty flash them - Bubba Sawyer, Caleb Quinn, Danny Johnson, Evan Macmillan, Frank Morrison, Herman Carter
Killers when you ask to be pegged - Julie Kostenko, Amanda Young, Anna, Charlotte DeShayes, Yamaoka Rin
Killers when you catch them masturbating - Evan Macmillan, Max Thompson Jr, Julie Kostenko, Danny Johnson, Tarhos Kovács
Killers when you catch them masturbating (Part 2) - Rin Yamaoka, Charlotte Deshayes, Amanda Young
Killers when you catch them masturbating (Part 3) - Sally Smithson, Yamaoka Kazan, Pyramid Head
Killers when you catch them masturbating (Part 4) - Frank Morrison, Joey, Caleb Quinn
Killers when you titty flash them - Adriana Imai, Anna, Yamaoka Rin
Killers with an S/O who wears pigtails - Evan Macmillan, Max Thompson Jr, Bubba Sawyer, Ji-Woon Hak
Surv General NSFW Headcanons - Dwight Fairfield, Leon S. Kennedy, Vittorio Toscano
Survivors when they catch you masturbating - Dwight Fairfield, Kate Denson, Haddie Kaur
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foggycuriosities · 11 months
🗡 weapon headcanons for Adiris, Rin and Herman!
Rin - Her weapon is a reflection of herself in her eyes. A reflection of her suffering and pain. Her rage the blades edge is rugged and dull but it has an impossible shine reflecting herself in it constantly. She treats it with some respect but its just a reminder an object to channel and fuel her rage and emotions. Kazan has scolded her many times on the importance of taking care and loving ones weapon but..rin doesn't enjoy what she does not fully but its one of the only thing that gives her relief from the floods of rage and grief that constantly torment her. Adiris - I'll put info about her vomit power under a read more after everyone else's but her censor is a sacred tool to her. She cleans it cares for it greatly it's nasty work what she does it willingly. Though over the many years of Adiris doing what she does she has seen her once holy tool of purification that glowed with power from the entities blessing has gone dull no matter how many hours she spends polishing it it's useless. The same spark of purpose and godly love she found here has begun to turn into a sour taste as she observes the survivors and realizes that she's begun to see herself in them. She still clings to it desperately hoping it will shine one day. Herman - He has no connection to his weapons lol he may have a cute name for it here and there as a joke but he experiments and edits his weapon so much its hardly ever the same. It just like a scalpel to him you know? Nothing special important to keep it sharp and sterile but it can be easily replaced. Easily remade. He's half hazard with it not caring if it gets chipped or dented if he misses a swing on a survivor and clangs it against a tree instead. vom mention below
When it comes to her vile purge Adiris has grown use to the taste and texture long ago it doesn't bother her at all (most of the time) but when she ingest the sickness of others unto herself to create a vile hot bloody stream at first it was wonderful she enjoyed the feeling knowing she was doing holy work. She was here in this unknown realm working "side by side" with them but as time as crept on the same burning doubts in her faith has turned the once welcomed pain into a hot searing sour experience leaving her empty feeling. Survivors who have been here for awhile might have noticed how she uses it considerably less now.
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how do you justify ‘historical accuracy’ when you use broken medieval english for a hungarian man who was raised in italy
Community-accepted headcanon "Entity's omnispeak", all understand each other, yet the manner still remains. I bet someone who plays as Adiris also speaks pompously, using old and/or ecclesiastical English, for example. Also, many other non-English speaker character muns I have seen use "Entity's omnispeak".
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r3dkn0ts · 1 year
Here I'll document all my headcanons, imagines, and fics that I'll write for the Dead By Daylight killers on this blog, sorted by character! Click the read more to see the masterlist in action! WARNING: THIS IS AN EXTREMELY LONG POST!
The Trapper / Evan MacMillan Headcanons - Badly flirting with The Trapper Imagines
The Wraith / Philip Ojomo Headcanons - Badly flirting with The Wraith Imagines
The Hillbilly / Max Thompson Jr. Headcanons - Badly flirting with The Hillbilly Imagines
The Shape / Michael Myers Headcanons Imagines
The Doctor / Herman Carter Headcanons Imagines
The Huntress / Anna Headcanons - The Huntress congratulating her killer S/O on their first 4K Imagines - Worshipping The Huntress ( 18+ )
The Cannibal / Bubba Sawyer Headcanons Imagines
The Spirit / Rin Yamaoka Headcanons Imagines
The Legion / Frank, Julie, Susie, and Joey ( NO NSFW WITH SUSIE ) Headcanons Imagines
The Plague / Adiris Headcanons Imagines
The Ghost Face / Danny Johnson Headcanons Imagines
The Oni / Kazan Yamaoka Headcanons Imagines
The Deathslinger / Caleb Quinn Headcanons - The Deathslinger with a boyfriend that has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Imagines
The Executioner / Pyramid Head Headcanons Imagines
The Blight / Talbot Grimes Headcanons - The Blight with a boyfriend that has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Imagines
The Trickster / Ji-Woon Hak Headcanons Imagines
The Nemesis / Nemesis T-Type Headcanons Imagines
The Artist / Carmina Mora Headcanons Imagines
The Dredge Headcanons Imagines
The Mastermind / Albert Wesker Headcanons Imagines
The Knight / Tarhos Kovács Headcanons - The Knight with a boyfriend that has Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - The Knight congratulating his killer S/O on their first 4K Imagines
The Skull Merchant / Adriana Imai Headcanons Imagines
The Singularity / HUX-A7-13 Headcanons - The Singularity congratulating his killer S/O on their first 4K Imagines
The Xenomorph Headcanons Imagines
The Good Guy / Chucky / Charles Lee Ray ( NO NSFW ) Headcanons Imagines
The Good Gal / Tiffany Valentine ( NO NSFW ) Headcanons Imagines
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blot-squisher · 1 year
What would happen if the Entity kidnaps children or young teens to be survivors? I remember that there used to be a fanfic where the Entity getting desperate to get more energy kidnaps a child to have it be a survivor. I think that Susie and Phillip in that fanfic were one of the killers who were shown to be hesitant on a child being harmed and do not want to kill them. In your Surviving the Game story, how would the slashers like Ghostface, Trapper, Wesker and the others react if the Entity goes as far as kidnapping someone that is younger than the adult survivors? I have a feeling that there would be some slashers that have morals about not harming children and would try to let the young one go.
The following answer is all my own headcanon/fic-canon and not actual character thoughts from their respective creators.
I'm imagining a person anywhere between the ages of 6 to 12 for this.
Danny doesn't like kids. The younger they are, the more he's repulsed by them. He refuses to kill children however, so if the Entity was to bring in a Survivor he deemed 'too young' he'd simply refuse to go after them during Trials.
Evan would be very uncomfortable and unsure how to react. He doesn't like children, but he certainly won't outright kill one either. He'd probably try to avoid them or lay traps where he figured they wouldn't wonder but the bigger older Survivors might.
Michael doesn't kill kids unless it is necessary for his escape or survival. He would ignore them to the point they did something to piss him off; drop a pallet on him, unhook (assuming they can reach that high) one of the others, or otherwise fuck with his other kills.
Philip would be utterly horrified. He would refuse to kill or hurt any of the Survivors anytime the child was present, regardless of the punishment brought down on him by the Entity.
Carmina would very similarly act like Philip. She would still make an attempt to go after the other three Survivors, but only if she was sure the child wasn't close enough to witness their deaths.
Max would cut them down without a second thought.
Talbot would find the entire thing hilarious and go out of his way to scare them before sacrificing them.
Kenneth has killed people of all ages, even before the Entity. Killing the same kid repeatedly would be no different to him than killing any other Survivor.
Freddy would be kinda irritated. Everyone already thinks the worst of him and having a literal child in the Trials would make things worse. For that reason alone, he'd make it a point to never touch them and he'd make sure EVERYONE knew it. Survivors and Killers.
Sally would kill them but feel kinda bad about it every time.
Herman would be confused at first, thinking maybe it was a mistake. He'd more often than not pretend he didn't see them in an attempt to give them a better chance at escape.
Anna loves kids and would go feral at the sight of one in a Trial. It would get so bad the Entity would have to stop putting them in the same Trial.
Amanda would be pissed. She neither hates or likes kids (she's pretty neutral on the subject, she just doesn't want any of her own) but seeing one in a Trial would set her off. She wouldn't kill them, but she'd make it look like she was trying if only to keep the Entity off her back.
Rin would be upset about it but still kill them.
Adiris would be unsure how to react. She was a healer before and being forced to become a murderer had never sat right with her. The others would still be hunted and killed, although without the aid of Vile Purge.
Thomas would lose his mind, tearing through the other three Survivors in a fit of rage before storming off to a far corner of the map to work his anger out on whatever nonliving things he could find.
Frank would panic the first time he was met with a child in a Trial. (As the Legion's leader, the Entity always threw him in with new Survivors before the others) Having survived too many abusive foster parents and bullies, he would not only refuse, but be unable to kill a child and he'd warn the others not to touch them. Kids are off limits. (the others would be perfectly okay with that)
Demogorgon and Dredge have a very limited (to no) understanding of age and would kill them just like any Survivor.
Wesker would find it pathetic and refuse. He's too good to kill a child. (Unless it's by unleashing a highly mutagenic virus on the world...)
Nemesis wouldn't care. A body is a body. A kill is a kill. Orders are orders...
Kazan doesn't care but never Mori's them. Maybe he cares a little? Maybe?
Caleb has seen a lot of death. Young, old, weak, strong. He's seen them all come and go. He doesn't like it, but he'll do it.
The Twins don't see it as any different than an adult or older teen Survivor. After all, they were just kids themselves...
Ji-Woon doesn't like the way they scream so he generally avoids them or kills them as quickly as possible. Having never liked kids in the first place, their shrill voice grates his nerves like nothing else.
Sadako gives 0 fucks and will kill them just like the other Survivors.
Pyramid Head has absolutely no cares when it comes to killing and maiming humans. If the oddly short one doesn't want to die, they better be able to keep out of his grasp.
Pinhead... He literally doesn't care. The Chatterer Cenobite used to be a kid after all. Age, much like the passage of time, is simply irrelevant to the demon.
Jason doesn't kill kids. Period.
Chucky will kill a kid, yeah. He doesn't care.
Tiff will berate him for the next decade at least... but would kill a kid... probably by accident.
Art... Yes, and we're leaving it at that.
Samara would and she'd laugh the whole time.
Sorry, Tarhos and Adriana aren't in the fic at all since I started writing it before they were added to the game! If I missed anyone let me know and I'll add them in the comments <3
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profanecenser · 1 year
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@manufactoredxbyxdesign ☄. *. ⋆ . 🔥  —  everything’s all aflame!       a headcanon about a time in my muses life that felt incredibly chaotic or out of control around them.
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🔥  —  everything’s all aflame!       a headcanon about a time in my muses life that felt incredibly chaotic or out of control around them.
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Her last few months as priestess were not pleasant; as much as she tried, nothing could be done about the sickness ravaging her people or herself. She could literally feel herself rotting inside and outside, slowly coming undone. Yet, Adiris still performed her daily duties, visiting the ill and performing cleansing rituals. She pushed herself until her feet were peeling at the heels and her hands rubbed raw and bloody, wrists aching from repetitive motions. And the vomit. . . Adiris lost so much weight because she could barely stomach food without throwing it up.
In her private chambers, away from the world, she spent a good amount of time in agony and pain- all while thinking of how things felt so so wrong. Despite her feeling powerless, she kept pushing on no matter what. After all, no one else was around or in a position of power to help the ill.
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