#adelyn rodriguez
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feelingdylano · 7 years ago
Until the End (Stiles Romance Sequel) ~FINALE~
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The sun began to rise over the skyline while Stiles continued to drive. I turned to my fiancé as he took my hand in his own. He smiled as he brought it up to his lips, placing a gentle kiss over my knuckles.
“Tell me now that you didn’t miss this?” I said, looking up to him.
“Miss what?” he asked innocently, his smile not fading as he put my hand down at his side, not bothering to disentangle his fingers from my own.
“This,” I motioned around us with my free hand. “Being back home where you can chase the supernatural. Try to stop the bad guys. I mean, it’s why you joined law enforcement after all.”
“I know,” Stiles chuckled, keeping his gaze on the road. “I know.”
“Face, it,” I continued. “No matter how hard we try, we can’t just have a mundane life.”
“We can at least have some normal things,” Stiles responded, his eyes flickering down to my ring for a second as he smirked. I bit my lower lip as I felt myself fighting back a smile.
“It was a miracle you were able to get a proposal set up in the first place,” I shook my head, facing the darkening sky.
“You loved it though,” he spoke confidently. I felt my cheeks burn up slightly.
“I did,” I whispered, lowering my gaze onto my ring as I felt myself start to reminisce.
** The day after graduation, Stiles and I had wrapped up the last of our packing and managed to catch a flight back home after weeks of moving things from Washington to California. And even though I was keen on finding another apartment once we moved back to Beacon Hills, Stiles insisted on holding off on it, wanting to be absolutely sure we had more than enough money first. This came as a surprise, considering I hadn’t even graduated yet and was already offered a permanent position at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital. Surely, I would be making plenty and then some for an apartment, so I didn’t understand his fuss. But when he kept pushing off the idea, I’d shake my head and move on, not interested in arguing about it anymore. So, instead of going home to an apartment of our own, Stiles asked Scott to let us bunk with him in the meantime, despite my protests about not wanting to be a bother to the alpha. To which my boyfriend would brush off, stating that Scott wouldn’t mind.
If I had to be honest, Stiles had been acting rather strange as of lately. The faster our moving day approached, and the weirder Stiles got. It made me question whether or not we had made the right decision. Or whether or not he was really up for the move.
The minute we landed, I was convinced that he was dreading being back in Beacon Hills, which caused me to grimace as I took in his sweaty palms and shaky leg. It was a bit disappointing, if I were being honest. However, my mood was soon lifted as my gaze landed on our group of friends, waiting at the gate for our arrival.
“Hey, stranger!” Lydia greeted as she walked up and took me in her arms.
“You were at the graduation ceremony, Lyds,” I chuckled, hugging her back.
“I know, but you’re finally back home!” she grinned as she pulled away.
“And you’re officially a doctor,” Malia wiggled her brows before embracing me. I rolled my eyes and chuckled as I hugged her back.
“Physician Assistant,” I corrected.
“Whatever, you’re still up there,” the werecoyote shrugged.
“Feels good to be officially important, huh?” Scott asked, releasing Stiles after their much-needed bro hug and reaching for me.
“What about you, Mr. Veterinarian,” I said, winking toward him when we pulled away.
“We’re definitely not kids now,” Stiles pursed his lips as he stuffed his hands into his jean pockets and smiled.
“Definitely not, Agent Stilinski,” Malia raised two fingers up to her forehead as she saluted.
“Anyways, we have reservations,” Lydia spoke up, taking up my hands in her own as she smiled, returning my attention to her. “Girls night tonight.”
My brows raised in surprise.
“Girls night?” I asked. “We haven’t had one in forever.”
“Our treat, in celebration for your big graduation,” Malia nodded as she smiled and crossed her arms.
“C’mon, let’s go get you all dolled up,” Lydia said, tugging me along as I turned back to Stiles who only gave a shrug.
“Don’t worry, Adelyn, I’ll take care of him while you go enjoy yourself,” Scott called out, smirking as he patted Stiles’ back. My brows furrowed slightly as I took their brief exchange. Stiles suddenly seemed nervous. What was wrong with him?
It was no surprise when we got back to Lydia’s apartment, my eyes instantly landed on an outfit already set up for me on her bed.
“I tried to stop her, but you know how much she loves to play dress up with others,” Parrish chuckled, as he kissed her cheek before walking out with a beer in hand.
“I don’t play dress up with others!” she defended, “Malia won’t let me pick out outfits for her.” Lydia rolled her eyes as she turned to the werecoyote.
“That’s because I said I’d punch her in the face if she did,” Malia smiled innocently. I chuckled and shook my head as I took up the classy black cocktail dress.
“Well, you do have impeccable taste,” I smirked toward my best friend. “So, for the sake of old times, I’ll take it.”
“Thank you,” she smiled, picking up the matching pumps and handing them to me. “Now, hurry, our reservations are in thirty minutes!”
When I was ready and dressed, Lydia made sure to add her own touch ups to my hair and makeup before pulling back and admiring her work.
“Gorgeous,” she breathed out, clapping her hands in front of her and bringing them to her chest. I raised a brow and laughed.
“Was all this really necessary?” I asked. “I mean all we’re doing is going out for dinner.”
“At Beacon Hill’s finest wine and dine place, thank you very much!” Lydia’s face scrunched up defensively.
“Which, if we don’t get going right now, we’re going to be late,” Malia said, sprawled out over Lydia’s bed.
“Alright, let’s go!” the strawberry blonde cried out.
I stood around the school grounds, the moonlight barely grazing over the open patio space overhead as I paced around. My fingers intertwined with one another as I took in a deep breath and continued to recite my speech.
“Adelyn,” I began. “Adelyn Rodriguez… Adelyn Marie Carrasco Rodriguez—”
“Full name?” Scott quirked a brow as he stared at me in amusement.
“You’re right, just stick to her first and last name,” I said, not bothering to stop my frantic pacing. “Adelyn Rodriguez. I’ve been in love with you since we met that night in Heather’s bathroom—”
“Heather’s bathroom?” Scott pursed his lips in attempt to fight back his smile. “Maybe leave that part out?”
“Fine, I’ve been in love with you since we first met,” I continued, glaring toward my best friend. “And the fact that you even chose me to be your boyfriend is beyond me…”
“Dude,” Scott called out, attempting to stop me.
“I love you,” I went on, ignoring my best friend. “I love you more than you know. More than words. Not a day goes by when I’m not thinking about you. About us. You—You drive me crazy. And being with you is both amazing and terrifying. Terrifying because… because I don’t want to do anything that could possibly drive you away. Terrifying because you deserve so much more than what I have to offer. You’re stubborn and a pain the ass sometimes, but you’re my pain the ass.”
“I—I can’t promise forever because I know how much you actually hate the cheesiness behind the word, but I promise… I promise…” I trailed off, not remembering the next part as my brows furrowed and I came to a screeching halt.
“Stiles,” Scott called out as I began chewing on my lower lip before my eyes grew wide.
“And I went blank,” I panicked, turning to my best friend. “Scott, I went blank. I—I can’t go blank! I’ve been practicing this speech for weeks! Today’s the day! I—I can’t go blank on this day! Not today!”
“It’s okay,” the alpha nodded.
“No, it’s not okay,” I shook my head, running my hands up to my hair. “I—I can’t do this. Maybe I shouldn’t do this today—”
Scott quickly grabbed a hold of me by my shoulders, facing me with a smile as I dropped my hands to my side.
“Dude, you’ve got this,” he assured. “You don’t need to memorize some big speech. You’ll know what to say.” My shoulders dropped as I looked up to him. “And it’s happening. Today. You can’t back down now. Not after you bribed the whole high school decorating committee into setting this whole thing up.” He motioned toward the lights and flowers set all around.
“I’m a nervous wreck,” I grumbled. “I only get one chance to do this. One chance to do this right. If I mess this up—”
“You won’t,” Scott raised his brows as smiled confidently.
“How do you know I won’t?” I asked, my expression hardening.
“Because it’s happening,” he nodded behind me. My whole body froze as I turned and watched Lydia’s car finally pull up into the school parking lot. This was it. It was now or never.
Both Malia and I laughed as Lydia continued the drive toward the restaurant, having our usual girl talk in the car. As I turned to face the road, I caught sight of the upcoming sign.
“Oh, you missed your turn,” I pointed out as the girl continued to drive past the exit.
“Mmm, don’t think so,” Lydia pursed her lips as she fought off her smile.
“But the restaurant is that way,” I said, my brows furrowed.
“No backseat driving,” she shook her head. “I know where I’m going.”
“Clearly you don’t if you just missed the exit,” I stuck my thumb out behind me.
“We’re taking a different route,” she smirked, keeping her gaze forward.
My brows merged further the moment she made one last turn and pulled into the high school parking lot.
“What the hell are we doing here?” I asked, watching as my best friend got out and made her way around the car toward my door. “It’s late and I thought we had reservations?”
Malia stepped out and opened the passenger door.
“Yeah, about thaaat,” Lydia began, holding out a hand for me to take. “We lied.”
I stared at them skeptically before taking her hand and allowing her to guide me.
“Where are we going?” I asked, turning to the werecoyote, hoping to get some answers from her as I stuffed my free hand into my coat.
“Just shut up and keep going,” Malia chuckled.
“We had specific instructions to bring you here,” Lydia finally said as she lead me to the high school patio, the moonlight barely lighting the setting.
“Specific instructions?” I asked, feeling more confused. “From who?”
My whole body froze as the lights came on, displaying the fixture of string lights hanging above our heads. Looking up in amazement, I felt my lips curl slightly as I took in the beauty of it all. A few of my favorite flowers were placed around the patio, before my eyes caught onto the trail of small lights leading to a shaking man.
“Me,” he finally answered.
I felt my heart beat pick up its pace as I slowly drew my way closer to him.
“Stiles, what is all of this?” I asked, my brows knitting slightly.
“Adelyn,” he took in a deep breath as he took my hands in his own, looking down into my eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” I said, my expression softening as I began reaching up for him. However, before I could raise my lips to his own, he pulled back.
“I love you more than you know. More than words. Not a day…” He trailed off before looking down and shaking his head. “No.”
My brows merged again.
He looked back up, a loving look crossing his gaze.
“I had this huge speech prepared,” he began, smiling. “But I realized that right now, standing here with you… I completely forgot it.”
“What?” I asked, still not understanding.
“I’ve always been better at improvising, so… here goes nothing,” Stiles took in a deep breath before stepping closer. “Adelyn, eight years ago, you came crashing into my life like a tidal wave. Back then I didn’t think it was possible to love a person the way I began to love you. It was sudden and all at once and I had absolutely no time to catch myself. But it happened. And it was different from anything I’ve ever felt before. It’s always been different with you. A good different.” He paused briefly as his smile grew. “Being with you felt easy, like I could be myself. Like I could do anything, so long as I was with you. I fell in love with you, all of you. I fell in love with your smile. I fell in love with your contagious laughter. I fell in love with the Harry Potter nerd that you are. I fell in love with the little things and the big things about you. You’re funny, incredibly smart, and you make me proud each and every day that I’m with you. I’m an extremely lucky man. And I thank God every day that I got the chance to fall in love with my best friend.” I pressed my lips together as I felt tears welling up in my eyes.
“When I’m around you I feel like the crazy world out there isn’t so crazy. Despite whatever insane supernatural creature is trying to kill us at that time. When we’re together, I never feel alone. I’ve always felt safe when I’m with you. Adelyn… you are my best friend.”
No matter how hard I tried not to ruin Lydia’s work, tears began streaming down my face.
“I don’t regret dragging Scott out to that party that night, eight years ago. I don’t regret you stumbling in on me in that bathroom,” he chuckled, fighting back his own tears as I laughed with him. “Because without all of that, I never would have gotten the chance to meet you. To meet my best friend. To meet the love of my life.”
“I know I said I would improvise, but… Adelyn, I love you more than you know. More than words. Not a day goes by when I’m not thinking about you. About us. You drive me crazy. And being with you is both amazing and terrifying. Terrifying because… because I don’t want to do anything that could possibly drive you away. Terrifying because you deserve so much more than what I have to offer. You’re stubborn and a pain the ass sometimes, but you’re my pain the ass.” Stiles dropped his hold on me and took a step back, motioning around us.
“I brought you here tonight because I wanted to take you back to the one place I knew for sure that I had fallen hard for you. But, uh, Coach didn’t want to give me access to the locker room, so this is the best I could do.”
My breath was caught as my eyes widened the moment Stiles reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. He got down on one knee and looked up to me with hopeful eyes.
“I can’t promise forever, because I know how much you hate the cheesiness behind the word, but I can promise you this,” he continued, his hands still trembling. “I promise to make you laugh until your stomach hurts, even when you feel like you shouldn’t. I promise to make every day feel like an adventure. I promise to be with you through thick and thin. To be there on the worst of days and especially the best. To make sure that you not once feel like you’re alone. But most of all, I promise to love you until the day I take my last breath.”
My eyes flickered up as I watched the letters behind him finally light up, displaying the same words he finally spoke out loud.
“Adelyn,” he breathed out. “Will you marry me?”
More tears fell from my eyes as I looked back down to him before nodding.
“Yes,” I nearly sobbed as he quickly jumped up, taking me in his arms. “Yes!”
“Oh, thank God,” he breathed out before I reached for his face and planted my lips to his.
Multiple cheers filled the air the moment we pulled away from our shared kiss. Turning back, my grin only grew as I watched every single one of our friends and family step out from the shadows, quickly making their way toward us in attempt to congratulate us. **
I kept my head resting over the window, slowly drifting off before the jeep came to a stop, causing my eyes to flutter open.
“C’mon, Sleeping Beauty,” Stiles said, turning to me with a half-smile. “Time to look at the house.”
“We should have scheduled a later viewing time,” I almost whined as he got out of the jeep and made his way around to my door. “I just want to cuddle up and sleep in.”
“Think of it this way,” he began, opening the door and letting me out. “If we really like this place, by this time next week, we’ll be able to do that in our own home.”
I looked up to him as I pursed my lips through my smile.
“We’re really adults now, aren’t we?” I asked. He lowered himself and pecked my lips.
“C’mon, the realtor is waiting,” he said, taking up my hand and shutting the jeep door behind me.
Stepping toward the modern house, my eyes took in its small, but adequate front yard, and the two-car garage sticking out from the top of its L-shape. At its side, the small pathway led to a simple black door stuck between two tall, glass window panes. My lips curved as I took in the small outside bench between the entrance and the garage, set in for a perfect view of the yard.
“Sold!” I raised my hand and threw it down before me as we approached the door.
“We haven’t even seen the inside yet,” Stiles shook his head and laughed.
“SOLD!” I said a little louder, raising my hand once again.
Stiles rolled his eyes and reached out for the doorbell, gripping my hand a little tighter as I reached for his arm and laughed softly.
After Tina, the realtor, finished her tour of the house and gave us some privacy to discuss our decision, my brows furrowed as I dropped my hold on Stiles and turned to him.
“Three bedrooms?” I asked. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love the place. The theme with string lights in the spacious backyard is a nice touch, but three bedrooms? It’s just the two of us.”
“Well, yeah, but this way, we get to have a guest room for Liam in case he ever gets kicked out of college for being a little runt, or for Scott when Malia gets mad,” Stiles shrugged a shoulder. My brows merged even further.
“That still leaves us with an extra bedroom,” I shook my head. “Your math isn’t adding up. I thought you were the smart one here.”
“The extra bedroom,” he began, facing me and taking my hands, “is for when we start a family of our own.”
My body froze as my brows raised and my eyes widened slightly. I hadn’t even stopped to think that far yet.
“You—you’ve been thinking about that?” I asked.
“Well, yeah,” his smile grew. “I already know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Why not add a few little runts of our own?”
“Okay, first of all,” I pulled my hand and raised a finger, my expression becoming serious, “we finally agreed that Liam is and will always be our only little runt. Second of all, it’s not possible to have little runts.”
Stiles’ smile faded slightly before I continued with a grin.
“Because you’re not a werewolf.”
“So, is that a yes to starting a family?” he asked, quirking a brow, his smile finally returning.
“One step at a time, Stilinski,” I huffed, wrapping my arms around his neck. “We still have to get through a wedding first.”
“Have we come to a decision?” Tina finally asked, making her way back in with a smile as we both turned to her, not bothering to drop our holds on one another.
“We’ll take it,” I said.
~Months Later~
“We’re going to be late!” I shouted over the hail of gunfire, my grip on the angle blade tightening as I kept myself against a wall. “We’re going to be late for our own wedding!”
“Yeah, I get that!” Stiles shouted back, pressing his back against a nearby pillar, gripping at his own handgun.
“I’m going to KILL the both of you!” Lydia shouted, throwing herself back against the wall at my side. “I worked too hard on this wedding planning for you two to be LATE!”
“This could have been avoided if you left our actual wedding planner take care of things,” I chuckled, turning to my best friend. My eyes flickered over to my soon-to-be husband as he peered over the corner and released a few shots of his own.
There was a growl as I turned to see Scott tackle down a hunter. Two more growls followed before I noticed Malia and Derek take down a few more enemies.
“What are you two doing here?” Scott asked, turning to us with his glowing red eyes. “Shouldn’t you be getting married?”
“That’s what I said!” Lydia shouted. We all flinched back as more gunshots sounded out. Stiles quickly pulled Scott back into safety.
“Now would be a good time to call backup!” I shouted toward Stiles.
“Already did!”
“Go, you guys should be getting ready!” Malia cried out, kicking away one of the hunters.
“The same can be said about you guys!” I said, swinging the blade and cutting through the rifle of the hunter that approached. “There’s no way you guys are missing out! Bride’s orders!”
“We don’t plan to,” Scott smirked before turning to the men remaining and roaring.
“I don’t think we’re going to make it,” I huffed out as the gunfire died, but ominous growling made its way toward us. Stiles rushed his way to me, taking my arm as he turned me to face him.
“So, then we get married now,” he panted, smiling.
“What?” My eyes grew wide. “Now?! At this exact moment?!”
“Yes,” Stiles nodded.
“WHAT?!” Lydia cried out even louder, her expression hardening.
“Marry me, Adelyn,” he said.
“What—what about everything else?” I stammered.
“I worked too hard for you two to blow it off!” Lydia pulled back her hands before amplifying her scream and pushing back the running minions.
“So, we have both,” Stiles shrugged. “We get married now and then we do it all over for the rest of our guests.”
“But we don’t even have an officiator!” I shouted, turning back and blocking a hit with my sword before kicking a creature away.
Stiles wrapped himself around me as he ducked us down from the oncoming enemies. Scott and Malia both growled before swinging at the supernatural creatures.
“I hate to admit this,” Derek grumbled, shoving off a nearby enemy. “But I may have an official license to do it.”
Both Stiles and I turned to the werewolf, our eyes wide as we tried to fight back our amused laughter.
“I’m trying so hard not to ask why,” Stiles snorted.
“Shut up,” he hissed. “I’ll marry you two if you never bring this up again!”
Stiles turned to me, suddenly gripping my arm as he pulled me into him and raised his handgun behind me, releasing a few more bullets before I twirled myself behind him and slashed at an oncoming enemy.
“Are we doing this or not?!” Derek shouted as he bared his fangs and clawed at another one of the creatures.
“Yes!” I grinned, turning back and looking into Stiles’ eyes.
“Dearly beloved,” Derek began, ducking down and using his arms and shoulder to toss back a creature. “We are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in HOLY!” Derek emphasized as he punched at a minion. “MATRIMONY!”
“Look out!” Lydia cried out before kicking away one of the hunters that managed to get up.
“Stiles, do you take Adelyn to be your wife,” Derek grunted as he was punched in the stomach while I twirled and cut at the creature’s back while Stiles fired a few more bullets. “To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do,” Stiles answered as we came back to one another, staring into each other’s eyes.
“Adelyn!” Derek shouted, almost warningly before I ducked down and allowed Stiles to punch out a creature. “Do you take Stiles to be your husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do,” I answered with a smile as I gripped at Stiles, looking up to him.
“Then by the power vested in me—” Derek cut himself off as he growled toward one of the creatures, sending it cowering away. The werewolf straightened himself before turning back to us. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
With those final words, Stiles and I reached for one another, quickly locking lips and sealing the deal.
After defeating the last of the hunters and supernatural army, the five of us stumbled into the church, moving quick as Lydia and Malia dragged me to the back room in order for me to change into my wedding dress while Derek and Scott went the opposite direction to get Stiles suited up.
I slipped into my mermaid bridal dress and allowed Lydia to work her usual magic on hair and makeup before rushing off to the church entrance, where everyone had been impatiently waiting for our arrival.
“What the hell made you guys so late?” My dad asked as we walked toward the closed double doors, my arm wrapped around his.
“A lot,” I answered simply.
“Cold feet?” he asked, coming to a stop as the church doors opened. While all eyes landed on me, my gaze only focused on the man that stood at the very end of the isle, waiting for me.
“Never,” I breathed out, watching as he looked to me with loving eyes, almost seeming in awe.
The ceremony proceeded and both Stiles and I fought back our laughter the moment we faced one another, knowing that this couldn’t compare to our private wedding while fighting the bad guys. But in the end, we went through with it anyway, to please our family and most of all to please Lydia, who had worked so hard to make everything perfect. Besides, it gave us the opportunity to recite our personal vows.
“Stiles, in all my life, I thought I’d never get a shot at true love,” I began, holding onto the small piece of paper. “But then you came along and even though it was a slow burn, we made it into something much bigger than what it was. I was lucky enough to fall in love with my best friend, but honestly, you are so much more than that. You are my other half. My mischief and adventure. My Han to my Leia.” This caused Stiles to chuckle as I did too. “My Ron to my Hermione. Stiles, you are my anchor. You are the love of my life.” Tears formed at my eyes as I looked up to Stiles, who pursed his lips and fought back his own tears. “We have been up and down through this crazy thing we call life in Beacon Hills. We have suffered through endless waiting and heartbreak. Loss and fights, but we still somehow managed to get through it in one piece. And even though you’ve claimed to not be a hero, you are to me. You’re the brains in any situation. And countless of times, you have been the one to save us from whatever crazy thing is happening in our lives at that moment.” I paused as I felt my throat constrict. “I love you, so much. And I can’t wait to start to spend the rest of my life with you as your wife.”
“Whoa, I—I don’t think I can top that,” Stiles breathed out, which caused everyone in the audience to laugh through their sniffles. “But, uh, I—I can try.”
I gently brushed away a few of my tears as I looked up to him.
“Adelyn,” he began, looking down to his own piece of paper for a moment. “I love you. I have loved you from the day you came stumbling into my life. And I loved you even more when you stumbled in again the day after.” This caused the audience to laugh again. “There was a time that I thought I had it all figured out. Thought I knew everything there is to know about love. But truth is, I didn’t know a damn thing about it. That is… until I met you.”
I pressed my lips together as I looked up to him, feeling more tears well up in my eyes.
“There’s a notion that love is perfect. But it isn’t. It’s complicated, and things don’t always turn out the way we expect them to. Love is actually very messy. But despite everything, despite the heavy arguments and senseless fights, I know that at the end of the day, it’s you who I want to go home to. At the end of the day, I know that all I want to do is curl up next to you while you get lost in some book and bug you until you’re forced to put it down and look at me with those gorgeous eyes.” I couldn’t help but chuckle through the tears. “When that happens, all I want to do is forget. Forget about whatever petty, senseless fight we had and just be together. To be reminded of why we’ve stuck around for so long in the first place.” Stiles looked up to me as he smiled, “Adelyn, you’re my best friend. My partner in crime. And I love you so much. I will always love you. Adelyn, you’re the person I’m meant to spend the rest of my life with. And I’m ready to take on whatever life has in store for us as husband and wife.”
With that we shared our I do’s before exchanging rings and sealing everything with another kiss.
~Three years later~
I paced around the living room, almost excitedly as I knitted my fingers together and tried to calm myself. If I wanted this to turn out perfectly, then I had to find a way to get my emotions under control. My body jolted as I heard the jingling of keys just outside the door. Twirling over, I felt my eyes widen and my smile grow.
“Okay, Adelyn, calm down,” I whispered to myself, holding my hands out before me as I took in a deep breath and felt my smile fade. “You have to get this right.”
I quickly threw myself back into the couch before Stiles made his way through the door, casually flipping through a nearby book, attempting to make myself look busy.
“Hey,” Stiles greeted with a smile as he made his way around toward the couch.
“Hi,” I responded with a smile of my own as he lowered himself and pecked my lips.
“What are you doing?” he asked, plopping himself at my side.
“Oh, you know, just, uh, catching up on my reading,” I shrugged, placing the book down.
“So, I—I noticed something today,” he began, lowering his gaze and scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.
“Mmm, what’s that?” I asked, looking up innocently as I pursed my lips.
“I was, uh, signing some paperwork today, and when I looked down at the date, I was reminded that today is my birthday,” he chuckled as he looked up to me, taking my hand in his own as I turned to him, fighting back my smile. His expression fell in disappointment. “Did—did you forget my birthday?”
“Birthday?” I asked, raising an inquiring brow.
Stiles frowned, which caused me to break out into a smile.
“For a detective, you sure tend to miss the small things,” I said, pursing my lips as my eyes flickered over to the small present box laid out on the coffee table.
“I knew you didn’t forget!” He almost breathed out in relief before reaching out for the box. “But you didn’t have to get me—”
“Open it,” I said, cutting him off and nearly giving away my excitement. His brows furrowed for a moment in slight suspicion before pulling at the ribbon and opening the box.
“What is it?” He asked, his brows merging further as he looked down to the fabric, displaying his favorite baseball team name. “Mets? Is it a shirt?”
“Something like that,” I shrugged, fighting back my smile as I kept my eyes on him. “Why don’t you pull it out?” Stiles turned to me with a puzzled look, before looking down and doing as he was told. I bit my lower lip as I watched him unwrap the hidden object underneath the fabric. His eyes grew wide as he finally took notice of what it was.
“You’re…” He turned to me in disbelief. I felt a giggle escape my lips as he looked down to his hand, finally noticing the piece of fabric was much more than he expected. On one hand, he held onto the positive pregnancy test I had taken earlier that morning, and in the other, he held onto a Mets onesie.
“Pregnant,” he choked out, tears filling his eyes. “I—I’m gonna be a dad?”
I smiled and nodded as I felt my own eyes water up.
“I’m gonna be a dad!” He cried out happily as he swooped me in his arms and twirled our bodies in joy. “I’m gonna be a dad!”
~A year and a half later~
“I wouldn’t be surprised if I wake up dead in the middle of the night,” I heard Stiles comment over to Scott. I rolled my eyes as I made my way into our living room with a pint of ice cream.
“You won’t be dead,” I began, sitting myself on the couch. “Then who would get me my midnight cravings?” Scott laughed and shook his head.
“You’ve got to admit, this pregnancy has been worse than the first one,” Stiles ran his hands through his messy black hair.
“No, it hasn’t,” I glared toward my husband, putting the pint of ice cream down on the coffee table.
“You nearly burned my eyebrows off just because the waitress got your order wrong,” Stiles pursed his lips as he turned to me.
“How can you get pizza wrong?!” I blurted. “You don’t mess with my pizza, okay?! Especially when I’m trying to eat for two!”
“That doesn’t mean you bring my eyebrows into your debacle with the waitress!”
“It was an accident,” I muttered with a slight pout.
Stiles broke into a smile as he turned to me, a loving look crossing his eyes.
“I want one,” Malia pouted as she made her way in, sitting down with Zeke on her lap, who flashed her with his childish grin before reaching out.
“You heard her, Scott,” I said looking to him with a smirk. “Better get right on it.”
“Trust me, I’ve been on it,” the alpha chuckled. “I—I just don’t think it’ll happen anytime soon.”
“Can we steal him?” Malia asked, taking the baby’s hand and gently nibbling on it.
“As long as you bring him back for his play date with Lori,” I chuckled. “Lydia would kill me if we missed our baby playdates. We’ve all been so busy, it’s gotten a little hard to spend some time with one another.”
“At least we don’t have to worry so much about the hunters,” Malia shrugged, finally looking up to me as she held onto the baby.
“That doesn’t mean the danger hasn’t stopped,” I sighed, my smile fading. “We still have too many supernaturals being attracted to Beacon Hills. And while some are peaceful, others aren’t.”
“Adelyn, you don’t have to worry about that,” Scott began, turning to me. “Focus on getting my niece to full term. The rest of us will handle whatever comes our way. You don’t have to live up to your title while you’ve got a little one growing inside you.”
“I know,” I grimaced as Stiles reached out and took my hand. “But sometimes… I—I don’t know. I guess I just kinda miss being a part of the action.”
“But you still give us plenty of helpful tips,” Scott made an attempt to make me feel better. “Your visions help us figure things out.”
I sighed and placed my free hand over my protruded belly.
“Two more months,” I pouted. “This kid needs to come out already though.”
~Six years later~
“Babe, c’mon it was just a rhetorical question,” Stiles followed after as I rolled my eyes and slammed the plates down on the kitchen table.
“It was not a rhetorical question,” I grumbled.
“Well, can you blame me?” he almost laughed, raising his hands as he shrugged. “They’re going to find out eventually.”
“They’re just kids,” I glared toward my husband.
“More specifically my kids,” he emphasized. My expression softened as I turned my whole body to face him.
“And if they’re anything like their father, they won’t know when to stop,” I muttered.
“Exactly,” Stiles nodded with a satisfied look. I rolled my eyes once again as I turned to finish setting up the table.
“Fine,” I said in defeat. “We’ll tell them the truth, BUT only if they ask.”
“In that case—”
“THAT does not mean that gives you full permission to have their uncle Scott ‘accidentally’ shift in front of them,” I cut my husband off as I shot him another glare. Stiles puckered his lips slightly as he blinked innocently toward me.
“Daddy!” our five-year old daughter shrieked in happiness as she ran in toward her father, clutching onto a Yoda plushie. Stiles quickly knelt and took her up in his arms.
“How’s my favorite little Jedi in training?” he said as she nuzzled her nose against his.
I placed a hand over my hip as I turned to face the scene, not being able to help my smile.
“Daddy, can we watch Star Wars later tonight?” she asked with a giggle as he placed our daughter back down.
“Of course,” Stiles smirked, turning to me as I rolled my eyes and walked my way over to the counter in attempt to grab our breakfast.
“Maybe you can tell us about what happened to your toe after?” she asked with hopeful eyes. At her side, Stiles made a disgruntled noise before attempting to play it off as a cough, but by then, my suspicious eyes had landed on him.
“Maybe,” I began, glaring toward Stiles. “But first you have to get ready for school.”
“’Kay!” she almost sang before running off toward her room. My eyes squinted further as I turned my whole body to face Stiles.
“Stiles Stilinski—!” Before the yelling could continue, I was cut off by a scream.
Both Stiles and I rushed our way to our daughter’s room, finding her small body sprawled back on the floor as she rubbed her nose. I frowned as I took in the materialized force field around her door frame. Pursing my lips, I quickly turned to our almost seven-year-old, no longer being able to hide my anger as he ran out of his room and into the kitchen, finally breaking the barrier to his sister’s room when he did.
“Zeke’s powers are growing,” Stiles smirked at my side. “I think we no longer have a choice…”
My jaw locked as I made my way back toward the kitchen, prepared to start yelling before Stiles came stumbling out.
“Babe! Babe! Hold on, just—” He stammered as he reached for my shoulders and tried to pull my attention. “Breathe. And remember that he’s just a kid.”
I took in a deep breath as I looked up into my husband’s kind features, feeling my shoulders drop and my body relax under his hold.
“I know, but he shouldn’t be using his powers so recklessly—”
“Which is why it’s the perfect time to teach him,” Stiles smiled as he slid his hands down my arms to take my hands in his own. I felt myself grimace at the suggestion.
“But you said so yourself, he’s still a kid—”
“Yes, he’s young, but he’s also your son,” his kind smile grew as my brows furrowed in confusion. “Even I can’t deny the fact that he’s wicked smart like his mom. And strong. He’s at the ideal age to start gaining better control than when you did.”
“At seventeen,” I grimaced, lowering my gaze. “I—I don’t know, Stiles…”
“Adelyn, listen to me,” he continued, bringing a hand under my chin as I looked up into his warm brown eyes. “All through each pregnancy, you promised yourself to do it right with our kids. To do it better. You said you didn’t want to keep them sheltered the way your mom did with you.”
“I know,” my voice shook. “But…”
“But what?”
“Everything changed,” I whimpered, feeling my eyes start to water. “Everything changed the moment I had them. It all changed when they were finally here. That’s when I realized it. Holding onto their tiny and fragile bodies in my own arms, I was able to understand why she did what she did. If anything were to happen to them… Especially with everything we STILL deal with to this day, I—I…” My voice trailed off.
“Shhh, hey, hey,” Stiles quickly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest as a few tears slid down my cheek. “It’s okay, baby. It’s okay. Nothing will happen to them. Not to them, nor to you. I’ll make sure of it.” I pressed my lips together as Stiles pulled away for a moment, placing a hand at the crook of my neck while his thumb brushed against my cheek.
“Mommy, why are you crying?” Claudia asked sweetly, drawing herself closer to us in concern. I pulled myself away from my husband’s comforting hold as I tried to wipe away the tears and smile.
“Because, baby,” I sniffled, turning to her and kneeling myself to her level. “I’m just so happy to have you and your brother—”
“And Daddy?” Claudia added as her lips stretched into a grin. My eyes flickered over to my husband, who smiled in turn.
“Especially Daddy,” I chuckled before turning back to her. “I’m so happy to have all of you in my life.” I finished off, reaching for her and softly caressing her cheek.
“I’m happy to have you in my life too, Mommy,” she quickly threw herself into my arms, snuggling herself closer to me.
“Alright, we need to get some breakfast and get going, or else we’re going to be late,” I huffed out, pulling myself away from the small hug and standing up. “When you guys get back, we have some things we need to talk about.” I added quietly through my small smile.
“Does it have to do with Daddy’s toe?” Claudia asked excitedly, which caused me to chuckle.
“That and more,” I smiled, turning to my husband. “So much more.”
I had just managed to put the last dirty dish back into the sink when a small sigh caught my attention.
“Why the long face?” I hummed, twirling over to my seven-year-old. He lightly flicked a finger over his fork, his expression seeming so glum.
“I don’t know,” Zeke finally muttered. “I—I didn’t mean to do… it—it was an accident. I—I don’t know what’s happening to me.” I grimaced before pulling at the nearest chair and sitting myself next to the boy. Reaching out for his small hand, I felt myself smile in assurance.
“I do,” I said.
“Do you?” he asked, small tears forming at his eyes as he looked up to me. I nodded before taking in a deep breath.
“Your little tricks and knacks are no longer tricks and knacks,” I began. “And it’s time that you knew the truth.” I paused briefly. “You’re just like me.” I felt my eyes glow for a second, which in turn caused his own eyes to glow as well. Zeke quickly jumped, but I held onto his hand a little tighter.
“It’s okay,” I soothed as his chest rose with panicked breathing. “I know the first time my eyes did that, I cried for hours until they stopped. I was scared and didn’t know what was happening to me, or why it was happening. My mom—or your grandma—said it was a light sensitivity, but deep inside, I knew it couldn’t be that.”
“So, what is it?” he asked, finally calming down and bringing himself to look up to me.
“You’re a nephilim,” I explained. “Which means, you’re half angel and half human. Like me.”
“What does that mean?”
I took in another deep breath.
“It means that when you’re old enough, you’ll take on a responsibility to protect those around you. It means you have… a gift to be able to better help you. But it’s going to take a lot of training so that you can get a better hang of things. Because I know right now it’s scary and you don’t understand what’s going on with you. But I promise, I won’t leave you in the dark about this,” I gave his hand a slight squeeze. “Not anymore. And I’m sorry that I didn’t have the courage to tell you sooner. You won’t be left in the dark.” Before I knew it, I threw myself closer, reaching for my son as my own tears streamed down my face, embracing him. “I promise.”
That same night, we all sat back on our family couch, a bowl of popcorn seated between us as The Last Jedi started to play over the TV screen.
“Daddy!” Claudia cried out suddenly the moment Stiles propped up his feet over our coffee table. “You never told us what happened to your toe!”
“Ah, yes!” He began, chewing through his popcorn.
“Here we go,” I rolled my eyes as I continued to hold the young girl in one arm.
“Many years ago, before you two were even born, I was assigned to a very important FBI case during my internship—”
“Assigned?” I quirked a brow as I turned to my husband.
“Okay, maybe not assigned. I managed to convince the FBI to take me on an important Field Op, same thing,” Stiles shook his head. “Anyways, back then, the FBI was after your uncle Derek. They had him cornered and we all had strict orders to take him dead or alive.”
“So, what did you do?” Zeke asked, sitting up straighter, seeming more interested in the story.
“I did what any good field agent would have done, suited up, and gone in,” Stiles smirked. This caused me to roll my eyes once again.
“You tried to kill uncle Derek?!” Claudia shrieked.
“No, no, I actually saved his life,” he continued excitedly, causing the kids to edge themselves closer to their father. “The gunfire was hailing down on us, people were getting shot left and right. Your uncle Derek being one of them, went down. He was alone and scared. So, I took charge and grabbed him in the middle of that hailing gunfire, risking my own life, before carrying him to safety.”
“What about your toe?” Claudia and Zeke asked in unison.
“It was shot at while I was trying to carry your Uncle Derek—”
“ACTUALLY, that���s not how it happened,” I pursed my lips in attempt to hide my smile as I cut him off. “Your Dad’s toe wasn’t shot off while carrying your uncle Derek. It was shot when he tripped over another agent that tried to kill your uncle Derek. When that happened, Uncle Derek had to carry him to safety while he screamed his head off.”
“I was in pain!” Stiles defended.
“And then proceeded to faint in your uncle Derek’s arms,” I finished off. This caused our children to giggle.
We all burst into fits of laughter as Stiles went on a rant about his toe, much like he had the first time many years ago. In that moment, as I stared at my family, I knew I had done something right.
That day, our kids found out the truth and were never in the dark about the supernatural ever again. And though I knew every day couldn’t be like this in Beacon Hills, I somehow found comfort knowing that I wasn’t alone. I smiled as my husband finally cracked into a grin of his own the moment our kids leaped on him in attempt to start a tickle war. I chuckled as I watched my family interact. That’s when I knew. This was it for me. And I could never ask for anything more in life.
Chapter 9 / FINALE
(A/N: Well guys, it finally came to an end. And honestly I had a hard time trying to part with this story. It was super tough. I didn’t want it to end. I tried to hold onto it for as long as I could, but I knew that it wasn’t fair to you guys at all. Yes, I was stuck on writer’s block for the longest time, but I also struggled trying to finish this chapter in particular because I knew that if I did that meant that was it. It was completely over. I’m so sorry for making you guys wait for so long. Oh and for a while I did end up losing the file which was scary because I thought everything I had written out was gone. Luckily I was able to find it though. But here it is. I hope you guys don’t hate me for the amount of time I delayed this. Anyways, I want to take the time to thank each and every single one of you that has stuck through this journey with me and with Adelyn. You guys have no idea how forever grateful I am. It saddens me watching this come to an end, but I know this character and her story will always live on with me. Thanks to you guys for making this hobby so enjoyable. I love you guys. Anyway, enough of all the sad sap. Hope you guys enjoyed. Sorry for any overlooked mistakes. And for one final time to this series, happy reading!)
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indescribablechoices · 6 years ago
MC Masterlist
Here’s a list of all of my MCs and their romances to make things easier if people ever wanna send prompts or asks or whatever. Ask box is always open! (gif warning)
The Royal Romance
Name: Alicia Harper
Romance: King Liam Rys
Faceclaim: Gal Gadot
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Perfect Match
Name: Kairi ‘Kai’ Park
Romance: Damien Nazario, Hayden Young and Alana Kasuma
Faceclaim: Gina Rodriguez
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It Lives In The Woods
Name: Marguerite ‘Maggie’ Young
Romance: Andy Kang
Faceclaim: Lana Condor
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It Lives Beneath
Name: Spencer ‘Penn’ Vance
Romance: Tom Sato
Faceclaim: Victoria Justice
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America’s Most Eligible
Name: Winnie Reed
Romance: Mackenzie
Faceclaim: Margot Robbie
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Name: Emeline ‘Em’ Martinez
Romance: Adrian Raines
Faceclaim: Nina Dobrev
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The Haunting of Braidwood Manor
Name: Hadley Byrd
Romance: Eleanor Waverley
Faceclaim: Tessa Thompson
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Veil of Secrets
Name: Marlowe ‘Marli’ Greene
Romance: Flynn O’Malley
Faceclaim: Anna Kendrick
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Desire and Decorum
Name: Jess Woodmire
Romance: Luke Harper
Faceclaim: Naomi Scott
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The Elementalists
Name: Hallie Russell
Romance: Beckett Harrington
Faceclaim: Zoey Deutch
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A Courtesan of Rome
Name: Korina of the Capaldion
Romance: Syphax and Sabina
Faceclaim: Oona Chaplin
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The Heist: Monaco
Name: Nina Nazario-Young
Romance: Sonia Alves
Faceclaim: Diane Guerrero
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Open Heart
Name: Cora Chase
Romance: Rafael Aveiro (in-game), Kyra Santana (in personal canon)
Faceclaim: Rachael Taylor
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Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance
Name: Rose Wheeler
Romance: Mona (during the book), Ingrid (at college)
Faceclaim: Zendaya Coleman
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Across The Void
Name: Bo Elara
Romance: Sol
Faceclaim: Brie Larson
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Wishful Thinking
Name: Kit Huxley
Romance: Jaime Lewis
Faceclaim: Jamie Chung
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Passport To Romance
Name: Eleanor ‘Nell’ Shepherd
Romance: Ahmed Khabbaz
Faceclaim: Naya Rivera
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Red Carpet Diaries
Name: Bailey Johnson
Romance: Matt Rodriguez
Faceclaim: Karen Gillan
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Big Sky Country
Name: Daphne Dehaven
Romance: Sawyer Oakley
Faceclaim: Anne Hathaway
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Rules of Engagement
Name: Katherine Leanne ‘Kaylee’ Buchanan
Romance: Leo Rys
Faceclaim: Katherine Langford
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Home For The Holidays
Name: Robyn Joy
Romance: Holly Wright
Faceclaim: Emma Watson
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Name: Willow Greeves
Romance: Nik Ryder
Faceclaim: Shay Mitchell
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Name: Adelyn Oliver
Romance: Shane Parker
Faceclaim: Adria Arjona
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Bachelorette Party (Not Finished)
Name: Mallory Jackson
Romance: TBD
Faceclaim: DeWanda Wise
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Name: Skylar Bell
Romance: Samson
Faceclaim: Aimee Carrero
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Mother of the Year
Name: Lorelei ‘Lori’ Day
Romance: Thomas Mendez
Faceclaim: Gugu Mbatha-Raw
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The Royal Masquerade
Name: Ophelia of House Aster
Romance: Kayden Vescovi
Faceclaim: Sophie Skelton
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Baby Bump
Name: Theo Cassidy
Romance: Myra Dixon
Faceclaim: Katie McGrath
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Blades of Light and Shadow
Name: Aurora Feathertide
Romance: Nia Ellarious
Faceclaim: Aiysha Hart
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Distant Shores
Name: Emily Hawthorne
Romance: Charlie Smith
Faceclaim: Jessica Parker Kennedy
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The Nanny Affair
Name: June Martinez
Romance: Sam Dalton
Faceclaim: Mila Kunis
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Queen Bee
Name: Briar Hughes
Romance: Ian Kingsley (in game), Carter Jackson (post game, or when PB will stop being cowards)
Faceclaim: Caitlin Stasey
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The Unexpected Heiress
Name: Marianne Hayes
Romance: John Somerset
Faceclaim: Shannyn Sossamon
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Foreign Affairs
Name: Maia Jackson
Romance: Tatum Mendoza
Faceclaim: Hailee Steinfeld
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Wolf Bride
Name: Felicity Monroe
Romance: Morgan
Faceclaim: Gemma Chan
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westernmanews · 8 years ago
NORTHAMPTON, Mass. (WWLP) –  Governor Baker is considering an unorthodox idea of providing sanctioned spaces for people to inject themselves with illegal drugs. The Massachusetts Medical Society has come out in support of a pilot program to test state-directed sites where this can take place.
The MMS found links between safe injection sites and fewer overdoses and less disease in countries that have these spaces. The idea is using these sites to monitor addicts and wean them off their drugs.
This type of injection center currently exists in Sydney, Australia at the Sydney Medically Supervised Injection Center at Kings Cross. This May, the center will celebrate 16 years in operation. There, medical professionals thoroughly evaluate patients when they arrive with their drugs. They provide sterile equipment, and supervise the process from the injection to dismissal, without participating in the drug abuse injection.
Former drug addict Adelyn Medina-Rodriguez told 22News this could’ve helped her get clean. “I would’ve thought that it was wonderful, because it would’ve helped me a lot better, because I did it on my own.”
Governor Baker said this unorthodox idea merits further study. House Speaker Robert DeLeo said the governor would need a very convincing argument for DeLeo to support the proposal
“We need to start looking at more creative, progressive approaches to this surge that we’re facing in this country, particularly, in this region,” says Harry Greenhouse of Northampton. “Whatever kind of approach we’re taking currently is not working.”
Click here to learn about Sydney’s Medically Supervised Injection Center.
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designer2017fashion-blog · 8 years ago
Rag & Bone Verna Dress
A loose Rag & Bone dress in a floral print. A drawstring cinches the neckline. Long sleeves. Optional slip-dress lining. Fabric: Voile. 100% cotton. Wash cold. Made in the USA. Imported materials. Measurements Length 1: 36.25in / 92cm, from shoulder to front hem Length 2: 39.25in / 100cm, from shoulder to back hem Measurements from size S
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Evening Cocktail
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Vince Easy Pullover Dress
Alexis Lilly Dress
Herve Leger Signature Essentials Scoop Neck Dress
Halston Heritage Cold Shoulder Round Neck Gown
DSQUARED2 Halter Dress
re:named Summer Garden Midi Dress
Narciso Rodriguez Sleeveless Dress
BB Dakota Kam Embroidered Dress
Nicholas N/Nicholas Drill Lace Up Dress
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Theia Giselle Bateau Sequin Gown
Yigal Azrouel Cold Shoulder Dress
Free People If You Only Knew Dress
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Derek Lam 10 Crosby Long Sleeve V Neck Dress with Smocked Skirt
3.1 Phillip Lim Dress with Topstitch Ribbon
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Free People Midnight Garden Maxi Dress
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RtA Ines Dress
M Missoni Maxi Dress
cupcakes and cashmere Jason Off Shoulder Sweater Dress
Twenty Tees V Neck Tank Dress
Lanston Off the Shoulder Mini Dress
PAMPELONE Loren Maxi Dress
Free People Mix It Up Printed Mini Dress
Rachel Zoe Adelyn Dress
Ulla Johnson Madhi Dress
WAYF Monticello Lace Dress
Marchesa Notte Laser Cut Short Sleeve Dress
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Fleur du Mal Cowl Neck Bias Slip Dress
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Monique Lhuillier Bridesmaids Pleated Gown with Lace Trim
Moon River Flower Printed Dress
YDE Liv Dress
Moon River Cold Shoulder Dress
Noam Hanoch Lulu Dress
Theory Komiza Dress
Holly Fulton Print Shift Dress
Zimmermann Sueded Drape Dress
Parker Parker Black Isabelle Dress
Rodarte Sleeveless Gown
Caroline Constas Lou Pom Pom Dress
0 notes
feelingdylano · 7 years ago
Until the End (Stiles Romance Sequel) ~Chapter 9~
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The sound of gunfire hailed over us before we threw ourselves to the nearest form of shelter. Scott and I pressed our backs against a pillar while Malia and Lydia took cover at another a few feet away from us.
“Malia!” The alpha cried out in worry.
“Scott,” I gasped, my wide eyes flickering over to the hunter that managed to creep up next to me, raising his gun and aiming it straight for our heads. The boy turned, his own face draining of color as the hunter tightened his finger over the trigger. There was a loud screech as tires skid against the pavement before the hunter flew back, having been struck by a car. My breath was suddenly caught in my chest as I finally recognized the car that had struck the hunter, or rather, the jeep. Scott huffed in surprise at my side as he realized what had just happened.  
“You didn’t think you’re doing this without me, did you?” a familiar voice asked.
“Without us?” Another voice asked at his side.
Our eyes grew wider as Derek stepped in, a smirk plastered over his lips. He turned his attention to the oncoming hunters, allowing his eyes to glow a brilliant blue before growling and leaping forward.
Even though a part of me was relieved and a little surprised that Derek Hale had come back to join the fight, my sights were fixed on the one person I was not expecting.
A mixture of emotions bubbled deep inside me. His golden-brown eyes finally landed on my own, his gaze softening for a moment.
“Adelyn,” the name slipped from his lips.
That’s all it took before I flung my body forward as he climbed out of the jeep. My hands quickly reached out for him as he did the same, our lips ultimately crashing into one another. A moment my body had longed for since I left him back in Washington a few weeks back. A kiss was all it took to make me realize just how much I had missed him. To realize how much, I needed it. How much I needed him. However, the moment was short lived as I pulled away with furrowed brows before pushing him back in anger.
“What the hell are you doing here?!”
“I came back for you,” Stiles smiled, brushing off my anger as he reached for the crook of my neck, softly caressing my cheek with his thumb. Before I could open my mouth to say anything else, Stiles spoke again.
“I’m sorry.” He began. “I shouldn’t have tried to keep you from coming back. It was stupid. It was selfish, and I’m sorry.”
My expression softened.
“I’m sorry too, I—I shouldn’t have kept this from you, but I had my reasons—”
“I know,” he smiled faintly. “Lydia told me. And you’re not going to lose me. It’ll take a hell of a lot more than that to get rid of me.”
I chuckled as I reached for him and kissed him once again. There was a gun shot and we both instantly pulled away. My brows furrowed in anger as we turned to face one of the hunters making his way closer. Without a second though, I dropped my hold on Stiles and began marching my way toward him.
“Go get him, baby!” Stiles encouraged.
The man shot again, but I swung my hand before me managing to create a shield briefly as I reached him. Quickly grabbing a hold of his wrist, I swiftly reached for the gun with the other. The man groaned in pain as I twist his hand and dropped his weapon into my grasp. Dropping the magazine, I pulled back my arm and used enough force to bring it down, connecting with his jaw and instantly knocking him out. Another hunter ran up to me, attempting to shoot, but I merely ducked down to a crouched position. This caught him off guard, giving me just enough time to stick out my leg and swept it across as hard as I could, knocking the hunter on his back. I stood up straight, panting as I hovered over him. However, before I could even grab hold of him, the man scrambled up to his feet and ran off. I looked up and noticed as everyone else began to retreat as well.
Taking in a deep breath, I turned back and made my way closer to the rest of the pack as they gathered around Deucalion. My expression softened in sadness as I took in the severity of his wounds while he sat up against a nearby pillar. Scott quickly knelt himself next to the man, taking up his hand in attempt to take away his pain, but it was useless.
“Gerard,” he began through raspy breaths. “What—what he fears most… he can’t… beat you. And he… knows it.” He gave a weak smile before his hand slipped from Scott’s grasp. I quickly shut my eyes before Stiles wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close. We’d lost him. We’d lost Deucalion.
“It’s really started, hasn’t it?” Malia muttered.
“What’s started?” Stiles asked, turning to her as I finally reopened my eyes and looked up to him with a grimace.
“It’s an all-out war,” Scott panted, standing himself up and turning to face Derek. The alpha stepped toward him before embracing one another like reunited brothers.
“As much as I enjoy the impromptu family reunion,” Peter sighed before turning his attention to his nephew. “What are you doing here?”
“I found a pack slaughtered in Brazil,” Derek began as him and Scott pulled away from one another. “There were two words written in blood on the wall. Beacon Hills.”
“You came back for Beacon Hills?” Scott asked in surprise.
“No,” Derek chuckled. “I came back for you.”
A loud static cry caused us all to turn our attention toward the jeep. My brows furrowed as I heard a familiar voice echo through the channel.
“‘Blood and destruction’,” he recited before we all drew closer to the jeep. “‘Dreadful objects so familiar. All pity choked with custom of fell deeds.’” Stiles jumped into the driver’s seat while I kept my place next to him. Scott ran and got in through the passenger side, while the others circled around us.
“‘Caesar’s spirit, ranging for revenge. With Ate by his side, come hot from hell. Shall in these confines with a monarch’s voice…’” He paused for a moment, the static of the radio buzzing in before he continued. We all looked to one another through hard expressions.
“Do you know the rest, Scott? Do you know your Shakespeare?” Gerard finally asked. Scott turned to us before Derek gave a nod at his side.
“‘Cry, ‘Havoc!’, and let slip the dogs of war,’” the werewolf finished off.
“War indeed,” Gerard agreed. “Welcome back, Derek. You must all be feeling rather nostalgic. Are you pleased with the little family reunion I’ve gathered around you, Scott?”
“Yeah, well, why don’t you come join us and I can thank you in person?” the alpha responded through gritted teeth.
“I even have a few visitors for you, from London,” Gerard continued. My brows furrowed as I turned to Lydia, who suddenly froze next to me. “Even someone like Jackson Whittemore couldn’t resist coming back to Beacon Hills. Say hello, Jackson.”
The sound of electricity crackled through the speaker and Lydia quickly shut her eyes and turned away, only imagining the worst as Jackson let out a painful scream.
“Do it again, old man,” a voice in the background almost demanded. “Come a little closer. I’m gonna shove that thing so far up your ass—”
“Lost none of his charm, has he?” Gerard cut him off. “You can find him here with us at the Armory, Scott. In fact, I’m going to tell you where to find all of them. Your Deputy Hellhound met some friends of his while responding to a call at Eichen House.” Lydia’s eyes widened as she turned to me this time, the fear clearly displayed in her expression. “Your father was on his way back from San Francisco with the goal of entering the fight. But he didn’t get far. You might want to tell your mother to skip her shift at the hospital tonight. Liam and his friends are there now. Optimistic of them, but woefully ill-advised.
“This is how you wage war, Scott. A strategic positioning of your army against theirs. Which is why you will come to me. You will try to save as many as you can. And you might even save a few. But your limited resources will be spread thin. And ultimately you will fail.
“The dogs of war, Scott. They’re coming for you,” Gerard finished off. Scott’s grip tightened around the hand-held radio, before he shut his eyes and lowered his head. Gerard had really gotten to him.
“Just buy us more time,” Scott urged over the phone as we all made our way into the animal clinic. “Wherever Liam and the others are, get them out of there.”
“Am I buying time to come up with a plan or to get help?” Theo asked on the other line.
“Both,” Scott responded while I locked the front door and Lydia turned the open sign to closed.
Once Scott hung up the phone he helped Malia close the garage opening before we all made our way toward the middle of the usual examining room.
“It was, literally, day one at my internship, and up comes a slide about this guy that they’ve been chasing in the woods in North Carolina,” Stiles began.
“Whoa, wait, why didn’t you tell me this?” I asked, my brows furrowing as I turned to him.
“Well, I was going to, but we were a little busy doing something else—”
“We don’t need any details about your personal lives,” Derek rolled his eyes.
“We were fighting,” I said defensively toward the werewolf.
“Anyways, back to Derek being chased in the woods of North Carolina—”
“Wait, I thought you were in South America,” Malia cut Stiles off.
“I was,” Derek nodded. “The bodies of the werewolves I told you about? They blamed me.”
“Of course,” I sighed as I crossed my arms.
“So, I learn that the FBI has cornered this feral mass-murdering unsub—”
“I found a group of hunters gathering in a meeting place,” Derek cut him off yet again. “I was trying to get information.”
“Well, the FBI found out about it too and they were planning a SWAT assault to take him down. Dead or alive,” Stiles continued. “And, as we all know, though, with Derek, it’s preferably dead.”
“Preferably,” Derek agreed.
“So, I convinced them to take me on the Field Op,” Stiles said, turning back to us. My brows raised as I looked to my boyfriend in amazement.
“You managed to get the FBI to bring you along?” Stiles nodded. “An intern? To an extremely dangerous field operation?” I asked, my brows now merging.
“I’m surprised he didn’t convince them he could lead it,” Derek said, looking up to the boy.
“I tried,” Stiles grimaced. “Didn’t work. Anyway, long story short, I basically, you know, had to save his life. FBI vest on, guns a-blazing—the works—before ultimately carrying this big guy to safety.” He smiled in pride as he patted Derek’s chest. I pursed my lips before trying to suppress my smile in amusement.
“That’s not how it happened,” the werewolf shook his head.
“Yeah, I may have left out a detail, but that’s the gist of what happened,” Stiles said defensively. “It was the essential essence of it.”
“You couldn’t walk,” Derek crossed his arm, turning his whole body to face my boyfriend.
“I was limping,” Stiles pointed out.
“You couldn’t walk and I know that because I was carrying you,” Derek lowered his head. “All the while you screamed your head off, crying about your toe, before looking down at it and ultimately passing out in my arms.”
This time I couldn’t help but snort. Stiles quickly turned to me, his brows furrowed in anger before I cleared my throat.
“Yeah, he doesn’t do well with blood and carnage,” I nodded, still fighting off my smile.
“Well, that’s what really happened,” Derek said, turning back to all of us with a satisfied smile.
“Hey, they shot my toe!” Stiles defended, flailing his arms the way he normally did when he exaggerated. “You want to see it? My toe was caught in the crossfire. It was obliterated!”
“Pobresito mi bebe (My poor baby),” I mockingly pouted toward my boyfriend, before grabbing a hold of his cheek and pinching it as I flashed him a grin.
“Obliterated,” he repeated softly toward me. I chuckled and dropped my hold on him.
“Guys, it’s not just the hunters,” Scott sighed as things finally quieted down.
“Like all things, we deal with in Beacon Hills,” I began, my expression becoming serious. “We’re currently dealing with a supernatural creature called the Anuk-Ite.”
“What the hell is the anuka-whata?” Stiles asked, his brows merging in confusion. “Akunamathata?”
“Anuk-Ite,” I corrected, slightly rolling my eyes as I turned to my boyfriend with a small smile. This was not the time to make me laugh.
“It can get into your head,” Scott continued for me. “It can make you see things.”
“What does it look like?” Stiles asked, placing his hands on his hips.
“It used to look like two ordinary people,” Lydia sighed.
“But somehow, they merged,” I added for her. “All we know is that it’s made of two faces.”
“One human,” Lydia continued. “And the other supernatural.”
“And it’s a shapeshifter, just like us,” Scott spoke up. “But it knows what you’re afraid of. What you fear most.”
“And now it can kill you just by looking at you,” Malia grimaced.
“Okay, so you’re telling me we gotta go up against this thing blind?” Stiles asked. “And face our deepest fear?”
“Yeah,” Scott nodded, his brows merging. “Why? What do you fear most?”
“Blindness,” Stiles responded.
“Becoming blind?” Derek asked.
“Yeah,” my boyfriend nodded, turning to the werewolf. “Terrified of it. Always have been. This just seems to be a situation of unfortunate overlap.”
“Adelyn, you and Stiles will help Lydia find Argent,” Scott began. “From there, get to the Armory and rescue Jackson.”
“I don’t think we have time to wait for him,” Lydia shook her head.
“We’ve gotten through those doors once, anyway,” I added, turning to her as I motioned between us. “We can do it again.”
“Can we slow it down just for one second? Make sure I’m grasping this,” Stiles raised his voice as he looked to every one of us. “So, we’re actually talking about doing this? We’re gonna do exactly what Gerard wants us to? Is that right?”
“I think that if we stop the Anuk-Ite, we stop it all,” Scott responded, turning his attention to his best friend.
“Stopping this thing can stop Gerard and the hunters?” Derek asked, quirking a brow.
“Not all of them are hunters,” Scott shook his head.
“He’s right,” Lydia agreed. “Most of them are ordinary people acting out of fear.”
“What about Monroe?” I asked, my brows merging slightly. “I don’t think she’s going to change.”
“And she’s not,” Scott sighed. “But I think we can reach the others. Most of them actually.”
“The Anuk-Ite is causing them to come from a place of fear,” Lydia added.
“Well, fear’s pretty motivating,” Derek said, keeping his arms crossed. “Especially when it leads to anger.”
“And I think that if we can take out the fear, we can take out the fight in them too,” Scott nodded. “They’re afraid of us, but they don’t have to be. They just have to change their minds.”
“Well, we have to change their minds,” Derek corrected.
“Okay,” Malia finally spoke up. “We can face the Anuk-Ite. We can try to fight it blind. We can try to face our fears. But we still need to know how to catch it.”
“We will figure that out,” Scott responded, turning to the werecoyote. “We always do.”
“Oh, it is nice to see that somebody hasn’t lost their optimism,” Derek chuckled.
“Not yet,” the alpha nodded.
“I have,” Stiles grimaced. I reached out for my boyfriend’s hand, pursing my lips before he turned to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
“We can do this,” I finally said, turning to face the alpha. “If not, we can at least buy you more time, Scott.”
“Who knows? Maybe Jackson has an answer,” Lydia shrugged.
“Maybe Argent will come back with one,” Malia added.
“You two,” Scott looked between the werecoyote and Derek. “You’re with me. And we need Peter. Anyone who can help stop this thing or slow it down.”
“Where we headed?” Malia asked.
“The high school,” The alpha answered.
“That’s where we’re gonna find this thing?” Derek asked.
“No,” Scott shook his head. “It’ll find us.”
The three of us pressed our backs to the wall outside of the armory as I peeked my head out, taking the lead. Stiles stood at my side while Lydia next to him.
“What’s the plan?” my boyfriend asked, resting his chin over my shoulder as he lowered himself only slightly in attempt to look over as well.
I made a face as I turned back to the nearby hunters. “Stiles,” I began.
“Yes babe?”
“Stay here.”
Without further hesitation, Lydia and I made our move as quick as possible in attempt to get in. While getting in was easy, getting through wasn’t the moment we all ran into the middle of a hunter meeting.
No time was wasted as we reacted. There were multiple gunshots before Lydia amplified her scream and took most of the men down. I huffed out as I kicked the last one standing.
“That wasn’t too bad,” Lydia said, attempting to catch her breath.
However, the girl spoke too soon as one of the hunters managed to get up and wrap his arms around my neck from behind.
“You can’t stop us,” he almost growled, a click sounding out as he pulled out a gun and pressed it against my temple. “Gerard will win.”
My best friend’s eyes grew wide as she stood before me, almost as if not knowing what to do. If she used her amplified scream, it could hurt me, but if she didn’t I could die. Shutting my eyes, I almost waited for the man to pull the trigger. However, the hunter loosened his grip around my shoulders before a loud thump sounded out behind me. Brows furrowing, I opened my eyes and twirled in time to see Stiles holding onto a rifle, having used the butt end to knock the guy out.
“Stiles!” I breathed out in relief.
“They’re in here!” A voice cried out, our heads snapping toward the open doorway.
Lydia had prepared herself as she began raising her hands, however the moment the two hunters came in, Stiles and I turned to one another. Without further hesitation, I created a shield while my boyfriend ducked down, somehow maneuvering himself away from the immediate danger. However, to my surprise, he knocked the gun out of the man’s hand. When the hunter tried to lower himself to reach it, Stiles managed to stop him with a single punch to the jaw.
My surprise immediately turned to anger as the other hunter turned his attention from me to my boyfriend. Without hesitation, I reached out and gripped the barrel of the rifle, pushing it to my side before pulling down as hard as I could. With a fell swoop, the gun fell into my hands before I emptied the magazine and tossed it away, leaving the hunter with nothing. He stared back with wide eyes before attempting to swing at me. I stepped back, dodging his hits before grabbing a hold of his wrist and yanking him down to my side, not bothering to drop my hold on him. Raising my elbow, I used as much force as I could as I brought it down over his head and instantly knocked him out. I finally looked up to my boyfriend as he looked back at me, his chest heaving up and down.
“God, I love you,” Stiles and I huffed in unison as we reached for one another, our lips instantly connecting.
There was a bang before the door flew open and a frazzled boy came stumbling out.
“What the hell?” he breathed out, his wide eyes finally landing on us as we pulled away. “Stiles?”
“Jackson?” my boyfriend’s brows pulled together slightly in confusion.
The boy’s blue eyes flickered onto me for a second before turning back to the boy, raising two fingers.
“Was that you two…?” He trailed off.
“Uh, Jackson, meet my amazingly beautiful and badass girlfriend, Adelyn,” Stiles finally seemed to smirk as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I smiled awkwardly before tentatively waving a hand toward him.
“She’s your girlfriend?” Jackson asked in disbelief.
“Yep,” Stiles smiled proudly while I nodded.
“She’s your girlfriend?” Jackson repeated with emphasis. “As in you two are together? Romantically?”
“Already said that,” Stiles pursed his lips in slight annoyance at the surprise.
“And she did that?” Jackson pointed behind us toward the multiple bodies on the floor. We turned back briefly before nodding.
“Sorta,” Stiles answered. “I kinda helped.”
“Nice,” the boy huffed out in amazement, smiling slightly. “A little surprising you landed someone way out of your league, but nice.”
“Out of my—What? Why is that…”
Stiles didn’t get to finish his sentence as I spoke up.
“Actually, we didn’t do it alone.”
Almost as if on cue, Lydia stepped forward, her wide eyes glued to Jackson. Her lips parted for a moment as a sharp exhale managed to escape.
“Jackson,” she said just above a whisper.
Stiles and I immediately jumped out of the way as the girl squealed and ran to the boy.
The two quickly embraced one another in relief and happiness.
“It’s really you!” she almost cried. “I can’t believe it’s you…”
“Uh, I hate to interrupt the reunion,” I stepped forward, tugging at Lydia only slightly as she finally pulled away. “But we’re still kind of in the middle of a war, so…”
“Wanna get the hell out of here, huh?” Stiles asked, turning to Jackson with a grin.
“Not without Ethan,” the boy shook his head as he pushed right past us.
“Ethan?” I asked, raising a brow. “As in…”
“Ethan,” Lydia’s expression became puzzled as we all turned toward the boy. “What’s Ethan doing here?”
“He’s with me,” Jackson responded, finally coming to a stop and turning back to us.
“He’s with you?” Lydia asked.
“Yes, me,” Jackson nodded.
“Ethan?” Stiles asked.
“Ethan, Ethan?” I added. “The Ethan we know?”
“Yes, Ethan,” Jackson sighed.
“And you?” Lydia dragged out the last word, having caught onto something.
“Ethan?” Stiles asked again, still not understanding. I pursed my lips and slapped my boyfriend’s chest as I realized what was going on.
“Yeah,” Jackson responded in annoyance.
“Oh… my… God,” Lydia finally sighed in relief. “I thought you’d never figure it out.”
Jackson chuckled and shook his head.
“Can—can we go find him now?”
“Yeah,” Stiles nodded before reaching for his pocket and pulling out his ringing phone. “Oh, wait hang on. Yeah?”
“Are you still at the armory?” Scott’s voice rang out through the phone speaker.
“We are,” Stiles nodded. “Leaving momentarily though.”
“There’s something I need you to get first,” Scott continued. My brows furrowed as I turned to my boyfriend.
After the two friends got off the phone, Stiles made his way over to the hidden door while the others ran off to find Ethan.
Stiles turned to me for a moment before turning back toward the door and gripping side, attempting to pull it back. I quickly reached out and helped pry the door open before revealing the hidden room. Stiles was the first to step in.
“What does he need this for?” I asked, my brows furrowing as my boyfriend reached out for a jar.
“I don’t know, but Scott said he has a plan,” Stiles shrugged.
“Then we should probably go,” I said, taking up his hand. “Lydia and Jackson are going to find Ethan. They said they’ll meet up with us at the school.”
“Plus, it gives us some alone time,” Stiles smirked. I rolled my eyes and chuckled as I tugged on his hand. “What? I haven’t seen you in weeks!”
Both Stiles and I walked in through the school’s double doors, hand in hand. He kept a tight grip on the jar with his free hand, his eyes roaming through the empty corridor.
“Remember, if you sense or hear anything,” I whispered, taking the lead as I intertwined our fingers. “Close your eyes.”
“Are you really going to try and fight this thing blind?” he asked, keeping his footing careful and quiet.
“We have no other choice,” I muttered.
Our bodies suddenly froze before quickly doubling over, almost as if the unbearable fear, forced us down like some sort of pressure. My grip tightened around my boyfriend’s hand.
“Stiles,” I huffed out, feeling my eyes start their silver glow. “Close your eyes.”
“Close your eyes!” I demanded.
“Okay, they’re shut,” Stiles said. “What now?”
“Get out and find Scott,” I stated simply, turning to him as I dropped my hold on him. “He said to meet him at the library. You have time. The Anuk-Ite is close, but it’s not here… Not yet.”
“What about you?” he asked, trying to open his eyes, but I quickly pressed my lips to his, knowing it would keep him from doing so.
“I love you,” I whispered the moment I pulled away. “But I can’t let anything happen to you. Get to Scott. I’ll hold the Anuk-Ite off for as long as I can—”
“Stiles, please,” I pleaded. “Go.”
The boy hesitated for a moment before reaching for me and pulling me in for one last kiss.
“You better come back to me when this is over,” he muttered. I chuckled softly.
“I will.”
With that I turned him away and led him out the door, where he was finally free to open his eyes again. He gave me one final look before grimacing and taking off toward the library.
Keeping my hand at the door, I took in a deep breath as I heard footsteps approaching. Fear and determination intermingled as I breathed out slowly. Shutting my eyes, I turned back, prepared to face whatever the Anuk-Ite would throw my way.
“Hello, my little dove,” a familiar voice echoed through the hallway.
My body tensed up when I realized it was a voice I hadn’t expected to hear. A voice I had heard about a million times. A voice I knew all too well. And that despite the time that had passed, despite the sarcastic and happy tones, it still held onto a painful truth. That it once wasn’t as sweet, joyful, and innocent as it once was. In that moment, it was as if a ghost memory had surfaced.
“Void,” the word escaped my lips.
“Your fear is definitely an interesting one,” his tone indicated he was smirking. “The thing you love the most is also the thing you fear most.”
My hands started to tremble as the footsteps drew closer.
“No, no, that’s not it,” he gave an amused laugh. “The nogitsune. He tied everything you fear most into the one thing you love. But it’s deeper than that, isn’t it?”
“Shut up,” I hissed, feeling the angel blade manifest at the palm of my hand while keeping my eyes tightly shut.
“You feared yourself while he had control over your beloved Stiles,” he mocked. “You feared your power. What you were capable of. Feared that if you allowed yourself to lose control, you’d murder the same people you’re trying to protect.”
I swung forward, but merely hit arid emptiness. My chest heaved up and down as I felt my every nerve screaming out in fear.
“Open your eyes,” Stiles’ voice whispered at my ear, sending shivers down my spine as I twirled and gripped at my sword with two hands.
“You and I both know you can’t beat me,” he continued, further away from me this time. “Especially when I look just like him.”
I swung again.
“He reminds you of loss,” Stiles’ voice echoed on a little louder and distant. “Allison.”
“I said shut up!” I shouted.
“And Stiles,” he continued. “You nearly lost both. But you chose to settle with the loss of one over the other.”
I was pushed back against the lockers; the sword having been dropped away from my reach.
“Open your eyes, little dove,” he continued malevolently, brushing a cold finger over my cheek.
“No,” I whimpered.
“OPEN THEM!” Stiles’ voice demanded, a hand gripping at my throat.
“NO!” I shouted, releasing a shield as I pushed him back. There was a loud thud as his body collided with the wall. My senses only heightened as I reached down for my weapon once again. However, before I could do anything, a familiar growl sounded out while a whip wrapped itself around my wrist, yanking me forward and causing me to drop the sword once again. Reaching for the whip with my free hand, I pulled back, using my own strength to break free.
“Don’t you see?” the distorted voice of a Ghost Rider echoed through the hallway. “You’ve already lost.”
There was a moment of silence as I tossed the whip away from my wrist. Extending my hands, my fingertips tingled as I attempted to get a better feel of his presence.
“Stiles is gone,” the Nogitsune’s voice mocked. “Scott, Malia, and Lydia… They’re all gone. And you couldn’t protect them.” Stiles’ maniacal laugh echoed through the hallways. “And you call yourself a Guardian. You couldn’t protect your own friends.”
“I’m not afraid of you,” I muttered, keeping my eyes shut.
“You’re lying,” he almost sang joyfully.
“Even if I am,” I breathed out. “Scott found a way to beat you. And I’ll do anything to stop you. Even if that means I have to sacrifice myself in order to protect my friends.”
I reached out before me, a sudden gasp ripping through the Anuk-Ite’s chest as I managed to grab hold of his throat. However, before I could do anything else, a pressure was lifted from my shoulders as I dropped to my knees, no longer feeling his presence.
“Adelyn!” Lydia’s voice cried out with a gasp. My eyes flung open as her heels clapped against the pavement before kneeling and reaching out for me. “Are you okay?”
“The Anuk-Ite,” I huffed. “It was here, but…”
“Scott,” she panted. “It’s looking for Scott.”
“What do you mean?” I asked, my brows merging.
“He couldn’t get to you,” Lydia continued. “His next move is to get to Scott. If he can get to him, then my vision comes true.”
“Lydia, what did you see?” I asked, looking into her terrified green eyes.
“Everyone,” she breathed out. “Turned to stone.”
“We need to stop this thing,” I muttered.
There was a loud growl and cry in pain. Both our heads snapped up as our bodies tensed up.
“Scott,” I huffed out.
Both Lydia and I ran as fast as we could, our heeled boots clapping against pavement as we tried our hardest to get to the library. Another loud growl echoed through the empty school as we drew closer.
“You can’t beat me,” Scott’s voice sounded out. “I’m not afraid of you. Not anymore.”
“Shut your eyes,” Lydia instructed.
“You wanted enough power so that you could never be trapped again,” Scott continued through gritted teeth as we reached the double doors, keeping our eyes on one another.
“I have to go in there,” I breathed out.
“You wanted the power of a shapeshifter, like me,” Scott said. “But that comes with all the rules of being a shapeshifter!”
Fast approaching footsteps caused us to tense up, however, before we could do anything, I sighed out in relief as I threw myself into my boyfriend the minute he came to a stop in front of us.
“What’s going on?” he panted.
“We have weaknesses,” Scott continued.
“He figured it out,” Lydia breathed out, her eyes gluing onto the jar of mountain ash. My attention averted toward the object in my boyfriend’s hands.
“Of course,” I huffed in slight surprise, looking up to Stiles, who turned back toward the double doors.
“And we have lines that we can’t cross,” Scott continued.
Without further hesitation, my boyfriend stumbled into the library. He looked up, frozen for a moment before pursing his lips and raising his hand. With as much force as he could, he threw the jar on the ground, breaking the glass and releasing the mountain ash.
My eyes grew wide as I watched the black substance finally cloud around the horrendous creature. Pushing my way next to Stiles, I pulled him back as the Anuk-Ite turned to him, growling fiercely before reaching out. There was a sudden gust of wind as his body began to move rigidly. The creature gave one last cry in defeat, before coming to an unsettling stop, having been trapped in a stone shell.
“It’s over,” I breathed out once Lydia made her way in through the library.
“Scott,” Stiles seemed to gasp, finally pulling away from me as he raced toward the alpha that struggle to stay up. I quickly ran to his aid the moment Scott fell to his knees. Stiles reached out for his best friend, gently helping him to the nearby stairs.
The library doors quickly burst open as Derek came in, his brows merging as he took in the scene that lied before him. My brows merged as I took in Scott’s face.
“What did you do, buddy?” Stiles asked.
“What I had to,” Scott panted.
“He literally clawed his eyes out,” I muttered. “There’s no way I’ll be able to heal this…”
“Scott, you have to trigger your healing, it’s the only way to save your eyes,” Derek began, approaching the alpha.
“I—I can’t,” Scott stammered.
“Scott!” Malia cried out, rushing her way in through the double doors. “What happened?”
“He blinded himself,” I explained to the werecoyote with a grimace, backing away as Stiles and I gave her room.
“And he’s not healing?” she asked, kneeling herself next to the boy and taking his hand. “Scott, what happened to your eyes?”
“I had to, I’m sorry,” the alpha apologized.
“Scott, you have to heal,” Derek spoke up again. “If your eyes stay like this much longer, the damage is gonna be permanent.”
“C’mon, Scott,” Stiles encouraged. “Concentrate.”
“I’m trying,” Scott panted as he shook his head in slight panic. “It’s just not working. I can’t focus.”
“Hey! Hey!” Malia quickly reached out for his face. “Look at me. Yes, you can. Just concentrate!”
“I can’t—I can’t do it,” Scott stammered.
“Yes, you can,” Malia continued, her voice breaking as she fought back her tears. “Scott, please just look at me.”
My hand instinctively reached out for Stiles as he looked to me with sad eyes. Pressing my lips, I felt a warmth fill my body as I was reminded of a similar situation.
“Stiles, look at me,” my voice echoed through the memory.
“Malia,” I called out, intertwining my fingers with my boyfriend, not bothering to tear my gaze away from him. His brows furrowed as he looked down to me, not understanding. “Kiss him.”
“What?” The werecoyote turned to me, her brows merging.
“Trust me,” I huffed with a smile as I turned to her. “Kiss him.”
Malia turned back to Scott, tears falling from her eyes as she brushed her thumb against his cheek. Taking in a deep breath, she finally lowered herself, planting her lips against his. Stiles’ expression softened as I turned back to him, squeezing his hand.
“The day in the locker room,” he said.
I simply nodded.
Turning back to the two, Scott gently placed his hand over Malia’s as they continued to move their lips against one another. The moment Malia pulled away, the alpha’s eyes finally opened, fully healed and bringing back his vision. Everyone sighed out in relief as my boyfriend turned to me.
“You’re so smart,” Stiles spoke, reaching out for the crook of my neck as his brows furrowed for a moment before his lips cracked into a smile. I chuckled as he lowered himself and kissed me passionately.
That night, Monroe and the others ran. Gerard had gotten what was coming to him. Everything had fallen into place in our favor. And after everything they had thrown at us, we had somehow managed to survive a war.
And damn did it feel good.
The years passed by and even though the war had ended in Beacon Hills, the fight was far from over.
Eventually I was able to go back to school, earn my medical degree, and better help those around me. Supernatural and human alike.
Stiles and I had made the decision to return to Beacon Hills once we graduated. In the end, we knew we couldn’t stay away for long. It was virtually impossible. It was Beacon Hills after all. It was home.
More people found out about our secret after Monroe, but what she didn’t expect was the amount of people that were on our side. The amount of people that were willing to fight with us. They weren’t afraid of us anymore. And we were able to come back to allies we didn’t expect. Allies who used to be enemies. Protectors and friends willing to fight for us.
Even though Stiles and I had agreed to purchase our first home in Beacon Hills, our traveling days were far from over.
I crossed one leg over the other as I sat back comfortably on the small café furniture. My fingers tapped against the warm coffee mug, a small smile crossing my lips as my grey eyes flickered onto the oncoming L.A. traffic for a moment before I finally lowered my gaze onto the round-cut diamond ring resting over my left finger. Biting my lower lip, I felt a warmth fill my entire body.
“Hey, gorgeous,” my fiancé’s voice resonated, snapping me back to reality as I looked up into his golden-brown eyes. He walked his way around the table before lowering himself to my lips, pecking me sweetly before pulling away. “You ready?”
“Did Scott find him?” I asked.
“Looks like it,” Stiles nodded, pulling his phone out and displaying the text message. My smile only grew wider as I stood up.
“Then let’s get going,” I said, taking his hand in my own and heading toward the blue jeep parked just outside.
Stiles was the first to make his way through the empty parking lot. I took in a deep breath as my eyes landed on the suburban that finally drove away, having dropped off Scott and a young teenage boy. He couldn’t have been younger than sixteen.
“Okay, Alec,” I heard Scott’s voice resonate the moment we pulled over and got out. “The people that are hunting you. They’ve got a leader. Her name is Monroe, and she’s got a lot of followers.”
“Like what?” the teenage boy asked. “Hundreds?”
“Thousands,” the alpha nodded. “All over the world.”
“So, what are we doing here?” Alec asked, his face scrunching up.
“We’re meeting up with some people who can help us,” Scott continued as he turned to us. “Some of them are always with us. Others come when we need them, but tonight we need everyone we can get.”
My eyes flickered over to the other two cars that pulled up. Stiles turned to me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders while I stuffed my hands into my coat.
“Are they all… different?” Alec hesitated.
“Some of them are,” Scott nodded, his eyes flickering over to me as I smirked and felt my eyes give off a silver glow for a second. “Some can do things you’d never believe. And other’s might only be human,” He turned to Stiles, who gave the alpha a playful wink, “but they make up for it by being really smart. Or really good in a fight.”
“Who are they?” Alec asked as everyone stepped out of the cars. Scott turned to Derek as he smiled and nodded toward the alpha. Lydia and Malia turned to one another briefly before facing the alpha with smiles of their own. Liam was the last to step forward, nodding seriously toward Scott.
“My friends,” he responded. “My pack.”
I turned to Stiles as he looked down to me with a smile before we turned back to the alpha, our hands pressed together as our fingers intertwining.
“And you can be with us, if you want,” Scott continued. “But you’re gonna have to fight.”
“Against Monroe?” Alec asked.
“And everyone who follows her,” the alpha nodded.
“She said she’d find me,” the boy grimaced. “That she’d hunt me down and kill me. She didn’t care how old I was. She said I was a monster.”
“You’re not a monster,” Scott shook his head, his lips curling. “You’re a werewolf.” His eyes glowed their usual alpha glow. “Like me.”
We all smiled as he began stepping toward us. Stiles dropped his hold on me momentarily as he wrapped an arm around his best friend, patting his back and walking alongside him. I hugged my best friend as she made her way next to me. We all exchanged looks, as we gathered in the middle for a brief reunion before taking off into the night. As I said, even though the war in Beacon Hills had ended. The fight was still far from over.
Chapter 8 / FINALE
(A/N: Yoooo, we made it. This is the end. Well... almost for this series. I have a bonus chapter! That being said, who was excited to find out Stiles and Adelyn were engaged? I debated on whether or not to add a proposal scene, but I decided to leave it out and have you guys imagine your own perfect proposal for those two. But hey, just say the word and I can definitely write something out for you guys! Oh and props to Frida Sundemo’s It’s OK song for inspiring the Stadelyn reunion! So feel free to listen to that while reading! Alright, so I will be giving you guys one final chapter. Even though it’s the end of the Teen Wolf I’ve been following, I have decided to do yet another time jump. So, that should give you guys an idea of what it’ll be about! Anyways, I tried to edit and improve as much as I could, I’m sorry if the chapter still sucked. Oh and I hope you guys enjoyed my bringing back Void for Adelyn! Because ya know, he’s bae and I thank God Jeff decided to bring him back for the finale. But moving on, I hope you guys still enjoyed, and thank you once again for the millionth time for sticking through this journey with me and Adelyn. I cannot even begin to thank you guys enough for showing your support. I love you guys and even though this story has come to an end, I know Adelyn and Stiles and Scott and everyone else will always be near and dear to my heart. Anyways, as always, happy reading!)
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feelingdylano · 7 years ago
Until the End (Stiles Romance Sequel) ~Chapter 7~
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“Hey, it’s me again,” the woman’s voice began through the speaker phone as I stood back with my arms crossed and a hard expression. “I, uh, don’t know why you can’t seem to call me back. Maybe it’s because you think you’re punishing me. But this is too long.” My eyes flickered over to the alpha as he turned to me at the same time. “It—it’s too much. And it’s not about us. Something’s happening in Beacon Hills, to the people here.” There was a brief pause before she exhaled. “I just, I need to know everyone there with you is okay, so can you just, please, call me, please? One call, that’s all I’m asking for, and if you can’t call me back, then I’m going to get my answer, anyway. That means I’m coming up there myself. If I don’t get a call from you, I’m coming up there. So just try.” The woman sighed again. “Try to remember, it’s my pack too.”
With that the message ended and Scott reached out for the flip phone before shutting it.
“You pulled this off one of the bodies in the woods?” Theo asked from one end of the animal clinic, his arm resting over the door.
“Lydia did,” I nodded toward the chimera.
“Yeah, there were six dead bodies, and one of them had no face,” Scott added.
“Okay, so the one with no face,” Theo stepped toward us, “you think that’s the woman on the phone?”
“Maybe,” Scott shook his head as he leaned himself against a nearby desk.
“It’s the same thing that happened to Aaron,” Mason spoke up. “It took over his body, basically stole his face and his DNA. So, that means whoever this woman is…”
“She could be the other half of the Anuk-Ite,” I finished for Mason with a sigh while crossing my arms.
“Which means she’s just half of the problem,” Theo added, placing his hands over the counter. “The other half we already know about, Aaron.”
“We don’t know where he is, though,” Liam shook his head.
“Okay, hold on,” Theo’s brows furrowed. “Aren’t we supposed to keep both halves apart? If we know about one half, let’s just go for that one, that’s Aaron.”
“I’m not agreeing with Theo,” Mason stepped forward, turning to face us, “but I do think it’d be easier to track down Aaron over a voice on a phone.”
“That’s agreeing with Theo,” I pointed out with a small smile.
“Yeah, but I thought I’d try to soften the blow a bit,” he muttered.
“Is everyone completely shocked that I might be right?” Theo raised his hands as he looked to us incredulously.
“No,” Liam glared.
“We just don’t like it,” I shrugged a shoulder.
“Maybe we’re all right,” Scott spoke up. “Maybe we should be looking for both, Aaron and the woman on the phone. And since you guys agree—”
“Wait, you mean, me and him?” Mason pointed between himself and Theo.
“Who else?” I said with a slight amused smirk.
“You two find Aaron,” Scott instructed. “The rest of us will try to figure out whose voice is on the phone.”
“If we find either half, maybe we don’t have to fight at all,” Liam began. “Stop the Anuk-Ite…”
“Stop the war,” Scott finished for him.
The phone spun around the examining table as I stared between the two boys, not bothering to uncross my arms. Scott finally reached out and stopped the spinning phone before standing up straighter and walking over to Liam’s over side.
“So, are we going to do this or not?” I asked, setting my sights on the beta as he stared back. He took took in a deep breath before reaching for the phone and placing the call. Scott quickly reached for the phone and hung up as his eyes widened.
“Do you even know what you’re going to say?” he asked.
“Hello?” Liam shrugged.
“You only get one shot at this,” Scott shook his head. “What are you going to tell her?”
“I—I’m going to try and get her to meet us somewhere,” Liam stammered.
“And how exactly are you going to do that?” I asked for Scott as I placed my hands down over the cool surface of the examining table. The boy had opened his mouth before closing it again in uncertainty.
“That might not be the best idea,” Scott sighed as he made his way back to the other side of the examining table.
“Why?” Liam asked, his brows furrowing as he looked to the alpha. “Then we’ll know who they are.”
“But they’ll also know who we are,” I said.
There was a sudden buzz before the phone rang out. All our eyes flickered onto the small device that laid in Scott’s hand.
“Answer it,” Liam urged.
“You’re the one who wanted to make the call,” Scott shook his head. “You take it.”
My brows furrowed as the phone suddenly stopped ringing. We all looked to each other before Liam reached out and flipped the phone open. He placed it down the moment he redialed the number. We all leaned forward as the line continued to ring through the speaker.
“Beacon Hills High School,” a male’s voice sudden answered. “How can I—”
Liam quickly snatched the phone and hung up.
“What the hell?” I blurted as I looked between the two werewolves.
“It’s someone at school,” the beta muttered with wide eyes.
“We might know who they are,” Scott added.
Liam’s brows furrowed as he suddenly opened the phone and play back the voicemail to himself. I turned to Scott as he looked back for a moment.
“Liam?” I called out. The boy’s chest heaved up and down in almost excitement.
“I think I know who it is,” he finally said, twisting his body so he could face us.
My eyes glued onto the woman in disbelief as she stepped out of her car while the rest of us sat back in the jeep.
“Mrs. Finch?” I asked. “She’s…”
I couldn’t even finish my own sentence before Scott added an, “Are you sure?”
“It was her on the phone,” Liam nodded.
“Okay, well, that still doesn’t prove that she’s the Anuk-Ite, or even that she’s one of us,” Scott shook his head.
“It was still her,” the beta pointed out.
“Okay, well, we need to get closer,” Scott sighed.
“We need to get to expose her supernatural side,” I muttered, my eyes flickering back to the woman.
“How are we going to do that?” Liam asked.
“You’re gonna do it,” Scott forced a smile.
“Wh—well, what about the hunters, and the Nazi student brigade?!” Liam almost cried out.
“We’ll be right there with you,” Scott assured. “Just get close. Find out, and get out.”
“But I hate biology,” Liam whined.
Scott and I managed to sneak our way through the school hallways, before pressing our backs against the wall. The alpha poked his head around the corner, before turning back to me and nodding.
“Is this really such a good idea?” I whispered.
“It’s the only one we’ve got,” Scott responded, grimacing as he turned to me. “Stiles could come up with something better.”
I shut my eyes and sighed in annoyance.
“Look, I—I know you want to protect him,” the alpha started up again the moment I looked up to him. “But look how far we’ve gotten without him.”
“Pretty far?” I asked with a hopeful gaze and smile.
“Not even,” he chuckled. My smile faded into a grimace as I sighed once again.
“I know,” I muttered in defeat. “I’ll admit… I miss him like crazy, and some days I wish he was here to better help with all of this—”
I pursed my lips as I looked into his brown eyes.
“But my mom is still in the hospital, barely recovering after what they did.”
Scott grimaced.
“If I had lost her, it would have killed me,” I muttered.
“But you didn’t lose her,” Scott shook his head. “And you won’t lose Stiles. I’ll make sure of it.”
“I know you mean well, Scott, but I just… I can’t,” I breathed out. “I can’t bring him into this. No matter how much I miss him.”
“But you need him,” Scott disagreed. “We need him.”
“I know…”
There was a sudden ringing and Scott’s hands flew up to his ears. My eyes flickered over to the classroom as a young girl ran out of the room, holding onto the side of her head almost as if in pain.
“Anything?” Scott finally asked, turning his attention to the doorway. He waited for a moment before turning to me and shaking his head. My brows furrowed as I caught onto sudden movement. Looking up, my whole body tensed up.
“Scott,” I called out, my eyes widening as I kept my gaze on the nearest window. From the other side, a man slowly walked by, holding onto something that almost resembled a gun. I reached out for the alpha and tried to redirect his attention from the classroom.
“Liam,” he called out, his own wide eyes finally gluing onto the shadow. “Did Gabe get a text out?”
I gasped and quickly pulled back the boy before crouching back behind the stair case. The nearest door began to shake while the person behind it tried to open it. Scott’s chest began heaving as his muscles tensed up under my hold. My brows furrowed and before I knew it the boy flung himself forward, prepared to take down whoever came through that door. However, he quickly pushed himself back as the man came through, holding onto a tool bag instead of a gun. He gave us a weird look before brushing it off and making his way toward his destination.
Both Scott and I sighed in relief before standing up straighter and backing ourselves up against the wall again.
“Liam, you better hurry up,” Scott muttered toward the beta. “I think we’re running out of chances.”
I gripped at Scott as I pulled myself a step closer to the classroom, lowering my voice only slightly.
“Liam, use the wolfs bane,” I instructed.
Scott turned to me as we exchanged looks before turning back to the class, almost as if anticipating something to happen at any given moment. However, the sound of a loud sneeze only made us sigh in disappointment.
“That’s it for today,” Mrs. Finch finally announced. “Class dismissed!”
Our brows furrowed as we looked to one another once again. In that moment, every single student began rushing out of the class room, not bothering to even hesitate by the early dismissal.
“Not you, Liam!” she raised her voice. “You stay put.”
There was a moment of silence as both Scott and I drew closer to the door.
“I get it,” Mrs. Finch began. “I know what you’re trying to do.”
“You do?” Liam’s voice rang out in surprise.
“You’re upset and you wanna get back at me,” she sighed.
“Because I stood by and did nothing for what Gabe and Nolan did to you,” she continued. “I’m your teacher and I should have protected you.”
“No!” Liam quickly stated. “No, I mean, yeah, but no, that’s not why I’m here. I know about your pack.”
“My what?” Mrs. Finch asked, seemingly confused.
“I know what you are,” Liam continued.
“Liam, I—”
“You’re a werewolf,” the beta cut her off before she could go on.
“A what?!”
“A person who turns into a wolf on a full moon,” Liam explained.
“Oh, God,” Mrs. Finch almost forced a chuckle. “Yeah, right. And I can probably only be killed by a silver bullet.”
“No, no, that’s not totally true,” the beta shook his head.
“Are you on drugs?” Mrs. Finch suddenly asked.
“I know your father is a surgeon at the hospital,” Mrs. Finch continued.
“No! I’m not on drugs,” Liam protested. “Mrs. Finch, you’re a werewolf.”
“Hydrocodone?” she asked.
“You have a pack,” he disregarded her questions.
“You said it on the phone,” Liam continued.
“That’s enough,” Mrs. Finch sighed.
“You can’t hide what you are,” the boy argued.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but you really need to go, now,” Mrs. Finch had enough. “You need to leave this classroom right now. You have to leave my class. GO!”
Both Scott and I took this as our cue as we both stepped into the classroom, the alpha pulled at the phone and placed it on speaker before playing the voicemail.
“Hey, it’s me again,” her voice echoed back. “I, uh, don’t know why you can’t seem to call me back. Maybe its because you think you’re punishing me. But this is too long. It—it’s too much. And it’s not about us. Something’s happening in Beacon Hills, to the people here. I just…”
Mrs. Finch quickly snatched up the phone as Scott and I drew closer. I crossed my arms as I frowned toward the teacher.
“Where did you find this?” she breathed out.
“We found it while looking for a pack,” I responded. “The Primal.”
“More specifically, your pack,” Liam added.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mrs. Finch shook her head. “I have no idea what the Primal even is.”
“You’re lying,” Liam’s brows furrowed.
“No, she has to know,” the beta continued. “She probably already knows about the Anuk-Ite too.”
“I told you, I don’t know what the Primal is,” Mrs. Finch spoke up as she turned to us. “I don’t know what an Anuk-a-whatever is. I—I was just trying to call my daughter. Where did you get this?”
“You said you were in a pack,” Liam disagreed. “That was you on the phone, that’s what you said.”
“And I don’t know what business it is of yours, my personal life,” Mrs. Finch face hardened. “I am the teacher, you are the students. I don’t go digging into your personal life outside of these walls, you shouldn’t be digging into mine!”
“It’s kinda hard not to when your personal life is what’s gotten us here in the first place,” I sighed, keeping my arms crossed.
“Did you reach any of them before they died?” Scott asked. Mrs. Finch seemed to tense up as she turned back toward the alpha.
“What—what are you talking about?” she stammered.
“Well, Mrs. Finch, I’m sorry, but your family, they were attacked, and they’re dead,” Scott grimaced as the woman’s face distorted in pain.
“Dead?” she huffed as tears filled her eyes. “They—No, they can’t be dead because… They were just—they were—they were in the woods, they were just… they’re hiding out. They’re scared.”
“We found that phone on a body,” I uttered, feeling myself grimace as well.
“Three men, two boys,” Scott added.
“What about my daughter?” she whispered, choking back a sob.
“Well, there was another body, but, uh…”
“But what?” Mrs. Finch almost whimpered as she shut her eyes.
“We couldn’t identify it,” I responded for Scott. “The whole body was stripped down to just muscle. No DNA. Nothing.”
“Except a pack tattoo,” the alpha added once again. Mrs. Finch shook her head as she raised her hands.
“Okay, sorry, but this—um, no this doesn’t make sense,” she almost forced a laugh through her tears. “I mean, this isn’t how biology works.”
“That’s what the Anuk-Ite does,” Liam responded. “It finds a body and it takes its face. It takes the whole identity of that person.”
“Not my daughter,” the woman shook her head and pushed her way to sit on the nearest chair. “No, not my daughter.”
“There’s a way to find out,” I said, stepping toward the teacher.
After explaining the situation and our plan, Mrs. Finch sat herself at the edge of her desk, debating her options before shaking her head.
“I won’t do that,” she finally responded.
“Just call her and tell her not to go anywhere near the school,” Liam stepped toward the woman. “Tell her that there’s someone or something hunting for someone like her.”
“You have to stop talking about this,” Mrs. Finch whimpered as she looked up to us.
“If she shows up, at least you’ll know what happened to your family, what happened to your daughter,” Scott spoke up.
“I’ll do it for you,” Liam offered as Mrs. Finch opened her phone and pulled up the contact information. She handed him the phone before stepping away and wiping away at her tears. Liam scrolled through the phone, his brows merging before turning to us with wide eyes.
“That’s her name?” he asked, his attention finally being brought back to the woman. “That’s your daughter’s name?”
“Quinn,” Mrs. Finch nodded. “My daughter’s name is Quinn.”
I took in a deep breath before grabbing a hold of the phone and placing the dreaded phone call. After I was done, I closed it and handed it right back.
“Now what?��� Mrs. Finch asked, looking to me.
“Now, we wait,” I grimaced, turning toward the door.
A sudden cold took over as we all waited around the classroom, my eyes flashing silver for a moment as I looked up. The sound of doors opening echoed through the empty hallways. A chilling gust of wind blew in, bringing in a few rustled leaves.
“That’s her, isn’t it?” Mrs. Finch asked as the rest of us stood up straighter. “What are you planning on doing?”
“Shhh,” Liam hushed the woman, not bothering to tear his gaze off the door.
“You—you’re not going to try and hurt her, are you?” she continued. “That’s my daughter.”
“Not anymore, it isn’t,” I uttered, the silver glow not bothering to fade from my eyes.
“What—what is that supposed to mean?”
“We’re gonna do what we have to do,” Liam responded as we all shuffled our way closer to the door.
“What exactly does that mean?” she whispered almost in fear.
“Just stay back,” Scott advised as both Liam and I took our places. “Liam?”
“Ready,” the beta nodded.
Before I could even get the chance to respond, I grunted in pain as I was knocked over, far from the two boys. Looking up, I watched as the two boys coughed and gasped for air, suddenly having been struck by the wolfs bane covered erasers.
“No!” I cried out, jumping up from my hands and knees. “Wait!”
The two boys continued to cough as I jumped up to my feet and attempted to run after the woman. However, the moment I reached the hallway, I choked back a shriek as I felt an overwhelming fear suddenly paralyze me. My hands and body trembled, nearly bucking my knees as I struggled to remain upright. Grunting in frustration, I threw myself back against the lockers in attempt to keep from falling over. Slowly, I forced my squinting gaze up to the girl that stood at the end of the dark, vacant hallway.
“Quinn,” Mrs. Finch breathed out, catching my attention as I turned to her. However, before she could take a step toward her daughter, her body fell back against the wall, trembling like a leaf. “What—what’s happening?” The woman asked as she lowered her gaze onto her shaking hands.
“I’m looking for someone,” the girl responded in a deep, distorted, and ominous voice while approaching the teacher, her eyes giving off a purple glow. “Someone like me.”
“You’re not my daughter,” Mrs. Finch shook her head.
“NO!” I shouted, attempting to push myself forward, but being unable to as my hands gripped at the lockers just behind me. The fear was unbearable.
There was a sudden tear and my eyes widened in horror as I watched Quinn’s claws finally contact Mrs. Finch. The woman doubled over, blood spurting from her abdomen the moment Quinn pulled back.
“You killed her,” Mrs. Finch said through gritted teeth as she fell back. “You killed my daughter. You killed all of them!”
“Tell me who it is,” Quinn’s distorted voice demanded, reaching for the woman once again.
My chest heaved up and down, as I tried to find the courage within me to do something. I had to do something. I couldn’t let this thing beat me. My hands balled up in anger as I looked up to the girl. A scream suddenly ripped through my chest as I flung myself forward, pushing past my fear and managing to grab hold of the girl’s wrist as she readied herself to deliver the final blow.
The silver consumed my irises as Quinn stared back through her glowing purple eyes, seeming displeased.
“Nephilim,” she almost hissed.
However, I didn’t waste any time as I threw her hand back and spun around in attempt to roundhouse kick her, but I was stopped before I could make contact. Quinn gripped at my leg firmly for a moment before attempting to fling my whole body away. My muscles reacted quickly as I threw my upper body down, planting my hands and forcing my weight down, allowing her to push my leg, but ultimately flipping myself back to a safe distance. This action only angered her as she growled and launched herself forward, swinging her claws fiercely in attempt to strike at my face, but missing as I ducked away.
There was a brief moment of hesitation and I immediately seized it as I gripped the girl’s head and brought my knee up from one side, hitting her as hard as I could before I brought my other knee and getting another good hit. Quinn quickly backed away and attempted to kick at me, before I gripped at her leg and shoulder and ultimately using my other leg to trip her down.
The girl quickly picked herself back up with a growl, swinging her clawed up hand before twirling and attempting to kick at my face. Stepping back, I used the fleeting distraction as I dropped myself to the ground and used as much force into my own kick to bring her down. I brought myself back up to my feet as I tried to catch my breath.
“Quinn, listen to me, if you’re in there—”
“She’s long gone,” the girl growled, cutting me off as she stood up and tried to take another swing at me.
“Then you leave me with no choice…”
“No, don’t!” Mrs. Finch cried out, distracting me momentarily. The girl quickly threw a punch, before bringing a knee up to my torso, instantly knocking the breath right out of me. I didn’t even get the chance to recover before she brought her elbow down on my back while doubled over. The moment I fell onto the ground, I shut my eyes and groaned in pain as I gripped at my stomach before rolling over onto my back.
Looking back up, my eyes grew wide in panic as the girl hovered over me, almost like predator over its prey. However, before she could do anything, a loud cry in pain before she fell onto her knees, somehow being hurt. My brows furrowed as I watched her hand fly up to her shoulder, fresh blood seeping through her fingertips. I took my chance as I mustered enough strength to pick myself off the floor. The girl grunted in frustration as her purple eyes landed on me momentarily, almost as if this were my own fault. However, before she could do anything, the glow faded, and she groaned in pain, clutching at her shoulder before deciding to take off.
“Quinn…” Mrs. Finch tried to run after the girl, but nearly falling in the process. I wrapped my arms around the woman just in time before she collapsed.
Fast approaching footsteps echoed through the hallway as I gripped at the woman. Scott and Liam came to a screeching halt the moment they came across the scene.
“She’s getting away,” I began, leading Mrs. Finch closer to the wall as she began sliding down. My grip on her hand only tightened as I applied more pressure over her bleeding torso. My urgent stare landed on Scott and Liam.
“Go,” Scott finally instructed, turning to the beta. “Go find Quinn.”
“Whoa, whoa, we need to face her together,” Liam shook his head. My brows furrowed as I tried to heal her wounds, but the woman shook her head, fighting back my hands.
“Scott, I can’t heal her,” I grumbled.
“I’ll stay,” Scott sighed toward me before turning back to the beta. “Go.”
“What if she finds Aaron first?” Liam asked. “How am I supposed to fight both of them?”
“Liam,” I spoke up, looking to him through my glowing eyes. “It’s okay to be afraid. What isn’t okay is letting that same fear stop you.”
“You’ve got this,” Scott added. “Go.”
“Mrs. Finch, I need you to hold on a little bit longer, okay?” I instructed. “I need you to let me try and heal you. If I can’t heal you, you won’t make it.”
“Whoa, wait,” Scott’s brows furrowed as he took notice of something I hadn’t. My own expression hardened as I turned to look at what he was. The alpha pulled back her sleeve and revealed the pack symbol.
“That changes things,” I breathed out as I tried to move her hand. “Mrs. Finch, I need you to trigger your healing.”
“Mrs. Finch, you need to shift,” Scott added.
I turned to the boy as he suddenly tensed up.
“What?” I asked.
“Someone’s coming,” he muttered. “We need to move her. NOW.”
“What? Why?” My expression hardened.
“Hunters,” Scott breathed out.
My brows furrowed as I struggled to heal the woman the moment we got her into the nearest classroom. I shook my head as I turned to Scott.
“I—I can’t get her body to react,” I stammered.
“It’s my fault,” the teacher grunted. “I pushed her away.
“Mrs. Finch, please, you have to trigger your healing,” Scott pleaded.
“I forced her to run to them,” the woman panted, shutting her eyes in pain. “I forced her to hide who she was.”
“Mrs. Finch, you have to listen to us, you need to shift or you’re going to die,” I said almost forcefully.
“Do you get it?” Scott added. “You’ll die.”
“Oh, Quinn,” she almost sobbed.
“Hey, hey, shift, okay? You need to do it right now,” Scott grabbed a hold of her face. “Shift!”
“Quinn,” Mrs. Finch breathed out.
“She’s gone!” I raised my own voice as I moved her hand away from her torso. “Your daughter is gone. Quinn is dead. And if you don’t shift and let me heal you, then you will die too!”
There was a sudden growl as Mrs. Finch’s eyes flung open, revealing an alpha crimson. I took my chance and allowed the blueish white aura take over her wound, finally healing and repairing the tissue. My whole body suddenly tensed up as I kept my eyes on my hands, watching as they stopped moving. Brows furrowing, I felt my panic start to grow as I watched my fingertips suddenly turning to stone. There was a loud familiar growl and I gasped, looking up in time to watch as Liam flung himself forward toward a horrendous creature. However, before he could even do anything, his body fell back, having been turned to stone with just one look.
“Liam!” I gasped, being pulled back into reality.
“What?” Scott’s brows furrowed.
“He’s in danger!” I shouted, jumping to my feet and making my way out the classroom. Instinct took over and I found myself being led by my own legs, not bothering to think about anything else, but getting to the beta on time.
Reaching the library, however, I came to screeching halt as I found Lydia had somehow beat me to the beta.
“We have to run!” she panicked, taking me by the hand and pushing Liam to go on.
“What are you doing?” the boy asked. “Quinn and Aaron merged! We have to stop them—”
“We can’t,” Lydia shook her head as we all continued to run. “We can’t look at it. If you do…”
“It’ll kill you,” I finished for her, my own brows merging. “That’s what I saw in my vision not too long ago.”
There was an eerie growl from behind, which only further encouraged us to keep running.
“This way!” I instructed as I opened the nearest classroom door and pulled the two of them in. Shutting the door behind me, I shut my eyes and concentrated on my hearing.
“Don’t open your eyes,” Lydia instructed.
The minutes seemed to tick away before I heard footsteps approaching. My heart beat pumped against my chest, constricting my throat in fear that if I opened my eyes that thing would be with us. However, to our relief, the footsteps continued past us before the double doors were heard.
“We’re on the clear,” Liam confirmed as we all finally opened our eyes.
Each of us stepped out, our gazes landing on the two stoned lumps lying in the middle of the hallway. My brows furrowed as I was the first to approach them.
“What are they?” Liam asked.
“Hunters,” I muttered as I lowered myself over them.
“The Anuk-Ite did this?” the boy continued.
“Looks like it,” Lydia responded this time, kneeling herself next to me.
“How do we fight something we can’t look at?” Liam turned to us.
“I have no idea,” my best friend sighed, standing up at my side.
“We have to learn to fight without our eyes,” Scott answered, finally making his way toward us, followed by Malia.
“Fight without seeing? That means…”
The werecoyote didn’t even get to finish before I responded with a grimace.
Chapter 6 / Chapter 8
(A/N: Okay guys I’m so sorry I lagged it on posting this chapter, but honestly I was so stuck and had no idea what to write for a good while. Maybe it’s me going through writer’s funk again? Who knows, but we’re so close to those last two chapters that I need to push through for you guys! Anyways, I’m so sorry I had no time to revise this, so it may have a lot of mistakes and for that I apologize, but bare with me. I tried to get this one out as soon as I could. But anyways I hope you guys enjoyed regardless, again sorry for the mistakes, and as always, happy reading!)
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feelingdylano · 7 years ago
Until the End (Stiles Romance Sequel) ~Chapter 6~
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I sat back in the hospital lobby, tears welled up in my eyes as I pressed my hands tightly together in nervousness. The memories of last night’s events playing out in my head.
“Mom?” I called out as I turned in time to see her laying on her side, motionless. Quickly picking myself off the floor, I rushed my way over to her, before turning her on her back. Argent reached out for me, pulling me away as my throat constricted. “Mom…” I whispered, my heart beat echoing in my ear drums.
“Malia, call for help,” the man instructed.
“Scott,” a weak voice called out. My eyes flickered over to the others, as I took everything in.  
Everyone had been hurt. Some more than others.
“Adelyn?” My father’s voice called out, snapping me back into reality as I looked up to him, tears falling from my eyes. He threw himself into me the moment I stood up, taking me in his arms as he sighed in relief.
“Thank God,” he muttered.
“Mom…” I began, as I pulled away, choking back my sobs. “She’s…”
“She’s up in ICU, David,” Mr. Stilinski sighed heavily as he made his presence known.
“How is she?” he asked, turning to the sheriff with furrowed brows.
Mr. Stilinski seemed to hesitate before drawing in a deep breath.
“The doctors don’t know when she’ll wake up.”
My eyes narrowed as I hugged myself, taking in my step-father’s expression.
“But she’s gonna wake up, right?”
“Mr. Rodriguez?” A nurse called out. My head snapped up and I quickly rushed over to her, in hopes for good news.
“She’s awake,” she began with a smile. “She’s going to be okay.”
I took in a deep breath, sighing out in relief as more tears welled up in my eyes. She was going to be okay. My father was the first to step into her room while I waited outside.
“Everyone’s okay,” the sheriff assured the minute Scott made his way in.
“Where’s my dad?” he asked in slight panic.
“Transferred to San Francisco Memorial,” Mr. Stilinski responded.
“And what about Mason?” the alpha continued.
“Already out of surgery,” the sheriff nodded.
“She’s all right, too,” Mr. Stilinski cut him off. “Bullet missed everything that matters, thank God.”
“Not everything,” I said, crossing my arms as I looked up to him. “My mom nearly got a bullet through her head.”
“And we got lucky—”
“They almost died,” Scott argued.
“But they’re gonna live,” the sheriff continued. “We’re gonna have two deputies posted here around the clock. Nobody sets foot on these floors without my authorization.”
I scoffed and shook my head as I began making my way toward my mother’s room. Scott attempted to follow.
“Guys, I’ve got a pretty good idea how you guys are feeling right now,” Mr. Stilinski began. “But the whole Sheriff’s department is gonna be on this. I am gonna find out who did this.”
“We all know who did this,” I said bitterly, coming to a stop as I had reached for the door knob, keeping my back to them. With those final words, I opened the door and made my way in to check on my mom.
Letting out a shaky sigh, I made my way closer to my mom, sitting myself at her side. The machines roared as they continued to pump in and out. The heart monitor was silent for moment before beeping faintly. Taking a hold of her clammy hand, I pressed my lips together before sniffling and wiping my tears away.
She had managed to talk for a while, but she was still so weak. The doctors had advised us that she needed her rest, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave just yet. There was a knock at the door before I looked up in time to see it creak open and reveal Scott. He grimaced for a second, almost apologizing with his look before entering all the way.
“How is she?” he asked, stepping closer.
“Still out of it,” I muttered, looking back down to her. “The bullet may not have penetrated her skull, but the impact still left some residual damage.” I forced a chuckle in place of a sob, gripping at her hand a little tighter. “She couldn’t even remember me.”
“She’ll get her memory back though,” Scott assured. “Stilinski was right, the important thing is that she’s alive.” There was a moment of silence as he took in my current state, knowing well the only thing that could make me feel better. “Have you talked to Stiles? Does he know?”
I kept my silence and my eyes narrow, shaking my head in response.
“This is exactly why he can’t know,” I finally muttered. “Scott, this could have been him. Don’t you guys understand that?” My teary eyes flickered up to the alpha as his expression fell. He grimaced before pursing his lips and nodding understandingly.
“So, what do we do?” Malia asked, making her way in as well.
“No more peace summits,” I shook my head and looking back down to my mom, dropping my hold on her as my brows furrowed.
“You’re right,” Scott agreed. “No more running. No more half measures.”
“What’s the plan?” Malia asked.
“We fight back,” Scott stated, catching my attention as I turned back to him.
“I’m good with that plan,” the werecoyote almost smirked.
“Gerard, Monroe, the hunters, we take them all on,” Scott listed.
“Then we’re gonna need more firepower,” Malia said, turning to him.
“Not just firepower,” I shook my head.
“We’re gonna need an army,” Scott finished off.
The three of us stood in the midst of the shooting aftermath, waiting as Deucalion stepped in, taking in the broken glass and furniture. Debris crunched underneath the alpha’s feet, his expression falling before looking up to us.
“You know my fighting days are over,” he sighed, walking past Scott and coming to a stop at his living room.
“That’s hard to believe,” Scott began, turning to him and raising his brows. “You once said you’d kill any living thing that got in your way.”
“I said a lot of things,” Deucalion said, keeping his back to us. “But eventually the bodies pile up so high, that even a blind man can’t ignore them.”
“So, what? You moved into a cave and took a vow of uselessness?” Malia asked, her brows knitting together.
“I changed,” Deucalion nodded, turning over his shoulder to us. “We should all try it.” He began pivoting his body in order to face us. “And I live in a condo.”
“I liked the old Deucalion better,” Malia shrugged in disappointment.
“Well, maybe you’ve changed, but Gerard hasn’t,” Scott began, shaking his head. Deucalion turned away from us, not being able to look us in the eye.
“And he’s not gonna stop with Beacon Hills,” I added. “He doesn’t plan to.”
“He’s got a map with places circled,” Scott continued. “Talus, Brasilia—”
“Logashkino, Zhengzhou,” Deucalion continued, his expression hardening as he turned back to us, finally understanding. “Nemetons of the world?”
“You know him,” I said, stepping toward the werewolf. “Better than we do.”
“You can outthink him,” Scott added. “You can read him.”
“You’ve beaten him before,” Deucalion said, turning to Scott.
“He’s got a lot of help now,” Scott grimaced. “Actually, he’s got pretty much everyone.”
“You think Gerard’s turned you into a pariah?” he asked. “Your power does that. You’ll always be an outsider because of your abilities. Gerard wasn’t the first person to capitalize on the general public’s fear of the other. And he won’t be the last.”
“So then help us stop him,” I pleaded this time.
“I think you’ve realized that stopping Gerard now, means killing him,” Deucalion sighed. “I’m sorry, but that chapter in my life is over.”
I sighed heavily as the man turned his back to us and started to walk away. However, Malia didn’t accept defeat as she stepped forward.
“So, that’s it?” she called out. “You’re just a pacifist now? What’s gonna stop me from slashing your throat?”
This seemed to have caught his attention as he turned back to the werecoyote.
“Plenty,” he answered simply. Malia bared her teeth as she growled toward the man, instantly launching herself forward and attempting to attack him. However, he swiftly managed to maneuver his body past her and somehow ended up pressing his back against her own.
“How’d you do that?” she asked, seeming thrown off by his actions.
“Ba gua,” I responded, instantly recognizing the moves.
“That’s right, Adelyn,” Deucalion nodded. “It’s a martial art that takes the path of least resistance.”
“You think you’re going to beat me without fighting?” Malia asked as they both began circling around one another, keeping their backs to each other.
“I think you’re going to beat yourself,” Deucalion said. I pressed my lips in attempt to hide my amusement while Scott mouthed off something to the girl. She simply nodded and allowed her claws to jut out. I crossed my arms and watched as she tried to hit him from the side, but Deucalion merely dodged. Malia launched herself forward, attempting to grab him, but the werewolf stepped back, gently placing a hand on her back and allowing her to fall. She groaned in annoyance as she turned herself and sat up. Deucalion reached out for her hand, but she merely scoffed and pushed it away from her.
“Okay,” she huffed, standing up and facing the man. “So, you can protect yourself. But what about everyone else who doesn’t Ba gua?” Malia raised her hands up in emphasis. “They’re just gonna get their eyes stabbed out?”
“Look what that war turned me into,” Deucalion sighed heavily. “I’m not afraid to lose my eyes again.” He turned back to face me and Scott. “I’m afraid to lose my soul.”
“You won’t help us?” Malia asked as he began walking away from us yet again.
“I didn’t say I wouldn’t help you,” he said, turning to the girl. “I can offer you guidance. And my first piece of advice? You might need to lower your standards for allies.”
“I thought I was,” Scott said.
“Lower than me,” Deucalion smiled through his grimace before making his way out the door.
I took in a deep breath as I uncrossed my arms and turned to the alpha.
“I think we’ve already gone low enough, personally,” I said. “Especially considering we have Theo helping us.”
“Yet somehow, I thought of someone lower,” Malia muttered, her expression hardening slightly.
The three of us walked through the dark corridors of Eichen House, my brows furrowing as I finally caught sight of the man we had agreed to meet standing at the end of the hallway.
“Why did he want to meet here?” Scott asked.
“Why did he agree to meet at all?” Malia asked.
“Why did we agree to any of this?” I asked, making a face.
“Curiosity,” Peter answered, leaning against the door frame once we turned the corner. “Mostly.”
“Okay,” Scott sighed. “I need your help.”
“With what?” Peter asked, his brows merging. “Another suicide mission? Not interested.” His eyes flickered over to his daughter. “Or do you need my help?”
“I’m here for moral support,” Malia shrugged.
“For him or for me?” Peter asked, cocking a brow.
“You’d need to have morals,” Malia pointed out. The man’s head tilted in slight disappointment before I stepped forward and began.
“Somehow, someway, you managed to help us fight the Ghost Riders,” I said, looking up to him.
“Self-preservation,” Peter nodded.
“But we couldn’t have won without you,” Scott added. “You’re stronger than all of us. You were the real reason the Wild Hunt—”
“Stop,” Peter cut him off. “A solid effort. You don’t need to appeal to my ego. It’s quite healthy. You’re gonna need to work a lot harder than that if you want my help.”
“What do you want?” Scott asked, his brows furrowing.
“Everything pretty much is the way I want it,” Peter shrugged, crossing his arms and stepping toward us. “My penthouse apartment is filled with mid-century furniture. My passport has more stamps than the post office. And did you see the car parked out front? That’s a Shelby 1000 Cobra. There are only one-hundred in the entire world.” He paused, almost for dramatic effect as he pointed up. “I have two.” Another pause as he cocked his head. “Two.”
“But Gerard has an army,” I pointed out.
“And every single one of them wants you dead,” Scott added.
“And you think that means I’m going to enlist in your little endeavor? Because you’re going to defeat Gerard?” Peter questioned, raising an inquiring brow. “You’re not going to beat him, Scott.” He shook his head. “And let me show you why.”
With that, we all turned in time to watch him flip a switch and bring our attention to the cell at our side as the lights finally turned on. Our expressions hardened as we watched the young man finally jump up from his bed.
“When I found him,” Peter began, pointing out the weapon that laid right next to the young man, “that was pointed at my face. That is a G36, which fires 750 rounds per minute. And it’s empty.” He paused as he pulled out the magazine and stuffed it into the opening. “For the moment.”
“Peter, wait!”
“What the hell are you doing?!” Both Malia and I asked in unison.
“That homicidal guinea pig is gonna kill all of us unless you do what’s necessary, and I don’t feel like dying,” Peter shrugged, turning to us as the young man snatched up his weapon and loaded it up. He turned to face us and quickly aimed before shooting at the glass.
Peter placed his fingers over his ears while the rest of us jumped back the moment the gun fire hit.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” I demanded, turning angrily toward Peter.
“There’s something wrong with him!” Scott shouted.
“Yes, he’s shooting at us,” Peter nodded. “And to answer your question, Adelyn. If you can’t even kill him, how do you expect to win this war?”
The cartridge clanked, causing the hunter to stop and turn his gun on its side, seeming thrown off. Peter turned back to the young man.
“Don’t worry, it’s just jammed,” he comforted. “It tends to happen with automatic weapons that haven’t been serviced regularly. Just slide the bolt back.” Before putting his fingers back into his ears.
“Thanks,” the hunter nodded before doing as told and aiming the weapon toward us again.
“We’re not going to hurt you!” Scott tried to assure. However, the hunter continued.
“He can’t be reasoned with, Scott,” Peter said as he turned to us. “He’s not only shooting at us because he’s afraid, he’s trying to kill s because he hates us.”
The gunfire ceased and my eyes widened as the hunter came charging at us.
“Look out!” I cried out as I pushed Scott and Malia out of the way the moment the young man burst through the window and crossed onto the other side. He rolled over his back and quickly jumped to his feet before attempting to aim his weapon again. However, Scott managed to grip at his weapon and keep it horizontally between them.
“Why are you doing this?!” The alpha almost demanded.
“Because she wants you dead,” the hunter responded.
“See?” Peter pointed out, “Blind obedience.”
Scott struggled for a moment before pulling back and ultimately slamming the young man against the wall, instantly knocking him out. We all turned back to Peter, our expressions all the same as we stared at him in anger.
“He never gave up,” he finally said. “I would fight with him. I like him. That’s how you win a war.”
“You were never going to help us, were you?” Malia asked, her brows merging further.
“And you can’t kill everyone either,” I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
“Look, you can fight with us or fight alone, but one way or another, you’ll end up fighting,” Scott huffed before turning his back to the werewolf and making his way out.
“I’m guessing it’s going to be alone,” Malia grumbled as we both followed after the alpha.
“You made it this far without getting your hands dirty, Scott,” Peter called out. “No one makes it through a war with clean hands. If you don’t start killing, you better find someone who will!”
Later that night, both Scott and I stood around his kitchen while we waited for Malia to get back from her one on one talk with Peter. However, the longer we stood there, the more my patience was starting to wear out.
“What are we going to do now?” I asked, crossing my arms as Scott leaned his body up against the island. He grimaced before shaking his head. Right as he opened his mouth to respond, however, Malia came rushing in through the door.
“There’s something else we can try, but you’re not gonna like it,” she began, drawing herself closer to Scott as he stood straighter.
“What is it?” I asked, stepping toward them.
“There’s another pack of werewolves I know about,” she continued, finally turning to me. “They gave up everything that makes them human. Rules, morals. Electricity.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Scott nodded, finally understanding. “I’ve heard of this pack. They call themselves The Primal. Their pack symbol is a circle with a crescent on top.”
“Are they strong?” I asked, keeping my arms crossed and making a face. Malia nodded.
“They’re not only strong,” Scott shook his head, his brows merging. “They’ll kill anything that crosses their path.”
“Are they any worse than Deucalion and Peter?” Malia asked.
“I—I mean, at least I know Deucalion and Peter,” he stammered, seeming unsure. “This pack, I—I don’t know anything about them.”
“Does it matter if they can help us beat Gerard?” Malia asked.
“It matters if they’re murders,” Scott grimaced.
“Well there goes that,” I sighed, letting my arms drop in defeat.
“So, we should forget about it,” Malia said.
“Probably,” Scott grimaced.
“There’s got to be someone else who can help us,” I spoke up.
“We’re not that desperate,” Scott shook his head.
“And going to them would be really desperate, right?” Malia asked. Scott lowered his gaze as I turned to him.
I held onto the flashlight while I followed after Malia and Scott through the woods. My brows furrowed as we came across a rundown shed. There was an eerie growl before Malia nearly lost her footing. Her chest heaved up and down and the moment I took a step into her place, I knew exactly what it was.
“What’s wrong with this place?” she questioned.
“I feel it too,” Scott panted, his own hands trembling.
“It—it’s here,” I stammered, feeling my whole body start to shake. Scott quickly reached out for Malia as she leaned herself up against a nearby wall. They both looked to one another before finding comfort and held onto each other’s hands.
My whole body stopped shaking as the act itself reminded me of all the times I had held onto Stiles’ hand for comfort. And in that moment, it was as if the memories came flooding into the surfaces of my mind, reminding me of just how many times I had held onto Stiles throughout the years. A sudden warmth and comfort blanketed over me, allowing me to no longer fear anything. Looking down to my own hand, I watched as it slowly stopped trembling. Even when he wasn’t around, Stiles still managed to help. Biting my lower lip, I looked back up in time to notice Scott and Malia’s stares.
“You okay?” The boy asked. I smiled slightly and nodded in response.
“We came for the pack,” he finally continued, looking between us in encouragement. “It’ll be okay.”
Taking in a deep breath, we all took a step toward the shed, pulling back the curtain and revealing the empty furniture. Malia dropped her hold on Scott as I stepped between them, attempting to get a closer look around with the flashlight. My brows furrowed as I caught onto an unpleasant smell. Slowly and carefully stepping through the room, the light landed on an opening. Curiosity got the best of me as I was the first to step forward.
However, the moment I stepped in, my nose wrinkled in disgust as the stench became almost unbearable. An audible gasp escaped my lips the moment my flashlight landed on the pile of dead bodies. Each of their faces displayed the same horrifying thing. Blood poured from their eyes and mouth. Just like my vision, it seemed as if their eyes had been gouged out of their sockets and their tongues ripped out of their mouths. Scott reached for the flashlight as he pointed it at their pack symbol tattooed over their bodies. There was a sudden crash and we all jumped back.
“What was that?” Malia panicked.
I quickly turned back as Scott pointed the light behind us, revealing a barely clothed Lydia standing midst of the dark room.
“Lydia?” I asked, my brows merging. “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be at the hospital.”
“How did you get here?” Malia asked.
“He led me. He wanted me to find it,” she quivered.
“Who led you?” Scott asked.
“Halwyn,” she responded.
My brows furrowed as I turned to an equally confused Scott and Malia.
The tree leaves crunched underneath our feet as we continued to follow after the banshee as she led us out into the forest. We had all kept our silence, but I knew that each of us were thinking the same thing.
“Why would a dead Hellhound bring you here?” Malia finally voiced our thoughts. “Also, isn’t he dead?”
“I guess the connection between a Banshee and a Hellhound—”
“Dead Hellhound?” Malia cut her off.
“Is stronger than I thought,” Lydia continued in slight annoyance. “As for the why, I’m hoping if I find the body, I’ll figure that part out.”
“You know, there’s a pile of dead bodies back there,” Scott pointed out.
“It’s a different body,” Lydia shook her head as she continued her search.
“Different how?” I asked, quirking a brow.
“I’m not sure,” she huffed.
“There’s not another body out here,” Malia shook her head. “I’d smell it.”
“I’m a harbinger of death,” Lydia rolled her eyes as she came to a stop. “Trust me.”
We continued to walk on for a few more miles before Lydia came to a stop. My eyes grew wide as our flashlight landed on a lump. The banshee quickly knelt over and examined the body.
“How is this possible?” Malia huffed. “We saw Parrish kill it.”
“This one’s different,” Lydia pointed out.
“Yeah, I think Lydia’s right,” Scott agreed, hovering over the body as well. “I think this is part of the pack.”
“How do you know?” Malia asked.
“Maybe because that’s their pack symbol,” I said, pointing to its arm with the light.
“It’s skin is gone,” Lydia muttered.
“Wolves have to burn tattoos into their skin,” Scott explained. “My tattoo is probably scarred into my muscles too.”
“Okay, but why are there two of these bodies?” Malia asked, still not understanding.
“Because the Anuk-Ite has two faces,” I spoke up, turning to her. “In this case, it’s two different people and two different bodies.”
“That’s why Halwyn sent you here, Lydia,” Scott breathed out, looking up to my best friend.
“He wanted me to find the Anuk-Ite’s other face,” Lydia grimaced.
Scott and Malia instantly shut the freezer before turning back to us with a grimace. Liam and Theo stood in the back of the classroom, almost as if waiting for our reactions.
“It’s a bad day for finding bodies,” Malia commented.
“There’s gonna be a lot more if we don’t find Aaron’s other half,” Liam said.
“Which we know nothing about,” Theo pointed out.
“We do know one thing,” I shook my head. “We know it’s a werewolf.”
“We need to find this werewolf right now,” Liam said, turning to us.
“Preferably before they merge,” Theo added.
“What happens if they merge?” Malia asked.
“It’ll become unstoppable,” I grimaced.
“Any chance you got to put together that army, Scott?” Liam asked with slight hope.
“You’re looking at it,” Malia muttered, scratching her head sheepishly.
“Let’s hope this thing doesn’t feed off desperation, because this room reeks of it,” a new voice spoke up from behind.
My brows furrowed as I whipped around in time to see Peter approach the doorway, covered in ash marks and debris. It looked as if he had just barely managed to dodge a fire.
“What happened?” Scott was the first to ask. Peter held up his hand in time to reveal a broken steering wheel.
“Hunters,” he grimaced, looking down as he dropped his hand. “Destroyed my perfect automobile.” Peter looked up to us again. “So, if this thing had anything to do with it, I’d like to see its demise. Appropriately, painful.”
“I thought you had two cars?” Malia questioned, her brows furrowed. Peter turned to her as he pursed his lips and raised his other hand, revealing the other burnt up part before tossing it.
“There’s going to be hell to pay,” he almost growled.
“In that case,” I drew in a deep breath, feeling myself smirk toward the others. “Let’s get started.”
Chapter 5 / Chapter 7
(A/N: Alrighty guys I managed to get this one up before Sunday! I tried working on it through the week and I finally did it. As I’ve mentioned before I’m so sorry these next few chapters are gonna suck, but I promise the last two are going to be better! Anyways, I’m sorry for any overlooked mistakes, I hope you guys enjoyed, and as always, happy reading!)
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feelingdylano · 7 years ago
Until the End (Stiles Romance Sequel) ~Chapter 4~
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I pursed my lips as I crossed my arms and kept my place next to Scott and the rest of the pack just inside the Sheriff’s station. After Quinn, the stray werewolf from the previous night, had filled us in on what had happened to her, we all decided it would be best to let Mr. Stilinski know. However, in the midst of our journey, we got word of two new werewolves being held in jail for possible murder of innocent people. And even though the official report made it very clear that these were ordinary civilians, everyone thought differently and questioned whether or not these people were really innocent.
“I’m not letting them out,” the Sheriff sighed, slamming their files on his desk. “We’ve got two bodies covered in slash marks. They confessed to killing two people.”
“Hunters,” Scott argued.
“People, Scott,” Mr. Stilinski corrected. “Self-defense or not, they’re still here, the other guys are dead. And there’s a process I have to follow.”
“Yeah, but you know what’s happening around here,” Scott shook his head. “It’s not safe for them.”
“This may actually be the safest place for them in Beacon Hills,” the Sheriff disagreed. “At least I can protect them here.”
“Would Stiles think that?” I asked.
“Would Stiles be okay with you keeping things from him?” Mr. Stilinski turned the question on me, causing me to freeze up and feel my cheeks burn up.
“That doesn’t change the fact that one of your deputies is working for Gerard,” Malia intercepted.
“I’m not buying that,” the Sheriff shook his head. “I know these deputies like the back of my hand. I know their families, their kids, their brothers and sisters. I know who they are and I trust them.”
“You know who they were,” Liam pointed out. “There’s something out there. Everyone’s afraid. And it’s getting worse.”
“You can’t protect two werewolves from hunters if they’re already on the inside,” Scott added.
There was a moment of silence as Mr. Stilinski stared back at all of us. He took in a deep breath before setting his attention on the new girl sitting in the back of the room.
“It’s Quinn, right?” he asked.
We all turned back to her as she nodded in response.
“You’re sure it was a deputy who shot you?” he continued. “Absolutely one-hundred percent sure?”
Her eyes narrowed for a second as she gave another weak nod.
“I saw flashing lights,” Quinn finally spoke up. “A police car. I—I saw a badge, a gun, and then they shot me. They shot me in the head and that’s all that I remember.”
“There’s a couple holes in her story,” the sheriff sighed heavily as we all turned back to face him.
“Maybe because there’s a hole in her head,” Lydia said, causing Malia to laugh. I pressed my lips together and fought back my own smile.
“I’m sorry,” the werecoyote apologized.
“Sheriff, we need to get Jiang and Tierney out of here before anyone realizes that they’re here,” Scott began.
“And take them where? I can’t let them go,” Mr. Stilinski shook his head, holding a hand up in attempt to keep us put.
“But if you keep them here they’re—”
“Look, if there’s a problem—”
Neither Lydia nor the Sheriff could finish their own sentences before we heard a loud bang coming from just outside the station. We all immediately turned our attention to the windows as a bright light crept its way in through the cracks.
“Looks like we’ve got company,” I sighed.
Every deputy in the station made its way toward the windows and door, prepared to fight if it came down to it. I rushed my way to the doorway of the Sheriff’s office, placing a hand over the threshold as I watched my own father make his way up to the door, his own fingers dancing over his holster.
“Get away from the windows!” the Sheriff barked, holding out a hand as he looked to his deputies. “Put those guns away.”
Everyone did as they were told before my dad turned to me, his eyes almost demanding me to get back as well.
“I’m guessing you know who’s out there,” Parrish muttered as he made his way toward the Sheriff.
“I’ve got a pretty good idea,” he sighed.
“So, then you should know that they’ll be armed to the teeth,” my dad said, turning to Mr. Stilinski.
“Which is why I won’t be,” he muttered, pulling out his gun from its safety and placing it over the nearest desk.
“I’m going with you,” Parrish began stepping forward.
“Make it three,” my dad spoke up, attempting to place his own gun down. “Doesn’t hurt to have more backup.”
“No,” the Sheriff shook his head. “You two stay put. The both of you are gonna get some deputies, check the exits, and hope we’re not completely surrounded.” He stepped toward the two men, lowering his voice as he said the next part. “And make sure to keep an eye out. Let’s make sure we’re all on the same side here.”
There was a sudden shiver that coursed its way down my spine, causing my own eyes to light up in their usual silver glow. An eerie echo made its way into my range of hearing. My stomach turned as an overwhelming fear took over my every sense. This couldn’t be good.
“Dad, we need to find a way to get out,” I said, quickly reaching him.
“Can’t do that,” he shook his head. “Get back into the office and stay put.”
“But, Dad—”
“Get back in, NOW,” he raised his voice, cutting my protests off. My eyes widened slightly as I looked down to his hand, noticing a slight tremor before I huffed and made my way back toward the Sheriff’s office.
The moment I shut the door, Malia seemed to jump back from the window, her chest heaving up and down as she circled around herself.
“We have to get out of here,” she panted as I took in her behavior.
“Give him a chance,” Scott said, keeping his eyes glued to the window. “He knows what he’s doing.”
“I am giving him a chance,” Malia panicked. “He can talk all he wants, but we have to get the hell out of here.”
“How do we get Jiang and Tierney out?” Liam asked, stepping toward the werecoyote.
“Screw them,” she huffed without hesitation. “It’s Stilinski’s job.”
“But it’s our job to keep them alive,” Scott said, finally turning to the girl. My brows furrowed as I took in what was going on.
“Not mine,” Theo argued, bursting through the office door.
“Do you want me to kill him?” Liam offered.
“No, just leave him,” Malia brushed off. “Can we please, just go?”
“We’re not going anywhere,” Quinn raised her voice. “Don’t you get it? We’re trapped. They have all of the windows and doors covered. We’re going to die in here.”
“Does someone want to kill her?” Theo asked, pointing toward Quinn.
“Shut up!” Malia snarled, stepping toward the chimera. Theo stepped back, seeming almost afraid of the werecoyote. Everyone’s expressions hardened as they exchanged looks.
“Malia, hey,” Scott quickly made his way toward the girl, taking a hold of her. “Take a breath. You’re shaking.”
“I’m fine,” she breathed heavily.
I kept my analytical stare on everyone’s behavior, noticing the pattern.
“Guys, there’s only a dozen of them,” Lydia began, stepping toward us. “We can take them.”
“Scott, they’re the last of Satomi’s pack,” Liam said, turning his attention to the alpha. “We can’t leave them behind.”
“He’s right,” I agreed. “Actually, everyone is right. We should go. But not without Jiang and Tierney.”
“Okay,” Scott breathed out. “We’ll go. All of us.”
After having gone over a solid plan, I was the first to step toward the door, keeping myself at the front of the group like a shield, which was exactly what I was going to do.
“You ready?” Scott asked as I turned to him. I flicked my wrist and allowed the angel blade to manifest while I nodded before turning back to the rest of the crowd. Lydia nodded as well while Malia gave a growl in response. Liam brought his hands down, allowing his own claws to protrude before we looked to Theo. He seemed to hesitate, almost as if annoyed by the fact that he was included before grudgingly bringing up a clawed hand to show he was in it anyways.
“Nobody’s going anywhere!” Mr. Stilinski called out the moment we all turned back to face the door.
“We can get through,” I said, turning back to the Sheriff.
“We’re not gonna fire the first shot,” he shook his head. “Now, get back from the door. All of you.” He motioned to the deputy at his side. “Parrish, get these two back in their cell.”
Jordan nodded before taking a hold of Jiang and Tierney and guiding them back to their lock up.
“What happened?” Scott asked, finally stepping toward the Sheriff.
“She gave us ‘til midnight,” he sighed.
“So, what do we do until then?” I asked, my brows furrowing slightly as I made my way closer to the Sheriff.
“Block the doors,” he nodded. “Find a way to buy us some more time.”
Everyone got to work on barricading ourselves inside the station, pushing up desks and chairs up against the doors before pulling back and waiting.
“We’re going to need help eventually,” Parrish grimaced as he approached the Sheriff.
“Any help we call is gonna risk exposing Scott and the others,” my father interjected.
“If they see actual werewolves, they’re not gonna be able to tell the good guys from the bad,” Parrish said, turning to my father.
“If Quinn’s right about one of our deputies, I’m not sure we’re gonna be able to tell either,” Mr. Stilinski shook his head.
I sighed heavily and crossed my arms as I made my way toward my best friend, where she sat by a desk and the police scanner.
“I still don’t have any service,” Quinn grumbled at her side.
“That’s because they’re jamming all of our cell phones,” I answered for Lydia, who continued to play around with the scanner.
“What about the radio?” Quinn asked.
“Well, all I’m getting is static,” my best friend sighed.
“Are they jamming that too?” Quinn raised her brows.
“It’s not easy to find a jammer capable of disrupting a law enforcement transceiver,” Lydia muttered.
“But not impossible,” I grimaced. “Especially if someone has access to it.”
“Someone in here,” Quinn breathed out.
In that moment, the lights went out, causing all of us to freeze up.
“That can’t be good,” Lydia muttered.
My brows furrowed as I made my way back to the center of it all, my eyes flickering around the station as I tried to figure out what was going on.
“How easy is it to cut the power in a sheriff’s station?” Malia asked.
“Too easy!” Someone cried out before a boy was tossed onto the ground just inches away from my own feet.
“Throw him out,” Liam instantly demanded.
“No, you can’t!” The boy pleaded. “Okay? Please, don’t. She’ll know I screwed up.”
“Nolan… He’s with them,” the beta grumbled.
“Liam,” Scott called out warningly.
“Sheriff, he’s a liar and he’s sick in the head,” Liam continued, disregarding Scott’s warning tone.
“And now he’s under arrest,” Mr. Stilinski said, keeping his eyes on the young boy. “Lock him up.”
Two deputies stepped forward, picking him up and escorting him to the back. My brows furrowed as I looked around, the feeling in my stomach only getting worse.
“Something doesn’t feel right,” I muttered.
“Adelyn, what is it?” Scott asked, stepping toward me.
“Remember when we were dealing with the Nogitsune?” I asked, turning to face him, the fear clearly displayed behind my eyes. Scott’s brows furrowed as he simply nodded. “It always felt like he was one step ahead of us. Like everything we did was exactly what he wanted.”
“Are you saying—”
Before he could even finish his sentence, Scott was cut off by the sound of a heavy item being dropped.
“EVERYONE GET DOWN!” Parrish cried out.
Scott quickly reached out for me and pulled me back, shielding my body with his own. I shut my eyes instinctively as the bomb went off, creating a blinding light before turning into smoke.
“What the hell was that?” Malia breathed out as she drew closer to us the moment Scott dropped his hold on me.
“A distraction,” he responded.
“They said midnight!” The Sheriff cried out in anger, ready to pry the doors open before Parrish pulled him back.
“The grenade came from in here,” he said, shaking his head.
“Which means, it was one of us,” my father spoke up, his brows merging as he looked around to his fellow deputies.
My attention turned over to Liam, who came marching in with Monroe’s pawn in one hand, a purple vile in the other.
“Wolf’s bane,” he grumbled. “He was trying to kill them. Scott there’s something else you need to see.”
While Scott ran off to deal with Jiang and Tierney, I paced around the station, keeping my arms crossed.
“This isn’t good,” I muttered, while Lydia watched me.
“Maybe you should sit down,” she suggested. “Your mom and Deaton are trying to figure out what this thing is. You said she would call or text as soon as they find something.”
“I know, but it’s just…” I cut myself off. “I can’t shake this feeling.”
“What feeling?”
However, before I could answer, Lydia gasped and immediately pulled me back from the flying arrow that burst its way through the window. Everyone came rushing into the middle of it all, taking in what had just happened. Malia was the first to step toward the arrow that pierced through a nearby pillar. She pulled it back and my brows instantly furrowed as I noticed something attached to the end of it.
“What is it?” Malia asked as I reached out for it and pulled it off. Liam quickly snatched it away from my hands as I had barely managed to unfold it.
“This is Brett’s number,” he grumbled, keeping his angry gaze glued down to the lacrosse jersey number.
“They’re trying to rattle us,” Lydia grimaced at my side.
“It’s working,” Theo said, nodding toward Liam as his eyes flashed a bright yellow.
A sudden gunshot was heard before a horrified shriek followed from another room. I did not hesitate as I ran forward, immediately stumbling into a horrifying scene. The Sheriff and Parrish came running in a few seconds after. A body hung from the ceiling, while the boy from before sat back, handcuffed to the desk, trembling like a leaf.
“I—I didn’t do anything,” Nolan stammered, clutching at his shoulder. “I—I didn’t even say anything.” He winced in pain and it was then that I noticed the blood dripping through his fingers. “He tried to take a shot at me, but when he missed, he just got up and started putting the wire around his neck.”
“Get him down,” Mr. Stilinski ordered, rushing up to the deputy. I focused my attention on Nolan.
“Looks like he still managed to nick you,” I said, attempting to reach out for him. “But should be an easy fix if I can heal it—” Before I could finish, he slapped my hand away.
“I—I don’t need your help,” he said through breathy pants.
“Okay,” I nodded, kneeling myself to his eye level. “But if we leave you untreated with your army blocking every possible entrance, there’s no way to get you to a proper hospital. And correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re still legally detained. So, you’re stuck in here with us whether you like it or not. The longer I let you sit with that wound, the higher risk for infection.” My eyes flickered down to the wound, examining it. “And by the looks of it he managed to graze you pretty deep. Maybe just an inch above your clavicle and maybe another from your jugular vein, which gives direct blood supply to the heart. If it gets infected, it’s likely to spread and cause severe irreversible damage.” His brows furrowed. I looked up to him before rolling my eyes and trying to simplify it for him. “If the infection spreads, it could eventually reach your heart. In other words, you could die. That is, if you don’t lose a lot of blood before then.”
“Just let the girl heal you,” The sheriff made a face as he turned to the boy, still struggling to get the deputy’s body down.
Nolan’s eyes widened in fear as my own started their usual silver glow. I kept a hand hovering over his shoulder and neck, while a small blueish white aura formed at my palm. He winced in pain once again as the tissue started to regrow. There was a whimper before we all turned our attention back to the female deputy that still stood back, frozen in fear by all of this.
“Fifteen minutes,” she sniveled. “They’re coming to kill us all in fifteen minutes. They’re coming to kill us and no one’s coming to help us. We’re all dead. We’ll all be dead.”
“Deputy,” The sheriff called out, finally bringing down the man and turning his full attention to the woman. “Morrow? Morrow?!”
My eyes grew wide as she quickly raised the gun to her head.
“We’re already dead,” she repeated one last time and before any of us could do anything, she pulled the trigger. I quickly shut my eyes and turned away. Another person lost.
“It wasn’t just panic,” I sighed as they pulled Nolan away from the room and locked him up in the cells. Lydia quickly knelt over the bodies, her expression hardening.
“Does that mean…?” She didn’t bother to finish her question.
“It’s in here with us,” I nodded, keeping my arms crossed. “It’s why I haven’t been able to shake off this feeling.”
“What do you guys mean?” The Sheriff asked.
“Whatever’s causing the fear,” Lydia continued for me, understanding. “The same thing that drove the wolves to kill each other. It’s in here with us.”
“Guys, it’s almost midnight,” Scott panicked. “We’re out of time.”
“I’ve already got two bodies,” Mr. Stilinski shook his head, looking down to the two lost deputies. “I’m not giving Monroe two more.”
“I don’t think you’ll like the idea,” I spoke up, turning to him and Scott. “But you may not have to.”
“I watched two guys bring them in and tie them up,” Theo explained as we followed after him through the sheriff’s station.
“Okay, but how long did they actually have Tierney and Jiang?” Scott asked.
“A couple hours, maybe,” Theo shrugged.
“Did Monroe talk to them at all?” I asked, turning to the chimera.
“I don’t think so,” he shook his head. “Just that guy from Eichen, maybe one or two other guys with shotguns. I think they were waiting for Monroe to do the real interrogating.”
“So, she might have not seen them,” Scott breathed out.
“What are you two getting at?” The Sheriff asked, turning to us both as we exchanged glances, having thought of the same thing.
“Remember how I said I had an idea and you may not like it?” I asked, looking up to Mr. Stilinski. He nodded in response.
“If it keeps someone from getting killed, I’m pretty open,” he added.
“Well, Monroe wants Jiang and Tierney,” I explained.
“She wants them to be brought out,” Scott added on for me. “Dead or alive.”
I turned back to the room in which the two deputies lied, grimacing for a second. The Sheriff took in a deep breath before nodding understandingly. His fingers quickly gripped his gun, before pulling it out and raising it above his head. We all covered our ears as he fired two shots and put it away, while Scott and Theo quickly worked on pulling the bodies out.
“Five minutes,” he motioned toward the boys as they zipped them up in body bags.
We all stood around by the window, barely peeking, but concentrating our hearing on what was going down.
“Anyone think this isn’t going to work?” Malia asked at my shoulder, slightly panicking as she watched Scott and Theo hover over the bodies. We all turned to her, not bothering to say a word before she added, “I’ll stop asking.”
I pressed my lips together as I watched Monroe make her way forward while the sheriff stood a few feet away from the crowd.
“They tried to run,” he explained casually. “And tried to take a couple of deputies with them. Either way. You got what you wanted.”
“Let me see their faces,” Monroe quickly began. My brows furrowed as I was unable to get a good read on her expression. Both Scott and Theo seemed to tense as they turned to one another.
“C’mon,” I whispered to myself, feeling my anxiety starting to creep up on me as they finally reached for the zipper and revealed the two deputies. Monroe’s expression seemed to harden for a moment.
“What’s wrong? You don’t recognize them?” Scott asked. This seemed to have caught her off guard before she spoke again.
“Show me their tattoos.”
“What tattoos?” Scott asked, his expression seeming confused.
“The pack symbol,” Monroe responded.
I sighed heavily as I shut my eyes. This was it.
“Good thing you’re not the only ones who can negotiate,” a familiar voice called out. I reopened my eyes and watched as Mr. McCall made his way through the crowd.
“Dad?” Scott called out, his confused expression returning as both boys stood up. “What are you doing here?”
“Making sure on one else dies tonight,” Mr. McCall responded.
The moment Agent McCall closed the door to the sheriff’s office, I grimaced and turned to the alpha, waiting for his response.
“Are you sure about this, Scott?” Lydia asked again.
“I’m not,” Liam shook his head. “This deal sucks.”
“But it’s the only one on the table,” Mr. McCall sighed. “In a situation like this, the best solution is always to de-escalate. It’s why you called me, isn’t it?” He asked turning to the sheriff.
“To be honest, I didn’t think anyone was gonna show up,” Mr. Stilinski muttered. I pressed my lips together and crossing my arms, absolutely hating the deal, but choosing not to say anything. The alpha turned to each of us as we looked to him.
“Okay,” Scott breathed out, “we’ll go.”
With that, each and every single one of us stepped out of the sheriff’s station, facing the enemy head on while Agent McCall escorted Jiang and Tierney out to the nearest FBI van. Monroe stood back, her expression hard as she kept her arms crossed over her chest, still seeming displeased.
“Thank you,” Tierney mouthed toward as she boarded the van.
“Heading back to Washington?” Mr. McCall asked with a smile as I stood around Scott’s kitchen, a bag in hand. I pursed my lips together and nodded.
“How’s Stiles liking the program I got him into?”
“He’s loving it,” I lied, forcing a smile. The agent opened his mouth in attempt to say something else, but instantly stopped as his attention flickered onto his son as he finally made his way downstairs.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Fine,” Scott answered curtly.
“Look, I know this isn’t what you wanted, but it’s the right decision. When Stilinski called—”
“I know,” Scott cut him off.
“Now, you can be mad at me, but I’d rather watch you leave the state than watch you die,” Mr. McCall scorned.
“I’m not mad,” Scott sighed.
“None of us are,” I added.
“I get why you did it,” The alpha continued.
“Scott, you’re not the only one who gets to protect his family,” Mr. McCall muttered.
“Anyways, we should go,” I spoke up as Malia finally made her way into the kitchen, followed by Lydia.
“You guys ready?” she asked.
I simply nodded, gripping at my bag a little tighter before turning toward the door and making my way out.
Lydia pulled into the animal clinic, turning to us with a small smile. Each us of gathered around the examining table once we made our way in. There was a sudden crash as we heard the entrance burst open. We all turned our attention to the storming teenager.
“You told me you were leaving!” Mason shouted.
“I had to,” his boyfriend defended.
“You lied!” Mason continued, pushing Corey back into the examining room.
“We all did,” Liam added.
Mason finally turned his attention to us as I crossed my arms and smirked.
“So, this was the plan all along?” he asked, his brows merging in anger.
“Sorry, Mason,” Scott apologized. “My dad had to believe we left Beacon Hills.”
“Everyone has to believe it,” I added for him.
“Then what happens next?” Mason asked. “We fight back now, right?”
“Of course,” I said, my smirk only growing.
“What did you think we were gonna do?” Scott said, smiling. “Run?”
Chapter 3 / Chapter 5
(A/N: Alrighty lovelies, here’s the chapter I promised I would post over the weekend! I’m so sorry it took longer than expected, but oh my god, what did you guys think of the finale? I know I’m a week in and part of me is still expecting them to be like PSYCH we got season 7 comin up or something. Needless to say, I’m in denial... ANYWAYS, sorry for any overlooked mistakes, hope you guys enjoyed, and best of all happy reading! Oh and I thought to thank you guys that have stuck around for Adelyn’s story. You guys are amazing. And I love you. I’m so grateful. You guys have no idea.)
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feelingdylano · 7 years ago
Until the End (Stiles Romance Sequel) ~Chapter 5~
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I tossed and turned in bed, my body shivering as my eyes shut even tighter and my hands gripped at my sheets. In my lucid sleep, I felt every nerve screaming out in deep fear. A terrifying shriek rang into my eardrums causing me to turn to my side and whimper in attempt to reach out for someone at my side, but finding the bed space empty. There was a sudden growl and I could no longer ignore it. Eyes flinging open, I quickly sat up and backed myself to the headboard, my chest heaving up and down. Looking over to my side, I felt my fear only grow as I couldn’t find my comfort sleeping next to me. Instinctively reaching out for the lamp at my side, I quickly turned it on and reached out for my phone. I attempted to steady my breathing as I pulled up his contact information before hesitating.
“It’s called the Anuk-Ite,” my mother’s voice echoed back into the surfaces of my memory as I stared down at the phone screen.
“What is it?” I asked as I stood in the middle of the study room, arms crossed.
“It’s an ancient shapeshifter,” Deaton continued for her. “It can turn neighbor against neighbor, sowing the seeds of discord and hate. It doesn’t need fangs, it doesn’t need claws. It uses something far more sinister.”
“Fear,” I nodded, understanding as my brows merged slightly.
“Yes,” my mother nodded. “It’s causing fear and paranoia. Which leads to anger, anger turns to violence, and eventually entire communities tear themselves apart because of it. This thing feeds off fear and grows more powerful.”
“Well now that we know what it is, how do we stop it?” I asked.
“We’re not sure,” Deaton answered.
“The Anuk-Ite is sometimes also called Double-Face, or Two-Faces,” my mom continued, opening the bestiary. “One’s beautiful and the other is hideous.”
“Which is why it represents disharmony and discord,” Deaton added. “Mason and Corey have figured that two faces could mean two people.”
“But here’s the thing,” my mom took in a deep breath, not bothering to hide her grimace. “Legend has it, if these two faces come together, somehow merging… The Anuk-Ite will be rendered unstoppable.”
I frowned as I pulled my finger back from making that call and instead locked my phone. Taking in a deep breath, I shut my eyes momentarily before placing my phone down over my lap. I couldn’t bring him into this. He couldn’t know what was going on.
“But I would know what to do,” a voice suddenly spoke up. I gasped and looked up, noticing Stiles standing at my doorway, arms crossed as he looked to me. “Or at least I could help figure it out.” He continued, dropping his hands to his side and drawing closer to my bed.
“I’m still dreaming, aren’t I?” I whispered.
“Or it could be your subconscious telling you something,” he shrugged, sitting himself before me. My gaze narrowed onto my lap, as I unlocked my phone and pulled up the last text message I had received.
I miss you. – Stiles
Looking back up, my heart almost sank in disappointment as Stiles had disappeared. An empty feeling took over and I felt my stomach tie in knots. Shutting my eyes, I gripped at my phone a little tighter as an ache started up in my heart. I missed him. So much that I couldn’t stop thinking about him. So much that I was having hallucinations about him.
“Or it could be because you don’t want to admit that you need me,” his voice echoed in again. I gasped and reopened my eyes to find him inches away from my face, a small smirk plastered over his lips.
“I can help,” he continued. “If you let me.”
“I can’t,” I whispered, feeling my expression fall. My eyes quickly flickered down to his hand as he took hold of mine. The warmth brought me back as I looked into his beautiful golden-brown eyes.
My laughter echoed into the surfaces of my mind as the memory came flooding back to me as if I were reliving it.
“What are you doing?” I giggled as Stiles pulled on one hand, while the other tried so hard to tug at the blindfold away from my eyes.
“Hey, no peeking!” he scolded, adjusting it back into place as I laughed again.
“It’s a surprise!” he couldn’t help, but chuckle along this time. “Besides, we’re almost there.”
“Where are we going?” I almost whined, throwing my head back and pulling him back slightly with me. However, he fought back and continued to tug on me.
“Well, remember how I was taken by the Wild Hunt and kinda missed out on half of the spring semester?” he asked.
My smile faded into a frown as I came to a stop. I hated when he brought it up.
“Stiles, you’re here now and that’s all that—”
“No, no, I know,” he quickly cut me off, a smile clear behind his words. “My point is, I missed out on a very important high school milestone because of it. We both did.”
My brows furrowed slightly, not knowing what he was getting at. A small gasp escaped my lips as he suddenly dropped his hold on me and backed away.
“I don’t like this,” I muttered, outstretching my hands and attempting to grab hold of him again, but finding emptiness. A slight panic grew within me. “Stiles?”
When he didn’t respond, I quickly reached up for my blindfold and removed it. However, before I could say or do anything my breath caught in my chest and my eyes grew wide in awe. Stiles stood back, a smile crossing his lips while displaying his best suit and a corsage in hand.
“I know how much it actually killed you to have missed prom,” he began, stepping toward me. “And while I haven’t been able to find the proper equipment to time travel, the best I could do was rent out this place and bring prom to you, baby.”
A hand made its way up to my mouth as I felt a familiar prickling sensation take over my eyes while I absorbed our surroundings. We stood in the middle of a small ballroom while a few Christmas lights cascaded over our heads and flourished out, somehow wrapping themselves over the walls and pillars, bringing just enough light into the place. A few tables had been set out, circling around the dancefloor, each of them decorated with branch centerpieces that held onto small candles and beads. My attention turned back to Stiles as he reached for something with his other hand and pulled out a remote. I huffed out a chuckle and my smile grew wider as our song began to play over the speakers he had set up at each corner of the small ballroom.
“I’m starting to understand why you dropped me off with Lydia first,” I said, biting my lower lip as I looked down to my gorgeous navy dress and silver heels. My best friend had taken the liberty to dress me up and do my hair and make-up like I was her personal doll. It was when she was done that I had been blindfolded and picked up by Stiles.
“You look breathtaking,” he muttered, finally reaching for my cheek, gently caressing it as he brought himself inches away from my face. “And even to this day I question how I ever got so lucky landing myself a real-life angel.” I chuckled as I looked up to him, placing a hand over his chest. He reached out for it and gently placed the corsage over my wrist.
“Half angel,” I corrected.
“Well, Ms. Half Angel, may I have this dance?” he smirked, trailing his hand down to my waist while the other found my own.
“Of course,” I smiled, allowing him to lead our bodies against the rhythm. “So, did you do this all on your own? Or did you pay someone to do it for you?”
“No, I had to call in some sources for help,” Stiles chuckled, his eyes flickering behind me. I turned and watched as all our friends soon began walking into the ballroom, each of them dressed in their best prom outfits. My smile only grew as everyone took a partner and started to dance.
“You’re not the only one who was hurting about missing out on prom,” Lydia spoke up, winking toward me. I turned back to Stiles and shook my head.
“I love you, you know that?”
“Is that way of saying thank you?” he chuckled.
“Yes,” I rested my head on his chest. “Thank you. For everything.”
There was a moment of silence between us as we continued our slow dance amongst our friends.
“I never stopped thinking about you, you know,” he finally muttered, resting his chin over my head for a moment. I pulled back and looked up to him. “You were the light in the darkness. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here right now.”
“I was scared,” he muttered, a sadness taking over his expression as we continued to sway. “Scared, I’d never get the chance to see you again. All of you. You, Scott, Lydia, Malia… our friends.” He paused. “For a moment, I thought you guys had truly forgotten all about me. And despite the things we have faced, all of the scary supernaturals, it didn’t come close to the terror I felt… having lost all of you.”
“You didn’t lose us,” I shook my head, grimacing. “You didn’t lose me.”
“I know,” he smiled. “I wouldn’t know what to do if I did lose you.”
“You won’t,” I looked into his golden-brown eyes. “I promise…”
Stiles smiled before leaning down and kissing my lips ever so lovingly.
Quickly snapping back into reality, I felt my heart sink once again as I noticed Stiles had disappeared once again. Taking in a deep breath, I stood myself up and walked over to the window, running a hand through my hair while I did.
Despite everything, I knew the right thing to do would be to call Stiles, to let him know what was going on. To tell him the truth instead of avoiding it and keeping a secret. But I was being selfish. I didn’t want him getting involved and somehow getting hurt. I kept my stare on the dimly lit night sky while I crossed my arms.
Although, I had to admit, it was getting harder and harder to keep things from him. As far as he knew, nothing had happened just yet, but I would be staying a bit longer to keep an eye on things. This had kept him at bay for a while, but I knew it would eventually wear off and he would want to know the real reason for my staying longer.
There was a sudden ring and my body jolted. Turning over, my eyes landed on my phone before sighing and making my way over to my drawer.
We have a plan. You in? – Scott
I pressed my lips together before typing back a message.
Meet us at Gerard’s armory tomorrow. 1 PM – Scott
Locking my phone, I turned back to the window, gently placing a hand over my lips as I did. I had to figure out how to put a stop to this soon. Otherwise I could kiss goodbye to my first semester at Howard University. My stomach seemed to drop at my next thought as I lowered my gaze and hand. If I didn’t find a way to stop this, I could might as well kiss goodbye to my relationship with Stiles.
The very next day, we all sat back in Argent’s truck while we waited just outside Gerard’s armory, the plan slowly folding out. With the hunters growing in numbers, the more “tests” they started to come up with. Their fear was growing, and with that fear, more anger. Which meant Gerard’s business and plan was booming. However, Scott managed to come up with a counterplan. At the front seat, Lydia’s phone went off before she read over the message and sighed in relief.
“It worked,” she stated, turning back to us.
“It’s about time,” Malia breathed out, attempting to step out of the vehicle.
“Wait,” Scott quickly reached out for the girl. They both stared back at one another before she turned to us.
“I hear them too,” Malia muttered.
“Hear what?” I asked, my brows merging slightly.
“Heartbeats,” Scott answered.
“How many?” Argent asked at the driver’s side.
“Ten?” Scott shook his head in uncertainty.
“More,” Malia added, her own expression hardening.
“Are we breaking in or not?” I asked, my patience wearing thin.
“Not,” Argent quickly shook his head. “The armory should be empty by now.”
“We can take down a few hunters if we have to,” Malia said, making a face and shrugging.
“We’re dealing with a dozen well-armed hunters who have orders to kill you on sight,” Argent turned back to the werecoyote. We all looked to one another, not having counted on this at all.
“Then how are we supposed to get inside?” Malia asked.
We all turned to face the armory, our brains working as we tried to figure out a valid backup plan. However, before any of us could say anything Argent quickly reached out for the ignition and turned it on. At my side, Malia jumped up and reached for the key, turning the car off.
“Gerard thinks we’re gone,” she explained, holding out a hand. “It’s a good plan.”
“It’s our only plan,” Lydia sighed.
“And it’s not working,” Argent grumbled.
“We can still do this!” Malia argued. “Let’s vote!”
My brows furrowed as I turned to Lydia, who seemed to tense up. There was a moment of silence as a loud buzzing took over my ears. My hands flew up to the side of my head and I quickly shut my eyes the moment a painful spasm coursed right through my whole body.
“I don’t wanna die here,” Malia’s voice suddenly echoed in, her breathing seeming labored. “Not here.”
“Adelyn?” Scott called out. “Are you okay?”
“Adelyn,” Lydia’s voice finally pulled me back. Reopening my eyes, my shoulders seemed to drop and relax for a moment as I looked to my best friend. Her expression was as terrified as I imagined my own to be.
“I’m fine,” I lied, straightening my body and lowering my hands.
“We have ten minutes,” Argent spoke up before anybody else could. “Ten minutes before Gerard’s people flag this vehicle. Once that happens we’ll be seen as a potential threat.”
“Then what?” Malia asked.
“They’ll pay us a visit,” Argent continued as he adjusted himself in his seat and shook his head. “We should call off this mission.”
“No,” I protested, turning to him.
“Brett and Lori are gone, and Jiang and Tierney are still missing,” Scott added. “Gerard’s always one step ahead of us.”
“We have to do this now,” I agreed.
“We’re too exposed,” Argent sighed.
“You said we had ten minutes,” Malia shrugged.
“Nine,” Argent corrected.
Scott quickly reached out for the door and made an attempt to run out, however, Malia managed to pull him back.
“What are you doing?” she questioned with furrowed brows.
“I’m gonna lure them away so that we can get inside,” he explained. “We need a new plan.”
“Not a dumb one,” Malia scoffed.
“I’ll bring the thermite charges,” Scott added.
“We need them for the armory,” I rolled my eyes.
“Explosion will buy you time, but not enough to get you in and out safely,” Argent added.
“Guys,” Lydia called out, her eyes glued to the front as she sat up straighter. My attention flickered over to what she saw and felt myself sigh in relief.
“How about using the tunnels?” Malia continued as they all ignored the strawberry blonde.
“We could get underneath the building, but we’d still need to sneak in undetected,” Argent responded heavily.
“Guys,” I called out this time, attempting to grab their attention.
“The ventilation system?” Scott suggested.
“Same problem.”
“Guys, they’re leaving!” Lydia finally raised her voice. They all turned in time to see the last vans pull out of the armory. This was our chance.
We all marched our way in through the armory, taking down anyone that stood in our way. There was a final grunt as I kicked the last of the hunters back, instantly knocking him out while Argent took out the cameras. We all made our way through the last door, before the former hunter came to a stop.
“Thermite charges will take care of the weapons,” he explained. “Just make sure you’re clear before they detonate, okay?”
Both Scott and Malia nodded and took hold of the bag full of thermite charges before running off in the opposite direction.
Lydia and I followed after Argent into the camera room, slowing our steps as we noticed the man stuck behind the desk.
“You find the problem?” he asked, not bothering to tear his gaze away from the screens. I turned to Argent as he nodded toward the man. I pursed my lips and nodded back toward the former hunter before stepping forward and reaching out for the guy’s neck. My eyes lit up for a second before he collapsed, rendered unconscious.
We all gathered around the screens as we watched Malia and Scott making their way toward the last door that contained the weapons. At my side, Lydia seemed to tense up again.
“Did you guys hear a gunshot?” she asked, turning to us. My brows furrowed as I shook my head.
“No,” Argent responded. “I didn’t hear anything.”
“I heard shell casings,” she breathed out before shaking her head, her eyes landing on Scott and Malia. “I think you were right… We should have called this off.”
“I heard something too,” I muttered, lowering my gaze in almost guilt.
“We all have to get out of here,” Lydia said, turning to me.
“Do that and we lose our chance,” Argent shook his head. “It’s too late now.”
“Scott and Malia could die,” Lydia argued. “It’s not worth the risk.”
“Ten minutes ago, I would’ve agreed, but right now we’re in it and we need to weigh the risk versus reward carefully,” Argent continued.
“He’s right,” I muttered, turning to my best friend. “If we go now, we won’t get another chance.”
“And if we stay we could succeed,” Argent added. “Since one risk is known, and the other unknown—”
“We go with the known,” Lydia sighed, lowering her gaze as Argent granted Malia and Scott access.
“Okay,” the werecoyote panted, reaching the racks. “Where are all the guns?”
“They knew we were coming,” Scott grumbled.
My eyes grew wide as the three of us exchanged looks.
“Guys,” Argent suddenly called out, reaching for the intercom. “Get out of there, now.”
“Let’s go before they all get back,” Malia agreed.
Scott had agreed, taking the werecoyote in hand before making his way toward the exit. However, before they could even step out, the alpha came to a sudden halt. My brows furrowed as I drew closer to the camera.
“Why did he stop?” I asked.
“That scent,” Scott finally breathed out, turning to a hidden door. Malia turned to it as well, finally realizing what the boy was talking about.
“It’s Jiang and Tierney,” she said, her own expression hardening.
“Guys, you need to leave,” Argent spoke again through the intercom. “Now.”
However, the two teenagers exchanged one last look before Scott stepped toward the door.
“Help me with this,” he requested, reaching out for the handle and attempting to pry it open. Malia was quick to follow his lead.
“No,” I gasped, my eyes flashing their usual silver before Argent spoke out again.
“No, no, no,” he shook his head in panic as the two continued their struggle. “Don’t open that door!”
We all froze as the buttons started to flash and an alarm went off once the door budged. I pulled myself closer to the camera, the panic in me growing as I watched the other doors automatically shut.
“There has to be something we can do,” I said, looking over the switches. Argent reached out and took my place, pushing on a few buttons before shaking his head.
“Nope. Everything’s shut down. They’re locked in and we can’t do anything about it.”
“What’s this?” Lydia asked, pointing to one of the bigger switches.
“A motion sensor,” Argent responded.
“What does H-2100 mean?” I asked, turning to the man.
“H stands for halon,” he muttered, looking up to us. “It’s a fire suppression system. It’ll pull all of the oxygen out of the room to put out a fire.”
“All of the oxygen?” I asked, my eyes growing wider.
“How long can a werewolf hold their breath?” Lydia asked softly, turning to us.
“I think we’re about to find out,” Argent sighed, turning back to the screens.
I watched as Scott made his way further into the hidden room, his body stiffening as he took in his surroundings.
“Where’s Jiang and Tierney?” Malia asked, running in after having searched for a way out.
“They’re here,” Scott muttered. “And that’s all that’s left of them.”
“Gerard kept their body parts?” Malia asked. “Like trophies?”
Scott simply nodded. There was a moment of silence before the speaker buzzed with static and went out.
“Look out!” I cried out, as I watched Malia step out and nearly tripped the motion sensor. Scott quickly wrapped an arm around her and pulled the girl back just in time.
“Communications are shut down,” Argent said, shaking his head as he stood up. “The room is soundproof.”
“We need to warn them,” Lydia began.
“We are,” he huffed, stepping on the chair and pulling out his gun. My brows furrowed as I watched him empty the magazine and hand it over to me. The man quickly reached for the nearest pipe and started banging on it with his gun.
“One of these pipe leads in there,” he explained as we both watched. “Anything?”
I turned back to the cameras, noticing no change.
“Nothing,” Lydia answered for me.
Argent reached out for another pipe and started banging on it. My expression raised in relief as Scott looked up.
“I think he hears you,” I chimed. Argent’s banging only grew louder as he grunted in exertion.
“What are you doing?” Lydia asked, her brows merging in confusion.
“Breaking the pipes,” I said, remembering when Stiles had Theo do the same at Eichen House. “Sound travels through the pipes.” I repeated his words as they echoed back through my memory, almost as if he were right there with us.
There was one last bang before Argent put his gun away and cupped his hands around his mouth in attempt to amplify his voice.
“Don’t trip the sensors,” he shouted. I turned back to the screen, watching as Malia and Scott ran forward, barely managing to dodge the sensors. The two leaped onto the empty shelves at the last minute. I pressed my lips together and watched as Malia had managed to straddle herself over Scott. At my side, Argent got to work, pulling apart the machine and reaching for the wiring.
“Okay, if I can bypass the electrical system, I might be able to reset the console,” he began.
“What the hell is she doing?” Lydia asked, as her brows furrowed. My attention turned back to the screen as we watched Malia suddenly make her way up a pillar. The girl managed to climb up, gripping at the ceiling while trying to reach for a lock. The anticipation only grew as she barely missed it.
“Is she out of her mind?!” Lydia cried out as Malia pulled back her arm, nearly falling in the process.
“No, no, she’s got it,” I said, making my way closer to the screen, watching as the girl tried again. This time, however, she managed to grip at the lock before yanking back with all her strength. I huffed out in amazement as Scott smiled in encouragement. However, the small victory was short lived as the lock fell out of her hand and onto the floor. My eyes grew wide as the alarms suddenly went off. They had tripped the sensors. Steam blew out and Malia fell onto her back.
We all stood back, watching in fear as the two teenagers drew closer to one another.
“How long do they have?” I asked.
“Minutes,” Argent breathed out.
“We found Anderson unconscious,” an unfamiliar voice echoed back. If things hadn’t already taken a turn for the worst, this only added onto it. Gerard’s hunters had come back.
“We’re moving in.”
“How many are inside?”
“I don’t know.”
“What else can anybody see?”
“We have to do something,” I panicked, watching as the hunters crowded around the door that contained Scott and Malia, each of them holding their guns out.
Argent quickly gripped at his belt and gun before rushing off without any further hesitation while Lydia and I followed.
“Shoot to kill,” one of the hunters instructed.
However, before they could go any further, I turned to the former hunter as he dropped a smoke bomb, grabbing the others’ attention. Each of them turned back, caught off guard by this.
Argent turned to me and nodded. Both Lydia and I exchanged looks before turning back to him and nodding as well, having silently agreed to the plan. No time was wasted as the man stepped out, aiming for the lights and shooting them down. The hunters just below flinched and tried to protect their heads from the falling debris. I felt my muscles tense up as I took my chance and threw myself forward, grabbing hold of the first hunter, taking his wrists and gun. His lose grip on the weapon was enough to manipulate his own movements and bring it up over his face. The hunter grunted in pain, his head flying back before I gripped even harder and yanked him down with all my strength. A brief groan in pain escaped his lips before his head met with my knee before losing consciousness. Another tried to aim his AK-47, but I merely twirled and ducked down, gracefully managing to bring myself closer to him, coming at him from below as I stuck out my leg and used as much force as I could in order to bring him down. Argent followed behind, raising the end of his gun and slamming it against the hunter’s head for me. There was a moment of brief clarity before turning back and watching as Lydia froze.
“Adelyn,” an unexpected voice called out to me. My brows furrowed as I whipped around. In that moment, everything seemed to stop as my own eyes widened. Stiles stood in the middle of the corridor, clutching at his chest as blood ran through his fingers.
“Stiles,” I gasped, attempting to run, however, before I could I was pulled back by Argent, his touch snapping me back into reality as I nearly ran into a bullet. Lydia acted out quick, throwing a bag at the hunter and distracting him. This was enough to give her a chance to kick him back and knock him out. I attempted to catch my breath as I looked up to Argent.
“You okay?” he asked. I merely nodded in response, narrowing my gaze as he dropped his hold on me and allowed me to walk forward. “Lydia, you’re up.”
“But you said the doors were solid steel,” Lydia breathed out as we all finally approached the entrance.
“I said they’ll stop a bullet, not a Banshee,” Argent responded.
“You can do it, Lydia,” I said, looking up to her. The girl nodded, taking in a few deep breaths before facing the door. There was a moment of silence before she outstretched her hands and amplified her scream. She pulled back, her chest heaving up and down as she nearly overexerted herself.
“I—I don’t think I can do it,” she panted. I looked down to the palm of my hand, my brows furrowing in determination.
“Don’t give up,” I said, looking up to my best friend with glowing silver eyes. “I’ll help.”
Lydia took in another deep breath before I stepped at her side. We both exchanged one final look before nodding and setting our gazes on the door. I outstretched one hand, while Lydia held out both of hers. Slowly, but surely, both her amplified scream and my ability to bend steel and metal was enough to weaken the door. I pulled back, shielding myself with my arm as the door seemed to explode right off its hinges. Looking back up, I breathed out a sigh in relief as Scott and Malia were finally able to relax. We had done it. We had saved them.
Argent unfolded the map across the kitchen table while the rest of us gathered around him. My brows merged as I took in the red dots marked in each country.
“What are they?” I asked.
“They’re Nemetons,” Argent breathed out.
“What does Gerard want with them?” Melissa asked.
“If they’re like the one here…” Mason’s voice trailed off.
“They’re beacons for the supernatural,” My mother interceded as she made her way in.
“If you wanted to kill every supernatural creature in the world, these are where you would start,” Argent sighed. Lydia tensed up at my side, her expression hardening as her body jolted for a second.
“Lydia?” I called out to her. However, she didn’t acknowledge me.
“Gerard isn’t gonna stop with Beacon Hills, is he?” Melissa asked.
“He wants the whole world,” Argent shook his head.
There was a sudden slam and we all jumped, turning back to the door and watching as Mr. McCall rushed his way in.
“Where’s Scott?” he asked.
“Upstairs,” Melissa responded. “Why?”
“He can’t leave,” Mr. McCall panted. “No one can.”
“Nice to see that you changed your mind,” Melissa’s brows furrowed, “but I’m afraid to ask why.”
“It’s Gerard’s weapons,” he breathed out. Lydia gasped and instantly reached out for my hand. There was a sudden spark and I could finally hear what had been bothering her. Shell casings clattered and my whole body tensed up.
“Dad?” Scott called out, seeming thrown off by his presence as he and Malia stepped back out.
“The guns,” Mr. McCall continued. “They’ve all been distributed legally to the citizens of Beacon Hills. All of them, and at no charge.”
“What, he just gave them away?” Scott asked, stepping toward the kitchen table.
“No,” Argent shook his head as he turned to the alpha. “He’s arming his army.”
Lydia jumped once again, causing me to jolt as well. My brows furrowed as her eyes landed on the window the moment we heard something crash.
“GET DOWN!” She suddenly gasped, throwing me down the minute an arrow flew in, blinding us for a second. Gunshots were fired and we all kept our places on the ground. I winced in pain as a bullet had somehow managed to graze my arm. Everything was happening all at once, while I struggled to look back up. The bullets seemed to rain down on us, not bothering to stop. It was as if they were trying to create a blood bath. As the gunfire continued, my eyes finally managed to adjust to the brightness before starting up their silver glow. Quickly raising a hand, I managed to create a shield that burst through the whole house, sending back anything that was trying to get in. There were a few grunts before the sound of retreating cars followed.
Scott and Malia looked around before I turned to my best friend, my whole body suddenly tensing up as I watched a bloodied hand reach out for help. Even though I had managed to get them to retreat, the damage had already been done…
Chapter 4 / Chapter 6
(A/N: I am so sorry guys. I have not had the time to post my chapters, so I have decided that I will be posting at least a chapter every weekend since those are my days off! I also apologize for this chapter, I know it sucked and honestly the next few chapters are gonna suck just due to the fact that this season is just kinda hard to write without Stiles. Which is why I just added a Stadelyn moment just so you guys don’t kill me. Oh and might I add that it was inspired by Ed Sheeran’s song Perfect. You guys should totes listen to it for that part. LOL. Anyways, I have also thought about adding on an additional chapter since going by the season that would only leave me with 9 chapters. SO, you guys will get a bonus chapter! Anyways thank you guys for having stuck with me, I cannot thank you guys enough! I hope you guys enjoyed, sorry for any overlooked mistakes, and as always happy reading!)
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feelingdylano · 7 years ago
Until the End (Stiles Romance Sequel) ~Chapter 2~
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I sighed heavily as I continued to pull out clothes from my luggage and packed it away into my drawers. There was a light knock at the door before I turned to see my mom standing around with a slight grimace crossed over her lips. She didn’t have to say anything for me to know why she looked to me the way she did.
“Stiles?” I asked. She looked down with a slight nod while letting out a heavy breath.
“He called me. He’s worried,” she began, carefully stepping in. “You know, I would be too if you weren’t answering any of my texts or phone calls.”
“He can’t know what’s going on,” I muttered.
“I think he already has an idea that something is going on,” my mom chuckled as she finally looked up to me. “You should call him.”
“I can’t,” I shook my head. “If I talk to him he’ll find a way to pry information out of me and…” I breathed out a sigh. “All he needs to know is that I’m fine. We’re fine. We’re all alive. And I’ve told him so myself.”
“Barely,” she rolled her eyes. “Which is why he keeps calling every five minutes.”
Almost as if on cue, my phone started to ring. I shut my eyes in slight annoyance before pulling at my phone and ignoring the call.
“He has school to worry about,” I said, finally looking up to my mom. “I don’t start for another month. He has no choice. And no way of coming down here.”
“Not yet at least,” my mother smirked.
“You’re supposed to be on my side,” I glared toward her.
“Honey,” she paused as a small smile crept on her lips. “You and Stiles remind me of a couple I used to know.”
“Let me guess… you and dad?” I asked softly, looking up to her as she nodded.
“And if Stiles is anything like your stubborn father, he’ll always find his way to you.”
“Everybody keeps saying that,” I grumbled, narrowing my gaze away.
“Because everyone sees it,” my mom chuckled, crossing her arms. “I know you’re trying to protect him, but maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to let him in. Even just a little. He is your boyfriend, after all. Do you really plan to keep him out in the dark forever?”
With that she turned her back to me before leaving me to the silence. I stared off before I felt my lips twitch into a small smile. I hated when she was right…
For the rest of the night, I attempted to finish my unpacking, but it seemed nearly impossible with my phone constantly ringing. Rolling my eyes, I looked down and noticed Stiles’ cute picture pull up on my screen before I ignored the call. However, not even five seconds later, the phone started going off again. This time, it was hard to ignore.
“Not Stiles,” Melissa’s voice cut me off before I could go on. My cheeks burned up in slight embarrassment.
“Oh, sorry, I—I thought you were—”
“The boyfriend that you’ve been avoiding for his own good?” Mrs. McCall asked. “Scott told me… You do realize I’ve known the boy for nearly his entire life, so no matter how much you try to keep him out of it, he’s still going to find a way to meddle.”
“I know, so I keep hearing,” I muttered. “I’m trying to keep him in the dark just a little bit longer. Just at least until I know what we’re dealing with.”
“Well, if you want to know, maybe you should come down to the hospital and find out for yourself,” she sighed. My brows merged.
“What do you mean?”
“Mason and Liam found something the other night,” she muttered. “I think you may want to come and check it out.”
“Alright, I’ll be there in a few,” I said, making my way out of my room.
The moment I reached the hospital, my brows furrowed as I noticed Melissa kept her back tightly pressed against the wall and her eyes glued onto the morgue’s doors.
“Why do I get the feeling I’m not here just to look at this thing?” I asked as I finally approached her.
“I need a tissue sample from it,” she smiled guiltily, finally looking away from the double doors and up to me. My body seemed to freeze up.
“Isn’t that something you can do without a problem?” I asked, my eyes widening slightly.
“Normally,” Melissa nodded, “but I figured this could be good practice for you since you’ll be working with cadavers in med school.” Her words seemed calm and steady, however, something behind her eyes told me differently.
“Okay,” I nodded.
Taking in a deep breath, I turned my whole body to face the double doors, almost as if preparing myself mentally for what I was about to face. Melissa had never asked any one of us to recover anything for her.
“Everything you need should be in there,” she added, the moment I took a step forward. I turned back to her, briefly taking in her behavior, before nodding and continuing my stride toward the double doors.
My heart seemed to sink the moment I stepped foot into the dimly lit morgue. A cold shiver ran down my spine as my hand started to tremble. A fear I had never felt before started to creep up on me. I gripped at my shaking arm, attempting to stand my ground and push away any lingering feelings I had in that moment.
What was wrong with me? I hadn’t even gotten the chance to get a good look at this thing and I was already feeling an overwhelming fear trying to poke at my every nerve.
Breathing in a deep breath, I pushed away at the prickling fear that tugged at my every sense and took a step toward the open locker, containing the body I could clearly make out by now. Reaching out for the blue sheet, a sudden pang of nausea hit me the moment my eyes focused on the faceless body that laid over the table.
It was unusual.
After seeing so much bloodshed and countless of dead bodies, it was the first I had ever been hit with such a visceral affect.
The body that laid over the table did not look like anything I had ever seen in person before. It almost resembled one of the figures neatly displayed over my Anatomy & Physiology text book. A direct image of what the human body is supposed to look like—the musculoskeletal system at its finest, at least.
There was no skin. No face. Absolutely nothing, but the cold, lifeless, exposed muscle. A lump formed at my throat as I felt my heart beat pick up its pace. My body shuddered. Something was wrong, very wrong, the knots in my stomach told me that much. A screaming voice in the back of my head warned me to turn back and run, run as fast I could. However, I ignored this voice and swallowed back my fear and made room for determination. At least attempt to.
Silence took over as I stood completely still. An eerie chill crept over my body before I felt a cold sweep over and grab hold of my spine. My breathing hitched as I slowly began turning my head toward the movement I caught onto from the corner of my eye. For a moment, I froze as I barely managed to catch glimpse of the same body standing on its own just inches behind me.
Quickly shutting my eyes, I pressed my lips together and tried to steady my breathing. This couldn’t be real. It had to be some sort of hallucination. Taking in a deep breath, I reopened my eyes and focused on the body that laid before me, no longer feeling something hovering behind me. Sighing out in relief, I managed to relax just enough to continue what I set out to do.
Slipping into some blue medical gloves, I finally reached out for the nearest scalpel and made an attempt to retrieve the sample for Melissa.
“Okay,” I breathed out. “You can do this.”
There was a sudden thump that caused me to jump and instinctively shut my eyes once again. My hand trembled as I held onto the scalpel tightly, trying to fight back everything in that moment. My fear, my nausea, and most of all my trembling limbs.
Reopening my eyes, I began reaching out for the lump of muscle once again. Why was this so difficult? Why was I so overwhelmed with unexplainable fear?
The lights flickered off and on, causing my whole body to tense up just as I was about to cut into the muscle. A raspy breath escaped my lips as a shiver ran down my spine. The moment the lights flickered back on, I couldn’t bring myself to move or breathe as my stomach dropped. A familiar pressure had built up behind me and I wouldn’t dare turn back. An unnerving cold wrapped itself around my own warmth, letting me know that I was not alone. There was an eerie growl over my shoulder and before I knew it, a terrified shriek ripped through the morgue as I instinctively swung back, stabbing at whatever it was that had creeped up on me. Without hesitation, my body flung itself forward and allowed my legs to take over as I shut my eyes momentarily, afraid to face the source of the growl.
“Help!” I cried out as I reopened my eyes the moment I threw myself against the double doors. “Help me!”
Melissa’s eyes grew wide as she reached out from the other side of the doors, attempting to pry them open, but struggling.
There was a click and I huffed out the moment my body fell forward and onto the ground, Melissa’s maternal arms reaching out for me.
“What the hell was that?” I panted, looking up to her as my body continued to tremble.
“You felt it too, huh?” She asked, a mixture of dread and relief filling her features.
“I can’t go back in there,” I shook my head.
“I was really trying to avoid this, but I guess we have no choice,” Melissa sighed heavily.
“Avoid what?” I asked, my brows merging slightly as she kept her hold on my still trembling body.
“We’re gonna need some muscle,” she grimaced.
“What do you mean?”
I stood back in the hallway, arms crossed over my chest as I took in the awkward interaction between Argent and Melissa.
“I’m surprised you called me,” he stated, keeping his back to us while standing at the double doors leading to the morgue.
“Well,” Melissa sighed heavily. “Someone had to call someone.”
“Did we miss something between the two of you?” I asked, making a face as I raised a finger and pointed between the two adults.
Argent finally turned to us, his lips parted as he tried to speak up, but Melissa quickly cut him off.
“I need a tissue sample from a body,” she held out the scalpel for him. “We were hoping you would go in there and get it for us.”
“It’s a dead body, right?” He asked, slightly cocking a brow.
“You could say that,” I muttered.
“Well, is it?” Argent asked, his brows merging as he took the scalpel from Melissa.
“Maybe you should just go see for yourself,” she stated.
Both Melissa and I stood back the moment Argent pushed his way into the morgue. I pressed my lips together while we both watched through the window as the man came to a stop before the open locker, suddenly growing uneasy with the scalpel in hand. He paused for a moment, jerking himself out of his jacket and wiping away at the sweat on his forehead. His breathing hitched as he began reaching out for the body with determination. My eyes caught onto sudden movement just a few feet away from him, but quickly focused back on Argent. However, he seemed to have taken notice as well. Both Melissa and I stepped back the moment he turned and started marching his way toward us.
“That’s not just a dead body,” Argent panted as he thrust the double doors open, holding one finger up before pointing behind him.
“You felt it too, didn’t you?” I asked, my expression hardening.
“Fear?” Melissa nodded. Argent shook his head as he looked straight at us.
“Okay,” Melissa breathed out a shaky breath as we all stood around the morgue, circling over the body, giving this one final shot. “There’s a perfectly logical explanation for this.”
Argent pulled out his gun and pointed it straight at its head, while the angel blade quickly manifested itself at the palm of my hand, not bothering to tear our gazes away from the body that laid before us.
“If this thing moves…”
“I’ll empty a clip into it,” Argent responded.
“And just to be absolutely sure it’s dead, I’ll run the blade right through it,” I muttered. Melissa looked up to us for a second, her breathy pants increasing as she began reaching out for the body. Her gloved hands began to tremble even more as she inched herself closer, however before she could even get a grip she gasped and brought a hand up to her face.
“Sorry!” She apologized.
“Talk,” Argent simply stated, his own hand trembling against the trigger of his gun.
“You said there’s a logical explanation,” he responded to Melissa. “Tell us what it is.”
“You mean to distract myself?” she asked, the fear getting the best of her.
“And me,” he added.
My body shook as I kept my eyes glued down to the creature.
“Make that to distract all of us,” I muttered.
“Okay, okay,” Melissa nodded. “Sure…”
“Um, medically speaking, what—what could trigger this fear?” I trembled.
“It could be a toxin or gasses,” Melissa began, turning her attention back to the body. “Chemicals released by the body.”
“From this thing?” Argent asked.
“Yeah,” Mrs. McCall nodded. “Carbogen, carbon dioxide, and oxygen gas mixed can, uh,  make your brain think that you’re suffocating and then your body reacts with intense anxiety and fear.”
“Is that why it’s getting harder to breathe?” I asked through breathy pants.
“What else?” Argent shuddered.
“Any noxious smells can induce fear,” she continued. “Or even infrasound—”
“Sounds below 20 hertz,” I muttered, my grip tightening around the hilt of the blade.
“Just do it,” the hunter seemed to demand.
“Yeah,” Mrs. McCall breathed out.
“Melissa, now!” Argent seemed to beg, no longer being able to withstand the fear. “Melissa!”
“Okay!” she whimpered, finally reaching down and swiftly cutting down on the tissue. I reacted quickly as I caught the sample in a petri dish.
“I got it!” I cried out and backed away. Argent immediately shut the locker and pushed us all out of the morgue.
I sighed out in relief as we all stood back and watched the centrifuge finally start to slow down its spinning, its whirring dying down.
“I think the scary part’s over,” Mrs. McCall said, turning over to Argent as she popped the machine open.
“I—I’m not gonna leave you alone with that thing,” Argent stammered. I pursed my lips and tried to hide my smile as I slipped into some medical gloves of my own and prepared the slide for Melissa. Argent took notice of my reaction before quickly adding. “The two of you. I—I’m not gonna leave the two of you alone with that thing.”
There was a moment of silence as both Mrs. McCall and I continued our work.
“I bet you wanna know what scared the hell out of you,” she finally chuckled.
“I’m curious,” Argent nodded as I handed her the slide.
“Let me guess,” she seemed to smirk. “Not very much?”
“Very little,” he smiled.
“I would also like to know what the hell we’re dealing with,” I added, my expression hardening as Melissa finally placed the slide into the microscope.
“So, you can finally let Stiles know?” Mrs. McCall asked, turning to me.
“I haven’t quite decided on that yet,” I muttered, looking away from her guiltily. She simply rolled her eyes and shook her head before getting back to the slide.
After a few minutes, my brows suddenly furrowed as the color seemed to drain from her face.
“What is it?” Argent asked, taking notice of this as well.
“Nothing,” she muttered.
“What do you mean ‘nothing’?” I asked, almost defensively.
“I mean literally, nothing,” she said, her dread showing as she looked up to us. “No DNA, no cell structure, there is nothing here.”
My eyes grew wide.
“How is that possible?” Argent asked.
“It’s not,” Melissa shook her head.
No time was wasted as I ran out of the hospital and made my way back home. So many questions circled my mind. It didn’t make sense. How could a creature with no DNA, no face, or cell structure be tied into what’s going to happen in Beacon Hills?
For a moment, as I gripped at my steering wheel, I questioned whether or not I would be able to do this. Whether or not I would be able to keep everyone safe this time. After parking my car, I burst through the front door and made my way into my parent’s study.
“Adelyn?” My mom called out groggily as I rummaged through the bookshelves and pulled out our own copy of the bestiary. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to get some answers,” I said, heaving the book open and quickly scanning through its pages.
“I thought that’s what you were doing with Melissa?”
“There was nothing,” I shook my head, not bothering to tear my gaze away from the book. “No DNA. No structure. Nothing. Just a big, nasty lump of nothing.”
“I don’t know,” I sighed, finally looking up to my mother, worry etched over my own features. “All I know is that, that thing… whatever it is. It’s causing fear.” My brows furrowed as I quickly looked down and shook my head. “No, actually it’s not causing it, it’s more like it’s amplifying it. A fear you can’t seem to shake off. Even now I still feel it’s icy breath at the back of my neck, but…” I trailed off as I looked up to her.
“There’s nothing there,” my mom’s own expression seemed to harden as she wrapped her robe closer to her body and hugged herself.
There was a sudden loud growl. My whole body stiffened up as my eyes emitted their usual silver glow.
“Adelyn, where are you going?” My mom called out as I pushed my way out the front door. A sudden gasp escaped my lips as I stepped outside and forced myself to halt abruptly. The road was blocked and one by one, cars started to slow down and pull up into an accident scene.
“Liam,” I whispered, finally taking notice of the boy. His chest heaved up and down as he stood in the middle of it all, his fangs protruded and his eyes glowing their usual beta gold. My attention was suddenly brought down to the two bodies lying on the ground. I grimaced as I realized who it was. Brett and Lori.
The silent night started to shift as people started to crowd around the accident. Murmurs and whispers filled the air while Liam stood there, his fists clenched.
“He’s exposed,” my mom seemed to gasp from behind me.
“You set this up,” a woman’s voice suddenly chimed. My eyes narrowed slightly as I tried to focus my hearing.
“Of course, I did,” a man responded. My brows furrowed.
Who were these people?
“Is this part of the lesson?” she asked.
“Everything’s a lesson,” the man replied, “every moment with me. And if there’s one thing you learn today, it’s this, the best way to build an army is through fear.”
Both men and women began to panic as Liam turned to the crowd and snarled. Screams filled the air as he roared one final time.
There was a buzz at my pocket before I reached in and pulled out my phone.
Please, talk to me.
I grimaced as I took in the contact photo.
Slowly shutting my eyes, I locked my phone and sighed. So much for letting him in.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 3
(A/N: Omg guys it has been too long since I have posted anything and for that I deeply apologize I barely got into the groove of things I had to deal with moving into my own apartment getting situated and still getting internet and ugh adulting in general. Plus work did a good job at keeping me busy, but now that I have been slowly getting out of my writing funk I’ll be posting a bit more often! So, for those of you that actually stuck around then I appreciate it, and I thank you a billion times. You guys have no idea how much you guys mean to me. Anyways, I struggled with these past few episodes because honestly I had no idea what the hell I was gonna do with Adelyn, but here’s what I came up with. Tomorrow is the end guys. I’m ready, but not really. This finale better be worth it. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed, as always I apologize for any overlooked mistakes, and most of all happy reading!)
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feelingdylano · 7 years ago
Until the End (Stiles Romance Sequel) ~Chapter 3~
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“Brett and Lori were murdered,” Scott began, placing the sensor down on the table as we stood in the middle of Argent’s bunker after I had filled them in on what I had witnessed. “Killed by the new hunter in Beacon Hills. And when he took out the new hellhound, we thought that it was luck. That we were dealing with an amateur. But now we know that whoever this new hunter is, he has a teacher.”
“Gerard,” Argent sighed, keeping his arms crossed. “Which means this is my fault. I’m the one that let him go.”
“You couldn’t have done anything,” Lydia disagreed at my side.
“He could have killed him,” Malia quickly interjected. I pursed my lips as I turned to Argent who merely nodded. “Just saying.”
“We’re not executioners,” Lydia rolled her eyes.
“You are when it comes to war,” Malia added.
“That’s why we’re going to make peace,” Scott shook his head.
“With Gerard?” I asked, raising a brow as I crossed my arms.
“Seriously?” Lydia added at my side.
“Adelyn,” Scott turned to me, his eyes flickering between me and my best friend, “Lydia… you both know what’s coming. We all keep using the same word.”
“War,” Argent answered, keeping his gaze lowered.
“So, what stops a war from happening?” Malia asked, stepping forward slightly.
“A peace summit,” I responded, turning to her.
“Right,” Scott nodded. “We meet face-to-face with Gerard. Find out what he wants and then we stop all this before it gets any worse.”
“In case you guys forgot, the last time Gerard was at a peace summit, it did not end very well,” I shook my head. Everyone turned to me with furrowed brows, expecting me to clarify.
“Deucalion,” Lydia finally understood. “Gerard blinded him and then killed everybody else, including his own men.”
I pursed my lips and nodded as I pointed to my best friend. “Exactly.”
“I’ll go,” Argent stepped toward Scott. “I know he’s not going to kill me.”
“You sure about that?” Malia asked.
“Not really,” the hunter sighed.
“All we need is to find out what he wants,” Scott spoke up after a moment of silence, turning back to Argent. “Then we can bargain.”
“Even if he does agree, his terms might be difficult to meet,” the man grimaced.
“Well that’s why it’s a negotiation,” Scott said. “I don’t expect to get anything without giving something up.”
“What if it’s impossible?” I asked, my brows furrowing slightly as I turned to the alpha.
“We’ll figure it out,” Scott turned to me.
“Well, then you’re also gonna have to figure out just how much you’re willing to give, and how far you’re willing to go to stop a war,” Argent finished off before walking out of the bunker.
There was a brief moment of silence as I kept my gaze glued onto the floor, flashbacks of the previous night coming back to the surfaces of my mind.
“I don’t exactly know the who, but I know that the new hunter is not a man,” I finally spoke up, turning my attention back to the alpha. “It’s a woman.”
“Did you see her?” He asked, his brows merging.
“No,” I shook my head. “There was too much going on, but at least we know it’s a woman.”
There was a sudden ding before Scott looked down and pulled out his phone. He read over the message before his brows furrowed.
“What is it?” Malia asked.
“You were right,” Scott breathed out as his eyes landed back on me. “And I know who it is.”
“Tamora Monroe,” he responded, turning his phone screen to show us the message he had received from Liam. At my side, Lydia made a noise, causing us to turn to her.
“What?” I asked, taking in her expression.
“I know exactly who that is,” she said, pursing her own lips.
Both Lydia and I stood back, casually waiting in her mom’s office before we heard footsteps approaching.
“You wanted to see me?” A woman asked. I turned to Lydia and nodded as I recognized her voice.
“Sorry,” she quickly apologized as she entered the office and came to a sudden halt. “I must be in the wrong place.” My sights fell back on her as I analyzed her every feature. Tamora Monroe was slim, but merely a few inches taller than us. Her raven colored hair was naturally curly and neatly pushed out of her face. She had beautiful dark brown eyes that paired well with her skin. And by her expression, I could tell she had been caught off guard, not expecting to find us standing in the principal’s office.
“Someone said Ms. Martin was looking for me,” she finished.
“Oh, it’s the right place,” Lydia smiled with a nod. “Wrong Ms. Martin.”
“I know who you are, Lydia,” Monroe said, her eyes finally flickering onto me. “I know the both of you actually. Lydia Martin and Adelyn Rodriguez.”
“Well, I wish I could say it’s a pleasure to meet you, but we’re only here to talk,” I spoke through a grimaced smile while crossing my arms.
“Talk about what?” the woman asked.
Lydia took in a deep breath before lifting herself away from her mother’s desk and walked toward the door.
“Coexistence,” she stated with a smile once it was shut.
“Coexistence?” Monroe asked.
“For people like you,” Lydia began.
“And people like us,” I added.
“That’s a bit of a challenge,” Monroe’s gaze squinted slightly as she cocked her head. “Especially, considering people like you guys aren’t quite the same as people like me.”
“That’s usually where coexistence breaks down,” Lydia chuckled. “When we highlight our differences.”
“What is that you guys really want?” Monroe asked, her brows furrowing slightly.
“A peace summit,” I answered for Lydia.
“We asked Gerard and he refused,” my best friend added for me.
“Then you got your answer,” Monroe shrugged, seeming indifferent about the whole thing.
“Which is why we’re asking you to convince him too meet,” I sighed.
“What if you’re the only one that can stop this?” Lydia added.
“What if I don’t want to?” Monroe asked, squinting her gaze once again. My own brows furrowed this time as I felt a twinge of anger strike me at her comment.
“Oh,” Lydia sighed as she shook her head, “you didn’t become a guidance counselor to hunt people. You’re supposed to help them.”
“I’m sorry,” Monroe shook her head, a small smirk crossing her lips. “I can’t help with this.”
I quickly reached out for her as she tried to walk out, gripping her wrist and keeping her put.
“Is that how you trigger your visions?” Monroe asked, keeping her back to me. “You have to touch someone or something?”
“No,” I responded. “There’s no way for me to trigger it.”
“Then how do you know?” she asked quietly.
“Know what?” I asked, my brows furrowing once again as I finally dropped my hold on her.
“What’s going to happen?” Monroe turned to face Lydia this time. “How do you know who’s going to die next?”
“There doesn’t have to be a next,” Lydia’s expression hardened. “On either side. Please. Meet with him.”
“Who? Scott McCall?”
We both nodded in response as I pulled back and crossed my arms. Monroe took in a deep breath as she turned her attention to me.
“Fine,” there was a pause. “On a few conditions.”
“What is it?” Lydia asked.
“Personally, I’m more interested in the Guardian of Beacon Hills,” she smirked. “You and Scott. Nobody else. And I’ll see what I can do about Gerard.”
I stood around Scott’s kitchen, waiting for him while Malia continued her attempt to stop him from going to the meeting.
“It’s a trap,” I could vaguely hear her say.
“She said that she would meet to talk,” Scott sighed.
“Meeting alone in the middle of the tunnels with a werewolf hunter?” Malia continued. “It’s a trap!”
“He’s not going alone,” I shook my head as they finally reached the kitchen. “He’ll have me.”
“Well, I still think it’s a bad idea,” Malia grumbled.
“Well, what do you want us to do?” Scott asked, turning to the werecoyote.
“Don’t go,” she grimaced.
“Gerard is recruiting new hunters and he’s murdering our friends and he’s not going to stop unless we convince him that we’re not his enemy,” Scott sighed.
“What happens if you can’t?” Malia asked. “You’re both going to get yourselves killed!”
“I’m pretty sure we can handle ourselves,” I said.
“Malia, it’s going to be okay,” Scott almost chuckled.
“You don’t understand,” she shook her head, keeping her gaze on the alpha. “We need you.”
“If I didn’t think you guys could beat him without me—”
“That’s not what I mean,” she cut him off. Scott looked up, his own brows merging as I looked between the two.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“I mean…” she dragged on, looking away from him before rolling her eyes. “You know what I mean!”
“I’m kinda getting confused,” Scott said, raising a brow.
“I think I know what she means,” I muttered, trying to fight back my smile as Malia turned to me with wide eyes.
“Malia,” Scott sighed, stepping closer to her. “All we need to do is get Monroe to trust us. She agreed to this peace summit and we have to go. Just me and Adelyn. That’s what she agreed to.” With that we both turned our backs to Malia and made our way out.
The sound of my heels tapping against the pavement of the tunnels was the only sound as both Scott and I walked in silence, almost as if preparing ourselves for the worst. Turning the final corner, my stomach dropped and I could feel Scott tense up at my side as we took notice of what stood on the other side.
“I thought were here to talk peace,” Scott finally spoke up, stepping toward Monroe and the two hunters that stood behind her.
“I agreed to come,” she responded, “I never agreed on peace.”
There was a sudden crash and we both turned to find another hunter inching his way closer with an electric rod in hand. My brows furrowed as I looked up to Scott. Malia was right.
“If you brought them, I guess Gerard is here too, isn’t he?” Scott asked, while the hunters stepped a little closer and met us in the middle.
“Right here, Scott,” the old man spoke out, finally stepping out of the shadows.
“Whatever he’s old you, there’s another side of the story,” Scott said, looking down to Monroe.
“Isn’t there always?” she asked, a small smirk crossing her lips.
“What were you hoping for, Scott?” Gerard asked, finally meeting in the middle with us.
“I was hoping to talk to someone reasonable,” the alpha sighed, turning his attention to the guidance counselor. “Trust me, he’s not the kind of person that you want to follow. He’s gonna lead you off a cliff.”
“Follow me?” Gerard scoffed. “No one here is following me, Scott. I’m merely an adviser.”
“That’s total and complete bull—”
“This is because of you?” Scott cut me off as he turned his attention to Monroe. My jaw clenched as I took in a deep breath in attempt to calm my anger.
“That’s right,” she smiled. “You two are negotiating with me.”
“Fine,” I breathed out. “How do we settle this?”
“What do you want?” Scott asked.
“I want to see a werewolf and nephilim beg for peace,” she stated, looking to us as her smile faded.
“Okay,” Scott shrugged. “Okay. I’ll beg. I—I’ll do whatever you want. Just tell me that we don’t have to kill each other. That we can find a way to make peace”
Her expression hardened in displeasure.
“That wasn’t quite what I was hoping for.”
“Then what were you hoping for?” I asked, my brows furrowing as I stepped toward her. Scott held out an arm as he pushed me back. “People are dying—”
“They’ve been dying,” Monroe cut me off, her brows merging in anger. “You guys only care now because it’s your people.”
“You have to want something other than seeing us all dead,” Scott interjected, shaking his head. “What if we leave Beacon Hills? All of us.”
“If you leave, we’ll follow you,” Monroe shook her head. “We’ll hunt you down until every single one of you is gone.”
“Some of us have actually been protecting you,” Scott’s expression hardened this time, trying his hardest to not let his anger get the best of him.
“Don’t listen to him,” Gerard scoffed. “He wants you to be afraid.”
“That’s not what we want,” I said, turning from the old man to the woman that stood before us.
“But you shouldn’t be afraid of us,” Scott added.
“We protect everyone,” I breathed out, finally calming down as I kept my attention on Monroe. “We protect Beacon Hills. Humans and supernaturals alike. It’s our job.”
“Well, you guys have been doing a pretty terrible job,” she scoffed.
“Regardless, we protect people,” Scott shook his head. “People like you.”
“People like me?” she sneered. “You don’t know ANYTHING about people like me.”
“So help us understand,” Scott quickly added. “Tell me what made you hate us so much.”
“I don’t think you want to press that button, Scott,” Gerard warned at Monroe’s side.
“Something happened to you, didn’t it?” I asked softly.
“Something bad,” Scott finished for me.
“Bad doesn’t even come close,” Monroe shook her head. “There was a faculty meeting that ran late one night. We were complaining about the new course rubric. I thought that was the worst thing I’d have to deal with that year. I was wrong.”
I pressed my lips together as I took in her following words, almost as if I were able to relive the memory through her eyes.
“We all heard it,” she continued, shuddering in fear. “The sound coming out of the shadows. ‘Probably an animal,’ they said. But not like anything I’d ever heard. When it moved, it moved faster than anything I’d ever seen. I saw teeth and claws. Fangs. And then there was blood everywhere. I couldn’t believe I was still alive.”
“If one of us had been there—”
“You were there,” she cut the alpha off. “You, Adelyn, and the deputy. Don’t you remember?”
“You were on the bus,” I gasped.
“Did you guys even think to check if anyone was still alive?” Monroe asked, her expression twisting into anger once again.
“We didn’t know,” Scott shook his head.
“You didn’t care,” she disagreed. “How many people had to die so you could keep your secret? So you and your friends could carry on as if nothing ever happened. I was there. Lying under those bodies. Hiding and waiting for someone to finally find me.” Her brows merged as she shook her head, reaching for her holster. “You two shouldn’t have come alone.”
“They didn’t!” Malia suddenly called out before the hunter behind us flew back, hitting the wall with a grunt. I sighed in relief as both our friends stepped out and turned to face Monroe. Malia and Lydia had come to the rescue.
There was click and we all quickly turned to find Monroe aiming her gun right at us.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Scott held out his arms before him. “We did not come here to fight.”
“Well, then you came here to die!” Gerard raised his voice. At Scott’s side, Malia growled.
“We’re trying to protect you,” she muttered through gritted teeth.
“You might wanna control your beta, Scott,” the old hunter advised. “She could get you all killed.”
“I don’t blame her for being angry,” I spoke up. “But we’re not the enemy. There’s something bigger at play here. We don’t know what it is yet, but we’re trying to figure it out so we can better help you!”
“Really? Something worse than supernatural cannibals? Yeah, I know everything now. Wendigos, Oni, werecoyotes. People being murdered as human sacrifices?” Monroe continued, not bothering to drop her aim.
“We tried to stop those,” Scott added.
“And how many people lost their lives while you were trying?” The woman shouted.
“Too many,” the alpha responded.
“It was twelve!” She nodded her head toward the nearest hunter. “His son was one of them. His throat was cut and his head bashed in.” She motioned to another. “His brother was a deputy. Gutted and torn apart. The official report read, ‘Animal Attack.’”
“There’s nothing we can do to change that,” I said, holding my own hands up as she shuffled a little and gripped at the trigger. “But we can try to work together so that we don’t have to lose any more people. Nobody has to die—”
“You’re wrong about that,” Monroe shook her head.
My whole body suddenly tensed as I felt my eyes glimmer for a second. An overwhelming fear started to creep up on me and my attention was brought up to the flickering dim lights. Something was wrong.
“It’s here,” I muttered as Lydia turned to me, taking notice of my glowing eyes.
“And it’s amplifying their fear,” she said, turning to the hunters and taking in their fearful expressions.
“You’ve all lost somebody and you want to get revenge, I get that,” Scott spoke up, “But just listen to me. Something escaped the Wild Hunt.”
“Scott!” Lydia shrieked.
My eyes widened as I caught sight of it standing just inches behind one of the hunters.
“It’s here!” I shouted before the lights completely shut off.
“Get down!” Scott cried out the moment the armed hunters started to shoot frantically. Everybody ducked down, while I grabbed a hold of Monroe and pushed her down before one of her own men shot her.
“Stop!” Monroe demanded. “Stop shooting!”
I dropped my hold on the woman before crawling my way over to Scott and Lydia.
“We have to do something!”
“That thing is making them panic,” the alpha panted.
“We need to get out, NOW!” I shouted over the loud gunfire.
“I see it!” Malia cried out before growling and running up to the faceless body.
“No! Malia, don’t!” I protested as she swung with full force. However, before she could even make contact with it, the body disappeared into thin air. Scott quickly picked himself up and reached for Malia, while I helped Lydia up. We all ran for a moment before pressing our backs up against a safe spot and attempted to catch our breath. Scott peeked his head out through the corner as the gunfire died down. However, the moment he did that, shots were fired. I quickly reached for his shirt and yanked him back.
“What are we supposed to do now?” Malia panicked.
There was a loud crash before our attention was brought up to the opening from above.
“What is that?” Scott asked.
“Backup,” Lydia breathed out a smile as a flare dropped down before Parrish jumped in. His eyes glowed a brilliant orange before he stood himself up and marched his way toward the hunters. We all peeked our heads as we watched him push the first hunter against the wall, instantly knocking him out.
My own eyes widened as Parrish managed to grab hold of the body by its throat, raising it off its feet before pulling the flare up. He parted his lips and let out a scream in both determination in fear as he pointed the flare to his body and pressed the flame against him, instantly igniting himself and the creature. I quickly turned back as I created a shield just in time to block the explosion.
The moment everything fell silent, I dropped the barrier and looked up to notice the lights finally turn back on. We all quickly made our way over to Parrish, who had managed to fall onto the ground. Scott reached out for the deputy while Lydia helped him up.
“They didn’t come here to negotiate,” Malia finally spoke up as we gathered around the alpha. “You guys did everything you could.” My eyes flickered down to the burnt-up body. Had that really worked?
“No,” Scott shook his head as I turned back to him. “Not everything. Not yet.”
We all seemed to sigh heavily the moment we reached Scott’s house. Entering his kitchen, my body seemed to jolt to a stop as I took notice of the unexpected guest standing around.
“Scott,” she panted. “Scott McCall—”
“Wait, wait!” Scott quickly flung himself and caught the injured girl before she would collapse. “Sit down.”
“Who is she?” Lydia asked at my side.
“A werewolf,” I responded, feeling my brows furrow slightly. The girl nodded in response.
“Who did this to you?” Malia asked. “A hunter?”
“A deputy,” she shook her head.
“They’ve got a deputy?” Lydia huffed out in surprise.
“No,” I grimaced, turning to my best friend for a second before landing my sights on Scott.
“They’ve got everyone,” he finished for me.
Chapter 2 / Chapter 4
(A/N: Oh my good lord. So I went to watch American Assassin today and UNF is Dylan O’Brien brilliant or what? Such a good movie. Such amazing acting skills. Anyways, I do wanna give you guys a heads up that these next few chapters are probably gonna suck because we don’t get Stiles until the very end, but I am trying to work with what I’m getting guys. I’m so sorry. Who’s ready for the season finale? I know I am! But not really. Aye. Once again, words cannot describe how grateful I am to those of you that have stuck around with me since the beginning. You guys are the absolute best. And I have nothing but love for everyone that has ever read Adelyn’s journey. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed, sorry for any overlooked mistakes, and as always, happy reading!)
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feelingdylano · 8 years ago
The Other Side (Stiles Romance Sequel) ~Final~
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I stood somberly by the board, my eyes glued onto the maroon tint scrapping off the edges. A sudden breeze blew by and my attention lowered itself onto a small ticket that made its way toward my feet.
“Stiles,” a voice suddenly echoed into the train station. My brows furrowed slightly as I turned around. “Stiles,” they called out again. “Stiles.”
“Adelyn?” I asked, finally recognizing who it was. Before I could even take another step toward the source, the feedback from the intercom caused me to halt.
“Attention all passengers,” the voice began. “The train will be arriving in twenty-five minutes.”
“Adelyn?!” I panicked as the hordes of people began jumping from their seats and making their way toward the tunnel.
“Stiles,” her voice called out again. “Breathe.”
“Adelyn!” I cried out, attempting to push my way through the crowd.
“Stiles, look at me… Stiles!”
“Adelyn! WAIT—”
There was a sudden gunshot and everybody broke apart, backing away before turning to the source. My whole body froze as my eyes landed on a familiar face.
“Give the boy some room,” The sheriff’s voice boomed sternly as he lowered the gun from the air.
“Dad?” I called out, being unable to believe it as I stepped toward him. “Dad?!”
His eyes glistened as his lips parted into a wide grin the minute we both closed the space between us and embraced one another.
“Oh, I found you,” he breathed out as I patted his back through the hug. We both chuckled as he gripped the back of my neck and sniffled the minute we pulled away from one another. “I can’t believe I found you.”
“Dad,” I began, my brows scrunching as I raised a finger. “I can hear Adelyn. I think… I think I can get to her. I think she can get us out of here.”
There was a sudden green flash and the usual echoes of braying horses made its way into the train station. My dad turned to back to me as he lowered a hand to my shoulder.
“You need to get out of here,” he began, his expression becoming serious as he stepped away from me and toward the incoming Ghost Riders. “Don’t worry about me.”
“What? You’re kidding, right?” I asked, attempting to step toward him. However, he turned back and stopped me in my tracks.
“Go,” he raised a hand. “Get help. Find your friends.”
“Yeah, and what about you?” I asked as he tried to run off yet again. My dad stopped before turning back to me with a smile.
“We’ll find each other again,” he muttered before turning away from me and stepping toward the tunnel.
“Stiles!” He cut me off, turning back once again. “I’ll hold them back. Now get the hell out of here.” He motioned me away. “Go! Go!”
Taking a deep breath, I pursed my lips grudgingly before pushing my way past the others and toward the train tracks. Jumping down, I huffed as I continued to press on. I had to get to Adelyn. I had to find her.
Picking up my speed, I felt my heart beat pumping hard against my chest with what I could only describe as excitement. However, before I could get any further, I was pushed back by a sudden force. Raising my hands, I shielded myself away from a blinding light that managed to appear out of thin air.
“When I kissed you for the first time,” Adelyn’s voice suddenly echoed from the other side. I breathed out as I kept my gaze glued onto the newly formed rift. Taking a deep breath, I pushed my feet forward in an attempt to get closer. “When I kissed you…”
My body struggled against the current as it tried to push me back.
“That’s when I knew,” Adelyn finished off as I began reaching out.
“Stiles, don’t stop!” She suddenly shouted before I shut my eyes and pushed my body through the rift with all my might. “You have to keep going! I can see you, Stiles! Don’t stop!”
I reached out, tears falling from my eyes as my lips curved in relief. Stiles was close, I could feel it.
However, my heart came crashing as the blinding light suddenly faded and before us was nothing but an empty tunnel.
“Stiles?” I breathed out, my smile fading.
“Adelyn?” Lydia called out from behind.
“No,” I shook my head. “Where’s Stiles?”
“He isn’t here,” she shook her head as I turned to her.
“But it was working,” I almost whimpered, my eyes flickering over to Scott and Malia. “You—you saw it, right?”
“We didn’t see anything,” Malia responded, her expression falling in sympathy.
“I’m sorry,” Scott apologized.
“No,” I shook my head, turning back to the tunnel. “Stiles was here. I know he was.”
           In the far distance, in the middle of the empty school parking lot, laid the same familiar blue jeep. It’s lights flashed as it roared to life, the familiar freckled boy gasped as he reached for the steering wheel with both hands. He huffed as he sat up and looked all around. He was back.
I hugged myself as Lydia and Malia finally pulled the blanket away from me and helped me back into my shirt. Scott followed closely behind as the two girls led me back into the safety of the bunker. The door was halfway shut when a sudden thump caused all of us to turn back.
“Liam,” we all gasped.
“There’s something you need to see,” he panted as he looked up to Scott.
“You’re still here,” the alpha almost sighed in relief, his eyes softening.
“But everyone else is gone,” Liam continued. “All of them. They’re all gone. You have to come with me.”
“What? What is it?” Scott asked, his expression becoming anxious.
“I—I can’t explain it,” Liam stuttered. “I have to show you.”
Scott quickly turned back toward us, his worried eyes landing on me.
“Alright, you guys stay here, just in case—”
“In case Stiles comes back?” Malia asked.
“If there’s any hope, you need to keep trying,” Scott nodded. I shook my head as I stepped toward the alpha.
“I’m coming with you,” I muttered. “Don’t argue with me. Because you know damn well why.”
“Oh—okay,” Scott gulped slightly as he took in my expression before nodding and pushing the door further open for me.
My eyes remained glued to the floor as I carefully stepped over the train tracks that laid out in the middle of the hospital.
“This is happening everywhere?” Scott asked as he kept his place at my side, seeming equally as confused.
“Here, the school, lacrosse field,” Liam nodded as the three of us continued to walk through the tracks.
“What does it mean?” I asked, my brows furrowing as I finally looked up to the beta.
“It means,” a familiar voice began. We all froze as we turned back in time to see Mr. Douglas smirk. “It’s working.”
His eyes began their creepy, green glow as he bared his fangs and snarled at us. Scott and Liam stepped forward as they growled and bared their own teeth and claws. My eyes started their glow as I felt the angel blade manifest itself at my hand.
“He can’t take on the three of us,” Liam huffed.
“No way,” Scott agreed.
“Hollenhund!” Mr. Douglas called out.
Our bodies tensed as we heard a deep growl coming from behind.
“Parrish,” Scott called out as the hellhound stepped toward us. “Parrish, you don’t want to do this just STOP!”
“The train is coming,” Mr. Douglas mocked as he stepped toward us as well. “There’s no stopping the Wild Hunt.” My eyes flickered back as I gripped at my sword.
“Not if I have something to do about it,” I grumbled. Mr. Douglas stopped as his smirk only deepened.
“You’ll make a fine Ghost Rider, Adelyn,” he continued. “You too, Scott. I’ll finally have a nephilim and a true alpha by my side.”
“Parrish, stop!” Scott cried out as he kept his attention on the hellhound, but he simply roared.
“I won’t let you do this,” I said, stepping toward him, my grip only tightening as the white aura formed around my body.
“But you already have,” Mr. Douglas hummed as he stopped just a few inches away from me. “The Wild Hunt belongs to me. Not you. And why is that?”
I gasped as his hand quickly reached out for my neck and wrist. A scream ripped through my lips as he pushed my hand back and cracked the bones under my skin, causing me to drop hold of my only weapon. I struggled against his grip as he slowly began lifting me from the ground.
“Adelyn!” Both Scott and Liam cried out, attempting to run to my aid, but being pulled back by Parrish.
“Oh, that’s right, because you were too busy chasing after your stupid little teenage love,” he lowered his voice. “Augustus overestimated you. You could never beat me. You don’t have the drive or power for it. You’re just a tiny, insignificant little girl. Not even worthy of being called a Guardian. You couldn’t even protect the one person that meant the most to you. And all thanks to you, I’ll be able to have a true alpha, a banshee, and a werecoyote—”
“And a Stiles?” a voice suddenly interceded.
“A what?” Mr. Douglas turned as my eyes widened. There was a loud bang and grunt before I fell onto the floor gasping for air as Mr. Douglas was knocked down by a baseball bat.
“Bad guy, right? I didn’t misread that?” Stiles asked as he looked to all of us. My body froze as I looked to him.
“Oh, God—” He panicked and tried to back away as Mr. Douglas picked himself back up with a growl, taking me up in his hands as he did.
My eyes started their glow as my hand healed instantly and I managed to grip at his arm with quick agility before twisting myself and gaining the upper hand. Mr. Douglas’ eyes grew wide as he turned to me the minute I smirked and pulled him down with all my strength while I raised a knee up to his face. He grunted in pain, his hands flying up to his face before I pulled my arm back and punched his throat. I quickly turned back as Parrish growled in displeasure, finally dropping his hold on the werewolves and marching his way toward me. Smirking, I took advantage of it as I brought a hand before me and raised the hellhound in midair with one swift movement before flinging his flaming body against Mr. Douglas.
There was a moment of silence as everyone stared in shock.
“That was… Badass!” Liam cheered.
“Oh,” Scott breathed out happily as he rushed his way over to his best friend. My whole body froze as I realized what had actually happened. Stiles was back.
“Whoa, man!” Scott continued as the two reunited with an embrace like no other. “It’s so good to see you.”
“Liam, it’s so good to see you too!” Stiles huffed as he threw himself onto the beta.
“It’s good to see you too, Stiles, but uh—” He cut himself off as Stiles pulled away and the beta simply smiled awkwardly before nodding in my direction.
Stiles finally turned to me, our eyes locking as we both froze. Everything seemed to stop as I stared at my long-lost boyfriend, my breath caught as my heart jolted for joy at the mere sight of him. He really and truly was back. It wasn’t just a dream. He was finally back. Tears brimmed at my eyes as we both quickly took a step forward, attempting to push our way toward one another, both longing for our much-anticipated reunion since the night he was taken. However, before we could even meet in the middle, I was suddenly pulled back by something gripping at my wrist. I gasped and turned back as I felt the slight tug before my eyes landed back on Mr. Douglas, who only held onto the all too familiar whip.
“Not so fast,” he snarled, his eyes glowing a brilliant green. My eyes widened as I turned back to Stiles, who’s face drained of color and his expression became frightened while he tried to step toward me.
“No!” He suddenly exclaimed before my whole body was tugged back and vanished in a cloud of green smoke.
I grunted in pain as my body collapsed against the school lockers before sliding down to the floor on my side.
“Dammit,” I cursed under my breath as I rubbed my lower back and picked myself up.
“ADELYN!” I cried out as her whole body vanished in a cloud of green smoke before I could even reach her. My expression hardened as I tried to march toward the new teacher. “What did you do to her?!” I demanded, the anger in me boiling as my whole body shook. Scott and Liam reached out for me and held me back as I tried to throw myself at him. Mr. Douglas just smirked and walked away as the hellhound took his place, his whole body burning in a bright orange and green flames.
“Dammit!” I cursed as I turned to Scott, who stared back. “We need to find, Adelyn.”
“How?” Scott asked, his own eyes panicking. “We don’t even know where he took her. For all we know she could be back where you were.”
“No, she’s somewhere close, okay?” I shook my head as I held out a hand in front of me. “I know it. She wasn’t taken.”
“How do you know?” Scott asked, his brows merging.
“I can feel it,” I muttered.
“Uh, guys?” Liam called out as his eyes widened at our side.
“What, Liam?” I asked in annoyance as I turned to the beta.
“We should go,” Scott spoke up, his eyes landing on what Liam was staring at. My brows furrowed as my best friend finally turned me around so I could finally see what they were talking about while Liam began backing away.
“Uh, okay. Yeah—yeah, we should go!” I stammered, turning and attempting to run the other direction as Parrish growled and manage to release a rather large ball of fire. “Go, go, go!”
“I can’t believe I’m gone a couple of days and the whole place falls apart,” I grumbled as I ran into a room and began rummaging through it.
“No, you were gone for three months,” Scott panted as they finally caught up. I stumbled out of the room as my brows merged in disbelief.
“I was—what?” I asked before shaking my head and rushing into the other room. “Okay, if they don’t let me graduate, I swear to God—”
“What are you looking for?” Liam asked as he watched me rummage through the other room.
“AHA!” I cried out victoriously as I grabbed the silver tank and slammed it in the middle of the hallway. “This!”
There was a growl as Parrish found his way and began marching toward us.
“And him,” I nodded up to the hellhound as I kept my grip on the silver tank and nozzle. “Grab him.”
Both Scott and Liam turned to one another hesitantly.
“Grab him,” I repeated as I motioned toward Parrish. “Now!”
Both werewolves nodded and stepped toward the hellhound, each grabbing one side before pinning him against the nearest wall. I took my chance and lifted the silver tank and nozzle before releasing the nitrogen liquid freely over his flaming body. I made a face as I watched the deputy finally gain back control and his body collapse onto the ground.
At Parrish’s side, Liam dropped his hold on the deputy before spinning around frantically as he patted his hands against his chest and torso while squealing in panic.
“Liam, you’re fine,” I spoke up, my brows furrowing as I kept my eyes on the beta.
“God, that doesn’t feel good, you know?” he whimpered as he looked up to me.
“Stiles?” Parrish suddenly panted as he looked up to me from the ground, his expression almost relieved but puzzled. “What are you doing here?”
“Buddy, love you, but we’re way past that, okay? You gotta fill us in,” I forced a smile. “We need to know where Douglas took Adelyn.”
“I—I don’t know,” he stammered.
“Helpful,” I huffed sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.
“Can you tell us what’s going on?” Scott stepped in as him and Liam helped Parrish up. “What’s all of this?” He motioned toward the train tracks.
“Douglas,” he grunted in pain. “He’s merging the worlds so the Ghost Riders can cross over.”
“Yeah, he wants his supernatural army in our world,” Liam nodded.
“How do we stop him?” Scott asked, his expression hardening.
“The train,” Parrish answered, turning to the alpha for a second before setting his eyes on the boards. “It’s coming.”
“Okay, and how do we stop that?” Scott asked in slight panic as he looked up to the boards.
“You can’t stop it,” Parrish shook his head. “But you can divert it.”
“How the hell do you merge worlds, okay?” I burst with the question as we made our way toward the school. “Nowhere in the manual does it say that werewolves can do that. And Scott and I pretty much wrote the manual!” I continued as I motioned between me and my best friend.
“We can’t even move between them. I mean, look what it took to break you out,” Scott agreed as he shook his head. We both turned back toward the awfully quiet beta before coming to a stop.
“We can’t move between worlds,” he began. “But Corey can. He can exist in both worlds.”
My brows merged as I stared at him.
“And he can take people with him,” Scott muttered, finally understanding.
“Yeah, at Scott’s house, he pulled a Ghost Rider into our world,” Liam nodded as he looked up to the both of us.
“And at the lacrosse game, he brought us into theirs,” Scott continued as I placed my hands on my hips.
“What if that’s how Douglas is doing it? What if Corey’s the key?” Liam asked.
“Interesting theory, okay?” I began as I raised my brows and motioned toward him. “Solid logic. It is, but he’s in there and we’re out here. So, the only way to save everyone now is to just divert the train and find Adelyn.” I paused as I looked to both Scott and Liam. “I mean, I heard what Douglas was talking about, okay? If she’s really the one who’s supposed to lead the Wild Hunt, then maybe we can get her to make them listen. Send them away, or something. We need to find her.”
“We have to find Corey,” Liam continued as he shook his head.
“Okay, but how?” I asked staring at him for a moment before turning to Scott.
“I’m going into the Hunt,” he announced as I turned back to him.
“No, no, no, Liam,” I shook my head as I held out my hands and stepped toward the beta. “I think you’re confused. We’re trying to get people out of the Hunt.”
“He can get take by a Ghost Rider,” Scott muttered as he turned to me.
“It’s just—that’s not a pleasant option,” I shook my head as I turned to the alpha. “I’m just speaking from experience.”
“I—I don’t need to get taken to get into the Hunt,” Liam stammered, finally looking up at us with bright eyes, which could only mean one thing.
“Okay, seems like you got an idea, let’s discuss—”
I cut myself off as I watched the beta suddenly take off.
“Where are you going?!” I cried out, holding my hands out in a questioning manner.
“I’ll be back!” He shouted.
“Were we like that?” I asked, my brows furrowing slightly as I turned to Scott. He took in a deep breath as he pursed his lips and turned to me.
“Worse,” he nodded. I took in a deep breath and sighed heavily. “Parrish said to follow the tracks.
“Yeah, well, those lead into the woods,” I motioned in front of us before turning back to the school. “And this way back into the school.”
“You wanna split up?” Scott sighed.
“Never again,” I shook my head as I patted my best friend’s arm.
“Thank God,” he sighed the minute he began taking the lead.
I grunted as I slammed my hands against the locked double doors of the school hallway. No way out, I thought. Brows furrowing, I turned to my right as I caught onto a faint humming coming from nearby. Pulling myself away from the doors, I began stepping cautiously toward the source. As I turned the corner, however, a gasp ripped through my chest as I came to a screeching halt just inches away from a newly formed rift that began solidifying. My eyes flickered around the many unfamiliar faces seated in the middle of a train station.
“The worlds are merging,” I muttered more to myself. There was a moment of silence before a dark figure suddenly stepped its way in front of me. My eyes widened as I realized it was a Ghost Rider just on the other side of the rift. His ghostly eyes glued onto me for a moment, as he tried to reach out, but being stopped by the usual rift rebound. I sighed in relief. The worlds were still not completely merged and he was unable to get through. There was a loud crash as thunder roared through the night sky and practically shook the whole school. I jumped back in fear as my eyes flickered up to the ceiling, part of me half-expecting it to collapse from the tremor. There was a click before I quickly looked back down, my frightened gaze landing on the rift as I realized what was happening. The two worlds were finally merged and by the looks of it, that’s exactly what the Ghost Rider was waiting for as he stepped forward, his body easily pushing through. I stepped back, attempting to turn and run the opposite direction, however, I grunted as my body collapsed against something cold. Quickly looking back up, I gulped as I was stopped by another Ghost Rider, one who had managed to sneak up behind me.
“Ah, hell,” I breathed out as he attempted to reach out for me. Ducking down, I launched my arms and body forward as I pushed him out of my way and maneuvered past him. Turning back for a split second, I pushed my legs to go on faster as I watched them start the chase.
Both Scott and I slowed down as we reached the train track laid out in the middle of the woods. I had barely managed to sigh out in relief when Scott quickly hid behind a tree and pulled me with him.
“Why are we stopping?” I asked in annoyance as I turned to my best friend. He kept his eyes glued onto the diverter set out in the middle of a cross section.
“It’s there,” he nodded toward the lever. I turned back and set my sights on it. “It can’t be this easy—”
“Yes, it can, Scott,” I cut him off as I turned back to the alpha. “It can be this easy. For once, let’s do easy!” I finished off as I pushed my way past the tree and toward the diverter.
“Okay,” Scott nodded as he followed.
I licked my lips and smiled in victory as I began reaching out for the diverter, however, I was instantly stopped by a sudden tug at my wrist.
“Oh, God,” I huffed as I tried to pull at my wrist, still trying to fight against the leather tied around my arm. There was another forceful tug before I fell back and grunted in pain. “Or not,” I grumbled. There was another tug and I shut my eyes as my body finally vanished in a cloud of green smoke.
My whole stomach whirled with oncoming nausea as my body flew and slammed against lockers before ultimately sliding down on my side with a groan.
“Nope,” I panted as I struggled to get back up. “Not easy at all.”
Picking myself back up, I quickly rushed my way out in an attempt to find something or someone that could possibly help.
“STILES!” I heard Scott cry out as I turned the corner and picked up my speed. The boy suddenly cried out as we nearly ran into one another.
“Are you okay?” He finally asked as he reached for me.
“I think so,” I breathed out, pointing behind me. “Finally saw the girl’s locker room. It’s not that different, it’s kind of disappointing.”
“What just happened?” Scott asked as we both began picking up speed.
“I don’t know,” I shook my head as I motioned with my hands. “The worlds—I think they’re collapsing in on each other.”
“Attention all passengers,” A voice began through the school intercom, causing the both of us to look up. “The train will be arriving in eleven minutes.”
“We need to get back to that diverter,” Scott panicked as we both reached the double doors.
“Yeah,” I nodded, kicking at the door before ultimately feeling my body falling back yet again. The usual nausea hit and I knew there was no way we had even made it out.
I ran around the hallway, turning back occasionally to make sure I wasn’t being followed. However, a scream managed to escape my lips as I crashed against a warm body.
“WHOA!” A familiar voice cried out as they suddenly gripped at my arms and turned me around.
“Scott,” I breathed out.
“Adelyn, oh, thank God,” he sighed in relief. “What happened to you?”
“I—I don’t know I was sent here, I’ve been running around the school like a maniac,” I panted. “The worlds I—I think they’re—”
“Merging, yeah, we know,” he nodded as he cut me off. “But we think they’re collapsing in on each other.”
“So, what do we do?” I asked, my brows furrowing. “Where’s Stiles?”
“I don’t know, but we have to stop the train,” he panted. Both our bodies froze as a familiar screech made its way into the hallway. Turning behind, I felt my stomach drop as I watched one of the Ghost Riders step out. Another screech echoed in from the opposite direction and we both realized we were surrounded.
“You take one, I take the other?” I breathed out, feeling my eyes start up their glow as the angel blade finally manifested at my palm. Scott growled softly as he twisted his neck and bared his fangs in response.
Without any further hesitation, the fight broke out. Gun shots were fired but missed as I threw myself against the wall, while Scott managed to flip himself out of reach. Raising a hand, I set my sights on the metallic gun before swiftly moving my hand through the air and managing to toss it away from the Ghost Rider’s range. This only seemed to displease him as he pulled out his whip and managed to wrap it around my ankle. I grunted in pain as he tugged forcefully and began pulling me closer to him. However, the minute I was within reach, I raised my leg and kicked him away before picking myself back up and turning my attention to the other Ghost Rider as Scott struggled against his gun.
“Scott!” I cried out as shots were fired. My eyes widened and a gasp escaped my lips as the Ghost Rider managed to gain the upper hand. He pinned Scott against the wall, pointing his gun right at his face.
“NO!” I exclaimed, feeling my eyes glow furiously as the air around me started to pick up. There was a sudden flash and before I knew it, I appeared just inches away from the Ghost Rider that faced Scott. My hand instinctively launched forward as the angel blade appeared before me. There was a loud screech followed by sudden burst as his whole body blew up in a cloud of green smoke. Scott panted as he looked up at me with wide eyes. Turning back to the remaining Ghost Rider, I felt my eyes glow with even more intensity as I set my sights on him. However, instead of putting up a fight, he simply stepped back in fear.
“He’s afraid of you,” Scott breathed out as he turned to the Ghost Rider. There was a moment of silence as my mind tried to process everything.
“Leave,” I simply stated toward the Ghost Rider.
There was a moment of silence as he bowed his head. Both Scott and I stared intently before he finally vanished within the leaves scattered throughout the empty school hallway.
There was a sudden chill as my eyes returned to their normal shade of grey. Turning back toward Scott, I gripped at my sword tightly before breaking through the silence.
“We need to find Stiles,” I muttered, no longer caring about anything else.
“What about the diverter?”
I pressed my lips together before I turned my back to the alpha and began walking away from him.
“Whoa—where are you going?” He asked.
“To find Stiles,” I simply answered, not bothering to stop.
“Ow!” I grunted in pain as my body collapsed against the usual lockers before rolling myself over onto my side. “Dammit…”
Huffing out, I picked myself back up and made my way toward the door with a groan of frustration. Reaching for the knob, I pulled back and instantly jumped as I caught sight of an unexpected guest. The Ghost Rider screeched as he raised his gun and pointed it straight at my face. Thinking quickly on my feet, I reached out and gripped his wrist, trying to fight back as he fired a shot. However, just when I thought I had the hang of it, I grunted and stumbled back as the Ghost Rider managed to push me away.
“Scott!” I cried out as he raised his gun toward me yet again. “I can’t fight this guy!”
He cocked the trigger and made his aim yet again as he stepped toward me while I continued to back away. I raised my hands up and ducked in panic as he fired another shot toward me. The Ghost Rider took advantage of my vulnerability before rushing toward me and pointing the gun to my face yet again.
“I can’t fight this guy,” I muttered as I straightened myself. He pulled back the hammer to his revolver, preparing himself for the kill. Pursing my lips, I shut my eyes and accepted my fate.
“But I can,” a familiar voice resonated from behind. My eyes flung open as I felt a sudden gust of wind brush against my whole face and body. I watched as the Ghost Rider that once stood before me finally vanished in a familiar cloud of green smoke. A sharp exhale escaped my lips as I took in Adelyn’s presence just a few steps away. She stood there for a moment, her eyes glued down to her angel blade in amazement before finally looking back up as she dropped her hold on her sword.
“It’s really you,” she breathed out as her grey eyes landed on me.
“Yeah, it’s me,” I muttered, feeling my whole expression soften.
“I—I never said it back,” she whispered, tears filling her eyes.
“You don’t have to,” I breathed out as we both stepped toward one another with determination lying behind our eyes. Adelyn quickly reached for me as I reached for her the minute our lips crashed into one another. The moment we both had anticipated from the beginning finally happened. We were reunited once more.
Adelyn pulled away as she tried to catch her breath through the kiss and smiling in delight before I pulled her into my arms and kissed her forehead, breathing in her scent and enjoying her warm embrace. I finally found my way back to her.
Pulling away, I looked down to her.
“So, how about some ‘I missed you like crazy, make up’—”
I cut myself off as Adelyn looked up to me incredulously, puckering my lips slightly.
“Bad timing to ask?”
She raised her brows as I pouted slightly and shrugged.
“I’ll ask some other time.”
I huffed out as I tugged down my shirt and fixed my hair while Stiles pulled up his pants and buttoned them at my side.
“Well, I can honestly say I’ve never done that in the boy’s locker room,” he seemed to smirk. “That one’s going on the books.”
I rolled my eyes as I took his hand and began leading him toward the double doors.
“We’ve gotta get back to Scott,” I pushed on. “We need to find that diverter.”
“Way ahead of ya,” Stiles nodded as he gripped my hand a little tighter.
We had just managed to reach the exit when a loud voice suddenly echoed in.
My eyes grew wide as we turned to the nearest empty hallway.
“Stiles, is that you?” The voice echoed in again.
“Mom?” Stiles called out, his brows merging.
“Stiles, don’t,” I protested as he tried to make his way toward the voice, tugging back his hand slightly.
“But that’s my mom,” he shook his head, keeping his hold on me.
“No, it’s not, it’s the Wild Hunt, they’re trying to trick you,” I muttered, following after him as he made his way toward another open door. “They brought her back, but she’s not real—”
“What do you mean ‘brought her back’?” He asked, his brows merging as he turned to me.
“Stiles?” The voice solidified as we both turned toward the woman that manifested herself at the doorway. I tightened my grip on Stiles as she stepped forward. “I know what you’ve been through.”
I tried to back away, but Stiles kept his place.
“I know how much you love your father,” Claudia continued as she smiled softly.
There was a sudden flash of lightning before her whole face reverted back to its horrifying resemblance to the Ghost Riders.
“But I love him more,” she finished off.
“Stiles,” I called as I tried to pull him back toward me.
“Even from the Hunt, you somehow wormed your way back into his memory,” Claudia shook her head as she stepped toward the boy.
“Yeah, worming is one of my skills,” Stiles responded as he squinted his gaze toward the ghostly image of his mom.
“She’s not real, Stiles,” I shook my head as I looked up to him. “She was conjured from your dad’s pain. He didn’t want to believe he’d lost you. So, in order to fill the void, she was brought back. If he remembers you, she can’t exist.”
“That’s why you have to go,” Claudia smirked before stepping toward Stiles.
I quickly pulled him behind me, stepping between them as she tried to reach for him. A sharp gasp escaped my lips as my body raised, her hand tightening around my throat.
“You were just as bad,” she cocked her head as she kept her ghostly eyes on me as I gripped at her wrists, my throat constricting as I struggled for air under her hold. “I finally had Noah all to myself, but you—you kept prying and prying, trying to get him to remember.”
“Let her go!” Stiles shouted as he reached out for the woman, attempting to push her away from me.
“You shouldn’t treat your mother that way,” she interjected as she quickly reached out for his throat too.
“You’re not my mother,” he struggled.
I gasped for air as she dropped her hold on me causing me to fall on my hands and knees, attempting to catch my breath.
“Stiles,” I panted as I watched her push him back against the wall, her hand tightening around his throat.
“He believes in me,” Claudia continued as Stiles gagged, while I struggled to get back up. “Dreams. So, hard to kill.”
“But not impossible,” a new voice resonated as I looked up to see Mr. Stilinski make his way in and fire a shot toward the woman. My eyes widened as the bullet went straight through.
“Noah,” Claudia shook her head as she smiled softly. “Your bullets can’t hurt me.”
“Fire again,” Lydia panted, running up in front of me.
“Lydia,” I gasped. “Where—”
“Sheriff,” she called out a little louder and cutting me off as he turned to her, “fire again.”
He gave a nod, pulling up his gun and pointing it at the woman. Holding her hands out, I watched as she amplified her scream the moment Mr. Stilinski fired his gun, sending the bullet straight through her heart this time and causing the ghostly image to finally burst into a cloud of green smoke. Stiles gagged and coughed as he fell forward. Quickly running up, I caught him before he could fall to his knees.
There was a loud screech and before I knew it, we all struggled to keep ourselves up under the shaking building.
“The train,” I gasped as I looked up. “It’s coming.”
“Go,” Stiles nodded toward me. “You're faster than me. Go.”
“I don’t want to leave you behind—”
“He’ll be fine with me,” The sheriff smiled as he wrapped an arm around his son’s shoulders. “Save this town, Adelyn. Save everyone.”
I pressed my lips together as I nodded, looking back up as the lightning flashed across the sky. My whole body readied itself as I felt my eyes start up their glow, allowing the angel blade to appear at my hand.
“Here goes nothing,” I muttered, raising the blade above my head before the lightning bolt flashed down, striking the metal and taking me along with it.
“Your little friends are no match for the Wild Hunt!” Douglas shouted. “There are too many of us and too few of you.”
Lightning struck as I managed to appear just before the Nazi werewolf, my body crouched as my eyes continued their glow.
“No,” he gasped and his eyes grew wide as I finally stood up straighter. “Impossible—”
“Enough,” I demanded as the thunder roared over me, the white aura forming around my body and my grip tightened around the hilt of my sword. Every Ghost Rider in sight froze as they all turned to face me, stopping the fight that had broken out between them and the werewolves. I set my glowing eyes on the few standing before me, watching as they stepped back in fear. The blaring sound of the train fast approaching began echoing into the woods.
Malia took advantage of their fear as she quickly turned to the nearest Ghost Rider, managing to grab the whip off him without a struggle before tossing it over to Scott.
“NOW!” I shouted as I raised a hand and shot back Douglas away from the diverter while Scott threw the whip and managed to wrap it around the handle.
“NO!” Mr. Douglas cried out from the ground as the alpha gave one final tug.
From a distance, the tracks managed to change just in time to allow the train to pass, away from Beacon Hills. The ground beneath us shook before it came to a standstill once the train had left.
“You’ve missed your train,” Malia panted through her smirk. Scott threw his head back, allowing a deep growl to escape his lips.
“No!” Douglas cried out, picking himself up and motioning toward the Ghost Riders. “Kill them!”
However, they all ignored him and turned to me, almost as if awaiting a command. Taking a deep breath, I allowed the angle blade to retract and my eyes to return to their normal shade of grey.
“You’re free.”
“What?! What are you doing?!” Douglas demanded as they all nodded and turned away, following the direction in which the train had left.
“NO! I AM YOUR LEADER! YOU BELONG TO ME!” Douglas cried out. The Ghost Riders all seemed to stop in place, turning back to face the rest of us. The man seemed to smirk in delight as he turned to me. “Kill them. All of them.” The army of the dead took a step forward and everyone seemed to tense. However, I remained put while the others prepared themselves to fight.
“It seems you have underestimated me, Adelyn,” Douglas laughed.
“No,” I simply stated as the Ghost Riders turned to face him, encircling him. “You’re the one who underestimated me.” His face drained of color as he began to panic. Everyone stood straighter as they watched in curiosity.
“Riders don’t bow,” Peter smirked.
“The Wild Hunt has no leader,” I spoke up, watching as they grabbed a hold of him, slowly transforming him into a Ghost Rider as well. “Not anymore.”
Thunder started back up again as Douglas gave one last cry before ultimately being taken up by the bolt of lightning. That was the last of the Wild Hunt in Beacon Hills.
After everything was said and done, Beacon Hills returned to its normal pace at life. It was almost as if nothing had ever happened. Nobody was taken, nobody had disappeared, and nobody had ever witnessed the Wild Hunt or the usual supernatural events that occur in this town. Everything was relatively normal for the most part.
“Have a great summer everyone!” The teacher announced as the last school bell rang. I felt my lips curve in delight as every student packed up and the five of us remained in our seats.
“No,” Stiles shook his head.
“To the Seniors, I’ll see you at graduation,” Mr. Jones grinned while Lydia turned to me and squealed in delight.
“No, no, no,” Stiles protested as he looked to all of us. “That’s it? What?”
“Last day ever,” Scott grinned toward his best friend.
“But it just feels, so, anti-climactic,” he frowned.
“Well, there’s still the whole graduation thing,” Lydia added.
“I’ve got to go to summer school, or I can’t do the whole graduation thing,” Malia shrugged.
“But other than that, this is it,” I smiled as I looked around and shrugged toward my boyfriend.
“Let’s do it!” Scott pointed toward us as he packed up and headed for the door with the rest of the crew. I kept my seated position next to my boyfriend as I rested my chin on my hand and kept my eyes glued onto him.
“No, c’mon! Wait! Guys!” He called out to them.
“Be happy they’re at least letting you graduate with having been gone for three months and all,” I smirked.
“But this can’t be it,” he huffed in disappointment as the lights were shut off. I rolled my eyes and smiled as I stood myself up and grabbed hold of his hand.
“C’mon, we have a lot of packing to do,” I urged as I tugged at him before he finally sighed and gave in.
“I can’t believe we’re not in high school anymore,” Scott breathed out as both boys took everything out of their lockers while I stood close by with my arms crossed. “Kinda feels like nothing’s really changed.”
Stiles turned to me, his eyes gluing onto me as I smiled back.
“Everything’s changed,” he muttered with a smile of his own.
I stood next to Scott while Stiles slammed the hood of the jeep and finally made his way toward the back.
“Okay, so Liam since you’re the new alpha—”
“I’m not an alpha,” Liam cut Stiles off as he leaned up against the trunk.
“Right, but you know, alpha in training—”
“Well, I’d have to kill an alpha,” Liam added.
“Point is, you’re going to be taking over,” I chuckled and placed my hands on the beta’s shoulders while I shook him slightly.
“Exactly, and the most important thing you can remember, is that Mason is always going to be the one who’s there to save your ass all the time,” Stiles smiled as he pointed to Liam’s best friend.
“Not all the time,” Scott shook his head.
“Most of the time though,” Stiles nodded as he turned to his own best friend with a soft smile. “Which is why!” He held out his fingers for a moment as he reached for his trunk and pulled out a silver baseball bat. “I think you’re going to need this.” I rolled my eyes and felt my own smile grow as my boyfriend handed it over to Mason.
“Oh, I don’t play baseball,” he chuckled.
“Right, neither do I,” Stiles shrugged as he held onto it before him. “It’s—it’s not the point, okay? So, here you go.”
“Okay, thanks,” Mason chuckled as he took the baseball bat in hand. Liam’s brows raised as he smiled awkwardly and waved goodbye while Mason followed.
“Love you guys!” Stiles called out as I finally made my way over to him and wrapped an arm around his waist. “Alright, I leave you with this,” Stiles continued as he adjusted his arm over my shoulders and handed Scott a roll of duct tape. “You know… Hurt her and I’ll kill ya.”
“You sure you won’t need it?” Scott asked as he grimaced toward us.
“It’s okay, we’re going to take Adelyn’s car up to DC and from there we’re going to get situated at the new apartment,” Stiles smiled as he looked down to me and pulled me closer.
“So, no dorm life for you at Howard University?” Scott smirked at me. I looked up and shook my head.
“No, Stiles and I talked about it and we decided we wanted to take the next step in our relationship,” I chuckled as I bit my lower lip. “So, we’re moving in together. It’s a nice little apartment. Not too far from the school, so I can easily walk to class and Stiles can use my car.”
“Now, the real question is, how did you get into UC Davis?” Stiles asked as he pointed toward his best friend.
“How did you get into George Washington?” Scott scoffed as he shook his head and chuckled.
“I don’t know,” Stiles shrugged. “Your—your dad. The big FBI pops made a call to the little pre-FBI program.”
“Pre-FBI,” Scott breathed out in amazement as his eyes landed on me. “And pre-med. Wow… I guess we’re not the same kids running around the woods looking for a dead body.”
“No, we’re not,” Stiles shook his head as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of keys.
“You know you can keep the jeep,” Scott’s smile faded as he shook his head.
“No, I—I want you to have it,” Stiles said in slight determination as he handed them to his best friend. Scott looked down, his brows merging slightly.
“Stiles, these aren’t the keys to the jeep,” the alpha spoke up as he flipped through them.
“Well, it’s one to your house, another to your room, uh, it’s the master key to the school, animal clinic, key to the sheriff’s station. Just figured you should have all the copies I secretly made, so…”
There was a moment of silence as Stiles puckered his lips slightly.
“They still need us,” I breathed out while I dropped my hold on Stiles and stuffed my hands into my jean pockets as my eyes landed on the crowds of students still flooding out of the school.
“They’ll always need us,” Scott nodded as both boys looked back.
“You know, I… I need you,” Stiles spoke up as his eyes landed on his best friend. “You know that.”
“I need you too,” Scott nodded.
“I’m gonna miss you,” Stiles lowered his voice.
“We both are,” I added as I stepped toward Scott and hugged him, tears brimming in my eyes as I tried my hardest not to cry. I had already said my goodbyes to Lydia and Malia. They weren’t easy at all, especially with Lydia not wanting to let go, but we all knew it was bound to happen eventually.
“No, really, I need you though, uh, I lost my license in the Hunt,” Stiles spoke up as both Scott and I broke apart. “So, you have to drive.”
“Your dad is the sheriff, I’m sure he’ll let it slide,” Scott chuckled. “You drive.”
“We really need to get you a new license once we move,” I sniffled as we all chuckled and began making our way into the jeep.
Stiles pressed his key against the ignition, starting up the jeep as usual before the static of his police scanner started back up.
“Unit 4. Repeat. You’re telling me there’s a body in the woods?” The sheriff’s voice resonated.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying,” the deputy responded. “There’s a body in the wood—”
I pushed the button and cut off the line while I pursed my lips as I looked between the two boys, who looked to one another.
“We need to start packing,” I said.
“Fine,” Stiles grumbled as he pecked my lips and put the jeep into gear. With that, we began driving off into the sunset. Hopeful for a better day and better luck in our new home. I turned back as I kept my eyes glued onto the school. It was time to move on from Beacon Hills.  I felt my eyes emit their usual silver glow one last time. At least for now…
Chapter 9 / FINAL
(A/N: Guys omg 3 days!!! I cannot wait!!! Anyways in honor of the three days that we gotta wait I’m just gonna go ahead and leave this here. The final part to my season 6A! Hope you guys enjoy, I cannot wait for Sunday, it needs to get here sooner! Anyways sorry for any overlooked mistakes, and like always happy reading!)
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feelingdylano · 8 years ago
Risen (Stiles Romance Sequel) ~Final~
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I ran as fast as I could, managing to catch hold of the man known as Sebastien Valet. Jumping up in midair, he stopped in his tracks and turned over his shoulder, his eyes turning into a deep blue before the black smoke covered his body and transformed him into the beast. I held onto the angel blade tightly, feeling the white flames only grow stronger as I aimed straight for his chest. However, he simply smirked and gave a growl before gripping a hold of my neck.
I grunted back as I felt a sudden sharp pain reel right through my body. Gasping in a harsh breath, I suddenly flew back and hit a tree, the beasts’ claws having penetrated my torso deep enough to weaken my body and abilities. As I collapsed onto the forest floor, I felt the blood spew out of my mouth as I gurgled over it and felt my eye lids become droopy. The man gave a laugh as he returned to his human form and left me behind to die. My body was starting to shut down as I brought a hand up to my torso, feeling the blood that was drenching over my clothes.
“ADELYN!” Liam’s voice cried out. Through the darkness that was fading in and out of my vision, I watched as he ran his way over to me, Scott trailing behind. My brows furrowed slightly as I noticed one of the Dread Doctors perched by his side and over his shoulders.
Time seemed to slow down and pass by fast all at once as Liam carried my fragile and weakening body over to the animal clinic.
“Vanishing twin syndrome?” I could hear Deaton’s voice say in a questioning manner from inside.
“Part of your expertise, right?” Stiles asked. My eyes flickered over to the parking lot, noticing the familiar Jeep parked just outside.
“Stiles…” I managed to whisper as my eye lids began to shut.
“Not particularly, no,” Deaton responded.
“Hang on, Adelyn. Stay with us,” the alpha pleaded.
“HELP!” Liam’ shouted as Scott kicked through the door, keeping his hold on the Dread Doctor. “SOMEBODY HELP!”
“Adelyn,” Stiles’ voice seemed to choke out as he caught sight of the beta. My eyes fluttered open in time to watch as he ran over and quickly took me away from Liam’s hold.
“I—I think she’s dying,” the beta stammered.  
“Quickly! Get her on the table!” Deaton instructed. I grunted in pain as he attempted to put me down as gently as possible over the examining table.
“Adelyn, stay with me, okay?” Stiles pleaded as he tried to keep his hold on me.
“Stiles, you’re going to have to step away,” Deaton rushed.
“I’ll be okay,” I whispered feebly toward him, attempting to smile up at my boyfriend. “It’s just a scra—AHHHH!” My eyes shut in agony as the veterinarian lifted my shirt.
“Oh my…” Stiles began to quiver, seeming as if he would faint at any minute, but he pushed through it for my sake, not wanting to let go.
“It’s a very deep wound,” Deaton panted. “She doesn’t seem to be healing.”
“What do we do?!” Liam panicked.
“Grab those jars over there,” Deaton instructed as he applied pressure over my torso. My head fell back onto the table, keeping my eyes shut as I reached out for Stiles’ hand. Without hesitation, his fingers made their way to mine. “Now mix them together and hand them to me.”
“I’m right here,” he muttered.
“Uh, not to interrupt a very important lifesaving moment,” Scott began awkwardly. “But, what do you want me to do with this guy? He’s still alive.”
“Stiles, you’re going to have to grab a hold of the other examining table,” Deaton instructed. The boy hesitated as he looked down to me. “Do it, NOW.”
I felt myself grunt in pain as soon as Stiles dropped his hold on me and rushed over to clear off the table and bring it up next to me.
“This is gonna sting a little,” Deaton muttered down to me as Liam handed him the prepped jar. I turned to him and simply nodded understandingly before I felt the cool substance make its way over my wounds. My mouth gaped open as I tried to hold back my screams the minute the liquid made contact with the injury. I gasped in a sharp breath as it felt as if it was burning right through me. Body jerking upward, I couldn’t contain it much longer before I felt my eyes begin their glow as I let out a loud scream rip right through my vocal cords.
“A LITTLE?!” I shouted as I attempted to press my lips together and hold back my groans in agony.
“It’s a mixture of kerosene oil and mistletoe,” he seemed to chuckle. “But it should start up the healing process for you.” His eyes landed on Stiles, who was still panicking. “She’ll be fine.”
“What about him?” Scott asked as he placed the Dread Doctor next to me. “Can you keep him alive?”
“I’m not sure he technically is alive,” Deaton responded as he moved over to his next patient.
“Screw keeping him alive. How do we get him to talk?” Liam grumbled.
“Personally, I don’t think we utilize torture nearly enough,” Stiles shrugged as he made his way over and helped me sit up. “You okay?”
“It’s like I can literally feel the skin cells repairing right now, but other than that yeah. I think I’ll be good,” I responded, a bit groggily.
“Come to me,” a voice suddenly resonated into the clinic, causing my whole body to freeze.
“What was that?” I asked, my brows merging as I looked over to the rest of the boys that circled around me.
“I heard it too,” Liam nodded, his own expression hardening.
“Come to me,” it continued. “To me…”
We all groaned in pain and our hands flew up to our ears as the Dread Doctor suddenly sat up with an agonizing frequency sounding out throughout the clinic. Stiles quickly grabbed a hold of me and pulled his body before me protectively as the man stood himself up off the table and began staggering out the door. I squinted over as I kept my hands up to my ears and watched Liam attempt to pick himself up off the ground. Everything around the whole clinic began to shake, various bottles began falling away from the shelves, and the tables themselves were trembling violently.
“Liam, WAIT!” Scott cried out as the young beta threw himself forward in attempt to stop the infamous Dread Doctor. However, to his dismay, the man was able to defend himself one last time by shooting out an electric shield of his own and sending Liam back down to the floor. I pushed myself off the examining table and attempted to make run after him, but was instantly pulled back by Stiles the minute every metal object flew straight for the exit and barricaded it with a loud explosion coming from outside. Grunting in pain, I fell to my knees along with Stiles, who kept his hold on me before throwing himself over my body as the lights burst and shot out electricity. Liam and Scott quickly attempted to pry the objects away from the exit, but were quickly stopped by Deaton.
“Stop!” he shouted from behind as the lights continued to spark. “It’s electrified.”
Panting, I held onto my torso as I felt my eyes begin their glow. My vision blackened for a moment as I made an attempt to connect with the scenario that was going on just outside the animal clinic. Finally, I was able to watch the whole thing play out clearly, as if I were watching a movie. The man known as Sebastien Valet, stepped toward the knelt over Dread Doctor, his hands reaching out for the mask that was bound to him. He stepped back in surprise as the man underneath was unrecognizable, his flesh seeming aged, but altered enough by the frequencies that it looked almost burnt off. Thin strands of grey hair poked out from his balding scalp and his nose and mouth seemed almost nonexistent. His eyes were as pale as his skin, they almost looked like the eyes of a blind snake. The man coughed out a black substance as he struggled to even breathe.
“Marcel?” Sebastien called out. I gasped lightly as I realized they were connected. In the story that Lydia and mother repeated back to us about La Bête, the man that spent his entire life covering for Sebastien Valet, was none other than his own best friend, Marcel. “This is what immortality looks like? I think you might have been misled.”
“For you,” the man breathed out. “All for you.”
“What did you do with it, Marcel?” Sebastien continued. “Where is the pike?”
The pike, I thought to myself, it’s the only way to defeat him.
“The Argents,” Marcel replied. “The Argents.”
“The cane,” Scott seemed to gasp, snapping me back into reality as I looked up to him and Liam.
“They took it,” the beta breathed out, “they took the cane.”
Looking down to my hand, I noticed there was no more blood. Pushing down on my torso, I realized I had managed to heal a lot quicker than usual.
Scott quickly rushed over and picked up the file that was placed over the counter and began flipping through the pages frantically after explaining what had happened when we found Mason. The others began bringing the tables down and placing them where they belong before Scott made his way over and placed the file between all of us as I finally stood myself up.
“Maybe there’s something in here,” he panted. “Something about how he was a genetic chimera.”
“Mason had a vanishing twin,” Deaton began explaining.
“And now we’ve got a vanishing Mason,” Stiles muttered.
“What’s that got to do with him turning into a two hundred and fifty-year-old French guy?” Liam asked. “How does that even happen?”
“Hold on,” Deaton quickly raised a finger and pointed up to the alpha. “Scott might have something. Mason’s twin wasn’t entirely gone, that’s what made him a genetic chimera.”
“So, the DNA was still there,” I spoke up, looking over to the emissary.
“Metaphorically speaking, the DNA of Mason could still be inside Sebastien as well,” he continued.
“How?” Stiles asked.
“Life is energy,” Deaton explained, holding up his hands. “Energy doesn’t just disappear. The Dread Doctors may have found a way to break the rules of the supernatural world, but there are some rules that simply won’t break.”
“The laws of energy,” I muttered, somehow understanding.
“So, Mason can’t be gone?” Liam asked.
“Somewhere in Sebastien he has to still exist in some form,” Deaton continued. “A spark of energy. A flicker of memory.”
“Hang on,” Stiles spoke up, his brows furrowing as his brain continued to process things. “You said Mason said something right before he turned.”
“He said, ‘That’s not my name,’” Liam responded.
“He finally remembered his name,” Scott sighed.
“Damnatio Memoriae,” Stiles nodded.
“That’s what they wanted,” Liam raised his voice in slight panic. “They wanted Sebastien to remember his name.”
“Argent did say when the beast remembered who it was, the teenage chimera inside would cease to exist,” I said, looking around to everyone as I kept my place next to Stiles.
“Scott,” Deaton called out. “You know the myth of what happens when you call a werewolf by its given name?”
“It turns back to human,” Scott responded.
“What does that mean?” Liam asked. “Someone could just walk up to the beast and yell out Mason’s name and turn him back?”
“Not just someone,” Stiles sighed.
“But a banshee,” I said, looking over to the beta. “Lydia.”
At the mention of her name, I felt a sudden dizzy spell as I heard her scream echo in through my ear drums as if she were standing in the room with us, but I knew better. My eyes began their glow as I stumbled forward into Stiles’ arms.
“Adelyn, what is it?” Scott asked as he drew closer, taking in the color of my eyes.
“He found her,” I panted.
After having changed out of my torn-up clothes, we rushed our way into the hospital, where I quickly made my way straight for Lydia’s room. Walking in, I felt my chest heaving up and down in attempt to steady my breathing. She laid there soundlessly asleep with a bandage over her neck. Stepping my way closer to her, I pressed my lips together as her eyes fluttered open.
“Hey,” I whispered. “Are you okay?”
“Did—did you… find something? Solution?” she struggled with her own words, barely having enough voice to speak. I smiled slightly as I simply nodded.
“You,” I responded. “We think it’s you, Lydia.”
Shutting the door behind me, I somberly made my way over to the boys who stood out in the lobby. Stiles and Liam quickly looked up to me, their expressions becoming hopeful.
“Is she okay?” Liam was the first to ask.
“She’s going to be fine, but she can’t really talk,” I muttered. His blue eyes quickly narrowed as he began fidgeting around in his seat.
“It’s over, isn’t it?” his voice cracked as he chuckled spitefully and shook his head. “There’s nothing we can do to save him.”
“That’s not true,” I said, shaking my head. “We’ll figure something out.”
Scott’s phone went off, catching his attention for a moment as his brows furrowed.
“What is it?” Stiles asked, looking up to his best friend.
“It’s Kira,” Scott muttered before listening in on his voicemails. We all looked to one another and stood around in silence before the alpha turned back to us with a small smile.
“Get up,” he finally instructed, looking to the beta as he stood himself up.
“Why?” Liam questioned.
“Because I’ve got an idea,” Scott began. “And because this isn’t over.”
I stood back as Scott and Liam both helped Lydia sit up in her bed, while Melissa and Stiles snuck their way into the room.
“Lydia, this is gonna have to be just between us,” Mrs. McCall began as she walked her way over to the girl. “Because I could get fired for it.”
“It’s a cortisone shot,” Scott explained. “It’s going to bring the inflammation down.”
Lydia simply nodded.
“If we’re worried about someone getting fired, I could do it for you,” I suggested with a smile as everyone turned to me.
“You know how to give shots now?” Stiles asked, making a face.
“She does, I trained her for it a couple weeks back,” Melissa responded through a shaky breath. “But I’ll take care of this one. Maybe next time since this one doesn’t exactly go in the arm.”
“Then where does it go?” I asked. Mrs. McCall quickly reached over for the bandage and peeled it slightly, causing Lydia to grunt in pain.
“Oh, yeah, okay. I’m going to need to leave,” Stiles began rambling. “I’ve already seen enough blood and carnage for one day and a lot of it was from my own girlfriend so—”
“You’re not going anywhere,” Mrs. McCall stated. “You need to help hold her still.”
“Okay, fine. I’m not leaving, but I still might faint,” he sighed as he made his way over to her feet and planted his hands down.
“Okay, here we go,” Melissa breathed out nervously. However, before she could even place the needle anywhere close to Lydia’s neck, there was a loud thump. My lips puckered slightly as I looked down and noticed Liam was the first to actually faint instead.
“One down,” I announced before Scott quickly rushed over to his aid. Sighing heavily, I rolled my eyes and stepped over to Lydia’s other side.
“Adelyn, you can hold her hand and keep her upright,” Mrs. McCall instructed. I nodded and placed a hand behind the girl’s lower back and gripped at her palm. “Okay, Lydia. This is gonna hurt like a bitch.” The needle quickly made its way to her neck.
“Oh my…”
There was another loud thump.
“Two down,” I sighed as I watched Stiles collapse as well. Lydia’s grip tightened around my hand as she tried her hardest not to strain her vocal cords anymore.
I kept my arms around my best friend as the elevator doors swung open. Stiles quickly dropped his hold on us and began rushing out the exit.
“Go get Malia,” Scott instructed. “She’s not answering her phone.”
“On it,” he nodded. “Text me when you find Parrish.”
“Hold on!” the alpha cried out before pulling out a wrapped-up package from his jacket and handing it to him.
“What is this?” Stiles asked, his brows furrowing in confusion.
“It’s something I’ve been working on for a while,” Scott breathed out. “Just make sure Malia gets it.”
“Okay, is it a plan B?” Stiles asked.
“It was plan A,” Scott nodded.
“Plan A never works,” Stiles responded.
“This one will,” Scott reassured. His golden-brown eyes landed on me for a moment, worry displayed over his features as he hesitated.
“She’s in danger, Stiles,” I began, pushing aside my jealousy. “You have to go help her.”
“But what about you? That thing nearly killed you—”
“She’ll be fine,” Scott interceded. “We’ll take care of her.”
Stiles pursed his lips as he sighed heavily and looked to me.
“Okay, fine,” he muttered. “But don’t you go dying on me, you got it?”
I chuckled as I kept my hold on Lydia.
“Go,” I urged as I looked up to him. He hesitated one last time before reaching for the crook of my neck and quickly crashing his lips against mine.
“Keep her safe,” he began the minute he pulled away and turned to Scott. “If anything happens to her…” He couldn’t seem to finish his sentence. “Just, promise me you’ll keep her safe. She means everything to me, okay?”
“I know, I promise,” Scott nodded. With that he turned his back to us and began running out toward his jeep. We all looked to one another before taking in deep breaths and heading out as well.
Rushing through the tunnels, we all came to a stop as we caught onto a small buzzing echoing all around us. Liam turned over to Scott, his brows merging.  
“Do you hear that?”
“I heard that,” Lydia muttered.
“Lydia, save your voice,” Scott instructed. I suddenly froze and felt the silver glow consume my eyes for a moment as I watched Stiles quickly run into Scott’s house.
“Stiles,” I gasped the minute he was met with a gun to the face. “Scott, Stiles is in danger! I have to go—!” Liam looked down before pushing his foot down and kicking at the puddle of water we all stood on. I had attempted to turn on my heels and run to his aid, but before I could Liam grabbed a hold of me.
“Adelyn, Lydia, get out of the water!” he suddenly cried out, shoving us away.
We both gasped as the boys fell back in pain, their bodies covered in electric waves. Turning over, I stopped as I realized Lydia had managed to bump right into Theo.
“Sorry, Lydia,” he grumbled before grabbing a hold of her and pushing her through a hole.
“LYDIA!” I cried out and attempted to run to her aid, but was quickly tossed back by Theo. I grunted in pain as my body collided with the pipelined wall.
“NO!” Scott cried out, barely managing to grab a hold of the girl. Slowly, I pushed my body up, grunting in pain as I tried to pick myself up again. Falling back, I panted and looked down to my torso, half expecting to find blood, but instead it was only the aching pain of my previous injury. Quickly looking up, I gasped as I watched Theo dig his claws straight into Scott’s shoulders.
“Feel that, Scott?” he asked. “It’s Kanima venom. Just let it happen and let go.”
My brows furrowed and I quickly swung my hand forward, releasing a ball of electricity aimed straight for him. Theo only laughed as it finally collided with his body and he stood himself up straighter.
“Oh, little surprise for you, Adelyn,” he began. “I can absorb electricity as well.”
Lydia cried out in fear as Scott’s grip began loosening.
“Let everything go, Scott,” Theo turned back to the alpha.
“LYDIA!” I cried out as her scream echoed through the tunnels. Scott had finally dropped his hold on her. I picked myself up and pushed on every aching muscle in order to fling myself forward. Theo gave a laugh as I tackled him down and attempted to punch at him. His hand gripped at my knuckles before flipping me over and pinning me down to the ground. Grunting, I attempted to maneuver my body, but his weight was too much over me. There was a loud growl that echoed its way in.
“You hear that,” he smirked. “That’s the sound of real power.”
I gasped and quickly picked myself off the ground as Theo stood up and allowed his features to morph into that of a werewolf. Standing back, my eyes landed over the man that finally made his way over to us.
“Another arrogant youth,” he seemed to chuckle. “The contender to steal my name. You think you can take it from me?”
“I just want your power,” Theo stated, quickly making his way forward.
Panting, I felt my body lean forward into a stance as the angel blade formed at my hand. I kept my distance while Theo tried to make a stab for Sebastien. He growled and began panicking as his tactics were not working on the man. I gripped at the hilt a little tighter as Sebastien began transforming yet again. My body began to shake with rage as the beast merely tossed the boy away like a rag doll and turned its attention to me. It gave a loud growl as the white flames began forming around my body like wings and my eyes began their glow.
However, we both seemed to snap out of it as a wave of sound made its way over to us. The beast turned back to man as he pushed his way through the tunnels, leaving the boy behind and leaving me back to normal.
“NO! NOOO!” Theo cried out, attempting to crawl his way to him. I stepped back as Deucalion began rushing his way over to the boy, both Scott and Liam trailing behind. “You lied to me! You and Scott!”
“That’s right, Theo,” Deucalion began, pulling off his sunglasses and revealing his real eyes, no longer blind. “The whole time.” He knelt before the boy.
“The plan never worked,” Theo grumbled.
“It could have worked,” Deucalion continued, “with Balasko’s talons.” I cringed as he reached out for the boy and twisted his neck with a pop.
“You broke my neck!” Theo cried out.
“And good luck with that,” the man sighed out as he stood up straighter before turning to Scott. “There’s an access corridor that leads to the sublevel. I think we can get to Lydia there.”
“What about Mason?” Liam asked.
“We can still save your friend,” Deucalion nodded.
“Let’s go,” Scott breathed out. Everyone turned their backs to me before I felt my brows furrow and an odd sensation creep over me, as if we were being watched.
“LOOK OUT!” I cried out, spinning around and forming a shield over Deucalion as a bullet headed straight for his chest.
“This just isn’t my day,” he breathed out as he stepped back.
“This is a surprising alliance, Scott!” Gerard’s voice shouted as I watched the two Argents making their way for us. “You and Deucalion?!” My eyes began their glow and I gripped at the sword a little tighter as he aimed his gun straight at us. “How long have you been planning this clever little double-cross?”
“About as long as he and I have been planning this one,” Mr. Argent spoke up, stepping forward and tossing the cane right into Scott’s hands.
“What are you doing?” Gerard asked, his expression becoming almost pained.
“I knew when I brought you back it would never be about saving lives,” he continued. “It would be about immortalizing your own.” I made a face as both Argents turned their guns to one another. “Scott, go. And Adelyn, make sure to use the cane instead of the angel blade. It’ll be more effective. Go, NOW.” I jumped as the cane suddenly landed in my free hand, while the sword itself disappeared. Scott grabbed a hold of my shoulders and began leading me out, smirking as everything was falling into place, according to plan.
The three of us ran on a little faster as we searched the tunnels. I gripped at the cane a little tighter as I took the lead. However, we all stopped as Liam stood back.
“Adelyn,” he called out. My brows furrowed as I turned to him. “I’ll do it.”
“It should be me,” he cut off Scott. “If you get me closem I—I’ll do it.”
I stepped back as Liam attempted to reach out for the cane.
“No, we’re not killing your best friend,” Scott answered for me.
“He’s right,” I nodded. “It’s why we need to get to Lydia first. If I have to use this thing, it’ll be once we get Mason back.”
“That belongs to me,” a voice resonated in. We all turned over and watched as Sebastien began making his way toward us. “It’s a family heirloom. I’d like it back, please.”
Scott grabbed a hold of me and pushed me behind him protectively.
“It’s all yours, just give us Mason,” he bargained. The man tilted his head in sympathy.
“Unfortunately, I would not know where to begin,” he continued on with his French accent. “And while I benefited from his memories, I don’t have much use for an alter ego.”
I looked up to Scott as I kept my footing in place, gripping at the cane before both boys nodded toward me.
“You want it?” the alpha asked.
“Come and get it,” I added for him as my eyes began their glow and the two boys wolfed up.
I ducked down as the great beast swung down for me before Scott and Liam both leaped forward and attempted to fight him away from me. However, they boys were tossed away before it turned its attention back to me. The cane flew out of my hands as I slammed back into one of the pipelined walls. Crying out, I raised myself off the ground, the determination coming back as the white flames began to form into wings. The werewolf gave a loud roar as it attempted to swing at me, but I merely gripped at its fist and brought my leg forward in attempt to kick at his torso. I panted and staggered as its large, black body flew back and collided against the wall. This gave the boys enough time to pick themselves up and prepare themselves for the continued fight. However, the beast raised its large fists up in the air before bringing them down to the concrete floor, causing enough force to throw us all back and away.
We all grunted as our bodies crashed against the walls and made their way down to the floor. I crawled back up onto my hands, panting as I watched the werewolf transform back into man before my eyes. He quickly made his way over to the alpha, reaching out for his neck as he picked him up with one hand.
“You’re strong, there’s no doubt of that,” Sebastien began. “But none of you fight with a killer instinct.” His eyes flickered over to me. “Not even the daughter of the Guardian that took me down the first time. You bring shame to your family name, little girl.” He smirked as he turned back to Scott. “Now, let me show you how to go for the throat.”
“Let him go!” I shouted, feeling my eyes glow yet again.
There was a growl from behind and we all turned our attention over to Liam, who had managed to grab a hold of the cane.
“Liam, no,” I almost pleaded as he pulled the casing away only to reveal the sword underneath.
“Liam, wait! We can still save, Mason!” Scott raised his voice.
“But who’s going to save you?” he asked. Picking myself up, I furrowed my brows as I felt the flames start up again.
“What kind of werewolves are you?” Sebastien mocked.
“I said let him go,” my voice doubled over as I kept my stance before him. Liam attempted to leap forward, but I merely swung a hand and sent him flying back.
“Interesting,” the man smirked. He gave a laugh the minute I appeared before him and reached out for his wrist. “What is a small little girl like you going to do to the big bad wolf?”
“This,” I twisted his arm enough for him to drop his hold on Scott before reaching out for his neck and lifting him up off his feet. Sebastien seemed full of joy as he cackled on through my grip.
“Now, that’s channeling the killer instinct!”
“No. I’m not a killer,” I began. “I’m not like you.”
“But you will be,” he smirked, raising a fist and punching me back and away from him. I grunted as my body collided against the pipelined wall yet again. “Especially if you want to save your friends.”
“No, WAIT!” I cried out as he reached out for Scott and stabbed his claws straight through the back of his neck. Crawling my way up, I came to a stop as his expression became almost pained.
“Marie Jeanne?” Sebastien choked out. My brows furrowed. What did he see?
“Allison,” Scott’s voice involuntarily whispered. Eyes widening, I watched as Sebastien began falling back, giving the alpha enough time to push the man away from him.
“Mason!” Lydia’s voice suddenly called out. Turning over, I watched as her and Kira finally made their way toward the scene. Sebastien turned his attention over to the girls, his expression hardening as he began charging right to them.
“I think you’re going to have to try it a little louder,” Kira panicked. I watched as the man slowly began transforming into the nine-foot, black werewolf.
“Lydia, NOW!” I shouted as I picked up the cane and began running forward.
“MASOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!” She shouted at the top of her lungs, emitting a sound barrier that went straight through the man. I stumbled back for a moment as the black smoke clouded over the tunnels. However, the young boy finally appeared from within the black smoke. We all seemed to sigh in relief as Mason stumbled out and into Corey’s arms, who had been hiding the whole time.
There was a loud screech that suddenly caught our attention as the cloud of smoke took shape yet again. The beast was not ready to go. I gripped at the small sword and felt the white flames spark up one last time as I stepped forward and began running. Orange flames met up with the black smoke as it attempted to make it run out of the tunnels. I kept running as I watched Parrish capture the beast in its place while I jumped up, flying once more.
“ADELYN! NOW!” Parrish shouted as he held onto the beast. I cried out as I held the sword high above my head before bringing it down and finally cutting straight through its head. The beast gave one final roar before ultimately fading out into the cloud of black smoke.
Panting in surprise, I looked over to a shirtless Parrish, whose flames finally died down. He smiled in relief as we all realized it was finally over.
“Is everyone okay?” Scott asked.
“NOT everyone!” Theo’s voice shouted from one end of the tunnels. I quickly turned over to him, watching as the sparks of electricity wrapped around his body like armor. Scott growled as he stepped forward, but it was Kira who ultimately ran out before all of us. I swung my arm forward and created individual protective shields over everyone, except Kira as she brought her sword up and managed to stop the ball of electricity Theo had aimed for us all. Her own eyes began their glow as she wielded her katana gracefully.
“The skin walkers have a message for you, Theo,” Kira began as he finally stepped back, in surprise. “Your sister wants to see you.”
We all stumbled back as the kitsune brought her katana down to the concrete floor and managed to break right through it, creating a line headed straight for the chimera. I dropped the shields and watched with wide eyes as a young girl began crawling out of the hole that Kira created. Her dark hair draped over her face as she looked up to the boy, whispered voices chiming along with her presence. Theo gasped as she reached out for his legs and began dragging him back into the hole with her.
“Scott, help me!” he cried out as his hands clawed at the floor in attempt to crawl out. Scott stepped forward, but was stopped by Kira. “Scott, help me! Scott! NO! SCOTT! HELP ME! WAIT—!” His cries were suddenly cut off as he was finally dragged into the sinkhole before it shut. And that, was the end of Theo Raeken.
Rushing into the sheriff’s station, my eyes searched frantically for Stiles. And as if he knew I was there, he quickly jumped up from his seat just inside the sheriff’s office. Reaching out for the door, I quickly swung it open and threw myself into his arms.
“You’re okay,” I breathed out, wrapping myself around him tightly.
“Yeah,” he breathed out, hugging me back. Quickly raising myself on the tip of my toes, I pushed my lips against his.
“You mean everything to me too,” I breathed out the minute we pulled away. He gripped at my body a little tighter as he kissed me yet again.
However, the moment didn’t last as we both pulled away the minute the sheriff cleared his throat awkwardly and smiled toward us.
“I take it you guys did it?”
I pressed my lips together in attempt to hide my smile as I shut the blinds and turned to the sheriff, eyes glowing and the white aura forming at my back, creating the wings I so long waited for.
“Learned how to do that once we got Mason back,” I grinned.
Stiles grabbed a hold of me one last time as he kissed me deeply, almost as if not being able to keep to himself, which caused me to giggle.
“Well, you both saved lives,” Mr. Stilinski continued, causing us to break apart and turn to him. “Even you Stiles. You saved Mason, Malia, Adelyn… hell, the whole population of Beacon Hills. It’s gotta feel pretty good.”
“It did, for a while,” he responded, keeping his eyes on his dad, his smile fading slightly.
“But it’s something you want to feel again,” the sheriff almost chuckled.
“Yeah,” Stiles nodded, grinning as he looked down to me and kept his hand at my waist. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Welcome to your future career in law enforcement,” Mr. Stilinski grinned. I smiled and threw myself into my boyfriend, hugging him tightly. “Alright, I want in on that hug fest too!”
We all laughed as the sheriff took us up in his arms and hugged us tightly.
“So, Kira really left?” I asked as I swung my backpack over my shoulder and walked out of the classroom along with Lydia and Stiles.
“She kinda had to, she made a deal with the skin walkers. They helped her gain control of her powers, but in return she has to stay with them,” he explained.
“Well, she’ll be back. We still have to graduate,” Lydia sighed.
“Yeah, but you know what’s crazy?” Stiles continued, smiling slightly to himself. “When we started this school year, I was so stressed about everyone ending up in the same place after we graduate, but I don’t think it matters, you know? We always seem to find each other anyway. Even Allison.”
Both Lydia and I came to a stop as we looked to one another, having been caught off guard by his statement.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” my best friend asked.
“He didn’t tell you?” Stiles turned to her. She shook her head. “It was in the tunnels. It was when Sebastien had his hands on Scott’s throat. The guy probably didn’t know what he was doing, but his claws got into Scott’s neck. He was going to kill him. Then he stopped. He said a name; Marie Jeanne.” My eyes narrowed down as I remembered that night.
“Allison,” I whispered.
“He saw Scott’s memories,” Lydia’s eyes widened.
“He saw Allison,” Stiles nodded.
“They must’ve looked like each other,” Lydia muttered. “Maybe exactly like each other.”
“It gave Scott a chance to break free,” I nodded as I finally looked up to Stiles.
“She saved him,” he finished off, “Allison saved his life.”
Lydia smiled weakly as Stiles wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we continued our walk to the library, where we met up with Scott in order to start our study session for homework we’d missed during our battle for our lives. But hey! At least things were back to normal, well for the most part. I smiled as I felt my eyes glow for a second the minute Stiles kissed my cheek.
“Ugh, get a room,” Scott teased with a smile. “You two are like Hayden and Liam. Ever since I gave her the bite and turned her into a real werewolf, it’s like they can’t keep their hands to themselves.”
“Leave them alone, I think they’re cute!” Lydia laughed.
“Yeah, we’re cute,” Stiles said, taking a hold of my waist and pulling me closer to him, which caused me to laugh.
Even though we were done fighting murderous werewolves and Dread Doctors, we still had one last thing to tackle down. High School Graduation. I guess we’ll see how that goes. I mean, we do still live in Beacon Hills after all.
Chapter 9 / FINAL
(A/N: Alrighty guys I’m so sorry for posting this late but I had to do so much today with moving and all, but I finally did it! So the next few days I’ll be getting situated and hopefully once I do I’ll be able to post Season 6 and my Theo Raeken imagine. I’m so sorry I’ve been slacking it, but I promise as soon as I get stuff taken care of I will be able to post a lot more content! Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this season, sorry for any overlooked mistakes, and as always, happy reading!)
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