#additions fairy tale mi-sun
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
Warning: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistake.
Featuring: Mia, Vi, Mi-Sun and Mirae.
Location: Fairy Tale Dorm.
Day and Time: April 10 at 2:30 pm.

"Hello everyone, it's Mia!" – Said de oldest, waving to the phone camera, smiling like a precious child. – "This is not the way to do it! – Said Violet, she stood up and raised her arms to the top of her head, making a heart out of her arms. – "Okay, you can sit now." – Said Mi-Sun, laughing. – "This was so embarrassing, for yourself and for your soul." – Completed Mirae, making everyone in the room laugh. – "Stop it, I'm amazing!" – Said Violet, blinking to the camera.
– "Mi-Sun, the fairys asked what sport do you do!" – Said Mia, making the other members look at Mi-Sun, she just remained silent looking at the camera. – "I play video games not sports..." – The other members just laughed with her. – "She uses her fingers, right?..." – Said Violet, looking at the rest of the members who were just silent without knowing how to respond. Mi-Sun blushed and then responded. – "Yeah! I need to use my fingers to win!" –
– "Someone asked which of us looks more like our fairy tale."– Said Mirae, the members stopped reading the rest of the comments and started thinking about it. – "I think it's Mirae, she sleeps a lot and wakes up pretty, it's something strange." – Said Violet, Mirae looked at the her and smiled laying her head on her shoulder pretending to sleep. – "Mia Unnie really look like a princess, she is kind to everyone and is very beautiful." – Said Mi-Sun, Mia blushed and covered her face with her hands making the members laugh at her adorable shyness.
– "One person said 'Mi-Sun Unnie, Sunghoon Oppa said that you are one of his closest friends, is that true?'" – Said Violet looking at Mi-Sun, who was in shock and didn't know what to do at the moment, but her stomach seemed to be bubbling and her cheeks flushed aggressively. – "Yes! I mean, when did he talk about me?..." – She couldn't stop smiling, Violet laughed and hugged her friend who was certainly in love.
– "One fairy said, 'Mirae! I loved your photoshoot with Sunoo Oppa, you would make a beautiful couple!' That's true, but Mirae don't like humans." – Said Mia, Violet and Mi-Sun laughed and looked at the youngest who had said nothing. – "I don't have any comments." – Said Mirae, staring at the camera. – "She's looking at your soul Fairys! Watch out!" – Said Violet laughing,
– "Fairys, we have to go! See you guys later!" – Said Mia and Mi-Sun, waving to the camera sending kisses. – "We love you! Stay safe!" – Said the rest of them.
#enhypen#enhypen imagines#enhypen blurbs#enhypen fluff#enhypen scenarios#enhypen reactions#enhypen x reader#enhypen au#sunghoon#enhypen sunghoon#sunghoon imagines#sunghoon x reader#kpop#ockpop#group ockpop#ocs girl#additions fairy tale mia#additions fairy tale vi#additions fairy tale mi-sun#additions fairy tale mirae
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The prettiest princesses in the Kingdom.
just two pretty best friends 💞
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I figured out people on mobile can’t see my pages and so cannot access my bbc sherlock meta, ergo a post.
UMQRA = TORCH - Just ONE (+ London Spy)
UMQRA = TORCH - See no more (+ Doctor Who)
What would it sound like if “UMQRA” was replaced with “TORCH”?
UMQRA = TORCH = LOVE, substitutions in the dialogue
UMQRA - Masterpost
UMQRA - Ciphers 1/2
UMQRA - Ciphers 2/2
I O U = 2 + YOU
I O U - Masterpost
Does John Watson take shorthand notes? (+ ACD Canon)
The Foreman’s Shorthand - Masterpost
The Foreman’s Shorthand - Lines: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Above the 1st
Was the foreman already under threat in the “Shorthand scene”? Is the foreman a Sherlock fan?
Does “You or Me?” mean “John or James?”
YOU = JOHN and ME = MORIARTY in the dialogue
57 and 207 as 007
57even Moffat (+ Doctor Who)
57 as a reference to “The Man Who Was Wanted”
57 STARS + 1 JOHN (+ Doctor Who, + London Spy)
From 57 to 1 (+ London Spy)
Operation 57 (+ Doctor Who)
A 57 in the licence plate
A 57 in a telephone number
57 and inverted 1895 in webpage
A 189- in the dialogue
11 is a pair of 1s
The Other One/Oswin/Osgood and replacing the Other One.
Up to 11
125 = ABE
The Other 1058 theory
44 = M
2,11 and 4
178H could be 1780 Herschel
Sonnet 14 and STARS (+ Doctor Who)
197 TPH = 1970, The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes
Jesus had a blogger called John
XXX as the sign of the three
Cupid, lions and Omnia Vincit Amor
The Blind Banker: hic sunt leones
Corporal Lyons’ Insignias of Love
The moon is a shark
Who’s who in the Solar System metaphor?
The Moon Lamp and the Sun decoration
Sherlock, his evil twin and the moon magnifying glass
The white bear problem
Hidden Williams in surnames
Hidden Will in The Great Game
MISS M(ary) E(lizabeth)?
MAID M(ary) E(lizabeth)
Shooting and missing
Does the violin miss MI?
Miss me? = Kiss me?
A cock ring
Metaphorical trash = Sherlock and John
Red Bird, Ginger Bread, Red Bride and Ruby Bread = Red Beard
Janine = M-Aggie?
Punch de la Lune
I, the Information Point
Cow = Character A and the A Frame
Human red signal
221 Bring It = 221B Ring It
Sherlock’s high on pot (lost link)
What are you, Mikipedia?
Mycroft as a Weeping Angel
Give James Dancing Lessons
Easter eggs in John’s newspaper
Sharl-like pots in Magnussen’s office
Sherlock and John at falls in Doctor Who
YOU + TORCHWOOD easter eggs
Sir William Gay
Rainbow letters in the trailer (lost link)
Bi The Way
John leaves a rainbow trail.
Bisexual pride scarf for Watson
Human bi flag
The Bi Ball
Alex & Ajay = A lesbian & A gay
Whodunit tricks, Janine’s reaction to marriage proposal and everyone’s reactions to the “Did you miss me?” video
Is Mary responsible for the “Did you miss me video?”
Lady in Red as The Evil Queen?
Is John is the treasure of the game?
Mary = The Other One - Masterpost
Has Sherlock got a sister called Elizabeth? Is she Mary?
“Miss Me?” as Sherlock’s sister theme
Is Mary responsible for the “Did you miss me video?”
Is Lady Smallwood the Other One’s mother? Or is she Mary’s mother? (lost link)
Did the Other One drown?
Is The Abominable Bride a lot about the Other One?
Mary as the Other One, s4 additions
Mary and the Black Pearl
MISS M(oriarty) E(lizabeth)?
Now, Clara. Who’s Clara? (+ Doctor Who)
Sholto and Dimmock as a mirror for John and Sherlock
Why is the bride called Emelia?
Rory Arthur Williams comes from Moriarty and Sherlock
Hey! The flirting villain!
Fairy tales - Masterpost
Sherlock as the White Swan and the Ugly Duckling
Mary and Bonnie as the Black Swans (+ Doctor Who)
Sherlock vs The Swan Princess
Sherlock as Sleeping Beauty
Rosemund Watson as Sleeping Beauty
The Lying Detective as The Sleeping Beauty
Sherlock as Snow White and True Love’s Kiss (+ Once Upon A Time)
Sherlock as Pinocchio
Mary as the Blind Witch
Alice in Wonderland tea cup and Mrs. Hudson as the Mad Hatter
Mycroft as the Little Mermaid
Sherlock and Clara as Jack and the Beanstalk (+ Doctor Who)
Magnussen as Cruella De Vil
Mary As Robin Hood
The Holmeses have sorcerer’s hats
John as Brünnhilde
Episode speculation: The Yellow Trace and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz parallels
Episode speculation: The Dancing Man and Cinderella parallels
Episode speculation: The Second Star and Peter Pan parallels
The Abominable Bride vs Frozen
Eurus as the Snow Queen
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - The Abominable Bride vs The Bitter Suite?
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - The Unaired Pilot vs The Greater Good
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - A Study in Pink vs The Royal Couple of Thieves
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - Series 3 / 4 vs A Cradle of Hope
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - The Abominable Bride vs The Dirty Half Dozen
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - The Six Thatcher vs Maternal Instincts
Sherlock vs Xena: Warrior Princess - Magnussen vs Ming T’ien
Dialogue comparison: high-functioning sociopath
Offensive: an Implication of impropriety (+ Doctor Who)
Dealing with falls = Changing the future = Marriage (+ Doctor Who)
The Lying Detective vs Blink
Sherlock vs The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes - Emile the husband, Emelia the wife
Sherlock vs Rebecca - His Last Vow vs Rebecca
Sherlock vs The Birds - The Hounds of Baskerville vs The Birds
Sherlock vs The Matrix Trilogy
Sherlock vs Dellamorte Dellamore
Sherlock vs James Bond - A Scandal In Belgravia vs Casino Royale (2006)
His Last Vow vs Un Dollaro Bucato?
Haruhi Suzumiya: a reinterpretation of Sherlock Holmes as a schoolgirl with supernatural powers? (+ ACD canon, + Haruhi Suzumiya)
The Naked Sun vs The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes vs A Scandal In Belgravia
The phone is a handkerchief
A visual metaphor for a wedding
Cupid in the titles
Visual love triangle
Between My Legs frame
Finishing each other’s sentences
“We” as romantic coding
Sherlock shooting at the Yellow Face as fellatio innuendo
A Pen Holder with Spades
Graffiti identification: an Ace of Spades?
Sherlock’s locks might be inspired by Mr. Darcy’s (+ Pride and Prejudice 1995)
Sherlock likes John in a green coat
How to build a Sherlock
She = Sherlock
Save John Watson = save your love
Eurus = Trapped Woman in The Elegible Bachelor
The Abominable Bride vs Kill Bill: the Death List
To go
Odd eyes = Pirate eyepatches
John = Yellow Face again
2 heads with AGRA got smashed
Gabrielle Ashdown = Gabrielle Valladon
Timeline of 57′s mentions in Moffat’s work
UMQRA = TORCH gifsets: x x x
Gifset: BC Sherlock cameos in My Little Pony: modern version
Gifset: BBC Sherlock cameos in My Little Pony: Victorian version
Sherlock as Snow White and True Love’s Kiss
Sherlock vs The Matrix Trilogy gifsets: x x x x x
Pride flags gifsets: TAB
Gay! I mean… Hey.
Gifset: My wordplay theories
Sherlock’s opening remade like Xena: Warrior Princess’
BBC Sherlcok Modern Pokéverse
Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson in The Abominable Gardevoir
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A Country Named Mother
I wasn’t very conscious of my ancestry until around middle school and I wasn’t really interested until college. While some kids wanted the new Samsung Sidekick, I wanted blue eyes and a French sounding name (and the Sidekick too, honestly). I can’t say it’s for lack of representation - no, there aren’t any Cuban Disney princesses - but I was raised in Miami where quinceñeras are a weekly event and that’s pretty damn close.
Every year I’d get the same question that only reinforced disinterest in my ancestry. Teachers asked “what makes you special?” and “where are you from?” In an age of misguided philosophies on confidence building, asking me to share my background was supposed to make me feel special; instead it felt like a popularity contest where I got front row seats to watch the interest fade from my classmates faces as I started to pronounce “Cuban.” My conflicted feelings over my ancestry created a blockade to self acceptance. While these issues might seem trivial now, as a middle schooler, they were a memorable source of shame over identity (or lack thereof).
Up to that point in my life, I never felt tied to my identity in any meaningful way, Cuban culture was practically an all-encompassing part of my daily life -- if scientists ever want to study the effect of daily cafecitos and pan Cubano, I’m the first volunteer. I could imagine the small homes, barely able to contain their inhabitants; the hot sun that you were told to hide from lest you grow too dark. It was through shared memories that I spent a small part of my own childhood in my mother’s past; sharing her childhood home, joining her walks to school, briefly inhabiting a different life than my own. I had never visited her birth country, but it was simultaneously as real and imaginary as any other fairy tale. The bedtime stories I grew up on were not only of sleepy Germanic princesses, but of kids growing up on an isolated isla communista.
There were people in my family stories that lived only in memories recalled. Family members that I knew existed, but had never seen nor spoken to I became curious about mis raíces. Reaching a level of security within myself gave me permission to dive into my own history. I wanted to know what my own personal link to my heritage was, something that couldn’t be measured and deemed common. With my upcoming trip to Cuba, suddenly all the stories my family had told me became possibilities. Where were they now? Could I meet them?
The day of my flight, I anxiously rushed into the airport, doing that belabored half jog, half crumble-under-the-weight-of-my-suitcase gait. All wasted energy as Havana Air left an hour and a half late. Nobody seemed to care though, we were on Cuban time now. I had taken many trips before to countries whose entire population is only a fraction of my city’s, countries that were 12-hours-in-the-same-chair away, yet the anxiety I felt about this trip wasn’t related to the traveling itself, but because I would be meeting family who until just a few weeks earlier, were cemented in my mind as historical figures of the past. I had only glimpsed a few pictures of the family members I’d be staying with; pixelated 300x300 Facebook photos, the type that makes you question the validity of a profile. This family and this country that existed only in my mother’s recollections of her youth were now real and they’d be picking me up when I landed.I walked out of the airport worried I wouldn’t recognize my relatives, but they were already in front of me. They’d picked me out of the crowd like they’d seen me every day for years.
Riding from the airport in one of the iconic vintage cars Cuba is known for, I noticed a little bump of emotion building up inside me. Every direction I looked in, Cuba looked back. Giant trees let a hot sun stream through their leaves and onto my face, buildings begged for my attention in blends of color that looked like ice cream, bright and summer-y. We headed for La Habana Vieja, where my family lived. A small 1 bedroom apartment shared between 3 people and sometimes 4 when abuela visited, now shared with 5 since the addition of myself. No A/C, just a rotating standing fan that became an alter I was more dedicated to worshipping than any religious deity prior.
Sitting in a humid living room while the heavy equatorial sun cooked the building, conversation floating in and out like the flies we mindlessly swatted at - just 5 strangers who were family. The idea of family evolved to me now, as I stood in the center of this radical experiment. I observed my new family, and tried to soak up years in the few days I had. My tía’s dark, gentle eyes brimmed with a power to calm through just her gaze. She resembled my mother, like the result of an alternate storyline where my she didn’t leave Cuba. A tired yet determined look marked her—the look of a woman playing the role of two parents. You could tell she depended on herself alone, and bore the weight of sustaining her entire family. Her daughter was melting candy; pure sugar and stuck to me at every chance. She had long, thick and wavy black hair, like Rapunzel da La Habana. All my family had much darker skin than me and my new abuela was the first to point it out, almost excited by our differences. Her own skin was a rich reddish brown, a tone that almost radiated back the hot sun it had soaked up.
Though my mother was born in the city of Guantanamo and my abuela is from the rural town of Mayari, I am Cuban-American and my primo (who was my age) showed me the weight that hyphen carries. He had been sitting on the couch, with a level of tension boiling in him that could be felt from every part of the tiny room we were in. Four people sharing a one-bedroom apartment with no air conditioner and no running water in the summer is a challenge by any standard and I could feel their shame in knowing what was normal for them was rough for me.(some countries lack A/C because they experience a mild climate, others are simply lacking; Cuba is the latter). I was about to take a shower and my tía asked if I wanted her to heat the water in the bucket I’d be using. I declined, partially out of politeness and partially out of being covered in sweat
My primo jumped up and went on a tirade. He angrily reminded the family that I was not like them. That I wasn’t used to this situation. I wanted to melt into the couch under the weight of this searing shame he must’ve been quietly carrying since I arrived. He continued, wondering aloud why the family wouldn’t get it through their heads, “where she’s from there’s air conditioning and the water comes out of the shower head.” He shouted a last time, “Somos animals aquí. Compared to what she’s used to, we’re animals.” The intense frustration and bitter resentment born out of a stagnant present and a stillborn future is sharp and current, like a wound in reverse. While my mother’s Cuba lacked TVs and even a magazine was a treasured luxury, Cuba today has TV, magazines and even WiFi access in certain places. Of course he felt this way. Cuba was an island, not a cell block, as some might have you believe.
On the living room TV, my primos were watching the same high materialism, low substance music videos that I try to forget exist in the US. No one flaunts wealth quite like someone who never had it so Cuban hip hop is an arms race of boasting. While I can brush the ugliness of consumerism off from the comfort of the US, it’s not so easy to identify the futility of materialism when your food is rationed and your mattress is sweat stained. Yet who is more vulnerable to the poisonous sense of emptiness that chasing happiness via consumerism infects you with than one who’s never even been allowed to participate?
Most of my time in Cuba was spent chasing and consuming every piece of familial history in any form it might take: stories, photos, standing in old buildings and plazas where my own mother and her mother had stood decades before me. I almost want to ask the buildings I saw if they remembered my mother. Did they remember my abuela, who walked on this cobbled path for decades? Silent pieces of concrete, soaking up bits of all the lives around them and selfishly locking these memories into themselves. It was never the buildings I wanted to see so much as the air I wanted to feel. What did it feel like 40 years ago at this exact moment as my mother walked through this plaza?
Traveling to a country when you’re part of its diaspora is more of a journey and less of a vacation. The souvenirs you bring back are in the form of emotional connections that weigh far heavier than any checked bag of keepsakes. Out of the stories of my tía Marta’s cigarette smoking and late night dancing, I found her best friend, who she was unable to contact for over 13 years. Out of the stories of my abuela taking two planes while smuggling a box stuffed with a live chicken meant to feed her hijas, I found her niece, who used to care for those daughters while my abuela struggled to support them. Out of the stories of my mother and her prima who entertained her as a child with an old guitar, I found my tia, who welcomed me into her (now guitar-less) home. I existed in the middle of this surreal web of family ties, aged and stretched almost slightly beyond recognition.
My trip to Cuba revealed a long line of women who were full of life, strong despite the harshest circumstances, deeply rooted trees sustaining all around them. My tía Marta (less formally known as Yaya), came from Cuba, with its slow pace and state of constant lacking, straight into New York City, as a political exile. She’s now one of the most independent women I know with a mouth of candela who maintains herself as a sought after tarot card reader. My grandmother left everything she owned, her friends and even her husband behind, to raise 3 successful daughters as a single mother who spoke no English in the US. My own mother, who had to leave behind her father and integrate herself in a foreign and often hostile country at the confusing age of 15, completed a master’s degree in her second language and now teaches that adopted language to kids born and raised in this country.
I’d uncovered a line of incredible women spanning across generations, recalling the matriarchal Taino societies buried under colonialism, but not quite buried deeply enough. These women and their relentless and determined personalities left me in awe. I’d found a new love for my Cuban heritage when I realized that the value in my identity was not in its uniqueness or in how other people viewed it. The love for my ancestry is born out of the incredible experiences of the family members who made me the person I am. They are my ancestry. My mother’s passion, my abuela’s independence, my tia’s boldness, my primo’s ambition; this is my heritage, something so much more personal and valuable than I could understand as a child. Something that flows from a much deeper place than any hollow nationalistic slogan could convey.
My trip ended like all my previous trips: a ride to the airport and lots of waiting. My new-found family stayed with me until the last minute. It turns out family is a kind of magic word - a word that can conjure a genuine love born of nothing more than shared genetic material. What I keep with me isn’t the effort my family made trying to provide the food and comfort they could barely secure for themselves, but rather what they expended no effort over at all. It was only when the time came to turn my back to them and walk away that I realized how final this moment was. As I lifted my arm to wave goodbye, the simple thought that I’d never experience this particular moment again wouldn’t leave my head. With the volatility of the American-Cuban political relationship, so much could change before I returned. Most goodbyes are not truly goodbye, but more of a see you later; it feels different. This was goodbye.
The difficult part about following the thread of your ancestry out of the diaspora and into the motherland are the ghosts you bring back, more detailed and louder than the sparse figments you had previously only dreamed up based on a patchwork of family stories. The weight of a history extended and imbued with real breathing life: something you would never wish to be without, but always carrying with it new complexities. Even now, as I sit writing in a city and state I’ve never seen, the most assumed parts of my identity are pulled out for display. There’s nothing like leaving home to make you realize how much of your home is twisted up, inseparable from the person you are.Through the acceptance and love my family showed me, I was finally able to pick up my ancestry and, like a missing button, sewed it back on my dress and felt whole after so many years.
Salomé Luna Gemme writes about life and how to live your best one at LunaGemme.com. A Cuban-American nacida y criada en Miami. Orgullosa as hell. She’s shy but you shouldn’t be; find her @salomegemme basically everywhere.
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2017 Second Claims
Due to interest and the number of artist sign-ups, we’ve decided to open a second round of claims for the 2017 Spideytorch Big Bang. If you were unable to claim to a story in the first round, or you simply want to claim another, please e-mail [email protected] with your pick!
Summaries repeated under the cut:
Universe: AU [616-based] Rating: M Warnings: college rejection/dropouts, morally grey decisions, breaking and entering, involving a teenager in illegal things, dubious consent due to alcohol (not painted in a good light), manipulation, sexual regret, mentions of canon compliant character death, shady and illegal government organizations, prison Summary: When Johnny Storm is fourteen years old, Reed Richards and Ben Grimm move next door. Due to his sister’s strange attraction to them, and his intense love for his sister, Johnny finds himself sucked further into their world, until one night Reed decides to steal a spaceship and bam – along come the Fantastic Four. At first, the F4 are heroes, but they soon take a menacing turn, and it takes a chance run-in with Spider-Man, the new kid on the block, to remind Johnny that he can be a hero again. But when things take a turn for the worse, Johnny is left alone in a world of heroes, desperately fighting to find his family (and maybe even himself). Or: the Fantastic Four are well-meaning but evil, SHIELD is generally shady, Johnny kisses boys he shouldn’t, Peter Parker has a hot girlfriend and a motorcycle, and Spider-Man is always in Johnny Storm’s corner.
Universe: 616, but current canon is more of a suggestion than anything Rating: Mature Warnings: Kidfic (but not mpreg), Peter Parker’s Poor Decision Making Skills, Tentacles, Implied Foggy Nelson/Matt Murdock/ Kirsten McDuffie , HEAVILY Implied Venom Symbiote/Flash Thompson Harry Osborn/Flash Thompson and Venom/Harry/Flash, child illness, Johnny Is Shirtless All The Time Because Reasons Summary: Peter always thought he’d have more of a say over when he had a kid, that it would be something decided between him and his hypothetical lover some time down the line. But between his board of directors insinuating that the public doesn’t trust a single and child-free CEO, and a rather insistent alien queen wanting him as some kind of stud male to save her people, Peter’s ‘someday maybe’ plan has ended up becoming 'no time like the present’ when said alien queen gifts Peter with an egg. Inside? A baby made up of his and Johnny Storm’s DNA, because name dropping Johnny Storm to get out of hot water was never a good idea. In the face of Johnny’s depression over his still missing family, Peter decides that Johnny could never know the baby was his, too. Instead, Peter invites Johnny to live with him as the baby’s nanny, because living with the guy you have over a decade and a half of repressed romantic feelings for and raising your daughter together under false pretenses is a plan that can’t possibly back fire. Good Job, Pete.
Universe: MTV-Teen-Wolf-inspired AU Rating: Mature Warnings: secondary characters’ deaths including a police shooting scene, bullying incidents, scenes with Peter in chains, mild horror content (a wild werewolf chasing and threatening Peter), expletives (swearwords), animalistic characteristics of Peter in some scenes, shapeshifting into a werewolf, violent incidents, some scenes are heavily influenced by the Teen Wolf series Summary: When Peter gets dragged by Gwen into the Central Park in the middle of the night to look for a body he doesn’t expect to be bitten by a werewolf (it’s not like they exist, right?), but that’s exactly what happens. His life takes rapid turn, he’s lost his uncle, a crazed killer alpha werewolf is trying to get to him, and he can’t even control his own body. To make the matters worse the fate seems to like playing with him as it turns out that the only person who can calm him down is none other than Johnny Storm, a self-absorbed cheerleader who seems to embody everything that Peter hates. But maybe being a werewolf won’t be as bad as Peter thought…
Universe: AU Rating: M Warnings: violence, drug addiction as a minor plot point (Harry Osborn), alcoholic parental figure/legal guardian, a lot of bruises and visible physical injuries on Peter, one usage of a homophobic slur, one usage of a racial slur, heavily implied child abuse (and child abuse is discussed), very minor Peter/Flash is sort of there technically, perceived relationship between an adult and a minor, keep your eyes wide open and you’ll still probably miss it but it’s definitely in there reference to canonical childhood sexual abuse, a brief Spanish language conversation that while is not google translate bad I also am not very strong at Spanish, and I think that about covers it Summary: Possibly the worst part of being a superhero was dealing with villains such as the notorious and mysterious Spider. But Johnny has bigger problems to deal with. His girlfriend just left him for some twerp named Peter Parker. He meets the kid and he sort of gets the appeal. Oh god, no. Of course Parker has no clue what Johnny’s talking about when Johnny calls him out for stealing his girlfriend. The Spider has nothing on this sort of terror. Or: AU where Peter Parker chose to be a super villain instead. Featuring Johnny not knowing jack about Les Mis, Snitch the teddy bear, the magic of criminal profiling, “Dorrie Evans? Isn’t she gay?”, and a completely made up super villain origin story.
Additional Information from the author: In this fic Johnny and Peter are both Latino. To be more specific Johnny is Mexican and Peter is Puerto Rican. I felt that was something an artist should be aware of going in.
Universe: Main Universe: 616, Guest Universes: Fant4stic, World’s Greatest Heroes, an original universe or two Rating: T or M Warnings: A character dealing with intense grief over an AU character’s death Summary: Johnny’s been hopelessly in love with Peter almost as long as he’s known him, but he’s never told Peter how he feels. During his lengthy stint in a Negative Zone prison, he promised himself that he’d finally tell Peter the truth if he ever sees him again. He’s been back a few weeks, but he still hasn’t been able to work up the courage. When he and Peter step through the Inhuman Eldrac, a magic door, he and Peter are jointly sent on a trip through the multiverse, where they encounter version after version of themselves, all in different stages of their lives…all of whom are deeply in love. Could Eldrac possibly be trying to tell them something? Featuring mutual pining, angst, babies, weddings, old marrieds, a widower, and tons of Peter being his usual oblivious (and possessive) self.
Universe: AU Rating: E Warnings: Canon and fairy tale typical violence, references to self-immolation, brief sexual assault (a forced kiss) in an encounter with the villain. The explicit rating is due to consensual sex between Johnny and Peter. Peter is a giant talking spider for part of the fic. Summary: When Johnny makes a deal with the monster that lives in the woods – himself for his sister’s happiness – he doesn’t expect the giant spider to take him to a beautiful castle, or to reveal himself a cursed prince. There’s only one catch: he’s only a man in the darkest night, and Johnny can never see his face. Still, they grow closer, and Johnny is happy with their strange arrangement – until a visit home ruins everything. Now he must travel east of the sun and west of the moon to reclaim Peter from the Goblin King. An East of the Sun, West of the Moon/Polar Bear King-inspired AU.
Universe: no clear universe, it’s a mashup (character-wise, I follow Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker pretty closely, but Johnny is also a bit of a mashup based on how I see him) Rating: Teen Warnings: canon-typical violence, kissing, injuries, brief nakedness (when Johnny gets turned back to human), Johnny is a literal dog for most of the fic, underage drinking (Johnny is nineteen), cursing (including at least three uses of the f-bomb), animal violence and abuse (dog fighting ring), non-consensual drugging (chloroforming Johnny while he’s in dog-form) Summary: A witch turns Johnny into a yellow lab, effectively leaving him in the middle of New York City with four paws, no way to communicate, and oh yeah - a dog that can flame on isn’t exactly inconspicuous. All his instincts scream for him to run home, but to his confusion, his paws aren’t leading him to the Baxter Building. Aka Johnny Storm turns up at a run down apartment near Empire State University only to discover that the apartment belongs to one Peter Parker. Only problem is, Johnny doesn’t know that Peter is Spider-Man, and Peter doesn’t know that Johnny is a dog.
Universe: AU Rating: Teen Warnings: canon-typical violence, identity porn Summary: Peter Parker meets and starts dating Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four, which is unusual, as Johnny is a super-human super-star and Peter is…not. Competing with an adoring public and the frustration of being stuck on the ground while Johnny is up in the sky makes Peter wonder if he fits in with Johnny’s spectacular life. Then he gets a bite from a certain spider and becomes Spider-Man! Problem solved, right? The only issue: Johnny hates Spider-Man. Misunderstandings and hilarity ensue.
This post will remain up until the 20th or until all summaries have been claimed a second time.
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Anne with an E (TV), Anne of Green Gables - L. M. Montgomery Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gilbert Blythe/Anne Shirley, Anne Shirley & Gilbert Blythe Characters: Anne Shirley, Gilbert Blythe, Marilla Cuthbert, Matthew Cuthbert, Diana Barry, Josie Pye, Ruby Gillis Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary:
It has been six months since Gilbert’s departure at the end of the season and this is his great return to Avonlea to find Anne and Diana speaking of a great ball to be had! Whimsical dancing and angst are sure to ensue! A series of nonlinear ficlets about Anne and Gilbert’s (mis)adventures in Avonlea, primarily composed of requests I receive.
Chapter 1: of new beginnings Never had Anne ever experienced such delight as when she heard the news of a ball fast approaching this coming season. All of Avonlea had been invited to the momentous occasion, even the simple Anne Shirley herself, by her dear friend Diana Barry. The two bosom friends sat outside their school house near a quaint stream, sound of which was drowned out by their gaily conversation. The weather was rather pleasant, despite it still being springtime, but warm summer was forthcoming, along with the most exciting events of the season. However, it was still quite chilly due to it being very early in the morn, they had decided to beat most everyone to school, the Barry’s had not sent their invitations yet and they simply had to discuss it for themselves without any meddling distractions. Anne couldn’t help herself from imagining a great stallion, saddled by a most pleasant and wild chap, meandering the wild daisies and dandelions in its wake along the fields before her now. Perhaps on his way to escort a blushing Princess Cordelia to a most outstanding ball. Her majesty would no doubt fashion her most impeccable white dress, as only the most refined of individuals could afford to do so, and she would appear as if a bride, a long embroidered veil afloat with the wind upon her pretty head. Anne was awakened from her most agreeable daydream by Diana, “Oh Anne, you must do your best to convince the Cuthbert’s to let you attend! Tell Marilla it is to celebrate your first year in Avonlea. I won’t tolerate it without you,” she said with undeniable conviction. According to her, the dances had always bored her to no end, there was a strict schedule for all the festivities and she always had to dance with the most disagreeable and uncoordinated of young men, “My ankles always pain me for days afterwards and all of my dresses have been ruined due to their tireless ungainliness!” Anne mused if Diana had ever been given the pleasure to dance with one gallant and very much missed Gilbert Blythe. Well, mostly missed by all the girls, especially Ruby, Anne had much more important things to concern herself with. Like learning how to sew, embroider, cook, bake, and keeping up with her school studies of course; however that was hardly a challenge for her now with Gilbert’s absence. Diana wretchedly replied that she hadn’t, he never could attend due to his father constantly being ill. Anne’s thoughts travelled to her conversation with Gilbert after his father’s funeral and all the times she had obtained a taste of what it must’ve been like for him to have to endure such a painful turn of events. She knew not of his personal turmoil and she had been through enough of them to last her an entire lifetime, even then, she had been careless and oblivious. “Its water under the bridge.” Gilbert had graciously forgiven her, so she eventually approached some sort of redemption. And so she left the wings of such dark and painful thoughts as Anne refused to be bothered enough to mind the notion of being inconvenienced during a ball, surely Diana was exaggerating, her spirits simply couldn’t be dampened by much of anything, “Oh Diana, at least appreciate the fact that you’ve been able to attend grand balls before! I have never even been in the general vicinity of one, much less attended once in all my years.” But Anne wasn’t currently lamenting herself for her many woes, as she often took a lot of her leisurely time to do so, because now that Gilbert had entered her thoughts, she couldn’t seem to expel him once more. Sometimes, on very rare occasions, Anne liked to imagine a myriad of different adventures Gilbert could be set on, sometimes he was captaining a most threatening ship overseas as a brave pirate. Other times he was engaged in combat with appalling drunkards, usually protecting the helpless. Anne also pictured Gilbert in his more superficially tranquil and pensive moments, when all else fell away and he was left with only himself and his thoughts and the sea and she wondered if he might have also ever stopped to think about what she might be achieving during these six months apart. Did he ever remember their almost kiss? Would things have turned out differently for them? Did he feel the same raw almost impossible pull towards her as she had felt during their unaccompanied and shared moments? She always felt guilty after having such judgements, for she must be the least of his concerns and with good reason. He mustn’t have many positive recollections of their time together, not after she had treated him with such persistent ambivalence for so long. No, but he must think about his father frequently, then did ever cry out to the injustices in this world? When he is alone in the darkness of night, in the shadow of all the grief and suffering that had plagued him, is he ever fuming in the face of the universe, in the face of God even? More often than Anne would like to admit, she worried for Gilbert Blythe and mourned his boisterous laughter, tongue-in-cheek attitude, compassionate fleeting looks and stares she caught when he thought she wasn’t looking. In truth, in her plight towards overlooking Gilbert, her actions had the most contrary effect in her. There is no ignoring someone who always stays near you, in thought or in heart and soul. There’s simply no alluding it. “Please, we’re only fourteen years young,” Diana teased, breaking Anne’s reverie once again, while she committed a rather apparent burglary of Anne’s lemon slices, “So you’re coming?” Anne played coy for a few beats, relishing in Diana’s impatience as she leisurely bit into her scone. Staring off towards the vast and greening fields before her, Anne discerned a most familiar figure making his way towards the school in the distance, “Diana, the most bizarre apparition is currently deceiving me…surely it must be,” Anne gasps, rotating her friend’s head right around to face the clearing and the dark-haired young man moving steadfast for them. Now tanned skin, the brightest of hazel eyes, illuminated by the morning sun, taller in stature, his face longer and with more dimension, but the same wistful dark and curly locks. It certainly must be him. The only way for her to improve upon this sight would be for him to be atop a gallant stallion, then this would certainly match her fantasies. Quickly now, all about the ball was forgotten in puffs of smoke in the figure’s wake. How could it be? The odds of such an event. Today of all days, during this conversation, right here and right now. Anne desired nothing other than to call out to him, to jump and wave her arms as if a bird in flight after being caged for so long without being in the know of having been behind bars at all, but in spite of such fervent desires, she couldn’t find the strength to move an inch. “Well speak of the devil…” Anne gasps, overcome by her sudden urgency to move to scream, to do something adventurous and free. “Anne!” Diana chastised, perturbed by her language. Quite literally, she pulled Anne up from her contemplations to stand alongside her. She cupped her hands over her eyes to shield them from the incoming sun, “I see him too,” she smiled, excitedly turning to Anne. Gilbert wears a very light-green colored shirt, which even from afar, Anne could admire how lovely it compliments his eyes; his clothes are a striking contrast from his coats, hats, scarves, and sweaters he used to wear from this past winter. It suits him, Anne thought, he seems lighter, which doesn’t deter from his immense presence. “Do you think he’s noticed us yet?” Diana asks, her chocolate eyes as bright as ever, matching Anne’s own internal excitement. Oh how she struggles in maintaining a cool composure over herself. “Maybe you should go welcome him back for the both of us,” Anne whispered, turning down towards her packed breakfast in her quick attempt to excuse herself from the situation, “I’ll just go…” In all of her musings, Anne had never the courage to imagine the event of Gilbert’s return. Well, at least never like this, never during a beautiful Friday morning, with the sun glistening off of the trees and their leaves and her eyes and his own in such an attractive fashion… No, she imagined him simply appearing at his desk one day, beside his friend Charlie, pencil and paper at the ready, head slightly tilted towards her at all times, as if a curious bird, always observing. Just… come back someday. Diana grasped at her hands and unceremoniously pulled Anne away from her things, “Don’t do this. Don’t throw away every day you spent with him after his father’s death. Don’t throw away all the progress the both of you made together as friends at last. You worked so hard to amend things between the two of you, so don’t toss it all away.” “I’m not running from anything,” Anne said, pulling herself away. “I never said you were running, but that certainly does match your behavior,” spoke Diana, her eyes wide, revealing Anne’s own fearful ones. Anne hadn’t raised herself to ever be frail or timid or scared or to ever run away. Diana couldn’t have spoken truer words, Anne valued Gilbert very much and didn’t want to escape him. All she wanted was more time. She needed time to think about what to say and most importantly what not to say and she couldn’t do so now and not here. Exclusively because their eyes had inadvertently met across the clearing, sending Anne into a shuddering frenzy in her skin, stomach, heart, and soul. Gilbert’s dark brows furrowed as he himself examined her and she found a hint of recognized as the telltale signs of a grin began to appear upon his expression. “I’m positive he sees us now,” Diana pointed out, straightening her lovely yellow dress with the most puffed of sleeves and tried to busy herself with Anne’s as well, but she knew not much could be done with such a plain gray dress, at the very least it was new. “Diana, listen to me. I am about to engage in what might seem to most as an improper and unladylike act and so I will trust in you to alert me if you see anyone else coming to the school and to not make this into more of a spectacle afterwards as I will deny all recollection until the day I shall perish,” Anne vowed as she handed her friend her flower adorned hat without further deliberation on her actions. “Anne, you’re frightening me,” Diana said, clutching Anne’s hat and books, but Anne was no longer paying her any attention, as she took a most deliberate breath in order to calm her nerves. Gilbert had begun to wave in their direction, his sweet curls twirling in the wind, he was holding a set of books under his arm, which Anne recognized as her own. Before she had time to second-guess her feelings, Anne began to run out into the clearing towards a very perplexed Gilbert, defying all expectancies around her of how a lady ought to act, and she ran as if a fiery blaze were assaulting her feet and she didn’t care if her braids were becoming undone against the sweet wind’s current because she only cared for what she wanted and wanted to be unrestricted and rash in this moment, for the hurt of missing Gilbert Blythe had just crashed down onto her. And then from one moment to the next, Anne halted only a mere foot away from Gilbert, breathing heavily now, her chest rising and falling in the space between them. He was so close to her then, his eyes searching hers and Anne boldly met them in kind, still struggling to catch her breath and from this proximity, she could discern his now tautly tanned face, causing the green in his eyes to become more prominent, reminding her of the bottomless emerald lakes throughout Avonlea. Gilbert seemed both immensely surprised and endlessly inviting, the corners of his mouth grew taut and lose in question, but neither had he spoken then. Yet, Anne couldn’t seem to expel words or movement and stood still as a tree in the face of a most unlikely kindred spirit.
Notes: I sure hope all you lovely readers liked the chapter! Please leave me kudos or a comment (or both) to show your support! Feel free to leave requests as I use them to weave the story together! Btw, the next chapter will be in Gilbert’s POV (will there be a hug? a kiss perchance? I guess youll have to stick around and see :)
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" 𝐌𝐈-𝐒𝐔𝐍 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘!! | #1
Warning: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
"Mi-Sun Play!" is the name of the gaming live saga where Mi-Sun manages to keep her essence as a gamer lives and show it to the people who accompanied her after the debut

After a few minutes waiting for more people to arrive, Mi-Sun began to read the comments that really warmed her precious heart, some questions were about the members and others were names of games that fans wanted to see her playing. She would certainly play everyone, but at the moment her time was tight and she really wanted to do that. – "Hello everyone! I know you all are very happy just like me, and I will try to spend that good energy while playing!" – She cheered, clapping her hands happily. Today Mi-Sun was supposed to play "Overwatch", the game she played professionally for a few years before becoming an idol, she played with the character called "D.Va", and particularly, she was very good. – "I hope I don't make any mistake after so long." – She commented, smiling anxiously as more people arrived to see her.
She started playing happily, she was a little anxious and didn’t want to disappoint her old and new fans, but it was warm to see the supportive and caring comments she received. At one point in the game, her character ended up falling off the map and accidentally dying, which made her laugh, and she covered her face with her hands a little ashamed but in a happy way, the comments would be only of people commenting about how cute and charismatic she is. The time passed quickly for her who was having fun like never before, and at the last moment of the match you could see the old Mi-Sun taking care of the situation and playing skillfully, she pressed a single button using her character’s strongest ability to eliminate nearby enemy players, ensuring her team’s victory, the comments would all be cheerful and funny, praising her. Happily, Mi-Sun would wave at the camera and do some cute poses for the fans who asked. – "It was very funny! Next time we can have a special guest! If you guys wanted!" – The comments would be filled in by the name of the members and other names of idols who liked to play, like her. – "This was very special for me today, thank everyone who could come and I hope you enjoyed and had fun with me today! See you soon!" – She sent kisses to the camera and said goodbye.
#enhypen#enhypen imagines#enhypen blurbs#enhypen scenarios#enhypen reactions#enhypen x reader#enhypen au#sunghoon#enhypen sunghoon#sunghoon imagines#kpop#ockpop#ocs girl#group ockpop#additions fairy tale mi-sun
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Mi-Sun: *seductively takes off glasses*
Sunghoon: Wow...
Mi-Sun: *blushes* Haha...What?
Sunghoon: You're really fucking blurry.
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Sunghoon: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
Mi-Sun: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
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▪︎𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐀 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄! ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵗʷᵒ
𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐀 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄! ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵒⁿᵉ
Info: Sunghoon and Mi-Sun face off in their best hobbies to see who learns the fastest, the winner will be able to order the other person anything.
Featuring: Sunghoon and Mi-Sun.
Warning: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistake.

To recap, Sunghoon had won the bet and his wish was to have a date with Mi-Sun, and now she should organize everything to make it perfect. 👍
Mi-Sun is a Virgo, so she already had everything planned in her head and she wanted everything very well organized.
Her unnies even offered to help, but Mi-Sun didn't want anything to be changed, she created something special for Sunghoon. 🥰 *heart eyes* (💗👄💗)
She had bought the ice skating rink for one night, as it was one of Sunghoon's favorite places to be.
Amira helped Mi-Sun choose a pretty and warm outfit so she wouldn't be cold. And she also had Sunghoon's arms. *flirt twerking*
She and Sunghoon had agreed to meet in front of the dorms. He stood like this "🧍♀️" looking at her for a few seconds, he seemed to be serious, but his heart was beating a little more fast. "I thought you were the most stylish." He said laughing, making she pout. "I'm just kidding, you look really pretty. You should wear scarves more often..."
Now she was the one who stayed like this "🧍♀️" while he passed her, starting to walk. "You wont come?" "Wait! You have to use this, it's a surprise!" She said, showing the blindfold he should put on his eyes.
"Already? I didn't know you liked these things." He said, teasing her and making she blush. "Stop it! Just use it." Mi-Sun put the blindfold on him and stopped in front of the boy showing him her hand. "How many fingers do I have here?" "I don't know, stupid, I'm blind." "Oh..."
Mi-Sun guided him to the rink and made sure everything was going according to plan, leaving him standing like a statue near the benches. "You can take off the blindfold, but only if you want..." Said him, impatient. Mi-Sun sighed and walked over to him, put him sitting on the bench and took off his shoes. "Are you in a hurry! You are so in love with me. Right?" Mi-Sun blushed, even though he couldn't see her, he gave that smile, as if he could feel the effect it had on people. ( You know what smile I'm talking about, right? 🙌 )
Mi-Sun put the ice skates on him and helped him get into the rink, she did the same and after that she removed the blindfold from his eyes. She had prepared a picnic on the ice, she had cooked some things and bought a lot of snacks, and decorated the place in a simple but special way.
She expected sunghoon to say something, as he was always very critical with her. "So, did you like? I know this-" "I loved it, don't you dare say anything negative." He said, Sunghoon gently took Mi-Sun's hand and accompanied her to the center of the ring, as she still didn't know how to skate very well, they sat down and could see everything up close.
They ate some of the snacks in silence, just looking at each other and exchanging smiles. "Nobody has done anything like this to me before..." He said, Mi-Sun was really happy to be the first to do something like this for him, as this seemed to be their first date. "I wanted to do something cool since this is my first date..." She said, putting a piece of cake in her mouth trying to not draw attention.
"So...Is this your first date?" He asked, Sunghoon felt a little bad for being critical of her all this time, even though it was his way of making her laugh and seeing her blush, which he thought was cute. ( And is very cute- 🧍♀️ )
"Yes, and I'm enjoying it..." Said Mi-Sun, blushing and looking at the floor, a little bit shy. "Stand up!" Sunghoon got up and stood under the ice, waiting for her. "What.." Mi-Sun did the same, a little confused.
"It's time for me to teach you how I wish I had done it before..." He approached her and held both her hands, the two looked each other in the eye while Sunghoon seemed to be skating backwards, waiting for Mi-Sun to try.
"Okay, I'm coming..." She said, starting to skid awkwardly forward while Sunghoon held her hands and kept her from falling. "Don't worry, I won't let you fall." ( 🤧 )
Sunghoon started to guide her carefully so she wouldn't be scared, Mi-Sun got the hang of it after a few minutes. "You learn fast, just like me." He said, stopping in front of her, still holding her hands.
"Yeah, we're a good couple." Said Mi-Sun, blushing. "Maybe, but I beat you!" He teased. 👁👅👁
They kept skating together for a few more hours, Sunghoon never told anyone, but he always wanted to do this with someone he liked, and now he could.
"Let me help you. "Said Sunghoon, helping her gather things from the picnic and put everything in the basket. They left the ice skating rink and started walking back to the dorms, just smiling at each other when their eyes met. ( At this point, I want a boyfriend 👁👄👁 )
"We could do it again, but I will take you!" Said Sunghoon, he wanted to organize everything next time, since she had done something special for him today. "Sure! I like movies." She said, just like him, Mi-Sun would be happy just with his company in a place without many people.
They arrived in the hallway of the dorms and stopped in front of the Fairy Tale's dormitory door. Just looking at each other with heart eyes and smiling. 💗👄💗
"Thank you for today, I really liked it." Said Mi-Sun, playing with Sunghoon's fingers. "I should be thanking you, but I'm glad you liked it."
"Could I text you before bed?" He asked, a little bit shy. "Of course! That would make me very happy." "I know, you're in love with me, silly." 🙄
"Maybe..." She approached him and kissed his cheek, quickly walking away and entering the Fairy Tale dorm. Sunghoon stood 🧍♀️ in the middle of the corridor for a few seconds until he woke up and entered the dormitory, trying to hide his smile as he would probably be teased.
( I hope you enjoyed!! Thank you for reading. )
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𝗦𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗠𝗶-𝗦𝘂𝗻 𝗮𝘁 𝗭𝗼𝗼.
Featuring: Sunghoon and Mi-Sun.
Sinopse: Sunghoon decides to take Mi-Sun to a zoo on their third date.
Warning: Kiss.
Today, Sunghoon and Mi-Sun had planned to go out together on a date, and after Sunghoon thought, he chose to take her to a zoo, would have lots of cute animals there and they would have plenty of opportunities to have fun together. | "Okay, which one is the best? Scout or victim of a lion attack?" Mi-Sun asked, showing two outfits she had made for her date, showing them to Amira and Violet, who would help her to choose one. "Definitely the victim!” Amira said happily, she was happy that Mi-Sun was finally getting along with Sunghoon. "I agree, he will fall in love with you again!" Said Violet, agreeing, she was a little jealous of Mi-Sun with other people, but she wanted to see her happy. "Stop it....He is not in love with me!" Said Mi-Sun blushing and going to the bathroom to change her outfits.
Mi-Sun was ready to meet Sunghoon in the dormitory hallway, she had sent him a message after this. "Hey! You look great!" They said together, laughing shyly after that and walking to the bus they were going to take to get to the zoo. They sat side by side, Sunghoon looking at Mi-Sun's face discreetly as she looked out the window. "You are beautiful." He said boldly, making Mi-Sun blush violently and look at him trying to said something but failing and just smiling to him. "I think you are beautiful too." She praised him, bringing her hand to his and holding it shyly.
It took them a few minutes to get to the zoo and start seeing the animals, Mi-Sun still holding Sunghoon's hand, until they approached the elephants and Mi-Sun pointed at them letting go of his hand. "Look! The elephants." She ran up to them to take a picture while Sunghoon followed, offended. "Why did you stop?" "What?" She asked confused. "Why did you stop holding my hand?" He said coming over and holding her hand again, intertwining their fingers. "Don't let go anymore." He said, teasing her. "You're cute, come on! Let's see the giraffes." She said, starting to walk to the other area of the zoo searching the giraffes.
They continued walking and watching the animals, taking lots of pictures and laughing about them. They went to a place where they could have something to eat together, they sat down and started eating. "The lions didn't like you." Said Mi-Sun teasing him when he finished eating. "They was scared, I'm very scary and beautiful." Said Sunghoon, running his hand over his hair, making Mi-Sun laugh, seeing she laugh made him happy. "Come on, it's getting late." Said Sunghoon, waiting Mi-Sun to hold his hand again so they could walk away together back to the bus.
They were again sitting next to each other, while Mi-Sun looked at Sunghoon hand, getting scared, pulling out a moisturizer from her purse and rubbing it in his hand. "Your hands are so beautiful, you have to keep them pretty." Sunghoon watched her calmly, enjoyed watching her take care of him. "So, do you like my hands?" He teased her, making she face him and push his arm away. "Yes, i like them." She said blushing and looking at the window. "Then I should use them." Sunghoon said, bringing his hand up to Mi-Sun's chin and bringing her gently closer, looking her in the eyes. "I can?" he asked, whispering. "Yes, i think." It was enough for Sunghoon to kiss her sweetly, they kissed a few more times after that, until the bus arrived at their destination, interrupting them.
They walked holding each other hand to the hallway of the dorms and stopped in front of each other. "I really enjoyed today, can we go shopping tomorrow?" Mi-Sun asked, looking at him who bit his own lip making she blush. "Stop looking at me like that! Pervert." She pushed him away which made him laugh. "You are the one who asked to kiss me again In that bus." She blushed and just smiled knowing it was true. "I enjoy today too, a lot. I'll text you before I go to bed, okay?” He bent down a little and placed a quick kiss on her lips. “I'll wait for you to come in.” After hugging him, Mi-Sun entered the Fairy Tale dorm, closing the door while Sunghoon did the same.
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𝗙𝗮𝗶𝗿𝘆 𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗠𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗼𝗻𝗴𝘀.
These are usually the songs I listen to for inspiration.
𝗗𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘆 - 𝗠𝗲 & 𝗠𝘆 𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹𝘀 ( 𝗙𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗵 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘆 )
Destiny hrew up listening to pop songs and likes to listen to them to remember her youth at times, but currently she has been spending time with her members and taking care of them very well, so i think at the moment this is a good song for her.
𝗠𝗶𝗮 - 𝗙𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗦𝗼𝗻𝗴 ( 𝗥𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗹 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗲𝘁 )
( i love this song so much ) I think this is a good song to chose for Mia, she had a difficult and complicated life thanks to people who abused her kindness and good will, and even through that she was able to fight and be kind.
𝗩𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗲𝘁 - 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗦���𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗧𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 ( 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸𝗲𝗿 & 𝗗𝗲𝘇𝗶 𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗴𝗲 )
Violet worked hard for a long time, she became a ballet dancer to honor her grandfather and did it with a smile on her face even though she was knocked down several times, and moved to an unknown country knowing no one to pursue her other dream, and strove to get where she is.
𝗠𝗶-𝗦𝘂𝗻 - 𝗜'𝗹𝗹 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗬𝗼𝘂 ( 𝗞/𝗗𝗔, 𝗧𝗪𝗜𝗖𝗘 & 𝗕𝗲𝗸𝘂𝗵 𝗕𝗼𝗼𝗺 )
Like Mia, Mi-Sun didn't have an easy life like most people think about her, her childhood wasn't normal and after a while she thought that being a professional videogame player was the only thing she could do in her life, but thanks to her brother she can get a second chance and show people who she really wanted to be.
𝗠𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗲 - 𝗢𝗵 𝗡𝗼! ( 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗮 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗶𝗮𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗱𝘀 )
( i am obsessed with this song ) Mirae never really needed anyone and never bothered to have friends or someone to pass the time, but that changed a bit when she debuted and after that met Sunoo, who became her best friend. She tends to act indifferently to things as if she doesn't really care and doesn't need to hear anyone's opinion, which she doesn't.
𝗔𝗺𝗶𝗿𝗮 - 𝗦𝘄𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗕𝘂𝘁 𝗣𝘀𝘆𝗰𝗵𝗼 ( 𝗔𝘃𝗮 𝗠𝗮𝘅 )
First of all, Amira is not a psychopath, okay? Don't worry, Jungwon is in good hands...
But she is in fact the most talkative member and she never misses a chance to express her opinion, which can sometimes be misunderstood. She is sweet and usually treats others with kindness, however she is very jealous and she is also very impulsive always being dominated by her own emotions. ( this gif is so her loving herself 🤧 )
𝗦𝗲𝘂𝗹𝗴𝗶 - 𝗚𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗮 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 ( 𝗔𝘀𝗵𝗹𝗲𝘆 𝗧𝗶𝘀𝗱𝗮𝗹𝗲 )
( Remembering my childhood 🤧 ) Seulgi's life was destined for greatness and her place was always close to the spotlight and on top of a stage, she used to perform musical performances at her family's benefit events, and did it very well. As she says in the song, she never lets any negative energy dominate her and always tries to shine.
#enhypen#enhypen imagines#enhypen scenarios#enhypen au#enhypen blurbs#enhypen reactions#enhypen x reader#enhypen fluff#enhypen headcanons#additions fairy tale destiny#additions fairy tale mia#additions fairy tale violet#additions fairy tale mi sun#additions fairy tale mirae#additions fairy tale amira#additions fairy tale seulgi
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Art Claims Big Bang 2017
Welcome to the artist claims for the Spideytorch Big Bang! We have eight fantastic fics up for claiming! A big round of applause to all of our authors – you’re all spectacular.
Please read the summaries carefully and when you’ve selected your top picks, send an e-mail to [email protected] with the e-mail address and tumblr username you signed up with along with your first, second, and third pick. When you’ve successfully claimed a fic, you’ll be put in contact with your author.
Claimed summaries will be crossed out, so keep an eye on this post. We may be opening for double claims this year once all fics have been claimed. Thank you!
Universe: AU [616-based] Rating: M Warnings: college rejection/dropouts, morally grey decisions, breaking and entering, involving a teenager in illegal things, dubious consent due to alcohol (not painted in a good light), manipulation, sexual regret, mentions of canon compliant character death, shady and illegal government organizations, prison Summary: When Johnny Storm is fourteen years old, Reed Richards and Ben Grimm move next door. Due to his sister's strange attraction to them, and his intense love for his sister, Johnny finds himself sucked further into their world, until one night Reed decides to steal a spaceship and bam -- along come the Fantastic Four. At first, the F4 are heroes, but they soon take a menacing turn, and it takes a chance run-in with Spider-Man, the new kid on the block, to remind Johnny that he can be a hero again. But when things take a turn for the worse, Johnny is left alone in a world of heroes, desperately fighting to find his family (and maybe even himself). Or: the Fantastic Four are well-meaning but evil, SHIELD is generally shady, Johnny kisses boys he shouldn't, Peter Parker has a hot girlfriend and a motorcycle, and Spider-Man is always in Johnny Storm's corner.
Universe: 616, but current canon is more of a suggestion than anything Rating: Mature Warnings: Kidfic (but not mpreg), Peter Parker's Poor Decision Making Skills, Tentacles, Implied Foggy Nelson/Matt Murdock/ Kirsten McDuffie , HEAVILY Implied Venom Symbiote/Flash Thompson Harry Osborn/Flash Thompson and Venom/Harry/Flash, child illness, Johnny Is Shirtless All The Time Because Reasons Summary: Peter always thought he'd have more of a say over when he had a kid, that it would be something decided between him and his hypothetical lover some time down the line. But between his board of directors insinuating that the public doesn't trust a single and child-free CEO, and a rather insistent alien queen wanting him as some kind of stud male to save her people, Peter's 'someday maybe' plan has ended up becoming 'no time like the present' when said alien queen gifts Peter with an egg. Inside? A baby made up of his and Johnny Storm's DNA, because name dropping Johnny Storm to get out of hot water was never a good idea. In the face of Johnny's depression over his still missing family, Peter decides that Johnny could never know the baby was his, too. Instead, Peter invites Johnny to live with him as the baby's nanny, because living with the guy you have over a decade and a half of repressed romantic feelings for and raising your daughter together under false pretenses is a plan that can't possibly back fire.
Good Job, Pete.
Universe: MTV-Teen-Wolf-inspired AU Rating: Mature Warnings: secondary characters’ deaths including a police shooting scene, bullying incidents, scenes with Peter in chains, mild horror content (a wild werewolf chasing and threatening Peter), expletives (swearwords), animalistic characteristics of Peter in some scenes, shapeshifting into a werewolf, violent incidents, some scenes are heavily influenced by the Teen Wolf series Summary: When Peter gets dragged by Gwen into the Central Park in the middle of the night to look for a body he doesn’t expect to be bitten by a werewolf (it’s not like they exist, right?), but that’s exactly what happens. His life takes rapid turn, he’s lost his uncle, a crazed killer alpha werewolf is trying to get to him, and he can’t even control his own body. To make the matters worse the fate seems to like playing with him as it turns out that the only person who can calm him down is none other than Johnny Storm, a self-absorbed cheerleader who seems to embody everything that Peter hates. But maybe being a werewolf won't be as bad as Peter thought...
Universe: AU Rating: M Warnings: violence, drug addiction as a minor plot point (Harry Osborn), alcoholic parental figure/legal guardian, a lot of bruises and visible physical injuries on Peter, one usage of a homophobic slur, one usage of a racial slur, heavily implied child abuse (and child abuse is discussed), very minor Peter/Flash is sort of there technically, perceived relationship between an adult and a minor, keep your eyes wide open and you'll still probably miss it but it's definitely in there reference to canonical childhood sexual abuse, a brief Spanish language conversation that while is not google translate bad I also am not very strong at Spanish, and I think that about covers it Summary: Possibly the worst part of being a superhero was dealing with villains such as the notorious and mysterious Spider. But Johnny has bigger problems to deal with. His girlfriend just left him for some twerp named Peter Parker. He meets the kid and he sort of gets the appeal. Oh god, no. Of course Parker has no clue what Johnny's talking about when Johnny calls him out for stealing his girlfriend. The Spider has nothing on this sort of terror. Or: AU where Peter Parker chose to be a super villain instead. Featuring Johnny not knowing jack about Les Mis, Snitch the teddy bear, the magic of criminal profiling, "Dorrie Evans? Isn't she gay?", and a completely made up super villain origin story.
Additional Information from the author: In this fic Johnny and Peter are both Latino. To be more specific Johnny is Mexican and Peter is Puerto Rican. I felt that was something an artist should be aware of going in.
Universe: Main Universe: 616, Guest Universes: Fant4stic, World’s Greatest Heroes, an original universe or two Rating: T or M Warnings: A character dealing with intense grief over an AU character’s death Summary: Johnny’s been hopelessly in love with Peter almost as long as he’s known him, but he’s never told Peter how he feels. During his lengthy stint in a Negative Zone prison, he promised himself that he’d finally tell Peter the truth if he ever sees him again. He’s been back a few weeks, but he still hasn’t been able to work up the courage. When he and Peter step through the Inhuman Eldrac, a magic door, he and Peter are jointly sent on a trip through the multiverse, where they encounter version after version of themselves, all in different stages of their lives…all of whom are deeply in love. Could Eldrac possibly be trying to tell them something? Featuring mutual pining, angst, babies, weddings, old marrieds, a widower, and tons of Peter being his usual oblivious (and possessive) self.
Universe: AU Rating: E Warnings: Canon and fairy tale typical violence, references to self-immolation, brief sexual assault (a forced kiss) in an encounter with the villain. The explicit rating is due to consensual sex between Johnny and Peter. Peter is a giant talking spider for part of the fic. Summary: When Johnny makes a deal with the monster that lives in the woods -- himself for his sister’s happiness -- he doesn’t expect the giant spider to take him to a beautiful castle, or to reveal himself a cursed prince. There’s only one catch: he’s only a man in the darkest night, and Johnny can never see his face. Still, they grow closer, and Johnny is happy with their strange arrangement -- until a visit home ruins everything. Now he must travel east of the sun and west of the moon to reclaim Peter from the Goblin King. An East of the Sun, West of the Moon/Polar Bear King-inspired AU.
Universe: no clear universe, it’s a mashup (character-wise, I follow Andrew Garfield’s Peter Parker pretty closely, but Johnny is also a bit of a mashup based on how I see him) Rating: Teen Warnings: canon-typical violence, kissing, injuries, brief nakedness (when Johnny gets turned back to human), Johnny is a literal dog for most of the fic, underage drinking (Johnny is nineteen), cursing (including at least three uses of the f-bomb), animal violence and abuse (dog fighting ring), non-consensual drugging (chloroforming Johnny while he’s in dog-form) Summary: A witch turns Johnny into a yellow lab, effectively leaving him in the middle of New York City with four paws, no way to communicate, and oh yeah - a dog that can flame on isn’t exactly inconspicuous. All his instincts scream for him to run home, but to his confusion, his paws aren’t leading him to the Baxter Building. Aka Johnny Storm turns up at a run down apartment near Empire State University only to discover that the apartment belongs to one Peter Parker. Only problem is, Johnny doesn’t know that Peter is Spider-Man, and Peter doesn’t know that Johnny is a dog.
Universe: AU Rating: Teen Warnings: canon-typical violence, identity porn Summary: Peter Parker meets and starts dating Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four, which is unusual, as Johnny is a super-human super-star and Peter is...not. Competing with an adoring public and the frustration of being stuck on the ground while Johnny is up in the sky makes Peter wonder if he fits in with Johnny's spectacular life. Then he gets a bite from a certain spider and becomes Spider-Man! Problem solved, right? The only issue: Johnny hates Spider-Man. Misunderstandings and hilarity ensue.
ALL CLAIMED for now, but watch this space...
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#enhypen#enhypen imagines#enhypen fluff#enhypen reactions#enhypen scenarios#enhypen blurbs#enhypen au#enhypen x reader#enhypen headcanons#additions fairy tale destiny#additions fairy tale mia#additions fairy tale violet#additions fairy tale mi sun#additions fairy tale mirae#additions fairy tale amira#additions fairy tale seulgi
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