#addison and sam
tvshowscouples · 18 days
If you love Addison Montgomery (Grey’s Anatomy / Private Practice) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog character :)
thank you!
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spamsandsuch · 4 months
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spamblue content after like a whole year
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horsetailcurlers2 · 2 months
something something everyone addison loves always being more in love with somebody else than they are with her something something her holding on too tight anyway if there’s the slightest chance they want her instead even though she knows better because she spent her whole life begging for scraps of affection and maybe this time somebody will choose her
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theloopus · 5 months
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found this in my drafts as well... queapboot s1 was not very good but it was CRAZY for the constant sam/al implications
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peonierose · 4 months
Hi Bestie!
I saw this on Instagram and thought it would make for a fun ask.
Your LI says, "If you could have me for 24 hours and I couldn't say no, what would we do?"
How does your MC respond?
That’s Amore
Book: TNA
Type: Social Media Edits
Summary: Emma organizes a trip to Italy for her husband Sam, their kids, her best friend Jenny, Robin, Sofia and Addison.
A/N: Thanks so much for this ask @cariantha it was so much fun to make these edits 🩷 Love you bestie 🩷
Sidenote: All events happened after TNA 3 was over.
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anewkindofme · 8 days
I don't know how Addison didn't kill Naomi and Sam. I would've. I absolutely would've.
Okay, Naomi especially, though. Because she offered Addison a job without clearing it with anyone. Constantly kept shit from Addison. But I could forgive all of that...
The second floor would've been my 13th reason. I would have tossed her out that window, and Sam right along after her, then rented out that floor.
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anunhingedme · 10 months
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its-a-geeks-world · 6 months
i am writing this about half an hour after finding out the news QL isn't coming back. I'm sure in the morning I'll have new thoughts and feelings but right now I'm just feeling raw sadness and disappointment. This was the last and only network-type show I've been watching the last couple of years. A throwback to how things used to be before streaming took over Hollywood. Are the news totally unexpected? Sadly no, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. And just when it had finally found its footing!
Sure, the show has its problems. Sure, the ratings were not great. Sure, they tackled many issues that are wildly polemic in today's time (yeah, people, the show's *woke*. It's always been, where have *you* been?) . But.
In this world that only gets scarier by the moment, it was great to have this little ray of hope each week to remind us that selflessness and empathy still matter, that hope is timeless and that a single act of kindness can change the world.
I guess the world wasn't ready for it. GFTW sure can be a jerk.
I can only be thankful that S2 had such a wonderful, exciting, mind blowing ending. That at least, if Ben is to be lost to time, he isn't lost alone. It's bittersweet and poetic that in trying to save Sam, they've ended up joining him, maybe for forever.
I can only be grateful to everyone in the cast and crew, the show runners, every single person who put their heart and gave it their all to honor a thirty year old legacy; and made great moments, and made mistakes, and learned along the way just as we did. Who knew they could create something powerful, and had the bravery to share it with the rest of the world.
And thanks to you too, fellow leaper who might be reading this. Your love and enthusiasm for this show have always mattered, even though now it doesn't feel like it.
This leap is over, folks. But just as Sam, and now Ben and Addison have taught us, there's always the next one. Whether it's them, whether it's us, the true essence of QL will never die, because just as Sam did back in the day, the show has touched many hearts and lives, and those will touch others in return.
Keep leaping, people. Be kind to each other. Sometimes, that's all we've got.
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If there’s one positive thing to come from The Dalton Affair, it’s that it’ll have a steady supply of hilarious fuckups when it comes to F!Sam’s gender, I.e. the twins continuously calling her “dad” and no one else in the story reacting to it.
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mackandcheezy · 9 months
Does anyone want a Cooper Freedman x reader, I've been rewatching private practice for the 7th time and I'm a little bit in love but its SO NEICHE
someone let me know PLEASE
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warningsine · 2 years
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spamsandsuch · 1 year
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horsetailcurlers2 · 10 months
sam and naomi from private practice SUCK. like, they really really suck. it’s such a bummer because i remember liking them in season one. by season three they were both pissing me off. i’m on season four now and they are enraging me to a point that is embarrassing. like, all of the characters on the show make bad choices but those two are just so sanctimonious it’s insane.
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wildaboutmnhockey · 2 years
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A Wild Thanksgiving
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peonierose · 10 months
Once (5/5)
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**This story takes place before it was revealed that Addison would come back/is alive **
Book: The Nanny Affair & Open Heart Crossover AU
Characters involved: Sam Dalton (M!MC), Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) and Vivian Dalton (F!MC)
Part V of V / Miniseries
Words: 1,900+
Rating: Mature
TW: Cancer, character death, mental illness
Summary: It’s weeks after Addis funeral. Sam and the boys settle in a bit, when Sam gets a surprise.
A/N: This is in honor of my friend Mira who died from ovarian cancer. May you rest in peace 💜
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I was finished at work and got Carter to drive me home while reading through an email I got from Ethan.
I smile even though it’s been a month since Addie‘s funeral.
And it still feels so fresh in my mind.
Thankfully the boys don’t remember too much of that sad day, which turned into a less sad day with my new friend Ethan Ramsey and my brother Robin.
We got pretty drunk, but nobody bothered us. So we kept talking about everything and nothing.
I finished reading through the email that Ethan replied to and put my phone in my pocket to look outside the car window. Seeing all the streets and alleys pass me by while driving through New York.
I mentioned to Ethan, I’d love to go on a little family trip with the boys. Just to relax a bit. So it would be nice to spend some time in Boston. I even asked him if it would be right to visit him in Boston and bring along Mason and Mickey. He was excited and dare I say it a little smile played on his lips.
A contented smile tugs at my own lips.
We haven’t done any family trips in a long while. So this would be the perfect opportunity.
The car slows down and I realize we’ve arrived at the apartment complex.
Carter clears his throat as if nervous.
I smile softly at Carter. He’s a good man. I always respected him a lot.
”Thank you, Carter. Have a safe trip home.“
He turns around to look at me.
”You can take the day off if you’d like. I’ll drive home to my parent's place to pick up the boys.“
Carter smiles and nods.
”Very well Mr. Dalton. Have a safe trip.“
”Thank you, Carter.“
I get out of the car and walk towards the apartment. I pass the front desk. When Marvin‘s voice holds me back.
”Mr. Dalton!“
I stop and walk towards him.
He’s in his twenties and works here part-time to earn some money for his college tuition.
”Hello Marvin. How’s it going? How’s college?“
I ask as I shake his hand.
He grins and shoves his caramel-brown hair to the side. His green eyes lit up at my question.
”Oh thanks for asking Sir. It’s a lot. But I’ll have a study session with some friends later. Cramming for a test that’s coming up. I’d never thought college would be this difficult. But I like the challenge.“
I smile.
”That’s good to hear. Keep studying. And you’ll see it’ll pay up.“
I wink and he grins.
”Was there a package or something for me?“ I was thinking maybe it was something that Addie ordered.
I’ve had to unsubscribe from some of the magazines she subscribed to.
He scratches his head and then he seems to remember.
”Oh right. This was delivered for you this morning.“
He hands me a small mint-colored envelope.
With my name and home address written in beautiful calligraphy on it.
Curious who could be sending me a letter. Most people text or write an email these days.
I take the envelope and smile at Marvin.
”Thank you, Marvin. I’ll be heading upstairs and then I’ll be at my parent's to pick up the twins. So I won’t be at home later.“
Marvin grins at me.
”Sure thing Mr. Dalton. Have a safe trip. And send your love to your parents and your twins.“
I smile. A genuine one this time. One that wasn’t forced out of me because I was trying to bring joy to my face even though I didn’t feel too much of it in the last couple of weeks. The twins are keeping me sane and happy these days.
”I will. And good luck with your test. I know you’ll do just fine.“
He grins.
”Thanks, Mr. Dalton.“
I wave goodbye and Marvin takes a seat at the desk.
While I ride in the elevator I wonder who’s sent me a letter. I ponder over that question when I get into my apartment and get a change of clothes for something less office formal.
As I pick up my car keys I walk by the picture of Addison and hold up the picture frame.
We went skydiving that day.
That’s when the picture was taken. Her blonde hair is blowing into her face, but she‘s got the biggest smile on her face.
We had a lot of fun that day. Even though Addi was terrified at first, that fear settled pretty soon and then she screamed »I want to do this again.«
I grin at the memory all the while to my car and then on the drive over to my parent's house. I get there and my mom opens the wide doors.
”Sam. You made it.“
She hugs me and I lean down to hug her back.
She smiles and pats my cheek gently, making me feel as if I’m 12 again. Instead of 36. I smile at her and she gestures for me to come inside.
”Come on in. The twins just fell asleep after running around the garden all day. Playing action hero. Whatever that means.“ She grins and I chuckle.
”Sounds like Mason and Mickey.“
I walk in after my mom and she guides me to the garden where she set up a nice late lunch.
”Mom! You didn’t have to go to any trouble.“
She turns and grins, her steps not even faltering.
”I didn’t do this for you, Samuel. I was hungry too. So it was me being indulgent.“
I sit down in one of the comfy dark grey garden chairs. While I let the beautiful and warm sunshine caress my face.
Before my mom can sit down her phone rings and she sighs.
”Pray that this is your father. Who I hope has a good excuse for interrupting our lunch. Because I'm starving.“
I grin.
”Should I wait for you?“ I ask my mom who holds her phone to her ear.
She shakes her head. And walks away to take her call.
I dig in and remember how nostalgic this feels to have lunch at my parent's place.
Then something pokes me. That’s when I remembered I’d forgotten about the letter.
I put down my fork and took out the mint-colored envelope to open it and read what was inside.
When I open it I almost let it fall to the floor.
It’s a letter from Addi.
I lean back in my chair. Shivering despite the sunshine outside.
When I look at the letter again I start to read it.
while I’m sitting here, letting the sunshine caress my face and just letting all thoughts drift away, enjoying the here and now, I wanted to tell you something.
No. I wanted to put it in writing. Because I feel that you need to read this for yourself.
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I know I can be difficult sometimes.
You laughed at that I know you did, don’t deny it.
I interrupt reading the letter to let out a surprised laugh. Then I continue reading Addis' letter. Even now that she’s gone she still makes me laugh.
You never let me walk alone. Always being there for me. Especially in those last months. For that, I will always be grateful.
The time I spent with you, was the most beautiful time of my life. I will always keep those memories close to my heart. From the moment we met, I knew. You are the one for me (cheesy I know, but it’s true).
Never letting me forget I’m more than a spoiled rich girl, who had it easy. Even though that’s not true at all. People just never bothered to take a peek behind the curtains.
You though? You were different, Sam.
I thought to myself back then, who’s this hot guy asking me out? What is it he wants? To get laid? Or is it more than just some hot sex? Gosh, this sounds weird even in writing. Please ignore my embarrassing moment.
Back to what I was trying to say.
You were so nice and charming. Flirting with me all the time. (You thought you were so subtle with those little gifts and compliments here and there? I’ll let you in on something. You weren’t. But I think I loved you already.)
These past few months…were…difficult, painful, and overwhelming. When I got diagnosed I…just sat there… in that doctor’s office not knowing what to do. Should I cry? Or should I scream? But I know I wouldn’t have solved anything by that.
Sam, I know you were trying your best with me, with Mickey and Mason. Your work? Trying to juggle all of it?
Shouldering everything on your own, never asking for help. And I just made it worse by being stubborn and difficult.
Please know that I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you the way I most likely did. I hope that you can forgive me someday.
I’m not trying to guilt-trip you or wrestle out an apology.
I want you to forgive yourself. To stop being so hard on yourself.
You deserve everything good this world has to offer.
Don’t mourn me too long. (I was told widowers are hot) shake your head all you want, but you know it’s true.
I even went so far as to make you a little bucket list:
Kiss (and tell)
Be adventurous
Do things that are out of your comfort zone (and no I don’t mean just skydiving)
Hook up (even in weird places)
Get married (you always looked way too hot in a suit, though it looks better on the floor anyway)
Go to a strip club (Stop rolling your eyes at me)
Do crazy experiments with the boys :) (make a mess of the kitchen)
But most important of all don’t shut yourself off from love.
When it comes knocking, open the door. Let yourself be surprised. Don’t let me be the one to hold you back. You know I always wanted to see you happy.
I’ll be watching over my three favorite boys.
When I finished reading the letter I just sat there with tears in my eyes and held the letter close to my heart because I had the strange feeling I could conjure her into existence one more time by holding the letter as close to my heart as I could.
And just like that my pain and my sorrow were lifted a little.
It’s as if Addi knew all the right words to say to me. Knowing exactly what would help me move on a bit easier.
”Oh Addi. You surprise me as always. But there’s nothing to forgive. I promise I’ll take care of the boys and I might even find a nice woman who I can share my life and love with. Someday.“
I know that when the right person stumbles into my life I’ll know. And with Addis' blessing, I won’t feel like I’m cheating or disrespecting her memory.
I will always love and cherish what we had. But I know she’s in a better place. Free of any pain. Only filled with love and joy. Watching over us.
I get up from the table and look up at the sky, shielding my eyes from the glaring sun.
I know it sounds stupid, but it’s as if I can hear Addis's laughter and I smile. The pain in my heart lessened a bit.
And I know things will be okay. Mason, Mickey, and I will be alright.
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aspecbuddie · 11 months
'Everyone is just doing the best that they can. I love you, and everyone else is just barely surviving, and it has nothing to do with you. I love you, and you need to make the decision to stop the spiral. And if you can't do it, you need to find someone, get someone to help you stop it. I love you, Amelia. And you've got to get off the damn ride before it's too late.'
this is hitting wayyyyyy too hard tonight
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