#addie santine
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hellish-heart-ships · 6 months ago
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quinloki · 1 year ago
Aaaaaaa our self ships?!?!?
I ship with Buggy and Shanks, because how could I not be head over heels for them? And I just love the height difference, me 5'5, Buggy 6'3, Shanks 6'6.... They're giants compared to the tiny powerhouse that is my s/i.
And Addie Santine, my most beloved s/i. She's free spirited, doing what she wants when she wants, who grew up with a whole lot of trauma before heading out to become a pirate at the ripe old age of 12. And as an adult is infamous, known as the Siren for being able to lure men (and certain women) with seduction and flirtation for her own personal goals. But also not to be taken lightly because she's known for a reason, and feared as dangerous and will go from being fun loving to willing to attack at a pin drop if someone presses her buttons (much more often occurring in my ship with Buggy).
With Buggy the two of them met with her saving his life (because he's Buggy) from another crew that was getting close to killing him wanting to join his crew, because with the two of their reputations they could stand to get whatever they wanted. And I mean, hot, deadly pirate lady wants to join him? Buggy's in. They don't get together for a while though once she has, instead they're pining for each other (completely obvious to everyone else) with Addie due to her past trauma with relationships and men, and Buggy thinking they couldn't possibly be interested in him with his rock bottom self esteem. But once they do my god, they're the Destruction Duo. And Addie? Don't you dare lay a hand on the clown.
And Shanks? Dashing, handsome, kind hearted Shanks? The two of them are instantly attracted to each other and often run into each other, flirting outrageously and having a deep respect for each other despite their differing views on handling conflict, with Shanks understanding Addie does what she does for her survival, and the fact that she's a much more reasonable person when she's around him. He loves her for her wildness, her love for freedom and that under the coldness and violence she's loving and kind. And Addie fell for him because he's the first person who was able to see her for who she is, and when she realises she likes being soft and gentler because he helps her be the person she wants to be. Though it still takes a whole lot of time with the flirting building up for Addie to accept her feelings for him and the fact that he returns them thinking that she doesn't deserve it because of the things she's done. But once they do get together omg, power couple!
Thank you for sharing! I love the subtle differences between how things go with Buggy vs how they go with Shanks. I love the gremlin vibes and the flirting and the explosions XD
Sometimes we just need someone to actually SEE us and that's enough for us to start to see ourselves, and there's a vibe of that in this I really like. ^_^ And like, YOU get to be the pirate, a little scourge of the high seas, for yourself, as a treat \o/
It's fantastic! I read this a couple times before I could even reply to it cause you just painted such a great picture =3 the passion's there!
Do you have anything written or drawn for Addie? I'd love to read up on her or see her ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Tell me about your self-ships!
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tired-writer-in-progress · 1 year ago
Also thinking about drdt Ace and Charles with Addie Santine and it’s priceless. They would have no clue what to do with themselves around her girl bossing and flirting shamelessly, relentlessly, losing her shit and fighting…
They either hold you back from doing dumb shit or malfunction.
Makes me wonder how my drdt f/os would react to pjsk Togo, considering how vastly different she is from danganronpa Togo
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hellish-heart-ships · 7 months ago
Ace, sweating: Addie, there’s something I need to ask you-
Addie: Finally! You’re proposing!
Ace: How’d you know?
Addie: Ace, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner.
Addie: I even picked it up once.
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hellish-heart-ships · 1 year ago
Shanks who can put absolute horror in the strongest men alive. Shanks who has the power to destroy an entire fleet. Shanks who ends wars by simply showing up and striking fear into anyone foolish enough to consider fighting his crew.
Shanks who loves nothing more than drinking and horseplay with his dearly beloved Siren. And spending day and night between her thighs.
Shanks who after being apart from Addie, instantly rushed to scoop her up, engulfing her in him, and planting a rough, sloppy kiss to her cheek with the brightest smile you could imagine.
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hellish-heart-ships · 1 year ago
Modern au - When someone calls them a simp letting their girl be on onlyfans
P2 of this post
Shanks: Just fucking laughs out loud til he’s crying. Screenshots the message and edits it at the top of their next video of him wrecking her shit. “Thaaat’s it, baby girl. Nngh… let ‘em see how this simp owns your perfect pussy.”
Zoro: Stares at the message and smirks “Shit, you sure got me. If you need me I’ll be busy with my face buried in her cunt for the next hour to cheer myself up while you cry and jerk off over some pictures online.”
Ace: Confused. Pauses while eating. “I’m literally the guy in half of her videos????”
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hellish-heart-ships · 8 months ago
Addie Santine - Alastor
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Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Year of her death: 1981
Age: At death: 29, After death: 72
Dark content/dead dove below the cut
Addie's life before her cause for eternal damnation in Hell is clouded in mystery, to some she's said that she came from a loving family until she'd snapped and ran away with her "loving" boyfriend, to others her father was an abusive drunk, and her mother was unable to protect her. Alastor is the sole being she has ever shared her story with.
At 19 she did move in with her boyfriend at the time, though it wasn't long until the said loving nature wavered, and began assaulting her. Until she'd indeed snapped and stabbed him in the throat. After abandoning her hometown, and no longer the forgiving girl she once was, Addie realised she'd had a taste for blood, and thus her career manipulating men and women alike into gaining her desires, before torturing and killing then began.
10 years later in 1981 she'd faltered though, having another captor, and hearing police sirens approaching fast, she'd realised she'd been caught and rather than being taken in and spending the rest of her life in prison, took her own life with a shot to the head.
In hell
Soon after her arrival in Hell, Alastor introduced himself to Addie, and she was instantly intrigued by him and the way those around her moved to avoid him at all costs. Even more so when he'd attempted to make a deal with her, eyes glowing red and showing the sinister grin of his as he tried to own another demon's life. Alastor himself was intrigued by her when she didn't shy away or show the faintest hint of fear of him, but also managed to get herself out of making the deal with him, having spent her life running similar schemes.
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hellish-heart-ships · 1 year ago
Addie: *sitting with Luffy, placing a mug of sake in front of him* you want a drink, Anchor?
Makino: He’s ten years old
Addie: Oh right….
Addie: *slides a second mug in front of him* You’re a growing boy.
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hellish-heart-ships · 1 year ago
Addie and Shanks having drunk sex after drinking a bar completely dry.
Addie: *Laughing* What’s a guy like you doing in a pussy like mine?
Shanks: *has to stop for five minutes because he’s laughing too hard.*
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hellish-heart-ships · 1 year ago
Nami: Why are you smiling?
Zoro: Can’t I just be happy?
Addie: Sanji just tripped and fell in the soap bucket.
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hellish-heart-ships · 1 year ago
Addie: He's down!
Addie and Buggy: Let's rob him! :D
Crocodile and Mihawk:
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hellish-heart-ships · 1 year ago
Addie: Awww come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night….
Benn: You were flirting with the captain.
Addie: So what? We’re married.
Benn: You asked if he was single.
Yasopp: You cried when he said no.
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hellish-heart-ships · 1 year ago
Random pirate #1: What’s wrong with you?
Random pirate #2: *visibly shaking and wide eyed* I had a run in with Santine. I barely made it out alive!
Random pirate #1: Dear god…..
Addie and Buggy sitting in his cabin, Addie cupping his face while he’s feeling insecure
Addie: You’re a menace. You’re a horror. Who’s the terror of the East Blue?
Buggy: Me
Addie: Who?!
Buggy: Me!
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hellish-heart-ships · 5 months ago
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My beautiful science bitch ❤️
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hellish-heart-ships · 5 months ago
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The bad bitch he pulled by being an anxious dumbass
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hellish-heart-ships · 1 year ago
Mohji: What’s going on here?
Cabaji: Captain Buggy and Addie are having their bonding time.
Buggy: *sitting with Addie, writing around a picture of Shanks* This man is the NASTIEST. SKANK. BITCH. I have ever met. Do not trust him. He is a fugly. Slut.
Addie: *high fives*
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