#addict him to you ebook
techsofit · 2 years
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poopraven · 1 year
Hello! I'd like to tell you about a book I wrote. It'll be coming out on Friday the 26th of May 2023.
I'm extremely proud of this one. I'm proud of them all, of course, but I think in this one I let myself get angry for, well, pretty much the whole book to be honest. Previous books in the series have bursts of queer rage, but this one definitely sustained it.
At its heart, it's a book that demands to know just how long we're supposed to do nothing while fascists kill us.
Now, fair warning, it is book 9 in an ongoing series. It won't make a whole lot of sense if you haven't read the previous eight books. I'll get to that at the end of the post, but for now I want to stick with Runes of Fall.
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No storm bows to reason.
Quentin's trip to the desert with his chosen family is supposed to be two days of testing the limits of their powers. Instead, a violent storm looms on the horizon, and nothing will alter its course.
The storm has a name: Nate Anderson. Demigod, supremacist, leader of a neo-Nazi Übermensch cabal... and father to Quentin's latest ward, Mel. He means to take her home, and won't let a ragtag group of "inferior" psychics get in his way.
Besieged and outgunned, Quentin is trapped in a no-win scenario. No matter which way he turns, one fateful night will change him forever.
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Inheritance is a series best read in order, so if this is the first you've heard of it I strongly recommend that you start with Jack of Thorns, but keep going and I'll let you know how you can grab that for free. First, let me tell you more about it.
In Jack of Thorns, we meet Laurence and Quentin, two men with astonishing powers but little to no control over them. They are both adrift, traumatised, and doing what they can to get by one day at a time. Laurence is struggling to escape a toxic, abusive boyfriend who refuses to accept that their relationship is over, and Quentin spends as much of his time drunk as he possibly can.
Do they start out likeable? Opinion varies. But they learn, they grow, and they put in the work to improve themselves. They do their best, and sometimes they make mistakes, but the Laurence and Quentin in Runes of Fall are a world away from the Laurence and Quentin you first meet.
Heads up, there are some content warnings to take note of. In random order, they are: sexual intimacy, addiction, drug use, sexual assault, childhood sexual abuse, incest, gaslighting, bullying, coercive control, kidnapping, domestic abuse, bigotry, classism, torture, post-traumatic stress, therapy, violence, peril, and death.
If you're still here, thank you for reading this far. I'd like to give you some links if you're interested in finding out more!
Jack of Thorns: https://books2read.com/jackofthorns
Runes of Fall: https://discoverinheritance.com/books/runes-of-fall
Discord server: https://discord.gg/reYUyTH9DJ
And, if you'd like, you can get all nine books at once - whether as ebooks, paperbacks (signed or unsigned), or audiobooks - from Kickstarter:
Thank you so much for your time. Please feel free to ask questions if you have them!
- AK.
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stillbeatingheart · 11 months
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Face of the Moon excerpt Chapter 11: Leave
I’ll tell you this now.  It was Jacy, it was when Jacy said it, when he said my name that I got it.  That I understood how the consonants felt when they were tasted, I understood how a word could pack a punch and strip a person bare.  I loved the way he said my name.  From the very first time to the very last.  There were so many.  So many ways.  The first time he said it, like he wanted to peel the skin off an exotic fruit with his tongue.  The second time he said it, like he was tasting the juice, letting it coat his cheeks.  And the third, like he was going to hold it there forever.  The way he’d say it when his mouth was so close to mine that his breath would wash over my lips on the sound of my own name.  The way he’d say it when his head was arched back, or buried in my neck.  The way he’d say it when he was coming home and hadn’t spotted me yet crouching on the floor sketching with his charcoal pencils.  The way he’d say it when he answered the phone knowing it was me holding my breath, waiting to hear the sound of his voice.  Hell, I even loved the way he said it when he was exasperated, when he was at the end of his rope with me.  
Home, yeah I said home when I was referring to the industrial building.  We made that place our home.  Through the broken glass and the crumbling concrete and the rotting wood.  We made that place the only home we’d ever known.  
I wonder about it sometimes, if it’ll be torn down.  Or if it'll stand like a ghost screaming our memories out into the empty sky, over the dead grass, and through those broken jagged pieces of windowpanes shattered on the floor.  I wonder if I could go back there and see it all playing out in front of me.  The ways we shared ourselves with one another.  The ways we felt it, we felt it all back then.  I wonder if I could go back, if I could stand there and drown myself in those memories if I’d come back out the other side as me again.  If I’d find the me that I lost in that moment when I grabbed Jacy’s wrist and told him to wait.
Through the years, the ways he’s tasted my name as he spoke it changed.  It was a sweet intoxication, an addiction, something he’d never be able to live without.  Maybe that was how I should have known, I’d turned him into the caged animal that could never survive on his own.  I should have known by the way it changed, that his addiction to me was ending, it was simply shifting to a new substance.  An addict will always be an addict, I just always thought I’d be enough for Jacy.
He says it now.  As I’m walking away, as I’m making my way down the steps of the front walk.  He says it now.  In a way I haven’t heard in so long.  Like he can’t bear to let it leave his mouth, like he could hold it there forever if only I would let him.
Ebook available on B&N
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cmrosens · 10 months
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Ok look at this brother/sister duo by Georgina Donnelly, who is going to do the 3rd member of the unholy triad and bring Ricky Porter to life next!!
Katy Porter (17F) is making a List, and checking it twice... and once she ascends to eldritch godhood, you'd better pray you're not on it, because she's coming for you whether you've been naughty or nice. A girl's gotta feed, and if she thinks you're worth it, she will hunt you through space and time and devour you whole.
Where to find her: Briefest of cameos in The Crows, MC of Thirteenth, secondary MC of The Day We Ate Grandad, by C. M. Rosens
Hobbies include: reading, cross country running, and collecting cat pins/badges
Wes Porter (29M) is impossible to remember most of the time, but this is definitely how he WANTS you to see him. Is this really his face? Nobody knows for sure. What is certain is that he can lodge his image in your brain like an addiction, a permanent itch you can't scratch, and drive you into orgiastic frenzies of destruction.
Where to find him: Brief cameo in The Crows, secondary MC of Thirteenth, antagonist/love interest in Overexposure, and MC of The Day We Ate Grandad, by C. M. Rosens
Hobbies include: recreational drugs, clubbing, the sex club/kink club/swinger/hook-up scenes (yes, as a hobby rather than a lifestyle, he doesn't commit to anything if he can help it), fashion, make up, driving and collecting sports cars, listening to Classical music, collecting expensive brooches... look, he has undiagnosed ADHD, ok? There are a lot more.
You can get all the eBook files in the whole series for £9.99 right now in my holiday sale!
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msfbgraves · 2 years
whats the title of the 2014 de niro biography cause id like to read it thank you. do you recommend any other material on de niro in terms of books?
It's called De Niro: A Life by Shawn Levy and I'd recommend getting the e-book because it is 608 pages long, and it's easier to skip to things that especially interest you in ebooks. De Niro, as a person, is famous for everything he doesn't tell. You have to write around him, so to speak, mine the work for who he could be. And so the writer goes on very long tangents about who his friends are, which can both be interesting and anything but, depending on your taste.
And no, sorry, I have no opinion on any other books. I kinda had to reverse engineer how he would have played the role of Joseph Cuba for my crossover fic, so I needed to learn how he would play a drug addict, a father, a drug dealer, a husband, a thug; knowing that they're all different roles but looking for what's consistent in his portrayal. I don't get the impression that he completely disappears into his parts, even though there is a great difference between Travis Bickle and, say, Father Bobby from Sleepers. And of course I needed anything there is to know about this 1986 production of Cuba and His Teddy Bear. The book has some, but there are better sources.
I love the insight this book gives into the making of all his movies especially. Even if you don't stan De Niro, there's a lot in there about film.
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sophiathesorceress · 2 years
The Last of August- Book Review
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Rating: four stars
I highlighted SO many quotes in the Ebook version of this book that I checked out on Sora. The first book in this series figuratively killed me and resurrected me in the span of almost 300 pages. I had a similar expectation for this book and mostly, I got what I expected. Unfortunately, I can't document every thought I had while reading this book. What I can do though, is talk about a few things I thought about while reading.
-1. Charlotte and Jamie's relationship is a painful slow-burn, but well written and not super cringe, which is always nice to have.
-2. Jamie's narration is well-written and I enjoy how his stream of consciousness differs greatly from the chapters where Charlotte narrates. It feels like the author put a lot of thought into writing through different characters' perspectives and I found it easy to forget that it was written by an author and not the two fictional characters.
-3. I enjoyed how easily the author wrote about Europe and didn't make it seem obvious or annoying that it was written by an American author. Like, instead of Ms. Cavarallo thinking: "how should I make sure my readers know I know things about Europe? Let me describe things in too much detail and throw in some random facts!" she thought: "let me do my research, and do it well."
-4. Normally, I find "spunky, confident female characters" to be overused and plain annoying as hell. They are usually very cringe, most of their quotes are terrible, and they seem unrealistic and boring to me. Charlotte, however, is not one of these types of characters to me. She is able to show emotion and even though she is a fighter, sometimes cruel, and makes bad decisions at times, I didn't find myself wanting to punch her in the face every time she spoke. I found this to be a huge win.
-5. The "romance" scenes in this book are very well written and I enjoyed every word of them. Not everyone might believe this though.
Notable exerpts and quotes!!:
"As for you, girl,” he said, “you wanted to see your uncle? I’ll send you there, then,” and he pushed the mouth of the gun hard into her temple."
"It had been difficult. She was beautiful. We’d both been frustrated. She’d said my name. I never wanted to make her cry again. All I knew was that I didn’t want us to fight anymore."
"Excellent.” I paused. “Try to enjoy this. Today. It’ll be fun, I think, for you.” Until it wasn’t fun. Until he never wanted to look at me again."
"We did other things. Dicere quae puduit, scribere jussit amor—I may, for some time, think about his beautiful arms. They are lovely, like those of a statue I once saw when I was a girl, in a museum, somewhere, back when I hadn’t yet cried in my best friend’s bed, in a hotel in Prague at dawn."
"Do you want this?” he asked me, with effort. “I do,” I said, and hated my voice for breaking. “Can we—can we get under the blankets?”
"I had never pretended he was my father. Fathers were exacting and distant and cruel. Leander was none of those things. Still, I was charmed."
"Charlotte. There’s a girl on the roof. She says her name is Lena.” He cleared his throat. “She says she brought the helicopter you wanted?”
"Because, if you don’t, I will have my brother hit this warehouse twenty minutes from now in a precision strike that he’ll write off as a training exercise, and then, for good measure, I’ll do your house. Because I’m holding a gun, you cow, and I am perfectly capable of making your death look like a suicide.” In that moment, I wasn’t entirely sure I was bluffing."
"He’s largely muscle, which makes him quite heavy, and while this was something I had of course noticed (and yes, appreciated, I am in fact a heterosexual human girl), I didn’t like having to haul him out the door."
"My brother,” he growled, “is an addict, so yes, I do know something about it, and unless you just completely shattered her world in half, I can’t imagine this being a situation that . . .” He trailed off. All at once, the blood went out of his face. “Oh my God, Jamie. What have you done?”
"I kissed her slowly. Patiently. It was always too desperate between us, the clock nearing zero, the last secret about to slip out, or too cautious, or too clinical, an experiment gone wild and wrong. It was a huge, impossible thing, kissing your best friend, and each time we’d tried, we’d managed to fuck it up so badly that the next felt even more impossible. I wanted to give her an out. I always did, especially after Dobson. But God, it was hard. When she leaned into me, her fingers tracing the hollow of my throat, I had to clench my hands not to touch her back. Then she slipped a hand underneath my shirt, and I forced myself to pull away."
"I needed to find Holmes, though I wasn’t looking forward to it. Breaking news: I got into a strange car where someone told me I was useless. How was your afternoon?"
"It’s heavy in her arms, but it’s pleasing to look at it. Maybe the package talks. It’s witty. It’s flattering. It makes her feel special, and she likes that feeling. And one day Charlotte leaves it somewhere in public, and poof, it is taken from her. Charlotte is sad. Then furious. Charlotte will do anything to get her present back. Horrible things. Things that will end in her death, or imprisonment. We don’t want Charlotte to do these things.”
"I slipped my arms around Marie-Helene’s waist and kissed her like a man coming home from war. Here was another point under the “monster” column: it was a good kiss. She leaned into me, she put her hands in my hair, she pulled me down into her like she wanted me, like I wasn’t the terrible person Holmes thought I was, like I was somehow good enough for a girl like her."
"Because of course. Of course I’d be expected to make a move here. Touch her neck. Kiss her; hell, maybe sing her an L.A.D song—do something to live up to the ridiculous texts Holmes had been sending."
"She looked innocently up at me from the top of her book. “Bloody hell, I made a bleedin’ mistake.”
"No.” I was going to murder Shelby, and creatively."
"No,” I groaned. “No. Absolutely not. This is like a L.A.D. song. This is like my sister’s L.A.D. fan fiction.”
"Apologize to them? For what—having the misfortune of producing you?”
"I’m willing to call in men, right now, to take you to Lucien,” she continued. “He might be done taking it slow. I’m sure he’d be willing to speed things up. Break your hands. Kill you. Let’s see if I can get you out of the country and to Thailand before your bear of a brother can stop them.”
"Did nobody teach you any respect?” Phillipa exploded. “No one! Did nobody tell you that being clever isn’t enough?"
"I wandered the house like some Victorian ghost."
"There, in the guest room, at the end of my bed, she was easing the heels off her feet. She dangled one from a finger as she looked up at me, biting her lip, and it should have been ridiculous, but instead it made something in my chest burn."
"She’d almost kissed me. I’d wanted her to. Everything was fine."
"For some reason, it felt dangerous to breathe, and so I didn’t. I held myself as still as I could, except for my hand running down her soft, shining hair to her cheek. Her skin was pale in the dark, but as I traced my thumb along her cheekbone, she flushed the barest pink. I bit my lip, and her mouth opened, and without thinking about it, really, I let one finger brush against her mouth, and then her hands slid up my chest, pulling against my T-shirt and then pulling at the collar, pulling me down toward her until I could feel myself pressing her down into the mattress, and my nose dug into her neck and she laughed, she exhaled and her breath was soft and a little sharp, and I tangled my fingers in her hair, the way I’d wanted to for months now, all of this I’d wanted for so long, and she angled her head as though she was about to kiss me—"
"For the first time, I realized that maybe my presence was more of a curse than a comfort."
"This? This had never happened before. I could feel her hot breath, the brush of her mouth. I bit back a sound at the back of my throat and kept myself still, terrified I might scare her away or worse, that this might break apart the both of us. She ran a finger down my chest. “Is this what you want?” she asked me, and with that, my willpower broke completely. I couldn’t answer, not with words. Instead, I dropped my hands down to her waist, intending to kiss her the way I’d wanted for months—a deep, searching kiss, one hand tangled in her hair, her pressed up against me like I was the only other person in the world. But when I touched her, she recoiled. A rush of fear went across her face. I watched as that fear turn to rage, and then to something like despair."
"The best and worst thing about Holmes was that she heard everything I didn’t say along with everything I did."
"The thought made me sick, made me want to climb the walls. It made me want to lay it all out at her feet so we could begin to fix it."
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Review: The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers by Samuel Burr
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With a cover as charming and a title as whimsical and cosy as this, I think we all know that it was love at first sight. I was delighted to be approved for this debut novel and really excited to get started.
Crossword queen and founder of the Fellowship of Puzzlemakers, Pippa Allsbrook has recently passed away and she has left a final puzzle for Clayton, the boy who was abandoned as a baby on the doorstep of the Fellowship's HQ. He was raised by a band of clever, creative eccentrics within the tight-knit community of the Fellowship but Pippa's last challenge will take him on a journey outside of their walls and on a path to solve a puzzle that no one has ever been able to crack.
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The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers is a book for outsiders. If you've always felt different and lost amongst human company, you'll resonate with the inner monologue of Pippa and the words of several other members of the Fellowship. I really enjoyed seeing the world through Pippa's eyes and reflecting on life in her unique manner.
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Much of Clayton's chapters see him grieve Pippa and think about how her brilliant mind shaped his upbringing and the man he has become. There are several word puzzles dotted throughout the text, giving the reader a little something extra to enjoy while they're reading. I'm not sure they materialised quite as well in the eBook as they probably do in the print version but I thought it was a lovely, relevant touch.
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Before the Fellowship is formally established, we learn that Pippa publishes her crosswords under the name Squire, obscuring her gender. As the world of cleverness and puzzles is dominated by men, everyone naturally believes that Squire must be a man. A woman couldn't possible devise such complex crosswords! Although Pippa makes herself known to those who become close to her, she is still undoubtedly uncredited under her own name by the majority of people who come across it. In this, Pippa represents thousands of clever, hard-working women all over the world.
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There is a love story in both strands of the novel and to be honest, I didn't love either of them. I didn't think that Earl was good enough for Pippa and I was a bit baffled as to why she liked him. He wasn't nasty but I just found him very bland. I think the lack of depth within most of the characters was the book's biggest downfall. There is a large cast of characters and I only felt like I got to know Pippa and Clayton, despite some of them playing significant roles in the action.
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The Fellowship is a warm, safe space for its members and the theme of found family and community was really strong. I'm not sure I could quite picture the layout of the house well enough to fully understand the logistics of them all living together but the vibes had a certain glow. I wish I'd cared about more of the characters, as there are some quite fuzzy, lovely moments towards the end of the narrative, which I think I missed due to a lack of connection.
The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers wasn't quite the addictive, charming read I thought it would be. It was enjoyable and aspects of the story, such as the idea of the Fellowship itself and the bonds between outcasts, were really lovely. However, I was bored by the plot and the two-dimensional characters didn't help it along very much. I would still recommend it, if you're looking for a gentle story about family and belonging. However, if you want something a bit more intriguing and interesting, it's perhaps not for you.
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thenotebookwizard · 3 months
Book Review! From the Sundering Snows by TJ Klapprodt
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Full honesty and disclaimer: I read the book of my own volition, because TJ is a great writer. TJ is also my friend, and she reminded me I was allowed to review this one, since I didn't edit it.
Given TJ has known me for [time span redacted] years, she knew what she was asking for. Brave, isn't she? (Then again, she also told the entire internet she wrote a book and agreed to let me tell tumblr about her book.) Review under the cut. TW on the book: violence, mental illness, grief, natural disasters. (Everything in there is really well written, well handled, and respectful.)
I was a kid when I heard James T. Kirk say: "How we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life."
I didn't really get it until I was in my thirties.
It took Altonier a little longer. Just a few centuries. You know, finding maturity. Wherein, maturity is having your mate die and deciding to blame everything on humans, because your government had you move after a treaty.
Look,my commentary starts flippant here, and I know it, y'all. I get that way when something hits hard, and this From the Sundering Snows hits hard. I'm not a villain guy; I don't usually read stories about villains, especially when I know the outcome. I met Altonier in Messengers of Ilbeor, and he's a villain. Full on, conquer the world, villain. Classic fantasy (the good stuff!) and written with flair. Written with depth.
That's the trick, ain't it? Writing a villain with depth without making them a good guy in a black cloak. Thinking 'cool motive. still murder, but...ooh, backstory!'
Yeah, TJ Klapprodt looked at all of us and grinned from Texas. She gave us backstory. Flippantly disturbed me wants to say 'rich mage who sells jewelry on fantasy etsy goes on rampage when wife dies in avoidable natural disaster' but we get to much more depth than that.
It's hard to spoil this book, because we know the end. Altonier is the villain. It's hard not to spoil this book, because getting there, and all of the complexities of his situation can't be covered in a review. Maybe a book report or a paper on the nature of classic literary villains. (Because Altonier? He has class. He's a villain, and TJ Klapprodt doesn't stint on the delicious literary tropes that make epic fantasy so addictive.)
He damns himself. He damns himself because all his magic can't fix what complacency destroyed. He damns himself because he can't accept what's happened. He damns himself because having something - someone - to blame is easy. Seductive.
The depth is there. Even though we know the end, when we turn each page, we hope somehow she's going subvert her own story. Somehow, the end won't change. We follow Altonier through grief. Every stage. We watch him choose.
Again. And again.
And the most compelling part of the story is that, sometimes, Altonier wants to make a better decision more than we want him to. He doesn't know the end the way we do, and the tragedy of that isn't just his choices or the losses he endures or even the justifications he creates for himself.
Well - the real tragedy of it is something you should go read for yourself. Even I'm not going to spoil that.
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 4 months
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════. •   COVER REVEAL •. ════
I Pucking Hate to Love You
Pucking Love Book 4
By DL Gallie
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/205206531/
Cover Designers: R.L. Kenderson from RL Kenderson designs (manchest)
Kristie from Vanilla Lily (Discreet cover)
Release Date: July 25
Hosted by DS Book Promotions
𝑰 𝒗𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅 𝑰'𝒅 𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒏𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒂 𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒂𝒈𝒂𝒊𝒏. 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒏 𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝑰 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒏 𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆.
𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕..
Ice Hockey Romance
Enemies to lovers
Forced proximity
Redeeming of Stefan Däuchmen
Amazon: Preorder
I vowed I'd never get involved with a client again. That was a lesson I thought I only had to learn once. When I’m assigned Stefan Däuchmen aka Doucheman, I realize I have a huge problem.
My number one rule is “never date someone from work” … or “a douche.” One would think because he’s an egotistical manwhore douche, I would be safe from his charm. But my new, very attractive client has me questioning if rules were made to be broken.
I have to remind myself constantly it doesn’t matter how good-looking he is. With his panty melting smile, rich chocolate eyes and washboard abs. Or his heart of gold that he hides under his douchey exterior. He’s my client and I’m not going there—again. But the more time I spend with him, the harder I fall.
I pucking hate to love him, but I can’t help it … I’m so pucking screwed.
Start the Series here:
I Pucking Hate That I Love You #1
A Pucking Good Christmas #2
I Pucking Hate That You Love Me #3 https://mybook.to/IPHTYLM
It’s Pucking Fake (appearing in Fake It Till You Make It) https://books2read.com/TNRC2024FakeItTilWeMakeIt
(coming soon)
For more information about DL Gallie and her books:
@DL Gallie Author @DS Promotions
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mybookplacenet · 9 months
Featured Post: Lying in Ruins by Jami Gray
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About Lying in Ruins: In a world gone to hell, better to choose the devil you know… The world didn't end in fire and explosions, instead after an intensifying panic of disease, food shortages, wild weather, and floundering economies, it collapsed like slow falling dominoes, until what remained of humanity battles for survival in a harsh new reality. As a ‘Hound, Charity puts the lethal survival skills learned at an early age to use by sniffing out pivotal secrets for one of the most powerful leaders on what remains of the west coast. Her work is deceptive, deadly, and best performed solo, but when her path crosses with a member of the notorious mercenary group known as Fate’s Vultures, she’s faced with a less than stellar choice – join the sexy as hell Ruin in a mockery of teamwork or waste her valuable time shaking him loose. As one of Fate’s Vultures, a nomadic band of ruthless arbitrators, Ruin knows well the type of carnage created by the corruption and greed of what remains of humanity, so when he rides into a brutal murder scene and discovers his friend has been taken hostage, he’ll use whatever resources he can to save him. Even if one of those resources is a damn ‘Hound who’s clearly trouble. Trouble, Ruin knows he should avoid, especially since the suspicious circumstance of Charity’s involvement leaves every cell of his body skeptical - and painfully aroused. But Fate has other plans, especially when Ruin and Charity realize they have a common enemy. Can they set aside their distrust to achieve their mutual goal of justice and revenge? Sometimes, it's better to stick with the devil you know... ****** ****** ****** ****** Dare to find out why readers are binging on this complete post-apocalyptic romance series from Jami Gray with this first in series, LYING IN RUINS and claim your copy now! Meet a new breed of warriors, Fate’s Vultures, a mercenary band who live by a code in a world gone to hell – loyalty to each other, but for the right price, they’ll be the shield for those without. In the ravaged aftermath of the post-apocalyptic these evocative couples will stop at nothing to claim their future. Welcome to the world of The Collapse. "This is a sexy Mad Max that keeps you turning the pages." - Amazon Review "I'm always looking for a good post-apocalyptic romance to sink my teeth into. This book delivered!" - Amazon Review ****** ****** ****** ****** Targeted Age Group: 18+ Written by: Jami Gray Buy the ebook: Buy the Book On Amazon Buy the Book On Barnes & Noble/Nook Buy the Book On Smashwords Buy the Book On Apple Books Buy the Book On Kobo Link to Series Author Bio: Jami Gray is the coffee addicted, music junkie, Queen Nerd of her personal Geek Squad, Alpha Mom of the Fur Minxes, who writes to soothe the voices crammed in her head. You don’t want to miss out on her multiple series that combine magical intrigue and fearless romance into one wild ride – with the worlds of the Arcane Transporter, The Kyn, PSY-IV Teams, or The Collapse. Follow the author on social media: Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author's Website Facebook Fan Page Instagram Read the full article
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His Secret Obsession Review: James Bauer PDF, Download eBook Buying Guide
Confused about what men want? Why some men suddenly stop communicating with their partners, whether it’s a lack of conversation, no more sending texts, and no chats over the phone. If you are currently striving with understanding your man, then you need to read about male psychology. As women crave affection, love, romance, and intimacy, men, on the other hand, crave other qualities such as respect and the opportunity to appear as a hero. Bauer explains that every man needs to feel irreplaceable—this is what drives him, and he’s drawn to any woman who makes him feel like that. It empowers women to communicate with men in a way that is receptive to what they actually want. He calls them “secrets” but there’s nothing nefarious about it. In evolutionary psychology, a man's mind, desires, and His Secret Obsession are revealed. His Secret Obsession by James Bauer is a booklet for women who want to learn how to charm men, attract their basic urges, and create a strong bond! You can use this book to get into the relationship of your dreams.
James Bauer is a well-known relationship coach, in addition to being a best-selling author. His initial background is in psychology, and he later transitioned into relationship coaching professionally.Over the past 12 years, he has assisted hundreds of males and females in improving the quality of their romantic partnerships. James Bauer concluded that “The Hero Instinct” is the key to a love that lasts a lifetime after thoroughly researching the two couple relationships. The author shows you how to use a secret signal to flip on a man’s Hero Instinct. The author has shared information that men have a primal instinct to feel needed. They are secretly obsessed with feeling that they are irreplaceable. As such, they feel close to anything or anyone who brings out that feeling in them. This is why you ought to learn how to awaken the need for him to know the authentic you and know how to treat you like the prize you are. Luckily for you, you will be able to unravel the male mind in His Secret Obsession, a hugely popular program that shows you how to cultivate happiness and joy in your relationship.
By tapping into deeply rooted primal desires in the male psyche, James argues you can become the sole woman your man craves with every fiber of his being and see you as his top priority. The book is designed to help women understand the inner workings of men's minds, particularly in the context of romantic relationships, and provide insights into creating and maintaining a strong, passionate, and lasting connection with their partners. By following the guidance provided in this manual, one can steer clear of falling into seemingly meaningless connections as it elucidates all potential issues. A systematic adherence to the principles outlined in this guide ensures that a woman remains a prominent figure in the man's life. He will be deeply drawn to her and envelop her in enduring, unfading love. Love, once it finds you, is worth each brief minute of highs and lows. Love, in spite of the fact that it may blur, never gives up on you. Love that takes off isn't misplaced; it'll find you once more sometime in the not so distant future, maybe after you slightest anticipate it or possibly after you truly need it to. Love doesn’t play by anybody else’s rules. If you want to have your dream guy addictively fall in love with you and stay with you forever then you need to emotionally in tune with him. After you read this program, you’ll better understand the male mind. Here a very small peek at a few of the secret’s you will discover inside: How to powerfully attract a man and keep him hooked using cutting edge psychology, simplified and boiled down into a set of “secret signals” that any woman can use. There are numerous testimonials of women who have achieved tremendous improvement in their love lives using His Secret Obsession. So, why would you think that it won’t work for you as well? You certainly need to try it out!
Click Here To Visit (His Secret Obsession) Official Website
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Jack's blowjob lessons PDF book reviews - Best Blowjob Tips
This article is about jack's blowjob lessons PDF book reviews - Best Blowjob Tips - Improve Your Sex Life Today, Jack's Blowjob Lessons is a course that teaches you how to master the art of blowjobs and get your man or any man addicted. It gives you proven oral sex secrets, the best techniques, and all the dirty little tricks you can apply right now to make your man see you as the "only" who holds the keys to his heart. Do you find yourself almost desperately trying to get the attention of a man with whom you have a deep relationship, your newlywed or long-married husband who just doesn't know what to do? Do you have embarrassing moments in bed when you don't know what to do to please him, how to hug him and make him feel loved? You see,jack’s blowjob lessons, what good sex means for a man is completely different for a woman. Most women mistakenly believe that having sex with a man is just penetration into the vagina and ends with his release. Just as women crave intimacy and foreplay, if you really want to connect with a man emotionally and sexually, you have to be willing to physically connect with him. Guys love good blowjobs. In order for a guy to become addicted to you, mastering a good act of oral sex will immediately make you his top priority. Click here to visit Jack .'s Blowjob lesson download
Jack's Blowjob Lesson: Unbiased Review
Learn Tips for Good Sex and Romance: Jack's Oral Sex Lesson https://www.youtube.com/embed/tfjuwGVbU4c How can we strengthen and prolong relationships today? Is it commitment or love? Jack's Oral Sex Lesson PDF is the opposite: It's about good sex and romance. milf blowjob lessons, Great sex happens when a woman knows how to have oral sex that makes her husband crazy and weak. Downloading Jack's BJ Lessons eBook provides what you need to make your man love you more. Jack Huston talks to all the women who want to please their men. It's not just about giving him your eternal attention or loyalty, it's his claim that having your man up front will definitely keep him going. He'll ask you to give him more blowjobs because he's the best thing in the world. Forget the saying: "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.jack's blowjob lessons," No, the way to get a man's heart is to give him the best oral sex in the world.jack’s blowjob lessons, You may have done this and think it is enough. Jack's Blowjob Lessons In addition, Jack Houston has a list of blowjob techniques that you will try with your man.jack blowjob lessons, It will also help you provide the right atmosphere and the right words while doing so. Your man will want your mouth, and only your mouth can give him a great, sexy suck. The myth debunked in Jack's BJ's BJ course PDF download is: "We're getting married and the sex was great." "I think I'm better off now." "My friend is very happy with that." "There is only one technique." Special Notice: This is a review of Jack Hutson's Blowjob Tutorials by Jack Hutson, the review is based on our own rating and feedback from other users, so results may vary depending on the individual user. If you're looking for the official site where you can buy systems directly from Jack Hutson and qualify for special discounts and a 60-day money-back guarantee, plus all additional materials and priority support, head over to Jack's blowjob Lessons In this Jack blowjob course review, we'll look at what a Jack blowjob course is, what's in the program, what you should learn from a Jack blowjob course, the pros and cons, and finally, should you buy a Jack blowjob course?jacks blowjob lessons book, Let's start with a quick overview. Jack's Blowjob Lessons by Jack Hutson. Jack's Blowjob lesson Product Name: Blowjob Lesson Jack Product Creator: Jack Hutson The official website: Jake's Blowjob lessons website Product Warranty: "60 Days Money Back Guarantee" Lead time: prompt delivery Delivery method: online access and downloadable Additional Offers: Frequently Asked Questions about Jack blowjob, Jack VIP Special Edition, Jack VIP Email Inquiry Description: jack's blowjob lessons PDF book reviews - Best Blowjob Tips - Improve Your Sex Life Today  Jack's Oral Sex Lesson contains hundreds of proven oral sex secrets, the best techniques and all the dirty little tricks that will make you "the one".
What are Jack's oral sex lessons?
Jack's blowjob lesson is a training course that teaches women how to give their men a sexy suck that makes him not only beg you to slap him every time he gets intimate, but your thoughts stay with him forever.jacks blowjob lessons reviews, Mind you, mind you, no one will turn it on. The show features Tanya J, a former adult star who will teach you the ins and outs of deep throats like a pro and help you master the perfect act of oral sex. It was created by little-known sex expert Jack Hutson, who now spends most of his time teaching women how to not only know how to sexually satisfy their men, but use the same skills to get what they want and deserve that kind of affection and commitment. Lesson Jack Blowjob was co-authored by former star Tania J.
What do Jack's oral sex lessons include?
Being the kind of sexy goddess who can attract and keep her husband or any man takes a lot of training and since she is only interested in her husband, it is important that you get the right guidance. Jack's Blowjob Lessons is a comprehensive course that not only teaches you to do the perfect Blowjob, but guides you through every little process of making it the perfect Blowjob, while also addressing health, hygiene and addiction issues. Here are some of the things you will learn when you purchase Blowjob lessons from Jack Blowjob goddess mentality: This shows that you are sexy and can be magnetically attracted to your magical lips. He has learned this himself and will beg you to have oral sex with him. That's what makes "men" your humble servant... they treat you with the kind of love, tenderness and attention that you can only see in movies. The truth about why men like oral sex and what: It's a whole truth that most men like oral sex. They crave it, and most importantly, they want it from that special woman. As an introduction, you'll learn the truth about why men love oral sex. Talk about the art of dirty sucking. Tell her the right thing and you don't have to be a beauty queen to make her think she's in heaven. Here, you will learn what to say and how and when to say it before, during and after oral sex so that you are not embarrassed anymore. The best place to surprise you. Here,jacks blowjob lessons pdf, you'll learn how to get the perfect blowjob in cars, cinemas, outdoors, public restrooms, elevators, beaches, and many other "forbidden" (and unforgettable) places. Killer Blowjob positions make your Blowjob unforgettable. Most women don't know this, but these positions put him on the level of a primal caveman: By locking and loading his "orgasmic muscles", ready to explode, they make him ejaculate faster and harder. You will learn all this and more Click here to visit Jack .'s Blowjob lesson download
There are many lessons, tips, and tricks that you can learn from Jack's oral sex lessons that will give you an instant understanding of sex with men. In addition to being a comprehensive course that you can study privately and practice with your man, Jack has added a number of great bonuses to make it worth the money. When you purchase the software, you will have access to the Jack's blowjob FAQ, which provides answers to questions from different users of the Jack's blowjob course. jack's blowjob lessons PDF book reviews - Best Blowjob Tips - Improve Your Sex Life Today,Jack's blowjob FAQ is a detailed 312-page guide containing honest answers to 74 of the most frequently asked questions about blowjobs. This is definitely a treasure for those who are shy about asking questions. Plus, you'll receive a premium version of Jack for those who want to improve the game or learn more techniques, as well as a private Jack email consultation that gives you full access to Jack for further assistance. Click here to visit Jack .'s Blowjob lesson download Read the full article
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billconrad · 1 year
Changing People
    One of the biggest challenges is to convince somebody they have a problem and support their transformation into a better person. Why is this so difficult? People like the way they are and hate confronting their faults. Plus, it takes deep personal effort to stop one mindset and adopt another.
    Some big issues include drug addiction, poor health, bad attitude, or obesity. I have been trying to convince somebody close to me they are depressed and have an empathy issue. This ten-year battle has had many painful confrontations, false promises, and no success.
    Yet… I can fix that quickly. “Sam was depressed, which concerned Lisa. The next day, she convinced him to turn his life around.” Wow, that was easy.
    Writers can change their characters in a few words with no consequences. Want to convince your best friend to lose weight? “Matt lost 100 pounds.” Done!
    Now, wait a minute. Immediate changes only occur in fiction. A biography or other truthful work would never gloss over the painful process of transforming a person. Nope. Authors jam excitement into every sentence, and a drawn-out change reads poorly. Hit me hard and fast. Wrap this change mess up in a single paragraph and then get to the good stuff.
    Is this fast change process realistic? Not at all. Then why do intelligent readers get taken in so quickly? When somebody opens a book, some magic happens. The reader knows the story is a story and allows themselves to become engulfed by the action.
    Of course, readers complain about awful or unrealistic plots but are always up for a new book. We never tire of book magic and will always accept characters that do not match real life. Plus, it is fun to dream. Perhaps I could lose 100 pounds just like Matt? (Side note. I would settle for 25.)
    Should readers be more critical? I would argue the opposite. Readers should be more open to new possibilities. Have you ever read a space opera, Zane Grey cowboy novel, vampire book, Danielle Steel romance, or even one of my books? Reading something outside our comfort zone can be rewarding.
    Should authors do a better job of making realistic characters? No, characters must be larger, bolder, stronger, and brighter. The act of changing a character is tedious, and readers crave excitement. Harry Potter can have a magic wand, which is physically impossible, like when an autobiography glosses over inappropriate activities and focuses on accomplishments.
    I find it fascinating that books have vast limitations and immense possibilities. Knowing that a writer can immediately transform a villain into a better person is comforting. How about the hero who overcomes their limitations? I wish it were me.
    You’re the best -Bill
    September 13, 2023
    Hey book lovers, I published four. Please check them out:
    Interviewing Immortality. A dramatic first-person psychological thriller that weaves a tale of intrigue, suspense, and self-confrontation.
    Pushed to the Edge of Survival. A drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
    Cable Ties. A slow-burn political thriller that reflects the realities of modern intelligence, law enforcement, department cooperation, and international politics.
    Saving Immortality. Continuing in the first-person psychological thriller genre, James Kimble searches for his former captor to answer his life’s questions.
    These books are available in soft-cover on Amazon and eBook format everywhere.
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The Reality Game by Samuel Woolley reflection
The Reality Game by Samuel Woolley gives readers an idea of the many facets of technology that could lead to the degradation of “truth” and how this impacts social and political systems. 
The book discusses the prominence of technology like bots, augmented reality techniques and deepfakes in politics and how it can and has impacted elections. For example, bots that originated from Russia spread significant disinformation during the 2016 presidential election, and emerging technology can only strengthen these bots. 
The book also discussed Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act which removed blame from content posted online from the internet service providers. This kept companies like Facebook and Reddit from being under constant legal scrutiny. However, Woolley argues that this has kept them from taking accountability for rapid disinformation or hate speech on these sites. Similarly, I believe companies should do the morally correct thing in addition to the legal requirements. For example, a few years ago Reddit removed the community R/Incel and created a new policy that communities that incited violence would be banned. This came after a man shot six people in California and it was revealed he was a prominent figure in this community. These changes show how internet service providers can do the “right” thing to protect people online even if they are not legally required to do so. 
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I found the portion on deepfakes very interesting and also very apt as apps like TikTok make the creation and consumption of deepfakes more widespread. For example, last year there was a series of comedic videos that sounded like President Biden and Barack Obama were having a heartfelt conversation on how difficult it is to be president. While these were very funny, the ability to mimic voices so accurately does create the risk of bad actors using this technology to spread disinformation. For example, recently a phone call was leaked that featured President Biden telling his troubled son Hunter that he loved him and was supporting him through his struggle with addiction. When I first heard this clip, I was’t entirely sure that it was real because I had seen previous Biden deepfakses. 
Here’s an example of the comedic deepfakes people make of the former presidents:
Outside of politics, the advanced technology described in the book can create many other problems for people online. This is briefly touched on, but some people use images influencers post online to create fake pornography that can be damaging to their reputation. This actually happened pretty recently to an influencer that streams herself playing video games. The issue with this, besides the obvious, is that this sort of content has never been regulated. Unlike revenge pornography, the influencer this happened to had no legal recourse to take when her image was superimposed on the inappropriate content. 
Here’s the vice article I read on this issue and the young woman’s response : 
One part of the book that really intrigued me was the portion where he discussed the many items and tools that have been replaced by technology. I made a graphic reflection on this notion of tools becoming obsolete. For example, I never carry my wallet because I have Apple Pay enabled in most places. I never go to the physical library anymore because I can access free ebooks with my library card that I can read on my phone or Kindle. 
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After reading this book and the related readings, I did have some questions I thought would be interesting for the class. 
How do we balance using AI and deepfakes for comedy when they can actually be used maliciously? To what extent do you think social media companies like TikTok should limit their AI capabilities to avoid it being used for misinformation? 
The book discussed section 230 and the protections it gives social media platforms against the content posted on their site. what extent do you think consumers of social media accounts can and should demand more than the legal minimum for these sites to monitor content?
I can't wait to discuss this in class on Friday!
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moohnshinescorner · 1 year
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Morning Star by Kris Jayne (Lone Star Crossed Saga, #3) Publication date: June 15th 2023 Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
The marriage is fake, but the passion is real. Famous for his last name, devilish Anthony Star-Hunter is the black sheep of the Star clan. He’s an expert at using his tall, dark, and handsome charm to get women into bed—the last remnant of his declining hard-party escapades. But the bucks are about to stop here. His grandfather’s will demands he marry to inherit his fortune. Anthony panics. Even with his bad boy allure, how the hell is he going to find a tolerable bride, like, yesterday? The minute Sarah Pennington spots the tattooed muscles her new stepsister’s ex hides under his Italian suits, she rolls her eyes. Anthony is not for her. And with her father maybe headed to prison for a financial fiasco, she’s had enough bad male behavior. She’s responsible. She’s hard-working. She…can’t stop having naughty dreams about the sexy “celebutant.” At a beach-side wedding, a drunken mishap throws Sarah into Anthony’s bed, and he’s intrigued. Can he convince her to give fake marriage a chance? Can she convince herself to keep her heart out of the deal? Their slow-burn, un-love affair isn’t what either expect, but it might be what both of them need forever.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61954310-morning-star
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3XhTuHn
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/morning-star-kris-jayne/1141678745?ean=2940185730942
iBooks: https://books.apple.com/cz/book/morning-star-a-family-saga-romance/id6443011016
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/ca/en/ebook/morning-star-69
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=t2V2EAAAQBAJ
Wow what a beautiful and meaningful read. I truly enjoyed this story so much. It was sweet, endearing and heartfelt. Anthony and Sarah are so perfect for each other. It was amazing reading about Anthony and watching his character develop slowly throughout the book. His journey was not easy and I could not help feeling sorry for him and his woes.
Anthony's inheritance has an expiration date on it. He has to marry in ninety days or he will lose everything. He had longer but he just can't seem to settle on a suitable woman to become his bride, that is until Sarah walks back into his life 5 years later.
Sarah is so career focused it tends to get into the way of her life. She needs to land a big client to keep her father from going to jail for a crime he did not commit. But the answer to her problems is a person she rather forget.
Can Anthony and Sarah seal the deal? Or will life implode?
These two main characters were amazing people deep down. They are loyal and caring. They are loving and adorable. Their story was a fairytale from the very beginning. It was beautiful and soul touching. I hurt when Anthony hurt. You can't help but become emotionally attached to them. They are so sweet.
This is the first book by Kris Jayne I have read. Even though this is a third installment in the series, it was easily read as a standalone. I am curious to the other stories though. I may have to go back and read them. I highly recommend this romance. It isn't a cliché fake wedding romance. No, this book has real emotions and gusto.
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Kris Jayne is a devoted writer, reader, and traveler, crafting addictive contemporary romance novels with heat and heart. She spends her days blissfully sweating out the writing process in the Dallas area with her dogs, Otis the Shih Tzu, Rocco the Terrier, and Red the Foxy Mutt.
Her passion for writing is only matched by her passion for the adventures of travel. In 2008, she let a friend talk her into sleeping outside for the first time in her life when she climbed Mount Kilimanjaro.
P.S. If you’re buying her a gift, she has a penchant for single-malt Scotch and scarves.
Author links:
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kenwords-blog · 1 year
The Genie Script Review: The Ultimate Guide to Manifesting Your Dreams Does It Really Work?
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Meditation can help people overcome financial, emotional, and mental challenges. The Genie Script is a meditation program that claims to help people attract abundance, prosperity, and happiness. The Genie Script includes a variety of meditation techniques, such as guided meditations, visualization exercises, and affirmations. These techniques can help to reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, boost mood, improve focus and concentration, and increase self-awareness. The Genie Script is a valuable resource for anyone who is looking for a way to improve their mental, emotional, and financial well-being. The program is easy to follow and can be customized to fit the needs of the individual. In the following The Genie Script review, we will discuss in depth about the program.
What is Genie Script?
The Genie Script is a 30-day manifestation program created by Wesley Virgin. The program claims to help people manifest their desires in all areas of their life, including financial, emotional, and mental well-being. The program uses a specific frequency that is said to reprogram your mindset and brain waves. The program also includes a variety of other tools, such as guided meditations, visualization exercises, and affirmations. According to the creator, the program has “the potential of putting you on the fast track to become an overnight millionaire.” It helps unlock the key to attracting money and wealth. Wesley Virgin claims that The Genie Script helped him to transform his entrepreneurial ideas into reality. He is a self-made millionaire who can make $30 million annually online. The Genie Script program offers a variety of resources such as eBooks, audio materials, and videos, designed to assist you in adopting the mindset of a millionaire. It provides a comprehensive and explicit training guide, including a "secret" step-by-step approach to utilizing the script. Numerous individuals, both men and women, have achieved positive outcomes through their use of The Genie Script, as evidenced by their favorable reviews.
How Does The Genie Script Work?
The Genie Script program combines ancient chakra and science to manifest wealth and well-being. It targets hormonal balance for success, specifically focusing on estrogen levels. By utilizing frequencies, it stimulates estrogen production and enhances brain functions associated with learning and memory. The program also addresses harmful energy waves, addiction, and weight struggles. The audio frequencies realign brain waves, attract abundance, and promote mental and emotional calmness.
Inside The Genie Script
The Genie Script offers a collection of powerful tools for personal growth and success. - The Genie Script 20 Word Manifestation Script: This script consists of precisely 20 words that when recited in the correct order, transform your body, soul, and mind. Eliminating limiting beliefs and negativity unlocks your full potential, allowing you to tap into your millionaire mindset. - The Subconscious Mind Rapid Rewrite Training Module: Discover the profound influence of your subconscious mind on your life. This training module teaches you how to activate your subconscious and access up to 95% of your brain's power. Wesley Virgin emphasizes the importance of focusing on this module for optimal results. - The Brainwave Mastery Training Module: Experience the power of unique brainwave frequencies that boost energy, foster positivity, and guide you toward practical solutions for attracting your desires. Whether you're feeling stressed, frustrated, or struggling with focus, Brainwave Mastery is there to support you. - Wealth Visual Hacks: Unveiling a secret breathing technique, Wesley shares a visualization method that accelerates the achievement of your goals. Whether you aspire to own a car, a house, find the perfect partner, or more, this technique helps you manifest your desires more quickly and effectively. Achieve your dreams with The Genie Script today!
Unlock incredible bonuses with The Genie Script: - Magical Scripting Journal Kit: Discover manifesting scripts used by millionaires to achieve consistent results, empowering you to manifest your desires regularly. - 17 Oil Pheromone Lovers Kit: Learn the secret oils that, when applied strategically, attract the man or woman you desire within a three-foot radius. - Sage Poverty Cleansing Kit: Rid your home of negative energy and poverty, accelerating your manifestation process by tenfold. - The Abundance Checks Kit: Experience the power of unique checks that attract unexpected money into your mailbox or bank account. - The Exotic Vacation Manifesting Kit: Receive exclusive first-class boarding passes that effortlessly manifest luxurious vacations around the world. - The Subliminal Mind Hack Kit: Reprogram your subconscious mind with soothing sounds, fostering an optimistic mindset towards wealth and success. - High Vibrational Food List: Elevate your mood and manifest with ease by incorporating foods that enhance dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin levels. - Secret Chakra Hacks: Uncover non-meditative techniques that activate your sacred chakras, tapping into your sexual energy for greater manifestation power.
More Exclusive Bonuses
Discover these captivating bonuses included with The Genie Script: - Supernatural Wealth Frequencies: Immerse yourself in a compilation of wealth frequencies curated from music icons such as Taylor Swift, Drake, Beyonce, Michael Jackson, and Elton John. - The Body Stimulating Formula (Kundalini Touch Exercise): Experience the transformative power of sounds, mantras, and energy that unlock the manifestation of your dreams. - A Millionaire's Morning Ritual: Access the coveted morning, afternoon, and evening rituals employed by millionaires to attract wealth and abundance.
Benefits of The Genie Script
- Experience the power of The Genie Script: - User-Friendly Manifestation: Effortlessly navigate the program designed with your ease in mind. - Safe and Legit: Rest assured knowing that The Genie Script is a trusted and legitimate manifestation program. - Align with the Law of Attraction: Unlock the secrets of the law of attraction and harmonize with its principles. - Reach Financial Goals: Let The Genie Script propel you toward your desired financial success. - Self-Awareness and Empowerment: Gain profound self-awareness and unlock your inner potential. - Harness Powerful Frequencies: Tune in to transformative frequencies to manifest all your desires. - Anytime, Anywhere: Utilize The Genie Script's benefits no matter where you are. - Happiness and Peace of Mind: Experience profound joy and serenity through The Genie Script's practices. - Repel Negativity: Banish negative thinking and energy from your life. - Boost Creativity and Focus: Unlock your creative and attentive faculties, enhancing your overall focus. - Therapeutic Prevention: Utilize The Genie Script as a therapeutic tool to safeguard against addiction relapse. - Understand Brain Waves: Unveil the mysteries of brain waves and discover their workings.
- You have to be patient for The Genie Script to start working - The Genie Script is only available in digital format
Pricing and Money-Back Guarantee
Unleash the power of the Genie Script now, available exclusively on their official website with Limited Time Offer. Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity. The Genie Script comes with a 365-day satisfaction guarantee. You have one year to use the program, and if you feel it’s not working, you can request a full refund.
The Genie Script is a transformative 30-day manifestation program that brings abundance into your life. With its diverse range of materials, including audio and videos, it guides you toward success by reshaping your mindset and eliminating negativity. By learning unique meditation techniques, you gain the ability to confidently manifest your desires. The Genie Script, previously a well-kept secret of influential figures, unlocks financial freedom and aids in overcoming emotional and mental challenges. Utilizing sound frequencies, this meditation program effectively reprograms your mind. As an added bonus, the program offers several additional resources to enhance your manifestation journey. Countless individuals have already experienced remarkable results through the use of The Genie Script, attesting to its effectiveness. You can get Genie Script in this link. Read the full article
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