#adashi fanfic
linipik · 1 year
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"Shiro is determined to know if the new human research base is a risk for his fellow merfolk with the help of a marine biologist and research intern Adam."
rating: T
pairing: Adam/Shiro
This fic is part of the Once Upon the Seashore PDF (get it for free on my Ko-fi)
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anonymouszephyrus · 8 months
Oh my god. Imagine a world where Adam was one of Lance's older siblings.. and Keith was Shiro's legally adopted brother... and both fall in love with the other at separate times..
“Yeah, that's Keith- Aren't emo boys your type, Leandro?”
(Someone write this, I don't have time to 😭)
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blueblueberryjam · 5 months
70 chapters and 300k words of Voltron, featuring platonic pre-kerberos keith and shiro, adam and shiro in a lovely, loving relationship
Excerpt from Chapter 19 below:
"I killed Adam," Keith reported, taking the ice pack and setting it against his rib before grabbing the watermelon from the table and setting it on his lap.
"It's true," Adam said drily. "I'm a ghost."
"Oh, no!" Shiro said melodramatically. "I'll mourn you."
"No need," Adam said. He bent down to put his arms on the back of the couch, and he rested his chin on his hands. "I've decided to haunt you. For love-" He poked Keith's shoulder- "And revenge."
"I thought I was rid of you!" Keith complained, slapping the back of his hand to his forehead and tilting his head back. "How could this be?"
"Oooh," Adam said in his best spooky ghost impression. "You'll never be rid of me." He ruffled Keith's hair. Shiro laughed fondly.
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frannonfire · 5 months
i need more fics where shiro and adam have adopted keith and they life in good old found family trope (double points if keith is a feral child)
(you can link me your recommendations)
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corruptedplaylist · 6 months
Lance looks through the binoculars again and finds Keith at the same time Adam calls Keith’s name and points at where Lance is standing. The other boy glances up, caught between a laugh from watching Pidge and Hunk write a lewd message in the sand. He flips him off and Lance’s hand-painted skull grins back at him. Keith’s cheeks are pink from the chill, his eyes bright and mischievous as the wind catches on the edges of his hair.
Lance mechanically waves back as he pulls away from the binoculars, Keith becoming a tiny figure against the sand as a blush begins to stain Lance’s cheeks. He hikes the collar of his jacket up, glancing furtively back at Shiro and then down at the shore below. 
this was an excerpt from chapter 10 of my fic! here's some more info if ur interested:
title: looking out for you
platform: ao3 only
rating: t
genre(s): slice of life college au
ships: Keith Kogane/Lance McClain, Adam/Shiro
words/chapters: 187k/18 chapters
status: completed
summary/elevator pitch: wholesome queer vibes and healthy communication a la voltron. found family shenanigans include: paintball, halloween parties, laundromat trips, beach episode, family dinners, video game tournaments, awkward confessions, grocery shopping, and some good old angst and character development. also, lance may or may not get possessed by a ghost but it's not pidge's fault.
i was reminiscing on this fic and decided to just promo it bc why not? drop me a comment/kudos if u check it out and like it!
for anyone who has already read it or is planning on reading it, i've done faqs between the three acts. i recently updated my faq here for act iii if anyone is interested (i finally got around to putting in some more details!)
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rorimoon9597 · 10 months
He was tired. Physically, and mentally. That was a side effect of being the captain of the Atlas and finding out that your ex-fiancé that you were definitely still in love with was still alive and being held captive by your enemies.
So yeah, Shiro was tired. But he couldn't afford to go to sleep just yet. Not when Adam was in the medbay, unconscious and hooked up to fluids. He took in Adam's appearance, the feeling of his hand under his own, the warmth from it. The peaceful look on his face, how Adam's chest rose and fell steadily with each breath.
"You need to sleep."
"Do you think I can?" Shiro asked. His voice was flat, void of emotion. A hand rested on his shoulder.
"You need to sleep, Shiro. He'd want you to." Shiro sighed. Keith was right. He knew that. In the time that Keith had spent with Shiro and Adam, he'd learned that when Shiro was neck-deep in work that Adam would drag him to bed.
Shiro had always repaid that by doing the same thing to Adam.
"Fine. You win," he admitted.
"Don't worry. You'll be the first to know when he wakes up." The thing was, Shiro knew that already. He was the captain of the Atlas, it would be illogical for the captain of the ship that finds and frees prisoners to not know when the person woke up.
He didn't point that out to Keith. Part of Shiro wanted to be told because he still loved Adam, not because he was the captain of the ship that had saved him.
He squeezed Adam's hand. "I'll come visit you tomorrow," he promised in a whisper. He left, Keith walking with him.
They parted ways in front of the door that led to the room that Keith shared with Lance. Everyone on the ship knew that they were together. The amount of times they'd kissed before getting into their lions were too numerous to count on both of Shiro's hands.
He went to his quarters, which had a couch, something that the other rooms didn't have. That was it. There was a couch in the captain's quarters.
He changed out of his uniform and into his pajamas. Then he collapsed onto the couch and laid down.
It wasn't comfortable, but he'd rather sleep on something that made him uncomfortable than have to sleep in a bed by himself. He'd been having that problem since him and Adam broke up.
Adam... Would he want to get back with Shiro? He didn't think so. The thought hurt.
He curled into himself, trying to give himself warmth, even though he knew that it was useless. Only Adam's warmth could help him.
Nevertheless, he drifted off into an uneasy sleep.
It was the lights brightening for the day cycle that woke him. He sighed, got up, and got ready for the day. He went to assign everyone their tasks for the day, listened to the status reports of the Paladin and MFE pilots mission and the Atlas, and made decisions based off of those.
Why the hell was he put in charge of an entire fucking ship? Because he'd had the most experience fighting the Galra and he wasn't a Paladin and had military training?
He didn't even remember what happened when he was held captive by the Galra.
He went through the paces of the day again, practically on autopilot.
"Shiro," Sam's voice said through his comm.
"Sam, do you need something?" Shiro asked.
"It's Adam. He's awake." Shiro froze. Adam...
"I'll be right there," he said. He handed Curtis the thing he was supposed to be looking over and made his way down to the medbay.
Adam was awake, talking to one of the medics and Sam. Shiro stood in the doorway, unsure. Sam looked up and motioned for him to come closer. Shiro's feet moved on their own, even when Adam looked up at him.
"Adam..." Sam said something to the medic. They left, leaving Adam and Shiro alone together.
For the first time since their fight. The fight about Kerberos.
"Takashi... You're really here," Adam whispered, barely loud enough for Shiro to hear him.
That's when the dam broke. That's when all of the tears that Shiro hadn't been able to cry decided to release themselves. He sat on the chair next to Adam's bed.
Arms wrapped around him and held him close. He clung to Adam.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. You were right. I shouldn't have left for Kerberos. But... I don't know if I'd change that. The war... The Galra would've come sooner," Shiro said.
"It's okay, Takashi. I'm... I'm just glad that you're here," Adam soothed. Shiro nearly sobbed harder from hearing Adam's voice. "Come on, get on." Shiro didn't have to be told twice before he was lying on the bed with Adam, face buried in Adam's hospital shirt.
"I'm sorry."
"Takashi," Adam said. His voice was soft. Gently, he lifted Shiro's face so that he was forced to look at him. His eyes were soft, looking at Shiro as if he'd never broken Adam's heart years ago. "I've already forgiven you. I... When Sam came back with news of the Galra, I decided... I decided that I didn't want to die without forgiving you. It was time for me to do that, anyway."
"I don't deserve it. I- you deserve someone who won't leave you for the stars," Shiro whispered. Adam's face became pained.
"You know that I could never stop loving you." Shiro buried his face in the crook of Adam's neck, taking time to remember the feeling of their skin touching, of how warm Adam's skin was.
"I missed you so, so much."
"I missed you too." A gentle pressure on the top of his hair. Shiro knew Adam well enough to know that it was a kiss. After all, there had been too many times when Shiro was in this exact position, lying on Adam and crying from the intensity of the pain from his disease.
That reminded him...
"I'm not sick anymore," he said. Adam's grip grew tighter.
"I'm glad to hear that."
It took a while for the medics to be able to actually check over Adam. Shiro literally clung to him, just relieved to be able to hold him again.
Nothing extreme had happened to Adam. Shiro was so glad. He'd been subject to the Druid's experiments, and they were not nice.
Shiro was just sitting on the bed with Adam leaning against him - they were taking time to enjoy being with each other again - when Keith burst into the room, followed by his team, Coran, Romelle and Krolia. He went to the bed and climbed onto it.
"Hi," he said, looking up at Adam.
"You're not as short as you were a few years ago," Adam commented. Keith pouted.
"I hate you,' he declared.
"Sure you do, if the way you barged into here says anything," Adam retorted.
"My favourite teacher's awake!" Lance said, happily. Adam smiled at the teens.
"It's good to see that my three favourite cadets are alive," he said.
"Hello, Adam was it?"
"Yes, that's me," Adam replied. Allura smiled.
"I'm Princess Allura of Altea. This is my advisor, Coran."
"Hello," Coran said.
"I'm Romelle," Romelle added.
"It's nice to meet you," Adam said, honestly.
"The Galra there is my mom, by the way," Keith piped up from his place leaned up against Adam.
"My name is Krolia." She leveled her son with A Look. Keith smiled at her. "I've heard much about you from Keith. I want to thank you for the things you have done for him."
"It's not a big deal," Adam replied. He smiled. "And it's nice to meet you." Shiro felt as if he could melt into a puddle of goo.
He was mostly quiet as Adam talked with the team, the mis-matched family Shiro became a part of when they found Blue. It was nice, hearing the children of the team be children. And Adam was making an effort to get to know the Alteans and Krolia. Shiro honestly couldn't ask for more, really.
So he kept his head on Adam's shoulder, his left arm around his waist, and listened to the conversation around him, poking in from time to time to stop the Paladins from doing something stupid. Krolia gave him and Adam knowing looks, as did Coran. He just rolled his eyes at them.
He let himself be lost in the moment.
He woke up, gasping for breath. It had just been a nightmare, but it had felt real. Adam hid his face in his hands.
"Commander Wright? Are you okay?" The medic on duty asked, voice low.
"I'm- I'm fine I just-"
"Do you think that you'll be able to go to sleep when you've calmed down?" Adam shook his head. "Would you like me to alert the captain?" It took a couple of seconds to remember that Takashi was the captain of the Atlas. He nodded.
The medic disappeared. After a few minutes, there was a warmth by his side. Adam leaned into it.
"Nightmare?" Takashi asked. Adam nodded. "It's okay. I'm here now, I won't let anything bad happen to you." Takashi exaggerated his breathing slightly. Adam hadn't even realised that he was hyperventilating until his breathing evened out.
"Stay... Please?"
"Of course," Takashi agreed. Adam faintly thought that it was nice that Takashi was the captain of the Atlas. He could do whatever he wanted to and no one could protest against him.
They laid back on the bed, Adam tucked against Takashi and in the safety of his arms. They fell asleep like that, and when Adam woke in the morning, he realised that it was the best sleep he'd had in such a long time.
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astralscrivener · 1 year
voltron: legendary defender broganes, klance, adashi rated M, graphic depictions of violence, other warnings in author notes 8/? chapters, 29k words
The team receives a distressing transmission in the middle of the night.
Lance made a helpless gesture towards the front of the bridge. “There was a transmission—” “There was a what?” Pidge piped up, throwing themself into their seat.
“It didn’t have any kind of designation on it,” Lance said, and went on as Allura’s eyes widened, “It…it was Shiro. It looked prerecorded.”
Everyone paused. Lance shrank under their gazes all swinging towards him.
“It was Shiro,” Hunk repeated.
“And it didn’t have a designation—Pidge—” Allura started.
“Already on it!”
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coralca5 · 8 months
I'm making a Voltron re-write and I am now sharing it here
Rating: Teen and Up
"Butterfly effect but it's a moth with a caffeine addiction" -someone
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God some of yall just write so. Fucking. Good! I've read a lot of books in my life but some of these fanfics just *chiefs kiss*
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very-burnt-toast · 9 months
My eternally unfinished notes app fanfic collection grows. At the moment the main one is about Lance coming to Shiro for help when he figures out he's bi and Shiro is reminded of his past self (who resembled Lance) and his feelings for Adam, and unfortunately I think it's gonna stay unfinished for a long, long time because I lost motivation as I had no clue how to actually go about writing a part of it.
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snarky-magpie · 2 years
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A little fanart I made as a cover for my Adashi fic (which you can read here)
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linipik · 1 year
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"Shiro is determined to know if the new human research base is a risk for his fellow merfolk with the help of a marine biologist and research intern Adam."
rating: T
pairing: Adam/Shiro
tags: Adam (Voltron) Shiro (Voltron), Keith for half a line but he is there, Merman Shiro, Everyone lives, First Meetings, plot-driven action, Alternate Universe Merpeople, Canon-Typical Violence
This fic is part of the Once Upon the Seashore PDF (get it for free on my Ko-fi)
Chapter 1 of 4
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Shiro made it his mission in life to see it all. He swam beyond the limits of his people's realm, he defied the currents that made all other merfolk hold onto coral reefs and quiver. He rose to the surface many times and walked the earth, mingling with humans as he pleased and going back to his home unharmed. Afraid of nothing, he ventured everywhere under and above the sea, infinitely curious and confident.
He was so used to going out looking danger in the eye that he never expected it to bite him back.
This time, the UUV (Unmanned underwater vehicles) that suddenly appeared deep in the open sea was not the first Shiro had seen, but it was definitely the most advanced. Its engines were so quiet that he didn’t notice the noise until the artifact was dangerously close. What was that thing doing, roaming merfolk territory? For the safety of his people, Shiro had to find out. He was also intrigued by such a sophisticated trinket that was able to go great depths, yes, but that was secondary.
Concealing himself in the dark waters, Shiro followed the underwater drone around. It took samples of algae, plankton, and whatever else crossed its path, it took photographs and emitted low noises, maybe mapping the topography of the area. After a while, it backtracked and led Shiro to a big building constructed in the middle of the ocean, much like the offshore oil rigs but this one was different, it was a newly and highly militarized scientific base. Shiro's suspicion grew stronger. He had to know what exactly was going on there and determine whether it was dangerous. 
It wasn’t his first time on a recon mission, with one stolen uniform and one forged pass later, he infiltrated the base posing as yet another young recently scouted intern and began his investigation. He found all kinds of fish living in tanks of different sizes, many measuring instruments he had never seen before, and endless fridges stuffed with samples of everything under the sun, but fortunately, nothing that belonged to merfolk. It all seemed harmless so far, but still, a little more time could uncover any real danger like military bases always provided to anything underwater, so Shiro decided to stay a bit longer.
If he was going to infiltrate for a little more time, Shiro thought it convenient to have an unsuspecting human to ask about the details of the operations there. And was like this, that during a boring afternoon of classifying old files, he found an actual intern, a young man called Adam, who offered him a smile when Shiro presented himself as Takashi.
 While Shiro found most people on the base dull at best, Adam quickly grew on him. He was clever, genuinely passionate about marine life, and didn't pretend that being what amounted to an errand boy was any kind of honor or enjoyable activity, something that Shiro could appreciate.
— o –
Speaking with Adam, Shiro confirmed some of his suspicions and learned new information. The base was a military facility dedicated to research, currently focused on finding new materials on the oceanic soil. Most specialists were engineers and geologists; as far as Adam knew, They were one of only five biologists in the whole place. He was deeply unhappy about the official's lack of interest in marine biology, given that they had collected a huge amount of specimens anyway. It was endearing hearing Adam theorize about the next sea sponge they could discover with that kind of equipment. Shiro wouldn’t worry if most humans were like him, if Adam would believe him if he told him his real motives in the base, or if Adam would mind what he actually is…
“You see Takashi? They only care about their little power struggles and their weapons,” Adam lamented one day during their lunch break, “such a waste! Honestly, if this experience wasn't key for the kind of scholarship at the marine institute I want to go to, I'd have packed my bags months ago.”
“There's nothing else here besides that scholarship, then?” Shiro asked while playing with his food, “You didn’t find anything you like here at all?”
Adam eyed Shiro, apparently pondering something. Shiro held his gaze with amusement, which ended up making Adam smile.
“I admit I enjoy some company, yeah,” he finally confessed and looked elsewhere before clearing his throat, “I mean…”
It was so obvious Shiro had to laugh. He was very clear in his in-and-out mission to uncover the secrets of this specific research facility and then return to the open sea with the necessary information to protect his people, but spending one or two weeks more in the base just so he could have these lunch dates with Adam was not too bad. Not at all.
Far Out at Sea is complete on PDF >> GET IT HERE <<
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s0n0fl1ght · 1 year
Adashance fairy au. Shiro and Lance are humans while Adam is an Altean Fairy. For this bit, he will be pretty small(similar to the fairies in tinkerbell) but he will end up bigger if I expand on this. Also Shiro isn't sick in this AU so he doesn't die and doesn't get cloned. The first part takes place before they become friendly with Lotor and the second part is after they are friends with Lotor.
Lance was sitting next to Shiro, the two were sitting in the lounge room of the castle while the others were spread out. Pidge was upside down, Hunk was leaning back, and Keith was sitting on the floor near Pidge. After awhile, Allura joined them and sat next to Pidge. Lance leaned against Shiro. They were all waiting for Coran as the man had stated that he had found another Altean creature on the ship.
At first, Allura was excited but as time went on her mood dropped. Along with everyone else's, they were hoping to learn more about Altea but Coran didn't know how to explain and Allura knew very little. So they assumed that Coran saw wrong.
Until Coran walked into the room with something or someone in his hand. Allura looked at Coran and excitement was written all over her face. "An Altean fairy!" Allura shot up. Coran had a bright smile on his face. Everyone looked at the two confused. "Altea has fairies?" Pidge tilted her head. Coran walked closer to the group with the fairy sitting in his hand. "Of course, and this little guy was locked in a cryopod while Allura and I managed to leave them." Coran twirled his mustache around a finger on his free hand.
Lance looked at the fairy. The fairy was standing and had a small hand on one of Corans fingers. "Can the fairy fly or are their wings injured?" Shiro crossed his arms as he stared at the fairy. "I believe he can." The fairy looked at everyone. "Can he talk? Or will we not be able to hear it due to his small size?" Hunk looked at the fairy.
Lance glanced at Shiro and back to the fairy. The fairys wings twitched before he flew off of Corans hand and headed straight to Lance and Shiro. Lance tensed up and Shiro moved away from the fairy. Lance watched as the fairy went through his pockets before taking something out of them. The fairy took out flower seeds that Lance found. Lance made sure they were safe to eat so he kept them. Lance enjoyed them so he kept them and apparently the fairy also liked them since he was taking them. "Those are mine." Lance pouted slightly.
The fairy only stared at him. Lance crossed his arms. The fairy went over to Shiro, who had his arms crossed, and sat on his arms and started to eat them. Shiro looked at Lance. "Where did you get seeds?" Shiro looked back at the fairy. "I found them." Lance shrugged.
The fairy only looked between the two while continuing to eat. Lance looked at the fairy. The fairy would rip the seeds open and eat them like that. Lance found it odd. He looked over the fairy and noticed the wings. "I thought fairies had see through wings." Lance looked at Coran. "Well he is an Altean butterfly fairy. He is a mimic butterfly of one of Alteas most poisonous butterflies." Coran smiled, "So don't eat him," Coran said. The fairy immediately looked up at that.
"You try that and I will destroy your ship." The fairy tossed a seed in everyone's direction. Lance used his pinky to tap the top of the fairys head. "No throwing food little guy." Lance smiled. The fairy looked at Lance before he flew to be in Lance's face. "You will not command me. If that king cannot command me then neither can you." The fairy crossed his arms.
"Its rude to throw your food." Shiro spoke up. The fairy looked at him. "Not if you monsters are planning to eat me." The fairy glared. "He talks." Hunk sounded scared. The fairy looked at him. "Of course I do!" The fairy sounded annoyed. Lance frowned. "Don't yell at him." The fairy looked at Lance. "He deserves it for being dumb." The fairy seemed pissed at Lance.
"Hes not dumb so don't call him that or I'll actually eat you. I'm sure you'd make a perfect soup or even a pie." Lance hissed. That seemed to make the fairy even more mad. "Lance relax before you start a fight with him." Allura begged. "Stay out of this Princess," Lance said. Lance stared at the fairy who looked as if he was going to attack him. "Let's make a deal, you apologize to Hunk and we can forget about this." Lance uncrossed his arms. The fairy then grabbed Lance by the nose. "Hey that hurts!" Lance tried to push the fairy away. "I will not apologize to someone who does not need it." The fairy tugged on Lance's nose.
A few months later(idk how to write this)
Adam was sitting near Shiros neck, he was wearing his Paladin armour which gave Adam a perfect seat. Adam was playing with one of Lance's fingers while they spoke about their latest mission to a long haired man. Adam didn't care for him that much. "Who is your friend?" Adam looked at the man. "Adam." Adam pulled Lance's hand closer when he tried to pull it away.
The man turned his attention back to the team. Adam tuned them all out. He wrapped his hands around Lance's middle finger and he couldn't wrap his hands around Lance's finger all the way. Adam frowned at that. He quickly got over it in favor of wrapped his arms around it and practically hugged it. Adam layed his head against Lance's finger. Adam looked up at Shiro, unable to see his face.
He then closed his eyes. He leaned against Lance's finger. Adam hummed when he felt a finger brush against his leg, close to his thigh. "Watch it." Adam's voice was muffled against Lance's finger. Adam felt Shiros armour move slightly as he let out a small laugh. Adam opened his eyes and saw one of Shiros fingers rubbing his leg. "That feels nice." Adam smiled. Shiro hummed, along with Lance.
"That's the point." Lance's voice was soft. Adam closed his eyes again, he enjoyed this. Adam gave Lance's finger a squeeze before he let himself relax enough to fall asleep.
That's all for now, I might make a part two.
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blueblueberryjam · 5 months
Chapter 25 Excerpt from Lost and Found: A Broganes Story
"Adam," Shiro said, "Keith is not okay. He's... I don't know. He's being slow. When he talks it's almost like he's slurring. I think even his eyes are tracking slowly. He's got no expression. He tried to get up earlier, and he couldn't. I gave him a piece of candy, and he moved so slowly. He missed his mouth, and he just sat there, I don't know what to do..." 
"First, calm down. Take a deep breath. I'm on my way. It sounds like he could be dissociating. It's not technically dangerous to him, but it's not something we want to keep happening. Keep giving him sensations to focus on. Make him tea. Hug him. Tell him to focus on what's happening around him. I'll be home soon. I love you." 
Read more on AO3
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avaguedoodle · 1 year
Who You Travel With (310593 words) by avagueidea Chapters: 52/52 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron) Characters: Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Matt Holt, Adam (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Canon Allura - Character, Lotor (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron), Spattering of both Earth and Alien OCs Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Road Trip, Found Family, Kerberos Mission comes home safe AU, Slowburn AF (I'd say I'm sorry but y'all know I'm not), Paladin Shuffle, Keith isn't expelled AU (though he's trying his best to change that), Road Trip AU!, Part 1: Road Trip, Part 2: Space, Part 3: ???, Alternate Universe Canon Compliant, YES I am rewriting the entirety of Voltron (No I didn't think that fact through) Series: Part 2 of Making Slav Proud: A Series of AUs
Summary: With the Kerberos Mission arriving home soon, Keith realizes this is his last chance to do something reckless. That's how Keith, Pidge, Hunk, and Lance find themselves stuffed into an ancient, tiny sedan, driving thousands of miles to solve an 18 year old mystery before Common sense (or Shiro) can catch up to them. Little do they know, the answers they find will take them much further from home than any of them were expecting.
Despite being Keith's common sense, Shiro shows he has none as he, Matt, and his ex-fiance end up chasing after the runaways before anyone gets arrested, or worse, expelled! A story about found family and finding out what's really most important via road trips and ancient intergalactic space wars.
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corruptedplaylist · 10 months
fic update!
pssssstttt chapter 10 drop! highlight reel includes: adam pov, adashi moments, ouija board shit, beach filler episode, and klance development!
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