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dnschmidt · 2 months ago
Possible future space opera project
I've got about 20k words of silly space opera flash fiction with Captain Eric and Amy. I'm thinking about trying to turn it into a novella. It would be episodic, with them bouncing around the galaxy and having various misadventures.
I thought of a framing device to tie it all together.
I was reading an article about military strategy. The author said that if you're in a war, obviously it would be a good idea to know the enemy military's plans. If you manage to intercept and decode their communications, it's a huge advantage. But there's a problem.
If the enemy says "Let's attack Southern City," and you move all your troops out of Southern City to avoid the attack, then the enemy will know you're intercepting their messages. They'll find your spies or change the code or whatever to stop you. So you have to convince them you don't know their plans. Sometimes generals will leave a few troops and resources in an area they know is going to be attacked, just to keep up appearances.
I figure this could be Captain Eric's ship. The General hates him for whatever reason, and keeps sending him into the path of danger, with the excuse that it's all to keep the enemy from realizing the Space Operatives are intercepting their messages. But secretly, the General is just trying to kill him for leaving his daughter at the altar or something. Captain Eric just thinks the galaxy is a dangerous place, and doesn't realize his boss wants him dead.
I would have to fight the urge to get too Douglas Adamsy with it, but even if it turns out that way, it should be a fun side project while I work on my slightly more serious stories with the Screaming Void crew.
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drwhowatch · 4 months ago
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Phwoar 100 of these audios later and here we are! I think this anthology may even be better than Circular Time. First story was the Doctor being silly trying to set the scene for Caeser’s conception, but Evelyn was very irresponsible trying to change time. The Mozart story starting off with the changed timeline was pretty clever and was relatively Douglas Adamsy in how it approached the characters. The Bedtime Story was an interesting mystery but not sure if that amount of hate the shapeshifter has is necessary. The last tale is a love letter to Big Finish itself being a bit meta in how it talks of previous Doctors and how enjoyable these stories are. Evelyn is a bit annoying in these whilst the Doctor secretly may be having fun amongst the desperation.
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sterlingterrell · 4 months ago
Books I’m Reading: Issue 160
Hey, it’s Friday! Here are 5 things I wanted to share this week:1. Feeling tired? Fix it by doing this. (Hahaha.)2. What if reaching a goal was secondary to a side project?3. I hope you find toil that just knocks your socks off.4. Psst. Very few of us know what we are doing.5. My weekend reading: Loserthink, By: Scott AdamsI hope you have a great weekend.-Sterling
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insurgentepress · 1 year ago
Infecta y mata pequeña especie de gusano nematodo a insectos
Un equipo de investigadores del @UCRiverside revelan el descubrimiento de Steinernema adamsi, una nueva especie de nematodo que podría revolucionar el control de plagas en climas cálidos y húmedos, salvaguardando los cultivos sin pesticidas.
Agencias, Ciudad de México.- Los científicos de UC Riverside (UCR) han descubierto una pequeña especie de gusano nematodo que infecta y mata insectos, que podrían controlar las plagas de los cultivos en lugares cálidos y húmedos. Esta nueva especie es miembro de una familia de nematodos llamada Steinernema que se han utilizado durante mucho tiempo en la agricultura para controlar los parásitos de…
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entomoblog · 1 year ago
Découverte d'une nouvelle espèce d'un minuscule ver tueur d'insectes : il fait partie d'une famille de nématodes utilisés depuis longtemps dans l'agriculture pour lutter contre les insectes parasit...
See on Scoop.it - EntomoNews
[UC Riverside scientists have discovered a tiny worm species that infects and kills insects. These worms, called nematodes, could control crop pests without pesticides in warm, humid places where other beneficial nematodes are currently unable to thrive.]
  Surprise discovery of tiny insect-killing worm | UCR News | UC Riverside
  [Image] S. adamsi emerging from its deceased insect host. (Adler Dillman / UCR)
  Des scientifiques de l'UC Riverside ont découvert une espèce de ver minuscule qui infecte et tue les insectes. Ces vers, appelés nématodes, pourraient lutter contre les ravageurs des cultures dans les endroits chauds et humides où d'autres nématodes bénéfiques sont actuellement incapables de se développer.
  Cette nouvelle espèce fait partie d'une famille de nématodes appelés Steinernema, utilisés depuis longtemps dans l'agriculture pour lutter contre les insectes parasites sans recourir aux pesticides. Les Steinernema ne sont pas nocifs pour l'homme ou d'autres mammifères et ont été découverts pour la première fois dans les années 1920.
  "Nous en pulvérisons des billions sur les cultures chaque année, et ils sont faciles à acheter", a déclaré Adler Dillman, professeur de nématologie à l'UCR, dont le laboratoire a fait la découverte. "Bien qu'il existe plus de 100 espèces de Steinernema, nous sommes toujours à la recherche de nouvelles espèces, car chacune d'entre elles présente des caractéristiques uniques. Certaines sont plus efficaces dans certains climats ou avec certains insectes".
  Dans l'espoir de mieux comprendre une autre espèce de Steinernema, le laboratoire de M. Dillman a demandé des échantillons à des collègues thaïlandais. "Nous avons analysé l'ADN des échantillons et nous nous sommes rendu compte qu'ils n'étaient pas ceux que nous avions demandés. D'un point de vue génétique, ils ne ressemblaient à rien d'autre qui ait jamais été décrit", a déclaré M. Dillman.
  M. Dillman et ses collègues viennent de décrire la nouvelle espèce dans le Journal of Parasitology.
Traduit avec DeepL.com (version gratuite)
  STEINERNEMA ADAMSI N. SP. (RHABDITIDA: STEINERNEMATIDAE), A NEW ENTOMOPATHOGENIC NEMATODE FROM THAILAND | Journal of Parasitology, 09.02.2024 https://meridian.allenpress.com/journal-of-parasitology/article/110/1/22/498907/STEINERNEMA-ADAMSI-N-SP-RHABDITIDA
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nawapon17 · 1 year ago
New nematode discovery offers pesticide-free pest control
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brrrrrism · 1 year ago
"Universumi lõpu restoran" - Douglas Adams
Kirjastus: Rahva Raamat Lehekülgi: 238 Ilmumisaasta: 2023 Ei saanud üle ega ümber – kui Rahva Raamatu kirjastus uue Douglas Adamsi teose välja andis, oli mul vaja sarjaga jätkata ning see kohe läbi lugeda. Midagi kohe tõmbas nagu magnetiga selle poole. Ja kujutage ette siis seda paanikat, kui raamatupoodi läksin ning riiulist raamatut ei leidnud. Tõttöelda ei suutnud oma silmi uskuda. Olin…
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adamsu · 2 years ago
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wingerguarantee · 1 year ago
Hi thanks for the tag!!!!!
Last song: IV. Sweatpants-childish Gambino
Fav color: pink or blue or green I can’t decide
Last movie/tv Show: Community !!!
Sweet/sour/savory: sweet always
Relationship status: single and I don’t really like anyone atm(life is so boring)
Last thing I googled: joel Mchale lmfao
Current obsession: Jeff winger!!!! And joel Mchale :3
Tags @amifc @joltikmchale @mrsillymccoolguy @rennervations @adamsy @jabedtisms @probably-a-zebra @pookietroy @wolfpire-trobed
Nine people I'd like to get to know better
WOOPS I did not have time to do this for the past like, week but I've been wanting to bc I love silly little memes like this. Tytyty @ithillia for the tag :3
Last song: All Our Bruised Bodies And The Whole Heart Shrinks by La Dispute (It makes me think about Fives and it hurts so fucking much) 
Favorite colour: GREEN!! and also blue 
Last movie/TV Show: TCW of course, I had a Bad Autism Time™️ and my gf put on the fucking Umbara Arc to calm me down. It worked like a charm what the fuck is wrong w me lmfaooo. 
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: All of the above but spice hurts me. I do it anyway tho, mama raised a little bitch but she didn't raise a quitter lmfaoo. 
Relationship status: So fuckin down bad for my girlfriend hhh 
Last thing you googled: fuckjgn AO3 LMAOOO 
Current obsession: clonesclonesclonesclones forever. I haven't had a special interest/hyperfixation this deep since I was like 12-14 so like this is one of the most important things in my life tbh. Specifically like thinking about how their culture would work, and their solidarity, internal conflicts, shared trauma and how that would relate to those things. Their ideas about personal and cultural identity and how that would vary individually. Things like how their upbringing must have felt, how that affected them and who they became later in life, the things they're taught vs what they truly come to believe once they're out on the field, the psychological effects of O66 on the clones who survived and the devastating impact it must have had- Bro stop me or I'll keep going forever like. I'm in deep and tbh? I wouldn't change it for the world. 
NPT: LMFAO bold of this title to assume that I know 9 people on this site, or am brave enough to tag ppl I haven't talked to often fhsjdmksmf SO if you see this consider yourself tagged. Yes, You. idc if we've never talked It's probably bc I'm too baby, so (unless u don't feel like it) do it 👀 also @mamuzzy and @whatislifewithoutangst if y'all haven't already and wanna do this here u go! 
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fromsolowithlove · 5 years ago
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It has been a deep, quick, fall into the Reylo inception following the release of TROS. While I've definitely been a fan of Reylo throughout the series (esp after TLJ) , I never allowed myself to get into it on the internet since I was in grad school and needed to focus. I knew that it would end up the same way my Dramione obsession did, with lots of lost sleep and procrastinated assignments. 😂 But I simply couldn't resist after the multitude of emotions that TROS gave me, and I'm afraid I've now acquainted myself with Reylo so deeply that I'm now also a fully fledged Adam/Daisy shipper.
Thinking of writing an Adam/Daisy real person fic to navigate my feelings about the ridiculous chemistry they have. Leaning towards something all from Daisy's perspective, circa: end of TLJ filming, TROS filming, TROS press/premiere and then the near future a few months post-TROS release. Each chapter correlating with a song from one of my fave artists, Sigrid.
I know it's the sin of all sins considering they're both spoken for, but would anyone here read it? I'll let the notes determine if I should go forth with this sacrilege, but either way - hello Reylo community. It feels good to be home. 😏
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orionlakehastodie · 5 years ago
More Than Gravity
The Present
He drives hard and fast and deep inside of her and she bites the swell of his arm to keep from screaming out as he filled her with him. He was so massive, and so tall that for a minute she was afraid he was going to tear her apart.
But then he spoke her name. Her name in his voice, that solid deep baritone that kept her tethered to the ground since this all began. 
And her legs open wide and she takes him, and more and more and more of him until there was nothing of him left to take and she hardly knew where she ended and where he began. 
“Daisy” He repeats as he trails his lips from her forehead, to her nose, to her cheek and captures her mouth in his, the intimacy of his kiss the slow cadence of it a stark contrast with the way his hips piston into hers, driving her wild with want and need. 
Her arms tighten around him as he drags her up, his strong arms roped around her back, her breasts against his chest and her legs splayed wide open against his thighs and this new position drives him impossibly deeper into her, and he’s touching places no one else had ever touched before. 
“Oh, fucking hell Adam.”
He thrusts up into her and she loses all sense of who and where and what she was, and there was only Adam
She presses her mouth to his, a wet, sloppy open mouthed kiss as her fingers tighten in his hair and she tightens around him, taking all from him, in a paroxysmal form of ecstasy.
He shudders from her release and with a groan, buries his forehead in her neck as he comes and fills her, and fills her and fills her until she was all Adam. 
He shivers as he comes down from his high, as his arms tighten around her body and she pushes him down, down on to her bed, refusing to release him from within her even as he softens inside of her. 
And he smiles at her, that rare and beautiful smile he never shows anyone but her, and his hair is sweaty and plastered to his face and his hands, his beautiful hands graze the sides of her breasts and suddenly she’s there again, in that raging inferno where she needed him, him and more him because let’s be honest the second she saw Adam Driver - she knew they’d end up here like this one day. 
“I love you.”
And he stills and he freezes as her mouth whispers it against his ear, as she starts to ride him, and he holds her hips, hard enough they’ll bruise and his eyes grow stormy, his pupils blown wide and for a second she’s afraid... that she shouldn’t have said it, because he’s married and she’s engaged and-
All thought slips from her mouth as Adam rears up and captures her mouth in his, his arms crushing her to him and she can’t breathe and he’s pumping his cock into her and it was too deep and fast and too much until he pulls away and with a ragged breath and anguish in his eyes he cups her face with his hands and says “I love you Daisy.”
And she comes undone around him, as his mouth suckles at her breast, over her heart and she knows she won’t, not ever regret this.
“Adam Driver, pleasure to meet you.”
His hands were large and if he wanted to he can crush her. 
But there was a knowing in her when the skin of her palms touched his. 
“Daisy Ridley. Bloody hell you’re huge.”
The stoic lines of his face melts as he gives her an awkward smile and why... she didn’t know why she didn’t see it before - he was actually a very attractive, very massive guy. 
“Yeah, I haven’t actually stopped my growth spurt yet.”
She realized she hasn’t let go of his hand. 
And neither has he. 
Looking back that was the first time she knew she was fucked. 
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thecaralong · 7 years ago
I’ve posted a third chapter in my Adam/Daisy fic. 
I’m amazed by all the comments and kudos. Thank you everyone for reading!
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adam-daisy · 7 years ago
I’m back!
If you haven’t noticed, my blog got deleted all of a sudden, without warning or an explanation, but I’m going to find and reblog all my old posts!
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ssshadowpppreacher · 3 years ago
Vote JQA who was like John Adams but Quincier???
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marowreck-archive · 6 years ago
Book tidbits that made me absolutely LOSE it: dog internal monologues on becoming a small dog, and leaving his hellhound live behind
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fromsolowithlove · 5 years ago
Like a Sucker Punch - Complete
WARNING: REAL PERSON FANFICTION w/ Adam Driver & Daisy Ridley (Daiver)
Summary: Daisy gets in her head and tries to ignore unresolved feelings for Adam throughout the filming of the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy and the events that surround it. Each chapter inspired by a song from the lovely Sigrid.
Words: 11.2K
Rating: Very much E. NSFW. Unless you have a very understanding boss. Or are self-employed.
Ultimately decided to post the complete fic here on Tumblr as well, cause why the hell not? This little fic baby got its start here first anyways before moving onto AO3.
Again, this isn’t for you if you can’t stand the shipping of Daiver. In no way does this reflect my deep dark conspiracy theories. It’s just my work of FICTION. A fun outlet. An angsty rom-com, if you will, starring two people with fantastic natural chemistry.
Now that I’ve lost all my followers 😈, READ THE ENTIRE FIC BELOW👇🏽
Chapter 1 - Strangers
“How about a twenty, folks?” JJ called for a break after deciding something wasn’t quite right about the scene they were filming. Rey and Kylo’s kiss had to carry the weight of three movies worth of waiting. Everyone involved knew its scale. It couldn’t be half-assed.
“Let’s make it a tight twenty,” Adam clarified.
Daisy sat up first, letting her chest fall over her legs. She inhaled a deep breath as she felt the fatigue of the past week settle into her bones.
Adam reached for her hand and pulled her up to a standing position.
“I wish JJ would give us a little more in terms of what he wants,” he muttered.
Daisy pulled her mouth into a tight smile and replied, “Well you know what he said. He wants us to decide how the moment should go. Says we know best about how our characters would have felt finally getting to this point.”
“And yet he’s obviously not happy with whatever we’re giving him.” Adam’s voice rose, but he relaxed his shoulders and tried to shake it off. “Sorry Dais, you know I’m not frustrated with you.” He offered her a small smile in repentance, his mouth barely angling up, but eyes filled with warmth.
Daisy playfully slapped his chest with her open hand. “Uh-huh. SURE.” She turned to walk away, smiling to herself as she heard him let out a low chuckle.
She walked off to the side, picked up her water bottle and raised it to her lips. She let it absently fill her up as she stared at Adam across the way. She couldn’t believe the warmth that was developing in her stomach again. Her cheeks followed closely behind as the familiar flush returned. She wanted to slap herself.
Leading up to this point, Daisy had thought herself finally over him. Had she and Adam shared intimate moments during their prior years filming together? Of course. Skellig Michael was an especially treasured moment. After all, there had been such a small group of cast and crew present. It had made it easy to pretend this wasn’t some crazy heavy-budget movie that was resting on her shoulders. “Don’t go through the crew like wildfire!” Carrie had warned. And she hadn’t. Adam wasn’t the crew. He was her co-star. And did she know in her logical mind about the infamous co-star syndrome? Of course, she did. She quickly reminded herself of a time back at Tring Park. She had started feeling a deep fondness and attraction to her costar back in Romeo and Juliet. But just as her lines and blocking points had faded from memory with time, so had her attraction.
This thing with Adam, however, had not. And it angered her. Confused her. Made her unsure of whether she could trust herself. Made her question if she had it in her to continue a career as an actress. Would she fall for every costar she ever had? Jeez, wouldn’t that be embarrassing? No one would want to hire a walking lawsuit waiting to happen. A little voice deep inside had always told her that she was a fraud. That she didn't deserve to be in the presence of the great actors that she called friends and coworkers.
“You know… I’ve got this friend who’s working on casting ‘Into the Woods’. I could throw your name her way. I see you as the perfect Milky White.”
Suddenly, Daisy was snapped back to reality by a teasing voice to her right. She raised her eyebrows and side-eyed the man who had been occupying her thoughts.
“You know. Because you just finished that water bottle in one swig and cows really love water,” Adam began to explain.
“I thought that was camels?”
“Nope. Cows.” He paused for a brief moment before adding in, “Yeah, definitely cows.”
“You’re an odd one, bestie,” she teased.
“And yet, you’re still here.”
As if I had a choice. Trust me, I’ve been trying to put up my distance, she thought.
Before she had a chance to respond with another snarky response, JJ called an end to their break.
Another deep breath.
“Shall we resume the most frustrating scene ever, then?” she asked Adam.
He shuffled his feet and gazed out to the side, refusing to meet her eyes. “Very true. I honestly didn’t think it would be this hard.”
“Ehhh, it’s all me. You’re perfect as always, Adam.” She blushed and ran off, chiding herself for acting like a stupid school girl.
Despite her embarrassment, the break must have helped. Only a few takes later, Daisy found herself in the most comfortable staring contest with Adam. It was a moment that she wished she could have frozen forever.
Except that she shouldn’t have been thinking of Adam. She should have been thinking of Ben.
At the realization that she was letting her personal feelings bleed into her acting, she wrinkled her nose in frustration. “DAMN IT," she shouted. "I’m so sorry everyone! This next one is it, I swear.”
Adam reached over and placed his hand over hers. He gave her a small smile and she quietly cursed her heart. Its increasing pace threatened to give her secret away. “It’s okay," he said. "I feel it too. We’re almost there.”
Both of them were right, and JJ declared the last take as “THE ONE”. The room erupted with whooping and hollering. Everyone began circulating with hugs, thank-yous, and high fives. Daisy second-guessed going over to Adam, but knew it would be even more telling to avoid him.
When she reached him, she did her best to give a small hug. Adam, however, wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her in tighter.
“Well, it’s been great,” she started. “Thank you so much. It’s truly been an honor to work with you, Adam.” Her eyes started to well, knowing things between them would never be the same again. Hell, they hadn’t been this whole time.
“Hey, look, I’m sorry.” Adam’s words were barely louder than a whisper.
“For what?”
“You know. For everything. For making things weird between us. I, I never should have -"
“Never should have what?” she challenged. Should have let me fall in love with you? Treated me like I was yours? Let me believe we could ever be more than this great act of pretend? Those last thoughts rattled at the gate of her mouth, but remained hers to keep.
He glanced down, unable to handle her gaze that begged him for words he couldn’t say out loud.
“I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about Adam. It’s been nothing but the best professional experience.”
He winced, and for a moment, Daisy almost felt guilty. But the anger and pain returned swiftly. She felt all too happy to have made him feel what she imagined to be only a small fraction of her own torment.
“To our amazing leads!” someone toasted a few feet over. “I’ve worked on a lot of movies, and it’s rare we get two incredible actors like you both. You made me believe I was watching a true relationship unfold, not just two really well-acted characters. To Daisy and Adam! To making us believe in the unreal.”
Everyone cheered in agreement around them and Daisy felt her heart rise up to her throat.
Exactly Dais. The unreal.
Suddenly, it was all too much to handle and Daisy could no longer stand to be around anyone. She gave them all a quick glance, muttered thanks and ran off. Once she returned to her dressing room, she turned her speakers back on. She started laughing through runny tears at the irony of Sigrid’s lyrics that filled the space.
When the curtain drops
Our touch is just a touch
Not like in the movies
Our story’s after the end
Like strangers
Perfect pretenders
We’re falling head over heels
For something that ain’t real
It could never be us, eh
Just you and I
Chapter 2 - Mine Right Now
Two Years Earlier
“Amazing work, both of you! Now go do something fun. Relaxing. Happy. Today’s scene was so emotionally taxing. I couldn’t bear to be responsible for any dark spiraling that follows today.”
“Oh, it's really alright. I take full responsibility for my own dark spiraling, Rian,” Adam joked.
“Well true as that may be, I am serious. You've both earned a night of not thinking about work. I'll see you tomorrow.”
Rian gave them both a quick hug before leaving them to finish gathering their things.
Daisy cleared her throat before she could back out. “So, what do you say, Driver? How about a little drinky poo?” She wiggled her eyebrows at her co-star suggestively before bursting into laughter.
“Sure. As long as you promise not to judge me for ordering a cocktail.”
Praying that her face wasn’t showing her utter shock, she continued to push her luck. “You’re kidding! You never go out! With the crew. With me. Mysterious Adam Driver slums it with Daisy Ridley? What would the missus think?!”
“Dais…” She watched as he ran his hands through his hair, certain that she had crossed a line.
“Sorry. So sorry. Uncalled for.”
“I just don't like to talk about Joa-, my wife a lot.”
Of course, he didn't. Not with coworkers at least. She was kidding herself to think they were anything more than that. Trying to salvage the situation, she asked, “Too late to throw in my white flag?”
He stared at her longer than he ever had outside of filming. “Not at all. But let's head out before it gets too late. I've got an early training session tomorrow.”
Relieved that she hadn't completely blown it, she felt her heartbeat pick back up. This was really about to happen. She was going to be alone with Adam and, by orders from the boss man himself - prohibited from talking about work. “Right, of course. I'll meet you outside in five?”
He gave her a small nod before turning to leave her to her things.
Her bag was already packed, but she used the next five minutes to compose herself. Tonight would be uncharted territory. Her relationship with Adam had grown into a fond friendship over the last two years. And so had her attraction to him. She rationalized it to herself as the intimacy of a truly trusting professional relationship. After all, they had to trust each other with abandon to pull off the demands of stunts and emotional scene work. Still, somewhere deep down she knew that for her, this was more than just trusting a coworker or friend. On the other hand, she could happily say that she wasn't the only one guilty of flirting now and again.
When she met him outside, he led her to his car. She was tired beyond her wits and grateful to have him drive.
“Where to?” He asked. “The Bridge Bar?”
“No. That's where the crew always goes.”
“Don't wanna be seen with the big bad villain, huh?”
“Yes. I mean, no!” Words escaped her as she tried to explain herself. “All I mean is that...I agree with Rian. Today was a lot. And I'd rather not have to socialize with anyone at the moment.”
“Oh. I can drive you back to the hotel, then. I just thought...since you had asked...that -”
“I'm trying to say I just want to be alone with you!” she blurted.
“Oh.” Her frustration built at Adam's sudden lack of articulation and her blatant confession.
“God. That sounded creepy as hell. Please, can we forget I ever opened my mouth? Just take me to get a drink somewhere, Adam. Anywhere but the Bridge Bar. Please.”
His eyes met hers for only a moment before he drove off with a quick nod.
The drive couldn't have been more than fifteen minutes. Yet somehow, it was both the longest and shortest stretch of time. Adam, apparently still shell shocked by his pushy costar, hadn't said anything to her. Well, except to point out a few key places of local history. Fear brewed in her stomach as she resigned herself to the fact that he would probably call his agent after this. He would make his agent promise that he'd never have to work with someone as unprofessional as her again.
The silence was good for one thing, though. She figured her career and their relationship, working or otherwise, were both soon to be over. So she used the time to check him out free of shame. She focused first on his hands. The way his fingers tapped like a pianist against the steering wheel at every stop. It made her wonder how they would feel tapping against her skin. His legs were still too large for the space, despite his seat being pulled back to the furthest setting. In fact, if she were to straddle him right now, she'd likely slide right down his thighs. It'd bring her right where she wanted to be, pressed up against his hardness. She pictured the intimacy of that position, how his face would be easily within her reach. How she could run her hands into his hair and bite down into his full lips. She'd be able to watch him lift an eyebrow at her, just like he was doing now.
Oh shit, like he was doing now. He had definitely caught her fantasizing about him.
He looked thoroughly amused. “Everything alright?”
“Course.” She refused to accept defeat and wrinkled her nose in defense. “Now stop staring at me like... THAT and let's go!”
An hour later, she was on her third pint and Adam was still nursing his first cocktail. She looked from his face to his glass and back.
“You make me feel like an alchy!”
He let a low chuckle. “I told you, I've got training early tomorrow. If I go any heavier than this, I'm going to regret it. Just trying to be responsible.”
“How about this right now? Coming out with me. Is it part of your plan to be responsible?” Oh...so aggressively-honest, drunk Daisy was here to play.
A small shake of his head. “ Honestly? Still haven't decided.”
“Is that why you never hang out with me?”
“No. You've just never invited me before.”
“That's not true!”
“In groups, yes... But you know me. I don't do…people. Large groups, anyways,” Adam shrugged.
“Does that mean if I had asked you and it was only us, you would've said yes?”
He chuckled nervously. “Well, I'm here tonight, aren't I?”
She poked him in the shoulder and elicited a small OWW. “I'm honestly quite mad now. That's critical intel you've been keeping from me. We could've been besties by now!” she whined.
“Besties, huh?”
“Yes, that's right.”
“Ok. Then we’re besties. Anything you want.”
Before she could catch it, the small suggestion escaped in a rasp she didn’t know she had. “Anything?”
He gulped and met her eyes. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was just her giving in to years of repressed wants. She slowly got up from the table, still holding his gaze. She turned and started toward the back of the bar. The jury was still out on whether it was to leave the burn of his stare or to initiate something incredibly risky.
There wasn’t enough time to consider her motives when she felt her body go on high alert. The darkness of the hallway intensified all her other senses. She knew it was him even before his hand slid across her back to grip her waist. It was the way he walked so gently to avoid disturbing a space. The way he took slow calculated steps in consideration of everyone smaller than him.
Instead of turning her toward him, he closed their gap and brought his mouth down against her ear. She braced herself for the warmth of his lips but shivered as he spoke. “I’m a simple guy, Daisy. I don’t do games. I told you that you can have anything you want. And right now, I want to kiss you. Is that what you want?”
She turned around and tilted her head back to accommodate for how much bigger he was than her. The urge to wrap her hands around his neck was almost magnetic, but she fought it. It was possible that she might not survive the electricity of feeling his skin under her fingers. His hands slid down to hold her by her hips, apparently just as stubborn as she was to avoid making the first move. Hurried breaths reached her ears but she didn’t know which of them it was coming from.
She felt him studying her face and instinctively bit down on her lower lip. He seemed to acknowledge this movement as an agreement. Before she could brace herself, he said “Fuck it” and crashed against her mouth.
As soon as he felt her melt into the kiss, there was nothing tender about his attack. Her fingers laced into his hair, urging his tongue to press harder against hers. Adam lifted her up and slammed her back against the wall. At this angle, there was no doubt that he wanted this as badly as she did. She rolled her hips against his and the groan that escaped his mouth filled every hollow of her body.
It was more than she could have ever imagined. Tongues fought for dominance as they battled to memorize every curve and point of each other’s mouth. But it wasn’t enough. Now that she knew this need wasn’t one-sided, she was greedy and was going to take what she wanted.
“Bathroom,” she muttered against his lips. He understood immediately and walked them into the first door. Her bottom still sat against his forearms and legs wrapped around his waist. Once they entered, the lock of the door signaled more danger. The heat at her core grew.
She whimpered as he set her down, lamenting the loss of his body weight against hers. Her annoyance didn’t last long, though, as he flattened his palm between her legs.
“Let me make you feel good.”
“Already there,” she huffed out.
“Trust me, Dais.” He smothered her with another cardiac arrest-inducing kiss. “This is only the surface of how good you and I can feel together.”
With that, he invaded her leggings as his middle finger ran up and down her wetness.
“Oh god. Adam, I-I. Please don’t stop.”
He continued his slow teasing as she watched him swallow. “I told you. Anything you want. But not even the apocalypse could stop me from stroking you right now.”
She laughed at him. “Only you could make me feel this turned on and ready to burst with laughter at the same time.”
“Only actively trying at one of those right now,” he grunted. “But happy to help.”
Her smile quickly faded as her chin dropped and a moan broke free.
His finger ran its way up to her clit before sliding back down to push into her entrance.
He absorbed her moan with his mouth and flicked his tongue against hers. She imagined him repeating the motion where his finger was now working. She clenched but soon released. As close as she was to the edge, she wasn’t willing to let him off this easily.
She rubbed her hand against the hardness threatening to break the fly of his pants. He closed his eyes and let out a small whimper. She slowly pulled back, reaching to bring her leggings down to her knees. She turned to bend over against the sink.
“Please, I need to feel you inside me.”
She watched as Adam moved toward her slowly, each second that she waited for him feeling like torture. His hand found her entrance again, now sliding in two fingers. He pumped into her slower this time, leaning over her smaller frame.
“You’ve got to be crazy if you think I’m gonna fuck you here in this bathroom. I’ve thought about this for too long to end it with a quickie. Let’s go back to the hotel.”
She worked her hips against his hand for a bit longer before accepting defeat. Immediately, part of her worried that he was using this as an excuse to break off whatever this was. But another part considered what could happen within the walls of a hotel room.
The drive back felt like punishment. The only thing that stopped her from worrying was the fact that she felt the buzz of his need for her in the air. Every glance he threw her way was full of hunger. She thanked all her lucky stars that he had only had one drink. Having to walk back to the hotel would’ve taken even longer and would’ve surely put a stop to this.
Once they got to the hotel, they navigated the lobby and hallway with caution. They both knew to keep their distance. Without discussion, she led him to her room, making out with him as soon as his tall frame was through the threshold.
Hands on his belt, she inched backward toward her bed. Suddenly, she felt Adam pull back.
His hands ran through his hair, a sure tell of his discomfort.
“We shouldn't be doing this. I've been so good at trying to keep things professional between us. From the very first table read, I saw you and knew I had to be careful. It helped to remind myself that this was your first big film. But this second film has been different. So much more comfortable. Like we’ve known each other forever. I find myself constantly wanting to be around you. Telling myself that you’ve got no reason outside of work to spend time with me is a daily routine. But then you invited me out and I got high on the thought that someone like you might want me, too. But I let it get too far. This was a mistake. I should go.”
She couldn’t believe the audacity he had to tell her those things. Her face flushed, no longer from being turned on, but instead from anger.
“Well fuck you, Adam. You're a FUCKING COWARD!”
He matched the disgust in her voice. “I'm fucking married, Daisy.”
“Oh, I'm well aware. Every day that I pretend it's only my character that's pulled toward you? I remind myself you're married. On the days we don't work together and I sit wishing you were there with me? I remind myself you're married. It might as well be tattooed on my bloody tongue considering how many times I have to tell myself. So don't pretend you're doing me a favor by telling me something that does absolutely nothing to stop me from wanting you !”
She panted with exasperation.
“It should.”
“Well, it doesn't. I’m not asking for forever, Adam. I’m just asking you to be mine right now. I know how this plays out. I always have. And spoiler alert, in no version of our story does it end with you and I walking hand in hand through a hardware store, picking out wallpaper for our future child's room. It does, however, always end with me in England and you going back to HER,” she spat out. “So either hand me that bottle of tequila so I can forget this ever happened or be a man and finish what you fucking started. ”
The hunger was back in his eyes as they dared each other to blink first.
“I'm going to hell for this,” he said through gritted teeth, taking a step toward her.
“I'll see you there,” she smirked.
Clothes flew off in a race as they stumbled onto the bed. She laid back and gasped when she saw how big he was.
Adam worked to cover her entire body with kisses that she was convinced would leave marks. “I have to tell you something.”
“What’s that?” he asked absently, lightly grazing her nipple with his teeth.
She struggled to focus, her desire battling with any coherent thoughts.
“I have a, a condition” she breathed out between moans.
“Ok,” he acknowledged, moving on to treat her second nipple to the same attention.
“It-it makes it painful for me to take anything...anyone...too...OH MY GOD. Too deep.” He blew against her nipple as she tried to finish. “And... I think ...you would get very deep.”
A smirk stretched across his face. “Then you let me know if it’s too much.” His fingers found her folds again, dripping with her need to feel him. “How should I take you?”
“Any way you want,” she breathed out. “I’ll let you know if I can’t handle it.”
Adam began to look around and she realized what he was looking for.
“Oh. And I, uh, have an IUD because of the condition. It’s actually easier for me to take you if you don’t wear a condom.”
He growled, then grabbed his length in his hand and began rubbing himself against her opening. She could feel her need coating him. She lifted her hips and he accepted her offer with a slow thrust into her center. He filled her like no one had before, except maybe a toy her sister had gifted her as a gag gift.
“Daisy…” he moaned, his solid biceps holding himself up to keep from penetrating her too deeply.
He stayed there just like that for a while, wrapped by her and taking short breaths. Knowing that he was probably nervous to hurt her sent a pang to her heart.
“I. You. You feel so good. You can give me more,” she pleaded. “Not deeper, just, it feels so good when you slide in me.”
Still balancing his weight over her body, he began to fuck into her faster. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve rubbed my cock wishing it were you around me,” he said.
She squeezed in response. He responded by pulling out and sliding back in agonizingly slow.
Her patience had left her from the moment he touched her in the bar hallway. She began to move her hips in a figure-eight motion, urging him to leave his mark in every part of her. He took her hint and picked up his tempo, being happily rewarded with her repetitive moaning of his name.
Adam stared at her, his gaze unwavering. He had a unique way of making her feel nothing and everything all at once. It was a feeling she could get used to, even feel possessive over. And with that thought, she cursed herself for confusing this for something more. She zoned back into reality and pushed against his shoulder while using her hips to flip him over. He groaned in delight at the position change and she ground into his hardness. Anxious to rid the moment of any sentiment, she began bouncing up and down along his length. He ran his hand up her thigh and over her hip. He continued to move inward until his thumb found her clit, palm still resting flat against her stomach. God, the size of this man was enough to make her come.
Feeling her pick up speed, he urged her on. “Come for me, Daisy. Let yourself go on this hard cock. You love how hard I am for you, don’t you?” He continued rubbing soft circles into her clit. Matched with his words, it was enough for her to cry out his name.
She unraveled onto his chest just as she felt him grunt and fill her. Waves of satisfaction continued to pass as they laid together. He cradled her against him as they waited for their breaths to slow.
He slowly lifted her off of him and turned her to face him. He kissed her softly and lay his head back against the pillow. His eyes seemed to search hers for answers on how to handle this transition back into reality. Not having a clue, she chose the easy way out and turned her back to him to lay on her side. Adam took it as an invitation for another level of intimacy. Her whole body tensed and released as she felt him lay tiny kisses behind her ear. He worked downwards, finally settling his chin into the crook of her neck. He reached for her hand and laced their fingers together.
She sighed, knowing what she needed to do. “3, 2, 1. Okay. Here goes. I’m about to do the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.”
“No, you just finished doing the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life like...two minutes ago.”
“Wow. What a terribly awful innuendo that was.”
“But not untrue?” he teased.
“I’m serious. Adam, as much as it pains me to say this. I think you should go. This was truly...unbelievable. Like, really, really, good. But like I said, I don't expect anything else from this. From you. But if you stay the night...I just might get confused.”
“No? Not really up for debate. Go.” She used all her strength to push the giant out of her bed.
He stood but didn’t make any movement to get ready. “I won’t.”
She threw on her sternest face and blinked slowly. “I’m saying you have to.”
Undeterred by her insistence, he stroked her cheek with his thumb and settled it against her lips. “Shh, you’re mine right now.”
That was enough to make her give up her fight and pull his face down to hers. They resumed their earlier position as he turned her onto her side. His body spooned hers protectively and he planted a gentle kiss against her shoulder. It seemed to be his new favorite spot. Her stomach dropped and filled with fear and guilt. She closed her eyes and hoped that sleep would come soon - knowing it was too late to avoid the crash and burn.
Chapter 3 - Don’t Feel Like Crying
Daisy’s alarm went off on her phone as she dragged the starched hotel pillow over her head.
“Shut up, you!”
She fumbled to find the source of her disturbance and squeezed until the ringing stopped. It was still dark out and she didn’t know who she had pissed off to be called in at such a god-awful hour.
She was being dramatic.
In actuality, she knew she hadn’t angered anyone. Strange hours were a well-known consequence of her chosen profession. But she also knew her internal body clock wasn't wired for this.
Over the past month, Daisy hadn’t spent more than three nights in a single bed. As she glanced in the mirror, she could see it was beginning to take a toll on her. She adored the world of professional acting - but, the press and promos? Not so much. I’ll be looking 40 before I even turn 30, she thought, reaching for her eye cream.
She moved like a zombie through her hotel room, choosing vegan snacks and a tea tumbler in place of brains. Today was going to be another long stretch, but in a few more days, it would all be over.
Over. What a strange concept that was. She allowed herself to think back to the very first press tour for The Force Awakens. It was all so new and exciting back then. It had been nerve-wracking of course, but there was also something so special about that time. Her heart twinged as she remembered that year with fondness. In spite of the whirlwind of interviews, red carpets, and photoshoots, she had formed new bonds. It was a time of getting to know her castmates, crew members, hair and makeup artists.
And him, her ugly conscience reminded her.
Right. Him.
He had slightly more experience than her when it came to the press, but that didn’t make him hate it any less. Like her, he had never done anything on so large a scale. The pressure to be someone that both kids and adults could relate to was a different kind of terrifying. Naturally, they had latched onto one another. Her delightful inexperience with the industry offset his social unease and aloof tendencies. They would find ways to make each other laugh after answering the same question for the tenth time that day. Late nights were spent walking through foreign cities in disguises. Forced together by a job, they had become close friends.
And then there was the filming of The Last Jedi. Friends soon grew into something more. There was a closeness between them, the kind one would find between childhood mates. A sense of protection and duty to the other. Yet, too fused with desire to call it platonic. There was no proper label for what they were. Not when there was a stifling awareness of their complex situation. After that first night together, they had spent a few more weeks in a bubble of their own. It wasn’t all smiles, but it was all theirs.
Still, she wasn’t wrong when she had told him, “In no version of our story does it end with you and I…”
They had both seen the ending from the start. He had tried to pull away before it even began. She had tried to protect her heart by keeping it fun. In the end, none of that did anything to lessen the pain.
“Daisy,” he whispered over the phone. She could tell he had been drinking. The sun was beginning to wake London which meant it was the middle of the night in New York.
“Joanne’s pregnant,” he forced out.
Any other time, she would have made a smartass comment about his voice cracking. But now, no words rose.
She heard him take a few more breaths as if he was going to say more. When she continued to sit there in silence, he began again.
“I know we were supposed to meet up but –“
It was too much. Daisy hung up the call and threw her phone onto the mattress, watching it bounce onto the floor. Her body shook violently as tears spilled out. A buzz against the hardwood signaled another incoming call. She didn’t need to look to see who it was.
“FUCKING HELL!” she screamed into the empty apartment. Unintelligible cries came out in waves, sounding more hoarse and strained as they went on.
Minutes, then hours passed until she finally went numb.
“Excuse me, miss? Are you alright?” Somehow, Daisy had made it from her hotel room into the elevator, whose doors now opened to the lobby. She wondered how long she had been stuck here in her memories.
“Oh, yes. I’m so sorry to hold you up.”
She left the elevator and threw on a smile. This is your dream, Daisy. Remember? The wound is where the light enters. The wound is where the light enters.
The day had been a blur of photoshoots, interviews, and trials for tomorrow’s premiere look. In theory, she should’ve been very tired by now. Yet, she lay on top of her covers nursing nervous energy. What did she have to be nervous about?
Besides everyone hating the movie that you’re at the center of? she thought.
It seemed her old friend, anxiety, was right on schedule.
She considered heading to the gym. Maybe she could work off the negative energy. But this was Los Angeles, not London. She was sure to be mobbed, disguise or not. Her phone vibrated on the side table and she reluctantly stole a glance.
Joanne will be with me tomorrow at the premiere. Looking forward to seeing you. - A
The nausea and shortness of breath that followed confirmed a fear. She was, in fact, nervous about more than just the reception of the film.
“Come, everyone! I need more selfies to remember you all by!”
It was a fact that no one could ever deny Joonas his selfies. There were kind people in the world, good people, even - and then there was Joonas. Daisy paused mid-conversation with John to squeeze in for the photo. Adam turned around from his discussion as well and offered her a small smile. Her stomach felt like it was filling with helium until she shook her head and body into submission. She responded with a small “hello” before turning her gaze to Joonas’ phone.
Joonas studied the photo with pleasure and brought his friends in for a quick hug. He asked them what they had been up to since they last saw one another. Their answers went unheard when his manager came to steal him away. John's agent soon followed and he checked in with Daisy with his eyes. "I'll see you in a bit, Peanut?" She feigned contentment and gave a small nod.
The unease washed over her again when Daisy was finally alone with Adam.
He cleared his throat. “You look beautiful, Dais.”
“That’s very kind, thank you. You look quite handsome as well.”
Pleasantries continued and she hardly recognized the words she was hearing. She and Adam despised small talk. This wasn't them. But then again, "them" was a long-forgotten memory.
At the realization, Daisy sighed and dropped her guard. Her eyes darkened. “Why did you text me, Adam?”
“Oh. I wasn't sure if you had received it.”
“Why,” she repeated, losing her patience.
“I don’t know. I thought you should know. That you might...want to know?” He was starting to gesture his hands wildly and she knew she had caught him off guard. “I...after the way we left off at the end of filming...I thought you might want to...prepare yourself? But that was presumptuous of me, I’m sorry. You’re clearly okay. Very okay. ”
When she didn’t respond, Adam scratched the back of his neck. “So uh, I got a chance to see bits of interviews you’ve done. You didn’t have to say all those nice things, you know. Especially after everything that happened.”
“Why not? There’s no point in lying. Also, it’s strange,” she paused. “Cause you see, whenever I’m in an interview and someone asks me something, and I go oh! There was that one time that Adam and I - And at first I would think, God, you can’t share that, Dais! You’ll look like a lovesick puppy. All the headlines will read, Daisy Ridley, a Fool for Her Co-star? But then I decided that I didn't care. That as long as I had all these memories, really fun and dear ones - it meant that it was real.”
“Of course it was real.”
She led him into a smaller hallway. This conversation was never part of the plan, but she knew that any news of it could hurt both her and Adam in a way that would be unsalvageable.
“How can you be so sure? You’re the one who walked away.”
“That’s not fair. You never gave me a chance to figure it out.”
“Bloody hell, Adam. There was nothing to figure out. When you called me to tell me you were going to be a father, you’d already made your choice. You only called because, in some sick, twisted way, you were hoping for my permission. You needed me to tell you it was okay.”
“No, I needed you to know how complicated it was.”
She took a deep breath and turned to face the wall. “The wound is where the light enters. The wound is where the light enters,” she whispered.
"What was that?"
She turned back, ignoring him and taking in his contorted expression. She straightened her spine and began. “I promised myself I was past this. So yes. It WAS complicated. But now - it’s not. There has to be something there for things to be complicated.”
“It’s still complicated for me,” he bit out.
“Please...just stop. Look, you were right. Just like always, you’re right. Between seeing you here and being sent everywhere to perform a dog and pony show, I’m not okay. Not even close. But being out here doing all this right now? The promotion and press - it's somehow the only thing helping me keep it together. As long as I’m busy, I don’t feel like crying."
He continued to stare at her but didn't venture a response. It seemed he no longer wished to argue, just listen.
She went on. "Don’t get me wrong. I understand how stupid I sound, whining about all of it. I understand the immense luck I’ve had that I get to do this for a living. You taught me that. But...I think I just need to be home for a bit. Need to lock myself up for a while. Sure, I’ll keep grinding it out and praying that someone sees me beyond this...circus. Get employed and all. But I just need a break.”
His eyes hadn’t left hers, so she broke the contact and spoke at her hands which she'd been wringing unknowingly.
“So please, let me go out there and do the old song and dance. Hug my friends, say goodbye to the role. Then I’ll go home to London and we'll never have to see each other again.”
“You can’t know that," his voice emerged, shaken by the finality of her statement.
She smiled gently and raised her eyes once more. “But I do. Everyone does. You and I no longer run in the same circles. You are...a force of nature, Adam. Like the ocean. You're reckless. Dangerous. But so damn beautiful to watch. Leaving a mark on everything you touch simply by being yourself. Me though, I'm just a rock that got swept up in your tide. Inevitably and forever changed by you, but unable to leave any impressions in return.”
She felt the heat forming behind her eyes and turned to leave before small droplets betrayed her. He grabbed for her hand but she pulled away in time. "Don't go," he whispered.
She turned with a final glance. "Thank you for everything, Adam. I don't regret a thing. But you don't get to decide things for me anymore."
Chapter 4 - Home to You
The sea air assaulted all her senses and she closed her eyes to let it wash over her. For the first time in months, she felt like she could breathe without struggle. Sure, the air was humid and rain was guaranteed to be waiting in the wings. But, it was freeing to be outside with absolutely no agenda.
She laughed.
That wasn't entirely true. She did have an agenda. But it was one all her own. This visit was all about leaving the bubble that her life has become, even if just for a few moments. It was about moving on. About liking herself again.
She had planned this trip a couple of months ago. She would have forgotten about it had her sisters not reminded her.
“Hush your beak, Dais,” Kika said. “You’re being absolutely ridiculous.”
“Am I?"
“Completely. You're not going to die a miserable, lonely, spinster.”
“I didn't say miserable and lonely!” She glared at her flesh and blood.
“Both of you. That's enough,” Poppy chimed in. “But Daisy, I do agree. Just because it sucks right now doesn't mean you're out of luck for the rest of your life. You made the right choice.”
“Breaking off an engagement. I'm the quintessential dumb millennial,” Daisy groaned.
“No, dumb would've been ignoring your true feelings. Your energy deserves to exist unbound. So do you.”
“But I don't feeeeeel unbound. I feel like some sort of gross hairball just stuck there waiting to be coughed out whenever the cat deems ready.”
Kika snorted and Poppy soon followed. Both her sisters unraveled into fits of giggles. After throwing a pillow at Kika's head, Daisy joined in.
The night had gone much like this. Tears, giggles, refill wine glasses. Repeat.
Daisy caught her breath from the laugh attack and sighed. “So what do I do now? Shut everyone out and vanish to a secluded place to find myself? ‘Eat Pray Love’ this out?”
“That's not a terrible idea,” said Poppy.
“I was only kidding. Mine isn't exactly a life you just walk out on without heavy speculation. Not even Joaquin Phoenix quit acting successfully.”
“Always the drama queen, Dais,” Kika muttered with a roll of her eyes. “But maybe it wouldn't hurt to take a vacation. Just a small one. Go. Grab your laptop. Let's find you someplace nice.”
Where to go? Where to go? she thought to herself. Her sisters chimed in with suggestions but she insisted on making the choice herself.
In a fog of restlessness, hurt, and nostalgia, she clicked away to her heart’s content. Thirty minutes later, she shut the lid. “Done,” she smiled, feeling victorious.
After reading the confirmation email the next morning, she considered canceling it. Choosing to travel there was a bad idea. Her finger hovered over the button as she thought about it more. There was a possibility that this could be the closure she needed to begin the next chapter of her life.
“Good morning!” a man called out. Daisy snapped out of her daydream and greeted the man she assumed was her driver.
“We're heading to Dingle, correct?”
An inhale. Then an exhale. It's too late to back out now, she told herself. “Yes. Thank you so much,” she answered with a smile.
A week and a half had passed since she had arrived in Ireland. She sat with her morning tea and sipped it, taking in how at peace she felt. She felt like the old Daisy, again. Or maybe a new one. It was hard to tell. She couldn't remember the last time she had felt so present in a moment.
Her stay hadn’t been all magical. The prior week was a different picture in all respects. Like torrential rains, Daisy was never at balance. One second, she felt euphoria from being in one of her favorite places. The next, only bittersweet flashbacks of memories to a time spent with someone who wasn't hers.
Phone in hand, she stared at the photo of the cliffside she had snapped on her drive the day before. It was nondescript enough - and she wasn't in it. But he would know where it was.
She only had a few days left before going home and she had been toying with the idea of reaching out to him for closure. During a sob-filled emergency phone session, her therapist had assured her it wasn’t necessary. But Daisy wanted to. Was determined to. Where better than from here, the place they had first fallen into this mess? She wanted to rewrite the narrative and make new memories in this place. She wanted to return home without burden.
Saw this view and couldn't help thinking of you. She deleted the words and tried again. While it was true, she had to establish boundaries. She didn't want him to think she was opening up the door to anything unhealthy. This was about making peace with the past and trying to relearn a friendship with him.
Recognize this? she typed. “That seems harmless enough,” she told herself.
“1, 2, 3, SEND!” Her finger froze. She got up and walked onto the balcony. She hoped some fresh air would give her the nerve. She repeated the countdown again. “You’ve got this, Dais!”
She couldn’t do it. She jumped up and down, shaking her limbs to pump herself up.
“OH SHIT,” she exclaimed as her phone slipped from her fingers. She caught it with a pincer grasp and made a mental note to thank her trainer for her quick reflexes. She kissed her phone in relief.
Then she saw it.
Her clumsiness had done it for her. She had sent the text.
“Well. That’s that, then.” Daisy tucked her phone back into her pocket knowing there was nothing she could do now.
After dinner, she drew herself a bath and poured a glass of wine. Her phone buzzed. She had forgotten to turn off the ringer.
“AGH. Who’s bothering me?” She reached to turn it off but stopped when she saw the notification. Adam had responded. Throughout the course of the day, she had forgotten about her text to him. Or her subconscious was working overtime to protect her if he didn’t text back.
How could I forget? I embarrassed myself soon after with shitty poetry recitation.
Though alone, she blushed. She had taken the photo because the view was breathtaking and so uniquely Dingle. She hadn’t sent it with the intention of reliving that afternoon. But now she couldn’t think of anything but. And the fact that Adam had brought it up sent a pulse straight to her core.
She closed her eyes and slid her hand downward. What started out that day years ago as an innocent request evolved at high speed.
They sat in the rental car staring out at Dunquin Harbor. He had just returned from Cannes to promote Paterson.
“What was filming that like? Quite different than this, I gather?”
“Yeah. I mean, yeah. Different type of film. Very little dialogue -”
“Wait, so actually very similar!”
Adam chuckled. “Paterson was very much a listener and a man of few words. Verbally, at least. His poetry is where the audience learns who he is.”
“Right! Tell me more about poetry!”
He rolled his lips inward. “Uh, what about it? I didn’t really know much going in, but meeting Ron Padgett, the poet who wrote the original poetry in the film was great. And Jim Jarmusch actually studied it in college. So yeah, definitely new for me.”
“So you spent some time studying some of this Ron guy’s work before you went into filming?”
“Among others. But, yes. It was helpful.”
“Can I hear some of it?”
“Yeah...let’s not,” he shied away.
She pulled out her phone and typed in “Ron Padgett poems” as he tried to change the subject. He called attention back to the landscape in front of them. She clicked through on a link and extended her phone to him.
“Here. Read it to me.”
He pulled a face.
“Please? It’s like a table read. But just for me.” She smiled and his mouth mirrored hers.
He squeezed her forearm affectionately before agreeing. “Only a little.”
“I’ll take whatever you want to give me,” she smirked, feeling quite pleased with herself.
“How to Be Perfect. By Ron Padgett."
“Get some sleep.” His thumb began stroking her forearm.
“Don't give advice.” He grazed his fingertips up her arm to draw circles around her shoulder.
“Take care of your teeth." A small kiss to the corner of her mouth.
“And gums.” Another to the opposite corner.
“Don't be afraid of anything,” his mouth met her temple.
“Beyond your control.”
“Don't be afraid.” A gentle stroke of her hair.
“For instance,”
“That the building,” he traced the line of her clavicle.
“Will collapse.” His fingers teased the sensitive skin of her neck.
“As you sleep.” A kiss to the shell of her ear.
“Or that someone - ” A quick bite of her lobe.
“You love,” he kissed her mouth tenderly.
“Will suddenly drop dead.” A small smile pulled at his mouth.
He took his hand and ran it down her body, stopping where her legs met.
“Eat an orange every morning.” He lifted her dress.
“Be friendly.” He teased her now with his index and middle finger in a V, rubbing soft strokes against the outer edge of her desire.
“It will help make you happy.” He brushed his hand across her clit and her breath caught in her throat.
“Raise your pulse rate.” Another brush.
“To 120 beats per minute.” Then pressure.
“For 20 straight minutes.” He rubbed up and down slowly.
“Four or five times a week - ” She raised her hips to grind against him faster. He laughed and removed his hand.
“Doing anything - ” She whined.
“You enjoy.” He returned his hand.
“Hope,” a finger pushed into her.
“for everything.” A deeper exploration of her.
“Expect nothing.” He withdrew himself.
He dropped the phone and took her face in his hands. He took her mouth like a man drinking his last sip of water before heading out into the scorching desert. His hand slid back down her torso, reading her need for release.
She put her phone down and let her own fingers roam downwards. She sighed as she softly teased herself, trying to mimic the light touches he had used. Ok, so closure may be harder than anticipated , she thought. Resigning to try again tomorrow, she put the phone down to focus on her pleasure. A reply could wait until then.
When she gathered the courage to respond to him the next day, she was filled with relief. Their exchange was easy and amicable. The familiarity comforted her like a childhood blanket.
She continued to update him about her trip. He laughed at the right moments and chided her the way any good friend would.
I don’t want to leave 😢, she typed to him.
Where are you headed next?
Home. I fly into Heathrow tomorrow. I’m not ready to be a proper adult again.
Ehh, I don’t think there’s such a thing. We’re all just faking it.
Thanks, friend. Any suggestions for my last night here in good ol Dingle?
A huge bacon cheeseburger.
You suck.
She laughed at his teasing. This was good. A healthy good. She wasn't even upset that she had to pack the mess that had accumulated over her stay.
Daisy walked off the plane and blinked in succession. There was Adam, attempting to look inconspicuous in a hoodie and sneakers.
“Oh. Hey, Adam. Are you...stalking me?”
“Kind of. I asked Kika for your flight information.”
Her phone started ringing. “Oh. This is awkward, but I've got a driver waiting to pick me up. It’s really nice to see you? But I have to go.”
He laughed nervously. “I...was kind of hoping you would let me go with you. I've got no other way of getting back.”
“Uh. Sure. Why not?”
An hour later, she thanked the driver and headed up to her apartment. Adam trailed behind with her bags. She unlocked the door to her apartment and gestured for him to enter.
“So, what brings you to London?” she began.
“I’m actually in France for the next month filming for a Ridley Scott movie.”
"Heh." An awkward laugh. “I knew that. I don’t know why I asked. I just didn’t wanna sound like a stalker. Then again, you showed up waiting outside my plane so I guess we’re both creepers now.”
He smiled. She melted.
“So...I’m not gonna lie...when I got your text - ”
“You know what?” she interrupted. “Hold that thought. This is kind of rude of me to cut you off. You’re a guest in my home and all. But I really need to do something first. And it’s going to be very awkward but just bear with me through it. Okay? Please?”
“I’m the one who intruded on your day so please, go ahead.”
She took a deep breath and looked him straight in the eyes. Be strong, Dais, she reminded herself.
“When I was in Ireland, I wrote you a letter.”
“It’s going to be a lot, but I don’t know that I’ll have the balls to read this again. And right now, for some godforsaken reason, I feel like I can do it.”
“You don’t have to if you don't want to.”
“No, I’m going to.”
“Okay. Should I...turn around?” he suggested.
“No no. Just go ahead and sit down.”
Adam looked down, shifting his gaze from one edge of the chair to the other. He was already seated but was too polite to note that. “I will sit.”
Daisy walked over to her handbag and pulled out a paper folded into quarters. She hoped he didn’t notice how worn it looked. Proof that she had fumbled with it more times than necessary. If he noticed, he didn’t say anything. She offered him a silent thanks for that.
“Actually, I think I’ll turn around,” she muttered.
“Whatever makes you comfortable,” Adam said.
Her pulse was racing. “Here goes."
"Dear Adam,
I’d be lying if I said I’m not heartbroken right now. I know the last time we spoke, I told you I was past it, but we both know that was just me trying to put some distance between us. I’m gutted even thinking about the way you asked me to stay. It makes me want to cry all over again (which I’ve been doing a lot of over here).
It’s been REALLY hard to make all my feelings go away, which is the reason I’m writing you this letter. I’m desperate to do something, anything, to get proper closure and move on.
Saying goodbye to you feels like saying goodbye to a part of myself. That’s silly, though. What’s that saying? You can’t lose something that was never yours? Trying to let you go feels like trying to quit an addiction. Which I guess makes Dingle my rehab center (a really lovely one though).
Looking back at everything with 2020 vision (haha, get it? 2020?) - I was fucked from the start. Meeting you was completely life-altering in a way baby Dais could have never expected. You were so REAL in a blur of superficiality. Latching onto you felt like a way of holding onto reality. A tether to the tangible when everything and everyone else wanted to turn me into someone I wasn't ready to be.
And I think you felt that too, in a way. Which is how we fell so easily into friendship. I truly do think that what we had started off innocently, and I’m grateful you were there for it all.
But I’m also SO angry with you. I fell in love with you. And you let me. And for that - I want to scream at everyone and everything. IT'S SHIT. I know it’s not fair to place all the blame on you. But I was in my early 20s and the less experienced of us. I misplaced our mutual understanding onto something more. But as someone with a wife, you should’ve fought harder to push me away. Why didn’t you? Why didn’t you insult me until I hated you? Why did you say nice things to me in private and let me play make-believe?
My feelings for you were so obvious that anyone could have seen them from a mile away. I suspect most did. I was so hopeful that if I was patient and attentive, you might drop everything for me with a grand gesture. But eventually, I learned that that’s not who you are. I know you’ve struggled with many relationships in the past, both romantic and otherwise. Frankly, I think part of you finds romantic feelings uncomfortable. I don’t say it to be cruel, but I simply care for you and think maybe someone needs to say it. I don’t like that I tried to change you - it wasn’t my place. It isn’t anyone’s.
But onto the positive. Cause that’s what all this is supposed to be about. Typical Dais, unable to stay on task.
Loving you, as painful as it was, also taught me so much about myself. Professionally, being around you made me a better performer. I was so set on being a worthy scene partner. Your instincts always pushed me to find authenticity in everything. Your humbled way of approaching the business is still unlike anyone else’s I've met. I’ll always try to maintain these things as I go forward.
As a...romantic partner? You made me feel seen. As I’ve tried to move on with others, I always felt I’ve had to hide parts of me. Yes, our situation...fuck, let’s call it what it was. Our affair - was based on hiding. But only because of its nature. Behind closed doors, you accepted me in my entirety. The goofiness, the grotesque parts, the darker ideations. I never had to hide these parts with you. So in a way, loving you, then losing you, taught me that it shouldn’t have to feel controlled with the right person. I shouldn’t have to be a budget version of myself to be loved.
If these are truly the last words I say to you (even if not in actuality. Cause I’m a melt and may not even send this). Just a few thoughts. I am so proud of you. The awards and Ben Solo campaign are proof that the world finally sees what I’ve always known. You are a once in a lifetime type of human. I know you hate it - the recognition, but you deserve it. And so much more. I truly hope you’re happy. I know I’m trying to be.
All my love, Daisy”
When she mustered up the strength to turn around, she didn’t know if she was seeing straight. Through her watery eyes, it looked like Adam was crying, too.
“Daisy,” was all he said. He got up and walked toward her, taking her into his arms. Silent tears fell between them, darkening their clothing.
“I can’t lie. When you first texted me, I was shocked. I didn’t think I’d see your name in my phone for...Well, I didn’t know that I’d see it again.”
“I didn’t think I’d see you again.”
“Can I tell you something? It's actually why I came to see you.” He asked.
“Sure.” Her head was still pressed against his chest.
“I don’t expect you to say anything in response, but...Joanne and I separated. My PR will be announcing it in the next couple of months now that award season is over.”
“Oh,” was all that she could say.
“I called off the engagement. To Tom. He understood that my heart was never fully in it.”
“He did?”
“Alright, maybe not right away. But yes. He's all moved out. I think we might be able to be friends again, eventually.”
Adam looked around at the apartment for the first time. “I honestly didn’t notice.”
“Yeah, just little old me again.”
The energy in the apartment shifted and Adam tilted her chin up. He kissed her gently at first as if to test the waters. When she opened her mouth to take more of him in, his attack became more fierce. She matched his kisses, though the tears hadn’t stopped. It was a deadly cocktail of heartache, longing, and love.
She couldn’t get enough of him. The ache for him, both his heart and his growing hardness returned. It was like riding a bike. The solace of revealing every last feeling to him increased her desire. She no longer feared the ache of having him. Only the absence of his weight on her.
He carried her into her bedroom and laid her down on her stomach.
She felt him shimmy her pants down her ass. He laid soft kisses on each cheek before sliding his tongue up between them. Her whole body trembled as he explored every forbidden part of her.
“OH MY GOD,” she cried out.
Her encouragement was all he needed. He adjusted her knees so he could access her more easily. A small rub of her clit. A lapping of her juices. Then back to licking up into her from front to back. She had never had anyone taste her puckering hole before. She thought she might come right there. She reached back to pull at his hair and covered him with her release.
He flipped her onto her back and kissed her. She could taste herself on his lips. She had claimed him. Or maybe it was the other way around. Whatever it was, she needed more of this feeling.
She reached out and grabbed his erection, guiding it into herself. It had been so long since she had felt him. She forgot how deep he could feel. She squeezed him in. Further. Then further. His hair fell on his face and she reached up to push it back.
She lifted herself onto her elbows and kissed him up and down his neck. This made him go crazy and he took her with even more force. She felt split in two. He grabbed her breasts as he held his rapid pace. He returned the favor and nuzzled into the crook of her neck.
“So fucking beautiful,” he whispered into her ear.
“ADAM. I’M COMING,” she announced.
She wrapped her legs around his back and squeezed him in one last time. “DAISY. FUUUCK.” He collapsed onto her, their sweat and tears now indistinguishable.
A moment later, she came back to her senses. “Goddamnit,” Daisy said, staring at the ceiling. “That was not supposed to happen.”
Adam rolled over. “Why does it matter? We’re both single now. We can be together.”
“We can’t,” she insisted. “We can't just start over when we, THIS, started from a place of lies and hiding.”
“Who the hell cares, Dais? Whose business is it but ours?”
“Even you know it's not that easy.”
He growled. “I know that none of that changes how I feel about you. People-pleasing is a game for those that lack understanding of their core selves.”
“Ugh. You sound so pretentious!!”
“Well, I'm sorry if I'm a little confused. We're both single and now we can't be together?? Was I only appealing to you when I was married? Help me understand this shit because I sure as hell can't.”
She got off the bed and began throwing his clothes at him. “The fact you would even suggest that is infuriating. You need to go. I've said my piece. That was all this was about. There's no reset button to any of this.”
Fully dressed, he stopped at her bedroom door. He looked ready to punch the wall. At the last moment, he opened his fist. It was almost as if he realized he had done enough damage for the day. Instead, his heavy hand slammed against the door frame.
He continued on and reached for the front doorknob. He looked back at her and she shuddered. She had seen him angry and frustrated, but had never been the one in his sights.
With a slam of the door, he left.
She began crying. So much for closure, she thought. Daisy searched for her phone and debated calling her mum or sisters. But then, a sudden cold sweat came on. She would have to admit what had happened. She dropped the phone. She wasn't ready for that conversation yet.
Sometime later, a knock at her door startled her from her stupor. She panicked. Security knew better than to let anyone up without her prior approval.
She heard a throat clear and then a thud. Much like a stray limb hitting the hard surface. “OW.”
The voice was unmistakable. She opened the door.
She looked at him and stared blankly. Her eyes seemed to ask, What are you doing here?
He extended a dark chocolate bar toward her.
“Hi. I'm Adam.”
“What?” She stared at him like tiny giraffes were dancing on his shoulders.
He shushed her and started again. “Hi, I'm Adam. It's great to meet you. At the risk of looking like an ass...can I take you out? I know we just met, but I have a good feeling about this.”
Finally understanding him, she smiled.
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