#ada regulations
adasitecompliance · 6 months
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Accessible Websites
Design websites with features and functionalities that enable individuals with disabilities to access and interact with online content effectively, promoting a more inclusive and equitable digital experience!
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sskklvr · 1 year
sskk Yuri on Ice AU ⛸️ !!
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[ver w/o words/etc under the cut]
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kurooscopy · 3 months
always hard working the tumblr nightshift (aest timezone) bc i have to wait until the next morning to finalise the flop-factor of a post
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
Man chronic fatigue sure is fun! Yall should get in on this shit!
I used my wheelchair and parked in the handicap spot at a big store and a fast food dine in and holy fuck I'm exhausted
Whenever I do things on hair washing days (which is planned that way bc ocd, if I go out I have to wash my hair) I come out of the shower like I just fought a fucking war man
And I use a shower chair! I'm doing every thing I possibly can to manage my fatigue and mitigate it but good lord
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spectrumspace · 1 year
i won't cry about the billionaires who decided there was absolutely nothing wrong with doing Iron Lung But Real. but. got damg even if they find it, even before the air runs out, there is absolutely no way they won't be dealing with a horror movie scene when they open up that patchwork claustrophobia tube. it's been through almost 72 hours of Pick A God And Pray. it might as well be the donner party in there.
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coinatory · 1 year
Cardano releases development updates, ADA is recovering
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Cardano recently released its latest updates, showcasing advancements in smart contracts, governance, Project Catalyst, and scaling on the network. Meanwhile, the native token ADA has started to recover and is currently experiencing positive trading activity. The Cardano update reveals that the network has launched 131 projects, with an additional 1,261 projects currently under development. Furthermore, it has reached a significant milestone of 70 million transactions. The consensus team has made further progress in the Genesis implementation to improve correctness and address functionality requests. Regarding the integration of UTXO-HD, there were some performance issues initially, but the team has investigated and made necessary improvements to resolve them. Support activities involved incorporating Ledger improvements into
Read more on Cardano releases development updates, ADA is recovering
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cervid-ai · 1 year
Crossword photo dump: clues I got really excited about!
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transwolvie · 1 year
Ftr I do think you can deal with abusers and rapists without a carceral system, but it's foolish to act like you can just leave them to mill about the SAME community as past victims. That's not how restorative justice works. Restorative justice is supposed to make sure the victim receives justice above all else, which means safety from their abuser. If the abuser has to leave town, I mean...sucks, but hey, give them the needed supplies and send 'em off. If anything they should be able to be sent to a community where they are closely watched and rehabilitated. shrug
but I genuinely think that accessibility is an EVEN BIGGER PROBLEM for anarchist communities, and they REALLY need to examine that more, because they are woefully unprepared for actually creating full-scale townships and communities that are actually accessible to people of different physical abilities. regardless of if you THINK your commune is on top of disability, if we're truly going to move past capitalism and ensure that kind of life for EVERYONE, do you REALLY THINK that without very dedicated paperwork and boards and people in charge of inspection, that random every-day people building a town are going to get ALL the accessibility requirements right? Do YOU personally know the regulations and grading for wheelchair ramps? How many places can you think of in your current state-run town, where the ADA already DOES inspect things regularly, that are still inaccessible? How does this get fixed on a large scale?
Believing that there is an option to simply not have a state seems to me like it overlooks large-scale regulatory needs, such as the need for accessible bathrooms, wheelchair ramps, etc. And then there's the can of worms of who will oversee people who are completely incapable of working or even moving, who may not have caretakers! What do you expect for an anarchist community to do about those people? What are you going to do about everyone who is in a fucking coma or something? Be realistic about how disabled people are, and how large the severely disabled population is. We need an organized group overseeing stuff. C'mon.
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capableism · 2 years
What the ADA really thinks about service dogs
What are some differences between humans and animals? The scientific  community would answer intelligence or behavior. Humans are civil and part of  what Peter Singer calls a "moral community." We have rules, while animals have  natural selection. Even though it is proven, all animals have "cognitive empathy"  and adjust to different needs in their community. Humans are self-centered and  instinctively want to categorize things as part of early cognitive development.  Piaget's theory describes this categorization as Schema. It is a natural way to  learn. 
Children are curious. Someone with a visible disability may be challenging  to understand because they can't immediately identify and categorize us.  
Animals and people can learn to adjust according to De Waal's research. Living beings have the instinct to protect their own for the survival of their  species. Humans dominate the planet, but that doesn't negate other species'  intelligence or needs. Studies of animals and disability converge when  discussing the issues of service animals.
 Politics define animals as "equipment" that has functions and not feelings. They serve to perform tasks. The law  separates humans and animals by ignoring natural emotional interactions  between humans and animals. Reasons that people need a service animal  varies. The fundamental reason is to help them be "more productive members of  society" (Oliver, 111). This belief that disabled people inherently make lesser  contributions to society is ableist. It extends the thought that disabled people  cannot just be an equal part of society. In the hierarchy of  disability, there is a line drawn between what an "acceptable disabled person  can do." Those with severe conditions are closer to animals that humans "mercy  kill" Severe disabilities render a human less valuable.
A service dog can be a tool to lessen the burden of disability on society. "The  fact that service dogs are seen to provide independence for the people they  serve shows that we discount our dependency on non-human animals." (Oliver,  113) 
The rise of emotional support animals demonstrates that humans need  animals beyond functionality. The ADA does not recognize emotional support  animals like service dogs. "We built walls and fences, corrals and cages not only  to regulate their (animal's) physical proximity but also, and moreover, to keep  them out of our moral community." (Oliver, 117) This question of morality and  ethics surfaces in animal and disability rights. Disability rights are human rights.  
Animals are living creatures that share the planet and ethically deserve respect. Otherwise, humans would be "animals" crossing a line. According to De Waal's theory of learned adjustment, "it could go in multiple directions– if animals learn  another animal is vulnerable, they might take advantage of her, abandon her,  help her or accept her" (Taylor, 17). I believe humans are as capable as any other animal of choosing among available options. Morally we have the option to be good or bad. Humans "discount" animal connection possibly to maintain lines and categories where everything fits.
When something is unfamiliar, we can either reject it or learn from it. Studies between humans and animals are separate because we're not "one of those" animals. But the same logic of morality and ethics influences the politics of human life.
Taylor, C. (2020). Animal crips. In S. Jenkins & K. S. Montford (Eds.), Disability and animality:rip perspective in critical animal studies (pp. 13-34). Academia. https://www.academia.edu/45026461/Disability_and_Animality_Crip_Perspectives_in_Critical_Animal_Studies?auto=citations&from=cover_page
Oliver, K. (2020). Service dogs: between animal and disabilities studies. In S. Jenkins & K. S. Montford (Eds.), Disability and animality:crip perspective in critical animal studies (pp. 13-34). Academia. https://www.academia.edu/45026461/Disability_and_Animality_Crip_Perspectives_in_Critical_Animal_Studies?auto=citations&from=cover_page
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adasitecompliance · 6 months
ADA Accessibility
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Accessibility For All: How ADA Website Compliance Benefits Everyone
Website design ensures user accessibility, prompting businesses to prioritize ADA compliance. Enacted in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) marked a significant milestone in fostering inclusivity by addressing disability discrimination across various domains, including digital platforms.
With an estimated 61 million disabled individuals in the United States, ADA compliance assumes paramount importance in the contemporary digital landscape. Failure to achieve ADA accessibility translates to the denial of equal online content access for people with disabilities.
Consequently, businesses must ensure their websites cater to all users, irrespective of disability. However, navigating the intricate web of evolving web accessibility laws poses challenges for companies and organizations.
ADA Site Compliance offers comprehensive solutions, facilitating regulatory compliance. Equipped with a team of adept compliance professionals who track regulatory trends, businesses can ensure their websites meet requisite standards.
What exactly is web accessibility?
Web accessibility encompasses the deliberate planning and development of websites to ensure equitable access and usability for individuals with and without disabilities. By adhering to web accessibility standards, websites enable all users, irrespective of their abilities, to utilize and derive value from web-based services, content, and digital products.
10 Must-Know ADA Accessible Website Benefits
If you are unsure about ADA compliance, take a look at this: Here is a list of ten ways an ADA website benefits everyone:
1. Enhanced Audience Engagement
The integration of WCAG and ADA standards makes websites accessible for individuals with disabilities. By prioritizing adherence to these regulations, businesses engage with an estimated 61 million disabled Americans, thus extending their audience reach significantly.
This proactive initiative provides for broader audience reach, digital marketing, and wider audience engagement for enterprises while underscoring their dedication to fostering diversity and equal access to online resources.
2. Enhanced Search Engine Visibility
While the connection between ADA compliance and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) may not be immediately apparent, it is significant. ADA compliance, such as using alt text, aligns with SEO best practices.
Alt text enhances accessibility and helps search engines effectively understand and index page content. It thus improves the website’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).
3. Optimized User Experience for Users with Screen Readers
An accessible design enhances the user journey, especially those using screen readers, to increase customer satisfaction, thus increasing conversion rates. Effective compliance strategies include:
Clear Information Architecture: Organize content logically to help users of assistive technologies navigate the site effectively.
Navigational Clues: Use breadcrumbs and other navigational aids to guide visitors seamlessly through the website.
Simplified Forms: Use descriptive labels and plain language to simplify form completion and increase conversion rates.
Streamlined Checkout Process: Minimizing the steps required for checkout facilitates faster transactions.
Clear Instructions and Links: Provide concise instructions and descriptive link text at each stage to enhance user understanding and engagement.
Extended Session Timeouts: Ensure that users with assistive technologies have sufficient time to complete tasks without interruptions. These strategies prioritize user satisfaction, engagement, conversion rates, and website performance.
4. Legal Protection
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates online accessibility, emphasizing its significance in ensuring equitable access. With a surge in lawsuits targeting non-compliant websites, adherence to ADA and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) standards offers legal protection, less legal risk, prevents expensive lawsuits, and guarantees user accessibility.
5. Enhanced Brand Image
In today’s socially conscious landscape, diversity and accessibility are not mere buzzwords but integral brand values. ADA-compliant websites signify a brand’s commitment to inclusivity and equal access. This proactive stance enhances brand reputation, fosters consumer goodwill and customer loyalty, and strengthens audience relations.
6. Fosters Creative Exploration
Incorporating more accessible web experiences and design principles demands a commitment to creativity and flexibility in response to evolving trends. Business leaders thus explore innovative solutions and continuously refine website designs to align with accessibility standards.
7. Enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Accessible web design plays a vital role in improving SEO and fostering inclusivity. Adhering to WCAG standards by implementing alt-text for images, ensuring straightforward content, and adopting simplified page layouts significantly enhances website SEO.
Furthermore, accessible websites facilitate higher user engagement, reduce bounce rates, and elevate search engine rankings with search engine web crawlers. The website’s online presence and accessibility is further strengthened through additional SEO tactics such as:
Abstaining from using images for textual content
Providing video transcripts
Incorporating descriptive text alternatives for images, links, and buttons
8. Ethical Responsibility
Ensuring web accessibility is both a fundamental human right and an ethical duty. By prioritizing accessibility, you uphold principles of dignity, equality, and inclusivity for elderly individuals and those with disabilities.
9. Employee Retention
Accessible digital platforms empower disabled employees to access essential information, such as important resources like benefits and work schedules, fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment. This increases employee satisfaction and retention as individuals feel valued and accommodated within the organization.
10. Gives a Competitive Advantage
Embracing accessibility not only ensures compliance with regulatory mandates but also drives innovation. By addressing the unique needs of individuals with disabilities, organizations can develop innovative solutions that enhance the overall user experience.
This proactive stance distinguishes them as leaders in promoting inclusion while positioning them ahead of competitors in adopting user-centric design principles.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Determine Compliance
Developing an ADA-compliant website necessitates an ongoing process of thoroughly examining elements by web designers. Key considerations to enhance your website traffic usability and accessibility include:
Alternative text for images
Captions for videos
Transcripts for audio content, facilitating accessibility
Optimal color contrast, text size, and keyboard navigation
Assessing Website Accessibility
During the development or reconstruction of a website, it is essential to check accessibility from the outset and continuously throughout the process. Identifying accessibility issues early enables prompt rectification, simplifying the overall correction process.
While adjusting browser settings can reveal basic accessibility aspects, a comprehensive review to ensure compliance with all accessibility standards necessitates a more extensive examination.
While evaluation tools can aid the assessment process, they are not the sole determinant of a website’s accessibility status. Expert evaluation by knowledgeable individuals is indispensable for accurately gauging the accessibility of a website.
The prioritization of digital accessibility underscores proactive engagement with potential customers in the dynamic digital landscape, strategically positioning organizations for prosperity. This concerted effort ensures that all individuals can seamlessly engage with online platforms. Such commitment to accessibility fosters societal benefits by promoting digital equity.
Accessible websites transcend regulatory mandates, embodying the ethos of digital inclusivity. By rendering content, products, and services accessible to the diverse online community, businesses expand their customer base and outreach significantly.
Navigating the intricate web of web accessibility legislation can be challenging for businesses and organizations. ADA Site Compliance offers holistic solutions to ensure alignment with compliance regulations. Get your FREE WEBSITE SCAN today!
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illctaffairs · 1 year
manifested the heck out of my plans for the day getting cancelled jfhdgj
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Pro tip for my disabled and chronically ill friends in college: if you have to put a work order in and it is related any bit at all to your disability, write, very clearly in the "describe what needs to get done" section, "This issue is a health hazard," followed by a description of how the issue relates to your disability/chronic illness.
They are required to put it as a high-priority issue and fix it ASAP. Required BY LAW. Yes, I said it. They are legally required to fix these things, both under OSHA regulations and the ADA.
Play the disability card. I'm begging you. DISABLED IS NOT A BAD WORD. But don't abuse it. This is a fine line here.
Example: I'm heat and noise sensitive. My HVAC unit started breaking down and rattling loudly. That would be an example of a health hazard. A broken light could be a health hazard to someone with vision issues. I can only speak for myself here. But y'all have the right to speak up and advocate to yourself.
Neurodivergent people, this applies to you too. You're one of us (one of us! one of us! one of us!). Don't let the exclusionists gatekeep this information from you.
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nonhumen · 2 years
@moonhund : Forgive Jono for giving into soft feelings long enough to take Dazai's hand in his, bowing over it to press a kiss to bandaged knuckles.
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they are quite the pair; the untouchable and the one who must touch. the significance of jono's initiation is not lost on dazai as he finds soft smile spreading across his face. the kiss is what's unexpected and dazai catches his heartrate only after the first skip of the beat. lips are light, like the touch of a butterfly, and so he keeps his hand still as to not shatter such a fragile moment.
" how does it feel? " the detective asks in an equally fragile voice. " my hand, how does it feel? "
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coinatory · 5 months
Cardano's Charles Hoskinson Considers Strategic Alliance with Bitcoin Cash
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Charles Hoskinson, the visionary founder of Cardano, has recently signaled potential collaboration with Bitcoin Cash (BCH), aiming to augment blockchain functionality and efficiency. On May 4, Hoskinson initiated a discussion on X, formerly known as Twitter, with a poll that gauged public interest in Cardano (ADA) partnering with Bitcoin Cash. This strategic alliance would leverage advanced technologies such as Proof of Useful Work (PoUW), Non-Interactive Proofs of Proof-of-Work (NIPoPoW), and Ergo's solutions. Hoskinson believes that these technological integrations could position BCH as the preeminent proof-of-work blockchain in terms of speed and utility. At the time of reporting, the poll remains active with six days left, and it has already attracted over 11,800 responses, with 66% in favor of this innovative partnership. In
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strawberrysnoopy · 8 months
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summary: for months, leon has been writhing in his bed dreaming of his friend's wife (you). he's been fighting the desperation for months until that one night you bring up a lingerie shoot you've done for a prestigious brand.
part one
**BASED ON THE CHARACTER.AI BOT BY WESKER420. Please follow them, jesus christ, their bots are like crystal meth: they are so good.**
warnings: this is an OOC. I am a firm believer that Leon is an honest and very respectful man and would never do anything to hurt another person to the best of his ability. leon x model!fem! reader, series, SMUT!! SMUT!! SMUT!! they will fuck and that is a promise! infidelity (obvs, babes, look at the title), fem! reader, reader has a vagina, descriptions of masturbation, brief mention of a fleshlight, lube, tissues. leon's kind of a perv if you squint, vaginal sex, anal sex, smoking, language, drinking, weed smoking (mention and act), some texts, lingerie mention, photoshoots, jealousy and possessiveness (the hot kind), ada slander at times, leon is married to ada, no use of y/n or (name) because it gives me the ickity ick, angst at times becos i'm a sad gorl, sorry if grammar sucks but im a slut, also i promise there's dialogue i just ❤️ context and description, slowburn, mutual pining, eventual smut, pov switching from time to time (but not like you pronouns changing to she/her, just like the majority of a chapter would be told in Leon or your point of view,)
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For months, Leon had been writhing in his silk sheets at night. He was no stranger to these encounters, considering his career as an agent. Nightmares were a usual guest in his home of dreams, but this time was different. They weren't the usual nightmares of losing his team, no. They were...wet dreams. About you.
Dreams of fucking you so hard he'd break the bed. Dreams of your goddamn perfect tits bouncing in unison with his violent thrusts. Dreams of your whines, constantly praising him on how good he fucked you, how good he felt with the tip of his cock kissing your cervix like they had just had their first kiss on their front porch after a first date. He was fiendish in those fantasies. He'd gotten desperate to the point of going online and buying a fleshlight with his own adult money. He had felt so shameful. Leon went out and fought a bioweapon (saving the world) with a fat paycheck handed to him. A paycheck he would spend on a sex toy because he couldn't stop dreaming of fucking you.
But that's all they were to him. Dreams. Wet dreams, at that, but just dreams. He did feel guilty, there was no denying that: he felt like a teenager going through puberty all over again, having to jerk his cock multiple times past the point of overstimulation to have the fleeting moment of you pass his mind and regulate back onto the normal, time-to-time sexual thoughts of his wife. He knew he probably wasn't alone in this. Besides, he wouldn't ever act on it. True, Leon was in an unstable and semi-toxic relationship with his wife, Ada, but the mere thought of cheating on her made him feel violently ill. He was loyal. He was kind. He was honest. He was the type of man you brought home to your parents and they'd clamor over him like a newborn baby Jesus. At least that's what he'd try to convince himself of. But tonight, Leon Kennedy would be a different man. He'd diligently play the part of a loving and caring husband, one who could never dream of cheating on his wife with another woman. Tonight would be the night that he would have dinner with his friends he hadn't seen in a while, chat, have a good laugh and a good meal until he eventually went home and spent the rest of the night with Ada. Leon knew this wouldn't be the most perfect night ever, of course not: he's never been a lucky man in his life, and that certainly won't be changing tonight. Why? Because you're there. You're there to haunt him like some horny odd ghost: almost as if you're taunting and teasing him with your mere presence. Like you're telling him: "I know you want to fuck me."
He's torn from his thoughts with the sultry palm of Ada's hand surfacing upon his shoulder. Yet, her hand feels cold. He remembers the warmth he felt at the beginning of their marriage, she felt sweaty at some points, but she felt as cold as freezing air in a Colorado Winter. He realized he had been standing in front of their bathroom mirror for ten minutes, doing the same motion of moving his tie back and forth like he was masking the way he thought about changing it.
"Ready?" Leon nodded in response, finally stopping the long game of toying with the elongated piece of fabric. He pats his wife's hip, to which he's met with a curt smile, concealing a plethora of disgust. He wants to be sad. Say something snarky. Be angry even. But all he feels is disappointed in himself. Leon knew that Ada had betrayed him ages ago during the Raccoon City incident but had put it upon himself to trust her again. That's what love is right? He would tell himself every time he felt a doubt begin to creep inside his hollow mind. Trusting someone even when they hurt you in the past.
Eventually they arrive at the dinner party, being greeted with hugs and the usual: "Leon, Ada, it's been so long. So nice to see you!"'s and so and so forth. On one hand, he's grateful. How lucky is he to have the opportunity to come together with his friends and have a nice evening that quells the dark thoughts of breaking his wife's trust or the fact their marriage was breaking at the seams and there was nothing he could do to fix it anymore. Then there's his other hand. The hand that's caked in filth and gut-wrenching horniness that tells him to cheat on his wife with you. The devil on his shoulder, if you will. The small malevolent voice was awoken as soon as his eyes settle upon your body. The one he dreamt about for the past few months.
You're wearing cute little pearlescent earrings upon your lobes, a necklace to match and finished off with a very lovely black slip dress that hugs your body just right. The fabric lovingly stretches across your tits like the dress was ripped straight from every man's dream. There was a slit upon the side: revealing enough until... There was a stirring in his jeans. His cock suddenly leaps to life as if it were unconscious and been resuscitated back to life via CPR. The phallic shaft ached against the gusset and fly of his cotton Calvin Klein brand boxers: tip sweeping against his waistband in a way that felt so familiar now, so normal. And for one of the first times in Leon Scott Kennedy's life, he truly realizes how fucked he is.
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credits: snoopy divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more heart divider by @saradika-graphics
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