#actually the faction leaders so it's one of those things where it's like
pyxscythe · 1 year
What if miny saw lincu in the hoodie and all and thinking that he looked familiar to the panel but didn't dread on it and starts telling lincus story believing that the person they saw was curious since lincu probably stared at it for a while in pure disbelief and pain
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There's so much angst potential with concepts like that ,, the way it goes is no one necessarily knows or questions the origin of this world, it just exists how it is and was built up, and there are four faction leaders who really aren't any huge authority figures or anything, they're mostly just silly and build and explode and have fun like everyone else. There are 3 muses (Miny, Bunii, and Bee, the latter 2 being helpers with building, all 3 are artists) and they sort of just had in their minds these "made up" legends of the faction members, each not really being able to explain how they came up with any of it, it sort of came to them in a sense. But they spread these tales to few, not being all that present themselves (iirc I made them architects turned demigods so that's how they "knew", they were there during the war, just sort of dormant beings).
I think the way I imagined it was only the architects who became sentient (aka all the helpers and members who in the actual smp are mods) actually knew of their godhood, Miny wasn't even originally one and was actually given that bit of godhood by Lincu with him being God of Arts. So anyways all that to say only those really had those tales in their heads of the leaders being Gods, they all varied in their own ways, and it's like subconsciously some knew they were Gods but they mostly treated it as just having these legends. Its wonky to explain
BUT ANYWAYS THAT FUCKING TANGENT ASIDE I still adore that concept because it sounds really cool ,, like just imagining no one really putting 2 and 2 together in their minds or just thinking these are made up stories not realizing that to some degree they're true, because one way or another all tales tell of a war. Or just them entirely not recognizing the Gods from the stories or portraits as the faction leaders. That would go crazy
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shkika · 1 year
Got any Headcanon backstory of how each iterator was named? Like, how did No Significant Harassment get his name? How did Five Pebbles get his name? Etc, etc. I'm curious what you think!
OHH what a fun ask to make up stuff on actually. Sure I have some headcanons. Iterator names are so so fun, because there's a lot you can do with them.
Different local groups could have themes perhaps on their names. Or perhaps their names are phrases or sayings or derive from them. I will go with each colony having their individual meaning for the iterator name.
Sliver of Straw- I've talked about her name extensively here! (x) Please check it out, because I LOVE her name. Basically means needle in a haystack + shortening it to SOS is genius. Just the best.
Looks To The Moon- I don't know if this is the most original take, but I do think her name has a lot of meaning especially if you take into account that she's one of the first or at least an extremely old iterator. I compare it to the landing on the Moon in a way even if it sounds silly. This impossible to reach place is now something well withing reach. Her name is to represent looking at opportunity at the impossible and striving to achieve it. Which can connect to.. well answering the impossible ascension question.
Five Pebbles- This is such a hard one for me. But since the game makes such strong parallels between those two. Making them opposites and such it makes sense to see that in their names. While Looks to the Moon's name is grand and aiming for high achievements. Five Pebbles' name could perhaps be about the smaller mundane things. Finding the solution in a little nook or cranny somewhere close to you. A place where you'd least expect it.
One name is to aim hight and strive for the impossible. The other is about staying low and finding the answer in the small things in life. Which is hilarious if you look at their actual characters. With FP making the bold dangerous decisions and experiments and LTTM vibing like a much more grounded character than him. I love those two.
No Significant Harassment- People find his name really weird which is amusing, because it's really not! To me at least. It can very simply mean "No real harm done". Which I think is probably the intention and it suits his funny guy personality quite a lot. In a way his name could mean peace! A fun hc I discussed with @creeket is that perhaps before NSH was built the colony was divided into four factions/houses that hated each other. The iterator was a reason for them to unite and work on something together which is what the four connected diamonds on his forehead represent.
Seven Red Suns- Okay this is one of the names I struggle the most with. My headcanons about SRS which I've mentioned before is that their colony is very religious and made them as an actual god, treating him as an actual all knowing god much muuch more than the other iterators are treated to the point Seven Red Suns has actual political power (which they really don't want to have). So I think their name is supposed to express how grand and impressive they are. Seven as in complete, perfect. Red is a royal, regal color and of course Suns further cementing their godhood. It makes me think of how the sun is often personified or given a deity to represent it. It can be a cruel leader that dries the land, but also give life and light.
Of course there's many ways to take it in completely different ways. Red stars if I'm not mistaken are the coldest.
Chasing Wind- I also really really like this iterator name. I like to imagine it as either one of two things or both. Chasing after something that is right in front of you yet just barely out of grasp. Like y'know the wind! Or your head is Chasing wind. Having an abundance of thoughts or ideas. Your imagination and creativity running wild and free like the wind!
Unparalleled Innocence- It's so on the nose haha. There is no buts or anything that is a direct opposite to her name in my headcanons. She's a very well meaning innocent person. She was the last iterator to be ever made and lacks a lot more context than the other. She was based of the concept of a child. Which of course children are known for their innocence and unique approach to the world.
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jacebeleren · 1 year
It bothers me so much that the only transfem rep in mtg cards is this like. Soldier military woman, like 'ooh look at this guy's we made a trans woman who's a part of a war machine' fantastic thank you magic very original
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First of all, there is no "our" interpretation of the text. My thoughts are my own, and your thoughts are your own. Some of our thoughts might align, but I will not allow you to speak for me.
Second, I am sorry you feel so disappointed in the current state of transgender representation in Magic. I understand your concerns and I think they're valid concerns.
Third, your concerns being valid does not mean I agree with what you have to say, though. Don't come into my inbox complaining unless you're ready for me to honestly respond. Respectfully, your approach to these concerns makes it clear to me that you don't actually understand what you're talking about.
It's apparent that you follow me or have at least seen many of my posts. You appear to respect my opinions / analysis (at least regarding Jace and Tezzeret). So listen to me when I say this:
What constitutes 'good' representation is context-dependent, and it's not something you alone get to decide.
Yes, Alesha is a "soldier military woman", as you said. I understand that you have this complaint because you believe this makes Alesha an example of the stereotype that trans women are violent. But context matters. What you're failing to consider is the fact that she comes from the Mardu Horde, a faction on Tarkir inspired by the Mongol hordes of real-world history. In this context, Alesha isn't presented as violent because she's a trans woman. She's violent because she literally comes from a warrior clan based on one of the greatest military forces in human history. And honestly, with Magic being a combat-centric game, she's not any more violent than any non-Mardu Legends, either.
Do you seriously think a story about a trans woman fighting to proudly declare her trans identity in her culture and later becoming the accomplished and well-respected leader of her clan is bad representation? Does the fact that she's a warrior really outweigh the rest of the lovingly crafted trans narrative they created for her, to you?
It's fine if you feel that way. You don't have to like Alesha or her story. But just because something wasn't made for your taste doesn't mean it's bad writing / bad representation.
Anyway, I highly recommend you read Alesha's story, "The Truth of Names", since it seems like you haven't read it yet. It's a fantastic story-- the most beloved short story in all of Magic, actually. It was the most-read article on the entire Magic website for like 5 years, according to WOTC.
And if you're interested in learning more about transfem characters in Magic who aren't Alesha, I recommend you read about Xantcha, who first appears in the novel "Planeswalker".
Next, I need to make things clear about Ashiok.
Ashiok was never intended to be nonbinary representation. Ashiok was created to be a mysterious, unknowable villain. What makes Ashiok special is that we are not mean to know anything about Ashiok. We do not know Ashiok's species or plane of origin, for example. Another part of that element of mystery is not knowing Ashiok's gender, or how Ashiok identifies. Ashiok's original style guide from Theros explicitly instructs people to not use any pronouns for Ashiok at all (which I still follow because old habits are hard to break.) Official Magic sources did not begin to use they/them pronouns for Ashiok until 2022, in the story "A Garden of Flesh" (another excellent story, BTW.) And they only started using they/them for Ashiok because it is really hard to write a story where the character is mentioned that many times without pronouns.
All this to say: Ashiok as intentional nonbinary representation is certainly not the narrative WOTC is pushing.
Yes, there are many fans of Ashiok who interpret Ashiok as nonbinary, but those are their thoughts and you need not concern yourself with that, if it bothers you so.
As for Niko, it's weird that you say they're "non-existent" in Magic story when 2 of the 5 side stories ("Know Which Way the Wind is Blowing" and "Aim Through the Target") in their debut set Kaldheim were entirely focused on Niko. They're also a starring main character in 15 of the 25 issues of the BOOM! Studios Magic comics.
I'm glad you like my analysis of Jace and Tezzeret as transgender characters. Thank you for that, genuinely. But I want you to understand that the reason I have these interpretations is because I love Magic Story. And more importantly, I actually read it. I love Magic Story, and I have so much respect for the Magic Narrative team and the work they do.
What most people don't understand is that the Magic Narrative Team is in fact very careful and very loving in their approach to queer representation. You may not know this about me, but I'm friends with A LOT of people who formerly or currently work on Magic / Magic Story. Knowing these people personally, I know for a fact that the Magic creative Team does not create queer characters for "diversity points". They're not just checking boxes. The Magic creative team creates queer characters because the Magic creative team is full of queer people and allies who want to tell stories that reflect their own + fans' experiences. And they have to constantly fight to include more / better queer representation in Magic. They want good queer representation in Magic just as much as we do.
Am I going to defend everything they do? No! Are they perfect? No! They are just people. They make mistakes and they have blind spots. For example, in my essay about my analysis of Jace as a trans man, I explain that the reason my interpretation means so much to me is because there is currently zero meaningful representation for trans men in Magic canon. There are zero transgender male characters in Magic canon who have names. That's a HUGE blind spot considering the number of canon trans characters! That's something that disappoints and upsets me.
I'm not afraid to criticize Magic Story, and I do so very often. But I am critical of Magic story because I love it. My criticism does not equal hatred or unhappiness.
Sorry to hear that their efforts at including better trans representation in Magic would piss you off. I'm sorry that you've given up.
Lastly, I think Liliana is cis, but that's just my headcanon.
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autumnslance · 4 months
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I feel like the concept of "Sharlayan hunts down knowledge and guards it jealously" comes from the Astrologian quests and missing that it's distinctly Sevestre's faction of Bibliothecs in that quest series. It's one of the few interactions we get with something official in Sharlayan, and a leader--and it's been a lasting bad impression on the playerbase.
Foe one thing, given all the Sharlayans WoL knows and hangs out with in MSQ and other side content, that concept of Sharlayan as jealous with their knowledge never made much sense! Nor does it seem like the Forum on the whole is in the habit of sending assassins after men, and later their teenage daughters. Nor would the blackmail material on Sevestre work all that well were his actions actually sanctioned!
Sevestre's lorebook entry also clarifies he's always hated the Circle of Knowing and the Scions due to his beliefs in non-interference and jealous knowledge-keeping.
We see Sevestre in the background of all of the Forum shots in Endwalker; he's one of the few Forum members not wearing one of the veiled hats. One of the sidequests in Sharlayan very early on has us deliver one of 3 books to his home, even.
I know it's not feasible given all else going on, and not all players leveling AST, but it still would have been nice for there to be an option to call out Sevestre's biases (he votes against the Scions at every opportunity) and AST-WoL's issues running into him before.
Sage also has some issues with the darker side of Sharlayan research and politics that likewise never gets addressed, which ends up sitting weirdly in a society of ivory tower academics who have mostly meant well but gone about it the wrong way for centuries. Using things like the factions from AST and SGE to highlight where those good intentions go wrong only works if you make it accessible to everyone, and then deal with it in the main story...but there is zero space and time to do that in Endwalker, and so they just hang there in the background. Maybe someday we'll return to those ideas, since Sharlayan is newer content.
(Alt text transcription on images)
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I'm never going to fully understand when people want Dynasty Warriors characters to stop color coordinating based on faction or for Samurai Warriors characters to start doing that more strictly. It's such an interesting expression of character design because it broadcasts the different political and social backgrounds of their periods, in the Chinese Three Kingdoms era there were a lot of smaller factions at first but they convalesced into the main three within about three decades, whereas in the Sengoku era everyone was splintering off and betraying each other for the political equivalent of a sandwich's worth of profit until the last few decades of the era, an era that lasted well over a century, when the three conquerors emerged.
So most of the characters in Dynasty Warriors neatly fitting into one of three colorways (four, if you count Jin getting light blue when it's introduced and Wei being assigned dark blue retroactively, which interestingly enough are actually considered totally separate colors in some languages like Russian and Turkish) and most of the Samurai Warriors characters doing their own thing is very thematically fitting. Moreover it's always interesting and kinda hilarious when one or two characters in a certain faction in Dynasty Warriors basically get a free pass to mostly do their own thing despite being in one of the main three kingdoms for Reasons™, Xiao Qiao only has one main outfit where red features majorly, orange and mint green are her most common main colors, dark blue has pretty much always features in Zhao Yun's outfits, and often more prominently than green, honestly I feel like it's because the devs decided early on that those were Their Colors and changing them would be weird.
You know Jia Chong is only very begrudgingly wearing a tiny bit of light blue because it clashes with his edgy goth vibe, meanwhile almost everyone else who's classified as being in Jin is mostly decked out in it. It's especially interesting because despite that and him falling into just about every shady, backstabby advisor trope, he's among the most loyal and is often the one rooting out the traitors. Zhang Chunhua is also an interesting exception, dunno if it's purposeful but I find it fitting amd hilarious given her dynamic with her husband Sima Yi in that series and how he's the one who's often beholden to her and he's intimidated by her).
But also in Dynasty Warriors color coordination isn't really all that sentimental for most of them. It means you're aligned with the same kingdom, it says fairly little about your loyalty to that kingdom or if you ascribe to your leader's and colleagues' commonly shared ideologies. You're coworkers, basically.
Meanwhile in Samurai Warriors color coordination suggests a much closer tie between those who do partake in it. It's often reserved for lords and their retainers or romantic couples, but there are certainly exceptions that go both ways. If you color coordinate with someone in Samurai Warriors it suggests a certain bond and sense of dedication that isn't as nearly as strong in Dynasty Warriors. It means at least one of the people who's color coordinating is very loyal to and closely identifies with the other(s) and usually it means both or all people involved are. That doesn't mean people who don't coordinate can't also be deeply loyal to one another, but it's less likely.
So if they were to suddenly break that trend it would take so much away from the series' design philosophies.
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gyrium · 10 months
i do really like choices-matter type video games and am a fan of character building rpgs as much as anyone else- but, particularly in the fantasy genre, i take umbrage with the expectation that that means i must shape an entire world through my character
i think for me it all mostly comes down to "i wish we could break a little bit more out of the kayfabe of party-based rpg story structure" but i feel like i need to dig into it a little more than that
first of all, i reject the idea that it's interesting that a single person becomes not only an influence on their party but major world factions, and/or on the outcome of all major events in a kingdom or war (or many of them), for no other reason than "it's a choices matter fantasy rpg". ignore the idea of whether or not it's realistic - it isn't - but i understand that's part of the fantasy
they often explain through this by making it about being a leader, which i think is a good choice and is the foundation for getting your players to get into the spirit of it, but often i feel like 'being a leader' is the only trait you really get to have in those games... which you barely get to engage with the underlying experience of being a leader, because that role simply exists so you can be in the situations where you can make a choice - not so you can experience the story of a character who has to make decisions
some games also make the mistake of starting the story before you are actually a leader, giving you a brief moment to express a character before that, and then you watch as that person is stripped away as they become The Leader and can only express that they're a complicated person maybe once or twice in throwaway lines that don't affect anything.
this actually wouldn't be a problem if, again, you could engage with the experience of being a leader, but these stories - despite being about playing a leader - don't actually want to be about leadership!
i dislike the feeling of companion questlines being these direct dioramas of a person's interior that only your character can engage with and, for some reason, be the only thing that can affect the outcome of incredibly important personal decisions. i love exploring characters' traumas and vulnerabilities as much as anyone else but i find this level of influence on other people jarring and very unrealistic to the point of it feeling unfit even for fantasy
to me i think the greatest appeal for a party in rpgs is that they are all forced to interact with each other for one reason or another, and these kinds of games should absolutely be spending the budget and story on playing that up and not just the characters as the player character can see them
ultimately, while i do think these games would be more fun if it was ACTUALLY willing to engage in what it means to be this highly influential person, i still find the idea tired. at the end of the day i do actually just want different stories, and to stop being responsible for all these damn kingdoms
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theamityelf · 6 months
What if...the V3 cast...were also in the undead AU...as a treat...
Rantaro is the lucky student, because someone has to be. He actually does not have his whole class in check on nearly the same level that Makoto and Nagito do.
First of all, where Makoto and Nagito became the objective main characters of their respective classes, Rantaro is very much not. His class has devolved into factions, and he's just one player, in the scheme of things. Granted, he's the player who tries to keep them from getting out of hand, but he didn't step into the role of leader pretty much at all.
At first, he just underestimated how much his undead classmates would persevere; he thought he could just lock the classroom door and they would stay in and he could focus on other things during the day (like the mystery of where exactly in the school the virus came from, because it strikes him as pretty convenient that the lucksters are immune and he wants to know if the school did this on purpose. Also, he wants to know what's going on with the reserve course. What are all those students even doing, now that the faculty has left? Who is leading them? What protections have they made for themselves?), and then come back to feed them later. But it turns out he genuinely needed to stay near them.
Some of his class is just fully out. Kokichi's loose. Kaito's loose. Maki's loose. Himiko is constantly in and out.
Keebo is obviously not undead, which is helpful, but he's also less effectual than Rantaro is at keeping the group contained.
Angie is actually kind of helpful in that regard, despite being undead, because she seems to have some kind of fixation on staying in the classroom, to the point where even if the others are escaping, she will stay where she is and a few of them will stay because she's staying. The problem is, when Keebo tries to take them all to the bathhouse, she will have to be carried out, and she will grip the doorframe and struggle to stay inside. She loves baths, but she refuses to voluntarily leave the room, so there's kind of a "No take, only throw" vibe to it. (Rantaro supposes she's somehow reached the conclusion that leaving the classroom is sinful.)
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saltymongoose · 1 year
Cont. From This Post. (@cosmica-galaxy Hey, here you go lmao <3)
[This part contains: Bandits, MERC, the Nexus Core, Fanatics, N51, and Demoniacs]
To continue from where we left off when it comes to the Bandits, it would do well for the Player to be very hesitant on interacting with them. They're cannibalistic and violent, in addition to being the first to attack whenever they catch a glimpse of the Player's unofficial bodyguards. (Though that might be for the best, with Hank as their opponent.) In this way, it's unlikely for the Player to have much of a motive to get closer to them; the boys are so protective that a situation where they'd actually be able to befriend one of the more nonviolent members probably won't occur without serious effort.
In the same vein, the Bandits know very little about the Player, and they probably don't have much of an interest in them at the moment anyway. Typically their thoughts are more centered on their own survival and where their next meal is going to come from, which leaves little room for thoughts of an otherworldly being impacting their lives directly. If anything, they're more startled by the Player's entourage than the reason the SQ agents are in the area. Due to this, it would be difficult for the Player to form much of a bond with them simply because they won't cross paths very often. (And they would also probably be fearful if they did; the Bandits do not want to end up as additional victims of the wanted criminals that protect the Player.)
As of this moment in the story, the members of MERC are also in the same camp of not knowing about the Player - save for one person: Sheriff. Christoff has mentioned this "Player" to him once or twice, and while his words have been exceedingly positive (and almost idolizing) when discussing them, the Sheriff doesn’t know very much beyond what the Savior had told him. As a result, he himself thinks kindly of them, but not from his own experience. However, because he doesn’t know much about the Player, he never bothered to divulge such information with the others in MERC.
The Player, at this point in time, knows far more about them than vice versa, which makes them more likely to go out of their way to befriend them. Plus, it’s not like those in MERC are inherently hostile like with the Vamps or Bandits, and they have no real reason to go after the Player (save for their mission to interfere with Hank, Deimos, and Sanford getting into the city). So long as Sheriff and Jeb have a good relationship with the Player, the MERC members will have ample opportunity to make friendships with the otherworldly being in question. (Unless the SQ's leader and agents get in the way.)
Regarding what remains of the Nexus Core, they still follow Phobos' orders, which means that they probably will be hostile to the Player because of their choice in company (the SQ and Dr. Christoff). Even if the last thing that Phobos would ever want is for the Player to be harmed by his own organization (that just reflects horribly on him), he never actually made his people aware that the Player exists, which leads to this situation. The Player also has no motive to get in the way of the boys' mission to put a stop to Project Nexus, which would naturally puts them at odds with the Nexus Core anyway.
As a result, it is in the Player's best interest to avoid the Nexus Core's remaining personnel, which doesn't leave much room for bonds or friendships. While it is possible for some of their members to act cordially around them if the boys aren't around, I would say that it isn't worth the potential risk. Luckily the NC being unaware of the Player's existence means that they won't immediately go after them, but they're certainly not as open to outside partnerships of any kind at this point. They still have a project to complete, after all.
Crackpot's Fanatic faction is an interesting one; they're physically separated from most other Nevadans and almost entirely absorbed by their obsessions with buoyancy and Zeds, which means the chances of them knowing about the Player's significance are extremely small. The only way that the Fanatics would have their interests piqued is if one of them happened to see the Player exorcising some of their abilities (which is possible) - at which point, the Player would also probably end up as an object of their fascination. (Especially if the Fanatics happen to see them using their cheat that enables levitating. 😬)
As a result, the Fanatics' purpose for trying to get close to the Player isn't exactly for friendship itself, although it could turn into this with enough effort. Another likely result is for them to start worshiping the Player much like they do Crackpot instead (which their existing vessels would loathe, but that's a given). Regarding Crackpot himself, as detailed in previous posts, he might also try to use the Player for his own benefit given how power-hungry he is, but there is a chance that they can form something more genuine with him. If they're willing to put up with his self-grandeur, of course.
To get more on the Player's side of things, their curiosity might drive them to investigate the Fanatics more. The group's behavior is questionable, but there is a lot about them that remains unknown to those who play the game, so there's always that avenue to explore. Plus, seeing how Crackpot interacts with people who give him the respect he's always felt he deserved would also be intriguing. Again, if they're willing to put up with all the weirdness that comes with being close to the Fanatics and their leader.
Moving on to the N51, it's one of the most mysterious groups in Nevada, especially from the Player's standpoint. They're a faction that wasn't even created by Mr. K, so they're definitely pretty unique, even if they don't play a huge role in the Arena Mode storyline. I can see the Player having an immense interest in them as a big fan of Madcom (especially if they keep up with the communities' fan projects), so they'll probably want to dig deeper into the organization. However, they would probably have great difficulty with that, considering that the N51 is a covert group.
That being said though, the N51 is shown as hunting for tech related to the more powerful forces of Madcom's universe, like the AAHW, NC, and even The Machine. I would presume they do so because they want to know more about the Employers, enmeshment, etc. but truthfully their reasoning for this is unknown. What this does tell us though is that there is a chance they would be interested in the Player's existence primarily because they're a supernatural being of unknown origin - and a very powerful one at that. Whether this attention would be good for the Player or not is another matter.
Finally, we have the Demoniacs. These guys worship Stygian, and they have little to no contact with any other factions, which already cuts down the chances of them hearing about the Player to almost zero. Their interest in the supernatural is really limited only to their chosen Employer, and as such, they don't have much incentive to seek out information about the Player either. However, if Stygian decides to order the Demoniacs pursue information about them, it's not like the cult would ever consider refusing. There are uses to having fiendishly devout worshipers, and Stygian knows this very well.
The Player would also be aware of the Demoniac's servitude towards the Employer from their experience playing the game, and as a result, would probably seek to avoid them the same way they avoid the AAHW. They're very low on the scale of potential friendship, if only because of their affiliation with Stygian.
Aaand I think that's it if we're talking about faction relations lmao. Though do let me know if I missed any groups, and I'll be happy to discuss them as always. 👍 :)
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2demon2slayer · 1 year
Can you talk a little more about your demonswap au? Since in your comic Giyyu mentioned backing off from eating humans, are the demons in this au this good guys since they’re made up of virtuous would-be hashira? Would the humans then be bad because they’re would-be demons? I love stories where the initial understanding of the world order (ie.demons being bad and demons slayers being good) is actually false!
ding ding ding!! you got it in one!
a couple things about the au. number one, it goes by chapter one of kny rules where demons can be made by any demon, and not just muzan (or, in this au, kagaya). this also means that kagaya doesn't really have control over all demons in the way that muzan does
number two, the kidzuki are kind of good guys! their morals are definitely a bit looser than in canon, but generally speaking they're of the opinion that eating people is bad. kagaya is the leader of a group of demons who do not eat people and who go around dealing with rogue feral demons (either through capture and rehabilitation, or sometimes through killing them if the demon is 'too far gone' or something)
number three, on the flip side of things, the demon slayer corps isn't bad necessarily, but they are kind of… absolutist. a lot of demons are still going around eating people, after all, and they're arguably a lot more widespread because it takes a lot less effort to make new ones. so the demon slayer corps goes around and slays any demon they come across, because obviously all demons are bad demons.
most of the lower ranks of the corps don't know about the faction of good demons that exist, but the upper ranks do and they still do not like or trust those demons, so they're still on the menu.
(there is also something a little sinister going on behind the scenes in the demon slayer corps, but i won't spoil that one quite yet…)
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ranahan · 5 months
Mandalorian clans & government
Headcanons ahead! You have been warned. Approximately 1% of what I’m about to write is canon. But I’ve been thinking a lot about how a clan based space-age society would function (how do you pay taxes? what’s the government like?), and I thought others might get a kick out of my musings too so I finally put them down and here we are.
I want to star by saying that what I describe here is far from a utopia. I wanted to explore a Mandalorian society that would be functional (no, their government is not only based on a magic sword). But I also wanted to explore where all these conflicts within the Mandalorian society come from. In my experience, some conflicts do stem from ideological differences, but most of them actually go a bit deeper and are questions about who has the money and power? Who wins and loses economically? Whose accustomed rights are being infringed on? So I wanted to explore what kind of legitimate grievances the different factions of Mandalorians might have against each other. Because that’s where stories would get interesting, organic conflicts from. I’m not interested in reading or writing perfect, can-do-no-wrong characters or sides. Give me people who have legitimate wrongs they want to fix, and other, sympathetic wrongs they want to commit. Give me people who want to do the right thing, only their right is in conflict with another people’s right. When it comes to stories, interesting is so much better than morally pure.
The origins of the Mandalorian clans
I imagine that the Taung, the original Mandalorian race, either was a clan-based society or developed into one during their wandering days after leaving Coruscant and before settling Manda’yaim. For a nomadic people, their clan would be their safety net and their basic social unit.
I also like to think that the archaic Mando’a word for a clan derives from a word for a ship: the Taung were not just nomads, they were space faring nomads. In those early times of space travel, it would have actually been the ship that was the basic social unit and the ship crew would have been the origin of the clan. And that’s why the words belly and home are related: they both derive from archaic words for a ship or a ship part. Aliit is a Modern Mando’a word that derives from a ’command group’, and was coined by Neo-Crusader recruits.
When the Taung settled on Manda’yaim, they had to adapt to a more sedentary lifestyle with permanent bases and sharing space with other ships’ crews. But when a nomadic culture adopts a sedentary lifestyle, they don’t just abandon their culture. And that’s the origin of clans—the Taung built up their organisation and government on top of the existing command structures. Ship captains became clan chieftains, ship crews became clan members. Very traditional old clans might have kept still some other positions.
And they also kept certain social attitudes: a crew is not based just on family ties (although in the early days of space travel, the crew would certainly have had their families on board). Additionally, when the Taung settled a new planet, they began as resource-rich and people-poor. So the basic social dynamic developed into one where clans compete for skilled workers and strong warriors, who in turn are free to choose which clan they want to belong to. If a particular clan has a tyrannical leader, they would start haemorrhaging workers to other clans with better leadership and/or better perks. That leads to the clan losing income and resources. Eventually the remaining members would overthrow their old leader and choose a better one. That dynamic only got reinforced when Mandalorians started conquering the nearby regions of space: war requires a lot of bodies.
In the modern days, an adult person may choose which clan they wish to belong to. Usually that’s the clan of one of their parents; sometimes though, they come to a better agreement with another clan. When you marry, you and your spouse typically decide which of your clans you want to belong to. Sometimes spouses decide to stay belonging to their clans of origin, but that’s fairly rare. Children belong to their parents clan until adulthood, at which time they may decide which of their parents clans they want to belong to. Poaching young adults for another clan is highly frowned upon, although it might be technically legal in some circumstances (it used to be completely legal, but then some assholes abused the system and now there are some additional laws and agreements in place).
Administration, bureaucracy and taxes
Administration and bureaucracy got built over top of the existing Taung command structures too. The Mand’alor is effectively the commander of the entire fleet of ships (=clans), but expects the ships (=clans) to largely function independently. The clans would pay a tithe to the Mand’alor which would finance larger public works like space ports, but a lot of local infrastructure and works would either be completely financed by local clans or at least supplemented by them. Many large endeavours would also require the Mand’alor to get additional financial backing from the clans, because the Mand’alor doesn’t directly tax their subjects.
That’s right: the basic taxation unit is the clan. In the modern days, most people choose to file their taxes under their clan (and let the numbers guy in their clan worry about it), and work out their fair contribution and tax rate with their own clan leaders. This is a fairly flexible system: when you are down on your luck, you can rely on your clan for welfare; when you prosper, so does your clan. The clan then uses a certain amount of funds to e.g. provide medical care and schooling for its members, and to pay their tithe to the Mand’alor. Originally, the tithe was based on the number of able-bodied and armoured warriors the clan could muster; today, it’s in practice based on the number of adult members in a clan.
Taxes might sound boring, but I cannot stress this enough: without taxation base and tax records, the Mand’alor cannot govern. (Did you know that the first thing most historical peasant rebellions on Earth did, was to burn the tax records?) The Mand’alor rules only with the support of the clans. The Mandalorian government is not a democracy, but it’s not a dictatorship either. In effect, an aspiring Mand’alor needs to get the backing of the clans: most critically, the big houses, but they would also receive a steady trickle of smaller independent clans and even individual people swearing to them.
Guilds and Houses
Guilds would have started out as co-operative organisations for people who either come from very small clans or don’t want to financially associate with their clan. A guild would generally provide a similar package of benefits for its members as a clan: medical care, life insurance, filing income taxes, etc. The House system is another adaptation to this dynamic. Smaller clans can band together or under the protection of a larger clan. Effectively most Mandalorians either belong to a fairly big clan, a House, or a guild. In the modern days, there is an option to file your taxes independently, but few people choose to do it—its easier and more flexible to work things out within your own House. It’s more popular in Sundari and other areas with more centralised governance (that typically hails from the caretaker government post-Dral’Han) and more public services. Belonging to any of these organisations is in no way mandatory—pretty much the only one you need to declare for any official purpose is your clan—but belonging to none is a pretty precarious way of life.
Oh and the schools and hospitals and other such institutions? Most are private, fairly affordable due to being subsidised by donations from local rich clans and big companies (Mandos have a strong tradition of contributing to the community) and operate on a sliding scale of payment. Some (e.g. small local schools) are wholesale owned by local Houses. If you belong to a clan, its most likely your tuition was (at least partly) paid by the clan instead of your parents. Ditto for your medical bills. There’s also a healthy competition in the market: if you don’t like or cannot afford a school or a hospital, you go somewhere else. Sundari and the other domed cities have more publicly funded services, since a tightly packed city inside a biodome requires centralised administration to function.
tl;dr: The clan, the House, or the guild is the basic unit that provides welfare services for an individual. Usually, the school/hospital/etc. is a private enterprise or a foundation, with ties or contracts with local clans or Houses.
Mining and land rights
The land and its mining rights belong to a clan. The ancestral clan lands go all the way back to the original settlement of the Mandalorian worlds. Since the discovery of beskar, land- and mining rights have been hotly contested and have been the source of many civil wars and inter-clan conflicts.
That means that technically beskar belongs to a clan. Indeed, it is the clan’s duty to arm its warriors. In practice, beskar’gam is partly earned by the individual and partly given by the clan. Beskar is sufficiently rare that only the richest and oldest clans can afford to clad their warriors entirely in pure beskar. Most make do with beskar alloys of various quality (the beskar content of many plates has gone down over the years and their many reforgings). Many wear partly or all durasteel or even composite. However, because of the cultural significance, usually at least the kar’ta beskar is actual beskar (or beskar alloy), even if the rest of the plates are not.
In the olden times, clan tithes could actually be paid in beskar, and often were by clans with good beskar mines. And thus the Mand’alor could then gift (or sell) the beskar to other deserving clans or warriors.
Since the land belongs to the clans, most farmers are either clan members or tenant farmers, although the tenancies are generally given to families (=family lines), not individuals, and the tenant farmers receive many of the benefits of the members of the house if they’re not members themselves (which they often are). The clan that owns the land would usually pay for infrastructure projects and the like, often with manpower provided by the communities living on their lands.
Fishing and hunting rights and other natural resources similarly generally belong to the clan who owns the land.
As an aside, this system unintendedly contributed to the Ba’slan shev'la after Dral’Han. Many clans had their lands and livelihoods obliterated, and faced a choice to seek refuge in one of the less-affected areas of Mandalorian space (which were crawling with other refugees who had recently lost everything in their name), or leave and try their luck elsewhere in the Galaxy. Many chose to leave not because of some grand strategy or masterplan, but to find work, make a living, and raise their children somewhere that was not a radioactive desert.
Disasters like the Dral’Han have left many Houses land-rich and people-poor: it’s not unusual for them to grant lands for smaller clans and families swearing to them. It’s in everybody’s best interests that the land and its resources gets managed—preferably of course by a loyal vassal clan, who pays tithes to you.
Government and law
I like to think the Mandalorians have a split system of law, kind of like common law vs. statute law. There would be the military law and the military tribunal—or in Mandalorian terms, the Mand’alor’s law, with the Mand’alor acting as the supreme commander of the armed forces. And the other branch would be the other powerhouse in Mandalorian society: clans.
I imagine there’s a Mandalorian equivalent of the House of Lords, or what might be called a Moot: a body that consists of all the Mandalorian clan chieftains. When they vote about anything, the votes are probably weighted based on the number of warriors (historically) or adults (in modern times) in their clan. In practice, a lot of the smaller clans belong to a House which would also act as a voting block—almost like a political party. This is another dynamic that makes Houses compete for clans and warriors declaring for them.
The original function of this body would have been to decide matters that are beyond any one clan—and furthermore, to arbitrate matters between clans or intra-clan grievances that cannot be solved within the clan. And this could lead to them developing into a body that handles a lot of the high-level civilian matters—or appoints civilian administrators and judges to handle them. There’s probably some wiggle room and a lot of power plays about which matters belong to the Moot and which to the Mand’alor and which perhaps are decided by the Moot, but require the Mand’alor’s agreement. On Earth, that has historically been the case between monarchs and their Houses of Lords too.
The clan law is effectively a huge pile of historical precedents upon historical precedents. So it’s a customary law in character. It’s the Mand’alor’s law that’s the more flexible one: they can just give executive commands, effective immediately. But then the next Mand’alor might countermand all of their orders. In practice though, the military law is again a pile of previous Mand’alore’s executive orders building on top of each other—that’s a part of why Jaster’s Codex was 700 pages or whatever. In this way, the Mand’alor’s position could be compared to the president or the prime minister of some democracies: they’re the highest executive power, but they don’t make the civilian laws and don’t control the courts. I do think the Mand’alor has more power than Western presidents/prime ministers though, and that they e.g. name their own cabinet. Although politically savvy Mand’alores would in practice fill their cabinet with members of powerful clans to keep them happy.
Oh, and the magic sword as the basis of government? It’s a cool prop, but it’s hardly the whole story. The right by combat sounds to me like a very old tradition preceding the Darksabre. The Darksabre just got caught up in the old tradition, and became a visible symbol of having won a duel against the old Mand’alor. However—and it’s a pretty big however—like I said previously, no one rules Mandalore without the support of the clans. There are probably many stories of some hotshot young warrior thinking to make themselves into the next Mand’alor. And they might actually manage it—for about five minutes, until the old Mand’alor’s warriors line up to challenge them. You might win one duel, but no-one will win a hundred duels in a row. Even if they would manage to keep the Darksabre, if the clans didn’t support them, they would shortly go bankrupt, and find their armies going home when they stop being paid.
So there are probably some five-minute-wonders in the history, who are quickly succeeded by the previous Mand’alor’s second or third in command. I’d also like to point out that there’s an incentive to leave the previous Mand’alor alive: they are still (often) the clan head or at least the commander of a significant number of troops present in the capital, and if they’re alive, they can order those troops to stand down. If they’re dead, those troops may choose to fight instead and hope to make the challenger’s reign very short indeed.
The New Mandalorian government
Now on this stage comes the Republic, who in 738 BBY bombs key Mandalorian worlds and leaves large swaths of them inhabitable. They also installsa caretaker government to make sure that the Mandalorian threat would not rise again. And I imagine that from the get go, this Republic oversight would have been universally loathed. But it also split Mandalorians between those who on principle refused to recognise the Republic’s puppet government, and those who saw that Mandalore was in no position to evict them militarily, and needed to do everything to ensure the Republic navy didn’t have a reason to come back and finish the job. So they chose to work within the system to fight tooth and nail for an independent, Mandalorian government.
And, well, that itself is a huge source of friction. Mandalore essentially has two governments, which don’t recognise each other: the post-excision government that grew from the Republic’s caretaker government and the Mand’alor. The clan Moot would probably be something of a grey area: perhaps it was recognised but reorganised by the post-Dral’Han government; or perhaps it was not, but traditions are not so easily killed and it still holds a lot of power in practice. Individual Houses operate in between all of these separate systems of power, striking a deal here and giving a nod there.
But I also think that a lot of the Core-inspired laws installed by this post-Excision government, and the laws that are needed to make the tightly packed domed cities run, come into conflict with the traditional Mandalorian laws. So now you have what is effectively a tripartite system of law. And there’s certain friction between all of these parts, and lots of arguments about which law applies in which case and who has jurisdiction.
This is also how the Mand’alor can be a rather hands-off position (depending on the Mand’alor) after the Dral’Han—there are two other forms of government to keep things running.
Let’s start with a couple of basic assumptions. First, the basic unit of Mandalorian society is the clan. Aliit is also a part of the Resol’nare. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that one cannot be a Mandalorian without a clan. I mean, in a religious sense, you have to be adopted into a Mandalorian clan to become a Mandalorian and share in the Manda. That’s why the adoption vow is literally ”name and soul”. Well, that’s the orthodox, religious view anyway. I imagine modern attitudes are laxer, but older views are probably reflected in many laws still.
Secondly, a lot of the Mandalorian space was originally conquered by the Taung. The conquered peoples could become Mandalorians, but I always got the vibe that it was an individual choice (both of the adoptee to want to become a Mandalorian and of the clan to accept them)—conversely, there must have been many people who decided not to convert. I doubt they were all put to sword either, especially after Mand’alor the Ultimate’s reforms.
So this creates a situation where there are both people who are Mandalorians by creed and by clan, and people who live on Mandalorian worlds and are not one or the other or neither.
And I like to think that Mandalore, by the accident of history, effectively has two kinds of citizenships: ”full” citizenship for members of Mandalorian clans, and ”civil” citizenships for residents of Mandalorian worlds who are not considered Mandalorians. And that these two kinds of citizenships come with different rights and responsibilities. For one, only the Mandalorians have representation in their House of Lords. Conversely, only Mandalorians are expected to answer the Mand’alor’s call and to serve in the military. Yes, this came about because I wanted to explore that whole are Jaster and Jango Mandalorians or not, and who even is a Mandalorian debates. Where do they come from? Could there be some reasonable explanation that gets garbled in the translation to Basic? In my version, there’s both a religious/creed aspect to being a Mandalorian, and a legal citizenship aspect, that overlap. So perhaps Jango was born on a Mandalorian world, but not as a Mandalorian. Just a thought.
Now the people who aren’t born Mandalorians but wish to become one by creed, they have an easy precedent available to them. They either get themselves accepted into a clan (the most common way); or I like to think there’s some kind of a provision for people who for one reason or another don’t want to be adopted. Perhaps they need to have a sponsor who’s a citizen of good standing (this would be the adopter for those who are adopted into clans, or perhaps the spouse or the spouse’s clan head for those who marry in), and let’s say two witnesses who testify they have completed their verd’goten or an equivalent trial. A clan can’t really be just one person, so I imagine that if a clan shrinks to just one member, they keep their lands etc., but lose some other e.g. political privileges until they became a clan (of more than one) again, and conversely, newly minted mandos who don’t have clans don’t get all the benefits and representation either.
Then we have people who are neither. Now these people could have legitimate grievances against how the political system operates, because it disadvantages them. And I think that’s an interesting point and an interesting conflict. Which is what stories are all about.
And then we have New Mandalorians, at least some of who are Mandalorians by clan—but they refuse some duties that come with that, and which probably actually are codified into traditional Mandalorian law. So that’s a legitimate grievance on the part of the old guard against the New Mandalorians: they want all the benefits, but dodge the draft and other legal duties. But it’s also a legitimate grievance of the New Mandalorians (mandatory military service is a violation of individual rights as their government defines them & answering to a Mand’alor who is not recognised by their laws). And what else would they define citizenship by, if not birth and residence on the Mandalorian worlds?
And I imagine that New Mandalorian government either defines or wants to define citizenship in a new way that’s not based on creed and being a member of a clan. And this is also a source of grievances and conflict. The traditionalists feel that being a Mandalorian is a creed, a choice; and that choosing to walk the way of the Mandalore has been a foundational right since the time of the Mandalorian Wars. After all, all of the modern day Mandalorians are descended of people who made that choice.
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perigilpin · 1 year
a little mystery to figure out
Bo-Katan x The Armorer
The royal warrior fallen from grace and the steadfast spiritual leader, ideological opposites with a common goal. It’s the sun and the moon, now perfectly aligned in an eclipse, and no one can look away.
Written for the @swfemmefrenzy prompt Mand’alor
At first it simply reads as a strong showing of solidarity between the two factions. The pair’s mutual respect and partnership is a sign of understanding that all walks of life, all ways to be a Mandalorian, will be honored here on thier home world.
Such it is that when the Mand’alor speaks to the crowd, it is always The Armorer at her right hand. And when the Armorer leads ceremony at the Living Waters, the Mand’alor always stands not far behind her, in support.
Yet it is not just pomp and ceremony that tie the two together. It is no secret that they can often be found side by side by side talking on this or that, in the trenches rebuilding, overseeing the foundlings training, or just sitting by the fire. (At least one observer has even claimed to have seen them walking through the gardens together while talking in hushed tones.)
In short, where one goes the other is sure to follow.
So it’s no shock that the rumor mill is set ablaze. It’s a common ground a both groups have vested interest in, and they trade peices of information like currency.
( “The Mand’alor used to be involved with a Jedi”, a Nite-Owl whispers to a member of the Covert as they haul debris together to clear room for a larger camp.
“We don’t even know The Armorer’s real name. I don’t think anyone does.” he replies.)
Perhaps the first whispers started back on Nevvaro, within the Covert, when then now Mand’alor emerged scandalously bare faced from the humble forge, walking side by side with thier leader. Or maybe it was during the battle for Mandalor, as silver and gold sliced and swung in perfect sync as they led the charge.
It’s quite the tale really.
The royal warrior fallen from grace and the steadfast spiritual leader, ideological opposites with a common goal. It’s the sun and the moon, now perfectly aligned in an eclipse, and no one can look away.
So of course people talk, as they always have, as they always will.
Sparring partners debate as they clash. (“I heard they got secretly married right after the battle for Mandalor.”
Then the adamant reply, “No way. I bet they actually hate each other. It’s gotta be be just for show.”)
Friends whisper to each other in the dining hall.(“Do you think the Manda’lor has seen her face?”)
There is one thing everyone agrees on though, and that is that there is much work to do.
Especially so in the forge. The Mand’alor has been leading parties in to the destroyed imperial base. First as search parties, now to gather the fallen imperial’s pieces of bastardised beskar.
The shiny white armor plates begin to stack up in the back of the forge, and while it means much work, it also means new armor for foundlings and repairs for those damaged in battle.
On this particular day, a curious gaggle of both helmeted and bare faced young Mandalorians watch The Armorer from a distance in the shadows of the cavernous great forge hall. She hammers at the forge, methodically working a large peice of metal until the sound of a small vehicle breaks her from her trance.
It’s the Mand’alor, backing up a speeder full of shining white imperial helmets, chest plates, and miscellaneous pieces.
The helmetless woman jumps straight of out the seat over the side of the speeder, and gestures with a flourish to the bounty. She says something playfully that, even straining, the group can’t quite manage to hear.
What they do hear is a laugh tempered with the lightest static from a voice modulator, that resounds throughout the cavernous chamber. The Armorer then closes the gap between herself and The Mand’alor, gently placing her gloved hands on the other woman’s shoulders before letting them fall, tenderly grazing the length of her arms on the way down.
“Ooo! I told you!” One of the foundlings squeals from the shadows , “They’re definitely in love.”
“They are not” her friend parries, not as quietly as they should have , “Just because YOU are in love with our Manda’lor does not mean everyone else is too.”
“Phstt, shut up! You’re just mad you lost our bet.” She playfully swats at her friend but the beskar on beskar contact sends a high pitched ping throughout the chamber and both Bo-Katan and The Armorer turn thier heads to to look in thier direction.
“Run! Let’s get out of here.”
“You owe me 10 credits!”
“I do not, that didn’t prove anything!”
Their voices carry throughout the chamber as they scurry away, despite their best efforts.
In the distance, on the grand pedestal of the ancient forge, Bo-Katan smiles despite herself focusing her attention back on The Armorer.
“I have to get this speeder back to the landing platform, but after that...” she lifts her hand to play with the ruffled furs on the edge of The Armorer’s cape, “I’m plenty free to prove anything you’d like.”
“Well my tracinya’ika” she replies in the soft voice that Bo-Katan has come to know is just for her, “I might have a few ideas.”
“This is the way.”
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primeofprimes115 · 1 year
The Yin to Her Yang, His Ray of Sunshine - Supergirl x Male Reader
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Warnings: Smut (18+), Angst, lots of Fluff and Wholesome moments (if you're one of those ugly criers, best to get some tissues just in case
(A/N: This takes place within an Alternative New Earth timeline where Flashpoint and Convergence never happens in this timeline)
For the last few years of their relationship, dating back to where it all began, where she first arrived to Earth, scared, confused, traumatised to where she is now with the one true love she never thought she'd have in her life who fought side by side with her through all of her struggles along with his own, through their ups and downs, her one true love being you of course!
Some would say your relationship with Supergirl was a coincidence.
But deep down, it wasn't just a coincidence... It was destined to blossom into an art of true love, two people, who cared so much for each other, who loved each other conditionally and emotionally. 
Your relationship with her was very sweet, tender, caring, loving and protective along with it being softcore and downright fluffy.
But... Let's go through your history with her first... All the way to present day...
Kara Zor-El has come a long way, she's been through so much within the last few years, fought through so many struggles in her life as both Supergirl and her secret identity Linda Lang.
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(A/N: Before you say anything about the image directly above... I get that she's... Y'know? But do I blame you??? I don't think I should) 
But she didn't spend it alone, by her side, was a young man from the planet Xola which had a bad history with Kryptonians as they once tried to conquer Xola but the Xolanians fought back with dignity and strength, once a powerful empire before many years later, the Xolanians would erupt in a civil war, two factions, fighting for control over the planet as the planet, slowly became uninhabitable for them all due to the war effort.
The man named Y/N, a young but grizzled and traumatised veteran of the Xolanian civil war, came to Earth near the end of the war, to live peacefully and in isolation before he found himself in more conflict regarding the humans and the many aliens that thrived on Earth.
He assumed the war was lost... The last thing he ever knew was that... Xola was becoming uninhabitable to support life... He grieved over the loss of his planet, of losing the war...
Until... He would meet someone who would change his life forever, along with changing hers.
Batman/Superman: The Supergirl From Krypton
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If it wasn't for the man called Superman, Y/N probably wouldn't be where he is now, at first he didn't trust the Big Blue since he was a Kryptonian but after seeing what he stood up for, he slowly began trusting him a bit more, as he began to trust a few Humans, one of them being Lois Lane, though he would still keep himself isolated and hidden, keeping to himself since he doesn't trust anyone else but the Man of Steel and a few of his close ones, he was introduced to his cousin Kara Zor-El, to help her adapt to Earth a bit better and the rest is history. after he vowed to help her understand a bit better.
She did go through some struggles, being practically kidnapped by Wonder Woman to be trained by the Amazons instead of Kal and Y/N teaching her, she already didn't like Batman since she thinks he didn't have a heart at all, thinking he was being an ass to her but overall... The only stranger who didn't try do anything to her was Y/N, who she actually enjoyed talking with and was a great conversationalist.
He didn't like the fact that Kara was forced to train on Themaskira, he always thought that 'freedom was everyone's right', he always thought that through his past leader, this? This wasn't freedom, she was forced but still... He couldn't do anything about it
But... This wouldn't really last as long, she gained the attention of Apokolips, specially Darkseid and with the attack on Themaskira from a cloned army of doomsday which was a diversion to distract everyone, Darkseid would order Kara's capture for she was to be manipulated into becoming a servant for him which unfortunately, they would succeed in doing so.
Y/N wanted to rescue her, no matter the cost, no matter how far he would have to go to get her back, thanks to Big Barda, they would find a way to travel to Apokolips.
After the two cousins would fight, in the nick of time of Y/N's arrival with Batman distracting Darkseid with his smarts, somehow... Y/N managed to break the somewhat brainwash on Kara's mind, carefully using his words, before she would collapse on the ground, Kal would bring her back with the others upon Darkseid agreeing to let Kara free... That day... Y/N grew to respect Batman with his smarts, outsmarting even a New God? That was something he never thought a Human could ever do.
Upon the end, with Kara back and it looked like she was going to head back with her cousin, she had one talk with Y/N as she recognised a symbol on his armour.
"How're you feeling?" he asked
"Still fuzzy but... I'm okay, I'm here because I just wanted to say before I go... Thank you for... What you've done for me Y/N ~" she smiled as she ran her hand on his shoulder plate where a somewhat recognisable symbol was seen - "I know this symbol, it belonged to the Xolanians, you're Xolanian? I know what the Kryptonians did to your people through my mother, Alura. I was so surprised you put so much of your trust in me despite... What happened between our people, I'm so sorry for what happened back then" she kept her eyes on the symbol, the two swords that stood for Unity, Hope, Prosperity.
She looked up at him, noticing his sorrowed face, thinking he was hurt by this, she immediately apologised... Thinking she shouldn't have mentioned it.
"No Kara, it's not that... I... I don't think I should talk about it here" he said with sorrow, with a pain aching in his heart.
She unexpectedly hugs him, taking him by surprise... He's never had a hug in a long time, not since... The Fall of Xola.
"I understand you don't want to talk about it, you're not ready to talk about it and that's fine! Really, it is" she seemed to console him, which shocked him but... He smiled, accepting the hug by placing his hands on her back.
The time came for her to go back with her cousin, he thanked Wonder Woman and Batman for helping him... Including Y/N, for helping her extensively... He already saw that Y/N trusts her and he couldn't be more proud.
Though returning from the Fortress of Solitude where Kara would try on a costume she could wear to use her powers and abilities for good, her 'Supergirl' outfit, she admitted she wasn't sure about being worthy to wear it, to bear the House of El glyph, feeling ashamed of her action when she was brainwashed, her cousin would dismiss it, telling her that whatever evil she displayed, was put into her by Darkseid.
 They would soon return to the Kent Family Farm where Darkseid was waiting for them, waiting to strike the two super cousins off guard.
However... He was bested in the end, especially with Wonder Woman's arrival and Kara reversed the Motherbox tech, activating the boom tube before Darkseid was sent through it, far out within the cosmos...
 Upon that day... Kara made a decision... Remembering what Y/N once told her
"We only become Heroes to not only protect others, to protect freedom, it is a huge responsibility that requires strength, dignity and discipline so we can fight for a better tomorrow... I was told that once, and I haven't forgotten it since that day, but overall... I see that in you Kara, just a little bit, but it's your decision to become a Hero or not, to take that responsibility, to turn it... Into opportunity, turning it... Into something... Beautiful"
On Paradise Island, Superman would introduce 'Supergirl' to the superhero community.
"To be honest. I'm not sure I've earned the right to use that name... Or to even wear this uniform. But I'm hoping, with all your help. I'll grow into it" she gave a little speech to the community as she was cheered on, making her smile but as she looked closer... She couldn't see Y/N, or see him anywhere for that matter.
It was at this time... He was at his spot where it was all peaceful... Quiet... No one around him or anything... Just... The calm ocean, the sun set... All of it... Reflecting on the past... His past... Unescapable memories.
It wasn't long till he heard someone land close to him, shaking him out of those memories, he turned to his right and saw... Kara, in her Supergirl outfit, stunned by her look as she smiled at him.
(A/N: Always loved his art, RIP Michael Turner)
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"Hi Y/N, what'd you think?" she flaunted her cape, doing a little spin afterwards as he stood up from where he sat, smiling at her as she allowed him to show off her costume, from front to back, seeing the House of El glyph on her cape all coloured a yellowish gold much like her cousin's.
"It looks... Good, amazing... Super" he cracks an accidental pun in there, making her giggle.
"Earth humour huh?" she giggled before sitting down with him.
"Didn't mean to crack one a pun there but..." he chuckled as he sat down beside her, the two continuing their conversation as her cousin watched from a distance, happy she's getting along with someone who was her first friend here on Earth.
(Supergirl: Girl Power)
Kara's friendship with Y/N bloomed into something special, it grew closer as the weeks went by, he patrolled with her and as she was already dealing with a situation, involving getting spied on, he vowed to help her deal with this situation.
 At their usual hang out spot where the two were alone together, watching the calm oceans which also appeared to calm Kara's thoughts when she would be feeling down.
She wanted to ask him about Xola, but knowing others have asked him about it, he would avoid talking about it if it was mentioned, almost like he was hiding a hidden pain behind the armour, behind the battle mask, he would briefly mention certain things but... If it was anything about why he was on Earth and not Xola... He played it off like it was nothing.
Though he briefly told her that the Kryptonian invasion was the last time he saw his father, a solider for the Xolanian Empire, he was killed during the Kryptonian, Xolanian War. Where he would have to grow up... An orphan no long after his mother's sudden passing before he was took in by his warrior Uncle, promising he'd teach him like his brother would've, at the required age, it wasn't enough to clear the unanswered question.
She wanted to ask him so badly especially since he'd briefly mentioned it back on Themaskira, but she talked about Krypton to him, why would he not do the same with his own planet?
Kara knew he was hiding pain, she knew he was still grieving, much like she was about Krypton's destruction.
"So... I hate to ask but... How did you end up here on Earth? I know you've been asked so many times but..." she looked at him as they both stared down at the ocean in front of them, the view being perfect.
He looked at her, with eyes that turned sorrow, he had a feeling Kara would ask him next, he felt she wanted to ask him for weeks, she sensed his pain by looking at him as he sighed, looking back at the ocean.
"It was a war... A civil war between our people that ravaged for centuries, two factions, fighting for control ~" he broke his silence, as Kara looked a little shocked at this - "I fought in this war, I was a warrior scout for the Xolar Resistance but... This war... It tore Xola apart, it tore many of us apart... I still... Have the scars to prove it, as with war ~" he took a moment to catch his words as he then looked at her with sorrow - "it can make a planet burn, make it... Unsuitable for life to progress... Xola became Uninhabitable for life to thrive ~" the look on Kara's face after hearing the truth behind his arrival here to Earth said it all, she wasn't expecting to hear this from him, to know she wasn't the only one who lost a planet from destruction, Y/N also went through the same pain... But worse... It was due to a war, a war HE fought, a war... He lost - "We were forced to fan out to the cosmos, abandon Xola, where my shuttle would get knocked off course, I was in cryogenic sleep during this time, and would find myself here... On Earth, knowing that I was alone... To bear with the loss of both the war and Xola and with that? I think... I'm the last of my species, the last... Of the Xolanians" he finished, his voice beginning to get shaky a little from his last words, he looked away, closing his eyes before he felt something touch him...
A hand... On his, Kara's hand grasped his, knowing they both share similar pain, similar scars, similar... Grief.
She may have Kal-El... But Y/N doesn't have that, he doesn't have family left, nor anyone for the matter, it was where the two embraced in a deep hug, helping him grieve through the pain just like he did with her.
 Deep down, he knew he needed this, someone to recognise he was keeping the pain hidden, someone who knows that type of pain... And Kara was the perfect individual to share his past with.
Both went through the same thing almost, he trusts her so much after all.
They've been by each others side since then, Y/N helped her fight her demons, her Dark self aka Dark Supergirl at one point due to Lex Luthor using a form of Black Kryptonite, let's just say, things were a little divided between Y/N and the two Kara's.
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One played with his feelings while the other, the one Y/N knew, was still there by his side, even he knew who the real Kara was after her dark twin tried switching up costumes to confuse him and the others.
Though she would later infuse herself back up with her evil 'twin', she was struggling to find herself but she got help, from both her cousin and Y/N... He didn't want to leave her side if it meant anything at least.
When she joined the Teen Titans for a brief time, he supported her, though her membership with them didn't really last as long as it should have, he would still support her either way, after all? What are friends for right?
However... Kara had feelings for him after the whole Power Boy situation (despite Y/N warning her that Power Boy shouldn't be trusted, he knew something was wrong about him and he was right in the end, Power Boy tried manipulating Kara, which almost worked but ultimately failed, resulting... Him getting a boot up his man-parts by Kara in deep space), where Y/N would also develop deep feelings for her too, their first kiss eventually happening within the clouds above, where they both loved the quietness up there.
Through the Infinite Crisis charisma, thinking she was killed by the Zeta Beam, only for her to come back a year later to bad news of Superboy's death (who comes back later on) and her cousin powerless (he regains his powers later on), but she came back to a relieved Y/N, hugging her pretty tight as he missed her so much, though she briefly lost her memories about being sent to the future where she was with the Legion of Superheroes within the 31st century (which she would found out it was actually Earth-Prime's 30th century, not her Earth's future) he revealed to her that she was gone for over a year, prompting in her showering him in kisses.
Through looking for a secret identity to roam as a normal Human with Y/N's help (as he's done it for a while) to trying out to join the Outsiders with Captain Boomerang II's request, Y/N supported her but ultimately found out that she was being tested rather than trusting her which almost got Y/N and another member into a fight with Nightwing getting in between them, Kara would instead not join the team upon knowing she was being tested.
But after Breaking the Chain, Cry for Justice (where she joined a Justice League group for a brief time) and the Dark Crisis? Their relationship was taken to the next level after the many tiring months they spent together fighting side by side...
Where she would rock his world for the first time, and her own world too, knowing she was all his and only his for as long as it could last.
(First Smut warning here)
Within Kara's apartment, her outfit was seen on the floor, first her high-knee boots as it went from that to her yellow loose belt and blue skirt, to the trousers Y/N wore with his integrated suit of armour, to his shirt as the device that activates his armour on command, is seen on the living room table.
Eventually... It leads up to panties and boxers on the floor to Kara's crop top and attached cape were on the floor beside the bed where Kara's pleasured moans were heard as she rode on top of her boyfriend, his cock penetrating her clitoris.
Her moans softly reached his ears as he kept thrusting up in her, desperate for him to go faster and also harder, her bounces connecting with his upper thrusts.
They've been at it for 30 minutes, she really wasn't kidding when she could rock his world, this was her first time along with his.
And eventually... They finished inside each other... Two of them panting uncontrollably as Kara crashed her body into him, letting the juices escape her womanhood, combined with hers and her boyfriend's.
"So? Ready for round two handsome??" she would ask him after 5 minutes went by...
They both went through a lot after the entire Dark Crisis, Kara especially. He's been there for her so many times where she needed it most and she couldn't be more happier with that, especially with finding the joined city of Kandor and Argo within a bottle aboard Brainiac's ship.
This discovery was named New Krypton by Kara and was released and re-sized to normal size where it would reside on Earth for a while, she was so happy to see her people alive, to re-connect with so many she missed, to once again, to roam the now joined cities Kandor and Argo, as she didn't want to spend it alone she wanted Y/N to experience it with her, to step foot in a Kryptonian which made history as he was the first ever Xolanian to step foot within it.
She got to meet her birth parents once more, Alura and Zor-El, where she revealed her relationship with Y/N, the Xolanian Warrior, at first they were a little sceptical but upon meeting him, their scepticism went down the drain.
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"Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Y/N L/N, the Xolanian Warrior" she kindly introduces them to him, she wrapped her arm around his after he approached.
"Though our kind and Xolanians don't have a very fond history with each other, we're so sorry for what you've been through, Kara has told us all about you, and we're so happy for her, which we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts, for protecting her, for being there for her when we could not" Alura greeted him as he smiled at her greeting.
"You don't need to thank me, you should thank Kal-El and your beautiful Daughter here, if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have never seen Kryptonians differently as I did before" he switched it round as Kara kissed him on the cheek.
But as all things do go well, it doesn't stay forever...
Under General Lane's orders (Lois Lane's father), with the amount of Kryptonians living on Earth and the fear of a possible alien invasion from the Kryptonians, he ordered both Reactron and Metallo to invade Kandor with Gold Kryptonite, and slaughter as many Kryptonians they could find, that included Zor-El, this was Kara's biggest tragedy, which the following events afterwards, changed everything in her life.
(Zor-El's death)
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Due to this tragedy... Alura used Sunstone technology and uprooted Kandor out of Earth into outer space and placed into geosynchronous orbit, directly opposite of the Earth itself.
The US Government took action by barring all Kryptonians (except Superman) from staying on Earth, that included Supergirl, which enraged Y/N but he chose to stay on Kandor, to protect the remaining Kryptonians living on Kandor where Kara would have to stay... But not for long.
Zor-El's death also struck Y/N hard, before his death, Y/N wanted to ask her a very important question which involved a Kryptonian made ring, he went to Zor-El and Alura about it first, he was given the green light after telling them how much Kara meant to him, wanting to ask her the biggest question of his life, to marry on New Krypton under Kryptonian Standards, but unfortunately, those plans were cut due to the following events afterwards.
(Superman: War of the Supermen)
Things got worse after Zor-El's death, there was the Hunt for Reactron, Superwoman's appearance who was in fact General Lane's daughter Lucy, to everything leading up from New Krypton's Last Stand to the complete War of the Supermen where New Krypton was destroyed, the Military Guild of Krypton led by Zod was ready to invade Earth, an enraged Supergirl who was furious after Alura's death at the hands of Reactron, of Luthor, blamed Earth for New Krypton's destruction and with carrying the flag of Krypton, she raced toward Earth to join the war effort...
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Only to be stopped by Y/N and Superman, who she attacked in a blind rage, angry at the both of them from preventing her to join the war effort.
"Do you have any, ANY idea what war can do to people? The amount of death and destruction it can cause!?" he arms his weapon, charging it up as it trilled extensively as he gets ready to defend himself once more.
They had been fighting for a while throughout New Krypton's moon Callisto, his armour was torn a little but with no effort, Kara on the other hand, enraged and full with anger, had just finished fighting her cousin, only to be confronted by Y/N again, she was enraged by such action against her, against avenging her own people.
"OUT OF MY WAY Y/N! I WON'T LET YOU GET IN MY WAY LIKE MY COUSIN DID!! THEY NEED TO PAY!!! ~" she shouted at him, her eyes lighting up red, floating in the air as she was about to attack her boyfriend - "YOU SHOULD BE BY MY SIDE! NOT THEIR'S!!!" she was upset and angry with him, how could he betray her? Side with Earth by defending them from the crimes they committed to New Krypton's destruction?? From the many Kryptonians that were on New Krypton that got wiped in an instant due to the Gold Kryptonite Nuke placed inside Reactron.
"Is this what Alura and Zor-El would want? Earth destroyed? Purged? Earth is my home Kara! Our home!! Don't you remember that War destroyed my world... I won't let another world fall the same, I don't want to fight you, but if you must... Then so be it, if you're going to join the war effort to attack Earth? Then you'll have to get through me first" he hesitantly aimed his cannon at her - "One way... Or the other, one of us... Will fall, but do not let your anger blind you from who you are Kara Zor-El, this isn't what you are, Zor-El and Alura would never want you to become like Zod, or Ursa" he slightly growled as his mask forms back up, showing his war side to her as she began to realise what she was doing was wrong.
She looks at him, realising he's physically trying to defend himself from her, his words get through to her head, she looks at the damage she inflicted upon him and her cousin, she looked at him and knew he was serious, she never saw this side of him before, battle mask formed up, him scolding her and he's NEVER scolded her before which gave her a reality check.
In that moment... She breaks down, tears fall down her face immediately as she dropped the flag of Krypton, blaming herself for New Krypton's destruction.
"It's all my fault, I brought Reactron to New Krypton, I caused it all!!" she shouted through tears, weeping at herself as Y/N's cannon powered down, his battle mask deactivating as he kneels down to her level and pulls her in, she digs her face into his chest as she lets it all out, blaming herself over and over.
"Don't blame yourself my Little Sunshine, none of this is your fault. They played us for fools, General Lane is attempting to wage war to hail himself a War Hero in the Human's eyes, he doesn't care what happens to them ~" he pulled back, looking at the teary eyed Kara as more tears fell down, but he wiped them away with one motion of his thumb - "Someone tried doing the same on Xola, look what happened afterwards... Earth is in danger, Zod and the Military Guild will wreak havoc if we don't stop them... But revenge will not bring back what is lost, you know I've been through that, you're not alone" he assured her as she sniffled and gloomed, looking at him with regret and pain.
She knew he was right, he'd been through war, he's seen death and the destruction it would bring, she knew if they didn't stop Zod and the Military Guild, Earth will be in total chaos and uninhabitable for Human kind, and that revenge won't bring New Krypton back, nor her mother, nor her father.
"I love you Kara, you know I'll never leave your side, no matter happens, we'll get through this loss together, let it fuel our strength" he smiled, wiping away a few more of Kara's tears.
"I love you too Y/N" she responded through a sob, hugging him tightly, not wanting to let go of him... She needed this consolation from him, especially after the death of her birth mother and the destruction of New Krypton
She sniffles a little more before rubbing her arm across her eyes to wipe away the remaining tears after breaking the long, comforting hug, as his words replayed in her head from earlier, of what war did to his world, refusing to let Earth fall the same.
Deep down... She viewed Earth as her home too, though not many wanted her around, she still viewed it as home, thanks to Y/N and her cousin, along with her friends and Earth family.
"Okay. Okay, You're right Y/N ~" she began to get up - "What do we do now?" she asked him, fists clenched.
"We go to Earth and do everything we can to defuse this insanity until we find an answer to all of this, and save lives in the meantime ~" he stood up with her - "As I said before, I won't let another planet go to ruin over a war, a war that can bring chaos and devastation to the Human race, that I swear deep within my soul, will not happen this day, or any other day... They all must be stopped... No matter the cost ~" he clenched his fist as his battle mask activates - "I have a shuttle I can use for transport to Earth, Zod and his forces would have arrived by now, we must make haste!"
They would join the war effort, which during on the way to Earth, the sun would be turned into a red sun with Superman, Supergirl and the remaining Kryptonians, struggle to breathe in space, Y/N managed to save Kal and Kara by bringing them into his shuttle, but the rest? He was too late, he only managed to save a few and that was it.
This managed to enrage Y/N, countless dead for nothing, Kryptonian or not, he knew their deaths were pointless, all to stop Zod and the others though the sun would revert back to normal not long after thanks to Thara-Ak-Var's (aka Flamebird) sacrifice to turn the sun yellow once more.
Once arriving to Earth to stop the war from tearing Earth apart, Kal went to wait for Zod and his followers at Metropolis while Kara and Y/N went to the white house to stop Ursa from killing the US President...
Though Y/N was questioned about almost killing Ursa upon seeing Kara being strangled to death and finding out that it was Ursa who killed Y/N's father during the Kryptonian Invasion of Xola, in a controlled rage, he fought violently against her, like he did during the Xolanian Civil War, she taunted him about his father, which would only prove to be her last, deadly mistake as he was not like the Xolanians she fought before, underestimating him even, before he could pull the trigger as she wanted him to, he stopped himself with the help of the rest of the Super Family that arrived in the nick of time, as this fight quite literally pushed him over the breaking limit, as he was reminded of his time in the civil war. This day changed him forever.
Near the end, Kara would've killed General Lane if both Y/N and Lois hadn't intervened, though he killed himself in the end rather than face justice for his crimes.
A funeral would be held for those who died on New Krypton, a Kryptonian flower was placed on its remains as a teary eyed Supergirl would fly off and arrive back on Y/N's shuttle, embracing him once more...
"Let it all out, let it all out" he cooed, hugging her tightly as she wouldn't let go of him again... If she was going to grieve, he wouldn't let her grieve alone.
After all of that? Kara and Y/N's lives had changed forever, she would stop being Supergirl at one point, going Linda Lang full time, ditching her birth name: Kara Zor-El, though both Lana and Y/N convinced her to pick up the mantle of Supergirl and Kara Zor-El again upon the threat of Bizarrogirl.
She admitted to miss flying and carrying Y/N when she flew around Earth, it was something rather special for the both of them.
Posing like her cousin once did - "Okay, I gotta admit...
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...I missed this"
(A/N: Does anyone else find this part of the comic pretty cute when she poses like that? She's such a bean in the New Earth comics at times, literally my favourite incarnation of the Maiden of Might, the Girl of Steel and I... L O V E it, plus... I honestly just wanna hug her so bad, she's been through so much pain as it is and I feel so bad, if only I could give her a hug to tell her it's alright. Believe it or not fellow readers... I refer to her at times, especially with pain and loss, feeling like an outsider to the world because you're different than everyone, and they pick on you because you're different, especially since I'm Autistic. Without her? Without Kara Zor-El/Supergirl? I don't even know where I'd be right now)
She missed being Supergirl, she missed saving lives, kicking ass and taking names and she was happy to pick up the outfit again.
After so... She agreed to take Y/N flying once more.
"I missed taking us up here" Kara said while looking up toward the sky, taking herself and Y/N up into the clouds.
"I did too, this is where we had our first kiss believe it or not" he chuckled, Kara looked at him and could only smile at the sudden call back of a memory.
"I've never stopped thinking about that, which reminds me" she giggled as she drew her face closer to his, connecting her lips on his no long after, sharing a deep kiss as Kara remained stationary above the clouds, holding her one true love.
"I love you so freaking much y'know that?" Y/N murmured, making the Girl of Steel giggle as she stole another kiss from him.
"I know... I love you more than anything in this world Y/N ~" Kara spoke through the kiss, breaking it to speak more clearly so she could speak with to her heart's intent about him - "thank you so much for being there for me when I needed it most, I don't know where I'd be without feeling your touch, to hear your voice, your heartbeat, to see your presence and when you're not around, I try to listen for your heartbeat, and I worry so much when I can't hear it because I'm not whole without you, I'm not myself... I'm so lucky to have someone like you who loves me the same, who I can always wake up beside and see your eyes the first thing in the morning... You're like... The Sun to my Flowers, the Yin to my Yang, my Badass Warrior, because I adore you" Kara smiled as brightly as she could with her boyfriend grinning at her statement, which resulted in them kissing deeply once more, as the stars and moon shined bright like a diamond, setting up the perfect scenery for the two love birds.
She still blamed herself for New Krypton's destruction and even dreamt of being back on it, Y/N would deny that it was her fault, though she didn't want to admit it... She knew he was right, it wasn't her fault still, but to use that memory to keep moving forward, knowing that's what Alura and Zor-El would want her to do.
she felt so lucky to have someone like Y/N by her side, she felt special to him and that's all that mattered...
(Legion of Superheroes... Again?)
At this point in time after the whole Bizarrogirl situation was dealt and heading out of Bizarro-World with a rocket ship and ultimately for Kara, she... AGAIN, went to the future. 
But this time, it wasn't the 30th century she was familiar with and she wasn't alone, Y/N was with her still after the Bizarro-World situation, The Legion welcomed the two in, Kara decides with Y/N agreeing to stay in the future and work for the Legion for a while, both given a Legion Flight ring but he didn't use it, he had other alternatives.
Kara would visit the Superman Museum with her boyfriend, where she finds out how she dies, facing off against the most powerful threat in the entire universe, the Multiverse to be exact, the threat isn't revealed but she has a sense of what it could be, she doesn't tell him this but finds out either way, promising she won't die alone, he'll be there with her.
They both would be interrupted by Satan Girl, an Alien Death Goddess that was drawn to Earth when Brainiac-5 experimented on a statue offered up to her. Together with Brainy, they put a stop to Satan Girl, even going as far as going back within the timestream to stop her.
Not long after, Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad (who made a friend in Y/N and give Lightning Lad the nickname: 'Sparky'), Cosmic Boy and Brainiac-5 would bring Supergirl and Y/N back to the present, where Kara revealed to her boyfriend that - "This is the happiest I've been in years, I love going on these types of adventures with you, it's something... Different for us, and I love it" she would kiss him, before flying up into the portal with carrying her one true love. Saturn Girl would wipe Kara's knowledge of knowing how she died, along with Y/N's knowledge of knowing it too.
Both Supergirl and Y/N would go back to the future sometimes, to help the Legion with any issues but one of them... Wasn't a pleasant day to visit... For both the love birds.
Unfortunately... Lightning Lad would die due to his heroic sacrifice, both Kara and Y/N showed up for the funeral.
"Sparky, you are amongst the bravest of us all, I wished I would've been there to fight side by side with you as you reminded me of another back on Xola, If I could give my life to bring you back, I would... But... You deserve to rest, you need it... As a wise spokesman said... Till All Are One" he gave a speech to his friend, which moved the hearts of many that were there for the funeral, Kara would give a similar speech too.
(Their War, Our World)
(A/N: This is a huge Transformers reference I just dropped, holy moly this phrase 'Their War, Our World' hasn't been used in years and I mean all the way back in 2007, I wish we could go back to witness it all over again)
(PS: I might make a full out story out of 'Their War, Our World', but what do you think? Should I do it at some point in the near future?)
Months would pass by along the way, Kara would join the new Justice League of America with Wonder Woman's vote to allow her to join, also allowing Y/N to join not long after though he wasn't very sure at the time but... He couldn't resist when Kara urged him to join up, even going as far as putting on her puppy dog eyes to convince him which worked...
All the way to the formation of the Supermen of America where Kara was the founding member of.
It was also occurrent that a Multiversal event happened where heroes and villains alike from different timelines, continuities, universes all grouped up since the entire Multiverse was threatened by one entity and its own army, this entity had a thousand names, it spoke with many voices but it only spoke one name...
And its goal was to Shape the entire universe... Which would've ended everything at once.
It was not recorded of what exactly happened, but the only thing that came out of it... Was that Supergirl survived... Xolanian Y/N's Supergirl lived, though it was said that she would die within her timeline but... sometimes... Fates can be broken.
At least two months after the huge event that transpired, Y/N would receive an unexpected recorded message, from an old friend and leader of the Xolar Resistance - Hyrix Maximus.
"Y/N, I pray this message reaches you, though the war rages on, not all hope is lost, we now have the means to revive Xola and turn the tides of the war, if you hear this message, I have a new task for you, establish a base on Earth in secret, so we can rebuild and return home to retake what was lost, stay safe solider... I am coming"
This message raised hope of seeing Xola thrive once more and hearing that Hyrix Maximus was alive and still leading, had reversed his thoughts that the war was lost but not over yet or that he was the last of his kind.
Kara intrigued to help him complete his new task of establishing a hidden base, though she feared that another New Krypton situation would happen, he assured her it won't, though he also had fears the warwould be brought here to Earth as they didn't need another alien war happening on Earth again.
She was happy to know that his planet would have life thrive again, but she felt... Saddened about it, knowing he would be leaving Earth to go back to Xola when the civil war ends.
As stated, he wanted Kara to go there with him, to see it's full restoration though she wasn't entirely sure as she wanted to stay on Earth, she felt gloomy about him possibly leaving Earth for good, which resulted in her having a nervous breakdown over, she got over it quick with her two of her best friend's help being Cassie Sandsmark and Stephanie Brown, but they never told Y/N about it.
Soon after with the arrival with Hyrix Maximus and the Resistance, it brought unwanted attention to Earth as Y/N feared.
The US government along with the President were warned of this immediately, more aliens arriving to Earth, bringing even more chaos but if it wasn't for Y/N's words, the Xolar Resistance would have Humans targeting them too, Hyrix Maximus and the Resistance had to reveal themselves to the public and speak with the President in person, showing they aren't the ones to fear but the Releimors are, their sworn enemy.
"Our greatest warrior, scout and good friend Y/N, filled me in with the details of what has happened on planet Earth recently, we know you have all just gotten out of an invasion from the Kryptonian Race and though we have a history with them, I am more than proud to call the Kryptonians that defend Earth, 'ally' in this current situation, our civil war has lasted for centuries. Our planet, Xola, had become uninhabitable for all of our kind, forcing us to journey throughout the stars where our war would rage on throughout the cosmos, we lost contact with Y/N during the final days of Xola, where his pod would land on Earth, where he presumably lived amongst you all for some time, I know he has been defending your planet for quite some time now but with the threat of our war coming here to Earth? I cannot imagine pulling you all into our war, the Releimors had detected our ship upon arriving to your galaxy and gave chase until it was too late for us to detect them... We will do our best to protect your planet, amongst the new allies we have met"
The war continued for some time on Earth, the government set up a conjoined team of the Xolar Resistance and Team ETN (Extra-Terrestrial Neutralisers) to fend off this new threat with the help of the Supermen of America and the New Justice League.
Y/N got himself back into a bitter rivalry with someone who was his equal named Araxis, a foe who tried many times to get in his head by taunting him about his new friends... Including his girlfriend.
There would be a point where Y/N was injured severely during a 1 vs 3 as backup was on the way, he fended off as hard as he could but it was all he could handle, being tossed around, getting his mask shattered, impaled by blades. Before his fate could be sealed, it was Supergirl who saved him with the Supermen of America and his old squad called Squadron Elite, a group he once commanded.
Despite being injured, he wasn't allowed to fight on the front again till he was 100%, at this time, during this time, Kara would mostly stay on the Xolanian Ship codenamed 'Ark' where the injured Y/N was. There... She met a Xolanian friend through Y/N named Caria.
When it came to the time of his condition being cleared, Kara wanted to have a chat with him about Xola, wanting to know if he was really thinking of going back.
"Hey..." Kara called out from leaning against the medical bay door as one of the Xolanian doctors cleared him for duty.
"Hey Sunshine" he smiled as the doctor would leave the room on par with Y/N's request to leave them for 5 minutes or so.
"I wanted to know if... It's true" Kara asked as she fidgeted with her cape nervously.
"What's true?" he asked her with an eyebrow raised.
"If.... If you're really going back to... To Xola after this" she asked with her head down, her voice turning gloomy and sorrow.
"Kara, who said..." he stopped himself as Kara looked back at him with a somber facial expression with her eyes beginning to water.
All he could do was chuckle a little at Kara's silliness, tears began running down her face, she was in a gloomy state about it.
"Oh Kara, come here" he extends his arms out to her as she immediately hugs him tightly, her arms wrapped around his as she sobbed quietly.
"I d-don't want you t-to go" she wept, digging her face into his chest as he chuckled silently at her.
"Don't be silly Sunshine, who says I'm going back?" he asked her, he couldn't stop smiling at how silly Kara was being but he knew she must've had a nervous breakdown over this and never told him.
"You're going b-back aren't y-you?" she once again sobbed into his chest.
Y/N began running his hand through Kara's hair, keeping his smile as he comforted her, her continued sobbing was enough to make him realise she was upset about it, yes he was thinking of going back but after much clear thought of leaving Earth, of leaving everyone he knew behind, of leaving Kara Zor-El behind? He knew he couldn't live to bear with that.
Before he could make his decision final, he spoke with Hyrix Maximus and a few others, knowing if he could go back at any point but not to stay but to simply visit, and it was given the green light, knowing he could bring anyone with him as the atmosphere could fit Humans.
It brought him to this moment, consoling his crying Kryptonian girlfriend, his Ball of Sunshine.
"Kara, don't be silly okay? I'm not going back to stay" he replied after a minute with a chuckle, her ears perked up at this as she looked up at him.
"Wh-What? You're... You're not going?" she sniffled, in a look of sorrow.
"Yes, I'm not going back to stay, I'm staying here ~" he wiped away a dried tear on her cheek - "with you and the others, and I now know what you mean about you not being whole without me, I don't even know what I'd do without you ~" he smiled at her, wiping away another tear off her face with his thumb, caressing her cheek - "Kara Zor-El you Adorable Bean, Ball of Fluff, my Ray of Sunshine... I. Adore you" he finished, pulling her into a deep kiss as she wrapped her arms around the crook of his neck.
"I adore you too, Badass Warrior" she spoke through the kiss, not letting him go, her mind being brought to ease as she missed his touch...
For the next few months... They have been fighting back the rising threat, eventually ending it with the death of the Releimors' leader, once a brother to Hyrix: Doma-Thrash a power-hungry tyrant. 
With the war ended, Hyrix and the remaining Xolanians left for Xola, despite Y/N thinking of going back with them... He promised he'd stay on Earth, with his true love Kara Zor-El/Supergirl, but was always welcomed back to Xola whenever he would visit, especially with guests he would bring with him.
And indeed did he pay a visit to Xola after its restoration, he brought along his girlfriend and a few others (Cassie Sandsmark, Tim Drake and M'gann M'orzz)
Quite say that they enjoyed themselves, learning the many things about Xola and its history.
Kara especially enjoyed herself the most, being empowered by the likes of a blue sun which enhances the Photonucleic Effect on her, making her extremely more powerful than the likes of a yellow sun though she had to be tad extra careful in case she broke something due to her enhanced power.
This definitely helped when Hyrix Maximus called for Y/N's help to find escaped Reileimor war criminals, it was the most fun she's had in a while hunting down escaped convicts of Xola, helping the Xolanian people that day, which would make history as the first Kryptonian to step foot on Xola and help the Xolanians.
Quite say that she felt honoured, knowing she was well liked amongst the Xolanian people which buried the hatchet between the Xolanians and Kryptonians though only a few Kryptonians remain.
(Present Day)
With everything they have all been through, Kara Zor-El and Y/N have never been more than happy with what they have now.
With all their struggles dealt with, the happy moments, the sad moments, the fighting, the tragedies, the death, the deceit, the ups and downs, the blood, sweat and tears... They stuck together.
He was 'The Yin to Her Yang, the Sunshine to her Flowers, Badass Warrior'
And she was his 'Ray of Sunshine, Adorable Bean, Ball of Fluff' 
And she couldn't be more happier with him as he was with her.
Their relationship still blooms, their undying love for each other, the way they make each other feel.
It almost felt magical to them, they've both been through so much and it's brought them up to this point in time.
"Quite beautiful isn't it?" Kara asked him, she stared out at the ocean as the sun shined on it, beginning to settle down for the night.
They were currently celebrating Kara's 19th Earth birthday, she held his hand as they both sat watching the calm oceans, the peaceful winds blowing through them as Kara's cape gracefully flapped around softly.
 "Yeah it still is... But I got a better sight in front of me" he replied as he looked at her, referring to Kara as she giggled, giving him a peck on the lips afterwards for the compliment.
"I guess you're also a better sight too" she smiled ear to ear before giving him another peck on the lips, resting her head on his shoulder afterwards.
He felt a little nervous, he wanted to ask her something very, VERY important for the longest time, a question he wanted to ask her before Zor-El's death.
He wanted Kara to bring them here to watch the sun set and the calm ocean because this is where their relationship would flutter into something beautiful, where she was learning Earth culture through him, they sat. In this exact. Same. Spot, where he revealed his past, who he was and why he was on Earth.
This spot meant a lot to him, it's where his trust in Kryptonians opened up brightly due to Kara, she was special to him as he was to her.
"Kara... I need to tell you something" he breaks the silence as she looks at him lovingly.
"mmhm, what's up?" she hummed happily, staring at him as she waited for him to answer.
"I uh... Uhm... For the longest time, I never thought I'd be here, right now, with you, watching the sun set and the calm oceans... We've been through so much you and I ~" he started off as Kara listened in what he had to say - "Through all of our struggles, through the blood, sweat and tears, I've never been so happy to have met you, who has changed my life for the better and I believe I've done the same for you ~" he says with some stutters and with a huge smile on his face as she kept looking on with her own smile - "Before, New Krypton's destruction, before Zor-El's death, I asked him and Alura a question, a very important question and I was given the green light" Kara began to get confused at this, what question did he ask them? Why was he given the green light?
"Y/N, what are you trying to tell me?" she chuckled with confusion, she was completely anonymous what he had to say.
"Can you, stand up for me? Please?" he asked her kindly with a warm smile, though nervous, he felt butterflies in his stomach as the question was drawing near.
"Y/N? What's going on? Why are you acting like this??" she asked him curiously and confused as anything, her eyebrow raised up as she giggled.
"I just..." he stopped himself as he laughed nervously, she looked completely worried for him as he was acting quite odd, but laughed with him.
"I don't know why you're acting like this but..." she stopped herself as her cousin appeared along with Lois and a few others of the Supermen of America (Which included John Henry/Steel, Conner Kent aka Superboy, the reformed Leslie Willis aka Livewire and the Super-Chief himself) along with them were her best friends: Cassie Sandsmark aka Wonder-Girl, Stephanie Brown aka Batgirl, and Jesse Quick, Lana Lang, her adoptive Earth mom and Dick Grayson himself aka Nightwing who Kara saw as a brother to herself along with him viewing her as a sister.
"Wait? Uh, what're you all doing here?" she chuckled nervously, she kept her smile knowing all of the people close to her were here.
"Just wanted to see this moment for ourselves too, after all you might want to look back at Y/N, he's got something for you" Lois winked.
Upon hearing this and seeing the general surprise and happiness on everyone's faces, Kara looked back at her boyfriend, only to see him on one knee, holding her hand as he held a special, little box in his hand that was open...
And it revealed a special ring in it, the glistening jewels, Kryptonian made, struck Kara's eyes immediately as she realised what was happening, she looked back up at his eyes, her eyes widening at the realisation, of what type of question he meant.
The one where their relationship gets taken to a new level, beyond boyfriend and girlfriend.
His smile was brighter than before as Kara gasped, her free hand covering her mouth as her eyes began to fill with tears... Happy tears as her heart fluttered and began to race faster.
"I've been waiting... For a l-long time, to ask you this question ~" he said with glee stuttering a little as he couldn't contain his inner joy, looking into Kara's beautiful blue rays as they lit up with tears, falling down on her face - "Kara, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met, I wouldn't imagine what my life would've been without you by my side, and I wake up everyday thinking about that... I want to spend the rest of my life with you as I have been wanting to ask this very, VERY important question, one year in the making, though Alura and Zor-El are not here to witness this, I know they're watching in Rao's light above, knowing how proud they are of the woman I've known to love has become, who has come a long way ~" he continued as he began to chuckle, Kara began to happily sob at his words, now understanding what he meant by her birth parents giving him the green light ages ago, he wanted to ask her this question on New Krypton - "Kara Zor-El, Linda Lang, Supergirl... I have one question for you... Will you marry me?" he finished off the question, waiting for her to answer as a few sniffles could be heard from Lana in the background, along with Cassie's little sobs.
"Y-Yes... Yes, yes!!" Kara yelped happily through her sobs, she pulled him up for a deep kiss as the two were applauded by the group, happy for the two newly weds.
After the deep kiss, Y/N slid the ring on her finger, knowing it fitted, Kara pulls him in for another deep kiss as they were praised and congratulated by their friends and family afterwards, not only that... Y/N was given a signal watch by Clark, officially welcoming him into the Supermen of America, with Supergirl's request.
Everyone agreed to go back to Kara's apartment, as some other guests would soon arrive for Kara's birthday after the whole busy day of patrolling as their heroic selves.
Even one of the Xolanians who Kara made a friend with named Caria, came to visit, not wanting to miss out on her Kryptonian friend's Earth birthday which was pretty unexpected.
"Caria?! Wasn't expecting you to visit?" Y/N was shocked to see his old teammate from Squadron Elite, the two embracing in a hug afterwards.
"Yeah of course I'd be here dummy! Wouldn't want to miss my friend's birthday" she replied, punching his arm playfully as the door closed behind her after walking in.
Kara heard Caria's voice from across the room and couldn't keep her excitement contained, it was a while since she last saw her.
"Caria!!!" Kara immediately hugged her friend, giggling as she lifted her up with her hug.
"Eh, you can put me down because you're sl-slightly crushing me! ~" she managed to word out, Kara placed her back down on the ground - "I uh... Didn't get you anything though, sorry about that though" she rubbed the back of her neck which Kara giggled.
"It's alright, the best gift is definitely the friends and family you make" she replied, looking back at the packed apartment" 
"Well, that makes me feel a bit better and ~" Caria stopped her words for a moment as she noticed something on Kara's finger, a ring - "is that?" she asked, grasping her friend's hand as she looked at it closer.
"Oh, yeah, earlier on, this handsome guy right here asked me a very important question... And I said yes" Kara answered her question, looking right at him as he smiled.
"You're. Getting. Married? You're getting married!?? By the Knights of Xola, you're getting married!???" Caria repeated, hugging her long time friend, congratulating both Kara and Y/N for the announcement.
"Surprise haha, yeah me and my Super-Fiancé here are getting married, we haven't began working on plan for the wedding but... I'm sure we'll figure it all out tonight when everyone's left" Y/N confirmed, holding Kara's hand after Caria breaks the hug with him.
"Wait till I tell your Uncle about this, he needs to hear the news about this!" Caria was already excited upon this. 
They all chatted for a while, each and everyone got to talk and congratulate Kara and Y/N on the big moment, a moment one year in the making with Kara boasting with her friends - "Best Birthday Ever!"
When it came to the time for everyone to leave, they said their goodbyes and left, which Kara's apartment slowly began to get less packed than before, eventually only leaving both herself and her new Fiancé alone together as the night sky was filled with the stars and moon.
You both watched a movie together, cuddled up on the couch with a blanket made of Kryptonian fibres to keep warmth, both of you eating a take-a-way of her choice since it was her birthday before eating a bit of her birthday cake as a little treat while watching a movie of her choice.
Streaky, Kara's loveable, adorable orange cat would come up to cuddle in between you two, purring loudly as he was stroked by both of you... Where he would later get off and rest in his bed... Typical cat stuff.
Upon the end of the movie, you looked at your Fiancé, wondering if she liked the ring, after all... It was Kryptonian made...
"So? You like the ring?" Y/N asked her, she looked down at it and couldn't help but smile brightly.
"Yes! I love it so much!" Kara sounded like a little girl before hugging her now Fiancé, the two sharing a kiss afterwards.
"It's Kryptonian made, had it made within the Fortress of Solitude believe it or not, with your cousin's permission of course" Y/N spoke after pulling back as Kara glanced at the ring with a huge grin on her face.
"Out of everything? This is probably the best gift I've gotten ~" she couldn't stop smiling at the ring, the jewels perfectly crafted, Kryptonian jewels shining bright in her eyes... It was perfect - "But... I think the best gift overall... Is you" Kara looked at her Fiancé with a big smirk, giggling at the thought.
"Aww Baby, I'm touched" he clutched at his heart, flattered by the compliment as the two giggled afterwards before kissing deeply.
Kara's hands move up his shirt, feeling his soft skin in her hands as they move up to his chest inside his shirt meanwhile his hand slowly move down to her thigh as his other caresses her cheek, both smiling as they touch each other and their lips connecting in fruition.
"I have an idea where we could have our wedding day" Y/N spoke through the kiss, slowly pulling back.
"Where? Xola maybe?" Kara guessed as Y/N's eyes slightly widened.
"How'd you know?" he asked her with a chuckle, surprised she guessed what he was thinking.
"two minds think alike, I know how you think babe, it's not hard" she winked, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
"I guess you can, could be one of your secret superpowers" he winked back, a giggle escaping Kara's mouth before engaging in another kiss, expected to just be a quick one.
But... Kara wouldn't stop, she inherently kept going, pushing herself into his lips, engaging in a tongue dance with his, moaning ever slightly as she began to get on top of him upon removing the blanket they had, she began kissing down on him.
Y/N's hands were placed on her swaying hips, grinding on his growing bulge which made him groan a little at her effort, her tongue dominated his, winning the tongue battle as she kept grinding on him.
"Oh fuuuck" Kara breathed out as she pulled back, the two breathing heavily with a string of saliva keeping them connected.
Y/N looked deep into Kara's eyes, she was filled with a hot sensation, something he hasn't seen from her since she rocked his world ages ago, it has been so long since they did this.
"Wow Sunshine, that was... Unexpected" the man smirked with a chuckle escaping from him, Kara let's a cute giggle escape from her throat with a grin, going back in to continue where she left off, this time with her hands slowly going back up his shirt, feeling his smooth body, turning her on as she continued kissing him and grinding on his manhood through his pants.
"Can I rock your world again?" Kara whispers, he never heard that in a while, she was filled with lust he hadn't seen in ages.
"Well Kara? You can rock my world any day, my Super-Fiancé" he smirked before pulling her into a deep kiss, his hands ran down her body, making her moan quietly with ecstasy, getting turned on even further as she ran her hand down into his pants, getting a good grip of his growing bulge which resorted to him groaning her name into her ear and she missed it when he would do it.
But then she stops and pulls back with a smirk, getting off of him and the couch, walking over to a safe area.
(Smut incoming!)
She then winked and disappeared in a blur before returning as Supergirl, resulting in making him smile as her hands were on her hips, a smirk growing on her face - "Figured I'd get in uniform for this ~" Y/N noticed she wasn't wearing her skirt, showing her underwear as she suddenly appeared in front of him, climbing on top of him and getting to his level to make their faces level up with each other - "What was it you said earlier on? My Super-Fiancé? You're damn right I am" she giggled before kissing him deeply as she grinded on his bulge, making him groan again.
Their tongues battled for dominance once more as his hands reached for the glyph on her crop top, where he squeezed her breasts as she moaned his name as she kept grinding until his hands then went to her ass, massaging them next as she moaned a second time, loving the feeling of his hands on her little ass, she stops grinding on him as this gave him the opportunity to slide his hand down her underwear to then rub her clit softly and slowly, making her moan in ecstasy.
She rocked her head back, biting her bottom lip as two fingers went up in her clit.
"Oh Y/N yes!" she moaned softly, as his fingers explored the cavern, slowly wagging his two fingers inside as they both stared into each other's eyes next.
Kara's mouth was wide open, letting out a few moans before they were silenced by a deep kiss from her partner, then went for her neck, kissing and surprisingly leaving hickeys afterwards, despite her skin being impenetrable 
He kept it going with the motion within her clitoris, as the vaginal walls began to get a little tighter and wetter by every minute that passed, he wouldn't stop till he felt bumpy in her clit and then proceeded to play with that, knowing exactly what it was.
"If you don't stop, I'm gonna cum! ~" Kara moaned out, prompting him to continue a little longer, her moans getting louder and louder till she was brought to orgasm - "Ohhh yessss!! Fuck yesss!!" she shouted in ecstasy as she orgasmed, which the force of her shout knocked over a few things within the apartment, even scaring poor Streaky from his sleep.
His fingers exit her entrance and are brought out to Kara where she sucked on them to taste her own fluids.
 After things calmed down and another deep kiss, she got off of him and immediately began pulling his jeans and underwear off with incredible strength where her face would be hit by his cock.
She smirked while looking at it, hungry to suck on it, lick it, anything she could possibly do with it, making her lust grow bigger.
"Can I?" she asked him kindly, he nodded at her question as she would giggle afterwards.
Her eyes couldn't stop staring at it before she took a long lick up the shaft, before doing it again, again and again, then using her hand to stroke it gently with swift movement, up and down, up and down, slowly and smoothly.
She lived to hear your groans and moans, it filled her with determination, confidence, making her even more hornier as your moans and groans.
The Kryptonian stopped stroking and used her own spit to lubricate it before beginning to suck on it, slowly bobbing her head to get used to the taste again, since she hadn't sucked it for a while, moving her golden hair to one part as she continued her work.
"Oh Kara, by the Golden Light" Y/N groaned in ecstasy, rocking his head back on the couch as she did her job to please her new Fiancé, using her tongue to swirl it around his tip, she kept going and going.
A little pop sound was heard which was the sound of his cock leaving her mouth, using this opportunity to lick his shaft again from the bottom to the top, pleasuring him more.
She then giggled before going back to sucking again, starting off slow again but as time went on... It got faster, and faster, and faster... She began to gag on his cock, hitting the back of her throat as she bobbed her head with quickness which was making him squirm a little.
"Kara..." he couldn't get his other words out, the pleasure was too much for him to speak but luckily, she stopped before he could get close to blowing his load inside her mouth.
"That tasted so good ~" she licked her lips, tasting the pre-cum along with giving his shaft one last lick - "I think it's time we went to the next step" she smirked before getting up to his face and kissed him deeply again, making out as she slipped off her panties, beginning to massage her wet pussy.
Y/N stood up and allowed her to position herself on the couch, where her cape covered her ass - "oops sorry hehe" she giggled, moving her cape out the way to show off her ass, swaying it in the air for him to look at.
"You are gorgeous, you know that?" Y/N flirted, fuelling Kara's needs for his compliments, making her all flustered and the evermore hornier.
She giggled cutely, still swaying her ass till it hit her partner's thighs, his cock resting on her ass.
"C'mon put it in ~" she begged, looking right back at him as she laughed in a pleasant manner, she jiggled a little before he gave in, aiming his cock for her pussy just to tease her a little bit more - "Oh stop it! Stop teasing me!" she moaned, cutely giggling afterwards before feeling his tip at her entrance, her eyes widening as it slowly entered inside her pussy.
"Oh I missed that feeling" Y/N moaned, rocking his head back as her vaginal walls wrapped around his cock, slowly thrusting in and out.
Kara's moans were as soft as a blanket, as she felt his shaft slip in and out, in and out, over and over again, she balanced herself with her hands on the couch, her cape beginning to sway a little as he kept thrusting slowly.
"Go a little faster" she begged, biting her bottom lip again as her words fell on his ears, his cock began to slip in and out a little faster than before, picking up to a normal set of pace as more moans escaped the Kryptonian's mouth.
She closed her eyes, biting her lip a little harder, enjoying the feeling of his cock inside her.
The couch's legs began to make a noise as you picked up speed - "go faster Y/N, faster and harder" she begged once more, his thrusts picking up more speed before his thighs would start clapping off of her ass.
"Oh Rao yes! Oh. Fuck. Fuck! Yes!!" Kara moaned with hedonism, combined with your groans and in-between breaths, her tongue stuck out as you picked up even more speed, going in and out faster, and faster, and faster.
Grabbing a part of her cape, pulling her back and up a little as she began to giggle in pleasure - "Oh grabbing my cape now huh? You kinky fuck" she talks dirty, smiling hardly and laughing with indulgence
The couch began to move a little, scraping off the floor as the legs began to wobble, Kara began moaning pretty loud as the thrusting continued.
Her vaginal walls began enclosing on his cock, his tip hitting the G-spot.
"Oh fuck!! I'm gonna-I'M GONNA CUM!!!" she shouted as more speed began building up.
Kara let go as she powerfully orgasmed which everything within the apartment began to shake, even the table began moving a little, pictures were knocked off tables and the walls, the TV on the unit moved with Kara's powerful, uncontrolled orgasm and the couch was beginning to break before... *SNAP! CRASH!*
The couch's legs snapped in half, resulting in Y/N crashing into Kara as she finished her orgasm.
Despite the mess they just made of the apartment, they didn't care if things were broken or knocked over, all it mattered now was that he needed to get to orgasm.
"Let's take this to the bedroom" Kara suggested through her in-between breaths.
Immediately, she brought you to the bedroom, where the fun would continue, dumping you on the bed as she climbed on you, guiding your cock into her entrance.
"Oh fuck!!" Kara groaned as it entered her wet entrance, using her hips to slam down on his cock, bouncing up and down, up and down, not stopping till he had to orgasm, that was her mission now.
"How close are you?" she asked through a moan.
"Close" he groaned out, she kept bouncing up and down, over, and over again.
Rocking her head back, she began massaging her breasts through her crop top before lifting it up, revealing them as they bounced with her.
The Kryptonian moaned a few more times before laying down on his body, her face levelled with his as they began to make out, bouncing her ass on his cock as they both moaned and groaned through the kiss.
"Oh Kara, I'm..." he gave her the hint as he was ready to blow his load finally, she kept bouncing and using her hips to give herself an advantage before...
She felt his cock twitch, his hot load spewing up inside her as she moaned with satisfaction, crashing down into his body as the orgasm continued, both breathing hard, panting like they ran a huge marathon across the entire galaxy.
Her hair was messy, their bodies stuck together like glue, Kara looked at her Fiancé, getting his attention to kiss him deeply before getting off of his cock.
"That. That's the most fun I've had in a while" she giggled, staring down at him lovingly.
"Yeah... That was... An experience... I haven't had in a... Long time" he replied, out of breath.
The Kryptonian could only smile as she got out of her outfit, hanging it up in her closet, changing into her pj's as her Fiancé got up, slapping on a new pair of boxers to jump into bed with his smiling true love, thinking back to her powerful orgasm.
"What powerful orgasm that was huh?" he thought back at it, smiling at her.
"I had a fear that would happen but... It felt so good!" she said with satisfaction, cuddling into him after taking off her engagement ring, placing it at her bedside table for safe keeping.
"I could tell" he kissed her on the head as the latter giggle with each other, kissing straight after.
"Y'know? Where'd you think we'll have our honeymoon?" she asked him curiously, changing the subject.
"Hmm... We'll have it on Earth, recently looked into a place" he responded to her.
"Ohhh, what place?" she got excited, looking right up at him.
"It's a surprise ~" he told her, as she pouted and gave him puppy dog eyes next to try persuade him into telling her - "Okay, okay, you can stop that, It's Peru" he chuckled.
"Peru? Sounds lovely, been there a few times during my flights around the world" she smiled, feeling happy with her victory of persuasion.
"I bet you have" he chuckled in fruition with her giggle. 
You both looked into each other's eyes and only saw love in them, her love for you is like a flame that can't be snuffed out, your love for her is like an undying flower, always getting taken cared of with water and sunlight, showing your undying love for Kara Zor-El, Linda Lang, Supergirl, the girl you've known to love and spend the rest of your days with, devoted to each other and loyal to one another.
"I love you" Y/N said with glee, smiling into her blue rays.
"I love you too" she giggled, deeply kissing him on the lips before resting her head on him as the both shut their eyes, knowing what's to come next.
And they couldn't be more happier to spend their future... Together.
As The Yin to Her Yang, and her as His Ray of Sunshine...
* *
Wow.... That was a very long one don't ya think?
Yeah this took me ages to write out, put a lot of work into it and such, along with reading through the all the New Earth comics again, kinda wish DC would go back to the New Earth universe, though Flashpoint happened, maybe there is an alternative timeline where Flashpoint never happened... Maybe...
But yes, I hope you enjoyed this because I had a blast writing this all out.
This Imagine was released on Wattpad first (If you read my last post about it, more details are shared there) and I brought it here, with some minor differences with my Author's Notes/A/N)
Take Care and 'Til All Are One
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centrally-unplanned · 10 months
alright lets start - mao zedong (with the caveat that i suspect at the time "replacement" was more heavily weighed towards Yet Another Warlord Leader), tho ofc there was a possibility of a palace coup too
mao VOR?
Ugh, like how do you even do this? Mao's VOR is probably irreplaceable, he is one of the most impactful people in human history. Its just also almost entirely awful?
I think his VOR pre-independence is definitely strong but often overvalued; for one, he was not the uncontested leader of the CCP in those times. There was a lot of myths around the CCP in the 1930's and 1940's of "two factions" (Soviet vs Mao) that were primarily invented after that fact- it was an oligarchic system then, and Mao wasn't even the primarily leader of military affairs until probably 1943-1944. He was still important of course, definitely a strong advocate of the "let Japan and the KMT bleed each other dry" approach, but he wasn't blazing the trail.
I do think at the start of the Second Chinese Civil War his VOR shoots up - he is very much the architect of using land reform, tax reform, and bureaucratic reform as this multi-pronged propaganda approach to get wide swathes of Chinese society on his side, and there is a big debate in the CCP leadership between the "peace" and "war" factions, and iirc he was the biggest war proponent. He is not an operational commander though - a lot of his "theorizing" on war is a bit bunk, like he will talk extensively about a People's War and all this stuff but the CCP achieved material superiority over the KMT and beat them conventionally, they didn't use it.
After 1949 his VOR is just insane, because he was insane and also such a cache of political power and prestige that he was able to carry the day on so many initiatives. The Korean War, the added waves of land reform (the initial one would have happened no matter what), and ofc the Great Leap Forward all would have been radically different without him. And ofc the Cultural Revolution was literally his revenge against the politburo figures who ousted him after the GLF, he is the full architect of that. There was, to be clear, a ton of "revolutionary fervor" in China at that time, a lot of energy for big projects. His replacements would have probably done some dramatic things. But extremely few people were envisioning the extent he went to over and over.
To address that side comment, I think you should evaluate Mao's replacements as being Zhou Enlai or other CCP members, not the warlords per se. Maybe in a focused debate on just the Civil War, but the KMT post-WW2 was in an awful position - decimated by the Japanese and saddled with the burden of being the incumbent and therefore responsible for the famine, hyperflation, and deprivation of the time. The CCP was actually in a fine position to win that one - their victory was no miracle. So the likeliest non-Mao timeline in 1946 is one where the CCP still wins but another figure is the leader. But ofc you can debate timelines, etc, maybe if Mao dies in 1943 its different.
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slotumn · 5 months
My favorite house are the Deer and my OTP are both GD, so I tend to write most of my fics in VW, but I think the scenario I actually find the most fascinating in terms of... character exploration potential? is actually Silver Snow. Because there, all three lords lose, and the only person who remains to do the hard (and ungrateful) work of rebuilding is Byleth.
(And tbh even if it's not SS specifically I just really like any kind of scenario where all three lords lose miserably. I love good whump and I really love stuff that leans into despair of "everything I did and everything I lived for all amounted to nothing," that's the good shit)
For Dimitri and Edelgard, I think it's fitting and poignant if they both die in scenarios where they don't win; for Claude, though, I really like the idea of him being alive in SS or any "all three lose" scenario, but never getting to yield political power again.
And because he survived, he doesn't even get to be heroized or romanticized like Edelgard and Dimitri. Maybe if he had good results with his schemes, he'd be a genius and the Master Tactician, but he didn't, so now he's just a lying backstabbing piece of shit, as far as public opinion is concerned, and it's extremely humiliating. Of course Claude would rather be alive and humiliated than dead and valorized, but that doesn't mean it's fun!
Plus there's the great irony of how he'd go from being unfairly hated because of his heritage, of being an outsider... to being pretty fairly hated. Like not only is he a war criminal, he is a war criminal who lost. And even before he lost he was already contentious within his own faction. His PR is not recovering.
I'm rambling here but one of my favorite aspects of Claude's character is how he holds a philosophy along the lines of "it's not the strong who survive, it's those who survive that are strong." That as long as you're breathing, there's another chance. It's a very appropriate blend of pragmatic and optimistic for someone with his background.
At the same time, that just makes me wonder how he'd react if he's killed in all ways but physical. For how laid back he acts, he's still a prince, and a politician through and through. So what's it going to be like, once he's breathing but socially and politically dead, with the blood of thousands on his hands?
What's it going to be like, once he'd outlived the two others who'd understand?
Tl;dr I love the idea of "if nothing else I'll outlive them" becoming a monkey's paw for Claude, him surviving as a pathetic cowardly loser (the exact thing he must have been accused of being since childhood) instead of a leader in a new era
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mikkeneko · 8 months
Spent much of tonight speculating with @capriceandwhimsy on how COOL you could make an Alpha Centauri franchise -- start with a movie, then go on to a TV show
The movie would be a prequel, telling the story of the Unity Expedition, because I think a 2 hour feature film would be the best format to introduce us to the setting, the background, and the seven vibrant personalities who will later go on to become the seven faction leaders. A movie would be just enough time to show us how the expedition fell apart, how the spaceship crashed and burned, with the closing shot of the life pods scattering as they fall to the surface of Planet.
Then the TV show starts.
Most likely, what you'd want is a setup where the story follows a plucky young lieutenant of a faction -- or a few, possibly they know each other. I think the narrative ball could pass itself fairly seamlessly among the University, the Morganites and the Peacekeepers; there's obviously some ideological tensions there, but they're generally able to put those aside for the greater goal of survival on a hostile world. Like yeah the University are all amoral ivory tower bastards and the Morganites want to recreate the same capitalist system that destroyed Old Earth, but on the other hand everybody is having to deal with the fucking mind worms.
(The Gaians will be there, but largely in the background; they're off Doing Their Own Thing and only occasionally reappearing to be weird and creepy and say vague ominous things about Planet that everybody else will discount because it sounds like frou frou nonsense.)
For once you'd actually have a great excuse to film the whole thing in the Mojave - just slap a pink/orange filter over the desert and boom, Alpha Centauri. You could have a lot of fun with the mindworms, especially with revealing the Isle of the Deep and the Locusts of Chiron in turn. But in the end, the main concern is other humans.
The main antagonists are going to be the Hive, the Spartans, and primarily in the first season, the Believers. Each of the three POV factions could have a subplot going on with at least one of those three. I think the Hive would largely be in the background for the first season except for some oblique Zakharov and Yang "old friend" style homoerotic tension. The Spartans are a potential problem, but they are also the strongest military force on Planet so there's a strong urge to try to court their favor. The Believers, however, are hostile and aggressive to pretty much everybody and will not stay in their own lane, so conflicts with them would escalate over season 1 until there's open war between the Believers and the main three.
Season 1 winds up in a pitched battle against the Believers, which finally end with Miriam sueing for peace, which the Peacekeepers would of course accept while Zakharov and Morgan fume in the background "Lal, are you insane, she is obviously going to attack again as soon as our back is turned" but he just can't make any other choice but to accept the peace treaty because it's everything he believes in.
Sure enough, the Believers immediately rescind on the treaty and gear up to attack again. And that's when the Gaians show up and wipe them out. With domesticated mindworms.
Season 1 ends on that particular Apple of Discord. Next up in season 2: the Human Hive!
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primus-why · 2 years
I Dream of MegOp
Okay imagine a MegOp story where they're both still at war and on one planet they touch some sort of Macguffin relic that ends up connecting their dreams? (Valveplug)
Like imagine Optimus is in recharge, and starts dreaming of a steamy scenario that just so happens to involve Megatron. That's harmless enough; this war has gone on for a very long time, and he's come to know and even respect a lot of things about the Decepticon leader... so long as it's a dream and he's not actually putting himself or his Autobots at risk, why not let his processor wander and indulge in some fantasy?
Strangely, his processor decides to conjure images of Megatron for multiple nights in a row-- don't get him wrong, it's incredibly lascivious, but it's an admittedly odd coincidence. He decides to forego his nightly rust sticks and hopes a change of diet will help him dream of something else... literally anything else.
... Okay, now this is getting ridiculous. The dreams have been going on for a couple weeks now. Optimus isn't even sure he used to dream so frequently. He tries something different and instead engages the dream Megatron in a fight as they would normally in real life... only for the scenario to morph into something straight out of those erotica he'd secretly read as a guilty pleasure from time to time back in his days as Orion Pax. It was a rush, being so thoroughly dominated and operating on pure, primal instincts like that. He briefly wondered what else he could push his mind to conjure... before stamping down on those fantasies to get ready for his work.
The real Megatron wasn't faring any better. He'd been having dreams about the Prime constantly for so many consecutive days, he seriously considered approaching Soundwave about it. Of course, even though Soundwave is his most trusted and loyal Decepticon, he couldn't bring himself to explain to his subordinate that he's been fantasizing all kinds of lustful scenarios centered around their enemy.
Ultimately he's glad he hadn't said anything, because the dreams have recently gotten very interesting...
It began with a dream about a fight, just like any other... only this time it ended with the Prime pinned beneath him, writhing in ecstasy instead of bleeding out in the dirt. Another saw Optimus giving him the remote to an interface device while the Prime attempted-- with valiant effort, Megatron mused-- to orate some nonsense speech in front of a crowd as the warlord controlled every pulse, vibration, and thrust. In one dream, Megatron sat himself on-- what he assumed to be-- Optimus' desk, demanding the Prime's attention, and Optimus responded by worshipping his whole entire frame at a slow, tender pace. It was blissful, almost like a high...
Now they were engaged in debate, probably somewhere in Vos. Seated around a large table with other representatives from their factions, Megatron enjoys countering the dreamt up banter with legitimate arguments-- he can literally do this in his recharge-- but secretly looks forward to when he and the Prime may slip away into the hall during a recess...
... Which might be coming soon, judging by Optimus' mounting frustration.
"Fine." Huffed the Autobot leader, "We'll table that discussion for now. Why don't we take a quick fuel break?"
Finally. As everyone else scattered, Megatron made his way over to the Prime.
"In an effort to continue this peaceful discourse, we ought to fuel together. Someplace a bit more private than the commissary, perhaps?" said Megatron with a grin.
But something was off. The Prime's shoulders slumped a bit, which was not the enthusiastic response he had become used to.
"What am I even doing?" Optimus let out a long sigh, "Guess that's what I get for trying something different..."
Megatron eyed the weary Prime for a moment. The gripe was obviously rhetorical, but he felt compelled to respond anyway.
"Trying something new is commendable. After all, the Decepticon movement began because we wanted to abolish the old world order. You argue that much has changed since," the warlord looked at the Prime, who met his gaze, "obviously this is true, but you'll find there are certain points we won't budge on, even today."
"I know." The Prime smiled lightly, looking away and out one of the many windows in the conference room. Megatron found himself staring as well-- when was the last time he saw a functioning Vos? He'd forgotten how beautiful the view from the city spires could be.
"Still, it seems that even in my dreams I can't sway your mind."
Megatron barked a laugh at that. "Silly Prime, that's because this is my dream."
"... Shall we--" but Megatron stopped, taken entirely off-guard by Optimus' perplexed expression.
"What did you say?"
"I was going to suggest we head back to--"
"-- No, not that, you said this was a dream. Your dream."
"I... did." Where was he going with this??
"But... this is my dream." The Prime said, letting out a nervous laugh.
"... No, it is not." Megatron said carefully, but instinctually he knew something was very wrong here.
"I think I would know my own dream!" Said Optimus, "I settled on this scenario and location before falling into recharge!"
"These dreams have felt so real! I just wanted to see if I could walk through some hypothetical peace treaty discussions, you know? Make them a bit more useful aside from getting me all hot under the hood!"
Basically they both wake up with a start, thinking 'wow that was really weird and specific' or whatever, but next time they dream they learn the truth and they wake up screaming lmao!
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