#actually please do not take this as literal information there is also a chance that kaneshiro hates him and i might actually be deluding my
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internetegoist · 6 months ago
I know Shidou being irrelevant in the manga right now is a terrible thing and we should all be sad but I have this crack-ish theory that more or less this is for the sake of something Kaneshiro has planned for him later. Because Shidou's entire philosophy is how each human is doing something to leave a mark on this world and to be remembered by everyone. Having less screentime = being slowly forgotten by the audience. Surely that's not something Shidou wants, is it? Is this match where we slowly see him lose his freedom later? Adding onto the Michael Kaiser parallels, are we going to see him become zero like he did? And if the PxG arc is truly where we can finally see Shidou's backstory, is he going to be just like Michael, break himself down and be reborn again?
TLDR; It's not over Shidou fanatics here is how you guys can still win
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vaspider · 1 month ago
Listen to me. Listen very carefully:
They are trying to wear you out.
They are trying to wear you out, and they own most major social media now, along with many major media outlets. The disinformation machine is cranking along. You are going to have to slow the fuck down and read things before you help them wear out other people, too.
So you just saw a post about a real scary bill, hunh? Republicans want to make it a capital offense to pet dogs and repeal The Sky Is Blue Act of 1793, declaring the new official color of the sky to be squant? Damn, that sounds scary.
Let's go look up this fictitious "Make The Sky Squant Again Act" on GovTracker* & on the official legislative tracker on congress.gov!
Well, let's see... GovTracker estimates it has a 1% chance of even getting out of committee and a 0% chance of being enacted, while congress.gov says this bill has 2 cosponsors who have been in the House and combined total of less than a month. The bill doesn't have any actual text, and it was referred to 5 different committees.
That fictitious bill and a hundred others like it are quite literally not worth your time, and more than that, continuing to wring your hands about it and tell other people about the scary scary squant sky bill only does their work for them. It scares people, it makes them spend time and energy on it, and it wears them out. It is a legislative Gish Gallop, meant to throw so many things at people that we can't keep up.
Even calling or messaging your Rep in this case means their staffer has to waste time responding to you and letting you know that Representative Buttzonheads definitely won't support making petting dogs a capital offense, a thing that will never, ever happen regardless.
Staying engaged in this environment is going to require protecting your heart and protecting your energy, yes, but also protecting the energy of others. This is why WWII propaganda posters also included ones taking people to task for spreading panicky rumors and undermining morale.
Do you know why most observant Jews don't eat chicken and dairy together, even though the ban is on red meat and dairy together bc you're not supposed to cook the calf in the milk of its mother?** It's not because we think that chicken might secretly lactate or Just Because. It's because the rabbis decided that if I'm sitting out in public and eating turkey and cheese together, someone might glance at the turkey and mistake it for red meat and think, "oh, well, I know that Spider is a good Jew, there must have been a change, or maybe I can just justify it to myself that if Spider does it, it must be permissible to bend the rules just that much." And I would then be accidentally leading my fellow Jew astray. We are responsible for being even more careful for the sake of others than we are for ourselves.
It's the same principle here. We need to really be careful about the information we are spreading and check things past reading a news site. Is it true? Is it relevant? Is it meaningful? Is the news site one I recognize? Can I find meaningful independent corroboration on another site, which is to say, if I find an article about it on a second site, is it just quoting or rephrasing this site?
Yeah, that is a lot. But that's how we keep them from using us to lead our fellows astray.
*GovTracker is an independent site. They explain their methodology in their About section.
**I cannot say enough how I am not at this time interested in going on a Jewish Side Quest About Dietary Laws on this post. Usually, I love it, but hold off this time, please, y'all. Let's stay on target this once.
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rainydaygotham · 1 month ago
I MARRIED MY STALKER —more on page 4
Tim Drake x reader || part 1 || 1760 words
a/n: okay so some context, this is supposed to be an isekai’d reader. only been in this universe for a month but knows dc lore. also i wrote 90% of this literally 2 years ago lol i stay silly
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It was a strange situation. Laughable, in a twisted kinda way. You knew you had a stalker. You hear him follow you home every night after work. Or, well, morning technically. You get off that late.
You've never been one to write something off as paranoia. Especially now that you lived in Gotham. Especially especially since you lived in the Narrows. Like you're not stupid.
Whenever you would turn around, checking your surroundings, you wouldn’t find him. The footsteps weren't on the ground, you've elicited. He was up in the rooftops, doing parkour. Great.
You really hoped it wasn't a supervillain. Imagine that, you're given the miraculous opportunity to carve out a new life for yourself in a big city and you almost immediately get killed horrifically by a guy in a halloween costume before you even get a chance. Actually, with the way your luck goes, that checks out.
It was becoming increasingly clear the predator didn't just know your work schedule, either. When you'd go out for groceries, or to a diner, he’d often find you then too, following you around town. It was like he was studying your behavior patterns, which actually is pretty typical of a true old fashioned stalker, now that you think of it.
Even so. He never got any closer than he always did. Never actually attacking you. And eventually, you got used to his presence, thinking nothing of it when you heard the occasional scuff of boots against the concrete and metal of the city.
But the strangest thing happened as you shambled home from your second job tonight, eager to get on with your evening.
You see him.
Or, at least, you see his shadow. His form silhouetted against the wall, standing bold as he eclipsed the red glow coming from some sort of neon sign.
He doesn't move, as you stare at the shadow on the wall. Which strikes you as odd, if not terrifying, because you had gotten the vibe that this man knew what he was doing. It was like he wanted you to know he was there.
And you recognize the silhouette. That's Red fucking Robin.
You take a deep breath. You are relieved, truthfully. Even if it was clear he thought of you as some sort of target.. Or maybe he was protecting you from the real stalker, and the supervillain theory was truer than you'd hoped…
“I don't believe I have any information you would want,” you call out, trying to figure just what the hell he thinks he’s doing.
“That’s not necessarily true,” his voice is different than you expected.
“So like. You gonna beat the shit out of me or can we go up to my apartment and have this discussion over a pot of coffee?”
“I— I would never hurt you,” his calm and deep voice cracked for a second, like he couldn't believe what you just implied. You know as if he hadn't been stalking you almost the entire time you'd been in this goddamn city.
“So my place it is, then,” you confirmed.
“You’d invite a dangerous vigilante into your home?”
“Are you saying you don’t have the ability to ‘let yourself in’ at any time you please?”
“Well, no,”
“Then I don't see how me voluntarily letting you in is any less dangerous.”
And that's how you wound up in this situation, nervously pouring a mug of coffee for one of Gotham's infamous vigilantes.
You were glad that he for some reason took this softer route. As you recall, whenever a Bat wants to have a talk with someone they usually just appear in the shadows of their home or office, scaring the bejeebus out of them.
You couldn't completely tell, because of the mask, but you got the feeling he wasn't looking around. He'd already studied your apartment, most likely. His eyes were trained solely on you.
"Room for cream and sugar?" you ask. You know the answer. You're a barista in the daytime, and you've served a certain Wayne Ent. CEO more than a few times already. Which, now that he could be your stalker, makes sense. He was scoping you out. Great.
"No thanks. I prefer it black."
"Dark like you, right?"
He cracked the smallest of smiles as he took the mug from your hands, like he was holding back from outright grinning. Strange. That was a really lame and overdone joke. Maybe he doesn't get out much.
"I like it black too," you ran a hand through your hair,
"I know you’ve been following me around," he looked a little guilty at your accusation, "but I don’t know why. I haven’t done anything suspect—“
“I’m protecting you,” Tim butt in.
“I’m in danger?”
He shifted uncomfortably.
"…I can’t say that you aren’t.”
“Goddamnit," you set the mugs down on the table a little too aggressively, "So what am I looking at here? Joker? Poison Ivy? Condiment Man?”
Tim looked sheepish as you poured the coffee into the mugs. As much as he could with that mask, anyway. He grabbed a mug and took a long sip, swallowing loudly. Ah, it was a little too hot, but he was trying too much to act cool to let on to the fact he just burned himself. He let out a breath to cool off his tongue, but played it off as a sigh.
“I can’t tell you.”
You sighed deeply, yeah, that’s what you thought he’d say.
Well. As much as you didn’t like the sudden interruption of your new life, you had been wondering when you were going to be pulled into something like this. You knew it was inevitable, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.. Right? People don’t get sent to other dimensions for no reason, right? And besides, now that you’ve settled in, you’ve started to get bored.
"So what’s our game plan?” you asked as you took a sip. Ah, a little too hot.
“Game plan?”
“You know. The part where you’ve got an overly complicated plan to catch this criminal and you need my help as bait,”
He smiled at you, incredulous, “You’d want to be bait?”
“Not. Necessarily. No,” you took another sip to cover up your eagerness, “I just want to help,”
“Helping is my job, Sweetheart,” he took a long sip to look roguish, “you’re a civilian,”
“Yeah but,” you tried not to sound put down by his reluctance to let you into his world, “You— I… I’m interested in not being a civilian, if you know what I mean…”
Tim stared at you, trying to compute what you were asking of him. Feeling silly, you put up your dukes and mimed punching someone to make your point. It was really cute, actually. He grinned at you.
He did not expect.. this. He thought you’d be scared. He thought he could metaphorically take you to a scary movie just so you’d cuddle into him out of fright. He did not think your brain would’ve picked the ‘fight’ option out of ‘fight or flight’. Maybe he underestimated you. Miscalculated his moves. Albeit, this might be way more interesting…
“Train me,” you tried not to sound too desperate.
You held your breath, waiting for his answer.
Tim focused on the coffee, letting what you just said linger in the air. This was a dirt cheap brand of grounds, burnt and acidic. He’d have to get you some real coffee soon.
You released the air in your lungs with one big huff. Hopefully your breath didn’t smell too bad, as you basically washed his face in it. Even a strand of his bangs fluttered. Real smooth, dumbass. But you quickly forgot that insecurity as your brain caught up with what he said.
“Yeah, really,”
“No interview or anything? Not that I can’t be trusted, but how would you know I can be trusted?” hey stupid, stop trying to talk him out of this.
“Well I already uh,” he coughed awkwardly, “I already know a lot about you,”
“Ah, yeah, you were stalking me, weren’t you?”
You had no idea what the fuck kinda info he could have considering you don’t really have a background to check in this universe, but okay.
Tim scratched the back of his neck, “Yeah.. Sorry about that. It was all for your safety, I promise,”
You giggled, “Thank you, Mr. Robin, I do feel safe now, knowing it was you,”
“Oh uh,” you could see a blush start peeking out from under his mask, “My pleasure— I mean uh, it’s my duty to you. —As you are a citizen of Gotham, I mean.”
“So when do we star—“
You were cut off by his communicator beeping. He put a hand up to some earpiece he had.
“On it. Be right there,” Tim told someone over the line.
He looked back at you guiltily. You waved your hand in a “it’s fine” gesture.
“Go be a hero Mr. Robin,” you stood to start taking the mugs to the sink.
He held up a finger to ask you for a second as he basically dumped the entire mug into his mouth and gulped it all down. He parted from the mug with a gasp of satisfaction, and you snickered as you finally took it from him.
He stood and brushed himself off while you busied yourself at the sink. You didn’t really worry about whether he was about to disappear into the night like he was never there in the first place. He’d be back. Watching you in the shadows like he had been every night you’d been here...
Did he know you weren’t ‘native’, so to speak? Maybe whatever trouble you’re in now is apart of how you got here in the first place. You’ll have to ask him later…
A hand found its place on your shoulder, and you turned around to him fumbling with his communicator with the other hand. You felt a buzz in your pocket.
“Here’s my number, I’ll text you later, okay?”
You noticed how he didn’t even go through the formality of asking you for your number. Guess we’re a little past pretending this is a normal interaction between two people who want to get to know each other better. You smiled at him as he started making his way to your door.
“Bye Mr. Robin,”
Chuckling at the nickname, he turned back one last time as he held the door, “Bye Y/n,” he grinned at you before making his disappearance back into the shadows of the night.
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misteria247 · 6 months ago
So I'm going to ramble a bit cuz I've been noticing that there's a lot of split opinions on Timmy Turner that rage from people adoring him flaws and all to people thinking that he's a little shit. So I decided to throw in my thoughts cuz it's been awhile since I've analyzed a character and I've got some thoughts fam lol. Please don't take this personally cuz this is just my opinion.
I think one of the main reasons why Timmy gets such a mixed reaction from fans is because a lot of his actual story is played like a sitcom. It's not placed in a more serious way, though there are moments where it is, it's quickly glossed over. If you take away the sitcom setting and the attempts of comedy and whatnot you actually get a rather horrible reality for this 10 year old boy. And with it suddenly a lot of his actions and attitude makes a lot more sense.
Timmy when introduced is a 10 year old. He's a child but he's also old enough to know the basics of right and wrong. Much like any kid. He gets his fairy godparents, Cosmo and Wanda because he was deemed to be a child in need of help. This whole scenario is played for laughs and whatnot but like, Timmy's life is actually horrid. He's abused by his babysitter, is tormented by school bullies, is essentially harassed by his teacher and is neglected by his own parents. This is his every day life, from the moment he was old enough to understand this was what he was exposed to and forced to accept. In a way Timmy was forced to grow up a bit faster because of it but not to a point where he completely lost the magic of childhood. When you think about this in a more serious way, things start to click together more.
Timmy's behavior when he gets snappy or creates mischief is a way to get attention from his parents. It's not a good kind but it's something. Or when he acts cold and selfishly, while it could be chalked up to being a kid, I could also argue that he might have actually learned it. Cause who else in his life puts their wants and desires before others? Who else doesn't think about the consequences of their actions and how it'd effect others? Who else ignores other people's thoughts and feelings when it comes to things?
His parents.
Timmy's parents do this shit constantly. From leaving him with abusive babysitters, to not really interacting with him, to making jabs about how their dreams died when he was born to a bunch of other shitty things. They forget to feed him and always criticize him, they're always jumping at the chance to essentially get away from him. All these things are things Timmy's witnessed and has been on the receiving end of for a decade. And never once does his parents really suffer any consequences. It's a known fact that children watch their parents and absorb information from it. Timmy's behaviors can very well be behaviors he unintentionally learned from them. Which is so sad because whenever Timmy's not acting like this, it's quite clear that he's actually incredibly different.
It becomes clear that Timmy's actually incredibly kind.
There's so many moments where he shows his kindness. From lending Cosmo and Wanda to Tootie, to helping fairies in Fairy World to literally giving his fairies the baby they always wanted to saving the whole world several times with little hesitation. Timmy at his core is a kind boy, but due to his home life and its constant reminders of the people in his life not wanting him. (Hell there was a whole ass episode about the world being better if he hadn't been born, like can you imagine that, it's fucking awful-). So in a way Timmy hides that kindness and rarely shows it because of these things.
Which is why Cosmo and Wanda and eventually Peri are so fucking important.
Cosmo and Wanda from the very beginning where different from everyone else. These fairies while granting some reckless and dangerous wishes, have always had Timmy's best interests in mind. Cosmo and Wanda are the positive influences that Timmy desperately needs, the adults that he actually needs to help encourage and push him towards the right direction. Cosmo and Wanda are always in Timmy's corner, even when he's made a mistake, and are always there to catch him and remind him that he's loved and wanted. In one episode where Timmy sneaks into his godparents castle, at the end when they're putting the picture of Maryann back into the hall of infamy, Timmy's first reaction is to apologize and believe that because he'd made this one mistake that he'd end up there with the other bad kids. Only to immediately be told no, baffling Wanda and Cosmo with the very idea of it.
It's things like this that help Timmy grow and feel comfortable with making mistakes. Cuz what he thought isn't exactly a normal thing. They help Timmy in so many ways and grow to love him as their very own cuz when Timmy allows himself to be well himself he's a rather endearing kid. It's no surprise they get so attached.
There's a lot of other things that I've got in my noggin but I just wanted to say these things for the time being. Maybe I'll update on this later lol.
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derangedanomaly · 1 year ago
(Killer, Dust, Horror, Nightmare, Cross, Error)
He would be scared shitless 💀
Constantly lies that he's not scared of you, to look cool in front of the others (they could careless though, his reputation is already shit 😂)
Listen, it's not the fact that you're a ghost that scares him, it's the fact that you always appear wherever
One time, he accidentally even ran into a door because you scared him. (The others will never drop that)
Even through all this, Killer's still Killer, of COURSE he tries to flirt with you. Wait... Let me rephrase that, he IS flirting with you whenever he gets the chance.
After you told him that you can appear just by someone calling out your name, he abused the shit out of this information. Literally won't leave you alone after that 💀
Calls you over for the smallest things. "Y/n!! Tell Dust that I'm not a sore loser!" You appearing next to him, sleepy as hell; "Killer...I was asleep.."
When he saw you for the first time, he instantly put his hand through you (to see if it would disappear or go through), which is...intimate to ghosts..so safe to say you didn't started off on the right foot. (Might be the reason you kept scaring him. ;)..)
Dust was the last one you got closer to (other than Nightmare). He's just not a people person 🤷‍♀️
Even though you got to know him very late, there were small moments that made you question if he's interested in you or not. Like the time he protected you from Nightmare, which was very uncharacteristic of him.
Dust is probably the most educated of the bunch when it comes to monster species. (You've got to know your enemy to get the XP), so he is very much just scolding educating the others when they do something wrong/insulting to you, as the ghost species.
He's acting like such a boyfriend material, want anything from him? He already has it. Oh, Killer made you uncomfortable? It would be his pleasure to put him in his place ^^
Doesn't show much interest or concern towards you, but that's because he's an emo BI- he's afraid he would hurt you. (He's also stubborn)
You scared him when you first popped outta nowhere, but after that..it didn't scared him anymore. He's just surprised whenever you show up, but that's all really.
Safe to say, he was very interested in you.
He's actually very sweet towards you, and that's because he thinks you're safe with him. I mean... you're a ghost, a monster that is safe from any harm, and he's a dangerous skeleton that could kill you whenever. He sees this as an absolute win.
Horror is actually the first one you got closer to. He's your best friend. ;)
The first time he catches feelings, is the time you defended him from Nightmare when Horror got hungry. Again... No one ever defended him for wanting food.
After that incident, he's always jumping at any opportunity to return the kindness.
Constantly following you around. He's just happy to finally have someone he's sure he can't hurt. It's really comforting to him.
Only took you in cause he thought you could be useful.
Not very pleased with you at the start, cause you were talking back to him.
He's keeping a close eye on you, to see if you are doing your job properly. (You aren't)
At first, he regretted ever taking you in, but after seeing you at full power at your very first mission...he changed his mind.
Doesn't get scared easily, so you're almost never successful in that department. But....there was ONE time, where you did managed it. (He was caught staring at a picture of you 💀)
He groans loudly if you say something against his elaborate plans.
Actually finds it quiet impressive that you managed to befriend Horror. But quickly got angry by it when you two weren't doing your job, and instead spend the day together. (Jealous, but won't admit it.)
Secretly makes sure nothing bad happens to you, but won't admit it ;)
Cross thinks it's cool.
Always fascinated by you. He's sometimes caught staring at you for to long, which makes him flustered.
Cross has a bad habit of getting nervous around you, and he doesn't want you to see him like that...the solution? Pulling up his hood and nuzzle into it further. It's actually really cute..
The main reason he's so nervous is because he's afraid he would somehow insult you or something (cause you're a ghost, and he doesn't know any monster with that kind of species).
After you calm him down, saying that it's ok, Cross finally calms down, and he starts to hang out more with you, causing you to get closer.
Cross is actually your training buddy! After Nightmare gave him that role, he got kinda scared he would hurt you somehow..so while training he was very gentle with you.
But after learning that you're more than capable of handling yourself, he slowly starts to go back to his usual fighting style.
He's safe from you and your 'appearing outta nowhere to scare everyone'. So he never got frightened by you. ^^
Hates it when you appear outta nowhere. He always glitches out, and that's super uncomfortable for him.
He likes how brave you are. Literally loves it.
Always backing you up when you're in an argument with Nightmare. (He's enjoying the chaos a bit too much XD)
Other than that, you two never really interacted that much before. That was until you caught Error in his Anti-void watching Undernovela... Error didn't know what to say as you just floated up to him, to look more clearly at the Tv.
After that whole ordeal, it ended up with you two watching Undernovela together, sharing a popcorn. Though you forgot you can't eat, so the food went through you. Error noticed only after you left.
Since he has Haphephobia, and you can't touch anything... He doesn't mind it whenever you try and 'grab him', but when he found out his strings have the ability to hold you...he has been abusing that fact ever since.
Uses his strings to pull you along, or to simply show 'affection'.
Thinks you're an awesome fighter, proud of you whenever you win a fight. ^^
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mythicmanuscripts · 6 months ago
Hello, Sea, how are you? I hope your migraine is gone and you're fully recovered from it 💖
If you don't mind me being super self indulgent, I really sad at the moment, so I'll ask how hotd boys would try to cheer wife if she was down.
Thank you for sharing your qork with us, it always make me happy to read
I'm doing much better now thanks! Unfortunately I'm just someone who gets migraines occasionally and there's not much I can do about them, but I'm feeling much better.
Anyway, I love this question! I'm gonna write a little bit about our three main lads. This whole answer was supposed to be SFW but then I reached aegon and well... he's Aegon. So needless to say, I've had to put a cut in
So the first thing to note about Jace is how good his memory is? He always remembers all the things you tell him. He takes careful note of the things you like and the things you don't, and also he learns how you act when you're upset and what can upset you.
So he will notice almost immediately when you're feeling down and he will always try to help. Jace just wants you to be happy and healthy and so he will literally drop whatever it is that he's doing to try and help you. And if someone else needs him to be doing something else, he will distracted the entire time because he can't stop thinking about you and about what he can do to try and help you.
His go to method is to bring you your favourite flowers or wine or treats or whatever. If there's anything you have mentioned you really like in the past few weeks then he'll make sure to get that as well. He also just won't leave your side? Sure you can be in a bad mood and sulk all day if you want, but you certainly can't do that alone he won't let you.
So I actually think realising you're feeling down would be genuinely distressing for Aemond? Especially if it's something he has absolutely no control of. He has no idea what to do, no idea how to make this better. His entire being is centred around making you happy and pleasing you and now you're upset and he feels like he failed. Even if whatever is upsetting you has absolutely nothing to do with him and can't be changed, he'll still feel like a failure.
He usually ends up asking you what you need. He would do whatever you want to make this better. No request would be too big. He would make anything work to make you happier. And you do have to actually give him something to do because if you don't he will be paralysed and not know what to do.
Needless to say, if he thinks there's even the smallest chance of someone having caused your distress then that person's days are numbered.
The moment Aegon realises you arent as happy as you usually are, he immediately asks you who needs to die. You always just roll your eyes and make him promise he won't set the kings guard on anyone, but he still might do it anyway.
When you inform him that no, he can't just murder every person to mildly inconvenience you, he sighs and then proceeds to promptly ask you if he can go down on you. Aegon's horny little gremlin mind literally goes, "Oh I can't kill someone? Fine, can I eat you out?"
Aegon will try his best to help in his own chaotic little way. Of course he will ask you what's wrong and listen to you, but to be honest he's one of the worst people to vent to. You'll say someone is making your life difficult and aegon is just like 'oh I'll have them killed' like no, no aegon don't do that.
Oh and also, he will cancel his appearances that day without a second thought if you're distressed. He could not care less about all the lords and ladies who travelled far and wide to see him, his pretty wife is upset so obviously the entire kingdom must come to a standstill until you feel better.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months ago
Positive Adjectives to Describe your Characters
The word positive has a lot of different meanings, from “confident” to “favorable” to a number of specific definitions in scientific fields, such as electricity and chemistry.
Below are some adjectives that mean or express a positive attitude, general optimism, or a sunny disposition.
A synonym for “positive” with the sense of “emphasizing what is laudable, hopeful, or to the good.”
Means “possessing outstanding quality or superior merit.”
It’s a good everyday synonym for positive.
Means “conferring benefit; advantageous; helpful.”
Comes from the Latin beneficium, meaning “kindness.”
Can be used as an easy substitute for positive in sentences like it will be positive (or beneficial) for them.
The word positive connotes a certain kind of real-world or hands-on benefit.
A close synonym for positive that has a similar connotation is constructive, “helping to improve; promoting further development or advancement.”
���Adapted or designed for actual use; useful.”
Describes an impact in the material world.
One sense of positive is that it describes something “proceeding in a direction assumed as beneficial.” Being practical is something that helps one move in a positive direction.
The adjective positive is used generally, outside of the sciences, to describe things that are appealing, meaning “evoking or attracting interest, desire, curiosity, sympathy, or the like; attractive.”
If you find something appealing, it means you are drawn to it, for whatever reason.
A slightly more sophisticated synonym for appealing is delectable, which means “delightful; highly pleasing; enjoyable.”
It is most often used to describe things that appeal to the senses, particularly taste.
If something is appealing, you feel favorable toward it.
The word favorable means “characterized by approval or support.”
It is also a close synonym for positive.
Like positive, favorable can also describe a forward-looking attitude, in the sense of “boding well; propitious.”
A more sophisticated synonym of favorable is auspicious, “promising success; opportune; favorable.”
Comes from the Latin auspicium, which was the practice of divining the future by watching the flight of birds.
Example: I took the fact that my car started on the first try as an auspicious sign for our road trip.
A sophisticated synonym for favorable to describe a positive outcome, meaning “good; beneficial” or “fortuitous.”
For example: The chance meeting of the organizers was serendipitous and led to great outcomes.
The word comes from a reference to a story as told by Horace Walpole about three heroes and a missing camel.
Serendip is an old name for the nation of Sri Lanka, which is where the story takes place.
A word that has a positive connotation, rather than being a close synonym for positive is effervescent, which literally means “bubbling,” but it is used figuratively to mean “vivacious; merry; lively; sparkling.”
Someone who has a positive attitude could be described as being effervescent. For example: The hostess seemed effervescent as she circulated amongst the guests, laughing and chatting.
A term that is an informal synonym for effervescent is zippy, meaning “lively; peppy.” The word zip itself means “energy; vim; vigor.”
In other words, someone who is zippy has a lot of energy.
The word zip itself is onomatopoeic, meaning it is imitative of a sound—in this case, the sound of moving around with a lot of energy.
If you are in a positive mood, you may describe that feeling as jubilant, meaning “showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph; rejoicing; exultant.”
The word jubilant comes from the Latin verb jūbilāre, meaning “to shout, whoop,” which is what you do when you’re feeling good, as in "The crowd erupted in jubilant cheers".
Tickled Pink
An informal expression one can use to describe a positive feeling is tickled pink, meaning “delighted.”
The expression alludes to one’s face turning pink with laughter when one is being tickled.
A more hyperbolic or dramatic expression of the same sentiment is tickled to death.
There are a number of terms that describe someone who has what the kids call “positive vibes.”
One such term is amicable, meaning “characterized by or showing goodwill; friendly; peaceable.”
For example: The amicable waiter showed us to our table.
The word amicable is closely related to amiable, as you may have guessed. They both describe someone who has “pleasant, good-natured personal qualities.”
A close synonym of amicable is affable, “pleasantly easy to approach and to talk to; friendly; cordial.”
The word affable comes from Latin affābilis, which literally means “that can be spoken to” or “courteous.”
For example: Sarah was an affable person generally speaking, but her new co-worker was making it hard for her to keep her composure.
A slightly more sophisticated term that is both a synonym for the positive attitude terms amicable and affable, as well as a term that is closely related to the connotations of jubilant, is convivial, which means both “friendly; agreeable” and “fond of feasting, drinking, and merry company.”
The word convivial comes from Latin convīviālis, meaning “festal” or “pertaining to a feast or holiday.”
For example: There was a convivial atmosphere in the cafeteria the day before the winter break.
Speaking of feasts, one way to describe a good feast is bounteous, which means “more than sufficient; plentiful; abundant.”
A key aspect of feasts is that they have bounteous amounts of food and drink.
The word bounteous can also mean “generous,” as in The bounteous King gave most of his fortune to charity, although this use is less common.
One adjective that expresses a superlatively positive sentiment is phenomenal, “highly extraordinary or prodigious; exceptional.”
Literally, phenomenal means “of or relating to phenomena,” or “facts, occurrences, or circumstances observed or observable.”
However, this literal meaning is often limited to philosophical discussion and is not often used in everyday speech.
Another superlative term to describe something or someone exceptional is exquisite, “of special beauty or charm, or rare and appealing excellence.”
The word exquisite comes from Latin exquīsītus, meaning “meticulous, chosen with care.”
In other words, something exquisite looks carefully crafted and especially beautiful, “as works of art or workmanship.”
A term closely related to exquisite is sublime, which means “impressing the mind with a sense of grandeur or power; inspiring awe, veneration, etc.”
It also means “supreme or outstanding.” The word sublime comes from Latin sublīmis, meaning “high,” which gives sublime the connotation of something transcendent or out of this world.
One of the most informal terms to mean “positive” as in “good” is gnarly, “excellent; wonderful.”
This slang term has its origins in ’70s California surfer/skater slang but it has hung around ever since.
For example: Alice bought this gnarly jacket at the thrift store that has lots of spangles on it.
Literally, gnarly means “twisted with or as if with gnarls or knots,” like the trunk of some trees.
Source ⚜ More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ Writing Resources PDFs
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witchyafterdark · 1 year ago
Consolidated HL Character Profile #1:
— Ominis Gaunt —
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Note: The following information on this post are a combination of my personal headcanons and canon-compliant resources. I have done research on this but, of course, these are pure speculation since we do not have actual canon information about this character. I hope you all enjoy this! 💕
Tags and shout-outs are at the end of this post!
This is a very, very long post! Take your time.
I. Possible Birth Place
The last of the Gaunts, as we know it, have lived in poverty. The members of this once noble house trickled down to Marvolo Gaunt and his two children — Merope and Morfin.
According to the book, (Half-Blood Prince; Chapter 10, "The House of Gaunt") the family was living in a rundown shack that Harry Potter wondered whether it was inhabited, or not.
"... its walls were mossy and so many tiles had fallen off the roof that the rafters were visible in places. Nettles grew all around it, their tips reaching the windows, which were tiny and thick with grime."
The description of the Gaunts' living conditions were shown during Bob Ogden's visit in Little Hangleton around the early 1920's. As the wiki suggests, Ominis should already be in his late 40's (and close to his supposed death). It was also said that due to their vein of instability, arrogance, and pride, the family gold has been squandered well before the last generations were born.
Now, based on the canon timeline, there is a high chance that Ominis and Marvolo were siblings — something this fandom seems to agree on.
"Chronologically, Marvolo Gaunt could be one of the elder siblings who tortured Ominis with the Cruciatus Curse."
However, I personally find it hard to picture him having been born and raised in that same shack in Little Hangleton. While it's very possible to have a family living together in a small, decrepit house, it seems like there are more than four members of the second-to-the-last generation of Gaunts.
Ominis had both parents present, his Aunt Noctua, and older siblings (one of which could be Marvolo himself). That would be at least five family members living under one roof. I just find it a little difficult to believe that someone who is as kempt and posh-looking as Ominis would be living in a shack.
Also, he seems to be the least-favorite child based on how his parents and siblings have treated him. So, why would he have neat school robes if they couldn't really afford it, right? And why give the good clothes to the blind, black-sheep of the family?
This led me to think that maybe, they did have some money to spare during those times. Another accepted headcanon of the fandom is that the Gaunts needed to keep up with the façade that they are still rich and prominent by dressing up aristocratically and by speaking in a posh accent (which is called Received Pronunciation, also called the Queen's Accent).
Furthermore, we literally almost got the Gaunt Manor questline, with a courtyard, in the game but the developers cancelled it. This could be the proof that they have also thought of the fact that Ominis did not grow up, nor was he born, in a dilapidated shack.
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But wait!
How and where did I start pinpointing the Gaunts' possible ancestral origins? Well, I found a theorized Timeline of Salazar Slytherin's Descendants compiled and analyzed by Obversa (whom I am a long-time fan of, and usual source of information). Please take a moment to check this part out:
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[This is the Reddit link to the whole post!]
So... where do we start with Ominis' theoretical birth place? I have attached a map that is highlighted in different colors to make it easier to understand.
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1. Derbyshire or Nottinghamshire (Highlighted in blue)
Situated at the center of the English map, one of the possible birthplaces of Ominis Gaunt is either Derbyshire or Nottinghamshire.
We know that the Gaunts were descendants of Cadmus Peverell, the original owner of the Resurrection Stone (a.k.a. The Heirloom Gaunt Ring). So, I got to trace back the origins of the last name Peverell, where they're from and which period they came to be.
According to House of Names, the Peverell line is one of the thousand new names that the Norman Conquest brought to England in the year 1066 CE.
William Peverell, the "natural son of William the Conqueror," received his share of 162 manors; many of which were in these two counties.
As stated from the pictured timeline above, Cadmus Peverell had been born at around the year 1214 CE.
A hundred and sixty-two manors under the Peverell family name alone seem like it's a possibility that the three Peverell brothers (Antioch, Cadmus, and Ignotus) inherited at least one of these manors as part of familial land distribution.
And once again, citing the timeline above, the Peverell line (at least in Cadmus' side) possibly ended with a female; who married a male Gaunt. It's likely that they moved to one of these manors as a start of the foundation of the House of Gaunt.
— An example in Derbyshire:
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— An example in Nottinghamshire:
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These two examples look like Gaunt Manor style, in my opinion. So far, I'm highly convinced that it's either Derbyshire or Nottinghamshire due to the manors being quite sequestered from city propers and large, populated towns.
2. Yorkshire (Encircled in red on the map)
This one is actually the suggestion of the lovely @diligentcranberry (Thank you for entertaining my unhinged obsession about the Gaunts origins).
It is said that Little Hangleton is approximately 200 miles north of Privet Drive. Now, Privet Drive is in Surrey. When I checked on the maps, York is directly north of Surrey; at around 203 miles, if you travel by foot.
There is also the possibility that perhaps the Gaunts simply moved towns instead of counties and cities. Maybe there is a magically hidden part of Yorkshire that is isolated enough to be far away from the muggles (or muggleborns) and nosy neighbors for them to conduct their wicked and inhumane past time activities: torturing muggles for sport.
Not only would this place be an ideal location for illicit activities, the density of trees around this area sounded like something the Gaunt family would like to have so that they are not easily accessible to anyone, including Ministry officials.
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Runner-up Place: Godric's Hollow (Lined in pink on the map; the whole West Countryside)
There has been speculation that the Gaunts once resided in Godric's Hollow (as did other Wizarding families). Most people would also think that the Gaunts have ties to this place since one Peverell was buried here.
"Every now and then, he [Harry] recognized a surname that, like Abbott, he had met at Hogwarts. Sometimes, there were several generations of the same Wizarding family represented in the graveyard: Harry could tell from the dates that it had either died out, or the current members had moved away from Godric's Hollow."
The wiki even suggested that Godric's Hollow is Cadmus Peverell's final resting place. However, there is no canonical reference to this speculation. According to the book (The Deathly Hallows; Chapter 16, "Godric's Hollow"), Hermione only confirmed seeing Ignotus' tombstone. And while it was the norm to bury family members together in the same graveyard, we have no evidence that Cadmus was, in fact, buried alongside his brothers.
Lastly, official information from Wizarding World states that it was only Ignotus that had been found buried there, but no evidence pointed to where the others may be.
Runner-up Place: Leicestershire (Highlight in orange on the map)
This is actually the last place I researched because I remember that there was a man named John of Gaunt (1340-1399). He was the father of King Henry IV, and used to be one of the richest men of this century. I didn't find anything about him at first... until I saw who his wife was.
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, had been married thrice in his lifetime. But it was his second wife, Constance of Castile (1354-1394) that piqued my interest.
Now, this sounds like a long-shot. But the theorized Timeline above proposed that Salazar Slytherin could be from Burgos, Castile, Spain. It wouldn't be totally impossible that Slytherin himself had children back in Spain; or that some of the children he sired during his stay in Scotland possibly moved back to Spain.
At least in my mind, there is a chance that Constance of Castile might be one of the descendants of Salazar Slytherin who ended up marrying a Gaunt.
Then again, Constance and John only had a surviving daughter, and the canonical information about the Peverell line was completely thrown out of the window with this theory. So, it's highly unlikely that this place was the ancestral origins of the future Gaunts. Still, this was fun to include!
End Results:
There is strong evidence that Ominis Gaunt may have been born in either Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, or Yorkshire. I know there's so much information to consider regarding this, so it's your decision which county you would use that fits your headcanons.
As for my personal headcanon, I'd say he's born in an ancestral manor that once belonged to the Peverells, which was located in Derbyshire.
But as the family fortune started to dwindle due to poor management, it ultimately fell unto Marvolo to sell the property and find another place to move to. And since Marvolo doesn't seem to be the type to find employment, the money he had gotten from the sold property almost immediately got used up. In the end, he and his remaining family had to move to that dilapidated shack in Little Hangleton, Yorkshire.
II. Possible Date of Birth
Note: If you're not interested in astrology, you can just skip this one, and go to Part 3, 4, and 5!
This section of the post is pure speculation, and no solid proof at all. But we do know that Ominis should be born between September 1, 1874 and August 31, 1875 if he was to be eleven years-old during the start of his first year at Hogwarts. Therefore, all of the following information is gathered by astrological observations of his character.
(I have a personal tarot and astrology account, @tarotwitchy, if you guys are interested in knowing more about this type of content).
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Based on character analysis, I believe that Ominis is a Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon, and Scorpio Rising.
Now, what does that mean?
Let's break down his character one astrological placement at a time.
1. Capricorn Sun
— a person with their Sun in Capricorn is someone who is determined to make the most out of their life. Hard working, perseverant, and resilient, they don't allow themselves to succumb in to their losses and admit defeat.
— Ominis surely displayed these characteristics throughout the game. He doesn't let his disability stop him from accomplishing the things he set his mind to. He doesn't want his traumatic beginnings to inhibit his potentiality for success and happiness outside of his family's customs. When he sets his mind on something, he sees through it (no pun intended).
— Also, he is loyal to the good cause. He knows what's right and what's wrong. He isn't afraid of calling out anyone for their wrongdoings, nor does he back off from confrontation. This behavior of his was very apparent when he secretly followed the new fifth-year and Sebastian to the catacombs.
— There's also a bit of a savior-complex in him; wherein he feels he could set someone straight, tell them what to do or what not to do, can have a demanding demeanor at times, and could perhaps want to control his environment to make it easier for him to navigate. (So, yes. All of those Dominis stories can actually be a canonical behavior of his).
2. Pisces Moon
— With all that was said about his Sun Sign, his Pisces Moon is the reason we get a softer, gentler version of his Capricorn. People with Pisces Moons are known to be emotionally wise beyond their years. Their ability to empathize people's experiences are astounding, and their compassion is matched only by their fellow water signs.
— This admirable kindness that Ominis possesses is what we eventually understand and come to associate with him. When faced with the opportunity to torture muggles like his family does, his first instinct is to refuse. In spite of his blindness, he doesn't need sight to see how all of that was very immoral and apathetic. And even as he was forced to cast the Cruciatus Curse, he still laments and regrets that event up to the present time.
— One more thing to note is that Ominis could have simply reported Sebastian as soon as the latter displayed interest in the Dark Arts. But he didn't because of three reasons: He didn't want to lose his best friend, he still believed in Sebastian's chance to redeem and pull himself out of the darkness, and he empathized with Sebastian's desperation to find a cure for Anne. This altruistic attitude is what's best about him.
— It also affirms my previous headcanon about Ominis' sleeping habits, as Pisces rules over the realms of sleep.
3. Capricorn Mercury
— It's very obvious that Ominis is quite mature for his age. The way he talks, thinks, and carries himself is trademark Capricorn Mercury. He is also straightforward and he plans ahead not just for himself but for others. At the end of the game, he literally said, "whatever lies ahead, we must face it together."
— Mercury is the planet of communication, intellect, memory, and learning. Ominis' style of communication is quite formal and authoritative in nature, and he keeps it that way. He is able to express himself in a put-together manner that conveys his thoughts crystal-clear. He doesn't speak in riddles (👀) and he wants to be understood the first time around.
4. Sagittarius Venus
— Alright, this one is a surprising placement for Ominis. But after a while, I found this to be quite fitting for him! While he is someone who we consider as "docile" or "serene" on most days, having his Venus in Sagittarius gives him a streak of curiosity and a yearning for exploration; as Sagittarius is the sign of higher learning and traveling.
— The first time we see him (if you're a Slytherin) is in the common room being cheeky about the first-years who are trying to spot mermaids through the windows. He has a playful side to him that balances out majority of his more serious and somber placements. The fact that he is closest to Sebastian (who is really fiery and passionate) is proof that Ominis can hold his own when it comes to his best friend's fervent personality.
— Of course, Venus is the planet of love and romance. Majority of the stories I've read, Ominis is the kind of man who will study his partner's personality, routine, habits, quirks, likes and dislikes, special interests, and goals and dreams. This is the behavior of a well-developed Sagittarius Venus. They will absolutely love to get to know their partner's personhood beyond the superficial. They will also keep their partnership alive by sharing life experiences together and encouraging their partner to explore more novel and romantic moments with them.
5. Scorpio Mars
— Where to begin with this placement? It's quite hard to believe, at first, that Ominis would have his Mars in Scorpio. That would entail someone who is traditionally brusque, aggressive, and would embody the combination of Martian-Plutonian qualities.
— But in his case, there is a reason why people are compelled to write, draw, and express him as Dominis. It's because even if he haven't actually seen him being a dominant man, we instinctively know that he is capable of it. That's the effect of Scorpio Mars. The evidence of this placement is not always "in your face." It can be subtle, it can be a secret. His dominance and assertiveness is just dancing along the edge of his skin.
— But one of the most important things to remember about them is that once a Scorpio Mars has had enough, they snap. And they will always get the last word after they have put people in their place, snapped some bones, and razed the earth. And this is something Ominis is very much capable of doing. But his self-control is immaculate.
6. Scorpio Rising
— Again, this seems very unlikely at first glance. But upon further observation, Ominis is the type of guy you don't really know much about unless he purposefully let you in on his private circle, explicitly says something about himself. He also has strong eyes that pierce through others in spite of his blindness. His striking face and cheekbones are unforgettable, and he doesn't look like anyone else. Others also can't help but feel compelled to want to know more about him, as his enigmatic aura inevitably pulls them in (whether he likes it, or not. That's why most Scorpio Risings have trouble with unsolicited attention).
— To drive this point further, if you check out this video of other NPC's talking about him, they all seem to come to a polarized conclusion, with the common thread of 'Ominis is hiding something.' Granted that the name Gaunt, in and of itself, strikes fear and wary in people's hearts, others have really strong opinions about him without even getting to know him personally. That, too, is something most Scorpio Risings struggle with.
End Results:
Ominis Gaunt was born on January 11, 1875 at around 03:00AM, during the winter season.
Of course, this is only my personal headcanon, and based on my astrological research and experience. The runner-up dates I had in mind would make him fall in the Sun Sign of Pisces, Cancer, Aquarius, and even Scorpio! But the rest of the chart doesn't really align with the rest of his personality. Ultimately, January 11th is the final date I believe suits him most.
III. Psychometric Analysis
Note: I will be linking the sites for these tests should you want to take them yourself! 😊 Have fun!
— ISTJ (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging)
"They rely on their past experience to guide them, and are most comfortable in familiar surroundings. On personality trait measures, they score as Calm, Stable, Steady, Cautious, and Conventional. The ISTJ’s main and most admirable strength is perseverance; people of this type simply do not give up. They also have a natural instinct to protect and defend, as they are loyal, reliable and committed."
These descriptions speak for themselves when it comes to knowing Ominis' personality type. People who have a lack of sight (or those who are legally blind) rely on fixed structures and routines to help ease their everyday needs. While it is possible for them to be spontaneous, they still have to have familiarity and past experience in the spontaneity they'll participate in.
He is very loyal, to a fault sometimes. He's committed in making sure that his beloved friends are not dallying in things they shouldn't be. He knows the difference between right and wrong, and trusts his life experiences to guide him to proper decisions.
2. Enneagram
— Type 6 with wing 5; SP/SX (The Defender)
"The committed, security-oriented type, sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious."
"Their basic fear is being without support and guidance, having nowhere or no one to hold onto. This is why their basic desire is to have security and support from their chosen people."
This one is very obvious. It's quite apparent that he is the type of person who can be anxious if things and people aren't where he wanted them to be. While he yearns for cooperation due to his need for security, other people who aren't used to this kind of behavior will find him controlling; and perhaps, even smothering.
Nevertheless, Ominis' intentions come from a good place. He doesn't want his people to be hurt or harmed. He also has an impeccable intuition to predict outcomes of certain situations, which makes him look paranoid. But his assumptions, more often than not, are proven to be correct!
3. Four Temperaments
— Melancholic–Phlegmatic (The Analyst)
"The Melancholy-Phlegmatic is a pleasant and accommodating person who tends to seek a structured environment requiring attention to detail. They have a self-sacrificing, self-critical nature, and struggle with guilt feelings about things that are not often their fault. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic is more conscientious and private than the other Melancholy blends."
This is quite self-explanatory. Ominis has two distinct behavior: the calm and peaceful, and the anxious and prickly. When things are going the way it's supposed to be (in his definition), he would be placated and docile. We see him as approachable and a little more open. But when things aren't going according to plan, or when things suddenly happen unexpectedly, he's like a rolling wheel going in different directions trying to extinguish the uncontrollable fires of disaster.
He's the first to respond by going to Headmaster Black to fabricate a story to hide what really happened between the Sallows, and make it look like a family argument instead. He's the one to alert MC that Anne went to get Solomon, and that we should do something about it immediately. He is the safety net of all these people in his life.
IV. Corporeal Patronus
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I want to give a shout out to @ponfarrdraws for discussing this with me!
We were wondering what Ominis' corporeal Patronus would be, should he be able to cast one. I've had a lot of speculation, going through one animal at a time. But ultimately settled with a Mongoose. This animal is not on the official list of Patronuses but it still has a lot of weight and meaning.
This article states that mongooses are a symbol of protection and are considered to be wards against evil. To quote:
"As a totem, the mongoose has the magical attributes of defense, protection, and destroying evil. The mongoose symbolizes action, adventure, boldness, fearlessness, impulsiveness, independence, optimism, rebellion, resistance, resourcefulness, speed, and adaptation. As a spirit animal, it encourages us to confront our enemies because we can overcome much stronger rivals than ourselves."
If Ominis were to find himself facing a dementor, he would probably be the first to sense its presence, and probably the most affected. Even though he wouldn't be able to see the frightening features of a dementor, he would be feeling the immediate change in his senses — his environment growing cold, no sounds of animals around, and the overall sensation of hopelessness and misery. He would be completely thrown off by the sudden change in his surroundings; something that would send him into a state of panic.
But with this Patronus, it represents his determination to stand firm in the face of adversity, to not give in easily without putting up a fight, and to prove that he is as deadly as any dementor that would stand in his way.
I personally headcanon this animal for obvious reasons. He truly is a fighter in a den of snakes. No matter how many times his family strikes against him, he just takes his time to recover and stand back up again. He is clearly outnumbered by his family members. No one else can support him in his opposition ever since his Aunt Noctua passed away. Regardless, he doesn't seem the kind to bow his head in defeat just to save his skin. He fights back until he can't anymore; something the mongoose is well-known for.
And let's just say that Ominis did die at 50-years of age. He still got the last laugh out of them all since he got to pass away on his own terms, away from the very people he loathed since childhood. That's still a victory in his book, and that's what this patronus represents.
V. Wand Information
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1. Wand Wood
Based on the physical characteristics of this wand and the meaning of the wood, it's highly possible that Ominis' wand is made from Ebony Wood.
According to the wand wood information:
"This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand owners have been found both among the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix and among the Death Eaters. [...] the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose."
This type of wand wood, in my opinion, is a reflection of Ominis' conviction in his views. I find it fascinating and admirable that even in the face of losing his friendship with Sebastian, he didn't bow down and agree with Sebastian's methods. Sure, he gets convinced by the MC to let them deal with it. But at the end of the day, Ominis is strictly against the use of the Dark Arts. Furthermore, he does everything to maintain his moral compass despite being surrounded by people (friends and family) who practice and preach about the unforgivable curses.
Also! I'd like to add the conversation I had with @tennoujinerin about Ominis' godly self-restraint. We believe that while most of us admire Ominis for his kindness, temperance, compassion, and commitment to the good cause, he is someone who can easily turn it all around. He is born in a family of pureblood supremacists who have no qualms in utilizing the Dark Arts like it's a daily chore. He most definitely is very, very familiar with Dark Spells that maybe even Sebastian isn't aware of. If pushed to the brink of survival, there's a possibility that Ominis could reconsider his relationship with the Dark Arts. And this wand wood is perfect for that kind of change of heart.
2. Wand Core
For this part, I admit I was stumped for a while. I believe all the three cores that Ollivanders usually has could be a good fit for Ominis for a plethora of different reasons. But it still feels... lacking. Like, something was missing for this special wand to work.
That's why in the end, I think Ominis has two wand cores that were needed to suit his special needs. He needs a core that reflects his personality and another to aid him with his magical abilities. And for that, the cores of his wand are a combination of Unicorn Hair and Horned Serpent Horn.
"Unicorn Hair generally produces the most consistent magic. These wands are the hardest to turn to the Dark Arts. The most faithful wands have unicorn hair, making them bond strongly with their owner. They are prone to melancholy if seriously mishandled, meaning that the hair may ‘die’ and need replacing."
While this core could technically be enough, it just doesn't feel customized enough. We know that his wand emits a red pulse at the tip to help him navigate his surroundings. Therefore, this wand needs another core to bolster its utility.
"Wands made with Horned Serpent Horn are exceptionally power, creating massive spell effects regards of the user's skill. Sensitive to Parseltongue and would vibrate when Parseltounge is being spoken near it, and can warn their owners of danger by emitting a low musical tone. These wands were said to only bond with one user through it's lifetime, but this is only a rumor for now."
These two cores encased in ebony wood make for such a personalized wand. The fact that Horned Serpent Horn core warns its owner about incoming danger is an important factor for Ominis' safety and security. He needs to be alerted for when hexes and spells are being blasted in his way. And as for all serpentine cores, it's also sensitive to Parseltongue.
(Maybe it's just me but I believe that Horned Serpents are the antithesis of Basilisks. Having this creature's horn as Ominis' wand core would be the ultimate and tangible symbol of his rebellion against Salazar Slytherin's secret weapon, that lies in the Chamber of Secrets, and everything his family taught him to uphold).
3. Wand Flexibility and Length
According to the official source:
"Wand flexibility or rigidity denotes the degree of adaptability and willingness to change possessed by the wand-and-owner pair."
Because of that, his wand is most likely Rigid. This source had explained it perfectly:
"A wand of this flexibility will only give its complete loyalty to an owner who has faced great personal tragedy. It is particularly good for practical magic use, and thus usually doesn't perform well for magic that is frivolous or silly. Rigid wand owners are cautious and have difficulty trusting others, but they are not usually unkind people. Generally, they prefer to be left alone so that they can do what they want to do, regardless of what anyone else says."
(If you're not a Slytherin in the game, your first interaction with Ominis is surely abrasive and tense. And that's because he truly is cautious, and wants his private spaces to be left alone).
Lastly, this wand is on the longer side, measuring at around 14 inches. He needs a wand that can act like an extension of himself; just like blind muggles need a mobility cane.
Ebony with Unicorn Hair and Horned Serpent Horn Core, Rigid and 14 inches.
Phew! 😮‍💨 This post took a very, very long time to make. But I am extremely glad for the assistance, conversations, and opinions of other wonderful people here on Tumblr and Discord! I swear, I love you all.
I want to give love and credit to the following:
@damn-it-a-hogwarts-legacy-blog (You're the one who really inspired me to finally get my mind together and put my brain cells to use. I admire your creativity towards your headcanons so much, and I want to share this with you!) 🫡
@tennoujinerin (Our conversations are the highlight of my obsession in this fandom. I love our collaborative thoughts, and I hope you enjoyed this one. See you in the basement! 😈)
@ponfarrdraws (I think my delusions have reached its peak with this long-ass post. But I just have to let out my aggressive emotions about Ominis! I know you get it, and I'm glad I got to know you).
@diligentcranberry (Thank you once again for entertaining my craziness. My OCD is now satiated with these information out in the open. I originally didn't want to post anything about this until you talked to me about the locations. So, thank you!)
Update (October 29, 2024): I recently finished Sebastian's version of this post, as a companion post for this one.
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lucysarah-c · 1 year ago
You all have inspired me to write a one-shot, so I'll post it soon. Thank you so much!
But since I'm on it, I think I'll give you a few headcanons.
In my idea, Levi didn't have many children, and while sometimes my scenarios may change depending on the situation, mostly Levi's boy would be an only child. This wasn't Levi's original idea, and I'll explain why.
Leaving aside whether in the canon period of time there are real contraceptives or not, I 100% believe Levi is a highly meticulous guy. If he needs to pull out and count days in the old-fashioned way, he will. If he has to wear condoms every single time, he will. I believe Levi would try to make sure that if he ever has a child, it would be planned, as far as is humanly possible, of course. Sometimes contraceptives fail, etc.
In my mind, I believe Levi and Y/N decided or happened to have a kid around the time before the expedition to Wall Maria. There was about half a year when the scouts waited for the correct time to do the expedition to Wall Maria. Well, I believe she probably got pregnant around that time. I believe it was a mix between Levi transitioning a lot of emotions after Kenny's death, etc., and having more free time on his hands since they weren't doing expeditions while preparing for the mission… and well… let's say they decided to go handy, haha.
With that said… I think Levi would hardly admit it out loud, but he's one of those guys who always wanted to be parents, so they kinda said, "You know what? Fuck it, if it happens, it happens," and well, it happened almost immediately. Levi hears the news around two months later, and let me tell you, this man is all over the moon. He wants to be part of EVERYTHING. For me, Levi wants to prove that he is better than the men who failed his mother and also failed him. Levi wants to prove he can be a present father.
She goes to the doctor for just a check, he wants to be there. Better keep his man informed because he would ask a million questions. He's a first-time father, and she may sneeze, and he's all worried. Levi saw too many women die in childbirth or from difficult pregnancies in the underground. He's blessed with the chance of being a father, but also terrified. Levi feels that if he loses his love just because he "grew selfish" and asked for more (aka asked for a kid), he would feel horrible.
Anyways, back in the day, men waited outside during birth, and I believe they would try to kick Levi out of the room, and he would be like, "and who is going to stop me?" He wants to be there.
Now is when his baby boy comes into the picture. I believe, and God bless the mother, he was such a healthy CHUNKY boy. He was BIG. Those kinds of kids that look so healthy but at the same time, it's like "he literally sucked her dry, that baby took anything the mother has to offer."
Like, she's too tired after childbirth, and the nurses offer Levi feeding bottles with milk to keep the baby eating while the mother rests… and the baby is EATING to the point a doctor comes, pats Levi's arm playfully, and says, "Hope you've a good salary, Captain, because that kid is going to eat like a horse."
Perhaps these are the only few times that Levi is the most excited out of the two, she's tired from all the work, and Levi is over the moon. Ah, but don't you dare to touch his baby without washing your hands. If Levi could force you to take a bath in chlorine before even getting close to his baby, he would.
Aside from that, I think Levi's baby boy that I've named in my mind "Adrien" because Y/N thinks that naming her kids with A's to match the last name, especially since Ackerman's are finally able to not be in hiding.
In my mind, Adrien inherits Kenny's height. Yes, as you heard, KENNY'S HEIGHT. 190cm (6'3"). He's a big boy. I think it's funny that all the doctors check the baby and say, "haha, he's going to be tall!" and Levi is there looking at her like "… I don't like to admit I'm short as fuck, but if the kid isn't mine you can tell me," joking obviously, lmao.
"Levi, the kid is a photocopy of you."
Adrien is an extremely playful, happy, and hyperactive kid. He's so cheerful, and it makes Levi wish his mother was around so he could ask if he was such a cheerful kid too.
Chunky fat legs running down the halls as he doesn't even speak properly, but he already knows which office is daddy's office. He loves horses, he loves playing soldier, he loves being a daddy's boy.
This is when I mention that I believe Levi having a single child wasn't his original plan. I think he wished to give Adrien a sibling to make sure he won't be alone in life if anything ever happens to him as he was. But the whole rumbling happened, and after that, Levi was too busy trying to move him and his family outside of Paradise and after that settling down, taking care of Gabi and Falcon, that well time flew, and when everything was back to calmness, haha, well let's say that Levi had to admit that the train had left the station, and his energy to go back to change diapers had kinda withdrawn, lmao.
Finally, I think Adrien was a very hyperactive kid mainly because of the Ackerman genes. He has energy, he has strength, he has the abilities. He just has too much bottled up and doesn't know how to get tired. Levi is basically running around making sure the kid isn't jumping from the roof or climbing the kitchen cupboards. He probably ends up signing him up for a bunch of activities: baseball, self-defense classes, football, triathlon.
I have a bunch of other headcanons, so let me know if you want more!"
Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @i-literally-cant-with-this @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @s0meb0dy-0nce-t0ld-me @trashblackrainbow @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @flxrartsstuff @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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guppybibi · 6 months ago
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Not much of a Romancer..
𖦹 pairing: Necromancer!Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x ghost!fem!reader
𖦹 word count: 1543
𖦹 content: Dead Johnny (shockers), most likely inaccurate information, maybe ooc, mild cursing, i feel like this will be a rushed slowburn
𖦹 notes: the definitions are from google lmao, idk how necromancy works but..how do u do dialogue what.
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Necromancy, the practice of magic involving communication with the dead by summoning their spirits, a certain act that Simon wasn't familiar with. Yet, at least. He’s been browsing through local libraries whenever he isn't deployed, researching on this topic. It never really piqued his interest to begin with, you know? Well, not until Johnny brought it up once. It stuck with him since.
“Aye whin ah die L.T., mak' sure tae git an ouija boord or learn necromancy sae we kin still talk.” He joked, already tipsy from the amount of alcohol in his system. Simon knew he was kidding, the man was bloody drunk after all. The idea didn't seem..horrible though. Would it really work? Could he still talk with Johnny or the other undead by simply using a haunted board or using witchcraft?
Now that Johnny really was gone, it wouldn't hurt to try it out, right? Simon chose to use the Ouija board first as it looked easier than to learn literal black magic. And did it work? It definitely did! Except he wasn't talking to Johnny’s spirit, instead he was talking to a fucking demon. That could also be the late Sergeant messing with him but he wasn't taking any chances of being possessed by an actual demon, he had enough demons he was fighting internally, he didn't need any more. So he turned to the last option in his book which was learning necromancy, which certainly wasn't easier.
First, he went and browsed the endless world wide web, finding tips and tricks of what you're supposed to do or not do. It was quite useful, being able to learn in the comfort of his own house was convenient. One of the few downsides of researching on the net is the fact that the internet was a cobweb of all sorts of false information, just waiting for the users to fall right into their sticky trap. Simon wasn't one of them though, he wasn't one to trust that easily, especially strangers. So he went to the public library, a place he hasn't been to in years.
It felt like he was out of place to say the least, every heavy step he took made the aged floorboards creak, earning the librarian’s stern glare every time while he nodded his head to silently apologize. So far, the most important thing he learned to keep in mind in necromancy is respect. After all, it was the undead he was disturbing. To never forget to say things like “please” and “thank you” deemed easy enough. Sure he was a cold-hearted man, a lot of people were skeptical if he even had one in him, but he wasn't a disrespectful man. So he kept these things in mind, they were easy enough to do anyway.
So, after months of researching he finally decided to start his very first ritual. He got some chalk, some white candles to repel any negative spirit, he would've chosen to use tea candles but that wasn't the better option. Get it? Because Brits like tea? Well there were a bunch of different methods he could've used, but he chose this so it better work. He was taking this chance, the chance to speak to Johnny again, to properly say goodbye.
At last, it was time. It was the dead of night, Simon decided to perform the ritual in an abandoned building. He managed to accurately set everything up, proving that the months of studying necromancy was worth it. Then, he started the long awaited ritual. It started out smoothly, with him reciting chants and doing whatever was required for him to do. He was anticipating to hear an annoying Scottish accent to come out soon, but instead he heard..a high pitched voice? From what he could tell, it was no doubt a woman. Shit, did he just summon the spirit of an unknown dead woman? Well he had to deal with this, he can only hope it wasn't a hostile spirit. It’s his responsibility now, he can't just shove your soul back into the afterlife.
“I was having a really good rest, ya know..” The spirit starts. “Until a certain someone here decided to ruin it.” She glares at the masked man in front of her, making Simon feel like he was being pierced by sharp needles. “Sorry, that wasn't my intention.” He states the truth, sighing when he realizes his first attempt at speaking to Johnny failed. He should clean up and get going before he pisses you off even more. So he does just that, cleaning up after himself and packing up. “Hey hey, stop right there big guy.” She calls out, disappearing from where she was and reappearing right in front of him.
“You bothered my peaceful slumber, now I’m bothering you!” She announces proudly as if she had just said the best idea for vengeance. Okay, maybe it was because Simon’s ears were already starting to ring from your voice. “Sure, go follow me or whatever.” He said with an indifferent tone, he’s been through the worst things. Things that also caused his ear to ring and rupture, so he could surely handle this. From what he could tell, you seemed like you just wanted to provoke him. That's fine, at least you meant no harm. Physically at least.
And so, you did indeed follow him. No matter the occasion, rainy or sunny, you’d be right there beside him like a pesky shadow. Unless he went to the bathroom, that's where you’d finally cross the line. You still waited for him out the door like a clingy dog though. That was when he was not deployed though, you weren't exactly aware of him being a lieutenant..Sure his room seemed very soldier-like and had remnants of proof all over but he could've been just a military enthusiast or something!
Now here he was, packing all of the essentials as he prepares for deployment while you watch him intently. “Seriously? 3-in-1 shampoo? It's not even scented!” She bitches, concerned about his hygiene routine. “It's efficient and convenient.” He answers dryly, continuing to shove all of the necessities in his bags. “Where are you going anyways? Vacation?” To which he scoffs at, do you really think he's bringing a pistol to a vacation? “Did the afterlife take all of your wits too? I’m getting deployed.”
“..Deployed?” She questions. “I’m in the army.” And with that, her eyes are as wide as saucers. “Excuse me, no wait–excuse you? And you never bothered mentioning it to me once!” Then he cuts you off. “You never bothered to tell me your name. I think we're in pretty similar situations.” Her mouth is instantly zipped, he did have a point. “Oh right..well it isn't too late to get to know each other, big guy.”
“Stop calling me ‘big guy’.” “Then tell me your name. Look, I’ll even start. My name is Y/N, nice to meet you.” She starts, holding out her hand as she expects a handshake from him. Because that's how proper formal introductions start! “Ghost.” He replies blankly, getting a raised eyebrow from you. “That's it?” She sulks. “Just an alias, that's enough.”
‘What a killjoy’ she thinks, why couldn't someone more interesting make her come to life! Like maybe a group of rebellious teens or anyone but like this ‘Ghost’ guy! “Well then ‘Ghost’, let's get to know each other!” She insists. “I won't be talking to you when I’m deployed, don't want the soldiers thinking I’m a madman.” She whines, how much did she sin during her lifetime to deserve such dull torture? Before she could even open her mouth to complain, he spoke up. “If you dislike haunting me then just leave.” “I can't.” She tells, and Simon has never seen you this quiet before.
“I bet I owe you some kind of explanation huh? Looks like you didn't research enough on this necromancing disturbing the dead shit.” He nodded, admitting his mistake. “Whoever awakes the undead is the only one who can put them to rest again, you have to perform another ritual for it. So if I don't stop following you, I could possibly lose you and permanently wander as a ghost forever. I don't want that, none of the undead does.” She explained, the words are hard to get out of her. While the masked man nodded in understanding, that's why she acted like she was glued to him like honey. He thought about it, it did seem pretty shitty. You can only do so much, going around as a ghost doesn't seem like the funnest thing in the world.
“I see. Just..stick by me or whatever.” There's something in him that doesn't wanna get rid of her just yet, maybe it's his conscience? Yeah, that was for sure it. It would feel like he was purposely putting someone back in their grave, the soil being used to bury them a little too familiar to other experiences. The woman blinks a few times, burning straight through his soul as she stares at him before nodding. Looks like he was in no rush to get rid of her, that's nice. She’ll stay by his side the whole time, whether he likes it or not.
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errihaienx · 2 years ago
HQ CAPTAINS : when someone tries to flirt with them ♡
(pre-timeskip , aged up characters)
quick disclaimer: these scenarios don't affect the original plot of the series. any information or events that contradict the original plot are purely fictional. (i do not own any of the characters)
warning: could be suggestive (Terushima's) and some inappropriate/cuss words
ꜰᴇᴀᴛᴜʀɪɴɢ: ʙᴏᴋᴜᴛᴏ, ᴜꜱʜɪᴊɪᴍᴀ, ᴋᴜʀᴏᴏ, ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀ, ᴋɪᴛᴀ, ᴅᴀɪᴄʜɪ, & ᴛᴇʀᴜꜱʜɪᴍᴀ (ɪɴ ᴏʀᴅᴇʀ) ꜱɪᴛᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: ʜᴏᴡ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴀᴄᴛ ᴡʜᴇɴ ꜱᴏᴍᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴛʀɪᴇꜱ ᴛᴏ ꜰʟɪʀᴛ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇᴍ
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Doesn't really notice that someone is trying to flirt with him, or to be blunt he doesn't care. 
But he will unknowingly embarrass the girl
"Eh? Why are you clinging your hands– Oh! Y/n is always like that to me omfg she's so cute."
Your name can be heard all the time, so the bitches won't stand a chance. Every person he sees and interacts with fails to grab his entire attention since all he can think about is his woman.
If a girl comes up to him he'll think of: "Woah that hairstyle doesn't look good on this girl, OMG DID I JUST IMAGINED MY BABY WITH THAT HAIR?! SHE'S SO DAMN FINE IM GOING NUTS" he'll be smiling and the girl might think that it was because of her :/
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But okay, if someone will approach him he will walk out. But of course, if it's an important matter he will respond. And his response will be very dry
"I do not give my number so easily for Y/n's peace of mind, I shall take my leave."
Then he'll march his way to you, giving you a little smile acting like he didn't broke someone's heart just a minute ago.
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He's a cute flirt only to you though
So girls be throwing themselves at him, but he doesn't give a fuck.
If someone will talk to him especially when it's a girl, openly showing their attraction towards him, he will converse with them and if they'd confess or ask him if he's available he will politely reject them.
"You always look hot Kuroo-san..."
"How about we meet–"
"I am already deeply in love with someone. please excuse me."
He then turns around smirking, he's thinking of bragging it to you. He just wanna see your annoyed jealous face, he assures you that you're the only one for him. 
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Oh please the guy literally have fans
His supporters actually knows about his relationships, like every girl's name that he dated has their name and 'stats' on his fans' memos. The fans also concluded that his typical dating period with someone is 2-3 months.
He's very alluring, and he's also welcoming and so people think it's okay for them to flirt with him. 
You had a couple of arguments with him about this matter. And because he doesn't want that, he will try his best to avoid them.
"Oikawa-san! My birthday is coming could you go out with me?"
"Ohoho, Happy birthday! But I don't want to sleep outside so.......I won't. You can have Iwa-chan right here-"
*/got punched by hajime
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Despite of being straightforward, blunt, and gives off idgaf-with-your-feelings vibes he's still popular with girls
Even if the girl isn't done talking he'll leave immediately
He will simply tell them that he's in a relationship already, but that doesn't solve the situation. It ignites the girlies' desire to have him even more. He then eventually thought of a way on how he'll get rid of those kind of situations by involving one of the twins.
"You can ask me to be your date when Atsumu finally decided to leave volleyball alone."
"B-but Kita-san isn't that i-impossible?"
"That's the point."
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The man is fine as  fuck so the girlies love him
He will politely turn down them, you know. Your man is good 😌✨✨
"You are the karasuno's Captain, right? Oh my! The whole team's hot but of course the captain is way more-"
"Ah, no... Please spare me."
Some even visit his afternoon club practices just to interact with him, taking advantage of the fact that you are not in the same school as him.
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This mf is a chick magnet
He has a habit of sticking out his tongue, and that's where his piercing prevails and with that girls flock around him. 
He kinda likes the attention but of course, he's only yours. you two had arguments about this too but with terushima's personality you just gave up and told him that as long as the girls respect his boundaries as someone's man it is fine for you. 
"OhmYgOsh tOnGuE pIerCiNg!?!? I bEt tHaT pIerCinG cOulD dO sO mUcH~ iT's  sO cOoL!"
"I know right!?! I can make Y/n scream with just this!"
"Lucky Y/n!"
"No no no no! I'm the lucky one, heck I love her so much!!"
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nikist-4-n · 2 months ago
So you’re saying people don’t deserve forgiveness? It’s so funny but maybe everyone’s morals are different but everyone deserves forgiveness no matter what has been said or done. Now if you choose not to forgive that up to you but forgiveness leaves a bitter heart and will rot away at you. Because no one is perfect but yourself in dodo’s situation say you did all the stuff she did would you not want forgiveness? I don’t think it’d be fair to say you don’t deserve it. But it’s fine you’re young and under developed and still growing and learning
1 So you’re saying people don’t deserve forgiveness? It’s so funny but maybe everyone’s morals are different but everyone deserves forgiveness no matter what has been said or done
Now when did I say that? Sure ( some ) people deserve forgiveness, doesn't mean that we forget. And that memory can easily lead to resentment because ur heart is not at peace. What dodo did she could've easily apologized in the beginning -heck I begged her to- but she ignored me and only when she thought we cut her off she apologizes? That's messed up and if u think that it isn't then I don't know what to say to u. And yh anon we all have different morals, but my morals don't want to forget what she did, just because we can easily forgive others doesn't mean I'll forget what she did.
2 Now if you choose not to forgive that up to you but forgiveness leaves a bitter heart and will rot away at you.
Actually how dare u anon. All my life I've forgiven people and gave 22259 chances but they've still hurt me over and over again (those who saw my close friends stories on Insta will know ). And what u should do is let them go. Because forgiveness and forgetting are two different things. Ive forgiven my boy bestie but I didn't forget all the things he's said to me. And for ur information I told dodo over and over again to apologize but she didn't listen to me and then when she faced the consequences for her behaviour she realised she messed up. And by then it was too late. Sometimes others hurt people too much for them to just accept an apology. Sure we've forgiven people but we didn't forget. And that's where dodo comes in. I've forgiven dodo but I don't want her in my life nor did I forget what she did.
3 Because no one is perfect but yourself in dodo’s situation say you did all the stuff she did would you not want forgiveness?
Ok let's say I did that anon. If something chei did bothered me I would've told her. And if it's something in my personal life I would've taken a break from social media so I don't lash out at people who don't deserve my rage. And if my friends told me my behaviour in the beginning I would've apologized immediately and tried to make things right. What dodo did was ignore me calling her out and lashed out at chei for 2 weeks before we had enough and it was too late. And that's what u should learn anon that stuff that people do/say cause emotional wounds and a simple apology does not cut it at all. That's when we need to cut people off for good.
4 I don’t think it’d be fair to say you don’t deserve it. But it’s fine you’re young and under developed and still growing and learning
Yes it would because some things just don't deserve a simple apology. Dodo acted mean and ignored chei for weeks and just accepted us to take her back?? No because she showed us that she does not like chei. We don't just dislike people for no reason, there has to be a reason and if it is not stated we're gonna go with that answer. And how does ur age justify ur behaviour? Sure ur maturity is low but ur not dumb to realise what u are doing. She was actively being mean to chei, she knew it hurt her and that's why she did it. And also chei is literally younger than dodo but didn't act like that. She's sensitive and could've taken her insults to heart but instead she kept quiet and tried to protect her, you anon. Because we all know it's u dodo hiding behind anon so let me say this: please get out of my inbox and stop trying to defend urself, ur explanations just fall flat. Sure u have points ( barely ) but ur arguments fall flat and are ignorant and close minded. I'm tired of having to explain why ur wrong, it's just getting boring and annoying having to type so much.
Please let me know what u disagree with in the comments I'll love to see different opinions ^^
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autisticaradiamegido · 11 months ago
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day 86
do any of yall ever have like. an Evil infodump? where instead of endlessly word vomiting about a thing you love and are very informed about, there is a thing you are equally well-informed about but hate with a passion that you cannot hold back in conversation?
i do :')
(I'll put it under the cut for the curious because I think it's important and i cannot be stopped but also i'm not kidding the facts are infuriating)
SO. "Homeopathic" is often interpreted as sort of a vague synonym for "natural," or "organic," but it's actually related to a system of alternative medicine that means something Very Specific.
There are two main principles behind the practice of Homeopathy.
"Like cures like." This is the idea that, for example, if you have a headache, taking a veeeery small amount of a substance that is known to CAUSE headaches will cure that symptom. I understand where people fall into this flawed idea, as it sounds very similar to the principles behind, say, vaccines, or antivenom. But it isn't universally applicable in this way. An herb isn't a virus. But even if it was, a Homeopathic preparation of that herb would not have any effect on the body because of the second principle.
"Water has memory." This is the idea that water is able to "remember" any substance that it has had contact with. This is also not true. Molecules don't really have any way to store information like that, and even if they did, well... What would that information do inside our bodies? Would our cells have any way to interpret and process that information? What would they do with it? It's all rather nebulous and it seems like more of a spiritual claim than a scientific one. Which is fine, but is not medicine.
So, with these principles in mind, the process of creating a "Homeopathic Preparation of [insert substance here]" goes a little something like this: You take a dropper and put one drop of your active substance in a container with a hundred drops of water. You then take a drop of that mixture, and put it in another container with another hundred drops of water. You continue this dilution process until there is, quite literally, a near-zero percent chance that your mixture contains even a single molecule of your original active substance (depending on the level of dilution believed to be best for the substance in question. Typically, a higher dilution is considered more potent.) So it is, by this point, literally just a vial of water.
This vial of water is what is then sold as a "Homeopathic preparation of [substance]." OR that water is used to compound a batch of sugar pills, or gel capsules, or tablets, whatever format is being offered. Regardless, the composition of the tincture is literally just water and ~*vibes*~.
And they sell these vials of expensive vibe water! At!!!
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In fact! In the US they are able to advertise that they have been FDA approved! (FDA approval of dietary supplements is not the same as FDA approval of actual medications. In the context of supplements, approval just means they've proved it won't just kill you straight up, and thus you're allowed to sell it.) And, well. It certainly won't kill you! In fact they often also advertise things like, "It's natural!" and "No harmful side effects!" and "No risk of overdose!" and it's all technically true! BECAUSE IT'S JUST WATER! LIKE I CAN'T STRESS ENOUGH HOW IT'S LITERALLY JUST WATER!!!
Anyway. Please keep this in mind the next time you are offered a homeopathic remedy, or see one advertised in the store, or hear your antivaxxer auntie bragging about the fact that her kids all got a "homeopathic" alternative to their MMR shots.
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mrsshabana · 1 year ago
i'm intrigued by the mantis!gyutaro?
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The mantis Gyutaro fic is one I started about a year ago and I have 2 chapters written. But I never posted it because I didn't want to commit to another fic. I will say it is one of my favorite things I've written though. ・:*(〃∇〃人)*:・
Someone gave me the idea of a cryptid Gyutaro on my old blog, then I made these sketches which inspired the fic.
I'll also include some paragraphs from chapter 1! If you like it, maybe I'll post more of this au because I really do love it -♡
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𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒔!𝑮𝒚𝒖𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒐 𝒙 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Scrambling to your knees, you turn around to face whatever thought you’d make an easy meal.
It’s a man. No… It’s an insect.
The creature has the body and the face of a man, albeit very thin and bony. He has black hair that fades into green halfway down, partially tied up in a messy topknot. Large folded up wings lay on his back. His forearms are decorated with long, sharp spikes. His entire body is covered in ink-like black splotches. Two long antennae hang in front of his face.
The thing is sitting down, groaning with its head in its palms.
Your thoughts are spiraling. There’s no way that this is actually happening right? The sane person in you wants to run away screaming before this thing gets back up. But the entomologist in you wants to investigate further. You know you’re playing with fire, but your curiosity gets the best of you.
You take a moment to admire his appearance again. Antennae, tibial spines, large wings. This creature resembles a mantis. Ok, what do you know about mantids? They’re aggressive predators, territorial, and they’ll eat almost anything. Shit, none of that information helps you right now. It only diminishes your chances of getting out of this alive.
You took too long, and the creature has recovered from your headbutt. Staring at you with wide eyes, it slowly moves towards you. Inching ever so slowly. 
Reaching into your pocket, you grab the small jar of honey you were going to use as bait later in the night. You know that mantids only eat live prey, but this is all that you have. 
You fumble with the lid, scooting yourself backwards as the creature continues its crawl towards you. With a huff, your back hits a tree, stopping your path. You are met with glowing yellow eyes and deadly mandibles inches from your face.
Somehow, you managed to open the jar. The sweet aroma of artisan honey fills the air around you. In a desperate attempt to distract the creature, you hold the honey out to him.
“H-here. F-for you…” you stutter, voice barely above a whisper.
Guttural clicks rumble from his chest. He exhales in your face, the rich scent of blood fills your nose. Almost making you gag. You must’ve not been the first item on the menu tonight.
With curiosity, the creature sniffs the jar in your hand. He places a hand on your hip to keep you in place, as a long tongue slips out of its mouth. Its tongue is pitch black and forked at the tip. 
You feel like you can’t breathe as this thing starts to lick the honey from the jar. Seemingly satisfied by its sweetness he continues. This creature is quite literally, eating from the palm of your hand. 
It’s great that you managed to distract it, but what do you do now? It’s holding you down so you won’t be able to get away. All you can do is watch as the jar slowly empties, your fate approaching. You thought you were being smart by offering the honey, but all you managed to do is give him an appetizer.
It only takes a few minutes for the jar to be licked clean. His hungry gaze shifted back to you. He licks his mandibles as he inches his face closer to yours, tickling the top of your head with his antennae.
“P-please… I-I don’t wanna die,” you whimper. Lowering your head and squeezing your eyes shut as tears roll down your cheeks.
All you can do is wait for the pain of being ripped apart.
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dragon-susceptible · 7 days ago
TDP Rewatch S2 E4: Voyage of the Ruthless
I wanna write in the Different Path Taken AU but I'm havin a Real Bad Day physically and cannot currently summon the brain cells to be coherent on a page, so we're gonna go back to the rewatch this morning.
Viren has the intro voice again.
I like that Lujanne specifies that the arcanum isn't some instinctual "knowing" of their primal source, it's literally a Bit Of Magic that they're born with.
Rayla, it's real rich of you to be rolling your eyes at Callum talking about primal magic and the arcanum when the SECOND he gave you a chance the day after you met you were info dumping on him about primal magic. But then I suppose that's like asking an ecologist biology questions - there's overlap in the fields but they're not the same. Rayla's interest lies in the magical ecology of Xadia and draconic linguistics because her parents were dragonguard. Callum's is in the usage of a specific natural resource. It's also neat because this is one of the ways they kept Rayla from being a mary sue character. She's special, because she has a very strong connection to her arcanum and mastered parts of it way faster than many other elves, she could be a very powerful moon mage - but that's not where her interest or her training lies. Her actual talents are separate from her inherent specialness.
Rayla grinning after rescuing both Ezran and Zym because they're safe, but also "it's nice havin' both hands again." is great, I love the lightheartedness of the early seasons.
Oh we're back to Amaya at the breach! I thought this was a really neat section for her here, but I also Disliked Fen personally for how he treats her. She signs to this man who's supposed to be her interpreter, and not only does he not relay her words to the soldiers who aren't looking at her, he keeps his own hands folded behind his back and just talks back. Which, behind a thick beard and moustache, in low light, makes her have to work much harder to understand him. Why isn't he signing back to her at the very least? Is this not his fucking job?
Especially since when she expresses concerns, he initially just argues with her. She has to double down before he listens to her.
Callum says "Wow, Ez! I didn't know you could understand all that!" about Ezran finding out Phoe-Phoe is just tired, but like uh. Lujanne did already tell y'all that she's a Moon Phoenix who can't get too far from the Nexus or she gets weak. There was background information already given to you to fill out why she's so tired lol.
god, Rayla even looks so baby compared to later.
She's so fucking cute entertaining Ezran with her Human Impression. I love her, it's so wholesome. Also, "I'm excited to eat a whole plate of unwholesome food in an excessive portion size!" called me out while I'm eating, miss please. AND THE ROADS AND PATHWAYS JOKE IS SO FUCKING ACCURATE. Discussing which roads and pathways take us places slightly faster than other roads and pathways is like 50% of conversation with my father as an adult, my god. I also love her and Callum just switching off being The Grown-Up throughout this journey.
XadiaTube channel FallenStar Unboxing Video entrances local man
I love Villads so much. I need to make a WoW character based on him. The phrasing "mutinous seagulls" implies that the seagulls were originally part of his crew, which is absolutely hilarious with his first mate being a parrot.
Bless TDP for giving us such golden lines as "Last thing I remember I was talkin' about narcolepsy and fallin' asleep!"
There was some post back when this season first came out about how this whole scene with Aaravos and Viren was a euphemism for sex and having a baby together, and I really hope the originator of that theory feels so fucking vindicated since that became Official Fucking Canon, that they are having A Child here. Aaravos is baby trapping him. That is this plot line. I cannot breathe
I do think, in more serious news, that Viren saying he needed time to think and leaving is the moment Aaravos decided he needed to be on the lookout for a stronger dark mage once he got free. Viren was the one who contacted him and Viren was taken in enough that he could work with this, but he had his eye out for a replacement the moment he realized he was dealing with a coward. He needed someone who wouldn't hesitate.
Rayla and Callum are both so good with kids. "It's my rare glow toad impression!" She says to make Ezran laugh instead of complaining of how sick she feels.
Villads and Berto are such an excellent pair of characters. I love them. and yes, Ezran, the bird just said the word "squawk". A lot of parrots end up doing that because people say it around them so often but it makes me laugh every time.
Though I do hope a human goes and reties that knot holding the boat by the dock, because Berto definitely didn't get it secure.
I do wonder why Amaya's the only one mounted when she takes the scouting party to investigate the Breach.
Oh also something I didn't notice the first time round: Fen did mention earlier that this is the hidden outpost on the Xadian side of the Breach. While Viren's spinning lies about a massing of elves at the border, Amaya's actually establishing an outpost in their territory, not the other way around. She's the aggressor here, not the defender.
This was a very well-planned trap on Janai's part, and I love watching her and Amaya clash early on because it really displays both of their strategic skill. I also love that the soldier warns Amaya with sign language, that it's such an integral part of how she's portrayed and it actually helps her out here.
"I know that face. That's the 'dumb idea' face." Rayla says it so fondly and then goes to perch next to Callum to talk to him, and I just. I love how their relationship develops over time. There's already this connection between them at this point, an understanding, and it really helps drive in and support her being his deepest truth in Arc 2.
"If you die out there, I swear I'll kill ye!" I love her so much. I also love the contrast between Rayllum and Ruthari on this concept, because like. Ethari is fully like "Do what you must and if you die I will live with it because I believe in you and your cause" when Runaan goes into life-threatening danger. Rayla threatens to kill him if he risks himself too much. It's just sort of a neat contrast from the parents' generation to the next, the resignation to death in one and the determination against it in the other.
I'm wheezing, Viren like "WHY DIDN'T ANYONE INFORM ME", apparently forgetting that he's been in his super secret evil dungeon for like three days straight, and the Crow Master jokes about a secret chamber, and see this, this is why I love Viren as a villain because he's so hilariously bad at it. His excuse is that he's been in the bathroom. For THREE DAYS. He really just word vomits and depends on his charisma stat to be high enough to validate whatever random bullshit he says.
Poor Crow Master embodies the customer service mood. Hear about a customer's bowel problems that have kept them in the bathroom for three days? Shove their stuff at them and attempt to politely shuffle them out the door because you Do Not Need Details.
Also Viren being in full villain mode and the Crow Master not doing anything about it is also delightful because like. Yeah. Yeah customers say stupid and downright villainous shit all the time. He's not getting paid enough to deal with this nonsense. This dude threatened his life last time he tried to refuse service so now he's just keeping his head down because fuck that. Whoever wrote this character has worked retail.
I love how physically imposing Janai is. When we get to know her better, we see her softer side a lot more, but she's designed so Powerfully here in the early seasons and I love that for her. I also love the "come at me bro" gestures she and Amaya exchange and lowkey headcanon that's the moment that both of them were like ah fuck she's hot. Like the animosity was very much still there, they didn't hate each other any less, but the grudging "goddammit yeah actually she's hot she's just also my mortal enemy".
I love how fucking feral Janai gets in her heatbeing form. Like she's roaring and running on all fours at different points.
"I thought I wanted this badly enough, but in the end, I didn't have the guts." Callum angsts, and Rayla just says "Good" and gives him a hug, and I just. I love that moment for them. Because she also didn't have the guts to do what she was supposed to do, and now Ezran is still alive and they're on this quest but she still feels the guilt of the ones who died because of it. And now Callum has also hesitated and is upset and she tells him it's good. Because she likes him alive. Because it's worth it.
It's also a fascinating mirror to Viren chickening out on Aaravos, also not having the guts to go through with the magic at the last minute. If Aaravos hadn't decided to seek out a backup mage before now, he does it when Viren covers up the mirror and we see that look of surprise on his face.
I do love the credits sketch of Corvus just sitting on the ground pouting with Claudia and Soren high fiving above his head. That poor man. What has his day been like, traveling with Those Two idiots?
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aajjks · 11 months ago
The Barbarian (m)
warnings: mentions of killing, blood, obsession, dark themes, pregnancy, and other dark themes that can be really triggering for people, so viewer discretion is really advised.
Also, if you guys have any questions, please let me know because I’m actually really excited to know your reaction to this.
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He was a barbarian man
Incapable of loving, anybody or anything, except for killing-except for things like blood, or misery.
How could someone so cruel as him even be classified as a human? She hated herself for falling for him. And she hates herself for still loving him.
It’s been two years since their marriage, Jung il Is always busy, Ayra knows that, she doesn’t even try to disturb him because she knows his temper. It’s not even that hard to tell because he killed on their wedding day.
Even though she is of noble blood,
He treats her however, he wanted to. Sometimes like a literal queen. And sometimes like a bitch from the street. She loves him yet, despite everything… he’s the one in her heart. And now she has another thing to worry about.
She doesn’t know how to tell him this.
Ayra can never predict her husband’s mood. He is A mystery that she can never solve, he comes back today from the war- she can’t help but feel her heart flutter at the thought of him finally coming back because she has a huge surprise for him.
She hopes that he will be happy-he has to be right? He wanted an heir so badly. Her husband has been gone for almost 2 months.
She has a feeling that it will be a boy, even though it’s really early to tell she’s so obsessed with it.
she sits on her bed, her hazel eyes sparkling with happiness. The 21-year-old queen smiles. It’s their first child.
She always wanted to be a mother, she loves the life that is growing inside of her womb, she would do anything to protect it.
And she really hopes that it’s a boy. Because that’s what her husband has always wanted.
She caresses her barely swollen belly.
Her husband has won the war. And she couldn’t be happier because this child is already a blessing.
She has worn the finest silk in her closet, the most expensive luxurious make up exported from China, she’s ready to see him, since she found out she was pregnant she has found herself missing him even more, she had actually found out about her pregnancy a few days before he had to leave for the campaign, but she just decided not to tell him.
She was scared and not ready.
And now, even though he was ecstatic to know that he’s about to become a father in less than seven months, through her letter to him she hopes that seeing her, will make him happy.
“Your majesty, please be relaxed. I just found out from the Eunuch, his imperial Majesty’s caravan has been spotted near the border… his arrival at the capital should be in less than an hour.”
Her smile widens, she’s so excited to see her husband-he’s the only man she’s ever loved, and she knows that deep down he loves her too. He loves her way too much.
He’s so possessive, and territorial, it makes her feel special.
His love is unique, just like him.
She loves him so much.
The Queen, takes a deep breath, “Oh my sweet brave son… be patient.. I know you are so excited for your dad to meet you. He loves you so much.” She talks to her belly.
The court lady smiles, the young queen’s habit to talk to her growing stomach. Every chance she gets, of course she’s not as nervous as she was because the king was informed about her pregnancy, but..
She can’t help but feel a little weird about it.
her queen has been the happiest today, then in the past few months, and the pregnancy also hasn’t been easy on her.
She has been warned about the possibility, and dangers of a miscarriage-she’s too fragile. But queen Ayra is just so obsessed with having this baby.
So the servants have been trying their best to take care of their young queen and the heir that resides inside her body.
“Your father is going to be here soon, my little lion, be patient.”
Jung il arrives to see the person he’s been waiting to see for the longest time and that’s his wife, Ayra. He missed her so much.
He’s so excited to see her ever since he’s been informed of her pregnancy, he even brought a psychic with him to predict the gender of his child.
It’s going to be a boy he’s sure. He walks inside his queen’s chamber along with the young woman right behind him. He’s so excited to see her and know the gender.
“M-My king.” Ayra stutters. And everyone presented in her room, bow in respect to their king. Ayra gets up from her bed and surprise, bow to her king but her husband stops her.
“Don’t.” he says, in his deep, authoritative voice. His long hair makes her heart flutter because he looks even more handsome.
He’s gotten even more beautiful. “M-My king… I wasn’t aware that you were going to come here.. I..I could’ve come to you..” she can’t help with her because he makes her so nervous.
The 23 year-old smiles in adoration. he looks at his wife for a moment and then he gaze settles on her stomach.
“I have brought someone with me-even though it’s too early to tell the gender, but I couldn’t help myself.” he says, “everyone out.”
Ayra feels a little heartbroken that he didn’t even greet her properly, and what is he talking about? She’s so confused right now.
Her husband never fails to surprise her.
“ my love, meet Isuel. She’s a psychic. She is someone from governor Mins clan- I got to know about her when we were doing the campaign.. so I brought her here with me. She will be predicting our babys gender.”
She has heard a lot about this young woman. Ayra finally opens her mouth to say something. “U-Uh how is even possible my Lord? I’m barely 4 months..” she says but deep down she knows that it’s no use.
He will get what he wants.
Ayra sighs, her husband stern gaze back on her face, makes her even more nervous.
So she takes a deep breath, and Isuel asks for the permission. “May I? My queen.” The woman with maroon hair asks. Ayra feels so suffocated right now.
What if it’s a girl?
“Yes you may.” She allows the woman and the woman wastes no time to settle her hand on the queen belly after she’s standing right face-to-face with her.
She closes her eyes and the queen and her king watch in anticipation, Jung is standing near the door. Ayra wishes that he would come closer.
She feels so weird having this woman’s hands on her barely swollen belly.
A few minutes past and the woman’s eyes are still close like she is seeing something the others can’t.
“congratulation, my king and queen- it’s a girl.”
Shivers go down her spine, Ayras hazel eyes widen in surprise, Jung il, she watches her husband’s face, go from happy to angry all of a sudden just like that by the passing second.
Fear settles in the pit of her stomach.
“what the fuck are you talking about woman? THAT’S MY SON.” He growls, finally taking steps towards his wife, but now she’s so terrified.
“IT CAN’T BE A GIRL.” He exclaims loudly. He’s scaring her right now.
“Y-Your Majesty, my visions never lie… I see a cute little girl.” Isuel shakes her head.
Ayra feels so terrified right now.
She knows her husband never wanted a girl.
“ SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH. And get lost!” He grabs his sword and that’s enough to make Isuel almost run out of the room.
Ayra tries to comprehend what is happening because her husband looks like he will murder anybody in front of him and that’s terrifying to know because..
Ayra is standing right in front of him.
“J-Jung il… please.”
“HOW COULD YOU GIVE BIRTH TO A GIRL WHEN IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE A BOY?” Her heartbeat quickens, and she already feels lightheaded.
Tears gather up inside her orbs, and she’s going to cry. His screams of anger have always terrified her.
“I wanted a Son, but you could not give me it- AYRA HOW COULD YOU DISAPPOINT ME LIKE THIS?” The 21 year old girl starts to shake.
Her husband looks crazy right now.
“I…I…” she feels pain in her stomach- it’s getting sharper, so she winces. Almost falling.
“ STANDSTILL RIGHT NOW.” His voice blooms all over the chamber walls. Even though the chamber is so large she feels like it’s closing on her.
“I DO NOT WANT A DAUGHTER I WANT A SON” she lets out a painful sob.
She could not stress right now, the doctor is warned her but her mind will explode with the pain and she’s feeling in her stomach.
“A-Ah please J-Jung il it hurts….” She begs. Falling onto her bed. Jung il doesn’t care one bit because as always, he thinks that she’s just trying to get his pity.
She’s such a crybaby. “SHUT YOUR MOUTH. I DON’T WANT TO SEE YOU.” Ayra cries out again, all of a sudden her stomach hurts like never before.
“P-Please stop screaming.” she’s so scared of his temper. What she wanted to happen just happened right in front of her eyes.
Jung il scoffs before storming out- not looking at his wife, who was wincing in pain crying out for him.
As she watches her husband leave, something wet starts to drip down her legs. She closes her eyes in defeat. Her head is spinning, she swipes her fingers down her legs.
And then she opens her teary eyes to see her fingers have blood.
she’s bleeding.
It’s over.
And just like that, her vision goes black.
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