#actually over the course of having this in my drafts i got Sick so i very much do not have the energy to keep writing before we pass the
peridots-pixiwolf · 1 year
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[Start ID. A digital drawing of the Artificer from Rain World. They're in midair, black smoke curling around them after two explosive leaps, tossing a spear at one of the two Scavengers on the faraway ground and readying a grenade with their other hand. She's snarling with her mouth wide open, exhaling short puffs of smoke, its throat glows. Scars litter its body, shrapnel and burns and nicks from spears, hands darkened from throwing bombs. The background is solid-color, dull red, but there's a ladder and scattered spears and rubbish in the distance The drawing is completely taken up by a first-level karma symbol, which casts a bright, gold light upon the parts of the image it overlays. End ID.]
started Arti's campaign on April 25 and was immediately enamored > ended Arti's campaign on May 5 and decided to finish this up about it
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erensangel444 · 11 months
hey this had been playing on my mind so i was wondering if i could request a eren x fem reader. so what do you think about a scenario where eren is tutoring the girl and she is sitting on his lap while they study but she accidentally keeps shifting around and he gets hard and then things progress from there …
anonnie. you're killing me. tutor eren = my dream man
okay lemme stop losing my mind n here you go....
content warnings: unprotected sex(WRAP IT BEFORE U TAP IT!!!), degradation, praise, choking, creampie.
word count: 6.2k
edit: so this actually turned into a whole fic ummmm my bad. i heard tutor eren and got a little carried away.....
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if anyone asked you, chemistry was the thing you hated most in this world. frankly, in your opinion, it was unnecessary and it made no sense! no matter how much you studied, the material seemed like another language to you.
inevitably, and much to your dismay, you were forced to get a tutor. you had never struggled so much in a subject before, so this was a first to you.
you needed a tutoring session as soon as possible, hoping to boost your grade in the class. when you had gotten the notification on your school email that you were assigned a tutor, you quickly opened it.
to: y/n5411@edu
from: chemistrydepartment@edu
Thank you for contacting us about enrolling with a tutor. This email is meant to notify you of your assigned tutor and provide you with their contact information. If you have any questions or are unable to view any contents of this email, please email us back or contact this number 913-470-8999. If you have any trouble getting in contact with your tutor, please also refer to the contact information just stated. Thank you!
URL to tutor information
you quickly opened the url, navigating the chemistry department website. once you logged in, your eyes widened when you read the name.
Tutor: Eren Jaeger
Contact Information: Phone - 913-875-9022
Email - erenjaeger4113@edu
this was just your luck. of course your tutor was the TA that you couldn't take your eyes off of when you were in class.
eren was a TA for your class section, so you saw him every monday, wednesday, and friday. for some reason, those were always the days you decided to ditch the sweatpants and put on light makeup.
eren was....hard not to notice. with his height and sea-green eyes, you couldn't help but glance over at him about 100 times throughout each class.
maybe that's why you were failing chemistry.
if he was your tutor, how were you meant to focus? you were convinced the universe was playing some sort of sick joke on you. either way, you had no choice but to play with the cards you were dealt. your next exam was at the end of this week, and there was no way they'd assign you a new tutor before then.
also, what reason were you meant to give them? you couldn't exactly send the chemistry department an email saying you had the hots for the tutor they assigned you, so you needed a new one.
you decided you could be civil enough to control yourself, and really focus on the material. you were here to get your degree, not to get heart eyes over some stupid boy.
you quickly drafted an email to eren,
to: erenjaeger4113@edu
from: y/n5411@edu
Hi Eren, my name is Y/N L/N. You were assigned as my tutor for chemistry 110, and I was wondering if you'd be open to go over material sometime this week? I'm really hoping to clarify some of the content before the exam on Friday, so it'd be great if you'd be free for a tutoring session. If not, I completely understand. Either way, thank you so much and have a great rest of your night.
you sent the email before you could stop yourself, and quickly shut your laptop. god, what were you getting yourself into?
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when you had woken up next morning, eren had emailed you back.
to: y/n5411@edu
from: erenjaeger4113@edu
Hi Y/N! I'm actually free tonight at 6 if that works for you? Would you be okay with meeting at my dorm? I live in Mckee Hall. We can study in the common room. You can come with some example questions of what's been confusing you. Take some practice problems from the lecture slides that you didn't understand and we'll work through them together. Let me know if tonight works. Have a great rest of your day!
Sincerely, Eren Jaeger
you had to stop yourself from blushing at his message. he was simply being polite and doing his job but for some reason you were smiling. you quickly drafted a reply thanking him and letting him know that tonight works and you'd see him then.
you shook your head, chastising yourself for getting all worked-up from a simple message. you closed your laptop and got ready for the day.
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you don't know why you were so nervous. it was 6pm, exactly, and you were standing outside the main door of Mckee Hall, where eren had told you to meet him.
the door opened, and there he was, a pretty smile on his face. "y/n, right?"
you nodded your head, unable to form words. eren had on a simple brown sweater with a white shirt underneath, and khaki pants. his hair was done up in a half up, half down style, a bun tied at the back of his head.
"here, come on in, s'cold," he said, holding the door open for you. you thanked him, walking inside. eren led you to the study room, asking if you were able to find the dorm alright, to which you said yes. you thanked him for "being able to schedule so soon," to which eren smiled, saying it was no problem.
once the two of you were settled in to the study room, eren asked if you had gone through the lecture slides. you stuttered out a "y-yeah," pulling your notebook out of your backpack, opening up to the page where you had written down the problems.
eren stood up abruptly, startling you slightly. he laughed softly, grabbing his chair and moving it to your side of the table, directly next to yours. "sorry, just thought it'd be easier if we were next to each other," he spoke, looking right at you, "is that alright?"
"yeah s'alright m-makes sense," you said, smiling softly before looking back down at your notebook. your cheeks felt so hot, and you felt embarrassed getting nervous simply due to his proximity.
as he got closer, a vanilla, woody scent waved by your nose. it must be his cologne. god, he was pretty, he could dress, and he smelt good! how were you supposed to focus for the next two hours?
"mmkay," eren mumbled, looking at your notebook, "you have really nice handwriting," he said, smiling over at you. you gave him a quiet, "thank you," as eren read the first problem.
"okay, okay, so walk me through this first one. how would you start it?"
you grabbed your pencil and started by writing out the variables you knew, "mhm, good," eren assured you as you continued. you made a mishap with your first calculation, and eren stopped you.
"okay, hold on," he said softly. "d'you mind if i steal your pencil real fast?" he asked. "oh-oh! yeah yeah of course," eren laughed at you softly. your fingers brushed his as you handed him the pencil, and you swear your heart skipped a beat.
"okay so when we have heating curves like this one, it's important to recognize which equation we need to use." you nodded your head.
"you already started off really well, by writing what variables you have, that was really really great," he said smiling. you swear your cheeks were growing hotter by the second.
"so there's 3 possible equations we can use and we can find the right one based on the variables we know we have. first, deltaH minus the specific heat capacity...."
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the two hours with eren seemed to go by in minutes. you were surprised that you were actually seeming to grasp some of the content. it helped how encouraging eren was, smiling and praising what you did correctly, and helping you re-route when you did something wrong.
he actually cheered when you did the last question correctly without any help from him, getting a "shh!" from another person in the study lounge. you giggled softly at his embarrassed face.
as you began to pack up, eren's voice caused your ears to perk up, "did you want to meet again this week to go over the study guide? and i can help with any questions you have as you work through it."
"u-uhm, yeah! that would be great, thank you so much," you smiled at him, eren returning an even bigger smile.
"does tuesday at 7 work?" eren asked, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. "that's perfect," you said, zipping yours closed. "o-okay, i'll see you then," he said, an almost shy demeanor taking over. "see you then," you copied, eren grinning at that. he held open the study lounge door for you, letting you walk out first.
you both paused, "well, uhm, thank you again, eren, this was really helpful,"
"of course, anytime, and i'll see you on tuesday," eren said. "tuesday," you smiled. "tuesday." eren said in a joking-serious tone causing you to giggle softly, his grin widening at the sound.
you started to walk away, giving eren a quick wave. eren gave you one back, smiling before he turned to walk up the staircase.
you couldn't help but grin the whole walk home.
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tuesday came, and at exactly 6:58pm you were walking towards the main door of Mckee Hall, surprised to see eren sitting outside on the bench, waiting for you.
he looked up from his phone, smiling when he saw you. he stood up, putting his hands in his pockets, "hey," he said softly, "hi," you said back, in the same tone.
"ready to get your chemistry on?" eren joked, causing you to laugh softly. "please never ever say that again," you joked, eren giggling.
eren scanned his id card to get the two of you into the building, holding the door open for you.
it was cute that he had waited outside for you, backpack on and everything. the two of you walked to the study room, eren asking about how your day had been.
your conversation came to an abrupt end when the two of you entered the study room, to see there were no tables open. you looked at each other with a sort of "what now?" look.
eren's cheeks flushed slightly pink, "well uhm, w-we could study up in my room, o-only if you want! i-i just figured since we're already here, and like if you don't want to that's completely okay because.." he began to ramble on, unable to hear your "eren," as you smiled. "i-i only suggested it because the lounge s'full, n like n-no funny business or anything, like obviously! and i uh..." you began to laugh, eren's rambling coming to a pause as he looked over at you.
he smiled, thinking to himself how pretty you were when you laughed. "eren," you said, once you had caught your breath, still smiling. "i'm more than okay with studying in your room"
"yeah?" he asked, his cheeks still a pretty pink. "yeah," you smiled, eren smiling softly before looking down at his shoes.
"u-uhm okay, alright, follow me," he said, leading you out of the study lounge and up to his room.
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eren's room was nothing like you expected. being in his room let you take a little peek inside his brain. in looking at eren, you wouldn't expect it, but he was actually quite the nerd.
the top of his desk was lined with books, and funko pops from different animes. you smiled softly at the little nanami kento funko pop.
his walls were lined with posters and canvases. "you watch cowboy bebop?" you said, smiling at the poster.
"yeah, s'one of my favorites," he said. "me too," you replied turning to look at him with a soft smile.
eren watched as you explored his room, smiling at the way you were so intrigued. "these canvases," you started, "did you paint these?"
"uhm yeah," he said, coming to stand next to you, "my mom's actually an artist, so i kinda get it from her i guess."
"they're beautiful, eren," you complimented, eren trying to stop his cheeks from getting any redder.
eventually after you had your fill, you had asked eren where you should sit. "uhm, you can take my bed, o-or the desk if you want! whichever one you prefer."
you plopped up on his bed, eren laughing softly at your jump. he grabbed your backpack for you, setting it next to you on the bed. "thank you," you said, eren smiling at you with a "mhm".
eventually, the two of you had gotten into the content of the study guide, eren helping you work through problems you were confused on, and explaining them to you.
at around 10pm, you guys had finished the study guide. "eren, i actually understand chemistry, it's a miracle," you joked, eren laughing softly. "seriously though," you continued, "thank you, you don't understand how big of a help you've been."
"well, you're a great student so s'not hard," eren smiled, and there came that fluttering feeling in your stomach again.
"have you eaten?" eren asked, catching you off guard. "i-i just realized, we kinda spent dinner time studying, and i was gonna go down to the kitchen n make some mac n cheese if, uh, if you want some?"
"y-yeah, i could go for some mac n' cheese."
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"i'm convinced you're gordon ramsey or some shit," you said as you took another bite of mac n cheese. eren laughed, "don't boost my ego like that."
as the two of you ate, you continued to converse about random things. the conversation initially started with you asking eren what his major was, which you found out, was biology. you laughed asking him why he TA'd for chemistry and not biology, and eren was quick to joke,
"i guess i'm just that multi-faceted, you know it's a struggle just having so much genius in my head," "oh shut up," you giggled, eren smiling over at you.
the conversation eventually drifted into anime, which the two of you bonded over. you were ranting about jujutsu kaisen,
"and i just don't get how people are complaining about this season's animation! like i'd like to see you do it, mr. i live in my mom's basement," eren snorted at that, causing you to laugh loudly.
it was a dinner filled with laughs and smiles, and that warm feeling in both of your chests that just would not go away.
and to be honest, neither of you wanted to let go of that feeling.
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since eren was a TA, he was also a proctor for the exams. he smiled when you came to the front to grab your scantron. he handed it to you, with a soft whisper of, "you're gonna do great, don't stress."
you smiled at him, walking back to your seat. and for the first time this year, the questions on your exam didn't look like a child's scribbling. you still struggled on some questions, but you mostly understood what you were doing.
for once, you finished the exam with a feeling of hope instead of impending doom.
and when you got your score back the next day, you had gotten an 85!
your first thought was that you couldn't wait to tell eren.
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"an 85!" he yelped. you nodded, biting your lip with a big smile. "holy shit, y/n!" he cheered, his arms wrapping around you in a big hug.
it caught you off guard, but you quickly melted into his embrace, hugging him back. after 10 seconds, eren pulled away, awkwardly putting his hands at his side.
"s-sorry!" he apologized, "just got really excited," he said softly, his cheeks that pretty shade of pink that they often turned.
"s'okay," you smiled, "thank you," was all you could say.
"i'm....i'm really proud of you," eren said softly.
that sentence had you on top of the world.
" i couldn't of done it without you, eren."
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december had quickly approached, and with it so had snowstorms and finals week. eren had continued to tutoring you, helping you cover content that had confused you during lectures, and providing you with weekly quizzes to help test your knowledge on each chapter.
now that finals week was here, you and eren had been in cram-mode. eren was intent on helping you ace this final, and he knew you could do it.
the two of you were in his room, as you usually were. after that first study session in his room, you asked eren if you guys could keep studying in his room. you said, "s'just nice in there. feels comfortable, i think it helps me focus," and who was he to say no?
if anything, the image of you on his bed, pencil in between your teeth was more than enough motivation for you guys to have your study sessions in his dorm room.
like now, you were sitting on his bed, in spandex and a big T-shirt. you had came in sweats and a sweatshirt, with your big winter coat over you.
when you had asked eren if you could take your sweats off, he was at a loss for words, just looking at you with wide eyes. "i-i have shorts on underneath," you promised, eren sputtering out words, "uhm, uh yeah, of course! s-sorry,"
when you had said shorts, eren wasn't expecting spandex that clung to your figure. he was trying his best to respectful, but, oh my god, he couldn't take his eyes off you.
and then your sweatshirt came off, revealing your big T-shirt, and he couldn't help but imagine how you'd look in one of his shirts. how you'd put it on in the morning, and the way it would drape over your figure. that combined with the image of you sat atop his bed, had him shifting in his pants.
he was doing his best to not pop a boner right now.
regardless, he was here to help you study! and that's what he was trying to do, but...you seemed distracted. your pencil was between your teeth as usual, but your eyes were glazed over with something he had never seen in you before.
you hadn't written anything in your notebook for the past 5 minutes. eren cleared his throat, causing you to shake your head slightly and let out a shaky breath.
"you good?" he asked, to which you gave a simple, "mhm."
eren didn't believe you.
"c'mere," he said, causing you to look at him, with raised eyebrows. "y/n, c'mere," he repeated. you listened, getting down from the bed.
he pushed the chair he was sitting in back from the desk slightly, "sit," was all he said. "h-huh?" you spoke softly, trying to stop your thighs from clenching together.
"y/n, you seem distracted up on the bed, so just sit n' i'll keep you focused. you can't do good on the exam if you spend our whole study session chewing on your pencil."
your cheeks were getting hotter, "o-okay," was all you said, sitting down on eren's lap.
eren was convinced he like to torture himself because the second you sat down on his lap, he was trying his best not to run his hand over your thighs.
eren let out a soft, shaky breath. "a-am i too heavy? m'sorry i-i can get up," you said, lifting yourself up from eren's lap. eren's hands came to your waist, pulling you back down, "mm mm s'not it, jus hot n here s'all."
"o-okay," eren stuttered, "walk me through problem 6," he said referencing to his open binder on the desk. "u-uhm" you said, your voice shaking, "so it's asking a-about dihedral angles."
you could feel yourself getting wet and you were beginning to curse yourself for wearing such thin spandex.
eren listened as you spoke, "so it's either psi, phi, or omega." "mhm, keep going," he said, voice low.
eren's eyes widened as you continued to speak. he doesn't think you notice how you're slightly rocking your hips over his lap.
fuck. he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to. his dick was starting to twitch in his pants, getting thicker as your pretty hips started to rock over him. the slightest whimpers were slipping out in between your words and eren swears he must of died and gone to heaven.
was it okay to put his hands on you now? could he? god, he wanted to so badly. would you be okay with it? fuck, if the way you were moving over his dick had anything to say about it, he thinks you'd be okay with it.
fuck it. eren brought his hands to your thigh, humming as you continued. you paused what you were saying, hips stuttering in their movements. "s'this okay?' eren asked. "y-yeah," you said, cringing at the whimper that accompanied your words.
"okay, keep working through the problem for me," eren sighed, his hands resting on your thighs. "uhm, so the psi angle is from the alpha carbon to the carbonyl carbon, and the, uhm.." you words began to drift off as eren's hands began to trace over your thighs.
"c'mon y/n, focus," eren said, resting his chin over your shoulder as he watched your hand shake as you held the pencil. "m'trying, i'm sorry," you said voice shaky, your hips still rocking over eren's lap.
"don't apologize, pretty girl. just finish the problem for me and then we can take a break," eren promised, his hands rubbing over the inside of your thighs now.
pretty girl. he was trying to kill you.
"o-okay, ren', i-i'll focus," you said softly. "u-uhm this angle, though, is from the alpha carbon to the nitrogen, w-which would uhm," eren's fingers were lightly rubbing over your clit through your spandex.
"c'mon baby spit it out. what would it be, you're s'close," eren hummed softly. "i-it would be t-the phi angle, p-please eren,"
eren was grinning at how desperate you had gotten, your hips were rocking with fervor now, and you had thrown your head back to rest on his shoulder, leaning your body into his as he rubbed over your clit.
"mmm good job, baby, so smart, hmm?" eren's dick was throbbing, you just looked so pretty for him. he couldn't take his eyes off of your face, the way your eyebrows scrunched together, your pretty lips open in an o-shape.
"c'mon baby tell me how smart you are," eren said, rubbing over your clit more intensely now. "i-i'm smart," you said breathlessly, rocking your hips into eren's hand. "yeah you are, angel," eren said, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder.
"n i think you deserve something for being so good, huh? whaddya' think?" "yes, yes, please ren', need it," you whined.
eren laughed at you softly, removing his hand from over your clit, and tapping at your thigh, "stand up, baby," he said lowly.
you whimpered at the loss of his touch, but listened nonetheless, standing up and turning around to face him. eren sat up straight, bringing his hands to your thighs once more. "so, so pretty," he murmured to himself. "wanna take this off for me, angel?" eren said, tugging at your shirt. "mhm," you hummed, lifting your shirt over your head.
"fuck me," eren sighed. you had on a pretty, lacy pink bra. eren was convinced he was the luckiest man on earth. "shorts too, baby," he said, and you were more than happy to oblige.
eren swore his heart was going to beat out of his chest. pretty pink underwear with a little bow in the middle. you were pure perfection. "oh my god, c'mere," he said pulling at your waist, having you straddle him. you giggled as he pulled you on top of him, the both of you smiling at one another.
your hands looped around his neck, and eren's hand came up to your face softly stroking your cheek. "you're so pretty, y'know that?" he said, his eyes entrapped with yours.
you couldn't take the attention, looking down. "mm mm, look at me," he said, his hand falling to your chin to force your eyes back on his. "so so pretty," he repeated, pulling you in for a kiss.
it was everything you had imagined and more. the way eren's lips moved against yours had your hips rocking in his lap once more. the soft sounds the both of you were making being muffled by the other's lips.
eren's tongue slipped in to your mouth, brushing against yours. eren pulled away, lips slick with spit. you were breathing heavily, pouting as you looked at eren.
"w-wanna see you too," you said, your hand bunched into his shirt. eren smiled at you, "yeah? help me take it off.""
your hands came to the bottom of his shirt lifting it up, eren grabbed at the neckline of his shirt to pull it over his head, but not before it got stuck slightly, causing the two of you to laugh.
he finally got it off, grinning at your pretty smile. your hands came to trace over his abs, looking back up at him and back down at them.
"let's get on the bed, hmm?" eren said, his hand coming back to rub softly at your cheek. you looked up at him, nodding. eren wrapped his arm around you, standing up. eren tossed you softly on to the bed, before joining you atop it.
you were laying down, head propped up on his pillow. eren hovered over you, leaning down for a kiss. what started off soft and slow, quickly became more desperate.
eren's hands were running over your body, yours arching into his. he took the chance to reach for the clasp of your bra and undo it. after feeling it come undone, you slid the straps over your arms and let it fall down slightly.
eren pulled away from your lips, grabbing your bra and tossing it down onto the floor. he looked down at your breasts, moaning at the sight. your nipples were stiff from the cold air.
eren didn't know what he wanted to do first, but he knew he had to have his lips on you. he kissed you once more, moving to your cheek, then your neck. he kissed down your shoulder, to your collarbone, finally landing one on your breasts.
he looked up at you before sucking a nipple into his mouth, evoking a soft whimper from you. his right hand began to tweak at your other nipple, rubbing the bud between his fingers, pinching and twisting softly.
he loved how reactive you were, the way you moaned and whimpered at each touch. he needed to taste you.
eren kissed down your stomach, right to the bow on your panties. his hands came to the hem of your panties as he looked up at you. "s'this okay?" he asked, wanting to make sure you were comfortable.
"s'more than okay, please touch me," you begged so sweetly, eren couldn't help but smile. he landed one more kiss right below your belly button before pulling your panties down your legs.
your panties were left dangling around your left foot as eren spread your thighs apart. you were dripping, your arousal evident as he took his fingers and spread you apart.
you were hiding your face in your hands when eren looked up at you. "getting shy on me now?" he asked, voice low. "there's no reason to be," he said, breathless as he watched you clench around nothing.
"s'so perfect," he muttered, before landing a kiss on your clit. his lips quickly wrapped around your clit, suckling softly at the bundle of nerves.
you were a mess, legs kicking, thighs trying to shut close around eren's head. he just put a hand around each thigh, and kept you spread open for him.
"ren', ren!" you whine, sounding like a broken record. eren was in heaven. there's no way he was letting you go anywhere after this.
he brought a finger down to your entrance, softly licking at your clit as he slid it in. his finger was reaching depths that yours never could. he curled it slightly, feeling that gummy, sensitive spot that had you losing your mind.
your hips bucked when he first touched it, eren laughing softly at your reaction. he continued to push his fingers against that spot, and you were going dumb, whining absolute nonsense, "mm oh my! oh e-eren oh fff-please!"
eren needed you to cum on his face, needed to see how pretty you looked when you reached your peak. he hadn't taken his eyes off of your face as he analyzed your every reaction and expression.
"r-ren', i-i'm gonna! gonna-oh!" you were trying to tell him you were close. eren understood, and sucked at your clit even harder, lightly grazing his teeth against it. you were so loud, he knows his dorm neighbors probably hated him.
"c'mon baby," he said, words muffled by his face pressed into your clit. your hips were grinding into his face now, your hands coming down to grab onto his hair. eren moaned at the feeling, the vibrations making you haywire.
you were so, so, so close, and with one final press of his fingers, your orgasm was washing over you, juices pooling out of you and into eren's mouth.
"mmmm" he hummed as he worked you through it. eren pulled away, his chin wet with your arousal. "ren', p-please kiss me," you said softly, your hands coming to his cheek as you pulled him up towards you.
his lips were on yours once more and you could taste yourself on his lips. "taste s'good, huh?" eren grinned at you. "w-wanna make you feel good, too," you said, your hand coming down to softly palm at eren's cock through his boxers.
"oh, fuck," he sighed, his forehead resting against yours. " can i, ren?" you asked so sweetly, your eyes boring into his. "y-yeah," he choked out.
you told him to sit back as you two swapped positions.
you were on your knees in front of eren, who had spread his legs enough to make room for you in between them. you pulled his boxers down along with his shorts, eren helping as he lifted himself off the bed so you could get them off.
his cock sprung out, hitting his stomach softly. he was so big, your mouth started to water. the tip was a blush red, his cock curved slightly. he was so thick, you didn't know how he was going to fit inside of you.
the second you wrapped your hand around his cock, eren was a goner. he was watching you so intently, and when your pretty lips opened to take his tip into your mouth, eren threw his head back with a soft groan.
he looked back down, watching as you sucked softly on the tip. when your eyes looked up to stare into his, eren whimpered. "d-doing so good, baby," he praised you, his hand coming to softly rest on your head.
you took his cock out of your mouth, looking up at him ever-so-innocently, "what do you wanna do to me, ren?"
you were stroking his cock, the pre-cum leaking from his tip helping you as your hand slip up and down. "f-fuck, oh my god," he whined.
"want you to use me however you want," you said, your pretty voice sweet and soft. "f-fuck, however i want?" eren said, voice breaking.
god, what were you doing to him?
"mhm," you hummed, kissing the tip softly. "c'mon ren," you pouted, "don't you wanna use my throat?" eren groaned, both of his hands coming down to rest on your cheeks now. "f-fuck, c'mon open up," he ordered, the change in his tone making your clit throb.
eren's hands move to your hair, wrapping around it. you opened your mouth, lips around eren's cock once more. "yeah just like that," eren said as he pushed your head down softly, forcing more of his cock down your throat.
"god, you take it so good," he sighed, his hips bucking at the feeling. you gagged softly, eren groaning at the feeling before pulling you off his cock.
you were breathing heavily, eyes watering slightly as you looked up at eren. "m-more, please," you whined, eren's thumb coming to play with your bottom lip.
"you're such a slut for it, hmm?" he said, his words causing you to whimper. "you like that too, don't you?" he spoke, voice gravely as he stared down at you.
"wanna be a good slut for me, yeah?" he asked, to which you nodded. eren softly slapped your cheek, "c'mon use your words for me,"
"y-yes eren wanna be your good slut."
eren was smirking down at you now, "then be good n choke on it," he said, bringing you back down to his cock. eren was moaning as you took him deeper, his hips bucking.
"f-fuck, oh y/n," he sighed, his hands falling from your hair. you took the chance to wrap your hand around his cock, stroking and sucking at the same time.
eren thinks he was starting to lose his mind. "g-god baby! go-gotta stop m' gonna cum," he was saying, his voice breaking in between the words.
you took his cock out of your mouth, still stroking him slowly. you looked up at him, smiling, and eren knew that image would forever be engrained in his brain.
"baby c'mere," he said, his hands coming to your cheeks as he pulled you in for a kiss. eren was smooth as he flipped your bodies over, hovering on top of you now.
"needa be inside you, pretty girl," eren said, his cock resting over your stomach. "h-hold on," he said, "i n-needa grab a condom."
your hands braced against his shoulders to stop him. "wanna feel you," you said, eren's eyes widening. "n, n i'm clean and i'm on birth control," you rationalized, as if eren needed a reason to be inside you raw.
"fuck, baby, are you sure?" "mhm," you nodded, pulling him in for a kiss. eren's hand wrapped around the base of his cock as he stroked the tip of his cock in between your folds. "f-fuck," eren moaned at the feeling of your wetness coating his tip.
every time his tip nudged your clit, you jolted, causing eren to smile devilishly. eren brought the tip down to your entrance, softly pushing inside. when the tip slipped in the both of you let out a soft sigh.
as eren pushed further in, you were whining. there was so much of him, so much to take. "you can do it, pretty girl," eren said softly, slowing pressing himself in further and further.
when he was fully inside, he just sat there, giving you a moment to adjust. he watched your face scrunch, getting used to the feeling of him inside of you.
he watched as your facial expression then relaxed, eyes opening to look at him. "s-so full," you whimpered, "p-please move," you whined, eager to feel eren more.
eren was quick to listen, pulling out till just the tip was in before thrusting back inside of you roughly. you both were reeling at the feeling, you from how deep eren was hitting, and eren from how wet and warm you felt around him.
"f-fuck, such a good fucking girl," eren moaned, his hand drifting up to rest on your neck. you took your hand and wrapped it around his rest, signaling you wanted more.
eren just grinned down at you before wrapping his hand around your neck. he couldn't help but think how pretty you looked being fucked stupid.
"god, the way you're squeezing around me baby, trying to milk me for all m'worth huh?" eren groaned. your legs were wrapped around him tight now, not wanting to let him go.
"please, please ren' want you to cum, w-want you to fill me up," you begged. if eren thought he was close before, he was right on the edge now, his hips stuttering as he spoke, "f-fuck, you want it inside?" eren asked, his eyes raking over your body, hand still wrapped around your pretty neck.
"p-please!" you whined, eren thrusting even faster now. "fuck, gotta cum for me then angel," eren said, taking his hand that was wrapped around your neck and bringing it down to your clit, his thumb rubbing circles on the bundle.
"f-fuck ren!" you were moaning loudly now, hips having a mind of their own, your wetness creating a squelching sound with each of eren's thrust.
"that's it baby, c'mon cum for me," eren was moaning too, so close, but he needed you to cum first. "show me how good you are," eren groaned, that being the final thing to tip you over the edge.
your orgasm triggered eren's, his warm cum filling you up as he moaned your name loudly, hips stuttering as pumped you full. "f-fuck" he sighed, as he came down from his high, looking down at your dazed-out expression.
"did so good for me baby," he said softly, pulling out of you. "t-thank you, ren," you said, your voice so soft.
"think after a shower n some food you'll be able to focus now?" eren joked. "mmm, i don't know," you said, turning to him with a smile, "think you may have to help me focus again."
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thank you for reading! i sincerely hope you enjoyed the fic<333
also for anyone who's watched the finale can we talk about cabin eren. oh my lawd i am feral over him!!!
if you would like to, reblog or leave comment if you liked the fic! my requests are also open:D
also if there are any spelling/grammar errors, let me know!
sending you all lots of love, and happiness - angel (*o*)
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halohalona · 1 month
Letting Go
Old memories resurface so Logan reminds you who is truly there for you.
Logan Howlett x Reader
a/n: the fics I'm starting to write are getting more and more self indulgent and the situations are getting hyper-specific. Not only do I want to be with Logan, on so many different levels, he's also become such a comfort character to me (or maybe it's just hugh jackman idk). ANYWAY, this has been sitting in my drafts for a while now so enjoy the short fic
warnings/tags: more emotional hurt/comfort, Logan is probably a little or a lot ooc here, I wanna specify this is the movie logan and not the comics, betrayal? idk, I probably forgot a few details about Wolverine here
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Logan noticed you've been quiet recently. Not only that but you've been avoiding him. One time when you rounded a corner of the mansion's many hallways you immediately turned back the way you came when you saw him. Did he do something wrong? Every time he tried to talk to you, you would run away.
He asked Ororo if she knew what was going on but she didn't know either. He asked Jean but she didn't know anything either, but he did find out that you've been avoiding everyone. Scott, Ororo, Jean, Hank— not just him. It even came to the point where he asked the professor himself and all he said was, “She needs her space.”
He was at the library looking for a specific textbook he needed for his next class when he heard sniffling from a secluded corner of the library— your corner. You told him once that you've pretty much claimed that part of the library for yourself since it was secluded and quiet enough that no one would bother you as you worked.
He slowly and quietly walked over. Sure enough you were there. Your laptop was in front of you, folders neatly stacked around you on the table, and your bag placed on the side facing the main library, likely to hide your face.
He sat in front of you, gently moving the folders to the side before speaking.
“Hey.” he said softly.
You jumped and quickly wiped your face but your head was still down. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard you crying, of course I'm gonna go check on you. You've been avoiding me all week. Something's going on, and as your boyfriend I want to know.”
You don't say anything.
“Is this about Eve?”
He leans back on the chair crossing his arms. “You know that was years ago right?”
Eve was a close friend of yours. You both have been friends for almost two years back in high school. She was someone who stood by you through your toughest times, and at the time there was a lot, specially since that was same point in your life your mutation decided manifest. But then you guess they got sick and tired of having to deal with what you were going through with you because one day you learned from your best friend, who was a mutual friend of yours, that she planned on cutting you off. You don't remember exactly what she said but one thing was clear to you, she no longer wanted any relationship with you, not even an acquaintance. What stuck with you was the promise she made a year prior: “If you think I'm gonna leave you, I won't,” which ended up being a lie.
It's been years, you know that it's time to move on, but every now and then it haunts you. You've been keeping people at arms length since then, not sharing much about yourself aside from the basics: name, age, and what you like to do in your free time. Although you've opened up a bit when you started dating Logan, you've share a few things about Eve, but you still hold back in fear of the whole thing to happen again.
“You have to let it go. I'm not saying this to be dismissive, I'm saying it because holding on to it will prevent you from finding people who actually care for you.” he unfolds his arms and leans on the table closer to you. “Like I've said before, if she was able to let you go so easily, then maybe she wasn't a good friend to begin with.”
He walks over to your side of the table and kneels beside you. Gently, he places his hand on the side of your face lifting it up to make you look at him.
“I know it hurts to be abandoned by someone you cared for deeply, but dwelling on what happened won't bring them back. It's time for you to focus on the people who genuinely care about you. Ororo, Jean, Hank, Scott, pretty much everyone in the mansion, and of course me.”
Your eyes start to well up again, a couple tears escape, sliding down your cheek. Logan gently brushes them away.
“I know she's told you this but when I say I won't leave you, no matter how hard things get, I mean it. I love you and I care for you, remember that.”
You look into his eyes for any sign of deceit and seeing none, he genuinely means it. So for the first time in years, you trust those words. You lean your forehead on his “I believe you. And thank you.” you whisper.
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ellephlox · 2 years
Summary: You get sick and refuse to let Matt help you because you don’t want him to get sick, too — the question is, how long can you keep him away?
Pairing: Matt x fem!reader
Warnings: Some gross pneumonia descriptions, light swearing, nothing else!
A/N: So I’ve been away for awhile, and I’m really sorry about that. I’ve been trying to write my own book and I finished the second draft, so taking the time for fan fiction has been on the back burner lately. But of course with the RETURN OF OUR BELOVED KING on She-Hulk, I had to take the time to write something because IM STILL FREAKING OUT GUYS MATT IS BACK AND HES SO AMAZING AND HOT AND ALLSKJF LSDKFJLSKDJFLSDK
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You felt the chest pain on your way home from work — the kind that arrived out of nowhere, as though it dropped from the sky into your lungs, and seriously made you wonder how colds were able to work that quickly. 
Of course, maybe it wasn’t a cold. You kept your hopes up as you cooked dinner, testing your chest a few times with a few large intakes of breath, but each time was the same result: a small tickle in the back, like a little voice saying, Hey, I’m here, and you’re going to be miserable for the next couple of days! 
Which really stunk, if you were being honest. It was getting towards mid-October and you were hoping to carve pumpkins with Matt or do some other corny autumn activity that every other normal couple did in the city. Not that you two weren’t normal. But other couples didn’t really have to contend with the whole I’ll-see-you-later-honey-after-I-beat-up-some-bad-guys-tonight, and you figured it must make movie nights a lot more frequent for most people than it did for you and Matt. That was another thing on your list, too — watching a horror movie to get into the Halloween spirit. 
“I’m not into horror movies,” Matt had said when you’d pitched the idea to him. “Audio commentary kind of kills the whole scary aspect.”
“Then you’re watching the wrong movies. I don’t mean movies with gallons of blood and cheap jump scares. I mean psychological horrors, the kinds that make you stay awake at night because they’re that freaky. We’re doing it, Murdock, whether you want to or not.”
Whether you want to or not, however, didn’t include the extenuating circumstances of getting sick.
It took longer than usual to get up the stairs to your apartment. You felt so drained that you wouldn’t have minded showering and then crashing into bed, if you weren’t hungry. The wind rattled at your windows as you cooked a big pot of rice, enough to last the next few days. You’d bought fixings yesterday to make a homemade curry with it, but one look at your pantry and you scrapped those plans in exchange for half a jar of pesto with a dubious expiration date on it. Matt wasn’t supposed to be over until after seven in the evening, thanks to the unforgiving hours of lawyering, but you called him as you stirred the pesto in with the rice. 
“I was wondering when you’d call,” he said. His voice was lighthearted. 
“Hi,” you said, as casually as possible. “How was your day?”
“I officially reduced the pile of paperwork on my desk from ten inches high to eight inches high, so I’d call it a success. You at your place?”
“Yeah. Hey, I wanted to let you know that I think I’m coming down with something, so maybe you should stay at your own place tonight.” Before Matt could ask, you added, “I’m fine. Just one of the colds that’s going around. But I’d feel horrible if you got it.”
“What about the pumpkins?”
“Pumpkins can wait. I haven’t even bought them yet.”
“Oh.” He sounded disappointed, and your stomach flipped. What a way to boost my self-esteem that he actually likes me. “How about we just don’t share sodas, then?”
You frowned. “Last time this happened, I told you to stay away from me and then you just ended up kissing me. The next day, lo and behold, you started coughing. So, no. Not happening.”
“You kissed me, if I remember correctly.”
“Excuse me? What kind of a lawyer are you? That’s gaslighting, sir.”
He continued, ignoring you. “Maybe I’ll just hear some suspicious noises coming from your apartment tonight. And then I’ll have to investigate, because it’s my civic duty as the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. And when I see a beautiful girl, sitting on the couch and pathetically eating rice and pesto alone, I’ll just have to join her. Accidentally, of course.”
“What I’m interpreting from that is that you go cuddle up with any girl that you find eating alone in her apartment.”
“What I’m interpreting is that Matt says he’s doing all these dangerous things at night but really he’s just chilling out while enjoying the lavish praise of being a local superhero,” Foggy said, his voice distant in the background. 
You snorted. “Am I on speakerphone?”
“No,” Foggy answered, sounding far too cheerful for someone working far beyond sunset. “Matt just keeps his phone volume weirdly high for someone who supposedly has super-hearing.”
“I do have super-hearing, Foggy.”
“Then how are you not shattering your eardrums? Between your phone volume and crashing at girls’ apartments to eat rice and pesto, I’m really doubting this whole Daredevil façade,” Foggy said. 
“Anyway,” Matt cut in, “I’ll pop in tonight, just to bring over some food and meds. Do you want anything specific?”
“Matt, really. I don’t want you catching this. And it’s late, you should get home and actually get some sleep for once. I’m fine, it just feels like a cold.” You would have elaborated, but your chest decided to seize at that moment, and you had to trail off quickly before it became apparent in your voice. 
He sort of listened to you that night. He had swung by (through the window? Or with the spare key you’d given him? There was no way to know) and dropped off food, but it was while you were asleep, and it looked as though he’d only gone into the kitchen then left. 
You’d only found the food when you wandered in blearily at three in the morning, sweating and freezing at the same time. There was no point for the thermometer; a fever was obvious and you didn’t particularly care what the number was. The cough was worse, though. It made it hard to fall back asleep — every few seconds you’d feel as though your lungs were spasming, and the back of your throat felt as though it had been bitten by fire ants. 
Sirens rang in the distance. You hoped it wasn’t for something Matt was involved in; not because you didn’t trust him to handle it, but because it was three in the morning and you’d kick his ass if he wasn’t sleeping at this point. 
Then the headache hit you. Maybe you wouldn’t be kicking his ass anytime soon. 
The pressure was enough to make you stumble into the counter as you rummaged for a glass of water. Everything about your arms felt off, as though your muscles had been crushed into powder, and you misjudged your grasp on the glass. It fell, crashing to the floor and skating outwards like a nebula of knives. Automatically you reached for the paper towels, and in your haze you stepped forward. 
Glass crunched under your foot and you swore, not at the pain but at your own stupidity. It took another half an hour to bandage up the bottom of your foot and at that point you were too exhausted to finish cleaning up the glass. 
When you woke up next, sun was filtering through your curtains and your mouth was as dry as though you’d swallowed ten cotton swabs. Dazed, you picked up your phone, and squinted at the notifications; one missed call from Matt and a followup text. Quickly you sent him an I’m okay message and then fell back onto your pillow. 
The fever felt worse. Goosebumps ran up and down your legs, but you were simultaneously sweaty under your sheets, so you threw them off to go shower. Only then did you remember the glass you’d stepped on because your foot protested angrily as soon as you placed it onto the carpet. 
Hopping was the only option remaining, and that expended just about every ounce of energy you’d garnered while sleeping, so that you just about collapsed against the bathroom wall, wheezing, by the time you’d made it. And of course that was when your phone rang, so you hopped back to your room, and barely made it in time before it went to voicemail. 
“Hello?” you croaked. 
“That’s all I need to hear. I’m coming over.”
“I... what?”
“Yeah. You sound terrible, Y/N.” Matt’s voice was overly concerned, and you didn’t like it at all; you could practically feel the pity coming off of him. At least, it felt like pity. And that wasn’t what you wanted. 
“Matt, not only will I personally make you rue the day that you step foot in here while I’m sick, but—” You broke off, coughing, and wincing at the same time because you could imagine Matt’s expression on the other end.
“I don’t like talking to you over the phone,” he said in a low voice. “I hate not hearing your heartbeat, hearing your lungs, feeling your temperature. You’re being overruled. I’m coming.”
“Don’t you have to be at the court today?”
“Not until ten.”
Defeated, you flung the phone on the other side of the room. That conversation sucked out everything you had, and you gave up on the idea of taking a shower. The bed looked much more comfortable. It didn’t help that your breaths were getting alarmingly short, and it was difficult to draw in anything more than a quick inhale. Your eyes were closed for about five seconds before they popped back open. 
Matt was coming. Damn it, damn it, damn it. You went to the windows and locked them all, then crossed to the front door. He had a spare key, but you also had a bolt, and you slid it across, feeling somewhat proud of yourself for having made the trek to the entryway. The bar is very, very low at this point. 
You’d run a marathon right now before letting Matt get anywhere near you. That resolve was the only thing penetrating the fog around your head, and you double-checked the windows again. It wasn’t as though he’d be leaping and climbing up to them, anyway; he was coming from the office, and would therefore be in his lawyer suit. With the number of people down on the streets and the broad daylight, Matt would be hard-pressed to make it up to your fire escape without the newspaper headline being BLIND ACROBAT BREAKING AND ENTERING IN HELL’S KITCHEN the next day. 
Sure enough, ten minutes later Matt was outside your door, and his sharp rap on the door did nothing to make you move. You sat at the counter, sipping on some water, and shook your head. “Nope. Not happening.”
“Y/N, I can hear the crackling in your lungs,” he said, his patience more intact than you would have expected. He thinks he’s going to win.
“My lungs aren’t crackling. They’re just... not feeling so hot.” Now overly-conscious of your breathing, you tried to make your breaths smoother and less obviously sick. 
There was a pause on the other side of the door. “You’ve got too fast of a heartbeat. Unlock the bolt or I’ll kick the door down.”
“Yeah, my heart’s racing, because there’s a man threatening to kick my door down,” you said, and feeling inspired, you clicked the on button of the remote next to you. The television flashed to life, showing the weather report, and you turned the volume up. Take that, Matt. “See? No more lung crackling or racing heartbeats.”
The only issue was that now you could hardly hear him. You barely made out his next sentence, it was so faint on the other side of the door. “I can still hear both, you know,” he said, muffled. “You know how many televisions there are in the average block of apartments that I have to filter out every single night?”
“Shit.” You shut the television off. “Listen away, then. It’s not going to change anything because I’m not letting you in.” 
“I wasn’t kidding about kicking the door down.”
"And I’m not kidding about not letting you in. Plus, you’d have some tough questions to answer when my neighbors report you for kicking down my door, Devil Man.”
“Why won’t you accept help when you need it? You really need a doctor.”
“Hypocrite,” you said under your breath, relishing the fact that he could hear you.
“I can hear you.” Just as you’d expected. “And what I do is irrelevant to the fact that you’re currently sitting in your apartment with what’s probably pneumonia.”
“Oh, it’s not pneumonia,” you said dismissively, though you felt awful enough that he was probably right. At least, your lungs seemed to concur with that diagnosis, and as if to verbally agree with him you coughed, wheezing and choking for air.  
“If I didn’t have to be at the court in half an hour, I’d go home and get into the suit just to have an excuse to come through your window right now.” Matt was pissed, that was for sure. There was a dangerous undertone to his voice, softened only by that ever-present concern in what he was saying. 
“I know, Matt.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s a lost cause, alright? Tomorrow I’ll be feeling a lot better and then maybe — maybe — I’ll let you come in. And that’s if we keep all the windows open for fresh air and—”
“Why do I smell your blood?”
You glanced down at your foot. Traitor. It had stopped bleeding ages ago, but you should’ve changed the bandage again one more time before Matt showed up. “I’m... doing acupuncture. On myself.”
“Fine. I made a blood oath and pricked my thumb to assure myself that I will never, ever let you catch a sickness from me.”
“In ten seconds this door is coming down unless you tell me. And if you could hear my heartbeat, you’d know I’m not lying.”
“Fine! I just stepped on some glass, okay? But my foot is fine, it’s seen worse days. I mean, you should’ve seen that time that I got a pedicure and the lady told me my heels were the most cracked she’d seen in a long time.” You were rambling, and that wasn’t a good idea, because it made you lose your breath and then you were gasping for air. 
After another five minutes of arguing that ended only when you swore to call the doctor if you got any worse, he left, grumbling that Foggy would kill both of you if he was late for court, and that was the only reason he was giving up — “temporarily”. 
Only when it was too late did you realize that was a mistake, and that you should have let him help.  
It was past two in the afternoon when you woke up from a nap, and every muscle in your body felt as though it were frozen. You were trembling slightly from the cold, but couldn’t muster the energy to even sit up and grab the blanket at the foot of your bed. It was difficult to swallow, and you clutched at your throat, certain that someone must be standing over you and clasping their hands around your neck, but there was no one there. 
“Matt,” you whispered, expecting him to be there, or to hear you, but there was no one. Taking slow breaths, you tried to calm down on your own. One, two, three. One, two, three. All you could manage were short, raspy breaths that hardly got enough air, and your head pounded. Blindly you reached out for your glass of water, and nearly dropped it again, your hands were shaking so much. The feeling of your lips against the rim was like pressing a dried sponge to the edge of a bowl and the water tasted sour in your mouth. 
And then you tried swallowing. It was as though someone had blocked up your throat, because you couldn’t swallow, and you gasped, heart racing as panic flooded through you; for a moment you couldn’t breathe and then you finally coughed up the water, chest heaving from the sharpness of each cough. You grabbed a tissue, hacking into it for at least another thirty seconds, and finally a glob of mucus came up and your airway cleared up just enough that you could breathe a bit more. 
You almost tossed the tissue to the floor without looking at it, but a flash of red caught your eye. 
Blood. In the mucus. 
That was the tipping point for you. Didn’t people die shortly after coughing up blood in the movies? That was how it went. A character coughs, looks into their hand, and then resignedly tucks it away without the other characters seeing. It was like the knoll of death, ringing in your ears. 
You hardly knew what you were doing as you dialed Matt’s number, not even thinking about what you were tapping into your phone but allowing muscle memory to guide you. 
“Hello?” He picked up almost immediately. 
“Matt—” You started to speak his name, but halted; it was too painful. Dropping your voice to a whisper, you started over. “Matt, I think I need you here.”
“What? What is it?” 
“I’m—” You glanced down at the tissue. Literally dying here? That was a surefire way to make Matt have a heart attack. “I’m not doing so well. I might take you up on your offer to help.”
He didn’t hesitate. “I’ll be over in five minutes. Did you call the doctor already?”
“No.” The thought of calling the doctor was exhausting on its own. 
Matt seemed to notice that. “I’ll call,” he assured you. “Can you breathe alright?”
“Not really.” Tears were spiking in your eyes and you brushed them away. “I just coughed and... there was some blood in it.” You wheezed for breath, the drawing in of air rattling everything inside of you and getting caught at the top of your throat.
“I’m taking you to a hospital.”
“No, sweetheart. You need a real doctor. I’ll be over in a minute.”
Somehow you must have fallen asleep again, because Matt was lifting you from the bed and you wrapped your arms around him. “Can’t breathe,” you whispered, gasping for breath. 
“I know. I can hear your lungs,” Matt said, voice strained. “I’ve got a cab waiting on the street. Can you walk or do you need me to carry you?”
“I... I can walk.” You slung an arm around him and made your way slowly out of the room, limping with every step on your bandaged foot. Matt, to his credit, allowed you to do what you could. His tie was loosened and his suit jacket was gone, but he still wore a button-down, tucked into his pants. 
“Bet you won your case, then,” you whispered, hardly even aware of what was coming out of your mouth. “No one can... say no to this.”
“Hm. This.” You meant to nod up and down at Matt, but it came across as more of a head shake. “You.”
And then your assertion that you could walk proved difficult to fulfill, so you redirected your efforts to not face-planting in your living room, despite the strong, steady hands Matt kept on you the entire time. Once you reached your stairs he took over for the most part; your feet were hardly touching the ground with the amount of support he was giving. 
That was where your memory cut out. You must have passed out, because the next time you opened your eyes, it was in the hospital bed, and Matt was reading next to you, his long gaze fixed on the wall in front of him as his fingers danced over the text. 
“Hi,” you whispered lamely. Everything about you was groggy and it was hard enough just to focus on him. 
Him. Only he could look handsome in a hospital. At some point he’d exchanged the suit for a tee shirt and sweats, and his hair stuck out at every angle possible. You wondered vaguely if he’d come from Fogwell’s. 
He set the book down, relief evident on his face. “Hey, sweetie. How are you doing?”
You ignored his question. “How do you always manage to look good?”
He nudged you. “I should be the one asking you that.”
“That’s... the biggest lie I’ve ever heard. Even if you weren’t blind, it’d be a lie.” You closed your eyes, then opened them again. The ceiling was too white. “What happened?”
"Aspiration pneumonia.”
“You have aspiration pneumonia,” he said. “Which just happens to be a type of pneumonia that’s not contagious.”
You meditated on this. “So?”
“So you could’ve let me into your apartment, that whole time,” he said, looking distinctly indignant, and it was enough to make you laugh. The laugh was short-lived, because it quickly transformed into a wracking cough that made your entire chest throb, but Matt was on his feet in an instant, holding your hand.
Only when the coughing stopped did you remember the bolt on your door. “Matt?”
“How’d you get in?”
“Broke down the door, like I promised.”
“Are... are you serious? What about the neighbors?”
He laughed. “You know, breaking down a door isn’t incriminating evidence that I’m Daredevil. I told them you were having an emergency, and when they saw you, they believed me.”
“They saw me?” You didn’t remember an audience when Matt was helping you out of the apartment.
“Well, you were taking your sweet time on the stairs, and coughing loudly enough for anyone in a mile radius to hear you, so yeah, they wanted to see what was happening.”
You buried your face in your hands. “That’s just great. And now, what, is my apartment wide open for anyone to go in?”
“No, I called in a favor with Foggy, and he’s hanging out there until someone can come in and fix it.”
“Even better. Now I’m indebted to Foggy.”
Matt smiled coyly. “Oh, and I should mention—”
“Oh, no. What?”
“—that there’s something else you’ll love about all of this.”
“Stop smiling like that. Why are you smiling like that?”
“Aspiration pneumonia is commonly associated with the institutionalized elderly. In other words, it’s a nursing home problem.”
“A nursing home problem?”
“A nursing home problem,” he confirmed. “I was thinking that maybe for your next birthday I could get you fitted for dentures.”
“Hilarious. Really, so funny. You really should have been a comedian. I swear to you that the next time you get sick, I’m going to make fun of you and you’ll never hear the end of it. Got it?”
He grinned and squeezed your hand. “Murdocks don’t get sick.”
“That is the second biggest lie I’ve ever heard. I seem to recall that time you projectile-vomited off of the Ferris wheel.”
“Because I was motion-sick, not sick-sick.”
Your eyelids were already getting heavy just from the five-minute conversation. You beckoned him closer and leaned onto his shoulder, pressing yourself into his warmth. He smelled like fresh deodorant and coffee. “Pumpkin carving as soon as I can leave?”
“Definitely,” he said, placing your fingers onto the pulse that drummed under his wrist. “And this time, I’m not lying.”
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honey-flustered · 1 year
You’re Not The Boss Of Me (MDNI +18)
Dom!Eddie Munson x Bratty!Sub!Reader
Summary: After showing your true colors to Eddie, you use this to your advantage, being as bratty as you can to get a rise out Eddie. But understand that how ever mean you are to him only allows him to be just as mean…maybe even more.
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A/N: this was in my drafts for some long and now im just deciding to release it even though it’s not exactly what how I wanted it. I’m continuing to have issues revising my work over and over and never publishing so i figured i’d let this go. First part is in reader’s POV then of course goes in second POV. A sequel to Come Again
Word Count: 2.8k+
Warnings: smut, established relationship, hinted bully!eddie, mean!reader, mean!eddie, dom/sub dynamics, fake nice!reader, panty fetish, mutual masturbation, finger sucking, cum eating, handjob, some ass/body worship, reader and eddie are in love but f*d up, tattoo artist!eddie, reader has piercings (nipple play)
Power comes in all forms and positions. Even if you’re a submissive. You’d probably look at someone like me, seemingly so sweet and docile, and think “Awww, she doesn’t have not an evil bone in her body.” But that’s what we, “good girls”, want you to do: underestimate us. That’s what makes us so powerful because eventually we get what we want.
Here’s where I was able to exercise my power with my dear boyfriend, Eddie Munson. Two weeks ago, I was able to break through to his innocent act with me. Call it great minds thinking alike but we’ve both held up this facade of being good when around each other because of the shame to act on our most carnal desires. But quiet mouths don’t get fed and, frankly, I had enough. So I called him out on his shit.
“You’re vanilla as FUCK.” I said.
And that moment truly became the beginning of what’s become of our relationship today:
Two sick fucks who enjoy getting a rise out of each other.
Oh, the power you get from being a pampered brat in public and treated like a whore in bed. It was the best of both worlds and Eddie sure knows how to treat a lady. With him, you could truly be the mean bitch you’d hoped to be. Of course, this was only behind closed doors as you still could see the benefits of being a good girl in everyone else’s eyes. Only Eddie got to see your true nature. You’re a bitch and you made it evident that you didn’t care and it actually got you off being one to Eddie. This was fine, though. He loved it, too. In return, he gets a succubus disguised as a sweet beauty in his arms to dominate as he pleases.
You’d like to think the power’s evenly distributed amongst the two of you. You’re both unfiltered, whorish, and wicked. It was the perfect symbiotic relationship of sexual energy.
At times, you feel like Eddie’s giving you a run for your money as his wickedness proves to outweigh your own. The annoying pervert. He really likes to tease past the point of suffering and what’s worse…he still hasn’t fucked you yet. You were so sure that he’d give in by now after the nights you’ve shared but it never goes beyond second base. Even when you’ve put on your ‘bitch girl pants’ and laid down some rules.
Oh, well. If you don’t get to drain his balls, the least you can do is drain his pockets.
“What do you think of this dress?” You say, twirling around in the mirror in front of you. Currently, you were both in the dressing room of a French boutique. You’ve been shopping all day, hopping from store to store. Eddie’s clearly impatient but he takes it like the good boyfriend he is.
“I think this is the one,” He says, low on energy. “You look hot.”
“I’d like some more poetic-ness to your words.”
“Okay,” He raises to his feet, gripping your hips from behind. “Then, you’re as fucking hot as a thousand suns.”
“I know right,” You beam then quickly wave him away from your personal space. “Buy it for me.”
He examines the price tag attached to the seam of the dress then looks up at you with a deadpan stare. He’s followed you store to store like a mindless zombie all day, receiving zero affection from you and now you’re looking to buy a dress for an even higher amount. If he hadn’t been so distracted by watching your sexy ass try on all these clothes that accentuate your curves, he’d have called it quits long ago. The only thing he held onto was that you’d eventually reward him with your touch in return.
“This would cost me my entire dealer’s earnings for the week!” He exclaims.
“Yeah, but you have that check coming in for the tattoo shop. You’ll only be poor— for what— a day. You want to keep me happy, don’t you? Then you’ve gotta fund your popular angel girlfriend’s expensive lifestyle. It shouldn’t be a big deal.”
“It’s a huge deal! I’ve bought you plenty of dresses throughout the week and you haven’t even worn some of them.”
“And you’re still complaining like you always do.” You say while rolling your eyes.
“You may not be a good girl anymore but I’m going to make it my mission to correct this little behavior of yours.”
“What? You’ll spank me again? You don’t get to touch me unless I get what I want. We have rules for this relationship. Unhappy girlfriend = blue balled boyfriend. But if you’d have just fucked me already maybe I wouldn’t be such a bitch. You scared you’ll cum in one stroke or something?”
“Actually, I’m scared you’ve got teeth down there and, with your personality, it doesn't seem that far fetched.”
“Say what you will but I’ll always be Hawkins’ sweetheart. Even being in a relationship with you couldn’t tarnish that image sadly. Ah, well,” You remove the dress, now in your underwear as you begin dressing in your own clothes again. “Being good has its perks nonetheless.”
“How long do you think that’ll last? What do you think your friends will think of you when I show them all the naughty little footage I have of you in my camcorder? I’m sure they’d love to hear how much Hawkins’ sweetheart loves choking on the freak’s giant cock.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. Depends on my mood. But don’t be sad, you might find out how envious your friends are of you now that you’re with someone like me. I did rock a lot of worlds.”
“You’re disgusting.” You hiss with slightly hidden jealousy for the very fact that he’s slept with other girls. But why not you?
“Maybe I can get you the dress but I’ll want to do something in return.”
“Everything is so transactional with you.”
“Look who’s talking.” He scoffs.
“If you were to simply buy me shit without expecting anything in return, would it really be transactional?” You retort.
“Are you going to accept my terms or not?”
You stare at the hot pink tube dress in your hands. “Fine. What do you want?”
“Let me give you a wedgie.”
“Are you legit high right now? That’s so idiotic, it’s almost comatose inducing. Why?”
“Because it’d be really funny.”
“I’m wearing really expensive underwear right now that costs more than those shoes you’re wearing. Like hell would I let you tear at them.”
“Then, you can forget the deal.”
“Exploitation is what you’re doing. People wouldn’t take kindly to those who participate in such things.”
“Good thing I’ve never been known to care what people think of me.”
He’s right. He’s never given a fuck. That’s what makes him so terrifying… and so very hot.
“Alright,” You pout. “But when I say ‘stop’, your hands should be off me.”
Turning your back to Eddie, you wait for Eddie to begin. He studies the bedazzled words written on the back of your pants of your matching pink tracksuit: “Princess”. He rolls his eyes at this. Could you be any more predictable?
Your thong peeks out at the top of the low rise pants as a style that you’d adopted just enough to show the public the color of your underwear. Also pink.
“A pink goddamn fanatic.” Eddie thinks to himself.
Your jacket is a crop top, exposing the new belly ring piercing Eddie had done for you when you asked via your rebellious stage. Then there’s your silky smooth back that you plan for him to tattoo a tramp stamp onto the lower section. It’s so much skin. Too much skin exposed but he doesn’t mind how you dress. After all, he can fight and honestly he loves seeing you show yourself off while men envy him for obtaining you.
Eddie tugs on the sides of your pants, accessing just enough of your underwear for the top globes of your ass to peek out as well. He bites his lips to keep in a groan, not wanting to give you the satisfaction. His cock is semi-hard and he makes sure to keep his hips at a safe distance so she doesn’t realize his game.
“Bend a little.” He says, voice hoarse from arousal.
You obey, having a slight arch in your back. Massaging the peeked out globes of your ass, he can’t help but to close the gap between your bodies. Your ass was just so soft and round in his hands.
“Hey! You can’t touch me like that unless you get me what I want!” You attempt to wriggle from his grasp but a large hand fists whatever little piece of fabric your underwear has, stilling you.
With a free hand, he smacks your ass causing you to let out a soft whimper. He grinds his cock into the side of your thigh, humping into you like a dog in heat.
Eddie lets out quiet moans in your ear, tugging on your underwear hard after each moan he lets out like following a rhythm. “Unh, ugh, fuck. You’re so damn pretty.”
You grow wet with each tug. The panty strip in the front slips between your labia, rubbing harshly against the clitoris. How embarrassing that you might actually cum from this. He’ll laugh and tease you for sure once you do.
Maybe you should take some power back and make him whimper so you sway your ass a little which earns you another smack on another cheek.
“I didn’t say you could move.” He growls.
Then, you felt it. His bare cock rubbing between the plush globes of your ass, the back thong strip wrapped around the base for further friction.
“Eddie, no. Please…” You put a hand behind you, placing it on the ‘v’ of his abdomen to halt his actions.
“Move it.” He threatens.
“No.” You say defiantly only to shift into a whining hum, when he takes both of your wrists in his hands to pull behind you and brings them beneath the band of your panties. With your hands cupped in a perfect tubular shape, he uses them to jack himself off. You tighten your grip around him, taking control.
“You’re so good with your hands. Why would I need to fuck your greedy little pussy if these could get me off just as good?”
“Unh, fuck…you.”
“Is that always on your mind?” He chuckles.
You're clenching around nothing, knowing that friction on your clit will not be enough to satisfy the aching between your legs. This was purely for his own twisted pleasure but you enjoy it despite priding yourself to be a selfish person.
“I’m so close, princess. Gonna cum all over your pretty hands, your sexy back, and this tight little ass.” He groans.
“Oh god.” You whine, throbbing profusely at his words. You were so close, too.
He notices your hardening nipples poking through your thin jacket and pinches one between his fingers, while the other steadies your hips as he grinds himself into you. You whine almost as if you’re in pain even though he’s not pulling on them roughly. Lowering the zipper to your jacket and one cup of your bra, he pulls out your breast revealing a newly pierced nipple…that he hadn’t pierced. He pulls your hair, lifting your head enough so that you can see his angered expression through the mirror.
“What the fuck is this?” He slaps your breast and you cry out.
“None of your business. It’s not like you’ll do anything about—oh shit!” You scream out as he continues to pull and pinch around the stainless bar. They were so sensitive even after two weeks.
“You're doing things without my knowledge now.”
“You’re not the boss of me.”
“You’re right,” He laughs darkly then pulls so harshly on your underwear you swear you felt the fabric go up inside your core. “I’m not your boss, I’m your master. So go on and beg for master’s cum.”
“I don’t want you to cum on me.” You mewl, knowing you desperately wanted him to.
“I know you want it, slut,” He growls in your ear. “You want daddy’s cum dripping all over you. To getchu all nice and sticky. Hm? That what you want, pretty girl?”
“Yes, please master,” You give in. “I want you to fucking cum all over me and my slutty ass.”
He cups a hand under your chin from behind, stroking faster into your jerking hands. “That fucking filthy mouth of yours will get you into big trouble someday.”
“Shut up and cum for me already. I wanna taste you.”
“Aw, shiiiit,” He’s getting close but he needs to make you cum. Partly because he loves getting you off and another part is because he knows you’ll give him grief if he doesn’t. “Want you to cum, too, princess.”
He pulls hard on your underwear, using an up and down motion to frantically rub against your sensitive nub and your orgasm takes you by surprise. Your mouth flies open and he slaps a hand over it to keep you from screaming and alerting the staff as he nurses you through your orgasm. The mirror image of you cumming along with your writhing against him triggers his orgasm, cumming hard and seeing stars.
He gropes your hips with both hands, the rings on his fingers bite into your skin as he gives his final thrusts. You feel spurts of his cum everywhere soaking through your underwear as well. You feel a tension between your legs then a release. He’d torn your underwear off your body.
“What the f—-“ You began but Eddie shoves a middle finger coated in his cum into your mouth. Your fury dissipates for a moment as you suck on it earnestly like you would his cock, your skillful tongue tracing over the engraved silver of his ring. The salty-sweet taste of him elicits a satisfied hum from you.
“That’s it. Just like that. Just like how your Master taught you.” He coos, petting your hair. When he senses you getting carried away, he pulls his finger out with a wet ‘pop’. The glistening finger held up to his face so he can study it, making sure you suck it off clean.
“Um, Eddie, your cum is starting to get cold. Can you please clean me off? Also, I’m pretty sure we were loud enough for us to get a few stares the moment we leave this dressing room.”
“I’m sure we turned a lot of people on, too.” He says before putting a finger to his lips so that you can quiet down and focus on the shuffling and thudding going on in the dresser beside yours. Your mouth drops in shock and he laughs.
Eddie lifts the torn underwear in his hands, bringing them to his nose to inhale. God, you’re intoxicating. It’s a wonder for Eddie to have gone this long without burying his cock deep within you. But he enjoys torturing you, hanging it over your head despite it being torturous on his end as well. Somehow your suffering far outweighed any pain he felt. He wants you sobbing for his cock even more than you did two weeks ago. He doesn’t care when or where it happens. You will beg for his cock.
Using the torn fabric, he cleans up his mess then helps you fix your hair and adjust your prim and proper appearance as if nothing had happened. Eddie tends to himself last, tucking his third leg back into his jeans. In the corner of his eye, he could see you watching him and the bulge. You play it off, helping him fix himself when you were really looking to get another glance at his anaconda.
“So…about the dress…”
“What dress?” He smirks.
“Don’t play dumb with me, Munson. I want my dress. You said that you'd buy them if I did this.” You narrow your eyes at him.
“I said ‘maybe’.” He retorts.
You seethe, feeling so angry that steam could shoot out of your ears. “You’re a dick.” You turn to leave when he grabs your wrist and pulls you against him.
“I was just teasing you, sweetness. I would’ve gotten you the dress even if you didn’t go through with it. But it’s so much more fun that you did.” He smacks your ass and you let out a small gasp.
“You’re the best,” You litter his face with multiple kisses, your lipstick staining his skin all over. You kiss the corner of his mouth and it makes him hungry to feel your lips on his but he doesn’t pry. “While you’re buying my hot dress, I’m going to the van to rest my aching feet. I had a loooong day.”
You pat his back, unaware of Eddie staring angrily at you once again at your oblivion to his situation.
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shinyrhinestones · 6 days
Loved in the night
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Summary: Elle comforts Reader after her mother gets hospitilazed.
Pairing: Elle Greenaway X BAU!Fem!Reader.
Genre: Fluff, smut and angst.
Category: Oneshot
Warnings: Sickness, food, drinks. Oral (reader rec), petting, making out. Also Reader has a mum living in the US.
Also this is a draft from a long time ago. I’m not perfect at writing, and Especially not at smut, so yeah 🤷‍♀️ also this was probably written quickly so it probably feels rushed and there’s probably a bunch of grammar mistakes 🫠
You’ve never really been worried about anything bad happening to your family. They didn’t live as close to you and your job, and you never really worried about their health either. Everything seemed to go well. But you never quite know what to expect. A phone call informing you about your mothers heart attack was a good way to ruin your entire day.
You got permission of your boss to leave for the day, and you rushed to the hospital. The doctor explained how it was going to be all right, and she would recover. You stayed by your mothers side for some time, even though she was unconscious. You still had some things at work to get done. Some files that hadn’t been finished up yet. And even though you were really worried about your mother, you didn’t know what to expect when your work wasn’t done. And as your mother still was unconscious, like She had been for all the time you’d been there, you figured you would hurry back to the bullpen.
You entered the bullpen walking a little slower than normally, and with a frown formed on your face. You walked over to your desk when you were questioned by a coworker. “Y/N, where have you been?” Derek asked, head tilting a little. Honestly, you really didn’t want to tell the truth. You sat down and slouched in your seat. You opened a drawer grabbing a handful of the files you needed to finish, and stuffed them in your bag. You looked up at Derek, and saw how Elle and JJ were now standing behind him aswell. “Uhm..” Was the only thing you managed to say, staring off to the side. “I..I don’t really want to talk about it” You were met with confused looks yet worried, but met with silence. Maybe because you stood up before giving them a chance to react properply, and walked over to Hotch’s office to let him know you were taking the files with you, and that you’ll finish them in time. He of course was surprised why you had returned when you had more important stuff to focus on at the moment.
“I know, Hotch, I do. But I’m so new to this whole thing I just wanna get these done and distract me from the trouble until she wakes up.” You rambled out of worry and a slight panic. “Y/N, it’s okay, go home” Hotch said in a calm yet demanding voice. You nodded and turned around leaving his office. When you walked past Elle’s desk she immediately stood up to catch up with you. “Y/N, What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” Normally Elle would’ve let the person walk away. She normally would’ve shrugged, and turned her attention back to whatever she was doing before. But this was something completely different than normal to her. You stopped walking to be able to look her in the eyes, and have a normal conversation. You looked into her brown eyes, letting them study your face. Your heart almost melted at the sight of Elle being concerned for you. As a profiler, you could notice how she actually cared about you. But you never thought more of it, than just being a good friend. Because the thought of her being interessed in you was abnormal. Elle always seemed to good for anything really. And maybe she wasn’t even into girls.
You let your eyes fall down, and you bit the inside of your cheek. Debating on if you should tell her or not. “What is it?” She asked again, knowing something was wrong. Not only did she notice your behaviour, but also how you had visited Hotch’s office twice that day. “My mother had a heart-attack” You sighed, and brushed some of your hair behind your ears. Elle’s eyes softened even more. “Are you going to the hospital?” She asked, trying to meet your eyes. “Well, I have these files to finish, but I also want to be there for my mum when she wakes up, so I might do them in the hospital.” You explained, looking all over the place. Elle nodded along to your words, and almost started to frown herself. “What if I help you with that? We can just take it slow, alright? I'm sure Hotch understands.” She tried to calm you down, as you came of as very troubled and in distress. “Right, yeah. I’m sorry” You hid your face in your hands for a moment, then looked at the dark haired woman again. “Why don’t I help you? Let me take you to the hospital, and then accompany you there. You seem like someone who could do well with some support.” She said, holding your hands and then let them go, when you agreed. She quickly made sure that everything she had to take care of was done, so she could go home already.
Elle went to hospital with you, and sat with you out in the hallway when your mother had to go through some tests. She sat down next to you, and reached you a waterbottle.
“Thank you.” You mumbled and accepted the bottle. But you didn’t open it. You just fiddled with the bottle in both of your hands. Hearing the water squish and the water moving fast in motion. Elle stared at you and your playing. Her eyes were studying you and she couldn’t help but profiling you. But honestly it didn’t take a profiler to know you were sad and down. Elle’s palms were sweaty and she tried to rub it off on her jeans. Elle could be quite a private person. Not one to always accept her company outside of work.
And perhaps you should’ve noticed that as a profiler. But everything in the moment was too overwhelming for you.
Elle rested a hand on your back, trying to show her support. She didn’t really know what to say. Other than admiring you, she of course tried to find the right words to say. But Elle just ended up sighing and left it at that. You didn’t wanna admit it in the moment, but Elles hand on your back made you try really hard not to smile or blush. Luckily, when you sit next to each other in a hospital, you dont see each others faces unless forced by yourselves. Would’ve been really hard to explain why you were smiling, in this situation.
And again, Elle wouldn’t let you go home alone. She was the one who convinced you to go home, and get some rest. That rest in the hospital wasn’t that enjoyable. Elle knew what she was talking about.
She drove you home, and while she was sitting in the driver seat, you couldn’t help but admire her features as she was so concentrated. And worried. You saw it in her eyes. It’s always the eyes. She bit her lip as a way to hide her concern.
She walked with you up the stairs to your apartment. Elle seemed like she really didn’t want to let you be alone, cause she could sense how bad you felt. I mean obviously. But between you and Elle, you knew a lot about each other. And that was also a realization for you, when you stood by your own doorstep. Yes, Elle was private, but to you she was more open. You’ve had your fair share of long conversations.
“Elle.” You said softly, looking at her confused. “Yeah.” She looked at you a little surprised, her eyes a little wide. Her mouth slightly open. “Why did you walk up with me here?”. You asked, even though you kinda knew why. “I..Uhm. I don’t know. Do you want me to leave?” She stuttered a bit, and she wasn’t really sure of what you trying to say.
“No.” You shook your head lightly. If you were to be honest, you would tell her how much you actually wanted her to stay. How much you wanted her close. That she should show you all her care and love for just one night. If that wasn’t too much to want.
But you were shy. And you also felt like it was weird behaviour. Even though, it wasn’t weird of you for wanting her.
You welcomed Elle inside and she complimented your apartment. You smiled lightly and thanked her.
After a nice dinner made by both you and Elle, you decided you wanted to sleep. But you both knew you couldn’t sleep. Even after all of the good laughter Elle gave you for the evening, it was still hard not to worry. Elle asked you if she should stay the night, and you accepted. You didn’t want to be alone.
It was good that Elle distracted you with funny storytimes and jokes, making you both laugh. She made you distracted. You layed under the covers, your legs touching now and then. And everytime, you wondered how Elle felt about it. Cause to you, it wasn’t enough. Elle took your hand, when your laughter died down. And your eyes met for a moment. Elle was bold. You knew that. Elle took risks, and sometimes you could get so angry at her for it, with the job you had.
Elle was too afraid of saying anything. She let her thumb work around your hand, as a distraction for herself. You already felt like this way more intimate for two friends and colleagues. She scooted closer, and you smiled gently at her in the dark. But Elle was so close, she saw it. “What?” She smiled herself, and her eyes shined with being intrigued. “You’re close.” You answered shortly. Her eyes changed from shining brightly, to being afraid. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She tried pulling back, but you squeezed her hand in a second, and she stopped moving.
“What?” She blurted out.
“I don’t mind.” You explained. She relaxed her tensed up muscles, and you heard her sigh of relief. “Okay.” She whispered. “Elle..” Her eyes found yours again, and she could hear your soft breathing in the dark room. The only sounds besides that were the other people in the apartment block getting ready for bed aswell. But it was faint, and perhaps only your upstairs neighbour. Or the sounds of cars passing by out on street. In a swift motion, she let her lips touch yours in a gentle quick kiss. She wanted your reaction. And the one she got, was you pulling her back down, to kiss again. More this time.
Elle let her arms wrap around you. Her left arm around your waist, while your right arm took a hold of her shoulder. She sat up just a little, by supporting herself on her right elbow. She gave you a long kiss, pulled away and then curtly kissed down your neck before her fingers sneaked under the covers. She let her hand roam across your figure, before they went under your tanktop. Elle looked at you in the silence now between you, and you gave her a slight smile.
Her hand went up to your breast, letting her hand softly and quickly slide across, and then down to your abdomen. She leaned down again, to let your lips touch again. You sighed into the kiss, like everything had been resolved. All your thoughts about Elle had been answered, and now you were just lost in the moment. Elle’s fingers snuck under the waistband of your panties, and let the tip of her finger softly settle on your clit.
You had one of your hands on Elle’s cheek, by her hair. And the other hand was around her shoulderblade. She pulled away, and you both got some air, from a heated kiss. Elles kisses were steady yet passionate. Like she kissed with all of her admiration, mixed with being certain of herself and her love.
Your head rested further into your cold pillow, as Elle rubbed her finger in gentle circles. You let out almost silent whines for everytime she rubbed. Cutting yourself off. “Are you okay?” She asked, knowing that this might be too much of a step already. “Yeah, Elle. I’m okay. I just really want you right now.” You admitted honestly. And she moved up on her knees right between your legs. “Okay.” She almost smiled, but she knew this was a moment where you needed to feel serious.
She slided down your underwear completely, and reached down. Laying herself down. She kissed where she could reach before going to one of your most sensitive places. She carefully and gently, let her tongue rest against your clit. She got less and less careful as she felt like you were getting more worked up. Her hands held onto you, of course. Your hands gripped onto the quilt, she had moved to the side, before she laid down on the madrass for you. “Mhm-“ you were a little aware of your sounds, as it was getting late and you didn’t want any complaints. She kept her soft licks, roaming around with her tongue. Her fingers carefully rested at your entrance before she let the slide in.
You let out a moan louder than you meant to. But the feeling of her was too good. She looked up but didn’t even get a look at you cause it was so dark. But she could you tensing up, and at that she let her lips suck at your clit, as your hands clenched the white quilt.
Elle could only hear her name and your soft breathing and whines. She still tried not to smile too much, as she could feel you weren’t ready to let go. She let her fingers curl inside you, and find her rhythm. One of your hands gripped her hair, and you felt it all crash down on you at once, when you felt her like that between your thighs. And with a moan cutting off the other, you felt your back arch, as your muscles got tighter. You let go off Elles hair, and let your hand rest against the bed again. Elle kept going until she felt your high wearing off. You opened your eyes, which you had barely been able to keep open. Elle sat up, after her fingers slid out again, and she sat down next to you.
She gave you a long kiss, and you sighed yet again.
However, Elle didn’t think of herself in this moment, but you wanted more of her.
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thekatebridgerton · 9 months
I know the scene won't make it to the final draft of the second to last chapter of gaslight gatekeep girlboss without a lot of editing but here's a snipet of the rough draft of the dialogue of Kate getting in Colin's face about his feelings for Penelope.
(Aka how I think RMB would have gone if Colin had looked to Kate for love advice instead of Daphne)
Kate: After all this, you still keep saying that she's just a friend?
Colin: yes she is my friend, the best of friends I want her to be happy
Kate: my brother in the force! to use the words of Sophie's favorite poet lady Camilla Cabello You say you're just friends, But friends don't know the way you taste!
Colin: how exactly did you... actually no I really don't want to know
Kate: look little globetrotting man child I am getting sick of your crap! I've got worse problems to worry about than your inability to commit, so you say you're just friends with Penelope fine, I'll find her a husband within the week! Don't think I won't
Colin *gasps in manchild*: you wouldn't
Kate: Try me !
Colin: Penelope doesn't want to get married
Kate: of course she does furthermore it's going to be way easier than getting Edwina a husband. Edy wants a marriage of love, but Penelope, she just wants to get it over with and marry any friendly gentleman who she wouldn't mind having babies with .... And that's like half the men I know
Colin: now I understand why Anthony wants to kill you half the time, you're evil incarnate. I demand you stop matchmaking my wi... friend
Kate: all I'm saying is that I've got options for Penelope if you continue to be an idiot, you know the Earl of Essex is 50 but he's not that old looking for her, she could have a baby or two and be a happy widow in 10 years
Colin: Kate stop talking, this is ridiculous, I'm going to call Anthony
Kate *ignoring him*: Then there's the Count of Savoy, his estate is a little far from England but he'd treat Penelope with respect and if she's lucky she'd only have to sleep with him 3 times a year.
Colin *visibly more enraged* : you are NOT introducing Penelope to a French rake, especially one known for having 5 Mistresses
Kate: hey don't badmouth Francois, His ex wife ran off with a Russian pirate, I think he would be happy to have a nice wife like Penelope after what Madeleine put him trough
Kate: ....
Kate: .......
Kate : such an infant
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Raindrops falling on my Heart ♡
Leon S. Kennedy x reader
A/N: Well, if that weren't a shitty couple of weeks 🥲 anyway, I am back! The Leon brainrot has been eating at me for months and I finally caved, have some angst! With a happy ending of course, because I have a fragile little heart :) I have some more Leon in my drafts if y'all are interested ;) Enjoy!
~ Fi 🪻
Warnings: talks of alcohol being used as a coping mechanism, badly written fight, potential ooc Leon
Word count: 1.1k
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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"You always do this, Leon!" Your voice echoed through your shared apartment. "You know that it's out of my control" He responded, frustrated. You scoffed. "You were gone for three weeks. Three weeks, Leon!" You yelled, tears stinging in your eyes. "I was sat here, for three goddamn weeks wondering whether you were alive or not. One Text. That is all I ask. 'I'm save' or 'I'm okay' that is all I want. I need to know that you're alright." You pleaded.
He was gone for long periods at a time and you were a nervous wreck, tossing and turning at night, hoping, praying that your lover was alive. It was eating away at you, hearing that knock on the door not knowing whether it was Leon finally coming home or his officials to tell you that he didn't make it. It was agonizing, really.
Leon, who previously had his back turned towards you, turned around. "Sure, just let me tell the bad guys to stop shooting at me so I can text you. Also, have a little more faith in me, you know I wouldn't go down that easy." He spat back. He shook his head, scoffing. Making his way to the door, he grabbed his jacket and keys. "Where are you going?" You asked bitterly. "Bar" he replied coldly. "No, Leon! You don't get to walk away from this. You always do and it's solving absolutely nothi-" you were interrupted by the door slamming in your face.
Hot tears were running down your face. You two fought like this almost everytime he came back after weeks of disappearing. It always ended with Leon threatening to leave for the evening but he never did. Until today. He actually left.
Quiet sobs were escaping your mouth. You clutched your heart with both hands to help soothe the pain. Your Relationship was really put to the test with Leon having such a dangerous job. It was obvious he couldn't just stop the whole mission, but there had to be at least 5 minutes between saving the world and kicking ass where he could let you know that he was alive. Why didn't he understand that you loved him?  Why wouldn't he let you love him? "Stubborn son of Bitch..." you mumbled, tears drying on your cheeks.
Leon angrily stomped out of your apartment building. Having shoved his hands deep into his pockets, he stepped out into the pouring rain. He'd be soaked by the time he got to the local bar but he couldn't care less at the moment. He hated fighting with you, especially over something like this, something you have been over a million times. He kept his head down, the cold rain trickling down his neck into his shirt.
The stores, restaurants and buisnesses that lined the street, cast a bright light onto his face as he looked up, searching for the sign of the bar. He was a regular at this point. Coming in, sitting down at the very back in a cozy corner, and then quietly leaving when he had drunk his anger, frustration and pain away.
Looking around, Leon spotted happy couples roaming the streets on either side. Laughing, holding hands, smiling. It made him sick. How dare they pretend to be perfect when he knows for a fact that they aren't. Every couple fights. How dare they be happy. He shot them a bitter look and went on to get into the warm and dry embrace of the bar.
Reaching for the the door he stopped in his tracks when he heard his name being called.
"Leon.." you spoke, arms wrapped around yourself to keep you warm. "Can we talk? Please?"
He turned to face you. You were soaked. Your wet hair clinging to your forehead and your neck, the flimsy jacket you had grabbed in a rush doing little to keep the pouring rain and cold out. What are you doing here, you're going to get sick was the first thought that popped into his head as he saw you. But he didn't say that.
"What? You come here to yell at me again?" He asked, coldly. You took a couple of steps towards him. "No, I.." you sighed "I love you, Leon. And I care about you. I worry for you. But you just go on your missions thinking you have nothing to lose and no one that cares about you." Tears were starting to roll down your cheeks.
"But I do! I care. You have something to lose. Us. Everything we've been through. Every fight, every sleepless night, every kiss. I just don't understand why you won't you let me love you. You own my heart and take up my every thought. You're the love of my life, Leon. You're my world, my everything. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if anything happened to you. You are loved. I love you. Isn't that enough for you to not storm into every situation recklessly and put your life on the line for-" you were cut off by Leon pressing your head against his chest. Wrapping your arms around his waist, you let all your emotions spill out. Leon stayed quiet as you sobbed into his shirt, your tears mixing with the rain.
"I'm so sorry, Sweetheart" he whispered, you could hear the tremble in his voice. Pulling away from the embrace, you looked at him, seeing the faintest hint of tears in the corner of his eyes. you reached to his face and cupped his cheek gently.
"You deserve to be loved, Leon. Please understand that. You don't have to earn love or prove yourself worthy of it. Being you is enough. I love you." You sniffled, stroking his cheekbone with your thumb. Leon leaned into your touch, placing his hand on yours and pressing it closer to his face. "I-.. Thank you. I love you too. So much." he sighed, a tear escaping his eye.
You gave him a soft, sad smile and carefully brushed the tear aside. "No more fighting, okay?"
"Okay. Let's go home, baby. I think Bingo's on tonight" he grinned at you, placing a sweet kiss to your lips. You two walked home in the cold rain, your hand clutched tightly in Leons.
After a much needed hot shower you were now both cuddled up on the couch, watching your favorite show but basically talking and laughing through the whole thing. You'd missed nights like these with Leon, the cuddling, the loving, the talking. You'd grown distant the last couple of months due to the frequent arguments. But now, all was well and you later fell asleep in Leons loving arms.
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guilty-pleasures21 · 7 months
The perfect guy
I have decided to follow a Monday/Thursday schedule, friends. Note: the list of chapters currently released only includes the ones I've already written and drafted as posts. I still have a few more coming, so fret not my thirsty friends!
Also, I hope everyone has an easy week 🥰.
The project
The new guy
The lie
The new body
The hospital
The first time
The suit
The virus
The escape
Warnings: None
     Margo strode past the grumpy, dark-haired scientist hunched over his desk. “New girl’s coming tomorrow.”
     Eddie grunted in acknowledgement of her pointless statement: he didn’t need someone else to come and mess up all the research he’d already done. No, what he really needed was a living test subject - someone into whom he could code the genetic sequences he'd been working on in order to study their effects on humans. Margo stepped back to his bench and placed a hand on her hip.
     “I hope this isn’t the attitude you’ll be giving her on her first day.” She folded her arms across her chest and leaned closer to him, her eyes narrowing and her frown curling up at the ends into a wicked smile. “Save it for the third day.”
     Eddie rolled his eyes and waved her away, too focused on mixing his PCR reagents together. He’d have to make sure to keep this new girl far, far away from his research.
     “And they’ll let me stay with you?” Miguel asked quickly, the speed of his response making up for the lack of hopefulness in his tone. It wasn't his fault he didn't know what it felt like to hope though. X scrolled through the contract again.
     “Yup!” she confirmed. “I made sure they put that in there.”
     “But …” Miguel paused, running through the list of topics he'd noted down that she didn't like talking about. He couldn't find what he wanted to ask anywhere on it, so he pressed on. “Would you still want me? If I had powers like that?”
     He was referring to the arachnid powers that the military wanted to encode into his future human body: one of the stipulations they’d included in exchange for their support with her research. But it didn't matter to her - nothing mattered as long as she got to see him, to touch him, to hold him tight and inhale the scent of him, whatever it would be. She grinned at the thought. “Of course! The powers are just … They don’t take anything away from you. You’re still you.”
     Miguel smiled back at her, sparking at her response. “Have you signed it?”
     X snickered at his enthusiasm. “No: I wanted to check with you first. You’ve run all the possibilities?”
     Miguel took a moment to run through the contract again. 
     “You’ll own me, but they’ll own all your research,” he summarised. “That means that they could make thousands of other people just like me if it works.” X's stomach curdled at the thought. She knew it was a great risk, giving the scarily well-funded military the opportunity to build their own ‘super soldiers’ but … she wanted to be selfish.
     “We can deal with that when we come to it,” X decided finally, not wanting to dampen her excitement at finally being able to be with Miguel. “Maybe you can just pretend to get sick or something?” 
     Miguel nodded eagerly in agreement. 
     “Okay.” Whatever it took to be with her, he’d do it. “I’ll do whatever it takes to be with you, mi amor. Te-” ‘Te amo, querida,’ he wanted to tell her. But he couldn’t tell her that because he didn’t know what it actually meant to love someone. And she’d always wave him off whenever he’d tried to say it before, dismissing him with a non-committal hum that had his processing speed slowing down. So he’d just stopped saying it all together.
     She smiled at how easily he'd always say it. He’d always tell her he loved her with such conviction that she could almost believe it was true. But she was terrified to let herself believe it until he was a real human being upon whom she could shower all her love and be loved in return.
     “I …” She swallowed the words down, still unable to say it, not yet. “I want you too, Miguel.” Her lips curled at the ends at the thought and he felt his code start to speed up again.
     “When do you start?” he asked, impatient for the day he'd finally be able to see her smile without the screen coming in the way.
     “As soon as I sign the contract,” she replied, uncapping her stylus and holding it over the tablet. “So probably tomorrow.”
     “Scan it once you’re done - I’ll send it over immediately.” His words came out faster than normal and X laughed at his eagerness.
     “No blackouts, Miguel,” she warned him, signing her name on the contract and promising the research she’d spent a lifetime working on to the military. Miguel smiled, sparking at the happiness on her face.
     “No blackouts, querida.”
     “And this is Eddie,” Margo introduced, stopping at his bench with their new recruit, “the Spiderman nerd you’ll be stuck with for the next few years.” Eddie snorted as he adjusted the focus on his microscope.
     “Let’s see how she survives the next few days,” he challenged, unimpressed. Then he scowled at Margo's insult. “And I am not a ‘Spiderman nerd’.” He turned to shoot her a glare, but then his gaze landed on the new girl and he paused. She was pretty - in a cute way. Long eyelashes, perfectly almond-shaped eyes, rosy lips. And she had a nice figure too, if he had any time outside of his research to think about that sort of thing. X's eyes widened with awe as she met his gaze.
     “You’re the one who figured out how to incorporate the arachnid DNA into human DNA?” They'd allowed her access to all their confidential files once she’d sent over the signed contract and she'd spent almost the entire night going over it with Miguel. “Okay, so, can I go over the web-shooters with you? So, we’ll need a secretory organ to make those work, right? Do you think we could make it open up beneath his fingernails or something? I don’t want him to be exposed to the outside environment so close to his blood vessels.” She pulled out the chair beside him and took a seat, waiting for his response as he digested her words. 
     “Uh, sure,” he replied, a little talen aback by her enthusiasm. Her first day and she already wanted to jump right into it? He turned to face her, considering all the alternatives himself. “But then wouldn’t his fingernails stop the webs from shooting out?”
     X stopped to think about it, her head tilting to the side and her lips pursing in a way that made his chest start to warm.
     “Hmm, that makes sense. What about …” She grabbed a nearby piece of paper to start jotting down all their ideas, and he wondered if maybe they would get along after all.
Tags: @jadeloverxd
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haikyuu-sins · 1 year
Funny 23. With Law please! Maybe reader putting up a fight to their boyfriend Law when he’s trying to do a typical medical exam on them! Thank you! Take your time, hun, we’re here for you!
I did change the sentence juuust a little bit since a submarine isn’t exactly high up in the air, but i hope you like it! I also realized that i had this in my drafts and not in my queue this entire time 🙃 THEN i realized I wrote something completely different!! So i had to rewrite it. But I’m going to keep the first one, so you’re getting a 2 for 1 deal here. 
Characters: Trafalgar Law (One Piece) Warnings: Needles Genre: Crack
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Today was your least favorite day of the year. The day that Law gave the crew shots. With going to so many islands, there was no saying what kinds of sicknesses we could get so Law always took precautions with us. He could cure diseases, yes. But a cold, our body’s just had to fight it off ourselves. He called you in and he could already see you cringing at the idea of getting shots. “CAptain I don’t want it..” You gave him a side eye as his long legs brought him over a little quicker than you wanted. You saw the needle in his hand and he flicked it. Little droplets came out of the tip of the needle and hit the floor. “No. Captain I’ve decided that I really don’t want it. I’ll be perfectly fine if you don’t give it to me. In fact! I’ll just never leave the submarine again! How does that sound?” You try and talk your way out of it, seeing if he’ll buy your excuse but he of course, does not. 
“Would you knock it off?” He rolled his eyes, just wanting to get this over with. You were the most difficult out of the crew when it came to getting anything done medically. “It’s just a little pinch and then it’s done. Please just cooperate with me this once?” he sighs. 
Your eye twitches at his response. That wasn’t what you wanted. You wanted him to agree with you–tell you that it was a great idea to never leave the submarine because that way you’d never have the chance to get sick. But no, Law is obviously not going to fall for that. 
In what seems like half a second, he’s at your side and your eyes widen. “Don’t you dare…” you start to move away from him but Law is much faster than you. He grabs you by the arm to keep you close to him, all while you're screaming and flailing about. “NO! Captain PLEASE! I’ll do dishes for the rest of my life! I’ll clean the bathrooms! I’ll do anything!” you try your best to bargain with him, but it’s all for naught. “Room.” 
“No!!” In a flash, your dominant arm is completely off your body and he’s holding it in his hand. 
“Give it back!” you yell at him as you try to grab your arm…with your dominant hand. 
“Ow!” you gasp out and feel a poke as he sticks the needle in it. “How dare you!” 
Law doesn’t say anything, but you know he feels smug about tricking you. 
“If you do that again I’m going to throw you out the window! …What are you doing?” 
He glanced over at the submarine window. “Checking to see if you could actually do it to see if it’s worth it. We’re in a sub afterall. Underwater, too. So good luck with that.” he smirks and reattaches your arm to your body. You grab it protectively and huff. 
“Mark my words. I’ll find a way.”
Warnings: Clown mention, fake knife. Characters: Trafalgar Law Genre: Crack, Modern!AU
A haunted house. It was all your idea. Why? Because you wanted to see if your boyfriend, Law actually got scared. The man was normally quite stoic, seemingly not bothered by much, if anything at all. So what better thing to do than to go to a haunted house and try to see if Law would have any sort of reaction to it. Little did you know, this was going to backfire horribly on you.
The haunted house you took him to was at an old hotel they decided to revamp for Halloween. Each floor had a different theme. One was clowns, another was chainsaws, then the last was different horror movies, like Friday the 13th and Scream. 
When you arrived, fake fog covered the ground and you couldn’t see where you were stepping. You were excited about it, your little plan was hopefully going to work. But when you looked over at Law, he has an unamused look on his face and it made you roll your eyes. 
“Oh come on Law! Can you at least look excited or even nervous about this? It’s gonna be fun!” You pout up at the taller man. 
“I don’t see much to be scared about…” He glances around, not knowing what exactly he should be nervous about. “It’s not like it’s real.” You roll your eyes once more at your boyfriend. 
The two of you enter the first floor and you admit, it’s not as scary as you thought it would be. There are people who jump out at you and sure, it gives you a little fright, but it’s not until the third floor where they’re actually chasing you that it gets scarier. Law smirks to himself, as he gets an idea. He slips away behind you and you don’t notice that he’s gone until you jump back and don’t feel yourself bump into his chest like you had before. “Law?” you shout out his name, brows furrowing as you turn in circles. “Law! Where did you go?!” it was at this point you started to get freaked out. The sound from Friday the 13th plays in the background which just serves to make your heart race. 
“Babe! Come on!” you groan in frustration now that you’re alone but it wasn’t for long because when you turned around, there’s Jason with a fake bloodied knife in his hand. You scream in a panic as you jump back against the wall. The horror movie character pins you against it so you can’t escape. But what you hear next, isn’t what you expect. You don’t expect to hear your boyfriend’s laugh as he takes off the mask. “You little shit!” you yell at him, hitting him in the chest. “If you do that again I’m going to throw you out this window! …what are you doing…?” you look at him through narrowed eyes as he glances out the window. “Checking to see how high the drop is to see if it’s worth it.” he smirks lazily at you and you just hit his chest again, huffing as you walk away from him. Nothing here was going to scare you anymore since you were just mad at him now. Maybe not mad, per say, but definitely embarrassed. “You’re a jerk!” 
“You have to admit that was pretty funny.” Law chuckled, following you to the elevator at the end of the haunted house. 
Your arms cross over your chest and you look away from him. “Was not.” 
The two of you sat there, Law chuckling every once in a while as he remembered your reaction and scared face. You waited until the elevator went to the first floor but it seemed like it was taking too long. It wasn’t until it jolted and stopped midway that you both realized what happened. 
The idea of being stuck in an elevator didn’t exactly appeal to him. But if it was with you…well that was a whole different story.
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sleepysnoots · 4 months
Hey, I saw your post and I was wondering if you could do a Stone x rich fem!reader, something like enemy to lovers, maybe? Thanks!! 💖
Thus has been rotting away in my drafts so i hope you guys like it also there might be a part two no promises tho
Stone x fem reader
Y/n is mentioned once cause pronouns were getting boring
And theres no warnings maybe stone being really fucking drunk
Not proofread
Stone was walking the streets of ramshackle with vinnie and skipp. Vinnie was munching on stolen bread as she yapped about a plan she’s been plotting
Stone was in his own world really, very uninterested on what vinnie was saying as he took a swig of the bottle in his hand, until someone bumped into him causing the bottle to spill all over his face
Stone frowned as he looked at the person wiping the liquid off with his sleeve
“Hey watch where your goi-,” he paused realizing who it was before frowning “oh it’s you”
The girl he knew as y/n stood in-front of him, she wore a long fancy cream dress with boots her hair tied up in a bun as she looked at him with an equally disgusted look
She crossed her arms
“Ugh what are you looking at”
She sneered glaring at him
“Nothin pretty”
He muttered making her scoff
“Haha very funny”
She said sarcastically whilst rolling her eyes
“Ugh just get out my way freak. ”
And after saying that she shoved past stone earning a scoff from him as he watched her storm off
Vinnie glared at her grumbling before nudging stone with her elbow “what a bitch” she said to stone earning a nod from him
But stone seemed off, he was still watching her walk down the street.
Vinnie noticed this and saw a small tint of pink on his cheeks.
“No fucking way”
Vinnie laughed
“Theres no way!”
She said in disbelief skipp also noticing and smiling widely
Skipp teased equally as shocked as vinnie
Stone shook his head looking down at the two
“What? No i dont! shes such a bitch for no reason why-“
Vinnie cut him off with a huge grin
“You like women who talk down to you”
She wiggled her eyebrows with a huge teasing grin
“WHAT! No! i-i get out!”
He said a look of horror on his face as he pushed vinnie away, a huge blush was now present on his face.
It was late, the busy town of ramshackle empty. Stone was clinging to anything near him, trying to at least stay balanced.
He stumbled his way into an alleyway falling into a pile of trash with a thud
He laid there brain feeling foggy
He might have gone a bit far today with the drinking
He laid there holding in his sick as he just rested his head on trash
A voice called out as he lifted his head
It was y/n
He threw his head back with a groan
“Oh for fuck sakes of course its you”
He murmured his words coming out with a slur
She just rolled her eyes as she walked up to him
“I actually dont really care but im not that mean to just leave u here to die”
She said looking down at him realizing the state he was in
His cheeks were flushed his eyes glazed and hooded and he absolutely reeked of alcohol
“You look like shit” she said
Stone went to go and reply with some snarky comment but the minute he opened his mouth he threw up all over the ground
Y/n tried not to gag as she watched this but watching how vulnerable he was right now she decided to help him
Kneeling down next to him dodging the sick she started to pat his back helping him throw up the alcohol
After a few minutes he stopped sick dribbling down his chin as his skin got paler
“Fucking hell stone you need to stop drinking”
She muttered genuinely concerned
“F-fuck you i dont need your stupid opinions”
He slurred looking up at her
She rolled her eyes before holding out her hand
“Here look I’ll take u home so ur not left here im sure vinnie and skip can look after you”
He glanced at her his already flushed face turning brighter
He hesitantly took her hand as she guided it around her shoulder helping lift him up so he was stood next to her, he felt a hand slide across his back to his side as she gripped onto him trying to hold him up
“Your surprisingly lighter then i thought”
She chuckled
Stone coward looking to the side his face flushed
“Shut up”
He muttered
She just giggled helping carry him to vinnie and skipp
Ill probs post a part two to this because i think it’s adorable but i realized i havent posted in a while so boom here u go stone simps 😘😘
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putellas11 · 2 years
A/N:  I’ve had this in my drafts for ages! Since I really haven’t had anytime to write (and probably won’t for a little while longer) I figured I’d release this hot mess in the meantime. I hope I’ll be able to come back in full force soon! Hope you enjoy!
Revenge is Sweet (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
You wake up to ice-cold water being poured all over you.
“What the fuck!?”
Gasping and shivering from the cold, you glare through blurry vision at the woman towering over you with a bucket in her hand.
She’s the last person you wanted to see, and a sense of impending doom begins to creep in at the inevitable lecture that awaits you.
“Seriously? Again?” Her tone, posture, and expression all reflect a deep sense of disappointment and genuine anger. 
Anyone else would cower under her glare, but not you. Alexia implied it with her words— this is not the first time this has happened, so you know what to expect. She’ll lecture you about responsibility and commitment to the team, and you’ll nod your head pretending to listen, but really, you’ll just be focused on not throwing up all over her shoes.
“Hey, at least I’m not late to training this time,” you argue, slowly lifting yourself from the wet floor, droplets of water splashing down with your every movement. 
“On time but you’re fucking drunk!”
Her voice rings out in your ears and you can’t help but flinch. If you lacked any common sense you’d ask her to quiet down, but you know better.
“I’m hungover, actually. There’s a difference.” You point out, but with little to no conviction in your words.
It’s not just that you have no strength to plead your case, you also don’t care enough to do so. It’s always the same argument with Alexia and it never fails to end the same way, so you don’t see the point in engaging in the usual back and forth. The sooner you can get her to go away, the better.
“I’m so sick and tired of covering for you,” she says, hands on her waist and that annoying look of disapproval in her eyes she has reserved just for you.
“Ok, so stop. It’s not like I ever asked you to anyway.” You’re growing more and more frustrated by the minute, feeling suffocated by the wet clothes sticking to your body.
Alexia may be the captain of the team, but her threats matter very little when you have Jona wrapped around your finger. As long as you keep on producing results on the field, he’ll continue to turn a blind eye to whatever you do off it. Alexia, of course, is not happy with this little agreement you have with the manager.
“I’m being serious! What you’re doing is wrong and it’s setting a horrible example for the others. Por dios, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you. This behavior is going to bite you in the ass, and when that happens, I won’t stand in the way.”
You try so hard to not roll your eyes but you’re sick and tired of all the lectures and threats. “Oh, that doesn’t surprise me one bit, babe. Let’s not pretend like you haven’t wanted me off this team from the moment I got here.”
Alexia takes a step back, surprised by what you said. “That’s not true.”
“Bullshit,” you counter, not afraid to call her out. “You’ve done nothing but give me a hard time, and for what? Because I like to go out with my friends? Jona doesn’t care and that’s all that matters. So, with all due respect, reina...,” you draw out the title you know she’s not too fond of, “either take it up with the big man or fuck off and leave me alone.”
If looks could kill, you’d be dead right now.
With her hands in tight fists by her side, Alexia takes a deep breath to regain control of her emotions. “Get changed, eat something, and get your act together before everyone else gets here.”  Spoken through clenched teeth, her words are edged with anger.
“Yeah, yeah” you dismiss her, waving her away as she stomps out of the locker room.
The second Alexia is out of sight, you run to the nearest trash can and throw up all the fun you had last night.
“Fuck me, this is not going to be fun.”
Once you take your second shower of the day— thanks to Alexia, and get something in your stomach, you start to feel somewhat human again. There’s still someone inside your head going crazy with a jackhammer, but you’re confident you can push through it. After all, this isn’t your first rodeo.
Every once in a while, you have trouble saying no to a good party. Sometimes the party just so happens to fall on the night before a training session, and it is what it is.
Life is too short to make it all about football.
Alexia, on the other hand, can’t seem to wrap her head around that. The nagging is never-ending, the lectures make you want to slam your head against the wall, and her ‘better than you’ attitude has you wishing you never signed with Barça in the first place. If it was not for the fact that you’re playing the best football of your career, your agent would already be in contact with another club.
Under the blistering Barcelona sun, the team is huddled up in a circle listening to Jona’s instructions on the training session. Unfortunately, the pounding inside your head has only gotten worse which makes it difficult to pay attention to anything that is being said. All you want to do is crawl into bed and sleep for a week and a few days.
“You look like shit,” Mapi whispers in your ear rather matter-of-factly.
“Really? Because I feel fantastic.” Sarcasm drips from your lips and Mapi has to suppress her laughter in order to not draw any attention to the two of you.
Jona blows the whistle and you can only send a little prayer that he’ll take it easy on you today.
Alexia, however, seems to have other plans. Today of all days, she has decided to train with an unusual intensity. Your prayer clearly not answered as Alexia demands that very same intensity from the rest of her teammates, and especially from you. On the surface, it seems that all she wants is for the team to work hard, but deep down, you know this is nothing but a ploy so she can make you suffer.
Despite your current state, you’re determined to refuse her the satisfaction of seeing you on your knees, defeated. When she screams at you to run faster, you run faster. When she tackles you again and again, you make it a point to not stay down for too long. You do all of this through gritted teeth and a body screaming and begging for it all to stop.
The training session ends with free kick practice and your first attempt goes over the crossbar.
This gives Alexia a brilliant idea.
“For every shot missed, you’ll have to run the length of the pitch and back,” she commands, a smug smile on her lips.
You can feel everyone's eyes on you and this only makes your blood boil. It’s clear that you’re on the verge of passing out but no one dares to go up against Alexia and you can’t exactly blame them. She has the respect of everyone in on the team, coaching staff included, of course no one comes to your aid.
So, you have no choice but to run. Something you have done a million times before is now nearly impossible to accomplish. When you make it back, your vision is blurry and it’s a struggle to catch your breath— factors that only make it all that more difficult to get the ball in the net.
It’s no surprise when you miss.
With your hands on your knees, you shoot daggers at Alexia, hoping to convey with your eyes all the words you can’t say out loud. In return, she challenges you to speak up— her expression daring you to admit defeat so your punishment can come to an end and she can claim her victory.
The desire to prove her wrong outweighs your need for rest. Even with your heart aching in your chest, you manage to touch the goal post on the other end of the pitch but this time, barely manage make it back.
Black dots start to infiltrate your vision and you’re not sure you have any fight left in you. A free kick drill has now become a matter of life and death.
“Come on, you got this!”
Surprisingly, Claudia is the one who dares to speak up but she quickly has to hide behind Patri when Alexia shoots a deadly glare in her direction.
Pina’s interruption earns you a few more seconds and that makes it possible for you to get one good breath in. Her words of encouragement settle in your mind and feed your confidence.
You take three steps back and one to the side— as is your custom. A bead of sweat trickles down your forehead and its path leads dangerously close to your eye but you pay it no mind.
The moment you make contact with the ball you know it’s perfect. It’s the right amount of power and curve, making it drop under the crossbar just in time and into the back of the net.
Everyone seems to breathe out a sigh of relief with Alexia being the only exception. There’s so much you want to say but you know it’s not the right time nor place.
One thing is for certain; your revenge will be sweet.
Alexia leads the team to the locker room but you decide it’s best to stay behind. There’s a rage building up inside of you that needs to be controlled. So, you seek out a little bit of shade and take some time to calm yourself down before you do or say something that will surely get you in a lot of trouble, but you certainly won’t regret.
“You look like shit” Jona’s voice disrupts your thoughts. The young manager kneels by your side and offers you a bottle of water.
“So I’ve been told.”
Aware of your difficult relationship with Alexia, Jona has had to assume the role of peacemaker more than once. While he has often come to your defense when you’ve needed him the most, there have been times he has had to take a step back and allow you to feel the full extent of Alexia’s wrath.
“You deserved it this time, you know,” he says, and you have no strength to argue.
“I deserved to be punished yes, but that little stunt was so much more than that.”
It was one thing for Alexia to punish you for showing up hungover to practice, but it was another thing entirely to intentionally embarrass you in front of the entire team.
All you can think about is revenge.
A few weeks have passed since your altercation with Alexia and since then, the two of you have not said more than two sentences to each other off the pitch.
On the pitch it’s a slightly different matter. Despite what Alexia might think, you know how to be a professional. When the whistle is blown, you’re able to put all your anger to the side and follow your captain's orders without a second thought. Once the 90 minutes are over, however, you don’t bother to give her a second glance.
Since you haven’t been in the greatest of moods lately, the plan was to stay in and have a quiet night in, but your friends don’t really believe in such a thing. All it took was one text for your night to take a very different turn.
📲: Otto Zutz tonight 😈
A favorite among your friends, Otto Zutz never disappoints. You’re no stranger to the club so you feel right at home surrounded by the steel pillars and cement walls.
One drink turns into two and you don’t bother to keep count after five. Under the influence of alcohol and of your mischievous friends, you ordered a bottle of Cristal only to shake it vigorously and spray it down to everyone on the dance floor. The huge roar that reverberated around the club was music to your ears.
The crowd below demands your attention so you make your way to them. The space is clouded with artificial smoke and fog, strobe lights flashing in sync with the music. You mix into the crowd and become one of many the bodies on the dance floor controlled by the onslaught of drumbeats.
It’s all going to perfection— until you spot her in the crowd. All the alcohol you have consumed has blurred your vision and the lighting in the club certainty doesn’t help, but you’re certain it’s her.
“Alexia,” you say to yourself.
You should turn away from her and ensure your night ends on a high, yet, you can’t fight the urge to talk to her. Somehow you manage to get through the sea of bodies in your way but now with her back to you, Alexia doesn’t see you approach her.
“What are you doing here, Putellas?,” your voice slurred, a hand on her shoulder to get her attention.
When she turns around, you have to take a step back.
Definitely not Alexia.
The sisters share a few similarities, but you have always been able to tell them apart. It’s a mistake you can only blame on the alcohol coursing through your veins.
“Well, look who we have here,” Alba, who has clearly had just as much to drink as you, pulls you in for a tight embrace and her hands waste no time settling on your lower back.
Unlike Alexia, Alba has always been particularly fond of you. It was innocent at first with just the occasional DM on Instagram, but it eventually progressed to lingering touches and suggestive whispers behind Alexia’s back. You haven’t dared to take it any further, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t entertained the possibility.
Just the idea of you and Alba getting together would be enough to drive Alexia crazy. If that idea were to ever become a reality…
With a hand on Alba’s waist, you lean in so she can hear you over the music, “dance with me.”
Her nails dig in ever so slightly into your back and her lips brush against your ear, giving you all the confirmation you need.
Revenge is sweet. ______
Spirits are high inside the locker room. The team is feeling extremely confident after a streak of great results, so there’s laughter and a lot of teasing as you get ready for training.
It’s the calm before the storm.
There’s a very notable absence in the locker room. Alexia, who is usually one of the very first to arrive, is nowhere to be seen.
Alba texted you last night to give you a heads up that Alexia had somehow found out about the two of you planning on going out on a date, and according to Alba, Alexia was not at all pleased with the idea. This, of course, didn’t surprise you. In fact, it’s what you wanted all along.
There is no doubt in your mind that going on a date with Alba is a horrible idea. You know it can only bring you trouble, but you still haven’t quite gotten over Alexia’s so called punishment. Not only that, it’s how much she seemed to enjoy watching you run back and forth, fighting for your life. For you, that moment was a declaration of war and as they say, all is fair in love and war. 
The impact of the door crashing against the wall startles everyone in the locker room. The door closes itself with force behind Alexia as she zeros in on you. Her face a ferocious red, eyes burning with rage.
You love it.
Alexia marches in your direction, takes the cleats from your hands and throws them against the wall. “Stay the hell away from Alba!”
Everyone around you is frozen in shock at the scene that’s unfolding before their very eyes. It reminds you of the previous clash with Alexia, but this time, you have the upper hand.
“I don’t think Alba would like that very much,” you say, tilting your head slightly to the side with an arrogant smirk.
“My sister is off limits!”
You scoff at her words. “Alba is allowed to date whoever she wants,” you say, keeping your eyes on Alexia, “isn’t that right, Mapi?”
Mapi, completely taken off guard, immediately puts her hands up in defense, “I’m innocent in all of this.”
The fire in Alexia’s eyes continues to burn bright but you refuse to look away and you refuse to back down.
“Everyone out!”
Like loyal soldiers, everyone in the locker room packs up what they need and practically run out of the locker room. You get a few looks from some of your teammates on their way out, almost as they want to get their last look good look of you alive and breathing before Alexia gets her hands on you.
“I don’t think you understand how pissed off I am right now,” she says, her jaw set.
“Oh, believe me, babe. I understand.”
A wave of recognition crashes over her, and Alexia finally understands that all of this is just your way of getting revenge. “You’re doing this on purpose,” she breathes out, and she almost can’t believe her own words. “You’re seriously using my sister to get back at me?”
A shrug of the shoulders is all you give her as a response.
Alexia runs her fingers through her hair in frustration and begins to pace the room. You watch in amusement as she covers her face with her hands and lets out a muffled groan born out of frustration.
“You know training is about to start, right?”
Alexia stops in her tracks and finally looks at you, “what do I have to do?” she asks.
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, “what the hell are you talking about?”
Alexia takes a step closer and you notice the rage in her eyes has been replaced with icy determination. “Tell me what I have to do for you not to go on that date with Alba,” there’s a slight hesitation before she says, “I’ll do anything.”
“Anything.” Alexia nods once and for a brief moment, her expression falters revealing her fear of you actually taking her up on her offer.
You’re overwhelmed by the possibilities, but one thing is for certain, you want to keep this going for as long as possible.
“Fine,” you say, crossing your arms across your chest. “If I can’t go out with Alba…” you take a pause, building up the anticipation much to Alexia’s displeasure, “...you’ll have to do.”
“You heard me. If I can’t go out with Alba, you’ll have to go out with me instead.”
Alexia’s eyes open wide, her lips parted in disbelief. This is the first time you see her truly vulnerable and you have to fight the grin threatening to spread across your face.
“No, no, y-you can’t be serious,” she stutters, forcing herself to take a step back.
“Oh, I’m very serious,” you say, “but, you can always so no and I can just go out with Alba.”
This is a win-win situation for you and Alexia knows it. There’s no getting out of this one, so it’s all a matter of how far she’s willing to go to ensure you stay away from her sister.
“Ok,” she says, “I’ll do it,” her words spoken so softly you can barely hear her.
“I’m gonna need you to speak up.”
Alexia takes in a deep breath, draws her shoulders back, and looks you dead in the eye. “Fine, I will go out with you,” she finally says, and this time you can hear her just fine. “But, Alba can never know about this.”
You expected her to put up more of a fight, but it seems she’s desperate to make sure you stay as far away as possible from Alba. If it were anybody else you’d be offended, but you don’t care much about Alexia’s opinion of you.
Your smile makes her eye twitch, her jaw clenched so tight that it’s a little concerning. Still, Alexia stands her ground and accepts her fate.
“Well, that’s settled then,” you say, closing the distance Alexia created.
There’s a pause. You scan her features, watching the subtle signs of tension around the corners of her mouth. When her tongue darts out to wet her lips, an unexpected shiver runs down your spine.
“You’re all mine.”
Part 2
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stitched-mouth · 7 months
Madame Web Production BS
Just to be clear, I love this movie. But I love talking about what a dumpster fire it was behind the scenes so let me point everything wrong with my favourite of the year so far. SPOILERS!
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• Cass’s personality is not fleshed out… that’s a major problem. I feel like they just told Dakota Johnson to do what she wants the whole movie BUT then right at they end they decide to give Cass a personality completely ripped from the comics. And it doesn’t work with the way Dakota was playing her the whole movie and these no character development over the course of the movie, so it’s actually a little scary seeing her switch at the end.
• None of the characters have a personality actually. The villain was the worst to be fair because I still don’t really understand his motives. Like… you tricked and murdered a pregnant woman and a few others because your family was poor? And you think Spidey strength will fix that? Um, ok. So is mine but I don’t know.. wouldn’t kill anybody over it though.
• I hate Sydney Sweeney’s image. And it’s not her or her marketing teams fault. It’s her fans’ and her directors. She’s constantly purposely dressed sexy in movies (even when dressed down like a nerd, she’s still sexualised) but then is playing a child. Like wtf. They did it to her in Euphoria and they’ve done it to her again in Madame Web. And how Sydney dresses for press also is clearly influenced by directors and fans’, like the look isn’t just what they want for her characters but also how she’s expected to be irl too. It’s kind of sick and related to how paedophilic things are still normalised in our society today, I’ll have to say that rant for another day though.
• Why does it feel like nobody cared about this movie? The script feels like the first draft that was supposed to have rewrites but nobody was bothered. Same with the editing, everything but especially the dialogue and music feels so placeholder, why was it in the finished project? Like even the Google cast page is not finished, only the leads have their character names on there. Zosia Mament (the villain’s assistant) is credited as fucking ‘Actress’.
• Why was Cassie able to fly to Peru when she’s a wanted criminal? Why is she flying to Peru when talking about laying low because she’s a WANTED CRIMINAL??!
• The writers constantly forgetting what year it is was hilarious and the editors just throwing one Brittney Spears song in and a few Beyonce billboards in to cover up their mistake is also hilarious.
• ACTUALLY, apparently the whole reason the movie was set in 2003 was because the director really wanted to use Toxic in the movie. Because apparently you can’t play a song in a movie if the movie doesn’t take place in the same year the song was released 🤡
• BUT Toxic was released in 2004 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
• The writers taking the time setting as a opportunity to reference Garfield’s Spider-Man but then also forgetting that that SM was born in 1995 🤡🤡🤡🤡
• Yes I checked, they specifically wanted to reference Garfield’s Spidey, but through editing they realised their mistake and started trying to make it look like they were talking about Tom Holland’s SM instead, which risks breaking some rules with Marvel… AND THAT SPIDEY WAS BORN IN 2001 SO THEY STILL FUCKED UP. The fact that a simple Google and common sense (like they must of know Garfield’s fist SM movie took place in 2012 and if he was born in 2003, he would of been only 9 years old in 2012 😑) would of fixed this problem is again hilarious.
• Obviously the biggest goof was Dakota Johnson not realising she’s not in a Marvel movie and firing her agent the same day the trailer got dropped 🤡
• She also might be in trouble for posting the teaser on her Instagram and tagging Marvel before the trailer dropped (so before she found out), but I don’t think Dakota manages her own socials tbh. That post was removed then put back up without a Marvel tag.
• The press tour is amazingly bad, I love it.
• Not seeing the girls turn or become heroes was probably the worst part about this movie but I knew that going in so didn’t mind too much. But the real issue is with how Sony keeps straight up lying to their audience with their trailers. Obviously some studios add somethings into their trailer to create more interest for the audience but that’s not what Sony is doing, they are straight up LYING. And they do it so often now I want to fight whoever is in charge of that, they are the reason this movie flopped.
• Them and the writers… and whoever decided to hire the Morbius writers again, everyone there deserves to lose their jobs.
• The only reason I want this movie to do well is because I want Madame Web to have more movies with Dakota Johnson, Sydney Sweeney, Adam Scott, Isabella Mercer, Emma Roberts and Celeste O’Connor all returning. But I really don’t see that happening now, I can’t see Dakota signing another contract with Sony or doing everything to get out of this contract if it’s not over yet.
• The fact that they had to dub the villain’s lines makes me so confused to why he was hired? He didn’t even give a good performance, not saying he’s a bad actor (I’ve heard he’s great on other movies), but he really didn’t do anything in MW.
• And the part with the FBI agent and the villain had me so confused too. Like, did she seduce him to find out information about him? Because it makes sense that the FBI would be suspicious of this guy. But then did he see through her act and decide to at least get laid before killing her and stealing her passcode? But everyone is saying he seduce her for her passcodes and yeah I’m confused.
• The problem is the pacing and how everything that needs explaining isn’t, but everything that doesn’t need an explanation IS explained. And too much.
“He worked with my Mom in this place looking for this spider right before she died”
That’s not the exact quote but it’s pretty close to and that’s less than 5 minutes in. Ok thanks spoiling the whole movie to me. I really didn’t know a movie could spoil the movie to me.
• I’ll add more to this post when I remember more bs this movie endured or forced me to endure, feel free to add to this list in the comments or reposts.
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lale-txt · 2 years
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♡ DILFS DILFS DILFS: standing on your tiptoes to reach his lips w/ Roger & gn!reader
a/n: requested by @overpoweredrogersimp ♡ big beefy man delivery right to your doorstep... i went with your original request since i already had it in my drafts (≧ω≦)ゞ it's slightly suggestive in the second half (still SFW) because that's what just naturally happens when writing Roger oops–
word count: 1.4k
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Roger was nowhere to be found. 
By now you probably searched the whole Oro Jackson for him; you even got Shanks and Buggy involved in your search but they got distracted by bickering at each other and ended up in Crocus’ infirmary because one of them had to get patched up. You had asked every crew member if they’ve seen the captain. Gaban looked at you from over his sunglasses and shook his head and Rayleigh frowned, mumbling something about how Roger better not have gone overboard but immediately regretted his words when he noticed your alarmed expression.
“I’m sure he’s fine. Have you searched for him in the captain's quarters?”, he asks, adjusting his glasses and you pout. “Of course I did. That’s the very first place I looked for him. Seriously, how can someone his size just disappear?” “Well, go and look again”, Rayleigh replies calmly and winks at you. “Usually we find lost things in the very first spot we searched for again.”
You roll your eyes at the old man's advice but still decide to go for it. What did you have left to lose when you already lost the most precious thing in your life? Maybe you were being dramatic. But didn’t Roger know this was an emergency? Hello? You haven’t been kissed for three hours by now, were you being punished and if yes, what for? Was he upset because you were still laughing about how he got stuck in the water slide the other day because of his hairy ass? Didn’t he know that you adored said ass? You couldn’t even walk past it without giving it a little slap and watching it jiggle so deliciously…
Making a beeline towards the captain’s quarters, your heart is about to jump out of your chest somehow. Rayleigh’s comment about going overboard nagged at you, even if the chances were low that it could actually be a possibility. Roger was the strongest and on top of that his presence was vibrant, drawing souls to him as if he was the whole sun.
But he was also terminally ill.
The captain came to terms that he only had little of life left to live a long time ago, you on the other hand… not quite yet. It haunted you. Imagining to wake up without him one day made you feel as if you’re suffocating, every fiber of your body refusing to believe that this was inevitable. You speed up your steps, tears now welling up in your eyes. Crap. Please, be okay, please, please, please…
You don’t bother knocking, just burst through the door of the captain’s quarters, prepared for the worst. Through your teary eyes you can only make out shades of light and silhouettes, but there, without any doubt, he was. Usually you hide your worries from your captain, but just now you let out a relieved sob, then take a few big steps towards him and fling your arms around his waist, crying into his broad back. 
“Oi, little one, what’s the matter? Are you hurt? Should I get Crocus?”
Roger sounds startled, his voice full of worry. He reaches for you and turns around, hugging you tightly against his torso while a big hand comes to your back, rubbing it soothingly – which only makes you cry harder.
“I’m sorry for what I said about your hairy ass, but please–”, you whine and clench your fists around his pink open shirt, accidentally ripping out some chest hair, “–please never hide from me again! I was worried sick about you, I thought…”
You bite your lips and swallow the rest of the sentence, just sink deeper into his embrace and feel the tension falling off your shoulders now that you could feel him very much alive. Roger does his best to comfort you, whispering sweet nothings with a low voice while he continues rubbing your back with his huge hands. He waits patiently until your hiccup from the crying stops, then holds you an arm length away from him to seek your gaze. You blink at him through a still hazy vision.
“Now… you thought I was hiding from you? How come?” He tilts his head a little to the side, an amused smile on his lips as he brushes away some of the salty streaks on your face. You lean into his touch like a love-starved kitten. 
“See, when I returned from the bathroom, you were gone without a trace! The bed was unmade and cold, as if you left in a hurry… and when I went to look for you everywhere, it was as if you vanished! Usually you’re always right there when I call…”
Roger nods along sympathetically, then ruffles his own hair, guilt written all over his face for making you worry. “See, love… you kept me up all night.” He smirks at you and vivid images from last night flash in front of your eyes again, making heat rise in your cheeks. Oh. “And when I rolled over, you were gone so I assumed you went to the kitchen maybe, grabbing us a snack so we can continue with new energy… or have me bend you over the kitchen counter maybe…”
Now that sounds promising… you feel your thoughts trailing off and force yourself to stay present, gazing at Roger’s lips as he continues to explain how he just went back to bed after not finding you in the kitchen; how he took a nap and just thought to himself it would be the best to wait in the place you last saw each other because eventually you’ll return back there too, right?
“So that old man had a point…”, you mumble to yourself and take a mental note to listen to Rayleigh’s advice more often. Roger looks at you slightly confused, but you shake your head and smile. What mattered was that you found each other and that you both were alive and well. And now that the images from last night were dancing in front of your vision once again, you wouldn’t mind continuing where you left off…
You let your hands wander over his torso, taking in every inch of him, then stretch out your hands to grab his collar and pull, aiming to make him lean down to your lips. Seriously, why doesn’t a man his height come with a step ladder? He doesn’t move a bit and now you’re standing on tiptoes in a weak attempt to get any closer to that kiss you’ve yearned for so long now. Why won’t he move? Damnit, was this still about his hai–
“Something the matter?” 
Roger grins at you from above, his face way out of reach for your lips. He seems amused by the way you’re slowly losing your temper, jumping up and down slightly to get that kiss you are longing for. So close and yet so far away… 
Only when irritated tears start pricking in the corner of your eyes again, Roger laughs and sweeps you off your feet – literally. Within a heartbeat the captain pushes you with your back against the wall, big hands digging into your thighs as you wrap them around Roger’s waist, a hungry mouth seeking yours as you bury your fingers in his dark hair. It’s a kiss that takes your breath away and makes your toes curl, and it only gets better once his cheeky tongue slips between your lips and charms out faint moans from deep within. You wrap your arms tighter around his neck and smile into the kiss, every fiber of your body tingling. 
When Roger pulls back slowly, your eyes meet and there it is again; the mischievous twinkle that started a fire back then and continues to do so. This man will one day be the death of you… 
“You still owe me a few hundred more kisses for those terribly long hours you were gone…”, you coo and slightly pull his hair, making him grin. Roger leans in for another kiss, his lips hovering dangerously close over yours, making time seem to stand still. You have a feeling you won’t leave this cabin without every inch of your skin being covered in kisses… but you wouldn’t want it any other way.
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the-ghost-king · 3 months
Okay so, a few years ago now me and @thebigqueer got into a back and forth and were somehow talking about a solangelo beauty and the beast au and I drafted it up but I never actually truly wrote it (not shocking if you know me, the wip folder is very full and very incomplete). Anyhow, I seen @solangeloweek was running a fairytale retelling day for the 28th so I figured I could upload this as a sort of bullet point/list/draft format the way so many people used to in fandom 10 or so years ago and we'll call it an intentional throwback.
Anyway, if this is your sort of thing then enjoy :)
Il bello e la bestia
Chapter 1:
Opens to Will being put to bed during the ball at the palace… Probably 5 or so
“We’ll see you in the morning my love”
When Will wakes up in the morning his nurse comes to get him, upon touching her she dies; Will begins screaming and crying, he doesn’t know what’s wrong
The doctor looks her over and concludes it's a new plague
Will holds onto his mother
Scene break
Hades meets Hestia in the early light of morning
“It is done?”
“Yes of course, I’ve never let you down have I?”
“No of course not, don’t tell Maria she would be most distraught.”
Scene break
‘News of the Queens death arrives within two days’ and fear begins to spread
The servants are all sent home but a few to try to keep them safe
All of the royal children but one are dead, there’s no news of the king but there’s rumors he’s on his deathbed
Plague gets into city, Hades does his best to secure his family's safety
Chapter 2:
Beginning of chapter is similar to The Secret Garden’s opening when Mary is the last survivor
Similar situation yet nobody rescues him
Apollo had realized Will was the source since he had immunity to whatever was going on
His last words to Will were “It’s not your fault do not blame yourself I should have done better, I love you my son and nobody would hold anything which has occurred against you”
Which confuses Will at first until he realizes
His father takes a rasping breath and Will is crying
He’s not all alone in the palace, but I need to figure out a curse of some sort for the surviving children (Austin and Kayla are babies so they live possibly without effects; Cecil, Lou Ellen, and Clarisse are children of the staff at the palace they need some sort of curse on them.. Perhaps Silena and Beckendorf reside at the palace still too? I think we can do better than making the houses other occupants cleaning supplies and pianos... also maybe Hazel is at the palace for some nice found family moments with her and Nico later on?)
Scene break
We’re in a moderate sized home and Hades is packing things into suitcases
Maria is gasping for air on her deathbed, the sun is rising (symbolism for her being a star)
Bianca too is coughing and choking and gasping on the bed they’ve added to the room
Nico is asleep on Hades shoulder
Hades wants to stop and take a moment and kiss Maria goodbye
She tells him no and to leave because he can’t get sick too
“For Nico,” she says, “Go, I love you both.”
And Hades leaves to her whispering soft words to Bianca
Hestia leaves somewhere else, she's going to find a way to erase the kingdom’s memory of the royals in an attempt to provide Will a more normal future since she thinks the punishment was too harsh.. Everyone was supposed to get sick but they weren’t all supposed to die
Chapter 3:
Possibly focus on Will and Nico growing up in a quick monologue type way?
Opening scene from Movie, Belle song kind of sequence
Octivian as Gaston ( so Nico has a chance at the end to still say ‘some deaths shouldn't be prevented)
Nico is known for being odd but so many people try to earn his hand in marriage for his looks
Hades was changed by Maria, he thinks marriage should be for love
He likes Percy but is shrugged off in favor of Annabeth
Reyna lives with him? They were friends as kids and Hades took her in after some time for currently undecided plot reasons
As they got older she basically became Nico’s personal Bodyguard after a childhood incident Nico liked making sure she had stable income and a good safe place to work (I kind of want it dark so maybe Minos got caught up in crime or something?)
Octivian trying to flirt or sabotage Nico somehow?
Nico doing some cool smart thing for plot
Chapter ends with Nico either realizing his fathers been gone to long or a hurried message saying he needs help
Chapter 4:
Nico takes Reyna and they go get Jason and take him with them
The woods scene ™ (Can't have wolves without Jason am I right? Lol)
Reyna, Jason and Nico accidentally get seperated
Reyna and Jason end up basically together somewhere
But Nico gets separated
They don’t know how far Nico got, so when they don’t find his body Reyna goes ahead to the city where Hades is supposed to be to try to see if Nico will be there and such
Jason stays behind to search the woods for remains or evidence
Chapter ends with Nico showing up in the castle, “Hello?”
Chapter 5:
Nico gets trapped in the castle
He trespassed and Clarisse and Cecil locked him up and someone in the palace of some importance tells them to let Nico go
He has to be kept in that situation because they don’t want people to know about Will/the palace and they don’t know what Nico’s seen
Hades had gotten trapped in the castle for some reason, maybe they figured out that he placed the curse or something, maybe just trespassing- Nico agrees to trade his life in jail for his father’s and events resume as typical
Scene ends with Nico being given a bedroom and taken out of a cell to be placed on “house arrest” and he tries to settle in to his new life
Chapter 6:
Scene opens with Jason walking back into town to try and convince people to form a search party for Nico
Technically this would be the “Gaston scene” but instead this is Jason trying to convince everyone why they should care about Nico… Kind of like the whole jar situation
Eventually a small party agrees to go help look (Jason, Reyna, Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Frank, and Octavian - so the 7 minus Hazel, plus Reyna and Octavian)
Scene break
Nico is trying to settle into his new palace life, and he’s befriending the people who live there
Will is some sort of secret, sort of like Elsa (another Disney movie throw in, why not) but slightly sus things have been noticed by Nico during conversations
Nico doesn’t care he’s going to try and run away and go back home (He’s got a plan in his head and materials hidden somewhere)
Nico does manage to get out of the palace, and he makes his way even out of the gates to start heading home on his horse
The Wolves ™
Nico is seriously injured during the event
Chapter 7:
Scene opens to the events at the village, as they lay out a map trying to determine where Nico might have ended up (They don’t even know the royal family or palace exist)
Either Reyna stumbles in claiming she couldn’t find Hades, or they might stumble in together with one of them very ill/weak
Scene break
Friends from the palace try to convince Will to help save Nico’s life
Will is scared about possibly making it worse and killing Nico because of his plague powers and how he hasn’t used his healing powers in years
“But you always cure Kayla’s colds!” “Yes but those are small!”
There’s a little bit of a spat, but Will agrees reluctantly
He goes into the room alone and tells them to seal the doors in case he messes up they only lose one life
The palace friends sit and wait
Chapter 8:
The scene opens to the search party beginning to look for Nico (they’re all headed in the wrong direction)
It will take them a month or more to even get close to Nico’s location
Queue making the pacing work in such a way you feel like it's a mundane day in the life sort of deal but just fast enough you're reminded Nico's life was hanging in the balance at the end of last chapter
Also some silly nonsense infighting because Octavian is there and boo Octavian
Scene Break with a slight timeskip
Will had healed Nico successfully, and instead of leaving to trust his care to his siblings and friends he takes Nico’s care onto himself
Three days in the infirmary style fic lets go! (except it’s like a week)
Flirting, pining, jokes, r u gay without actually asking that type questions
Will realizes Nico’s intelligence (or whatever the correct word for the term is) at some point and shows him the library with all the books
Nico gasps in wonder and awe
Scene break
Palace friends are all discussing the relationship and how close the two have grown
Throughout this Will has some weird behaviors but Nico ignores them as oddities and nothing else (psssst, Nico, it's trauma!)
It takes about a month for Nico to fully heal, but it's not specified or anything anywhere
Chapter 9:
Octavian is in a search group with Jason, Reyna, and Hades
Eventually they realize this is a ploy either for him to impress or hurt Nico (idk his and Nico’s relationship dynamic yet)
So Octavian attacks them and leaves them for the wolves
Scene ends with Hestia appearing (although it's not obviously her)
Scene break
Will and Nico falling in love in the palace
Nico has finally earned lots of Will’s trust and Will shows him the smaller magical library they have
He shows him the book that Will show the reader whatever they want to see… It's from Hestia when she worked at the palace (and now it's like Lou Ellen's room or something)
Nico does the little like apartment scene from the movie, but instead it's a small house in the middle of a large nature field along a river and he goes inside his childhood home with drawings and stuff all over the walls but like no people
They find the mask and Nico realizes they left because of a plague, Will feels guilty and hesitates as to whether or not he should tell Nico it was his fault.
He decided not to at the time, the scene ends with Will’s guilt as they return to the palace
Chapter 10:
Reyna, and Jason awake in Hestia's traveling home thingy idk
They realize Hades is in kahoots with a witch
They hesitate but decide not to disclose the information to the people of the city because they're good of heart
The scene ends with Reyna and Jason trying to return to the town to tell of Octavian crimes
But they have no evidence (not having any injuries was suspicious and they agreed not to talk about the witch)
Eventually they disclose the truth about the witch and Hades, and they are found and all 4 locked up to be executed for trying to falsely accuse him of a crime and socializing with a witch
Scene break with the death penalty way if heavy on the readers mind
In the magic room when looking over the books, Will shows Nico the magic looking mirror
They think it doesn't work, Will argues it just needs to be wanted up it hasn't been so many years since it's been used
He convinces Nico to come to dinner with him
Will plans to tell Nico about the plague issue, and encourages him to bring the mirror
Chapter 11:
Percy and Annabeth’s search group returns to town to hear of Reyna and Jason's issue
They begin to formulate a plan to try and rescue them to avoid the death penalty but they have to be fast and work before the soldiers know they're back
Scene break
During the dinner Nico checks the mirror again, and he’s made aware of his father and friends situation just before Will was going to tell him about plague incident
Will decides he can't keep Nico here his whole life and that he deserves more and happiness, he tells Nico to go after his family and that his sentence is served
He wraps Nico in his cloak and hands him the mirror and his own personal horse to go to his town
Scene break
Soldier walks in to Jason, Hades and Reyna’s cell “Time to go”
Chapter 12:
Scene opens to blood, Octavian kills Selena and Beckendorf for information and traps Clarisse somehow
He was interrogating them on their return from a different nearby village for food
He knows of the relationship between Nico and Will and he wants to use it against
Octavian has returned to the village, and knowing that Nico is in love with the “beast” he rallys a crowd painting Will to be vicious with witchcraft
Clarisse manages to escape somehow and goes to warn the palace about the incoming threat; they prep for battle
Scene break
Nico is sneaking around the town as he sees the preparations for the witch hunt being prepared
He knows they're going to try and kill his family first so he decides to go get Percy to ask him to help save them
Percy let's him in on the plan and there's like a who Notre Dame musical kind of thing where they save their lives
Once the villagers realize that witch and the rest of them aren't going to die tonight the leave anyhow to go and kill Will
Nico had left already before them by just a few seconds to rush to the palace and warn Will
Chapter 13:
scene opens to Percy, Annabeth, Piper, and Leo helping to calm and heal Reyna Jason and Hades and try to wake Hestia
Percy looks into the distant forest where everyone has left to “now we pray” or something similar.
Scene break
Villagers arrive to storm the palace, with no mention of if Nico had got there in time or not
Octavian abandons X and X turns on Octavian to help the palace instead (I can't think of who would make a good le fou out of the characters so…. Character X for now... Unamed Roman IVXII or something lol)
Things are burning
Kayla and Clarisse are in charge of strategy
Austin is trying to be as loud and annoying as possible (music; villagers hold ears in pain etc)
Palace friends are using various tactics, Lou Ellen discovers her magic, Hazel too
Octavian is looking for Will and his siblings
Some home alone type shots of situations and planning that results in cool fight scenes courtesy of Cecil (Connor and Travis also? Hmm)
Scene break
Nico rushing up a staircase on the far side of the house which is without traps
He rushes to find Will
Chapter 14:
Opens to Hestia, Reyna, Jason, and Hades riding down the dirt forest road
Hestia is in the lead rushing
Percy and Annabeth and friends are behind on horseback too
Scene break
Nico opens Will’s room in a rush, trying to warn Will Octavian was missing from the fight
Octavian is standing in the open room in a position to kill Will in one blow
Nico freezes and meets Will's eyes
Scene break
A whole tower of the palace has gone up in flame, palace friends are struggling to hold ground in the fight
Chapter 15:
Octavian talking to Nico and Will disclosing his evil plan
Nico is watching Will’s eyes and had seen a shift in his face when he walled in
Now Will’s eyes are directing him towards an area with a weapon
Nico in one movement picks it up and fights Octavian giving Will freedom
Scene break
Percy and friends rush into battle below
Hestia doesn't stay to fight and rushes up the stairs
No killing or maiming villagers (capture the flag reference yadda yadda)
Scene break
Nico decides to spare Octavian life
Ocitivian uses this to shoot Will in the back
Ocitivian dies of Will’s plague
Hestia bursts through the door and saves Will’s life as Nico is crying over him
Chapter 16:
Will wakes up and he’s worried Nico will hate him because of the plague
Nico is sitting curled up in a chair next to Will’s bedside asleep, he wakes up when Will moves “shhh”
“No, no I need to explain, I’m so sorry” “Will, Will, I- Will, listen. I already thought about it and was briefed on the situation I don’t care.”
Will cries, they’re laughing and happy, snow is falling outside the window
Scene break
There’s a feast and all of the people in Nico’s friends are there and all Will’s friends and they eat
And there’s no talk of funeral preparations because it’s agreed they can be put on hold another day so the living can be celebrated a day longer
Scene break
After the funerals, Nico and Will walking down a hallway late (like 4am idk) after everyone else has retired the day of the services, they’re talking about how lovely they were
Nico begins to talk about how he’s sad he’ll have to leave soon
Will proposes, “Nico just stay, stay and marry me.” “Wait what?” “Please?” “Okay” “Wait really?” “Yes of course” “Oh I surely thought you’d tell me no and I’d have to impress you to earn your hand!” “Will~” “hmm?” “You already did” Nico kisses his cheek, queue fireworks or whatever
Chapter 17 (Epilogue):
Nico and Will ballroom dancing after their wedding, they’re surrounded by friends and basked in white light of the mid afternoon
They’re happy and joking with one another
Scene pans over to Hades and Hestia
Hestia: “Will you ever tell him?”
Hades, looking at her in a sad and fond manner: “I don’t know, but let them have at least this”
Hestia, knowingly: “You mean let yourself have this, because you know how upset Nico will be when he finds out the real reason for everything?”
Hades: “Shut up”
(Persephone asks him to dance? Palace staff???)
Talk about the festivities and try to make it an all is well type ending while still leaving the Hades situation open ended and on the darker side
Happy couple solangelo kisses for real and then actual fireworks yay
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noforkingclue · 8 months
The Slow Horses on vacation or some kinda team building??? That's lots of room for chaos to ensue haha
I started drafting a brief thing during my lunch break which, well, turned into this! I had way too much fun writing it and please, feel free to send in more Slow Horses stuff :D
Title: Team Building
“Are we being fucking punished?” You asked as you looked down at the memo
“We’re at Slough House y/n,” said Louisa, “of course we’re being punished.”
You grimaced and poked the paper with your pen, almost of though you were afraid that it would go off. Knowing how much The Park hated you, you wouldn't have been too surprised if it did. You were certain this was some kinda of sick practical joke.
“The important question is,” said River, “who’s going to tell Lamb.”
An uncomfortable silence fell over the group. You were rereading the memo when you realised everyone was looking at you. When it dawned on you what they were expecting you shook your head.
“No.” You said firmly, “absolutely not.”
“He likes you the most.” Said River
“He fucking hates me. Standish, can’t you do it?”
“I think it’s best that you do this.” Said Standish with an amused smile
“What the fuck am I going to say?" you picked up the paper and waved it about, "Morning sir, The Park sent us a fucking note telling us we need to improve our team building skills. Shall I tell them to stick it up their arse?”
“Yeah, that’ll fucking do it.”
Lamb’s voice cut through the room and he stomped over to you. He snatched the note out of your hands and glared at you before he read through it. Once he’d finished he snorted in amusement and shoved it back to you.
“Sort this shit out,” he said as he walked towards his office, “I don't want to spend any more time you you cunts than necessary.”
“Well l/n,” said Roddy with a smirk, “looks like it’s all up to you.”
“Me? Why the fuck should it be me?”
“Because you’re the least useless one,” shouted Lamb, “not that that’s saying much.”
“Looks like you’re on your own with this.” Said Shirley with a smirk
“Oh no. This is meant to be about team building,” you snapped, "we’re not doing a lot of team building if your ditching it all on me.”
“We could go down the pub,” said Marcus
“We can’t do team building down the pub,” said Standish, “that defeats the whole purpose of this. Besides, how would that even work?”
“No wait,” you sat down on the table, “Marcus might have a point. When I was back in accounts-“
“Like a fucking nerd.” Interrupted Roddy, earning him a smack from Shirley
“We had a budget for this sort of thing, not that anyone really used it of course. I saw the expenses for team building bullshit. Dealing with drugged up team members and how people would cope dealing with the situation by themselves.”
“How-“ stated Louisa
“Basically the team got pissed and one person was the DD,” you said with a smirk, “and these things got through the system somehow. Now then, why don’t I do a bit of research…”
You smirked as you did a quick Google search trying to find the perfect place.
“Good Woods Corporate retreat,” said River who was reading over your shoulder, “can you fucking imagine Lamb in a place like that?”
“Nope,” You said, "But look it has a spa and a pool!"
“It’s a fucking grand a night,” said Shirley who was on your other side, "How the fuck can we afford that.”
“We’re not going to be paying for it.” You said with a smirk, “and I’m sure Ho can dig up some dirt on the CEO so we can actually get out of doing all the corporate team building shit. Once The Park gets our bill I doubt we'll be forced to do this ever again!”
“Already fucking on it. Anything to see you in a bikini y/n.”
“Five days of us eating good food, getting drunk and sitting by a pool all paid for by the Park. I think that sounds like pretty good team building don’t you?”
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