#actually named one of my kitties after him! little tabby
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snakeguy999 · 2 years ago
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Kittie brothers in crime : 3
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hogwartslegacyreactions2 · 11 months ago
Welcome back!!! :) We all missed you
Could you please write one in which MC is an animagus and the characters react to them transforming?
Thank you so much and take it easy 😁
A/N: since no animal was specified, we're going with the classic kitty cat :3
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MC finally did it! After months of prep, and some good luck, they completed the animagus ritual....only to become a silver tabby. Not as epic as they would have hoped, but still cool. They needed to show their friends IMMEDIATELY.
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: "Well aren't you adorable." He chuckles as he kneels down to pet MC. "I'm not surprised you became an animagus. I'm just disappointed you didn't ask me to become one with you." He picks up MC and carries them off. "Now I have a perfectly valid excuse to call you Kitten."
OMINIS GAUNT: "You know, I don't find it funny when you tell me you want to SHOW me something. My wand has its limits." He huffs and waits for MC to do whatever they were so eager to do. His eyebrows rise in shock. One moment he detects a person, the next, a small animal. "What in Merlin's name? You're an animagus??" He hears MC meow and rub against his leg, just like the castle cats. He smiles a little and reaches down to pet MC. "Whatever will we do with you?"
ANNE SALLOW: "Oh, not fair! I was going to go through with the ritual myself but the blasted mandrake leaf wouldn't stay put. Even so..." She picks up MC and cradles then in her arms. "Since you're here. You can be my lap warmer while I study transfiguration."
IMELDA REYES: "You're as mad as I thought. You risked your life to become an animagus, only to become a cat? I'd get my money back if I were you." She watches MC flop over and make some air biscuits with the biggest eyes. "...I see your point."
NATSAI ONAI: She has stars in her eyes and immediately changes in her gazelle form. She and MC dance around each other happily and run down the corridors to cause some havoc. It was entirely worth the detention.
GARRETH WEASLEY: "Brilliant!" He watches in awe as MC transforms and starts purring against him. He picks them up and puts them on his shoulder. "Let's go raid Professor Sharp's storage room. He'll never suspect a cat." He now has a new mantra: Gain kitty, do crime.
LEANDER PREWETT: He looks around to see if anyone saw what MC just did. He leans down and harshly whispers to them. "You do realize that ritual is against the rules here right!? It's so dangerous! You could have died! Let alone the fact that you aren't registered. You could get in serious trouble if you're caught." MC flattens their ears and growls, he puts his hands up defensively. "I won't tell, but be more careful. I'm serious."
AMIT THAKKAR: "By the stars, that's incredible! Was the ritual as hard as it sounds? How many times did you attempt it? Was it difficult to actually keep a mandrake leaf in your mouth for 30 days? These are questions I must know that answers to." MC just meows at him. "Oh...right."
EVERETT CLOPTON: "Whoa! That's amazing! Could you always do that?" He kneels down to scratch MC under the chin. "Hey, I need a favor." He grins devilishly and points at a distant group of students. "See the tall one? I need you to scratch the hell out of his legs. No questions. I'll pay."
POPPY SWEETING: She nearly screams from how cute MC's cat form is. She immediately scoops up MC and cuddles them close to her chest. "Please, for the love of Merlin and all magic, let me put little hats on you. My grandma knits all sorts of little hats and sweaters for her cats and I just KNOW they would look adorable on you." MC is locked in her arms. There is no escape.
ELAZAR FIG: "Extraordinary!" He was sitting at his desk when MC came in to show him their new trick. MC jumped onto his desk as a cat and slowly blinks at him. He reaches forward and gently pets their head. "I've always known you were capable of strong magic, and I'm glad you trust me enough to show me this, but do be cautious. Being an unregistered animagus is a big deal to some in the Ministry. Tread carefully. For now, you're welcome to nap on my desk."
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monochromaticbeans · 3 months ago
I've never written an "x reader" before, so at my daughter's suggestion, I decided to give it a whirl. Here's a short bit of fluff featuring our Kazutora. 🧡🐯
The clinic was actually quiet for once, the sound of the air conditioning broken only by the occasional rustle of papers or a bark from one of the back kennels. You had just finished up with a particularly wiggly Dachshund when the front door chimed, announcing your next visitor.
And there he was: Kazutora Hanemiya, standing awkwardly in the doorway, clutching a battered cat carrier as if it might explode.
“I, uh…” He cleared his throat, glancing down at the carrier and then back at you. “Found another one.”
Of course he did.
Kazutora had become a semi-regular at the clinic over the past few months. His name was already written on your unofficial “stray savior” bingo card, right next to the likes of old Mrs. Tanaka, who brought in her tiny army of feral cats, and the delivery man who always spotted injured pigeons.
You smiled as you gestured for him to come in. “Let’s see what we’ve got this time.”
Kazutora set the carrier on the exam table with the sort of care usually reserved for handling priceless artifacts or sleeping dragons. The cat inside responded with a low growl—definutely not the happiest of campers.
As you coaxed the tabby out of the carrier, Kazutora leaned back against the counter, folding his arms. He still looked a bit out of place here, his bell earring and tattoo clashing with the clinic’s sterile walls and the staff’s pastel scrubs.
“Have you been working at the pet shop long?” you asked, glancing at him as you gently restrained the cat.
“A few months,” he replied. “Mostly stocking shelves and cleaning up after the animals. Not exactly glamorous, but it’s… nice.”
You nodded, carefully examining the tabby’s coat. “Bet you’re good at it, though. I’ve seen how patient you are with these guys.”
Kazutora shrugged, looking down at his boots. “It’s not hard. Animals don’t ask for much, you know? Just food, care… a little kindness.” His voice softened. “It’s easier than dealing with people.”
You paused, meeting his gaze. “People aren’t all bad, Kazutora. You just have to find the right ones.”
He didn’t reply, but there was a flicker of hesitation and something—hope, maybe—in his eyes.
Once the tabby was settled, you pulled a flyer from the stack by the desk and handed it to him.
“We’ve got a feral and stray cat program,” you explained. “It’s a trap-neuter-return initiative. Helps control the population and keeps the kitties healthier. You should mention it to the pet shop—maybe they can partner with us.”
Kazutora studied the flyer, his brow furrowing. “You think it’ll help?”
“Oh, absolutely,” you said. “Programs like this make a huge difference. Plus, it’d give you guys more resources for the cats you take in. Win-win.”
He nodded slowly, tucking the flyer into his pocket. “I’ll talk to them about it. They're pretty cool about stuff like this.”
Kazutora stepped closer as you took the cat's vitals, watching intently as you checked her eyes, ears, and teeth.
“She’s pretty thin,” you murmured. “Have you been feeding her long?”
“A couple weeks,” he said. “She wouldn’t come near me at first, but… I don’t know. Guess she figured I wasn’t gonna hurt her.”
“That’s a big deal,” you said, glancing at him. “Earning a stray’s trust isn’t always easy.”
He shrugged again, but you caught the faintest hint of pride in his expression.
As you moved to check the cat’s paws, she squirmed, letting out a sharp yowl. Kazutora instinctively reached out to steady her but stopped halfway, looking uncertain.
“Here,” you said, guiding his hands. “Hold her like this—gentle but firm. Don’t let her feel like she’s trapped.”
He followed your instructions, his movements awkward but careful. The cat let out another half-hearted growl but settled in his grasp.
“You’re a natural,” you teased, offering a soft little smile.
“Yeah, right,” he muttered, though the corner of his mouth twitched upward.
By the time the cat was back in her carrier, Kazutora was leaning against the counter again, watching as you typed notes into her medical chart.
“You’re good at this,” he said suddenly.
“At what?”
“Everything,” he said, gesturing vaguely. “The animals… talking to people… making them feel safe. It’s cool.”
You felt your cheeks warm at the unexpected compliment. “Thanks. You’re pretty good at it yourself, you know.”
Kazutora frowned slightly, as if the idea didn’t quite sit well. “I just… don’t want them to feel alone.”
You glanced up, meeting his gaze. “They don’t. Not when they’re with you.”
For a moment, the room felt still, his unspoken thoughts hanging in the air. Then he cleared his throat, looking away.
As he gathered his things, you handed him a bag of food samples and the tabby’s aftercare instructions.
“Take care of her,” you said with a smile.
“I will.”
“And don’t forget about the stray cat program,” you added. “I’m serious—it’ll really help.”
Kazutora nodded, his hand patting the flyer in the pocket of his jacket. Then he hesitated, his hand lingering on the door.
“If… if I ever need help with this stuff,” he said quietly, “can I call you?”
You grinned, pulling a business card from the desk and scribbling your personal phone number on the back before slipping it into his hand. “Anytime.”
Kazutora stared at the card for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then he nodded, a small, genuine smile breaking through his usual guarded demeanor.
“Thanks,” he said, a flicker of warmth in his golden eyes. “See you around.”
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gallusrostromegalus · 2 years ago
the 'Kon :)' in the list of things you're pleased about in aeiwam has be EXCITED please tell us more (if you want to)!
Soon after Masaki died, Isshin Kurosaki moved his family. It's mostly because the original clinic didn't feel haunted- if Masaki's spirit were still here, Isshin would know what to do, but instead he felt like his heels were dogged by the hole where she used to be.
It didn't hurt that the new place was larger, in a better school district, and closer to his friend Ryukken. He's almost feeling cheerful about the new place when Ichigo runs up the stairs and from room to room before calling dibs on one, because he's a big kid now and doesn't want to sleep where he has to listen to his dad snoring all night >:(.
Isshin felt slightly less cheerful when he looked out the big window in Ichigo's room to determine if he needs to put up some child safety grates, and realized their new neighbor was a taxidermist.
"I feel like it gives them a sort of dignity- A Life After Life, if you will." she said when he went by to make sure his neighbor was only eccentric and not something out of a horror movie. He wasn't entirely sure which, actually- Ms. Tanaka was an octogenarian with skin like tissue paper and a back like a question mark, but her living room was a veritable zoo of reconstituted animals, many of them former pets, if the number of domestic cats was anything to go by.
"Oh. Yeah!" Isshin grinned, terrified, and was struck by the idea of some goon in the 12th division slavering in the afterlife, desperate for her to shuffle off the mortal coil and bring her undoubted skills with dead bodies to R&D. "We've always been very spiritual people."
(Continued under the readmore)
"Oh, just like the nice young man who used to live in your house!" said Ms. Tanaka, sitting down in her armchair that was adorned by an ostentatious past-tense peacock perched on the back. "Odd fellow. Worked nights, spoke like he was born in the Sengoku Era or something, but very nice."
"He's BEAUTIFUL!" said Ichigo, staring in awe at an enormous Ginger Tabby Cat by the window, mounted in repose on a emerald velvet cat bed. Ms. Tanaka had done an excellent job conveying a sense of benevolent egotism on his whiskered face, but Ichigo's growing fascination with the Macabre was beginning to worry his father- Ichigo had seen the taxidermy stoat in the back window and INSISTED on coming along.
"Isn't he?" beamed Ms. Tanaka. "His name is Bostov! He was my very best friend for many years."
"Wow! Can I pet him?" Ichigo asked, eyes wide with delight.
"Ichigo, that's uh- that's not a real kitty-" Isshin began to sputter.
"Of course he's a real kitty!" Ms. Tanaka laughed, a noise like an ungreased gate. "You can pet him if you're very gentle." Ichigo stroked the deceased animal with exceptional delicacy for an overexcited Kindergartner. "He's so soft!" he gasped.
"Do you like him?" asked Ms. Tanaka.
"I LOVE HIM!" Said Ichigo, cheeks flushed and eyes bright for the first time in months now. Perhaps having a distant relative of the Addams family for a neighbor isn't so bad, if her creepy hobby cheers Ichigo up... Isshin sighed.
"In that case, why don't you take him home with you?" Smiled Ms. Tanaka. "I'm sure he'll be a good friend to you too."
"UH." Isshin blurted out, nearly spilling his tea on a flock of quail under the side-table.
"I have SO MANY friends in my home with me- it's bordering on a fire hazard!" Ms. Tanaka chuckled. "I'd be delighted to send him to a home where he'll be loved. Please- consider him my housewarming present!"
"CAN WE? CAN WE TAKE HIM HOME? PLEASE DAD??PLEEEEEEEASE-!!" Ichigo asked, stars in his eyes.
Isshin froze, horrified at the prospect of having... That. In his house. Watching him. ...and at the same time, completely unwilling to dash his little boy's dreams.
"yEaH oKaY." Isshin grimaced, soaked in a cold sweat.
Bostov The Former Cat was bad enough, but at least the taxidermy beast 'lived' on Ichigo's bedroom dresser and not down in the living room where Isshin would have to look at it's green glass eyes, which seemed to follow him around the room. It wasn't right having a hollow thing in the house like that- any wandering spirit could decide to climb in there! He resolved to have it warded, but Kisuke said he was on a trip to the Caribbean for "Botanical Research" , and wouldn't be back until "After the Big Holiday on the 20th". Isshin hung up the phone, groaned and rubbed his face. It was fairly late, and he was still at the kitchen table, going through all of the licensing paperwork to get the clinic up and running.
"Hey Dad?" Ichigo asked, holding up a small plastic toy. "What's 'Soul Candy'?"
"Soul Cand-?" Isshin frowned, turned to look at the toy and nearly jumped out of his skin, swiping it away from the boy. "WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS? DID YOU EAT ANY??"
"...it was upstairs, in the back of my closet." Ichigo pouted. "-and no, I didn't eat any strange closet candy. I'm not stupid."
"Oh thank the Gods..." Isshin sighed, sitting back down at the table and shaking the small, duck-headed pill dispenser. Empty. "-I'm sorry I yelled Ichigo, but this is Very Dangerous stuff."
Ichigo arched an incredulous Eyebrow at him. "Really? Is this the same kind of dangerous that the half my Halloween candy you confiscated and ate was?"
"Ah- well. No. That was Dad Tax. This is actually dangerous. Here, come sit with me a minute." he pulled out the other chair at the kitchen table. "Remember how I told you about the ghost that lived in my attic when I was your age?"
"The Shinigami?" Ichigo asked.
Isshin did not *enjoy* lying to his children, but a little knowledge was a dangerous thing, and not enough even more so, so he'd concocted a little fantasy to explain why he knew all about ghosts and why the children never saw their grandparents, so he could tell them about the dangers of this world without telling them too much.
"That's right- His name was Kaien Shiba, and he was a Soul Reaper. At night, he'd turn into a ghost and leave his body behind, and go escort spirits to the afterlife or fight hollows." Isshin said. he'd named the fictional soul reaper after his favorite nephew in a fit of inspiration- he'd started telling Ichigo a tale from his days as a Shinigami one night after slightly too many drinks and had to convince Ichigo that that was only a distant acquaintance.
"...Like what killed Mom." Ichigo muttered.
"Um. Yeah." Isshin nodded.
They were silent for a moment.
"-Anyway, the way he turned into a ghost was that he'd swallow one of these little candies that would come in these tubes-" Isshin pulled the duck's head back to show Ichigo the mechanism. "-and Poof! he'd jump out of his body as a ghost so he could use magic to save people! But-there was a little soul inside the candy that would come out and take care of his body while he was away! Like a babysitter, but for his own butt! After a few hours, the little soul would stop working, and Kain would be home to climb back in."
Ichigo blinked at the mechanism, thinking. "So. There's a little person in these candies?"
"If there were any in here, yeah." Said Isshin. "They're not like. Whole people. Just little collages of behaviors and phrases. You know, like the fake voice that talks on the phone when you call to refill a prescription!" Ichigo frowned, considering something. "...There weren't any candies in this thing, were there?" Isshin asked, suspicious.
"No." Said Ichigo, frowning at him. "It'd be really lonely, being just a little soul, stuck in a candy, wouldn't it?" he asked.
"I suppose so, but I don't think the little souls are aware while they're in there. It's like being asleep for them." Isshin shrugged, lying to himself as much as his son about that.
Ichigo still frowned. "...What happens if the candy goes into a body without a soul in it? Like a dead body?" "Huh." Isshin frowned. "I dunno, actually. I guess the little soul would run around and operate it for a while, until it faded out, like it did with a normal body?"
Ichigo nodded, still preoccupied.
"Why?" Isshin tried.
"...No reason." Ichigo muttered, kicking his little feet. "Just thinking."
"Alright. Promise me if you find anything else weird or see any random candies to not touch them and tell me right away, okay?"
"Yeah okay." Ichigo nodded, only sort of paying attention. "I'm gonna go to bed. G'night dad." he muttered, getting up from the table and handing the dispenser to Isshin before giving him a quick hug and stomping up the stairs.
Isshin watched him go, aching a bit. I wondered how old he was gonna be when he started keeping secrets from me. He sighed, looking down at the Soul Candy Dispenser. Not that I'm being a Paragon of Honesty for him to follow...
"GIRLS? ICHIGO? HAVE ANY OF YOU SEEN MY STETHOSCOPE?" Isshin hollered, searching fruitlessly under the couch cushions.
"NO!" Hollered Karin from where she and Yuzu were playing in the small front yard.
"THANKS GIRLS!" he called back stomping up the stairs. Ichigo was at karate- he'd finally returned to classes, or at least, Tatsuki had finally physically dragged him back into the Dojo. "Man I hope I didn't put it through the washing machine-" he muttered, opening the door to the boy's room and started searching through the basket of laundry on his bed.
Isshin stopped, and stood up, frowning around the room. Something was off.
Ichigo was a tidy boy, somehow, and his room was usually in order save for whatever video game he had out to play and the bed he never made but... Isshin turned fully around trying to figure out what was off before his eyes finally landed on the top of the Dresser.
The Emerald Green Velvet Cat bed, home of Bostov The Cat, was empty.
"Did he take the cat out of the bed to play with?" Isshin wondered aloud, hoping that that, and not several other horrible scenarios, was what was happening. He could hear Karin and Yuzu giggling through the window, and he peeked down at them- they appeared to be having a tea party on the thin strip of grass, and the guest of honor amongst the dolls and stuffed animals was a familiar-looking ginger tabby. "Oh! The GIRLS took him out to play with." he sighed with relief, leaning against the window to watch them.
...and watch a strange man approaching down the street, who stopped at the garden fence. Isshin frowned- maybe he was just watching the girls play, in a normal, wholesome way like he was doing right now. ...or he could be taking candy out of his pocket and waving the girls to come through the gate.
Isshin jumped on the bed, tore open the window with such force it jumoed out of it's track and was halfway out to jump down at the man from the second floor when the most EXTRAORDINARY thing happened.
Bostov, Who by all accounts had been deceased for the better part of a decade and was made of little more than a skin and some glass stretched over a wood-and-cotton frame, Suddenly leapt up from his chair, claws and teeth drawn like swords and leapt upon the man, battering him visciously with a stream of einvective so foul it made Isshin's barrack-hardened linguistic sensibilities blush, before chasing him back down the street like a short, furious, ass-seeking missile.
"GIRLS!" he shouted, jumping down anyway. "-ARE YOU OKAY?"
"DON'T GET MAD AT ICHIGO OR KON!!" Shouted Yuzu, tears in her eyes.
"...ichigo or who?" Isshin blinked.
"Way to spill the beans, Yuzu." Karin groaned. "Yeah Dad, we're FINE- Kon was here, he'll beat the crap out of anything."
"Who's Kon?" Isshin repeated.
"HEY DAD." Shouted Ichigo, skidding into the garden in his karate gi, and out of breath, clutching an unconvincingly stiff Mr. Bostov under his arm. "SO. UH- WELL MR. BOSTOV CAN MOVE NOW. FOR SOME REASON."
"Uh-huh?" Isshin glared at the cat, who glanced away nervously. "Why do you think that is?"
"...it's a Christmas Miracle?" Tried Ichigo.
"Ichigo, it's fucking April." groaned Karin.
"...Passover?" tried Ichigo.
"-This wouldn't have anything to do with that Soul Candy Dispenser you found, would it?"
"uhhhhhhh..." said Ichigo. Honesty might not have been one of the boy's virtues, but at least he was a terrible liar.
"Yeah, actually, Kon's like. the first thing to make me laugh since. Well." Mumbled Karin, plodding over to Isshin's other leg and leaning heavily on him. "Please? he's weird, but he's a good guy."
Isshin sighed, then glared back down at the cat. "Alright. Who are you?" he demanded.
Ichigo and the formerly immobile cat glanced at each other and the feline unfolded as Ichigo set him down, shaking himself out and sitting on the walkway.
"So, uh- Hi. My name's Kon. Kon Bostov, if you wanna be formal, in honor of the beast whose body I currently inhabit." He nodded, waving a paw evocatively. "-And, uh. Well, how much do you know about the afterlife?"
"-Being from a long line of psychic mediums and prone to hauntings, my parents rented out our attic to a Shinigami when I was a child, and he told me pretty much everything." Said Isshin, and Kon winced. "So. Is 'Kon' short for 'Mod Konpaku'?"
"Ehh... well, Yeah." Kon winced. "-But hey! It wasn't my idea to be cooked up in a lab by some maniac and then put to death minutes later for something I didn't even do!" he snarled, fur bristling.
"What?" asked Karin.
"Kids I- Look, I didn't mean to lie, there just wasn't a good time to bring it up but. Technically, I'm wanted by the law. I'm an artificial soul created for battle to be put into dead bodies, but literally four and a half minutes after I woke up, the soul society- where all the Shinigami are from- condemned me to die, because they didn't like how strong some of the other Mod Souls were. I managed to roll myself off of the table and into a box of normal bodyminders to hide, Got put in a dispenser and then the shinigami that had been here accidentally left me behind." Kon explained.
"COOL!" Shouted Karin.
"NOT COOL. BAD!" Shouted Isshin. "Okay, okay I- I mean you're right, I never- I mean, the way Kaien told it, the whole Mod Soul program was pretty shady and it sounded really unfair. But why would a Shinigami just leave an important and dangerous tool lying around?"
"...I don't know how much spiritual sense you have my guy, but this town doesn't have a Hollow problem so much as the Hollowpocalylse goin' on." Kon grimaced. "-I really hope that guy's okay, he seemed pretty cool from what I could tell. I don't actually remember hearing him get called back to soul society." Kon muttered. "-Anyway, about three weeks ago, your brother found me in the dispenser in the back of his closet and put my candy body into this taxidermy cat, and I've been hanging out with the kids since then! You know, like a cat is supposed to do!"
Isshin stared blankly at Kon. The girls hugged his legs, lips wobbling, but he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, firming up his resolve- no matter how nice he seemed, a Mod Soul was a dangerous thing- and one crafty enough to live right under his nose for the better part of a month? No, absolutely n-
Isshin opened his eyes to see Ichigo had picked up Kon, cradling the cat to his tiny body, eyes wide and beginning to glisten with tears.
"...Ah. What the hell. You make the kids laugh." Isshin sighed, and all four cheered, thanking him profusely and promising to be extra-good and take good care of Kon- "But you put so much as a Whisker out of line and you're in deep trouble, got it?" Isshin leaned into the cat's face, scowling menacingly and shaking his finger at Kon.
"Understood sir!" Kon Saluted. "So when's dinner? Ichigo's been sneaking me scraps but I could really go for some chicken, or maybe ham-" he asked, tail thrashing excitedly.
"You can eat?" Isshin asked. "I thought you were all... Whatever they stuff taxidermy animals with?"
"-Might've been, but I'm all complete now? Fluff, guts, claws-the works!" Kon shrugged, hopping up on Isshin's shoulder. "-Between you an' me, I ain't even neutered! But that ain't a problem- Plenty of hot pussy around, if you know what I mean, especially that sweet little tuxedo bobtail just up the street- Me-YOW, huh?"
"Oh gods." Groaned Isshin, covering his face. "What am I letting into my house?"
"An intact male cat is called a 'Tom' Dad." Karin called over her shoulder.
"Alright Kon, a few rules- No more swearing in front of the kids, no bringing ladies around the house and for goodness sake DON'T TELL ANYONE YOU'RE HERE!" Isshin snarled at him.
"Alright, alright!" Kon sighed, rolling his eyes. "Out of curiosity though- What rank was your guy Kaien?"
"Hm?" Isshin asked.
"Only that I thought only the captains and a few lieutenants ever knew about project Spearhead." Kon glanced at Isshin, arching an orange-striped brow at him. "-funny thing, having a seated officer doing routine patrols, isn't it?"
"I dunno?" Shrugged Isshin, trying to keep his shoulders from tensing up, "-He didn't actually tell me all that much about how the soul society is governed."
"Huh." Kon nodded, smirking just a bit. "Interestin' guy, this Kaien. You should tell me about him sometime!"
"KOOOOONN!" Yuzu called. "My Dollie's shoe got under the fridge!"
"Coming Sweetie!" Kon called, jumping off Isshin's shoulder to reach his skinny little cat arm under the fridge and swat the missing accessory out from under the appliance. Yuzu applauded with delight and hugged him, laughing for the first time in ages.
Isshin watched them play for a bit and sighed. He not a bad guy, this Kon. All the same- Isshin took out his phone and dialed a number.
"~Urahara Shoten, home of Karkura Town's finest Candies, Cell Phones and Card Games! I'm on sabbatical 'til the end of the month or so, so if it's an emergency, hang up and call the Kurosaki Clinic! Or die! If it's not an emergency, leave me a message with what you need and I'll hook you up when I get back! Bye!~" Urahara's voicemail recording sing-sang over the line.
"Kisuke. It's me, Isshin. You will not fucking believe what my kids found in the new house. Call me as soon as you get back."
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firefly--bright · 2 years ago
Reiner Braun modern headcanons!!!
a/n : the jean one I did did pretty well as a post, so I decided to do for my babygirl too (19 yr old war criminal) :)
warnings : none!
tagging : @mrsnobodynobody
✿ main masterlist is linked in pinned post! ✿ enter my taglist! ✿ requests are open! ✿
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• loves animals. TO DEATH like if he sees any stray puppies or kitties, he will rescue them immediately. he'll pull over just to get out of the car and save the babes
• piggybacking off of that, he's also a foster dad for these pets. like he'd take them in. he has two cats and they're kind of on the old side (because he felt bad just leaving them at the shelter), one of them has grey and white fur and he's named her McFlurry (yes) and the other one is actually a cat you and him adopted together - an orange tabby that the two of you named calcifer (from howls moving castle :) )
• used to play like all sports during his entire academic life. he's played so many sports at this point like you'd think you know a niche sport that you didn't think he'd know the name of? he's played it. even rugby.
• hates the way his nose looks, but starts loving it more after you develop a habit of tracing the contours of his nose with your thumb (it makes him sleep too)
• loves to cook! he'd make any experimental recipies that he found from an obscure source on Pinterest. it almost always turns out good but if it doesn't then he tweaks it up until it tastes good.
• like jean, he's kind of not really into physical touch at first, but the more you show it, the more he falls in love with your touch.
• extroverted introvert. feels the need to be nice and be friends with everyone (literally knows everyone you've ever bumped into) but he prefers to stay in and not talk instead. he's glad he gets to sit in silence with you because he feels fully comfortable with that.
• strangers to friends to lovers typa guy (I have a fanfic idea for this but I'm too lazy to write it), like he's seen you before and because he feels the need to know everyone's names and stuff, he decides to befriend you. he's not boisterous or cocky or overconfident, he's actually really nice and down to earth. you start getting closer, he starts working at the same place you work at, which brings you even closer and he falls in love
• and he falls HARD like. when you ask him if he can remember the one point in time where he realised he was in love with you, he doesn't have an answer, because with him, its kinda like... he fell for you in a collection of moments. like you brushed his hair away from his face and he's like "oh that's nice" and then you gave him a thoughtful gift for his birthday, again, he was like "oh that's...super nice" - just little moments like that made him Realize™
• has a complicated relationship with his mom but they're on okay terms now, like apart from the usual motherly criticisms, they're doing pretty well!
• blushes like a damn tomato. he cannot hide if he's flustered for the life of him.
• he tries to hide it, but he LOVES being pampered. he loves it when you massage his shoulders, he loves it when you put those under eye masks on him, loves it when you draw a bath for him, etc. like at first he feels,,, kind of like a burden when you do those things for him, but he slowly starts to think that maybe, just maybe, he deserves this.
• super patient. if you're having a bad day or something, not only does he immediately take notice, he'll wait for you. he'll ask if you want to talk about it or if you just want him to be there, and if you say you want space, he'll give it to you and wait for you to come to him when you need him.
• he knows how to braid hair because of Gabi. when he was 17, he'd braid gabi's hair into two pigtails whenever she came over to their house for the summer. (he's her favourite cousin and vice versa but both won't admit it to eachother)
• loves to knit!!!!! his ideal date is literally just cozying up on the couch with some blankets and hot chocolate or soup and just. knitting. if you like knitting or crocheting too then bonus points!
• speaking of knitting, he also wears chunky sweaters that his mom made for him. warm toned, chunky and soft sweaters are literally all his closet is made up of. except in the summers, he wears loose fitting tank tops in the summer heat.
• religious note-taker. if you share a class with him, expect him to furiously take notes at a godly speed every class. and it's not even a messy handwriting, it's actually recognisable letters that are pretty easy to understand. he'd give those notes to anyone who missed class that day.
• people rely on him alot, and at first in highschool he kind of felt pressured by it, but he's grown into that role. he's a gentle leader.
• speaks german. you'll find him speaking in German to Gabi and his mom whenever they call <3
• speaking of calls, he only picks up if it's a loved one calling him. Gabi sometimes calls him just to annoy him after her school day is over and she's just roaming around the house. at this point Reiner knows all the gossip in gabi's middle school, being super attentive when Gabi talks about her school. like he knows ALL the lore.
• loves watching those relaxing vlogs. like those cooking vlogs with nice music in the background and captions instead of voiceovers. he loves those.
• has prescription glasses only for reading <3
• overthinks so hard. like even if he goes out of his way to talk to and know people more, he hates the after-conversation anxiety that comes with it.
• when he kisses you, he kinda hugs you. like his hands aren't on your waist, they kinda wrap around your back and shoulder and his hands are spread out so that he feels more of your skin.
• loves calling you dove or angel, cause that's exactly what you are to him.
• talks with his hands, very expressive with his conversations. it's very easy to know when he's uncomfortable/doesn't like someone he's talking to when his hands are crossed over his chest.
• he writes. like journals all his feelings out. just like his note-taking, he's very on routine about it. every night, or every other night, he'd sit down at his desk and use the pen he's kept especially for this journal, and describe the day in detail. it helps him alot :)
• he kinda does this small little,,, soft exhale when he smiles. like his lips don't quirk up fully, but you know he's smiling because of that small sound.
• full bellied laughter kinda guy. you crack a terrible joke and he starts out letting a small tiny laugh at it and then it turns into a chuckle and then the next thing you know, he's clutching his stomach and wiping the tears from the corner of his eye because he's laughing so much. which is so ???? you tell him it wasn't even that funny but to him it very much Was.
• his reactions are SOOOO funny. like you're telling him a story and he'll have visible reactions to it. he'll cover his mouth with his hand if he gasps, put his hand on his chest in surprise, scrunches his nose in disgust - like he literally cannot hide his emotions.
• likes jazz and classical music. no I will not elaborate.
• can't Instagram. he uses emojis unironically. he has one (1) post and it's you and him together, eating ramen from the same bowl (a pic that bert took to send to porco)
• even if he doesn't use Instagram that often, he'll always check if you posted. if you've posted something then he will make it his personal priority to spam comment the heart eye emojis. your entire comment section is Reiner sending 🥰🥰🥰 and 😘😘😘 and 😍😍 and all the diff coloured hearts.
• loves taking pics of you against the sunlight or like. infront of a beautiful scenery. he likes taking goofy candid pictures too, but the ones where you're just being lit up by the sun are his favourite because finally, there's an actual accurate picture of how he sees you.
• overall, the Reiner I have in my head in a modern a.u. is incredibly soft and will dance with you in the living room in the dark with no music playing because that's how in love with you he is.
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aboutkiyoomi · 6 months ago
intro ➠ ex factor
twins+adopted miya | the inarazaki bunch | certifiedcitygurls
cw: language is all !
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quick lesson on these sillies :
⟿ yn's a gymnast for tokyos u18 team, her ultimate goal is to be an all arounder at the olympics. she moved to tokyo originally but her coach allowed her to move back to hyogo where she trains privately. she travels between tokyo and hyogo for meets.
⟿ the twins have known yn since birth, mama miya is best friends with yn's mom. so, they've grown up together but they grew distant after yn moved to tokyo and got even closer when she came back to hyogo.
⟿ both of your parents ship you and atsumu because since the two of you were little, you were drawn to each other.
⟿ yn is a smiling friends enthusiast, she quotes it everyday. she thinks that osamu is the irl v. of alan
⟿ osamu hates this gc because it always turns in to him getting bullied by you two because he calls you guys out for being madly in love
⟿ atsumu is a certified cat lover in this series. do not ask me to elaborate but he is just obsessed with all cats. especially orange tabbys and maine coons. (everyone is tired of his barrage of cat memes or references)
⟿ he now has 5 cats, 2 of which are free range and are typically outside and come in during the winter months.
' milk is the stray that tsum brought home from the tweet. he seems old but he's a ragdoll and that made tsum extremely excited.
' kura is his kitten, she's a 3 month old maine coon. hes obsessed with her and named her that because she's a bit of a klutz.
' tamago is his other inside cat, he's a 2 year old orange tabby.
' pip is one of his outdoor cats, he's not sure how old he is but he looks young. he's a pretty siamese baby who lives in his backyard along with his gf.
' estella is pip's gf and tsumu's other outdoor cat. he's once again unsure how old she is or where she comes from but she lives in the backyard.
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a/n: anyways it was absolutely necessary for you to know about each and every one of atsumu's kitties. its important to the plot, don't question my genius. IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK IM LITERALLY Squealing ANS jumping For Joy. its actually based loosely on someone in my life and i find that funny.
taglist: open! (send a request, ask or dm to be added)
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saanphoenix · 2 years ago
If anyone's been following me for an extended period of time, then you know I had a lot of cats. What started as a kitten rescued from a culvert down at Wal-Mart wound up becoming a small horde of about nine adults and teens due to, "If I stick the females in the bathroom when they are in heat, they can't get pregnant," being a stupid plan of someone who didn't know there was a low-cost clinic in my backyard for spaying and neutering and also taking in another kitten from a coworker that got knocked up at 4 months which I didn't even know could happen at the time.
Now, however, I have no cats to my name, a process of rehoming and surrendering them all to family members, and a local brand-new rescue that took a total of 4.5 months.
The reason I had to get rid of them was because my landlord illegally entered my house--didn't give 24-hour notice--and thought the smell of cat boxes I hadn't been able to scoop the night before was the permanent smell of the house. He also claimed he didn't even know I had cats, even though I had cats when he came to help install the new water heater, looked dead at one, and asked, "Is that cat supposed to be outside?" when said cat was poking his head out of the door they left wide open.
I repeat: This man knew I had cats. He had seen them. He had existed in my house previously and hadn't freaked the fuck out about, "~The smell. It permeates~ D:" But nah. The one day I gotta open after closing and let the boxes go for 8 hours is the day we illegally enter and assume the worst and give the tenant two whole goddamn weeks to "get rid of them." During Thanksgiving.
He also said that my dog, Clyde, would make his house insurance void if they knew what kind of dog he was, "But I'm not going to say anything because I know Clyde is a good boy." ... So, you're worried about the smell but not the potential loss of house insurance. Sure.
Anyhoo, the 4.5 month rehoming process included building an outdoor enclosure onto my shed that cost a small fortune. And I do mean small, but like, a noticeable chunk from my funds. And with it being winter, it took about two weeks to fully complete, so the lady helping me didn't freeze to death while making it.
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Here they were with my dog. Inside the shed was their food and cat tree and plenty of spaces to lay around on and curl up under. Wasn't the Best set-up, but it was the best I could do until I could get them into the rescue.
Through the process of working with the rescue, I was able to Learn Some Things. I got shots and neuterings way fucking cheaper than the previous vet I was using that made me think I would be spending an arm and a leg every time I chopped the balls off a cat. Two of my kitties were sent to Kansas City, MO where one got adopted the same night they arrived and the other was adopted about a week later.
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This was they. They even left Johnny's collar on him that he was surrendered with, which I thought was nice. Roche, the tabby, was the one adopted immediately. Probably because of hims derpy face.
Two of my girls went to fosters, rather than reside in the rescue's facility, and, last I checked, one was still up for adoption on PetFinder with a lovely little essay written about her using her name, Zinnia, for inspiration.
The rest appear to be in the rescue, which operates very similarly to a cat café. They have rooms set up with people-furniture and cat-furniture that allows the kitties to roam around instead of be in cages, and people can come in and just hang with the cats they might wanna adopt. There's no real need for appointments to come hang with the cats, but surrenders are by appointment only.
Despite all the stress, the mental breakdowns, and the seething rage this little Moment in my life has caused, I actually like that it forced me to learn how rescue work actually works. And I'm still working with the rescue to get the colony of cats that visit my porch TNR'd so the population will be better under control.
Squeaky, the orange tomcat that picks a fight with God and everybody, has been neutered, de-wormed, given flea treatment. But there's still Mama Cat--who is pregnant...again--her Teenaged Son and her Baby. I think Squeaky has chased off Teenaged Son the past coupla days, so he's probably going to be harder to catch, but....
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Baby. Baby will be easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. He loves Clyde and always comes running to rub up against him whenever I let him out.
...And, yes, I need to replace that screen. Don't worry about it. That'll be far easier to handle than the fucking cat enclosure. Also, once we find a decent enough truck to pull the trailer we can borrow, my ex-step-mother will be taking said enclosure to put up for her own cats.
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kkbarksdale · 2 years ago
Day 5- Guests Arrived!
Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023
This day was one that we always knew would be what we called a “wash”. We had too many tasks to complete and people to see, so this day never was a big part of our vacation. We started our morning slow, since we went to bed so late the night before with kayaking. We were so sad, because we had to check out of our first AirBnb. We grew to really love this little AirBnb. It wasn’t the nicest place, but the views were amazing and Cody and I had so many memories in it. We slowly completed our morning routine, and packed up our suitcases. I haven’t really talked much about our AirBnb yet, but it was over ran with little stray cats. We loved them all and gave them names. One was a grey tabby like our kitty back home, and we named him our kitty’s name backwards- Goob. There was also a black and white kitty that looked kind of scary with big balls, so we named him Toby. We packed up our little green Jeep with our belongings and said goodbye to our first St. Thomas home for 5 days. 
We ended up having a big change of plans for this day. Our friends Natalie and Austin accidentally rented their AirBnb for an extra night, so we now had a place to hold our luggage! This allowed Cody and I to grab a group of people from the airport. Most everyone already had rides set up, so we ended up being able to get all of the Barksdale group. This day starts to get very chaotic from here. Cody and I are in the midst of putting our suitcases in the Jeep when I get a call from a St. Thomas number. It was actually our CostULess order being confirmed that it is ready for pick up! This was very exciting because we weren’t supposed to pick it up until 3:30 or later. Cody and I decided we would go pick up our $500 grocery haul, and then head over to Austin and Natale’s AirBnb to drop off our luggage and any cold groceries. Then we would head over to the airport around 1:30 to pick up anyone who needed a ride. This was our soft plan and we thought it made the most sense. Once we grabbed our groceries, we headed over to our friend’s AirBnb over in Sapphire Beach. Once there, the security gate guard really hassled us about which AirBnb we were staying in. We had to lie and say we were checking in later than our friends already there. We were unable to reach either of them because they were out for a hike. The guard was frustrated with us, and we were too. We ended saying we would go to the bar and wait for them when we realized that we didn’t have enough information about this place to find their AirBnb. We sat in the car mulling with frustration, trying to figure out what to do until 1:30 when we had to go pick up our family from the airport. After about 30 minutes of waiting, our friends finally gave us a call and informed us that their AirBnb was further up the hill. We left our spot to go try and find their condiminiums instead. On the way up the hill, I recieved yet another St. Thomas call, and boy was this a miracle and game changer call for us. It was the owner of the villa we were checking into later that day! His name was Chris and he was calling to tell me that we could check in earlier than 4:30. This was a big change to our day and came at the PERFECT time. We were about to make multiple heavy, tiresome trips hauling lugage and food into an AirBnb that would eventually need to be taken back out. With that phone call, we were off to the villa!
Cody and I arriving at the villa was almost magical. It was more beautiful than any pictures we had seen. We were blown away by how amazing it was. This little moment was one of my favorites of the trip. It was so fun exploring the villa we were living in for the weekend. They also had way more amenities than we were expecting, such as multiple coolers! This was always a stress point during planning for us as we never knew or could find where to rent coolers from for our beach day wedding across the island. There was an industrial ice maker. A beautiful infinity pool overlooking the Caribbean blue ocean. Cody and I had pre-determined which rooms we wanted people to potentially stay in. I personally was very torn between the upstairs master and one of the downstairs suites. When we arrived, we found that the downstairs was like an open area level with private suites. One had been recently renovated and had been described as a new downstairs master. Cody and I walked in and instantly knew we wanted to stay in that room. It had electric blinds that opened with a remote to view the ocean. It was perfect for Cody and I’s sunrise mornings. Another luxury fact about this home, is that the beds were sooooo comfy. They were the nicest beds I’ve ever slept in. Also, the owner of the villa was a baddest non-native local named Chris Brewer. He owns a construction company along with multiple villas. He is self-made and super successful in the VI. 
After the tour, Cody and I tag teamed getting all of the groceries and luggage out of the Jeep. We were both so sweaty but got it done! We then rushed off to the airport to grab our guests! It was such an exciting time because probably 70% of our guests had arrived around 1pm. the Barksdale crew was very hard to wrangle. They were all overwhelmed and in a culture shock, however they were all excited to be here. I started to stress around this time and struggled shaking the stress for the next couple of days. Cody and I split up at this time. I drove one load of people, he drove another, and Austin and Natalie had another crew. I ended up dropping Stephen, Terry, and Donna off at their villa. Unfortunately GPS did not take us to their exact villa, and everyone in the car was stressing out. Finally, Corky and I headed to the villa. At that time, Lauren and Brandon were already there and picked out their bedroom. At this point, things got a little blurry for me because so many people were arriving and settling in. I was really dying to see my family but they ended up staying at their condo and settled in. By the evening, we had a mini wedding party at our house. Most all of our guests that were in St. Thomas, came over to the villa to party and greet us. It was quite the evening! Everyone was so blown away by how amazing the villa was. We all got a lil drunk but still managed to get in bed by 10 pm. One small cute memory I have from that night, was staying up a little later with Austin and Natalie. I was chatting with them in the kitchen and smoked a lil joint because I was struggling to relax. I ended up showing them that we had a gated driveway that you pushed a button and the gate closed. I did this, and we all laughed and cheered. 
One memory I do have from this evening, is trying to take a group picture with the villa crew plus Carson, Hunter and Holly. Cody placed his camera on a tripod and we tried so hard to take a group picture. It was quite comical because Cody does not know how to work his camera, and neither did anyone else. The camera was on like rapid flash, and kept taking a million pictures. At one point, I was standing in front of the camera, and it flashed right in front of my eyes lol. We ended up getting a good one, and it was a fun memory for us all!  
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allmightsprettyhousewife · 3 years ago
How would you feel about some Yan Aizawa and reader where the reader actually does escape for quite some time (changes names, appearance, moves far away, and really does everything needed to be done) and just. Is accidentally found, like Aizawa, while always looking for them, had been in that area for something completely different. Like oop shit luck is playing on both sides there. (How does it go down in your opinion?)
"I will ALWAYS find you" - Shouta Aizawa x Reader
Author's Note: This one was really fun to write! Thanks for the request anon! Trigger Warnings: Kidnapping Reader Specifications: Gender neutral reader Word Count: 546
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Slowly Shouta slid from the tall window, landing on his feet less gracefully than he wanted to. His hands snuck up and reached around to grab his capture weapon, eyes scanning the plain living room.
A tv, a beat-up couch, a crappy coffee table, and a couple of plants in the corner.
It was nothing special.
"Mrreow?" A small cat peeked in around the corner, her blue eyes staring up at the intruder.
"Huh. Hey, kitty." Despite better his judgment, he crouched down and stuck his hand out. "Come here, yeah, there you go."
His coos beckoned the cat over, the tabby pushing his head into his hands. He stood up after he got his kitty fill and continued on his mission around the apartment.
He surveyed the rest of the apartment, it took him less than a second because there was hardly anything.
He turned down the hallway. He peaked into the open door, a dark bathroom laying in behind the door.
'The other door must be the bedroom then..' He thought to himself.
Shouta didn't really know why he was here. He got an anonymous tip. In the envelope there was an address and a written statement, "I found what you're looking for... Thank me later. :)" He just... Had a feeling. And if it's one thing that Shouta Aizawa does, it's that he trusts his gut.
He creaked the bedroom door open, expecting some kind of gangster that he had been tracking. Only to find nothing behind the door.
He sighed and rubbed his face.
"What a waste of my time..." He grumbled to himself, but shuffling around things anyway to make sure he didn't miss anything.
"Tabby! I'm home!"
Ice ran through his veins the shock of hearing that voice after years of looking for them, here they are. Just walking into their apartment like nothing happened. Like they didn't run away from the only person who could love them, who could protect them.
He moved over to the door and slowly pushed it closed. He pressed his ear to the wall, listening to his baby moving around.
Shouta pushed himself up against the wall behind the door, listening as their steps grew closer to the bedroom. He reached up and grabbed at his capture weapon.
The door swung open.
He watched from the shadows as they moved around the room. When their back was turned he pounced.
He pinned them down onto the bed, shoving their head into the mattress.
So much was different... Their hair was sloppily dyed a dark color, they wore different colored contacts, there was even a tattoo covering the tattoo of his name on the back of their neck.
Despite the struggling, he kept them pinned with a knee to the back. While his anger was fresh, the love and relief to have them back in his arms sated him for now.
"Missed me.. Kitty?" He growled lowly in their ear.
He chuckled while their body tensed up under him.
"You didn't really think you could get away from me? Even in this little disguise, you're all mine. Now.. It's time to go home." He pulled them up by their arms. "Just maybe you can make it up to me and I won't punish you as bad." __
Likes and reblogs always appreciated! :)
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slugbuggy · 3 years ago
For those who wanted to see my other cats… here’s a slugbuggy cat master post 💗
Link — named after the good ol hero of time. Fits because he is the bravest and quietest cat of them all. Basically the mama cat to the others. He grooms everyone lol. Big ol owl eyes. My best behaved boy. Very fluffy. Tetra’s littermate. Birthday 5/17/18
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Tetra — named after Tetra in Wind Waker. One of our loudest cats. Very affectionate but can be annoying when he’s hungry. Loves to be near moms always. Sits like a person, may actually be a human inside a cat body. Acts tough and growls at the door when someone’s there but will run away immediately. Link’s litter mate. Birthday 5/17/18
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Kalanchoe — named after the plant (pronounced kal uhn kee). We call him Kal. Interested in EVERYTHING. Silent unless he’s frustrated, then he makes a squeaky noise. Trouble maker. Plant destroyer. Biggest cuddler. Loves being held like a baby and getting head kisses. Amaryllis’ littermate. Birthday 9/12/19
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Amaryllis — named after the plant (pronounced Am uh rill is). We call her Ammy. The princess. The one and only. The baby girl. The most important little kitty in the world. Screams constantly but never grew out of her kitten voice. Kind of weird looking. My favorite little freak. Kalanchoe’s littermate. Birthday 9/12/19
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Tabby — we didn’t name her lol. Rescued from a friend who could no longer care for her. She’s an old lady but we aren’t sure how old. Guess is that she was born somewhere around 2008. Very vocal when she wants to be. Loves to be pet. Sounds kinda like an old smoker lady. Doesn’t particularly care for the other cats but tolerates them as best she can.
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And those are my babies!!! Thank u for reading. 😻
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dinogoofy · 4 years ago
Erron black/F! Reader
Old friend.
This one took a little bit, sorry if it's not quite as quality as my other fics!
MAJOR TW for Guns, threats, and Kano being a dick to precious puppies.
You and Erron black had grown up together. Two kids brought closer by horrible lives. Sharing the scraps of food you had with each other. Ranting about awful parents, ranting about school. In your teenage years, you were the one to patch him up after fights. He was the one to beat the shit out of your bullies. The two of you hated that town and everyone in it. You used to think the two of you would stay as thick as thieves forever. Your paths only split when you wanted to live a normal life. Live the peaceful, country way you had seen so many others do, but never grew up with yourself. Erron, however, only wanted money, glory. He wanted to take the back roads and do all the things normal folks wouldn't dare to get his fill. 
You didn't understand his choice to be a mercenary, but it wasn't your choice to make for him. Whatever life he wanted to have was good enough for you as long as he made it out of that shitty town. He didn't contact you much. He only really showed up on your doorstep when he was dying and needed someone to patch him up. But at least he was coming to see you, right? 
With a sigh you stepped into your little country home, smiling slightly at the immediate sounds of your fur babies running to meet you. A blur of orange fur rushing to thread between your legs and trip you, while your sweet pound mutt waited patiently for you to set your keys on the key rack. 
"Hey boys." Chester meowed at you rather loudly, only to take off when you leaned down to pet him. The crazy feline darting under Archie's body as he happily waited for his own pets. It was easy to smile at the warm welcome, immediately a little more relaxed after finally getting home. You stretched at the door, setting your bag down to head into the kitchen.
The first thing you settled on was giving your boys their long-awaited scoops of food, both of them sat down neatly next to each other. Only Archie waited for your go-ahead, Chester already digging in by the time you gave him a laughing "Ok, Archie." 
You patted your mutt before taking some leftovers out, eyes catching on the printed photo of you and Erron from senior year. It's been a few months since last he came to visit. The thought made you a little sad. But the memory of the photo gave you a nostalgic, happy feeling. With an arm slung around his shoulders, and a goofy look on your face, Erron was the complete opposite of you. The goof pretended to be annoyed at your antics, but you could see the slight smile at the corner of his lips.
"Come on! Just one photo. It's not like it's going to kill you, Erron."
"It's not going to kill me, no. But I might end up killing you."
"Pfft- yeah right."
Your smile grew a bit wider. You sat down at the table alone as you finished your dinner. Erron had always been a strange one. Always tough, trying to be unfeeling. Not wanting anyone to be close. Not wanting any affection besides the one-night stands and the women he infatuated. Always the one to flirt, but never with you.
No. Not ever with you. You smirked. He always acted differently around you. More nervous, more fidgety. You'd been in love with him since before you even knew what love truly was. And you had known for years that he loved you back. You had just been waiting for him to admit it. You'd scoffed at yourself time and time again for not making the first move, but Erron wasn't ready for that. You didn't think he was, at least. You just wished he had gotten therapy like you had asked him to.
The scraping of your fork against your plate was your only indication that you had finished eating, you definitely spaced out a bit. You always did when you thought of Erron. Maybe he would visit soon. Maybe you should stop thinking that to make yourself feel better. 
The plate clicked lightly against the floor when you set it down for Archie to lick before you set it in the sink. By the time you turned off all the lights and headed to bed Chester was already asleep on your pillow, Archie curled up in his own bed next to the nightstand. You moved the orange tabby slightly to the side so you could lay down, and he yelled in protest the way that annoyed kitties do. It was easy to slip into a comfortable sleep with your boys next to you. 
The sound of your sweet Archie growling a feral warning was what woke you up that night. You shot out of bed, ripping off the covers and grabbing the shotgun from under your mattress. Archie never growls. An unhinged bark sent a jolt of panic through you, along with Chester, who woke up to sprint under your bed and hide. Archie certainly never barked. Not like that. Not in that way. Something was wrong. You clicked off the safety and cocked the shotgun.
You moved slowly at first, creeping your way over to the sound of Archie's growls, but when he let out a sharp whine, your vision went white-hot with rage. 
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY DOG!" You shouted, finally turning the corner and into the living room where two figures lurked. The lamp was still on, and as your eyes adjusted you could make out the masked face of Erron, and the form of some asshole looming over Archie with your baby backed into a wall. 
Erron didn't respond at all at the sight of you. The unknown figure by your dog stood up slowly and whistled.
"You did say she was a feisty one." You scowled, keeping the gun pointed squarely on the man.
"Erron. I don't know why you're fucking here, but please tell me you don't know this asshole so I can just shoot him." Erron rolled his eyes at you. The figure laughed, moving away from Archie, who sprinted over to you so that he could cower behind your legs. Your eyes were trained on the figure as he proceeded to sit in your own fucking armchair.
"Name's Kano. Leader of the black dragon." The black dragon. The group of mercenaries that Erron had joined. Why the fuck did Erron bring this guy into your home. Erron called your name.
"Set the gun down, sugar." You didn't take your eyes off of Kano. 
"Respectfully, Erron, I don't think I will." Kano laughed, but you didn't think anything was funny. Erron called your name again, strutting over to you carelessly. Archie growled as he got closer. He set a hand on the gun, pushing it down.
"Calm. Down." You huffed but gave in. Sending your friend a nasty look as you lowered your defense. Erron wouldn't willingly let you be in danger. There's no way he would. You had to remember that.
"We came here for some help. 'Know that cave at the edge of your property?" The cave? You found it when you had just moved in, part of an old interlocking set of mining tunnels carved out of the land in the early 1900s. When you checked it out at first, it was Erron who actually went with you. You had a fond memory of fucking around in the tunnel, only to find an old elevator next to a dead-end tunnel with bloody handprints and markings that trailed across the wall and into the elevator. That was enough to get the two out of there. What would they want with it?
"What about it?"
"Those runes we found in it match what a client is looking for. We just want to check it out, and get outa' you're way." You laughed, glancing between Kano, who was currently putting a cigarette out on your favorite chair- and Erron, who still stood next to you in an almost defensive manner.
"Am I supposed to believe that there's no catch to this? No killer secrets? No blackmail?" Kano snickered, standing from his chair and walking over to you. You stood strong, but the beating of your heart sped up. You hated feeling afraid.
"The catch is, you show us the cave, and we leave your little buddy here alive." You scowled, and Erron sighed deeply at his boss, knowing already that he had started something.
"First of all, you don't get shit if you threaten my dog, asshole. You piece of human sh-"
"Just think of it as a favor between friends." Erron interrupted. You frowned at his words. His paycheck was definitely depending on it. Your thoughts split In two different ways. One, the fact that he's using your friendship to manipulate you into doing him a favor, two… it felt relieving that he still thought of you as friends. 
You finally gave in, sighing and relaxing almost completely. Archie nuzzles your leg before running off. You turned your head just slightly to watch him out of confusion when a sudden yank catches your attention. Kano had snatched your shotgun straight out of your hands. Erron stiffened next to you.
"I'll take that!" 
"You-!" Erron held out back just as you went to lunge at Kano. You struggled against him for just a moment before he gave you a bit of a push to set you back. What had gotten into him?!
"Ah ah ah! Sorry, Sheila, there's no way we're gonna let you keep this on you. Erron?" Kano taunted. You went to yell in protest but only yelped, Erron's hands suddenly holding onto your arm.
"Just comply. It'll be over soon." Erron whispered. You grumbled in protest but didn't fight it as they took you from your warm house. 
Kano walked proudly ahead of you and Erron while navigating to the cave. Fucker didn't even know where he was going. You had been scowling the whole time, a surprising feat while Erron was around. Speaking of which, His hand on your arm had softened its hold, but the strangest thing was that he still wouldn't look at you.
"This is your idea of a visit?" You mumbled to him. He shook his head, his heavy steps landing on a twig he forcefully snapped as you walked. He was definitely in a mood.
"This' a business trip, hun. Wouldn't be here if it weren't for that." You snickered.
"Yeah right. You'd end up here eventually." You said the words but didn't quite believe them as you walked. "Don't think you could stay away if you tried."
"-And I tried." You ignored the painful sting in your chest, going silent before shouting another set of directions to Erron's dipshit boss. You could almost feel Erron's gaze change as his eyes remained on you.
"-look, I didn't want you to get caught up in all this. It's bad enough that I'm here now." The words made you frown slightly. You elbowed Erron in the side, trying to make a little light of the situation.
"Better than Kano coming out here by himself." Erron laughed. 
" 'Betcha you'd've killed him the moment he stepped into your house."
"I almost did." You couldn't see Erron's smile through his mask, but the happy look in his eyes was infectious. You couldn't help but blush a bit, walking closer to him. His hold on your arm was loose and comfortable at this point, and you couldn't make yourself break out of it.
"You lovebirds done shit-talking or what?" God, you hated this Kano guy. The rest of the walk was silent. After about 30 minutes of almost tripping on fallen limbs, you finally made it to the cave. 
"Quite a big place for such a little property, huh?" You didn’t respond to Kano. Ignoring him as Erron guided you to walk past him.
"Oh don't be coy. Where'd all that fire go?" Kano was taunting you again, but both you and Erron ignored him this time. Erron spoke over him when he tried to speak a third time.
"Which way d'you go from here?" You laughed.
"You think I know? I try to stay away from this place as much as I can. Haven't been here since you were with me." Erron furrowed his eyebrows, taking a moment to click a flashlight on. He looked around for a moment, before setting out in a direction. Kano followed behind, a little too close to your back for your liking. 
Shivers ran rampant across your skin when you finally found the elevator. Kano pushed past you forcefully, knocking you off balance. Erron caught you with a steady hand around your waist. You relaxed in his touch, and once again pushed forward.
"Ahh! Look at that beauty!" Kano took out a camera, and you flinched at the flash. 
"I'm sure the client won't mind if we keep a few copies of the pictures to ourselves, now would he?" Kano laughed. Being around Erron was nice, but you were losing your patience. It was late, you had work in the morning, and you were just plain tired of this black dragon bullshit. You didn't notice when Erron's arm fell away from yours.
"Look, I showed you the cave. Just give me my gun, and let me go back to bed." Kano snickered at your words, Erron loomed behind you. 
"I don't think you'll be going far." Kano spat on the ground after he spoke, you scowled. 
"Excuse me?" Kano's smile was gritty and disgusting. He whistled at Erron, walking past you with your shotgun held loosely in his grip. You contemplated snatching it, but when you whipped around-
It almost felt like you couldn't breathe. You were staring down the barrel of Erron's pistol for a long moment. 
"Look kid, we can't have someone like you knowing about this cave thing, it's too risky and all that blabber, you understand. You've been such a delightful host and all, but it's time for you to go." Kano laughed.
"Can't tell any divine dipshits about our little meeting if she's dead anyway, now can she Erron?" Erron had never been so out of focus before, his stomach wringing in knots. He hardly knew what to think as he pointed the gun at you, something he'd never thought he'd ever do.
"Hey?" A little voice called out. A little face leaning down to peer at the little boy with his head buried unto his knees. He hardly glanced up. 
"Hi." He had murmured so quietly.
"Do you want to share this sandwich with me? You look lonely."
"Erron?" Your voice quivered. Panic was written all over your face. His finger lingered on the trigger as his chest squeezed.
"Sit still, dumbass." You squeezed his bloodied arm.
"That shit burns!" He hissed out. You laughed at him, dabbing at the large cut he had gotten from some idiot with broken glass on the school grounds.
"Well duh. It's isopropyl alcohol. It's gonna burn like hell." He was cute when he was confused. You laughed. 
"It disinfects the wound, Erron."
"... I knew that. I'm not fucking stupid." He had grumbled.
"Nothin' personal." He finally spoke. The words hurt him as they came out.
"That's not how you use a rifle." Throwing popcorn, at Erron, you quickly stole the remote to turn the volume up.
"Shh! Just shut up and enjoy the movie. Westerns aren't exactly supposed to be realistic."
"Well I can't really enjoy an unrealistic western, can I?- he's holding that wrong-"
Your face started to shift from panic to anger as kano patted Erron's shoulder, walking back into the rickety elevator.
"Panicked now, aren't ya Sheila? Want to beg? Or are you the proud sort?" You snarled at him.
"No." You said stiffly. "No. I want to see you do it, Erron." Kano laughed from the elevator. Erron remained stiff, his smooth voice taking a moment to come out.
"Look, you don't know-"
"I said do it, Erron!" You snapped, stepping closer to the cowboy. He didn't step back, his hand didn't waver. You stepped close enough to him that the barrel of his pistol pressed to your forehead. 
"Go ahead! Be Kano's little lapdog. Shoot me." You spat, the adrenaline working its way into your system. "Shoot me and say goodbye to all the FUCKING years I took care of your ass and bury me in that shitty town we grew up in Erron!" Erron's stone-faced seriousness finally broke, and even though he was wearing a mask you could still see the rage in his eyes as he grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and forcefully yanked you closer to him. He kept the gun pressed to the side of your head.
"Do you have any idea who you're provoking? You. don't. know me. anymore. Sugar. You don't have any idea what I'm capable of!" You let out a curt laugh.
"You and I both know I still do." You snarled. Both of you went silent, the tension crackling between the two of you. You could see the panic that hid under the steely overlaying emotion in his eyes. Only Kano's ongoing childish taunts remained.
"Well then, Erron? Get on with it!" Erron's stiff posture remained, he spoke to Kano, but his eyes remained on yours. 
"Fuck off Kano." Kano didn't take that well.
"Excuse me? I'm your boss, dipshit. You can't just-" All of a sudden, Erron pushes you back, reels around, and shoots through the spaces in the old metal elevator, the bullet hits the back of the wall, and ricochets through the old, decaying pulley rope that held it up. Kano looks up in horror and rage. His screaming and cursing faded as the elevator launched down and crashed to the very bottom of the mine.
All is silent. All that can be heard is your labored breathing from all the shouting and adrenaline.
"Still want me to shoot you?" Erron asks. Speaking smug words with a tone only you could recognize as him trying to hide his panic. You scowled again. Walking over to him with tears stinging at the corner of your eyes.
"You're such a fucking asshole!" You shouted, punching him in the shoulder. Erron didn't flinch.
"And?" You couldn't stop the tears now. All the pain, and heartbreak, and sadness rushing out at once. You weekly hit his shoulder one more time, and grappled him into a hug, burying your face into his chest without being able to stop your sobs. Erron stood stiff. After a moment, his arms slid around your waist, and he held you back tightly.
"Kano's gonna kill you for that." You laughed through the tears. Erron didn't respond. His hand left your side for only a moment, and when it held onto again he had taken off his mask, letting it drop to the floor. Erron buried his face into your hair, holding you a bit tighter than before. 
It was quiet again. Erron squirmed after a moment.
"...I wouldn't have buried you in that town." You snorted, not taking your face out of his chest, biting your nails into the fabric of his shirt just a bit.
"So you admit you would've shot me?" Erron didn't react to the words. He only sighed into your hair, lifting a hand to pinch your ear. You pulled yourself out of his chest with a laugh, and his hands settled on your waist. You wiped your tears, your nose, and tried to make yourself a little better. It didn't really work. Erron could see that. He lifted a calloused hand to your cheek anyway.
"Just because you've come to your fucking senses doesn't mean I'm not still mad." You sniffled, smiling still as the bitter words fell out of your mouth.
"Yeah, well you should be. Kano was being an asshole anyway. That's the only reason I let you go." Erron coughed, you raised an eyebrow at him, clearly not buying it. He rolled his eyes, huffing through his nose.
"... Maybe not the only reason." The smile returned to your face, and you rolled your eyes at him this time. At this point, it was almost like he didn't realize it himself.
"God, you're really not fooling anyone, dumbass." Erron scowled, about to retort when you decided, Fuck it. And clutched his face to pull him into a kiss. He didn't respond at first, stiff and uneasy.  Always so stubborn. After a second or two though, he melted into your lips, pulling you closer. It was hard to hold on to all your anger when he was just so kissable. He'd get his ass beaten for this little stunt. You would make sure of that, but right now all you wanted to focus on was the relieving kiss you had waited so long for.
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bansheeoftheforest · 3 years ago
One-shot request!
Cat-shifter au where Jekyll likes to spend time with the Lodgers as a cat without them knowing it's him. However, he really likes to spend time with Griffin and the lodger likes spending time with the society's small feline. Henry actually has a really big crush and much admiration for Griffin but doesn't have the courage to actually tell him. So he settles with being a cat to spend time with him. However, he gets a surprise when Griffin confesses to cat!Henry about his crush on him not knowing that he is sitting in his lap.
Title name: A Dream Come True.
Wordcount: 3930
Summary: Griffin had always been fascinated with cats, practically everyone knew how the felines flocked to him. If one Henry Jekyll just so happened to take advantage of that, who could really blame him?
Relationships: Griffin x Jekyll.
Au: Catshifter au, Catshifter!Jekyll.
CW: Cursing.
The Society for Arcane Sciences was a gigantic place. Everywhere you turned, there would be a myriad of new pathways and corridors and hallways and rooms that eagerly called out for you, tempting you to come closer and get lost in the labyrinth that so many scientists called their home. Skeletons of long-extinct creatures, mechanical wonders beyond the physical limitations, plants from distant lands; all of it riddled the crowded hallways and parlors like stars over a night sky, making the Society feel all the more wonderful. Mesmerizing, even the tallest of men would feel tiny in comparison to the echoing rooms and bombastic oddities. But not Henry, oh, no, Henry was far too used to the Society. This was his home, this was his hunting ground, this was his territory. A proud territory, that was.
Tiny paws trotted over the cold marble, feeling the cool sensation travel up his fluffed paw pads and sending soft shivers through his tiny, lanky body. He had enough fur to make up for the slight chill of the morning, he could surely have slank his way into one of the open-fire parlors for a quick snooze if he had so wished, but he was a cat on a mission... Perhaps not one he was proud of, no, but that’s why he preferred to remain in his feline form for the entirety of his journey. He was not ashamed of his catty nature, no... But he had to admit that he was not proud of what he was using it for. It was a gift, he had to admit. It was a rare blessing to be born with the ability to shapeshift into a cat, one he had inherited from his parents, grandparents, great grandparents, and everyone before that. It was a rare gift he was now using for his own advantage, one he was now using to gain the sympathy and attention and praises of the Lodgers. After all, they did not know about Henry’s little ability. They did not know that the brown tabby they all loved and had informally adopted was really their founder in disguise. They did not know that the cat they snuck food to, bought beds for, and played with was theirs leader. They did not know that the kitty that they were babying was Dr. Henry Jekyll, and he preferred to keep it that way. He preferred to keep them in the darkness, a nice and niche little metaphor for the fact that he --human or not-- could see perfectly well through the empty blackness. The Lodgers hated Dr. Henry Jekyll, but they loved the stray tabby that wandered around the Society, whom they had been fighting to name for ages. Henry heard nothing of it, no, he did not focus on what they wished to call his cat form. He soaked up their attention and their love like a sponge but he had to admit that there was one Lodger he was... Much more affectionate with.
Griffin was known as a bit of a cat whisperer around the Society. He had a knack for always calming the feline or feline-esque animals that resided within their walls, and similarly, the felines seemed to flock to him like moths to a gaslamp. Henry... Henry hated to admit that he was one of them. It was purely accidental at first, of course. At one point he had just aimlessly wandered through the Society on one of his little patrols around the perimeters, but then Griffin had spotted him, he had seen Henry’s lanky figure and scooped him up and fed him and brushed him and cuddled him and oh... Henry’s heart ached for the albino man now. It always had. Something about that fluffy, snowy hair and permanent sneer got Henry to swoon, no matter how much he didn’t want to admit it. Sideways glances and accidental touches... Feeling Griffin’s eyes on him did things to Henry that he did not want to admit. After Robert, after Morcant, Henry had reserved himself for the empty, lonely life of people like him, he had reserved himself to not act out on the... The hidden desires and lustful temptations but god... Griffin was making it so difficult. Such immaculately soft skin, irresistible grey eyes, fiery temperament, and yet hidden kindness and love... Oh, it was all too much for Henry. He had fallen, he had fallen hard, and yet he refused to admit it, not only for the fact that they were both men... But also because it was Griffin. Griffin, one of the most temperamental of the Lodgers. Griffin, one of the most problematic and troublesome of the scientists that Henry had to cater for. Griffin, one of the few that would not have hesitated to spit in his face after the entire ordeal with Frankenstein... Griffin, one of the Lodgers.
He was sure that Griffin did not like him at all, and yet his heart continued to ache for one of the few he could not have. So, Henry did what he did best; he enjoyed his desire in secret, he enjoyed it while he ought to have done more important things, he did it while he ought to dismiss his feelings rather than give in to them, he did it while he ought to know that what he was doing was horribly wrong and that he should stop... Perhaps that’s why he preferred the simple form of the brown tabby that now peered back at him when he looked down into the shiny marble. Feelings were so much simpler as a cat. There was no guilt, there was no shame, only selfishness, greed, enjoyment, amusement, and everything Henry tried to repress as the model of propriety he had come to be.
He quickened his steps, soon his trot turned into more of a sprint. The soft chill of the cold December morning was starting to nip through his thick coat, yet it felt like it took ages before he even arrived by the labs. He had been a sickly kit, and albeit he had been loved and well-taken care of by his parents and his littermates, the consequences of his past illnesses and his role as a runt had never really disappeared. He was lanky, and his long, fluffy coat was much thinner than really was healthy... The fact that he often forgot to take care of himself did not help his meek state, making the cold bite through more than it should. Perhaps that’s why he was so eager to escape the freezing, empty corridors to instead bask in the body-warmth of the man he had so shamefully fallen for, it was probably the only time he could get it. Griffin had a soft spot for cats, he had a bit of a problem with feeding and nursing every stray cat he got his hands on back to health, he seemed to have gotten particularly fond of the brown tabby that had begun to watch him tinker in his lab... It only got Henry’s heart to ache more, ache like the moon ached for the stars and the sun. It hurt, it hurt to know how Griffin merely liked him when he did not know who he really was, and it hurt to know that Henry was so desperately reaching for something he couldn’t have... And yet he was weak, he could not stop himself from indulging, he could not stop himself from seeking Griffin out and draping himself over his lap, he could not help but to purr and melt as Griffin’s cold, lanky hands would brush over his fur and tsk once he found mats or scabs to testify to Henry’s poor tattle-tale self-preservence. Henry was not sure if it was the soft sighs of concern, the small scoldings of Henry’s need to take care of himself, or if it was all the physical attention that he got from Griffin that made him come back over and over... But the longer he stayed in his feline form, the less and less shameful it felt.
It did not take long for the Society to begin to sprout to life; soon Lodgers came wandering through the corridors, carrying machinery or conversing with someone who did, and yet Henry did not stop to accept the pets that many of the Lodgers offered once they spotted him. He slank past and continued on his merry way, at some point he ran past Griffin’s actual cat, who seemed to be on their way to raid the kitchens and harass Rachel for food. Neither stopped to acknowledge the other with more but a raised tail in greeting and a short touch of noses, both considered themselves far too busy to stop for something more, so soon they parted ways, and yet Henry hesitated. He watched the blond cat happily trot down the staircase for a bit, wondering if he should take the cat’s departure as a sign that Griffin was busy, or if he shouldn’t let his nerves throw him off his little quest. Whatever worry that begin to overtake Henry was quickly thrown off as he shook the thoughts off of him and leaped forward, remaining in a sprint until he arrived in front of Griffin’s door.
The door was closed, and yet Henry could clearly hear the albino man tinkering around in there. At least he hoped and assumed that it was Griffin and not Dr. Maijabi... It could be both or either, as they shared a lab.
A deep breath as he got closer, a short second of doubt passing before he finally unveiled his claws and dragged them against the hardwood.
He tried again, this time continuing with the scratches, over and over again, yet it did not take long until he heard footsteps coming closer, soon he felt and saw how the door handle turned. He narrowly managed to get all paws back on the ground before the door opened to avoid tripping, yet he very well could have fallen once seeing the man in front of him.
Standing on the other side of the threshold was the very man he had been hoping for, Griffin; his hair was ruffled and his tinted glasses were askew, his apron missing and the sleeves of his shirt pulled up to his elbows, said shirt was untucked and the top of it remained unbuttoned. He looked like a bit of a mess, and yet it got Henry’s heart to beat faster. He watched the other man rub his eyes, strangling a yawn before he looked down on the floor.
Henry really should not have gotten so happy watching Griffin’s lips twist into a smile.
“Oh, hello.”
It didn’t even take a second before Griffin crouched down and began to stroke his slender fingers over Henry’s fluffy head, thumb going to scratch the cat’s cheek as he melted against the man. Henry felt his entire body vibrating as the purrs began to build up, he felt his dilated eyes closing, yet soon he felt the thin fingers closing around his body. His eyes opened just in time to watch as the object of his affection raised him off of the ground and held him against his chest; nose and mouth nuzzling into the fur on top of the tabby’s head, breathing in the earthy scent of the warm fur. Henry had to admit that his body tensed for just a second, yet it was soon replaced by the overwhelming sensation of pure bliss. He felt Griffin’s slender fingers nudge through his fur and against his skin as the pale man just stood there, savoring the feeling of holding the small feline against him.
Henry closed his eyes, he was sure he would have been able to fall asleep right then and there, in Griffin’s arms, thoughts melting away and becoming useless in comparison to the pure glee of being held by the man who held his heart in his hands.
He didn’t necessarily notice as Griffin finally moved his face away from the cat’s fur, instead hastily closing the door behind him, stumbling down the packed lab space until he came to a lone door. Henry could vaguely hear a soft hum coming from behind a few bookshelves, but before Griffin could disappear behind his bedroom door, the source of the voice came into Henry’s view. Maijabi’s face popped out from behind the bookshelves, and the older man watched his lab partner and the tabby in his arms for just a moment, his humming having stopped once he spotted them.
“Back to bed already, Griffin?”
“But you just got up! Did you even eat?”
“I’m tired... And yes I did.”
Henry vaguely saw how Maijabi raised his eyebrow, yet he seemed to shrug to himself before his humming picked back up. Henry watched him disappear behind one of the many mirrors in the room, right before Griffin opened the door and slank back into his own bedroom.
It was a modest place, Henry had to admit, but he had never heard the grumpy man complain about it. The walls, like most walls in the living quarters of the Society, were a shade of warm, pale orange. Under the window rested a messy desk filled with notebooks and paper that reeked of spilled ink, upon the windowsill rested a healthy mint plant. A hastily done single-bed was placed against one of the sidewalls and on the opposite side stood a few bookcases. A red, fluffy rug laid square on the floor, a few more healthy plans bespeckled the otherwise humble room. A lone door by the bookcases would lead into a bathroom, as made apparent by the door that currently stood ajar and the light which had not yet been turned off inside of the washroom, and yet the layout of the bedroom was one Henry had gotten quite familiar with during the last few months.
Griffin made a bit of a beeline towards his bed, once his knees hit the bedframe he made a spin and landed with his back on the mattress. Henry was laid on the other man’s chest as Griffin propped his head up against the pillows, nuzzling into the soft covers that laid under him. It only took a few moments for Henry to adjust, yet soon he felt his head resting atop the bare skin of Griffin’s collarbone. His sensitive nose could pick up on the residues of the musky cologne that Griffin often graced over his pale skin, it smelt dull and yet Henry couldn’t help but let his nose wander over the pale skin. It smelt like a mix between blackberries and whiskey, a composed harmony that felt so calming, the scent was calming. Henry felt his chest rising and falling, he felt his entire body vibrate with every single purr that escaped, he had not felt this content for ages.
He could stay here, on Griffin’s chest, basking the body warmth and smelling his cologne and feeling his hot breath tickle his fur, and he’d be content with his existence. Feeling Griffin’s skin against his cheek and the slender fingers brush through his coat was merely a bonus he would always savor. Always, always, as long as he had it. He felt guilty, of course, he really did. He felt guilty for manipulating, deceiving, taking advantage, and yet he couldn’t stop. He felt guilty, but he didn’t feel bad. He felt guilty, but not enough.
Thin, lanky, callused hands brushing through his coat, brushing over his skin... Henry just wished he could always have it. He wished he could have it when he was human. He wished he could have it whenever he wanted it. He was selfish, he wanted more, the worries that previously plagued him were already disappearing.
“Y’know... You remind me of someone.”
Griffin’s raspy voice was low, murky from the way his neck was bent by the pillows and an arm he kept behind his head. His eyes were closed, his tinted glasses hanging low over his sharp nose. His lanky hand was still running over Henry’s fur, yet soon he cranked an eye open to look at the tabby cat.
“I don’t know what it is but you just... Remind me a lot of... Someone I really like.”
Henry’s gaze did not leave Griffin’s face. He saw the way the pale skin got tinted with a soft red hue of blush, the way that Griffin moves his eyes away from the feline on his chest and over his bedroom as if to scold himself for what he said.
Henry sat still, listening. Whatever feelings of worry and jealousy would have plagued him had long since melted away for the favor of the much less complicated assumptions of a cat. Instead of feeling his tiny body bursting with anxiety, instead of fearing the worst, instead of assuming that Griffin might have figured out, he sat still. He titled his head, almost in a dog-like way, as if to invite Griffin to continue.
Griffin cleared his throat.
“It’s stupid, you can’t even understand me... You are just here for the cuddles.”
There was a short, bubbly laugh at the end of his sentence, and yet it still remained short-lived no matter the way Henry’s tiny heart began to beat faster. Griffin seemed to want to hold back, as if the mere thought of opening up to anything that would actually listen scared him greatly, and yet it only seemed like every moment of not rambling got his body to burst with energy. Previously so calm and tranquil, exhausted, Griffin was aching to open his mouth and move his tongue and just talk.
Henry sat still, invitingly encouraging Griffin to do what his body wished.
It seemed to be enough of an invitation for Griffin, who seemed to physically relax a little bit. If the tabby on his chest couldn’t even understand him, what was the harm of just... Having someone to talk to? Someone to just... Unload on? Someone that could listen? The tabby couldn’t even understand him... What harm would there be in just getting his feelings out, feeling like someone was listening?
What harm would there be if Henry actually listened?
“There is this... Person-- man, I guess...”
Griffin was quick to correct himself. A cat could not feel judgment in the same way another human could, a cat would not judge him for his liking for men, a cat would not care, a cat couldn’t even understand him.
“He is... He looks a lot like you, but human. Brown hair, amber eyes... Although I doubt he is so starved for affection as you are. I’d like to imagine you’re both just as sweet, though.”
Griffin scooted up in his bed, forcing Henry to move away from the warm strip of skin by his collarbone, and yet Henry quickly found that Griffin’s lap was just as comfortable. The exposed skin from where his shirt had ridden up by his stomach helped to soothe the feline’s move. Tender, vulnerable skin radiating warmth and heat. It felt wonderful, he almost didn’t notice the shift.
“I... I don’t really think he has noticed me, though. I doubt he ever would. He doesn’t seem to... I dunno, like me very much. I guess I can’t blame him, I haven’t been all too kind to him lately...”
Oh, oh no, the words were sinking in. The words were slowly getting processed, Henry didn’t like it. Oh, oh no, Griffin, he... He couldn’t be... Could he? The description was flying far too high over Henry’s head, yet the realization slowly hit him.
Was Griffin in love?
No, he didn’t want to believe it. He didn’t want to believe it at all, his heart was already clenching, and yet...
“He is really sweet, though. Even if I doubt I’m his favorite, he is still so... Kind and caring. I guess it hurts a bit more to know he’s probably like that with everyone but... When he comes by the lab to check-in it just feels different and unique, y’know? For a moment you forget that it’s his job and that he doesn’t do it because he... He likes you the way you do.”
Was Griffin in love with one of the lab safety personnel? Oh- wait... The Society didn’t have those, and they hadn’t been inspected since the place was set up...
But... Who could it be otherwise?
“I’m honestly ashamed to admit that I’ve fallen for Henry fucking JEKYLL out of all people. Out of everyone in the whole wide world... It had to be him I had to fall for... But I guess I can’t have been the only one... I have seen how people swoon for him on the streets...”
Henry was almost sure that Griffin could have heard as the marble finally found the right slot in the feline’s brain.
No, no, he must have heard wrong. He MUST have heard wrong. He was IMAGINING it. He must be imagining hearing Griffin say his name-- he couldn’t have, right?
Griffin sank down in his bed again, his two hands came around Henry’s chest and picked him up. The cat dangled in the air, Griffin watched him closely, tiredly, and then he moved the tabby to the spot right next to him. Griffin moved to his side, curling around the cat, his hand never leaving the feline’s fur.
“It’s so stupid... Henry fucking Jekyll... But I guess I shouldn’t complain. It could have been worse... Maybe.”
Second time. Second time he mentioned him by name, second time he mentioned him at all. He did say Henry Jekyll. He did say his name.
To assume he was talking about someone else with the name Henry Jekyll would not only have been ignorant, but downright naive as well. Yet assuming-- accepting that it was him that Griffin was talking about felt just as... unacceptable.
Griffin... Liked him.
Griffin liked him. Griffin liked Henry like Henry liked Griffin.
It felt surreal, so sinfully blissful, and yet... As Griffin so softly sighed, took off his glasses and placed them on the small bedside table by the side, and as he gently held the tabby cat closer to his chest... Henry could not say that he didn’t feel absolutely enamored.
“Don’t tell anyone about what I just told you, yeah?”
Griffin’s tired chuckle was quick to break through the comfortable silence that lingered in the room, his small joke seemed to have been much more to amuse himself rather than a serious attempt to keep the tabby from chattering, and yet Henry knew he... Couldn’t really hold himself to that promise. Not technically, not necessarily.
After all, in a few hours... When Henry, in his human form, would come around for his little check-up with Griffin... What harm would there be in taking advantage of what he had been told? What could possibly stop him from giving in, for reaching for what he wanted, knowing there was actually a chance for him? What harm would there be in taking advantage of what he had been told, if he didn’t tell anyone else?
Neither knew, yet both Jekyll and Griffin fell asleep right next to each other, both longing and dreaming about the other, soft skin and gentle touches and sunny smiles and chapped lips. A dream previously so far away for Henry, a dream seemingly still unreachable for Griffin. A dream that, in just a few hours, would come true.
A dream come true...
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bangtanloverboys · 4 years ago
kitten fever // myg
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summary - min yoongi wants to be a daddy, but not in the way that you quite expect
pairing - cat hybrid!yoongi x gender neutral!reader
genre - fluff; hybrid au, established relationship au
word count - 7.5k
warning - yoongi being an absolute softie, hinted hybrid discrimination, YOONGI WITH A KITTY, yoongi and yn being domestic, KITTENS, overwhelming love for kittens, yoongi calling himself daddy
author’s note - this is for the bts ghostie dynamite dads event “new dad yoongi”, but make it new cat dad. i snuggled my kitties a lot writing this bc i love them and they are my inspiration for this. anything cat related on my blog is inspired by my own cats, enjoy. i may post a baby photo of one of them bc that’s how i imagine the kitty in this 
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2:54 am read the small digital clock in the corner of the room. Yoongi couldn’t sleep. He turned his head over to you, still curled up into his side. Pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, he gently peeled your arm off of him and got out of bed. You let out a soft whine at the loss of his warmth, patting the empty space in a sleepy attempt to find him. He shook his head and chuckled at you, placing another kiss to your head and made his way over to the desk. Seating himself in the wheelie chair, he opened the laptop and typed away into the search bar. 
‘Newborn Kittens’.
He honestly wasn’t sure what was going through his head, but he was feeling something deep down inside. The feeling started sometime a little after you had adopted him and it had only grown stronger when the two of you had gotten together. Originally he thought that was the feeling, the need to be with you. You were his mate and you were it for him; he loved you with every little fiber in his being. But there was still something missing in Yoongi’s heart, and that is what it was.
He really wanted to be a dad. 
Not for like human babies though, no. He didn’t think that either of you were ready for that yet, not for a while. But he really wanted to care and love for something as his own, which has slowly led him down the rabbit hole of kitten videos. Volume set to low, he played videos and listened to the small innocent newborns cry and whine at the new world they were in. The cries resonated deep in Yoongi’s heart. He wanted to care for, guide, and love on a kitten so badly. The only thing is he had to convince you about it. 
After about an hour of him watching and holding back tears over the newborns, he let out a yawn. He exited the tab and cleared the browsing history, an extra precaution he’d taken to make sure you accidentally stumble across it. He didn’t know why he was so nervous about asking you, maybe it’s cause you never talked about having another pet or an actual animal? He vaguely remembered you mentioning the reason you got a hybrid in the first place. You wanted someone to talk to and to keep you in check, which Yoongi thought he did a pretty good job of. You were a bit of an idiot sometimes, but you were his idiot now. His idiot that he had no idea how to tell he wanted to have a baby kitten. 
He quietly tiptoed back over to the bed and carefully slotted himself to lay next to you, once again. You sleepily register the bed dipping next to you, turning over and wrapping your arms back around him; holding him even tighter so he can’t leave you again. He let out a low chuckle at your action, letting you mold yourself against him. With another kiss to the top of your head, Yoongi let his eyes slowly fall shut. Dreaming of the kittens he wanted so badly. 
You woke up earlier than Yoongi the following morning, which was strange, seeing how normally he’s the first to rise. As of lately though, he’s been sleeping in more. You didn’t mind, the past few times he slept in, he had the warmest smile on his face. It was so blissful and it always pulled at your heartstrings to see him look so soft. But whenever he woke up, he acted distant. Like he was holding his breath around you. You don’t know what led him to start acting like this, you tried talking to him about it, you really did. Everytime you brought it up, he acted like it was nothing and dismissed the issue or said he was in a funk. So you’ve taken a back seat, waiting for him to either truly tell you what’s going on or for him to pull himself out of his self-proclaimed funk. With a small sigh passing your lips, you kissed his cheek and gave one of his little ears a scratch, you pulled yourself out of bed to get started on your morning routine. 
With a yawn, you padded down the hallway of your small apartment towards the kitchen. Glancing at the calendar pinned to the fridge, you let out a low groan. Today, you had a lot of paperwork that you could thankfully do at home, but that didn’t help the fact you just wanted a lazy day to cuddle with your boyfriend. But you have work to do, then you can cuddle Yoongi to your heart's content. Quickly, you fashioned a breakfast milkshake; consisting of your last banana, an egg, milk, and some chocolate sauce. The roar of the blender must’ve woken up Yoongi, as soon as you turned it off, you heard his heavy footsteps get closer and closer. You don’t turn to look behind you as two arms and a tail wrap around your waist. 
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” You smiled as he buried his head into your neck. 
“Morning,” he grumbled, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. 
You stop from finishing your shake to lean into him, nuzzling your cheek against his messy dark hair. “You sleep alright? I thought I felt you get up in the middle of the night.”
“I’m good, just. . . had trouble sleeping last night,” You felt him shift behind you, readjusting himself so his chin is now resting on your shoulder, watching you finish making your shake, “decided to have a wikipedia deep dive to try and bore myself to sleep.”
“Aw, I’m glad you were able to get some sleep though.” You said as you pulled out a metal straw from your utensil drawer into your finished banana-chocolate milkshake. However, Yoongi doesn’t loosen his grip on you. Carefully, you manage to twist yourself around in his arms to look at him. His face is still puffy from sleep, his eyes are blinking lazily as you give him a chaste kiss. “Sleepy kitty.” Upon saying that phrase, you felt Yoongi’s arms stiffen around you. It was only for a moment, then he relaxed and nuzzled his nose to brush against your cheek before letting his arms slip from around you. You don’t let the way Yoongi tensed up at your words, but elect not to bring it up. It’s too early.  
“What do you have planned for today?” Yoongi asked, stifling a yawn as he went to make himself some coffee. 
“Just paperwork,” you huffed as you siphoned through the utensils to find your precious metal straw. “You got anything? Besides taking a cat nap.” You smiled as you took a sip of your shake. 
Yoongi shook his head as he concentrated on his coffee making task, “I got nothing.”
“Maybe when I’m done, we can watch a movie?” You suggested, as you leaned against the countertop. 
“Mm, sounds good.” He responded as he mixed in his coffee creamer. Satisfied with his stirring, he turned back to face you. “There’s a few things I’ve found that I think you might like”, he said as he brought the mug to his lips. 
The small conversation fell and the two of you got started on your routines. You handed Yoongi your glass for him to clean then went to your bathroom to start the day. You couldn’t get over how he froze around you at the little nickname you bestowed on him. Sleepy kitty. Did he not like that? He never had any objections to your pet names previous to this. You couldn’t just chalk it up to it being one of his ‘moods’ because this was a constant thing now. You needed to talk to him, maybe before the movie.
Yoongi on the other hand, felt like banging his head into a wall. How could he be so stupid to have such a blatant reaction to the pet name?! He supposes it has everything to do with the dream he had after he had finally fallen asleep after an hour long cat video binge at such an ungodly hour. He had dreamt of a small tabby kitten, probably no more than 4 weeks old. It was snuggling into his shoulder while he slept, swiping at his tail while he sat and worked, nibbling on his ears- God even just reminiscing about the dream had his heart aching again. 
Shaking his head, tried to push past the consuming thoughts of kittens, refusing to give into his instincts. He focused all his energy into cleaning the dishes; totally not imagining the small cup he was washing as a small kitten, scrubbing it delicately and making sure not to go too hard on it’s small fragile head-
Yoongi dropped the cup in the sink, the plastic banging against the other dishes ringing in his ears as he held his head. He was going to lose it, he knows it. To his concern there’s only one solution to this issue: get a kitten and take care of it. Digging the heels of his palm into his eyes, he let out a deep sigh. There was no other choice he had, he had to talk to you about his kitten fever. 
Finishing up the last of what was in the sink, he dried off his hands and made his way back over to the room. You had already gotten to work, judging by how you barely acknowledged him as he walked in. Walking over to the bed, Yoongi stretched himself over the messed up covers. This was how the two of you did spend most of your days when you were allowed to work from home; with him laying down and watching you work. Resting his cheek on his folded arms, Yoongi kept his eyes on you. Trying his damndest not to let his mind wander from you and to imagining you working with a small kitten on your lap. Your hand caressing its small body while it meows loudly at you as you play with it- He let out a groan, burying his face in his arms to try and escape the mental image he created. 
Hearing him, you turn in your chair to face him, “Yoongi, are you okay?”
Peeking from behind his elbows, concern is written all over your face. He shut his eyes and sat up, “Y/N. . . Can I talk to you?” Your brows furrowed together, a look of panic dashes through your eyes as you nod. Taking a deep breath, he stood up from where he sat and walked over to your desk, leaning against it. “I-,” he started, “I want kittens.”
His admission out in the air, he closed his eyes, fearing your reaction. But no sound of rejection came from you. Opening one eye to peep at you, you were confused. Yoongi could also see the gears turning in your head as you thought of something, anything to respond to him.
“Yoongi, I-I don’t think we’re-”
“Not like that!” He stopped you, seeing how you didn’t quite understand what he was talking about. “I mean like, actual kittens. . . Cats. . .” He explained.
Your mouth parted, “Oooh.” The dots connected, Yoongi’s sudden mood changes started to make sense; especially this morning’s when you called him kitty. All this because he wanted to father kittens? “How long have you been thinking about this?”
“How long have you wanted kittens, Yoongi?” You questioned.
Bashfully, he looked to his feet, “I don’t know. . . Since we got together, I suppose?”
Your eyebrows shot up into your hairline, “That long?! Why haven’t you told me, baby?” You went to grab his hands, holding them in yours.
“You never said anything about wanting kids, animal or not so I just. . . didn’t say anything.” He responded, keeping his eyes on your interlocked hands. 
“Yoongi, look at me.” He raised his head to meet your gaze, “Human babies I never really thought much on, but kittens? I love kittens so much, of course I’d want to have them with you.”
“Really?” He felt like his eyes were going to pop right out of their sockets “You mean it? I can-We can get a kitten? A baby?” Yoongi couldn’t believe his ears; his vision started to blur as tears welled up in them. The blurry outline of you nodded as you stood, pulling him into a hug as the happy tears fell from his face. 
You cooed at him as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his face burying itself in your neck. “Aww, we can definitely get a kitten. I think having one might be a wonderful little addition to our family, don’t you think?” Yoongi only cried harder in response. You stroked the hairs at the back of his neck, soothing him from his happy tears. “I’ll take that as a yes, I’ll get all my work done today and tomorrow we can go to a shelter and adopt. Okay?” With a nod of his head and a couple sniffles, he pulled away from the hug. You moved your hand to lay it on his cheek, wiping away the remaining tears from his cheeks. “Let me finish this up okay? You do research on some kitten supplies and shelters nearby?”
With that, Yoongi immediately got to work on researching products (within your established budget) and found a shelter a few blocks away from your apartment building. You thanked whatever deity that was watching over you that allowed your apartment to put in a notice for a new pet so last minute. Normally you’d have no qualms about waiting a few days, but the way Yoongi had been keeping this to himself, you didn’t want him to wait any longer. He deserved to be a proud father of a little fur baby. 
All night long, you could feel Yoongi’s excitement radiate from him as he tossed and turned in the bed all night. You could hear him even giggle to himself, whispering how he’s going to be a dad. The words squeezed your heart as you turned to wrap your arms around him, partially to keep him still but also because you were happy that he was so happy about this step for the both of you. Maybe him a little more than you though.
You woke up to an empty bed, you patted around Yoongi’s side, noting it was cold. You were puzzled for a moment, wondering where he might be when the smell of bacon flooded your nose. You let out a light chuckle as you got out of bed, and shuffled down the hallway to see Yoongi in the kitchen, buzzing as he cooked breakfast. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d mistake you for a dog hybrid for being this excited.” You chuckled as you sat down at the table. He narrowed his eyes at you before returning to cooking. Normally Yoongi never went all out with breakfast unless it was a special occasion, you suppose that today might as well be a special occasion, it being the day he finally gets to become a dad. “Did you get any sleep?” You asked as he put some bacon and toast on a couple plates. 
“Enough,” he answered, placing a plate in front of you on the table. You rolled your eyes at his response, you should’ve figured he didn’t get much; but at least he got some of it. “Gotta get used to not sleeping all throughout the night.”
“Yoongi, it’s a kitten. Not an actual baby.” You chortled as you took a bite of bacon, “It’s not gonna wake us up in the middle of the night crying.”
“Yeah, but kittens in a new environment often are excited and don’t sleep much the first night or so.” He responded as he sat down in front of you, “While I’m not a full cat, you should remember how restless I was when you first got me.”
You do remember. He stayed up all night the first few days, getting a feel of your apartment; sniffing around and making some noise, but after that he started to settle in and get comfortable in his new home. “Yes, but cats don’t whine every few hours to be fed.”
“Touche,” he bowed his head in defeat before going to take a bite out of his toast. 
You watched him as he ate, nibbling a bit on your breakfast as you did. As you continued to eat, you noticed he was getting more and more fidgety. Figuring how he wasn’t very upfront with you about getting a kitten, he was waiting on your word to get ready to find a shelter. You smirked a bit as you took a few more bites of your toast before pushing your plate away. “Alright, ready to go?” Before you even finished, Yoongi jumped from his seat and kissed your cheek. You barked out a laugh as your hybrid dashed down the hallways towards the bedroom in a blur of black and white. 
Deciding to take it upon yourself, you cleared the table, seeing how Yoongi was too excited to focus on anything else. You shook your head as you picked up his abandoned breakfast on the table; if he was too excited to sleep, you should’ve figured he’d be too excited to eat. Better make sure the second that kitten crosses the threshold of your apartment that you feed him before he forgets completely to eat. As you finished up in the kitchen, said hybrid came back, “What are you doing?! Why aren’t you getting dressed?!” He exasperated at you, still dressed in pajamas, while he was all nicely dressed. 
“I’m sorry that I want to make a nice impression on the newcomer, when they arrive.” You chuckled as you walked up to him, ruffling his hair. “I’ll get dressed. You finish up here.” In a flash, he was at the sink, furiously scrubbing the pans and plates. You laughed at him again, you wonder how he’s going to react when you tell him that you’re not even gonna stop at the shelter first, seeing how you should get the products first before the kitten steps it’s paws in the apartment. No matter how eager Yoongi was, you needed a litter box first. Kitten second. 
Once you’re dressed and down the hall, your overly eager feline partner was frantically checking himself in the hallway mirror. Letting out a chuckle as he made his hair and ears look as neat as possible. You held up your keys, the jingling catching his attention, he beamed as you moved to put your shoes on and get out of the door.
“What kind should we get? I looked at some of the ones at the shelter and there’s this pretty ragdoll, she’s all white and fluffy- Ooh! There’s this siamese kitten that just had the most beautiful eyes-”
“Yoongi,” you cut off his rambling as you approached your car. “I love you, I really do and I’m excited that you’re excited. But don’t overthink it, let’s just go to the shelter first and see who speaks out to you more. Okay?” 
You watched as he bashfully scratched the back of his neck. “Sorry.” He chuckled nervously.
“Don’t apologize, baby. Now come on, we gotta get going.” You hopped in the car, Yoongi followed behind you, climbing into the backseat. The two of you sit in silence as you drive off, your hybrid humming happily as he stared out the window. It’s only when you pull up to the pet store does Yoongi let out a low groan. 
“This isn’t the shelter!”
You grabbed his hand as he pouted his lips at you, “I know. But we need litter, food, and toys. I don’t want to forget that on the way home.” You pressed a kiss to his knuckles as he dropped his pout. 
“Fine,” he sighed as he unbuckled and got out, clearly unhappy with the decision, but realizing it was the right one either way. 
“You’re acting more like a moody teen than a father to be, you sure you’re ready?” You raised a brow at him, which quickly had him standing up straighter.
“Yes, I am.” He gave a firm nod as he spoke, “Now come on, the fast we get the supplies, the faster we can get the baby.” He took your hand in his and led you into the store. 
You let Yoongi take the lead pushing the cart through the aisles as you searched for the supplies you needed. You could feel stares from other customers as Yoongi was looking at the different types of kitten litter and which one would be best. You felt like they were judging you for bringing your hybrid to the pet store, like you were going to make him actually use the items that were meant for his animal counterpart. 
“Can I help you with anything?” You both turned your head to see a young woman in a blue vest standing there, a confused expression on her face. 
“Actually yes, what brand of litter would you recommend? I’ve read all the reviews but, I’m curious about your opinion?” Yoongi rambled off as he stood, walking to get closer to the employee. “We’re going to adopt a kitten later today and this is both of our first times owning a cat.”
“Oh!” The employee's eyes widened and nodded, now understanding the situation instead of assuming the worst. “Well what age are you looking to adopt?”
“Not sure, I was thinking maybe four to six weeks?” He said as the worker’s eyes examined the wall of litter in front of her. 
“Hmm,” she stepped down and pulled out a medium sized pink box. “This brand is what I’ve seen the best reviews on, anyone with a kitten seems to like it before going on to other litter.” She handed it over to Yoongi, who was bowing his head as he accepted the box. 
“Thank you very much!” He replied, gracious for the help. 
“No problem, anything else I can help you with?” She responded with a grin of her own as she looked between the two of you. 
Yoongi glanced over his shoulder to you, waiting to see if you needed anything at all. You shook your head, “No. Thank you for the offer though, I think we got it.”
Yoongi thanked the employee again before turning to put the box of litter in the cart. “Got litter, got the litter box, food, what else?”
“Toys and a collar?” You noticed that was something lacking from your growing collection of cat necessities. Looking up to Yoongi, you see him with his lips pursed in thought as he stared down into the cart. “Something wrong with that?”
“Toys no,” he said, moving to push the cart forward towards the cat toy aisle. “Collar, I don’t know. I mean, it’s going to be indoors anyways. Does it even really need it?” 
He did have a point, a collar was to ensure that if it got lost you’ll be contacted as soon as it’s found. But considering how it is going to be inside all the time, and with Yoongi always around too, did you really need it? “You’re right, but we don’t know. Why don’t we skip the collar today, and get it when we know for sure. Does that sound good?”
You followed close behind him as he turned into the next aisle, thinking of what you said. “Yeah, sounds good. Just don’t want to make any unnecessary purchases.” You stopped in front of a small wall of colorful toys and stretching posts. Your eyes shifted towards him as he closely examined each and every toy in front of him. “There a limit on how many toys we can get?”
“Let’s start with three,” you laughed lightly as you moved to stand beside him, looking over the different options. “We do need a scratching post, so let’s get this one,” you move to grab a long cardboard scratcher and put it in the cart, “because we don’t need the little baby scratching up the furniture.”
“No we do not,” Yoongi returned with a chuckle, reaching out to grab a small pack of toys in the shape of mice. “These look fun.” 
“What are you gonna play with it too?” You elbowed him gently as he tossed them into the wagon. 
“I just might.” He teased as his attention went back to the wall of toys, he reached forward and grabbed a small plush octopus. He gave it a little shake and it chimed, his eyes immediately lit right up and placed it right next to the other toys. 
“I’m beginning to think those toys are for you more than the kitten,” you joked as Yoongi moved to push the cart out of the aisle and towards check out. He scrunched his nose up at you but didn’t deny your statement. 
Once at the check out, Yoongi put all the items up on the conveyor belt while you went up to the cashier, who was eyeing Yoongi carefully as he checked out each item.Not liking the way he was looking at your hybrid, you cleared your throat, directing his attention back to you. You knew there was still some judgement towards hybrids being out and about in public, but that shouldn’t matter because he was with you. His owner. 
“Did you find everything alright?” The cashier huffed as he bagged your items, going over the register to double check that he scanned everything. 
“Yup!” You gave him a tight smile, not wanting him to give away your displeasure at his behavior. You just wanted out of this pet store now. Yoongi, on the other hand, must’ve sensed your uneasiness and in an instant he stood right next to you, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. Letting out a shaking breath, you returned his squeeze before finishing up your purchase. It certainly was a small hit to your bank account but this was worth it, it was for Yoongi. 
You both gave a quick thank you to the worker before you made your leave, cart full of brand new kitten supplies. As you were loading up the car, Yoongi placed a hand on your shoulder. “You okay?”
“I didn’t like those eyes on us, on you.” You muttered as you shut the trunk closed. 
“Y/N look at me,” he placed his hand on your cheek. “It’s alright, I can deal with a couple of staring strangers. But you’re with me that’s all that matters.” He smiled as his thumb caressed your cheek.
You stood there for a moment, letting him sooth your anxieties before you pulled away. “Okay, now let’s go get that kitten. No sadness today, this is supposed to be a happy time.” Soon as the words left your mouth, Yoongi’s entire demeanor shifted; going from a caring partner, to an excited child with only a few words. 
 “Right! Let’s go!!” With that, Yoongi gave you a chaste kiss before jumping into the passenger side door. 
The drive to the shelter wasn’t that long, and Yoongi was bouncing up and down in his seat like a child on his way to Toys R Us. It was cute though, seeing him this excited. You don’t think you’ve seen him this giddy; you’ve seen him happy of course, but not this kind of emotion. It looked good on him, you hoped he manages to keep it going as the kitten grows old. 
“We’re here!!” Yoongi announced ecstatically as you pulled up in the parking lot. The hybrid waited patiently as he could as you got out of the car, his eyes locked on the door of the small building. It was a bit on the smaller side, but it was a bit more of a homey feeling to it. Something that you thought would be good seeing how this will be the new addition to your family.
Soon as you stepped forward towards him, he bounded ahead of you, eager to get through the door. “Hurry up!” He whined as you leisurely took your time walking up the path to the door. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” you huffed as you finally managed to get to the front door. Yoongi was grinning so hard his cheek muscles were sore, but that didn’t matter. It was finally happening. He was gonna be a dad! 
Door to the shelter opened, he followed you as you stepped inside, glancing around at the posters of various cats and dogs on the wall. He stared at them while a volunteer at the front desk asked to help you. He moved his head to pay attention to the conversation, but little meows echoed from the door where the volunteer entered from. His hand instantly grabbed yours as he heard the little cries; not coming from his computer, but from actual kittens. 
His attention was brought back to you at the sound of your laughter. “You ready, Yoon?” He nodded his head so hard, you feared his head might pop off. Your shoulders shook with another laugh as you looked back to the volunteer, “Can we see them now?”
“Of course!” She answered as she took a few steps back towards the door, holding it open for the two of you. Yoongi followed after her quickly, tugging you along with your hand still tightly grasped in his. The smell of all the other animals filled Yoongi’s senses as they walked down a short hallway. He could hear the sounds of them as well, all calling for the attention of the new people that they no doubt smelled. Soon enough, they approached a door marked CATS, Yoongi felt your eyes on him as the volunteer opened the door and walked in. 
“You ready to be a dad, Yoongi?” Your voice was soft as you squeezed his hand. All he could do was nod as you entered. 
The scent hit him first, the smell of fur and cat food, and litter boxes. Not the most pleasant thing in the world, but at that very moment, it was better than roses to him. Then the sound of dozens of cats meowing away filled his eardrums and he felt his smile get wider as he glanced around the small room. There was a small cat tree in the middle of the room, with silver kennels on either side of it. Some of the doors were open, the felines who inhabited them wandered about the room. The rest of them remained closed, but that didn’t stop them from sticking out their paws between the wires, going out to grab the other volunteers in the room. 
“So all our kittens are about four to six weeks old, all siblings are in the same kennel. Feel free to open them up if you want,” she explained as she walked over to another male volunteer to talk to him. “All their names are on that white board, by the way!” 
There was a small brush against Yoongi’s pant leg. Glancing down, he made eye contact with an orange tabby cat; rubbing it’s head against his calf. The creature looked up and meowed at him, curious about the two new strangers who came in. Ever so slowly, Yoongi knelt down petting it’s head and letting it keen into his hand. Above, he could hear you coo as at the sight before getting distracted with another cat that came up to you. 
Yoongi felt like he was going to cry, he had to only take one home? When there’s so many here that all need homes? He was so close to just begging you to take them all home, but he knew that that wouldn’t be a good idea. Taking a deep breath, he got back up to his feet and walked over to one of the kennels and peered in, looking at the small fluff balls curl together for warmth. Carefully, he moved to open the wire door without waking any of them, but it appears his presence was enough to wake them because sure enough, small mewls added into the already noisy room as he opened the door completely. 
“Hi,” his voice was barely a whisper as he reached in and let the kitten sniff at him, getting adjusted to his scent before moving to touch any of them. A small white kitten with the bluest eyes reached up to grab at his fingers, its small claws digging into his skin. “Ow,” he feigned with a chuckle as he lowered his head to scratch at the fur balls ears. “You’re a curious one, aren’t you.” He lilted as he turned his attention to another kitten. This one was black, but strangely enough has small light grey stripes decorated its body. It was a bit more separated from the rest of the litter, smaller too. Intrigued, he moved his hand over to it and let the kitten sniff it. When it seemed to accept him, he let his hand curl around its small body, lifting it out of the cage and into his arms.
“You found someone, Yoongi?” He heard you ask as you approach him, a small gasp leaving your lips when you see the tiny creature in his arms. “Oh my goodness! Aren’t you precious!” You melted as you reached your finger out to stroke its head. 
“I see you’ve found the runt of the litter,” the volunteer noted as she walked over to you both, a smile on her face. “She’s all healthy, so if she’s the one you want, she’s ready to go home with you.”
Yoongi could feel your eyes on him, looking for an answer on if this was the one you were going to take home. He stared down at the small cat in his arms, who’s big eyes stared right back at him. He could feel it deep in his heart, this was the one. This was his baby. “Yeah, it’s her.”
“Okay, babe.” You kissed his cheek before looking back to the kitten still in his arms. “Hi baby, you almost match your daddy.” You giggled as you gave her one last scratch before confirming with the volunteer that you’ll be taking that one home. 
With a smile, she nodded, asking you to follow her to finish up the paperwork while telling another volunteer to help Yoongi with getting her ready to leave. He readjusted the kitten in his arms so she was now laying against his chest, rather than in his arms. The other volunteer held a cardboard carrier with an old towel in it out. Yoongi was hesitant at first, not quite ready to let his new found child out of his arms just yet. 
“Come on, buddy. She’s gonna be okay,” he encouraged Yoongi as he reached for the cat. Holding back the urge to swipe at him and carry the cat out in his arms, he knew you wouldn’t want him to make a scene. So he complied, letting him take the kitten from him and into the carrier. The volunteer handed it over to him; but instead of holding it by the handle, he held it by the bottom in both hands. Not wanting to jostle her around before getting to the car. 
The volunteer escorted him back out to the lobby, where you were finishing up. “Yoongi, what are you gonna name her?” You asked. The question caught him off guard, he didn’t know what he was gonna name his kitten. He’s wanted one for how long and he never thought of one? He quickly racked his brain for names, not wanting it to sound too cheesy or weird but none came to mind. 
“I, uh,” he was embarrassed at the predicament. But you merely laughed at him before placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“It’s just for the chip she got, I’ll just put down Min for now alright?” You looked to him for his permission. He nodded, the two of you will figure out a better name to call her in the meantime. But at least she’s got a nickname on her. 
Paperwork all done, and a car full of new cat stuff. The two of you drove back to your apartment, and all the while Yoongi was flinching with every confused little meow that came from the white box on his lap. Unable to take it anymore, he cracked open the carrier a bit, just enough to stick his hand in and sooth her of both his and her anxieties about the drive. You rolled your eyes at the action, mumbling something under your breath about coddling her before she’s even gotten to the house. But Yoongi couldn’t help it! He hated hearing the small and scared whimpers, he couldn’t just do nothing!
When the drive finally came to a stop, you handed Yoongi the key to the apartment. “Put her in our room, close the door and come back here to help me with the rest of the stuff. Okay?” You instructed, to which Yoongi followed to the T. Well almost to the T.
Once he got into the house, he opened up the carrier and pulled out the kitten. “This is your new home.” He started as he walked around, showing her the place. “This is the living room and the kitchen area, we’re out here a lot. Don’t try to scratch up the couch please, or Y/N is gonna kill us both.” He chuckled as he made his way down the hall, pointing at different photos and giving a story. “This is the bedroom, where we sleep. You can sleep here too.” He went on and he placed her down on the ground. “Now you can explore while we go get your things.” He said, but didn’t move. Watching how the kitten sniffed around the new place, getting a feel of it. A smile on his face, he slowly started backing out of the room, closing it behind him.
He rushed back out of the door, but before he made it to your car, he ran into you, an annoyed look on your face. “You got distracted with the kitty, didn’t you?” Yoongi looked down at the ground, feeling a bit guilty for putting the baby before his partner but thankfully you seemed to understand. “Fine, just get the cat litter. Couldn’t carry it all by myself.” You jerked your head in the direction of the car. Nodding, he ran down to go get the rest of the things.
Setting the majority of the cat stuff down, you quietly started towards the bedroom. Cracking open the door, you don’t see anything just yet. You push the door open a bit more, still nothing but there is a small little lump of poop on the floor, stinking up the whole room. “Gah,” you gagged as you quickly went to the kitchen to grab some paper towels and cleaner. “Knew I should’ve told him to get the kitty litter ready first,” you muttered to yourself as you cleaned up the little troublemaker’s poop. After being sure to toss it in a trashcan in the bathroom, you began looking for the little one.
Laying flat on the ground, you peered under your bed. The small outline of the kitten was seen in the middle of the bed, out of reach for you to grab. “Aww, come here baby. No ones gonna hurt you.” You stretched your arm out under the bed, the tips of your fingers barely grazing her soft fur. You could feel her lower her nose to your hand, sniffing you out before rubbing her head against your palm. 
“What are you doing?” You heard Yoongi’s voice called out from above you.
“She hid under the bed,” you explained as you pulled your arm out from underneath the space. 
Yoongi pursed his lips in thought as he leaned down, taking his turn to reach under the bed. “Come here baby, come on.” He made kissy noises, trying to lure her out. “Come to daddy.” But to no avail, she didn’t come out. 
Disappointment was written across his face as he sat up. “Aww, don’t be upset Yoon. She;s just scared. She’s in a new place,” you placed your hand on his cheek. “Why don’t we set up her stuff, maybe she’ll come out then.”
Begrudgingly, he agreed. You set up all the stuff in the room first, just to get her accompanied to the new place before the rest of the apartment. You had Yoongi handle setting up her litter box and opening up her toys while you set up her food and water. Cat stuff thoroughly thrown about the place, you saw small little paws peek out from underneath the bed. 
“Yoongi,” you nudged your hybrid to look at where you were pointing. 
Instantly, he began to lower himself to the ground, not breaking eye contact with her as she watched him slowly go down and down until he was laying flat on his stomach. Taking a few tentative steps, she got closer to him. Sniffing at his ear which twitched at the close proximity of her black little nose. “Those are my ears,” he stated simply as she started to swat at them and his hair. “Hey,” he chuckled, lifting his head away from her paws. “Don’t hurt daddy.”
“You’re really gonna stick with daddy?” 
“Got a problem with that?”
“Not at all,” you raised your hands in defense, not wanting to argue with him. He moved back to sit on the ground next to you and watch as the kitten curiously bounded around the room. She looked up at you before making slow steps over, before putting her paws on your thighs. You looked up at Yoongi who looked nearly green with envy. “Guess we know who her favorite is.” You teased. 
“No no no no,” he said as he leaned over before picking up the cat, plopping her on his lap. “She’s gonna be a daddy’s girl, if it’s the last thing I do.” You would’ve thought she would’ve hated being moved by force and would’ve jumped away, but she didn’t. She snuggled herself deeper into his lap and started purring. Now it’s your turn to be jealous.
“No fair,” you grumbled as you leaned forward to pet her again.
Yoongi only stuck his tongue out at you before turning his attention back down to the cat. “Moonlight.”
“What was that?”
“Her name is Moonlight. Moonie for short,” he said, his eyes never leaving her as he let his hand stroke her.
You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the kitten. “Welcome to the family, Moonie.”
The rest of the day is spent with you and Yoongi on the ground, playing with her, completely ignoring the rest of the world. You took a lot of videos of her playing around Yoongi’s tail. It was precious to see how well he was with her; jumping into his new role as a cat dad. It warmed your heart. With each of her squeaky meows,  Yoogni would respond with one of his own; his deep voice making a low meow, sounding nothing at all like a cat. Yet she still responded, meowing back only louder and more pitchy.
As they continued to play, it became painfully obvious that Yoongi definitely bought those small mouse toys for him because he was playing around with them a lot more than her. Moonlight on the other hand, was approaching your bed. Pouncing on it in an attempt to climb up top. With a laugh, you helped her up onto the mattress, watching her as she waddled about the uneasy surface. 
Your stomach growled, hungry for some food. “I’m gonna go make something real quick.” You got up and kissed the top of Yoongi’s head before walking out of the room and towards the kitchen. You made a quick sandwich to refuel before getting back to playing. As you ate, you thought of how well this was going to be. Granted it was only the first day, but this was going to be good. Just by the look on Yoongi’s face you could tell. He was absolutely in love with that small little ball of fur, his baby. Your baby. 
Finishing up your little sandwich, you made your way back to the bedroom. It was quiet, you didn’t hear any more rustling or mewling. Brows furrowed, you opened the door and the sight you saw before you melted you. Yoongi laid curled up in the middle of the bed, similar to how he did when he first got comfortable with you when you got him. Moonlight was tucked close to his chest with an arm draped over her, fast asleep.
On your tiptoes, you made your way over to the bed to lay opposite of Yoongi. They both stirred as the mattress dipped beneath your weight, but both remained with eyes closed. You let your arm drape over Yoongi’s side, effectively sandwiching Moonlight between the two of you. There the three of your laid, tired smiles on your faces as you warmed the new addition of the family between you.
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writersrealmbts · 4 years ago
All I Want for Christmas
Description: You’re ready for another Christmas at the shelter, but Taehyung has other ideas, and brings you home with him instead. You never thought you’d receive this many gifts.
“For the Christmas request, can I please request a human!Taehyung x Calico cat hybrid!fem!reader where he adopts her and brings her home on Christmas? It’d be so cute because she’d be so happy to have a home and it’d honestly be the best Christmas for both of them🥰🐈💜”
Warnings: Fluff and stuff
Posted: 12/17/2020
Tags: taehyung x reader, hybrid au, hybrid reader, calico cat!reader
1,779 words
A/N: For @kpopgirlbtssvt​
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You stared out your window at the glittering, snow-covered scenery, while you played with the Christmas-bells bracelet that your secret Santa had gotten for you. You loved it. You liked the gentle sound it made instead of the harsh jangle of the bells that someone had hung on your door, a cacophony of dissonance that made your tail curl.
You winced, turning toward the door as it opened. You weren’t sure why it would be opening, you’d just returned from breakfast and it wasn’t time for activities yet.
A stranger stood in the doorway, holding papers and a small gift bag. And while he didn’t look familiar, he smelled very familiar.
The one that had been observing everyone for adoption purposes for the past two weeks.
He smiled softly at you. “Hello, y/n. My name is Taehyung. I got you a Christmas present.”
You felt excitement bubbling up within you, and you slowly moved toward him.
He met you half-way, holding out the bag.
You carefully took it, bowing slightly, then carefully pulling the gift from the bag.
It was a charm bracelet, pretty and gold and shiny and it had three charms. One was a sleigh, carefully and intricately made with a bag of presents in the back. Another was a cute, but realistic looking bear. The last were simple mark-tags, ones that displayed your basic information and your owner’s….
You slowly looked back up at him. “You’re adopting me?”
He shook his head. “I have already adopted you. I’m bringing you home. I have more presents for you at home. I hope you can accept my first gift, though,” He said, looking hopeful.
You grinned and eagerly put it on behind your jingle-bracelet, admiring it in the morning light. You were being adopted!
He laughed a bit. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” You agreed, vibrating with excitement. You were getting the best Christmas present ever! You had an owner! You were being taken to a home!
“Y/n, your things?” The shelter worker prompted.
“Oh! Right!” You bounded toward the closet and grabbed your two dresses, your socks, and your shoes, putting them into the laundry sack, then got your 2 pairs of pants and 2 sets of pajamas and 3 shirts. “Ok!”
“Pillow? Friend?”
You squeaked in alarm and raced to the bed to grab the pillow and your stuffed calico kitty that had ears and a tail exactly like yours, then hesitated, hand on the old, worn blanket that you kept carefully folded over the end of your bed.
The worker nodded, smiling softly. “It’s yours.”
You grinned again and shoved those things into the sack as well. “Ready!”
“Uh, you might want to wear some shoes instead of slippers,” Taehyung suggested gently, looking just as happy as ever. Not scolding.
You stared down at your slippers for just a minute too long before diving into the sack and grabbing your shoes.
“Relax, kitten. We’ve got time to get home, it’s not going anywhere,” Taehyung said in a soothing tone as you fumbled with the straps of your shiny, black shoes. They looked cute with your red Christmas dress with the pretty white furry lining. You didn’t care what that know-it-all tabby three doors down said, you thought the shoes were cute. And they fit you, it was rare for shoes to actually fit properly, though the shelter tried their hardest to make sure all of you had at least one pair of shoes that fit properly, outside of the slippers which were bought in the proper sizes for everyone.
“Y/n! I found the…sash….” The other hybrid peered into the room, swallowing hard. “Oh…are you….”
“I’ve been adopted, Jiyoung!” You squeaked happily, dragging your sack over to her. “What did you find?”
“The sash, to the dress,” She said eagerly, grinning in happiness for you and then whipping the white sash around your waist and tying it in a big, fancy bow behind you. “There! Now it isn’t just a sack! I will tell you again, though, it was made to be a costume.”
“It’s pretty and soft,” You argued, hugging yourself.
She kissed your cheek. “Good luck in your new home, y/n. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas,” You responded, voice a choked whisper. You were leaving your friends.
Someone gently took your sack of belongings from you. “Come on, y/n. Let’s go show you your new home.”
You looked back at the gentle, understanding expression on Taehyung’s face and melted a bit. “Okay.”
Jiyoung patted your arm and hurried back down the hall to the donations room where she helped out. She was one of the owner’s hybrids, so at least you knew she was loved.
“Everyone else is in the main room, they’ve been told you’ve been adopted and are waiting to say goodbye,” The shelter worker said gently, noticing your hesitation.
You nodded and took Taehyung’s offered hand, going to the main room.
And maybe you gave your jingle bracelet to the grumpy tabby from three doors down because you knew she’d been jealous of it and you wanted her to be happy and your secret santa had given you an approving smile.
You sort of bet that Taehyung might get you another if you asked really, really nicely.
Taehyung’s car was very nice, nicer than any vehicle you’d ever been in before, and he played Christmas music softly on the radio as if knowing you were nervous as well as excited.
“I understand the sleigh, because you’re adopting me on Christmas, right?” You asked, attention on the charm bracelet again.
He nodded, smiling.
“But what about the bear?”
He looked a little sheepish. “Um…well, I have this song. It’s called winter bear, so I thought after a while if you look at the bear charm you’ll think of it as part of me.”
You were purring before he even finished speaking, holding your wrist and the bracelet close to your heart while you stared out the windows at the Christmas decorations the people all bundled up.
He parked at a large apartment building, grabbing your things and offering to hold your hand again. “Anyway, I do sometimes travel for work. And I was hoping the charm might remind you of me if I’m not able to take you with me. I’m going to make sure to try and get you in every trip, because you’re my responsibility now, but there will be times even when you’re with me on a trip that you might be at the hotel while I’m working. If you can’t go with me on a trip, you’ll probably stay with my parents, and they’re really nice so I think you’ll like them and I won’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with. And—”
“Taehyung-ah,” You whispered, trying to be respectful since you weren’t sure how he wanted you to address him yet. “It’s a little cold outside.”
He blinked at you, then his eyes widened and his eyebrows rose. “You don’t have a coat!”
You shook you head.
He hurried you into the building then ran back and grabbed the sack when you pointed it out, before punching the button to the elevator and muttering about warming you up so that you wouldn’t get sick and how he was a terrible owner.
You patted his arm. “You’re not a terrible owner, and I’m not that cold. See, I’m not shivering. We can still have a nice Christmas.”
“Right,” He breathed, sounding relieved. “You sure you’re okay?”
You nodded, smiling up at him.
“Right, oh, and you can just call me Taehyung.”
You nodded again, smiling and blinking up at him.
He led the way down the hall once the doors opened, holding your hand again, unlocking the door to his apartment (it had a pretty wreath on it). “It isn’t much but this is home.”
You stepped in and took off your shoes, then realized you didn’t have your slippers out.
He caught your panicked looked and smiled gesturing to two pairs of slippers, one pair smaller than the others that looked adorable and comfortable. Like fairy slippers. “I got those for you. They told me your sizes so I could get you some things.”
You felt warm all over and you carefully tried on the slippers, purring at how soft they were.
He looked relieved that you liked them.
Then you saw the rest of his apartment and gaped. Not because of the Christmas tree, which really was delightfully decorated, but because it was very large. You’d seen other apartments before, for home visits before adoptions that fell through at the previous shelter you’d been in as a child. This place was…expensive.
“Wow,” You breathed.
“Like I said, it’s not much, I don’t really even have that much furniture. I just sort of moved in a couple months ago.” He rubbed his neck.
You stared at him, then at the apartment. “It’s huge. You lived here alone?”
“Oh…well…yeah. That’s also why I got you, I’m not used to living alone and the others drop by now and then and I drop by their places now and then but…it’s not the same as what I’m used to and then I saw the shelter and I just got curious and…I didn’t want to be alone anymore and you were so bright and lively that I thought…you’d help me liven the place up. Help it feel warm in here instead of empty.” He looked embarrassed.
You smiled. “I can certainly try.”
He smiled back at you. “Ready for your presents?”
“I feel bad, I don’t have presents for you,” You replied, worried.
“You being here and enjoying what I’ve gotten for you will be enough,” He reassured you, looking happy again.
You nodded and let him lead you through the apartment to a door with a ribbon stuck to it.
“This is your room, y/n,” He whispered, then opened the door.
You squeaked in surprise as you looked around the absolutely plush room. Big bed, lots of pillows and blankets, and pretty pretty furniture. Gentle colors, pretty colors. A lamp, a ceiling fan. And he had some clothes in the dresser and the closet, and some books on the shelves.
He was watching you hopefully, waiting to see if you liked it all.
Your eyes filled with tears and you raced over you hug his waist tightly. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” You breathed, locking your arms around him.
His lips pressed lightly to your temple. “Merry Christmas, y/n.”
“Merry Christmas,” You whispered back.
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fcntasmas-archive · 3 years ago
hi ceecee!!! i recently read something that said you raised penny during quarantine and i was curious to know how did you adopt her? how did you choose her or did she choose you? sorry for the silly question, i always love to hear the anecdotes of how people adopt their babies because two of my three puppies were adopted and i have the feeling that they and i, by chance of life, were destined to share life together. i hope you are feeling much, much better, get some rest, drink some water and get well soon 💛 !!!
oh my goodness this was such a sweet message to wake up to i want you to know that it put a big smile on my face because i LOVE talking about penny, you know this, i know this, we all know this i actually adopted her september 2019 at an adoption event the austin animal shelter was having! i believe they were having it in a petco. when they have these adoption events, they waive all of the fees so you basically just get interviewed and answer some questions and get to take your baby home and you're in a petco, which makes it super convenient to get all the stuff they recommend you buy! i 100% did not want to go. my friend and her husband had two cats at the time that i adored, and i'd mentioned maybe wanting to get one myself one day, and they heard about the adoption event that day after i was over at their house watching "it" (i'd never watched it before and the second "it" was in theaters so we were gonna watch it that night after i watched the first one) and they were like, oh, let's go! it'll be fun, you'll just look! and i said "fine, but i'm not bringing a cat home." haha! famous last words!
i was actually leaning towards this tiny gray tabby named dimitri, simply because i'm obsessed with the name dimitri, but also because he was so small. a crazy ball of energy, really. and then when i put him back, you know, just to look at the other cats, i noticed this little black and white kitty! she was super thin and very long -- i thought she was, like, maybe close to a year old? -- and her foster momma was there and opened the cage for me and my friend actually held her first! she was super calm and her foster mom told us she was actually nervous because she was usually very energetic, and i was like, aw, poor baby!
then my friend handed her over to me and this little kitty immediately cuddled into my arms, meowed softly up at me, then gave me kisses. and, so, obviously, i was like, well, fuck. i have to take this one home.
her name was "val 18", and they actually told me that the "18" in her name was something they used to identify kitties with a long medical history. the poor bub had been through so many digestive issues and she was, like, four months old? which, again, she did not look four months old, but, you know. she was just A Tiny and they asked me all the questions and she didn't leave my arms the whole time. and i took her home!
so i really do think she chose me, in a sense? i love her to death. i actually have the little card her foster mom wrote and hung on her crate up on my "happy things" board still, look!
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i changed her name to "penny" because a) i love that name and b) my friend suggested the name because we were watching "it" that night, so yes, that small detail ended up being relevant to the story, huzzah. i still call her "pennywise" if she's being mischevious.
thanks so much for asking babe??? sorry this got super long and rambly! she's the light of my life and i made the best decision ever and she was the reason i did not go crazy during quarantine. sending you all of the love <33
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2manyfandoms2count · 4 years ago
I love you (not) - Chapter 4
Slightly late for @marichatmay day 4, yesterday was kind of a long day and this chapter just kept getting longer. Oops. Ft. real cats, and a nod to Star Wars day (belated May the Fourth be with you). Enjoy!
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Chapter 4: In which the flirting continues and an attempt to break up is thwarted. Again.
Marinette almost turned around the moment she saw Chat Noir standing next to the café, looking at the cats on the other side of the window.
Well, had it just been her partner, she would have walked straight up to him without a second thought, and diligently sat through their date, only to apologise at the end of it, saying that she’d fallen in love with an image, and that she didn’t think they belonged together.
What (for ‘who’ was a little presumptuous a pronoun) stood in front of her was a figure in a cardboard rendering of Chat Noir’s suit, complete with paper bell, tail, and cardboard baton. She would have forgiven its use as a disguise, even though the details kind of defeated the purpose, had the reflection of the headpiece’s eye hole not revealed that he was actually transformed underneath.
Nope , she thought at the sight. Can’t do this, nope, nope, nop-
“Marinette!” Chat Noir spotted her just as she was about to leave, and started enthusiastically waving at her.
She plastered a smile on her face, and clutched her purse as she made her way towards him. Kwami, give me strength . She wondered if ridicule was a good enough excuse to break up with someone. It wasn’t very nice, but she was getting desperate for an excuse.
“Cardboard Noir, I presume?” Her voice had an exasperated edge to it, which Chat didn’t pick up on.
“The one and only!” He twirled around to give her the full 360° view of the costume. She could tell that he was grinning under the helmet.
“To what do I owe the… pleasure?”
“Anonymity, obviously.” He rolled his eyes. “Wouldn’t want this date to finish in the tabloids, am I right?”
Sure, because somebody in a piece of cardboard is so much more inconspicuous than somebody who might be wearing a Chat Noir cosplay in a cat café , she rolled her eyes as she saw people passing by and doing double takes as they walked past him, but kept her point to herself.
“How... thoughtful of you.” She smiled slightly tensely.
“Isn’t it?” Chat Noir extended his kraft paper-covered arm and she took it awkwardly for the couple of steps that separated them from the café’s door.
Chat hurried forward to open the door for her. “After you, my… Princess.” He bowed.
She bit back a smug smile as the bells jingled above her head. The nickname "my Lady" would totally have been justified in this situation, yet he’d refrained from using it. She deduced that it must be too attached to Ladybug; maybe there was hope that he still had a crush on her alter ego. She could work with that.
She walked into the shop, and almost tripped on an orange tabby cat who’d apparently been making the most of the sunspot on the other side of the door. It looked up at her indignantly even as she petted him to apologise, but didn’t move.
Behind her, a grey sphynx tried to make a run for it, but Chat picked it up and closed the door before he could cross the threshold.
“Hi there! Welcome to the C afé des Chats . How can I help you today?” A woman emerged from the back room, wiping her hands on her cat-themed apron. Her name, Cathy, was embroidered on it.
“Hello! Could we get a table for two, please?” Marinette smiled.
“Of course! Pick a spot!”
Marinette looked around the room. Apart from a small group of friends sitting near the window, and who were too engrossed in laughing and taking pictures of the cats to acknowledge their presence, all the seats were empty.
“How about that table over there?” Chat leaned towards her ear and pointed towards a cozy booth at the back of the room. She jumped slightly at the sudden proximity. He didn’t notice, as the cat in his arms started meowing, and Cathy came out from behind the counter to take it in her arms.
“Oh, let me take Yoda off your hands. Did he try running away again?” She cradled him, the cat purring as she did.
“Yes, I feel like he might take after his namesake and like the outdoors more.” Chat joked.
“Maybe I should have picked another name for him, then. It would save me a lot of time looking for him around the neighborhood.” Cathy laughed. “I’ll let you two get installed, I’ll be right with you.”
The pair made their way towards their table, Chat letting Marinette take the couch while he pulled out the chair facing her. He sat on the very edge of his seat, the cardboard taking up most of the space. They both picked up the menu, and ordered their drinks (and a lightsaber-themed pistachio éclair for Chat), when Cathy came around.
Marinette tapped her fingers together as they waited, trying to find a conversation topic. She decided to acknowledge the smaller elephant in the room.
“You know, I think we’re okay now, you can take off your costume.” Marinette pointed out. He looked like he could fall off his chair at any moment.
“Are you ashamed of me?” His hand flew to his chest, almost knocking his paper bell off.
“Me? Never!” she scoffed.
“Good, because this isn’t coming off anytime soon.” Chat Noir crossed his arms over his chest. She could tell he was smirking under his headpiece.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that…” It was Marinette’s turn to smirk, as Cathy arrived and put down two cups of hot chocolate, and Chat’s pâtisserie, in front of them.
“Is that a challenge?” Chat’s eyebrow shot up, and he turned towards Cathy. “Excuse me, Ma’am, would you happen to have a straw I could use?”
The lady blinked at him a couple of times, perplexed, before realising he was serious. “I probably do, let me go check in the pantry.”
“You’re not seriously doing this.” Marinette facepalmed.
“I’m just showing the one thing you should know about me if you want to date me; I don’t back down from challenges.” He thanked Cathy, who’d returned, and started poking a hole in his headset.
Trust me, I know that , Marinette sighed. “I take it back. It’s not a challenge. Just take your… mask off, and enjoy your order. Please?”
Chat Noir squinted at her suspiciously. “You pawmise that you’re fine with this?”
“Absolutely. I just want you to be more comfortable.”
“Fine.” He took off his headpiece, making his hair stick up from static electricity.
Marinette stifled a giggle.
“Nothing,” she cleared her throat, pulled her phone out and snapped a picture, before showing the screen to him. “I just like what you did to your hair.”
“Ah, yes. Beautiful,” her partner laughed. “I wonder what Gabriel Agreste would think about it.”
“I actually think he’d love it. It kind of looks like his haircut.” Marinette snorted.
“Yeah, that won’t do.” Some colour drained from his cheeks as he shook his head and tried to flatten his hair. The real bell under his costume jingled as he did so.
Marinette was about to ask why he seemed so upset about the comparison when a black cat jumped up on their table, looking at Chat’s éclair with interest.
“Hey, Chat Noir? Looks like you have some competition for your tea…” She took a sip of her hot chocolate and sighed happily as the rich aroma hit her taste buds.
“What?” He stopped wiggling around, his hair having regained its normal appearance. “Oh. No, no, kitty, this isn’t for you.” He slid the plate away from it. The cat tilted its head and meowed. “Being all cute won’t work on me, I’m cuter. Meow .”
“Hmm, I’m not sure about that.” Marinette stroked the cat’s head, making it walk towards her and purr. “This one is pretty adorable. Pincushion,” she read off its tag. “How original.”
“You’re not even saying it’s a claw-se call? You wound me, Marinette.” Chat gasped, before taking a bite of his éclair. “You know, I’m not sure I could be with someone who doesn’t think I’m cute.”
Marinette rolled her eyes affectionately. “Kitty, I think you know very well what I think,” she replied, putting a hand over his on the table. He gulped down the rest of his éclair, and stared into her eyes.
Pincushion meowed again after what she knew was too long for friends to gaze at each other, and Marinette jolted, feeling herself blush. Why had she done that? She should have just gone with it, it would have made everything easier. You know, Chat Noir, I definitely don’t think you’re cute. Let’s get the bill and be on our way…
Chat Noir cleared his throat, and waved towards Cathy. “Well, this was nice, but it’s getting a little late, isn’t it? Could I have the bill, please?”
“Yes, you’re right, we should probably get going… Wait a second, what do you mean could I have the bill? We’re splitting this.”
“No we’re not. I ordered the most.” Chat shot her a pointed look.
“Fine, then let me pay for my own drink, then.”
“Meow way! I invited you! I meant it when I said my treat!”
“Yes, but…” Marinette scrambled for an excuse, cursing her brain which had decided to notice that Chat’s cheeks seemed quite pink, and that she thought it looked good on him, especially combined to his slightly dishevelled hair.
“I’ll tell you what; if you really think I don’t owe you anything, then just consider this an advance for my birthday. You can pay me back in macarons.” Chat’s eyes lit up hungrily as he interrupted her.
“Your birthday?” Marinette tilted her head quizzically. “Is that soon?”
Chat froze in his seat. Ladybug had warned him about this. They weren’t supposed to share anything about their personal lives, with anyone. Just in case it landed in the wrong ears.
Besides, his birthday wasn’t until September. Which, since he’d invited her on this date, she could interpret as him thinking their relationship would last that long. Which he really hoped it wouldn’t (the romantic one, that is - he still wanted to be friends with Marinette behind the mask).
“Erm, yeah, it’s… Next week?” He scratched the back of his neck nervously. That seemed alright in terms of timeline.
“So soon…” Marinette trailed off, looking at the empty cup before her. Her partner’s birthday seemed like something she should know, yet as much as she raked her brain, she couldn’t recall a single conversation they’d had on the topic. “Does Ladybug know?”
“Oh, no. I wouldn’t want her to make a fuss.” He waved her concern away, and swiftly stole the credit card machine from Cathy as she returned with it. He tapped his card on it, looking Marinette straight in the eye as he did.
“Chat Noir!” She cried out indignantly. She’d been too engrossed in the consideration that she couldn’t decently break up with him now when his birthday was just around the corner, to anticipate his next move.
“Sorry, Princess.” He smiled smugly as he thanked the café owner and took his receipt. “In my defence, it makes me feel better about eating so much when I came over to your place for lunch, when I’d only brought a flower as a present.”
Marinette held his gaze for a bit, and, seeing his earnestness, she sighed. “Fine.”
“Thank you.” He nodded, and then turned towards Cathy, who was awkwardly shuffling next to their table.
“Is everything alright, Ma’am?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t want to intrude, but… are you really Chat Noir?” She asked hopefully.
“See, the costume is inconspicuous!” Chat Noir exclaimed, sticking his tongue out at Marinette. “I mean, yes, I am.”
“I’d totally understand if you said no, but would you mind taking a picture with some of the cats? I’m happy to keep it to myself, and not put it up with the other cat pictures if you’d prefer, it’s just that I’m such a huge fan…”
“I’d love to!” Chat Noir jumped to his feet and started peeling his disguise off. “Would it be okay if my… Marinette was in the picture with me?” He winced at the formulation of his question. He wasn’t sure if it was worse than if he’d called her his girlfriend.
“Yes, of course! Here, let me grab Yoda, and maybe Pincushion and…”
Marinette didn’t have time to explore the warm feeling Chat calling her “his” Marinette, in a very excited and pure way, had elicited in her chest, as Cathy shoved a cat in her arms and pushed Chat next to her on the couch. She grinned for the photographer, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks.
“Purr-fect!” Chat beamed as Cathy showed them the picture.
She melted a little at how happy he looked, chatting away to figure out a way to get a copy of the picture. I can’t hurt him, not now , she thought as she nodded along and gave her number to Cathy so she could send her the shot.
What she could do, though, was try to figure out a birthday present for him. Something useful, that he’d be able to keep when she broke up with him after they broke up, probably a week after she gave it to him.
She thought about it all the way Home.
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