#actually homeschooled
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mishmash-webster · 10 days ago
just saw the phrase ‘homeschooled swag’ used to apply to a character
… so we’re calling it SWAG now?? we’re suddenly seeing it as a positive trait??? where was that when i was growing up??
for me they called it ‘you’re obviously very socially stunted and we’re going to point it out constantly snd make fun of you for it thus worsening said social development’ but alright ig
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isaacsapphire · 1 year ago
Homeschooled and I got Spanish because that's what Mom knew... And a little Church Latin because???
give me the state if you're comfy and what languages were offered
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terri-0-terrible · 19 days ago
I have made a Homeschool Recovery Community if anyone is interested!
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morbidgrad · 4 months ago
It’s not that I’m anti homeschooling as a WHOLE, but if someone’s insisting on homeschooling their kids thats needing a level of control that’s concerning all on its own
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isaacsapphire · 1 year ago
Where can I get your backstory lore my liege
Scroll waaaay back, lols (on desktop it should be possible to see the calendar of posts on this blog). Seriously though, probably the "work", "work stories", "romantic relationships", "homeschooling", "actually ADHD", "actually homeschooled" tags might get you the fast version. Also the "the wreckage of my Christianity" tag, but there's little tidbits dropped all over.
If you have specific questions you can definitely send asks too :)
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isaacsapphire · 2 years ago
Well this is concerningly familiar.
Speaking In Mangled Tongues
I don’t talk right.
I mean I talk in a way that has obvious incorrect ideas in it. My idioms, my reference frame, even the ways I engage a newcomer into my life, these are all things that I feel, in a very pronounced way, are weird and wrong.
I am blessed in that now I’m old enough that I just seem eccentric, or old fashioned, or, to my students, some boring old guy. I’ve passed the time when people my own age can hear the way I speak and think ‘hey, there’s something wrong there.’ I’m also lucky in that I don’t seem to look my age, which means people my own age talk to me and think I’m just weird and young, and people younger than me have no idea if I’m five or ten years older than them.
I have been out of fundamentalist christianity for twenty years. Doesn’t matter. The effect is still there. The effect is not a byproduct of doing things in a Christian way, but rather the result of my developmental period being limited to socially conversing with about ten people who were almost all the same age as me, and almost all as limited in their experiences as me.
Our way of speaking was simplified, our poetry was dulled, our grasp of language and rhythm and meter were all deliberately contained and curtailed. I don’t know how to dance and I struggle with clapping in time with music, I am uncertain of how to even describe the way I sing or the way music works, because these words, in a period where I was building the foundations of meaning in language, were all kept from me.
We’d repeat lines from TV, over and over, but we’d only be able to do that with the TV shows that were acceptable, that our teacher didn’t ban from hearing us say. We wouldn’t hear pop music of the day, except in tiny excerpts, at places like the supermarket. The idiom and language we learned therefore mostly was imprinted with references from our adult peers, and they were deliberately stifling us. I grew up delivering the jokes of the Rocky and Bullwinkle and The Goon Show affect, but didn’t watch or participate in the common public life of my age. I learned rhetoric presentation from the preachers in my family, I learned the way you pace and build and demonstrate a point.
It’s something of an embarrassing story, but I feel more it should be embarrassing to my family than to myself, but I learned about sexual reproduction not from my parents nor from school, but from reading an expanded dictionary and looking up every single thing I could until I had a working model. That working model had to then be interpreted onto some extremely dubious source material.
This creates a corpus of reference, of performance of language that is equal parts highly technical language pronounced wrong, a melange of calliopes, dated references that predate my entire birth, and playful words from childish source material, like the actual text of Alice In Wonderland. The whole mix means that a lot of my conversation, certainly in those early days, was not so much about talking to someone and sharing ideas or getting answers to questions, but to perform at people, to present in a way that got focus, so you could convey your position.
By the way, don’t be surprised to learn it’s also racist. Accents completely confounded me growing up. We had some neighbours from down the street whose names I remember, who invited us to their home and shared curry and rice and flatbread with us, and about whom I know almost nothing but their names and maybe that they were from Pakistan. I know they were nice and I know we dressed up nice to visit them and I know we went to them once and never again thereafter. I do not remember a single word they said to me and I do not understand anything but their names, and that isn’t because I was very, very young, it’s because when I try to remember what they said, what comes out is tone, and a sort of sloppy, choppy half-way handling of language. My memory can only remember those two people saying their names.
It wasn’t like they spoke to us in Urdu, I just had no idea how to process a thick accent at that age. Or later. It took me decades to build even a familiarity with grammar structures outside of my extremely normalised experience.
This isn’t built out of, by the way, glossalalia – not speaking in tongues. We didn’t truck with that in my church. In fact, those people, we could tell, obviously, were all faking it. Some of them claimed to be possessed, but they so obviously weren’t, that was silly. We could tell that there was something nonsense about that, so we didn’t do that. Of course, we also only read the King James Bible, which meant that that corpus got to form an underpinning for how we made points, how we were compelling; we quoted scripture at one another, meaning that particular manner of speech was the way good points were made.
The way my way of speaking is composed is so obvious — to me — as impersonations of media forms. Finding my own voice, finding my own identity, is so fucking difficult. Even writing as much as I do, as often as I do, I still have these moments of you got that joke from Douglas Adams or didn’t you copy that from Yahtzee?
I was a teenager who knew the word unctuous and cephalaphore but didn’t know what motherfucker meant.
And that’s part of why I love The Locked Tomb so much HAH bet you didn’t expect that to show up here. Look, the main characters of Gideon the Ninth are essentially, two of the most homeschooled fundamentalists you’re going to see without uh, meeting people like me. But instead of making the story sad and miserable because of that, the Locked Tomb books instead decide to make sure that story is focused on cool sword fights and creepy magic rather than, like, the trauma of being locked in a small wooden box and punished for looking at the sky. That particular way of talking Gideon’s narrative voice has, which is able to be sophisticated enough to know the term liquescent, while also base and childish enough to refer to galumphing down bread. And that’s of course, setting aside that ‘galumph’ is a word I knew out of nowhere, because it’s a word my dad uses, because it was used widely on radio programs across Commonwealth nations in the 1950s and 1960s including as part of an ad campaign to refer to when a character arrived quickly.
Yeah, random tumblr user, complaining about galumph. I’m coming for you.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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princehendir · 9 months ago
Anyways I'm going to be honest I'm always going to have some sympathy for when people knee jerk "well not all homeschooling is bad" because like, to be fair, a lot of people base their anti-homeschooling position not on anything real (like the rampant abuse & neglect it can facilitate) but on the fact that they think that having any life experience that isn't 100% Normal will make you a freak forever and they hate interacting with freaks.
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yashley · 1 year ago
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Ashley in 4-Sided Dive | Episode 20
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visenyaism · 3 months ago
Ah yes those famous 6 year olds who choose the school they go to, girl be fr.
Make fun of the parents instead the kids will probably join you
making fun of my friends who went to private school is not a social justice aim where you have to find key stakeholders at the root of the problem and work to establish a theory of change. I am just dunking on them. For going to private school. can u imagine lol
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vind3miat0r · 10 months ago
hi friendly reminder that Damien and Freelancer are supposed to be graduating this year ^^
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ancha-aus · 6 months ago
RealAgeAU Drabble - Session Zero
Hello! I am back! @spotaus get in here friend! Next drabble just dropped!
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Okay. Before anyhting else. This is in the first spring the guys are in farmtale. Nightmare has been six for almost a year now, like 11 months ish. So the gang has been in Farmtale for like 8 months ish (they have had night with them for 10 months)
Look. You all agreed to this timeline hopping when you started reading my drabbles. I have warned you all at the beginning of this ride. ANYWAY! We going in!
Ngihtmare stares up at the building as he keeps a very tight hold on Dust's shirt. Dust still has him in his arms as he calmly waits by the enterance.
Killer had dropped them off for now and was going to park the car while they waited under the little covering by the front door.
Dust nuzzles his skull softly "Hey... it is just for a little while. And I shouldn't be long."
Nightmare just pushes closer to Dust "Why need to even go here? It is stupid. You teach me stuff."
Dust nods "Oh trust me. I agree. I am perfectly able to teach things." Dust looks unhappy as well.
Fauna, the nice deer monster from their town, laughs softly "But unless you actually get registered you aren't allowed to do that."
Dust huffs and Nightmare looks at her "So? Why do i need to go here?" Nightmare could just take a break while Dust gets the stupid license to home school and then they can pick it up again. Dust already said they aren't ina hurry.
Fauna smiles softly "This is also to see how you are doing mentally Nightmare. A lot has happened and your health is important."
Ngihtmare just pushes clsoer ot Dust "I am fine." he is fine. He has his... his four! He has a home and peolpe who care about him. What else could he want? Sure his body aches and if he moves a lot it still hurts... and when he is alone at night the nightmares return. But that is beside the point!
He is happier and safer than he has been for a long time. How can they just not see that?
Fauna smiles softly "Well you have been healing a lot. but this is a good thing! you will get to learn so many things, and they will figure out where you are with your schooling to help you better focus and see where you can learn things. Not to forget other children to play with."
Nightmare freezes at the implication of other children and looks up at Dust begging. Please. Please don't leave him.
Dust nuzzles his skull and mutters softly "I will stay right by your side."
Fauna is clearly about to say something but then Killer rushes unver the cover and pants as he drips water "This rain!! It gets everywhere!"
Dust shoots him a disapproving look "really?"
Killer grins "Had to walk quite the end to get here. No parking places. Well! Lets get this whole mental evaluation over with!" and he marches in. Dust shrugs and follows him.
They check in with the receptionist as Nightmare keeps his skull against Dust's collarbone. He watches as he stays quiet to try and listen. file away eveyrhting he hears and keep an eye on where the exit is. Just in case.
They get to the right room and meet some people inside. The director Augustus and the head teacher Miss March.
They talk for a while and Nightmare just keeps trying to stay plastered against Dust. He knows it is dumb and needy and clingy and he shouldn't be this weak after all he experienced but he is terrified and Dust is safe.
They do the stupid tests and talk and they just keep asking him questions he doens't want or know how to answer.
Then they have lunch and all Nightmae wants to do is go home and sleep in their bed.lay together with his dad- four! His four! and relax. let today pass and never think about it again.
They have a few more talks before they meet up with Augustus again and he smiles at them "I must say i am relieved."
Killer looksup and shoots Dust a look as well.
Dust frowns and Ngihtmare feels hismelf be pulled closer "about what?"
Augustus blinks and chuckles "I am sorry. I didn't mean it in any negative way. It is just. I read the file you put together with miss Fauna and I had been worried. but. It seems like your son is a very strong and brave young man."
Nightmare is unsure how to react and just pushes closer to Dust. He knows it is part of the story that Dust is his biological dad but they joy at hearing that bond being refered between them? It is a lot.
Augustus sighs "There is trauma. that is obvious. However. He speaks for himself. and while scared he just needs some gentle encouragement from either of you to feel reassured. The ability for him to still form these meaningfull and supportive bonds with others really showcases that he is on the right track to heal."
He pulls over another report "The physical health is also healing. Very slowly but with the slow recovery of his own magic it is to be expected and all well within the realm of normal healing."
he sighs as he looks at them "Now... about his schooling. He is a smart kid. Very far with reading and languages. But the other aspects of his schooling are very lacking at the moment. but nothing that can't be caught up with." Augustus waits a moment before continuing "Normally. I would recommend full days here."
Killer hisses and glares "No." Nightmare shrinks closer to Dust as Dust just pulls him closer again.
Augustus nods "I had already assumed that would be your answer." he smiles "I will still have to try. I assure you he will be safe here. We have a top staff that all work together to ensure the safety of the children. We are specialised in offering help for children of bad situations. TO help them heal and experience the things any child should get the chance to experience."
Dust glares "He doesn't want to."
Augustus nods "of coruse he doesn't. It is new and scary. It is away from those who keep him safe. But it would help him grow. help him heal. see that not eveyrone in this world is out to hurt him. that those who hurt him were the outliners and should never have gotten the chance to see him."
Dust frowns as Killer jsut glares "We are not leaving him here for days on end."
Augustus nods "While we recommend the full program we can always do a shorter one. One that focusses on trying to help him catch up wiht his learnign and to just keep an eye in case his mental health degrades." he pulls over another piece of paper and hands it to Killer.
Killer snatches it and reads it.
Augustus speaks calmly "It is half a day a week. Normally for children who spend a long time in a hospital. It will mean that he two hours of private tutoring and after that he would spend an hour with the class before and another hour after lunch." he smiles "a much more gentle introduction to school and being near others."
Killer and dust share a look.
Killer leans closer "And how long would this all take? Seeing as we are planning on home schooling him again as soon as Dust got his license."
Augustus looks thoguhtful "Catching up with the school work will take a long time. mentally healing fuly even longer. But as you are not planning on using the full program we can at least give him a stable start to continue healing from."
Fauna frowns at them "What if it turns out that he likes classes? that he likes being in a group?"
Nightmare shakes his skull as he pushes closer to Dust.
Dust rubs his spine softly and Ngihtmare feels hismefl relax. Killer speaks with a grin "If. and only IF Nightmare says he prefers group classes and stuff. Then we will look into options."
Dust nods as he keeps holding him "It will be a long process. We will need to make sure the people he is near know not to touch him. THe children will have to know to be gentle. Nightmare will have to rest a lot and if anything happens with his magic we would have to be called." Dust looks pointedly at Augustus and Nightmare sees the other shiver under the intimidating glare.
Dust just keeps staring "Which is just the start of the list."
Killer grins and the tension disappears "Which is why one of us will remain nearby just in case!"
Augustus frowns "That would go against the aim of the project to help him build up his ability to trust people. We would be at large of a risk that he could fall back into habits of only going to you."
Killer nods "I dn't see anything wrong wiht that." he glares "We are not leaving him. and you can't make us leave."
Augustus frowns and thinks deeply before nodding "What if. You don't stay in the room with him. but you can remain near? We have our waiting rooms for people between appointments or waiting for pick up. YOu could remain there. That is nearby in case of emergencies and knowing you would be in the building could be helpful to make everything feel safer?"
Nightmare is kinda shocked at how considering this guy is. He had seen others before. Who just demanded everyone do what they say because they know better. And this guy probably knows better. He has seen many people before and helped many people. It is why miss Fauna encouraged them to go to this place in the nearby city over the small town psychologist.
Something about having build this whole thing to help others and everything being specialized to be able to help those who have been hurt in this way.
But here he is... letting them decide stuff.
Killer looks considered and him and Dust share a look. DUst shoots Augustus a look "Why are you being so okay with us wanting things different and special?"
Augustus looks shocked before laughing a bit. Then he smiles "Because we are all different people. Two can have the exact same thing happen to them and have a completely different response to the trauma. Two can have the exact same response to the trauma yet need different healing plans." he sighs "We are all individuals who deal and work through things in our own ways. I can advice the most successful routine and what i have seen works before. But you three will always know you three best. You know what you can and can't handle."
Augustus smiles "Maybe after a very sessions and classes I will have a better personalised idea on what could help Nightmare. But before I can do that I need to get to know him a bit more. The mind is a complex thing. It takes time to understand. And you can't understand it if you aren't willing to listen."
Fauna smiles and nods "THe body is rather easy to heal. It will heal if giving the right things it needs. But the mind won't heal unless it is ready to heal. Until it wants to heal."
Augustus nods "exactly. It takes a lot of effort to work through trauma. But the first step is wanting it. Which is why i won't force a program or routine unto anyone, even if i truly believe it will help them."
Killer and Dust consider it and end up agreeing to talk with everyone at home about it.
They do a few more tests and scans. mostly on his spine and ribs to note down the progress. After that they say goodbye to Fauna and leave the building.
The rain had calmed downa lot and turned into a light drizzle as they walk back towards the truck.
Dust hums and nuzzles his skull "you okay?"
Nightmare shrugs "I don't want to do school there."
Dust blinsk adn laughs "I don't think any of us want you to do that either." then he sighs "But it is slightly required to at least get some help."
Killer groans "For real. If we don't at least try this people will keep being problematic." then he frowns "It is also nice to have more medical experts check your wounds nad magic tiny boss."
Nightmare frowns as he pushes close to Dust and thinks.
Eventually they get to their ride and Nightmare mutters "Only for a little while. Just to calm people down." then he wants homeschool again.
Dust nuzzles his skull "We wouldn't ask anything else of you. an we will be wiht you the whole time."
Yeah... that makes the idea bearable. As long as it doesn't take too long of course.
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vestracore · 27 days ago
i think that making the hubert alt. pre-timeskip makes more sense if you look at it from the standpoint that since it's so ridiculous looking he would totally wear that if he was younger. y'know, making bad fashion decisions and all, and especially since he doesn't have much experience with festivals it's kind of like "ah, this must be what people usually wear for such momentous occasions!" and he comes out looking like a convoluted renfaire meets host club nichijou manga. and then his post-timeskip self exists purely to painfully reflect on the poor fashion choices he made in his youth
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spurgie-cousin · 30 days ago
if any other group of people other than white middle class parents were homeschooling en masse like IBP/Rodrigues type Christians, i can't help but feel people would be more mad about it.
like imagine if there was a movement for gay parents to take their kids out of school, isolate them from every aspect of society, and only teach them things written by Trixie Mattel (the gay equivalent to a pastor in my head). people would lose their shit and call it brainwashing and abuse and demand the government make more regulations to the education requirements.
but because they're white and straight and it's about Jesus, it's their "preference" and people are totally ok with 15 kids being so uneducated they can't write a cohesive sentence in their 20s.
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terri-0-terrible · 25 days ago
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mercutiotakethewheel · 9 months ago
ok so realistically i know theres important character reasons Kendra (and Seth and Warren by extension) never suspect Gavarog. It’s the old society trick to set up threats as team bonding exercises, etc, etc. plus this is a new and unfamiliar world thats rapidly overtaking her real world and replacing all her existing relationships, and right now Gavarog’s like the only member of her magical-worl peer group, so she doesnt want him to be a traitor, just like she didnt want Vanessa, her only female mentor to be a traitor, etc , etc.
but also i wholeheartedly 100% believe that every time Gavin did some truly bizarre, weird ass shit Kendra was just like. damnnnn…. average home school kid behavior.
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himbionn · 1 year ago
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Chat Noir is Adriens tism creature
(Approved by the autistic artist that made this)
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