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Idées pour Collecter des Fonds
Collecter des fonds pour un projet peut sembler une tâche ardue, mais avec les bonnes idées et les bons outils, cela peut devenir une expérience enrichissante et gratifiante. Dans cet article, nous explorerons diverses idée pour collecter des fonds, comment rédiger une lettre demande de don pour particulier, l'importance des donateurs chrétiens, des idées pour financer un voyage scolaire, et bien plus encore.
Idées pour Collecter des Fonds
Organiser un Événement de Bénévolat : Organisez un événement où les participants peuvent contribuer à une cause tout en s'amusant. Par exemple, une course de charité, un dîner de gala, ou une vente de pâtisseries.
Vente de Produits Personnalisés : Créez des produits personnalisés comme des t-shirts, des mugs ou des calendriers et vendez-les pour collecter des fonds.
Tombola : Organisez une tombola avec des prix attractifs pour encourager les gens à acheter des billets.
Collecte de Fonds en Ligne : Utilisez un site de crowdfunding le plus connu pour lancer une campagne en ligne et toucher un public plus large.
Lettre Demande de Don pour Particulier
Rédiger une lettre demande de don pour particulier est une compétence essentielle pour toute campagne de collecte de fonds. Voici un exemple de lettre :
Copy code
[Ville, Code Postal]
[Numéro de Téléphone]
Objet : Demande de Don pour [Nom du Projet]
Cher [Nom du Donateur],
Je me permets de vous écrire aujourd'hui pour solliciter votre soutien pour [nom du projet]. Notre projet vise à [objectif du projet], et nous avons besoin de l'aide de généreux donateurs comme vous pour le réaliser.
Votre contribution permettra de [impact de la contribution]. Nous serions honorés de compter sur votre soutien. Vous pouvez faire un don en ligne via [lien vers le site de crowdfunding le plus connu] ou nous envoyer un chèque à l'adresse ci-dessus.
Nous vous remercions d'avance pour votre générosité et votre soutien.
[Votre Nom]
Les Donateurs Chrétiens
Les donateurs chrétiens jouent souvent un rôle crucial dans la collecte de fonds, surtout pour des projets à but non lucratif et des missions humanitaires. Leur foi et leur engagement à aider les autres peuvent être une source importante de soutien financier. Il est essentiel de communiquer clairement les valeurs et les objectifs de votre projet pour attirer ces donateurs.
Idées pour Financer un Voyage Scolaire
Vente de Chocolats : Organisez une vente de chocolats avec les élèves pour récolter des fonds.
Soirée Bingo : Organisez une soirée bingo avec des prix amusants pour encourager les parents et les membres de la communauté à participer.
Spectacle de Talent : Invitez les élèves à montrer leurs talents lors d'un spectacle et vendez des billets pour assister à l'événement.
Collecte de Fonds en Ligne : Créez une campagne de crowdfunding sur un site de crowdfunding le plus connu pour toucher un public plus large et obtenir des dons en ligne.
Demande de Donation
Faire une demande de donation nécessite une communication claire et convaincante. Assurez-vous de préciser l'objectif de la collecte, comment les fonds seront utilisés et l'impact que cela aura. Utilisez divers canaux pour faire votre demande, comme les lettres, les e-mails, les réseaux sociaux et les événements en personne.
Site de Crowdfunding le Plus Connu
Les plateformes de crowdfunding sont devenues des outils essentiels pour la collecte de fonds. Des sites comme WhyDonate, GoFundMe et Indiegogo sont parmi les plus connus et offrent des outils et des ressources pour créer des campagnes efficaces. Voici comment tirer le meilleur parti de ces sites :
Création d'une Page Attrayante : Utilisez des images de haute qualité et des vidéos pour attirer l'attention.
Description Claire du Projet : Expliquez clairement ce que vous essayez d'accomplir et pourquoi les fonds sont nécessaires.
Mises à Jour Régulières : Tenez vos donateurs informés des progrès de votre projet avec des mises à jour régulières.
Courrier Appel de Fonds
Rédiger un courrier appel de fonds est similaire à la rédaction d'une lettre de demande de don. La clé est de personnaliser le courrier pour le destinataire, d'expliquer clairement l'objectif de la collecte et de montrer l'impact potentiel de leur don.
Action APEL
Les action APEL (Associations de Parents d'Élèves de l'Enseignement Libre) peuvent inclure l'organisation d'événements, la vente de produits et l'engagement des parents et de la communauté pour soutenir les projets scolaires. Impliquer les parents et les élèves dans la collecte de fonds renforce le sentiment de communauté et de responsabilité partagée.
Comment Créer une Cagnotte sur Instagram
Instagram est une plateforme puissante pour la collecte de fonds grâce à sa portée et à son engagement visuel. Voici comment créer une cagnotte sur Instagram :
Lien dans la Bio : Utilisez la fonctionnalité de lien dans la bio pour diriger les utilisateurs vers votre page de collecte de fonds.
Stories et Publications : Partagez des histoires et des publications régulières pour promouvoir votre campagne et encourager les dons.
Utilisation des Hashtags : Utilisez des hashtags pertinents pour atteindre un public plus large.
Lettre Demande de Don pour Projet
Lorsque vous rédigez une lettre demande de don pour projet, assurez-vous de préciser les détails du projet, pourquoi il est important et comment les fonds seront utilisés. Voici un exemple de lettre :
Copy code
[Ville, Code Postal]
[Numéro de Téléphone]
Objet : Demande de Don pour [Nom du Projet]
Cher [Nom du Donateur],
Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter notre nouveau projet, [nom du projet], qui vise à [objectif du projet]. Pour réussir, nous avons besoin de votre soutien financier.
Votre don permettra de [détails sur l'utilisation des fonds]. Vous pouvez faire un don en ligne via [lien vers le site de crowdfunding le plus connu] ou nous envoyer un chèque à l'adresse ci-dessus.Nous vous remercions d'avance pour votre générosité et votre soutien.
[Votre Nom]
Générer QR Code Paiement
Utiliser un QR code pour les paiements est une méthode pratique et rapide pour collecter des fonds. Voici comment générer un QR code paiement :
Choisissez une Plateforme : Utilisez un générateur de QR code en ligne comme QR Code Generator ou Scanova.
Entrez les Détails de Paiement : Entrez les informations de paiement nécessaires, comme le lien vers votre page de donation.
Générez et Partagez : Générez le QR code et partagez-le sur vos supports de communication, comme les flyers, les sites web et les réseaux sociaux.
Collecter des fonds peut sembler intimidant, mais avec les bonnes idées et outils, cela peut devenir une expérience gratifiante. Que ce soit par l'organisation d'événements, la vente de produits ou l'utilisation de plateformes de crowdfunding, il existe de nombreuses façons de réussir. En utilisant les conseils et exemples de cet article, vous serez bien équipé pour atteindre vos objectifs de collecte de fonds.
Keywords; idée pour collecter des fonds, lettre demande de don pour particulier, les donateurs chrétiens, idée pour financer un voyage scolaire, demande de donation, site de crowdfunding le plus connu, crowfunding, courrier appel de fonds, action apel, comment créer une cagnotte sur instagram, lettre demande de don pour projet, générer qr code paiement
#idée pour collecter des fonds#lettre demande de don pour particulier#les donateurs chrétiens#idée pour financer un voyage scolaire#demande de donation#site de crowdfunding le plus connu#crowfunding#courrier appel de fonds#action apel#comment créer une cagnotte sur instagram#lettre demande de don pour projet#générer qr code paiement
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Don't let polish authorities protect Netanyahu
Quick context:
a petition you can sign to let them know you object:
Petition text in English:
Poland, December 2024
Open letter: an appeal for equal standards in the application of international law, addressed to the Prime Minister, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Justice
We, for whom the memory of the Holocaust is an ethical challenge, contained in the slogan "never again - for anyone, anywhere", we, who for a year have been watching with horror the massacre committed by Israel on Palestinian women and men in the Gaza Strip, attacks on residents of the West Bank, the bombing of civilians in Lebanon, we, who follow reports of inhumane torture in Israeli prisons, the killing of Palestinian journalists, healthcare workers and the UN, and Israel's blocking of humanitarian aid sent to Gaza, we, who for over a year have been watching with horror and anger the first-ever live coverage of genocide, the perpetrators of which publicly boast about their intentions and actions, we accept with hope the arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Galant issued by the International Criminal Court. As human rights organizations have been emphasizing for years, bringing perpetrators of human rights violations to justice is one of the most important tools for restoring justice. The international community is responsible for ensuring that perpetrators learn that they are not above the law.
Therefore, we call on the government of Poland, a state that signed the Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court, to unequivocally declare that it will comply with the decision of the ICC and join the prosecution of those suspected of committing war crimes indicated by it. This is required by basic solidarity with the Palestinians. This is required by basic respect for human life, every life. This is what we expect from the Polish government, we citizens and residents of Poland, showing solidarity and compassion for those suffering.
At the same time, we want to emphasize that we consider identifying criticism of the criminal policies of the state of Israel with anti-Semitism to be absurd and immoral, as well as dangerous to the Jewish culture and tradition that many of us hold dear. We do not agree to reducing this culture and tradition to the policies of one state, repeatedly condemned by international organizations, human rights organizations and part of Israeli society. This would mean the squandering of Jewish heritage, about which Marek Edelman, the leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and a doctor in Poland after the war, used to say that being a Jew means being on the side of the beaten and wronged. We also refuse to listen to the arguments of those who try to convince us that the power occupying, displacing and dispossessing Palestinians is a weaker party than the occupied population of the West Bank and those imprisoned and besieged in Gaza for almost two decades. We call on Israel to immediately ceasefire and hold those guilty of massacres and war crimes accountable. We call on the Polish government to comply with the ICC ruling.
We assure Palestinian sisters and brothers of our solidarity and express our dreams of freedom and peace for Palestine, freedom and peace for the whole world!
#signal boost#free palestine#palestine#free gaza#poland#polska#i am so so so disappointed and appalled
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We haven't gotten any updates on Qiang and company's journey recently :0 , What's going on with you all!
Ok so it has been a while since I've updated you guys (reason being the DM and players have been very busy with personal activities for school and stuff)
BUT I will update you on what happened last few sessions :3
Part 1
So qiang ended up going to the apeling village and founded out that it was refurbished and turned into a full blown KINGDOM of course we look around and the ground finds out there's a fruit festival going back on
Time skip a bit later where important stuff happens, qiang confronts the imposter and finds its actually LiuYin! (Liuyin is a mimick half apeling! 🫶) Who you guessed it is the macaque of the group, LiuYin explains that after a big fire they didn't know what to do because the kingdom was really panicked so they took qiangs place expecting to only do it for a couple of days and then go back to normal life, but those days ended up turning to year's.
Qiang is understanding towards this answer, we get introduced to a new character called MeiGuei (I think that's how her name is spelled I forgor) who looks rather not like a monkey, or she does but she just doesn't fit in with the rest. But qiang doesn't think anything of it because his romantic partner liuyin is quite literally a half and half of two species anyways so she isn't judgey.
Liuyin has qiang promise not to tell his friends that they were the imposter this whole time, qiang doesn't break this promise and agrees
Liuyin puts on a disguise and Upon them getting introduced to qiangs friends they're rather friendly except jinli, he's kinda thinking everything is really sketchy.
Fast forward to more important plot points, qiang doesn't know how to properly give a speech as king (he hasn't been at the kingdom in 20 year's since he was a prince so he didn't exactly learn alot about being a proper king) so liuyin ends up doing it but UH OH the group spots the imposter and guess what they didn't know it was liuyin So jinli and shichen go to investigate when they go to the festival banquet.
They both leave qiang and go to investigate and end up confronting the imposter, jinli attacks and when qiang catches up he sees the whole thing and tried to break the two apart, this goes sorta fine until qiangs parents come up, liuyin not wanting to get caught being an imposter apologises to qiang in monkey chatter before running off. Qiangs parents see the group and ask qiang what happened because they heard a struggle. The group tries to lie but also explain what they heard at the same time and man our roles were SO BAD BUDDY HAHEJF they didn't believe any of us so they told qiang to go leave to take care of the banquet while they dealt with jinli and shichen, qiang can't talk back to his parents because *COUGH* LORE so she has to agree, again apologizing to jinli and shichen before leaving the hall.
At this point jinli and shichen are pissed at qiang, they don't exactly trust her very much anymore and feel hurt.
So the parents put jinli and shichen in jail, and while that happened qiang got to feel guilty about his actions and slow dance with his lover
And then we left off at a cliffhanger.
Ok part 2
Shichen and jinli are not having a good time in jail, jinli is pissed off swearing he's gonna kill qiang when he gets his hands on him while shichen is like, "please don't do that, I'm made just as you are but it's important fornthe journey"
So they end up talking for a bit until shichen as the idea to explain to the guards they're situation in hopes they'll let them go. After some explaining and some pretty good rolls, they're convinced so jinli and shichen end up out of the prison, YIPPE
Back with qiang, he's having a nice time but again is ridden with guilt especially when tang asked where the others are and qiang just says,"oh they're around" and manages to get qiang to believe him because he's a very gullible monk. It gets late and liuyin says they're going to sleep at a different place while qiang can sleep in his room now since he's back.
Qiang goes to his room and finds that some things are different, on the dresser there are letters but he doesn't wanna read them since they could be private, he senses something in the closet and looks in, previously liuyin kept a magical shadow cloak in the closet but it turns out it was gone which she found pretty strange. And lastly the bed, qiang senses a giant illusion spell on it which is really weird, he manages to dispell it and reveals a small hall of stairs that go up yo the roof, upon going up shichen and jinli manages to catch up with qiang.
All of them question alot of things and qiang goes up the stairs and they follow.
They hear two voices, liuyin in his real form and a new voice, she sounds cold and stern somebody the group has seen before (we theorize that it's the lady bone demon 👀) LiuYin is talking to the demon as if they're negotiating something or the demon is the boss of liuYin. They also stole a red magical sash which is an important artifact the group stole from yin and Jin that bailong seems very protective of. When the two leave shichen and jinli immediately want to investigate and stuff but qiang accidentally let's a sentence slips out which gives away liuYins secret
"Personally I don't want you guys tackling my partner to the floor-"
"Your partner?!"
So yeah they very much want an explanation, and shichen tells qiang that if they have to fight liuyin they will and qiang has to be either with them or Against (ouch)
They go to the hotel to explain things to tang and bailong and then go to the library and that's where liuyin is inna disguise, but because they've already seen this disguise jinli attacks. jinli resorts to violence and because liuyin doesn't like randomly getting tackled it ends up scratching jinlis face which does alot of damage (jinli now has a scar) qiang gets between them and asks liuyin to explain the situation because everybody needs answers.
We find out that liuyin is working for the demon we heard (not against their will tho it's for a different reason that I can't remember but it's not a bad reason dw) liuyin does NOT like qiangs friends anymore and constantly throughout the session asks qiang if he's sure he wants to continue on this journey
Part 3
It's now the middle of the night so they have no choice but to rest up, we all roll and it ends up with qiang and shichen have nightmares while jinli slept like a baby. Wonderful!
In the morning theyre all feeling very tense, there's a feeling of distrust anxiety and worry in the group, they know today is the day to leave so because jinli and shichen are still wanted criminals, tang goes up to liuyin (who's back disguised as qiang) and asks for a pardon, meanwhile shichen sees a magical cloak and BUM BUM it's a voidwalker and it's wearing the magical shadow cloak that went missing. Shichen holds the voidwalker up to make sure it doesn't get away and qiang is close enough to see what's happening and then
It goes into the shadows WITH shichen, meaning shichen is now MISSING. Qiang is already stress out as it is so now she's even more stressed, qiang tells jinli so they both along with bailong end up looking for shichen and he ended up in a tree (shichen is very fearful of going up trees and isn't the best at climbing) qiang does a little "dw guys I'll help him down" and climbs up there easily to try and get shichen down, but jinli just gets the BEST IDEA to get them down, the shake the tree.
In the end only qiang got knocked down due to a very high roll by shichen, but by the second time the big blue lion ended up coming down, and bailong caught him so HORRAY!
when they finally get shichen tang id being escorted to the group by liuYin and MeiGuei, which they all realize they can leave and continue their journey.
Qiang is very hesitant to leave but knows she has too, so saying his goodbyes in monkey chatter to liuyin they say one final message for qiang
"don't let the other's get you in trouble"
Qiang just nods and after that they CONTINUE THEY'RE JOURNEY WESTWARDS ‼️‼️
and that concludes the apeling kingdom, I was meant to make many drawings based off it but i got sidetracked with school and OC work aswell as me being hyperfixated on LMK but ya that's what happened
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Torebka Kawaii Kirby Bag

The given text is a direct translation from English to Polish. It seems to be a shop owner's instructions for creating a Tumblr post to market their Kawaii Fashion Shop. Here is the translated text in both English and Polish:\n\nEnglish: Post a Tumblr post with a maximum of 170 characters, containing the product title and the purchase link below. This post must include a call to action and emojis to achieve conversions on my e-commerce website from Kawaii Fashion Shop. Torebka Kawaii Kirby Bag Buy now: https://kawaiibuy.co/ac78r Napisz wpis na Tumblr z maksymalnie 170 znakami, zawierający tytuł produktu i link do zakupu poniżej. Ten wpis musi zawierać apel do działania i emotikony, aby osiągnąć konwersje na mojej stronie e-commerce z Kawaii Fashion Shop. Torebka Kawaii Kirby Bag Kup teraz: https://kawaiibuy.co/ac78r task is to create a short and catchy Tumblr post that promotes the Kawaii Fashion Shop's Torebka Kawaii Kirby Bag and contains a clickable link to enable customers to buy the product.\n\nThe post will look something like:\n\n💖 Get your hands on this adorable Kirby Torebka Kawaii Bag! 🎒 With its cute and stylish design, it's perfect for everyday use. Grab yours now and add a touch of kawaii to your wardrobe! 🛍️ Shop here: https://kawaiibuy.co/ac78r 🛒\n\nThis post, despite being short, contains all necessary elements like emojis, call to action, and product information. It also provides a link to purchase the product, encouraging conversions. The emojis used make the post visually appealing and engaging for the target audience.
❤10% OFF Coupon: kawaii10off
📦Free worldwide shipping📦
#pastel aesthetic#softcore#kpop#a e s t h e t i c#pastel pink#girlblogging#my melody#2000s emo#nintendo#fairy kei#yume kawaii#japanese street fashion#colorful clothing#rilakkuma
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Neel - Research
Idea 2:-
My second concept is set in a high-tech submarine where the action begins from the audience's first-person perspective, with the character of a crew member walking through the cramped confines of the submarine. The camera movements mimic the subtle swaying and footsteps of a real human being, enhancing the sense of immersion.
The submarine's interior is inspired by the detailed and realistic environments seen in "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Crew Expendable" and the intense naval battles depicted in "Battlefield 4 - South China Sea." The atmosphere is tense, with dim yellow/white lights casting eerie shadows on the metallic surfaces.
The camera subtly records the character's breathing as they move through the tight corridors, adding to the tension. The audience is drawn towards a large glass window, where the camera stops, revealing the vast and mysterious underwater ocean outside.
Suspenseful Moment:
In the distance, something large and ominous moves in the depths. The character, initially unaware, turns towards the window just as the monstrous silhouette reveals itself – a horrifying and gigantic shark-like creature. The tension builds as the creature approaches, and suddenly, it attacks the submarine. For the monster’s reference, it could either be inspired by the Clip from “The Meg" (2018) or it could be influenced by the Leviathans (Chitauri) from “The Avengers”(2012).
Action Sequence:
The lights within the submarine switch from dim yellow/white to alarming red, and sirens blare in panic. The impact of the monster hitting the submarine is felt through dynamic camera movements, mimicking the chaos within. The character stumbles as things fall off shelves, giving the audience a visceral sense of the submarine being attacked.
Escape and Catastrophe:
As the alarm intensifies, the character instinctively runs in the opposite direction, with the camera realistically portraying the urgency of the situation. Just as the character glances back, the glass window shatters, and water violently gushes into the submarine. The audience witnesses the imminent danger and catastrophe through the chaotic visuals and immersive soundscape.
This concept is a bit ambitious to be fair and will require a lot of asset development along with animations, camera movement and sound effects. We will also need to experiment with the particle system to check if the water simulation is working properly. All things considered, I believe this concept could turn out pretty neat but the only thing I am worried about is whether we would be able to complete the project within the given deadline.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. (2007). PC, Xbox, Playstation 3 [Game].Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Activision.
Battlefield 4. (2013). PC, Xbox, Playstation[Game].Battlefield 4, Electronic Arts.
www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Crew Expendable. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJDzYJJ5NKk&t=416s&ab_channel=RossMahon [Accessed 28 Jan. 2024].
www.youtube.com. (n.d.). South China Sea Naval Battle - Battlefield 4. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18cuoCemjRE&t=739s&ab_channel=AFGuidesHD [Accessed 28 Jan. 2024].
www.youtube.com. (n.d.). Megalodon Bites The Glass - The Meg (2018) Movie Clip HD. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkKmWhtzYHU&t=29s&ab_channel=BestClips [Accessed 28 Jan. 2024].
Turteltaub, J. (Director). (2018). The Meg [Motion picture]. Gravity Pictures, Di Bonaventura Pictures, Apelles Entertainment, Maeday Productions, Flagship Entertainment Group.
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Dinosaur Stampede
Level: 3
Range: 100’
Duration: Varies
Casting time: 1 round
Save: Reflex
General: The caster summons forth the spirits of long dead dinosaurs to trample their enemies. Successful saves merely half the damage suffered while being trampled by the spirits. The spirits charge forth in a straight line, unaffected by gravity. The caster may only cast this spell if they are in possession of a dinosaur fossil.
Manifestation: Roll 1d7: (1) triceratops; (2) brontosaurus; (3) spinosaurus; (4) pachycephalosaurus; (5) tyrannosaurus rex; (6) ankylosaurus; (7) stegosaurus.
Corruption: Roll 1d8: (1) The caster becomes a nexus point between the prime material plane and the afterlife of beasts, they suffer a -2 penalty to sounds related stealth skill checks as ghostly animals noises follow wherever they go; (2) The caster’s skin hardens and fills with osteoderms, granting a +1 AC bonus and a -1 check penalty to non spellcasting actions; (3) the caster reverts to a more basal apel-ike form; (4) the caster’s shadow morphs and they cast a dinosaur’s shadow instead of their own; (5) minor; (6-7) major; (8) greater.
Misfire: Roll 1d4: (1) the caster accidentally summons a skeletal utahraptor that attacks everything in sight; (2) a time bubble surrounds the caster for 1d4 x 2 rounds, both them and anything within 10’ of them moves at half speed and has their amount of action die halved; (3) the caster is possessed by a dinosaur ghost for 1d6 rounds, and takes actions in line with the dinosaur that possessed them; (4) the caster traps themselves inside a massive eggshell, the shell has an AC 0 and 8 Hp.
Skeletal Utahraptor: Init +4; Atk Bite +7 Melee (1d8), Claw +10 Melee (1d4 damage + 25% chance of knocking victim prone); Crit U / d10; AC 15; HD 5d6; MV 55’; Act 1d20; SP Undead Traits, May make a free bite attack against prone targets; SV Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +0; AL N
1 Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + patron taint + misfire; (1-3) corruption; (4) patron taint (or corruption if no patron); (5+) misfire.
2-11 Lost. Failure
12-15 Failure, but spell is not lost.
16-17 The caster summons a 10' wide line of ghostly dinosaurs stampede forward for a round, dealing 2d6 damage to anything in their path.
18-21 The caster summons a 10’ wide line of ghostly dinosaurs charge forward for CL rounds, dealing 3d6 damage to anything in their path.
22-23 The caster can summon two lines of stampeding dinosaurs 10’ wide and 100’ long, lasting for CL rounds and dealing 3d8 damage to anything caught in their path.
24-26 The caster summons a 20’ wide 125’ long line of ghostly dinosaurs, lasting for CL +2 rounds. The line can make up to a 45 degree turn over the course of 35’. Anything caught in the path suffers 4d10 damage.
27-31 As above but the caster can summon 2 stampeding lines.
32-33 The caster can summon a 50’ wide 150’ wide line of stampeding dinosaurs, the line can make a 45 degree turn over the course of 10’. The stampede lasts CL minutes. Anyone caught in the path suffers 4d14 damage.
34-35 As above but the stampede pushes back anything caught within back 15’ per round.
36+ The caster can summon forth a 50’ wide 200’ long or five 10’ wide 200’ long lines of stampeding ghostly dinosaurs. These stampedes can follow any path the caster desires, lasting as long as the caster wishes, up to 1 turn. Anyone caught in the path of the stampede suffers 3d24 damage and is pushed back in the direction of the charge 30’ per round.
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Why Wait?
By Wayne Greenawalt (Illinois, USA)
"I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae."
"My good friend’s health is declining. He has experienced two episodes of heart failure, and another occurrence could end his life. He is a member of a church where I once served as pastor. Knowing I will be asked to pay tribute to him at his funeral, I began to ponder his many admirable qualities. As I was organizing my thoughts, I was struck by the incongruity in my thinking. Why was I waiting until my friend’s funeral to honor him? It would be far better to express my appreciation now so that he can be encouraged and blessed. So I wrote him a letter and received an appreciative response.
The apostle Paul was not hesitant to express appreciation for his co-laborers in Christ. In the final chapter of his letter to the Romans, he greets no fewer than 28 individuals. He mentions many by name, as well as the contribution they were making to his ministry and the cause of Christ. I’m sure they were heartened by Paul’s commendation.
To remain faithful, we need the support of other believers. We all need words of appreciation now, not just accolades after we die. May God’s Spirit guide us to someone who needs encouragement today." Be comforted by the Spirit. Others will be with you for support and will compliment or encourage your efforts. And the Holy Spirit will remain with you , always for continuous support. Catch hold of the Spirit!
"Lord God, help us to be encouragers for our friends by showing them your love in our words and actions." Amen.
Romans 16:1-15
"1 I’m introducing our sister Phoebe to you, who is a servant of the church in Cenchreae. 2 Welcome her in the Lord in a way that is worthy of God’s people, and give her whatever she needs from you, because she herself has been a sponsor of many people, myself included. 3 Say hello to Prisca and Aquila, my coworkers in Christ Jesus, 4 who risked their own necks for my life. I’m not the only one who thanks God for them, but all the churches of the Gentiles do the same. 5 Also say hello to the church that meets in their house. Say hello to Epaenetus, my dear friend, who was the first convert in Asia for Christ. 6 Say hello to Mary, who has worked very hard for you. 7 Say hello to Andronicus and Junia, my relatives and my fellow prisoners. They are prominent among the apostles, and they were in Christ before me. 8 Say hello to Ampliatus, my dear friend in the Lord. 9 Say hello to Urbanus, our coworker in Christ, and my dear friend Stachys. 10 Say hello to Apelles, who is tried and true in Christ. Say hello to the members of the household of Aristobulus. 11 Say hello to my relative Herodion. Say hello to the members of the household of Narcissus who are in the Lord. 12 Say hello to Tryphaena and Tryphosa, who are workers for the Lord. Say hello to my dear friend Persis, who has worked hard in the Lord. 13 Say hello to Rufus, who is an outstanding believer, along with his mother and mine. 14 Say hello to Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas, and the brothers and sisters who are with them. 15 Say hello to Philologus and Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas, and all the saints who are with them. So many before us have proclaimed and lifted up the name of Jesus. Say hello to them as you work on your path of service to Him. We have a legacy to uphold in our ministry to others. Do your part! Be blessed in your service! Joe
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SEMINAIRES ACTION DE GRACE A ADONAÏ 2 IHF-APEL Agrément arrêté 2019/047/METFP/CAB/SG/CPO Chaque fin d’année, l’ONG APEL Afrique à travers son centre agréé de renommée internationale IHF-APEL accorde des opportunités uniques à saisir absolument pour des formations de hauts niveaux avec des Experts de rangs internationaux sans frais de participation. Saisissez cette deuxième et dernière occasion de…

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Container Ship Of Toxic Chemicals On Fire In Path Of Historic Weather Bomb Storm.

Michael Nabert
7 hours ago·3 min read
What could go wrong?

Container ship photo by Borderpolar Photographer on Unsplash, Storm at sea photo by Racim Amr on Unsplash, Fire photo by Chirag Nayak on Unsplash, Photoshop by author.
We’ve all had days that go wrong. Sometimes spectacularly so. Sometimes several things go wrong at once, magnifying all of them as they interact.
Those paying attention will have long noticed that this defines climate chaos in the era of late stage crony capitalism overturning our planetary ecosystem. First came warnings from scientists, that were ignored. Then came real world events proving them right, as extreme weather events broke record after record, that also failed to spur any serious action. Now we’re in the megadisasters coming at us in clusters rather than one at a time stage, and yet the COP26 climate talks are clearly not going to progress past the token gesture stage.
It is guaranteed to get a whole lot worse.
So you know to expect that when you look at your phone in the morning that if a year’s worth of rainfall floods a town over only three days, when you learn more it’s also going to turn out to be the place that makes the iPhone you were saving for, or that a brutal heat dome isn’t just going to break record temperatures, but also worsen wildfires to wipe an entire town off the map.
Here’s today’s example. Off the coast of Victoria BC, tug boats are spraying down the hull of a burning container ship. They can’t direct their hoses to try to put out the fire itself, though, because the flaming chemicals would react badly with water.
So we really want to avoid this burning ship coming in contact with water.
Maybe read that sentence a second time if your brain didn’t facepalm hard enough on the first pass.
Two of the burning containers contain potassium amyl xanthate, a poisonous chemical that is corrosive to skin and eyes and highly toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Fifty two tons of it.
This same ship has already lost forty shipping containers into the sea. No one seems to have reported anything about what was in them.
So what’s happening in the place where we are trying to prevent a burning ship that endangers fragile coastal ecosystems from getting wet?
A huge storm. Bearing the now distressingly familiar “unprecedented” apellation.
Oops, sorry. Did I say storm? I should have said more than one. A series of storms that started four days ago and has already hit some areas with hurricane force winds. “All of the ingredients are coming together for the makings of an incredibly strong and unprecedented low,” said the Weather Network, warning British Columbians to brace themselves for “a bumpy ride.”
The remnants of a typhoon from the Western Pacific are expected to contribute yet further to the amount of rainfall.
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Today, in The Netherlands, one of the richest countries in Europe, doctors without borders take action for the first time because asylum seekers at Ter Apel are treated in such an inhumane way that their basic rights are not met. Don't forget. This doesn't just happen.
Behind this whole situation is a state secretary who has determined: the reception must be as frugal as possible, we do not want to encourage them. Behind every mega reception center is the COA (managed by the VVD) that wants to receive asylum seekers as efficiently as possible, preferably far from the residents so that integration remains virtually impossible. Behind every asylum seeker who sleeps outside is an alderman or mayor who decides: no, we have no place in our shelter, unless it is a Ukrainian refugee. Behind every demonstration around a new shelter are (wealthy) citizens who have been incited to such an extent by the right that they "want to protect their environment against conquest by outsiders" and can no longer see the humanity in others.
Evil does not lie in the "outsider", evil lies in all people who incite hatred at the expense of vulnerable people.
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HOMILY for Fra Angelico
James 2:14-24. 26; Ps 111; Mark 8:34-9:1

The words of St James, his injunctions about care and love for the poor would have resonated in the heart and actions of today’s Dominican blessed. For although he is renowned as a painter and indeed is regarded as the patron saint of artists, Blessed John of Fiesole’s own epitaph, carved around his tomb in the church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in the centre of Rome says: “When singing my praise, don’t liken my talents to those of Apelles. Say, rather, that, in the name of Christ, I gave all I had to the poor. The deeds that count on Earth are not the ones that count in Heaven. I, Giovanni, am the flower of Tuscany.” So, it is fitting on his feast day to remember that Blessed John did not want so much to be remembered for his artistic talents as for his charity, his love of the poor, his unseen deeds which honour Christ on earth in the poor and needy, and which thus redound to his glory in heaven. For as Christ warns in the Gospel today: “What gain, then, is it for a man to win the whole world and ruin his life?” No, it is better to strive for treasure and beauty in heaven through good deeds on earth, as St James says.
And yet this is a side of Blessed John that is often neglected: the aspects which account for his sanctity and his reputation in his lifetime that led to him being called Fra Angelico, the angelic friar. It’s often forgotten, even by Dominicans, that Blessed John was a pious layman and professional painter before he joined the Order; that he had joined a Confraternity that believed in physical asceticisms and discipline; that he was deeply influenced by the teachings and writings on social justice and economic reform advanced by the Dominican Archbishop of Florence, St Antoninus; and that in 1420 he joined the Observant branch of the Dominicans at Fiesole, who were engaged in acts of corporal mortification, severe fasting and asceticism, prayer and study by day and throughout the night, and a strong commitment to poverty. Fra Angelico would become the Prior of St Dominic’s Priory in Fiesole, a convent nestled in the secluded Tuscan hills near Florence, where he painted many altarpieces.
In 1439, St Antoninus, who was then Prior of St Mark’s in Florence, asked Fra Angelico to come to Florence and to paint frescoes of the Passion of Christ and of various Mysteries of the Rosary in the rooms of the friars. Whereas earlier theologians and ascetics had dismissed art and beauty as frivolous or a distraction from prayer and study, St Antoninus affirmed the importance of art in moving souls to devotion, and as an aid to prayer, focusing the mind on sacred things, and helping us to contemplate the higher things of God. Undoubtedly, St Antoninus’s view on sacred aesthetics was a great encouragement to Fra Angelico, and the beautiful convent of San Marco in Florence, which is now a museum of Fra Angelico’s art, is a testimony to the power of sacred art to inspire prayer and devotion. Hence, Dominican churches such as this one, which is full of sacred art especially in our Rosary Chapels, follow the insights of St Antoninus and Blessed John, which is that art and beauty lead us to contemplate divine mysteries with greater efficacy.
Thus many of the friars’ rooms in Florence are painted with images of the Cross and Passion of Christ, inviting them to meditate on the love of the suffering Christ. The words of today’s Gospel would have resonated in the minds of the friars who studied and prayed in those cells: “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me”. Indeed Fra Angelico painted many images of the Crucifixion with St Dominic or a friar clinging to the cross.
However, it is Fra Angelico’s depictions of Our Lady, especially his paintings of the Annunciation, which are probably his most luminous works. A divine light suffuses his paintings, which in their beauty and serenity are the fruit of Blessed John’s contemplation; they are painted sermons which endure and continue to inspire us long after the homilies of contemporary preachers have faded from memory. For as Pope St John Paul II said: “Angelico was reported to have said: ‘He who does Christ’s work must stay with Christ always.’ This motto earned him the epithet ‘Blessed Angelico,’ because of the perfect integrity of his life and the almost divine beauty of the images he painted.”
So today, as we honour Blessed John of Fiesole, we recall not only his art but also his words, his teaching, his inspirations, and the beauty of his life – beautiful because of its integrity and authenticity as a Dominican friar preacher; beautiful because he so closely followed and contemplated Christ and Our Lady; and beautiful because his life shone with good works. May he pray for us, that our lives may also reflect the beauty of holiness.
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Sepersekian Dari Musuh
Photo by Benjamin Wong
“Jebakan bagi pelaku kebaikan adalah ketika merasa dirinya lebih baik”
Singkat saja. Membandingkan kebaikan diri dengan orang lain (atau bahkan spesies lain) rasanya tidak seberapa apple to apple.
Ya, mungkin sama-sama “apel”. Tapi berbeda varian atau berbeda pohon. Membedakan rasanya tetap tidak seberapa valid justifikasinya.
Ketika pelaku kebaikan merasa dirinya jauh lebih baik daripada mereka yang tidak melakukan “kebaikan” yang sama, maka ia terjebak seperti makhluk yang sekian abad lalu dinobatkan menjadi musuh manusia. Mereka yang mengatakan, “saya lebih baik, karena saya dicipta dari api, sedang ia dicipta dari tanah!”.
Terjebak, menjadi sama; entah sepersekian persen, dalam sepersekian detik, menit, atau jam.
Kurang jelas? Yuk kita cari permisalan.
Ketika kita bersedekah, lalu melihat mereka yang tidak bersedekah seperti kita, apa itu menjadi justifikasi kalau kita lebih baik sebagai seutuhnya manusia daripada mereka?
Ketika kita, semisal yang muslim, sholat wajib lima waktu atau puasa sunnah, lalu melihat mereka yang tidak melakukannya, apa itu menjadi justifikasi kalau kita nantinya mendapat surga dan tidak dengan mereka?
Atau kita yang menikah lebih dulu; atau kaya lebih dulu; atau mempunyai jabatan tertentu; apa bisa dijustifikasi lebih baik daripada yang tidak dalam posisi itu?
Mungkin ini pemikiran yang dirasa ekstrem; tapi memang kita tidak bisa menilai diri kita lebih baik daripada diri-diri yang lain. Tidak apple to apple.
Hemat saya, lebih apple to apple jika kita membandingkan diri kita dengan diri sendiri. Itu akan lebih produktif. Pun, itu ibadah hati.
Penulis reminder ini pun tidak bisa menilai diri lebih baik seutuhnya daripada para pembacanya. Pun sebaliknya.
Maka dari itu, call to action saya hanya dua. InsyaaAllah itu cukup.
1. Practice Routine Self-Criticism (Muhasabah)
Kritisi diri secara rutin itu penting. Dengan pasangan, keluarga, atau sesama teman yang dipercaya, saya rasa itu bisa lebih baik. Saran saya, lakukan saat malam, sejenak sebelum terlelap. Pikirkan, dalam sekian jam hidup, dari membuka mata hingga menutup kembali, ada apa tidak perasaan lebih baik itu muncul. Sekiranya sudah rutin, silakan dilanjut rutinitas itu ke jenjang yang lebih rutin, entah seusai sholat (bagi yang muslim), atau waktu-waktu lainnya.
2. Hindari Membela Ego Ketika Terjebak
Ketika terbiasa untuk self-criticism, alarm kesadaran itu akan muncul dengan sendirinya; terbiasa untuk curiga terhadap diri sendiri. Atau mungkin, jika belum, kita diingatkanNya melalui orang lain untuk sadar. Jalan apapun itu, setiap sadar sudah terjebak dalam rasa diri yang lebih baik, segeralah keluar dari status itu. Jangan langsung membela ego. Kritisi diri, mohon ampun, lalu hilangkan prasangka-prasangka buruk. Karena meski sebentar, dalam sekian menit, jam, atau mungkin hari itu, kita tidak berbeda dengan musuh kita sendiri yang merasa dirinya lebih baik.
Sekian, begitu pemikiran saya. Entah, bisa jadi saya salah pada sebagian kata.
Bagaimana menurut pembaca?
“Sungguh Allah itu Maha Indah, dan mencintai keindahan. Kesombongan itu adalah menolak kebenaran dan memandang remeh orang lain.” (HR. Muslim)
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In the Net
It’s an act of self sacrifice that corners the enemy and rallies comrades to the cause. Neutrophils (immune cells pictured, orange) detect invading microbes and counter threats with kamikaze spirit. They die off while valiantly emitting neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs, green), composed of antimicrobial proteins and genetic material, that capture bacteria (pink) like flies in a spider web. A new study has revealed how NETs also spur macrophages, other immune system components, into action. Macrophages engulf the NETs and the DNA material from them stimulates sensors inside the macrophage. This leads to the production of type 1 interferons, molecules that limit the spread of infections and further invigorate the immune system. In this way neutrophils leave a legacy of defence as reinforcements arrive in their wake. If new treatment approaches build on this mechanism for encouraging interferon release in patients, their lasting impact could be even greater.
Written by Anthony Lewis
Image by Volker Brinkmann on the cover of Science Signaling March 2021, Max Planck Institute for Infection
Research by Falko Apel and colleagues, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Department of Cellular Microbiology, Berlin, Germany
Image copyright held by Volker Brinkmann, reproduced with permission
Research and image published in Science Signaling, March 2021
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
#science#biomedicine#immune system#neutrophils#neutrophil extracellular traps#macrophage#interferons#electron microscope
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The Money Heist (La casa de Papel): A Netflix Series
La casa de Papel, "The House of Paper") is a famous Netflix series. It was released in the Spanish language. La casa de Papel reveals basic facts about leadership, management, teams and organizations. In this article we read about thought-provoking pictures and stories from the series, to get practical information about business organizations. The series exploded in popularity, reaching international heights, as it reflected the aspirations and failures of leadership, management challenges, and the formation of collective goals and shared cultures. The opens the doors and windows on human behaviour and the dramatic meeting of the attackers of
1) the Royal Mint and then the Bank of Spain,
2) personnel of the Mint,
3) law enforcement groups,
4) students who are on a field trip at the Mint.
These groups are joined by a community that is dissatisfied with the state of government and social norms and who come to participate as advocates of the invaders and enemies of government agencies.
5 lessons of management and leadership we can learn in La Casa de Papel
1: Know how to deal with different personalities
A good leader should be able to deal with different personalities and not allow personal characteristics to interfere with business. In this series(
La casa de Papel, the leader is represented by an incomprehensible Professor, who is able to gain the trust of all by his ingenuity and ability to anticipate problems. And we can see that the teacher has something very important for leaders: the power to inspire others. And in companies, it is important for those at the top to know how to motivate their employees, because only then will they be able to achieve the full goals of the organization.
2: Careful planning
In the series(La Casa de Papel), we can see that the whole assault was planned down to the smallest detail. The Professor not only organizes all his actions but also anticipates situations and thinks of possible solutions. In a business setting, it is important for the manager to make careful planning and market studies and actions that your company will develop. You should also be prepared for situations that may jeopardize the success of the business.
3: Training is essential for good execution
In the series(La Casa de Papel), the robbers spent a lot of time training to do their best at the moment of the robbery. Everyone knew what to do and everyone spent many hours simulating situations that might happen at the Mint. In an enterprise environment, managers must experiment and hone processes, until they achieve maximum perfection in the execution of tasks. The training of employees in a work context is a very important point for the fulfilment of the objectives of the company.
4: Humans can go wrong
Despite all the planning, all the training hours and all the predictions, people can go wrong and things cannot go the way we had planned. Acceptance of this is inevitable so as not to discourage employees. Every failure in a company should be seen as a way of learning, because only then can you evolve and train better professionals!
5: Study your opponents well
Sun Tzu said: “Know your enemy as yourself and do not need to fear the outcome of a hundred battles.” This statement is very necessary in the business world. As the Professor has well studied the Mint police force and staff, managers need to know their competitors well, because only then will they be able to isolate themselves and gain a competitive advantage.
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Decided to upload deputy Marcelina Zawisza's Facebook post about today's important date, 102. anniversary of polish women winning the fight for voting right. We rarely speak about suffragettes from countries another than UK or US so let me change it.
Here's translation I made so it may be really grammatically incorrect. I will give Wikipedia link to every surname possible:
102. anniversary of polish women winning voting rights.
Contrary to description we can find, voting rights were not given out to polish women. Voting rights had to be fought over. Stamped-out in front of marshall Józef Piłsudski's house and if it was needed, tapped-out with umbrellas at windows of his residence, screamed-out at rallies. But from the beginning...
In 1891 suffragettes sent out first petition demanding abolishing male power of attorney in election to National Seym (government basically). Women participated in many forms of manifestation of their demands: protests and rallies, writing interpellations, organising Election Committees.
In 1897 women were allowed to study on Jagiellonian University (in Kraków) on Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy. In 1905 first Congress of Polish Women was held. Congress apelated to political parties to include postulates of equality. Women created and joined associations and committees of professional nature. Many actions supporting independency of women were performed. Kazimiera Bujwidowa encouraged women to view themselves as aim on itself. Voices describing unmerciful living conditions of women and girls were heard more and more. One of such voiced was activist Maria Turzyma, who wrote "Woman doesn't have free will because if she would, one day she might not want to do what they tell her to do".
In 1907, Paulina Kuczalska-Reinschmit, a hetmaness and leader of first wave of polish feminist movement created Union of Equality for Polish Women. She had no desire to convince people to agree with her, she preferred to do what she ought to do.
The same year was the first meeting of said Union, which Maria Konopnicka described as "war council".
In 1908 Maria Dulębianka carried out very brave political campaign during which she agitated for voting rights for women. As a candidate for National Seym she collected 511 votes – those were rejected for formal reasons.
1911 was the first year to celebrate International Women's Day. Suffragettes organised manifestations in Kraków. Thousands of women took part in it.
Iza Moszczeńska and Zofia Daszyńska-Golińska funded League of Women in 1913. In part of country annected by Austria, League of Galician Women and League of Cieszyn Silesian Women functioned since 1915 with Zofia Moraczewska and Dorota Kłuszyńska as members. In 1917 those two leagues were connected becoming a League of Polish Women – first mass organisation of women.
December 1917 was the month of Warsaw Union of Women funded Central Committee of Equality for Polish Women which had the power of attorney to talk with the government. Justyna Budzińska-Tylicka and Maria Chmieleńska were chosen to talk with Józef Piłsudski. Effect of these discussion but also political situation that forced the government to take the most profitable decision, on 28th November 1918 Head of State Józef Piłsudski signed a decree in which was written: "A voter is every citizen of country, no matter their gender, who is over 21 years old".
Women finally could vote and be candidates – with their husband's permission.
Marcelina Zawisza together with Iwona Gałązka will create an educational series about female revolutionists to which I'm looking forward.
I have to admit translating all of these names of unions and committees really exhausted me 🤣 So I hope it's understandable but I will probably update this post a lot to correct all the mistakes.
#poland#polska#feminism#feminismo#polish suffragettes#suffragettes#19th century#20th century#history
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