#acting resources
opencallcasting · 2 years
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For those considering a career as an actor, just starting out, or even with a few credits under their belt, the road ahead can be overwhelming to think about. That's no fault of your own, because information and resources in the industry are heavily gatekept. We understand that resources are limited for AAPI actors. We want to help you reach your goals and break into the industry. 
Here are some of the most important tips for nailing that next audition.
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Hey, so I'm not gonna answer this question with your username out, because I don't want you getting dogpiled.
But I feel the need to address this because it comes up now and then.
First of all: Thank you for liking my comic and wanting it to come faster! I'm psyched to hear that you like it that much.
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And while I fully understand the feeling of "why can't the thing I want just HAPPEN", this is... unfortunately... not a very kind thing to send to an artist. Or a writer. Or any creator.
Not the way it's worded, anyway.
So, let's discuss:
Why can't the comic be weekly again?
Well, if you can understand why THIS is irrational:
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Then you can understand why the comic can't be weekly just because you REALLY REALLY want it to be.
Resources like money and time aren't just something that drops into my hands. I'm an adult. I work. I have a life outside of this. I have a dog! I get up at 6am to walk her. I drive to work an hour each way. I try to help my spouse out around the house.
And I daresay, even though I once posted weekly, the quality and length of my comics has gone up quite a bit and it now requires twice the amount of time to make them without burning out.
Look, to make it 100% clear, when I'm pushing the comics to be two weeks apart, this is NOT what is happening:
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This magical contraption does not exist. It's not effortless, it's not immediate.
It takes me the full two weeks, if not more, to create these comics.
Yes, they're spaced out quite far apart, but that's how far apart they gotta be in order for me to be able to bring them to you.
And yes, I know the comic is already made. But I am making them at a pace of two per month on Patreon, and just because I post them faster doesn't mean I'll make them faster!
Basically your options are:
Regular updates that are two weeks apart
Semi-regular updates that are sometimes less than two weeks apart, but with multiple month-long hiatuses between them.
I've chosen regular updates. For me AND for you guys.
And man, there are MANY better ways to tell an artist or a creator you love "hey, I can't wait to see more of your content!".
For example:
"Hey, I can't wait to see more of your content!"
You can also try:
"I look forward to every update!"
"Every time you put out a new comic, I'm eager to read what comes next!"
It'll go a long way, I promise!
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bluegiragi · 5 months
Could we have some more Monster AU lore? Literally about anything in the universe, I really love your lore drops.
well if you insist...(jk i love talking about lore and I'm so super happy you guys let me infodump like this!!)
who wants to learn about dragons and hoards?
So a lot of people mistake hoards as the result of a dragon's passing interests but in reality (for the types of dragon that have this hoard instinct) it's an intense and obsessive compulsion.
Dragons pack a lot of firepower into a relatively dense body, and hoards give them an opportunity to put all that energy somewhere by providing for a hoard's 'needs', whatever they are. In the old times, it was most common for dragons to hoard wealth, land or knowledge but as time went on the variety in subject expanded. Now, hoards can range from innocuous/harmless topics like baseball cards to more complex subjects (like literal living beings).
The darker side to hoard instinct is how intense and possessive it is - the desire to monopolise and satisfy the needs of a hoard is all-encompassing, and it's not unheard of for dragons to go too far. Just like dating, dragons typically go through a few hoards in their lifetime (like passing hyper-fixations) before they find the one thing that'll be their hoard until they die. And after they find that one thing, the rest of their life is in some way dedicated to protecting, caring for and 'leaving their mark' on that thing. A big part of maturing for dragons is learning the self restraint required to not let these urges overtake them and turn them senseless.
Of all topics, hoards that center living beings are by far the most complex simply because living beings have agency and can't be entirely controlled. Price's hoard is the 141, and he has learned over time how to respect the lives of his boys. However, right after his and Ghost's final clash with Roba which resulted in life-changing events for both of them, he realised that he'd already subconsciously made Ghost 'hoard' in his mind.
The two of them fell into a co-dependent and borderline toxic relationship during their recovery. For Ghost, it was a combination of trauma-bonding and also a way to deal with his new powers/afflictions as a wraith. For Price, the recent loss of his wing had him falling back on other measures to help cling onto his dragon identity, and he overcompensated by going way too far on what was already a very fresh and concentrated hoard response. Of course there was still sincere affection backing up all of this, but they both ended up spiralling into something together.
It's always tough being THE hoard starter, as whatever it is will get an exorbitant response that lessens the more a hoard grows. It didn't help that Simon was in one of the most vulnerable and complicated moments of his life post-wraith-transformation. The co-dependency and possessiveness got to a point where higher-ups had to re-instate Price earlier than they wanted to and begin sending him out on missions again so that they could have some time apart. On one of those missions, Price met Gaz, and then later on, Soap.
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bcnds · 1 year
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YUNG MIAMI Act Bad (2023)
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a2zillustration · 5 months
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party-lemon · 3 months
sick of people taking any chance they get to say shit like "this is why you can't place celebrities on a pedestal!" like i wasn't putting them on a pedestal, i was expecting them to be a good person, like i do with everyone else, and it turns out they weren't. and that fucking sucks. I've been in a situation where consent was muddled and complicated and mistreated and i sympathize greatly with these victims but also, people are allowed to be disappointed in someone they don't know when the expectation was that they were a decent human being.
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thewertsearch · 2 months
@bladekindeyewear asked: Quote asker: "Feferi is the one who set up the dreambubbles" -- Mild correction there, what she said was, "CC: Soon I will go to sleep and speak to t)(e gods. CC: I will convince t)(em to establis)( a series of stable dream bubbles, w)(ere we can meet in our sleep!" Emphasis on "stable" and "meet" - the dead might end up in the dream bubbles regardless for all we know, from what Aradia said, but their respective bubbles likely wouldn't have INTERSECTED as frequently without Feferi's request.
I think the key word here is stable.
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We've occasionally seen more fluid, abstract dreamscapes, such as WV's shared dream with Vriska, or Jade's chaotic post-death nap. These, I think, are the Dream Bubbles as they naturally occur, without the Horrorterrors keeping them coherent. They're unstable, liable to mutate or collapse without warning.
The Bubbles might always have existed - but, thanks to Feferi, they're solid now, and can be used as a medium for consistent communication.
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mxtxfanatic · 4 months
Been inundated with posts about the character descriptions in the 7seas mxtx releases, and I just wanna say that I find it the highest level of disrespect how a publisher treated someone’s serious writing that they bought the publishing rights for as a little jokey joke that’s lead to so many people’s misconceptions about said book. Tell me: why do these character sheets include publisher/translator opinions on the characters? Why do these character sheets directly go against what the actual text has to say about these characters? Why do these novels need character sheets?
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theology101 · 5 months
I honestly can’t WAIT for Maxson’s Brotherhood to interact with the remnants of the NCR.
“Like the Brotherhood - they were really good allies against the enclave, but fundamentally they’re just a little inbred cult. No outsiders, no new technology, but damn good with their power armor. Then they went crazy and we had to take Helios. Now they’re just hold up in their bunkers”
And then Maxson just… isnt that.
A massive cult of personality (the kind that the NCR used to mock about Roger Maxson) able to inspire, uplift and enlist THOUSANDS. A faction not only with the capability and technology to have power armor and vertibirds, but the capacity to Mass Produce them too.
A combination of Western Zealotry, Lyon’s Reforms, and a healthy amount of overwhelming firepower
Arthur is a unifying symbol that can take the isolated and sometimes contradicting Brotherhood Chapters and forge them into a Nation. He has two successful campaigns under his belt and two Fusion Reactor.
He has Liberty Prime.
I’m FASCINATED by what he’ll do. Will he reject Elijah and the War and give them an olive branch in their time of need? Will Arthur double down and seek revenge, using this opportunity to finish off the weakened NCR? Or maybe he just… ignores them?
His primary goal is, now that the Brotherhood has 2 cold fusion reactors, is going to be rebuild Lost Hills and then take Vegas, Helios One and the Hoover Dam. That was the original mission of Elijah’s chapter, after all and three incredible storehouses of pre-war tech. But I could honestly see him doubling down and trying to turn LA into a Fortress for the Brotherhood.
I honestly dont know - according to his stated goals, he has no reason to intervene against the NCR when peace is entirely likely. But he’s a Monarch fundamentally, and Monarchs dont like threats to their power.
Good news is he probably wipes out the Legion or whatever’s left of it!
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nitr0m-nik · 2 months
Lawmakers are trying to pass the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA), a dangerous bill that would give the government unprecedented control over the internet and force platforms to spy on youth.
90+ rights groups agree KOSA won’t make kids more safe. Instead, it’ll put youth in danger by subjecting them to surveillance and preventing them from accessing resources they need.
Believe in a free and open internet? Join me and take action: https://stopkosa.com/?source=email&
ink-lay in bio
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youtherthyf · 5 months
censoring info on suicide, mental illness, abuse, racial discrimination, and violence doesn't "protect minors" from anything it only makes it harder for children(or adults for that matter) struggling with those things to get access to useful resources. enables abusers and fascists to run undisputed while people calling them out get the hammer, and gives more power to state entities to in act censorship on the web of any subject state attorneys don't want people knowing about(like the genocide in palestine, history of violence against minority groups and lgbt folk, the attorney's own criminal connections, ect.). enforced through even more intrusive spyware anyone supporting this bill is either a fascist who wants the internet censored or an idiot who doesn't know how the internet functions outside of facebook. this doesn't only affect americans, we are affected too because most big sites are american run, go to stopkosa.com and send your complaint to help stop it
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totallynotcensorship · 5 months
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tags update: US politics is 5th on trending. with supreme court, scotus, and kosa trending under it. also "kids online safety act" is trending
edit: non of them are front page anymore... still trending tho
reason? kosa has been introduced in the house of representatives, a closer step towards becoming constitutional
Tl;dr on kosa(go read eff or watch sog for more details)
the "kids online safety act" is a bill in the US senate by senators richard bulmenthal and marsha blackburn originally introduced in feb 2022 with the goal of "protecting kids from dangerous or harmful content online", enabling local state attorney generals the power to enforce it. except the "duty to care" which is handled by the federal trade commission as of feb 2024
the bill is, at core, an act of censorship forced through even more invasive spyware. the vague language used in the bill enables wide scale censorship up to the wimps of state attorney generals and the FTC. subjects that are potentially under rest of censorship include suicide, eating disorders, self harm, substance abuse, bullying, violence, sexuality, sex ed, mental health, ect.
censorship of such subjects doesn't solve those issues
they only limit accessibility to useful resources for people suffering from mental illness, experiencing suicidal thoughts, addicts, people looking for info on sex-ed(that their school should have provided), transgender people struggling with gender diaspora, lgbt people, people belonging to minority groups trying to look up or spread awareness of their history and prosecution, online activists and educators trying to do their job(you know.. the kind of thing we are trying to do here concerning an on going ethnic cleansing). the "it is for the kids" excuse is bullshit
this is bad even to non americans?
sense most of the big social media sites we uses, like tumblr for example, are US based they will be affected by the bill. and if this bill is based it could work as an example for other countries to introduce similar bills. if you want to help go to stopkosa or badinternetbills. and send a complaint through them
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halloweeneva · 21 days
I remove my mask (ADHD) only to reveal a second smaller mask underneath (Chronic Fatigue)
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scarycranegame · 7 months
you know kosa is a horrible fucking idea when even the kids it's claiming to protect are rallying against it
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a2zillustration · 4 months
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Makin our way
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wilchur · 5 months
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Astarion: I didn't take these refugees for killers. Maybe I've misjudged them. They're still going to die, but at least they're willing to fight. Ezra: They're desperate. And desperate people will do anything. Astarion: True. Back any beast into a corner and you'll quickly see its teeth.
Playing through EA and my god knowing we could've had this level of companion reactivity makes me absolutely furious...
There's nothing I can do without someone having an opinion on it. You know how Gale will want to speak to you after every good deed you do in the grove? Imagine that but for EVERYTHING. I end a battle or talk to someone and there's a 50% chance one of the companions is gonna get an exclamation mark above their head straight away.
And it's random! It's not always the same person! SO much dialogue cut and for what. Having them react this way to stuff during a Durge playthrough would've been CRAZY. Larian I'm coming for your fucking kneecaps.
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