#acotar fan trailer
goforth-ladymidnight · 7 months
A Court of Thorns and Roses Fan Trailer
source: castleinthesky
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tamlinweek · 2 years
Will you be allowing AI art?
The moderators discussed this at length. At this time, the answer is No. There is a fine line between artists using references for inspiration in the creation of their works, and a computer algorithm using scraped images online in the creation of something else that may or may not resemble the source(s). Some people perceive AI as a tool to create, others to steal with. Since the mods could not come to a complete agreement on the matter, the answer has to be No. If something major develops between now and then when it comes to artist credit/compensation, etc. then we'll reconsider.
Until then, please consider commissioning an artist or making something yourself. Besides, making fanart and writing fanfiction are not your only options to participate. You can also make digital photo collages and moodboards (also called fan edits), fan [book] trailers, and playlists on Spotify and/or YouTube! You can even share one song and/or put the lyrics on a nice background using a free online program like Canva. There are even ambient mood mixers (like ambient-mixer.com) where you can make your own looping background track!
Headcanons are welcome! Ramble on about theories you have, or AUs you'd like to see, or who you would cast if the show gets made, and share photos of that performer!
There are also digital doll makers or RPG figure makers. Consider sites like: Hero Forge, Reroll, Meiker.io, Picrew.me, or even Azalea's Dolls or Doll Divine. For those who play video games (like the Sims, Skyrim, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, Dragon Age Inquisition, etc), you can make your own character! You could even customize an existing doll or figurine: Make a unique funko pop, or customize a poseable doll. For example, a little girl wanted Jareth and Sarah dolls from the movie Labyrinth, and a very creative dad made it happen!)
You can also make something modern (for Modern AU day!) by trying out hairstyles, fantasy makeup, nail art, or digital outfit planners, or even do cosplay! (Some people go so far as to get ACOTAR-inspired tattoos, but only do this if you want to keep it forever!!)
If you want to delve into crafts, there's stained glass, book nooks and miniatures, bookbinding, bookmarks, crochet (amigurumi dolls!), cross-stitch/embroidery, altered books, clay/polymer clay sculptures, and so much more.
This is all about having fun. If you are still unsure about what you'd like to do or make, likes and reblogs are always appreciated.
Thank you for reaching out! The inbox is open if you have any more questions. 😊
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rayonfrozenwings · 5 years
Check out this. Teaser trailer for project starfall. Pretty cool. Needs more people to see it. 🥰
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rhysand-vs-fenrys · 4 years
(From Rina) Book Asks 3, 7, 8, and 25
** Self-sent on behalf of @ladyvanserra (Apparently my mobile asks aren’t working?)
3. Are there any genres you will not read?
Oh so many. I’m actually an extremely picky reader.
Once upon a time, the Kindle Store for Amazon had this ultra-specific genre system where you could really zero in on stuff you love. My genre was Dark Epic Fantasy almost exclusively.
But stuff I’ll flat out not read is like... quite a large amount of stuff XD There are typically exceptions for every rule but stuff I won’t make exceptions for... Classical literature romance novels (like P&P and stuff like that, I won’t so much as watch a trailer for a movie adaptation), self-help, motivational or ‘coming of age’, etc.
7. Have you ever despised something you have read?
*ahem* Rina knew what my answer to this would be. 
8. Do you prefer to read first person or third person?
*Irony for an ACOTAR fan* I actually don’t like first person. I see the appeal of being in a character’s head, I do, I just... don’t enjoy it anywhere near as much as third person.
I’ve done two first-person fics (I think, maybe 3?) more out of respect for the fact that TAR is first person for the original trilogy, but yeah. I prefer third.
25. Do you enjoy concepts in books to be concrete or abstract?
I like abstract more, but I don’t have like a firm preference on this one. I enjoy kind of figuring out the concept. It gives my brain stuff to chew on while I read  :)
Ask Thing: Bookish Asks (if my asks even work on mobile, IDK)
**Once again, this was self-sent on behalf of @ladyvanserra
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starswhogaze · 3 years
I am sick and tired of YouTube recommending me fan-made ACOTAR trailers with a white washed Rhysand 🙄
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smallerinfinities · 4 years
so this might be personal but I gotta get it off my chest...
***DISCLAIMER: this has NOTHING to do with any of my followers. I love all of you and I hope you stay with me even though I’m moving into a completely different territory. this is only about how I feel personally about the fandom I was in (shawnblr) for two and a half years and my journey as a person who loved Shawn DEEPLY but just....can’t anymore. and this is also just a reflection from where I am now moving into something different. 
I’m realizing now that I should have gotten out of the fandom a long time ago. it isn’t the fans (though I think we all know there is some toxicity up in this bih...toxicity that I am in no part exempt from because I, at several moments, have participated in it) but this is mostly about my feelings about Shawn. my first clue should have been the MAJOR slow down in my writing output. about a year ago, maybe even longer, I just couldn’t get motivated to write. couldn’t come up with an end for Meet the Teacher, couldn’t find any new inspiration with the exception of Closer (so AU that I don’t even consider it Shawn), and it all felt like work. I would stare and stare at blank screens and will the words to come and they just didn’t. I brushed it off on him for a long time. he would do something and I would fly off the handle and lose it and just sulk for days. *he* did it. it was *his* fault. 
but really, if I’m being honest, I had control over all of that. Shawn doesn’t give a fuck about me. he doesn’t know me and he’s not doing whatever he’s doing to personally attack me. I’ve known that the feeling was not the same for a long time. but I stayed because I thought I could overcome it. I had an audience here and I loved you guys and I wanted to give you all the content that you came here for. I wanted to write for *you* not for him. that was more important to me than anything else. but, wow. after that doc trailer came out, I just....couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t sit here and pretend I was okay with someone who just comes off as a fake deep fuckboy who lies about his songs to craft some dumbshit narrative to sell records. that’s not what I signed up for in 2018 and I deserve more than that in this dumpster fire of a year. so I snapped. and officially cut the cord. I’ve canceled my merch and my album preorder and I started writing for a new fandom. 
and fuck, guys. I feel so much better. my writing is freer. comes easily. I feel like I felt when I first started writing G&J, popping out chapters every few days instead of once a month....because I *love* what I’m writing about. I’m not here to convince anyone to get on the ACOTAR train with me (even though you should lol) I’m just....I think we should purge the shit we hate or shit we can’t live with or shit that doesn’t feel good. go find happiness instead of staying here hoping it all comes back. if it does, it does. you’re not going to miss anything if you go find something else in the meantime. because, my friends...
it’s very liberating to say no to shit you hate.
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ahab2631 · 5 years
Hey, how are things ? I don’t know if you’ve been intentionally quiet about this or just haven’t had the opportunity to speak about it, but what are your thoughts on the S&B Netflix show? The cast, your thoughts, fears, etc.
In all honesty I am a terrible fangirl. I don’t chase or follow updates on things because 1) I hate feeling impatient, which is an inevitable product of anticipation, and 2) I want my experience of a story/tv show/whatever to be pure and unadulterated by any sort of “behind the curtain” info or fan opinion/spculation or what have you.
Perhaps oddly, I just don’t consider myself a “voice” in the Grisha fandom, you know? People’s experiences are theirs to have, and since I’m so obsessive about experiencing what’s put in front of me in its purest form, as whatever creator intended, I feel weird about adding my voice in opinion of a thing that doesn’t even exist yet. But being asked is another matter entirely! When I found out the project was announced, I was curious enough to dig around periodically until basic information was released, largely because of the fact that, let’s by honest, cross-platform adaptations typically end up being complete garbage. It seems even more problematic in the YA world, but that may just be because that has seemed to be such ripe ground for farming in the last... however many years. 10+? Idk.  When I saw the types of hands this project was being put into, however, the exciting possibility entered my mind that the finished product might actually end up being pretty decent! The last of my spelunking was when the initial cast photo was released. I was elated that it wasn’t a whitebread party - the persistence of that nonsense in movies and TV has historically made me want to stab things. I did have a purely canon-related concern about at least one of the casting choices (Alina, because Ravka = Russia = white people as far as the eye can see, given the lack of modernity presented), but A) it’d be criminally easy to explain her Shu heritage even if the creators stick to the oldworld Russia picture of Ravka, and in good hands that could actually be used to enrich the whole thing, and B) it seems pretty obvious that the worldstate and timeline, at the very least, are being tweaked from canon anyway, so it may be a complete non-issue. After the fact, I do have reservations about at least two of the other casting choices, but probably 90% of that is flavors of personal preference. At least one of the choices is so strongly adherent to a reductive stereotype (more worrying is that I have never seen the acting not follow suit in such cases) that is a solar system past cliche at this point that it has renewed some concerns about the thing as a whole being mishandled, but... all I can do is wait and see how the team’s vision and interpretation comes together. Speculation outside of that is fairly pointless. TV and movies are an astounding beast in that the way all the parts come together can really change everything and anything. When I saw a photo of Gal Godot when they cast her as Wonder Woman, I thought it was the worst choice I’d ever seen, and ffs look how that turned out. Honestly one of the the best feelings in the world is being pleasantly surprised by someone else’s creative vision and ability. The rest of my side-eye regarding the cast probably only really has to do with the fact that literally the only visual interpretation of any book characters I’ve ever found satisfying or even a little fitting are Charlie Bowaters’ Rhysand and Bone Carver from the A Court of Thorns and Roses series. But honestly, when someone’s being exists solely in your head and heart, how can any physical interpretation ever really be accurate? And that’s just talking about one person’s idea, god help anyone who has to cast a character that’s supposed to appeal to an entire fandom. (Side notes:  1) Charlie Bowater could draw a photorealistic pool of chunky diarrhea and I would think it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, so that helps, and  2) Full disclosure, I wasn’t actually a huge fan of the ACoTaR book series despite the fact that I found it [Rhysand. Basically just Rhysand.] ridiculously addictive. I’m world-class picky af about writing* *Fanfics get an almost endless free pass because none of us have editors and most of us are either entirely uneducated or at the very least haven’t majored in writing) Lastly, I'll say I did a quick Googly search before answering this just to make sure I remembered the cast right, and watched the short video where they introduced themselves. I found three things to be just... just magical: The Matthias/Nina actors’ interplay (most perfect, adorable thing I have ever seen in my life) Jesper’s actor basically being Jesper’s spirit animal while not even acting, and The way the guy (I don’t do names unless absolutely necessary, sorry humans >_>) who plays the Darkling was standing in front of his door/trailer and it was labeled simply “Bad Guy” instead of his name, and then Alina’s actress popped her head out from inside with a huge mischiefgrin I died on the spot. I actually don’t even know when the thing is being released, so I’ll probably be late to that party, too. xD Feel free to harass me, I’ll renew Netflix when the show comes out so I can watch it. <3!
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starbitcosplay · 6 years
A Court of Thorns & Roses | Teaser Trailer The teaser trailer for our ACOTAR fan project!
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Watched the ACOMAF/ACOTAR fan trailer. It made me realize that Feyre is totally a Katniss Everdeen/SJM ripoff. Also, her archery technique sucks. If you grip the arrow shaft up by the arrowhead in between your fingers, your hand's gonna get shredded by the fletching.
I haven’t watched the fan trailer, but I did see the poster they made with the character montage and it’s... not great. I applaud the effort, but it looks very tacky. I’m not surprised that they wouldn’t know how to properly hold a bow and arrow.
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aelin-feyre-males · 6 years
Hands down one of the best fan-made trailers ever made. I applaud the creators. Gotta admit that my favorite part of all of this is the accuracy and detail that goes into looking like Feyre and the importance of this scene for the rest of the book and series. Please show your support to out our ACOTAR family. 
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rhysofnightcourt · 6 years
A Court of Thorns and Roses| ACOTAR FAN TRAILER 2018
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litological-blog · 6 years
• january book recommendations
This one is for fans of A Court of Thorns and Roses. You know, stories where young girls are either swept away into another magical world or are already in a magical world where they fall into a complicated, longing, totally hit you in the feels and make you cry because you wish you had a boyfriend/girlfriend like their love interest, etc, etc. If you've devoured the entire ACOTAR series and want more books similar to it, just keep reading. We hope we can help you find your next addition to your TBR list:
1. "Dorothy Must Die" by Danielle Paige
A re-telling of The Wizard of Oz with a modern twist, Dorothy Must Die is definitely one of my personal favourites. It's about a teenage girl, Amy Gumm, who is strong and defiant, despite being bullied at school and neglected by her substance-using mother. On a particularly bad stormy night, when she is once again left alone in her trailer, a tornado picks it up and transfers her to Oz. But it is not like the movies, at all; Oz is in turmoil, and it’s all because of the infamous Dorothy Gale, who is sucking all the magic and life out of it. The only way to stop her is to kill her companions; she must remove the tin woodman’s heart, steal the scarecrow’s brain, take the lion’s courage, and then - Dorothy must die.
2. “Stealing Snow” by Danielle Paige
Another marvelous read by Danielle Paige where she dives back into the world of magical lands and dangerous, villainous rulers. This time, it’s about a girl called Snow, who has been locked up in an asylum most of her life for trying to walk through a mirror as a child. Despite her bleak life, Snow falls in love with Bale, a troubled boy with a catastrophic love for flames. One night, Bale is kidnapped, pulled through a portal into a world she’d been dreaming of, and the only way to save him is to escape from Whittaker and journey into a magical world that has been waiting for the day she would return. There she meets many allies and even manages to catch two intriguing boy’s eyes. She must learn to control and harness her magical powers into deadly weapons to fulfill the prophecy and defeat her father, the king. But in a world of treacherous magic, who can Snow really trust?
3. “Red Queen” by Victoria Aveyard
This is more in league with the likes of the Hunger Games in certain ways, but it’s based in a fantasy world and had so many similarities to ACOTAR that I couldn’t not add it to the list. Plus I really love it.
This is a story about Mare Barrow, a girl who has red blood in a world dominated by those who have silver blood. The silvers are royalty, with their powerful abilities they outrank the reds. But Mare is something different, something rare and unheard of: she discovers she is a red with powers. She can summon lightening. To ensure nobody gets wind of this, she is disguised as a long lost Silver princess by the royals and is taught the ways of being a princess. Conflicted by her emotions for two prince brothers, one fiery and passionate, the other calm and collected, Mare struggles to navigate her new life and must be wary of who she can trust; there are deceivers everywhere.
4. “Heartless” by Marissa Meyer
The first book on this list I haven’t actually read yet, but it is definitely on my TBR list, and here’s why it should be on your’s too:
“Heartless” tells the story of the girl Catherine was long before she was known as the cruel, - ironically - heartless Queen of Hearts. She was the most coveted, admired girl in Wonderland, and one certain unmarried king even had his eyes set on her. But Catherine wants nothing to do with becoming queen; she aspires to open a bakery and sell delicious treats. Her mother, however, doesn’t support her dreams and instead forces her into going to a ball where she is supposed to receive a marriage proposal from the king.
Instead, Catherine meets the handsome and mysterious Jest who she feels a strong attraction for. Cautious of offending the king, she enters into a secret relationship with Jest, and is determined to choose her own fate. But it seems there are others who may have different plans for her...
5. “Cinder” by Marissa Meyer
Set in the futuristic city of New Beijing, Cinder - a young cyborg and talented mechanic - is a second class citizen with a past wrapped in mysteries, and a cruel, wicked stepmother who blames her for her stepsister’s illness. Unforeseen circumstances lead her fate to become intertwined with the dashing Prince Kai’s, and she finds herself standing smack dab in the middle of an intergalactic battle and a forbidden blooming love. Uncovering secrets from her past may just be the only way to save the world’s future.
6. “The Cruel Prince” by Holly Black
This is a book I've wanted to get my hands on for a really long time now because it just sounds so intriguing and right up my alley. When their parents were murdered and they were stolen away by the faeries, Jude and her two sisters were brought to live in the High Court of the Fae. Years later when she is seventeen, Jude longs for to belong amongst the fae, but many of them despise humans and want nothing to do with them - especially the wickedest of them all, the youngest son of the King, Prince Carden.
To earn a place at Court, Jude must overcome the most dangerous task of defying Prince Carden, which leads her life to become entangled with palace intrigues and deceptions. But when a war threatens to break out among the Courts of Faerie, Jude is forced to put her own life at risk in the hopes of saving her sisters, and all faeries.
7. "Everless" by Sara Holland
This is one of my honest to God favourite fantasy novels. It's so fresh and unique and a nice change from the usual fantasy stories. In a world where time is used as currency by extracting blood and binding it to iron, and then it is consumed to add to one's lifespan, Jules Ember discovers her father is dying and must journey back to the very place she and her father had fled so many years ago: Everless. Her father needs more time, and despite having been driven out of there many moons ago after witnessing a fateful accident, she knows she must return for his sake. But returning to Everless can only bring danger to Jules, especially when she finds her heart caught between two people she thought she'd never see again.
8. "Ash Princess" by Laura Sebastian
Just six years old when her country was invaded and her mother, the Fire Queen, was killed right in front of her, Theodosia’s family, name and land were all taken by the Kaiser. For a decade she has been held captive in her own palace, having to endure much ridicule and abuse from the Kaiser and his court. So, when rhe Kaiser finally forces her to do the most heinous, unthinkable thing, she decides enough is enough. The Ash Princess has seen the fall of her people and her land - no more. She will fight back with everything she has.
9. “To Kill a Kingdom” by Alexandra Christo
A modern re-take of The Little Mermaid with a darker twist, Princess Lira is the most lethal siren of the sea; she holds the hearts of seventeen princes in her hands. But when a sudden turn of fate forces her to kill one of her own kind, her own mother - the Sea Queen - punishes her daughter by turning her into the one thing they hate most - a human. She is given until the Winter Solstice to retrieve Prince Elian’s heart and deliver it to the Sea Queen, or remain human forever. 
Prince Elian finds his calling in hunting and killing sirens like Lira; unknown to him, when he rescues a woman from drowning in the ocean, she is much more dangerous than he could have ever thought. She promises to help him find the key to destroying all sirens for good, but can he really trust her?
10. “Alice In Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll
This is the first story on this list that doesn’t have any romance in it, but is instead a fresh, unique story of adventure, courage, friendship, and a little pinch of madness. It tells us about a young girl called Alice, who follows a white rabbit wearing a waist-coat and carrying a pocket watch down a rabbit hole. She finds she’s fallen into a magical, if not a bit bizarre, land called Wonderland, where a cruel Queen of Hearts rules over. Join Alice on an adventure of a lifetime, meeting strange people and animals such as The Mad Hatter, The Chesire Cat, and the Blue Caterpillar. It will only make you curiouser and curiouser...
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fandons-things · 6 years
And I'm crying.
It's amazing.
@rhysofnightcourt @feyre-the-high-fae @feyre-darling-highlady @acowar-spoiler @acotarfans I just tagged you guys so you'll can see it, also because I don't have so much followers and people has to see this video cause I think it's amazing.
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lysandra-emerald · 3 years
Watch "A Court of Thorns and Roses| ACOTAR FAN TRAILER 2018" on YouTube
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haleyfury · 5 years
October was a month filled with so many (good) things and moments in my academic and personal life. That being said, my life was more busy and honestly hectic than it’s ever been before. October often marks midterm season in the college world, which meant a few papers and writing assignments on my end, including having to start drafting my first of two senior research papers. I know I haven’t been too specific about my senior project for my English major (honestly I’m still working out my subtopics and arguments even with my 15-20 page draft in the works), but I can reveal that I’m talking about Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give! I’ve luckily read a decent amount of contemporary literature in my English courses, but this is my first time studying YA.
Between also balancing my course-load alongside my jobs and social time (trying to make the most of my last year living with all of my best friends), my brain has been feeling fried and not exactly in the mood to read at the end of the day. Probably also not helping my reading life, I watched so many great new TV shows this month.
I really wish I was reading more, but I’m at the point where I have to dedicate my free time to the aforementioned things. However, I 100% admit that my senioritis is definitely kicking in and I’ve been finding myself drifting  to blogging and reading when I should probably be doing school work. I think it’s also because it’s almost (!!!) the end of the year and I’ve been working on my favorites, yearly wrap-up, and holiday-themed posts, but I’ve been so in the mood to read lately because of all the new books coming out still this year (I’m looking at you, The Toll and The Queen of Nothing.
The Chase by Elle Kennedy | 4/5 Stars
I was so excited to jump back into the Off-Campus world with The Chase. Although it’s not my favorite Elle Kennedy book, I loved having Fitz as one of the protagonists.
The Beautiful by Renée Ahdieh | 4/5
The most Halloween-esque book that I read in October, I enjoyed The Beautiful for its atmospheric setting and for the fact that it broke my usual reading habits with its paranormal and mysterious story.
10 Blind Dates by Ashley Elston (ARC) | 4/5
October marks Christmas season prep in the Fangirl Fury handbook, which further encouraged me to pick up 10 Blind Dates. 10 Blind Dates was a fun holiday mood read. I really enjoyed its family focus.
Full Disclosure by Camyrn Garrett (ARC) | 3/5
I appreciated that Full Disclosure took on a ton of important topics, as its main protagonist lives with HIV. While I appreciated its mature discussions surrounding sex and sexuality, I wasn’t a big fan of the writing style and plot.
Crier’s War by Nina Varela | 5/5
Hands-down my favorite book of the month, I absolutely loved Crier’s War for its unique world and fantastic character and story arcs.
The Politician S1 (Netflix)- Hands-down one of my favorite TV shows of the year, The Politician stole my heart in October. It’s such a quirky show and honestly feels like a blend of Ryan Murphy’s other shows (Glee, AHS, and American Crime Story). I freaking loved Ben Platt (which led me to also being addicted to his album, Sing to Me Instead this month) and the overall cast. The show luckily came out during my fall break, which meant that I was able to binge-watch all 8 episodes before heading back to school.
Insatiable S2 (Netflix)- My guilty pleasure show the month, Insatiable season 2 was definitely more dramatic and crazy, but somehow much more developed than the first season. This show is totally not the best, especially in light of all the controversy, but it is a fun watch for me personally.
Schitt’s Creek S1 (Netflix)- I started watching Schitt’s Creek over the summer, but I struggled getting into it. My best friend (and lets be honest, Twitter) encouraged me to get back into and I’m absolutely loving it. David is for sure my favorite character.
Modern Love (Prime)- Towards the end of October, I flip-flopped between watching Schitt’s Creek and Amazon’s new show based on the Modern Love column. My favorite episodes are “When the Doorman is Your Main Man” and “When Cupid Is a Prying Journalist.”
You’ve Got Mail- I 100% admit that I am still confused over the fact that English major and lifelong reader me did not watch You’ve Got Mail until 2019. IT’S A MOVIE ABOUT BOOKSTORE RIVALS!!! I absolutely love movies from the 80s and 90s, and You’ve Got Mail was no exception.
Isn’t It Romantic? – One of the funniest rom-coms I’ve seen lately, I absolutely loved the cast (Rebel Wilson, Liam Hemsworth, & Adam DeVine) and it made me laugh out loud so much.
NEW FAVORITE FROM FAVORITE AUTHOR: The Fountains of Silence Review
THOUGHTS, FEELS & RANTS: Wayward Son Review
FALL MOOD READ: Pumpkinheads Review
THE BOOK OF YOUR READER DREAMS: The Library of Lost Things Review
STAR-CROSSED SWOON: Twice in a Blue Moon Review
BEST NERDY ROMANCE: Comics Will Break Your Heart Review
A 2019 FAVORITE FANTASY: Crier’s War Review
Bookish Fun 
LIBRARY LOVIN’:The Library Loves Tag
Top Five Wednesday: Most Halloweenish Books on My TBR
My life happenings section always flips between monthly fangirl news or my IRL happenings, and today’s a mixture of both!
Lucy’s Deli on Sixth- I’m in the city twice a week for class this semester, so my friends and I try to do New York things on our lunch breaks and after class. I was on Twitter one weekend earlier in October and Jess from The Book Bratz shared a photo of a stuffed/felt avocado from a pop-up shop in Rockefeller Center, Lucy’s Delicatessen on 6th. This pop-up was set up like a grocery store and featured hand-sewn and felt food. My friend and I went on our lunch break that week and we had so much fun looking at ALL the cute things.
Fall-themed Saturday- I’m always wanting to do seasonal things, so I was really excited when my best friend and I decided to spend a Saturday afternoon at a local farm. We had a mini photo shoot (okay, it wasn’t that mini or spur-of-the-moment, I came prepared with my Canon) in a pumpkin patch and then we went apple-picking. This was my first time apple-picking and while its near the end of the season where I live, the orchard was really beautiful. I think all the apples I picked were honey crisp, which I used the next day to make an apple pie.
Fangirl Things
10 Things I Hate About Pinky Cover Reveal- The cover for Sandhya Menon’s second book of 2020, 10 Things I Hate About Pinky, is officially out in the world! I love how much it compliments her other books, and I’m just so excited for this one and Of Curses and Kisses.
10 Things I Hate About Pinky cover reveal Sandhya Menon Credit: Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing
More details about Sarah J. Maas’ Crescent City– I haven’t been able to find Sarah J. Maas’ full panel on Crescent City from New York Comic Con ’19, but Kristin of SuperSpaceChick included a clip of the panel in her NYCC Haul. I highly recommend checking out Kristin’s entire video! Anyway, SJM revealed more about the plot than she has ever have before. In shot, picture the ACOTAR universe set 3,000 years in the future (yes that means cell phones and cars), every paranormal and mythological creature possible, a party and half-Fae girl who finds herself involved in a murder investigation, and true to SJM, steam/romance.
Let It Snow Trailer- I’m just generally excited for Netflix’s holiday movie line-up, but I feel like I’ve been waiting for the Let It Snow adaptation for forever! This book was one of the first YA books I’ve ever picked up and while I probably need a reread, I’m excited to see it on the screen come November 8th.
Ninth House/the Alex Stern series is being turned into a TV show- While much attention in the Leigh Bardugo TV-world has been on the Netflix Grishaverse adaptation, it was recently announced that Ninth House will be adapted into a TV show by Amazon, with Leigh attached as the writer and executive producer. Since Ninth House is officially my favorite Leigh Bardugo book, I am so looking forward to seeing this show come to life!
What did you read and watch in October? Share in the comments!
BOOKS, TV & FALL THINGS: October 2019 Wrap Up October was a month filled with so many (good) things and moments in my academic and personal life.
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lysandra-emerald · 3 years
Watch "A Court of Thorns and Roses| ACOTAR FAN TRAILER 2018" on YouTube
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