#acnl sky
kapitanbank · 8 months
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'pollo but human
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shopwitchvamp · 7 months
The skirt:
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The music rec:
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himeprincessa · 9 months
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fifthmoon0 · 1 year
photo collage video ✨
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animauxing · 1 year
The Roof Leaks Over Me
In a short amount of time, I have lost pieces of significance.
My beloved Stank, has passed away on August 30, 2023.
As you may know, my friendship and love for my dog is something that inspired many of my comics. I am in pieces over Stank's passing, and there has not been an hour where I have not grieved.
Stank has been around me for so long, I forget there was a time we were not together. In the darkest times, I held onto Stank for life. Now, I am lost at sea without the one who could save me.
September 6th is Stank's birthday, and I hope you are able to think of Stank on that day. If the presence of my art, writing, and stories have reached you in any way, please know that you have Stank to thank for it. I owe a lot to my dog, and I could only hope that I gave it all I could in the times we were together.
In our last moments, we tried almost everything to save Stank, from vet visits, medication, lab tests, to ER visits, but ultimately, it was less cruel to let Stank sleep.
Stank passed away on a sunny day in the arms of people who loved it most. After that day, the sky has been cloudy, and I spend my day trying to preserve what little we have left of Stank's presence.
We are left with a heavy burden of our grief along with the financial responsibilities in the wake of Stank's passing. If you are able, we appreciate all the help you can spare our way. If not, I hope you can keep Stank in your memory.
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The second bad news more related to this blog is that my original ACNL cartridge that holds CODEC's Limbo has gone missing along with the original ACWW that introduced me to this series.
It is a small loss compared to what I've been through, but it is still a loss knowing how much this game, its content, and the friends I've made through it meant to me. Maybe one day, I will get another cartridge and reconstruct the town, but for now, there is not much I can do in the midst of chaos.
I've had several losses of family and friends in 2023. All I hope is that the love I've been given will help me through this insurmountable grief.
Thank you for your support all these past years, it's been instrumental to me giving Stank a wonderful life. I only hope that was enough.
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skunkes · 3 months
OK games I ended up installing on modded 2ds for nephew:
Tomodachi Life • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky • Pokemon Emerald • Super Mario 3D Land • Sonic Rush • Professor Layton and the Curious Village • Kirby Super Star Ultra • TLOZ: Spirit Tracks, and ACNL WA ^_^
my family asked if i included any DK games...so i may switch out one for a DK game? I dont think i want to Add anymore, as dis is already a good amt of games
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Spamton's New Leaf Au (ACNL x Deltarune)
So I saw the idea for this from a different post: Here; and as it is now living in my brain I offer up this very short fic/summary to all of you:
We begin with Spamton digging through the trash and finding an oddly large file; recently thrown away and in good condition. Possibly porn or possibly something he could sell.
He will take those chances.
So he slips inside, bypassing the normal opening sequence (doesn't want to set off any security this thing might have) and finds himself in... a train station. Goes outside and get ambushed- Greeted!- by fun-sized, [[Market-Able Plushies!]]-looking-animal-people.
This is the warmest welcome he's had in years. Also nerve wracking. It's too friendly, have they realized he's here to steal their data and decided to play the long con? WELL [[F1]] YOU TOO YOU [[Carebears]] HE CAN PLAY THIS [[Games half off!]] TOO!
This is the mindset behind most of his interactions early on.
Also he is the Mayor now??? WHAT! WHY? SURE! His anxiety is climbing as Spamton slowly becomes certain that these suckers have mistaken him for someone else but by [[G-O-D]] he is going to milk this for as much as its worth. Isabelle gives him his map, leads him to town hall (he's disappointed its not a mansion/palace), and introduces herself as his new secretary here to help him be the best mayor he can be etc...
Yeah okay. Goldilocks may look like a golden retriever but Spamton smells a rat. (Poor Isabelle notices his mistrust and doesn't know what she did wrong). Pushing her way through all that Isabelle gives him an overview of his job (calls him, SPAM- SPAMTON G. SPAMTON, a breath of fresh air. He can't decide if its flattery or really passive aggressive ). He then proceeds to have a the-jig-is-up moment as he needs housing to register (and needs registration to be mayor), but then Isabelle follows up with "We can build you a house!" and sends him on his way.
Spamton decidedly does not go to Nook's but does head to main-street in search for [[Luxury penthouse]] dumpsters. 'Build him a house'? HAHAHA, he's here to make money not [[invest in property]]. In no real hurry he can take his time to explore the file he's entered. There is a [whole sale] TOWN in here. Small, barely respectable by Cybercity standards but its... kinda beautiful. For just [[a second of your time!]] he thinks he's in the light world. But he's not. Its not quite the [[burning!!]] image he remembers, but so so close. The bright blue sky, fluffy clouds, green grass. Flowers, Sea shells, trees, etc.. He tries to play it off as a knock-off version that he's not impressed by but can't quite manage.
He ends up running into Nook on Main-street anyways and is told to pick a spot for construction to begin. He is not normally able to be talked over like this (not anymore) but everyone's genuine cheer at making his acquaintance is throwing him off his rhythm. While initially he doesn't want this, about halfway through his attitude becomes, '[[F]]-UCK IT. LETS GET A HOUSE!' When, when not if, shit hits the fan Spamton G. Spamton can run back to Cybercity. While he is doubtful of Isabelle, he Does Not trust Nook at all and in his mind he has two very good reasons.
1). Nook is a businessman/salesman. Spamton knows the type and they (even him) can never be trusted.
2). He does not give Spamton an estimate or bill for the house right away. Spamton is a Salesman[[Scam artist]] of the highest [[-rated 1997!]] caliber. He knows how this works.
The plot is marked, the tent is placed, and for the first time in however many years Spamton is sleeping inside his own place. Isabelle stops by to assure him that the tent is temporary. "BEATS A GODDAMNED GARBAGE CAN!!" Now Isabelle is worried about not doing her job correctly and her new Mayor Mr. Spamton, who seems to have... faced issues in their last residency. But now Isabelle is here and she's gonna do her best to make this town wonderful for everyone! Nothing will go wrong! (This is what folks in the literature business call foreshadowing.)
Spamton is given an ID and loses it just as quickly.
She also gives him a lantern so his tent won't be so dark at night. It's surprisingly thoughtful for some someone who probably wants his [fraudulent] job. [[OF C0URS3 SHE DOES! WHAT KINDA [SLIME] IS [Content Warning!] WITH HER [$4.99 Life] WHEN SHE COULD BE A BIG SHOT!]] Spamton is very aware that he is flying by the seat of his pants in a position Isabelle has, seemingly, shadowed for years.
When he eventually realizes that Isabelle has little ambition beyond being the best assistant she can be, he's going to think she's the biggest sucker he's ever met.
When he eventually realizes that Isabelle's kindness is genuine, he's going to think that she's the best goddamn employee he could ever have.
Now we are going with an unopened 3DS ROM of Animal Crossing: New Leaf and whoever firsts opens that game becomes Mayor. Which is Spamton. Isabelle and the others have never seen a lightner, and they'd use an in-game avatar anyways. A man-shaped being suddenly appears in game; what else can he be but the Mayor? So suddenly Mayor Spamton is introduced to the town, given a job, and given a house all in the span of day.
It is... a lot. He spends the next day scurrying around picking up everything he can fit in his pockets and then some, and tries to scam the Nook brothers by selling them shells he found on the shore. Which is just How the Economy Works so it goes through without a hitch. Hallelujah. Then there are the other villagers. Now unlike the Nook brothers they aren't going to give him [[DELICIS KROMER]] which at first puts Spamton off. His is not a bartering system. Until he realizes that he can give them shells and fruit for Clothes and Furniture so maybe they're OK. Also whenever they ask him if he'd like a nickname, he replies [BIG SHOT!!!], and then they actually call him Big Shot. Maybe not with the exuberance he'd prefer but never mockingly and that's more than [ALL WE DO IS ADVERTISE!!] ever did.
Other fun hijinks and tidbits include:
Using the memo board to post actual spam emails and scams.
Due to skipping the intro train ride Spamton never meets Rover nor names the town. What was it's name? Only Isabelle knows.
Meets Pete the mail man- What a loser! Who wants to be the E-mail guy? (Spamton tries to convince them to do something else with their life; they can't really be happy? Pete is, and of that self assurance Spamton is jealous. They have a complicated relationship).
Once he learns you can get KROMER and [free] furniture from trees he will shake everyone everyday. Wasps? Who minds those little pinches compared to getting free stuff?! (The villagers are concerned and bring him medicine (initially he just sells that also, but later on as he gets more secure he starts to actually use it)).
The villagers also keep giving him living advice- thanks? "Catch bugs with a net!" "[BUgS? WHAT BUGS I D0N"T HAVE BUGS]"
Goes to town hall for "work" bright and early. Just stands there. not knowing what to do. Until Isabelle tells him to sit down in his chair. He really likes the chair. Really disappointed when he learns there is no need for cars or building a [[community-driven]] BIG SHOT AUTOS!!
Goes to Nookling Junction to spy in the sales-man competition. Spamton does not care Timmy and Tommy are kids. Kids are cruel. (They grow on him eventually)
Ignores re-Tail at first, not realizing they are a shop due to the outwards decor. By the time he does notice it he isn't too bothered by a pawn shop. Uses it (trying) to sell random furniture at exorbitant prices.
The villagers just give him gifts sometimes?? Without being a bribe?? Mostly clothing- which while somewhat insulting, is kind of nice to have. He sleeps in a gifted sweater otherwise never changes outfit.
Avoids going back to Nook's to disclose house payments for as long as he can; eventually a villager pushes him back to Nooks. Its 10,000 bells to no longer live in a tent. He has been hoarding bells and can... Actually afford it. Huh. He greatly underestimated the value of bells. He has a house, Isabelle gives him wall paper to decorate and stops by to congratulate him.
Never expands his house again.
Never donates anything to the museum, doesn't even visit until people explain fossils to him and then its just to get them examined so he can sell them for a higher price. Blathers is losing his mind.
Spamton does a public works project and REFUSES to let the villagers get by with their paltry donation. Everyday during the fundraiser every villagers gets mail written by Mayor Spamton telling them to donate to this [AMAZING OPPORTUNITY OR ELSE!!!]. Sometimes they get multiple copies of the letter throughout the day and no one knows how. (Its Minitons)
I may put out a part 2 with Potential Plot and ANGST
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megatownac · 5 years
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Is this as orange as it gets? In the sky, I mean. Obviously I mean in the sky. And the ocean. The ocean is like purple-tinted orange.
If you do a google image search for “purple and orange,” one of the suggestions at the top of the screen is for “wedding,” so I guess lots of folks out there really dig those colors for weddings!
“Purple and burnt orange” were the colors for my parents’ wedding!!!
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jazzeescrossing · 5 years
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What did you wish for when you saw the star? ✨
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comfyjean · 7 years
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vanity-crossing · 7 years
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Hazy Orange Sunsets
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stardust-specks · 4 years
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A remake of my old animal crossing sunset piece 🌙 Etsy - Redbubble
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nintendo-stuff · 5 years
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so peaceful 🍂
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nintendno · 3 years
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in awe of the aurora
2019.12.23 — aurora in the night sky ☆彡
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mayor-cutiecat · 5 years
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...make a wish(y) on a shooting star...
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