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lostcauses-noregrets · 2 months ago
Do you have a fic rec where Levi is the one trying to make Erwin come out of his shell? Like Erwin is the more emotionally reserved one, and Levi’s trying to get to know him more?
Sorry, this ask is from last year. If you're still interested you could try these. They're all very different, and in a couple of them Levi is arguably as much of a disaster as Erwin. They're all excellent though.
Paradise by the Dashboard Light by DrButtons
call it dreaming by theorchidinthecanyon
Final Tour by @ackbang
CODA by @crownlessk-ing
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ahiddenpath · 6 years ago
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I received the most wonderful Christmas/New Year letter and package from my dear @ackbang.  LOOK AT ALL THIS KOUSHIRO AND TEN-CHAN, I COULD CRY, IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
And seriously?!?!?!?!  Koushiro’s 02 CD?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  I can’t believe it, I’m so pumped!  I love everything, haha look at Ten-chan helping with Kou’s bow tie and Kou all splat on the ground, lol!   And Ten-chan with the laptop is so precious!  I’m blown away by your generosity and kindness ;__;  Thank you so much!  I will take very good care of all this lovely Kou treasure.  Kou...sure...o.
Also, the card contains a beautiful message of self love that I think is so important, especially as a lesson for the year ahead.  
Thank you so very much, Ack!
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doomcheese · 7 years ago
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For the lovely @ackbang <3 
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momtaku · 7 years ago
awesome your ask box is open. i just wanted to say i love you and you're beautiful and i think about you a lot.
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ask-commander-eyebrows · 7 years ago
Christmas is coming up. What do you want for Christmas, and why is it small, dense, and ugly?
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I-- It is not ugly at all, don’t be mean. He... I mean it cleans up nicely and makes for wonderful company.
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ladymacbethsspot · 7 years ago
1, 7, 19
1. If you’re an author, how many WIPs do you currently have? (Be honest!)
Actual WIPs with actual words on a page (not outlines)? 6. Uh. 6. Ish. WIPs are my cryptonite, and that’s really low for me.
7. What’s the last thing you read that made you cry? 
Good question, since honestly not much makes me laugh or cry when reading (I am able to recognize that something is funny/sad it’s just much harder for me to manifest a physical response to written words vs. in-person interactions). But, You’re All I need to Know hit me hard last summer, and I haven’t read serious angst since.
19. What’s your favorite character headcanon? 
I’m really into the idea of Levi being anal retentive about cleaning but not in all situations. Like, it’s not as though he’d be grossed out by normal bodily functions or the kind of ‘dirt’ that comes from hard physical work. He may even...enjoy being dirty...under certain...circumstances. He’d just wash off really carefully later.
I’m also pretty on-board for Erwin’s terrible dad jokes.
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florencetheflowerfairy · 7 years ago
@ackbang replied to your post:  i dunno why i never noticed the kenyako parallel. i rather like that. thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome! :)
I think it’s easy to miss because Miyako’s relationships with her siblings are unfortunately not that well developed. I think I would like Ken x Miyako better if Miyako got more screentime in general. As it is, the writing for the two of them feels pretty unbalanced to me...
But I like that parallel too, and I think it’s something interesting that they have in common. I really want them to be better friends after all!
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fig-11 · 7 years ago
Silver & Gold
For @ackbang I am your secret santa!! I was so excited to do something for you and I think I may have gone a little overboard but I hope you enjoy and a very merry christmas to you my dear, dear Ack!
A 2-parter of modern AU angst and fluff, struggling middle-aged-ish eruris.
Read it on AO3
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minxiebutt · 7 years ago
Always Gold: Prom [podfic] follow along on AO3 or the tumblr post
thank you @ackbang for this sweet snippet. i swear, final tour-verse is going to rip me a new one. 
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lostcauses-noregrets · 5 months ago
Since vampires got left out of my previous fic rec, here's some of the best blood-sucking Eruris for Halloween 🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♂️
Thicker Than Water by @ladymacbethsspot This one is fabulous. Read it immediately.
 Two Slow Dancers by @queensmooting
Sanctum by @huxandthehound
Clash by elivra
honey down ivory by kimchiimoon
Ambrosia by birdfriend
These Bloody Nights by @imawarlock
A Curious Man by @ackbang
Amour by baccuroth
Datura by @ellabesmirched
Ache by @kaguneko
Red Shift by @seitsen-sarvi and @35grams
Darker Things by @memosfromchuuya
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ahiddenpath · 7 years ago
Ask Game
I was tagged by my babe @ackbang!  Thanks <33  Personal asks below the cut!
Age:  29
Birthplace: Baltimore
Current time: 8:52 PM
Drink you last had: water
Easiest person to talk to: my husband
Favourite song: This is an impossible question :x
Grossest memory: Just one, seriously?  I guess the most recent is my father complaining to my mom, aunts, and uncles, on the day their mother was buried, about how he had to spend time with his mom. 
Hogwarts house: I’m a Ravenpuff XD  I could easily be sorted into either Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, but I usually feel more Ravenclaw.
In love: Yep, since circa 2003
Jealous of people: In general, not at all, but there is one exception.  I have a female cousin whose parents spoil her, and as someone whose parents, uh... did not do that...  Growing up, I felt the weight in the difference between how we were treated.  These days, I understand that I’m better off; my cousin is handed things and whines about how it isn’t enough, whereas I expect to work hard for what I have.  But it still hurts. 
Killed someone: Can’t... say I have.
Love at first sight or walk by again: Are you kidding me, I had to be peer-pressured into asking out the love of my life because of my utter disconnect from sexuality and flirting.
Middle name: Lauren
Number of siblings: 1
One wish:  I want to own a detached home somewhere private.  In general, I want space and solitude.  I also want to become a novelist.  These two desires might... be related?  XD
Person you called last: Probably my husband.
Question you are asked most: Nothing in particular comes to mind.
Song you last sung: I’m a hobbyist vocalist, so I’m constantly singing; I couldn’t tell you.  But this song has been common in my rotation lately.
Time you woke:  9:00 AM
Underwear colour:  nude
Vacation destination: Our last vacation was Hawaii, and our next will be Japan.
Worst habit: Apologizing constantly, not enough confidence, too independent/private
X-rays: I had a ton of Xrays for my hip dysplasia as an infant/toddler, I broke my foot in two places and sprained my ankle in October last year.
Your favourite food: Pizza, ice cream, kefta, tacos al pastor, chicken dishes, especially chicken noodle soup
Zodiac sign: Sun in Capricorn, moon in Gemini
Uhh hmm I’m having a “don’t want to put anyone on the spot” moment, so please consider yourself tagged if you’d like to do this!
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momtaku · 7 years ago
ackbang replied to your post: Dyson anon here. I am disappoint. You post my...
you have a hate blog? what a beautiful day
I do! Although today it turned into a hate meta blog :/ And also nice people keep sending me nice things because they can't follow directions. But yes! Hate blog! https://momtakusuccs.tumblr.com/tagged/momtakusuccs/chrono
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kittyboo8015 · 7 years ago
Eruri Drabble
For my favorite Dad, @ackbang
I know you didn’t ask for this but I’ve always wanted to write something for you and I felt inspired by your response to an ask about Levi being a chef and Erwin trying to help out and messing up. This is my take on that. I hope you like it and I love you ❤️
Erwin furrowed his brows in concentration as he slowly fed the dough through the pasta maker. He watched in anticipation as the noodles arrived safely and unbroken draped over his awaiting hand. A satisfied smile crossed his face as he carefully lowered the pasta into the boiling water on the stove.
A nervous excitement buzzed in his veins as he stirred the freshly made tomato sauce he had prepared earlier, bubbling at a perfect simmer. Erwin chuckled to himself as he thought back to a point in time when he had never eaten foods that didn’t come from a jar or box with the words ‘easy’ or ‘fast’ on the label.
When he and Levi had first started dating, Erwin had never used any kitchen appliances outside of the fridge and microwave. He had been perfectly content with just popping something in, hitting some buttons and being able to scarf it down in minutes.
That had all changed after a disastrous first attempt at surprising Levi with a homemade dinner. Erwin had felt a bit nervous about cooking a meal for his boyfriend, whom just happened to be a professional chef at a busy restaurant downtown. It had been a match made in heaven as far as Erwin was concerned.
Levi liked to cook and Erwin liked to eat. Not only that but Erwin’s eyes had been opened to the world beyond the realm of TV dinners and instant ramen. Levi made such amazing meals for the both of them even when he was tired from a full day’s work. Erwin appreciated that so much that he had decided that he would give Levi a break and return the favor.
Even though Erwin had no cooking experience other than microwaving from his college days and the instructions he had glanced at on wikihow, he figured it couldn’t be that hard. He had chosen to make spaghetti with tomato sauce since the recipe seemed to be straightforward and was even accompanied by pictures. It also involved very few appliances which was good because Levi’s fancy kitchen was pretty much like the small man’s work persona: pristine and intimidating.
Erwin gathered the tomatoes, onions and garlic that the recipe had called for and placed them on the counter. The next step was to boil the tomatoes and sauté the onion and garlic in some olive oil. After taking another glance at the directions on his phone, he noticed that the estimated cooking time was at least 2 hours from start to finish. Erwin now regretted procrastinating for most of the afternoon. After studying the steps again, he figured he could combine a few and still be done before Levi arrived home from work.
Erwin hacked up some onions and garlic and crammed them into the blender along with some tomatoes.He then set a pot with water on the stove and plopped the noodles in. He put the lid on the blender and flipped the switch. The machine made a small screeching sound and then quieted down to a hum. All seemed well so he decided to text Mike about a meme Hange had sent him earlier that he thought was hilarious.
Moments later all hell had broken loose when the lid from the blender shot off towards the ceiling, the contents inside erupting like a geyser covering the once gleaming stainless steel appliances in a torrent of puréed vegetables. Erwin gaped at the scene before him in amazement that turned into sheer panic. Just when he thought that things couldn’t get any worse, he then heard footsteps approaching before they stopped abruptly and a confused “What..the..Fuck?” sounded from the kitchen entrance.
Erwin sighed and turned to face his boyfriend. Levi’s expression appeared to be somewhere between disbelief and disgust. “I tried to surprise you with dinner and I messed up, I’m sorry Levi.” Erwin replied softly and awaited the wrath that was sure to follow.
Levi remained silent and moved forward into the kitchen. Erwin watched anxiously as Levi surveyed the dripping walls and then plucked uncooked pasta from the pot on the stove. Erwin swallowed nervously when Levi turned his attention back to him.
Levi shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. “You’re lucky I love you, ya know that?” Levi asked.
Erwin gave a solemn nod. “I know.” He murmured apologetically.
Levi then sprang into action. “First we’re going to clean this shit up, then we’re ordering takeout and starting tomorrow I’m teaching you how to cook.” Levi ordered as he handed Erwin a bucket and sponge.
“Thank you Levi, I appreciate it.” Erwin murmured apologetically.
Levi sighed.”I’m just glad that you didn’t hurt yourself, idiot. I still love you.” He replied as he swatted Erwin’s ass as he moved past him to get started.
Levi kept true to his promise and taught Erwin how to cook as they prepared dinner together on the weekends. Erwin enjoyed watching Levi move around the kitchen with the grace of an experienced dancer while Erwin was more like a lame horse. He cherished those lessons because not only did he learn how to cook, he felt that his bond with Levi grew even stronger.
Levi never did forget the dinner disaster but thankfully the only time it ever came up was at social gatherings among friends when Levi overindulged in cocktails which happened pretty rarely. As soon as Erwin heard the words; “Hey Erwin, remember the time you surprised me by making dinner?” He would excuse himself from the room with a groan.
The timer on the oven chimed loudly bringing Erwin back from his memories and into the present. He grabbed some oven mitts and removed the garlic bread from the oven and placed it in the bread basket to cool. He then proceeded to set the table and plated the food knowing that Levi would arrive home at any moment. The only mishap was a small sauce stain on the tablecloth but it was easily remedied by a strategically placed candle holder.
Levi arrived on time as usual and Erwin had met him at the door. “Well I didn’t see any ambulances or fire trucks outside so I’m guessing everything went ok?”Levi asked trying to hide a smile.
Erwin pouted. “Thanks for the vote of confidence darling.” Erwin sulked.
“I’m kidding, you sap.” Levi replied as he walked into the dining room.
Dinner went perfectly much to Erwin’s relief. Levi actually finished his plate and Erwin beamed with pride at the silent compliment. Levi was not one to feign satisfaction and Erwin loved him for that.
Finally Levi leaned forward and looked Erwin in the eyes. “Hey, do you remember that time-“
Erwin groaned. “Really, Levi?” He interrupted growing irritated.
Levi held up one finger. “ I wasn’t finished, don’t be rude.” He chided. “Remember That time you made that fucking amazing dinner and I let you eat your favorite dessert in bed?”
A crooked grin crossed Erwin’s face when Levi grabbed the strawberries and whipped cream from the refrigerator. “I can’t say I do.” Erwin said huskily.
“Well, get naked and meet me in the bedroom and I’ll make sure you’ll never forget.” Levi purred as he walked past.
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absolute-eruri-trash · 7 years ago
18, 35, 53, 56, 80!!
18. The last time you felt broken?Shortly before I came to Edinburgh. I had about 10 exams in 2 ½ weeks, a long scientific essay to write, I had a big fight with my best friend, I couldn’t find accomodation in Edinburgh…. Especially the essay made me feel like complete shit, I couldn’t motivate myself to write it at all, I felt stupid because I couldn’t do it…I felt like I couldn’t do it anymore, I felt like I wanted to die so I just wouldn’t have to deal with anything anymore. And with that I scared my girlfriend and made her unhappy…But I got over it. I had to deal with a lot of my fears during that time. I had to do some stuff that I had never done before, had to talk to a lot of people. But it all worked out. I’m just so thankful for my girlfriend and my family that are always there for me and always support me when I need help. Also @shippingeruri helped me so much with the essay and with motivating myself! I’m very happy it’s over now, and I’m feeling so much better.
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Yes. Sometimes, when I take notes in uni.
53. Is Christmas stressful?No. My family is very relaxed when it comes to christmas. I usually buy presents in advance. My mother usually works on Christmas. My father, my brother and I would just relax, maybe watch a movie, maybe I would met my girlfriend (who was still my best friend until this year). Then in the evening, when my mother comes from work, my grandmother would join us all for a nice raclette. And then it’s present time. Then probably another movie haha Everything is very relaxed~ 
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? All very standard. Singer, vet, working in a zoo…. As a teenager I wanted to be a psychologist for the longest time hahaha
80. Hot tea or cold tea?I don’t like hot beverages too much, but tea is probably the hot beverage I like the most, especially nice black tea. I do like really sweet and sugar iced tea, too, though.
Make me admit stuff~
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lesbian-kyoru · 7 years ago
Always Gold: Perfection
Levi changed the calendar in the kitchen five times before they sleep together again.
Each week had dragged on, and Levi would come every weekend. Some would be easier than others. Some would be hard. Some he left without even saying good bye, leaving Erwin with the “trash” pile that somehow made its way to the “keep” pile.
They grieved together. Recanted stories about boy scouts, trips to the lake, and the couple of times they went to Philly. They talked about the time they ate so many Warheads that they couldn’t taste dinner that night, and the time when Vince caught them in the backyard trying to light firecrackers.
Each box brought on a different kind of emotion. Happy, sad, pleasant, comfortable, distressing. Erwin took Levi’s hand when he went through an old photo album, told him stories about his mother, smiled just like she did, a smile that Levi kissed.
Erwin touched his face, held his face, kissed him back like they never missed a day. His heart beat, fast. The boxes were gone. Levi was here. He got lost in him all over again.
They laid together, hot and pearled with sweat. He said it with a caution but meant it with every atom that composed him. “You’re perfect,” Erwin said quietly. The darkness of the room smoothed out pores, darkened Levi’s angles, set his eyes deeper, his lashes longer. Erwin focused on his own breathing, his heartbeat, and the world felt so overwhelming in Levi’s presence.
Levi’s eyebrows bowed, creating creases along his forehead, navy blue impressions like ocean waves. “Nobody’s perfect.”
Erwin shook his head, his teeth clenching. He felt stupid, because of course he knew that. Nobody is perfect–besides God, or so he had been taught so long ago. People are inherently imperfect, but not Levi. “I know that.”
Levi relaxed, his hands aimlessly, softly, tenderly running up the bare skin of Erwin’s sides. “Good.”
But the feeling was still there, and another word couldn’t quite express what he was feeling. Erwin leaned down, kissed his cheek, down his neck, along his collarbone. “But you are.”
“Erwin,” Levi squirmed slightly under him, craning his neck back to accept more of Erwin’s touch.
“To me,” Erwin said between kisses. “For me.” 
“Stop it.”
Levi got angry too easily–somebody clogging an aisle at a grocery store, the dish in the sink when the dishwasher was empty. Levi wasn’t traditionally attractive–scarred, short, a bit hairy in unsightly places. He had bad habits–smoked too much, slept too little. He was annoyingly ignorant to text messages. He woke up too early, and demanded others did as well. And he always, consistently, pestered Erwin too much about his eating habits.
But Erwin didn’t want to be with anybody else. Levi was his other half, the piece that even after all they had been through, was what made him feel the most complete. They’d done well. Levi was doing well. He said Erwin was too. And Levi was–without a doubt, despite everything he had learned, regardless of the things he should be thinking and saying–perfect.
“I love you.” Erwin said, his lips staying at the center of Levi’s palm. He sat on his knees, naked and towering over Levi. He pressed his cheek to his hand and closed his eyes.
Levi leaned up on his other arm. His eyes were dark, pupiless in the night, but the darkness smoothed all the edges and removed all the imperfections. Erwin saw love reflecting back at him, a smile like a crescent. “I love you too.”
Levi had stayed several nights within those five months, but that night he spent it within Erwin’s arms, smile pressed against his chest. He didn’t protest when Erwin said it again, instead burying deeper into his chest and sighing into a comfortable slumber.
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valisi-clark · 7 years ago
@ackbang Commissioned me and basically gave me artistic freedom. This is the first thing I wrote for her. 
This happens in the same Universe as a larger work that I’ve written called Smack. If you haven’t read Smack, the only part you need to know of the story is the Reincarnation mechanism. When a character makes eye contact with the person they thought of last when they died, all of their memories of their life within the SNK universe are restored.
Ymir and Historia find each other again. 
Read it here on Tumblr or on AO3. 
Helen and Yatima
Helen didn’t do a lot of exciting things as a teenager. Not the way that Juliana and Madison had. Granted, Juliana and Madison had known each other since grade school. They had a lot of time to scheme together. Helen liked them. She didn’t feel like the third wheel despite them being so close. And they were the first ones to show any interest in her on campus after she moved to London.
She knew that her parents wouldn’t want her to go to the party. But she was already dressed, caked in makeup, and in the cab with Juliana and Madison.
“You get quiet when you’re excited,” Madison said. Helen looked at her. Madison had really vibrant green eyes with highlighted hair. And pretty, tan skin. As much as Helen denied it to herself, she was extremely attracted to her. “Judah is going to be there.” Helen stopped herself from cringing, and she smiled instead. She felt herself blush, not from embarrassment, but from shame. Helen wrapped her arms around herself.
“Cold?” Juliana asked. Helen shook her head. She didn’t know when she was going to admit it to them. If she told them she was a lesbian, they might abandon her. That had happened in high school, back in Arizona. University was supposed to be different. London was vastly different. But she couldn’t be sure. “Callen says they’re already there,” Juliana said, giving her mobile phone back to Helen. Helen put it in one of the deep pockets of her cargo pants.
She wanted to wear the black cargo pants because they were her favorite. She thought Madison would rip them out of her hands when she pulled them out of her dresser. But Juliana made a compromise for them, as always. That’s how Helen ended up in white crop top and a lot of punk makeup. She wrapped her arms back around herself once the phone was safe in one of her many pockets.
“Do these pants really look that bad?” she asked.
“Not with the top and boots. No one is going to be looking at your pants,” Juliana said.
“I am,” Madison said. Juliana gave Madison a side-eye. Juliana’s blue eyes were familiar to Helen somehow. Along with her thick blonde eyebrows. Madison scoffed.
“We’re almost there,” Juliana said. She looked at Helen. “Callen brought some candy. If you don’t want any, don’t take any. If Judah gives you a hard time about it, let me know.”
“I can take care of myself,” Helen said.
“I know,” Juliana said, with a smirk. Helen winced.
Lately, Helen had been struggling with the idea of why she was attracted to Madison and Juliana. Their values were separate from hers. Neither of them made excellent grades, and they never asked Helen to help them even though she was making all As without much effort. But they seemed familiar.
Juliana’s personality had a type of bite. Madison was… physically attractive. She was also outwardly hateful, but extremely kind and patient for people that she decided to love. Paired together, they were the most aggressive women that Helen had ever met.
They always sat her between the two of them. Madison leaned closer to Helen because she still had her arms wrapped around herself tightly. Helen leaned into her.
The cab stopped, and Helen didn’t want to leave the warm car. But she didn’t feel like she had the right to complain, considering that she was in boots, and Juliana and Madison were wearing spike heels. They walked in heels like they were born in them.
Juliana exited the vehicle, pulling Helen with her, and Helen pulled Madison. When Juliana’s feet hit the street, she started moving. Helen looked around for the club, and she didn’t see a line. Typically, there was a line for a popular club.
Madison practically pushed Helen forward while they walked. They were both so much taller that Helen was almost running, but Madison helped her keep pace. When she realized they were going into an alley, the excitement morphed into anxiety. Her insides melted a little, making her feel like she needed to urgently pee. But she trusted Juliana. Helen had seen Juliana assault a grown man for attempting to steal Madison’s Prada purse once. It was terrifying. They didn’t even call the police.
Helen felt safe between the two of them.
She realized that’s why she went with them. She wanted to be brave.
A group of people were waiting for them at the end of the alley, and Helen saw the tips of cigarettes lighting in the dark. One of the shapes was Judah. She only recognized him because he stood up straighter. Judah always did that when she was near.
At the end of the alley, Juliana broke away and hugged Callen. Kyle, Taylor, and Bobby stayed in place. Judah instantly moved to Helen, and she stepped back a bit. His height was intimidating, and Madison put her shoulder between Helen and Judah.
“Hey, babe,” Madison said, forcibly pulling Judah into a hug. Judah hugged her back, and Helen saw him smile in the dim light.
“Evenin’, love,” he said, patting Madison’s back.
“Madison,” Juliana said. Madison pulled away and went over to Juliana. She grabbed Helen’s hand along the way and dragged her along. Helen followed, looked at Judah over her shoulder, and he smiled at her again. He was a good person. Judah was really kind. But Helen wasn’t interested. Juliana and Madison didn’t want her to be alone with him, and she didn’t know why.
Madison passed Helen off to Juliana, and Juliana wrapped her arm around Helen’s shoulders, sniffing. Callen held up a short straw and compact mirror. There was white residue on the glass, and there was still a line for Madison. Madison took the straw, and Helen watched her snort it before rubbing her nose. She licked the extra coke from her fingers when some of it came back from her nose.
“Do you want some?” Juliana asked. Her breath was hot on Helen’s neck, and Helen’s mouth watered. Helen wanted to try it. When Madison looked at her, Helen saw that Madison’s eyes were watering.
“Maybe later,” Helen said. Juliana kissed Helen’s temple and sniffed.
“Can we go?” Callen asked, closing the compact and stashing it away with the straw in his jacket pocket. Juliana nodded.
Callen didn’t wait any longer before he turned and started walking. Juliana kept her arm around Helen. And she leaned in close to Helen’s ear again while they walked.
“When we get in here, we’re probably going to lose you at some point,” Juliana said. “Callen said that he talked to Judah, but that doesn’t mean much. You’ve got my mobile. You have your mobile. You’ve got Madison’s. If he does anything, call Callen. Scream your location-”
“Why?” Helen asked quietly.
“He’s not in school anymore for a reason,” Juliana said. “We need him for now.” Helen nodded. That’s all she wanted to know. And if Juliana and Madison didn’t like Judah, Helen didn’t imagine she would like him either. She kind of wanted to know why they needed Judah. He was a resource for something, but she couldn’t imagine what he had that Juliana or Madison could want. It didn’t make much sense to her.
Callen took a left into a smaller alley, and Madison reached over, grabbed Helen’s hand. Helen squeezed it. It always seemed like Madison could read her mind. And Helen wondered, one more time, what she had done to deserve people who cared for her so much.
Callen came to an abrupt stop, and Helen almost walked into his back. Callen knocked on the door in a rhythm, and ten seconds later, the door opened. He had to duck to pass through the door, and Juliana and Madison ducked as well. Helen looked up at the door frame. It was rather short, but she passed it without a problem.
The music started pumping in her chest. And she smelled the cigarettes. Helen had taken some allergy medicine earlier, and she was glad that Madison suggested it. When they turned right down the narrow hallway, Helen saw the lights flashing at the end of the hall. Rainbow colors.
She didn’t know it was a rave.
Madison let go of her hand, and Juliana took her arm away. Helen wanted to cling to them, but she stopped herself from reaching out. She wanted this. At least, she wanted to pretend like she wasn’t afraid of a private night club. Or a rave, whichever it was. She liked the music in her chest. She liked the lights. Helen swallowed, and when they turned the final corner, she saw the large room.
People were packed together, moving like one force together. The lights were fast. There was a live DJ at the back of the room, and there was a cloud of smoke pressing against the ceiling. The smell of marijuana hit her first. Cigarettes again. Beer. Helen felt a hand against her lower back, and when she looked up, she saw it was Bobby.
Helen couldn’t hear him, but she thought he said something about dancing. She smiled and followed him into the crowd. Bobby was sweet. Reserved even, and it surprised Helen that he touched her at all. He had barely spoken to her since she had met him. Bobby pulled her into the crowd, held her close enough to keep her with him, and they found a place that had opened up.
The music took over, and Helen kept her eyes on Bobby. He was doing the generic boy dance, moving his hips. Sex movements, really. But Bobby probably didn’t know much else. Helen moved with him, away from him, back to him. She let the beat move her limbs, and another man approached her. When she turned to look at Bobby, he had moved on to another woman, and Helen pulled the new man close. The man had brown and blond hair. The highlights looked natural though, and his light-brown eyes had a vicious look. But Helen wasn’t afraid of him. He had a joint in his mouth, but he passed it to someone else before he put his hands on her hips. Helen pushed her hands through her hair, and the guy smiled at her. In the middle of the next song, the guy moved on to another girl. And Helen watched him move away.
She waited for someone else, and no one else came. Helen danced anyway. The music was her partner, and it was really all she wanted. When she felt hands on her bare sides, Helen turned around, and Judah smiled down at her. His black hair was already soaked, and she wondered if he had wet it in the sink of the bathroom. Maybe he had sweated that much.
Judah pulled her close, too quickly, too hard. Helen winced, and she moved as little as possible. She was still dancing in a way. Not as free. Judah’s hands moved from her ribs to her hips, and Helen felt her mouth dry out.
Helen reached out and pushed against Judah. He pressed his fingertips into her hips so hard that it hurt, and Helen started fighting against him. Judah wrapped his arms around her biceps, taking away most of her strength, and all she had left were her hands. Helen couldn’t think of anything decent to do, and she reached up to his chest, pinched both of his nipples with her nails and twisted as hard as she could.
Judah let go, and then he pushed her so hard that she fell back. As she was falling to the floor, she heard him yelling. Not in pain. But anger.
Arms caught her. Helen was pulled up by her sides. Her feet were scrambling for purchase. The pair of  hands were soft against her bare skin. When she was upright again, she saw Bobby and another man pushing against Judah. Pushing him away from her. Even in all of the flashing lights, Helen saw how red Judah’s face was. Almost purple.
Helen turned to see who was still holding her upright, and in the flashing lights, she couldn’t see the color of the woman’s eyes. But she saw the woman’s eyes widen. She saw the freckles. Tan skin. The dark hair.
“Historia,” Ymir mouthed. Historia felt her eyes burning when she stopped blinking, and her mouth opened. No sound came out. She had no words prepared.
She saw Ymir, the soldier. Heard Ymir’s voice in her mind. Saw Ymir the Titan. Felt Ymir’s hands on her. Felt herself being wrapped up in a Titan’s hand, gently petted with a single, giant finger. Carried away so fast that the wind burned her face.
Historia lifted her feet from the floor, and Ymir was already lifting her. Historia wrapped her legs around Ymir’s waist, and she felt Ymir moving, pushing them through the crowd. Their mouths met, and Historia gasped against Ymir’s mouth. She tasted the same. They only had one kiss ever, and Historia still remembered the taste.
She felt Ymir’s tongue in her mouth, and Historia met it, as best as she could. Dying from being deprived for years. Starving for more of Ymir’s taste.
Historia didn’t know where they were going, but Ymir was moving faster. Historia felt a wall against her back. It moved. It was a swinging door. The music was quieter. There were voices. One more door, which slammed behind them, the sound of metal on metal.
Other female voices exclaimed, and Historia pulled her mouth away. She opened her eyes. They were in a corner bathroom stall. The women in the bathroom were cheering them on. Historia looked at Ymir’s eyes, and the tears glistening on Ymir’s bottom eyelids made Historia remember. She remembered everything.
Historia pulled her legs away, put her feet on the floor, and reared back with both hands.
“You fucking left me!” she screamed in their first language. Ymir caught both of her wrists, twisted her, and pushed her back against the cinderblock wall of the stall. The old, abused paint felt tacky against Historia’s bare skin.
“I’m sorry,” Ymir said in her ear. Historia almost cried when she heard the words. She had been waiting to hear that language all of her life. Ymir pressed kisses against Historia’s neck, moving down, pressing her tongue to Historia’s skin. “I’m sorry, Historia. I’m so sorry.”
“You left me, Ymir,” Historia pressed against Ymir’s hands. Her wrists only came away from the wall for a moment. Ymir pinned her with her entire body. Then, she leaned back, and Historia watched Ymir’s mouth tremble.
“I had to,” she said, loud enough to be heard, not loud enough to be defensive. And the few tears that fell made the skin of her face darker. “I had to leave you, Historia. Or they would have come back for you.”
“You were supposed to live for yourself!”
“I did! I lived for myself! I made the decision that I wanted to make!” Ymir yelled. Yelling in their language was so much harsher than English. Historia pushed harder. She pushed with her whole body. But Ymir had always been stronger. She was still stronger.
“You said you wanted to marry me!”
“I do!” Ymir said. Historia stopped moving, stared at Ymir’s face. “I do want to marry you!” Ymir squeezed harder. Historia saw Ymir’s eyes scan her. “I do,” Ymir repeated. Ymir’s eyes met Historia’s again. “If you hadn’t been a fucking royal, I could have stayed. But if going back to Marley to give them the Titan form would have delayed the war at all, even a few months, I wanted to do it.” Ymir swallowed so heavily that Historia saw her throat move. She wanted to put her mouth there. She wanted to taste Ymir’s skin.
Historia leaned up, and Ymir helped by leaning down. Historia couldn’t hear anymore. She opened her mouth and bit Ymir’s bottom lip. Ymir pressed her knee between Historia’s legs, and Historia grinded against it. Ymir let go of her wrists, framed her face with her hands, and Historia grabbed Ymir’s shirt in her fists, pulling tight.
Without thinking much about it, Historia started pulling at Ymir’s black tank top. And Ymir let her. Historia pulled Ymir’s shirt off, breaking the kiss for only a second, and she dropped it to the dirty floor. Then, she was pulling at Ymir’s sports bra, had it off in seconds. While Ymir was dropping her bra, Historia yanked off her white crop top, dropped it, tried to get her bra off. But Ymir was faster, and  Historia felt Ymir’s lips, her tongue through the lace of her bra. Historia gasped first, bit her bottom lip, trying to be quiet. Ymir sucked her nipple through the lace, pressed her teeth gently against the nub, and Historia whimpered, started trembling.
Historia felt a vibration against her leg. It was her phone, but she couldn’t stop Ymir.
When Ymir licked a stripe up her chest and neck, Historia closed her eyes tightly. Ymir’s mouth was on hers again. Historia whined into Ymir’s mouth, and the cinderblock wall scratched against her bare back.
Ymir grabbed Historia’s ass, lifted her up, tired of leaning down, and Historia’s hands went to Ymir’s breasts. As soon as she squeezed, Ymir broke the kiss with a gasp. And Ymir tilted her head to put her mouth to Historia’s neck. Historia opened her eyes, stared at the filthy ceiling while Ymir marked her neck. She pinched Ymir’s nipples, lightly twisted, and Ymir practically thrusted against her, squeezing her ass harder.
Another vibration against Historia’s leg. From a different phone.
But then Ymir’s hands began moving from her ass, to her hips, between her legs. Historia felt Ymir pulling at the buttons of her pants.
Historia didn’t care they were in a dirty club bathroom. She had dreamed of Ymir’s hands on her. Dreamed of Ymir’s mouth on her, in their first life, in this one. She had dreamed of a woman with freckles and dark hair. Even if she had never seen Ymir’s eyes, she had dreamed of her. Sleeping in the same bed. Eating breakfast. Kissing at night in a cold room.
“Helen!” Madison yelled. Historia opened her eyes.
“Shit,” Historia said. Ymir pulled back and looked at Historia’s eyes. “That’s me,” she said. “I’m here!” she yelled. Ymir squinted at her, looked at the closed stall door.
“You’re in there?” Juliana called, louder and more commanding than Madison. “We were calling you, dumb cunt!” Ymir let go of Historia and moved towards the door, but Historia grabbed her and held on.
“Stop,” Historia told her. “I scared them.”
“I don’t give a damn,” Ymir said, still using their first language.
“Who’s in there with you?” Madison asked.
“A friend,” Historia said.
“Your friend dropped her bra,” Madison said. Historia looked down, and she saw Madison’s shadow close to the floor. Madison was looking under the door.
“I’ll be out in a minute,” Historia said.
“Come out now,” Juliana said.
“No,” Historia said. She pulled Ymir closer. Ymir was gritting her teeth, and her eyes were trained on the door. All of her muscles were tense.
“You have our phones,” Juliana said. Historia let go of Ymir. She took both Julian and Madison’s phones out of her pockets and passed them to the women on the other side of the door.
“I’ll be out in a minute,” Historia said. “You can wait or not wait. I don’t care.” While she was close to the floor, Historia grabbed her top and pulled it back on. She looked back up at Ymir, who was staring at her, confused. “Are you coming?” Ymir’s eyes scanned her.
“I’m here with someone,” Ymir said, in English. It was the first time Ymir had spoken in English, and she had a slight English accent. It wasn’t ask thick as Juliana or Madison’s accents. Historia’s eyebrows pulled together, and she frowned.
“Then, dump her.” Historia insisted on using their first language.
Ymir hesitated, her mouth opening, no sound. Historia reached out, wrapped her arm around Ymir and pulled her close.
“Come home with me,” Historia said, leaning down, mouthing at Ymir’s freckled chest.
“I- ah.”
“Ymir,” Historia kissed her neck before looking up at her. Ymir looked down at her, and Historia saw the worry in her eyes. “Get dressed and come home with me.”
“I live with her,” Ymir said. She was using English. She was pulling away.
“I’ll replace whatever you have,” Historia said, using English too. “I swear. You can live with me.” Ymir shook her head.
“I asked her to marry me yesterday.” Historia’s eyes widened. Ymir closed her eyes, tightly, then opened them and rolled them.
“Hey,” Historia said. Ymir shook her head and turned around to grab her bra and shirt. “Ymir!” Ymir pulled her bra and shirt back on. She reached past to unlock the door, but Historia grabbed her wrist. “Hey!” Ymir pulled her wrist away.
“Give me one night,” Historia said. She grabbed Ymir��s shirt. “Just one night. If you have to marry her, fine. One night. The wedding night we never had.” Ymir pushed Historia’s hair back away from her face.
“I need some time,” Ymir said. Historia felt the tingling, the burning in her eyes. The look in Ymir’s dark gray eyes gave Historia a twisted feeling in her chest. Heartbreak was such a stingy, hollow feeling.
But she nodded. She let go of Ymir’s wrist and reached down into her pocket. She pulled out her cellphone and gave it to Ymir. Ymir put her number in the phone, and then she kissed Historia, hard and fast, holding her in place by her hair. Historia almost lost her balance, and she took a moment to recover once Ymir pulled away.  
Then, Ymir pushed her out of the way and let herself out of the stall. Historia watched her go, and she saw Juliana and Madison leaning against the sinks, waiting.
Juliana and Ymir stared each other down for a moment long enough that Historia worried about both of them. But Ymir left the restroom, and Juliana and Madison started walking towards the stall. Historia put her back to the wall, close to the door so they couldn’t block her inside. They shut the door behind themselves and locked it. With the toilet in the way, it was a tight fit.  
“You okay?” Madison asked, reaching out for a hug. Historia pushed Madison’s hands away. She stared at the name in her phone.
“Did Judah hurt you?” Juliana asked. “Did that girl hurt you?”
“No,” Historia said, shaking her head. “Judah didn’t hurt me. And Ymir wouldn’t. She had to go.”
“What kind of name is that?” Madison asked. Historia shrugged. She turned off her phone screen and put the phone in her pocket.
“I’m ready to go home,” she said. “Are you two staying?”
“We’re staying,” Juliana said. “What’s your problem, Helen?”
“I love her,” Historia said, looking up at Juliana. Juliana raised her eyebrows. “I’m in love with her.”
“I didn’t know you were lesbian,” Madison said.
“Yeah,” she said before looked at the floor again.
“What’s wrong?” Juliana asked, cutting to the issue. She never minced words. Historia shook her head. “You’ve known her a long time?”
“I haven’t seen her in a long time,” Historia said. “She’s with someone else.” Madison reached out one more time, and Historia glared at her. Madison looked hurt and let her hand drop.
“You’re going home?” Juliana asked. Historia nodded. “Bobby can escort you home. He’s been waiting to see if you’re okay.”
“I don’t need an escort,” Historia said, reaching over to the lock. She unlocked the door and pressed, watching the door swing open.  
“Don’t be stupid just because you can’t have her right now,” Juliana said. Historia turned and looked at her. She knew why she liked Juliana and Madison. They were like Ymir in a way. Clinging to her. Protecting her, even when they didn’t have to.
Historia unlocked the door and let herself out of the stall. Juliana and Madison followed her. Outside the women’s restroom, the music picked up to the previous volume, and Historia looked for Ymir even though she knew that she wouldn’t be there. Bobby was waiting for her, and Historia linked her arm with his.
“I want to go home,” she told him. Bobby led her away from the hallway where the restrooms were, through the disco, and over to the entry hallway. Historia looked for Ymir the whole time they were moving, but she knew that she wouldn’t find her.
Bobby hailed the cab for them, and he rode with her back to her flat. While they were in the cab, Historia texted Ymir a crown emoji. That way she would know who it was without any details. If her fiancée saw the message, Ymir could claim she had no idea who it was. But Ymir would know.
At her flat, Bobby even walked her to the door.
“I’m sorry,” he said, while Historia was unlocking the door. She looked up at him.
“I was with you at first, and I left,” Bobby said. Bobby shrugged in his leather jacket. Historia smiled up at him, put a hand on his bicep and squeezed.
“You’re a good friend, Bobby,” she said.
“You’re too good for us, Helen,” he said. Historia frowned. “We should have run off Judah a while back, but his brother gives us a discount on blow.” Historia shook her head. “He doesn’t know when to stop.”
“I’m going to decide who I want to be around,” she said. “I’ll see you later. Thank you for coming back with me.” Historia smiled at him and opened the door to her flat. Bobby stood there, watching her, and she guessed that he didn’t leave until he heard the door lock.
Historia threw her crop top in the hamper along with her cargo pants. She threw her boots under the bed, and she went to the mirror. When she looked at her self, she saw the wet spot on her bra. The one that Ymir had made with her mouth.
Two days later, Historia was studying for finals. She didn’t have to study much, but she liked to refresh herself before a test. For a while, she had been considering changing her major, but she wasn’t sure anymore. Biomedical engineering still had a lot of appeal to her, but politics were suddenly more interesting than before.
More interesting was an understatement. She hardly ever looked at the news before. Since Ymir, she was checking the news twice a day.
Juliana and Madison had both texted her to ask if she wanted to hang out, and she told both of them that she was studying for finals. They asked to study together, and she said that she had plans with a different study group. She wanted to see them again, but she needed some time. Historia needed time to think of her first life, as a soldier desperate to be a hero. Then as queen. And now. How all of it contributed to who she was as a person and who she wanted to be this time.
Her phone buzzed against the desk, and Historia picked it up. Ymir.
Ymir: Send me your address
Historia typed out the address and sent it.
Historia: How long will it take for you to get here?
Ymir: Give me a couple of hours.
Historia closed her laptop and ran from her desk to the bathroom. She threw off her tshirt and panties and hopped in the shower with a shower-cap on. She had washed her hair the night before, and she didn’t really need to shower again. But she wanted to.
After her shower, she tossed the shower-cap, dried off, brushed her hair. And she went to her closet and put on her favorite green sundress. The color of the dress reminded her of the capes they wore back then. She opted for no bra and no panties. If she had to shamelessly seduce Ymir, she would. Ymir hadn’t said if they were just going to talk or have their one and only honeymoon. Maybe Ymir was moving in with her. Historia wanted to prepare for any option. And fight for the one she wanted most.
Historia sat down on the bed to paint her toenails with some clear polish. While she was painting her toes, she thought of what she was doing. Yes, she wanted Ymir. She wanted her forever. But Historia stopped painting, put the brush back into the bottle, screwed on the cap, and let the bottle drop to the bed.
She shouldn’t try to ruin Ymir’s relationship with her fiancée. She knew that wasn’t fair. Historia frowned, pushing at the nail polish bottle with her index finger. She wanted Ymir to be happy. More than anything, she wanted Ymir to be happy with her. But if Ymir had already promised someone that she would marry them, then… Historia didn’t want to take that from Ymir.
Carefully, Historia picked up the nail polish bottle and painted the rest of her toes with purpose. With every stroke of the brush, she promised herself that she wouldn’t ruin Ymir’s life. She wouldn’t take away Ymir’s wedding. She would do the right thing.
After she painted her nails, she had some time to watch TV before Ymir came by. She watched Criminal Minds. Not because she wanted to. The show was too intense for her. But she wanted to depress herself a little. She didn’t want to jump into Ymir’s arms as soon as Ymir walked in the door.
Well, she did. But she shouldn’t. She decided that she wouldn’t.
When the sun began setting, Historia considered texting Ymir. But that seemed like a lot. Ymir was ony an hour late. And her mother texted her then anyway.
Mommy: I love you, darling. You’re going to do great on your finals!
Helen: Thank you, Mom. I love you.
Historia loved her mother. She wanted to tell her that she had found the love of her life. But then again, her mother didn’t know she was gay. Historia wasn’t sure she wanted to tell her when she wasn’t even in the same country. She didn’t even think her mother would care very much, as long as grandchildren were still an option. Her dad wouldn’t mind either way.
The knock on her door made Historia jump. She dropped her phone on the couch, had to stop herself from running to the door. She walked, reasonably. Checked the peep-hole. Ymir.
Historia unlocked the door, and Ymir looked her up and down.
“Hey,” Historia said. Ymir was wearing jeans and a red tshirt. Her hair was pulled back like it had been in their first life. “Come in.” Historia stepped back, and Ymir tore her eyes away before she walked in the door. Historia felt her heart sink into her chest when she saw Ymir didn’t have anything with her. No luggage. Or possessions. Historia closed the door and didn’t bother locking it. She wasn’t sure how long Ymir would be with her.
When she looked back to Ymir, she saw Ymir’s eyes were wide, and her eyebrows were raised. Historia looked down at herself, not sure what Ymir was seeing. She had chosen not to wear a bra or panties, but she didn’t think Ymir cared. They had seen more of each other in their Cadet days. She looked back at Ymir, and Ymir was red, almost as red as her shirt.
“Can I have some water?” Ymir asked in English. Historia noticed her British accent was thicker that time.
“Yeah, sure,” she said. “Sorry. I should have offered.” Historia walked past Ymir to her tiny kitchenette and poured some water for Ymir. She gave Ymir the glass, and Ymir drank it all. Then, she put the glass down. Ymir cleared her throat.
“I talked to Gia-”
“Is that your future wife?” Historia asked, trying to be polite. And she hoped that she sounded sincere. Ymir nodded.
“What did you tell her?”
“Everything,” Ymir said, looking at Historia. “She believed parts of it.”
“What parts?”
“The past lives bit. And she-” Ymir cleared her throat, her eyes looking Historia over again. “She believed the part about what we did in the toilets last night. But she didn’t like it.” Historia looked down at her toes and wiggled them.
“I’m sorry.”
“Gia can’t afford the flat on her own,” Ymir said. Historia nodded. “Umm.” Ymir glanced at her and then looked away.
“I’ve been thinking,” Historia said. Ymir looked at her. That severe look that Historia missed so much. “It was wrong for me to ask you to give her up.” Ymir’s eyebrows pinched together. “I shouldn’t have done that, and I want you to live for yourself. Like we promised. It counts this time too.”
“I’m sorry, Ymir,” Historia said. “I shouldn’t have asked that. And I know you can’t drop everything for me.”
“I can-”
“I don’t want you to-”
“I can’t fucking think when you’re wearing that thing!” Ymir yelled. Historia raised her eyebrows, leaning back. Ymir stepped towards her, and Historia was frozen to the spot.
When she felt Ymir’s hands in her hair, she trembled, and she felt Ymir’s breath on her mouth before the kiss. Historia leaned into it. Tasted Ymir’s mouth, which was fresh from toothpaste or mouthwash. And the kiss was much gentler than what they had done to each other in the restroom before. It was like their first kiss, with Ymir’s hands in her hair.
Historia opened her eyes, and pulled away, feeling Ymir’s fingers tug through her hair as she moved. With a gasp, Historia tried to set herself right.
“Stop, Ymir.”
“No,” Ymir said, shaking her head, moving forward.
“Think of Gia-”
“I talked to her-”
“But what did she say?”
“She said if her queen came back she would drop me like a sack of sand,” Ymir said, moving forward. “And she meant it.”
Historia opened her mouth to say something else, and Ymir pushed her against the only counter space in the kitchen, lifting her up, setting her on the counter, slipping between her legs. Ymir’s hands slipped under the skirt of her dress, and Historia titled her head back to rest it against the wall. Ymir’s mouth was on her neck then, and Ymir’s fingertips were on her inner thighs.
With a few light touches, Ymir’s fingertips made their way to Historia’s hips, and Ymir hissed against Historia’s neck when she felt the bare skin instead of panties. Ymir broke contact with her fingers for a moment, like she had been burned, and Historia wrapped her arms around Ymir’s shoulders, keeping her in place. She pulled the tie from Ymir’s hair, slipped her fingers into the dark, thick locks. Ymir nuzzled against the skin of her neck.
“I wanted to wait until we’re married,” Ymir said. Her fingertips began ghosting against Historia’s skin again, and Historia pushed her hips forward, trying to get more contact. She was aching to be touched, probably staining the bit of her dress that was under her ass.
“We can wait,” Historia promised, despite the fact that she was trembling and burning up. Ymir pushed her hands farther up Historia’s dress again, grabbed both of her hips, pulled her further to the edge of the counter.
“I never got the chance to kneel for you,” Ymir said. Historia swallowed, her mouth watering to the point that some drool threatened to slip from the corners of her mouth. “If we didn’t wait.. until we’re married, could you keep it a secret?” Historia nodded, and Ymir leaned back, looked at her eyes, questioning. “Can I kneel for you, Historia?” Historia couldn’t breathe deeply anymore. She nodded harder. “I’m going to worship you, the way I always meant to.” Ymir leaned forward, pressed their lips together, and Historia shoved her tongue into Ymir’s mouth, licking the inside of her, desperate to taste every bit.
Ymir broke the kiss with a sloppy wet sound, kissed Historia’s chin, and then she sank down to the floor, kneeling, pushing Historia’s legs apart. Historia’s chest started rising and falling without rhythm. Ymir’s palms were against her inner thighs, and Historia parted them farther, shaking so hard she thought she might slip from the counter. But she knew Ymir wouldn’t let that happen. Historia let her head fall back against the wall. She closed her eyes, felt Ymir’s breath between her legs, and she relaxed, accepting that Ymir was home again. And there was no reason for her to leave again. Historia wouldn’t let her leave again. She would keep her goddess this time.
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