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glenacohido · 10 months ago
Amazonian fruit Achachairu...🤤🤤
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stellar-dolly · 10 months ago
Mudas de Achachairu
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Nativa da região Amazônica Boliviana o Achachairu tem ganhado mercado nos grandes centros comerciais do Brasil primeiro por sua produção em grande escala e também pelo fruto delicioso, sua adaptação foi muito boa no cerrado e na região de mata atlântica.
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Todas nossas mudas de Achachairu são produzidas com as melhores tecnologias de produção de mudas, que vão desde a escolha do melhor substrato e adubo disponível no mercado. Isso reflete a qualidade e a beleza de todas nossas mudas, veja uma foto real de nossas mudas de Achachairu:
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Confira todo nosso estoque acessando nosso Catálogo de Mudas.
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xtruss · 1 year ago
Jabuticaba: Health Benefits of Rarest and Exotic Fruits of the World
Laden with calcium, potassium and magnesium jaboticaba is highly valuable for strengthening bones and maintain dental health. These essential minerals promote bone mineral density, support connective tissue, and averts them from becoming brittle and lower the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
— Namita Nayyar (WF Team)
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The Jabuticaba is a fruit-bearing tree in the family Myrtaceae native to Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo states in southeastern Brazil. Related species in the genus Myrciaria, often referred to by the same common name, are native to Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia. The tree is grown for its purplish-black, white-pulped fruits; they can be eaten raw or be used to make jellies and drinks (plain juice or wine). Other common names include Brazilian Grape Tree, Jaboticaba, Jabotica, Jabuticabeira, Guaperu, Guapuru, Hivapuru, Sabara and Ybapuru (Guarani).
Common in Brazilian markets, jabuticabas are largely eaten fresh; their popularity has been likened to that of grapes in the United States. Fresh fruit may begin to ferment 3 to 4 days after harvest, so they are often used to make jams, tarts, strong wines, and liqueurs. Due to the extremely short shelf-life, fresh jabuticaba fruit is very rare in markets outside of areas of cultivation. Traditionally, an astringent decoction of the sun-dried skins has been used as a treatment for hemoptysis, asthma, diarrhoea, and gargled for chronic inflammation of the tonsils.
Several potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory anti-cancer compounds have been isolated from the fruit. One that is unique to the fruit is jaboticabin.
The name jabuticaba, derived from the Tupi word Jabuti (tortoise) + Caba (place), meaning the place where you find tortoises. The Guarani name is "Yvapuru", where yva means fruit, and the onomatopoeic word puru for the crunching sound the fruit produces when bitten. A traditional song from the eastern region of Bolivia refers to a young woman as having "eyes like the guapuru" (because of their soft blackness) and a mouth "as sweet as the achachairu."
The jabuticaba tree, which appears as a charge on the coat of arms of Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brazil, has become a widely used species in the art of bonsai, particularly in Taiwan and parts of the Caribbean. In Brazil, it is common to refer to something allegedly unique to the country as a "jabuticaba" since the tree supposedly only grows in Brazil. It is usually a pejorative expression.
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Health Benefits of Jabuticaba
Jabuticaba is used for the treatment for hemoptysis, asthma, diarrhea and dysentery also as a gargle for chronic inflammation of the tonsils are by the caustic decoction of the sun-dry skins is agreed in Brazil. Such use of fruit also may lead to excessive consumption of tannin. The fruit of Jaboticaba contain compounds similar to known to have positive biological effects in cranberries, grapes and other related species, including anti-ageing, anti-inflammatory and the antioxidant qualities.
1. Jabuticaba Fruit can be stimulating, opens up bronchial airways, which is good for asthma, and slightly astringent making it great for diarrhea, and also healing those suffering from tonsillitis.
2. Jabuticaba Fruit is anti-inflammatory, and full of great antioxidants.
3. Jabuticaba Fruit an anti-aging fruit with similar health benefits like cranberries.
4. Jabuticaba Fruit contains lots of protein, low in carbs, and high in calcium, iron, phosphorus, and very high in Vitamin C and has some B vitamins, and very low in calories.
5. New Studies are being done on the effectiveness of Jabuticaba for fighting cancer... because it contains many anticancer compounds.
6. Jabuticaba Fruit soothes the GI tract, helps with arthritis, and also prevents many skin diseases and even hair loss
7. Jabuticaba Fruit is also a great detoxing agent.
8. Jabuticaba Fruit is rich in phenolic compounds, among which we can highlight the anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are the most abundant type of flavonoid and they are responsible for the blue or purple colour. Anthocyanins are the only fatty acid that is believed to play an important role in the health benefits exerted by this fruit, apart from the polyphenolic content found on it and more specifically punicalagins, punicalins, gallagic acid, and ellagic acid that act as powerful antioxidants.
9. In Jabuticaba Fruit there is another active constituent present on this fruit, a depside known as jaboticabin, which may also play an even more important role on the health benefits of this fruit, because depsides exert antibiotic, anti-HIV,antioxidant, and anti-proliferative activity.
Jabuticaba Fruit makes a wonderful jelly and great cheesecakes.
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marcospaulo75 · 2 years ago
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Gostei dessa tal achachairu, pena que não deu para experimentar com vodka 😜 #achachairu #bolivianfruit #exoticfruit (em Itaquera, Sao Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7gnkMvpjZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nicocalvivar-blog · 7 years ago
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Beautiful & Delicious #Achachairu 🍊| #fruit #Scz #health #SantaCruzdelaSierra #Bolivia #SantaCruzBolivia #follow #deliciuos #tropical #tree #like #treelover #nature #naturelover #instatree #ig #southamerica #instapc #instaphoto #instagram #picoftheday #igers #photograhy #iphonephoto (en La Guardia, Santa Cruz, Bolivia)
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allanpolmusic · 5 years ago
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#urubo #pirai #porongo #achachairu #paseo #viaje #turismo #AllanPol https://www.instagram.com/p/B6zPYK9pjvn/?igshid=qdem5yh6ceqj
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doctornocomoparaloquepeso · 7 years ago
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Es el Achachairu o Garcinia humilis, es un fruto con una pulpa blanca comestible, que recuerda a la textura de las nubes, tiene una semilla en su interior y es típico de Bolivia. #experimentandosabores #frutastropicales #antioxidants #frutafresca #nutricion #delicious #achachairu #postre
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soundaroundme · 7 years ago
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Ачачайру - боливийский брат мангустина, так же как и он является гарцинией из семейства Клузиевых. Об их родстве было легко догадаться. В диком виде эти деревья произрастают лишь в юго-восточных низменностях Боливии. И вот уж нам повезло, мы оказались здесь в разгар сезона! Правда, больше недели наверное не обращали на телеги с горами ачачайру внимания😅 Потом задумались, что это такое, и наконец по дороге в горы решили попробовать. Потому что все обочины были уставлены телегами и тачками, заваленными этим невиданным ранее фруктом. Ожидаемый сценарий😂: в ачачайру мы влюбились с первого укуса (по вкусу он похож на азиатского брата, но чистится легче и мякоти кажется больше), но уже через несколько километров этот фрукт закончился. Ах!😂 ну что такое!😂 иногда его привозят и в нашу деревню в горах, но дорого и мало. ...a мы уже на крючке😂 сегодня это любимое лакомство! #achachairu #чемпитаемсявпути #loveBolivia #SouthAmerica Наш инстаграм: https://instagram.com/soundaroundme/ #путешествие #trip #travel #путешествия #путешествуем #туризм #турист #туристы #поездка #путешественник #кругосветка #traveling #travelgram #exploring
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one-hell-of-an-angel-blog · 7 years ago
Things of Latinos
If my english teacher saw the amount of stuff I read and write in English, he would be proud of me
... of course most of this has to be revised by mr. Google Translate before it’s published
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redebcn · 3 years ago
Mangostão e achachairu são cultivados no interior de SP
Mangostão e achachairu são cultivados no interior de SP
Mangostão e achachairu são frutas exóticas que podem gerar mais lucros para os produtores rurais do interior paulista. Mangostão e achachairu são cultivados no interior de SP Reprodução/TV TEM O mangostão é uma fruta difícil de colher, mas não tem outro jeito: é com o máximo de cuidado que cada uma é retirada do pé. Uma possível queda pode prejudicar o visual e comprometer a venda. A fruta fica…
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drabiancazambrana · 8 months ago
Gingivitis en niños y adolescentes.
Ceo Clínica de Odontología Especializada en Ortodoncia y Odontopediatría.
Dra. Bianca Zambrana Barrancos. Cirujano Dentista. Máster en Ortodoncia Ortopedia Dentofacial. Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera Valencia España.
Clínica Zona Centro Dirección: Calle Ballivián esquina Chuquisaca Edificio Oriente Oficina # 315
Clínica Zona Este: Urb. Dorado Centro Calle Horeb # 19 media cuadra Plaza Principal – Parque Autonómico Achachairu. Zona Colegio Los Amigos de Italia y Av. Panamericana.
Maps de Google: goo.gl/maps/13eUuYAHQWxk7kNTA
Teléfono: 3223161
Celular: 76046276
Whatsapp: 76046276
Telegram: 74189067
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kariito-art · 5 years ago
Those fruits in my country are called "Achachairu" they are really sweet of a little bittersweet, my favorites!
Brazilian cherries aren’t related to common cherries at all! They look like this and taste rather sour:
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Also, if you’re not used to them, Brazilian grapetrees look really alien:
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The fruit is formed in the trunk, not the branches!
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juliochai · 7 years ago
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¡Ven a nuestros consultorios de Atención Integral y Diferenciada para Adolescentes y Jóvenes! (AIDAJ) Te brindamos acceso informado a métodos anticonceptivos, detección y tratamiento de infecciones de transmisión sexual
Visítanos en:
CONSULTORIO AIDAJ EL ALTO Atención: de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 12:00 de 14:00 a 18:00 El Alto: Zona Santa Rosa. Av. Civica y calle 4, lado Iglesia Santa Rosa, CRP Vicente Lema Telf.: 772-20352
CONSULTORIO AIDAJ MONTERO 1 Atención: de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 16:00   Centro de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva (SSySR) - Barrio La Antena, Calle 26 de Enero Telf.: 772-01802
CONSULTORIO AIDAJ MONTERO 2 Atención: de lunes a viernes de 8:00 a 16:00   Centro de Salud Juana Azurduy de Padilla - Barrio Ernesto Monasterio, calle Guapomo (entre Achachairu y Motoyoe) Manzano Nº 12   Telf.: 765-03440
CONSULTORIO AIDAJ QUILLACOLLO Atención: de lunes a viernes de 14:00 a 18:00   Hospital Benigno Sánchez Villa Moderna   Av. Suarez Miranda   Telf.: 767-61008
CONSULTORIO AIDAJ RIBERALTA Atención: de lunes a viernes de 7:30 a 16:00   En el Centro de Salud La Unidad Fauvel-Avenida Mara, Barrio Verdolago   Telf.: 765-03234
CONSULTORIO AIDAJ SUCRE Atención: de lunes a viernes de 8:30 a 12:30 y de 14:30 a 18:30   Centro de Salud Mercado Minorista (Mercado Negro) Calle Junín Nº 92 Telf.: 772-20329
CONSULTORIO AIDAJ VIACHA Atención: de lunes a viernes de 08:30 a 16:30 Hospital Municipal de Viacha Telf.: 765-02239
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mikepidia · 7 years ago
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// achachairu. 🍑 . . . . #bolivia🇧🇴 #gogreen #achachairu (em João Pessoa, Brazil)
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nicocalvivar-blog · 7 years ago
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No hay “achatamiento” con esto! I could eat this my entire life 🍊🤤 #Achachairu | #delicious #fruit #tropical #scz #Bolivia #LaGuardia #SantaCuzBolivia #ig #igers #instagram #photooftheday #selfie #selfiesunday #picoftheday (en La Guardia, Santa Cruz, Bolivia)
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redebcn · 3 years ago
Mangostão e achachairu são cultivados no interior de SP
Mangostão e achachairu são cultivados no interior de SP
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