#accuracy in media
eretzyisrael · 4 months
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oldshowbiz · 8 months
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Reed Irvine's Accuarcy in Media was a propaganda group funded by oil companies and far-right billionaires - most notably Richard Scaife and the Scaife Foundation.
AIM was connected to the evangelical movement and was staffed by neo-confederates who opposed Civil Rights.
In the early 1980s, AIM coined the term "Liberal Media Bias."
They still exist.
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There was some controversy surrounding this display.
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prokopetz · 1 year
What do you mean "it's not historically accurate"? Of course it's historically accurate. It's an historically accurate 13th Century English knight using historically accurate 15th Century Italian weapons to kill historically accurate 10th Century Danish Vikings in historically accurate 17th Century France. What's not clicking?
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horse-head-farms · 7 months
AITA for building a tunnel into my neighbor's basement?
I (30'sM) always intended to get along well with my neighbor (40'sM). We already knew each other through mutual friends and previously all our interactions have been positive.
The issues arose when I needed to build a bridge to reach my house. I live on an island and wanted to bring my horse over. The nearest route to the rest of the neighborhood is through my neighbor's back yard. He has quite a large property and the bridge wouldn't come near his house so I thought it wouldn't be an issue.
I spent hours building the bridge only to be told by him the next day that he doesn't want it there and I'd need to tear it down. I tried to be civil and I did as he requested, rebuilding the bridge elsewhere and making it more boat-friendly. But, now it takes twice the time to get to my island as you have to go all the way around.
So, needless to say, I wasn't happy.
I never planned to get revenge, it just kinda happened. When building my storage room, I realized it lined up almost perfectly with my neighbor's storage room. I knew then I had to make a tunnel going underneath the river and leading into his basement. This wasn't a basic tunnel either, I went full out and spent a lot of diamonds to make it pretty and it's a lovely tunnel if I say so myself. I even did him the courtesy of not breaking through his chests and instead staircasing up into his storage room, using the same block palette he uses. But it ended up 1 block off-center so it looks pretty horrible anyways.
He did end up discovering it and we chatted. He seemed pretty surprised and I got the feeling he's planning to do something back to me.
I feel a lot better now that I've gotten back at him, but now I'm wondering if I overreacted. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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salsedinepicta · 3 months
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Some kind of "everything is the same but fashion is more XV-XVIth century inspired" AU - part 1/?
(a few elements are based on Landsknecht armors/clothing, because they were mercenaries too, you know? But I've been kind and made the palette less... Everything. You're welcome, Fenris.)
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ghost-bxrd · 3 months
Hey I’m not trying to be rude but I noticed you mentioned w*ndigo as some thing you wanted to write in the future? The Algonquian and other tribes are very clear that their culture is closed and people aren’t supposed to say, write, or even think that word. I’m not trying to call you out or shame you, a lot of people don’t know since it’s been appropriated so much in media. While people outside of these tribes just see them as something on the same line as vampires or mermaids, it’s really a much bigger deal than that. One of the strongest responses from a member I’ve seen was something like “I wish we’d never let them learn that word.” This is a highly controversial topic that causes a great deal of pain to many members of the community, and even seeing or hearing the word can be deeply triggering. If you do want to write about similar creatures, Crypt Tv created a similar creature called the Mordeo and their horror shorts are on YouTube
Hi, I know this is out of genuine concern, but I also want to emphasize that this is a controversial topic.
I have done some research on this, and there are equally as many people saying it’s okay to say/write/read about it, as there have been people abolishing its use.
Fact is, this creature is featuring in quite a number of modern media to date. Most notably the Supernatural fandom and the Until Dawn fandom (that I know off the top of my head at the moment). Not to mention numerous songs. Or the very real, psychological phenomena named after it. Though obviously we could argue about the accuracy of its depiction in relation to the original lore.
It is a folklore, a fascinating one, that I take to be mostly about human greed, selfishness, and circumstance. (A lot of times now mixed with the modern depiction of antlers/rotten deer with too sharp teeth.) People know about it. People will invariably find it fascinating. People will write/talk/sing about it. It’s human nature.
Personally, I think it becomes a problem the moment you try to pass it off as something of your own creation rather than trying to encourage people to learn the original folklore. So even if I do end up using the broad inspiration and go with calling it a Mordeo instead, the core of it will always remain with the folklore of the Wendigo. And I will always point back to it, because knowledge of the original version is better than running around thinking that my abstract version is the right one.
But like with all things online, I cannot stress enough that you curate your own experience and can decide on what to see and what not to. If this is something you absolutely do not agree with, please feel free to block me or otherwise filter my content.
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blue-cat-shitposts · 3 months
Tabaluga and the Shining Silence is a hysterical album for many reasons (including but not limited to Tabaluga watching a dog food commercial jingle through a magic jadestone), but I think my favorite moment is when Literal Death Itself approaches Tabaluga and asks him "excuse me, are you Mr. Dragon?" (because Tabaluga's Honest To God, Real Fucking Surname is just Dragon) and Tabaluga is like "Yeah, I'm Tyrion's son, whazzup?"
And Death, very politely and courteously, explains that his time is up and he's got to come with him and die. But when Tabaluga protests that he's too young to die, Death is like "well see here, it says T. Dragon in my ledger, T stands for Tyrion..." and Tabaluga' like "I told you that I'm Tyrion's son, not Tyrion himself, my name is Tabaluga!"
And Death is like "Oh dear. How embarrassing. I do apologize, it was an honest mistake. What a mixup... Sorry for troubling you, that's my bad. Oh well, while you're here, how about you watch your father die with your own two eyes while being unable to do anything about it, how's that sound?"
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twelverriver · 9 months
going insane about ethanilsa again... the way trust is something so rarely given as a spy, but ethan and ilsa trust each other almost instantly.. truly my roman empire is the brandt & luther conversation before casablanca where brandt says "he knows her" and luther says " he TRUSTS her" like. the emphasis on it. he said ethan is my best friend i've known him for years and he not only knows her, but trusts her which makes the situation much more dangerous and treacherous !! I'M BETTING THAT IF HE'S NOT ALREADY WITH HER, HE'S ON HIS WAY. FIND HER, FIND ETHAN.
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brother-emperors · 1 month
have you seen the new show those about to die? is there any degree of accuracy to it or is it just silly murdercamp fun
I’m waiting until November to watch it so I can do Gladiator II and Those About To Die at the same time. I also don’t watch historical drama for historical accuracy, historical fact isnt even the main thing I judge a show for. it’s maybe the fourth or fifth thing I think about.
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find-me-in-hell · 1 year
just realised in tma same sex marriage was legal before it was actually legal in the uk
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blogquestionmark · 4 months
this is definitely a hot take but whenever people use mystake as a "good oni" argument is not a solid argument you think it is.
yes shes a good oni, out of thousands evil oni. shes not even good shes morally grey and her being "good" in the first place was bc of a third person, she would not be good if fsm wasnt involve
if people wanted to use a good oni example then the oni has to be kind hearted in the first place
oni lore is a mess you just gotta go for your own hc and thats okay ♡
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becca4leafclover · 9 months
Ok but why was Trolls 3 kinda good. Like it's not AMAZING but it's certainly enjoyable! I haven't seen the second one and heard it was really bad but the third goes right along with the first one that was also surprisingly good! It's just such an odd thing to be pleasantly entertaining and occasionally get punched in the gut by some outrageous one-liners lmao
Like I know it's DreamWorks so it makes sense it's just. It's an odd juxtaposition for today's media trends I think /pos
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Accuracy in Media intends to continue pressuring UC Berkeley with an email campaign and ongoing protests. And UC Berkeley has made it clear that it will continue protecting antisemites.
Dean Chemerinsky argued that the perpetrators of the “Jewish Free Zones” have “free speech rights, including to express messages that I and others might find offensive.”
He clearly doesn’t believe that those protesting against antisemitism do.
UC Regents Chair Richard Leib issued a statement falsely claiming that “the existence of ‘Jewish Free Zones’ at the campus are both incorrect and designed to inflame the situation” and that student groups have a First Amendment right to “express their views” even “when some of us find those views reprehensible or offensive.”
“That is the basis for free speech and UC will always support that,” he concluded.
UC Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ admitted that the bans on Jews were “regrettable”, but that “there is no legal basis for sanctioning, defunding or deregistering” the organizations involved in them.
All of that support for free speech for antisemites by UC Berkeley leaders falls apart when Jewish activists and conservative organizations actually protest against the antisemites.
Then UC Berkeley sends in the lawyers and the cops.
Are Christ, Chemerinsky or Leib willing to commit to the same level of free speech protection for Jews protesting against antisemitism as they do for antisemites protesting against Jews?
The difference in their rhetoric and the systemic discrimination of their responses makes it clear that they believe that banning Jews is more legitimate than protesting against those bans.
Their rhetoric and their actions reveal the underlying bias of their political sympathies.
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prokopetz · 1 year
I love it when webcomic artists go hard on historical accuracy in totally incongruous contexts. Whether it's Tracy Butler agonising over whether the specific model of vacuum-tube radio that appears in the background of a single panel in a comic about cats shooting each other with guns is period appropriate, or Daisy McGuire giving a character 1970s punk fashion in the year 1904, but taking care to depict the safety pins in her ears as a type that actually existed in that year, that's what keeps bringing me back to a comic.
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edwinspaynes · 8 months
I usually like to think of myself as a nice person, but I am going to laugh at That One Post in almost all of the TLH character tags. It's astounding. It's like a particularly dense kindergartner picked up the series, flipped it upside down, and tried to sound out the words without ever having heard them before.
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