#access denied
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classycookiexo · 1 year ago
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mommymirabelll · 1 month ago
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Dirty socks turn your brain to mush 😋.
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sunnekochan · 5 months ago
ECHO Song but it's a Minecraft Story Mode Animation from EP 7 !!! I animated this based on my own gameplay. Reallyyyy love this episode <3
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boxofoxberry · 1 year ago
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sorry chat i'm on a roll!!! scene redraw time 🦅🦅🦅
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gayass robot stare. why are you looking at me like that
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bumpkin-bug · 7 months ago
Maybe chipped Petra or Lukas?
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Prolly one of my fav episodes <33
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kde-plasma-official · 27 days ago
no no u don't understand, these are my 309 comfort skyrim mods, i NEED them
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w-o-n-s-h-i-kawaii · 1 year ago
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talthorn-sylvoran · 1 month ago
Daily Writing Challenge Feb 2025: Day 3 - Suspicious/Salutation
Wandering around the Hall of the Guardian was always such a delightful treat for the magi! There was so much access to a great deal of knowledge right here, from far reaches of Azeroth! It was easy to get wrapped in all of these scholarly pursuits, but today! Well Talthorn had heard about a very special section that had had unique tomes that sounded to have a great deal of potential for his upcoming projects.
However as he made his way in a hum, he had noticed that this room had an assigned protector at the entry. It was an arcane construct coming up to about the Kaldorei's chest. He looks over carefully and attempted to slip by its watch, pretending he was supposed to be there but it addresses him quickly.
"Voice recognition required to gain access."
"OH! Right, of course. Ahem. Greetings! I am...!" Talthorn speaks at the guard with all his confidence.
"Voice recognition: Failed. Access denied." it speaks rather calmly.
"Well that's not very nice. I didn't even tell you my name. And all I want is to take little look around....." The magi mutters and inches in a bit closer to receive a small arcane jolt from the protector.
"OW!" Talthorn tells it with a surprised voice as if almost expecting and apology.
"Unauthorized entities are subject to disciplinary protocols." it speaks simply, almost chipper.
"You could have opened with that." the magi rubs his arm with a pout and still peers into the idea of this forbidden room. "Soooo which voice do I need, I mean, gains access here?"
"Can I help you?" a voice would sound behind the magi, and he turns around smoothly to greet the human gentleman keeper of this part of the library.
"Oh yes! Hello. I just need to get into section for a short time.... Sorry who are you? I haven't seen you before." Talthorn states the obvious as he was the odd one out
"Sevil. Library attendant. For what purpose..." the attendant furrows his brows, looking over the outgoing elf with caution.
"Oooh curiosity mostly." Talthorn says honestly. "Being as well versed as I am in a great deal of magical specialties and applications, and I was told there are some materials in here that would be relevant to my interests...."
"I am not sure who told you that you could just borrow from this specific area, but they are mistaken. These are sensitive resources for highly advanced students and experienced instructors. So you'll understand when I say it's not accessible to anyone unless they are approved by an authority."
Talthorn's eyes light up and he is even more intrigued. "Yes, yes of course. Completely understandable." he nods a couple times wearing a very polite smile. "I must of have heard them wrong then. Thank you for letting me know."
The other attendant was still unsure about this elf. "Right. Well. Good day to you then. Oh, I would advise not aggravating the guard. Their settings will incapacitate you." He'd leave the magi to think about that as he went on in his day.
The older magi drums his fingers on his arm as the other walks away. He sets his attention back on the room he wanted to get into and would pluck out his hidden arcane orb from the air to look back through it as it had recorded this happening to a certain extent. After glancing around to make sure no one was watching him, would return back to the arcane construct thinking himself so clever. "Voice recognition required to gain access." It acknowledges him would replay the voice that was recorded. "Sevil. Library attendant." and waited for a response from the guard.
"Vocal recognition: Sevil. Acknowledged. Access granted." Talthorn HAHs out loud so proud of himself for a couple seconds, but regretted it instantly. The construct would ZAP him again in a higher intensity after a loud 'ERROR' sound.
"Unauthorized entities are subject to disciplinary protocols." both Talthorn and the guardian repeat to each other, the magi's being monotone but the construct still as chipper as ever after delivery the punishment.
He had no one but himself to blame. He'd have to try again another time. @daily-writing-challenge (( Overconfidence is definitely Talthorn's weaknesses. But sometimes he has to learn the hard way! ))
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itsagentromanoff · 11 months ago
[Deadpool tries to access the Quinjet]
Deadpool: Deadpool.
Computer: Access denied.
Deadpool: Captain Deadpool.
Computer: Access denied.
Deadpool: Wade Wilson?
Computer: Access denied.
Deadpool: [amused] SuperFreaky.
Computer: Welcome, Wade Wilson.
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siffrinstardust · 1 year ago
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HAD SM FUN DRAWIN THIS i miss this game a ton
I will be makinf proper refs for my cat mcsm designs some other time i am TIRED
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: Chipped Petra and Lukas
AND the Jesse twins
i have a little hc where. both the Jesse MCs are twins and they go on the whole mcsm adventure together like how the story normally goes
ofc with a few changes to fit the two siblings BUT YEAAA i love these two
for this bit i like to think JJ (male jesse) is also chipped but later on and Jesse has to save him AND petra and lukas
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bunnies-and-sunshine · 8 months ago
Access denied.
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Amos can't resist the siren call of exploring behind the couch. The little dude is relentless when it comes to testing our bunny-proofing efforts! 😅
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boxofoxberry · 1 year ago
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episode 7 brainrot hit ya girl hard + closeups under the cut
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fuzzyghost · 2 years ago
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starboilui · 13 days ago
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We both know that you love it when I am in charge of your chastity cage 😈
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goddesspersephone999 · 1 year ago
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kimberlyborelli · 10 months ago
I'm suffering from extreme negative self talk. In my case I'm not only very hard to myself, I'm bullying myself literally.
Yesterday I catched myself how I behaved very disrespectful to myself and to my body. I went to a Kinky convention and I bullied myself extreme. All my thoughts were about: I'm fat, my body is wrong, I hate my life, I don't deserve being owned....
I'm so fed up now... I even have problems to get aroused or to please others because I'm too busy with negative self talk.
I decided a measurement to get rid of that nonsense. I decided to get denied because I'm very disrespectful to myself. So I'm starting at zero and also change my way of thinking. My body deserves respect... How I can respect my Master when I'm not able to respect myself...
So. I'm wearing a chastity belt right now and starting to conditioning the negative habits away. Instead of: I'm a fat cow, I'm saying I'm a hot delicious slut...
I'll keep you updated how the training works...
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