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ocherednoe-dno · 8 days ago
coolest Forge World (less prominence round)
major Forge Worlds have already been covered in polls, such as here. please reblog to spread
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a-rebellious-waffle · 1 year ago
Short version: It depends on what you're killing.
Long version: Is it heavily armored? Lightly armored? Are they well-organized and trained, or are they pox zombies? What environment are we talking? What's the mission? Deployment method?
I'll go over a few and list their ups and downs, and I'll be using Chaos Astartes as my enemy of choice.
If we're talking heavily-armored enemies, then you really don't want a lasgun. But if you only have a choice between lasgun variants, best thing you can do is choose a Hellgun, which technically isn't a pattern of lasgun so much as a lasgun with the power setting turned to the maximum but that tends to melt normal lasguns so you need a big fucking battery and special cooling to get more than one shot. The Tempestus Scions love these.
The next tier down, if you can even say that, is the Lucius-pattern Lasgun. These are standard issue for the Death Korps of Krieg, and are a bit more powerful than the "average" lasgun ("average" tends to be the Kantrael), but this comes at the cost of worse ammo efficiency. That really tends to be the tradeoff with lasguns; the more powerful it is, the fewer shots you get.
Next tier down is, in my opinion, the Kantrael MGt. This is a variant of the Kantrael with a lot of little improvements, like better ergonomics and a better ammunition display: little things that make it slightly better than their standard cousin, the Kantrael MG. It sees a lot of use in Hive Tertium.
The Kantrael MG is the standard pattern of the Cadians, and therefore the Militarum at large. They're... average in all regards, honestly, but don't take that as a bad thing. Too little ammo, you can't stay in the fight. Too much ammo, especially with lasguns, and your rounds do fuck-all. Too heavy, and you can't move, too light and you're probably missing key components like a decent sight or heat-shielding. It's not a bad pattern by any means.
Next up, the Voss-pattern, used extensively by the Armageddon Steel Legion. It's okay, but I'm docking points for using a wire-frame stock, because those things... ugh. Terrible. They do, at least, have the option of folding that stock, which makes it a bit better for close-quarters and a bit easier to transport; pretty important for the heavily-mechanized Steel Legion.
One down, we have a personal favorite of mine: the Mark III Lascarbine. Lascarbines are a little different from lasguns, in much the same way that a real world carbine is different from a rifle; they're similar but not the same. A lascarbine, in comparison to a lasrifle, is easier to aim and lighter, but has a shorter range and worse ammo capacity. This particular variant is used by the Tanith First-and-Only, better known as Gaunt's Ghosts, which is why it's one of my favorites. Also, it has a banana magazine, which I personally like.
Then, there's the Mark IV Lascarbine. Not much to say on this one; it's a lascarbine designed for jungle warfare, and it doesn't have the nalwood of Mark IIIs, but it is fairly cheap and capable.
Then, at the bottom tier, my personal least favorite: the Accatran-pattern. The fucking Accatran. Now, to its credit, this thing is very good for drop troops, and it is primarily used by the Elysian Drop Troops, who wanted a light, easy-to-carry, easy-to-use rifle for close-quarters. The Accatran is all of that: easy to carry, easy to aim with, easy to hip-fire, good in close-quarters, and light. It also has a flashlight on it, powered by the power pack with functionally zero power draw. My personal issue with it is that it's a bullpup. Bullpup rifles do exactly one thing well; they're short, so they're pretty good for close-quarters combat. In order to do this, they place the magazine behind the trigger, which makes the rifle complicated to make, difficult to clean, and awkward to reload, without any other real upsides beyond being short.
There are two other variants of note that I can't really lump in with lasrifles because they're extremely different in use.
First up, the longlas. This is a sniper rifle that never seems to ever have any variants. No clue why. That being said, it's a sniper rifle. It shoots you from very far away. It's good at what it does, and what it does is shoot you from very far away. Don't try and use it against anyone closer than ten meters.
The other one is this utter clusterfuck I found called the Shotlas, which is a fucking shotgun-lasgun hybrid. I can only assume the Tech-Priests that made this were high on a mixture of holy oils, incense, malware and cocaine. This thing is... a trip. It uses three barrels to fire three shots at once, which spread out over distance and decohere rapidly, so it's very short range. My first question about this thing is, "Why?" Who made this, and why did they think it was a good idea? My second question is, did they forget to properly align the barrel so it fires straight? It is an absolute trip to consider why this thing even exists and I never want to learn more about it.
Best/worst lasgun?
I do not know enough about this subject to answer.
There might be someone here that does, but not me.
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transmechanicus · 3 years ago
Well maybe if SOMEONE would just follow the catgirl STC the Archmagos wouldn't demand an audit of your department.
You can take your Accatran-pattern catgirl STC and shove it up your waste dispensation port, it is the position of the Holy Synod of Mars that such modifications are inferior and suboptimal in the Omnissiah’s eyes!! Rust and ruin upon you and all your tail-cursed constructs!
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nightbringer24 · 7 years ago
The air in the hanger bay rippled with the barely constrained energy of the Immaterium called forth by the rogue pysker as the five Sister of the Saint Encarmined spread out in a rough crescent to protect the Inquisitor. At the head of the crescent, the green-armoured warrior stood still, shotgun held loosely in their hands, even as the Sororitas Sisters readied their weapons.
Sister Superior Clars couldn’t fight the grimace that came to her face as she smelt and tasted the air change in the vast room. Recycled air soon took on a coppery tang, making her feel like she had swallowed blood while her nose filled with the stench of burnt flesh, sulphur and molten metal. She knew what was coming, even as the pysker at the end of the room completed his ritual.
“… In the name of the God of Slaughter, in the name of the Red Lord; I call forth your servants! Come forth, soldiers of the Blood Legions! Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Thro-!”
The cry was cut short as the pyskers body was split open in a swelter of gore and blood, the Warp energy contained within his frame tearing the body apart to open a portal for the denizens he had called forth. For a second, the ruptured corpse hung suspended in the air before, soundlessly, the body was sucked backwards on itself as a swirling portal formed in the air. Reds, purples and blues of different hues swirled around and into each other before a horrible birth screech of rage and anger filled the space.
“Ready yourselves, Sisters!” Clars called out, hefting her storm bolter. “The Emperor protects, and He is with us, even at the edge of His domain!”
“Ave Imperator!” The four Sororitas and the Inquisitor replied, the clack of bolters being racked, the hum of Van Lasne’s plasma pistol and the spurt of Des Cutre’s flamer readying adding weight to their conviction.
As if in answer, the portal ripped open further. For a second, Clars thought she saw a horrific vision; a world of fire and blood, red skies and black clouds, and a landscape strewn with the bones and skulls of the slain. That view was soon replaced by something all the more horrific; A long elongated skull with hide the colour of freshly spilled blood and framed by a pair of large, bovine-like horns of black bone pushed through the tear, hissing in a daemonic language. A hoof borne on a double-jointed leg propelled the daemon fully through the tear as it pulled a wickedly shaped great-sword behind it. Once it was outside of the warp portal, the daemon raised its head into the air and let loose a roar of anger and pride that echoed off the expansive walls and ceiling. A cry that was soon taken up by more and more throats as two score more nightmarish creatures followed in its wake.
Clars’ eyes snapped back and forth as she stock of the situation. Daemons, they could handle. All veteran Sororitas had fought against daemons of all kinds in their history, but daemons of the Blood God were another matter. Killing them at range was the best way to tackle them, but often, killing more of them would release enough energy to summon more of their kin or, Terra forbid, a greater daemon. Looking past the swaying throng that marched towards her group, she saw the portal wink out of existence.
“Des Cutre; keep your flamer ready if they get too close.” The Sister Superior ordered, not taking her face off the infernal force arrayed before them. “Metira, Avina; short controlled bursts. These foul things move fast and – STOP, YOU FOOL!”
The cry was directed the Night Sentinel as he dashed forward, armoured feet pounding against the steel floor, right towards the braying daemons.
“That bloody fool!” Clars cursed, even as Van Lasne pushed next to her. She looked in to his mismatched eyes; one red and augmetic, one green and equally as baleful as the other.
“The Night Sentinel is our objective, Sister!” He rasped out from the vox-grille that formed his mouth. “He must be returned to the conclave at all costs!”
“It would bloody help if he actually listened to us!”
“Look!” Sister Avina called out, pointing at the scene before them.
Seeing sport in the figure charging them, the daemons as one loosed an exultation of animalistic joy before, hefting their blades in the air, they charged as one.
A normal man would have quelled at the noise and sight before them, but the Night Sentinel continued his charge. The distance closed quickly, his own feet almost matching the unnatural pace of the daemons arrayed before him.
In mere seconds the distance finally closed enough for the lead daemon to leap forward, sword posed to behead the warrior.
With a speed that Clars had only seen among the Astartes, the Night Sentinel dropped. Not into a crouch, but right down to the floor, his feet pushed out in front of him as he carried on travelling across the floor, letting the daemon sail right over him, and the barrel of his shotgun.
With a loud bark, the Accatran pattern shotgun spat flame and shot upwards, right into the body of the daemon. In a splash of foul ichor and blood, the daemon was bisected in mid-air. The two halves of the creature continued on in the air, even as the warp energy that kept their form corporeal began to bleed away until they hit the ground in a spray of small flames and ash.
Still in the original position, the five Sororitas and the Ordo Malleus Inquisitor could only look on dumbfoundedly, the mouth of the tawny-skinned Des Cutre hanging open at the spectacle before them.
The rush of the daemons continued unchecked, either the loss of their leader or just the thrill of spilt blood propelling them forward. The Night Sentinel’s pace didn’t slow either, as he pushed himself up from the slide into a crouch. With a mighty heave, the green-armoured warrior flew forwards, right into the heart of the mob of red creatures. Cries of rage and pain came from the pack as the bulk of the Night Sentinel floored many of them in a tangle of thrashing limbs and snapped horns.
So this was what I came up with my idea of the Doom Slayer/Night Sentinel teaming up with a force of Sisters of Battle, which for the sake of cool being cool, I decided to be five alongside an Inquisitor.
It’s not the best thing I’ve written, but I’m sure if I get any energy to full create this thing, I’ll create something better.
@byzantinefox @gunsavvybookworm.
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asktheadeptus · 7 years ago
Imperator - class Titan
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"How like a God He is, that ancient Machine, primal of all His Kind, the Imperator! His mighty Fists, massive like two Towers of Destruction, laden with Doom of Mankind's bitter Foes. He watches over us now as Battle joins, and in his Shadow we shall advance upon our Enemies and defeat them."— Anonymous Adeptus Mechanicus Enginseer
The Imperator-class Titan is the largest and most powerful variant of Emperor Titan ever deployed by the Titan Legions of the Adeptus Mechanicus. It is literally a walking fortress and is armed with much more firepower than the next Battle Titan in size, the smaller Warlord-class Titan. An Imperator-class Titan is one of the two classes of super-heavy Titans known as Emperor Titans that also includes the even more rarely deployed Warmonger-class Titan. The Imperator-class of Emperor Titan is a general-purpose assault platform, whereas the Warmonger-class Emperor Titan is a dedicated fire-support unit with more advanced fire control and targeting systems intended to aid its more specialised function. Both classes of Emperor Titan represent the most powerful mobile weapon systems in the arsenal of the Imperium of Man and are often unmatched by any force deployed by the enemy. Emperor Class Titans are extremely rare in the Imperium as the Adeptus Mechanicus has lost the capability to manufacture these monstrous war engines. Due to their immense size, Imperator Titans are not nearly as fast or agile as their smaller Scout and Battle Titan counterparts, but they more than make up for this failing with their sheer firepower and heavily armoured bulk. The Tech-priests of the Mechanicus consider the two classes of Emperor Titan to be avatars of the Machine God, walking incarnations of death intended to destroy all those who have displeased the Omnissiah.
The Imperator and Warmonger Emperor Titans stand approximately 55.5 meters (182 feet) tall. But this has been known to vary, as the infamous Chaos Imperator Titan Dies Irae of the Legio Mortis that laid siege to the Imperial Palace during the closing days of the Horus Heresy was said to stand approximately 43 meters (141 ft.) tall, a smaller size due to the fact that it had no cathedral dedicated to the God-Emperor on its back since the Imperial Cult had not yet become the state religion of an officially atheistic Imperium. These formidable super-heavy combat walkers are the largest and most powerful war machines at the disposal of the Imperium (with the exception of void ships); their firepower remains unrivaled by any other land unit used by any of the other factions of the galaxy. The size of their arm-mounted primary weapons are surpassed only by the ordnance of the largest vessels of the Imperial Navy. They are loaded to the brim with pre-installed weapons, and their mounts can handle Titan weapons too big for even Battle Titans (they do not carry any of the close-combat weapons, as their sole focus is on extreme firepower). Emperor Titans are very rare, and can crush many weaker war engines. Taking advantage of this formidable firepower, the Imperator Titan bombards enemy positions with an awesome and relentless barrage, far out of range of most of the enemy artillery.
Arm-Mounted Primary Weapons
The Imperator and Warmonger Class Titans can carry up to two arm-mounted primary weapons from the following:
Doomstrike Missile Launcher
Hellstorm Cannon
Plasma Annihilator
Vengeance Cannon
Carapace-Mounted Secondary Weapons
The Imperator and Warmonger Class Titans can carry up to six carapace-mounted secondary weapons from the following Titan-grade armaments:
Apocalypse Missile Launcher
Gatling Blaster
Inferno Gun
Laser Blaster
Melta Cannon
Plasma Destructor
Quake Cannon
Volcano Cannon
Vortex Support Missile
Vulcan Mega Bolter
Imperator and Warmonger-class Emperor Titans are crewed by one Princeps who commands the Titan and a number of Moderati who control its weapon systems, with multiple Tech-priests and Servitors stationed aboard the massive walker to provide basic technical support and maintenance during combat.
In comparison to Battle Titans of all classes, the Imperators and Warmongers are rare with most Titan Legions only able to field three or four in a campaign. These monstrous war engines are commanded by only the most battle-hardened Princeps. Their crews are composed of the finest crew members from other Titans within the Legion. The Titan Legion's Grand Masters often use Imperator Titans as their mobile headquarters from where they can issue commands or lead vital assaults personally. Imperators are most often employed as vast mobile fortresses, strengthening vulnerable sectors of the Imperial battlelines or to act as a reserve force. These Titans spearhead massive assaults when a major offensive begins, their immense firepower being brought to bear against enemy lines. Imperators are not configured to fight other Titans in close combat, relying instead on their deadly firepower to utterly annihilate their opponents before they can close in and engage with them. A complete company of Imperial Guard troops or Adeptus Mechanicus Skitarii soldiers can be housed aboard the Imperator to guard it against infantry assaults or to be transported to vital objectives.
Notable Variants
The Warmonger-class Titan is a notable variant of the Imperator Titan, and is very similar in structure and appearance. It is unknown which variant was designed first as this knowledge has been lost down the long millennia of the Imperium's existence. However, it is well documented that both the Warmonger and Imperator Emperor Titans were both utilized extensively long before the outbreak of the galaxy-wide conflict of the Horus Heresy. Though they are physically similar, the functions of each class varies significantly. The weapons systems of this Imperator Titan variant provides it with a deep strike/fire-support capability, allowing the Warmonger-class to stand back and pound its foes from afar. This makes this particular Emperor Titan a magnet for enemy aerospace craft. However, the Warmonger has a healthy array of anti-aircraft systems, not to mention a sufficient number of Void Shields, to keep these threats at bay. This often leaves enemy commanders unsure how best to deal with this deadly foe.
Standard Weapon Configuration (Bakka Pattern)
8 Doomstrike Missiles
Vengeance Cannon
4 Quad Autocannons
Fire Control Center
Notable Imperator Titans
Abominatus "Despoiler of Worlds" (Imperator-class Titan) - Abominatus is one of the most terrifying of all the servants of the Blood God. Abominatus is the hellish union of an Imperator-class Titan and a Greater Daemon of Khorne. When it walks the ground shakes beneath its steel shod feet and the enemies of the Blood God quail in fear. This Chaos Titan wields fire and steel against its foes, with flames and gun smoke flickering from each casement and embrasure in its massive body, its soul burns with the unquenchable fire of a Daemon's hate. Abominatus carries a veritable arsenal of weapons built onto its body. Its main armament, the Hellstorm Cannon and Plasma Annihilator, along with its main battery function in an identical fashion to its Imperial counterpart. However the weapons on its main fighting platform are quite different. This Chaos-possessed Titan also has a Scorpion Cannon, a lethal multi-barreled weapon used for close assaults and is normally mounted on Daemon Engines of Khorne. It possesses Manglers, huge battle claws which can sweep aside battle tanks and flay enemy Titans to twisted metal. As Abominatus is part daemon and part machine, this makes it particularly resistant to psychic attack as well.
Aquila Ignis (Imperator-class Titan) - The Aquila Ignis was an Imperator-class Titan of the Legio Mortis, constructed in the Daedalia Forge Yards far to the south of Tharsis on Mars. The Aquila Ignis fought during the Schism of Mars against Loyalist elements from the Legio Tempestus in the battle for Magma City, where it was destroyed in the destruction of the Magma City.
Corinthian (Imperator-class Titan) - The Corinthian was an Imperator-class Titan of the Legio Oberon that survived Word Bearers' treachery on Calth. The Titan was later captured by the Legio Audax during the Shadow Crusade's battle for Meahor.
Death Casts Its Own Long Shadow (Imperator-class Titan) - The Death Casts Its Own Long Shadow was an Imperator-class Titan from an unknown Titan Legion, one of eight allied with Roboute Guilliman, drawn from the Forge Worlds of Tigrus and Accatran, that took part in the celebrations after the Dark Angels Legion's arrival at Ultramar in 009.M31.
Dies Irae (Imperator-class Titan) - The Dies Irae was an Imperator-class Titan of the Legio Mortis which was attached to the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet under the command of the Warmaster Horus. This infamous Titan was present during the opening days of the Horus Heresy at Istvaan III, when it followed Horus' orders and helped exterminate the remaining Loyalist Astartes of the Traitor Legions present on that cursed world after they were virus-bombed by their comrades from orbit. The Dies Irae was also present during all of the major ground assaults towards the end the rebellion. The Dies Irae finally met its fate ten millennia later during the siege of Hydra Cordatus in 999.M41 during the 13th Black Crusade when it served as part of an Iron Warriors attack force. When it was confronted by Imperial Titans from the Collegia Titanica, the Dies Irae was critically damaged when a Loyalist Warlord-class Titan detonated its plasma reactor when it was in close proximity to the Traitor Titan, which damaged the ancient Imperator-class Titan's armour. Another Warlord Titan then penetrated the Dies Irae's Void Shields and compromised external carapace with its Battle-Claw and crushed the Chaos-tainted Titan's plasma reactor. The resulting explosion wiped the Dies Irae 's ancient taint from the face of the galaxy forever.
Dominatus (Imperator-class Titan) - The Dominatus was an Imperator-class Titan from an unknown Titan Legion that fell in battle, fighting against the Forces of Chaos during the failed defense of Lorn V. Laying broken and forgotten for millennia, the lost Titan was rediscovered by the Imperium, and so, the Cadian 412th Imperial GuardRegiment, under the command of General Sturnn was dispatched to retrieve it. With the aid of the Eldar FarseerTaldeer of Craftworld Ulthwé and her warhost, who was on Lorn V for her own reasons, General Sturnn's regiment fought their way through both the Chaos Lord Crull's Blood Legion of Khorne Chaos Warband and the Warboss Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter's Orks, reaching the fallen Titan before their enemies. Powering up the slumbering god-engine, the Imperial forces were forced to fight the ancient menace, known as the Necrons, which had begun to emerge from beneath Lorn V's surface. Despite the Farseer's betrayal, Taldeer convinced General Sturnn to aid them against this new threat, and so, they made use of the Dominatus' powerful weapons into the Necrons' advancing Monoliths, thus defeating the Necron forces. But in the process, the ancient Titan's core was ruptured in the process, causing it to explode spectacularly, killing General Sturnn and the majority of the Cadian 412th. The Eldar had managed to flee back into the Webway just before it exploded. Those few survivors of the decimated regiment, quickly spread word off-world of the treachery of the Eldar Farseer, and to the present day, their regimental banner bears a black ribbon to mark their failure to recover the ancient Imperator Titan.
Exemplis (Imperator-class Titan) - The Exemplis was the last remaining Imperator Titan of the Legio Ignatum, worshiped by the Adeptus Mechanicus as an avatar of the Omnissiah. The Exemplis saw its last action on the world of Tanakreg against a large Word Bearers Traitor Legion warhost of the Dark Apostle Jarulek. Despite the horrendous casualties it inflicted upon the heretics, the Chaos Space Marines managed to board and destroy the Exemplis after attacking its more vulnerable components.
Ijax Ijastus (Imperator-class Titan) - The Ijax Ijastus was an Imperator-class Titan from an unknown Titan Legion , one of eight allied with Roboute Guilliman, drawn from the Forge Worlds of Tigrus and Accatran, that took part in the celebrations after the Dark Angels Legion's arrival at Ultramar in 009.M31.
Immortalis Domitor (Warmonger-class Titan) - The Immortalis Domitor was a Warmonger-class Titan of the Legio Praesagius that took part in the Battle of Calth in 007.M31. The Immortalis Domitor fought with endless daemon hordes until its destruction.
Imperious Corporalis (Imperator-class Titan) - The Imperious Corporailis was an Imperator-class Titan present during the Sabbat Worlds Crusade.
Magnificum Incendius (Imperator-class Titan) - The Magnificum Incendius was an Imperator-class Titan of the Legio Ignatum under the command of Princeps Bazzanius that served as part of Terra's defenses during the Horus Heresy.
Magnus Casei (Imperator-Class Titan) - Originally belonging to the Legio Vindictus, the Titan Legion detached to the protection of the Raven Guard’s home-system of Kiavahr, Magnus Casei was in fact controlled by one of the seditious sub-cults within the Mechanicum known as Order of the Dragon. During the early years of the Horus Heresy, Magnus Casei’s treachery was the initial spark that marked the beginning of insurrectionist uprisings on Kiavahr, which attempted to profit from the depleted state of the Raven Guard Legion to secede from the Imperium and quite possibly join Horus’ cause. As would only far later be discovered, the entire insurrection had been but a diversion to allow one of the Alpha Legion’s twin-Primarchs, Omegon, to infiltrate the Ravendelve-complex and steal the highly valuable Primarch-gene-seed template given to Corvus Corax by the Emperor himself.
Mettalum Olympus (Imperator-class Titan) - The Mettalum Olympus was a notable Imperator Titan, commanded by Princeps Goethe, which managed to almost single-handedly hold off a Tyranid invasion on the ash-choked plains of Horst Prime. Surrounded by an entire horde of Hierophant Bio-Titans, the ancient Titan met its end when the Tyranids managed to breach its plasma reactor. The resultant explosion vaporized everything within a kilometer, leaving a crater that is still visible from orbit.
Paragon of Terra (Imperator-class Titan) - The Paragon of Terra was an Imperator-class Titan of the Legio Crucius under the command of the Princeps Magnus Etana Kalonice, the key element of the Loyalists' defense during the Battle of Molech. The Paragon of Terra was destroyed by treacherous Chaos Knights of House Devine.
Praeco Deictus (Imperator-class Titan) - An Imperator Titan of the Legio Crucius, which had survived the grim days of the Horus Heresy and had won countless victories on thousands of worlds for the Imperium. The Praeco Deictus was destroyed, along with other Titans of the Legio Crucius, defending the Hive World of Kado from the Forces of Chaos. During the fighting, a hundred Slaanesh Hell-Knights infiltrated the main Hive City and emerged to attack the Imperator Titan from the rear where it was most vulnerable, turning it into a pile of molten slag.
Steel Hammer (Imperator-class Titan) - The Steel Hammer was an Imperator-class Titan of the Legio Metalica that fought during the Second War for Armageddon and served as the God-engine of the Legion's acting commander -- Princeps Senioris Kurtiz Mannheim. Steel Hammer accounted for the destruction of three Ork��Gargants before it was severely damaged. Determined not to fall without a fight, Mannheim ordered his God-engine to be taken into the center of the Ork forces before his Titan's Plasma Reactor destabilized. When the reactor detonated, a half-dozen Gargants were destroyed alongside the Titan, delivering a powerful message to the Warlord Ghazghkull that the Collegia Titanica would never rest whilst a single Ork lived to taint Armageddon's soil.
Stormherald (Imperator-class Titan) - The Stormherald was one of the few Imperator-class Titans in the Legio Invigilata and the God-engine of Princeps Majoris Zarha Mancion during the Third War for Armageddon and the Battle of Helsreach. The Stormherald 's Machine Spirit was resentful at being bound to its Princeps, and during the standard years of their enforced cooperation it had patiently weakened Mancion's mental resolve, seeking to finally drown her in its mindscape -- an effort only made easier as she aged. The Titan's efforts caused Mancion to not be in complete control of her thoughts, the flood of the Titan's mental gestalt making her undertake brazen actions. At one point during the Battle of Helsreach, the Stormherald nearly succeeded in overthrowing her will -- when the Draconian fell to an Ork trap and was destroyed by the xenos, Zarha Mancion was overcome with anger and foolishly strode ahead of her screening Titans and Skitarii fire support seeking vengeance, only to fall to a similar trap moments later. The damage inflicted by the Greenskins and the shame of defeat caused her to loosen her grip on the recalcitrant Titan's Machine Spirit -- and she was very nearly overwhelmed by it. The Titan and its Princeps would have been lost had it not been for the intervention of a Black Templars strike force under the command of the Black Templars Reclusiarch Merek Grimaldus. The Astartes cleansed the God Machine of xenos taint and their Chaplain helped Zarha Mancion emerge from the psychic maelstrom that is a Titan's mental landscape. The Stormherald would continue to participate in the Battle of Helsreach until it was destroyed by the Ork Gargant Godbreaker.
Tantorus Magnificat (Warmonger-class Titan) - The Tantorus Magnificat was a Warmonger-class Titan of the Legio Castigatra that fought with the Legio Audax Battle-Pack Karnassia on the Hive World of Absolom during the Horus Heresy and fell, in a final act of defiance, when its crew overloaded the Titan's Plasma Reactor, annihilating the Tantorus Magnificat and several Traitor Titans alongside it.
Source: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com
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tlatia-the-radiant · 1 year ago
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I know it does, so does every single variant of the Accatran-pattern. Bullpups being canon does not diminish my distaste for them.
Time for Mun’s dumb gun opinions.
Bull pups suck, esp the FAMAS.
At least the early FAMAS’s.
The French made a gun that was three round burst, and it’s mags held 25 rounds.
So they had a three round burst weapon, using magazines not divisible by three.
Because…French logic I suppose.
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chaosravencommander · 8 years ago
Battle of Lorien: Battle of the Munition Facility
Part II of Munition Facility’s battle and its climax at last. Slaanesh bless.
Varulus and Hormak weaved along the catwalks on either side during the battle below. Covered by the Raptor’s sniper fire, their gore-coated chainswords revved hungrily as they moved in swift deftness beguiling their armoured bodies. Once, they were Blood Ravens under Chapter Master Kyras’ corrupted company until they were inadvertently betrayed in a Khornate sacrifice by their former master’s ambitions. Where death seemed so close, the muse of Slaanesh and their caressing guide led them into the salvation of their new lord. Loyalty replaced and much to their bloody glee, Aramus has not left them wanting in respect nor battle.
And they repaid his leadership with the screams of his enemies. Varulus, the elder of the two, weaved his blade in a knuckle-whipped flourish as his swift movements draw upon a new crop of imperial guard, trapped by their folly of position. The catwalks were narrow and if they were hasty, a number of them would flip over railing and fall to their boring deaths. It already happens to a few already. Their lasguns fired in a concentrated fire, two in the front. Two more working over their frontline’s shoulders. A couple hit and score markings on the Slaaneshi chosen’s armour but it only provoked a swoon for the fine blows. 
However, their defiance was amusing enough. With a draw of his legs, Varulus made great bounds with his surcoat and pauldron-draps clanking of twisted metals made from the armour of Kyras’ faithful and skulls from said devotees. Twisting his body in a controlled arc, he cleaved one from right pauldron to left hip. Whipping his sword around, the Wild Raven gored the left two ranks in one growling thrust. Chainsaw teeth chewing cloth and flesh in the way forward and spilling sudden great spills of blood and escaping organ in the drawback. One of the right flank soldiers lunged in a sudden unexpected show of valor, catching Varulus off guard at the smack of rifle butte to his helmet’s cheek. 
The sound bounced into the air and his head snapped one way. “Die!” The guard screamed, jamming his rifle’s barrel at the weak spot between cuirass and groin armour.  The reckless squeeze unleashed load after load of blue bolts, chewing at the internal armour, twenty-five...before a hand smacked the human clear off the catwalk. A loud, wet crunch of snapped neck was heard and the limp body flipping end-over-end to the ground level before with a heavy thump.  
A flash of anger and the wounded Slaaneshi lost all sportsmanship, lunging for the kill.
The last lesser guard fell dead by Hormak’s blade, the stump of a neck spitting and painting the swordsman’s dark plate in a fresh coat of sanguine crimson.  However, a quick snatch before it even touched the group, the younger twin made a fast charge as the zipping reports of the stormtroopers’ weapons. These men were trained, plain and simple, and not a single burst from their specialized lasguns was wasted. They drew at Hormak’s quick agility, every dodge was a feint to leave him open to a hit. While his power armour was perfect in defending against them, it will not sustain for long. The heretic knew that and had to move fast. 
While his brother like to play with his prey, Hormak did not. With a leap that bound off a wall, willingly taking a few hits - he revealed a primed melta in his hand - and hurled it. Their sargeant hissed under his skull-motifed helmet as he moved quickly, ordering a retreat. It was too late on that, the grenade was already cooked several second and only needed three to bound a millimeter off the catwalk before detonating a blossom of hot energies and molten shrapnel that burned one stormtrooper’s thighs from his groin, impaling another through plated front to spitting back, and completely engulfed a third. Two accidentally flipped over their high positions to the ground below in a realized scream. Leaving three to Hormak’s blade when his feet touched the blackened, force-pocketed floor.
When he looked to be coming in for the kill, the three - Sargeant and his last two functioning troop - lifted their Accatran patterned shotguns, pumping for their better chance to punch armor. However, Hormak didn’t sit idle. Kicking one shotgun out of the way before it discharged its powerful slugs to the wall. The savage redirection caused the recoil to beat the man’s chest. The Sergeant blasted, catching Hormak straight in the chest. Pockets of millimeter-deep offense ate at his acid-washed raven crest. Provoking a hiss of hatred from the Astartes, whose blade was coming to cleave the offender in two. Only to be redirected by a lucky shot from the last.
It seemed the Astartes was open. He was exposed, they could kill him - with the Blessing of the Emperor.
Such a blessing was not theirs to claim.
A dark chuckle and savage growl reeved behind them, eyes turned to see the other. Blood - his and others - caking his armor and joints, swinging his sword with a laugh of bloodlust.
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